#haku mahelona
sanini-panini · 1 year
❇ and 🌱 forrrr haku 👁👁?
[original oc ask post]
❄️ SNOWFLAKE - do people consider them cold? if so, what made them this way?
here is haku's conundrum. they have been tasked with sorting through the thousands of possible futures and then leading the way to what they deem the most favorable possibility. but favorable to whom? the ideal would be to choose an outcome that benefits the most people in the long-term, but a choice like this will always be skewed by the bias of the diviner. haku knows this. still, they consider it their duty to remain as detached as possible from everyone around them to avoid clouding their judgment with things like sentimentality.
and so haku acts like an ice queen, always holding others at arms length as if this will somehow negate the fact that they are (unfortunately) quite the bleeding heart. i can count on one hand the number of characters across six campaigns/universes who didn't want to punch haku by the end of it all--and this is all by design. for haku, the knowledge that they are widely hated makes it easier for them to act as destiny's puppetmaster without guilt.
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
um. i would say watching their parents get reduced to ashes by a malicious god but i think it's actually. something that happened three years after that. haku (and the rest of the ennead) are among karai's chosen soldiers, bestowed with a highly unstable mix of holy power and the cursed essence of aforementioned malicious god, and well. for haku, this power awakened before they were ready, and it incinerated them from the inside out. they were nine years old. i think i actually traumatized one of mika's pcs once by making them experience this particular memory as a first-person vision (sorry ai).
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
History of Jobs
Today, we’re looking at the Ennead’s resumes! This is (of course) not a complete list because of how old the Ennead are and the number of lifetimes they’ve lived, but this gives a good enough idea of what they’ve done in their lives. 
*Please note that we are not counting their full-time jobs as ‘immortals-to-keep-humanity-on-the-correct-path’ within this list. It’s a given.
Jinal: Most of their jobs have revolved around medicine. They’ve spent time as a military nurse, therapist, and critical are intensivist. They also spent time as a high school choir director. Their current job is a trauma surgeon!
Haku: Literally became the Pocket Dimension Future Guide as soon as their powers kicked in. Does not work with mortals. 
Minerva: Minerva has worked a huge variety of jobs, including being a blacksmith, sailor, labor activist, and Olympic gymnast. Her current job is being a stunt actress.
Ven: Ven’s love of the arts bleeds into their job history as well. They’ve been a concert pianist, child actor, and a painter. Their most recent resume addition is as a movie score composer. (Side note: OP has a headcanon that Ven was Beethoven. ‘Cause. Beethoven. Anyway.)
Kai: Kai has fucked around and found out. From railroad worker, author, and pastry chef, to Asian American activist, NASA scientist, and a physics professor, Kai has explored their interests and passions over their several centuries. 
Mateen: This man continues his Pathetic Man streak. He worked as a farmer and soldier. That’s...the majority of it. Now, he’s a criminal defense attorney and activist! 
Ridwan: Also served time as a soldier! Why? Idk they grew up in a war so as- oh. Uh. Moving on. They essentially pioneered queer studies, spent time as a poet, and currently work as a journalist-slash-queer-rights-activist. 
Silpa: An absolute Badass. Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering. Does it involve metal? Yes? Then they’ve probably done it. Their current work focuses on developing accessibility tools. 
Felix: What to say about Felix? He’s done sculpting work and, as his powers would lend itself to, was an Olympic medalist in figure skating. He is currently a figure skating coach. 
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
Today, we’re talking about the web-serial worm. 
The web-serial influenced the concept of power manifestation, since they were considered to be representative of “their trauma, their desires, or their personalities.” The Ennead already had their powers, so the author chose to throw this painful concept onto the giftees instead. 
The author listed the giftees (edited for clarity/summarization). I put them below the cut in case you don’t want pain. 
Lian’s creator: zy (tumblr here)
Joshua’s creator: Earthytruce
Peter’s creator: may (ao3 here)
Morgan’s creator: hi :) (other blog @tenuntilfightcall)
Juli/Karyme/Rae/Dani are the author’s creation: @sanini-panini
Morgan (Jinal, weather control): at its core? control issues. she has never been allowed to control any moment of her “miserable life, so to be able to control something as monumental as weather?” taking back control, not just of her life but of the world around her, makes the horrors of the life she’s already lived a thing of the past and opens possibilities of the future.  (the author pointed out that mind control, while a possibility, isn’t a priority for Morgan. she has never cared about others, just the “circumstances that seem insurmountable”. 
Peter (Haku, item summoning and telekinesis): he is a very practical person. if something doesn’t have a purpose, he’s unlikely to use it BUT if something needs to happen in the moment, his power lets him evolve to meet that need in the moment. his telekinesis isn’t active control, but combined with his blunt nature, he nudges people into the direction they need to be (not necessarily for his own gain) (the author elaborated telekinesis doesn’t change a person’s motivations, just direction).
Juli (Minerva, fire control): double layered here. part of it is wanting to be flashy/showy but at its core it’s also about creation. making something new and rebuilding what was there. this both parallels and contradicts Minerva’s own story- Juli works to create something new and the beginning of Minerva’s story is based in burning something down. the flashy/show part of their personalities is perfectly in line. you can also make the argument that after Minerva used her power to destroy, she realized how much she could create with her ability and tried to move in that direction instead. 
Lian (Ven, sound manipulation): Lian is difficult because most of the powers listed here have to do with trauma, and they have none. however, my argument is that Lian tells someone what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. they can manipulate sound as part of giving truths, even when they’re unwanted, forcing Lian to consider saying what they need to hear and adapting to what they need to be. their backstory as a musician factors into their patron (Ven) in the way music can influence someone’s emotional state. 
Joshua (Kai, super speed and wings): we could talk about this forever, but Joshua’s speed allows him to protect those he cares about (Joel, primarily) and his wings give him the ability to run, but he chooses not to use that ability. (Author edit: His wings are about freedom. What’s more freeing than learning to fly?). Make of that what you will. also it ties into Kai’s whole air control thing nicely. 
Mateen doesn’t actually have a giftee. There are multiple reasons for this. One, given the nature of xis own power, the possibilities for the wrong power to end up on the wrong person were endless; essentially, Mateen was trying to prevent another xim during xis Joker arc. Two, xe refused to force someone else to have powers, the same way xe and the rest of the Ennead were forced into it. Three, author convenience. 
Rae (Ridwan, object switching/location): xyr desire to switch places with other people, both to escape xyr situation and walk in another person’s shoes. this ties heavily into their activist work in an effort to understand and help others out of whatever situation they’ve come up against. this can be tied into Ridwan, both in their activist work, and in Ridwan’s power to manipulate light- the ability to make someone see something other than what is already there. 
Karyme (Silpa, clairovoyance): she is always wanting to know more about anything she can. her power giving her the truths of each situation lets her record history in a detailed, accurate way. 
Dani (Felix, shielding): his power of shielding comes from the desire to shield others from pain in a way he was never shielded from his parents.
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sanini-panini · 9 months
This has been sitting in my WIP folder for like. months. It accompanies chapter 3.2.5 from Karai's Chosen (found here), specifically the scene where a couple of unfortunate mortals walk Haku through a very fraught session of shadow therapy. Breakdown of the motifs I used under the cut!
We'll start with the opening:
0:00 to 0:33 - plays the opening from Haku's theme verbatim
From 0:33 to 1:06 represents them entering the void
The section from 1:06 to 1:48 represents their initial attempts to talk to Haku (which doesn't go well).
You have Lian in the flute (like at 1:06), Dani in the clarinet (like at 1:13), and Peter in the oboe (like at 1:16), each playing motifs from their respective themes.
Haku in the viola (1:10) pushes back, echoing a motif from their battle them (Haku's Desperation), and at 1:33 this motif plays even louder/faster in viola and violin, representing Haku's refusal to listen.
The hand bell plays the background sequence from Haku's theme.
And then Peter gets tired of this game. (“You’re afraid that you’re becoming like The Necromancer.”)
From 1:48 to 2:56 is basically Peter tearing down Haku's insecurities regarding the fact that they're becoming like the villain they sought to destroy:
The viola motif here is a modified version of the running arpeggios from Haku's Desperation, and the oboe plays Peter's motif
The choir sings the background ostinato from the Necromancer's theme, progressively louder
At 2:12 the marimba and hand bell start playing the Necromancer's melody (albeit quietly), transitioning to the strings at 2:23 onward
At 2:33, the hand bell echoes the melody from Haku's Desperation that was playing in the first section (Haku's weak attempt at denying the accusation)
From 2:56 to 3:17 is the moment where Peter asks Lian and Dani to help him deliver the final blow.
At 2:56 the viola plays the motif from Haku's Desperation that I've previously used to represent their choice to violate their morals
At 3:00 Lian's motif is in the flute briefly, followed by Ven's motif in the flute ("Ven would never let that happen.")
From 3:09 to 3:17, the clarinet, oboe, and flute are in unison, representing everyone telling Haku to get their shit together
From 3:18 to the end is essentially Haku's recovery. The viola plays the backing melody from Haku's theme, and each of the other character motifs make an appearance in their respective instruments (Lian = flute, Dani = clarinet, Peter = oboe), and we end with Peter, the only mortal unfortunate enough to understand our seer.
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sanini-panini · 1 year
🌼 haku and 🍁🌙 minerva, cuz I feel like she has fun tastes-
🌼- my favorite thing about haku is that i keep trying to make them unlikable and it's clearly not working. my other favorite thing is that haku is outwardly a nihilist who doesn't care about anyone and considers everyone an acceptable sacrifice for the greater good so naturally everyone hates them. but haku actually cares so deeply that they consider themself the only acceptable sacrifice on the path to a better future. "haku may have made everyone hate them, but they did not hate everyone" is still my favorite line i've ever written.
🍁- minerva's taste in tv/movies/books leans very heavily towards action. she cannot stand romance at all. probably a big fan of shounen, magical girl stuff, anything with good fight scenes. she is also a stunt double by trade so she likes watching action movies and critiquing/re-enacting them. very occasionally, she'll get roped into watching reality tv with ridwan, and she finds that fun too.
🌙- unusual hobbies... i don't know if extreme sports counts but. actually no we can make this count. she hates snow sports and usually tends away from water sports (due to. fire powers.) but she likes all the other stuff. parkour. skateboard stunts. zip lining. bungee jumping. sky diving. free climbing. scaling skyscrapers. sky diving but without gear. y'know. normal stuff.
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Fact of the Day
Haku doesn’t have a most embarrassing moment. 
If you think of the timeline, Haku was nine when they were resurrected in 1450. The next youngest among them was Felix (fifteen), but by that point he had been using his powers for years. Haku hadn’t even developed future sight yet. They were surrounded by seven other immortals who could all use their powers very effectively and didn’t have time to teach them (as they were too busy making a plan to save Jinal). 
The hardest part was wanting to prove themself to everyone and being unable to do so. They were nine, surrounded by complete strangers, in a completely different time period, and the one person they knew was imprisoned. 
And one time Lian got them to wear a Santa hat and holiday sweater.
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
It is at this moment I have realized that I never fully laid out what powers everyone has. So I’m gonna do that below the cut. Rip. 
The Ennead: Jinal: Hydrokinesis Haku: the ability to recreate their memories Minerva: Pyrokinesis Ven: Emotional Manipulation Kai: Aerokinesis Mateen: Biokinesis Ridwan: Light Manipulation Silpa: Metal Manipulation Felix: Cryokinesis
The New Guard:
Ilia: Unknown (read Karai’s Chosen to find out >:) ) Morgan: Weather Control Karyme: Clairvoyance Dani: Shielding Rae: GPS Location Joshua: Wings/Super Speed Peter: Telekinesis/Item Summoning Lian: Sound Manipulation Juli: Pyrokinesis
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
True Crimes: A Series
Haku’s true crime against humanity is that they can’t use contacts. They’ve tried, but they can’t, so they use glasses. 
As a side note, Haku has committed countless crimes against humanity, but this is by far the funniest. 
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
Fact of the Day
Each of the Ennead have an ‘internal bad’ that represents where they think they screwed up the most. It coordinates to their history, how they see themselves, and influences how they see their giftees!
Jinal - I couldn’t save anyone.
Haku - My decisions have led millions to their deaths.
Minerva - I’ve abused my power in all the wrong ways.
Ven - I cannot commit.
Kai - I abandon my responsibilities when they matter most. 
Mateen - I have only done bad things.
Ridwan - I’m not strong enough to protect them.
Silpa - None of it matters in the end. 
Felix - I’m a burden to others. 
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
Fact of the Day
Haku has seven degreees, which is the most degrees out of the Ennead, because they’re a nerd after the author’s own heart. 
They are (in no particular order): BS in Math, BS in Physical Chemistry, MS in Math, PhD in Probability/Statistics, PhD in Physics, MBA, BS in Social Psychology
“They also have a BS in fucking with people, but that’s ‘not a real degree’ and ‘doesn’t count’ ” -Joshua probably (Lian, in the background: “be nice to Glasses!”)
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
Lian: Glasses, you were happy once!
Haku: I was never happy, I was just less pissed off. 
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
Origins Bingo, Row Two
In regards to this post, the author has chosen to elaborate on how the characters in their bingo card influenced Karai’s Chosen! Time for the second row! Please note, the majority of this is word for word of what the author said. I edited for clarity, simplification, and mocking. 
Part One | X | Three | Four | Five
Zexion (Kingdom Hearts): Nobodies are thought not to feel any kind of emotions but they can feel echoes of them. This is wrong. Per the author, Zexion cannot see those who love him until he’s lost it. (The Ennead in general) Pain and Suffering.
Tezz: Genius, prideful, pushes-everyone-away-to-keep-themself-from-getting-hurt, bastard. Aka Haku. (The author has pointed out they both had horrible early life experiences that led them to being bastards. We take Haku. We put Haku behind us. We look at the author with pleading eyes. We move to the side to let the author hit Haku with a baseball bat.)
(Row 2, Column 3 below): 
Rogue (Fairy Tail): Begins his story as an asshole. Learns the power of friendship but still devolves into darkness as he begins killing people in an attempt to make the future a better place. *cough* Max *cough*
Fushimi (2,3) and Munakata (2,5) (anime called k): exhales. This one is gonna hurt. Fushimi’s initial arc in the anime is is finding a new family after he cuts off his best friend (pain and suffering). Per the author, “the message of his arc is that sometimes you do not belong in the place you think you are supposed to belong, but you can find the right place eventually— that everyone has a family waiting for them. Ridwan-core.
Munakata is an idiot who overworks himself to the point of near death and loses everything he cares about. Yet again, we witness martyring tendencies as he goes to fight the villain without caring if he lives or dies. He also has insanely strong powers and if he loses control, a lot of people have the potential to get hurt. And he can gift his powers. ([author name] I’m coming for you.)
Munakata and Fushimi are on the board because they start pulling some bullshit, like Fushimi being sent by Munakata to double cross the enemy and almost dying. The author’s martyring tendencies come out strongly in the aspect of going to any possible lengths to protect the ones you love and prove you deserve them. 
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
Fact of the Day
At 664 years old, Haku Mahelona is the youngest of the Ennead. It’s fitting that their giftee, Peter (no known last name) is also the youngest at 21 years old. 
We predict they will not live to 22 if they keep pissing off Joshua.
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
The Official Karai’s Chosen History Page
This is mostly author approved, sometimes accurate, and primarily to keep me entertained when I’m supposed to be doing my job. Posts are posted when they’re posted. 
Please see below the cut for character pronouns.
read Karai’s Chosen
listen to the Karai’s Chosen SoundCloud
Lian’s creator: zy (tumblr here) Joshua’s creator: earthy Peter’s creator: may (ao3 here) Morgan’s creator: hi :) (other blog @tenuntilfightcall) Juli/Karyme/Rae/Dani are the author’s creation: @sanini-panini
Jinal Rajeswara - she/they Haku Mahelona - they/them Minerva Martín - she/her Ven Sumaya - he/she/they Kai (last name unknown) - he/they Mateen Ghaffari - he/xe Ridwan Beshara - they/them Silpa Lesmana - she/they Felix Yatun - he/him Ilia Castillo - she/they Morgan Weir - she/they Karyme Tahan - she/her Dani Martinez - she/he Rae Moore - he/him/xe/xem/xyr Joshua Tenine - he/him Peter (last name is whatever is convenient at the moment) - he/they Lian Ying - they/them Juli de Leon - he/they The Necromancer a.k.a. Maximillian Zakharanda - he/him Auster Solís - he/him Joel Tenine - he/him
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sanini-panini · 1 year
🌹 - jinal (sorry jinal), ☁️ - haku (please roast them), 🌻 - you can take your pick for any of them, it will be funny no matter what
🌹- jinal's biggest fear... okay well. the answer is being left alone. jinal is condemned to life. only yaran (or yaran's vessel) can kill her, because she carries karai's power. and other immortals have promised to stay with her in the past, but she lost every single one of them. and yes, eight of them eventually rejoined her, and they've kept their promise to stay with her for 650 years, but... this fear of loss constantly nags at the back of her mind. which is hilarious because half the novel hinges on the fact that the nine of them are so devoted to this mutual promise to never leave each other that they refuse to die when they are killed.
☁️ - haku knows how to look nice for formal occasions, and that is about it. they rarely ever leave the pocket dimension, so you will find them in t-shirts and hoodies and sweats 90% of the time. when they do leave the pocket dimension they are usually several decades behind in fashion choices because "it was nicer when everything wasn't so brightly colored and gaudy."
🌻- ...okay well. the premise of karai's chosen arc 3 is that these chucklefucks shatter their souls on purpose and then the protagonists have to therapy their souls back together, and in doing so they see all the emotional fracture lines and it's like. horrible for everyone involved. it's great! only kai and haku have been resurrected as of yet and the final therapy sessions for those two were dire in different directions. kai "i didn't purposely leave behind the people i loved but i'm going to feel guilty about it anyway" rajeswara and haku "i can't save everyone but i'm damn well going to destroy myself trying" mahelona.
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