#haha woof
withinstormywaters · 4 months
Howdy hey
This is our third attempt at writing an introduction post. Anyways. Welcome to our blog. Apologies in advance for the brainrot. It will happen again.
This blog is just kind of for whatever? We occasionally make art and sometimes remember to post it. Mainly reblog fandom stuff and things about DID. Possible vent posts. Maybe photography?
We try to keep things organized with tags. (more info below cut) We try to tag triggers. We’re not always the best at understanding what’s triggering so if there’s anything you’d like us to tag please let us know.
Breif about us
System name: Stormy Waters System. Collectively go by Stormy or Wade
Collective pronouns: they/them
Bodily 20
DID system with low communication and lots of identity confusion.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives / Protocol, FMAB, Epic The Musical, and Warriors. There’s got to be more I just can’t think.
Hobbies: drawing, crochet, reading (mainly fanfic), is walking a hobby???, and photography. Probably more. We do a lot of stuff but idk who does what haha. We want to learn how to sew.
Interests: flowers, animals, music (send us your favorite song?), math, DnD, teaching art, organizing, bones (some of us at least), and more that I’m probably forgetting.
We like talking to people so feel free to shoot us a message. If we haven’t responded in a couple days we probably didn’t see your message or forgot to respond. It’s totally okay to message us multiple times. We appreciate the reminders /gen
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
#stormy water system ⛈️ - for personal posts
#stormy waters art 🖌️ - art we’ve made
#stormy vents 🖤 - vent posts
#💚 for you - you know who you are <3
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sharkl-e · 1 month
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a bit of a sketch dump for the feed :333 there’s more under the cut !!
putting them under the cut bc,,,, a bit of blood warning,,, but it’s sexy don’t worry :3
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sunnydayaoe · 1 month
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Bit of extra under cut :]
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+ zoom in .. circuit turned out so cute in this comic.. I promise he's scary I pppppromise he's scary. he is soooo scary. prommy.
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kald-dal-write · 1 month
Ooh I would like to see a doodle of Cecelia and Woof please,maybe after she won?
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Fave father daughter duo :’)
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acoraxia · 9 months
Is it bad I believed Liu’er Mihou from JTTW to have been made to be a scholar and a studious type of creature so yes he’s actually the weakest of the four celestial monkeys because he wasn’t meant for fighting nor did he have the strength to do it and then he tried mimicking the cooler intelligent monkey and turns out he’s a jock and a nerd and then he died?
I mean Macaque in LMK is just as much of a nerd—
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qierxing · 1 year
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you cannot put men in collars and think i would be normal about it come on now
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kamiversee · 3 months
gojo the stupid blackmailing stalker that’s obsessed:😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🖕🖕🖕🖕👎👎👎
gojo the stupid blackmailing stalker that’s obsessed:😍😍😍😍😍😫😫😫😛😛😛😛😛😊😊💞💞💞💞
(forever a choso girly though!!!)
I mean…
Pov THIS is the guy obsessed w you;
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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another Important Interaction from sm2099 v1 issue #10 between miguel and his mother, conchata
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carpisuns · 11 months
gaining a new interest/joining a new fandom is always kind of intimidating it feels like there’s so much you’ve missed out on by not enjoying this thing before so you’re like GRAHHHH got to catch up so I can have peak enjoyment like all the Enjoying This Thing experts around here! which is so silly bc if you enjoy a thing you’re already there but. yknow
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hailsatanacab · 11 months
Wip Wednesday babeeyy
eyy I've finally remembered that wip wednesday exists!! here's some proof that i'm working on something, and that something is the follower milestone gift i said i was going to do and i promise i'm doing it! i'm doing it it's happening i promise! so here's a little taster!!!! and here's Part One if you want a refresher!
And then the kid just vanishes.
In the blink of an eye, in the time it takes for him to look down, screw his face up because this is all confusing as fuck, and look back up, he’s just gone. There’s nowhere to hide, there’s nowhere to go, Jason can see everywhere around him—but he can’t see Danny.
“Well… shit."
“What, what happened?” Dickybird hisses in his ear, the unsaid, exasperated “now” very clear in his voice. 
As much as he loathes to admit it, Jason is feeling very much the same way right now. What was meant to be a simple case of “investigate the potential child abuse and put an end to it” has instead become something… less simple. When is it ever simple in his life?
Still. If working with supers, metas, vigilantes, whatever, has taught Jason anything, it’s that just because you can’t see someone doesn’t mean they’re not there.
“Hey, kid… Danny. Listen, I’m not here to hurt you and if you’re still here, if you can still hear me, then, I don’t know, do you want to get a bite to eat or something? I just want to talk. I just want to figure out what’s happening.”
Jason doesn’t hold his breath. 
Okay, no, that’s a lie. Jason holds his breath, but he swears he’s holding it so he can more accurately hear if Danny is still around. That’s all it is, he’s not attached to this kid already. He’s not.
When no answer comes—not even a whisper of a breath or the scuff of a sneaker on the pavement—he suppresses a frustrated growl and opts instead to breathe deeply and pinch the bridge of his nose.
“So…” Tim begins, drawing out the word.
The urge to growl—hell, the urge to pull out his comms and smash them on the floor—grows.
“The kid’s a meta, then. Potential powers including but not limited to: invisibility or teleportation. You think he’s still there?” There’s no reason for the kid to still be around, not at all. If it was Jason, he’d have scattered as soon as he realised the stranger impersonating his dad wasn’t the guy he thought was impersonating his dad, and honestly, wasn’t that extra fucked up? That someone impersonates people in this town often enough that it’s not a surprise? The way Danny spoke about him… What was his name?
Amorpho. Amorphous. Without shape. 
A shapeshifter?
Whatever. It’s a mystery for another time, because there’s still a more pressing mystery in front of him.
Or,. rather, not in front of him.
Yes, there’s no reason for Danny to still be here, but…
Jason sighs. 
“I’m going to Bat—Nasty Burger. Really? Is that the best burger joint here? Nasty Burger? Whatever, I’m going to get some fucking fries.”
Jason feels fucking stupid talking the air like this. He must look fucking stupid, too, but the thing is… There’s a prickling on the back of his neck, a rolling taste of green on his tongue when he glances through his peripheral, the vague weight of an unseen eyes on him. 
Call it wishful thinking, call it a hunch, call it something else, but Danny’s still here.
“There’ll be a burger waiting for you, too, if you want it. My treat.” Jason turns in a full circle, examining everything in his surroundings. Nothing seems out of place, nothing screams wrong to him. “I just want to talk.”
He waits for a full minute with no success, which makes Jason feel even more stupid, before clicking his tongue and making his way to the, hopefully ironically named, Nasty Burger.
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bloobydabloob · 2 months
Yo this is super random I know so don’t feel pressured to answer or anything. But I used to be active in the homestuck community and now I’m sort of getting back into it but I don’t really have any friends in the community anymore and tbh u seem cool so I wanted to ask if you have like a discord server or something? I know it’s stupid to do this anonymously but my tumblr is associated with homestuck content and I don’t want people to see that? Just if you were to post this Originally I wanted to msg you on Twitter but I somehow can’t
Jesus I seem like a creep I swear I’m not but yeah I’m rambling and now that I think about it I could have send you a private message but In my head that would be even creepier? Idk mb I swear I’m not weird
All chill man, haha. There’s no need to feel nervous I seriously don’t give a shit as a guy who is also a relentless rambler.
No I don’t have a server or anything (I’m a pretty small account (I think)) unless you count the one with like… 5 people on it who are all my close friends. I am on Borzoi’s DirkJake server but I’m only active quite sporadically.
I opened up my DMs on Twitter (didn’t realise they were closed. Whoops) if you are interested in hitting me up there for conversation about Homestuck or something. I warn you though I am 100% awful at DMs and everyone can attest to this.
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clearmybeloved · 1 year
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sunnydayaoe · 1 month
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woof tt and bot.. sillies..
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kald-dal-write · 1 month
One doodle idea based on the 1qq is Evelyn handing Woof flowers in the ceremony in D8
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Cuties :') Oblivious to things to come
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Characters: Erwin x fem!reader
Genre: Modern!au
Warnings: Not sfw below the cut, minors and ageless blogs dni. Talks about Erwin's hands. Slight size kink and breath play if you squint, one small spanking mention hehe.
A/N: This one's dedicated to the sister-in-law @ack3rlady for a simple innocent conversation about hands that went the wrong way <3
Also the sfw portion is pretty gender-neutral really, but I'm tagging this as fem!reader because of whatever is below the cut hehe.
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Erwin's hands are large, squarish, meaty, and extremely warm. His fingers are thicker and long, and they look exceptionally beautiful with your wedding band around his left ring finger. His hands cup your freezing cheeks perfectly and warm you up when you're cold, and they fit around your hand perfectly as he puts them inside the pocket of his coat.
Erwin's hands are tender yet firm as he gives you that full-body massage you've been craving for after a long day of work. Those strong hands ease the knots in your shoulders, the sores in your lower back, and aches in your calves, melting your day's stress away simply with just his touch.
Erwin's hands are gentle as he places them securely on your back while he manoeuvres you through the large crowd, making sure you always remain in his line of sight wherever you go. His reassuring hold around your waist afterwards makes you feel safe around him all the time.
Erwin's hands are safe as he holds you in his welcoming embrace, comforting you through the rough times and wiping the tears on your cheeks away. He slowly rubs your back as you sob on his shoulder, telling you to let it all out as he keeps you in a tight hug. He keeps you in his embrace while you sleep, draping an arm loosely around your waist.
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Erwin's hands look huge as he cups your bosoms, massaging your soft mounds while his fingers play with your nipples. Using them like stress balls, Erwin's large hands squeezes your breasts and his tongue flick around your hardened bud. Erwin also loves using those hands to grab your thighs, and leaving his mark with a spank to your butt.
Erwin's fingers look tempting as he puts them around your mouth, teasing you to wet them with your saliva and tongue before he enters your cunt. Drawing soft moans and pants from your mouth, his thumb trace circles around your sensitive bud. One, two, three fingers in your warm cavern just wasn't enough.
Erwin's hands look beautiful wrapped around your throat, coaxing the most sensual and alluring sounds from you. As you lie on your back and cry out his name in pleasure, he tightens his grip and kisses you slowly, releasing himself in you after he thrusts in you harshly. Your walls contract around him and you hug Erwin close, his hand sweep your sweaty hair away and he kisses the tip of your nose.
Erwin's hands look muscular as he pulls you up by the hair while he takes you from the rear, telling you to "look at me, sweetheart," even though your eyes can barely open. His hands likewise keep your hair away from your face when you suck him whole, cleaning up the drool from the corner of your lip while he guides to take him just a little more.
Erwin's hands are strong as he carries you effortlessly into the bathroom, not before drawing you a nice warm bath before dropping you into the water. He washes your hair and scrubs your back, maybe he might just bring his hand to your entrance once more, giving you another wave of pleasure.
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Haha yes happy weekend <3
Tagging: (my Erwin hoes hehe) @levi-lover @thehouseofmaple @ackerpotato @anlian-aishang @hashaneeee @hannie2kay
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acoraxia · 10 months
Sorry for the dumb questions, im allo and dont entirely undertand qprs.
Why is wukong even with macaque? With macaque i understand, he loves wukong even if he hates him too and hes a simp and wukong is a goddess made flesh. But wukong doesnt love macaque, and even though you said he wants to, why? In your fics and drawings hes still mad at macaque's actions and he doesnt even seem to like him as a person at all. Like in one fic you had wukong say macaque will never be part of his life again, and then later in the fic, they start kissing and the text says it literally means nothing? In another he tells macaque he can never love him, and then offers him a room? Its just a lot of mixed messages, and if he loved (even platonically) and hated macaque i could understand, but he doesnt
Hello! Not a dumb question, no worries, my art and fics can be a little confusing at times!
A quick reminder that my art and my fanfics do not always correlate to my personal hcs!
Sometimes I draw SWK and Macaque having fun or being happy together because that’s what my brain wants me to draw, not because it’s following my hcs or theories about the characters.
Personally I can see them reconciling but I’m waiting until S5 and S6 for writing or drawing anything on that. The recent art I’ve done of shadowpeach is for my Requiem AU (set in the same timeline as the Boy Savior fanfic I’ve written) so while I still hc them as a qpr it is not the same as the regular Macaque and Wukong that I write and draw for.
The fanfic “Leave the Door Closed” is more of a tribute to aromantic SWK and how he feels as though he can’t love Macaque, he hasn’t quite gotten the hang of what “loving someone” someone means and he does somewhat care about Macaque but he’s conflicted about it! It’s all layers and it’s meant to be confusing because Wukong himself is confused about his feelings
But no not a dumb question, it’s just all messy stuff and the fact that I like drawing them kissing
That’s it
All good vibes
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