#hajime hinata drabble
strwbrryeyes · 2 months
𖦹°。⋆ haikyuu boys as my breakup playlist pt.3
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⟡ featuring: hinata, semi, iwaizumi, kenma
⟡ cw: angst, mentions of cheating, heart broken hinata my baby, these also might be longer than the last two whoops. also can you tell i was angry while writing kenma's? ps thank you for 200 followers mwah<3
⟡ an: its that time again (waterparks ((fandom)) edition bc im obsessed)
⟡ part one, part two
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⟡ hinata shoyo: never bloom again - waterparks
You and Hinata dated for four years from your first year of high school to your first year of university. Honestly, it could have been a lifelong relationship if it weren’t for Brazil. Hinata told you he was leaving the week after graduation. After telling you, you cried and yelled at him, pounding at his chest while crying ‘how could you do this to me?’ in between sobs but after a while, you had calmed down and you agreed to try a long distance relationship. Hinata visited you whenever he could, holidays, your birthdays, any reason to see you but it wasn’t enough for you. Hinata would always be everything to you but you couldn’t bear the fact that he was so far away, and sure you both called and texted each other but the time difference between Brazil and Japan made it difficult and Hinata could see it in your eyes whenever he visited, whenever you sent him a picture of yourself, whenever you facetimed…you were tired. It got to the point where you would cry yourself to sleep almost every night because you missed him and just wanted to be by his side, so with so much hesitation, you called him one night and told Hinata you couldn’t do this anymore. You needed him, not his texts, not his calls, no matter how much you loved them, you needed him physically there with you. Hinata protested and said that he wold move back to Japan for you but you couldn’t let him do that, you knew how important it was for him to be in Brazil to better his volleyball skills, so he finally gave in and you broke up after a year of long distance. Another year later, Hinata moved back to Japan after two years of being in Brazil, meaning he could see you again, he hoped so at least. Hinata didn’t know what you’ve been up to as you broke off communication with each other after the break up to avoid the pain of being in eachother’s lives. Hinata had his hopes up and was telling Yachi and Yamaguchi his plan to win you back but quickly had them crushed when they told him you had moved to Europe to finish university so you could start a new life. You didn’t want to be in Japan anymore, stuck with all the memories the both of you had made. It was too painful. Now it was Hinata’s turn. He was surrounded by the memories, everything reminded him of you, every now and then he’d see someone from across the street and see your face only for it to not be you, just some stranger. Hinata was never the same, even if he seemed happy and well, he was breaking inside constantly like he would never be truly happy again.
⟡ eita semi: worst - waterparks
You and Semi have been dating since middle school, practically inseparable. you and Semi were both in your 20s now and life has not stopped a single bit. The both of you were currently in the music industry, with Semi and his band being one of the biggest groups rising to stardom in the world and with you being a songwriter. You’ve always been a behind-the-scenes type person so you never really went out to parties or to big events. Semi, however, was a social person…at least on the party scene. It was a chance for him to let loose and not let worries get in his way, and who are you to take that away from him? The trust you and Semi had for eachother was strong, after all, you guys have been dating for years so why wouldn’t you? With this being the case, you never had any doubt about him going on tour without you. You still had other clients to write for so you couldn’t go with him but you never once worried about what he would do. That was until you were hanging out with your friends, Tendou and Ushijima, and they mentioned how Semi seemed different, that he seemed more careless and emotionless. You assured them that there was nothing different about him but when you went home that night you kept thinking about everything and looked back at how life has been since Semi has gained fame…he hadn’t changed. No. He was still the same Semi you fell in love with all those years ago. Sure he had questionable friends that made you uncomfortable, but he wasn’t like them, he always had girls lining up for a chance with him but he never gave them a chance…at least you think so. Regardless, you’re sure everything was fine and plus you were going to surprise him at his show in Tokyo! Any worry that you have will be wiped away when you see him all you had to do was wait. So you did. The day of the Tokyo show finally came up and you were standing at his dressing room doorway with tears in your eyes as you look at the sight in front of you- Semi and some random girl all over each other. Semi knew you were there, but he didn’t even care, all he did was give you a side glance before going back to the other girl. After that, you went home and changed all of the locks, removed all the pictures of him, blocked him on everything, and wrote a song that was sure to ruin his reputation out of anger, but even after all of that, you were still stuck with a giant hole in your heart and you don’t think it could ever be filled.
⟡ iwaizumi hajime: i felt younger when we met - waterparks
It all started four years ago when Iwaizumi moved to California for college. You both had known each other for 2 years prior to graduating and it was pretty obvious to other people that you two had a thing for each other but it wasn’t until after he had moved that either of you said something. Iwaizumi was the first to say he liked you, infact he said he loved you. It didn’t take long for your young and dumb self to transfer to where he was studying. You were both in love and naive so neither of you really thought about this big change in depth. The first two years of your relationship were perfect, you both got good grades, you had moved into a small apartment together, and you were both happy, you really couldn’t ask for more. Even though you and Iwaizumi were living the ideal love life, everyone else in your lives thought you guys rushed into things. The two of you weren’t even that close to begin with, you were just classmates in high school who had kiddie crushes on each other. It really all came down to the honeymoon phase, nothing was ever wrong and you never argued. It wasn’t until your third year of dating that you both realized that your life goals were very different from each other and this of course caused a ripple in your relationship. Wanting to be supportive of each other and your dreams, you set your goals aside for now and planned to come up with a compromise when the time called for it. Things were kind of back to normal until you both started learning more about one another. Bad habits you each had, sense of humor you didn’t share, different views, really whatever you could think of you both would disagree with one another and you were starting to get on eachother’s nerves. Iwaizumi reached the end of his rope quicker than you did. He ended things in the middle of a heated argument of something you can’t even remember because the only thing you were worried about at that moment was him packing up all of his things and walking out that apartment door but at the same time, you didn’t care. You had officially fallen out of love with him even though you never thought you could. Now whenever you think of him, all you could think about was how you uprooted your life for him. You moved across the world and for what? Nothing but anger and disgust filled you whenever you thought of all the moments you shared with him. To think of how different everything could have been if you two had just taken your time and not rushed into the relationship.
⟡ kozume kenma: easy to hate you - waterparks
Honestly, Kenma got on your nerves quite often. It was nothing you weren’t used to though because it was always simple things like him not doing the dishes whenever he was done eating or him spending too much time playing video games. Your annoyance never came from anything serious, just simple relationship stuff. When his streaming career started taking off, you never really bothered him to do anything around your shared house. It was only fair since it generated enough income for you to quit your part time job as a waitress and focus on school more. This doesn’t mean that it still didn’t annoy you that Kenma would seemingly spend more time playing video games than spending time with you whenever you had free time. Sometimes he would invite you onto stream so you two could ‘bond’ but it never felt right, to you it felt like you were more of a prop for his audience, like he would spend time with you only because his fansloved watching the two of you interact. Still, you brushed it off because it was still nice to be able to make him laugh whenever you did something silly in a game or said something funny. It also didn’t hurt that sometimes he would get all lovey dovey on camera making you swoon, even if it did feel fake at times. In the end, you thought it was the best you and Kenma could do considering the circumstances, you being in college and streaming being Kenma’s full time job. Kenma had promised you that once you winter break started, that he would put a hold on streaming so the both of you could spend time together and it excited you so it was only natural that you were pissed off when winter break finally came and Kenma said that he had sponsorships to deal with on stream. He said it isn’t something that could be helped but you snapped back saying that he could have scheduled these sponsored streams during any other time. Kenma didn’t care about what you said and just stayed in his streaming room for most of the two weeks. You started to ease a bit though once he started streaming for shorter amounts of times and spent more time with you during the day. You were finally happy with your relationship after who knows how long but then he decided that you being on a break from school would be the perfect time to do a 48 hour subathon. All you wanted was to spend time with your boyfriend but instead he just used you to gain more viewers. Again. Still, you agreed to do it agreeing that it would be fun but really yo had a plan. Three hours into the stream you said you have an announcement and everyone, including Kenma thought it would be something happy and big, but really, you were about to publicly dump him. After your little speech on how selfish Kenma actually was, you called one of your best friends to come pick you up and told Kenma that you would be back for your stuff the next day. You were finally free from the one-sided relationship you should have left sooner but now Kenma was rethinking all his choices as he scrolls through tweets talking about the breakup stream. At least it made him go viral.
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betbeton · 2 years
𓆱 Menace to my Heart!
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Things HQ Men did to Ruin Sex
Long Version
Warnings - Various 'Vanilla' Kinks
18 + Minors DNI
·GN Reader·
·A/N- i just wanted to make short drabbles for the hcs that basically got my account off the ground. i'm really grateful anyone enjoys my writing since writing is my favourite hobby·
Original post
・❥・ Masterlist
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⪧ Sugawara Koushi
You two were in the middle of the euphoric pleasure you could only derive from each others bodies, your arms draped over his shoulders as your fingers gently tugged on his light locks. Eyes lidded as your head tilted down in pleasure a soft moan of his name leaving your lips when he brushed his nose against your cheek as your orgasm ripped though your body. His hands smoothing over your skin groping at any bit of skin he could reach as he chased his own orgasm. When his stomach tensed and his cock leaked out cum as he came Suga couldn't help the urge to sink his teeth into your skin, so he gave into it, teeth harshly grabbing the skin of your cheek as they sunk into it. When he finally came down from his high and unlatched himself from your cheek it became glaringly obvious that the indents in your cheek were going to leave a nasty bruise. Even if it didn't end up being all that visible the depth of the indents and the skin puffing angrily with each passing moment that he gazed at your face set the fear of god in the man, as a result he didn't have the heart to tell you. Thus he waited for you to find it the next morning when you were getting ready for work... As a result he slept in the guest room until the massive bruise and ache in your cheek dissipated.
⪧ Hinata Shoyo
Your boyfriend clung to your body while tears streamed down his face and apologies blubbered from his lips as you leaned over the sink flushing his cum from your eye. Standing up with an unreadable expression gazing at his sad face, looking very close to a distraught puppy, you couldn't help the defeated sigh that left your lips. The situation was absurd really, but he was your favourite person for a reason you couldn't deny comforting him even as your eye puffed and swelled in irritation. Which resulted in you two sitting on the tile floor of your bathroom his red face tucked into your neck as you rubbed at his back, vision blurring as your eye protested at being held open after being cleaned. Soft reassuring words leaving your lips as he blubbered and cried out apologies the sticky feeling of snot against your skin causing a grimace to settle on your face, but it was worth it to comfort Hinata. He had you wrapped around his finger staring at him even now with a grimace on your face and a swollen eye like he had strung the moon and stars with his own hands. With one last sigh and a pat to his back you pushed at his shoulder, being met with his red tear streaked face. Pushing hair from his forehead you planted a kiss on his forehead mumbling against his sweaty skin, a deep belly laugh leaving his lips.
"Nice shot, maybe try for both next time so I have an excuse to call in to work!"
⪧ Tsukishima Kei
Slowly blinking as you stared at your partner his bored expression mirroring your own as the voice of Hank Green droned out from his laptop, spouting off news about a new dinosaur discovery as he spoke to the host of the podcast. With a deep inhale you placed a hand on the lanky blonde's shoulder exhaling in an exasperated sigh.
"Is this seriously your sex playlist?"
You were met with an incredulous look as he placed his hands on your hips, gently pushing in a fake threat to push you from his lap. His voice ringing out in a bratty tone as a lighthearted argument burned to life.
"Do you have a problem with it?"
Scoffing as your face twisted with surprise you replied in kind, matching his energy.
"Yes! Dinosaur podcasts are almost as bad as fucking to classical music!"
The eye roll he threw your way had you hoisting a fist in threat to bop him in the head.
"No it's not, you're being so dramatic."
It is safe to say after that exchange you two didn't end up having good sex. You did however end up listening to his entire playlist later that night after you two fucked in tense petty silence, though you would never admit that little fact to him when he asked you what you got up to after he left. The knowing look on his smug face made it abundantly clear he knew your little secret thankfully he never let it spill, until the next time you brought up his terrible sex playlist.
⪧ Nishinoya Yuu
The first thing you registered as your vision focused again and the black dots at the corners of your eyes dissipated was Noya screeching on the phone to Asahi about how he killed you. Mumbling out his name earned another shriek from the short man as he bid his friend a hasty goodbye before turning his full attention to you. Blinking slowly as he anxiously filled you in on how he had gotten to excited and bashed his hips into your own which resulted in you going head first into the wooden headboard. Turning as he spoke you noticed a large indent in the dark wood, concern over how you were going to explain this to your flatmate overshadowing Noya babbling about how he thought you were dead. Reassuring him you felt fine only brought more concern to him, which resulted in him hastily dressing you two and dragging you to hospital. It's safe to say you were shocked when the doctor said you had a mild concussion, you could have sworn your partner was starring in a telenovella with the gasp that left him. He refused to allow you to do anything the entire ride home or when you got into the house, insisting he make it up to you. He also kept waking you up ever half hour that night despite the doctor's reassurance that you would be fine to sleep, and should only be worried if pain or dizziness occured when awake. Noya became a slow stroke king after this experience.
⪧ Oikawa Tooru
As you hoisted your leg to clean the cum leaking from your ass Oikawa droned on about how it was your fault he came so early, and how he could have totally lasted longer if your hole wasn't like a vice around his dick. Rolling your eyes as you threw the tissue paper away planting your hands on your hips as you stood in front of the complaining man, reaching a hand out when there was a lull in his ranting you tugged on his hair.
"Listen quick shot, it's fine you came early we were both virgins till like five minutes ago."
The dramatic gasp that left his as he placed a hand on his chest like you had just punched him was comical.
"Quick shot! Maybe you should loosen that bear trap you call an ass next time so you don't strangle the cum from my dick!"
Releasing his hair you could't help doubling over in laughter as you dropped onto the floor. The fit of giggles causing you to miss the absolutely stinky face Oikawa threw your way.
"Fine fine, whatever you say one pump McGee."
That comment set him off into another petty rant as he stomped around your laughing body crumpled up on the carpet. Thankfully you lived alone so no-one was at risk of walking in on this absolutely absurd situation. Wiping tears from your eyes you giggled out a reply to his fuming.
"Okay okay, I get it maybe next time you'll last for two pumps instead!"
"Thank yo- HEY!"
⪧ Matsukawa Issei
Soft groans heated the skin of your shoulder as Matsukawa pressed open mouthed kisses against your skin. His hips gently hitting against the back of your thighs as he fucked into the slick pocket hole he had created with them thanks to the copious amounts of lube poured onto your sex and legs. Reaching a hand back to thread your fingers through his locks had a groan rumbling from deep within his chest, large hands grabbing larger handfuls of the muscle that made up your thighs. Soft praises of how good you were to him and how warm your skin was against his cock leaving his lips like a babbled prayer of a damned soul. You thought nothing of his actions when he manhandled you onto your side so you were facing him, leaning up your head to kiss him as he hoisted up your leg. Lips a hair away from locking with his own when you felt pressure against your unprepared ass, the pressure of his thick cock head breaching your hole sent a spike of pain racing up your spine as you swung your fist clocking him in the side of his head.
"Ah shit! Sorry babe! I was trying to spice things up!"
Waving your fist around in a vague threat as he rubbed at his head you angrily yelled at him.
"Well maybe warn me next time so I can prep beforehand!"
⪧ Hanamaki Takahiro
Stomping into your shared home you tugged off your shoes not bothering to set them by the door as you stomped into your home, armed with your trainers in hand as you approached your partner. Fully intent on ending the man's whole career before it even begins. The lazy grin on his face as he greeted you from his reclined position on the sofa only made your blood boil more as you threw one of your shoes at him, hitting him square in the chest.
"Ow! I didn't take you for a sadist, babe."
Raising your other shoe in warning you fixed a deadly glare his way.
"Care to tell me why Mattsun asked me about my scent kink at work? You are the only person I ever told about that! I should have known you would tell him!"
Throwing your other shoe which he dodged by standing from the sofa, hands held up in surrender as he laughed nervously.
"Ah babe, I had to tell him. We don't keep secrets, it's the secret to a healthy relationship!"
You couldn't help the exasperated laugh that left your lips. Your borderline unhinged laughter brought a concerned look to Makki's face as he slowly approached you as if you were a wild animal.
"You're lucky I'm not mad, but the next time you spill my secrets to him I'm telling him you're into being cucked."
The excitement that quickly replaced his hesitant and concerned expression had you anticipating your next day alone with Matsukawa.
"Go ahead! After all I'd love to see Mattsun fuck your hole."
"You're lucky you're cute, Makki."
⪧ Iwaizumi Hajime
The moment of intimacy was unexpected it started when you crawled into bed beside Iwaizumi after coming home late from work, the man lazily reaching out for you in his sleepy haze. Strong arms curling around your body as he slanted his lips against your neck planting lazy open mouthed kisses. Tugging the duvet over your body as you nestled into his affections fingers rubbing at his scalp as soft sighs of pleasure left your lips. As his hands wondered from the gentle hold around your body, working your out of your pyjamas and freeing his half hard cock from the confines of his briefs. Groping at your body as he rutted against your thigh working himself into a greedy state words dripping with the thick tendrils of sleep and arousal as his husky voice rasped out against your neck.
"Please let me fuck you, been thinking about it all day even at work."
Never one to deny him you tugged at his short locks urging him to meet you in a sloppy open mouth kiss as you gasped out a reply into his mouth.
" 'M all yours for the taking."
Those were the only words he needed to blindly grope around the nightstand behind him for the small bottle of lube you two kept there for your spur of the moment intimacy. As he grunted in victory detaching his lips from yours as you leaned into his body hooking a leg around his hips to give him easier access to your hole. A shiver of anticipation rocking your body as the little cap snapping open rung out in the silence of your dark room, groaning against his skin urging him to work quicker as the liquid squirted into his palm. The chemical smell should have set off warning bells, but you two were too absorbed in each other to notice. The only inkling something might be wrong was the odd chill the normally warming lube brought to your skin as he smoothed his fingers against your puckered hole. A yelp of surprise as his fingers breached your hole halted Iwaizumi in his quest to loosen your hole for his cock. The stinging sensation you whined about settling into your sensitive skin had him tugging his fingers from your hole and flicking on the bedside lamp, grabbing the bottle he had picked up only to reveal the portable hand sanitizer you had bought the other day.
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draconicsparkle · 1 year
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I commissioned the talented and amazing @aaytaro-gt to draw something for my komahina borrower au.
First off, Nagito and Hajime look so happy and fluffy and adorable.
And then Izuru is doing the aro ace judgmental stare at people doing pda. I can confirm I have done that exact face.
But yeah, I love everything about this. It’s perfect. Please go give Taro love and support! Their stuff is just wonderful.
And if you wanna read the fic this is based off of, here’s the link.
Enjoy your day!!!
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bowandcurtsey · 1 year
congrats on 1.7k!
i was wondering if you could to Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio, and Iwaizumi Hajime w/ a Gn! reader whos not easily flustered with a Royal au where the boys are princes and the reader is the royal librarian? (no specific trope in mind but you can add one if you wish :3)
hope you have a wonderful day/night!
p.s. love your writing 💕 keep up the amazing work!
{1700 event}
Helluuu Ryker, firstly apologies on the spam of the reblogs because ze cat was on the keyboard while I was away. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
Next, thank you for sending your request in and I'm happy that you love my writing huehue o(≧▽≦)o
Lastly, I'm sorry that you had to wait so long for this! But here it is, happy 2023!
AU: royal AU Characters: Hinata, Kageyama, Iwaizumi x gn! reader
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Hinata Shoyo
Hinata came in one day, looking for a book on anatomy. His "boke" friend, Prince Kageyama told him he needed to know how a human body works in order to play volleyball well.
So, he asked you to find the books for him. And you were just so unfazed and chatty with him, it felt like a friend instead of a subordinate.
And my, did you know a lot about the books, Hinata found himself being fascinated about the library and it's books instead.
Once Hinata fixates on something, he'll be full on focused. He came daily, asking you to show and recommend more books of different variety. Some had different types of paper, some had hard covers, some were read from right to left, up to down. The books itself had a story and they all held different knowledge within them.
Hinata thought that you were super smart. You seemed to know about every book in the royal library, while hinata would doze off once he started reading a boring book.
Hinata enjoyed spending his time with you because firstly, it felt like he didn't need to read the book to know what it's about. you would tell the story in such a fascinating way anyway. And secondly, you didn't treat him like the royal prince. For once, he didn't feel lonely in the castle, and had a companion with him.
It was as though you could talk about any topic under the sun. Once, he invited his friends over and they were all very amazed by you, which made Hinata swell with pride.
"y/n's our trusty librarian with superpowers! They know so much!" he exclaimed proudly.
Hinata has always been a happy go lucky boy, and he lived his days from day to day, making everyday to the fullest. Thus, he seldom sat down to think about what you really meant to him. He only knew that he was looking forward to see you everyday.
Until one day you were scheduled to leave the royal library. And Hinata straight out refused. "NO! you can't move y/n out of the royal castle!!"
And when the queen asked why, Hinata found himself thinking. For once he thought about what you really meant to him. He thought all night about it.
He thought about not being able to see you anymore, to chat with you anymore, and that made him really upset. He wanted to bring you to many places on your day off, show you many more things in the royal castle.
Hinata ran. Ran to the library to grab you, and dragged you half way across the castle to meet the queen.
The rest was history.
Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama hated books. He hated reading. He was forced every single time he went to the library.
In order to encourage him to read books more often, she hired you, a librarian plus someone to read with him and discuss the books' contents.
Initially he was cool and quiet. He just sat there to read and sometimes you could tell he was dozing off. But you were chirpy and jovial, and you kept asking him random questions like how was his day, what did he eat, what was the rest of the castle like.. Slowly you asked him about the genre of books he liked and you started introducing books to him.
You realised he like books that weren't too draggy, some that had shorter storyline, books that captivated it's reader with every page.
Tobio found himself not dreading to go to the library daily now. Sometimes when you found the right book for him, he even brought the book out of the library, so he could read whenever he had free time.
Afterwards, Kageyama was representing the country to play volleyball, there was a lot of pressure on him, seeing that he was the prince of the country, he had to work extra hard to ensure he performed well in every game.
The queen cut down his daily library sessions to a few times per week. But because you always found good books for him and that he kinda enjoyed reading now, he always looked forward to library days, so he could share with you about the book he was reading.
somehow, he was also looking forward to sharing about his day and his life with you. From a librarian, you became his confidant and his friend.
Similar to Hinata, when he turned 18 and the king and queen started introducing partners to him, but soon, he realised he didn't want to be with those princesses / princes and neither could he see himself being with anyone else other than you.
Tobio was a straightforward boy, so he just told his mom one night: "I want to marry y/n in the future."
The queen knew that once this boy was set on something, he was never going to change his mind. You were a lovely person anyway, so the queen had no complains.
He asked for your hand on your 18th birthday.
Iwaizumi Hajime
Oikawa had his eyes set on you the moment he met you. He dragged his brother, Iwaizumi to the library everyday "to do work" so he could chat with you.
He tried all ways to flirt with you; pick up lines, gifts, flowers, chatting with you, everything to get your attention.
But you were so unfazed and your nonchalant reaction always made Iwaizumi laugh at Oikawa.
One day, Oikawa officially confessed to you, asking for your hand. Nobody could understand where did Oikawa find courage to do so, but he really made an entire event out of it.
You had no choice but to apologise to Oikawa and reject him. You told him that you already had someone else in mind. But you refused to tell him who.
Somehow, Iwaizumi was curious to find out who was the person you had your eyes set on. Oikawa has never been rejected in his life, people usually drool and faze over Oikawa so Iwaizumi wanted to know who you thought was better than him.
Somehow, the idea of you being with someone made Iwaizumi unsettled as well. He felt that you deserved to be with someone that was nothing short of amazing, like you were.
No matter how much Oikawa pressed on, you refused to tell him who it was.
One day, Oikawa had to accompany the queen for a lunch meeting and Iwaizumi had nothing to do, so he visited the library.
"so... I'm really curious who you rejected Oikawa for?" he found himself asking. "I have to make sure the person is worthy to be with you."
You laughed, which made Iwaizumi even more confused. Did you just make things up so Oikawa would give up?
"It's you," you said shyly.
The burst of emotions Iwaizumi suddenly felt that day was indescribable. Shock, surprise, happiness, relief, embarrassment, shy...
He didn't know how to react except blush madly. "oh." was all he could manage.
After he regained his composure, he said, "I like you very much as well y/n."
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starshinz · 6 months
ᜊ sdr2 cast watching a baby! contains spoilers for dr2!
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sonia !! the ultimate princess!
she is sooo good with babies !!
she's surely had to take child care classes, and every baby she ever comes in contact with loves her.
she's the sweetest! most likely the best person to leave your baby with. there's not much to say, but she's very good with babies.
gundham !! the ultimate breeder!
i feel like he would be good with babies since he spends so much time with animals! he would pick up the practice pretty easily.
he let's all of his hamsters sniff the baby, but he's very cautious about how close the baby is allowed to them. he knows that the baby probably isn't old enough to control its strength, and he doesn't want his animals or the baby to get hurt.
he feeds the baby when he feeds his four dark devas. the baby is well-cared for and well fed.
as much as he may complain about how someone like him shouldn't be saddled with the task of caring for such a trivial thing, he's very sweet.
nagito !! the ultimate lucky student!
he's confused about why he's being handed a baby, and he refuses to care for it until he's forced. he doesn't want any harm to come to it while it's with him, so he does his best to avoid any possible danger.
nagito would probably gets struck by lightning while caring for the baby, but with his luck, the baby makes it out without a scratch. the baby also probably thinks it's the funniest thing in the world though.
he's very kind and the baby is well taken care of.
hajime !!
he's also very confused as to why he's being asked to watch a baby. he probably insists that he's no good at it, but he's probably one of the most reasonable people to give a baby to.
he can easily settle the baby down if its crying and he's very sweet to it. probably one of the only people to use a baby voice. he only does it when he's alone though, and he would die of mortification if someone heard him.
chiaki !! the ultimate gamer!
chiaki occupies the baby with video games. she might put on a video for the baby, or she just let's it watch her play her games. the baby definitely goes home with a headache or migraine because of the bright screen. she let's the baby lay next to her in bed, or in its crib, and she might fall asleep with it.
she probably forgets to eat sometimes due to her constant gaming, so she might forget to feed the baby. or it might help her remember to eat more often. the crying might signal that it's time to eat.
it was a fun experience, but she probably won't be given a baby again.
mikan !! the ultimate nurse!
she would be a good caretaker for a few minutes, but would then get distracted and begin caring for another patient.
she's easily able to multitask, so reasonably she would be able to take care of it and other people, but no parent wants their baby around a bunch of sick people.
she's probably one of the worst people to give the baby to. she'll have a panic attack.
hiyoko !! the ultimate traditional dancer!
she would not give a single fuck.
anything taking attention away from her needs to go away immediately.
i feel like she would grow attached, and refuse to give the baby back. she claims the baby is a "mini-me" of her, even if it looks nothing like her.
she dances for it, and the baby looooves it. the beautiful movements and pretty clothes she wears entertains the baby very easily.
she has someone else change the baby.
mahiru !! the ultimate photographer!
she's very sweet. she might not be the best caretaker, but she has the spirit! the baby would be very content with her, but she might not know exactly what she's doing.
she glares at any males who try and come near her and the baby, immediately making them back off. it doesn't matter even if they're coming over to help, she insists that she can do it on her own.
nekomaru !! the ultimate team manager!
i feel like he would be a good baby watcher. he could easily hold a baby and instruct his teams to do what they need to do. he would look kind of silly while holding a baby, but he wouldn't understand what was so funny about it.
a very well fed and well taken care of baby. it just falls asleep in his arms, content to be held.
he yells quite a lot, so i'm sure he would upset the baby at least a few times with his loud voice. he wakes it up from its naps and then he has to rock it back to sleep.
akane !! the ultimate gymnast!
she might be a good caretaker! but as soon as the baby gets in the way of her training, she's at least a little agitated.
she makes sure that it's well fed and taken care of. she'll also make sure it's changed as soon as it becomes dirty ( due to her very strong sense of smell ), because she couldn't stand the stench of a dirty diaper.
she puts the baby in a chair / stroller / walker in view of her workout and assumes that's good enough.
fuyuhiko !! the ultimate yakuza!
i can't decide if he would love or hate babies.
if he loves them, he would be very quiet about it and would deny it if anyone questioned him. he has a younger sibling so i'm sure he's at least somewhat used to being around children younger than him, but i'm not sure if he would be good with them. fuyuhiko would definitely go to peko and ask for help.
if he hates them, he would just stare at the baby and be confused as to what he was supposed to do with this.. thing. he wouldn't just leave it by itself though. he would make sure it was well taken care of and he would do everything he could to make sure it didn't cry.
peko !! the ultimate swordswoman!
i'm not sure how well she would do with babies. she might secretly love them but not be able to express that. if she's alone with the baby, she might coo at it and rock it back and forth.
she would protect the baby with her life. it's probably the most physically safe with her. peko would undoubtedly be one of the best people to ask to watch a baby.
ibuki !! the ultimate musician!
ibuki would definitely sing to the baby, but then get confused as to why it starts crying. ( it's crying because of how loud the music is 😭 )
after she realized ( someone probably told her ) that the music was too loud for the little babies eardrums, she lowers her volume and sings it a lullaby.
ibuki wouldn't mean to cause the baby any harm, but she would probably cause ear damage somehow. or she would almost drop the baby. she would also probably forget to change it, and complain about how bad it smells.
kazuichi !! the ultimate mechanic!
kazuichi would probably just put the baby down and then forget about it. he would get so distracted focusing on his latest mechanical fixation, that he would just forget that he was supposed to be watching a baby.
i feel like kazuichi is the type to forget to eat when he's fixing things, so he would also probably forget to feed the baby. and change it.
whoever the baby's parent/s are, are not going to be happy with him when they pick their child up.
byakuya !! the ultimate affluent progeny! the ultimate imposter!
see, they might be good with babies. i feel like it could go either way. probably like fuyuhiko, where they say they don't care for babies ( that's a very byakuya thing to say ), but they do care about them.
they would make funny faces for the baby and pinch the baby's cheeks ( and reluctantly the baby pinch theirs if no one is around to witness it ).
they would never forget to feed the baby. honestly, they might overfeed it a bit, but not enough that the baby would get sick.
teruteru !! the ultimate cook!
don't let him near children. i hate him. ick.
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sparkymalone · 2 months
Haha omg imagine fuyuhiko profusely refusing to go to a pool party. Not because he can't swim or gets a sunburn too easily. It's because of all of the hickies and hand imprints on him from Hajime lol
Another glimpse into how long these asks have been sitting in my inbox~
Anyway, here is a short drabble!
It was a beautiful summer day. It was sunny and warm, the perfect day for a pool party. That was Sonia's mindset when she had invited all of her classmates (and Hajime, of course) over to her summer estate to enjoy the pool. Everyone had been thrilled to go.
…Well, almost everyone.
Fuyuhiko flat out refused to go. He claimed that he hated swimming, and pool parties in particular. He had shut Sonia down so completely that she immediately became suspicious.
She had approached Hajime, hoping that he might have some insight into his boyfriend's behavior, but he hadn't been much help.
“If he says he hates swimming, that's probably all it is, right?” Hajime responded with a shrug.
Sonia frowned at him. “Perhaps. But the way he responded was ‘low-key’ very suspicious. I just want to make sure there isn't anything wrong.”
The brunette smiled earnestly. “Thanks, Sonia. I'm sure he appreciates your concern. I'm pretty sure he's fine, but I'll talk to him if that'll make you feel better.”
“Yes, please,” the princess answered, returning his smile.
Fuyuhiko had, of course, looked at Hajime like he was an idiot when he asked. “You know why I can't go to the pool party, dumbass!”
But Hajime just felt confused. “No, I don't. Can you not swim?”
The blonde's already-flushed face got darker. “Of course I can fuckin' swim!”
“Then… are you worried about a sunburn?” Hajime tried.
“Oh my fuckin'... Here!” Fuyuhiko ignored his own embarrassment, loosening his tie and unbuttoning the top button on his shirt. He tugged the fabric down enough to show the skin where neck met shoulder… and the dark purple bite mark adorning it.
Suddenly it clicked. “Oh,” Hajime replied intelligently.
“Yeah, ‘oh,’ you idiot,” his boyfriend grumbled.
Hajime really should've known the reason, given that it was largely his fault. Underneath his clothes, Fuyuhiko was absolutely covered in marks. Hickies and bite marks on his shoulders, collar bone, chest, and thighs. Handprints on his hips. Bruises on his knees.
The taller boy blushed a dark red, thinking about it. He absolutely loved his boyfriend's body, and he loved leaving marks. He loved having a visual reminder that Fuyuhiko was his. He could honestly stare at the blonde's marked-up body for hours, remembering how he left each bruise and planning where to leave more.
But obviously Fuyuhiko didn't want anyone else to see those marks. That made sense. Hajime didn't want anyone to see them, either (although there was something exciting about the idea).
“S-Sorry,” Hajime finally apologized. “I didn't even think about it.”
Fuyuhiko snorted. “Of course you didn't. But now you get it, right? I can't go to a fuckin' pool party with all our friends.” He grimaced just thinking about the others seeing the myriad of bruises under his clothes.
The brunette nodded along. “Yeah, that makes sense. I'll tell Sonia you definitely aren't going.”
“You mean you're gonna tell her that neither of us is going,” the yakuza heir corrected pointedly.
Hajime furrowed his brow. “What? Why can't I go?”
Fuyuhiko laughed, smirking at his boyfriend. “You dumbass, you have no idea what your back looks like, do you?”
Frowning, Hajime walked into the bathroom and stripped off his shirt. He turned his back to the mirror and craned his neck to see over his shoulder.
There, running down his back, were dozens of scratch marks in various stages of healing. He blushed again as memories of his boyfriend clawing desperately at his back popped into his mind.
“How long have these been here?” Hajime asked incredulously.
Fuyuhiko shrugged as he followed him into the bathroom. “I don't know, how long have we been fucking?”
The taller boy looked at him, aghast. “They've been there the whole time?!” He really didn't want to think about how many times he had changed in the school locker room with his back clearly exposed for anyone to see.
His boyfriend just rolled his eyes. “Anyway, you probably shouldn't go to the party either, huh?”
Hajime begrudgingly agreed, glancing at the reflection of his back again. “Okay… I'll tell Sonia.”
“You can't tell her the real reason, though,” Fuyuhiko warned. “That broad can't keep a secret.”
Choosing not to comment on his boyfriend calling a literal princess a “broad,” Hajime sighed. “Man, I really wanted to go swimming with everyone.”
Fuyuhiko stepped closer, slowly trailing his fingers up Hajime's chest and over his shoulder. “Well, what would you rather do, miss the pool party or stop covering me in marks?”
…Hajime supposed he could live without a pool party.
Sorry for hanging onto this for so long, anon! And to everyone else whose asks I still have!
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hi!! im not sure if you still do matchups, if not that's okay! i'm interested in a male danganronpa v2 or v3 matchup! im a female, ENTP, i do art, and have a little side job doing manicures, i'm incredibly clumsy from what i've been told, i ramble about stuff/people i love, im kind of impulsive when it comes to decision making, i've been told that im a people pleaser and i have attachment issues, not sure if looks are important but i have long dark hair, 5'3, embarrassingly pale, thank you <3!
Matchups are a lot of fun so I try to do them when I have energy. I'll give you one from SDR2 and one from V3. Hopefully you'll enjoy them.
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✧ Hajime Hinata has nothing but respect and admiration for all the talents that his classmates showcase, and you're no exception.
✧ He loves seeing what you create, and isn't shy on letting you use his nails for practice, praising them and showing them off to anyone interested.
✧ You're just such a nice person through and through that he can't help but get attached... quickly.
✧ And who are you to avoid him? That would make him sad, wouldn't it? We can't have that.
✧ Would you look at that? Suddenly the two of you are practically attached at the hip, Hajime taking up as much of his time as he possibly can, much like a dry sponge absorbing water.
✧ With how clumsy you can be, you need someone to look out for you, and isn't Hajime the best only option?
✧ He does everything with you after all, and lets you practice on and with him any time you want! So just keep doing what makes you happy and he'll be there to support you and keep you safe.
✧ Just... Don't think about replacing him with someone else, okay? If you'd start spending more time with someone else, he doesn't know what he will do.
✧ He just needs you by his side, always.
:✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧ ・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧ Korekiyo Shinguji would find himself fascinated by you.
✧ Your hobbies would interest him, and he'd love to listen to you ramble on about your hobbies, returning the favor by rambling on about anthropology topics related to art and things you like.
✧ He'd be careful about letting you touch artifacts in his Ultimate Lab, though, seeing how clumsy you could be. Accidents do indeed happen, but he did not wish for either you or any artifacts to be damaged when it could be avoided without much issue.
✧ He doesn't expect to get as attached to you as he does, and especially not that quickly. He's an introverted person, unlike you, and doesn't grow close to people easily. He's used to others avoiding him and finding him strange, but somehow you stick around.
✧ Lots of late night conversations with his sister involves you, and her approval of you makes her egg Kiyo on, making him act on some of his... darker impulses.
✧ You've shown him kindness and you're similar to him, so now he's unhealthily attached to and possessive of you.
✧ It doesn't take long before you notice how the other Ultimates start to distance themselves from you, much like how they do with Korekiyo. A few even look... afraid.
✧ When you tell Kiyo about it, he comforts you, using it as leverage to shift you further in his direction. The other students didn't deserve you, he'd say, combing his bandaged fingers through your long hair as he held you.
✧ You'd grow accustomed to be around him and him only soon enough. And if any of the other ultimates were dumb enough to not listen to his warnings, he'd simply have take even more drastic measures to make sure that he was the only one you talked to.
:✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧ ・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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ushiwaakas · 2 months
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❥ masterlist!!! ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
***(from a-z) !!!!!!!!
this is just a beta, but these are the characters who i’m writing for!
tooru oikawa
(nothing here…yet!)
hajime iwaizumi
(nothing here…yet!)
kentaro kyotani
(nothing here…yet!)
takanobu aone
(nothing here…yet!)
kenji futakuchi
(nothing here…yet!)
kanji koganegawa
(nothing here…yet!)
kotaro bokuto
(nothing here…yet!)
keiji akaashi
(nothing here…yet!)
shinsuke kita
(nothing here…yet!)
atsumu miya
(nothing here…yet!)
osamu miya
osamu with reader who hand hugs him!
rintaro suna
(nothing here…yet!)
kiyoomi sakusa
(nothing here…yet!)
yuji terushima
(nothing here…yet!)
daichi sawamura
(nothing here…yet!)
koshi sugawara
(nothing here…yet!)
asahi azumane
(nothing here…yet!)
yu nishinoya
(nothing here…yet!)
ryunosuke tanaka
(nothing here…yet!)
tobio kageyama
(nothing here…yet!)
shoyo hinata
(nothing here…yet!)
kei tsukishima
tsukki with a goth lolita s/o
tadashi yamaguchi
(nothing here…yet!)
tetsuro kuroo
(nothing here…yet!)
kenma kozume
kenma with a s/o who’s only quirky with him
taketora yamamoto
(nothing here…yet!)
sō inuoka
(nothing here…yet!)
lev haiba
(nothing here…yet!)
wakatoshi ushijima
he helps you at the gym
satori tendo
(nothing here…yet!)
tsutomu goshiki
(nothing here…yet!)
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writinganddyinginside · 2 months
Higher Than Ever Together
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Danganronpa Drabble
Word Count: 816.
Ships: Shuichi Saihara/Hajime Hinata. + Mentions of other characters.
Mentions of drought
Mentions of death
Banner: PNGs from @/luvpngs, @/4everpluie, @/thepngpixie, @/pngsgalore, and @/adjpngs
Divider: @/fairytopea
Heavily inspired by Cloud Climber by Two Star Games.
See on other platforms: [Twitter] [AO3]
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“Can you even see the fifth tower anymore?”
“No. But we know where it is, yeah?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Hajime’s eyesight was better than Shuichi’s. Not by a landslide, but enough that sometimes Shuichi would ask him, “Am I seeing this right?” and trust his answer. Shuichi was weaker in some sense, too. He could hold real steady, which was valuable when it came to holding boards and nails in place, but he had never really built any structure in his life before the drought started.
Not that Hajime had built a whole tower before either, but he had done handiwork with his parents before. Shuichi hadn’t done anything like this. He said he felt the same way now that he felt growing up, now that everyone was gone. Not exactly the same, of course, since Hajime was here.
Now that they were truly alone, they’d often forget what they had even been doing up here.
“What are we going to do when we get to the fifth tower again?”
“Build to the seventh tower.”
“Because the sixth tower fell.”
“Oh. Yeah.”
They relax and look out at the view multiple times a day. Because they have all day. No one’s waiting for them.
“Byakuya Togami,” Shuichi blurts out as they sit in the middle of the bridge between towers Two and Three. He was extremely anxious about stilling on the bridges and staircases at one point, but he’s used to it now.
“He was in the sixth tower.”
“When it fell?”
“Yeah. I remember because… because I spoke to him once. When he was further this way.”
“I heard he was an asshole.”
“He is. Your brother said he’s a bit worse for wear now, though. Apparently he used to be ruder.”
“Yeah, your brother.” Shuichi turned to look at Hajime, perhaps searching for some semblance of disbelief that wasn’t there.
“Come on, let’s go.”
The sixth tower incident was the most widely remarked and remembered, for obvious reasons. Byakuya fell along with Celestia Ludenburg, Takemichi Yukimaru, Hiyoko Saionji, Tsumugi Shirogane, and some others they couldn’t remember. There was a larger number of people in the tower, and the only reason they remembered Takemichi is because he likes to yell across the towers and so everyone knew him, if not by his name then as “the guy who screams occasionally”.
“I knew Hiyoko,” Hajime remarked, lugging his bag to the end of the bridge. The stairs that went upward from the bridge were broken so Hajime immediately walked around the walkway balcony  attached to the actual tower structure to where he knew wood would be. Shuichi went into the inside of the tower, looking through all the chests and shelves and looking across the table. He found clothes, and left them. He found papers, and took them. “What was she like?” he exclaimed through the door.
“She wasn’t bad, though. I guess. Just liked to mess with people.”
Shuichi stuffed the pieces of paper into his bag and pulled out nails as he rushed out to the broken staircase. “Do you know anything about her?”
Hajime shrugged, laying a piece of wood in place for Shuichi to hold nails to. 
“She was a dancer. Real small traditional dancer. ‘S why she didn’t build anything. Just distributed food and water. Sometimes people asked her to dance for them. She didn’t really like when people asked, though.”
“Oh. She sounds interesting.” Shuichi doesn’t know what to say.
“Mhm. This should be good enough.”
“Okay. Maybe I have something of hers. Are there more nails over there before we get too high?—I don’t think I’ll have enough. I can carry a whole bag if there’s a whole bag.”
“There is some—here. You might have some official stuff; I don’t know if she’s the journal type.”
“Thank you. I don’t really like to read people’s diaries anyway.”
They built all the way to the next floor of the tower, carrying more wood and nails and materials than before. Hajime hauled most of the weight.
Shuichi rejoined Hajime at the bottom of the next staircase, paper crinkling in his personal bag. “Can we stop at the top?”
“We’re not going to the top.”
“Ah—I meant when we get to the bridge.”
“Yeah, thanks. Sorry—I just get kind of tired.”
“I know. It’s okay. I get tired, too. Gotta carry everything.”
Shuichi huffs in place of another apology, fundamentally understanding the lack of complaint in his partner’s light-hearted tone.
They sat down before the threshold of the bridge going from Tower Three to Four. They ate some of what food they had and Shuichi pulled out a paper randomly from his bag, then opened the bag up to Hajime for him to do the same. So they each opened their little piece of paper and began reading through the things their compatriots left behind.
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Foundation Rep: Slowly, friendships reblossom despite the horrors. Interesting.
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skiiyoomin · 1 year
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⤑Back to navigation ┊♡requests: OPEN
⤑smut/suggestive: (m) ⤑angst: (a) ⤑fluff: (f)
❥You trip on stage during your graduation
: ̗̀➛MTL
-nothing here yet-
❥Taking care of them when they run out of energy (f)
-nothing here yet-
❥Accidentally sending them nudes (m)
© skiiyoomin - all rights reserved. please do not copy or steal my work, and always ask me for permission before reposting, translating, or using my work.
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dice-nagito-ace · 1 year
finding peace (when the new day is dawning)
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based off of @eggs-can-draw 's au, none of this is inherently canon, i just have a lot of thoughts about this particular part
Relationships: Shuichi Saihara & Kokichi Ouma, Background Nagito Komaeda & Hajime Hinata, Background Makoto Naegi/Byakuya Togami/Kyoko Kirigiri
Tags: Childhood, First Meetings, Meet Cute? No Meet Tackle, Self-Indulgent, Fluff, Implied Angst, Beach, Pebbles, Komahina is in a long long slow burn, Character Study-ish, Set after DR2, Lowercase
Word Count: 1k
Recommend Listening to While Reading
two boys meet, different and the same.
one tackles the other into the water.
later they throw rocks into the sea to talk about it.
the scent of sea makes his nose itch, he can taste the salt and he sticks his tongue out in curiosity, seeing if the rising droplets could ever reach it, swaying with the rocking boat, hands gripped onto cool metal bars.
"what's my little sleuth doing down there?" he perks up, turning around to look up and sees his mama, carefully pulling away his grip to reach out to her.
her hands meet his halfway, squeezing softly, one, two, three and he does the same, giggling quietly, drowned out almost by the wind tickling their cheeks.
"aren't you tired?" shuichi pauses, thinking it over before shaking his head, letting himself be picked up still, curling into the warm embrace, hiding his face into lilac hair as the sun begins to rise, the light almost blinding after spending his time looking down at the dark waters.
unbidden, a yawn bubbles up his throat anyways, his limbs relaxing, turning slack as he feels safe and warm.
there's mumbling, a coo, he hears his papa's voice, garbled but there, smooth and soft, in his sleep he cries out for him and there's shuffling as awareness peaks, mind sluggishly registering different arms taking him before he lights out.
when he wakes, the boat has docked and his papa is patting him awake while coming down the dock.
"come on, buddy. we're seeing uncle hajime and mister nagito." shuichi blinks, slow and sleepy before it clicks, pulling away to look around, gasping in excitement when he sees the two adults waving at them.
he waves back, arms still heavy but they smile and he smiles back, happy to see them.
it's just that– something moves behind his uncle that makes him rub his eyes, wondering if he was still dreaming.
he isn't, he gets put down and he can see the other more clearly now.
another boy, gripping the sleeves of uncle hajime's pants, dark blue hair like his but the sun hits and it turns purple.
it would have been cool if the other wasn't looking at him so much, unblinking and unmoving.
"shuichi," the brunette calls for his attention, his mismatched eyes soft and at ease, unknowingly making his own tense form calm down.
his hand moves and he follows to where it lands, on the boys head, gently ruffling soft locks.
"this is my son, kokichi." kokichi, it's a nice name, he smiles shyly, waving at the boy.
he blinks, squinting at him before stepping forward, suddenly in his face— suddenly in his face?!
bright purple eyes gaze into his own pair before he smiles, it's not the good one, it's the kind his dad makes before he does something that makes papa and mama sigh.
and he's right, because one moment, the sun is warming his cheeks.
and the next he's in the water, tackled by his uncle's son, oh they get out quick, there's yelling but shuichi's awake, kokichi's giggling, he's wet too.
he has a funny laugh, it makes him laugh too, he hears the adults sigh but there wasn't much harm done, really.
it's when he looks back at kokichi does he realize the other is looking at him in surprise, he doesn't know why, he doesn't get to ask.
there's hands on his, pulling him up, papa is yelling again, telling him to get back to dry off but kokichi–
he laughs and tugs him forward, out the dock, into the sand, their clothes are wet and cold, but the sun is on their backs, the sand is clinging onto their shoes and—
it's not that bad.
the other boy slows down, huffing softly, he squeezes his hand, however briefly while looking back at him.
shuichi squeezes his too, it's the start of something.
probably a giggling fit, because the squeeze makes a squirt sound from the water and they do, giggle that is.
"sorry." kokichi blurts out, waving at their frames, "you looked like you were still dreaming. dad says water helps."
"i– i don't think uncle meant it like that."
"but it was funnier."
a beat.
"yeah, it was."
their parents find them soon enough, mostly without their shoes, trying to get the sand out of them, they run from their ticklish towels but are defeated.
mister nagito laughs and sneaks them away from papa's scolding, letting them scurry off into a corner of the beach kokichi told him was a secret place.
it's quiet, so quiet he can't help but ask.
"why'd you really push me though?"
the young boy stills, gripping onto his towel as he plops down onto a small bench, probably brought there by kokichi himself.
"you calling me a liar?"
"no, it just felt like there was something else."
shuichi squirms in the silence, hesitantly sitting beside who he hopes to be his new friend.
"if, if you don't want to–"
"my dad is busy a lot." he starts, picking up a pebble to throw into the sea.
shuichi picks up one and holds it out for the other to take.
it's a small victory when he takes it but a victory nonetheless.
"i thought we were gonna play together– cuz he woke me up too." oh.
the wind picks up as the silence brews, they spend a few moments just throwing rocks into the water, the sound of the waves roaring out as it takes the pebbles almost feels like they're feeding hungry lions.
"my parents are busy a lot too." shuichi offers out, he knows they love him, they do their best but...
he's picked up a few things from others, that he wasn't really, well, planned. which was odd since papa liked to plan a lot—
"i wasn't upset," kokichi starts, hands digging for a good pebble amidst the sand, brushing one off of any sand and dirt, "i mean, i was, just not at you."
he offers shuichi the pebble.
he takes it, it's a nice one, smooth and round.
("this is a good one." he whispers.
"it is.")
shuichi smiles and offers up his own pebble he'd been fiddling at for a while.
"i know." kokichi huffs but he takes it too, making a show of scrutinizing it before shoving it in his pocket.
"you really are a detective, i'm not saying sorry twice though!"
he laughs and gets up, pocketing the pebble as he does so.
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seineko · 2 years
there's two things about kageyama that karasuno is absolutely sure about:
1. kageyama can't smile
for the life of him, he just cannot smile even if he tries his best. it just comes out so awkward or just straight up weird. (my boy has an insecurity about it too :()
2. animals don't like kageyama
it's not his fault, really, he just naturally scares them away without even knowing how. he loves them and would like to, at the very least, pet them because, for him, owning one is a far fetched dream regardless of how much he would love to have one.
karasuno has made a bet about the first one: the one who makes kageyama smile first gets off their gym cleaning duty for 2 months (yes, even tsukishima. at first he was blackmailed into it but later his he continued due to his own curiousity and interest, you didn't hear this from me cause i do not want to die at the hand of a salt shaker).
at first it was only karasuno but slowly, it spread across every school from miyagi to tokyo and even inarizaki joined in when atsumu invited himself into the challenge.
the closest anyone had gotten was yachi, who didn't have the bet in mind when she bought him a new pair of knee pads as a thank you for fending off a creep from her class. sure it wasn't exactly a smile, but no one has ever seen that expression on kageyama's face, it at least deserves an honourable mention. (oikawa sure tried way harder after that for someone who claims to hate kageyama.)
the second one was akaashi during their trianing camp in tokyo. not knowing how to compliment the 1st year setter, akaashi just patted him on the head and muttered a 'nice toss.'
sugawara got so pissed off at the expression on kageyama's face (not because of the expression itself, but because it wasn't him or anyone from their team who was responsible for it oikawa kinnie much?), he literally dragged back kageyama to practice tosses with him instead of akaashi and kuroo.
but the one who actually achieved the ultimate surprised pretty much everyone involved.
almost everyone had expected hinata to be the to make kageyama smile.
if not hinata, maybe sugawara or at least iwaizumi.
but no, the one who did was one of the least expected person, if not the least.
kenma didn't really care about the bet much. he wasn't close to kageyama and the chills that ran down his spine when he first met the setter were enough to make him stay away from him.
he never really tried to participate in it, though he could definitely see the appeal of not cleaning the gym for 2 months. (other schools had different rewards, but nekoma had unanimously decided to copy karasuno's.)
it was during a break after one of the practice matches between karasuno and nekoma.
kenma had gone out to find a spot where he could peacefully (read: without a kuroo to annoy him) play a few games before the next match started.
however, as he neared the stars, he saw a very familiar calico looking up at him with eyes so adorable, it would be a crime not to indulge the little thief for a while.
but as soon as kenma had picked up the cat, he felt goosebumps crawl up his spine. he turned around to see kageyama staring at him (at the little bundle in his hands particularly) pretty intensely.
the black haired boy didn't seem to do it intentionally because his gaze didn't flatter even when kenma moved a bit towards the door to possibly run towards a staircase near one of the club rooms.
noticing that kenma cleared his throat, which seemed to snap back the other setter into reality. his eyes widened a little before he instantly bowed down.
in a low voice, the words that left his own mouth surprised kenma, 'd-do, er, you want to pet it?'
it seems as though it surprised even kageyama as he stood back up and blinked a few times in confusion before speaking, scratching the back of his head, 'animals don't like me much.'
'i'll hold it up, you can pet it then,' kenma was at disbelief at himself today. why was he so insistent on getting the setter to pet the cat that he had unofficially adopted.
all that thought had vanished though. 'really?' the shine that glazed kageyama's eyes and the small quirk of his lips upward made kenma want to reach out and pet him on his head.
kenma just held the cat up as a reply.
there was a hesitation present in the way kageyama lifted his hand up, but slowly and steadily he moved forward and placed his hand on top of the calico's head.
the purr that left the cat seemed to shock kageyama for a few moments before a big, innocent and a happiness inducing smile broke onto his face.
when a series of gasps made their way to kenma, he realized that they both were being watched. so it wasn't his fault really, that his jump had scared the cat, kageyama and himself.
the calico just jumped out of his hand and ran out the door while kageyama was still looking at the place the cat was there just moments ago.
kenma wasn't really interested in the challenge, neither had he tried, nor planned, at least once to participate in it.
but he wasn't complaining about the final outcome. especially the gym cleaning duty that was off his hands for 2 months.
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©2022 by seineko @ tumblr
just a drabble that popped into my head :P headcanon in a way i guess?
i will protect kageyama tobio with my life. he's way too precious.
didn't proof read it because right now im in the bus to return back home so if you happen to read the whole way through and find any mistakes please do point them out!
also i did not intend any of the relationships here to be romantic, everything was written with platonic interactions in mind.
peace out! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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sparkymalone · 3 months
Never fear, I got more
Natsumi: Is that a hickey?
Fuyuhiko: What?? No. It's a.. Mosquito bite..
Natsumi: Oh alright
Hajime *walking in*: Hey guys
Natsumi: Hey Mosquito
Hey guys, it's been a hot minute, y'all want a drabble?
Hajime loved his boyfriend's body, every square inch of it.
Whenever he got the opportunity to see Fuyuhiko naked, it was like the sun coming out on a cloudy day. It was beautiful and perfect, skinny but somehow shapely, pale skin marked with freckles and scars that only Hajime got to see.
The only thing better than seeing his boyfriend's body was touching his boyfriend's body. Fuyuhiko was so sensitive, and his response to Hajime's hands and mouth was absolutely intoxicating. Hajime could spend hours kissing and caressing Fuyuhiko's skin, if only the volatile boy would let him.
One of Hajime's favorite things to do to his boyfriend was to leave little hickies and bite marks wherever Fuyuhiko would allow. Usually that restricted him to anywhere that could be covered with clothing. And, most of the time, that was fine. Hajime was perfectly happy to mark the hell out of Fuyuhiko's shoulders, collarbone, chest, stomach, thighs-
But occasionally he would get a little carried away and leave marks where he shouldn't. He loved to kiss Fuyuhiko's neck, and it was very easy to get lost in his lover's moans and end up sucking a little too hard.
So when he caught Fuyuhiko staring at his neck in the mirror, Hajime immediately felt guilty. There, stark against the yakuza heir's pale skin, was a very obvious hickey. What's worse, it was just above Fuyuhiko's collar line, just out of the fabric's reach.
Fuyuhiko turned to glare at him and Hajime held his hands up defensively. “I'm sorry!”
“You bastard, everyone is gonna see this thing!” the blonde griped.
“I'll be more careful next time,” Hajime promised, knowing there wasn't much he could do about the current blemish. He paused, lowering his voice. “Besides, you didn't seem to mind when I was making it.”
Fuyuhiko flushed dark red and gave the taller boy a shove. “Sh-Shut up!”
Hajime chuckled at his boyfriend's flustered reaction. Everything he did was so cute, and Hajime pulled him closer so he could tell him just how much he loved him.
Eventually, the two of them made it out of Fuyuhiko's room. The hickey was long-forgotten, considering how many other marks were now hidden beneath Fuyuhiko's clothes.
Hajime headed for the bathroom while Fuyuhiko made his way to the living room. He wasn't too surprised to find Natsumi lounging on the couch, scrolling on her phone.
“Hey,” he greeted her.
“Hey,” she replied disinterestedly.
Fuyuhiko sat in what space was left on the couch, beginning to scroll on his own phone. He didn't notice when his sister sat up, but he did notice her derisive giggle.
She pointed at his neck, having caught sight of the mark there. “Is that a hickey?”
Fuyuhiko instinctively slapped a hand over his neck, blushing wildly. “What?! No! Don't be stupid!”
Natsumi grinned at him like she had him figured out. “Hiko, were you and Hajime making out~?”
Her brother glared at her, too embarrassed to admit that that was exactly what had happened. “It's not a hickey,” he insisted. “It's… uh… a mosquito bite!”
She raised an eyebrow at him, clearly not buying his answer, but she backed off. “Okay, whatever.”
They sat in awkward silence for a while as they both went back to their phones. Fuyuhiko was going to kill his boyfriend.
As if on cue, Hajime finally wandered into the room. “Oh, hey, Natsumi,” he greeted the girl pleasantly.
Natsumi smirked up at him. “Hey, ‘Mosquito.’”
Fuyuhiko blushed again, turning to shout at his sister, who burst into a fit of laughter.
Hajime was very confused.
Short and sweet. Full disclosure, I've had this ask for SO LONG, lmao. Sorry it took so long, anon! And sorry to the other prompts still waiting in my inbox. I'm going to get to them soon!
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dawnxblade · 2 years
Kokichi Brother From Jabberwock Island
*Kokichi was sleeping on a tree branch, he was skipping class because Maki choked him for telling lies and nobody cared to search for him so he decided to take a nap, somewhere nobody could find him.*
*Nagito stares out of the classroom window and sees Kokichi asleep on the tree branch curious about why he is sleeping outside, he raises his hand and asks the teacher if he could go to the bathroom. the teacher says yes and so Nagito leaves the classroom.*
*Nagito makes it behind the school and looks up watching Kokichi's hair blow with the wind, and he looks peaceful, not wanting to disturb him, Nagito climbs the tree and Picks up Kokichi placing him on his lap.*
Kokichi: "Nagito, you smell of citrus"
Nagito: "Is that bad?"
*Kokichi shakes his head before laying back down against Nagito's chest, He felt safe next to the Ultimate Lucky student, Nagito brushes some leaves away from Kokichi hair.*
Nagito: "Let me guess, your class got tired of your lies and ganged up on you, making you feel unwanted and so you decided to come here instead to hide away so nobody could see how it was affecting you?"
Kokichi: "Y-Yes"
*Kokichi broke down into tears and Nagito embraced him feeling Kokichi's tears soak his jacket*
Nagito: "We've talked about this, Kokichi. Not everything has to be a lie, you aren't weak against anybody, and you can trust certain people. Monokuma, The killing game, they're gone. It's just you and me now so please don't hide what you're feeling anymore, let us help you."
*Kokichi lifts his head sniffling prompting Nagito to pull a tissue from his pocket and wipe Kokichi's face smiling, Giving him another Hug Nagito sighs hearing the school bell ring letting everyone know the class was over.*
Kokichi: "Can I tell the truth? to you and you alone?"
Nagito: "Of course!"
*Kokichi looked towards the ground*
Nagito: "your face tells me you have regrets that you can't escape but you want to. Gonta and Miu? Perhaps?"
Kokichi: "Not just them. Everyone in my class doesn't like me after the hell I've put them through. Shuichi was right I'm alone and I always will be"
*Nagito shook Kokichi's shoulders harshly*
Nagito: "Saihara can't say that when he doesn't know anything! You're never alone....not when I'm here with you."
Kokichi: "Thanks Nagito"
*Kokichi gives a big yawn and cuddles close to Nagito feeling sleepy after their long talk, Nagito takes off his jacket and wraps it around Kokichi's frail frame keeping him warm.*
Nagito: "Anytime Kokichi"
*Hajime walks out to the back of the school with Shuichi who was worried about Kokichi not returning to class, they both come across Nagito and Kokichi in a tree taking a nap. It was quiet, birds chirping and inner peace was attained*
Hajime: "I think we should leave them be. When they wake up we'll be here for them"
Shuichi: "Kokichi is probably angry with me. What if he hates me"
Hajime: "Knowing him, Kokichi isn't one to hold grudges but he also isn't one to forget who hurts him. Just give him some space and It'll work out."
*Hajime sits on the ground taking out his homework and Shuichi joins him, They both sit in silence waiting for the people they mistreated to wake up and act like nothing happened.*
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pin-k-ink · 16 days
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fics ↴
⤠ star-crossed ⇾ goshiki tsutomu
⤠ freudian slip ⇾ kageyama tobio
⤠ trespass ⇾ sakusa kiyoomi
⤠ synergy ⇾ ushijima wakatoshi
⤠ axiom ⇾ miya atsumu
⤠ saccharine ⇾ kozume kenma
⤠ ardor ⇾ miya atsumu
⤠ refuge ⇾ kozume kenma
⤠ the sequel ⇾ suna rintarou
⤠ hunt ⇾ miya osamu & miya atsumu
⤠ eventide ⇾ tsukishima kei
⤠ spring loaded ⇾ kita shinsuke
⤠ lazy day ⇾ suna rintarou
⤠ glyph ⇾ terushima yuuji
⤠ possessory ⇾ kuroo tetsurou
⤠ sweet tooth ⇾ yaku morisuke
⤠ lusus ⇾ ushijima wakatoshi
⤠ feral ⇾ kyoutani kentarou
⤠ mania ⇾ hinata shoyo
⤠ maelstrom ⇾ miya osamu & miya atsumu
part one | part two
⤠ study session ⇾ akaashi keiji
⤠ fever ⇾ kita shinsuke
⤠ heat ⇾ kozume kenma
⤠ vestige ⇾ oikawa tooru
⤠ convenient ⇾ kuroo tetsurou
⤠ catharsis ⇾ sakusa kiyoomi
⤠ thirst ⇾ kageyama tobio
⤠ cotton candy ⇾ oikawa tooru
⤠ wolf’s den ⇾ sakusa kiyoomi & miya atsumu
part one | part two
⤠ quintessence ⇾ kageyama tobio
⤠ "just friends" ⇾ kozume kenma
⤠ cynosure ⇾ kageyama tobio
drabbles ↴
⤠ iwaizumi hajime
⤠ bokuto kotaro
⤠ nishinoya yuu
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