#hachi magazine
voxgg7 · 2 years
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♡ Nana Fashion Magazine ♡
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acupunkature · 1 year
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shiningidoll · 11 months
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mirai-e-jump · 6 months
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Animage January 2024 Issue ft. Kaku So Interview (translation below)
Publication: December 8, 2023 (between episodes 39-40)
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"By any means necessary!"
Kaguragi Dybowski, lord of Toufu, the country of abundance, has the belief of, "We'll protect the country by any means necessary!"
Two years ago, as Gira and Racules Husty opposed each other, he cleverly used his words against the two of them. The king of N'Kosopa, Yanma Gast, accurately summed him up as, "Someone who's neither on one side or the other. However, he's trustworthy."
Kaguragi was just a simple farmer before ascending the throne, but 17 years ago, the death of Toufu's former lord, Iroki, was the turning point that changed him. Faced against Iroki, who was revived through the ability of Grodie, one of the Uchu Five Jesters, Kaguragi confronts her with the truth that she's been hiding in her heart. In order to protect Toufu's future, and hide the fact that Grodie mixed poison into Toufu's rice, Iroki plays the role of a villain who has monopolized the food supply, and attempts to entrust everything to Kaguragi. He is willing to get his hands dirty in order to protect his country and people. Kaguragi's way of being a lord was something he inherited from Iroki.
Kaguragi is once again determined to take the dirtiest road ahead. True to his words, while participating in the Royal Sentai's plan to recapture N'Kosopa, he cooperates with Racules, who has become a servant of the Uchu King. When Gira and Racules face each other again, who will Kaguragi lend his hand to?
-Kaguragi's humanity, brought out by his younger sister Suzume-
"King-Ohger has finally entered the fourth quarter (end of year broadcasts)"
Kaku: Wow, it all really happened so fast. When we were filming the pilot (episodes 1-5), it felt like a long time since I was nervous and unfamiliar with everything, but now, I enjoy the set so much that I think, "I don't want this to end" and, "I want to keep doing this for the rest of my life." The story is interesting, and I feel that I've been involved in a truly wonderful production. It was also good experience for me as an actor to play the same role for a year, and learn how to think about a character that's different from myself.
"Starting from the second chapter, there are more scenes where you interact with the other kings, but is there anything you consider to be important when expressing these relationships?"
Kaku: It was impressive that his relationship with Hymeno grew during the body swap episode, but even now, he doesn't have that many conversations with the other kings. I think there's more involvement with Racules. Still, I want to create a feeling that we're gradually getting closer, and that we acknowledge each other, rather than just being able to talk in a casual manner. Even now, the people of Toufu may still be the most important people for Kaguragi, but I think he's become the bigger man, someone who's concerned about the other countries and tries to protect the people living outside of Toufu. I'm mindful of such changes in Kaguragi.
"In the dialogue with Racules, who was mentioned earlier, the profound feeling that you wouldn't expect from Nichi Asa (Super Hero Time) became a hot topic."
Kaku: They're both planning something, and although they don't fully reveal their intentions, they're working together because they have mutual interests. His relationship with Racules is interesting to play, and it's alot of fun playing catch up with Yano-chan. As for Racules, there'll be more developments in the future that you can't afford to miss, so please continue to keep an eye on him.
"Other people who are closely related to Kaguragi include his younger sister Suzume and his retainer Kuroda. What do you keep in mind when interacting with them?"
Kaku: When in front of Suzume, I think it's his own fault that he can't help but show his true feelings of affection for his little sister. Kaguragi is surprised at how weirdly he's treated, and the feeling of being swayed by a younger sister who's different from Kaguragi's manipulative side I perform in a way that makes it look as funny as possible. Thanks to Suzume, I have the impression that Kaguragi's humanity has come out, and I feel very grateful for her character. As for Kuroda, when his name changed from "Kuroda-san" to "Kuroda" in episode 10, I asked Kanzaki Hajime-san, who plays Kuroda, "I wonder what the relationship is between the two of them." We've played our roles with the understanding that they've been friends for a long time, and when their pasts were revealed in episode 37, I thought, "So that's it."
"In the flashback scenes of episode 37, you played Kaguragi from the past."
Kaku: That's right. Because it was Kaguragi from before he became a backstabber, I was very careful about acting honestly. I actually wanted to lose some muscle for the role, but it was alittle too much to do in one or two weeks (laughs). For episode 37, the biggest surprise was the fact that Iroki was actually a good guy. In my mind, I imagined that Kaguragi was influenced by the people of Toufu and decided, "I have no choice but to do it myself" and killed Iroki. I didn't expect such a complicated backstory, so when I read the script, I was shocked. From the first movie in which Iroki appeared, the script's ability to draw out the words, "This was said there, so I can connect it this way" and bring them to a good Iroki was excellent.
"We think that Iroki reappearing in the first place was a surprise for many fans."
Kaku: I think it's really great that Iroki-san, or rather Hinagata Akiko-san has appeared again. I was nervous about us performing together, but it was alot of fun. I was fascinated by her range of acting, from the scary and bewitching Iroki, to the gentle and cute Iroki. I learned alot from her.
-Are Kaguragi's clothes incompatible with weapons?!-
"Please tell us about some of the most memorable interactions with Teramoto Shogo-san, who plays HachiOhger after the transformation."
Kaku: Even when he isn't playing HachiOhger, Tera-chan comes to the set to support me, so we often talk about Kaguragi and HachiOhger. Tera-chan is concerned about the height difference between us, so he tries to match my height by wearing platform boots. When I was worried that HachiOhger's fighting style didn't match Kaguragi's character, I said, "I like fighting styles that incorporate Japanese elements, so I want it to be performed like that." In episode 37, there was a scene where I consulted with Tera-chan about what kind of line delivery would be best. HachiOhger has some interesting movements. During the dubbing, I thought about whether I could do shouts that were different from the usual ones, such as "Un!" or "Hah!", so that viewers would pay attention to the action.
"In episodes 32 and 33, there were lengthy action scenes as Kaguragi, at that time, did you receive any advice from Teramoto-san?"
Kaku: Tera-chan came up with the idea for that sword fight! If I separate myself from HachiOhger's fighting style, I won't be able to maintain consistency, and I wanted to know how to make the action cool, so we had a close discussion about it. At first, I was worried and afraid that I might get hurt, so I couldn't attack my opponent or do a proper attack. However, Tera-chan taught me, "Your opponent's are also good at receiving attacks, so it's better to keep your arms fully extended," and I think that's how things turned out in the end.
"We remember being surprised when watching the broadcast, not thinking that you'd be able to perform such big, flashy movements in those clothes."
Kaku: Ah, well, I'm used to it (laughs). At that time, I remember being surprised that my wig came off during the action. Kaguragi's clothes have pretty long sleeves, and they often get caught on the OhgerCalibur, so they don't work well together. Especially when they get caught on KuwagataOhgers trigger (laughs). So, instead of simply slashing to avoid getting my sleeves caught, I performed parrying movements.
"Other than Kaguragi, if you had to choose your favorite character, who would it be?"
Kaku: It would be…..It's hard to choose one, since everyone including the retainers are good characters, I like them all. I watched the idol episode (episode 38), so I guess it's been Rita recently. That difference is too good…..I'm now wondering how the viewers will react to that episode (it hasn't aired at the time of this interview). What will they think when watching……because I'm exhausted just trying to pick it apart (laughs).
"That episode is the one where everyone is reading too much into Rita's behavior (laughs)."
Kaku: That's true, I wonder what the truth is. I think it'll be an interesting episode with that in mind. Ah, but, since idol Rita will appear in the preview during the upcoming Toufu episode, they'll be the one taking over the Twitter trends……poor Kaguragi……in that case, I won't pick Rita as my favorite character (laughs). I'll choose Yanma, who's a cool guy from a man's point of view, and someone you can leave things to with peace of mind.
"Let's go with that (laughs). Please tell us about some of the most memorable episodes that have been broadcast so far."
Kaku: For me, it's episode 37, I have no choice but to mention the Toufu episode. The story is about Iroki and Kaguragi's past, and how Kaguragi became lord. Kaguragi's been hiding what happened between him and Iroki for a long time, and thought he was going to have to live with it, but he unexpectedly found an opportunity to settle his feelings thanks to the enemy Grodie. Past Kaguragi’s efforts were paid off, and I feel very thankful for this episode. It was a very tiring role for me to play though (laughs). Man, it was difficult!
"It was an important episode because it told the story of Kaguragi's very being."
Kaku: At first, I thought of a performance plan to act in such a way that Kaguragi himself would be at a loss. However, Director Kazuya Kamihoriuchi told me, "It'd be better if you don't show emotion," so I went with his direction. As a result, I think the character of Kaguragi shined more brightly, and I have nothing but gratitude for the Director.
"Finally, please tell us about some future highlights."
Kaku: From this point on, it's a series of twists and turns, and the fate of Gira and Racules and the hotly anticipated development showing a resolution will be portrayed! Fans of the two of them shouldn't miss it, and Kaguragi will also be playing a very "standard" role among them. I encourage you to watch until the final episode!
Question to Masato Yano-san! (Racules Husty's Actor)
During the times when he's Shugo Mask, even though Yano-chan's mouth is sticking out, why does he make breathing sounds, or rather, have a raspy voice? (laughs). When he took off the mask, there were even some clicking sounds (laughs). I would like to ask Yano-chan, "What do you think?" in regards to the mechanics of it. Also, as I mentioned in the cast blog on the official site, there was a round of applause after Racules's speech scene, and it felt like everyone was in attendance. I would like to once again say, "Welcome home" and "I'm so glad you're back." (-Kaku)
Questions from Hirakawa Yuzuki-san! (Rita Kaniska's Actor)
Q: How does Kaguragi sneak around without anyone noticing? How do you think he takes care of his long silky hair?
In addition to the optical camouflage of his haori, I guess he also studied the art of tip toeing and other ninja skills. He's also good at disguises. Honestly, I really don't know (laughs). In my opinion, Kaguragi's hair has a rough, permed look to it, and I believe that he grew it out intentionally to give off the dignity of a lord. If he were to take care of it, I feel like he'd leave it up to the people clad in black while he soaks in the bathtub. Kaguragi doesn't seem to take care of his own hair (laughs). (-Kaku)
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yu-uji · 2 years
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lostlittlefa1ry · 21 days
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hazibyrd · 1 year
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o-milk-o · 1 year
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A dream come true . Such beautiful illustration . The paper , ink everything about the magazine is screaming iconic
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ur4evrluvr33 · 2 years
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itsfantasticac · 3 months
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Versus TCG was a physical trading card adaptation of SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash, released by Mirai Hachi Karuta Shoukai in 2000. Maintaining the same rules and set of 300 cards from the original pair of games, Versus TCG also added 36 alternate-artwork versions of cards.
Arcadia magazine No. 4 (Sep. 1, '00), pg. 208-209
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oooh mind telling us about agent 3?
OKS OOOooo o o o okay so there is a lot.
As a kid, San (3) was seen as a big ol problem child. San wouldn't start fights, just get caught in them. Was a very quiet kid, got picked on by kids, who would purposefully prod prod prod until San would snap and throw hands with them- ending with San getting in trouble. (It happened so much San stopped defending themself when the teachers would ask who started it). Their parents weren't ever heavily reprimanding of this, like they never yelled at them for being a 'delinquent', but they were never supportive of them either and the fact they got bullied.
San had a bit of attachment issues (that being a lack there-of), and just had a hard time connecting with things and people? They also aren't impressed easily and get 'bored' of things easily. To the point that when their parents divorced; their reaction was very stale and unaffected. However when San got a mild interest in something, they tried to devote a lot of themself to it since it felt like it was all they had. Ex: They'd read fashion magazines from Inkopolis while hiding for bullies, and got an interest in escaping to the faraway city of lights. The moment they got their humanoid form (14), they ran away there.
They got REALLY good at turf, just, they've always been a naturally strong and athletic person, and become a top tier player really quickly, but it just drives people away cause of their high tier reputation which is disheartening to San. Until they see this random old guy sticking out the sewers. When San's mom divorced she asked San's granny for help, so San got a caring side towards the elderly so worriedly followed Capn Cuttlefish- and when he started spouting about the Octarians San decided to humor him.
ACCIDENTALLY BECAME AGENT 3 WHOOPS. But found, for the first time; purpose and pride in work. San could use this strength that had been their curse for forever, and could use it to help others. Craig gave genuine support and encouragement and it meant so much.
In OE they were taking their job rlly seriously and riding a bit of a heroic high, but hadn't been really challenged since Splatoon 1. So they weren't getting cocky but they were getting sorta restless. Wanted to improve more and more even if that meant stubbornly working alone even though they can't quite take care of themself just yet (still a kid). OE humbles that shit real fast. And they have to learn to rely on others for support especially after ruining their eye.
Now... the agent 24... *inhales* ..they're not together. BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THEYRE NOT IN LOVE THEY ARE- oh man they are. its just. complicated. see San grew that hero mindset and found a desire to help people but also began to learn that they weren't really the Good Guy in others eyes even in their Good Guy job- to the octarians of course. but also there's Hachi(8) who does admire them, and does see them in a heroic light, and yet they'd been pushed as enemies for so long, and San almost killed her, and etc, that, the fact they're good friends now is so treasured between them they're afraid of any further steps that might threaten that fragility.
sooo.. yeah!
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acupunkature · 1 year
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shiningidoll · 11 months
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kabutoraiger · 1 year
king-ohger character blurbs from the magazine as well:
Kuwagata Ohger - Fights with a violent burning flame when helping the weak. Claims to be a king, but is he really...?
Tonbo Ohger - A blue king who is extremely competitive and is very well liked by the people. Has a strong spirit that never gives up in a fight.
Kamakiri Ohger - A yellow queen who is always selfish, but puts herself in harm’s way when it comes to saving lives. Fights with splendid agility.
Papillon Ohger - A purple king who tries to remain neutral and never loses cool. Not quick to forgive.
Hachi Ohger - A black king who is always cheery. Will do whatever it takes to protect his peaceful world. Unpredictable in fights and toys with enemies.
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miraclespin · 6 months
Some days ago, I read a nice little AU fanfiction in which Cyan was said to literally "minmax" his nutritional intake. Not only is this very funny, it's very plausible, too; seeing as he's consistently shown to not particularly care about the taste of food (aside from apples, apple pies, and other apple treats (at least according to promotional artwork for the anime published in magazines and that one trading card game), as well as Hachi's (and his ancestor Ichi's) cooking), even in that one little prequel story in the back of that one booklet where he was just a little feller, it would make sense that he would be more focused on just getting as much as possible out of it for as less work as possible.
He may also be slightly texture motivated, as his official profile on the website mentions something about hard bread specifically, which he was also shown eating in that prequel chapter. Given his oddly shaped teeth, he might have issues with normal food; and we don't necessarily know that his sense of taste isn't also different.
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andreaphobia · 2 years
P5R Pilgrimage: Shibuya
A hideout for Phantom Thieves :)
(Screenshot below taken from a YouTube video!)
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More pics and screenshot comparisons under the cut! :D
Station Square
Shibuya's changed quite a lot since the game was released in 2016, and so unfortunately some of the locations depicted are gone. Case in point: the Teikyu building (actually the Tokyu building IRL) has been entirely demolished, which means the stairs leading up to the Ginza line gate, the gate itself, the bakery, and the accessway hideout (pictured above) are no more. :( You can still get part of the view that you see in the screenshots of the accessway, but obviously not all of it.
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The lottery stand is still there, however:
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But the smoking area (visible in the right side of the screenshot above) is gone.
The "green frog" where Yoshida used to give his speeches in the game has been replaced by...whatever this is. The “SHIBU HACHI BOX,” apparently. xd
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And of course, you can’t visit Shibuya without seeing the statue of “Buchiko” (Hachiko):
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Though the scale of things is different, it’s a little uncanny how well things line up.
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Underground Walkway and Underground Mall
It’s an absolute maze down there (though I didn’t get as horribly lost as I did in Shinjuku Station). Here are the IC card machines on the way to the line that takes you to...Kichijoji, I think? in the game.
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One of the staircases that takes you up to the JL (JR, in real life) lines.
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The escalators leading up to the Station Square, along with a helpful picture of Hachiko:
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Sadly, the juice stand is gone. (You can get your shoes shined instead!)
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The 109 (105 in the game) store seems to have moved, so its sign is no longer in the same place, but this is where Yusuke waits on days when he’s available to hang out. 
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The station has lockers...
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...and also job magazines. This one surprised me a bit! Magazines for jobs in this day and age -- whoda thunk?
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Though it’s not in the same place, there’s a flower shop in the underground mall that looks quite similar!
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Shibuya Crossing and Center-Gai
Center-Gai is a very quick walk from the station, just past the crossing.
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The Taiseido bookstore is on the corner, right where you’d expect it to be.
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Vending machines embedded in this...blue wall thing.
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The Scarlet DVD store is actually a Tsutaya, where you can get books, DVDs, CDs, and lots of other stuff.
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The alleyway with the Velvet Room entrance and the Airsoft shop is actually the back of a FamilyMart convenience store. Also, there isn’t actually a shop there.
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Lastly: there’s a graffitied walkway that passes beneath a bridge near Shibuya station that looks a tad familiar. I discovered this entirely by accident when wandering about with my friend, so I’m not sure I could make my way back there, but I made sure to take pictures. XD
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Hope you enjoyed the pics! Next up will be Yongen-jaya :)
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