#guys btw i watched season 8 too
dramaism · 11 months
so I've been really burned out these past 2 weeks and started rewatching the first tv show I've ever watched - the vampire diaries
gosh rewatching this 10 years later as an adult feels so unique? and watching it in english too? because i change my opinion on things like every 2-3 episodes
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Okay so after kind of a long break cuz i felt like i burned through most of season 8 waiting for Mulder to get back i just started watching s08e19 Alone. Here are my thoughts
Aaaaahhhhh i love Dogget he’s grown on me so much. He and Scully actually care about each other as friends
Mulder taking an active role in Scully’s pregnancy after being justifiably distant since he’d been returned makes me melt
“Agent doggets a big boy, he can tale care of himself. You have to worry about the little boy. Little girl? Little boy? Or little girl?” AH BARK BARK
No dogget’s spent too much time with Scully he’s touching unidentified goup with his bare hands
Dad!skinner telling Scully she’s not aloud into the office. Skinner acting like Mulder and Scully are the two children he never wanted but begrudgingly loves anyway is my everything
Scully you should mot be autopsying that body and everyone knows it except for you apparently and btw put a goddamn mask on
Mulder is concerned about his son and his wife, partner (girl?) friend more than any x-file
When tf was it confirmed that the baby is mulder’s?
I was so distracted by Mulder and Scully I forgot 8 was supposed to be worried about Dogget what’s going on
When x-files agents drop random history lessons>>> please tell me more about the prohibition
Skinner: mulder your not supposed to be out here. Mulder does what mulder wants
A “walk in the woods” or “nice trip to the forest” has never gone well for this man
“I didn’t catch a name agent-“ “kersh.” HAHAHAHA agent mulder is not a field agent but he doesn’t have to be if he’s not agent Mulder
Mulder looks really good in this episode
Nah dog (random evil biologist guy) get away from my new son (dogget)
Agent Harrison pisses me off, girl no way you read all the reports and went “i wanna do that!!!” And THEN you were freaked out. Like do i love the xfiles? Yeah! Is a career path im considering with an intelligence agency like the fbi? Yeah. Would i ever want to work on an xfile if they were real? Nope nope nope
Skinner reprimanding Mulder is back can i get a waahooo?
“You re-gifted my apollo medallion” yes and i wish she fucking didn’t
“Talk about the blind leading the blind” man-
Rut row raggy
Yes, let’s shoot a firearm when we can’t see anything! That’s a really good idea!
Bad mulder! That is not something we say and then hang up on our wife, partner (girl?) friend
That is a big fucking lizard and I’m getting the feeling i was already supposed to know about it but wasn’t paying attention
Mulder bby they are not your colleagues you are unemployed
“It’s alright, it’s just me” Ahhhh soft dogget
Can Dogget and Mulder be bros please
Mulder you absolutely fucking moron ❤️❤️❤️
“Aim at me” “No!!! I’ll shoot you” “your not gonna shoot me”x4 Haha i cant believe that fucking worked
Mulder giving Dogget the medallion ahhhhh
I’m very articulate rn
She’s such a fan hahaha
“It was never actually proven it was a spaceship-“ “it wasn’t?” + more bickering “you were frozen and then I hugged you untill you were not frozen anymore” THATS CANON NOW
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i-have-a-goal · 10 months
I had said a few days ago I would be posting my tips on how I lose weight the fastest & how i got it done being in sports that enabled this ♡ so here I go:
Btw- just need to say this quickly- I don't condone this and get help if you are able to ♡ much luv
Okay with that here it is teehee:
☆ Okay so When I was in wrestling, we had to make sure we made weight- no if . If you were 6 lbs over then you had to find a way to lose 6lbs by Saturday. When I was put in this situation, some of the girls would 🤮 of course, but I wasn't a fan of the taste so I def took alternative routes such as
1. Calorie Deficit= DUH. Obv. Duh. For safety reasons I'm going to say 1,400 max (which isn't much In real life lol) but I would eat around 800-1,200 max for this. I wouldn't really say I watch what I eat, but I'm also not just downing pure doritos and mountain due. I'll have chips but I'll also eat fruits.
2. Working out/ cardio= I know.. it's a bummer isn't it? But I'm being 1000% honest with you, calorie deficit combined with hot cardio is the key to losing weight quickly. This is what we all did to make sure we were at the correct weight within 7 days. And it's not walk around the block or sit on the floor and do donkey kicks either... it doesn't have to be extremely intense, but you do want to make sure you're sweating the whole time. ☆ bonus points for putting on 2-3 jackets and pajama pants or hot sweats when u workout!! It does a lot of the job for you. For me, my go to would be using the treadmill (I don't even run girl I have it on level 3 and do this for 30 mins while listening to music and day dreaming about my cute skinny future self- and I still sweat like crazy) I also do the same thing on a indoor bike. Like I said, it doesn't have to be sprints or anything crazy , just something that keeps you moving enough to be hot = sweat. Think of jumping Jacks, planks, butterfly kicks, ladder climbs, etc. Also if you have a jacket with a Hoodie, def tie the hoodie secured so u can sweat more! It works I promise.
3. if you have the time, try to workout whatever you just ate sooner than later. For example, ate an apple? That's 95 cals, nothing a 25 minute walk can't burn off 👍🏻
4. DRINK YOUR WATER. I know everyone says it BUT there's a reason they do okay. Water keeps your lips hydrated and soft. Water will keep your body hydrated, water will help keep you full (to an extent if im going to be honest) if you feel hungry after drinking water, try sucking or chewing on ice- water's cousin ♡ they go hand in hand. Also- I add chia seeds to my water for the fiber and mint leaves with lemon and Cucumber in another ( I have different cups) the mint drink helps with bad breath (from not eating) AND speeds your metabolism = lose weight faster. I also drink green tea for the same benefits + 0 calories so yay ♡
5. FOOD EXAMPLES. Chances are, If you're too focused on how hungry you are and how much it sucks that you can't have fatty foods- you'll break. You won't succeed. So let's make it as beautiful as we can. By that I mean the dishes you make. Some popular dishes we would do within the sport was 6-8 leafs of big crunchy Romaine lettuce with lemon and salt over them. That's around 10-15 calories. Another one was thin slices of tomatoes with salt. Get creative and add seasoning if needed ✨️ if you like spicy food then you're in luck cause adding spice to anything fills u up quicker:-) a good spicy choice I do is steamed garbanzo beans with tapatio. Another good (non spicy) option is steamed artichoke with light Mayo! Get fancy here guys yall can steam so many vegetables and have so many nice looking meals 😊
6. STAY CONSISTENT = I know it's easier said than done, but when you're about to grab that pizza, understand that you're conscious enough to make the decision to not eat it. If your body is fighting with your brain, then you have to trick one of them. Yes, be delulu. Tell yourself it isn't good. Tell yourself the pizza is just another thick slab of grease with artificial cheese over it. Think of how you'll feel once you eat it. Think of the grease lard and calories you're shoving down your throat. Convince yourself it's disgusting. Eventually, you will find it disgusting. And this can work the opposite way as well ✨️ glorify thin slices of fruit. The satisfying way it feels to eat low calorie naturally sweetened fruits from earth. Same with veggies and water and anything 0 calories.
If I have any other advice ( which I'm sure I do I can't just think at the moment!! Smh) then I'll be posting them on this account so follow me for more content but if there's 1 thing to take from all this, it's this:
Self-discipline & self-control
So many of us don't get to our goal weights because of these 2 right here. Find the self control to not eat the food your family brought home. Find the self discipline to carry on your good habits of eating minimal & healthy and gradually make your way to the end goal ✨️
I believe in you all! We got this, one day at a time 💕
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several-ravens · 23 days
so here are my categories updated in light of the recent events aka the end of season 1 (under the cut because it's still long af and i don't want to pollute dashes):
i have been made aware (by my friend, again) that these categories are based on fears, so:
episode 8, the contractor
episode 12, gerard keay at the hospital
episode 37, guy in the forest and milk bottles
pestilence (infestation, but cooler):
jane prentiss in general (worms)
episode 36, care home (flies)
madness (hypnotic patterns and fractals):
episode 3, not!graham's table? idk
episode 8, the contractor's dad obsessed with fractals
episode 38, homophobic vase
episodes 39, not!graham's table again? idk
bonus: episode 26, michael because
web (name-dropped by martin in episode 39, formerly spiders):
episode 16, arachnophobia
episode 36, zippo with web design that jonathan received
episode 7, guy who met war
episode 11, black tendrils
episode 29, guy who plays faro
episode 9, serial killer dad (there's a weird date inconsistency in this one)
episode 1, anglerfish
episode 8, not!graham himself?
episode 10, vampires?
episode 27, bedroom doorknob
episode 28, anglerfish part 2 (yes i recognised sarah baldwin's name from episode 1, i'm better than jonathan /j)
episode 39, not!sasha herself?
hunt (name-dropped by jonathan):
episode 10, also vampires?
episode 14, voodoo fingers old lady ("some hungers are too strong to be denied")?
episode 15, cave diving?
episode 31, werewolf
fear of heights (?) (formerly infinity):
episode 21: parachute guy
lonely (name-dropped by my friend haha):
episode 13, graveyard and fog
episode 33, ghost ship and fog
ew (flesh/bones/meat/body/blood) (also probably two categories in a trenchcoat):
episode 8, the bleeding tree
episode 10, also also vampires?
episode 14, voodoo fingers old lady
episode 17, boneturner's book
episode 18, rotting meat nailed to the floor
episode 28, anglerfish part 2 (idk she wears her own skin like a glove and that's gross)
episode 30, abattoir
eyes (not a fear, btw, so i'm gessing fear of being watched?):
episode 12, gerard keay's lighter, and also gerard keay's tattoos
episode 23, mausoleum in germany
episode 39, jonathan feeling observed
claustrophobia (?):
episode 2, casket?
episode 15, cave diving?
episodes i have no idea where to put:
episode 4, ex altiora
episode 5, trash bags (probably multiple categories depending on the trash bag)
episodes 19 & 20, priest (probably multiple categories as well, maybe a bit of madness and a bit of ew)
episode 24, red organ and puppets (i will not let my own fear of clowns and dolls bully me into making a shiny new category just for them)
episode 25, cult roommate (could be lonely, could be darkness, idk)
episode 35, corridors (all of the categories at once)
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safyresky · 7 months
So, Season 2. It's. It's alright ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But like...that's it, lmao.
I did enjoy it! I got WAY MORE genuine laughs out of these first two episodes than I did the entire first season. Magnus is hilarious, I love his whole vibe lmao. Fluffy's character, Kris, he's...man is really out here looking for a father figure and it is deffs biting him in the ASS.
The elves are top tier as per the usual! Betty and Noel are continuing to be THE power couple and I am SO HAPPY ABOUT IT, I love them to death 🥰🥰🥰
My fave thing about the season so far is just everyone out here like Scott wtf are you doing. Wtf, man. I yelled GET HIS ASS so many times lol. The official Get His Ass Count as of the end of Episode 2: 8. 8 whole GET HIS ASS moments. BLESS.
Episode 1
Scott sucked SO BAD this episode. He breaks the SOS on a worldwide level then gets upset when Cal is like "I love Riley! I wished her here! We're hanging out! Riley!! :D" and is like "Bro you should've dusted her."
Scott aside (you know, his usual boomer-esque old guy who refuses to change shtick with BUT WHAT ABOUT FAMILY! And whatnot thing), everything else was. Mid, tbh. But fun! Santa being like "Are you gonna kill him?" With Carol being like "I can take care of Gary" was hilarious.
Betty and Noel, of course, SHINNED. I love them, they are SO CUTE. Cardboard face cutouts??? ICONIC. Nobody is doing it like them!
Now. Cal. aka, Buddy. I am very worried for him. Like, 4 episodes ago he was having ANXIETY about being Santa? And now this? Carol being like "what if he doesn't want it don't force him to follow in your footsteps" like. I AGREE. HE SHOULD GO OFF TO COLLEGE AND LIVE HIS LIFE!!!! I have a lot of thoughts there but it is late and I need to FOCUS because I need to yell about Cupid in a second, ANYWAY
Magnus Antas. I love this guy. I fucks with him. He takes a 700 year nap and is like "I'm fine" until his toxic bestie is like "I WANT TO KILL" and a kid sasses him for not being Santa/being OLD and he's like "Nevermind. I want to kill now too. Time to MURDER." He has VIBES and I like them!! He also seems like he's was over it until Olga was like "but what if" and some kid was mean to him and tbh, I can't even blame him for getting pissy at the kid lol. I'd also turna kid into "a Roblox" if I could (here for Gamer Mad Santa btw. I'd watch him stream on Twitch)
This is verging into Episode 2 territory, lol. May as well get there, then!
So, the LORE DROPS. Um. There was a LOT of it? And it seems to contradict itself/not quite equate with itself? If the NP is a utopia for magic, why is it like that? Was Magnus good, or not? Why do ALL the fairy creatures live there, when they come from so many diverse cuktures and backgrounds? That's a lil messed up! What the fuck happened with the gnomes becoming so (what's the phrase) PROMINENT for Santa? Will we get answers for all of these? Based on past season, PROBABLY NOT! BUT I HOPE WE DO! BC IT IS A BIT ALL OVER THE PLACE! AHH!
RIGHTO. SO SANDRA'S MAGIC. Love that for her! Love that they're actually devoting time to showing her interacting with La Befana and learning about herself and the pair of them discussing things!!! MUCH rather watch that than a 5 minute long auto-tuned elf song which is there just for a Santa/Satan joke! I'm excited to see how her whole arc goes--it looks like she's ACTUALLY GETTING ONE.
I wonder why Befana needs her to tell her parents, like, aside from obvious reasons. She was so insistent on Sandra making sure her parents knew she was training with Befana, that I'm wondering if there's something more to it a la "our powers don't work on other legendary figures". Like, was it to keep her mind clear? Is it like a past thing? Bc Witches are "scary" and often "bad" given that Santa calls Befana a "good one"?
That's another thign! Not sure I vibed with THAT whole thing. Both Claus's being like "yeah witches, they are deffs their stereotypes". Like. Idk. It sits. Not gr8 with me. Feels like performative activism, sorta, you know?
Which is also how I feel about the girl power moments, tbh. Like, it's nice to see them--Carol respecting Befana as a self-made woman, sister solidarity, etc. But it feels very performative! It feels very much like they are checking it off a list, you know? They're STILL like "Carol is trying to find a role for Mrs. Claus" and they go for COP? Wildin. Also wildin that the ELFS are COP EQUIVALENTS? Um, since WHEN?! They are funky little guys with jet packs and no regard for authority. Remember when they broke Santa out of jail and bullied the cop at the front desk? Remember that? YEAH.
So as a classics major and a lover of the Cupid/Psyche myth (and personal bias from OCs made bc of said myth) I was unimpressed with the Mrs. Cupid convo. FIRST off, her name is PSYCHE so jot that down. SECONDLY. It was ONE ARROW MEANT FOR HER THAT SOMEHOW GOT LODGED INTO CUPID ACCIDENTALLY WHILE SENT ON AN ERRAND BY HIS MOTHER, VENUS, TO TAKE CARE OF (make her fall in love with a horrible monster/something/someone very ugly) PSYCHE BC SHE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL WORSHIP WAS DROPPING FOR VENUS AND GOING TO PSYCHE.
This resulted in Cupid and Psyche having a very strange romance/marriage in which Psyche's shitty sisters convince her to break Cupid's one rule (which was don't look at me) and he gets injured, HELD HOSTAGE by his mother, and Psyche has to go on a QUEST to free him that involves Venus making her do all sorts of shitty shenanigans, setting the personifications of sadness and despair on her, and trapping her in an eternal sleep. Cupid, afflcited by his own arrow, escapes his mother's house when he hears about this, finds her, and draws the sleep out of her, waking her up and reuniting them.
They then proceed to go to Zeus (not Jupiter despite Cupid being the Roman equivalent of Eros, and Venus roman of Aphrodite? It's interesting) like LOOK WHAT VENUS DID and Zeus goes "Wow, that's a little fucked up, actually. Listen, I'll make her a god and sanction your marriage and tell of your Mom IF you do something a little fucked up for me and help me get ANY woman I want" to which Cupid goes "Sure, that sounds reasonable and not fucked up at all" and then he and Psyche get married and have a fucking rager with the gods and have one kid, Pleasure, aka Hedone/Volupta, or in SOME iterations, THREE kids, Pleasure, Joy, and a third one who's name escapes me (Vanity I think) and presumably live happily ever after! READ FOR YOURSELF!
I am very passionate about this bc uh. this is uh. Dite's whole ass backstory? She is Hedone lmao so I've got some personal attachment here thanks to me own OCs lmao, ANYWAY
So YEAH that got me miffed. As did uh, the whole PEEKABOO and cupid making baby noises back at Riley. The ICK.
But you know what I DID love?? Cupid being like "I'm not spying but also, I am spying and also, the whole ass entire council is like BOI...WHAT THE FUCK". GET HIS ASS! CALL HIM OUT!! BC YEAH, WHAT THE FUCK SCOTT?? SEASON 1?? HELLO??? EVERYTHING BEFORE THAT??? VIOLATING THE SOS BY SHARING ALL THOSE SNOW GLOBES??? AHHHHHHH.
Cupid delivering that 3 month deadline and Council threat I was like. HERE for it. I was like. GET HIS ASS (this was one of the GHA counter moments tbh). Like, this dude is out of control! I think it's high time Scott meets the consequences for his actions! AH!
So YEAH. Excited to see Sandy and for New EB! I hope the whole Council comes back, even if they have to recast, that 5 minute scene would add YEARS to my life that Riley and Cal took away.
Because they are. So icky. I feel as though. There is a scale. And Marie is on one end, and Riley is on the other. This isn't just FIRST LOVE this is just DISGUSTING. Like it was cute at first last season but now Riley is honestly?? Sups annoying. You can tell that they're like, checking items off the list instead of actually putting more thought into them, because Riley is v much a stereotype and they have WAY UPPED her teenager levels. I need them to talk to actual teens. Nobody says OMG like that and also, she's bringing home BIKERS?????????? UM??????? It's like. Why are they so bad at writing love interests? You feel? Tho this could just be a me thing 🤔🤔🤔
They really should've socialized those kids, DAMN. Santa being like "And we all know how that [Romeo and Juliet] went" or whatever the line was had me like "FINALLY SCOTTY BOY. SOMETHING WE CAN AGREE ON!"
Finally. Finally. FINALLY. Some good parenting from Scott. FINALLY. Being sups understanding to Sandra? I actually loved it. He finally did ONE (1) GOOD THING. MAYBE HE IS? LEARNING? I DUNNO MAN! WE'LL SEE HOW IT GOES! But yeah, I did like that scene a lot. I'm just really here for Sandra getting her moment!
So YEAH. Overall, season 2 is okay. Gave me more laughs which is WELCOME, and I cannot wait to see how this develops. Especially since the lore was like, really thrown our way, you know? It was a lot for two episodes and again, did kind of contradict itself? Hopefully it clears up once Santa inevitably learns the truth about Mad Santa, probably mostly thanks to Carol who is DOING the MOST.
But yeah, I'm hoping to see the lore tidied/explained a bit better. Especially bc the whole elf lore opening, with the icy tunnels and drab vibes, didn't sit well with me? It...I didn't like it. Not my cup of tea. The lore in general isn't my cup of tea though it's fun to see it there finally, lol. Poor Toots, being named after a fart essentially (I went right to toilet humour, I'm sorry, I am so mature I promise i'm not)
Also, they really kinda. Throw around the head elf title, huh? It felt REALLY WEIRD to not see BMan there, and Toots just being thrown in? Weird it's WEIRD. I wouldn't bring B-Man back for it but MAN IS IT WEIRD. Especially since the new elves, as much as I ADORE THEM, don't have the same kind of like. Old feel to them? As the movie elves did? So I was like "they should NOT be there right now. They should NOT."
Righto. I am going to wrap this up bc I am INSANE and this is very very VERY long for a franchise like this 😅😅😅
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shimmeringweeds · 9 months
EDIT: so like. all of this was wrong. and I don't know what I was on when writing this. Tired is what I was. Read it just to laugh at how dumb I was being.
Link Click S2 E10 part 3 (part 1) (part 2)
Destiny and Fate
Let's go back to this scene for a moment:
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We've already concluded that this episode is a dramatization of events, a theater play. Events in this episode are symbolic not literal.
Recap: Cheng Xiaoshi and Li Tianxi are symbolically crossing paths here, not literally. After all, by the point CSX!LG is at this crossroads, Li Tianxi has already been in police custody, unidentified, for two days. Li Tianxi's half likely takes place the night she ran away, after Chen Bin's death.
So what's the symbolism? In regards to theater, it could be a couple of things.
1). When two characters cross paths in theater, it can represent two solutions to a problem posed. Sometimes, there's only one right answer and the viewer has to discern, which is it? There is more to this than meets the eye. - I'll come back to that at the very end.
2). Two characters crossing paths can also symbolize a swapping of fate. In the context of Link Click, this one is the obvious choice so let's go.
Li Tianxi's fate is not a happy one. She's traumatized and her mental growth is stunted. It doesn't appear she can take care of herself. She can only rely on her brother. And Li Tianchen (brilliant mad lad that he is) is still only in the process of becoming a real hunter, and not just Qian Jin's hunting tool. He hasn't broken free of that yet (though the extent that LTC also is using QJ as a tool by this point is worth noting. QJ probably knows he needs to watch out, with those gloves.)
Li Tianchen wants to rewrite destiny and "find" his sister.
Li Tianchen wants to rewrite destiny so he doesn't loose his sister in the first place.
I'm not talking about that night she ran away. Remember this is figurative. Li Tianchen started loosing Li Tianxi the moment he started loosing himself. Li Tianchen lost Li Tianxi the first night he impulsively chose to murder through her.
Li Tianxi and Cheng Xiaoshi figuratively cross paths in "inevitable destiny."
Whether by free will or by force, it's implied that Cheng Xiaoshi will take on an inevitable destiny for Li Tianxi. The key nodes of the past cannot be changed, but there are multiple ways to cause them.
Intermission : Li Tianchen
I've got a bone to pick with you.
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"Without photos, you have no chance to cheat now."
LI TIANCHEN. WHAT? I'm sorry, are you for real? I thought you understood how these games go???? So your telling me, That Cheng Xiaoshi using photographs, using his own damn ability, is cheating. But that you're allowed to possess people? KID. How does that logic track?
Is it just because Cheng Xiaoshi can physically disappear? Does he consider that a cowardly hunt? I mean, honestly, no matter how you look at it, from a game POV Cheng Xiaoshi won this round fair and square. Li Tianchen was outsmarted. If anything, having Xiao Ma stationed as backup is cheating, but that's a Qian Jin problem. It's out of Li Tianchen's control.
I need to mull this one over more, why is using the photo ability cheating? What a curve ball.
But what we do get out of this is: Li Tianchen didn't realize the full extent of what Cheng Xiaoshi could do. What else doesn't he know?
Lu Guang
Li Tianchen has been.... somewhat dismissive of Lu Guang the entire season. I mean, he meets Lu Guang and immediately thinks, "yeah, this guy is a disposable resource, let's stab him." And then a night or two later he's like, "Oh yeah. BTW. Here's a photograph. Please deliver." (because I still can't think of reality where that photograph wasn't a card he played.)
In eps 8&10 Li Tianchen says, "I regret being too lenient before.."
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Wow, that's a threat. So you did mean to kill him back then,or--?
Li Tianchen wants to know how in the ever-loving world did Lu Guang know about the damn boat. No one knew about the boat. Even Li Tianchen might not have known about the boat (QJ set up multiple escape routes.)
So HOW? How did this nobody on bed rest know about the damn boat?
There is a dark spot on our timeline. A few dark spots, actually:
Dark Spot 1). Li Tianxi's escape. We see her run away. We see Tianchen chase after her. That's all.
Dark Spot 2). Cheng Xiaoshi/Lu Guang getting to the boat. How did either of them know where to go?
Dark Spot 3) The murders of Liu Lan/Li Fan and Chen Bin.
Dark Spot 5). Lu Guang's visit from a twin. (or that's just me)
What are we missing? Why have we not been shown these specific details? What is the link?
Crazy theory 1: Li Tianxi
Li Tianxi has had her ability abused. Possibly, it was abused before she even knew what it was. What if needing to use a photo is a safeguard? What if Li Tianxi can but doesn't actually need to use a photo in order to see a person? What if she can run a mental check up on anyone she's recently met... or touched?
If we don't know the full extent of Li Tianxi's power. Then maybe she and Cheng Xiaoshi could work together.
Li Tianxi can see memories, yes? Maybe they don't need a photograph of that time, maybe they just need the memory.
Not sure yet how that plays into the above scenarios but, it's a thought.
Crazy theory 2: Future Cheng Xiaoshi and the consequence of his actions.
Crazy theory 3: Future CXS/LG combo and the dual consequences of both their actions.
Crazy theory 4: "Hat Man" as the physical embodiment of the consequences of everyone's actions.
Well, that started okay and now we're ..... well, we're somewhere. I'm tired.
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lastweeksshirttonight · 9 months
We're back with Strike Force Five episode two, which seems to have randomly dropped at some point after I went to bed on Saturday. I enjoy when podcasts just randomly drop episodes, honestly, makes the whole thing feel more authentically chaotic.
I started listening to this while trying to figure out how to draft for fantasy football. I am not a football fan. I don't follow football. I don't know how to do fantasy. I very much procrastinated on that by doing these notes. My team is graded C- by Yahoo btw, which is two full grades higher than I expected.
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Notes under the cut y'all.
This episode opens with Fallon talking about how he forgot his show's shirts glow in the dark. Apparently Billy Crystal tried to sleep in one recently and discovered this; John also noted a time when he was trying to get his infant son to sleep while wearing one of Fallon's shirts and saying it glowed "too well".
The audience for this podcast is obviously 30-something office drones like me. I say this because Atlassian is now running ads during the podcast. They must sense that everyone listening to this has it open in tab one while having their task-overrun Jira boards open in tabs two through five. John also completely "ruins" this ad - which was very on the rails for a decent amount of time! - by suggesting that Atlassian sounds like "one of those plans G. Gordon Liddy had to relect Nixon". Fallon also claims Atlassian is the name of his Fortnite character. (I wonder how my boss feels about both of those lol)
Everyone opens by briefly talking about how many staff they have. Stephen has 210, Kimmel has about 180 + 13 writers + a bunch of crew, Fallon thinks he has 305, and John jokingly says he has 500 people before admitting he misses his legal and research staff. He's ready to say things he thinks are true, instead of "things that are legally defensible".
Stephen: "Would you guys be okay if I had a little Casamigos, I got a bottle right here...?" John: "It's 7:30 in the morning, why not?" Seth: "That's like a 24 ounce 7-11 cup..." I'm so glad this is all in an auditory medium.
John is going to continue shitting on whatever alcohol company he shat on last week, and called it "pond water". I am guessing it's somehow related to Bud Light but that doesn't really track with tequila advertising, so who knows. I have in a past life had Bud Light Margarita in a Bag once, maybe John also suffered that unique hell.
If it IS Bud Light John is talking about, I have no idea how Stephen talking about Budweiser wanting him to be the voice for a Budweiser energy drink/caffeinated beer called B to the E/B 2 the E didn't get cut. This was in about 2001-2002, so well before Four Loko, and the ad copy contained things like "your friends are heading home AND YOU'RE JUST GETTING STARTED!" (John is quietly dying in the background the entire fucking time before Googling if it ever came out. It did! Fallon is flatly like "that's illegal" in a completely baffled tone early on.)
We are 8 minutes into an hour-long podcast. Just informing you, in case you were wondering. Why yes I am obsessed/bad at football why do you ask
Kimmel insists that his early seasons - "for the first eight to eleven years" - were the worst of anyone's on the podcast. He said this after talking about, on his show, Mr. T and Jim Belushi hating each other and almost about to fight each other, his cousin doing pillow-fights early on and causing a catastrophe one episode by fighting Lennox Lewis culminating with Anna Nicole Smith falling into a cake, and another pillow fight with Tom Arnold ruining his suede jacket. I forget that Kimmel is partially of the Jerry Springer era, if not on his late-night show then from his other work, and this just really reminded me of that.
Mariah Carey wanted to be interviewed by Seth Meyers during Christmas in a functional sleigh. John tells a story about watching Watch What Happens Live where Andy Cohen, on live TV by himself, said that Mariah Carey was in the building but would not sit on the side where guests usually sit on his show and was desperately trying to fill time. Mariah seems fun.
If I had to imagine Hell for Stephen Colbert, it would be "having to fill in for a guest on The Daily Show and turning down an advanced screening of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". That scenario seems tailor-made to completely destroy him.
I'm glad I remember that Ben and Jerry bit Stephen and Fallon are talking about. I would love to know what this whole explanation sounds like to someone who does not remember the whole "best friends" late night "wars" of the time. Here's the bit btw. (Your daily reminder that the CC website sucks ass.)
I forgot Fallon started his show two weeks before Seth. I must have completely blanked out how quickly all of those hosts changed in 2014 (and then John starting the same year).
I'm with John on this one, "Allen key" makes waaaaaay more sense than "Allen wrench". It's a fucking key! The amount of shit I've had to put together with those goddamn things, it's not a wrench at ALL.
One thing I learned today: chairs are very serious business for most of the hosts. Fallon keeps a chair backstage to see how someone will look in chairs on the set, and to confirm that's okay with the guests. Seth, meanwhile, had chairs that John feel like he was being interviewed to be on Seth's show. And Stephen has all different sizes of chairs, to make everyone feel comfortable when they're on the show. (This is where things go predictably off the rails, as Seth then claims he has chairs that get smaller and smaller to keep guests on their toes.)
John's guest are was the most expensive part of his set, and they never used it. Somehow that doesn't surprise me. I was shocked they have a guest booker, though. (Stephen: "Wow what a cushy gig!")
Kimmel's live show ceased being live when Thomas Jane said "fuck" nineteen times on air and affiliates/censors were mad. Apparently on network you CAN technically say anything past ten p.m., according to Kimmel, but that's not the reality of the situation.
Seth: "People forget about the early 2000s. If you were a sports fan, you would often say, 'I wonder who won the big game... let's watch the Kimmel monologue.'" This is exactly what the 2000s were like, kids.
Seth and Fallon both were told by SNL showrunner Lorne Michaels that it would take them 18 months to get comfortable with their shows and figure out how to use them. Seth definitely felt that was wrong and he'd only take 6 months... but the first time he started the show from behind his desk was almost 18 months to the day from his first episode.
Stephen has an unaired 3-minute opening credits sequence that he wants to show on his last episode if possible. John also had a longer title sequence that he loved, but that his producer said he'd be constantly going over for time and he'd need to cut it down, lest he get continually furious over not having enough time for his actual show.
Fallon talks about how his first interview was with notoriously reticent and quiet Robert DeNiro, who gave Fallon one-word answers for literally everything. John asks if anyone told him he was starting from a high difficulty degree, but is interrupted by Stephen remembering a Space Train sketch in the middle of Fallon's interview featuring DeNiro.
Stephen remembers more about Fallon's show than Fallon does, which is wild. Stephen probably remembers more about everyone's show than they do, based on the first two episodes.
Stephen calling The Colbert Report "a totally different beast and maybe doesn't even fit in this conversation" made me sad. Tell me all the Report gossip!!!
Stephen telling the story of how he made the Public Access Show for Monroe, Michigan prior to doing late night is incredible. I remember watching him and Eminem do that show the day the internet became aware of it, and it is just a fascinating bit of transitional Colbert work. Also, had no idea they took over a real show... or that they got almost 0 viewers for it, lol. Here's the link to the bit, for your viewing pleasure:
Fallon must realize that John has said literally nothing for a while, because he asks how the first episode of Last Week Tonight went. John actually talks about hosting The Daily Show for three months. He says he'd never interviewed anyone before then (I'm guessing he means that as in "I've never interviewed someone seriously and with the eye of not taking the piss out of them", because he'd done MANY filmed interviews for correspondent pieces before then) and talks about the episode where the power was cut. They taped the episode on a camcorder and had to feed it to Comedy Central through Stephen's office.
Stephen then talks about how his first episode almost doesn't make it to air because it couldn't be exported from Avid. Everyone in the editing bay insists this is fine, and it did end up being fine, but the contrast between how CBS editing works and John having to go to another office to feed a show to Comedy Central is so interesting.
Stephen also kicked down a door after this. Please enjoy this mental image, you freaks.
John and Stephen sharing a bitter laugh over John's joke about Les Moonves in the background is fantastic.
John is the first person to bring up that Ryan Reynolds turned around Wrexham the team AND the city. I really should watch that show.
We now return to Last Week Tonight, which lawyers refused to allow to be live. (Knowing John's comedic sensibilities, I completely understand Legal's stance.) He acknowledges that they had too many ideas going together in the first episodes, including a pre-taped guest. The big thing they learned was that they were doing one show a week, which lead to research coming in throughout the week that undermined their segments, rewriting whole shows on Thursday, and the realization that doing the show that way was completely unsustainable. Having watched those early episodes recently (and I promise I'm still doing that in the background), this context totally explains the franticness and weird pacing early on. Of course things feel more didactic and surface level - they were writing full episodes in two days! The show completely restaffed and changed after year one, and John's "bones were as hollow as a sparrow". He also knew that anyone who didn't like episode one was going to hate episode two, because it was about the death penalty.
Seth's first guests were Amy Poehler and Joe Biden, because they'd been on Parks and Rec together and Biden gladly accepted being after Amy.
Seth's misplaced confidence in his pink eye sketch is very relatable.
Fallon texting everyone that he is basically dying of heat stroke in his room and is trying to leave to save himself is hilarious. Poor Jimmy, he's suffering and getting clowned so hard for it. AND THEN Stephen talks about the opening of Fallon's first episode and all the change he dumped on his desk and him. And Fallon had to run up to the roof with change falling out of his clothes. Again, all this while Fallon is having a heat episode. As John says, "we should rename this 'Asphyxiating Jimmy Fallon'."
Fallon is also vaguely losing his mind and forgets he can talk on a podcast, because he keeps texting the others his thoughts.
They actually address the hosting schedule! Next episode, Stephen is hosting. After that, it's John (I'm excited for the inevitable LMFAO retrospective and/or extensive discussion of penii on rooves), then "James Theodore Fallon".
Thank you for reading this ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE BLOCK OF TEXT I'm so sorry that this is apparently my niche right now, thousands of words on a 45 min to 1 hr podcast featuring five white guys. One day the John pictures will again outnumber my blatherings, I promise.
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kidge-planet · 9 months
A friendly night, right... (Part 2/? )
A kidge fanfic!
TW for this chapter:
Canon universe, episode 1 season 8.
A/N: I tried to correct my mistakes but, if you see some, tell me!! ( English is not my first language, btw🥲)
Just us?
Pidge POV:
What the heck just hapenned?!
I was standing there, in the middle of this halway that I knew very well. But I never expected something like that to happen here, especially today…
No, tonight, I was supposed to go back home, finish my stuffs for the launching of the Atlas and then cuddle with my dog, Baebae, in my bed while watching a romantic movie. All that while crying, eating pretzel thins, crying again because im not the girl in the movie and then fall asleep while Baebae would chew on my socks. I honestly liked that plan very much, but, Keith’s proposition changed it all…
Now, Im supposed to go out and spend my evening with him. Just him and I…
Just us?!
I blushed at this thought. Why would he even want to spend that last moment on earth with me?! Every single girl that likes mans in the premisses had a crush on him! He had choice! But yet, he choosed me, the nerdy, short and weird girl…
He said a friendly night, right? Well, It was pretty weirdly asked. He was pretty weird.
I feel like he has something in mind…
HO, come on, stop imagining things, he might really want to just hang out as friends…
I clunched my fists:
All I knew, is that the situation was terrible.
Keith is handsome and excuse me, but he is SO DAMN HOT. I have to admit, I’ve been staring durring our training… Don’t judge me.
I also had a dream… Well, two dreams… OK FINE, a few dreams about him.
You might thinks it’s a great thing, but no.
Here, Im just killing myself because the day he’ll get married and I’ll only be some random girl at the wedding, I’ll feel bad for two things: Fantasizing about him but also that my fantasies never came true… OK, also because I wont be the one kissing him at the atlar…
WELL, now that he kind of… Asked me out, I have faith! Blaim me if you want to!
I sighed and tried to look natural before heading back in the room where the girls were. But, I can’t act natural and im pretty sure that I was walking like a duck while heading back to my sit. I tried to ignore the curious expression that Romelle was giving me, or Nadia’s grin… Allura was just smilling at me and as for Ina… Well, she was just being Ina.
«SOOOOOO, what did Keith told you?»
Nadia asked has she got closer to me, still arboring a stupide grin and insisting on Keith’s name.
«Nothing interesting, really, Paladin’s stuffs.» I tried to sound conveincing. I litterally don’t want them to annoy me with tones of questions.
«Ho, may I know? Im also a paladin as I recal...» Allura played into Nadia’s game... That’s treason.
«Just… forget it.» I sighed, hopping that these womans would leave me alone… I was a fool to think that.
«HO, come on Pidge! Tell us! This could be a nice girl talk! And what is said durring girl talks STAYS a secret!» Romelle leaned on my shoulder letting her long and blond hair fall on me.
«Ho, please...» I frowned as I pushed her asside.
The girls then placed themselves in front of me to plead. Even Ina nodded to agree with them. Man, I get what Matt and my parents had to live every days with me… I guess Im annoying.
I sighed, «OK, FINE! He asked me to hang out tonight. But please, don’t start to make up something in your mind, he asked me has friends… Well, he was pretty weird, He was like panicked and all… I just don’t get it. Lance even had to ask for him...»
The girls froze before to give me a huge smile.
«This is LITERALLY a date. he might have panicked while asking you and that’s why Lance was there.» Nadia got a little too ecxited and grabbed my shoulders to shake me as if she was trying to wake me up.
«You guys are over reacting, that’s exacly why I didn’t want to tell you...» I growled.
Nadia then stopped shaking me. «Ok, then, If it is just friendly, then why you? He could have asked to anyone else than you! Besides, he is supposed to be the ‘‘Loon wolf,, , isn't he?»
«Yeah Pidge, we both know that he LOVES being alone… The fact that he wants to spend his alone time alone WITH YOU means something!» Allura grabbed my arm.
«OK, OK, alright, let’s admit it IS a date… What am I doing?» I blushed.
The girls stayed silent for a moment before Ina spoke:
«What do you want to do? I mean, when he asked, what was your answer?»
«I said yes.»
«And now that you know that it probably could be a date, what do you think? Do you still feel interested on going?» She continued.
«I… I think yes, but that’s a bit unexpected...»
«It might feel unexpected but it doesn’t mean it bad. If you like him, then I guess that you’re best option is to go. So I suggest you to take that opportunity.» She smiled at me.
«YEAH! And we‘ll help you get to ready!» Romelle joined.
They all nodded.
I never felt so cared about by a group of girls… In general, when I was younger, girls would always judge me, call me weird and reject me so yeah. I basically never really had female friends…
I smiled, « Yeah, ok… We’re doing this!»
At my answere, I could see the happiness growing in their eyes… Why, you might ask? Because they get to relook me and it’s a thing that they wanted to do since a while now… (I heard them talking about that the other day but they also asked me a thousand times… I always refused because first, it feels a little embarassing but also because im ALWAYS busy doing something!)
I told them what Keith and Lance told me exactly as they were preparing me and Allura... I refused many things:
FIRST, Nadia wanted to wanted to straighten my hair which is was NO! It’ll sure make my hair look longer and better but I don’t want to look like I have been preparing for a date if it isn’t one. Let’s remind ourselves that we don’t know for sure that it is a date! (Also, I like my messy hair.)
THEN! They tried to put some make up on my face… And like, not just a little! SO, I asked them to make me look as natural as possible! Like, really, They only used gloss, mascara and blush which was honnestly fine to me… (And which wasn’t to them, they wanted to turn me into a doll but NAHA, no can do!)
Finally -and it was the hardest part to figure out- We had to chose clothes… And unlike when we helped Allura to chose the clothes for her date, we only had less then 20 minutes to figure this out.
They fought about many outfits, I tried 14 of them and every times, no one was agreeding… Before we finally found one perfect outfit: a simple black dress.
So yeah, we fought about outfits for 10 minutes to chose a BLACK DRESS.
Anyways, I didn’t say nothing about this.
When they were done, they stared at me and Allura with a proud grin on their faces… Well, exept Nadia, she obviously wanted to relook me fully.
Once we were ready, Allura left for her date, leaving me with Nadia, Romelle and Ina.
I’ll pass the details of the briefing they gave me but, everything that was in my mind while they were talking to me and giving me advices was: «What if we are just over reacting? So I’ll have to play it friendly unless I have an actual sign that this IS a date...»
« SO! Are you ok with that» Nadia asked. I didn’t listen to what she had been telling me for the last ten minutes, so, huh…
«Ok… With what?» I raised an eyebrow…
She took a step back and was ready to blame me for not listening but got stoped as someone steped in the room.
It was him. And HOLLY QUIZNACK. I had never seen him looking so hot. (Or maybe it was just the first time that I saw him with other clothing then the garisson uniform/ Garsison’s hospital clothing, his BOM uniform, paladin armor or his usual outfit… The hotest he wore so far was the BOM uniform…)
He had a black tank top with a checkered jacket and some QUIZNAKING grey sweatpants.
I couldn’t help but blush. Fuck…
«Hey!… So, huh… Are you ready?» He scratched the back of his neck.
I. couldn’t. TALK.
Hopefully, Nadia that was now next to me gave ma quick blow on the arm to reminding me that I had to give an answere.
«HA- Huh, Yeah! Im ready!...»
«Great! So, let’s go?...»
«Yeah! Let’s go...» I said as I turned toward the girls behind me that were giving me signs to go.
I walked towards Keith and followed him outside were he had parked his motorcile.
I pass the awkward talks we had while then but basically, We both got on the motorcicle and I had to wrap my arms around his torso. I think you guessed that it was half pleasant and half horrible ever since I had to try to calm my heart beats… Like, MY HEART WAS RACING.
After a while, we arrived at his house in the desert. I had heard about it before but it was the first time that I saw it. It looked cute and calm. Next to it, the black lion was sat and apparently waiting for us...
«What is black doing here?» I asked while taking off the helmet he had lended me.
«Follow me and see.» He held his hand for me to grab it.
I hesitated before to finally hold it and follow him to wherever he wanted me to go.
We climbed all the way up to black’s head and wow, I wasn’t ready for that!
He had placed pillows, snacks and pizzas with some nice lights all around! It looked so hella nice and cute.
«You like it?» He asked as he squized my hand.
I was amazed, «It’s so nice!… You did all that?..»
«Yeah, I really wanted to spend a nice last night on earth… Im glad you like it tho, I did it for you.»
«It's amazing, Keith.» I looked up at him.
We became silent as we smiled at each other and at this point we had compleatly forgotten that we were holding hands… Then we remembered and it became awkward, again… (No need to tell you that we stopped holding hands then)
He looked away. «Should we sit?...»
I was still blushing hardly «Let’s do that...»
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eafee-drawsstuff · 1 year
My impromptu thoughts on rise of the pink ladies ep 8 bcs I'm obsessed rn
Okay but why did grease rise of the pink ladies decided to make me cry multiple times tonight???
Esp that scene with Cynthia and Shy guy like it took just a second to hit me but when it did it hit hard. Not only did that internalised homophobia strike a nerve but like,, the way all the pieces came together and the ball dropped I genuinely just said "Oh" at my tv.
Also why was Susan mvp of the ep? Why is she becoming my favourite. Like Olivia had a sliver of a point (a sliverrrr) she HS sorta done that 180 hella quick but like she fully did the most to try and make this night not terrible and it fell the fuck apart real quick.
Honestly Nancy was giving me aro vibes until this potato thing came up so I was a little eh about them at first. But I acc really like them together. Their both so dorky. I'm still dying for more from her alone tho like give the girl a proper solo number. Cynthia too.
Acc on that also Lydia, I was surprised we got so many different characters getting attention and it'd be cool to acc get her perspective bcs I felt so bad for her sulking in frosties after her lil spat w cynthia :( girlie's going through it too. That being said there's only 2 episodes left so probably 6 songs? Seems unlikely. On that note those two need to hurry the fuck up as much as i love a slowburn if I don't get Cynthia and Lydia acc getting together before the end of the season my head might just combust, Olivia and Gil too.
On that not me, Olivia pissed me off beyond belief so I'm just not gonna touch that. Like I get it from her perspective but like,, the way all that shit went down was kinda her fault and she went to the creepy teacher guys house (I can't remember his name)??? Which btw I don't get if the show wants me to Like him or not because isn't he a lil creepy? Like omg she's literally a victim 💀 I assume that's the point tho.
Idk I just feel bad for all of them at this point.
On the bright side Hazel seemed to have a fun night this ep. I wasn't expecting her and Wally to get a duet but I acc digged it. It's weird though because i assumed with them having nothing In common eventually Buddy and Hazel were "endgame" but he's kinda off dealing with a lot of his own shit rn and it doesn't seem like either of them have payed eachother much mind the last few episodes so who knows.
All and all tho that just made me very sad,, like we live for the angst but now when we have to wait a week for ep 9 when the angst presumably (hopefully) get resolved.
(Dot was the acc mvp this week btw rip her nose also "tell me about it stud"!!!)
Now I have to wait another week and God knows it's gonna drive me crazy. I started watching this show purely to make use of my paramount subscription outside Yellowjackets I wasn't expecting to get so deeply emotionally invested.
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skylebruh · 4 months
Rating Turbo FAST Ships
Yo guys! It's been a while I haven't posted some stuff here, sooo… I was thinking to make an post about ships and I decided to share some ships of Turbo Fast to rate, probably I will do more, I just need to make some clarifications about the rating
8 to 10: GOOD
7 to 5: Neutral
4 to 0: BAD
Ik this was not necessary but just a reminder, this is based completely 100% on my opinions, Soo.. Let's goooooo!!
8/10 - Turdmark (Turbo x Skidmark)
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Tbh in beginning i didn't saw so much potential in this ship, I DIDN'T understand why people shipped them, but when I started to watch turbo fast I could understand why people shipped them, their dynamic IT'S SO GOOOD KDKAJED, I believe if they had more development I would give 10, btw Turdmark still an good ship!!
6/10 - WhiteMark (White Shadow x Skidmark)
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Yeah another SKIDMARK SHIP AGAIN AKSKAJJDSJ, I saw some few people shipping these two, I can find this ship cute? Yeah, but tbh I think their dynamic work more an platonic friends than an possible couple, and another reason I can't find them having an romantic relationship it's cuz I don't see Shadow having any romantic interest in anyone, but idc if you ship them :)
7/10 - Turdcase (Hardcase x Turbo)
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I not surprised there's some people shipping these two, besides “enemies to lovers“ is an famous ship trope, actually Turdcase it's a pretty popular ship as like Turdmark in the fandom, I don't have many thoughts on this ship, I don't like so much “enemies to lovers” trope, tbh I have the same thought I has with shadow, hardcase seems he is not really into on romance, but even I don't ship them, it's not a bad ship, I will give 7 for them!!
7/10 - Smooplash (Smoove x Whiplash)
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I didn't even know there's was some people ships them, I can see why some people ships them, but personally I think whiplash is too much for Smoove, ik my man has some heart but he is too serious for him 😭, and I see their dynamic more like platonic than an romantic way, like they being old friends thing, but apart of it, it would be interesting to see how they would work as an couple, they still not a bad ship :)
3/10 - Turyaku - (Turbo x Hayaku)
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Yeahhh, another ship that was once popular on fandom, personally this ship just doesn't work, shipping them seems so forced considering what's happened between them on season 3, I believe if they had more interactions and development (of course WITHOUT turbo being so desperate for her) I would give an chance to this ship, but this ships kinda sucks tbh, anyways, if you ship them idc, be happy :)
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micamone · 1 day
the thing about liking an almost 30 year old show is I'm not sure as much about what went on behind the scenes. and a significant part of that is how awesome it was that the fans were just more separate from creators then, like there was no social media and junk for us to to badger them on about things. but the from their side there wasnt a place they could just dump shit on us for fun. things were told through dvd commentaries and magazines published back then or panels and stuff at conventions or even TV specials and those are all very... ephemeral. like I'm sure its all recorded somewhere but it takes a little more digging and hoping fan websites have the info. and thats doable I'm not asking anyone to help me with that btw i just havent done it yet cause i wanna get thru the show first or I'll have one billion spoilers from not being able to stop reading.
but i think the biggest thing for me rn on stargate is, again i watched atlantis first. and that started in and branched off of like season 8 of sg1. so i know a lot about The Ancients, since they were a big player in SGA, and every time something tangenally related to them comes up in SG1 i get super excited and wave my arms and jump up and down for Daniels attention cause i want him to discover Atlantis so bad. im so excited for him and oh god he has his earpods in he cant hear me-
anyways. connecting these two points..... i have to wonder watching things progress how much they planned ahead. how much did they set up like "... yeah we'll decide to make something of that later" and how much of it was "oh dude the fans are gonna FLIP when we make this reveal in two seasons" you know????? i can listen to stuff about gravity falls when hirch and co talk about how they had no idea where they were going. they were like "well he has a twin somewhere. for some reason. and hes..... well hes there." and they literally came up with the everything on the fly. and then even in Gargoyles, which is old like stargate too, i read apparently the writers called each other once like "WAIT HEY THIS CHARACTER FROM THE VERY BEGINNING FIRST EPISODE? HOLY SHIT WHAT IF HE WAS THIS GUY-" sort of twist like.... way into the show lol
was that what was going on with The Ancients? and their whole..... ascended business? Orlin in this episode was very interesting cause i definitely recognized Oma D from a while back as an ancient, so i was glad Sam compared Orlin to her, but this was the first time theyre REALLY like "yup, that monk and myths of the jaffa werent just talk. this ascension biz is for real and a bigger deal than you thought" BUT! they still havent really connected it to the ancients. at all. i dont think daniel even said the writing on the machine Orlin helped build was ancient, and it didn't look like it, but then like.... Orlin also just said he was Human.
and was that true? WAS he human? humans can ascended, sure. but he also made a freakin stargate. in sam's basement. (Obadiah Stane voice) WITH A BUNCH OF SCRAPS!
... he already was the cause of death for people he cared about once for giving away too much information, i wouldnt be surprised if he lied about being human. but also wouldnt be surprised if the writers were like..... unsure and didnt care cause it doesnt matter lmao they were just vibing. you know. idk im sure Orlin and even Oma will get brought up AGAIN later, im only in the beginnings of season 5 after all and know some spoilers that the ascension thing ans ancients become a big deal later but. yeah its just interesting. i like picking apart creators minds for their stories and its just not possible in the same way on such an old show. even if i could ask them, they'd be having to recall through decades of memories that change as they have over the years. and that provides an interesting color on things as well but... its not the same as knowing what they were thinking back then.
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laf-outloud · 2 years
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@officialreesebeck Time to fight off some #demons and #ghost with my new partner @jaredpadalecki “ #samwinchester “ #supernatural #jaredpadalecki #fridaythe13th
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@djjeffshanker After watching Supernatural AGAIN this photo was a no brainer! Sam was protecting me. Lol. So great to meet the Padalecki’s! #jaredpadalecki #genevievepadalecki #supernatural #samwinchester #ruby #walker #rhodeislandcomiccon2022 #rhodeislandcomiccon
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@hdwintersoldier Oh man where to start with this one ten years ago I started watching season 8 of supernatural then the show really got too me in a way only fans can relate to like even when we all go thru hard and struggling times it’s the characters that gives us strength and despite the fiction of it I know I’ve been in bad spots and every time I say you and Jensen are the only thing that’s keeping me together and they have been and ever since I discovered con’s I’ve always wanted to go to San Diego which is the big one that everyone goes too and for once he was close by and I was able to finally see this guy I called my tv brother since I’m a part of SPNFAMILY he’s not just my favorite tv actor he’s my brother and even thou ik still going thru some things I’m truly thankful that I finally got to meet him and this will be the best thing that has ever happened sharing this moment with him today and I know I didn’t get a chance to talk with him but taking this pic was worth the years waiting for and just wanna thanks for being inspiration and impact on my life (BTW HE SAID HE LOVED MY SHIRT) #Supernatural #SPN #RICC #Rhodeisland #ComicCon 😊😊😊
Jared and the guys! (That last story though... ❤️)
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So, watched Sonic Prime Season 2- heavy spoilers under the cut! If you’re waiting- especially about information when it comes to Nine- please don’t read under the cut!
With that out of the way… one, I was not expecting a season 3. I am. Extremely excited for it.
Now, last time I ranted about Shadow. That still stands btw. He was still done amazingly, and I love how much smarter and more powerful he was shown in contrast with Sonic. And that Sonic knew he could handle himself. Great writing, I need even more Shadow come season 3.
Now, onto the major character. Nine.
I’m going to say right now- I don’t want him to have a redemption. Because he’s *right*.
Nine is an extremely well written character. They not only avoided him falling into the “Sonic’s best friend and helper” trap that sadly gets overused when Tails is portrayed (it’s not bad, it just feels less like he’s his own character in those), but also avoided making him anti-Tails. In fact, I’d put him as the Shadow to Tails. Brooding, more serious, and more selfish.
This isn’t bad. In fact it’s excellent! Too long has Tails’ personality been based off of Sonic. Having such a different version of Tails is great! Nine is a joy to watch on screen because he’s not Tails.
Which is why I don’t want him to fully redeem himself. I think it’s incredibly important to understand here what’s at stake for Nine. For all of the other versions of characters.
When those prisms all come together, they’re gone. Wiped out like they never existed. All so Sonic can have his friends back. Nine being the villain isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually a great thing.
Because he has every damn right to be. Some guy just showed up, befriended him, and then basically used him to get his own friends back. That’s how Nine probably sees it. That’s kind of how it is.
Now. Does Sonic think he’s correct? Yeah. But that’s kind of the main message of the series at this point. He doesn’t think about others feelings. He doesn’t think of the others as living beings. Frankly, Shadow has every right to be as furious as he is.
And Nine has every right to not let Sonic have those crystals. Nine is his own being. I just. I really hope they don’t have some power of friendship ending there. We’ve got 8 more episodes coming.
Let Nine be the bad guy. Let Sonic realize he’s fucked up.
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hi i see you finally watched wednesday how was it?? tell me everything
Hello, Riri! ❤️
I am so sorry I took so long to answer this...things have just been very busy, and I haven't had enough enough energy in the last few weeks to be able to form a single coherent thought. But here I am, at long last.
I feel like I was the last person to watch it because everyone was already talking about it akfjangkajdjaf I had filtered the tag, though. So I managed to avoid spoilers. ✨
My cousins were over, so we watched 1.5 episodes one night, and then the next night, we stayed up till 3 am to finish it. 💀
It was such a fun show. I have only seen one The Addams Family film, and that was nearly 13 years ago. So I didn't really have much idea going in. (I am, however, embarrassed to admit that I did not realise Christina Ricci was playing Thronhill akfjajnfja I had a shock when I found out) But I had a great time watching it!
The pacing was good, the characters were fun to follow, the plot was interesting, and I think they did a great job with dialogue writing too. Plus all the little callbacks to the other Addams family media that I've seen being talked about were a nice touch.
I would have liked the ending fight to last a bit longer, though...we had so much buildup to it, but then it was over so quickly....that, plus Weems' death was SO anti-climactic. Like, come on guys, you had Gwendolyn Christie, you can do her better.
and there were a few plotholes that I would like more resolution to, and more development on all their characters. (btw, this is not at all a plot hole, just something that's been bugging me...how did Rowan's mother make that drawing before she died 25 years ago, if he's 16-18, considering they're in high school? Did I hear it wrong?)
I was convinced from episode 2 that Thornhill was suspicious, and in episode 5, I was convinced she would be Laurel, but then they really managed to throw me off by making the therapist blonde lmao. Apparently, I forgot hair dyes exist 💀
I also had an inkling Tyler was the Hyde from episode 3, but man...he really managed to win me over, and I actively ignored all the signs 🤡
I still kind of ship him and Wednesday akndamnfnaj. But honestly, I won't be mad if we get Wenclair or aro/ace Wednesday either.
Btw, that hug at the end was EVERYTHING. 😩🤌
Oh, and for the characters...my ranking for the main group would be:
1) Thing (yes, a hand is my favourite character, what about it?)
2) Wednesday
3) Enid
4) Tyler
5) Bianca
6) Weems
7) Thornhill
8) Xavier (I wasn't going to include him at all, because of the very serious allegations on Percy Hynes-White right now, but because the character has a major role in the show, I will put him here. Maybe I would have put him about Weems before, but I can't bring myself to have any grace for him under this controversy.)
We haven't really had enough Morticia and Gomez (episodes 5 when we saw flashbacks of their time at Nevermore has me so hungry more of their past story) and Pugsley for me to rank then, and I would love for that to change. Gimme more of the family, please and thank you.
And on an ending note...I have never seen a Morticia that isn't just straught-up ethereal, and Catherine Zeta-Jones fits it so well. Every time she was on screen, I literally could not focus on anything else. The walk. THE WALK. Just...yes. that.
Anyway, I'm eagerly waiting for season 2!
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koscheicore · 5 months
*kicks down your door, pounces at you*
I am attacking you with asks! 😊 (hope you don't mind)
1, 3, 4, 11, 14
And 7 if you’re feeling brave…
Also, do you have any DW novels /audios you like and consider essential listening?
Have a good day/week
(love your art btw)
*disappears into the night*
GASP, my door!!! Well it's worth it. Thank you so much for the asks! And aaa ty for the compliment to my art too 😭💕 rlly appreciate it! *gives you a little origami star before you mysteriously disappear*
1. Who is your favourite Doctor?
Currently 12 is my favourite, but since I'm watching classic, 3 and 5 are big favs too. My answer on this question changes so much though I seem to cycle through them 🤣
3. Who is your favourite male companion?
Turlough so far!! He's really interesting and unique. Love this lil pathetic guy. Kisses his forehead.
4. Whats your favourite story?
UHHH so, so many. I'd probably give you different answers depending on where the wind blows. But I'll try. Can't pick one so here's a few! (if anyone else asks again I shall give different ones)
-Enlightenment, from the 5th Doctor. Absolutely adored this one!!
-I'll forever love Castrovalva, also from the 5th Doctor. It's probably not that good but I do love me some confusing places...
-Midnight from the 10th Doctor
-Wild Blue Yonder from the new specials :') YELLS
-Heaven Senth from 12 my beloved
-As an artist, well, Vincent and the Doctor, from the 11th Doctor. I just. Cries
11. Show a picture of your favourite Doctor outfit
Does this count
Tumblr media
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
14. Show a picture of your favourite Tardis design
Tumblr media
7. Rank the Doctors from best to worst
OK IM FEELING BRAVE I'll try... but I'm only ranking those I've watched. Not taking into acct the EU. Also not including 15 bcs it's too early for me to decide (but I love him so far!!)- I'm ranking them based off how interesting they are to me also.
1. Capaldi's Doctor (12)
2. Eccleston's Doctor (9)
3. McCoy's Doctor (7). Very interesting guy
4. Pertwee's Doctor (3)
5. Tennant's Doctor (10)
6. Whittaker's Doctor (13)
7. Davison's Doctor (5)
8. Smith's Doctor (11) - I do love him but I lost interest in him for unknown reasons
9. Colin Baker's Doctor (6) - I actually found him interesting when watching! But yeah since I'm not taking EU into acct, not the best for me
10. Tennant's Revamp Doctor (14) - Well, we've got three specials. I liked him, but idk I don't think I'd be excited to watch an entire season of 14. He's more like a cameo for me.
Ok this was hard af ejdkdld as usual my answer will probably change anyday. I don't think any of them is bad though, I love all of the Doctors so far! Hence why it's hard to pick favs without rambling about other Doctors djdkd
Extra: Novels and audios
I haven't read any novels (yet) but I've listened to a few audios! Not many, I'm slowly getting into it. HOWEVER
If you're into thoschei you definitely need to listen to Master. It's just. GAHH. It consumed my braincells. It will never leave me. Plus it made me want to listen to more from Beevers and McCoy. I consider it essential if you're deep into thoschei tbh
AND. The Natural History of Fear. I went blind into this audio, from the 8th Doctor... It's one of my favourite stories ever, which I didn't add up there to not repeat myself. It changed my brain chemistry. It made me wonder how tf is it humanly possible to come up with all that and write it so well. The acting is sublime, the story is undescribable. Anytime I try to explain what it is about I fail tremendously. I don't think I consider it essential but I really do recommend it! In fact I recommend to listen to it twice at least.
Again tysm for the ask this was fun!!!
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
After everything I’ve seen and read on tumblr, I’m scared to watch s8 of That 70s show. I know the writers completely destroyed all the characters. Fez is already an annoying character in s4, and he’s becoming a sexist jerk.
Do I even bother watching the 8th season?
Iirc, I remember only watching the few eps and then the last couple. It definitely qualifies under the "don't bother suffering through it" category (as is T9S). A glimpse is the most I can bother taking. Don't bother, I'll give you the highlights.
The highlights:
-Hyde marries a stripper, Sam. She is devoid of any personality, and serves as an object to pull Jackie and Hyde apart. He's dug himself a grave, and he chooses to lie in it (ugh).
-It turns out that Sam was already married, so the marriage wasn't valid, anyway.
-They try really freaking hard to integrate Sam and Randy into the fold, but it fails miserably.
-Donna is an OOC shell (as is everyone else), and befriends Sam and pushes Jackie away, and calls her a bitch at one point.
-Kelso randomly proposes to Jackie (which was a jumping-off point T9S could've gone with, but since Jay is sixteen, they went with the stupid, late season 4 AU route). Jackie says no, obviously, and Kelso moves to Chicago to be closer to Brooke and Betsy. He becomes a security guard at the Playboy mansion, which meh.
-Eric breaks up with Donna via a letter, and Donna starts dating Randy. My headcanon is that Eric wants her to stop waiting for him and that he heard how she was treating Jackie (like shit), so he temporarily broke it off. Hoping for her to get her shit together, but that didn't happen (until the very end).
-Randy is an Eric-y character with a bit of Kelso (he loves dogs, and is somewhat superficial). He's nothing special; I don't hate him, other than for what he represents. He's just a meh character, to me.
-Everyone treats Jackie like shit, including Fez, her eventual lover. Fez says she's ugly on the inside and the outside, and Jackie says he's wrong about the outside part (wtf?).
-Jackie works as an assistant for Christine St George, the host of What's Up Wisconsin, who is a heartless piece of shit that Jackie readily calls out. It's the only salvageable storyline, IMO, until they devolve it and make Jackie sweep hair at Fez's salon. To "humble" her, which wtf?
-Fez has turned into a playboy, and is even more cringe-y than before. Jackie and Fez now live together, since Kelso has moved to Chicago.
-Hyde calls Jackie "Point Place's sluttiest slut," and everyone shits on her for dating almost all the guys from the OG gang. Hyde also pushes her into a creek at one point.
-Jackie and Fez are incredibly forced, and Jackie comes to the conclusion that Fez is her soulmate via a superficial, desperate list, which Donna affirms. Hyde vaguely gives them his blessing, but it's clear that it's hollow as hell.
-Jackie and Fez kiss in the finale, on top of the water tower. Jackie struggles to be intimate with him, and Fez paints over Jackie's name in "Jackie and Michael," and it's now "Fez and Michael." Extra note, the Jackie and Michael thing on the water tower seems to be fully intact in T9S (without any edits, to even fix it), so it's further proof that T9S isn't canon.
-Hyde has a nasty pornstache at the end of the season, and Kitty calls him her "second son." Kitty has a new hairstyle, too. The Red and Kitty stuff is better than the stuff in seasons 6 and 7, but like T9S, the decent Red and Kitty stuff can't save season 8.
-Eric and Donna, seemingly, get back together on New Year's Eve. Well, kind of, since they have some shit to work through. Donna's headed off to college in Madison, and Eric came home from Africa early (I explain why in my verse, btw).
The end. It's a vaguely fixable mess, unlike T9S. Which is an unfixable mess, imo.
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