#gwen x Bridgette
lightningmccqueer · 9 months
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dctessreal · 9 months
the idea of gwen and bridgette together to me is so cute, i can totally see it happening
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chuuowos · 4 months
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oh i guess that's just the way things go
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phantomstatistician · 19 days
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Fandom: Total Drama
Sample Size: 5,236 stories
Source: AO3
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dozing-marshmallow · 8 months
Pls i NEED more Chris McLean x reader. I NEED😭🙏 ive read everything of him on here😓
So pretty please something like chris mclean x wife reader and like, the whole tdi cast gets to meet her bc they didnt believe that Chris had a wife at first?😇
TRUST ME WHEN I SAY I feel the exact same way😫 I love Chris so much and it’s such a huge pleasure that I can write for him while having other people who love him enjoy it as welllll. I will be writing him for a very long time so you can always expect something new evolved around him to come up ;)<3
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Having your daily hug with Chris, the tender moment reminds you of what he told you earlier.
“Were you being serious when you told me the kids laughed at you when you told them you were married?"
“Mhmm.” he responds from underneath you,“They called it a sick joke and told me that stand up comedy was way out my league.”
“Aw darling.” you kiss his forehead,“I’m guessing you’re gonna ask a favour for me to stop by to prove them wrong?”
He raises an eyebrow,“What do you mean? Stand up comedy is in my pursuit. I just don’t prefer it, doesn’t mean I’m not good at it.”
He can be so silly sometimes,“I meant your marital status, baby.”
“Oh, yeah...” he holds onto your wrists,“Please?”
You let your body relax completely on top of his, still smiling,“Your wish is my command.”
“Aw what’s the matter, McLean? Couldn’t your wife make it?” Duncan was the first to pick up on ridiculing Chris, eyes still puffy from his chronic cries of laughter from last night. On another circumstance, Chris would’ve been fuming, had he not have reason to smirk.
“How sweet of you to worry, Duncan!” the host begins off, clasping his hands,“But she’s made it in one piece!”
On cue, you walk into the mess hall, linking your arm with Chris’,“Hii everyone! So happy to finally see you all in person!”
All conversation died.
Everyone turns to you.
This woman they’ve never seen before... 
His... His wife?
Were they hearing that right?
No way... He was being serious?
Chris was rolling on the inside at the shared alike look of being slapped spread across the contestants, especially of the mocking kind.
“I...didn’t know you had enough space in your heart to love someone else!” Beth’s the first to break out of her ice of shock to chirp.
“Surprised?” Chris chuckled, allowing you to introduce yourself, which was not what you guys decided.
“Yeah, I’m (Y/N)! This hot mess’ wife...” turns out improvising in front of teenagers wasn’t as fun as it sounded,“Sorry, I’m...not too good with words, so...help yourself to these cupcakes I made for you guys. I made them as a way to say how huge of a pleasure it is to meet you all!”
As you turn around to unwrap the trays, Leshawna clears her throat to privately address the cohort,"One of two things are gonna happen. One, those cupcakes are filled with maggots and hair. Or two, it's the first actual food we're gettin’ on this set."
Everybody nods in agreement.
They were right to inspect the wrapping and texture with their noses and eyes.
Yet didn’t expect to have the flavour of delicate buttermilk crumble on their tongues.
Oh my God...
Maybe they were deprived from having treats so long on the show, but it was unanimously categorised as a whole new delicious nonetheless.
The punk delinquent scoffs over,“Yeah... I’m not buying that’s his wife.”
“That evil maniac with a permanent smile is probably holding her hostage!” The ginger geek dramatically pinpoints.
“I can see why, these are too die for!” Owen squeaks, scoffing down an entire cupcake, wrapping included, not comprehending what situation it would mean for you if you really were abducted.
“Hm... Maybe he’s paying her.” Gwen suggests alternatively after taking another glance at you: it was your arm around him. Too touchy to be forced...
“I’d understand if he was hot like me, but he’s not even halfway there! Where would he find someone willing to do all that for him? No amount of money should convince anyone to ever lose their dignity for the likes of him." Justin criticises out of his internal debate of skipping the cupcakes or not.
“You’d be shocked if you’ve seen the fansite.” Noah opposes like it was the most known thing.
Speaking of which,"Sierra.” Heather directs, taking sudden control of the situation and everyone’s eyes to peel towards the superfan whose mouth was staining in the same dye as her magenta hair, perking up from her snacking at the mention of her name,“You know everything about everybody. Say, is Chris paying that woman to pretend to be married to him for laughs?"
The girl whose lifeline was Total Drama quickly swallows the last portion of her cupcake to appease her idols with a packed answer,“Oh, no! It’s all true! Unfortunately. Those two got married way before Total Drama was aired. A lot's happened... My mom waited years for Chris to propose to her and there he goes, chasing after that nobody! Do you have any idea how painful it is to see my mom’s husband having an affair? (Y/N) is nothing but a block of concrete, blinding Chris from seeing his true soulmate! A.k.a my mom!” The last few sentences gradually grazed with personal prejudice, but not enough to throw the next cupcake away.
“Wait, but if Chris did get married to your mother... Wouldn’t that make you his stepdaughter-?“ Alejandro posited, already having a hard time imagining Chris take that role biologically.
"So Chris,” Cody interrupts the impending awkward ambient Alejandro’s phrasing would bring, steering the conversation back, still bewildered,“...really does have a wife."
Bridgette takes her slo mo time in grabbing another frosted vanilla good, rethinking, the same man that laughed at their pain,"I...honestly don't know how to feel about that."
"Huuu... I feel like I went overboard with cupcakes, Chris!” you freak out to your husband, fidgeting with the sleeves of your turtleneck,“Why did I pick to make something so childish? I should've picked something more formal... Like a dish from my home country..."
"Relaaaaax, no one else is thinking about that." Chris assured, biting into one of your delicacies.
You continued to murmur on,“I wanted to make something universal, a collection of sweets so in case one likes a certain flavour more than others... I thought teenagers around here liked cupcakes... I feel like such a fool... I hope they don’t think I see them as childish...”
He grabs one and holds it horizontally to your lips, painting them yellow,“It’s not just teenagers that like them, (Y/N). Besides, they are children. Children like things that are childish.”
That’s true... Your paranoia’s sunk,“Well... They seem to be enjoying themselves. I’ve been worrying for nothing.” you smile, drawing your finger on his stubble to take for licking,“You had some icing there.”
Turns out, you were really nice.
The angel to Chris’ devil.
The sun to Chris' moon.
The calm to Chris’ energetic.
“So (Y/N)... I just...have a quick question on behalf of everyone else.” The CIT girl shields her mouth with her hand, like she didn’t want anyone else to hear.
“Of course, Courtney. Whatever would you like to know?” you welcome her, all kinds of possible questions cloud your mind.
She tightens your shoulders in her palms,“What the hell do you see in Chris?”
...You expected that one,“Why, I see a strong, handsome, hilarious man. A goal-driven, deep down caring, loving, in need of love man.”
Now the only true thing she heard was “goal-driven”- to kill them as spiritually as possible. Maybe even physically.
"You're not brainwashed, are you?" Her eyes widened like your answer had tossed her deeper in her horror.
"Get her to blink two times in a row if she needs help!" Tyler shouts, unintentionally defeating the purpose of being discreet from his clean intention.
"Hm?” Teenagers are so funny!,“It's not brainwash when it's love! After all, wouldn't you say you've found yourself in love with someone you never thought you'd be with?" You smile warmly at the type A when the butterflies fluttered an external reaction across her freckled face.
"Th-That's different!” she impulsively shrieked before closing her mouth in embarrassment. She looks around, and after making sure no one was judging her, she continues speaking, back to her whispering voice,“That’s Duncan. This is Chris.”
“Well, we both seem to have a type for the ones that went to jail, don’t we?” you wittily mention, giving her a wink to the similar parallel.
Leaving Courtney to her common dynamics contemplation, there was no better timing for Owen to ask if you had any more cupcakes to give.
“I’m so happy you liked them! I’ll tell you what, I can make more and send them to you."
“Don’t get too flattered. Bed crusher there would eat anything, even things you can’t call food.” The overruling antagonist scornfully gestures, her hair as black as her heart.
“...Ah, right.” you shouldn't have thought so highly of yourself over baking. To Owen, they probably weren’t good, just something to give his appetite.
“Well... That's not entirely true...” The foodie looks to the side uncomfortably for a moment from Heather’s harsh perspective,“Having eaten a lot of things gives me a solid judgement on a variety of tastes. With that said, I’d specifically be really happy to eat (Y/N)’s baked cupcakes again. You can't buy that kind of quality!"
Aw! “Thanks, Owen!” it’s no mystery why everyone was in his support back first season!
“You didn’t use any store bought cake mix, did you?” DJ asks, his naturally kind pitch of voice crunching up an otherwise accusing delivery his words may have played.
“Nope! If I was gonna have half of the ingredients already done for me, I may as well have just ordered the finish product.” the truth radiates through your magnetism, not as magnetizing as your husband, smothering you away in his arms.
For some reason, no one said anything right away. Like taking an exam, silence had scattered among these group of teenagers.
"I'm convinced she has Stockholm syndrome."
Up till Harold breaks it.
"Stockholm syndrome?! Come onn, you know that’s not a real thing!” Lindsay asserted, turning to Beth,“Is it a real thing?"
The nice-hearted nerd smacks a hand to her forehead. Rather than finding humor in uninformed Lindsay, Trent finds his eyes trapped on the sight of Chris’ hand holding onto yours, fingers locked, palms resting. Above all his faults, Chris...still had you.
That kind of love...hard to find, lucky to have.
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robstarsupremacy · 1 month
my fav non canon tdi ships
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tdinyomomma · 10 months
Total Drama Island! x Reader
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This is total drama island with you in it! You didn't know that this was a reality tv show when you signed up for it, Your sister had you make an audition tape but thought it was for a movie. Not a lead roll or anything but it was something that sounded fun. Now that you're stuck in this you decide to win it. Will someone ruin that chance? Will that someone be a love interest? Find out on... Total Drama Island!!
[Name] [Last Name]
Age: 16 Pronouns: She/her Clothes: black crop top, midi Jean shorts, black sneakers, and a light pink belt. Body type: yours Hair type: yours Height: (only one that might not be yours) 5'5
This will be off of the Total Drama series I don't not own anything except for the differences I make and even then I don't really own it!
Later down the road I'll decide who you end up with this is kind of looking like a Gwen x reader. But if that gets over ridden I might change it.
I don't really want to do a Duncan x reader though. I love him but eh. I was thinking maybe Courtney, Cody Or Heather.
If you want to request an imagined comment or privately dm!
1. The Not So Great Outdoors pt. 1
2. The Not So Great Outdoors pt. 2
3. The Big Sleep
4. Dodge Brawl
5. Not Quite Famous
6. The Sucky Outdoors
7. Phobia Factor
8. Up The Creek
9. Paintball Deer Hunter
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chrismcleanswife · 1 year
Heya there writer!! <3
I was hoping for some good Alejandro headcanons?
Maybe when Owen broke the plane (ya know, when he opened the hole in the economical class) and Alejandro saving reader??
I truly like the concept of reader being Chris' 13 y/o niece and the fear she suddenly developed to the touch of other people so I'd love to see that reader in the ask! (That making the ask platonic ofc)! Maybe reader becoming comfy around Alejandro after that? Mhm, how does that sound? ^^
𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨 & 𝟏𝟑 𝐲/𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬' 𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫!
𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚊, 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚞𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍/𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚞𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚑𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚝
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♥☁ -> You were still scared of almost everyone.
♥☁ -> Since what happened with Duncan at tdi you weren't able to be at peace with anyone that wasn't your uncle (Chris), Chef and Trent.
♥☁ -> They were the only ones who made you feel safe.
♥☁ -> Anyways that didn't mean that you weren't nice and kind to others.
♥☁ -> So as soon as your uncle gave you permission, you were running towards the "economical class" part of the not-so-safe airplane you were in right now.
♥☁ -> You wanted to meet again with those chaotic teenagers with whom you spend almost 8 weeks in that TV show.
♥☁ -> Anyways, you were surprised when you saw a new member among the crew.
♥☁ -> He was... handsome looking, but you didn't trust him that much, Justin was a plain cheating asshole after all...
♥☁ -> Anyways, you got yourself into the room and waved at everyone happily, most of them screaming with excitement when they saw you again (since you didn't appear at season 2 at all).
♥☁ -> ❝May I ask who are you, señorita?❞ you heard the new boy say, you turned your head towards him and smiled sweetly at him, you didn't trust him yet but he seemed like a polite person so you thought It wouldn't hurt anybody If you returned that politeness.
♥☁ -> ❝My name's Y/N❞ you said with a little smile.
♥☁ -> The new boy looked like he was about to talk again so you were quick to add ❝Y/N McLean❞ you finally said with a proud smile.
♥☁ -> the boy's smile changed into a surprised expression ❝Wait what-? Chris has a daughter?❞ he asked to the air as a reaction to the sudden confusion.
♥☁ -> ❝Nope! She is his niece! Isn't she adorable????❞ squealed Izzy from her seat, looking at you with a smile which you gladly returned.
♥☁ -> ❝Well, he then is lucky to have her❞ said the boy, getting up from his position and walking your way.
♥☁ -> ❝My name's Alejandro❞ he said, holding his hand out for you to take, gesture that made you flinch violently and take a few steps back as a reflex ❝Woah! tranquila pequeña, I have 0 intentions to hurt you❞ he said, quickly taking his hand back as a way to not scare you more.
♥☁ -> ❝Don't blame yourself boy, blame Duncan❞ Noah said without even bothering to lift his eyes from the book.
♥☁ -> You assumed it was time for an explanation and so you walked to talk with DJ, LeShawna and Lindsay, three of your favourite "campers" now turned into "passengers"
♥☁ -> ❝What did he do?❞ asked Alejandro, taking a seat next to Noah, wanting to get comfortable for the answers.
♥☁ -> ❝Mhm... let's say he threw her across the dodgeball court and made her scared of everyone besides Trent, Chris and Chef❞ explained quite calmly the boy, looking with disinterest at the Spanish guy next to him.
♥☁ -> ❝hermano, that's messed up!❞ he exclaimed in a low tone while Noah just shrugged, marking the conversation as an ended interaction.
♥☁ -> ❝Did he truly do that?❞ murmured Alejandro, now turning his head to Bridgette, whom only nodded while she bit her lip to his response, still feeling kinda guilty of making you wake Duncan up.
♥☁ -> You were now talking with DJ about how you were now taking care of a cuddly cat that your uncle let you bring to the airplane and just when he was about to ask you to bring it to him so he could see it the airplane started to tremble.
♥☁ -> Your eyes went wide as your body trembled but stepped away quite abruptly when DJ tried to steady your body with his hands.
♥☁ -> When you turned your head right you saw how Owen was dancing, making the plane shake in a not-so-safe way.
♥☁ -> In a blink, a before "repaired" hole broke again, sucking everything on the plane, and you being the only person standing in the middle of the "room" were an easy victim.
♥☁ -> You screamed in panic as your body flew out of the plane, you barely being able to hold onto the outline of the hole, gaining a deep cut from the shiny metal in exchange.
♥☁ -> The tears started running down your face as your heartbeat overshadowed any posible noise, your hands hurting so much as you tried your best to stay attached to the outline of the hole, seeing your short life flashing before your eyes.
♥☁ -> ❝Take my hand, quick!!!❞ a male voice shouted and you opened your eyes to see Alejandro being held by half of the time while he was holding his hand out for you to take.
♥☁ -> You wasted no time in taking his hand in a strong grip, feeling the relief overcoming your body as soon as you felt him tug your body towards the inside of the airplane again.
♥☁ -> As soon as you were inside of the plane again you bursted into tears while holding onto dear life to Alejandro, quickly staining his T-Shirt with the blood from your injured hands.
♥☁ -> Alejandro engulfed you in a thight hug, letting you get his T-Shirt wet with your tears as he also tried his best to shoothe you.
♥☁ -> God, why would everything happen to you???
♥☁ -> Alejandro started slowly and steadily rocking his body back and forth, while you trembled within his arms.
♥☁ -> Everyone was worried sick about you, and Leshawna was scolding Owen for having such a shitty idea.
♥☁ -> After a pair of minutes, when your sobs became much more muffled and the grip you had on the Spanish boy became less thight Alejandro separated your still slightly shaking body from his and asked to the air if someone had band aids.
♥☁ -> Harold was quick to lift his hand in the air.
♥☁ -> He lent Alejandro a pair of Ninja-Themed band aids and the boy carefully put them on the cuts you had on your palms, giving a kiss to each one after that.
♥☁ -> You giggled at his actions but when he was about to leave to go search for Chris next to DJ he felt how you griped his arm.
♥☁ -> He turned to you quite confused, but when he saw the desperate look on your eyes and how you tried to vocalise what you were trying to tell him he just hummed with a small smile and put his arm around your shoulder, keeping you close to him.
♥☁ -> His smile increased when he saw how relaxed you got when you were able to stay in contact with your savior.
♥☁ -> Alejandro was smiling sweetly on the outside while walking in search of Chris to tell him what happened, but in the inside he was grinning evily.
♥☁ -> You were a naive thing that needed shelter, and you were lucky that he truly liked you and didn't find you annoying (as he seems to find everyone in the plane, except Heather which he finds as a good competence), and now that you trusted him to the point of not flinching when he touched you he was going to use that as an advantadge.
♥☁ -> Of course he wouldn't dare to hurt your feelings or betray you because he has felt that at a similar age of yours and he doesn't want you to feel how he felt (or even worse), but he'll use your trust as a way to convince other of his "good intentions" and also use you as a way of making himself look like a dad and to cajole the girls so that he makes them believe they'll look as a great mother and that way make them fall even harder for him, and later use that to his advantage.
♥☁ -> Anyways, in the meanwhile it would not hurt him if he truly took care of you and let you stick around since you seem to like and trust him that much, maybe that way he can also manage to repair the injury that Duncan left that day so solely vivid in your heart...
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ladymarlin · 4 months
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Twitter dump
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romancemedia · 6 months
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Total Drama Relationships
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ztrawberryzz · 17 days
reblogz. They say it all (until I delete them)
Josh - Chris
chef - Blaineley
DJ - Lindsay
Eva - Owen
Katie - Bridgette
Ezekiel - Izzy
Harold - Sadie
Duncan - Noah
Geoff - Tyler
Heather - Justin
Trent - Leshawna
Courtney - Cody
Beth - Gwen
LMAO no Sierra and Alejandro aren’t included thiz iz for Gen 1 and gen 1 only (Josh and Blaineley are my exceptionz cauze I can)
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sug4rsicle · 10 months
Did I forget to tell y'all that I'm also into Total Drama
Here's my fanart so far, It's mainly sort of a series where I draw all of the characters, but I'll do other td content. Also Harold my beloved♡♡♡
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popstart · 4 days
makes me giggle when people say like "ummm😅 ive never seen the appeal of (random rarepair only me and 2 of my mutuals care about).... DONT kill me...." like damn was i really that annoying about it that i somehow convinced someone that random wlw ship is actually popular ajajajabsa
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theenbynightingale · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Total Drama (Cartoon), Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gwen/Kitty (Total Drama) Characters: Gwen (Total Drama), Kitty (Total Drama), Geoff (Total Drama), Brody (Total Drama), Bridgette (Total Drama), Emma (Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race), Noah (Total Drama), Owen (Total Drama), Izzy (Total Drama), Eva (Total Drama), Jennifer "Jen" (Total Drama), Tom (Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race), Trent (Total Drama), MacArthur (Total Drama), Lindsay (Total Drama), Tyler (Total Drama), Katie (Total Drama), Sadie (Total Drama), Leshawna (Total Drama), Laurie (Total Drama), Sanders (Total Drama) Additional Tags: Underage Drinking, Partying, Post-Series: Total Drama (Cartoon), Opposites Attract, Total Drama Rarepair Week 2023, Minor Bridgette/Geoff (Total Drama), Minor Emma/Noah (Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race), Meet-Cute, Minor Izzy/Owen (Total Drama), Past Gwen/Trent (Total Drama), Team E-scope (Total Drama) Summary:
Total Drama Rarepair Week 2024: Day 4 - Opposites Attract: Gwen/Kitty
Gwen finally goes to one of Geoff's parties where she meets one of his fellow Ridonculous Race contestants. She's happy, outgoing and loves having fun more than anything. They're complete opposites in every way. So why does Gwen feel so comfortable around her?
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get this done by the end of Wednesday but I was still able to get it done for the end of the week. This is for Day 4 of @totaldramararepairweek2023. I was gonna do a whole week of one-shots but I have a lot going on this week so I just stuck with this one. It’s probably for the best because this one ended up being much longer than I thought it would be. I don’t think a lot of people will see this but I’m really satisfied with how it turned out. For those who are here, I hope you enjoy!
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💖 my fluff fics! 💖
since that last chapter of amicus curiae might've emotionally devastated some people, i decided to compile my cute, funny, and fluffy fics to counter that! go check them out! (current as of 12/1/23)
gwen x courtney fics
the best laid plans - drabble
blue lips - drabble
drawn to her - drabble
roommate revelations - drabble
theft of property - drabble
right as rain - drabble
through the sky - multichapter
homo alone - drabble
alejandro x noah fics
no worries - drabble
fiendish fiancé - drabble
naturally nice - oneshot
coffee - oneshot
viability - oneshot
odd occasions - drabble
tolerable - oneshot
zee x emma fics
you and me (and a song) - oneshot
beyond reasonable doubt - oneshot series
mk x julia fics
leading questions - oneshot
requited, but not regretted - drabble
stole my heart (and my wallet) - oneshot
f/f ships
beth x sierra - tickled pink - drabble
jasmine x sammy - advantages - drabble
ella x sammy - starlight dreams - oneshot
izzy x eva - ascent to wondrous heights - oneshot
bridgette x courtney - undeniable truths - oneshot
anne maria x jo - fashionable - oneshot
m/m ships
bowie x raj - you'll 'b' my exception - drabble
dave x shawn - for the lesbians - drabble
multiple ship and/or friendship fics
alenoah & gwourtney - unfairway - drabble
courtney & everyone - i rather like having friends - oneshot
team escope & owen - reinventing the wheel - drabble
noah & everyone - why are you asking me? - oneshot
team escope & alenoah - pepper spray - drabble
gen 1 ensemble & alenoah - coastal confessions - oneshot
gwen & everyone - behind the scenes in new york city - oneshot
gen 4 ensemble & harlightning - a class of her own - oneshot
gen 4 ensemble - kissing the homies - drabble
alenoah & gwourtney - all is fair - oneshot
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eskiol · 9 months
“Uncanon/RarePair total drama ships r so annoying” ok idc anyways Lindsney, Nococo, Trustin, Alenoah, Alyer (Tyler x ale), Gwentney, Bridgette x Gwen, Bridgette x Courtney, Trent x Courtney>>>>
(Literally Courtney <3)
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