#guess it depends on what mood she is in tbh
the-sycophant · 3 months
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Is she expecting you?
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(heavily what if) iirc if the dorm outfit will modify itself depends of the dorm leaders personality??? cmiiw. So I tried to design my my next dl headcanon. tbh I couldn't think much of the modification for their dorm uniform lmao...
Silver Vanrouge
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I wanna push his feminine side!!!!!! So I made his hair more long and flowy. Someone starts to learn to wash their hair, finally. Headband! Just like what Aurora wear before she became a princess. It could emit fire, uses Maleficent fire as her symbol instead of her horns. Aaaaand can be his mood ring (also it has triangle pattern coz the headband is made by Idia!! yeah... I'm inserting silidia here!! coz why not LMAO). Gives him subtle red-purpleish eyeshadow instead of green... Earrings!!!!!!!!!!! >v< I am confused if he should wear spinning wheel earing or a rose shaped earing... So I just keep it vague for the moment, it's made from silver btw! More bat code on his dorm outfit, especially on the cap and the shoulder protector(?). There's subtle rose pattern under his cap. He doesn't have the long skirt thingy like Malleus had because Silver likes to keep it simple. Grey collar because he's a light magic user. Yeah I guess that's it lol (The boots were supposed to be like the usual boots but I forgot to erase the shoelace)
Ortho Shroud
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Since Idia is not in the same school anymore, I think Ortho will feel more comfortable showing his full face. Sharp teeth! Gives his inside mouth blue coz it just looks cool tbh. Also I want Idia to give Ortho a grown bodysuit!! So he doesn't look small anymore. I give Ortho a headband too lmao.... Just like Hercules. He grew longer hair too. I really didn't put much difference on rest of his body, just gave him thicker cable to resemble the stringy thing Idia had on his dorm outfit. Gave him the reverse-miku sleeve too from his default model
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themaskstayson · 3 months
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"Arise now, ye Tarnished. Ye dead, who yet live. The call of long-lost grace speaks to us all." - Narrator (Elden Ring)
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"The oath you awoke with is some faded instinct. What does it even stand for?" - Narrator (Baldur's Gate 3)
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Decided to combine my two favorite things (Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3) and bring my current tarnished, Faith, to Faerûn.
Maybe I'll write some more silly stuff than just what is below.
It'll be pretty funny to have a tarnished so ready to unalive everything on sight to have party members telling them you gotta chill.
Faith: See, I told you everyone around us will want to kill us! She pulled a branch with poison on me!
Shadowheart: Okay... You got me there, but maybe telling everyone we have Mind Flayer tadpoles in our skulls is a bad idea.
Gale would have a blast learning about the Land Between.
Gale: You're telling me your people were banished from your world and this Golden Order you were fighting for?
Faith: Yup.
Gale: And then you were brought back to the Land Between, but the very order they exiled you, just to restore order by fighting countless of enemies without rest?
Faith: I mean... My plan was to burn it all down because I became maidenless again...
Lae'zel would enjoy the tales of all the battles the tarnished been through. Maybe not so much the dragons, but knowing you can learn dragon spells might appeal to her dragon girl heart.
Lae'zel: You would hunt these dragons and kill them?!
Faith: Yeah but then I can consume their hearts and use their power! Rot was very useful against Bloody Finger Invaders.
Oh man, for the tarnished to use their own spells instead of D&D would also be so much fun. Wyll talked about how he could do all these amazing things before he got nerfed and Faith would reminisce with him.
Faith: Ah, I remember when I was able to use the flame of frenzy... I wonder if I can get that back at some point and how effective it would be against your kind.
Wyll: What did that do?
Faith: Fire of madness would spur out of my eyes and kill the tarnish with ease. A heresy spell from the three fingers but... Those invaders were so annoying.
Wyll: That's terrifying...
Faith: You just told me about opening a gateway to the darkness between stars and anyone in it would suffer unknowable horrors...
Karlach and Astarion I'm not too sure what those interactions would be like.
Astarion would do this normal thing with Faith's I honestly don't see Faith to be okay with being fed upon but I don't think Astarion would be stupid enough to trust her to not kill him. He would hit on her and it would go over her head completely.
Faith would probably want to kill Karlach and someone else would need to step in and tell Faith and Wyll that they're idiots and Karlach is clearly a tiefling. Probably Shadowheart tbh.
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Faith is from my coop game with friends. They're is a Confessor (thus the name lol) and basically I just wanted to do faith based spells with some sword and shield game play since my first tarnished was a pure intelligence mage. But I might lean more into the Confessor lore build for funsies since there are 4 of us playing at a given time. I guess Faith's pronouns are they/she depending on my mood.
It only seemed right to make them a paladin in BG3. Vengeance makes sense for a tarnished trying to bring back Golden Order and Oathbreaker if I decide to to the Lorrd of the Frenzied Flame ending.
They're also a dark urge cause blood thirst and amnesia.
I poured many hours into Elden Ring and barely knew the lore, but I think it'll be a fun crossover to think and maybe write about. And I'm getting too many ideas, gonna have to go full self-indulgent with this one... And take more photos lol
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w33nies · 9 months
Qué Maravilla CH.4
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Miguel O'hara x SpiderFemReader rating: E for Everyone bby warnings: none? lots of angst tbh summary: everyone knows where Miles is. Now it's a matter of who will find him first .
art is not mine!!!! @shuploc !!!
Ch.4 - Blood in the Water
Gwen Stacy found that everyone’s Spider Sense materialized differently depending on the person. Miles and Peter said theirs was like a voice in the back of head, a loud whisper that would urge them to “look out”, “duck”, or tell them when a civilian was in need of saving. You and Jess described it as more of an out of body experience. Kinda like a third eye aerial view or seeing yourself through a video game. But for her it was a rhythm. It was only natural since she saw her entire life through rhythm. It was the only way she could explain the world around her. She could find rhythm in anything. In the middle of a high-stakes battle with an enemy or in the hustle and bustle of Chelsea, New York. She could find it in the little things like the monotony of the subway, the crackling of a fireplace, the humming of a refrigerator, or the whirring of the fan overhead. She could even find rhythm lying in her bed at 2am after a long day's work of being spider woman and the open window was ushering in the whistling breeze while there was a T.V playing in the other room. With her stolen cop radio interjecting with its constant updates and the occasional car whizzing down the street, all while she can hear her dad loudly snoring in the living room. All these things on their own made a distinct rhythm and together they played an even stronger melody. All like their own individual instrument that would all work together to create a symphony. A symphony she could identify in anything and through that she could capture a feeling. That feeling was what she meant when she said ‘the rhythm’. 
Her spider sense specifically felt like a really bad rhythm. Not bad in the sense of being off beat but bad in an unnerving way. Like the feeling of sitting in a doctor's office awaiting a diagnosis, seeing a shark fin while swimming in the water or staring down the barrel of a gun with your father on the other end. No matter how hard she tried, she could never put it into words. A bad rhythm was just that, it made you feel… bad. 
It wasn’t all doom and gloom however, just like bad rhythms there were also good rhythms. As you could guess, good rhythms entail anything that gives off a positive feeling like a fun day at the beach, the applause after finishing a complicated gymnastics routine, or seeing a friend you thought you’d never see again. She rarely felt a good rhythm however, it’s why she opted to play the drums. She always wanted to emulate the rhythm she wanted to feel, the rhythm she wanted others to feel. And she was good at it. She found she could change the rhythm of a room with just a single drum solo, never failing to shift her fathers mood from despondent to cherry with a single beat. She could even change the rhythm of an entire anxious classroom or a rowdy cafeteria with a simple tapping of her pencil or the drumming of her fingers. She used to find joy in shifting the rhythm. That was until she lost her best friend Peter, things seemed to spiral after that. That was until the last time she played in her band. She got so emotional playing the drums that her, for lack of a better word, damaged rhythm bled through the music and she got kicked out. I guess when her life changed so did its rhythm. So did her’s. 
She felt the bad rhythm standing upside down on the ceiling of Miles Morale’s childhood bedroom. It crept up on her like a poison slowly reaching all the vital points of her body. This was different, it was especially awful. Spider Sense usually urges you to take action, but this one locked her in place. For a split second she was paralyzed with dread and through that split second she gathered everything she needed to know. ‘He’s in the wrong universe.’
She dropped from the ceiling then carefully made her way to the door. Through the slim opening she can hear his parents' worried conversation. ‘I should talk to them, tell them how much he cares.’  She’s about to exit when she catches her reflection in the full body mirror. Her spider suit. I can’t let them see me like this. She scans the room until her eyes fall on Miles’s jacket. She shoots a web at the coat and quickly shrugs it on. ‘This will have to do for now, she thinks while examining herself in the mirror.  She fiddles with the zipper for a second, ‘I’ll get this back to you myself Miles. I promise.’ She takes a deep breath and zips up the jacket before stepping outside to face his parents. 
                                    -        -        -  
Jessica Drew sat outside Miles Morales apartment on her motorcycle. By order of Miguel, she was stationed here to keep an eye out for the boy. She’d figured it’d be an open and shut case. He’d obviously go see his parents if it was his father he was so worried about, it was only a matter of time before he’d show. She had the place surrounded with movement trackers, ready to alert her at a moment's notice of anyone who’d entered and exited the entire building. Yet here she stood for what felt like hours without as much as a pigeon appearing on her radar. She bit her cheek and took another lap around the block, intensely scanning her surroundings and constantly checking her tracking devices. Nothing. Something was off. Very off. 
It wasn’t until the middle of her patrol when she finally received an alert. Her devices showed someone scaling the side of the building towards Morales's residence. ‘It’s not like anyone can climb walls,’ she thought to herself, ‘There’s only one person this could be.’  In one fell swoop she smoothly shifted her bike to 5th gear and sharply turned around, barelling full speed  before skidding to a halt in front of the apartment. She planted her feet on the floor, looking up at the building with her mouth agape. There was a figure hovering next to the window, but it wasn’t Miles. 
She watched as her protegee opened the window before entering the room.  She had watched Layla disable the settings of her holowatch herself. Did she manage to override it? Did she somehow get her hands on another watch? She bit her lip in frustration. Perhaps she had mentored her a little too well. 
Jessica quickly deployed one of her tracking devices through the open window and turned on the live camera feature. A small projection of the conversation taking place in the house emitted from her watch. 
“I’m going to find him,” the girl said with her back to the two figures, “I don’t know where exactly, but I know where to start.” She moves towards the door before pausing, “One thing I learned from Miles, It’s all possible…He loves you more than you could ever imagine…I’ve seen it.” 
She turns off the watch, instead turning her attention to the roof. In the next instant, the entire building was engulfed in a ripple of everchanging dimensional styles. At the center, a glowing orange doorway surrounded by a kaleidoscope of punk rock.  A portal, no doubt and the work of Hobie Brown no less. Jessica sat upright on her motorcycle with her arms crossed, mindlessly tapping her finger on her forearm.  
It didn’t take long for her to put two and two together. ‘He’s on Earth-42.’ They’d been looking in the wrong place the entire time. She should tell Miguel. She looked over at the holowatch residing on her wrist and found herself doing something she hadn’t in a long time, she hesitated. 
When Miguel sent Gwen home she had called her a liability because of her attachment to Miles. That was still true, well partially. She had been neglecting the fact that Gwen wasn’t just a liability because of the boy, she was a liability because of her. In this moment she found she cared about her more than she realized, more than she cared to let herself admit. 
“You never got too close to anyone?” she remembered the girl asking her in hopes for another chance to right her wrong with the Spot.
“I did.” she admitted to her, “But then I got over it.”
She rubbed her hand over her round stomach. “Damn kids,” she said softly to herself. She finally understood the affection Peter held for Miles. Maybe she would adopt her when this was all over. If it was even possible to adopt a child from another dimension,  “You better not make me soft like this,” she spoke, pointing towards her pregnant belly. 
She would tell Miguel, she decided, later. ‘You got one hour Gwen Stacy,’ she said to herself with a death grip on her forearms. ‘After that you cope with whatever comes next and I can’t help you.’ She set a timer on her holowatch before revving her bike and taking off into the night. 
                             -        -        -  
You land face first onto Miguel’s torso in a nondescript alleyway. The sudden impact with the pavement earned a groan from the both of you. You both lift your faces up at the same time, freezing the second you make eye contact with one another. His hands are still on your waist, and yours on his chest. You quickly scramble to your feet as you feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment, he follows suit. 
You brush yourself off as you scan your surroundings. “We made it…”, you say meekly, trying to rouse any positive emotion or acknowledgement from Miguel, however, his face sits in its titular frown, unamused. 
“Yay?,” you weakly add, his expression remains unfazed, instead he just sighs and begins climbing the wall to gain a better vantage point, “You’re impossible you know that?” 
“Me? How?”
“Because you don’t listen.” 
“I listen…” you state defensively before reassessing your track record “... well, like 90% of the time, which is still an A.”
  He removes one hand from the wall, leaving the other digging firmly into the brick so he can turn to face you below him, “Almost doesn’t count. This is why I wanted you to stay home.” 
“Where I’m from they say almost counts in horseshoes and hand grenades,” you informed him with a smug smile. 
“Again, impossible.” Miguel resumes climbing until he reaches the top of the wall, then he pulls himself up the edge with ease. He begins to walk towards the view before stopping in his tracks, turning his head to the side until he sees you appear above the ledge. Only then does he face forwards and keep toward the skyline.  
You stop just behind him watching his back as he takes in the city view. Before you can do the same, you feel your watch silently buzz against your wrist. You look down at the device to see a message from Gwen to the rest of the renegades: 'He's in the wrong universe. Earth-42. Go immediately. Make sure you aren’t followed.’
“Fuck is right,” Miguel responds. You quickly hide your hand behind your back, fortunately Miguel is still focused on the city, “All these people without a hero. Organized crime here is exponentially high” 
“Yeah…It looks scary out there.” You speak distractedly, never taking your eyes off the message you're hastily crafting. ‘Already here. Looking for Miles. Miguel is here too.’
Perhaps you should’ve taken the time to elaborate more. Within the next instant you’re bombarded with an influx of panicked messages flooding your watch. Peter, Gwen, Pavitr and Porker specifically send one frantic message after another. The constant buzzing catches Miguel's attention.
“You alright?” Miguel questions you skeptically eyeing your holowatch.
You swiftly move to hide your hand behind your back once more, “Yep all good, ” you spit out, doing your best to put on a convincing smile. As he looks you up you can’t tell if that feeling in your stomach is because you’re worried or embarrassed. Probably both. Luckily for you, he returns his attention to the skyline, “This city is large, he could be anywhere. Our best bet is to start with his residence, but it’s also possible that he’s already realized he's in the wrong dimension and is on the lookout for the Alchemex collider…” 
You do your best to multitask between listening to Miguel's rambling and calming your comrades. “So we should split up?” You suggest hopefully while attempting to type, ‘CALM DOWN. He’s with me. We found out at the same time.’ 
He turns around abruptly. You halt your typing hand midair over your watch. He eyes you suspiciously, “No. I can’t trust you to go out on your own.”
“Ouch,” You walk past him, this time with your back to him so you can send over your coordinates, 'Here's our location, we’ll find Miles together. Follow us. DON’T LET HIM SEE YOU.’ 
“Unless you promise to detain him until the canon occurs, if not that then at least until I reach the two of you.”
“Mmmhmm” you hum absentmindedly, all your focus now is towards the plan you’re concocting with your friends, ‘Be our extra set of eyes. If things get dicey, back me up.’ 
A surplus of what you hope are agreeing messages flood your watch, you don’t have time to read them before Miguel startles you with a hand on your shoulder.
“Sounds like a plan?” 
“Plan? What plan?” 
“So you weren’t listening, ” he lets out a frustrated groan before grabbing your wrist and pointing to the watch, “What are you doing, really?”
“Just…taking notes…” you stutter nervously. Just then your watch emits a message from Peter, ‘Whatever happens we’ll make it work.’
“Tomando notas mi culo,” he drops your hand and jabs a finger in your face “Why are you talking to Peter?” 
“No reason, I just-” you rack your brain for a viable excuse, “I’m- I was just checking in on him.” 
“Of course” he drops your hand with a scoff and begins to angrily pace back and forth “Of course you’re talking to Peter, now of all times. Why are you here if you aren’t going to take this seriously? What solace could you possibly find in PETER?”
“What’s wrong with Peter?”
Miguel knew better than to act the way he was right now, but he was finding he was having a harder time grappling with his emotions and succumbing to intrusive thoughts. You only saw Peter as a friend and Peter, of course, had Mary Jane. Any suggestion otherwise would probably end with you laughing in his face. But he saw the way you guys got along. Like two peas in a pod. How you guys had a similar sense of humor, the cultural references you shared between your universes, the way you would finish eachothers outlandish sentences. You guys were great friends to each other. He knew that. He also knew that you were comfortable around him, a way that you weren't with Miguel. Deep down he was always jealous of the rapport he had with you, but today, Miguel despised him for it. 
“What's wrong with Peter? What’s wrong with you? I’m right here and you-” he abruptly stops talking, his look of envy replaced with pain. In the next instant he’s hunched over holding his stomach with a groan. 
“Miguel. What the- are you okay?’ You immediately rush to his side.
“I’m fine,” he blurts out, resting his hand on the nearest wall for support. You move closer and grab a hold of his face in your hands. He’s hot to the touch and sweating bullets. “You don’t look fine.” 
“It’s just- It’s the serum. I'll have to reinject. Soon.”
“Serum? What Serum?” 
“Rapture…” A grim silence takes hold of the two of you. You knew Miguel’s origin story well. Partly because of how close you were, but also because of how unusual it was. Miguel was never bit by a spider. Before he became spiderman we worked at Alchemex, but soon quit after finding out their unethical business practices. Out of spite they injected him with Rapture, a highly addictive drug that can cause codependency for life after one use. With Alchemex being the only legal supplier they were essentially attempting to black mail him into reemployment. However, Miguel instead concocted a genetic procedure in attempts to restore his DNA. The experiment was sabotaged and Miguel was inadvertently gifted with a new genetic code. 50% man, 50% spider. The experiment also successfully rid him of his addiction to Rapture, or at least, that was what he told you…
“You’re still addicted?”
“Yes.” You stood in shock, Miguel however wore a look of shame. 
 “I didn’t want to tell anyone…” he spoke without returning your gaze, “When I’m off Rapture it makes me angry, irrational, violent. I see things that aren’t there. I- I don’t like who I am without it.” 
“Miguel, none of us would’ve ever saw you differently. I’m glad you told me,” you plant a small reassuring kiss on his nose, causing his breath to hitch, “It means you trust me a little more than you let on,” you say with a smirk.
He rested his forehead against yours and whispered softly, “Thank you cariño.”
“Anytime O’hara.” You stood like that briefly before you finally let go. The both of you turn to face the city once more “So are you always off your serum or…?” 
He chuckles and looks down at you with a smirk, “You’re not funny.”
“Really because Porker told me the other day that I-”
You’re cut off by the sound of distant crash and the blaring of several car alarms . You both turn towards the source of the sound and see a cloud of dust in the distance with a small group of civilians running away from its center. Debris from the explosion litters the area for what seems like miles. 
“I didn’t just hallucinate that, did I?”
“No sir you did not.”
“At least we know where to start.”
“Way ahead of you.”
You make a break towards the explosion then pause when you don’t sense him behind you. You turn around and find him staring off into space with an uneasy look on his face, leaning against the same wall and once again holding his stomach. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” 
“Are you sure you don’t need to go back?”
“Yeah. I’m fine.” he stands up “Just got a little light headed. 
“I’ll go with you if that’s-”“-It’s fine. Don’t worry about me. I can do this,” he quickly recomposes himself, shaking out each of his limbs “Let's just go.” Before you can interrupt he jumps off the side of the building and makes his way to the scene of the crime. You quickly take off after him, not wanting to get left behind. ‘This man is as stubborn as they come’ you think to yourself, swinging from structure to structure, ‘I just hope he doesn’t push himself too far.’
had to use google translate for the spanish in this chapter so if it's hot dookey plz let me know thanks
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fayes-fics · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I was tagged by @suspendingtime. Thanks my dear. 🫶🫶 Apologies I'm a little tipsy right now haha. 🤪
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
155. Ahem, hush you. I started writing 18 months ago. When I get a new hobby, I REALLY lean into it.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
481,485. Yup, almost half a million. Again, shhhh.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Bridgerton. Look, I have my hyperfixations, ok?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
On AO3:
In His Lap (Short Fic) 181 
Temptation 177 
The Lesson 155 
Insatiable 149 
Are We Friends? 148
Tumblr notes:
Second Son 3,436
Sonnet #29 2,199
Rescue & Ruin 1,841
Awakening 1,827
Temptation 1,788
Wattpad readers:
Innocence, 30,600
Benedict Bridgerton Regency One Shots 23,000
Kinktober 2022 collection 16,300
Anthony Bridgerton Regency One Shots 10,400
Moments 5,800
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Always. It's just wonderful to get feedback. I read and respond to every single comment. They mean the world to me, truly.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably No Good Advice. I ended up writing Moments multi-chapter as I (and a friend) couldn't bear the idea they didn't end up together lolol.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them, tbh. I can't write an unhappy ending. Maybe the mushiest is Second Son, Moments, or It Had To Be You.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Luckily not much yet. I did get one hate anon early on. It wasn't about a specific fic, though. It said they didn't know why I had a 'please don't steal my work' disclaimer (the standard one that most writers here use) cos I was delusional that my work was worth stealing. 🤷‍♀️
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, it's my trademark. It's rare when I don't write smut. 😬 I'm not sure what is meant by kind of smut. I've written it all, from vanilla romantic sex to kink threesomes with harnesses and double penetration lol. I haven't had a request yet that I've turned down due to sexual content.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet. The closest I've gotten is It Had To Be You, which is based on When Harry Met Sally.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, sadly, it has happened quite a few times now. I was so fed up with filing copyright takedown notices that I set up a Wattpad account to try to counter it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I've been offered but have turned it down. I have no way to check that any translation would get across the nuance I aim for. So I know that may be anglo-centric, but its how I feel for now.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, but I am always threatening to lolol.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Hmm, tough one. I do love Kanthony tbh.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Benedict as a virgin. I just urghhh.... it's been a WIP for 17 months now. I just dunno why I won't finish it; I just get the feeling I won't.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no bloody idea. I'd prefer readers answer that tbh lol. My inclination is to say I don't have one, except perhaps a willingness to describe sex in ridiculous levels of detail? Is that a strength?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
World building. I will do anything to shortcut it. I'll find an economical way to describe a situation e.g. she's a widow; they're old friends. Got it? Good! Let's get down to business.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done a smidgeon of French as I studied it for ten years. But I doubt I'd do another language tbh.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Only Bridgerton so far.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Bloody hell, I have no fucking idea. It literally changes depending on my mood. But I don't really care for my own writing that much, all I see is flaws lol. I guess the universe I would most like to write more for one day is Mrs Bridgerton and its sequel. Does that count?
No Pressure Tagging: A couple of my talented writing moots were tagged along with me on this (the lovelies @colettebronte and @eleanor-bradstreet). So lets go: @thebabblingbrookenook @fiction-is-life @ferns-fics @silverhallow @mothdruid @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @urchintoast 😁🧡🧡
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Oversharing on the Internet
Thank you for the tag @liminalmemories21 @welcometololaland @theghostofashton @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo and @bonheur-cafe ❤️
Let's prefix this with another giant grumpy baby in a gurney picture 🥰
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ONE: Are you named after anyone? If you believe my mum, no. But I think it’s Karl Marx. He named all of his daughters Jenny. In the 80s/early 90s, mums in their droves rushed to name their newborn daughters Jennifer. Therefore, I have deduced I am named for the clandestine Marxist revolution going on between second-wave boomer mums. My mum denies this. She gave me an incredulous look when I asked, which seemed over the top, and claimed to have "just liked the name..." I think the first rule of the 80s Marxist Mums Revolution was to not talk about it.
TWO: When was the last time you cried? I’m not much of a crier usually, but I cried last week when I signed my boss’ leaving card and read all the other messages people had written for her. She’s someone who has had a massive, positive impact on my life and I’m so sad that she’s going.
THREE: Do you have kids? No, and I never will. Sometimes this makes me sad, but most of the time it doesn’t.
FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot? I save it for best.
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play? I don’t understand this question.
SIX: What’s the first thing you notice about people? What they’re wearing. I was once on a plane sitting close to a woman who wore the most fantastic, long, colourful coat. I was so fixated on the coat that I didn’t realise the woman was Thandie Newton until we were at Heathrow.  
SEVEN: What’s your eye colour? An indeterminable grey-green-blue shade that changes depending on the light, what I’m wearing, and my mood.
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings.
NINE: Any special talents? I’m not good at anything other than creative writing. I truly am The Worst at all else. I understand it’s objective and people might disagree that I’m good at writing at all – but I mean, relative to everything else I do, it’s really all I’ve got.
TEN: Where were you born? Saaaaf London.
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, going for walks. I love movies and reading about the movies I've watched or watching video essays about them. I also really love going shopping tbh, but I don’t do it much for financial and moral reasons.
TWELVE: Do you have any pets? Alas, I am petless.
THIRTEEN: How tall are you? 5ft 7 with disproportionately long arms, to paint a picture.
FOURTEEN: Favourite subject in school? Drama and art. I’m lousy at art and got a D for A-level, but was given a special award from my school for the sheer amount of effort I put in. Hahaha god.
FIFTEEN: Dream job? Poet in the poetry world doing poetry things, I guess working at a university and winning the TS Eliot for my debut collection, sigh. I didn't have enough coin to stay in academia doing something so damn arty, but once upon a moonlit dream I had notions of going to the States to do an MFA. Anyway. Still sort of trying with the odds against me. Two publications last month and one upcoming though, yay! 
I'm a bit late to this so if you've been tagged already please ignore or no pressure if you don't want to do this at all!!!: @heartstringsduet @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @irispurpurea @actuallysara @goodways @danieljradcliffe @lutavero @howlingsaturn @ladytessa74 (I meant to add you but just saw I didn't?!!!)
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merryfortune · 8 days
Poly meme: alm/celica/faye!
Who’s the best gift giver? Do they go in on gifts or do it separately? 
Alm and Celica neck and neck with protag powers but Faye oves a meaningful trinket or meal delievery as a go to
2. Sleeping arrangements: Do they push the beds together? Who takes all of the blankets in bed? Who’s practically draped over the others? 
they are royalty bitchesssssssss so they could have a massive bed if they wanted one, depends on how chill society is with polyamory i guess but the flip side is definitely everyone in a pile on the floor during like campaigns or whatever
3. Who is always in the middle in triad cases? 
4. How do date nights look like? 
relaxing nights in, stargazing, enjoying their company away from royal duties and what have you, homecooked meals and such
5. Do any members get jealous? How do they act when they do? 
faye gets very, very jealous and works through it with aggressive baking, needlework, archery because otherwise, she is scary (i am a yandere faye enjoyer)
6. Who asked who out? How was the first date(s)? 
I like Faye as the initiator tbh like she finally bucks up and tells Alm how she feels and he feels the same sorta and Celica is really sweet about it and Faye didn't expect that so now girl crush mode activates
as for the first date. lots and lots of walks around the village or castle, proper courting stuff, you know
7. Who brings home stray pets and convinces the others to keep them? 
celica and alm
8. Who are the reckless ones that make Bad Decisions? Who are the sensible ones who follow after them to make sure they don’t die? 
reckless = alm
sensible one = faye
depends on the day/her mood = celica
10. Who’s the one who remembers everyone’s favorite orders at cafes/restaurants? 
faye but they're all quite attentive in that way but faye especially because she is scary about it
11. Would/do they have kids? Who are the Responsible Parents, who are the Cool Parents™ to the polywogs? 
of course thy have kids, Valm needs heirs. Celica and Faye are both responsible parents, Alm is their chokepoint in an otherwise united front
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firesteel-eden · 1 year
I’m in a mood, so guess what I’ve done?
I’ve written half of the next chapter of Wind of Ice — for anyone still waiting for that fic’s update — which should be up in the next few days. A Ned’ chapter taking place in Harrenhal 😉 I’ll post a sneak-peek of it tomorrow or even tonight, depends on how busy I’ll be.
And yeah, I’ve not yet replied to your asks, but tbh I’ve been hyper fixated on the new chapter of Wind of Ice and the trailer of next instalment of KBF~KBS… so I hope that it will be consolation enough for having to wait a little bit more for my reply. I swear that as soon as I post the new chapter of Wind of Ice I’ll get around to reply to you!
[music is not mine but of its creator, what you recognise as part of HotD is of its creators and GRRM, only my plot is mine]
Life can be disconcerting and can change faster than the tides of the winds.
But memory doesn’t change, and love doesn’t fade.
New chances can become one’s worst nightmare, or prove to be one’s heaven.
The Gods, silent and unrelenting, have sent her back in time, and yet, she feels torn, for ever wandering between times and fates.
The Red Wolf stalks the woods of the Realm, leaving prints of stone on dry ink, smudging the corners of fate to better the Realm.
I am Sansa Stark of Winterfell, this is my home and you can’t frighten me.
As always, hope you enjoyed this trailer of the coming instalment! Sending all my love ~G.
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thegamingcatmom · 1 year
I have naughty ideas but I need to know how we feel about overstimulation and bitting lol
Hey m0m!
...Or can I just-
Like, I have this very strong urge rn to just-
(fondly) Hey gay!
(I just had to I´m sorry, do tell me if that crosses the line for ya pls. 🙈)
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Aight ahem, back to business.
Oh my, these are some naughty questions indeed. 😈
(Naughty ideas are what I´m HERE for so pls DO lemme know them all.)
Now, as far as biting is concerned I think we ALL know the answer to that. It's part of who Maggot Momma is, it's in her very (feral) nature. I mean, there IS a difference between biting someone´s eyeball out or bite someone to, yknow, try and get them going even if it does the exact opposite because someone thinks they might get eaten alive any moment now and they´re being so dramatic-
Okay so, biting can imply many things when it comes to Maggot Momma. For one, I like to imagine it´s a form of communication for her - the way she expresses herself. Just like wolves do that air bite thing to assert dominance - it basically says don't test me (and yes, that´s defo what happened in my pee-post, did you spot it? 😈) - or the chittering of teeth when she´s excited in a very special way.
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But those teeth aren´t just biting air...no. They´re the perfect tool - a weapon she´s gonna use on anything that moves and once she´s got them hooked there´s no escape. When she gives chase she gives her all and goes after them with everything she got, with ANY part of her body. That´s what she lives for after all, it´s what she´s made for.
...Except when it comes to a certain someone.
And I think this is what you truly wanna know, ain´t it? 😏
Okay so - yes, defo. It comes just as natural to her as biting someone´s eyeball out - someone that is not her precious Drama Queen ofc. Not them, never them but anyone else can just rot in hell-
So, when it comes to a certain someone those teeth turn from a deadly weapon to a slightly less deadly weapon - all for her paramour - and she just can´t help it, there´s always this urge to bite down on something, anything - to mark what´s hers.
Listen, she uses her teeth to get them going. To set the mood. To stimulate. To hold them in place because they can be such a slippery little thing-
And, sometimes - depending on the mood she´s in - she also likes to use them to see that flicker of fear (it´s a flame tbh) appear in their eyes because that´s what gets her going, no matter the soft spot she has for that certain someone.
So, I guess you could say what she MEANS to do is get her darling Drama Queen ready and willing...but, well-
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OH but also, I´ve been thinking about whether or not Maggot Momma can choose to "turn" someone or if they gonna turn no matter what. Both theories have their appeal because if she was able to choose to turn someone that would mean she simply decides not to. As in, there must actually be something about that certain someone.
But I think I prefer the second one because can you imagine the restraint it takes her to not just clamp those teeth down in the heat of the moment? To not just squeeze that throat a tad bit too tight and accidently break skin with those claws? It´d be so easy, like muscle twitching. That´s yet another thing I like to focus on in my posts because, while she does have some human tendencies left in her, I´d say about 80% is all instincts and urges and the line between excitement and killer-mode is very, very thin indeed.
And just ALSNFSALDNFSALLKASDNF is there ANYTHING sexier than evil ancient entities with the power and strength to obliterate armies...but showing actual restraint when it comes to their chosen one? And seeing them actually struggling quite a bit to do so??
(That´s a rhetorical question ofc, cmon.)
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Aight so, that leaves only one question...does Momma do overstimulation? Is her deceased, rotten brain even capable of fully grasping the concept of it?
Hmm, that´s a tough one actually. I think the rational part of her brain (burried very deep down) that´s responsible for anything related to human behavior/interaction does understand the meaning of it. Like, when it comes to overstimulation there´s pretty much two possible outcomes: showing mercy because the poor thing or going even harder because the poor thing. I think we all know which outcome is more likely with Maggot Momma. 😏
Now, seeing as her behaviour depends more on stimuli than rational thought I think the main part of her brain - the feral part - doesn´t necessarily view it as "overstimulation". It´s more like she reacts instinctively to what she sees. If she sees someone other than her precious Drama Queen absolutely legging it, running for their life, it´s like instant killer-mode, farewell, game-over.
When it comes to a certain someone however it´s like a song´s playing on loop, like a mantra of-
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Her demonic brain switches into another gear entirely, all her focus is on them, them, them like tunnel vision and everything she does is with a clear intent, serves a sole purpose: smother them, get them going, crawl into them so they can be one now and forever, make them hers because it´s meant to be they exist for HER only-
So really, I think Maggot Momma is the definition of overstimulation and she doesn´t even realize it because it´s normal for her because why shouldn´t it be when it´s so obvious to whom they belong she has every right-
Actually, I think my pee-post is a pretty good example of what overstimulation might look like when it comes to Maggot Momma. Like, as soon as her deceased brain registered there´s a reaction from a certain someone she was a goner (even more than usual), driven by instinct, hell-bent on scratching that itch no matter what-
And no matter that all a certain someone wanted was to take that fucking pi-
So really, it´s not about overstimulation with Maggot Momma. It´s simply what instinct tells her, it´s her duty and she takes that duty very seriously indeed no mercy-
...But tbh, even if it WAS about overstimulation I don´t think it would make much of a difference to Momma. Needs must when the devil drives, after all...
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Thanks a lot for that delicious ask. I hope I did it justice. 🥰🤭
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immobiliter · 1 month
🌿 author portrait .
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
basics .
name/nickname: lottie age: 27 pronouns : she / her years of writing : ten years on tumblr, but many many years before that on various platforms or just writing in general. it's always been one of my hobbies. i wrote fics before tumblr and before that i did a lot of storytelling in the sims 2 fandom ( but yeesh this was years ago lmao let's not talk about it 💀).
reflection .
why did you pick up writing? i don't think i ever made the conscious choice to pick up writing? i've always loved it and had a natural talent for it, from writing stories as a child to doing so much essay writing at college and university and then writing rp. i think the reason i've stuck with rp for so long though is because it's so collaborative? writing can be quite a solitary hobby but it is literally the most fun thing to wake up in the morning to someone writing you a reply to something that has specifically been written for you as a treat and then getting to respond to them. it's the best thing, genuinely.
do you have any writing routines? i guess i do and i don't? sometimes i will just sit and write, no music, no background noise, it all just flows. sometimes i have to warm myself up by watching clips of the muse or listening to their spotify playlist. it really just kinda depends on my mood tbh. because of the number of threads/muses etc i write however, i do tend to have a routine of picking a thread or two and letting them simmer in my brain for a few days before i sit down to write them, that always works quite well for me.
what's your favorite part about writing? aside from the collaborative nature of rp as i talked about above, just being able to embody a character that is completely different to yourself? as a species we read and write and tell stories for the escapism of it all and i love getting to jump into the head of a character who is nothing like me and write them unapologetically as they are.
three things you like about your writing .
one, i'm gonna echo charlie and say my dialogue. it's the thing i put the most effort into when it comes to writing. each muse of mine needs to have a very well-defined voice ( both in terms of their narrative voice which drives the bulk of the reply and their dialogue ) for them to stick for me, and i take a lot of time to study how each of my muses speak when picking them up as i feel like when rping the most important thing is that your muse sounds like the character, especially if they're a canon one. i think also as a brit who has seen a lot of americans online writing brits over the years with varying levels of success, i am particularly stubborn about getting those nuances in dialect and vocabulary right.
two, this is maybe not about my writing per se, but i think my ability to come up with crossover verses for my muses and push them into unfamiliar/other settings? i love exploring a character in their canon, sure, but nothing is more challenging and interesting to me than trying to translate that character (and keep their essence intact) to another piece of media. it also leads to possibly my favourite thing in all of existence, which is crossover interactions and crossover ships. for me there is nothing quite like bringing two characters together from completely different fandoms who would never normally have a reason to interact and seeing them click. it's immensely satisfying too, i think, because that's our work as writing partners to create that dynamic from scratch? it's not a dynamic automatically offered to us.
three, i like that i can write comfortably in different genres? i don't just restrict myself to angst or fluff, sometimes i love writing a good action thread where stuff happens and other times i like writing shenanigans with my more comedic-aligned muses which are just pure, unadulterated fun.
a question for the next person .
write a question for the next person to answer. once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
where is the oddest place that you have written something? okay so not so much tumblr writing because i've figured out that i have to be sat at my desk concentrating in order to write on here, but a couple of times that i've done discord back and forth rp with close friends, it's ended up with me writing hardcore smut at 7.30 in the morning on the way to work lmao.
new question: what time of day is the best or most productive for you to write?
tagging: whoever would like to do this! tagged by: @resolutepath ( thank you!! )
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gendericklamar · 2 months
rubs my hands together. here’s me trying to explain each mybeauty members style (inspired by chloe describing heroin chic to me hi chloe hi vienna hi rory Goodbye Henry)
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very pink and playful of course. he’s a retired scene kid so some of those influences linger a bit. he really likes harajuku fashion and now that i think about it he kinda gives b-kei/b-gyaru vibes…hm!!! imagine if i made emil gyaruo….maybe in an alternate universe.
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neo has like 2 different styles there’s this one when he is a very presentable but still a twinkilicious young scamp and there’s his gay little party outfits. but this is like his usual type of fit so um. i don’t know what to call this i guess it’s kinda boho in a way sometimes. idk when i design his outfits im just thinking of like a slightly classy kinda rebellious french boy
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this is easy. she is a clown. as for her outfits i think she could be considered punk in a way. she used to be full blown street punk in her early 20s but got less and less punky over the years. sometimes she leans casual goth too it kinda depends on my mood tbh
jubilee and erin (put them together to save room lol):
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for jubilee i think she’s just like a tomboy outdoorsy type with a hint of grunge and maybe even some kinderwhore when she really feels like going a little cuckoo bananas. erin is definitely a tropical key west kitten type but with a pinch of like y2k methinks. yea
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heartsdefine · 2 months
⋆ NAME?: Bean / Bee
⋆ PRONOUNS?: they/she, in that order of preference
⋆ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: oof, uhh...it's hard to say when i have so many. probaby elspeth cousland or vasilisa here atm, along w/ anais evernight @thiefscant
⋆ RP PET PEEVES?: probably just...not being given anything to work with in threads or in plotting circumstances. i try to come to people with ideas when i reach out for plots myself, and always put a lot of effort into ensuring my replies haves something for my partners to respond to and build upon, so it's frustrating when someone hits me up to plot with no idea what they're interested in exploring or gives me a reply that's just their character reacting to mine with nothing new to build from.
⋆ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: oh boy i've been roleplaying since i was a kid lmao. i originally rped primarily on forums. first, it was a hp forum (rip) and then years later i joined a dragon age forum, then a multifandom crossover forum that was a lot of fun. from there i decided to try out tumblr and it really stuck. tl;dr: i've been roleplaying on and off since i was about eleven years old, so that's like...22 years of experience???
⋆ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: it truly depends on my mood tbh! i can write all three under the right circumstances, and i enjoy them all in their own way. i guess i lean more towards fluff and angst over smut, but i have been known to discuss the sex lives of our muses with my partners (as long as everyone is comfortable with it), and then occasionally write it out with them in thread or meme form.
⋆ PLOTS OR MEMES?: both! it helps me to keep a thread going if i have a general idea of where we both want it to end up. but i also love getting memes and replying to them and continuing them into threads spontaneously. it works a bit better for me than starter calls, which i am notorious for never finishing (sorry!).
⋆ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: again, both! shorter replies are easier for my brain these days, but i love a longer thread as well. it just takes me a while to get around to replying to longer things, as i want to give my partner plenty to work with (even if i can't always match their exact length).
⋆ TIME TO WRITE?: literally whenever the muse strikes, which is unfortunately highly sporadic and constantly bouncing from muse to muse.
⋆ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: all of my muses have a little bit of me in them, i think. that's one of the joys of writing. finding parts of yourself in others and exploring or processing your own experiences through fiction can be liberating and cathartic (though i think it's also important to see and work with characters who are different from you). so yeah. there might be more of me in my ocs than my canons, but i like to think there is a little shard of me in all of them. <3
tagged by: @lunawish <3333 tagging: @ghosttsar, @avrorean, @gggno, @wayan9an, & anyone else who wants to!
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devilsainz · 10 months
Tagged by @watercolor-hearts, I'm actually surprised someone remembers my @ to tag me in these! quite heartwarming tbh, thank you lovely, hope you have a nice day/evening/morning 🤗💙
Name: my true name starts with a. m. but since i'm a person on the verge of mixing reality w/ virtual i rather be just called goggles lmao (not to be too vague, my second one is miguel, a quite common latino name, but the first one is quite unusual and it feels too real to be called like that so im hiding it lol)
Sign: Leo (i copied from the op who tagged me and yes this is my sign as well)
Time: 19:16 (i definetely spent too much time elaborating and correcting my own answers lmao)
Favourite band/artist: the short version or the long one? cause honestly im kind of into music as a whole, but to select just a few, i'd say Fiona Apple, Joanna Newsom, Beyoncé and Björk. yep, all ladies, dont ask me why but i just connect with female vocalists more
Last movie: ooh.. this one is quite been some time actually... i think it was Knives Out: Glass Onion! just a little bit of silly fun entertainment and cause i was honestly curious cause i liked watching the 1st knives out.
Last show: Drive to survive 🤷‍♂️ im not a very series person tbh (even dts i only watched the eps i actually was curious about lmao)
When I created this blog: this kind of has 2 answers idk. because this used to be a ziam - yes you read that right - a ziam blog lmao but i didnt put much thought into it tho. then i just stopped using for years, and i just came 2 months ago back to delete it and replace with this actual blog cause i discovered the charlos side of tumblr and wanted to interact w the blogs i discoveeed, reblog and all that jazz.
Other blogs: other than the one i deleted, no, i just have this active blog.
Do I get asks: no i turned them off lol but i dont mind actually i get kind of peaceful thinking im just a dot in this vast virtual world of internet, at least here
Followers: 125 accs (i guess, i dont check bots but i dont think there are too much of them)
Average hours of sleep: i guess it varies on 6-8? there are days a sleep a little bit later but tbh i dont keep track of these lol but i can tell i've been pretty okay with my schedule lately, at least my insomnia stopped
Instruments: nope. i have a shitty keyboard but i just gave up on learning, but i do plan on trying again, just dont know when
What I am wearing: green shorts and an ugly printed but comfortable t shirt
Dream job: i mean, it says dream job... so i might go full in... singer/songwriter 🤓
Dream trip: actually i'm not really obsessed about trips anymore... but if i had to pick one i'm just saying Madrid cause its where carlos jr was born 🤓 (i still want to go there and investigate in person to find his official time of birth btw, so yep im picking madrid)
Favorite song atm: i have a lot of songs being my faves simultaneously and it changes fast depending on the moments/moods but im going with In California by Joanna Newsom cause the chorus when she sings "cuckoo cuckoo" its freaking amazing tbh. for my more upbeat side tho i'm picking Those Eyes, That Mouth by cocteau twins.
Tagging:@leclercsbf and @leoramage (tagging you two cause you were the ones to start a conversation w me so i think it wouldn't be too awkward lol but hey, feel free to ignore if you dont want to or dont like these, no hard feelings, were just dots in a virtual space)
(ps: i was actually very defensive about these kind of posts but i tried this one for fun and hey it is fun! it was kind of cool to talk about myself freely without my face or name plastered on it so thanks for that, person who tagged me)
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gayemeralds · 2 years
who’s allowed at rouges club?
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allowed and legal:
Rouge: owner & 18
Wave: 18. tbh i don’t think rouge & the babylon rogues would get along all that well considering they’re technically rivals, but i think wave and rouge would eventually grow on each other to the point where they might even steal things together. so rouge would let her in as a friend
Big: 18, probably wouldn’t come in tho, he’s busy fishing
Vanilla: unknown age but definitely an adult. she’s chill so rouge would let her in but she’s busy taking care of a kid
not allowed but legal:
Storm: 19, but Rouge thinks he’s annoying
Vector: 20, but Rouge thinks he’s annoying + he doesn’t have money
Fang: age is unknown (what are you, a cop?), but he’s a dick and a rival treasure hunter
not legal and not welcome:
they’re all under age and rouge thinks most of them are annoying
not legal but still welcome:
Espio: 16, rouge doesn’t like the chaotix but when isolated from them, to be honest he’s super chill and kind of cool so like. rouge is indifferent to him being there. wouldn’t come often anyway
Sonic: 15, Rouge likes Sonic and he doesn’t cause any problems so he’s allowed in and has free reign across the entire club. He’s usually just there to mooch for food tho. Plus him being famous gives her club “exposure” and clients always think it’s fun when he shows up
Knuckles; 16, allowed in on select occasions. Depends on Rouge’s mood.
legality uncertain:
Blaze: 14 but from another dimension? she wouldn’t go to rouges club anyway. rouge doesn’t know much about her and she’s a princess, and honestly she’s pretty chill and wouldn’t cause any problems, so rouge would let her in
Chaos: i mean he is over 4000 years old but also he has no form of id. Rouge would let him in just to see what would happen
Shadow: chronologically he’s legal but physically he’s not. Rouge lets him in sometimes and only supervised. He doesn’t really like the club anyway; too loud and bright
Metal sonic: a robot so? no real age? rouge would let him in though just to cause problems, especially if sonic was there at the same time.
Omega: a robot so? no real age? rouge lets him in but only with supervision or he might “accidentally” destroy the whole club
Eggman: i mean. he wouldn’t go to her club but if he did… rouge would probabaly let him in out of curiosity, especially if sonic was also there
Eggman Nega: i mean he’s technically of age but he also hasn’t been born yet so. rouge is a spy and would notice he’s nega, not Eggman, so she might let him in anyway. i mean there’s no parties in the future probabaly so might as well let the guy live a little. maybe he won’t be a dick then
Cheese: okay. rouge isn’t going to admit she knows anything about chao. i guess if chaos can come in then so can cheese. but cheese wouldn’t be separated from cream, who’s definitely not allowed.
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empire-antz-stalker · 2 years
Gorillaz members apologizing to their s/o - headcanon
I FINALLY GOT INSPO TO WRITE SOMETHING AGAIN YAY (i have a raging headache this is a cry for help)
this man will be petty ASF
"i just don't see where you think i did wrong, luv!"
often feels better off not talking, rather than apologizing
eventually comes around though
but NOT before trying to gaslight you into believing he didn't do whatever he did
or that you're the one to blame,,
"fine. i'm sorry that you think what i did was wrong. that good enough for ya', darlin'?"
says it while grinning like an idiot, ofc.
even when this mf knows that he should be apologizing, he'd never miss the chance to annoy you in the process
knows how to push your buttons;
also will try to include a sexual joke or some shit to lighten the mood (it never does)
you always forgive him in the end, because still, what's not to love about an old green man with temperament issues??!??!?!?!
go figure
tbh it depends on what she'd be sorry for
if it's something like breaking something of yours, she'd not only ask forgiveness, but also help repair it
on the other hand, if it's something that she finds small or insignificant, she refuses to apologize
usually does this in the heat of the argument
"i love you, darling, but i won't be the first to say sorry."
just puts it behind her and leaves it to be
she may feel guilty sometimes, and try to make it up to you somehow
especially if you're really sad about what happened,,
perhaps by making dinner for the two of you, or inviting you for a romantic netflix + chill night together
somehow, you manage to get the apology out of her, eventually
"ugh. i guess i can't help but fall for your charm. i'm sorry, my flower."
tries to sound like she hates it, rolling her eyes;
doesn't help that she's smiling through every word tho
not many arguments going on between the two of you,,
usually, the two of you just work it out right then and there
otherwise, he only refuses to say sorry up to a certain point, then gets tired of it and apologizes anyway
"okay, whatever. i'm sorry, cupcake."
adds in an extra hug, too; for good measure
litterally the cutest guy ever
says sorry so often that apologizing isn't even a problem
no but like literally everything
mf bumps into a chair and says sorry
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tehloserprince · 5 months
I was tagged by @santacoppelia - thank you! 🥺🧡
1. were you named after anyone? Michael Jordan, ha ha. No, really, my mom's a huge fan. She's followed his career ever since his UNC days. I love telling people that's how I got my name. For the record, although I have an obligatory fondness for my hometown team and a nostalgic love for the Bulls in their Jordan Era, I'm currently a Bucks fan.
2. when was the last time you cried? It's really difficult for me to cry. It's such a relief at times, tho. I cried a few weeks ago, when I realized my special needs dog was having some epilepsy-related issues. I've mostly accepted that I'll probably never see him with a grey muzzle, but I really hope we can share more time together. There are still so many things I want to show him.
3. do you have kids? Nope. Sorta did, once, but I don't really talk about that much. It was a good experience, and I still love/think about her. But my kids are all the critter variety these days ;) I enjoy hanging out with my friends' kids, but they're all growing up too quickly :/ What even is time
4. what sports do you play/have you played? I never really played anything professionally, but I liked soccer, basketball, and running when I was younger. I got into boxing and Muay Thai when I was a little older, and also did a lot of hiking. Unfortunately I'm crippled, so I'm limited in what I can/should do. I try to go on lots of walks with my pup and swim whenever I can. Sometimes I still wrap my hands and hit the bag, which is fun.
5. do you use sarcasm? No, never. (/s obvs)
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? The way they treat other people - especially the most vulnerable - and animals. Physically, eyes and smile. I'm more impressed by people who can be genuinely kind without ulterior motivation.
7. what's your eye color? Hazel.
8. scary movies or happy endings? Depends on my mood! In terms of scary films, gore feels lazy and boring to me. I need a film to get inside my head in order to be scary. But I'm a sucker for happy endings too, which is a lot of projection on my part, ha ha.
9. any talents? Err. Uh. Writing, I guess? Remembering a lot of random info? Friends are consistently surprised that I'll remember so many little details, especially if it's like ... me surprising them with something they mentioned liking at some point. Funny enough, I'll frequently forget why I walked into a room these days, but I'm glad some parts of my memory still excel! I'm also told that I'm extremely patient, if that counts as a talent.
10. where were you born? Charlotte, NC.
11. what are your hobbies? Writing, reading, watching movies and television shows (mostly with the BFF), random crafts, DIY home improvement stuff (I painted my entire house despite my health worsening over the years and I'm very proud of that), canine behavior/training, and playing video games. I don't have as much time for games, but I still enjoy it. Started a new game of Red Dead Redemption 2 this winter, and I've been spending hours just roaming the land with my horse.
12. do you have any pets? Ha, yes! I do a lot of animal rescue and have some life goals related to that, so hopefully I'll always be surrounded by critters. My beloved dog (Skippyjon) passed away in 2022 (old age and CHF). I had a cockatiel for 21 years - a birthday present when I turned 8. We basically grew up together, and the house is still way too quiet without him. I had other dogs (Smokey and Locke), and a lot of fish. In college, I had an "illegal" hamster, Kai (Kaizoku). He was fat and wonderful. I chose him because he squeezed past his siblings, sat in their food dish, and started shoving food in his mouth. King behavior tbh. I had a rat named Stevie in my late 20s. Currently, I have a deaf special needs dog (Oscar aka Ozzy), a cat that I hand-raised because she was found abandoned shortly after birth (Swayze), and a rabbit (Shasta aka Bad Bunny). At some point, I decided that all my rabbits would be named after soda brands, ha.
13. how tall are you? About 5'10".
14. favorite subject in school? Literature, Spanish, Philosophy, sometimes History, Classical Studies, Art. Anything that wasn't math, because I always struggled with that.
15. dream job? If I could make a living off of writing and spend a lot of my time doing animal rescue, I'd be content. Even if I was wealthy, I'd ultimately pursue a simple, cozy life without a lot of fanfare. I'd love to have more money to invest in animal rescue and local community welfare (kids should always have basic necessities imo). Maybe someday ...
Tagging anyone who feels like doing this! Feel free to reblog or tag me if you wanna let me know that you did it. Thanks, this was fun :3
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