guilty-shot-au · 1 month
Okay, I have been meaning to say this for a while, because I think this is a noticeable problem in our community:
Every ask matters And yet there are NONE
Do you feel bored in this RP fandom?
Tired of browsing a rarely updating tag?
Notice how half the community is joining ask games?
Ever wonder why many OS RP blogs go almost completely inactive?
Notice how there's half a dozen boring and slow as hell arcs going on recently?
This is because many blogs get NO asks at all. Popular or not.
Even OS Game RP giants like @diginiko-asks and @nyat-a-cat (currently shadowbanned so ask @the-kerfus-machine ) can experience a complete lack of asks sent sometimes!
And we need YOU to send some to the blogs you follow!
No matter what you send, no matter if they get answered or not, having asks to answer is good for everyone!
If you find yourself constantly waiting for asks all day, without actually sending asks out yourself, you are a part of the problem!
This community thrives on interaction, not waiting!
Want to help this community? Want to improve people's days? Try sending three or more asks to random blogs a day!
Feel anxious to send asks? Nobody in this RP will do anything to you, and the characters do not reflect any of the blog runners intentions. Also, the anon option is there for a reason! Always remember that you have good intentions!
Feel like you will worsen someone's day by sending an ask? As long as you follow the rules set by the blog runner, you won't! At worst, it's a forgivable annoyance.
And if you are running an RP blog, remember: you are not obligated to reply to any asks sent, do not let this hobby cause you burnout.
"Oh, but I don't know who to ask!"
Just browse the "#OS game RP" tag, it's more effective than you might think at finding new blogs!
Check the blogs you follow, there's likely an RP blog or two you forgot about.
There's already large lists of OS game RP blogs out there, check out Mapmaker's interview list and the fifh masterpost!
"Oh, but I don't know what to ask!"
Here's some ideas:
Philosophy, hobbies, and specific preferences are simple topics to form questions in, and can tell a lot about a character!
Ask something as YOUR character! - Have a casual conversation between two different characters with someone else in a thread, share lore on the way, tell stories, and have fun!
Question some lore! - If you can ask something regarding a character's backstory, especially to fill in the potential plot holes, that can be very healthy for the writing side of running an RP blog!
A lot of blogs are actually fine with M!As, if they are simple or interesting!
Found yourself questioning or answering something interesting out of RP? Great ask!
Found something interesting in a quiz? That's a great ask idea!
Came up with something that would probably cause funny reactions? - Ask away!
Heard a silly question in general? Great! Guess who you can redirect it to!
Remember: Questions do not have to be complicated! Don't feel bad if something of yours does not get answered, because you had good intentions in the end!
But I am never going to tell you to send people random nonsense just for them to not have empty inboxes, so try to avoid:
Random memes/words - These are hard to work with and are unlikely to lead to interesting things.
Basic compliments - Most characters will probably say "thanks", unless they have a backstory for it.
Repeating jokes - No one's gonna have fun if you just send "Fifh" to Freeware entity for the 15th time without putting a unique twist on it.
Spam, NSFW, exc. - Just no.
In general, it's best to put thought in your asks.
If you have anything to state on the topic, please do so in the reblogs. I encourage you to check them.
Share this around and tell your friends to send out asks regularly!
Anyways good night, sleep deprived ramble over.
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the-writer-machine · 3 months
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Good day! Name's Cedric, I have one hell of a story for you here.
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So I found this infodrive in the mail this morning with a voice recording attached. Apparently some bot named "Prototype" found this on the side on the road and sent it to me, warning me that it's got similar magic styles to some powerful evil wizard.
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This thing is for some method of multiverse material transfer, and I have been confused by this thing for half a day now!
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I was able to decrypt it and get myself an IP with coorodinates, some notes, and a few big names.
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Apparantely someone calling themselves "Stack Overflow" wanted to copy this "Kinito" program off of one of your server racks, a program I was told is pretty bad.
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Am I saying nonsense, or does this ring a few bells?
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[Ah, hello Cedric.]
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[...Let me go check the logs.]
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[No log found, that's odd-]
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[And the server was disconnected. How could've something gotten in?]
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[Can I see it?]
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os-mapmaker · 4 months
Alright, I should make a list of all the interviews I have to give.
List of Interviews:
@nyat-a-cat & related blogs:
The Kerfuś Machine
@zeralight-asks & related blogs:
The Writer
The World Machine
Sol *
Renata *
@n1ko-whoisdefinatelynotacat & related blogs:
The World Machine
@silverpoints-terminal & related blogs:
Maize (separate timeline)
Jaye & Rowie
@world-machine-os & related blogs:
The World Machine
@ask-entity-of-the-tower & related blogs:
The World Machine
@freeware-entity & related blogs (separate worlds of same timeline?)
Mason (!)
Watcher (!)
The Author
@ask-oneshot & related blogs:
The World Machine
Waiting for more development:
Goth Alula
@flower--crown & related blogs:
If your timeline is not listed and you would like your timeline’s residents be interviewed for a bio, reblog this post with your OneShot RP blog and I will add it.
You can find completed interviews under the tag #os bio interview.
I look forward to seeing you all for your interviews.
(Oh god what have I gotten myself into…)
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bracketsoffear · 1 month
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Warriors (Erin Hunter) "This one didn't get past round 2 in the Hunt and honestly I think it deserves a Slaughter win more. It takes place in a kitty civilization where the characters are very frequently battling over very important subjects such as who gets to own a pile of rocks or some cat catching a rabbit on the wrong side of the border. There's brief periods of peace and allyship, but most of the time, tensions are present and everybody is probably willing to start beating each other up if they scent another clan on their territory. The violence isn't instinct or the thrill of it beyond the fact that these are still cats who hunt prey, but it's still rather irrational in many cases. The only real path in life you can have in a clan which isn't committing to causing and withstanding senseless violence is the path of healing that senseless violence, seeing cats you can't save die and also not being able to have children or a mate ever, which isn't even something you can choose to do without approval from cat heaven most times, meaning that you'll most likely be locked into a cycle of mindless battles over that one guy from the other clan accidentally marking the wrong side of the border.
This is also how you get brand new artists in the age range the books are for drawing cat violence and death with their limited skills before they somehow become the best artists you've ever seen while still probably drawing lots of cat violence and death. These murder cat books have an unexplained impact on young artists who will be drawing the same scenes of their pick for the saddest cat death years later. It also gets people making their own stories inspired by it, which are often still cat soap operas with plenty of senseless violence (source: 9 year old me had one of these bloody cat soap opera stories inspired by Warriors), and might even lead to Warriors rps with similar amounts of violence."
The Executioner (Don Pendleton) ""I am not their judge. These people have judged themselves by their own actions. I am their judgment. I am their executioner."
Mack Bolan (nicknamed "The Executioner" by his fellow soldiers) is an elite sniper/penetration specialist in The Vietnam War when he receives word that his father Sam, a steelworker in Pittsfield, has gone insane and shot dead his wife Elsa and daughter Cynthia ("Cindy"). On talking to the Sole Survivor, younger brother Johnny, Bolan discovers that his father was being squeezed by Mafia Loan Sharks and, on hearing that his daughter was prostituting herself to cover his debt, snapped under the pressure.
Figuring there's no point in fighting a war 8,000 miles away when there's a bigger enemy right here at home, Mack Bolan sets forth on a one-man crusade to destroy The Mafia, using all the military weapons and tactics at his disposal including heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, sniper rifles, night-vision scopes, radio-detonated explosives, electronic surveillance, silenced handguns and the garrotte. Bolan is also fond of using wiles to turn his enemies against each other.
Inspired the character of The Punisher. Being in the Mafia (no matter how distant the link) is punishable by death. Doesn't matter if you just are an errand boy, you are guilty and must die."
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servin-up-surveys · 13 days
survey #212
Have you ever seen a cougar in the wild? No, thank god. They don't even live here.
When was the last time you took a selfie? Like, months ago.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? Quite a few.
Who’s your favourite person? Girt.
Are you more of a cat or dog person? Cat.
What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received? It's not appropriate so we're not talking about it lmao
Who is someone you really admire? Mark Fischbach.
Do you prefer piano or guitar music? Electric guitar.
Are you good at using Photoshop? I'm decent.
What were you last embarrassed about? My social awkwardness when I was trying to order a burger at this place in Charlotte. I was just getting over being overwhelmed and stuff, and the menu kinda confused me, so I made a fool of myself. Idk how in the world Girt managed to not just walk the fuck away from me lmao
Are there any clothing items you really want but can’t find? I've wanted a black, studded leather jacket since I was a teenager.
What’s a habit you find gross? Biting toenails. I was floored when I learned people even did it.
Are you a hat person? No.
Has anyone ever approached you in the street and asked to take your picture? No.
What color hair did your first crush have? Brown.
Have you ever had a professional make-over? No.
Have you ever had a professional photo shoot? Not for just myself. Family stuff, though.
What is your favorite Avril Lavigne song? "Nobody's Home"
Do you have any embarrassing health issues? I have IBS, yes. Hyperhidrosis is also very embarrassing because you look like you dove into a pool after being outside in mild heat for five minutes.
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes, the second time I had to go for my asthma. I don't think I'd properly reached asthma attack territory, but it was mighty fuckin' close.
Have you ever gotten sick in the car? No.
How many teeth do you have? Idk, however many you're supposed to have without wisdom teeth.
Have you ever cussed someone out? I remember doing this to my sister's abusive boyfriend she had in high school. I feel like this has probably happened with another or two.
Does it take a lot to make you feel guilty? No.
Have you ever broken a really important promise? Well, I did promise to keep Sara's disgusting political compass a secret. So yes, I eventually broke that.
Have you ever told someone’s deep, dark secret? ^ yes. There was no way to ban her from the RP forum without explaining it to our mutual friends/RP partners, I'm sure.
Have you ever purposely hurt yourself? Yes, I had problems with this as a teenager, and it happened a few times in my early 20s.
Have you ever eaten any type of insect? No.
What’s a hobby you would like to try out? Herping.
Have you ever won a raffle? If so, what’ve you won? Yes, this is how I won two rare and limited pieces of Silent Hill: Revelation merch.
What’s the biggest insect you’ve ever seen? Probably some sort of beetle.
How about the biggest spider? A bird-eating tarantula when I was at the NARBC with Sara. The insane thing is I think the guy whose booth it was might have been the YouTuber who GOT me into tarantulas (The Tarantula Collective) lmfao, I just can't remember for sure. They definitely at least looked similar.
Is your room covered in posters, or pretty bare? As of only a few days ago, they're almost completely bare now. I'm redecorating in there. I'm leaving most posters behind.
Would you ever consider being a cannibal? Strong no.
Do you collect anything valuable? No.
What was the last thing you killed? Most likely an ant.
Who is your favorite female celebrity? Hm... I guess either Gab Smolders or tarantula kat. It's strange, all celebs I've been wildly invested in were/are men lmao
What’s your favorite Lady Gaga song? "Bloody Mary"
Would you date the same sex? Why or why not? Yes, and I have before, I'm pansexual.
If someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them? Nope, you've got one shot.
Obsessions? Meerkats have been my longest-lasting and most well-known, but online I'm also very open about my extreme Rammstein hyperfixation (I say "online" because irl I am very embarrassed by being someone who hyperfixates and I don't like sharing), the Silent Hill franchise, watching YouTube, tarantulas...
Addictions? Technology, specifically the Internet. I barely know how to exist without it, and it's sad. I'm aware I'm also addicted to soda, albeit this is an addiction I'm more capable of actually fighting, but I still have a few bottles (not two-liters, don't be mistaken) a week.
What are your #1 priorities in life? My happiness, health (mental and physical), maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships, and trying to figure out my purpose and what I want to live for (this includes working towards a career of some sort).
Have you ever dated a redhead? No.
List three of your favorite types of YouTube videos to watch. Let's plays, reptile and tarantula collectors' care-type videos, herping.
What is the name of your YouTube channel, if you have one? 0zzkat (it’s a zero because with an "o" was somehow already taken boooooooo).
How old were you the first time you encountered God? God was forced on me from birth (I was baptized, so quite literally).
Any upcoming travel plans? I'm probably going BACK to Charlotte next weekend because Girt's picking up a really nice exercise bike Javier has for sale, so he has to pick that up because shipping would be like, $500. The bike is rather small so would fit into Girt's bedroom, and he plans on facing it towards his TV so he can just be on the bike while watching YouTube.
What are you reading currently? Nothing right now; I recently finished the Omen of the Stars arc in the Warriors series, so now I need to order the next arc.
What’s the first concert you attended? Alice Cooper.
Where do you most hope to visit? The KMP grounds in South Africa.
For what would you be famous? I feel that I'm most CAPABLE of being famous for my writing, but I WANT to be well-known for my photography, at least in the photography community; truly "famous" photographers are extremely few and far between.
When did you last cry? And why, if you feel like sharing. Last night. I had an anxiety attack.
What fictional character/s remind you of yourself? Clearsight from Wings of Fire is a strong one.
What would you like to tell your father? I wish you were better when I was growing up.
What would you like to tell your mother? Thank you for literally everything you do.
What is something you have no patience for? Jokes about rape or other extremely serious, harmful things.
How many cats do you have? One. I'd like one more, but.
How many dogs do you have? One.
How many other pets do you have? One: a champagne morph ball python.
How many of your grandparents are still alive? None.
Have you ever been flipped off by a random stranger? Yes, when I was driving one day. My mom was absolutely seething, she reached her arm out of the window and did it right back.
Does everyone in your family know your sexual orientation? I don't think everyone does.
Would you ever want to go back to school? So... as of extremely recently I am considering going back for some sort of writing degree. I don't want to be an author, I just feel like a degree in my strongest skill might come in handy for getting SOME sort of job in writing.
If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair? shrug
What is the wallpaper on your cell phone? Lock screen is this gorgeous artwork featuring a skull with flowers, butterflies, and bees, and my home screen is another piece of artwork that's a simplistic monarch butterfly texture.
What do you have handy at your bedside? Two lamps (only one is usually on, my little moon one, but the bigger one is for if I need more light), sometimes my phone, the remote for my moon lamp (it can change colors), and whatever book I'm reading.
When did you last sing to yourself? When I was otw home from Charlotte with Girt.
What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? Healing from my trauma with Jason, I think. I could say still being alive, because boy have I wanted to kill myself plenty of times, but in a way I feel like healing from Jason was even harder. A big reason I'm still alive is because I was just too afraid of the experience of killing myself, so like... surviving was the only option.
What is your opinion on brown eyes? Do not get me wrong, brown eyes can be beautiful, especially in the light. However, it is my least favorite human eye color.
Would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel? The child of both.
How do you feel about tattoos and piercings? Explain. I fucking love them and I'm so glad humans conceived the idea for both. Both can be a method of self-expression, and especially for me, making you enjoy your body more.
Talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way. Ozzy Osbourne. He was my bait into metal music, and his music has comforted me since I was a pre-teen, and continues to do so to this day. His music makes me feel warm, and it feels like home to me.
The world is listening. Pick one sentence you would tell them. For right this very minute? Free Palestine. If it wasn't currently under genocidal siege, I'd have to think harder on this, because there's a lot of contenders.
Do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organized/not organized? I have a desk for my laptop. It's got my laptop on it of course, plus the Mira plush Girt got me, the weighted meerkat plush Mom got me, my planner and Girt's work schedule, my therapy workbook, and a few art supplies.
What’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know? I would never share my sexual life with either of them. Specifically kinks, no fucking thanks.
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izar-tarazed · 3 months
01. The magician and 10. Wheel of Fortune; for Izar, 18. The moon; for Ensha :)
(major arcana inspired headcanon questions | prompt list is here)
🧙‍♀️ the magician : how does your muse feel about fate ? do they believe they can change their own destiny ?
That’s actually something that troubles Izar a lot. She finds herself in a world where the notion of an assigned fate is a certainty, not a belief; as an astrologer, her whole profession—and identity—evolves around the idea of reading fate from the stars; and as a Tarnished, she has her path seemingly laid out for her.
She struggles with all of that, and feels increasingly guilty that she doesn’t really desire to claim the Elden Throne. Also, her understanding of astrology is that the stars—when in movement—hold warnings and promises; inscribed in them are possibilities rather than destinies set in stone. When she gets to know Ranni who is all about forging her own fate, I think Izar is particularly impressed by how unapologetic Ranni is about that. In a way, Izar has always been sure that she can change her destiny, but felt as if she’s not allowed to and should feel guilty about it. So part of her journey is to become more confident about what she desires.
[Edit: I wrote this before the latest update in our RP thread, and Nepenthe’s words there are exactly what Izar needs to hear to become more confident about her own wishes, fitting so well that I almost thought I had already posted this!]
🎡 the wheel of fortune : how well / badly does your muse take setbacks on their goals ?
For the most part, Izar is surprisingly chill about that. She’ll take a deep breath, consider her options, get a clear idea of the damage done or taken, then figure out the next step. She’s persistent and will just try again. That mindset might partially be related to her condition as a Tarnished who knows that, in a worst case scenario, she’ll just be brought back by the grace: Izar has the certainty that in most cases, she’ll always get another shot.
Sometimes, she will need time to deal with whatever happened. (If, for instance, one of her star maps would get destroyed briefly before finishing, she’d basically be grieving before she can move on and start anew.) But it’s also true that sometimes she’ll choose to walk away and come back later not because she really needs to, but simply because it’s the easier path instead of getting back at it right away. (This is where she differs from Ensha, who’s all about putting in the damn work, and starting right now.)
🌘 the moon : what does your muse long for ? is it a realistic desire ?
So Ensha has been stubbornly silent about this, but I keep coming back to the idea that he’s basically longing for freedom while still having purpose (and a place to belong). To an extent, this is what he has when he’s travelling with Izar, but he’s also still in Gideon’s service. And while I’m still not completely sure how I imagine that relationship, it’s sure to be complicated, and not one Ensha could walk away from so easily. After all, serving has given him purpose for a long time; so much so that he’s somehow convinced that they are, in a way, inseparable, and he can’t forfeit one without the other. To him, there is no purpose without commitment, and freedom comes at the expense of both. Every choice that he makes for himself first and foremost does, at the same time, feel like it threatens to sever his commitment, and therefore his purpose. Ensha doesn’t have the guidance of grace, but—not unlike Izar—, he fears what he might lose if he strays off his path.
What he longs for is to have both, a path of his own choosing and purpose, or at least, a sense of belonging—but to him, that doesn’t seem possible, not in the long run.
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brambletakato · 3 months
if you’re worried the wordcount’s gonna scare away readers, it probably won’t. i’d absolutely read a 2k post if it’s about my guy jean desmond descole sycamore. honestly i’d read a 20k post about him if i could. pinky swear
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... ok so i was actually working on this a few months back.. I wrote a very long draft, then I saved it and came back to it, cringed myself out and just. never posted it,,, but after a few months since I figured that its just because I went too deep into it right off the bat instead of giving a ""small"" summary so here we go ATTEMPT 2!!!!
(also if you're an oomf, you're a part of the campaign and you know what orange spoilers mean then do NOT read further pretty please bats my eyelashes at you) AND PROFESSOR LAYTON SPOILERS
So when I talk about campaign Des, I'm referring to a version of Descole that I've roleplayed for almost 5 years now (which is INSANE to me . has it been that long??? whar??? since when??? it's still 2019 is it not????)
The campaign hook is that it's essentially a mass isekai/amnesia plot; Your blorbo from some fandom gets sent into this world patchworked from other universes and whatnot, and they have to figure out their past whilst also finding out how to get back home. Super cheesy stuff on paper ngl, if you read it on some tv series' synopsis you'd probably skip
But its stupid fun to be a bit silly and have Jean Descole from the professor layton series interact with The Mario from the paper mario series and its a guilty pleasure :]
So as for a summary as to what happened over the 5 years (and then I can clarify on any points if anybody is curious (cricket noises));
To clarify who Descole is in this campaign, he only remembers bits of his life in regards to the canon/campaign rp. He remembers having a wife and daughter, but he doesn't remember that they're dead. He remembers his parents getting kidnapped and having to give away his brother, but he doesn't remember what happened to him after that. He remembers bits of his crimes as Descole, but never why other than for either the Azran or Targent. He's right in hindsight, but it's not he's expecting in the present time. He doesn't remember Raymond at all :( poor guy
He also accidentally adopted a young Trucy Wright (like... around 7-8 years old?) because her father is nowhere to be found and his group is actually nuts with close to no responsible adults. ... Actually why don't I talk about them for a sec;
He ended up in a party of like... 9-10 people and yes that is just as insane as it sounds. Some characters would join or leave the party but it has consistently been 7 characters attending excluding Descole. and yes they're all played by different people except mario who's played by the host, so thats like. 8 players at the table at one time
Anyway so this party is pretty much the source of most of his trauma in the campaign funnily enough. One of them blackmails him about his past and then tries to turn the rest of the group against him (meanwhile he dont know SHIT !!! given the amnesia situation), Descole gets defensive and accidentally fans the flames which ends up in the greatest betrayal for him;
When that person shot him in front of the entire group, both friends and foes alike, and they all turned their heads away from him as he bled onto the snow.
I'd love to get further into the party's hijinks(?), how the party came to be, and ultimately where they are now but that's the bare minimum you need to know (and I'd love to answer anything about them!)
Anyway, it's still unknown to this day how this one thing happened, but it's heavily implied to be because of psychological stress mixing with a third secret ingredient; Sometime during all of this, Descole kept finding himself in a room in his sleep-- And often his sleep was plagued by unspeakable nightmares, so this uneventful yet cozy room would've been a comfortable break for him...
... If not for the fact that Desmond lived there, too.
So Desmond is played by the fucking amazing host too and he's apparently a manifestation of his subconscious, and Descole REALLYYYY didn't like that (very much weirded him out, especially since Desmond was extremely blunt and near emotionless; he'd try and give advice but Descole was super nuh-uh about it)
His unease around his subconscious was enough to where he tried to sleep deprive himself to prolong seeing that guy + having nightmares, which that went well (he almost legitimately died lol)
As they have more chances to genuinely talk, their relationship changes. For better or for worse?... Can get further into that if anybody asks lol
Oh one more thing, because the canon roleplay took super long to have sessions, some players opted to have non-canon roleplays to fill in the gaps of time... Which ended up becoming their own side-campaigns that the host would sometimes join in as well. In fact the host has like... A few non-canon campaigns that he's running, and to be honest there's a few non-canon campaigns I end up thinking about a lot
You might've seen the terms "SS", "Chamber RP" or "Persona RP" in my tags and those are some of the non-canon campaigns. Right now we're focused on the canon rp and Chamber RP, which Chamber serves as a tutorial/introduction for a huge overhaul of the ttrpg system we use. We're still in Act I of canon, but Act II is VERY soon which will be using the new system.
SS; Player hosted, everybody fights an evil version of themselves that doesn't have amnesia while trying to take down an international cooperation. This is super fun because Descole in this one finally remembers WHY he did all of those terrible criminal things in the past...
Chamber RP; Host's campaign, amnesia is reversed; You remember your canon counterpart but not the campaign memories... But this doesn't last long as memories of the after starts to seep in. In a similar vibe of the Zero Escape series, you have to find a way out of a sci-fi laboratory while carrying the metaphorical torch of your forgotten hundred other attempts.
Persona RP; Host's campaign; In stark contrast it's super slice of life-y most times lol. Des gets a job as a teacher in this one??? It's set almost 3 years in the future of the canon campaign and as the name implies is SUPER Persona based. There's a strange other plane of existence that supposedly has the answers as to why they have amnesia... And the serial murders that's been going around town.
Anyway I'm definitely leaving out big details for the sake of brevity but I'd be happy to answer anything and thank you if you've read this far!! finally feels good to get this all out ngl
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justyoursicanon · 2 years
Lets continue the rp on this thread-
My phone can't take it-
Anyways continue here your responce- (please put what I responded cuz I'll be confused as shit-)
*Both the DA and Evalyn perk up at the mention of that, they just deadpan at Kendrick seeming to be in disbelief. Another thing that caught their attention was the mention fo Actor. Their beloved Actor, their saviour from that damned prison was taken care of by Kendrick in another timeline? That brought comfort to Eva, the first person they ever met was Mark, but the sight fo Kendrick’s displeased look made them shrink.*
*The splits and their host shrink into themselves a bit, they felt guilty, they knew Actor was bad, but how could they not appreciate him? So what if he started this all? He was the only one that came back..*
“Anyways, when we met George, detective became trigger happy and rather agitated, so he held the poor guy at gunpoint, asking him questions like if he was the killer or not… I.. I thought-” “We thought everything was gonna get answered, but as soon as the lightening hit, George ushered everyone to help him close and lock up the door to the seance room..” *Eva suddenly interrupted the DA. Both seeming to have different reactions, the DA looked distraught and hopeless, while Eva looked guilty and regretful*
*Kendrick shot an all knowing look to his Abe and the detective looked down ashamed again. Damn he was really different back then.*
Well yea, from what I know after I got the job as a butler to work in the manor George always despised the damn house. And with the fact that Mrs. Celine had that seance room it would make sense why he would want to lock it up. From what I heard from George himself, ever since she moved in the 'curse' become stronger. I never minded it at first but.. This explains some things..
*Kendrick felt his heart ache as he glanced at the sad expressions of the two. He should be a bit more nicer when discussing this. They were the ones involve so he mostly shuts up for the next part of the explanation.*
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prpfs · 1 year
💕 HELLO you , i'm celestials , 22 years old . i use pronouns she/they and i am looking for long term , detailed and enthuastic rp partners in various fandoms. massive bonus points if you love to talk out of character and are creative with plots and worldbuilding!
first things first , i'd like to express that i do 1x1 rps ( with me playing the oc , my partner the canon ) OR double ups / mumu's / whatever you want to call it ( practically we both get what we want ; i play your love interest , you play mine )
as for the fandoms , i am looking for the following;
🪐 SCREAM I - VI ; i am either looking for someone to play billy loomis , stu macher , ethan landry or samantha carpenter / loomis against one of my various female!ocs. i can play a large variety of characters in return , you can ask for the list of characters when we get chatting !
🌸 CW'S RIVERDALE ; this show has been my guilty pleasure as of late so please , indulge me in a rp. i am looking for an fp jones or jughead jones against one of my female!ocs. i can play a variety of characters in return , feel free to ask !
🪐 HOGWARTS LEGACY ; till now , not many could satisfy my craving for a roleplay in this fandom, so i am either looking for either a sebastian sallow and / or ominis gaunt against my female!oc. i can play a few characters in return , but please indulge me and give me your oc against my garreth weasley , sirona ryan or poppy sweetings . i have been dying to portray them in a double up !
🌸 TOP GUN MAVERICK ; i recently found my love for top gun back so i am asking for a bradly "rooster" bradshaw or a jake "hangman" seresin against my female nurse!oc . i wish i could say i can portray a lot of the characters but i only can play pete "maverick" mitchell or natasha "phoenix" trace to my best ability. i can give others a shot though , in case of a double up ! :)
in case you are interested , add me on discord. my dms on here do not work all the time. i might reply a bit slow sometimes , considering i have a chronic illness.
my tag is midnightsmoon#1336
i hope to see you all there ! 🌸🪐
Discord: midnightsmoon#1336
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do you have a ship bias list for any of your muses mun? :o
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//Guilty! Honestly, who doesn't?
I have a vast majority of muses who have never shipped with anyone and for whom I have no fandom-fed ship bias. Some boys are just good on their own, and if stuff happens and clicks, that's great and all, but not something I necessarily look for. And then there's GLaDOS, too. The queen of the blog needs no ship to thrive in my heart.
I will talk about Cyno simply because, out of my full multimuse roster, he's the only one who has achieved shipping stage. The only other being Sephiroth, who has his own sideblog.
Anyways, Cyno. Odd ball, this one. I find that my favorite ship for him keeps swinging, and it's highly dependant on mun rather than muse. If a mun makes me vibrate with their writing, my brain will find openings to get invested into a ship between my muse and theirs.
Before writing with anybody, my shippy fixation for Cyno started with Candace, I just thought the two of them looked great together. This was before I knew the Genshin characters to any less-than-superficial degree, mind you. After Candace, my attention moved to Nilou for a bit. I think I started to give Tighnari a chance after writing with Shae, her Nari just stole my heart and still does. Now I love all the silly foxy rangers out there.
I remember growing interest into Cyno x Aether after that, but that has yet to happen, so it's still in the drawer and waiting to be explored. Ironically, while dipping my toes into this ship by starting to write with Pluto, that was when I gave their Wanderer a shot (without expecting much of anything) and was bludgeoned behind the head by Cyno x Arakan straight out of left field with a random hug joke thread.
These two are by the tippy top of my shippy iceberg and still clinging tight to it. I blame my obsession for all Wanderers on them.
And there's so many I could write more paragraphs about! Thanks to lovely A, I was able to fulfill my Cyno x Candace dreams, and I'm head over heels for them with each new reply. Then there's unexpected out of fandom ones that I never saw coming, like with Maxie's Genesis, and that I now consider as good as canon!
There's lots of other ships I am absolutely intrigued by but haven't had a real chance to fully explore yet (Alhaitham, Xiao, Albedo just off the top of the head~ and thanks to Spencer, Chongyun right now is being very loud in my brain) and that I am shaking to write. I do have RP partners with these muses and I'm staring with bloodshot eyes at them. But these are just a few!
The truth boils down to what I said in the beginning: it's not the muse that my bias stems from, it's the mun. If the mun gives me continuous threads with good plot and character growth, chemistry, and in general a muse that does show care for what goes on with my own muse (while having stuff of their own to share, of course), I know I will fall for them and so will muse. I crush on writing, more so than characters.
This is more a gush fest than a list, but I hope it works as an answer~
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guilty-shot-au · 2 months
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Imma be honest, that is starting to go off the rails.
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the-writer-machine · 3 months
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Hey world machine- Cedric here to report on the situation we talked about earlier.
Some anhedonia named "Kinito" is killing everyone in Illyria apparently and no one can stop it.
I will get there as fast as I can and try to help resolve the situation while getting as much info as I can. Will try to update you with everything neccesary.
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[What the fuck-]
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[...I'd send the Writer to help, but he really needs a break from these kinds of events...]
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[And there's absolutely no way I'm getting Niko involved.]
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[Please exercise caution.]
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the-wintry-mizzenmast · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
tagged by @bbcphile
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
69. NICE.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Smoke and Mirrors (Sephiroth/Cloud, drag queen canon divergence) has disproportionately contributed to this.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I am sadly monofannish, so at the moment I am writing in Mysterious Lotus Casebook 蓮花樓. There are a few fandoms I have gone back to writing to, like Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney when a new game comes out. I suspect I will dive back into Smoke and Mirrors once I am done with MLC and I play FF7 Rebirth.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Day Still Young (Wrightworth PWP)
Safe and Sound (ZoroLu PWP)
Storm Before the Calm (A Wrighworth piece I wrote for an exchange, I'm surprised it's this popular!)
Love and Longing (Wrightworth piece I wrote a long time ago)
Perennial Passions (Wrightworth PWP)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do my best when I am able, but sometimes I don't always get around to it or I don't have the spoons. I apologize if you've left a comment and I haven't been able to respond. Thank you.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I smashed out Tarnished Silver (Sol/Ky, Guilty Gear, Major Character Death) in one evening because I was shocked that one of the audio dramas would have an AU that kills off a main char
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mostly do one-shots or series that are comprised of one shots that take place in the same universe. Euphemistically, all of my smut has a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Extremely rarely. And if I did, I would report and then delete.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
All the time. I think every time I get into a ship I write porn for them. My usual tags are Porn Without Plot and Porn With Feelings.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I am extremely proud of Born for the Fast Life, my Ace Attorney x Fast and Furious crossover. This might be the only multi-chaptered fic of any significant length I have ever finished in my life.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few over the years. Most recently, the entire Smoke and Mirrors series has been translated into Chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've done massive RPs before and collaborated on universes, but never a specific fic.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I am mono-fannish, so my favorite ship is always whoever is currently my ship, which is Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua. I suspect I will always love and have a soft spot for Zoro/Luffy from One Piece.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Two Bodies (Baze/Chirrut, Rogue One). I had so much backstory for them in my head, but it'll never be done. I need to learn that I am fickle and easily distracted and thus not made for long novel-length projects.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Action/fight scenes, car chases, Porn with Feelings.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things I start.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm only fluent enough to do this in Chinese, and only for short bits of conversation. I've only done this once for 天涯海角 The Ends of the Earth
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Fushigi Yuugi, but it was all for myself and only two people on this earth have read it. First fandom I wrote and posted for? Weiss Kreuz. How's that for a throwback?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm proudest of Smoke and Mirrors, mostly because the characters are so vivid, but also because of its length and the way it's been plotted, even though it's yet undone and I don't have an ending for it. I'd like to figure out where I'm going someday and finish it.
I'm shit at tagging people, so anybody who reads this, if you want to do it, please!
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bronzewool · 8 months
So, recently I just learned Relocation Depression is a thing.
Which isn't something I would normally associate with myself because my family moved around pretty much my entire life. Maybe my parents did a good job of cushioning the blow by turning it into an adventure. Moving means a brand new bedroom I get to paint, a brand new park to play in, a brand new forest to explore, a brand new school where my bullies don't go to. Sure, my old friends wouldn't be there but I have my older brother, and he's already my best friend so its fine.
This time however I'm not feeling the old joys of being in a new place, decorating my own apartment, trying new food, and making new friends. Everyone I love is now in a different time zone so now I have to workaround when is the best time to call. I can't see them on a whim anymore, can't tell them I how weird it feels being in a different country where the culture is different, the rules are different, the people are different and you feel like an oddity for just being yourself.
Lately I just feel tired.
I've felt tired for a while but I think I've just been ignoring the signs. I have trouble convincing myself to go to bed when I'm tired, I keep jolting awake at 3am convinced I overslept, and I'm stressed out at work. I'm gonna be taking on more responsibility and its becoming very clear there are gaps in my knowledge that I need to fix before anyone finds out I'm way underqualified. My new co-workers said some pretty transphobic shit over the course of my first week. To the point I've now associated the word "mental case" with my own sense of self because that's what they believe someone like me is. A mental case.
My gender dysphoria has shot through the roof, so now I'm stress eating again which is just feeding my dysphoria even more. I'm painfully aware I don't fit into my favourite jeans anymore, my fat is hanging in the wrong places on my hips, my breasts are getting bigger, and I couldn't come out of the closet even if I wanted to because my brain won't be satisfied until I "look how I'm suppose to look". Enby folk are all beautiful skinny androgynous people with dyed hair. I don't look like that, so I avoid looking in mirrors and critique my height, high-pitched voice and the other girly parts I want to hack off with a knife.
Worse, I can't escape my own thoughts because I constantly make excuses for why I don't have the time to enjoy any of my hobbies. Can't write my original story because I have a backlog of fanfics I wanna write. Oh, can't write any of these fics because there's too many WIPs and I'm overwhelmed by choice. I wanna RP again but I have too many muses fighting for attention and the muse I want to write for needs their own blog and that's my least favourite part of the process.
Writing is overbearing, lets do something else instead.
I want to practise drawing my own characters, but I lost any skill I had as a kid and its gonna take way too long to catch up and be where I need to be...maybe I should just watch youtube tutorials instead of practising.
I wanna learn Spanish on my commute to work, oh but I always listen to audible in the car. Which one do I pick? Maybe I should just listen to music that doesn't require me to pay attention.
I downloaded a ton of games to play so maybe I can do that instead. No, I'm not a little kid anymore. I'll just feel guilty for wasting the entire day away playing video games instead of doing chores.
Maybe I could watch this series on my watch list? No, I'm not really in the mood to give this thing my full attention...maybe I should just scroll social media. That doesn't require any brain power. Social media is always there for me. It would never hurt me.
I'm sad now...Maybe I should quit social media...but what else would I do?...Wow I'm lonely. I should talk to my friends...but its been years and I'm sure they're busy...and its gonna be weird to jump out of the blue asking to pick up where we left off...is that selfish?...Wanting to rekindle a friendship because you're lonely?...That doesn't sound like something a good friend would do...I wish I was a good person...maybe I would have done a better job of making time for my friends...I miss them...I'm sorry I was a shit friend...I wish we could go back to college and start over...I promise I'll appreciate you this time around...But you're married and have different prioritise now...it sounds nice having a roommate...it sounds nice having someone to go home to...
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