#guess who finally managed to watch the new ep!!!!
airenyah · 7 months
god p'aof shows just hit different
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recurring-polynya · 5 months
Izakaya Kamenoya
I am re-watching the Captain Amagai arc, which I love because it has just a shit-ton of Seireitei slice-of-life worldbuilding. Early in the arc, Kira goes to the bar with Renji and Iba to sob about how his new Third Seat is better than him, and it made me wonder-- do the lieutenants always go to the same bar, or does the anime just make up a new one every time? Episode 172 had a nice shot of the exterior:
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I immediately went to Episode 355 (the second New Year's episode), because I'm always thinking about Rukia shotgunning that beer while Renji gazes on lovingly, and it certainly *looks* like same place, but again, maybe that's just a very standard-looking izakaya.
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I decided that trying to translate the kanji might help. They're more visible in the first image. The ones on the paper lantern, 酒処 were easy, because they just say izakaya (literally, "alcohol" and "place"). That just supported the idea that this was just some generic bar. For the kanji on the wooden lantern, which appeared to be the same as the ones on the sign above the door, I managed to puzzle out the bottommost one, 屋, which means "shop" or "restaurant." Hmm.
At this point, I was feeling a little stumped, so I went looking for other screen shots.
Other bar scenes I could remember took place in: Episode 179 (Ukitake and Kyouraku try to angle Amagai into a threesome). This had a clearer shot of the sign, and it's definitely the same as the lantern.
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Ep 305 (Kira and Hisagi go for drinks after work and run into Unohana having "Ladies' Night" with Soi Fon, the Kotetsu sisters, and Yachiru ????)
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And finally, Episode 265 (the end of the Sword Beasts arc, Ladies' Night again, I guess, this time with zanpakutou)
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and bingo, they actually translated it for me, this time!!
In, the only one that didn't turn out to take place at Izakaya Kamenoya was from Ep. 303, the first New Year's episode. The SWA holds their holiday luncheon here (the sign says 茶屋, or "tea house") .
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It is also not the place where Rukia and Renji announce their engagement in WDKALY, that place is called Safflower, and it's fancier and it's specifically mentioned that it's way classier than everyone's usual digs.
That's neither here nor there, let's get back to Izakaya Kamenoya!
Later on, like when I was 90% of the way through writing this post, I realized there was an earlier shot of the sign in episode 172 that was also translated (which I thought I remembered and then assumed I had hallucinated when I couldn't find it, but it was from a separate trip to bar with Kibune and Kira's shitty subordinates). Conveniently, it's also probably the most readable out of all of them. EDIT: I didn't notice when I pasted this in here, but they translate it as Kamegameya here, which seems like a mistake? B3 suggests they might have read the second character as a repetition (with the k turning into a g, which I don't know all the details of, but I assume it's that thing that happens in Japanese when a word is in the interior of another word and it gets a harder consonant, the same way the s in "sakura" in Senbonzakura becomes a z). Google also tells me that the name of Yugi's grandfather's game shop in Yu-Gi-Oh is called Kame Game, so I wonder if the subtitler here was just working on muscle memory 😂. I'm sticking with Kamenoya, although Turtle Turtle Bar has its own charm)
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The three characters in the upper left are 居酒屋, which is just a different way to spell izakaya.
"Kame" was easy to translate, it's the leftmost large character on the sign, 亀. It means "turtle", but the second meaning is "heavy drinker," so I'm guessing this might be a bit of a pun. Unfortunately, googling didn't turn up any further detail on this.
I puzzled a little over the middle character, until I realized that it might be 之, which is an older version of の. Oh, says me, who only speaks the Japanese I picked up from anime, it's Kame no ya, the way all the inns in Kakuriyo end in "ya." It just means "House of the Turtle", or "Turtle's Pub."
Turtle's Pub. Can we just take a moment to reflect on the fact that the lieutenants (and sometimes captains) like to hang out at someplace called Turtle's? I am so charmed by this. I have not been so excited since the time I realized that Renji was wearing the koi hoodie in the Bount Arc OP.
It's possible that it was just named by a guy who has "kame" as part of his name or who likes turtles, or as I said, maybe it's a pun, but there are two other possibilities I thought of:
In line with this post on the naming scheme for the Seireitei Gates, perhaps it's in the north part of the city, and named after Genbu the Black Tortoise-Snake
When I am making up business names in my fanfic, I often like to associate them with the squads they are near-- dragons for stuff near Squad 10, fish for 13, firebirds for things that are more city-wide. It's partially trying to tap into squad solidarity, and partially so people have a clue where your place is located in this stupid maze city. I love the idea of some former captain with a turtle-themed zanpakutou, whose is fondly remembered because someone happened to name a good bar after them.
I looked up that extremely questionable Blood War era Seireitei map, wondering if maybe Squad 3 was near the north gate:
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It turns out it is not (assuming the unlabeled squads just go in order), but you know what is? Squad 10. So if Kamenoya is named after the North Gate, I assume everyone drinks there because it's close to Matsumoto.
(thank you very much to @kaicko for checking my work)
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collabpartners · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel: The Contract of Blood Ep. 2
*Hey guys, we're back with another episode! This is published on March 2, 2024. If you guys like the episode/chapter, don't be afraid to leave hearts, reblogs, and comment! That would be greatly appreciated. Warning: Vulgar language and sexual tension. Enjoy!*
Episode Two: The Lost Girl
The little spider girl hasn’t talked since Charlie and Vaggie took her in the night before.
Vaggie managed to bandage the little girl’s injury on her left leg last night. The little girl sleeps on the bed in the plain room of the hotel, who is under the watchful eye of Charlie.
Vaggie notices to Charlie having bags under her eyes from staying up all night. “Babe?”
Charlie snaps out of her thoughts, noticing her girlfriend. “Morning.”
Vaggie looks to see the spider girl asleep in the sheets. “You know that’s creepy to watch her.”
“I know. I know. I’m a little scared since last night. I hope she’s okay.”
“She will be, babe. We’ll just have to find her parents,” Vaggie reassures. “C’mon.”
Vaggie leads Charlie out of the child’s bedroom, unaware that the little spider has been awake the entire time. She gets up from her bed and hurries out of her room, watching the two lesbians walking down the hallway in determination to search for her parents.
The little girl spider hugs herself and hurries to Vaggie and Charlie before they reach the stairs.
Both of the women notice the little spider girl looking up at them with sparkling eyes.
“Yes?” Vaggie asks in concern.
She rubs her other arms nervously.
Charlie crouches down to reach her eye level. “Don’t worry, little one. We’ll find your parents in no time.”
“T-They’re dead,” she utters.
“Oh shit,” Vaggie gasps in shock.
“Language,” Charlie replies while covering the little girl’s ears so that she won’t hear another curse word like a protective mother. “We have a little girl in the hotel now.”
“Should we introduce her to the others? Just so they can keep her company while we’re running a hotel?” Vaggie asks.
“Wait,” Charlie responds and looks at the little girl. “Are you sure that your parents are dead?”
The little girl nods her head.
“I guess that makes her an orphan,” Vaggie says with a sad tone.
Charlie gasps excitedly as if an idea hits her, her red eyes sparkling. “LET’S ADOPT HER!!”
“Wait, what?”
“Why not? She lost her parents. Maybe we can be her parents for her!”
“Uh, Charlie, are you aware of how it is to be, you know, a parent? We’re not even married--”
“We can be,” Charlie says with a cheeky smirk. She glances at the spider girl. “What d’ya say, little one? Are you okay with us adopting you?”
The little spider girl is mute for a moment and then nods with a soft smile.
Vaggie notices a slight hesitation of the spider girl and adds. “If you don’t want to, our feelings won’t be hurt.”
“You seem nice,” the little girl finally says.
Charlie squeals happily. “Awww! Thank you. Ooh, I can’t wait to tell Dad that he has an adopted granddaughter--”
“Whoa, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, babe,” Vaggie reminds her girlfriend. “We haven’t had a name for her--”
“Bella,” the little girl responds.
“What?” Charlie and Vaggie questions.
“My name is Bella,” Bella, the little girl spider, introduces herself. She appears a bit more relax around the women.
“That’s a pretty name,” Charlie responds while noticing Bella’s dirty hair. “Hey, why don’t we get you clean up? We can do your hair and make it all pretty and cute like you. And then we can find you a pretty dress for you to wear.”
Bella widens her eyes, trembling from the tears coming out of her eyes.
“Uh, I think you’re overwhelming her, babe,” Vaggie responds.
“Oh! We can also decorate your new room, and you can decorate it however you want! We’ll find you something that you’ll like in the city. How does that all sound?”
Charlie notices too late that Bella is sniffling.
“Uh, I think you’re freaking her out,” Vaggie replies, but she doesn’t expect Bella to hug Charlie tightly.
“Oh,” Charlie utters in surprise.
“Thank you,” Bella croaks.
“Aww, it’s no problem,” Charlie coos, lifting Bella up to give her a bear hug.
Bella has her eyes widen like she didn’t expect this kind of reciprocation. But she smiles and hugs, ready to cry in happiness.
Vaggie notices this, realizing that maybe Bella has been through more hell before they found her than they realize. But it doesn’t matter since Vaggie joins to hug her girlfriend and her new potential daughter.
“So, how about we get you cleaned up first and then we’ll figure out further after the bath?” Vaggie asks.
“That sounds good,” Bella replies, still attach to Charlie like a lifeline.
Charlie carries Bella with Vaggie following them to the bathroom to give Bella a bath.
After the bath, Vaggie is brushing Bella’s blonde curls while Charlie goes out to buy more dresses for her. Bella is wearing a bathrobe and sitting on the bed with Vaggie.
There is an awkward silence between them as Vaggie smiles and clears her throat.
“So, uh, what do you like to do?” Vaggie ignites the conversation.
Bella is silent for a moment until she answers, “I like playing the violin.”
“Oh damn, really?” Vaggie responds with a fascinated gaze.
She nods. “It’s probably stupid.”
“Stupid? Hell no. That’s a talent. You know, you can put in some tunes for the hotel if you want to, that is. You don’t have to--”
“I, uh, lost my violin a long time ago,” Bella utters sadly.
Vaggie shrugs. “Eh, we’ll buy you a new one if you want one.”
Bella smiles softly. “O-Okay. Are you sure? I don’t want to burden anyone.”
Vaggie frowns and tilts her head. She thinks about what Bella says about her dead parents...or are the parents really dead?
“You’re not a burden,” Vaggie reassures Bella. “What makes you think that?”
Bella looks away. “Nothing.”
Vaggie now knows that something is up with Bella. But she holds her tongue and keeps brushing her hair. A small smile corners her face as she leans back.
“Alright, I think we’re done,” Vaggie says.
Bella feels her golden locks, the smooth textures run through her fingers.
“I’m back!” Charlie pokes her head into the room just in time, having a bunch of gift bags from different shops around the city.
“Whoa, babe, how much did you buy?” Vaggie gasps in shock.
“Lots and lots of pretty dresses!” Charlie replies excitedly. She looks at Bella. “I got you a bunch of dresses for you to try out.”
Bella brightly smiles. “Really?”
“Yep!” Charlie chirps.
An idea comes into Vaggie’s head as it gives Vaggie a small smile. “We can also do a bit of a make-over too. What do you think?”
Bella smiles even wider, her eyes sparkling. “Really?!”
“Really really,” Vaggie responds with a smile.
Bella nods excitedly.
“Perfect! Let’s go!” Charlie responds, an upbeat music. She starts to sing brightly.
“Look at you, Bella.
With a bit make-over, you’ll be the prettiest girl in Hell.”
Vaggie sings next with a smile.
“You are in good hands,
When you got the princess of Hell taking care of you.”
“Aw, babe,” Charlie coos her girlfriend.
Bella sings shyly, rubbing her two arms on her left side.
“Are you sure that you should spend this much for me?”
Charlie croons in response.
“We’re more than sure.
We can be your moms if you’ll have us.
I know that it’s a weird adjustment.
But don’t worry, we won’t force or pressure you.”
Vaggie sings and starts to dance with Bella.
“It’s your choice in the end.
For now, you can stay in this hotel.
Safe and away from the dangers of the city.
Safe and away from the violence.”
Charlie pulls out dresses from the gift bags.
“Anything you desire, we can give you.
Anything you want, we’ll get for you.
We want to make you comfortable.
So, which dress would you like to try on first?”
Bella looks at the endless option of the dresses and spots a purple one with white flower patterns on it.
“Can I pick this one?”
Both Vaggie and Charlie chirps in their tunes.
“Of course!”
Vaggie starts applying a blush around Bella’s cheeks, coloring her pale face.
“We can add a little blush.
Which color eyeshadow would you like to wear?”
Bella chooses the color.
“Can I have a light pink shadow?”
Both Vaggie and Charlie chirps again.
“Of course, sweetheart!”
Charlie sings while setting dresses aside for Bella to try.
“Anything you desire, you choose it.
Anything you want, you can pick it.
Don’t ever worry about burdening us.
We swear that we’ll protect you.”
“From what?” Bella asks innocently.
Vaggie sings with a pretty voice.
“Anything that can hurt you, we swear to kill.
Anything that can kill you, we won’t let them.
I know that it’s been a day,
But I see that you’ve been hurt in the past.”
Bella grins at the ladies.
“Anything I love, it’s worthless?
“No,” Vaggie and Charlie replies simultaneously.
Bella chirps more, getting comfortable around the ladies.
“Anything I care about, it’s weak?”
“No!” Vaggie and Charlie answers simultaneously again.
Bella sings in a pretty voice.
“So, I don’t have to worry, then.
Oh, I don’t have to worry, then.”
“Of course not,” Charlie replies.
The three of them starts to dance in the bedroom. Charlie and Vaggie sing together.
“Anything you want, we’ll try to reach.
Anything you desire, never worry about burdening us.
Don’t worry about asking us, unless it’s going to hurt you.”
Charlie helps Bella getting into the purple dress with black gloves, Bella’s make-up now done with the light pink eyeshadow and light blushes. Vaggie helps putting on a lavender scented perfume.
The three of them starts to sing together.
“Anything we care about, we can reach.
Anything we love, we’ll fight for.
No, there will never be a time where we separate.
No, there will never be a time where we part ways.
‘Cause, no matter, we can do anything we set our sights on.”
As the upbeat music finishes, Bella sings the final verse while looking at the mirror at her new self.
“Anything I can be, I will be.
Anything I can be, I don’t have to fear.”
The music ends with Charlie and Vaggie smiling at Bella’s new look.
“You look so pretty!” Charlie squeals like a high-school girl.
“Really?” Bella gasps with a small smile.
“Oh yeah,” Vaggie responds. “I think you’re ready to meet the other hotel staff.”
“Will they like me?” Bella replies nervously.
“I’m sure they will,” Charlie reassures the child.
“If not, then they will like you eventually. If not eventually, then they’re gonna like you,” Vaggie says while taking out her spear.
Charlie puts her hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder. “There’s no need for that, babe.” She looks at Bella and adds a pink bow for the final attachment. “Let’s go meet them.”
“Okay,” Bella replies as the women lead her out of her bedroom to meet the others.
Charlie and Vaggie enters the lounge with Bella in between them, which is noticed by Alastor, Nifty, and Angel Dust.
“Who the fuck is that?” Angel questions with a brow raised.
Charlie covers Bella’s ears. “Language, Angel.”
“Since when do you start policing people’s language?” Angel replies with a sass.
“Since we brought this little girl in, asshole,” Vaggie growls.
“Vaggie,” Charlie scolds for the language.
Alastor steps in between the group. “Now, now, it’s impolite to curse in front of a little lady.” He leans down, yellow teeth smile stretched.
Bella hides behind Charlie’s leg in fear.
Alastor extends his hand with a polite gesture. “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, little lady. My name is Alastor, the radio host for the hotel and a friend of Charlie’s.”
Bella glances up at Charlie, who nods in encouragement to shake Alastor’s hand. She shyly shakes Alastor’s hand.
“I-I’m Bella,” she introduces nervously.
“Charmed,” Alastor responds while letting go of her small hand.
Bella smiles shyly until she feels someone lifting her up with a little giggles.
“Whoa, Nifty,” Vaggie calls out to the short cyclops maid twirling Bella around. Vaggie quickly picks Bella out of the maid’s grasp and smiles in reassurance. “That’s Nifty. Don’t worry about her. Eighty percent of the time, she’s safe to be around.”
“Yeah, she’s perfectly harmless,” Charlie adds in reassurance.
Angel approaches beside Charlie. “Where did you find her?”
“She was hiding in the bushes last night with a hellhound bite on her leg,” Charlie explains to the others.
“Sheesh. I hear hellhound bites can crush someone’s bones. She’s lucky to be walking right now,” Angel responds while noticing Bella’s bandaged leg.
They hear a groan and look to the side to find Husk approaching the lounge with bags under his eyes.
“Look who’s finally awake,” Alastor brings up.
Angel swiftly takes Bella from Vaggie’s hands and holds her up in front of Husk. “Look, Husky. We got a new little girl in the hotel.”
Husk blinks in surprise and waves awkwardly.
Bella waves shyly at Husk.
“Her name is Bella,” Vaggie reminds Angel firmly, taking Bella from Angel’s four arms. “She’s going to be staying with us for a while.”
“So, where’s her parents?” Angel questions with a brow raise. “Unless Vaggie can somehow get Charlie pregnant and demon kids can grow in a span of a day, she has to have parents somewhere here.”
“What the fuck, Angel?” Vaggie utters in shock. “Gross! No! Her parents are dead.”
“Ah, that’s a shame,” Alastor says. “Otherwise I can hunt them down and take their fucking life--”
“Okay, that’s enough cursing in front of her,” Charlie snarls at the others.
“How would you know if her parents did anything to her?” Vaggie argues with Alastor.
Bella gasps in shock that Alastor somehow can see through her.
“Look at her. She’s malnourished and she’s got scars everywhere on her,” Alastor states. “And that hellhound bite might be launched at her.”
“You don’t know that,” Charlie utters.
Husk sighs. “I’ll get her food.”
“Thanks, Husk,” Vaggie responds thankfully.
“Mhm,” Husk mutters and walks over to the bar.
Angel frowns at the sight of the tired Husk.
It’s sudden, the wall blow up by the front door, creating a hole. The others switches their gaze to see a pink-haired cyclops going through the hole.
“What’s up, motherfuckers!” she calls out her friends.
Angel brightly grins. “What’s up, bitch!”
Charlie covers Bella’s ears from her friends’ cursing while Vaggie is holding Bella in her arms.
“You know that there’s a front door, right?” Alastor groans while pointing at the front door.
Husk brings out a piece of chocolate cake, putting it in the box and giving it to Bella in Vaggie’s arms. Bella smells the chocolate cake and takes it with her four arms.
“Thank you,” Bella replies sweetly.
Husk nods with a hum.
Bella opens the box and begins eating her chocolate cake, noticed by Charlie and Vaggie.
“It’s been a while, Angie,” the pink-haired cyclops replies. “I know there’s shit that happens in the club last time, but I thought we can catch up like old times. Hopefully that bastard isn’t there.”
“Aw, that’s sweet, Cherri. But, um, I’m trying to stay away from clubs,” Angel responds with a small smile.
Husk forms a proud grin at his ‘drinking buddy’.
“Aw, really?” Cherri replies with a brow arched.
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
Cherri shrugs. “Alright, your loss.” She notices Bella in Vaggie’s arms. “Aw, is that a little girl? How did she get in?”
“Charlie and Vaggie found her outside of the hotel,” Alastor explains.
“Aww,” Cherri coos. “What’s your name?”
Charlie uncovers Bella’s ears for her to hear Cherri ask her question.
“B-Bella,” Bella introduces nervously.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, girl,” Cherri responds. “The name is Cherri. Like a cherry bomb. Hey, do you like blowing shit up?”
“Don’t answer that,” Vaggie says while glaring at Cherri. “Are you seriously asking a child if she likes blowing up stuff?”
“What? I’ve seen kids her age blow up shit all the time,” Cherri explains. “It’s not like I’m gonna take her to a club so that she can snort crack.”
“You better not,” Charlie growls, her horns coming out of her head and her eyes turning red with white pupils.
Angel smiles and stands between them. “A-Alright, let’s not start a fight.”
“How about I give little Bella here a tour? I promise I won’t expose her to anything bad,” Cherri replies with her hands up. “Angel and his ‘boyfriend’ here can come along with us for extra protection.”
“Wait, what?” Angel and Husk utters simultaneously.
“Ha! You respond too!” Cherri laughs at Husk, earning an eye-roll from the cat demon.
Bella tilts her head. “Can I go?”
Vaggie clenches her teeth. “Um, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”
Charlie smiles with a small shrug. “As long as Angel and Husk are coming with them, I’m sure it’s fine. Besides, Husk seems to be the only one with a level-head.”
“Uh...thanks?” Husk questions the compliment.
Vaggie twists her lips as if she’s still not sure. “Okay, just as long as you guys don’t take her to clubs, Porn Studios, bad areas of town, or Cannibal town. And you bring her right back around supper time. Sooner than that is preferable.”
“Don’t you worry there, Vags,” Angel replies while lifting Bella off of Vaggie’s arms. “She’ll be safe with us.”
“Okay. If I see one fresh scratch on her, I swear I’m going to fucking kill you all,” Vaggie snarls at the others.
“Okay, okay, babe, calm down,” Charlie replies to her girlfriend.
“You can count on us,” Angel reassures the ladies. He places Bella on his shoulders, holding her legs with his top set arms. “So, where would you like to go, kid?”
“I hear that there’s a park that is bigger than any other attractions here. Can we go there?” Bella asks excitedly.
“Of course!” Angel replies happily. “We can’t forget someone--” He whistles.
The group hears oinking noises passing by them and Angel picks up his small pet pig.
“Meet Fat Nuggets,” Angel introduces his pet to Bella.
Bella squeaks in adorableness and holds Fat Nuggets. “He’s so cute!”
“Thank you. Can’t forget to take him out for a walk,” Angel says while putting a leash on him.
“Alright, let’s mosey on out of here!” Cherri responds, leading Angel, Fat Nuggets, Bella, and Husk out of the hotel.
“Be safe!” Charlie calls for them, watching Angel putting a thumbs up in response.
The ladies look on with concerns as Alastor’s sigh.
“I swear, Cherri is gonna destroy the hotel,” Alastor says with a groan.
Husk sits on the bench while watching Cherri and Angel playing with Bella in the playground. Bella holds Fat Nuggets while going down the slide with him.
Husk huffs up a laugh watching Angel playing with the monkey bars like he’s a kid again.
“Holy fuck, this is high,” Angel says, realizing how high he’s hanging.
With a sigh, he gets up from his seat and goes under Angel.
“Ya need someone to catch you?!” Husk calls to Angel.
Angel glances down and smirks. “You’ll catch me, Husky boy~?”
“Not if you’re gonna talk like that.”
He keeps moving to the other bars. “I’m sure I’ll be okay--” He loses his grip, causing him to yelp. Husk catches Angel, carrying him bridal style.
“Caught ya,” Husk replies with a smirk.
Angel purrs and messes with Husk’s bowtie. “You know, you can be pretty good at sweeping off a man’s feet.”
Husk blushes madly and helps Angel up on his feet. “I just caught ya from fallin’. It ain’t no big deal.”
Husk and Angel shifts their attention to find Bella and Cherri playing hide and seek.
“I’m gonna find ya!” Cherri yells playfully.
Husk huffs up a laugh at Bella. “It looks like it’s been a while since she smiled.”
“Aw, now your superpower of seeing through people is back,” Angel responds with a smirk.
“My superpowers are those tentacles I can summon,” Husk says with a chuckle.
“Still kinky.”
“Not in front of the kid.”
“Aw, c’mon, she ain’t gonna hear,” Angel flirts with him.
“You’re fucking weird,” Husk says with a playful grin.
“You know, you love me, baby,” Angel responds with a flirty grin.
Husk rolls his eyes jokingly. “Nope, I don’t. You’re just my drinking buddy, remember?”
Angel huffs up a laugh and cups Husk’s chin to get him to look up at him while whispering into his ear. “I’m starting to think I’m more than that to you.”
Husk’s heart starts to pound in his chest, his face turning more and more red.
“Oh, go fuck yourself,” Husk responds, trying to appear gruff.
“Make me, baby,” Angel replies teasingly.
“Uh, what are you guys doing?” Bella’s voice interrupts their moment of flirting.
They break away from each other and looks at Bella, holding Fat Nuggets in her arms.
Cherri leans on Bella’s head and whispers. “Ooh, they’re flirting with each other.”
“No, we’re not,” Husk says in denial, his whole face turning deeper red.
Angel blushes too and chuckles. “I was just teasing Husky.”
“Uh-huh, sure,” Cherri says with a smirk.
“Fuck you, bitch,” Angel jokes, grinning.
Cherri flips up her middle finger with a playful tongue sticking out.
“I don’t think we should curse in front of the child,” Husk says, reminding both of the adults that there is a child around them.
“Ah, right, we still gotta act like responsible adults around the kid--wait, where is she?” Cherri looks around for Bella, who wasn’t beside her.
“Bella?” Angel calls in concern. “Fat Nuggets!”
Husk glances everywhere in the playground. “They’re probably at the other side. C’mon.”
The three adults hurry to find Bella.
Bella giggles while exploring through the playground, holding Fat Nuggets in her bottom set of arms. However, she hears music that attracts her attention outside of the playground. She explores the playground and watches an unfamiliar bat girl on the sidewalk with a microphone to sing.
“Watch your mouth or I’ll have it sealed shut!
Follow the narrow path by keeping your sights straight!
Children now clones of their parent’s mistakes in society!
Suicides and overdoses are quite common down here!
Bringing the dead closer and closer to the lake of fire!”
Bella blinks in surprise at the rock music with the other demons dancing to the rock music outside. The bat girl continues.
“Hail to the Light!
Otherwise the gates will close!
Hail to the Light!
Otherwise you’ll be stuck down here!”
Bella smiles and nods her head to the beat while the bat girl continues.
“Watch your tongue or I’ll have it cut off!
Wide destructive path now widens more!
Take your eye out and pull your ear out,
If they cause you to stumble in the dirt!”
The bat girl jumps from her own music, her wings flapping.
“Hail to the Light!
Otherwise you’ll be left in the dark!
Hail to the Light!
Otherwise you’ll be lost down here!”
“There she is!” Someone calls as the bat girl turns her head to find the other demon gang, stopping the music.
“Give us our pay!” the other demon barks.
“Shit,” the young bat girl mutters and hurries away from the stage.
Bella blinks in concern for the bat girl and runs after her. She follows the bat girl into the alleyway, not aware she’s blending in to the wall until she pulls Bella into her wings.
“Be quiet,” the bat girl shushes her.
They listen to the footsteps going by them until they fade away. The bat girl opens one wing to see that the coast is clear. She lets Bella out of her hold.
“You sing beautifully,” Bella compliments.
The bat girl snorts. “I just made up the song based on that hotel that deals with rehabilitating sinners.”
“It’s still pretty.”
“Who are you? Haven’t seen you around here before,” the bat girl asks, examining Bella.
“B-Bella,” Bella introduces nervously, holding Fat Nuggets close to her chest.
The bat girl grabs one of Bella’s top hands and shakes it. “Nora.”
“Wow,” Bella utters before shaking her head. “I mean, it’s nice to meet you, Nora.”
“Thanks,” Nora replies, letting go of her hand.
“How did you get in trouble with the demon gang?”
Nora shrugs. “Eh, I owed them money.”
“But you didn’t pay them?”
“Couldn’t pay them back. I would if I can. How about you, new face? Have you been in the city before?”
“Eh...sort of.”
“How about I give you a tour around the city? Show you all the nooks and crannies of getting into places,” Nora replies with her hand extending.
Bella frowns. “I think my other friends are looking for me by now.”
Nora smiles. “I’ll bring you back to your friends. Promise.”
Bella grins back and grabs Nora’s extended hand. “Sure. As long as I can go back to them.”
“Of course, hang tight,” Nora warns before taking off with her wings, causing Bella to scream. Nora lifts her up and carries her bridal style, causing Bella to blush.
Bella wraps her top arms around Nora’s neck while her bottom set of hands wrap around Fat Nuggets.
Nora smirks and flies through the city. “Look down.”
Bella looks down as instructed to see so many sights in the city.
Nora flies through the building, passing by Porn Studios, which catches Bella’s eyes.
“What’s p-porn?” Bella asks.
“It’s just naked people doing overtly sexual things,” Nora explains casually. “I wouldn’t go in there unless you can pour bleach in your eyes.”
Bella giggles at Nora’s joke while they hover over the place called Cannibal Town.
“This is Cannibal Town.”
Bella holds Nora tighter.
“I’m not supposed to go there,” Bella answers.
“Unless you don’t get on their bad side, they won’t try to eat you alive,” Nora replies with a smile. “Or you’re Susan who wants to make comments about everything.”
Bella smiles while Nora lifts her up higher. “Whoa!”
“Like the tour in the skies?”
“Y-Yeah. But I’m a bit hungry.”
“Oh, I know the best food place. It’s in the club by the Porn Studios,” Nora informs while going back to the way she came.
“Wait, we’re not old enough to be in the club.”
“Who says we have to be old enough?” Nora replies with a mischievous grin.
“Where the fuck could she have gone?!” Cherri shouts in frustration, searching at the other side of the playground with Husk and Angel.
“Shit,” Husk mumbles to himself.
“Oh, Vaggie is going to kill us,” Angel utters in fear.
Husk sniffs the scent of lavender perfume. “The fuck?”
“What?” Angel questions Husk. “Are you a hellhound now?”
“No, I think I can smell perfume,” Husk utters, rubbing his head. “I think Charlie puts too much perfume on the child.”
“What the hell?” Angel utters. “You can smell that?”
“I can smell it since I’ve met her this morning. Wait, you can’t?” Husk asks.
“Heh, guess you are a hellhound,” Cherri says with a laugh.
“Uh, no,” Husk responds. “It looks like she went that way.”
The three adults hurry out of the playground following the perfume scent through Cannibal town and around Porn Studios until they reach to the club.
“Shit,” Husk utters.
“What?” Angel asks.
“She’s in there,” Husk responds.
“Oh yeah, Vaggie is going to kill us,” Cherri replies nervously.
“C’mon,” Husk replies as they enter the club.
The music is loud and strippers dance on poles. Angel clenches his teeth, tempted by the crack on the table. He sticks by Husk, holding his hand with one of his hands. Husk notices the touch and realizes Angel is cringing at his surroundings.
“Hey, you can wait outside if you want,” Husk whispers to Angel.
Angel fakes a smile. “I’m fine, Husky. Thanks.”
Cherri notices the familiar bat girl sneaking behind the bar. “That’s not our girl, is it?”
The men glance to the side to find what Cherri is looking at.
“I can smell Bella’s perfume on her,” Husk growls, letting go of Angel’s hand and hurrying towards the girl.
Before Nora can hear Husk coming to her, he grabs her and yanks her out of the bar.
“Where the fuck is she, punk?!” Husk barks.
“What the fuck, old man?!” Nora shouts at Husk.
Bella crawls out from her hiding place behind the bar. “Guys?”
“Bella!” Angel exclaims happily, picking both her and Fat Nuggets. “Don’t you ever leave us like that again!”
“I-I’m sorry,” Bella stutters, wincing at Angel’s loud voice.
Husk notices the way Bella winces when Angel picks her up and shouts because of the music being too loud.
“Are you okay?! Any ouchies or lost body limbs?!” Cherri asks loudly to overcome the noises, checking on Bella.
“N-No. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” Bella whimpers.
“Hey, don’t sweat it!” Angel shouts, trying to get his voice above the loud music. “Just don’t run off like that again, alright?!”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Bella repeats, which is now noticed by Cherri and Angel.
“Let’s take them both outside!” Cherri suggests loudly to Angel.
Angel nods his head in agreement as the adults hurry outside with Husk carrying Nora with him.
Once they are outside of the club, they hear Bella sniffling and sobbing.
“Hey, we’re outside now,” Angel speaks softly. “What’s wrong?”
“Please, don’t be mad at me,” Bella sniffles.
Husk widens his eyes, still staring at her.
“We’re not mad at you,” Cherri responds. “We’re just scared for ya, girlie. We thought you got kidnapped by some rando or worse.”
“At least you’re in one piece,” Angel replies, getting Bella to look up at him. “It’s okay. Just don’t run off next time, okay?”
“Especially with a punk,” Husk gruffs while looking at Nora with a distrusting glance.
“Put me down, old man,” Nora growls at him.
“Gladly,” Husk says, dropping Nora face-flat on the ground.
“Nora is just a friend,” Bella responds to Husk.
“Aww, you made friends your age already?” Cherri coos happily for Bella.
Nora groans in pain. “I was just giving her the tour around the city.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s supposed to be our job,” Husk grumbles.
“Oh, fuck off,” Nora curses at Husk.
Bella wipes her tears away. “It’s okay, Nora. They’re my other friends that I’ve talked about.”
“Oh shit,” Nora responds. “Are they your parents--?”
“No,” the three adults say simultaneously.
Bella cuddles into Angel with Fat Nuggets in her four arms.
“Hey, I think we got more food at the hotel,” Angel offers. “Let’s--”
Angel feels a phone vibrating in his back pocket. He pulls out the phone and groans at the contact name. Bella reads the contact name.
“Who’s Valentino?” Bella asks innocently.
“Angel’s dick boss,” Cherri growls and looks at Angel. “Do you really have to answer his call?”
“It’s part of the contract. Here, hold her. I’ll be home tonight,” Angel says while giving Bella and Fat Nuggets to Husk to hold.
Husk frowns to watch Angel walking away to answer the call.
“Maybe we can visit Angel at work,” Bella suggests.
“At Porn Studios? Uh, no,” Cherri responds.
“Oh shit, is he a stripper?” Nora gasps in shock.
“Sex worker,” Husk clarifies and gives her a slight glare. “And what about you? Are you lost or something? Or are trying to swindle folks in the streets?”
“Pfft, I ain’t swindling anyone,” Nora says with her arms crossed.
“There’s that little bitch!”
The group turns to find the gang of demons with their guns out.
Husk sets Bella and Fat Nuggets down, shielding them with his wings.
“Are you fucking serious? I thought I lost you guys!” Nora angrily barks.
Husk takes out a set of dice and glances at Nora. “So you do swindle people for a living.”
“Just with my amazing musical talent,” Nora brags, her fists on her hips.
“Then you’re pretty shitty at it,” Husk responds while throwing the dice at the gang, blowing them up.
“I don’t expect you to know anything about gambling and swindling, old man,” Nora growls while Cherri throws another bomb at the other demons coming after them.
“Oh-ho, you don’t even know half the story,” Husk says while throwing his other set of dice, blowing them up.
Bella watches Cherri and Husk fighting the other demon gangs.
“What did you gamble away? Your watch?” Nora says with a snort.
“More than that,” Husk grumbles, managing to scratch the other demons with his claws.
“Wow, that’s totally not specific,” Nora responds with her arms crossed.
“It’s none of your damn business, kid!” Husk barks, managing to kill the other demons.
Once they manage to kill the demons that try to get their pay back from Nora, Husk breathes heavily, ruffling his red feathers on his wings.
Husk throws a glance at Nora. “There, now you don’t have to pay them back. Next time, pay back what you can instead of leaving your debtors hanging.” He walks over to Bella and Fat Nuggets, picking them up in his arms.
Cherri looks at Nora. “Got any place to crash?”
“Not really,” Nora responds.
“Perfect. How about you crash into the hotel?” Cherri offers.
“Anything to get me off the streets,” Nora says while she follows Cherri, Husk, Bella, and Fat Nuggets back to the hotel.
At supper time, Vaggie paces back and forth in the entrance, which is noticed by Charlie.
“Where the fuck are they?” Vaggie utters worriedly.
“Calm down. I’m sure they’re going to be here by now,” Charlie reassures Vaggie.
“They better not leave any scratches on her or I swear to god--”
“Babe, deep breaths. Deep breaths,” Charlie responds, trying to get her girlfriend to take deep breaths.
Alastor manages to fix the wall with a proud grin. “There, the wall is finally fixed--”
The wall is blown up on the same spot again.
“We’re home, motherfuckers!!” Cherri shouts again.
“Shit,” Alastor grumbles.
Charlie and Vaggie looks up to see Cherri entering the hotel through the hole with Nora by her side. Husk is carrying Bella and Fat Nuggets in his arms, with blood all over his fur.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Vaggie shouts at the sight of blood on Husk.
“Before you get angry,” Husk says, putting his hand up. “Bella is fine. We just have to deal with some punks.”
Charlie lifts Bella and Fat Nuggets off of Husk’s arms. “Where’s Angel?”
“He has to work with his dick boss again,” Cherri says with a scoff.
Husk frowns at the thought of Angel. He looks at Alastor, who’s glaring at Cherri for blowing up the wall.
“Great, now I have to fix the wall again,” Alastor replies, snapping his fingers to fix the wall.
“Who’s this?” Charlie asks, noticing Nora.
“Bella made a friend!” Cherri says with a proud tone.
“Nora,” Nora introduces.
Charlie gasps. “Are you an orphan too?”
“Uh, no, I got a family, weirdo,” Nora responds with a gruff.
“You don’t speak like that to the princess of Hell, little lady,” Alastor replies.
Nora widens her eyes. “Oh shit, really?”
“Yeah, really,” Husk adds.
“Where are your parents?” Vaggie asks with a brow arched.
“At home,” Nora responds with her arms crossed.
“Not specific enough,” Husk replies to Nora.
“Oh, now you want to get in my business, old man?” Nora argues.
“You’re trying to get in mine earlier, punk,” Husk responds quickly.
Alastor steps in between Husk and Nora. “Now, now, if Nora wants to crash in the hotel for the night, she can. As long as she behaves.” he says the last sentence darkly.
“That’s a great idea!” Charlie says. “Let’s get you a room for the night!”
Charlie gives Bella and Fat Nuggets to Vaggie and guides Nora to help her find her room for the night, talking non-stop about the history of the hotel.
Once Vaggie walks away with Bella, Husk glances up at Alastor and sighs.
“Something the matter, Husk?” Alastor asks. “It seems like you got a question.”
“I do, actually. Shit.”
“Uh, hypothetically, if I were to try to get someone out of the contract, how would I do that?” Husk asks his question.
Alastor tilts his head. “You know you can’t get out of my contract--”
“No, no, I’m talking about getting someone else out of their contract.”
“Ah, you’re talking about getting your sweet, sweet Angel out of the contract he’s in, huh?”
Husk blushes and huffs. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Well, I’m no expert on getting someone out of the contract. Val’s got his strings and I got mine,” Alastor responds darkly.
Husk nods in understanding. “Yeah.”
They hear the doors opening, noticing Angel walking in with more bruises and scratches.
“What the fuck?!” Husk shouts and hurries to Angel’s side, catching him as he stumbles on the ground.
Cherri rushes beside Husk. “Did Val do that to you, Ang?”
Angel groans in pain, snuggling up into Husk’s arms.
“That’s it, I’m gonna kill him,” Cherri determines, getting out of her bombs.
Alastor stops her from blowing up the wall again. “We have a front door, you know.”
Vaggie enters the scene with Bella and Fat Nuggets. Fat Nuggets leaps off of Bella’s arms and cuddles into Angel’s loose arms.
“What the hell happened?” Vaggie questions Husk and Angel.
“That motherfucker,” Husk says, clenched teeth in anger. He holds Angel tighter.
“Here, let’s treat his wounds,” Vaggie says while putting Bella down and guides Husk to the lounge.
Bella watches in horror at Angel’s injuries. “Why would someone do this to Angel?”
“People out there are dicks, Bella,” Cherri responds to Bella’s question. “Don’t ever get yourself into contract with the overlords, got it?”
Bella nods in understanding.
The group looks on to watch Vaggie tending to Angel’s wounds on the couch with Husk holding Angel’s hand tightly.
The satisfaction of punishing Angel has never felt so good. Valentino, the moth in red robe, smokes his red smoke in the Vees Headquarters.
Vox, the TV-head demon, comes into the room. “You know, you’re going to break your toy eventually.”
Val chuckles. “That’s what he gets for having a secret relationship with his little boyfriend. He needs to be punished for it.”
Vox sighs and sits on the couch with Val. “Now, we just wait for Velvette--”
Velvette, the woman wearing the glam in pigtails, walks into the room. “Let’s rule Hell, motherfuckers.”
“Hell yeah,” Vox responds excitedly. “Let’s weaken that fucker, Alastor!”
“Come on, Alastor got his ass kicked by Adam the last time I remember. I’m sure he’s hiding now--”
“He already came back with the daily announcements about this stupid hotel,” Vox grumbles, interrupting Velvette.
Val sighed. “I can barely gain control of Anthony anymore. He wants to spend more time outside with that stupid boyfriend of his. The other day, his boyfriend nearly killed me! I’m going to have to tighten Anthony’s contract.”
Velvette scoffs. “Try to be in the meeting with the other overlords, and you’ll see that they won’t even try to rule Hell and Heaven with us.”
“Wait, we’re going after Heaven too?” Vox questions Velvette, a smirk growing on his face. “Oh, fuck yeah!”
“But we’re going to need help,” Val states. “Maybe if we control everything, maybe I would have better control of Anthony.”
“And I can kick Alastor’s sweet ass!” Vox states as the music starts to build.
Velvette starts to sing.
“What are we doing sitting around here,
When we got the seven rings and the light to take over?
Why don’t we focus on the bigger picture, gentlemen?”
Vox croons in response to her.
“Bigger than kicking Alastor’s ass?”
Velvette responds in a sing-song voice.
“Bigger than that.”
Val asks with his voice singing.
“Bigger than trying to take control of Anthony?”
Velvette smirks while crooning in response.
“C’mon, Val, you got more sex toys to play with!
Now, may I have your attention?
Look at the bigger picture, gentlemen.
Don’t you see that there’s so much to control here?
Hell’s easy since it’s already in a shit-hole.”
“How?” Vox questions.
Velvette starts to dance in front of the men.
“We can influence the entire Pride ring,
With our products, keeping our sales up.
We can beat Alastor.
We can use Angel.
But we can have more than this,
Because Heaven and Hell are ours for the taking!”
There’s a music break as Velvette starts to dance with Val and Vox joining her.
Val sings in his seductive tone.
“I can use every store for porn of Anthony.
I know many people would die to fuck him.”
Vox joins in with a smirk.
“I’m the vision, bitch!
I’m gonna make Alastor wish
He had stayed gone for a while.”
Velvette wraps her arms around their necks.
“Look at the bigger picture.
Heaven and Hell are ours for the taking!
We don’t need other overlords with this mission,
When we have this book that might lead us to greatness!”
Vox and Val gasps, “What?”
“A book? Are you fucking joking?” Vox asks with a brow raised.
Velvette sings firmly.
“Now, look here and see.
There’s a book that will teach us dark magic.
With this book, we can do anything we damn well please.
Look, look, according to the legends,
This book is powerful enough to turn light into darkness.
This book here belongs to the couple known as
Morrigan and Orais.”
“Interesting,” Val says while leaning forward and puffs his red smoke.
“What use do they have?” Vox questions.
Velvette sings with the music playing in the background.
“Morrigan and Orais are the most powerful couple
Since Lucifer’s fall.
They were created from Lucifer’s hands to enact vengeance
On the earth and the light above us.
She’s the whispers driving many to sin.
He’s the .
They want the realms just as much as us.”
Vox starts to sing with a brow arched in his screen face.
“And why do we have no idea who they are?”
Velvette explains through song.
“That’s because The Light has banished them
Into the deeper depths here.
The only way to release them from the chains
Is by reading this book in Latin.”
Val nods to the beat of the music and sings.
“You know, we might have a shot of this.
Now looking at the bigger picture--”
The three V’s start to sing their hearts out with an upbeat music.
“Heaven and Hell are ours for the taking!
With Morrigan and Orais’ book
And Hell’s most powerful couple,
We’ll be taken seriously again!
Alastor’s ass is ours.
Angel is under our strings.
But looking at the bigger picture.
Heaven and Hell will be ours for the taking!”
And Vox sings darkly at the end.
“And no one will get in our way.”
The music ends while the three V’s laugh evilly, lights fading into dark. 
To Be Continued...
26 notes · View notes
My weekly roundup CW 20
I try to write down my thoughts after watching stuff to create a little weekly ranking in relation to the previous week on my, most of the times, quiet sundays (and because I love lists!). These are just my personal opinions and preferences.
And yes, this will contain spoilers!
The Promise is on hiatus this week. I guess it is because they wanted to end the series on WeTV and their Youtube channel on the same day.
→ 1. Love Mate (Ep 5+6)
Most adorable scene this week:
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Ahhh, yes, I am obsessed with the series. I love them and don't want to miss them! Sunshine guy and Grumpy Guy are so precious. And grumpy guy is slowly becoming sunshine guy No 2. I love how happy he looks when he is with sunshine guy. I still didn't quite get the pool date and we were robbed of an underwater kiss! It was the perfect opportunity!!!! And they don't need to fool us. They are not date mates. They are a couple. I think it's cute how sunshine guy plays along, even though he actually knows full well that grumpy guy and him are a couple, but so as not to scare him away, he just plays along. The second thing I didn't understand, why don't they sleep together in the same bed? The solution to the problem was of course very adorable and I almost exploded because of the concentrated cuteness of the scene. I would have liked it even more if grumpy guy had climbed down to sunshine guy of his own accord and hugged him from behind. But I don't want to complain. The scene is burned into my memory forever now. And yes, the end of episode 6 fucked me up. Sunshine Guy! Go to him. Take him in your arms! Don't run away! But maybe he just knows grumpy guy well enough to know that he might have closed himself off in that moment. That fucked up ex-boyfriend. It was obvious that he would still play a role. You better not fuck this up in the finale!
↑ 2. La Pluie (Ep 4)
Most surprising kiss this week:
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I'm squealing! I was really afraid that there would be a huge problem when Patts found out that Saengtai knew they were soulmates. But with that I am not mad. The kiss on the other hand…Yes, Saengtai initiated it, but Patts was willing to go quite a few steps further. Boy, Saengtai was drunk off his ass! No thought of getting into his pants there. But well, who hasn't made out with someone while drunk? I'll let it slide. Oh man, my critical eyes are really going blind when I like a scene. Not saying it was a good choice of writing the first kiss! Second point…Patts. Talk to your ex, please. Silence has never helped anyone. Especially not in front of love contaminated people. So tell her, hey, I found my soulmate and now I will start a new happy life with him. Other than that, Saengtai and Patts are both like sugar to me. I find their interactions so cute and want to permanently pinch their cheeks. The series definitely manages to pick up from week to week. I'm a little scared when it comes to the drama. I'm not going to like it, but honestly, we're on episode 4 of 12. There's a whole bunch more drama to come…And I'm not ready for it!
→ 3. Happy Merry Ending (Ep 7+8 Final)
The most smitten guy of the week:
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Episode 7 I will simply banish from my memory again. But that was exactly what I feared last week. Namely that JaeHyun reminds SeungJun way too much of his ex with his manner. He couldn't offer him any protection at that moment. And I understand SeungJun so much that he sends JaeHyun away, that he wants to be alone, that he wants to protect himself. It's all been so new for him, he was too overwhelmed with the new relationship, because he himself wasn't ready yet from the head. Yes, JaeHyun gave him peace when they were together, but when he was alone, he was vulnerable again. He himself needs to learn to stop being vulnerable and attackable to his ex in order to be a good partner in the future and address and overcome his trauma because: Love cannot heal everything. But even though JeungJun sent JaeHyun away, it was his love that made JeungJun finally take control of his life. He had to make that decision himself to become stronger. And when he is ready, he just hopes that JaeHyun will forgive him…If we were to dive into reality at this point, we would realize that this is wishful thinking. How often does it happen that one person waits so long for another and that other person actually gives a sign at some point, like "Hey, I still like you"? The story would have actually ended at the point when JeungJun asks JaeHyun to leave and compares him to his disgusting ex. That would have been my breaking point, anyway. But, we are not in reality, but in the beautiful world of BL. And here, with the last episode, we get our happy ending, as we hoped for. And may I say at this point that I now wish we had heard more songs from JaeHyun? What a beautiful voice! Makes him even more handsome. I liked the story. I liked that JeungJun managed to turn his life around on his own. I liked the look on JaeHyun's face when he looks at JeungJun. I liked their absolutely cozy looking togetherness. I liked their romance.
↑ 4. Our Skyy 2 (Ep 9+10)
Okay, I was so afraid Our Skyy would ruin my favorites, but shit, was it fun! Would I have liked to see Tinn and Gun navigate their lives with each other after school with new challenges? Absolutely. Do I think the role reversal idea is bad? Not really. It's very amusing to see Gemini and Fourth play each other's roles and give them their own character traits. And they came up with some really good jokes. I was on the floor laughing. The dance scene was so over the top. The whole scene after the exam when they were in each other's arms…I couldn't take it anymore! And to add TiwsonPor as an already existing couple - chef's kiss. They know exactly what they are doing. This is fanservice at its finest. I love it when a show is aware of its fans and what they want, and when they don't just throw it out there, but incorporate in well into the plot. This is so fanfiction!!! It's like the writers and everyone involved really paid attention and saw where the mistakes or inconsistencies were with the original series and now they're making fun of them in an excellent way. Best scene: the guys are all in a room together and Gun and Tinn are flirting with each other and the guys are nagging them not to be so loud. That's realistic for a change. All in all, I liked the episodes of Our Skyy so much more than the previous ones.
↓ 5. My Story (Ep 6)
I don't care about this week! Please don't let Zeke be late for that stupid school event next week and what's with Drake and him? The drama belongs with Sky and Win. Not in our little sanctuary Zeke x Fifth heaven. I resent that! This week was soooo cute again! Fifth is just still very unsure if he can be enough and satisfy Zeke, and Zeke may give him something to doubt there when he agrees to Kim's event even though he promised to be at the school event. And I can already somewhat imagine next week that drama can arise through that. Although I can also understand Zeke wanting to fuel his career as a photographer a bit with the assignment from Kim. These two are going to break my heart before they painstakingly patch it back together. And just between us, I probably wouldn't mind to see their reconciliation in the end.
↓ 6. Our Dining Table (Ep 7)
A kiss? Really now? Not that I think there was really a kiss with the camera shot like that, but still! Brave Minoru! Aside from the kiss, it was another nice, stable episode. Yutaka is opening up to Minoru and Tane is such an empathetic boy, it's heartbreaking. And the dad is my absolute favorite! I think among all of us, he's the biggest shipper of the two!
↑ 7. Step by Step (Ep 5)
Jeng and Pat are so side tracked in my mind right now. Yes, there is progress, they slept in a bed together and you can tell they both already know they like the other. And at the end there was this totally romantic scene with fireworks in the background that screamed for a kiss and then the cut came…okay…but, what really stuck in my mind? My ambivalent feelings about Jaab and Jane. But I did some soul-searching. One of my favorite series is Love Mechanics…so who am I to judge? Yes, Jane fucked up, but shit happens in this world. That doesn't excuse anything, but I'm selfish and I want these two to get together. They both like each other. And of course Jaab doesn't hide it, but he never makes the first move. So it's absolutely clear that Jane is equally attracted to Jaab. So much that he crosses lines he shouldn't. The affair, or even a fling, has a certain tingle, the whiff of something forbidden. It's morally reprehensible and yet the subject matter is always found in the media and people are drawn to it. Why? Because it shows emotions very raw and pure. Because desire for a person is depicted, which otherwise can hardly be transported through the medium. Because it means that the desire for this person, be it purely sexual or even romantic, is so great that one accepts the moral contempt. Because in some moments you have no control over your thoughts and your body. Because it is a temptation that people would like to give in to, at least in their thoughts. It means giving up control to your heart and even if you have never had the thought of cheating, you can still understand what can happen in your body and head. So yeah, I'm not mad about it at the end of this week. I'm excited to see what happens next and I'm eager to see when they get to their happy ending and what other obstacles are put in their way.
↑ 8. A Boss and a Babe (Ep 12 Final)
Most ridiculous dialogue of the week:
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The finale surprised once again. How pissed I was at first when it turned out to be just a dream…I hate that. That is one of the shittiest placeholder…fucking dream sequences. And then also at the end of the last episode, so it can't be resolved until the next episode either. That hit home. After that, it was a sugar fest. So much sweetness and romance. Was a little too much for my stunted heart. But it was the conclusion I think we all thought and hoped for. The friends group is and remains my favorite of the series and especially the fact that they have accepted Gun into their group like that and he visibly feels at home there. The roof terrace at the end was a bit much for me. If my partner did that, I'd probably be throwing up rainbows and cotton candy. But anyway. I'm excited to see what happens next week with Our Skyy 2…The preview looked…exhausting, to put it nicely.
↓ 9. Naked Dining (Ep 6)
Oh, Futa… What are you doing? You're dreaming about Mahiro kissing you. Do you want me to interpret it for you? Your subconscious has already figured out that you like him. Your subconscious is trying to tell you what you want, you just have to listen and let it happen. Instead, you're talking about getting married and starting a family. And the look on Mahori's face spoke volumes. He's so hurt and disappointed. He really thought you guys were making progress after Futa's talk of fate, that you found each other again. Oh man. This is so frustrating. All the better that Mahiro told him the truth in the end and leaves Futa alone with his thoughts now. I'm excited to see what happens next.
→ 10. House of Stars (Ep 3)
I found the episode so boring and uninteresting and I don't understand the dynamic going on. I don't get what the relationship is supposed to be between Gun and Pitch. Pitch is obsessed with Gun and Gun doesn't like him, but tolerates him and sometimes looks at him like he's in love with him and is nice to him. And on the other hand, we have So, who is clearly into Pitch and Pitch kind of likes him, but by the portrayal of his character, I really can't see any feelings from Pitch. And yeah, the choice of how he conveys the character is really not working for me. I don't like it. And Pitch is such an unlikable character. He knows he's going to screw up, again and again and again and doesn't learn from it and again and again others have to bail him out while is standing there grinning...Yes, I'm dropping it at this point.
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pudding-parade · 7 months
Get to know you - Sims Style
@rstarsims3 tagged me for this a while back, and I'm finally posting my answers, which took me a while to compile because 1) Blabbity blab blab blab, as usual, and 2) Still needing lots of rest and stuff, so no sitting at a computer for hours on end.
But here we go! I'mma put my blabby answers and my tag list behind Ye Olde Cut.
What’s your favorite Sims death? What an odd question, especially to lead off… Well, I guess if I had to pick one, it'd be the one from TS2 where cloudwatching occasionally brings a satellite down on the cloudwatcher's head. But generally, mine die of old age, if they manage to get that far. I play with long, but realistically proportional, life stages, mostly because I'm almost always playing "experimental" saves where I'm "road testing" rulesets and such, so I need a lot of time to work out kinks and test ideas and stuff.)
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I land on a combination of more-realistic (but not ultra-realistic) stuff for CAS, but for everything else, like with furniture and deco and stuff, I tend to prefer CC stuff that visually fits in with the EA stuff in terms of style and textures and whatnot, so that the CC doesn't stick out like a sore thumb when combined with EA stuff. In fact, my "go-to" CC for build/buy is stuff that adds on to EA stuff, like more doors/windows that match an EA door/window.
Do you cheat your sims weight? What, to make the fat ones skinny? The skinny ones fat? The skinny ones buff? No. I don't see why I would. It's easy enough to make a sim gain or lose weight without cheating, which I'm assuming means just using the sliders.
Do you move objects? Is there anyone who doesn't? That's a serious question. Is there any one who doesn't? I want to know.
Favorite Mod? I'm leaving aside the NRaas mods because I don't see them as mods so much as things that are just essential to make the game playable in the often-weird ways that I play. There are others that I also consider just essential for when I'm playing in certain styles, especially for more primitive settings. But for ones that are optional and just pure fun, I'd nominate all of @thesweetsimmer111's baby- and toddler-related ones.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I know for TS2 it was Seasons. For TS3…For a long time, I had just the base game, which I got when it came out, but didn't play beyond trying it out and then going back to TS2. Then, years later, I got a new computer and decided to give TS3 another try, but I couldn't find the CD or DVD or whatever it was, so I bought a combo pack with the base game, Late Night, and the High End Loft or whatever it is stuff pack, so I guess it would be Late Night. Other than that, I bought all the other TS3 EPs in one go when EA had them on sale for 50% off via Origin, which that combo pack forced me to install. (But which I am now free of again. 🏴‍☠️)
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? As aLIVE. Because that is when the game is live. Games do not live, but they can be live. See, this is one reason why English sucks.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Here's a thing about me: I don't really get attached to the pixel people. For me, they're just tools. I'm guessing it's because I'm not a storyteller when it comes to Sims, so I don't see sims as characters. Sure, sometimes I find one endearing for one reason or another. Usually, they have traits that make them assholes, and I like to watch them create chaos and ruin wherever they go. One of the founders of the Random Legacy that I will get back to one of these days is one of those. But I find I like other people's sims more than mine, though that's more of a testament to those simmers' story-telling skills than anything else.
Have you made a simself? Only by accident. A few times I've just been randomly moving sliders around and somehow I ended up with something that looked like me at some stage in my life. It stayed that way for a minute or three, before I yelled OH GOD NO! and quickly slidered the horror away.
But to be honest? I find the entire concept kind of creepy, at least in terms of putting a self-sim in the game and playing them as a character. That would just feel weird to me. That said, I suppose it might have been something that would have appealed to me if I had played when I was a kid, but the game didn't exist when I was a kid. Computers didn't exist when I was a kid, at least not in a form that regular people could own and that could fit on a desk. I was in my 40s when I started playing the game. My daughter played TS2 when she was a kid, and she had a self-sim inserted into the stories she would play, so…yeah. Maybe it's a younger-person thing. Or maybe I'm just weird. Yeah, it's probably that second option.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Probably the black, but even with that I have to add some highlights to it because otherwise the hair just looks like a creature from the void eating the sim's head.
Favorite EA hair? None of them. They all need to DIAF.
Favorite life stage? I don't have one. I have a least-favorite, babies, because they're basically just objects, but once they're actually sims, I enjoy playing sims of all ages equally.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I originally bought TS2 just to build in it, and for a couple of years, that was all I did. I only started actually playing the game later. Now, I enjoy both building and actually playing the game, depending on my mood. Usually, I'll have a binge of building, but I eventually come to a point where I'd rather do anything other than build. Then I play the game. Then, eventually, the urge to build comes back. So it's a back-and-forth.
Are you a CC creator? I made lots of stuff for TS2, mostly object retextures/recolors. I've made a few minor things for TS3, and I retexture hairs and add preg morphs to clothing for my own use, but I wouldn't consider myself a CC creator for TS3. In fact, I'm actively resisting learning how to make stuff for TS3 because I really don't want to go down that rabbithole again.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? Friends in the sense of "people I enjoy talking to and sharing ideas with and sometimes arguing with here on Tumblr?" Sure. Are those the same as friendships that develop face-to-face in the real world? Nope. But, sometimes I like talking to my Simblr friends a lot more than talking to my real-life friends, so make of that what you will. Y'all are less draining sometimes. LOL
Do you have any sims merch? No official merch, but my brother-in-law is into making pottery, and several years ago he made me a big stoneware mug with a plumbbob on it. Which is ironic because when I play the game I turn off the plumbbobs because I hate them. LOL But I love the mug. It's heavy enough that neither cats nor wagging dog tails nor giant snakes (though he could do it if he focused all four of his brain cells on the task) can knock it off of tables, but not so heavy that I can't comfortably lift it. I use it for eating soup and the occasional mug cake, and also for drinking the awful herbal tea my husband makes me drink, though since the recent surgery, I don't have to drink that anymore! *dances* So now it will just be my soup or cake mug. Or one for tea that I actually want to drink.
Do you have a YouTube for sims? I don't have a YouTube for anything. Well, OK, I have a YouTube account for watching other people's stuff and making playlists of things I want to watch, but I don't post videos on it, and I don't really watch video game-related stuff on YouTube, either.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? It hasn't, really. I've pretty much always just come up with wacky scenarios to play and see how they go. In fact, for me, coming up with the scenario and figuring out how to make it work in the game and then inventing a ruleset to govern it is sometimes more fun than actually playing the scenario. LOL
And my Sims all look like the game made them because…the game makes all of them. I just poke the random button until it produces something that doesn't look too much like a freak of nature, then I hit up a couple sliders to remove or tone down any remaining freakishness. (Though I confess that I will spend an inordinate amount of time sculpting the titties of those who have them. Why? I have no idea, other than I just like me a nice pair of titties. Too bad there aren't any sliders for male titties…) Then I just slap on a different hair, maybe change the eye color, and slather on some makeup and facial/body hair and shit until they don't look too stupid, and then off I go. From there, they're all born in the game, and I just leave them as-is, mostly because I can't be bothered. "I can't be bothered" is pretty much my philosophy of life.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? I hate this kind of question. I feel like all they do is disappoint and discourage people if they're never picked. I refuse to do that over something so trivial. So, my favorite CC creator is you, the person reading this. Yes, you. Even if you don't make CC. It doesn't matter. You're the best.
How long have you had Simblr? I started my TS2 one in 2013. (I can remember that only because I know that I started it the same year I met my husband. LOL ) I started this one….2 years ago? 3? Something like that.
How do you edit your pictures? Other than basic cropping and resizing and maybe adjusting brightness/contrast a bit if the pic is too dark or whatever, I generally don't. I don't even use Reshade all the time anymore, only in certain situations, though I do have an NVIDIA profile for the game that adds ambient occlusion and better antialiasing and shit like that. Sometimes, though, I'll decide to photoshop scenery pics, and then I just kind of stab at it with various tools and filters and layer blends and shit until I like I how it looks. There's no actual process involved. I'm random like that.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? I gotta go with World Adventures. Bits of it are a bit, shall we say, culturally problematic, but man, I never get tired of doing those stupid, stupid tombs. LOL Plus, I love that NRaas Traveler allows you to "travel" to any world, and I don't think that mod works without WA, so…. Yeah. WA.
Tagging: I have no idea who's done this, so I'll just tag a few random people, off the top of my head. Feel free to do or ignore, as you choose. No pressure from me! So...@nectar-cellar, @happy-lemon, @erasabledinosaur, @esotheria-sims, @lilleputtu, @littlefrenchsims, @anamoon63, @lazysunjade, annnnnnnnd @papermint-airplane.
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swiftyangx12 · 1 year
🕷️The Adventures of Agent Arachnis!🕸️
[Ep. 1: Two Sides of the Universe]
[Valorant x Marvel]
[Synopsis]: Just your friendly Valorant agent who tries to balance both sides of the same coin.
[Gender Neutral Reader]
[TW]: Some cursing, little violence, may be OOC with the characters
[(A/N)]: You can go back and check the first post about the Valorant x Marvel crossover.
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[Location: FRACTURE]
Arachnis: *Hiding at Site B and reloading their Frenzy* These Omega asses…
[Their Multiverse watch starts alarming the Spider Radiant, annoying them in the process.]
Arachnis: Oh my god. *Answers the call* What? Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?
Miguel: Nice hearing from you, Arachnis.
Arachnis: Oh, O’Hara. I’m busy trying to save my world right now. What is it this time?
Miguel: Another variant leaked into your dimension and it’s moving fast.
Arachnis: What? Now? *Sighs* Guess I’m shooting it down then.
Miguel: Don’t. You barely managed to not kill off that Doc Ock variant from last time.
Arachnis: Right. Tore that bastard to pieces.
Miguel: Just trap the anomaly and bring it back to HQ.
Arachnis: Got it, boss.
Jett: Was that your boss, [Y/N]?
Arachnis: Yes and I’m starting to feel annoyed around him than fearing his existence lately.
Jett: He looks cute.
Arachnis: Excuse me? He’s built like a tarantula on steroids. *Spider senses triggered* It’s here.
[A portal opens in the sky, some unidentified object flew out and about to cause havoc.]
Phoenix: Uh guys?
Sage: Arachnis, I believe you have some business to take care of.
Arachnis: A Vulture variant? Get it distracted.
Jett: Will do! *Updrafts high enough to distract the Vulture* Over here, ugly! *Throws her kunai knives at it*
Vulture: *Barely dodges the attack* What are you doing?!
Arachnis: *Places their gun down and shoots web at the Vulture* Full spider mode! *Yanks themselves towards their enemy*
[The Spider Radiant first lands a punch at the Vulture and then kicks it down, falls ungratefully to the ground. Everyone tackles it down from escaping.]
Vulture: *Struggles to be released* Let go of me!
Arachnis: *Cocks their Frenzy* Uh uh! No way. You have wings, I have a gun ready to shoot your feathered-ass head.
Vulture: Do it! Shoot me!
Arachnis: *CLICK!*
Vulture: *Flinches* Oh my god, you were about to shoot me!
Sage: [Y/N].
Arachnis: I’m sorry. *Reloads the gun* But it needs to cooperate. Now, calm down and I’ll help send you back to your dimension. We’ll release you if cooperation is present. *Nods at their team*
[The Valorant agents cautiously release their bonds against the villain.]
Vulture: *Pushes everyone off* Finally! I’m free!
Arachnis: *Punches it out cold* Nope. *Encases it with the holographic trap*
[Earth-928, Spider Society HQ]
Arachnis: *Drags in the unconscious Vulture variant* Anyone order chicken?
Miles: *Surprised* You took down the Vulture all by yourself?
Arachnis: Actually, my team aided me when we were on a mission at FRACTURE. Brimstone and everyone else are keeping this on the low so hopefully people back on Earth-2020-2 won’t mistaken these villains as Rogue Radiants.
Gwen: [Y/N], you sound concerned. Did something happen back in your dimension?
Arachnis: *Nods and shakily sighs* Non-Radiants called us freaks after the First Light and blamed our existence for the unnatural occurrences that happened. Some of us had to go low-profile and Radiant related crimes skyrocketed over the past months. Even Kingdom was under suspicion during those times while responsible for the Radianite development.
[Miles and Gwen look at each other with concern for their friend.]
[Spider HQ-Lobby]
[Arachnis was alone watching old news clips of the Venice incident and other covers of the First Light on their phone.]
Arachnis: *Sighs in solemn*
Peter B. Parker: Hey [Y/N], why the long face?
Arachnis: Oh, Peter. It’s nothing. Just today I realized how much a disaster would be if I didn’t catch the Vulture.
Peter B. Parker: Gwen and Miles told me about your world’s history. *Sits next to them* Wanna talk about it?
Arachnis: *Shrugs* It’s only that I don’t want anymore people to misunderstand Radiants like me or others I care for. I still remember the first time I received my powers. Just me, working at my old job while minding my business until that event happened. I got so spooked that I jumped high enough to stick to the ceiling. Everybody around me freaked out and I had to flee away from the sight.
Peter B. Parker: Oh kid, I’m sorry you experienced that.
Mayday: *Crawls into Arachnis’s arms* *Looks up worried for them*
Arachnis: Oh Mayday… *Pushes the hair out of her face* I’ll be okay so don’t worry too much about me.
Peter B. Parker: Oh! How about this? Everyone tours around your world and show us a fun time. Maybe introduce us to your Valorant buddies.
Arachnis: Are you sure? My colleagues can be unpredictable at times.
Peter B. Parker: Come on. We dealt worst things on the job.
Arachnis: Alright. Don’t complain that I didn’t warn you.
[Earth-2020-2, Valorant Protocol HQ]
Arachnis: Guys, this is my Valorant team.
Valorant Team: Hey/Sup!/Greetings/Hello!/Hi.
Arachnis: Team, these are my Spider colleagues.
Spider Gang: Hey/Sup!/Greetings/Hello!/Hi.
Brimstone: I hope you kids are treating them fairly and respectfully.
Miles: Of course, sir! They’re really amazing at their job and taught us so many things. Look! *Attempts to twirl a practice switchblade*
Arachnis: Yep. I’m an awesome instructor.
Pavitr: You should see how they sparred with our leader.
Hobie: Never knew the boss could fly.
Arachnis: I forgot to control my enhanced strength and I apologized to him after the session.
[Everybody who was present at the base were getting along with Arachnis’s new colleagues.]
Reyna: Show us your fangs, araña~
Arachnis: Reyna, I don’t want to scare the kids.
Peter B. Parker: It’s fine. We see villains with fangs all the time.
Arachnis: You sure about that?
Peter B. Parker: *Nods*
Arachnis: *Sighs* *Carefully removes their mask and bares out their fangs leaking venom*
Peter B. Parker: *Taken aback* Whoa! You produce venom?!
Viper: They donate the venom to researchers for medical-graded anti-venom.
Arachnis: Turns out it’s CDC approved, despite the venom coming from me.
[Earth-928, Spider-Man 2099’s office]
Miguel: Lyla, where’s the goober?
Lyla: You mean gizmo, right?
Arachnis: *Just arrived to drop off some papers* Everything alright, O’Hara?
Lyla: He can’t find his gizmo.
Miguel: Goober.
Arachnis: *Pulls out a hard drive* You mean this thing? *Tosses it up to his platform*
Miguel: *Catches it*
Arachnis: And who calls anything a goober? Should’ve been called a thing-a-ma-jig or something.
Miguel: *Confused* What?
Arachnis: I don’t know. My other colleague, KJ calls some things like that. If I didn’t fear you as much, I would’ve called you a goober for saying that word, Goober.
Lyla: Pfft Hahahaha!!! I like your style, [Y/N].
Miguel: *Rolls his eyes* Very funny. Anything more to say? “Tarantula on steroids”.
Arachnis: *Falls silent and squints at Miguel* …The call didn’t end, did it.
Miguel: That’s why the hard drive exists.
Arachnis: … *Shoots some web up and swings themselves to the platform* *Lands on platform and glares up at Miguel* Get rid of it.
Miguel: *Smile smugly* I don’t think so.
Arachnis: … *Cracks their knuckles*
Jessica Drew: Miguel, there’s something you need to look into- *Looks up* What is going on here?
[Miguel and Arachnis were fighting while Lyla was recording the whole fight.]
Miguel: *Head-locking Arachnis while stretching out his arm away where he’s holding the hard drive* It’s not what it looks like.
Arachnis: *Elbows Miguel hard in his stomach*
Miguel: *Hunches forward in pain*
Arachnis: *Grabs the hard drive* He recorded early audio of me for no reason! *Gets tackled down*
Miguel: *Grabs it back* It’s classified.
Arachnis: *Grabs it back with their web* You could’ve end the call.
Miguel: *Picks them up from the ground*
Arachnis: *Internally panicking* Do I even weigh anything to you?
Miguel: No, it’s like holding a couple of grapes.
[Earth 2020-2, Valorant Protocol HQ, Workshop]
[Arachnis, tweaking up their Web-Shooters and random thoughts occurred.]
Arachnis: “Don’t have thoughts of O’Hara. He’s nothing but an uptight, aggressive, emotionally unstable, traumatized Spider-Man variant. He’s not worth your time…”
[Arachnis then thinks of domming over him.]
Arachnis: FUCK!!!
Killjoy: *Startled* Arachnis, is everything okay?
Arachnis: No! I can’t stop imagining how to kick my boss’s ass!
[Nice save, [L/N].]
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🕷️[Reblogs helps creators and creates for more content]🕸️
[Tagged]: @theladyheroine @hhurric4ne @l0serloki @neonviolet
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volaile · 6 months
tagged by my brother @beesnutz :P
last song you listened to: descent by fear factory
last movie you watched: the new hunger games!! went to see it at the cinema with two friends :) it was good, unsettling exactly where it needed to be (which was. most of the time LOL) and its managed to pull off the 'act as a standalone but still have room for a sequel if someone wanted to' balance v well. and id watch a sequel! but overall i cant lie i prefer the original trilogy...
currently watching: house md on my own, im on season 7 rn and [spoilers] have finally left huddy hell. i love masters btw my friend masters ❤️she just had her first main pov ep and it was a good un. im also watching doctor who when mine gustes and peris schedules line up, and also taskmaster with guste :)
other things you’ve watched this year: ummmm lots but some of my faves are still across the spiderverse, also limitless and alien, and also american psycho but thats sort of from last year, i watched it nye with nami and it hit 2023 like halfway through for me LOL
currently reading: money by martin amis!! its good ive read time's arrow by him before too. he's got a fun way of writing but idk how i feel about him putting himself as a character in this one lol???!!! also i guess i technically have a few other books on the go too but tbh im not actively reading them... btw if anyone wants my goodreads send me a dm !!! i would love more friends on there
currently listening to: my albums 2023 playlist which is um. 1500 songs strong still. i swear ive listened to plenty its just that i keep adding more oopsy doopsy
currently working on: editing my longish nrmts fic so that i can finally start the last three out of ten chappys.... problem is is that im doing this mostly at work when the bars quiet LOL. im also trying to draw more frequently!! ive made it as easy and low stakes as possible for myself (using a biro in some small lined notebook, means i dont get fixated on making things look perfect and also means i dont need to fill up too much space to finish a full page) but its still a habit in progress ....
current obsession: honestly probably the gym. im following what i guess based on exercises and number of sets and reps would be considered a powerbuilding program?? october saw me doing proper strength building work for the first time Ever rather than just hypertrophy/muscle building and ive finally started doing bench press using an actual barbell rack set up!!! and i really like it :P
ok thats it thank u. all the crans my lovely crans have been tagged i believe so i'll also tag @sevenyeargap @bardicspiration and @adultfiendfinder ❤️ and anyone else who wants to do it go hog wild ok byeeee
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analog-cottage-gore · 11 months
Basically it seems to be an ad for watchful eye toys, but also not, like most other "ads" we see in wtdw.
So the video starts with a new character already, this guy:
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Keep them in mind, we'll circle back to them later.
Thet say that "It's been far to long since we last spoke", before quickly diverting to a new character who immediately just flings themselves in our face:
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Their name is Morris, they're a court jester vampire bat, and right after they say hello, there's a random beeping noise. This happens at other seemingly random points through out the video. We then learn more about other products that watchful eye toys makes.
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The jack in the box is called the "Itty Bitty Jester Bot/Box" (I couldn't tell which), the bat is a "Mystery Cove Bat Friend", and the tambourine is a "Twinkle Light Tambourine". Not much is known about these currently.
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They then go on to talk about Twimblo's, showing this ad. Now, this was shown in ep 13, but I wanted to bring up the "phone number" (does anyone know if this is a code or just random symbols because idk codes), but also not only do these go for $500 (before tax), they still put up a "buy one get one free", presumably to get more souls.
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Then we get this little scene, showing Morris talking to Oddity, which first of all, why is he here, second, Morris is surprised that Oddity can talk?
Is talking like, and Oddity thing and not just a Twimblo thing? Is Oddity possessed? What is that about?
Also Oddity doesn't even know why he's here, or where he even is, someone help the poor guy-
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They then get to the real purpose of the video.
Dreamworld is making a new animatronic.
Apparently, the viewers get to comment features they might like the animatronic to have, and Watchful Eye will go through the top ten most liked and create a new animatronic??? Okay, cool, that's interesting, we'll talk about this later.
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After that, they do an outro to the video, officially clarifying that yes, that's Oddity, and Morris asks if the camera stopped rolling, and if this means they can "Finally go-", before getting abruptly cut off.
There's then static, we get this image;
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And then we see announcer guy again
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They say their the project manager at the facility, before saying "But, you don't recognize me? What if I just..." It then cuts to this all to familiar screen;
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We of course here training tape person saying their basic introduction, implying that announcer and training tape (who sound almost nothing alike) are on in the same. And then finally, we're left with this;
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And a long stretch of blackness.
So, first off, announcer is pretty obviously Litho. Project manager for watchful eye, implies he voices the training tapes, which I always assumed were voiced by Litho possessing Sara, and shows a image that is clearly implied to be Litho quickly after. Plus, something I noticed is that Sara has pink eyes for most of the plot, aka when she's being possessed, but looking at when she's not obviously possessed, like for example her in highschool;
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Her eyes are brown. So it appears that a sign of Litho's possession is pink eyes. And who else has pink eyes? Announcer guy.
Next, touching on Morris. My theory is that Morris is Rainbott, due to similar color palettes, and the fact that we never really learned what Winnie did to Rain. Now, the question is, what is Morris? It's never stated they're an animatronic, so what are they? Could it be similar to poppy playtime toys? Are they actually just an animatronic? Who knows.
Finally, the whole Amazing Automations thing. Why are they doing this? Why do they need a new animatronic?
I think I have an idea. I think they're planning to kill someone, and need a place to keep the soul. But who?
My top guess is Wiatt, due to how much trouble he's caused, and how odd it is that Litho let him stay around and keep his job. My next bet is Celio, but due to them just getting there, it's unlikely. Maybe Oliver as well?
And one last note that probably doesn't mean anything but it's interesting.
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The eyes look vaguely similar.
This has been my wtdw Ted Talk. I hope you enjoyed.
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 BLs Worth Sticking With Despite the Start
Sometimes I had to really stick with a show despite myself to make it trough. In a few instances, I actually dropped a show and then someone convinced me to try again. 
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1. 2gether
It’s not secret that I think GMMTV’s big guns 2gether is overrated. But it tops this list because I think I had to try this BL 6X before finally getting though the first 3 episodes. Honestly, had there been any other new BLs (there wasn’t much back then) I probubly never would have watched 2g. I absolutely loathe the character of Green, such a caricature of predatory gay, not to mention punching down humor on femme. I have real issues with the start of this show. But I actually kinda enjoyed the rest of it. 
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2. DNA Says Love You
I really did not like the first episode of this recent Taiwanese drama. I think it has to so with the fact that Amber isn’t introduced until the very end, and he holds this BL down. But even saying that, the first half of this series drags for me. I’m just not into the paranormal investigator aspect, I find it boring. 
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3. He’s Coming To Me 
I just remember finding it pretty dull until the two leads get together as adults, and I only ever rewatch the second half. 
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4. Oh Boarding House! 
In general Japan and Korea are pretty good on their hooks (they don’t have as much time for fart around with as Thailand). But I wasn’t into this one as it didn’t know if it wanted to be a sitcom or a BL. Once it decided to be a KBL I really enjoyed it, but I doubt I will ever rewatch the first few eps. 
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5. Gameboys 
I could not get into the premies of this one. Too close to home in terms of quarantine at the time and also I’ve never been one for online gaming or dating. And I could not see how they would manage all chemistry dynamics with separated characters. They defied the odds, and I was impressed, but it took me a while and it’s not a rewatcher for me. 
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6. HIStory 2 Right or Wrong 
An odd one to pick, but I think many are with me that it’s the neglectful parent aspect I found really off putting. I got over it because I like the pair dynamic so much, but it’s still hard to watch a single dad be that much of a deadbeat and still sympathize with him finding love. This is the reason I don’t rec it as much as I normal would for a BL that hits all my buttons (age gap, teacher student, out gay, accepting bi, tiny family). 
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7. So Much In Love
One of those Thai pulps I don’t talk about much because its hard to find and not good. Except... I really liked the premise, I enjoyed the leads and the horror elements. It’s on this list because I am glad I gave it a chance and stuck with it. And if it ever got picked up by GaGa I would probubly watch it again. 
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8. Ingredients the series
Ooof it’s so SLOOOOOWWWWWWW. But then, I switched off that part of my brain and was like, ahhh.... this is the bubble bath BLs, just relax and enjoy. 
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9. Love Sick 
Becha didn’t guess this one? Look, go back and rewatch that first ep. OMG is it lousy. Nothing happens, it’s chaos, there’s too much time spent on other couples. It’s a terrible opener. Fair though, because it didn’t know what it was, or what it was doing yet because it was the one to break that ground in Thailand. 
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10. Why R U?
Topping the list. What can I say? I HATED SaifahZon. Like deeply disliked Tommy’s character in the first ep, their dynamic, just everything about them, and originally were to lead-out this show out. I didn’t like it at all until the focus turned to FighterTutor. And honestly it was mostly Zee who won me over. (Those soft soft eyes of his.) Have I come around to SaifahZon? Mostly... I still prefer FIghterTutor tho. 
 Honorable Mention
Secret Crush On You - I basically had to stop/start, fast forwards, finagle my way through the first 6 eps of this show. And some of the rest of it too. It’s too cringey for me, yet the queer rep is so wonderful. The struggle is real.
Triage - it’s airing right now and I never rec a BL I haven’t finished. But I hated the time loop premise going in (I am NOT a fan of Groundhog Day). ALSO I had seen and actively disliked the short it’s based off. ALSO I was never a huge fan of this lead pair. And yet it was just high enough concept and well enough done in a medical setting (my weakness) for me to REALLY TRY... It took me three eps to get into, but now it’s one of my current favorites. I hope they land it well, it’s really pretty special. 
Vietnamese BL in general. Look they don’t really have a system down yet, so they often open a little weak, slow, or awkward. Because this is their style, I kinda always give the a pass on the first few episodes. But we all have to be okay with this if we are going to watch VBL because it doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon.  
I am genuinely curious, what are some of yours? What did you start and then stop? What made you drop it? Why did you pick it back up again? 
170 notes · View notes
tact-and-impulse · 2 months
Dream * Next!
This was my gift for the Narumayo Discord Exchange! Already on AO3, just posted here.
Well, I tried my best!
Despite the stage lights, the whirring cameras, and the other girls’ reactions, Maya keeps smiling.
When Idol Project announced their next season was to add another member to Dream * Next, she sent a video audition of Harvest Moon Night, her favorite from the girl group’s first EP. She screamed when she saw KB Entertainment’s email invitation to the pre-screening. A mass choreographed performance to the hit single Sweet, over in a blur of perfume, red skirts, and heart gestures.
Still, it was worth it to meet Desiree, Eve, Selena, and Ini. They’re so nice and pretty in person, even after watching all 100 of us at once. It must be tough to only pick 36.
The MC, Katherine Hall, continues. “Now, for the final six who will move on. Come over…number 95!”
Maya’s pulse roars. That’s her. 95. Somehow, she makes it to the head producer, Adrian, who guides her to a dressing room with her number.
“You submitted a home video, right? You need a manager for the competition, and we’ll assign one to you.” Adrian scribbles on her clipboard. “Filming your individual interview will be later tonight. Call if you need anything.” Then, she turns on her heel and leaves.
And Maya is left alone with her thoughts. She has to tell Mia, she’ll be on TV, she might become a member of Dream * Next...!
There’s a knock, and she jolts. “Come in!”
The first thing she notices is his hair: spiky but not overly gelled, and swept back like wings. He’s tall, broad shoulders well-defined by the blue suit jacket he’s wearing. And he’s surprisingly young, maybe close to Mia’s age or less. He visibly swallows, lifting a hand in greeting. “Uh…hey? Are you Maya?”
“Y-yeah. Who are you?”
“Phoenix Wright, from the Wright Talent Agency. I guess I’m your new manager and helping you out for the rest of the show. If you agree!” He blurts.
“Huh? Why wouldn’t I?”
“Actually, you’re the only one without an agency, and I’m here for this exact scenario. I don’t have a lot of experience, just my friend Larry. But I promise you, I’ll be on your side, no matter what happens.” He’s earnest and his eyes are kind. And despite her big sister’s stories about the industry, she thinks she can trust him.
She thrusts her hand out to shake. “Thank you! I’m looking forward to working together.”
He cracks a smile and leans forward. His grip is strong and warm. “Me too.”
She practically floats through her camera interview. Stuff like her hometown, that she’s living with her sister, and her favorite foods. Then, it’s a little embarrassing as Phoenix reviews her footage. His expression is of absolute focus, a straight line between his brows, and he rewinds some parts. He’s quiet, and Maya gets fidgety until he mutters.
“Um, sorry. I know I have a lot to work on-”
“No, that’s not what I meant!” He quickly interjects. “I’ll show you. This is your line, you’re here. Now, look at your feet and the other girls next to you.” He points at the screen. “You’re on the beat every time, and your spins are graceful, without losing your place. Nobody else is better.”
The compliment brings a blush to her cheeks. “Oh. Thanks, but I’m sure there is, in this crowd. Like, what about her?” She jabs at someone random, only for him to grimace, and they go back and forth for a little while. It’s fun. “By the way, what’s your favorite song by Dream * Next?”
“Well, I’ve heard Sweet on the radio, and the newest single? It was playing in the lobby.”
“That’s it?!” She pulls out her phone. “Okay, we gotta start from the beginning.” She also has to explain the lingo; Desiree’s the leader and main dancer, Eve is the main vocalist, Ini’s the visual but also covers the rap portions, and Selena is the face because she’s the best representative.
Luckily, they watch all the music videos before Round 1 commences the next day. From her position on stage, she spots Phoenix way back, clutching a latte. She waggles her fingers at him, and he flashes a thumbs up. Then, Dream * Next arrives in matching sequined outfits. The room erupts into gasps and excited chatter.
“First, we’d like to congratulate you. Give yourself a hand.” Selena’s warm prompting initiates a round of applause. “We really look forward to knowing all of you, and it starts with Round 1.”
“This is your first challenge: Showcase!” Ini exclaims. “You gotta submit one photo, demonstrating your confidence! Oh, and it’s kid friendly, no guns or overexposure, okay? Deadline’s a week, good luck!”
Maya’s stumped. To her, confidence is Mia - walking down the runway, holding her ground against Aunt Morgan’s demand for custody, standing in court as an entertainment lawyer. And she’s not Mia. She conveys as much to Phoenix, after ordering lunch.
“Hm, I think I understand. So, what can you do that she can’t?”
“I can tell which burgers and ramen are the best.”
“You really think with your stomach, huh?”
She hugs the menu. “I’m a growing girl. Besides, I exercise it off.”
He tilts his head. “Hey, wait. I have an idea for your photo shoot.”
It involves French windows and pink wallpaper, evoking a charming patisserie.  She’s dressed as a cute waitress, frilly apron included, and equipped with a silver serving tray. The set is decorated with so many macarons, a delicious rainbow on display.
She gazes longingly at the colors and muses aloud. “Should I dye my hair?”
Phoenix pauses in the camera setup, with a frown. “Do you really want to?”
“I don’t know. This could be my chance to switch up my image, before the rest of the show. Stand out, I guess?”
Instead of responding immediately, he approaches her. The frown hasn’t subsided, and he’s closely studying her hair; his fingers catch the end of a long tendril, feeling the strands. She almost misses what he’s saying. “Some idols do, but I think true talent stands out more than a bright color. Dyeing too often can also damage it. Plus I like your hair. I can always tell where you are.” His hand then rests on the top of her head, radiating a pleasant tingling heat. Then, he awkwardly clears his throat and takes a step back. “Just my opinion.”
“No, I appreciate it. I won’t change it at all.” Her heartbeat is ramped up, and she smiles through it. “Anything for my biggest fan.”
“Fan, delivery boy, sometimes janitor. A manager of all trades.” He jokingly grumbles, as he returns to the camera. “Alright, let’s go through the poses we talked about.”
Maya singlehandedly lifts the tray of macarons and beams right at him. “Gimme a tip!”
The shutter goes off.
“Listen, Maya, you have to call me if anything happens. Even if I’m in a different time zone, I’ll pick up no matter what. Alright?” Across the dinner table, her big sister’s stern expression is formidable.
“Of course, I will. And I’ve got Nick, I’ll be okay.”
Mia tilts her head at Phoenix. “…Yes, I’m counting on you to look after Maya.”
He gulps. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Sis, don’t scare him away!” Maya pouts. “It’s because of him that I had a successful photo.”
To her astonishment, she was chosen to move on. Round 2 is Skill, a month of intensive lessons in singing and dancing. Eve drills them rigorously, changing the rankings every Friday. It’s a lot of pressure but with eighteen girls, it’s easier to gauge the competition. Regina’s from Berry Big and the CEO’s daughter, so she’s got star power. Franziska has sheer competitive drive though, and the operatic voice associated with the von Karma name.
“Really, it’s all because of Maya’s hard work. She has what it takes to be an idol.” Phoenix says with conviction, and Maya can’t help blushing.
“Yes, she does.” Her sister gives a little smile before sighing. “I can’t wait until this job is over. At least, I’ll be back for the show’s finale. No matter what, we’ll have a party, okay?”
Unfortunately, Mia leaves too soon, and the worst day yet occurs. This time, the other girls in her group are from prominent agencies, and her cheerful greeting is met with forced smiles. Nevertheless, she focuses on the music, and she’s called to demonstrate the challenging vocal exercises for the others. Eve actually nods approval.
Then, the choreo begins, including mic passes. She sees the next girl’s fingers touch the handle and she lets go, but her trust is misplaced. The mic lands with a bang and a squeal of feedback. Somehow, her apology isn’t enough. Her remaining attempts are failures, and she falters; a shoe collides with her ankle and she bumps against the wall.
“Maya!” Phoenix rushes for her once the cameras stop, checking for injuries. “If you need to tap out-”
“No! I can finish practice. Please!”
His mouth is set in a thin line, but he slowly nods. “Okay. But if you get hurt, tell me.”
“I promise.” She does survive the ordeal, although she knows it’s not her best.
Eve delivers judgment upon each of them, exhaling at Maya’s turn. “I’m disappointed, Miss Fey. You started strong but couldn’t sustain the effort.” Her green irises darken, and she walks on, her voice fading from Maya’s awareness.
Abruptly, the leaderboard appears, and Maya’s stomach plummets. She’s fallen to 10th. If she doesn’t improve by next week, she’ll be sent home. She hobbles off stage, escaping to her dressing room. Phoenix is already there, his jacket draped over a chair. His attention swivels from the monitor to her, and he immediately stands. Breaking into sobs, she clings to him.
He lets her dry her tears on his shirt, while he murmurs soothing words. “It’ll work out. We have time. I’ve got you, so cry as much as you want.” He strokes her hair, his fingers steady and warm. His touch frees the tangles, and everything becomes smooth.
She likes it a lot. Feeling calmer, she peers up at him, her voice thick. “Thank you.”
“Seriously, it’s no problem. I told you, I’m on your side. And since you’ve had a long day, we should leave. I’ll get the car.” He’s about to go, grabbing his jacket when he pauses at her face. “What is it?”
I don’t want to part ways when this is over. She bites her lip, nervous at the flood of unfamiliar emotion. Instead, she says. “I’ll order pizza, we can pick it up.” That earns her a wry laugh. In the mirror, her eyes and cheeks are bright red.
And she channels the energy into practice. She arrives early and stays late, and after dinner, she and Phoenix review her footage, taking notes on her performance. She doesn’t falter again. She’s not ready to end her idol dreams now.
The week flies by, and final rankings are announced. Franziska places first, with a lift of her chin. Regina is second, bubbling with excitement. Then, Katherine trills. “Third…Maya Fey!”
Huh? What?
Reality snaps back with Phoenix wildly waving, a giant grin on his face. She gasps, and remembers to breathe. She’s led to the next room, with three large screens, a trio of dots on the floor beneath each. The screens have different images; Franziska’s standing under a feminine silhouette with a raised fist, and Regina’s picked the candy assortment. The last is unoccupied, a flower growing toward a starlit sky, and Maya steps onto a dot. Six more girls enter; Ema and Kay join her. She vaguely remembers they’re from the same small company, and while they haven’t crossed paths before, they seem nice. They chat, instantly finding common ground in snacks and cartoons. The tension within Maya releases.
The announcer is her own bias, Desiree, who beams dazzlingly. “Congrats, ladies! Welcome to Round 3: Subunit! And if you haven’t realized it yet, you’ve already sorted yourselves.” The challenge is to prepare an original music video; the best subunit is determined by the most streams, online fan voting, and grading by Dream * Next. The overall winner, however, could be any of them. They’ll find out at the live finale in two months.
Then, they’re dismissed to regroup with their staff. Ema and Kay actually share a manager, a big guy called Gumshoe. They don’t have a songwriter, but both Gumshoe and Phoenix had the same person in mind. “I’ll call Mr. Edgeworth right now! You girls can talk shop!” Gumshoe dashes off.
“Well, our subunit’s name is Cosmos.” Ema speaks first. “Should we do an astronomy theme?”
Kay fixes her steely dyed ponytail. “We’re up against Chic and Candy, so they’ll go for the obvious girl crush and cute concepts. We need something original to stand out, or else.”
“Like what?” Maya raises her eyebrows.
Ema somberly informs. “Our company’s shutting down, so this is our last shot. If nothing, the publicity will help.”
It casts a different light on the situation, and she mulls over it, long after going home. She calls Mia to let her know that she’s in Round 3, and they revel in the joy together. Then, she calls Phoenix.
“Can we look at the footage of Ema and Kay?” She also pulls up their Round 1 photos. Ema has an interest in chemistry, handling test tubes and swirling chemicals. Kay portrays a heist, dodging an array of laser beams and cradling a pink diamond.
“Sure, I’ll share my screen.” He plays the clips. “Ema’s got a three-octave vocal range with good support, and Kay’s the fastest learner, she can pick up any choreo. I think you have a great team.”
“Exactly! So why do we need to force an image? We’ve shown the ability and growth, but we have to stay true to ourselves.” And just like that, she has an idea. “Hey, hear me out…”
She explains it to everyone at breakfast, with Edgeworth in attendance as well. They’ll tell a story about past incarnations and reaffirming their current identities, pursuing the future without fear. She’s a little nervous about sharing, bracing for criticism.
But Kay exclaims. “I really like it, it’s unique! Can my other self be a prehistoric hunter? I want war paint. Ooh, and some crow feathers!”
They start spiraling into discussion, Ema liking the idea of a Renaissance woman. They’re interrupted by Phoenix clearing his throat. “Before we get too enthusiastic, we actually need lyrics first.” He and Gumshoe look to Edgeworth.
In consideration, he taps his index finger against his sleeve. “Very well. The concept is interesting. I’ll send a demo this weekend.” It’s surprisingly fast-paced but elegant and beautiful, and it has a perfect name, Existence.
As for choreography, they receive a surprise in Selena, who’s advising their subunit. She loves the time travel idea instantly. “Amazing lore. I’d love to dance to this, I wish we thought of it.” It’s the highest praise.
They make fast progress, finishing recording early and prepping for the music video. For the flashback segments, Maya’s a seeress. She thought she was wearing a toga at first, but a chagrined Edgeworth said it was a peplos. Whatever it is, the lilac fabric is soft and free-flowing, and the silvery bangles clink when she swings her arms. The jewelry does catch her loose locks though. She attempts to braid, but Mia has always done it for her. She’s in the middle of another try when Phoenix arrives with tea.
“Uh-oh. I don’t remember a bird’s nest as part of your costume.”
“Haha. I’m trying to braid it so it doesn’t get in the way. I’ll just ask Kay or Ema.” She whirls around but Phoenix takes hold of her shoulders and sits her down.
“Here, let me do it.” His hands card through the little knots, and her heart stutters. He creates three sections, and gently twists them together.
“You’re pretty good.” She remarks.
“I used to help my mom, when she had her arm in a cast for a while.”
“Oh? What happened?” She’s curious, about his family, his childhood, his favorite things. She wants to know it all.
“She had a small fracture on a skiing trip, and she asked me to style her hair, since my dad sucked at it. Your hair is much longer than hers though. Softer too.” His fingers brush her nape and shoulders, where her skin is exposed. She feels incredibly hot. “Which shampoo are you using?”
“T-the bottle with the yellow sunflower.”
“Mm. We’ll get more for you.” His voice is low and quiet in this space. The light pulling pressure is pooling at the base of her spine, tempting her to arch back. She’s on a thread, the verge of snapping, when he suddenly declares. “All done.”
She doesn’t know whether to be relieved or dismayed that it’s over. “Thanks! I’ll make it up to you!” Embarrassed, she hurries out. But a spare glance reveals his pink ears, as he scratches his neck.
Their music video begins with the three of them, out in a field of wildflowers. They come across a stone circle, and are transported to their past selves. There are plenty of shots of them running, appearing lost, before remembering who they are, and returning to the present. They also film choreo in a sophisticated modern set, and the video ends with them running through the flowers.
And then, it’s a matter of practicing and waiting. In a moment of temptation, they watch the videos from Chic and Candy. Chic has a great sassy song titled Superior, about prioritizing one’s own desires; Franziska, Rhoda, and Foxy strut in power suits. For the song Wow, Candy chose a circus theme, with Regina as a lion tamer, Olivia throwing darts, and Lauren spinning batons.
“People are calling us ‘nugu quality’.” Ema frowns, scrolling social media between practice runs. “What does that even mean?”
“It just means we’re new and not from big companies. So what?” Kay turns up her nose. “The others didn’t have a triple decker high note combo like us.”
Maya is pretty proud of their high notes, and she adds. “We’re not doing bad in online votes, it’s just the music video streams. And we still have the live performance.”
Phoenix isn’t worried either. “Even after seeing the others, I still like Cosmos best.”
“Yeah, I hear you playing our video all the time.” She casually jabs, though it pleases her. He truly is a devoted fan.
“Hey, I’m doing my part to stream.”
“At least, you’re better than ours. Gummy can only watch once a day, he’ll ruin the count otherwise.” Kay grins.
During their next water break, Ema addresses Maya. “You’re close with Mr. Wright, aren’t you?”
“Huh? It’s not like that! He’s my manager, after all…” Her throat constricts, and she forces the water down. She has to concentrate.
And on the morning of the finale, she’s too busy to think about her own emotions. The filming is constant, minor crises abound, and everyone’s scrambling until the last second. In the lobby, Idol Project’s comment boards are covered in supportive fan messages. Many sentiments are directed towards Regina and Franziska, that the former is like an angel and the latter can step on them any time. But what’s said about Cosmos is positive and always as a subunit.
“I liked their video the most!”
“Those high notes at the end were crazy!”
“Maya, Ema, and Kay are so in sync, they’re like a legit group already!”
But what excites Maya the most is her sister’s presence. Mia is in the guest area, and if she has jet lag, she doesn’t show it. Her eyes are brimming with pride. “Good luck, Maya. I know you can do it.” They share a tight hug, before Maya descends backstage.
During the makeup and styling, Cosmos watches the live feed. Since Franziska was the victor of Round 2, she dictated the performance order. Chic goes first, with a crew of equally tall backup dancers. Their black blazers open to white crop tops, and their bold lipstick colors match their complexions. But the highlight has to be Franziska cracking a whip, and the crowd screams.
The camera then cuts to the front row, and Regina’s sitting in a fuchsia ringmaster’s garb. She tosses her golden curls and prances up the steps, the set pieces rolling in. Candy’s brought the circus to the stage, in bombastic flair. That’s about as much as they see, before it’s their cue to get ready. Still, they can hear the brassy rhythm of the song and then raucous applause.
Then, it’s their turn. Maya tightly holds hands with Ema and Kay; they stand on a platform, that lifts to a raised platform. The lighting has dimmed to a dusky blue, the orchestra introducing the melody. They descend as they deliver the first lines of Existence, the headsets thankfully working. In the background, a simulated meteor shower adds to the lush atmosphere. The three of them are perfectly in time, every step and hand motion just like practice. Maya is the center for the bridge, and she winks directly at the main camera. Petals blow through the air, as they launch into the last chorus. Kay hits her note, Maya holds hers with a smile, and Ema adds a riff that echoes on and on. They give it their all for the end, and make their final poses. Maya holds her own heart, wildly beating as she catches her breath.
A tide of noise follows: a standing ovation and cheers, for them. Dream * Next is out of their chairs, Selena with tears in her eyes and Desiree looking utterly awed. Maya sees her sister, and Phoenix by a camera, and she bows just for them. Cosmos gracefully exits, so the scores can be calculated, and she’s walking on air. They have a group hug, delirious with happiness and relief, praising each other.
Right before she’s called for the aftermath interview, Phoenix finds her in the hallway. He squeezes her shoulder and gives the broadest smile. “You were incredible. No matter what, I’m proud of you.”
She stammers a thanks, and hardly registers the flashing cameras. She barely tastes her lunch, jumping when they’re summoned to the stage again. The suspense is drawn out, with plenty of ad breaks, but Katherine receives the envelopes at last.
“It’s my pleasure to announce that the subunit winner is…Candy!”
Their chorus plays like fanfare, as the girls cry out in delight. Then, a hush follows as everyone remembers it isn’t over yet.
“And now, the winner of this season of Idol Project. The fifth member of Dream * Next is…” Katherine’s brown eyes widen. “Regina Berry!”
The stage erupts in confetti and balloons, Regina clasping her hands to her mouth. Maya claps heartily; she really is the perfect choice, and Dream * Next will be amazing with Regina’s addition. It isn’t until she’s in her dressing room and removing her makeup, that she wonders what’ll become of her.
There’s a knock, though it’s too early for the audience to exit. It’s not Mia after all, but Desiree bearing an apologetic smile. “I’ve been visiting everyone, but I wanted to talk to you in particular. We graded Cosmos the highest; we were so fascinated by your lore and the live performance really impressed us. Here’s my card, I’ve already given Ema and Kay one already. If you want to become a trainee with KB, I’ll pull a few strings. So, don’t give up, you have a bright future ahead of you.”
“Thank you, really, for everything! It was amazing.” She manages to say. Desiree leaves, and she says something in the hallway. Then, Phoenix enters and the thrill at seeing him is tempered by his crestfallen expression.
“Hey, Maya. I’m sorry.”
A laugh escapes her. “What are you sorry for? I had so much fun and learned lots. I even made friends, we’re planning to stay in touch and hang out.” She shows him the latest texts in her group chat with Kay and Ema.
He hesitates. “About that…despite the show’s coverage, their agency is still closing.”
“Oh, no…”
“So, I was thinking to sign all three of you to my agency! As Cosmos or a new name if you like. I hope we can continue working together, but I won’t be offended if you want to consider other offers.” He’s noticed Desiree’s card. Nevertheless, his gaze is unwavering.
“And leave behind my biggest fan?” Maya half jokes, before being totally serious. She sets the card on the nearest surface and faces him. It’s a show business bargain, to spend more time with him, at the cost of burying her feelings. But this is what she wants. “I’ll sign for Wright Talent, only if you’re my manager.”
“Deal!” And though he offers his hand to shake on it, she closes the distance to hug him instead. His hands entwine in her hair, as he embraces her in return. His body feels solid and warm.
And Maya’s heart sings.
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hils79 · 1 month
Hils Watches Only Friends - Ep 1
Right! Time to start a new drama. I've been meaning to watch Only Friends for ages because it's got so many people I like in it. From what I've been told it's about a bunch of people making bad decisions so I guess I'll either enjoy it or get annoyed. At least they're adults and not students for a change.
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Time to play GMM bingo. I definitely know him from something else. OH THAT'S BOOK!
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And there's my beloved First who isn't angsty or crying therefore I'm confused
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Oh but First and Khaotung are bickering after they literally just met. That very much is business as usual.
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And of course where there is Book there is also Force. I'm looking forward to seeing them in a slightly more meaty drama. Both of them were too good for Enchante
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Oh and there's Neo. Wow I didn't realise how many of my favourites are in this.
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Oh, I guess they are students. Still, it does seem to have a more mature vibe. Kind of the same way Not Me did. They were students in that too but it felt more adult.
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I'm not sure opening a legit business just to pass your uni course is the best or most legal idea? Don't you need permits and shit?
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Well it's going to have to be either First or Force since those are the only two who aren't here
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Oh and there's Mark. I wonder if this will finally be the drama where he gets a nice boyfriend. I know technically he got one in My School President but it mostly happened offscreen and I was mad about it.
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Well he's looking at Neo (I'll learn their character names eventually) like this so maybe they will end up together?
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Neo is clearly also into it. I'm half expecting them to just fuck on the counter of this store
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Okay, I am obsessed with this drama already. He just very obviously gave Nick the once over to make his interest known.
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I knew it would be one of them. Also I am loving the soundtrack to this drama.
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You literally just met him
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Oh, and there's Drake. I haven't seen him in anything for a while.
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Harsh, but Khaotung was about drive home while wasted
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Well, I had the wrong couple but someone fucked on a counter
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Okay, you don't need to slut shame your friend to explain why you don't want to lose your viriginity to a dude you just met
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Poor First does not deserve this
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Khaotung has spent a lot of this episode puking
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God, I love him so much. Even when he's playing someone grumpy and annoyed he still manages to look devastatingly yearning
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Okay, we are definitely into mature territory here. Nick is jerking off to nudes on Boston's phone that Boston left with him to fix. I've never seen a Thai BL like this before. I mean I'm probably too ace for the amount of fucking that is happening but it's so interesting to see something different like this
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Everyone else: super horny or too drunk to be super horny Mew: let's get to know each other before we fuck please and thank you
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God, I really top Top doesn't turn out to be an asshole who loses interest once he's had sex with Mew. They are too cute!
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I love them!
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Why has he got a set of gym lockers in his apartment?
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Definitely not because I violated your privacy and jerked off to your private photos
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Duuuuuude! I mean to be fair Boston is probably into a hot guy taking nudes with his phone but still!
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Okay, now they actually are having sex in the store. Called it.
Ah, shit! I've hit the tumblr image limit! I guess to be continued in part 2?
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sturmovik · 1 year
Rambling about Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury’s ending
I've been absolutely loving every episode of the season up until Episode 23. After watching that episode, I felt a bit... disappointed? frustrated? It was like ep.23 was trying to cram Gundam Unicorn's 1-hour final battle into a 20-minute episode and it didn't feel as satisfying as the previous episodes. 
I didn’t have any problems with the plot beats, just the pacing really, it felt pretty rushed - that’s where my worries started. The pacing was like they're trying to wrap up as many plot threads in case they don't get another season, while still wasting time introducing new elements to the story (like SAL apparently being massive despite being a non-entity for 90% of the story, oh and they have a giant laser! surprise!), as a result we lost some precious time that would’ve been better spent on the main conflict between. I was bummed Quiet Zero was disabled so quickly, and was totally unconvinced Prospera would suddenly back down after never being able to confront Delling AND possibly losing Eri. Not to mention the time wasted on Lauda’s pointless tantrum.
Then we go to my post-episode 24 thoughts: 
Man did the last 4 episodes felt incredibly rushed. I didn’t notice it much in 21-22 cuz I was still giving the series the benefit of the doubt but after watching 23-24 it becomes apparent these last episodes were really sprinting to the finish.
It feels like they wanted to have an ending that could be considered conclusive - wrapping up as many ends they could - in case they dont get to do more G-Witch, but also they made it so that everyone who's still alive gets to survive to the end so that they can expand into more stories later.
The combination of those two factors are what ultimately leave me a bit disappointed, but I'm still surprised at how well they managed to stick the landing despite all that; it wasn't ideal or amazing but i'm thankful it didnt end terribly. I actually love the forgiveness ending for Prospera and Eri, it's consistent with Shakespeare's "The Tempest" BUT because the end was rushed it doesn't feel completely earned, like there shouldve been a longer period of rage/vengeance and at least an intense emotional confrontation with both Kenanji and Delling. G-Witch needed at least 12 more episodes, preferably more.
Given how great the first 20 episodes were, you can bet they would've had more character developments, conflicts, twists, and major deaths IF ONLY Sunrise gave them 48-50 episodes instead of 24. But I guess they didnt want to take that risk. I kinda hope the success of Vinland Saga S2 gives them some more confidence if they ever decide to do a sequel series.
I mean, they have to do a sequel series and/or spin-offs, right? I'd be seriously disappointed if they don't; the Ad Stella timeline is one of the most interesting and well-written Gundam AUs they've ever created, and my personal favorite AU. So much potential for many different stories in this timeline.
Also, the ending scene w/ SuleMio was cute af, but no kiss? not even on the cheek? booo
Final verdict:
Prologue + Episode 1-21: 9/10, my favorite Gundam AU series
Episode 22-24: 6.5/10, barely sticks the landing to get a good enough ending. Needs a sequel series to become truly satisfying and get some new writers to help Okouchi because he seriously fumbled these last episodes.
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explosionshark · 7 months
Okay so it’s been a while, I haven’t found the time to watch episodes lately so this truly is the irregular Buffy update (my notes are really gonna pay off here its been like two weeks since I’ve seen the most recent of these episodes). So first of all I was gonna say yeah Series 5 it does feel like a bit of a reset (even beyond suddenly Dawn), but like really pretty much every one so far except for S2 into S3 felt like a bit of a reset so should I really be surprised?
So Buffy vs Dracula, loved this ep. I loved everyone being so excited to meet the actual Dracula, he’s so fun, Anya having history with him, Xander, Riley and Tara all being jealous of him. Also like its a pretty straightforward set up on what everyone wants to accomplish over the next batch of episodes which doesn’t normally happen like this in the show? Buffy wanting to learn about the deep Slayer lore, Giles and Xander wanting to exit their flop era, Riley being a bit jealous and still wanting to be helpful but in a bit over his head, Willow wants more magic? I guess? Good for her she didn’t actually have a moment to be like this is my goal going forwards. I also have in my notes here RIP Gwendolyn Post from the OP. Also ‘RIP Dracula what a legend’ followed immediately by ‘RIP Dracula?’ So more RIPs than usual.
Real Me, also real good, loved the diary framing device with a show that now has eight (?) main characters I think are in the OP now its a real economical and effective way of getting all these new dynamics they need with Dawn, as someone who has definitely always been there. Really enjoy Harmony ending up top dog vampire by virtue of attrition. There’s something real neat about that conflict between Buffy and Dawn over Dawn being able to have had a normal childhood and Buffy having had to spend hers being the Slayer considering Dawn has not really had said childhood.
Something I enjoyed from my notes 'Dawn has good taste, likes Willow and Tara' followed later on by 'Dawn has bad taste, dislikes Anya'. But I do enjoy Dawn I think she’s a real good addition to the cast particularly in the fun new dynamics it gives her with Buffy but I think it’s a pretty good dynamic with everyone it really adds a lot. They laid it on a bit thick that she might be malevolent so I’m going with she’s not evil and that's all smokescreen.
The Replacement, I thought it was pretty good Xander episode, fun twist lotta fun in general. He finally manages to start crawling out of the loser allegations, good for him and beats his Restless nightmare which like great for him he gets straight out that basement nobody else has that kind of efficiency to beat their nightmare in just three episodes. I don’t really have too much to say about it but I enjoyed it. Oh yeah I guess it does say something about Xander’s portrayal that him with only his negative qualities reads kinda perfectly as Xander and him with only his positive qualities reads as a demon who’s taken over his life. Oh yeah and they mention Anya has her own place? I guess I just assumed she's been crashing with Xander the whole tiem. Where does she live? Does she have a job to pay for it? Why do they seem to exclusively hang out in Xander's basement? It raises a few questions.
So Out of My Mind, like I’m still not like the biggest fan of Riley but I do appreciate the work done in this episode to draw parallels between him and Spike considering it looks we’re finally going in the Spike/Buffy direction, I’ve enjoyed Buffy/Angel and Buffy/Faith so far so we’ll see how the third of her big ships goes for me later. But anyway I thought this was actually a pretty neat follow up to his stuff with the Initiative. My favourite comparison between Spike and Riley here was the big one with Riley’s goal in this episode is to not have life saving surgery from the government doctor so that he can remain strong and be part of Buffy’s life and his fear of what they’ll put in there like the chip that Spike is desperate to get out with life risking surgery so that he can become strong again (and fight Buffy). Also like, personally I don’t really buy the Riley relationship being that crucial to Buffy but I do appreciate the acting in that scene where she talks about how important he is to her, also congrats to Riley for pulling that I’m deciding we’re breaking up now to avoid later complications like Angel did. Also like I want to take this moment to formally apologise to Joyce, back in Lover’s Walk I’d made a note about how Joyce talks about how Buffy likes History when that’s actually one of the subjects she’s really bad at as a sign of Joyce not knowing as much as she should about Buffy, but this episode proves she knows her better than I do because Buffy and Willow have their scholarly debate over History in this episode she is actually good there.
Also enjoy that the four episodes all so far have a broadly similar underlying theme of people not being as they should be that feels like it ties in with the weirdness of Dawn being there; Buffy vs Dracula for Buffy, with her being more forced towards the Slayer balance of her life following her dream adventures with the First Slayer. Real Me for Dawn obviously, The Replacement for Xander with the premise of the episode feeling like its gonna be broadly similar to the Dawn situation with him being replaced, Out of my Mind for Riley acting out of sorts with his Initiative experiment side effects.
Anyway Angel’s alright, I like the idea of this Darla plot thread going forwards, it’s a nice reversal from S1’s overarching plot of Angel needing to build human connection for S2 to be about the consequences of his vampiric connections, shout out to Judgement for having a pregnancy storyline that isn’t Expecting. Great to see Lorne’s introduction, is it a bit convenient to have both Cordelia’s visions to start plots and his karaoke to solve them? Perhaps, but Angel doing karaoke is great so I can forgive it. I like the usage of Angel effectively killing himself with that random demon who was acting as the girl’s protector to pull the rug out form under the team who were riding high coming in from S1. Also surprise Faithwatch, was not expecting her to make an appearance until way later but it was a nice usage of her for an additional perspective on the road to redemption with Angel messing up this episode as well.
So like I dunno if its sacrilege or something, but I gotta be honest 2x02 did not grab me at all, there’s some decent stuff in the second half but David Boreanaz had to pretty much carry this entire episode on his shoulders and I think he does good work with people around him but I don’t think he succeeded here to do the majority of this episode solo. And when I looked up on my phone to see what the popular opinion on this episode was (which I don't usually do especially mid ep but as I said I was very not grabbed) all I found were threads about how this was the best episode of Angel, the moment people fell in love with the series, the episode that marked AtS as better than BtVS. So yeah unpopular opinion I guess but I wasn’t a fan. Like I say there was some decent stuff, like seeing the interim between freshly souled Angel and eating rats in the alleys Angel, the Angel lynching scene and the climax were pretty strong but it just did not grab me.
And First Impressions, I like a lot of stuff in this episode, I like the backslide from being connected to the world that Darla is causing to Angel, I like having a Cordelia and Gunn focussed episode with him being promoted to main cast. But the idea of Cordelia and Gunn’s plot being that she needs to fix him isn’t great, y'know? I do like the mirroring it has with Angel though that both of them are too focussed on the past, with Gunn pushing himself too hard and Angel becoming overly sedate in withdrawing into it.
But yeah having a good time, looking forward to watching some more especially Buffy, hopefully it doesn’t take me like a month to watch a few more episodes.
you did send these a while ago, but reading them now is REALLY making me nostalgic for s5 buffy. i am still only in s6 of my rewatch but it has been. difficult. a season of big highs and lows and a lot of little things in between that kinda put me off. but we persevere! personally, my biggest motivator is 1) knowing i'm so near the end of the series 2) knowing once i do this i can finally let myself read all those s6 AUs i've been hoarding.
mostly just posting in appreciation of your commentary per usual but i especially enjoy what you highlighted about dawn. the way she represents so much of what buffy wants but couldn't have. dawn getting babied by joyce, really being a kid. having everyone look out for her. buffy's jealousy of that is deeply humanizing and ALSO goes to highlight how young she still is. siblings have a way of bringing the kid out in us, i think, now matter how far away from your childhood you feel.
i love dawn, i think her introduction is genuinely brilliant. i came to the show after it had already ended, so i can't imagine how insane it must have felt to watch that as it aired.
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schrodingers-bisexual · 5 months
So I watched the Hazbin Hotel show and I have some thoughts…
So here are my live written thoughts/critiques of the first for eps
And before you get your pitchforks these criticisms have no malice behind them these are just my honest opinions (some good, some bad)
(Long post incoming)
Ep 1:
* Interesting opening
* I enjoyed the reimagining of the Adam and Eve story
* they set up Charlie’s mom being MIA at the moment so that’s cool ig
* the b plot is boring, like idc about them making a commercial
* Charlie is so earnest it’s very endearing
* the angels are moving up the next extermination by 6 months which creates a sense of urgency that I enjoy (the deadline they have to meet gives me something to root for)
* Adam kinda dismissed Charlie’s hotel idea so I’m wondering if she’ll find a way to change his mind or if she’ll just do it behind his back, I’m thinking it’ll be the latter
* ohhhhh one of the demons managed to kill an angel so that’s why they moved extermination up
* I wonder when they’ll reveal who killed the angel or if they’ll even reveal it all, I’m thinking like mid-season finale type of reveal, or maybe they’ll just never say
* Charlie is a very charming mc
* vaggie is fine ig (she doesn’t really do much)
* Alastor is just kinda there (they set up his beef with tv/modern stuff which was good)
* angeldust is annoying me ever so slightly but ig i see what they’re trying to do
* husk is my favorite so far (he’s had some pretty good one liners)
* nifty is also pretty great
* Adam is also annoying (i hate that they have him swear like a sailor when he’s supposed to be the head angel)
* i can already tell im not gonna like the characterization of the angels
* i liked Lute at first but she kinda falls into the same problems i have with Adam just a tad
* A lot of unfunny sex jokes from angeldust
* when nifty said something really weird husk said “Keep that to yourself, Niff.” And it got a good chuckle out of me
* a lot of unfunny dick jokes from Adam
* there was a silly gag with nifty that I enjoyed (every time they would try to get her to say her line she would stare blankly into the camera and then be “was that good?” in a cheery voice I thought it was silly
* Husk had some pretty good one-liners
* most of the jokes didn’t land for me tho
* Happy day in hell- Erika’s voice is really good (to be expected from a broadway star), strange bridge with overlapping verses that didn’t flow well against each other and sounded kinda disconcerting (which is a shame cause overlapping verses are usually my favorite), the camera movements are giving me a headache, 5/10
* Hell is forever- I actually kinda liked that, Alex Brightman is a silly guy w/ a great singing voice, lyricism is pretty good, I enjoyed the rock-esc vibe, pretty catchy, 6/10
It wasn’t as bad as I feared it would be but it wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be, so far I’m pretty neutral on it, the potential is definitely there but it leaves a few things to be desired, 5/10
Ep 2:
* Hell is freaking out abt the news rightfully so I’d gather
* this seems to be a good thing cause maybe they’ll be open to the hotel idea
* it’s implied that angeldust isn’t open abt the extent of his sex work like they know he’s a porn star but that’s abt it so I’m guessing they don’t know abt his SA yet
* Val is showing some textbook manipulation signs so A for effort on that front
* the vees make for intriguing foils to the MCs
* why is Vox like obsessed with Alastor what’s the beef there
* okay so I guess there was a fight of some kind (Alastor almost beat Vox but didn’t succeed it seems like)
* revealed that Alastor has been gone for 7 years so there’s that
* okayyyy so the true beef is that Vox asked Alastor to join his team but Al said no
* Alastor is the big dog even after his absence
* vees send a spy, spy is implied to be egg guy but I think that’s a misdirect, either that or he’ll end up caring abt the MCs later (great angst material when it’s revealed he’s the spy)
* ep starts to drag a bit after we get back to the hotel
* more manipulation from Val via voicemail (is he bipolar?)
* never mind egg guy is just a regular spy and it got revealed to the MCs instantly (missed opportunity)
* istg if they blame angel for this without asking questions
* damn egg guy folded really quick, like that took nothing at all, and ofc Charlie is instantly forgiving
* so looks like egg guy is apart of the main cast now which I’m not mad at, I just wished they’d done something more with that spy plot point, like that was pointless
* Egg guy (sir pentious) makes an appearance and he’s great
* Vox is a business mogul???
* i like Vox so far
* BRITISH?! (Velvet lol)
* the Vees are interesting
* Valentino is annoying
* I’m really enjoying the electricity motif they’re doing with Vox’s movements and voice
* I like whenever Vox glitches/buffers I think that’s a really cool animation thing
* I need Val to stop talking
* so far I’m enjoying the dynamic between the vees
* I wish they gave velvet a little more to do cause she seems like she has potential (makes you wonder if she’s sidelined because she’s the only woman amongst the vees/it’s not out of the ordinary for a vivziepop show to heavily sideline its female characters)
* angeldust is insecure after Charlie implied that he didn’t care abt the hotel which shows a little incite into his deeper character traits and reveals that he actually does care so another A for effort there
* I’m really enjoying the rivalry between Vox and Alastor
* “Since when do we manufacture that.” “Since thirty minutes ago.” That exchange got a smile out of me
* egg guy is really funny (not laugh out loud funny tho)
* more unfunny sex jokes from angeldust
* I chuckled when egg guy was like “you’ve left yourself an opening” and then all he ended up doing was ripping alastor’s jacket, that was silly
* I liked how during the it starts with sorry song Vaggie and Angeldust are like bro let’s kill this guy while Charlie is trying to forgive him
* were there any other jokes lmao
* Stayed gone- Christian Borle can do no wrong, but this song kinda sucks lmao, I didn’t like that little talking with rhythm segment, like they probably wanted that part to be a rap (which would’ve been way worse), lyrics have clever word play, the beat is infectious I’ll give it that but it was kinda all over the place, 4/10
* It starts with sorry- painfully mediocre and instantly forgettable, like there’s nothing memorable or standout about this song, I’m forgetting the melody as I type this, 2/10
It was fine, nothing too standout, the introduction of the vees was really good, I’m excited to learn more about them, but overall a pretty meh ep, 4/10
Ep 3:
* Egg guy is adjusting about as well as you’d think (not well at all)
* he kinda reminds me of dr doofensmirtz with all his inventions
* I like that all of egg guy’s eggs are just running around
* this seems like it’s gearing up to be a boring ep
* I wish there was a little more urgency abt the six month extermination push (like I get they wanna focus more on characters rn but they could sprinkle it in a little)
* b plot is Alastor taking the eggs on a little field trip and then he runs into some guy (zestial)
* I’m guessing this was like an old friend from way back when and they’re in a part of town he used to frequent before his absence
* oh ok so this is like a demon overlord meeting (guess I wasn’t really paying attention if they said that’s where he was going)
* ok ok things are getting good
* velvet found the head of that dead angel, vees want to lead assault on heaven but zestial disagrees, he makes some good points abt the attack leading to more bad than good
* vees don’t respect council, council doesn’t like vees
* so its seeming like the vees wanna throw a wrench in the order of things and take over for themselves, that’ll probably be a main conflict later on, and I don’t think it’d be too hard for them to garner support considering all the followers/supporters of their multi-level business, I’m intrigued
* was implied that Carmilla might know more abt the decapitated angel than she’s letting on hmmm
* zestial and carmilla went off together
* secret love tryst???
* ok wait did i get which plot was the b plot wrong, or am i just more interested in alastor’s shenanigans
* like tbh whenever it cuts back to the hotel i could care less
* carmilla killed that angel but is keeping it a secret cause she knows it’ll cause war and not a lot of sinners would survive that which is admirable of her ig
* one of the eggs overhear carmilla’s secret and tells Alastor, some mischief is sure to be afoot
* the MCs are getting along better
* Vaggie still remains kinda dull
* she’s really just there, like she acts as the “level-headed” one but doesn’t really have a personality beyond that
* that being said Vaggie and Charlie are really cute together
* Husk remains my favorite
* the eggs are silly
* Zestial is introduced (I like his design)
* so far I really like the one in charge of the demon overlord council (Carmilla)
* and I also really like zestial
* they both seem very redoubtable and deserving of respect, I enjoy that
* I knew velvet had the potential to be a compelling character, I just hope they keep her at a forefront (and I also hope she won’t get overlooked by the fandom),
* nifty is a character that I don’t know how to feel about
* finally some character development for vaggie
* Alastor is here for the chaos
* there was a nice bonding moment between vaggie and Charlie
* So many unfunny sex jokes from angledust
* get other jokes I’m begging you
* “oh look, frank is up there.” “We have names?” that got a smile out of me
* Alastor going “that was a productive meeting” after they literally got nothing done was silly
* husk has some good one liners
* Respectless- oh wow, I really like this, bro how did they manage to get so many broadway singers to be in this show, it was short and sweet, didn’t overstay its welcome and I enjoyed its company, 8/10
* Whatever it takes- I really liked zestial’s voice its kinda heavenly, Carmilla also has a good voice, vaggie’s voice is also pretty, the vocals are really nice, the song itself is just okay tho, 5/10
Better than the last ep, some interesting new characters, some development for characters I was afraid would get sidelined, I had a pretty good time, 5/10
Ep 4:
* What is going on??? Why are they watching angeldust’s porn videos???
* oh I guess it’s show and tell day
* oop husk just dragged everyone through the mud
* more seeds of Val’s manipulation have been planted
* I think this ep is gonna be abt angeldust so I’ve gotta prepare myself for that
* okay so Charlie wants to get Angel some time off, Angel seems very terrified at the notion of Charlie meeting his boss (rightfully so)
* Charlie just fucking sets the whole porn studio on fire by accident which was really silly
* Val’s about to fuck some shit up
* oh shit he’s beating Angel up
* Angeldust’s real name is Anthony (which is also my brother’s name and that makes me a little uncomfy)
* that was an effective abuse scene very uncomfortable very impactful
* the visuals of the poison song are making me really uncomfortable which I guess is the point but idk
* okay so I’ve seen mixed opinions on how they feel abt the way the depictions of the SA in this ep were handled, and I get that they didn’t want to sugarcoat it or downplay the horrors of it but I also think that there were so many better ways they could’ve gone abt it, like you did not need to show on screen SA/rape like that was entirely unneeded, they could have alluded to it (like fading to black) and then show the emotional toll/repercussions of it and it would’ve had the same effect, if they wrote it well enough it may have even been more impactful, Moral Orel and Bojack horsemen did a good job at that, I just feel like it could have been handled better (also I hear that there’s a rape fetishizer on the crew who storyboarded this ep which is very icky)
* angeldust is having a mental breakdown
* angel ran away after getting into an argument with husk and husk went after him
* i sense a bonding moment coming on
* oh shit someone’s about to roofie Angeldust’s drink
* oh shit husk just beat that guy up
* and now angel’s crying
* ok wait that wasn’t that bad of writing, it was actually kind of heartbreaking, whoever wrote this section of the episode needs to write everything else too cause that was a very effective emotional breakdown which is like insane whiplash from the start of the ep
* ok ok so husk made a deal with Alastor to keep a bit of his overlord power after gambling a little too hard so now he owes Alastor like infinite favors
* that was a pretty cool fight scene ig
* now angeldust is being more real and upfront about things so that’s nice
* Husk seems to be very observant, I enjoy that character trait
* I’m also liking Husk and Angeldust’s dynamic, it both is and isn’t what I thought it’d be if that makes sense
* okay so some major character development for angel is happening in this ep
* I like the new perspective we get to see of angeldust, and unlike other characters this development feels deserved because they’ve been alluding to this since the beginning, it’s a nice payoff and a nice insight into angeldust as a character
* ok so angeldust is constantly putting on an act to pretend everything’s fine (which explains all the unfunny sex jokes i still hate them though)
* husk seems like the therapist friend
* angeldust had a really impactful emotional breakdown scene, I didn’t hate the way it was handled
* husk and angel have a bonding moment and sing a duet,
* it was actually really sweet
* ok now that they’ve had their little bonding moment hopefully all the unfunny sex jokes directed at husk will stop
* Surprisingly there aren’t as many unfunny sex jokes (which is a good thing considering this ep is highlighting the horrors of SA/rape)
* during the loser song husk makes the L hand motion at Angel and I audibly laughed
* Poison- welp that song was… it sure was, ignoring the tactless portrayal of the SA it just wasn’t a good song, like the verses themselves are fine but the chorus is absolute dogshit which is bad cause that’s the whole hook of the song, and there’s a lot of forced rhymes and the lyrics feel like they’re shoving in too many words so the singer has to rush to fit them in, 1/10
* Loser, baby- I really like this, Keith David’s voice is absolutely ethereal, the melody is infectious, and the lyricism isn’t half bad, I Iike it a lot actually, it’s a cute little duet, 8/10
My favorite ep so far, even though the quality of writing was kinda inconsistent it was still an entertaining watch, and for all the scenes and themes that were handled very poorly there was another scene that actually did a pretty good job, it was a mixed pot, but the character development surprised me, 7/10
So that’s my little two cents
TLDR; it’s not as bad as some people will make it out to be, but it’s not outstanding either. I’m gonna keep watching and if you’re curious I’d say to at least watch the first ep and formulate your own opinion
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purpleplaid17 · 5 months
Jess Watches // Sun 31 Dec // Day 100 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Orphan Black (rw with mum) 5x05 Ease for Idle Millionaires
While Sarah and Kira spend time at home bonding, Cosima unlocks the island's biggest secret, discovering a link between the village's so-called creature and the science around Kira.
“The privacy we got to have in that scene, where the camera is swirling around us… it just felt so right. It was internal, it was private, and it was felt as opposed to looked at. Felt very empowering to explore the love of these two women this way.” - Tatiana Maslany
“It was really just Tatiana and I connecting, and every take was different, but it was the- the fiction making reality. The scene, it- it felt… real. There was something- our connection as actors and as characters just sort of… [pause] yeah, just, on fire. And so, that was one of the most beautiful, and intense, and magical moments of my career.” - Evelyne Brochu
"A marvelous moment happened early on, maybe the second take… Evelyne lifted Tatiana up so that she was holding her, which made Tatiana taller than her. That sort of shift in the physical dynamic is so evocative for the viewer — to go from Cosima looking up to Delphine, to being level and finally above. If we had cut to a wide shot you would have seen Cosima’s legs wrapped around Evelyne’s waist. Evelyne literally lifted Tatiana up, and it was just a breathtaking moment. And while I let each scene evolve in its own way, I said, ‘Make sure you lift her up because that’s fantastic. " - Helen Shaver
Unprisoned (with mum) 1x03 Are You My Mother Wound?
With Edwin back in her life, Paige must confront her "mother wound" - leading to a housewarming dinner that turns into a competition for her love.
Little Paige stealing every scene she's in. She is so talented. And her actually interacting with Adult Paige was a fun addition to their dynamic. Paige's family is dysfunctional af but they really do seem to love her which is really nice. I also noticed Shiri Appleby directed this ep and last 👀.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (rw) 3x10 Amends
As the Christmas holiday approaches, Angel is tormented by evil apparitions who want him to eliminate Buffy.
The 5-episode hot streak had to end some time I guess. An episode of Angel moping about pathetically. Bored now. When Buffy and Faith making peace and potentially having a genuine connection was right there. It was literally written like she invited her girlfriend home for the holidays, and we barely go to see any of it.
Heartbreak High 1x01 Renaissance Titties
Amerie, the new outcast, receives a party invitation that gives her butterflies. But when she manages to show up, a bitter surprise awaits.
Why was the photo of her and Harper nearly kissing the one Amerie zoomed in on? And to help Quinni get Sasha's attention why was Amerie's solution to try and kiss Quinni? And why did Harper not play a love song outside Amerie's window to try and win her back?
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i had to reread n edit this before posting like i was going over an essay jesus christ ((tristamp spoilers))
tldr; i was honestly disappointed but i still don't think it was completely awful + i hope if they do a 2nd season it's better *wants to see milly*.... fuck the director though
EDIT!!! 2nd season was confirmed so you can ignore the points where i question if it will happen lol
EDIT 2 actually idt i'll watch the 2nd season... for reasons that just hit me so.... + fuck night*w as well
most of this was written before the finale eek
the major problems were that the pacing was soooooo weird n some of the changes (both story wise and design wise) they made were questionable esp towards the latter half
my positive points:
i do still think individual eps at the first half were really good
i loved the animation + how they used colors
the backgrounds are cool
the artstyle shift in wolfwood's flashback was cool
i've always been "ok" abt vashwood honestly (sorry) but i will acknowledge they were very yaoiful here. i saw a person who didn't ship vashwood say the ep in tristamp where they literally just met made them ship it which was really funny bc how did that change your mind so fast
i'm ngl the milly + eriks name drops made me *JAWDROP* but that's something that only matters to ppl who watched/read the ogs first
my negative points (uh oh):
white washed wolfwood (+ his skintone is soo inconsistent in merch)
they gave vash no room to breathe n he doesn't get big sillay moments after ep 3
^ this is true for every character except i guess roberto? more on roberto later
^^^ goes with the previous too points but it felt like they were way too focused on the drama n sadness without enough (long lasting) happy or hopeful moments to contrast or balance it out overall - to the point were the characterization of our main cast suffered for it bc there wasn't enough there with them to make that properly work. and THEN the silly moments ended up suffering too bc they start feeling out of place. the drama beats kept happening one after the other at breakneck speed without breaks, messing up the pacing as well (i can kinda blame this at least partially on the fact they only had 12 eps when the og was 26 eps but i've watched plenty of 12 ep series with great pacing so i don't really know what happened here?)
i disagreed with this at first, but the lore with vash being front-loaded really did hurt the story a bit in the long run. obviously they did still spread the full details out over the course of the show but it was :\
specific to "the running man"- it's my fav ep tbh but it was strange how all the townsfolk were partying w the nebraskas with no indication they'd arrest them after they did so much damage n vash didn't even get to fix the damaged plant?? so why were they so joyous when the initial problem wasn't solved?
roberto.... was such a weird character... he managed to be both a dick n a guy w no personality, he was there to give exposition + attempt to be funny? n then die. also the marketing staff fucking hates him he's never in any merch wtf ((edited after the finale: well now we know he wasn't meant to replace milly (i had a whole paragraph complaining abt that lol) + now i feel like they added him just to kill someone other than wolfwood off))
i can't speak much on elendria bc i had so much trouble reading trimax forever ago that i never retained anything abt her other than she's trans, but everything involving her in tristamp felt strange/ like it didn't work. i have essentially same feeling about livio here. they threw legato to the side??
what the fuck was the thing with the plants towards the end. it just hit me what the hell
minor nitpicks:
i miss the old anime's ost :( tristamp's ost isn't bad by any means n there are tracks that i really like it's just idk man. especially with the the op song, i couldn't get myself to not skip the op SORRY. could you imagine how hype it would've been if a new rendition of H.T. or NO-BEAT started playing
i'm fine with stamp vash's design (blasphemous i know) but man would'n've one of his og coat designs worked well in 3d? i feel like it would've ((added after the finale: the new coat did look nice in black + they brought back his old hair in the last ep tho so. MAYBE... IN SEASON 2.... CLASSIC COAT....? *delusional*))
NO LOVE & PEACE?!?!?!?!
one of my nitpick points was that they technically didn't give vash the black hair bc i really wanna see it animated one day but assuming they are teasing a season 2 maybe they will eventually. but then how...?
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