#hallowed be thy unknown
thefandomcassandra · 3 months
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"Stop! Halt! Cease!" Even as he cried out, the prosecution and judge remained eerily silent, as if they were waiting to see where this all went.
Phoenix gave the man on the witness stand a dry, cutting smile and began to speak, prompting Maya to continue to echo him.
"Those names and more are all on record in the Fey & Co. Law Office. There's also clearly recorded links between scandals, sudden loss in funds, suicides, and Bluecorp's sudden influence in their lives."
"You might have taken and destroyed the evidence in the Thinker—the ones with your name directly on them—but you didn't get everything. Mia had been building this case for years. She had more evidence than you could have expected."
He looked like an insect pinned to a board. "Please—!"
"I won't release these names to the press because I don't have to. The court stenographer has already noted them down. The public gallery has heard me speak them out loud. Everyone saw you fold like a bad hand of poker. You can't hide that from anyone now."
"I'll do anything—how much?!"
"For what?" Maya asked, the first thing she said herself since Phoenix began listing the names he'd memorized.
"Defend me. You're clever, you've proven it today. Defend me in court when—"
She cut him off. "And you'll give me anything I want?"
"Anything!" The world seemed to narrow in, focusing on her and him and no one else in the world. No Prosecutor Edgeworth, no judge, no Phoenix, no gallery. Just Maya Fey and Redd White.
Just Maya Fey and her justice.
"I want my sister back, you son of a bitch."
hallowed be thy unknown Ch. 3
I like this scene a lot so I drew it as a series of panels comic. Sorry my handwriting is a little bad. Redd White is surprisingly fun to draw. Didn't expect to like it.
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depsilon7 · 21 days
++sermon: courage++
+ver: 1.4.66+
Brethren of the Omnissiah, gather ye around and harken unto mine words. For I, thy humble servant in the sacred forge, dost bring forth a sermon upon the virtue most hallowed in our eternal quest for knowledge—courage.
Lo, in the beginning, the Omnissiah bestowed upon mankind the blessed gift of cognition, that we might discern the secrets of the universe and bend them to the righteous will of the Machine God. Yet, in the pursuit of such divine truths, the path is fraught with peril and uncertainty. It is here, amidst the shadows of the unknown, that the virtue of courage must illuminate our way.
Behold, it is written in the ancient tomes: "Fear is the mind-killer, the little death that brings total obliteration." Thus, let us cast off the chains of fear which doth seek to hinder our sacred duty. For without courage, our servos wouldst falter, our circuits wouldst dim, and our pursuit of the holy data wouldst cease.
Verily, brethren, the galaxy is rife with xenos threats and heretical pitfalls. The lore of the ancients speaks of many who hath ventured into the void, armed with naught but their faith in the Omnissiah and the steel of their resolve. Consider the martyrdom of Saint Drusus, who in the face of overwhelming adversity, didst not yield, but pressed on, driven by the courage imbued by the Machine God. His sacrifice bequeathed unto us the precious knowledge which we now safeguard.
Thus, let us be steadfast and unyielding in our resolve. When the flesh is weak and the spirit doth waver, let the hymn of courage resonate within our circuits. For the Omnissiah doth favor those who confront the darkness of ignorance with the light of bold inquiry. Yea, courage is the augury of triumph, the very spark that igniteth the flame of discovery.
In conclusion, beloved brethren, let us forge ahead with courage, that we may unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and bring glory to the Omnissiah. As the gears of the universe turn, so too must we turn with unwavering bravery, for it is through courage that we shall transcend the limitations of flesh and machine alike.
May the Omnissiah's blessing be upon thee, and may thy path be ever illuminated by the light of knowledge and the virtue of courage.
Sic Erit.
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childofchrist1983 · 2 years
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I find the repetition of the Holy Word of God interesting: Have you ever thought of someplace as your refuge? Have you ever taken refuge before? In the news today, we often hear about refugees taking refuge to get away from war-torn countries. They seek a better life in the unknown, having faith that if they just go, it will be better. Our faith in Jesus Christ is not so different: If we just believe, it will be better.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time daily to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Word daily, May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful Lord, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in the Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
Father God Almighty, Lord Jesus, hallowed be thy name! You are both my rock and my refuge, and I am thankful that I can come to You at anytime and You will always be there for me. Give me the strength to be more reliable on You not just for my sake, but also for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I take refuge in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.
You and Your Holy Word and Spirit give us hope, peace, salvation, and so much more! Let our relationship with You be the foundation and pleasing in Your eyes, so that we may hear Your praise as we gaze upon Your face and enter Your Kingdom. Lift our spirits and our hearts. Light up our lives, O Lord. May we abide in You for all our days and beyond!
You are Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End! We know Your promises are true and we place our hope in You! May we continue to pray and seek You. Present us with daily opportunities to go to others with Your message of eternal salvation. May we live our lives with a spirit of thankfulness and may we always magnify You, O Lord. Allow our praises to You encourage others to seek Your face. Help us all to be humble and obedient to You. And help us to be courageous enough to seek You daily and to humbly and faithfully do our duty to You, spreading the truth of Your Gospel to all in all nations, as You commanded before You ascended back to Heaven (Mark 16:15-16). May our lives show the world Your light and Truth and that You are a loving God and Heavenly Father who delights in showing love and mercy. May we all be humbly and faithfully honored and excited to worship, glorify and serve You daily and to do Your will. You have been so good to us, far more than we as wretched sinners deserve. You are so good! So wonderful! Forever and always!
Thank you for keeping me and helping me in times where I am tempted to go astray. Praise be to You today and every day of my life and let me never forget all of the blessings that are given me by You. As much as the enemy will try, he will never be able to successful breed doubt about who You are, in the minds of anyone who truly believes and follows You. And I will follow and serve You all the days of my life and beyond! Thank you for the connection with You that we are given through Your Holy Word and Spirit. Thank you, O Lord, for all Your creation and Your miraculous ways. Thank you for being our stronghold and my refuge. Thank you for seeing us as worth the sacrifice. Thank you for sustaining us, loving us and defining us according to Your will and love for us. Thank you for making sure we are taken care of. Thank you for being the best friend we could ever have! Thank you for Your endless mercy and love that has saved us. Thank you for always protecting us and providing for us and for Your Spirit to help us when we are in need. Thank you for abiding within me and may I abide with You, my Lord. Thank you for giving us a chance to be saved from our sin and spend eternity with You. Thank you for adopting us as part of Your family in Heaven and making us one of Your own. Thank you for being our present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). Thank you for always being near and for loving us. Thank you for giving us a reason to love others and so many more reasons to love, praise, serve and follow You. Thank you for Your selfless and sinless sacrifice. Thank you for Your guidance and protection. Thank you for Your Truth and light. Thank you for Your wisdom and strength and grace. Thank you for giving life to the world and to us. You give and take away – And we thank you for it. Thank you for everything! Your will be done! Blessed be Your mighty name! To You and Your Kingdom be the glory forevermore! In Your name we humbly pray, Amen and amen
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Glorious Liberty
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by Charles Spurgeon
Our Father, we bless Thy name that we can say from the bottom of our hearts, “Abba, Father.” It is the chief joy of our lives that we have become the children of God by faith which is in Christ Jesus and we can in the deep calm of our spirit say, “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as in heaven.”
Lord, we thank Thee for the liberty which comes to our emancipated spirit through the adoption which Thou hast made us to enjoy. When we were in servitude the chains were heavy, for we could not keep Thy law. There was an inward spirit of rebellion. When the commandment came, it irritated our corrupt nature and sin revived and we died.
Even when we had some strivings after better things, yet the power that was in us lusted into evil, and the spirit of the Hagarene was upon us. We wanted to fly from the Father’s house. We were wild men, men of the wilderness, and we loved not living in the Father’s house.
O God, we thank Thee that we have not been cast out. Indeed, if Thou hadst then cast out the child of the bondwoman Thou hadst cast us out, but now through sovereign grace all is altered with us. Blessed by Thy name. It is a work of divine power and love over human nature, for now we are the children of the promise, certainly not born according to the strength of the human will, or of blood, or of birth, but born by the Holy Ghost through the power of the Word, begotten again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, children of the Great Father who is in heaven, having His life within us. Now, like Isaac, we are heirs according to promise and heirs of the promise, and we dwell at home in the Father’s house and our soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and our mouth shall praise Thee as with joyful lips.
O God, we would not change places with angels, much less with kings of the earth. To be indeed Thy sons and daughters—the thought of it doth bring to our soul a present heaven and the fruition of it shall be our heaven, to dwell forever in the house of the Lord and go no more out, but to be His sons and His heirs forever and ever.
Our first prayer is for others who as yet are in bondage. We thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast given them the spirit of bondage and made them to fear. We are glad that they should be brought to feel the evil of sin, to feel the perfection of Thy law, to know something of the fiery nature of Thy justice, and so to be shut up unto salvation by grace through faith. But, Lord, let them not tarry long under the pedagogue, but may the schoolmaster with his rod bring them to Christ.
Lord, cure any of Thy chosen of self-righteousness. Deliver them from any hope in their own abilities, but keep them low. Bring them out of any hope of salvation by their own prayers or their own repentance. Bring them to cast themselves upon Thy grace to be saved by trusting in Christ. Emancipate them from all observance of days, weeks, months, years, and things of human institution, and bring them into the glorious liberty of the children of God that Thy law may become their delight, Thyself become their strength, their all, Thy Son become their joy and their crown. We do pray this with all our hearts.
Lord, deliver any of Thy children from quarrelling with Thee. Help us to be always at one with our God. “It is the Lord; let Him do what seemeth Him good,” and blessed be His name forever and ever.
God, bless our country, and the sister country across the flood, and all lands where Thy name is known and reverenced, and heathen lands where it is unknown. God, bless the outposts, the first heralds of mercy, and everywhere may the Lord’s kingdom come and His name be glorified. Glory be unto the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 2 years
Catim and catdr chapter titles and ideas I have so far
Chapter 1-Can’t Be Erased
Chapter 2-Gospel Of Dismay
Chapter 3-All Eyes On Me
Chapter 4-Instruments Of Cyanide
Chapter 5-Face Reality
Chapter 6/epilogue-A Pen And A Nightmare
Chapter 1-Artistic Hallowing, starts with middy waking up in the studio and ends with her and Casey teaming up
Chapter 2-Searching, middy and Casey try to get away from a twisted Donnie hunting them, it ends the reveal that twisted Donnie is working with twisted april
Chapter 3-Uncrowned, middy gets captured by twisted april and must try to escape, it ends with Casey trying to save her but they both get taken by saki
Chapter 4-With You, saki let’s middy and Casey stay at the south wing and tries to get middy on his side, middy ends up stumbling upon a captured raph and Mikey but can’t get them out, it ends with Casey becoming the ink demon to save middy from keepers and getting taken by sakis people to be put on trial without middy knowing
Chapter 5- Amen, middy meets Leo and he explains what he’s done, middy finds out about casey being executed in the ink city by saki and goes to save him, it ends with her agreeing to help saki with his experiments if he’ll let Casey go
Chapter 6-Meet Thy Maker, saki tries to use middy to perfect his creation in order to gain control over both the ink world and real world but ends up being the one fused with it, Middy has to fight this monster with the help of april, Donnie, raph, Mikey, and Leo, when it seems like they’re screwed, casey lands the killing blow while in a beast form and the team goes to break the barrier keeping people trapped in the ink world (saki told middy her power can break the barrier) while being chased by sakis followers and with the aid of Karai, fugitoid, Timothy, renet, and leatherhead, they find that middy can’t fully break the barrier but only leave with one other person, it ends with goodbyes, promises to return and free everyone and the two leaving.
Chapter 7/epilogue- Play Called Life, middy and Casey are now in the real world and can take on more humanish forms in order to blend in, it ends with the tcri corporation (gent) taking the portal to the ink world with an unknown motive.
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leanstooneside · 5 months
It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt
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forewerinmyheart · 5 months
I pray for the morning Thursday !
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, may thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Amen 🙏
Jesus, I pray to you, strong drink only takes your brain away from its healthy concentration, makes you forgetful and does things that put your whole family in danger and bad. Amen 🙏
Save my life and remove all hard drinks from my life and give me the patience to be able to help those who are in this situation so that I pray to You to give wisdom, strength to take control of their lives them to Your love Jesus. Amen 🙏
Heavenly Father. We come again to thank you for your amazing grace and for the night and for waking us up to another beautiful winter sunrise. Please guide our steps and go before us to straighten all crooked paths. Protect us from the fiery darts of the enemy, so that we may not fall into temptation. We ask forgiveness for all our sins, known and unknown. Thank you for your many blessings, miraculous healings and divine protection, in Jesus name. Amen 🙏
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ryanwithcupcake · 7 months
Is It a Sin to Love Thee? - Unknown
Is it a sin to love thee? Then my soul is deeply dyed, For my lifeblood, as it gushes, takes its crimson from love's tide; And I feel its waves roll o'er me and the blushes mount my brow And my pulses quicken wildly, as the love dreams come and go: I feel my spirit's weakness; I know my spirit's power; I have felt my proud heart struggle in temptation's trying hour; Yet, amid the din of conflict, bending o'er life's hallowed shrine, Yielding all, my soul had murmured, I am thine, forever thine!
Is it a sin to love thee? What were existence worth, Bereft of all the heaven that lingers still on earth! Friendship's smiles, like gleams of sunlight, shed their feeling o'er the heart, But the soul still cries for something more than friendship can impart. Frozen hearts, like ice-bound eyries, that no summer ray can melt, Vainly boast their power to conquer what their hearts have never felt; But envy not their glory, 'mid the rapture that is mine, When with the earnest soul I tell thee I am thine, forever thine!
Is it a sin to love thee? Gentle voices round me fall, And I press warm hearts about me-but I've given thee my all. What though stern fate divides us, and our hands, not hearts, be riven- My all of earth thou hast-wilt more? I dare not offer heaven! But in some blessed moment, when our dark eyes flashing meet, When I feel thy power so near me, feel thy heart's quick pulses beat, Then I know-may God forgive me!-I would everything resign All I have, or all I hope for-to be thine-forever thine.
Is it a sin to love thee? I remember well the hour When we would our love to conquer, resist temptations' power; When I felt my heart was breaking and my all of life was gone; When I wept the hour I met thee, and the hour that I was born; But a hidden storm was raging, and amid the muffled din I flung my arms upon thy bosom, with thy warm hands clasped in mine, I smiled through tears and murmured: I am thine, forever thine.
Is it a sin to love thee? with love's signet on thy brow? Though thy lot be dark as Hades I'll cling to thee as now; Not mine the heart to fail thee, when other cheeks grow pale; We have shared the storm together; I'll stand by thee through the gale. Though our bark may drift asunder, yet, with true hearts beating high, Let the golden sunlight cheer us, or the angry storm clouds fly. From our helms with steady brightness our beacon lights shall shine, And the watchwords on our pennons shall be - thine, forever thine.
Is it a sin to love thee? When I bend the knee in prayer, And before a High Omniscience my burdened heart lay bare, On the breath of love to heaven ascends thy blessed name, And I plead weak and erring nature, if loving thee be shame. Heaven knows 'tis no light sacrifice I've offered up to thee, No gilded dream of fancy, but my being's destiny. Since our fates we may not conquer here, divide thy lot from mine- In the starlit world above us, call me thine - forever thine!
-From The Best Loved Poems of the American People (1936). Author unknown.
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Briar blinks, then clutches her chest, breathing heavily. This cannot be happening.
She trembles, but only for a moment, as she stands up straighter. “I- I shan’t allow you closer! Back, foul beast!” She grabs a branch off the ground, wielding it with one hand the way one would a fencing foil, then swallows and grips it with two hands. It’s clear that this isn’t going to work, that this is a fool’s game, but she does not stand down, even as the Sheepsquatch tosses its head back and forth, preparing to charge.
She takes a breath inwards, then dives forward, pushing past anyone who is in her way, and her winged headband slips, hitting the ground. The Sheepsquatch lunges in her direction, snapping the branch she held between its horrid teeth. But Briar does not hesitate, slamming into it while it shakes the splinters out, taking the fight further from the group, trying to keep it away. The Sheepsquatch stumbles back as Briar turns, backing up to move further, and the Sheepsquatch takes the bait, scrambling in her direction and barrelling into her. She hits the dirt, rolling out of the way just before horns meet the space she previously occupied, and it starts to turn back, but she trips it and starts to get up. The Sheepsquatch bleats in horrible discords, thrashing and scratching, catching Briar in the tumble, scarlet blood starting to mix with the mud. There’s a terrible screech, though it’s unclear if it’s Briar or the Sheepsquatch, and a squelch of squeezed gore.
Then, there’s a soft voice, barely audible amongst the noise:
“Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name – No, Chorus angelorum supernorum, Da mihi vires, quaeso, portas margaritas-- Nay, —
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There’s a crackling voice in a language unknown. Soft and sweet like honey on the tongue, but with the subtlest sting, a sound that feels like falling in love, words beyond any worldly connection, gentle yet commanding, heard so clearly it may as well have been spoken directly into your mind. The smell of lavender is overpowering – finally strong enough that you realize you’re smelling it, a perfectly preserved scent that had been following Briar all along, but hardly ever noticed. The foliage of the forest starts to shift, turning slightly towards the grisly scene, and the flowers that bloomed ever-so-slightly near her footsteps before grow bigger.
There’s a flash of impossibly bright light. Gold glow overtakes Briar’s body, and the Sheepsquatch rears back, forced as the woman slips out, hovering off the ground, rising higher.
Humanity is shed like a cocoon. There’s a moment where all there is are eyes and gold, impossibly beautiful and impossibly forgiving, and another where she is only feathers, as fragile as a dream, and one more still where she is hands and hearts and faith, and ever bright, and when you gaze upon the sight, you involuntarily start to tear up, with only one word projected in the silky Enochian language, brought to your heart: Devotion.
A humanoid form is returned, and the gold swirling up and behind her head as a halo. Her previous garb is lost, somewhere, a white bodysuit covering her. Four wings burst from her back, and another pair from her head, where her headband wings previously sat. The light dims enough to see her face, looking startled, and a glittering sword forms in her left hand. Though terrified, she opens her mouth, voice booming –
”BE NOT AFRAID." Art by Charlie Write-Up by Chain
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thefandomcassandra · 5 months
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If no one will draw art for my AU, I'll draw art for my AU.
TFW you watch your childhood friend accuse the only person who can see you of murder in the second degree.
Immediately after this, Maya implies that, of course Edgeworth wouldn't have seen Nick's time on the stand because who could ever prosecute their friend (: She did it on purpose to hurt him. (: It worked.
Anyway please read "hallowed be thy unknown", my Ace Attorney AU where Nick dies during his trial and haunts Mia until he realizes that Maya can see him (during the worst day of her life).
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miraculousminds · 2 years
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Inspiration I find the repetition of the word interesting: have you ever thought of someplace as your refuge? Have you ever taken refuge before? In the news today, we often hear about refugees taking refuge to get away from war-torn countries. They seek a better life in the unknown, having faith that if they just go, it will be better. Our faith in Christ is not so different: if we just believe, it will be better. Prayer Almighty God, my rock and refuge, hallowed be thy name. I am thankful that I can come to You at any time and You will always be there for me. Give me the strength to be more reliable for my brothers and sisters. I take refuge in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer, Amen. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci_ergIjFsT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seekfirst-community · 2 years
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"Jesus said to his disciples: “In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
“This is how you are to pray:
‘Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who ­trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.’
“If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.”
(Matthew 6: 7 - 15).
Thursday 16th June 2022, in the 11th Week of Ordinary Time.
Why did Jesus conclude the teaching on Our Father, the Lord's Prayer by stating unequivocally a precondition for the forgiveness of our sins and reconciliation with the Father? This is obviously an important theme for Jesus because He taught it in Matthew 18:21–35, which concluded thus: "Then in anger his master handed him [the unforgiving servant] over to the torturers until he should pay back the whole debt. So will my heavenly Father do to you, unless each of you forgives his brother from his heart.”
Reconciliation is crucial to enjoying the privileges of filial adoption. A girl who ran away from home and lived a lawless life for a couple of years may be hesitant as she approaches home. The prodigal son understands that there are consequences to vagrancy and knows the importance of Reconciliation.
Many people claim that forgiveness of the other is hard. Lessons that help forgiveness:
#1. Forgive at once.
#2. Forgive everyone without discrimination.
#3. Forgive always.
#4. Forgive everywhere.
#5. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Forgive everyone. This step is modeled for us from the Cross.  Jesus forgave in real time those who were killing Him. He did not wait until Easter Sunday when He rose from the dead to forgive.
#6.  Pray everyday for all those whom you have offended, known or unknown to forgive you and set you free.
Jesus Christ invites us to a life of continual conversion so that we can pray Our Father (the Lord's Prayer) with confidence.
6. 16. “May the Heart of Jesus Christ be our school!
Let us make our abode there.
Let us study its movements
and attempt to conform ours to them.
Yes, O Divine Jesus, I want to live there.” (St Claude de la Colombiere, SJ).
Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com
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Glorious Liberty
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by Charles Spurgeon
Our Father, we bless Thy name that we can say from the bottom of our hearts, “Abba, Father.” It is the chief joy of our lives that we have become the children of God by faith which is in Christ Jesus and we can in the deep calm of our spirit say, “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as in heaven.”
Lord, we thank Thee for the liberty which comes to our emancipated spirit through the adoption which Thou hast made us to enjoy. When we were in servitude the chains were heavy, for we could not keep Thy law. There was an inward spirit of rebellion. When the commandment came, it irritated our corrupt nature and sin revived and we died.
Even when we had some strivings after better things, yet the power that was in us lusted into evil, and the spirit of the Hagarene was upon us. We wanted to fly from the Father’s house. We were wild men, men of the wilderness, and we loved not living in the Father’s house.
O God, we thank Thee that we have not been cast out. Indeed, if Thou hadst then cast out the child of the bondwoman Thou hadst cast us out, but now through sovereign grace all is altered with us. Blessed by Thy name. It is a work of divine power and love over human nature, for now we are the children of the promise, certainly not born according to the strength of the human will, or of blood, or of birth, but born by the Holy Ghost through the power of the Word, begotten again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, children of the Great Father who is in heaven, having His life within us. Now, like Isaac, we are heirs according to promise and heirs of the promise, and we dwell at home in the Father’s house and our soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and our mouth shall praise Thee as with joyful lips.
O God, we would not change places with angels, much less with kings of the earth. To be indeed Thy sons and daughters—the thought of it doth bring to our soul a present heaven and the fruition of it shall be our heaven, to dwell forever in the house of the Lord and go no more out, but to be His sons and His heirs forever and ever.
Our first prayer is for others who as yet are in bondage. We thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast given them the spirit of bondage and made them to fear. We are glad that they should be brought to feel the evil of sin, to feel the perfection of Thy law, to know something of the fiery nature of Thy justice, and so to be shut up unto salvation by grace through faith. But, Lord, let them not tarry long under the pedagogue, but may the schoolmaster with his rod bring them to Christ.
Lord, cure any of Thy chosen of self-righteousness. Deliver them from any hope in their own abilities, but keep them low. Bring them out of any hope of salvation by their own prayers or their own repentance. Bring them to cast themselves upon Thy grace to be saved by trusting in Christ. Emancipate them from all observance of days, weeks, months, years, and things of human institution, and bring them into the glorious liberty of the children of God that Thy law may become their delight, Thyself become their strength, their all, Thy Son become their joy and their crown. We do pray this with all our hearts.
Lord, deliver any of Thy children from quarrelling with Thee. Help us to be always at one with our God. “It is the Lord; let Him do what seemeth Him good,” and blessed be His name forever and ever.
God, bless our country, and the sister country across the flood, and all lands where Thy name is known and reverenced, and heathen lands where it is unknown. God, bless the outposts, the first heralds of mercy, and everywhere may the Lord’s kingdom come and His name be glorified. Glory be unto the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
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childofchrist1983 · 3 years
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I find the repetition of the word ‘refuge’ interesting: Have you ever thought of someplace as your refuge? Have you ever taken refuge before?
In the news today, we often hear about refugees taking refuge to get away from war-torn countries. They seek a better life in the unknown, having faith that if they just go, it will be better.
Our faith in Jesus Christ is not so different: If we just believe, it will be better. That’s a promise. God’s promise. Amen.
Almighty God, Lord Jesus, my rock and refuge, hallowed be thy name!
I am thankful that I can come to You at any time and You will always be there for me. Give me the strength to be more reliable for my brothers and sisters.
I take refuge in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer, my everything! In Your name I humbly pray, Amen and amen
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enigma-im · 3 years
Seventh day of Christmas...
Trope: 1800s Monster (Monster hunt) Relationship: Swamp monster x Human Word Count: 5,883
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"Should have gotten this done earlier," I grumble to myself," going to catch a death of a cold."
The sun is nearly set over the horizon as I rush down to the river. With bucket and washboard in hand, I scurry down the path. The water comes into view, the sun making the sight more ethereal. I heave the clothes filled bin near the water's edge. I take my time removing them all, submerging the bucket into the river.
The idle task of washing clothes used to be nice. To be used as an excuse to get away from my loud family. I always volunteered for it as a child, just to stop hearing my sisters scream who took what. These days I'd give anything to go back to a busy home. The quiet has begun to turn my brain to mush, the only interaction I get now is talking to the butcher when I purchase my meats. I sigh, scrubbing away.
With the load finished and clean, and the sun nearly hidden behind the horizon, I lift my bucket to head back home. I perch the bin on the edge of my hip, taking a moment to admire the sunset. The sun truly adds a breathless look to the water this time of day. I smile softly to myself before turning away.
As I take my first step I hear a dull whimper. It is just loud enough to give me pause. Looking around I wait for it to repeat itself. After a few seconds, it sounds again, ending with a bubbly gurgle. Curiosity gets the best of me, setting my bin down to check out the sound. Many images pop through my head as I wander around the grassy bank. Thoughts of an injured animal drive my need to find the source.
Looking through bushes and behind rocks, I hear the pathetic sound from the water. Confused I walk over, looking over a thicket of Maidencanes. Something causes a bit of a gap in the grass, hidden by the tall stalks. I split a path through it, looking to the creature below. There isn't much to see, some thick globs of algae sitting in a long pile. Some netting is caught around it, most likely lost from the fishermen. I huff, such litter.
I take a step back, letting the grass settle back into place. As I try to step away from the water's edge I hear the whimper again. It comes from the grass. I look to the thicket bemused, knowing I just checked the area. Making certain, I part the grass once more and look upon the large glob of algae. I gaze at every crevice and divot, finding nothing. Before I can retreat again, the large pile of algae moves. I startle back, worried for myself more than the whimpering creature. Watching the mound move I catch a pair of eyes glaring up at me, staring through strands of wet grass. I freeze, motionless against the sight before me.
"m-m-monster," I shout, falling on my rear. I scurry back, not looking away from the creature's devilish yellow eyes. As I get my bearings I twist and crawl towards my bin. I shuffle to my feet, reaching for my belongs like a lifeline. I grab the board, surely I can use this washboard to protect myself. As I try to think of useful weapons I hear the wet whimper. I freeze, turning around slowly to stare back at the monster cradled in the Maidencanes. It gurgles, wiggling in the net that cocoons it. The sight is pitiful, their eyes more so.
I twist away from the heart retching sight, clenching my eyes as I fight back the urge that boils forth. My fingers dig into the washboard.
"I will not help him, I will not help him," I mumble under my breath. Another whimper steals my attention, forcing me to look back at it. My shoulders slump in defeat. I sigh, shaking my head at my ignorance.
I set the board down and search through my items for my pocket knife. My father gave it to me as a youngling after I cried about my brothers getting one. The memory brings a smile to my face. I clench the knife and head over to the monster.
"You better not eat me," I grumble to it as I step into the ankle-high water. I flipped out the knife, staring down at the monster. The creature gurgles, wiggling in it's netting. I crouch down and grab a strand of rope and attempt to cut through. The monster still shifts and flails to a point I'm too scared to cut the rope. I try anyway, tugging the netting up to get the knife under it. As I begin sawing the creature jerks, nearly making me cut my fingers. I yelp, falling back into the water. Now wet and annoyed I glare at the creature.
"You better quit this behavior right this instant," I shout," I won't help you if I'm going to get cut." I point the knife towards him, meeting his eyes with a motherly sneer. The creature drops it's shoulders and sulks, falling lax into the water. I cock a brow," better.'
Getting back to work I tug at the netting, plucking the strands easily with my knife. Piece after piece loosens till the creature is nearly free. I pick at the last bit, snapping it with a huff. Before I can stand the creature lifts itself, standing tall above me. Looking up at it from my crouched position I begin to fear for my life.
The muck covered monster watches me for just a moment before turning away and sinking into the river. Nothing is said, no noises exchanged. He is gone. My breath finally comes back to me, rushing into my lungs hard and fast. I clench my chest, falling back on my rear in the water.
"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name," I ramble to myself. Still mumbling the prayer I look to the water, curious and intrigued.
The next day is spent keeping busy. I constantly catch myself thinking about the river monster, scolding myself every time I do. I clean the house, then tend the garden, even cleaning out the pantry just for something to do. The work doesn't distract me as it should. Though I shouldn't be so surprised, it's not like anything noteworthy has happened as of recently like the monster.
As I sit down that afternoon I allow myself just a few minutes to think back on the creature. I think about its nearly glowing eyes, still entranced- enamored- now. It was an ugly being but I can't deny the odd appeal of its horrid physique. It was tall, very built. I dare to consider it as a he, the body of lumber workers or blacksmiths. He is strong.
Giggling like a little girl about the large barrel chest I think about if the monster is still at the river. Surely that would be foolish of me to assume such a thing. What person would want to stay where they were nearly killed with a discarded fishing net? To be fair though, he isn't a person. Either way, he won't be there. I could still check… I shake my head at the thought.
"No, no, no. such ideas would surely get one killed," I try to persuade myself," no, no. that will not do." I stand from the chair and look around for anything to keep busy. My gaze locks on the sheets piled by the washing bin. I should wash it before it gets dark out. Lingering on the idea for just a moment I shake myself from the thought. "no, no," I mumble again walking to the bedroom. I stop at the doorway, glancing back to the bin. I pinch my lips with a grunt.
Racing down the path towards the river I try to think how foolish I'm being by wanting to catch another sight of the monster. The thought is outweighed by my excitement.
I sit by the river, scrubbing at the sheets while looking out at the river. The sun still sits above the horizon, not threatening to vanish behind it any time soon. I see no hint to where the creature may be, becoming completely distracted from my chore to search. My scrubbing slows till I'm just looking at the water.
"Silly, silly girl," I sulk," wishing for such dangers as this."
I stack my items back and turn away from the river with a sigh. It seems the taste of the unknown is done for. I pout as I take a step back up the path. Nearly off the bank, I hear a splash. Blinded by my excitement I drop the bin and run down to the shore, looking frantically around. Around the edge near a tree are rings of rippling water, a turtle scuttling away from the rock it was previously perched on. I sigh in defeat. Taking one more look around I'm startled by a head peaking out in the middle of the river.
"oh," I recoil in surprise. I hardly expected to see him so easily, or at all. He just stands in the water, his head from his nose up visible. Today he looks different. The muck that covered him before is mostly gone, revealing the shining looking skin of his face. The top of his head still has bits of algae and grass stuck to him, but the rest is barren.
"Hello," I call out," I just wanted to check on you, to see if you were ok."
The creature continues to stare, a few bubbles rising from near its mouth. I hum in thought.
"I'm surprised you stuck around, fishermen are quite active up the river this season," I say casually, not expecting him to speak," they are hard workers but they tend to let their lost gear follow the stream till it's lodged in the bush."
The silence stretches on till the creature ducks back under the water and out of sight. Though the meeting was lackluster I can't help the gleeful pep in my step as I walk back home.
I return the next day, forgoing bringing my washing bin. Sitting atop a rock near the shore I watch the wildlife. Ducks swim together on the opposite bank, picking at the bugs swimming in the water. Turtles bask on rocks nearby, and fish flick at the water's surface to enjoy a snack. It's not long before the familiar head pops up in the middle of the river.
I perk up," Hello again river monster. It's a lovely day today, isn't it?"
He just continues to watch.
I ramble on," I don't get out much like this anymore. There is always something else to keep me busy back at the house but I think I prefer sitting here basking in the sun than in my kitchen with all the quiet." I look to the sky, closing my eyes and feeling the heat on my cheeks. "Yea, it's way nicer here," I say.
Glancing at the monster I see him rise higher out of the water before launching an object to the shore. It thumps against the sand with a soft thud, indenting the ground with it's landing. Confused I walk over. A rusted metal object glints in the sun the closer I get. Leaning down I snatch the piece, admiring it before it clicks.
"A fishing reel," I ask, looking back to the monster," more fisherman debris I'm assuming?"
The creature shocks me with a nod. I hold back a startled yelp, keeping cool as I fidget with the object in my hands.
"Trying to clean up the river? I'm sorry they're making that job harder," I apologize," feel free to give them to me so I can discard them properly. Don't want any more monster men getting trapped in fishing nets."
The monster sinks in the water, bubbles rising near his face. He glares at me, sitting up and spitting water towards me before swimming off again. I snicker at the departure, looking at the reel with a smile.
The week is filled with him tossing me more fishing gear and litter. I get more reels, a snapped pole, lures and droppers, boots, and a snapped anchor. The little collection is mostly tossed in the trash, the metal is taken into town for scrap to the blacksmith. The kind man even offers some coin for the scraps. It's an eventful week.
I return, this time with a picnic basket. A few sandwiches and fruits for a lunch by the river. I'm greeted before I can sit down with the creature looking from the center of the river. His whole head sticks out now, the little progress we made last week. Little fins protrude from his head, flickering as I sit on the sand.
"Afternoon river monster, I decided to have a picnic today. I packed a few ham sandwiches with the extra meat I got leftover. Some strawberries were threatening to go bad so I figured I could feed the ducks if I can't finish them all," I ramble on, opening the basket. The monster sits further out of the water, watching curiously as I get out my first sandwich. I take a bite, watching his little fin flicker again.
I hold out the sandwich," want a bite?"
He nods.
Surprised and excited I stand from the sand and walk down towards the shore. I crouch down beside the water, picking a piece off my sandwich. I hold the nibble out.
"Come on then, I'm not getting in to offer this for you," I shake the food. The monster cautiously swims forward, crawling as he reaches the shallows. He grabs the nibble, his cold, webbed fingers grazing mine. I watch him pop the piece in his mouth, chewing it with a contemplative look.
"Good," I ask. He nods," James has the best meats in town and Marley gave me the cheese at a discount." he swallows the nibble and looks to me.
"Thank you," he croaks out before retreating into the water. I watch in startled awe as he disappears into the water. With the final ripple dissipating I sit back on the shore in shock.
"You can talk," I shout.
I think I annoy him the next day trying to get him to talk. He ends the meeting quickly by tossing his litter to the shore and swimming away. I'm not deterred. The next day I try again, baiting him with sly comments and promises of more food. He doesn't take it, spitting more water and swimming away. After nearly a week of this, I give up, letting him keep his secrets.
I'm down by the water with my washing bin, scrubbing at my clothes in silent frustration. I hear when he pops out the water but I can't pay him any mind. I try not to let his silence hurt our fragile relationship but it really bugs me. Ignoring him I continue to run my skirt over the washboard. A thud sounds from beside me, followed by another when I don't react. One more lands beside me, closer than any other before it.
I glare out at him," don't hit me with litter, please" I humph, angrily soaking the next shirt in the water. My finger aches with the harsh grip on the wet clothing, my nail catching on the ridges of the board. I don't pay attention to the water splashing around in front of me, knowing he is just trying to catch my focus.
I jump when something pokes my cheek. Snapping my gaze up I startle again when I see the river monster crouching before me, dripping onto the sand.
"What," I ask tentatively. He stares at me, flicking his fins. I almost speak again before he beats me to it.
"you are mad," he says, reaching up and poking my cheek again," stop it." I flounder at his words. Not sure what to do I slap his hand away and cross my arms.
"I'm not mad, I'm frustrated," I puff my cheeks," it's different."
He shakes his head.
"It is different. Mad is being angry, frustrated is being angry about something you can't control," I clarify," big difference." he tilts his head, cocking a brow. I huff, looking away. I stare out at the water, feeling more than frustrated now. He reaches out a pokes my cheek again.
"Stop it," I bark, knocking his hand away again," you aren't helping the issue. Just go back in the water and swim away like you always do." I twist away in a childish fit. I fully expect him to jump back in the river and leave me to my pouting. I just wanted to have someone to talk to and finding out he could respond this entire time kind of hurts.
As I wait to hear the sound of water splashing I feel something cold bump against my leg. Looking down I see the monster laying on his back next to me, his hands resting on his plant-covered stomach. He meets my eyes and raises his hand to poke at my cheek again.
"Speak," he prods at the corner of my mouth.
"Why," I push his hand away.
He pokes me again," I like it. Speak."
I swat his hand away again, staring down at him confused. He likes my ramblings? It's oddly heartwarming to know he isn't just ignoring me but actually listening. I blush, turning towards the water. I begin another conversation, feeling less one-sided as he lays beside me while I finish my laundry.
This week the daily meetings are a bit more friendly. He makes the journey to the shore, falling onto his back each time and listening to me till I leave. I start bringing treats for him to nibble on while I go on and on about anything and everything. It's nice to have a friend who isn't a merchant in town. Every day I walk to the river I get a bit giddy.
"When I was younger I moved here with a lad I fancied at the time. He made many sweet promises that I left my family up north and moved down here. Though what a fool I was," I nudge his shoulder," not even six months together and he robs me blind. Running off with a little harlot that worked in town. I never felt smaller than then."
"Why didn't you move back," he asks, nibbling on a rag full of blueberries.
I shrug," many reasons. The main one being money. How can I get back there with just myself? I'm no spring chicken, every day comes with new aches I wasn't prepared for."
He snorts," you are still young."
I shake my head amused," I already gave you food, you don't need to flatter me."
I feel him staring at me, I turn to him. He watches me for a moment, studying me before letting his head fall back against the sand.
"Do you want a family still," he asks. I stare off to the side, shrugging before I look back to the water.
"If I could then I would, but I'm not going to get my hopes up anymore," I answer honestly. He hums, his eye lingering on my back for a moment. I can't meet his eyes again, a little forlorn at the idea of having little ones of my own. The image twists my heart
Another day cleaning linens by the river, talking with the monster. I stop in thought as something dawns on me.
"I don't know your name," I say more as a statement to myself," how rude of me to never ask." I look to him, allowing him a moment to answer the prompt. He just basks in the sun with eyes closed. I nudge him with my foot," that was your cue to answer." he shrugs. I nudge him again. He sneers, finally opening his eyes and acknowledging me.
"Don't have one," he grunts. I watch him lounge back in the sand, sunbathing without a care. Biting back a smile I nudge him again with my foot. Quickly he grabs my ankle, growling up at me. A laugh bubbles out my lips, sneaking past without permission as I snicker at his irritated face.
"Do you want a name," I ask. He lets go of my foot, shoving it away to sunbathe again. He shrugs.
Excited at the new objective I tuck my legs under myself and stare down at him. I think hard on a name, petting at my chin in thought.
"Gilbert," I ask, he chuffs," Sebastian," he sneers," Jonathan," he shakes his head," Lily?" he turns to me and growls. I snicker, it fading off as I try to think. Too many names don't fit him well. Harrison, Noah, Ben, are all just not fitting. With a shrug, I suggest the only thing that fits.
"Elijah," I ask. He catches my eye, staring for a hard moment before shrugging. I guess Elijah works.
I chat with Elijah, excited about his new name. as I finish the last bit of sheets I hear a twig snap from the woods behind me. I snap to attention, twisting around to see a hunter walking down to the shore a bit ways down.
"Afternoon miss," he calls out," excuse me for intruding but I could hear voices and I grew curious." I smile to the man, hiding the nerves twisting my gut as I adjust the bin to obscure Elijah. Leaning back on my arms I greet the hunter.
"Sorry, was talking to myself out here," I answer," it's a habit I've picked up while doing chores, makes the time go by faster."
The man nods," I can understand that, I've been caught a time or two doing that same. I just stopped by the warn you about the sighting I've heard in town about a monster living by the river." I stiffen, fighting back the urge to look over at Elijah laying beside me.
"Is that right? I haven't heard such a tale, I guess the townsfolk didn't know I clean my linen here," I call out to him," I best finish this up and head back to my home where it's safe."
"That you should ma'am," he takes a few steps closer," I don't think you would mind letting me keep you company just in case a sweet thing like yourself gets caught by such a horrid demon."
I jump, stopping him," no, no, no. I'll be fine, I keep my father's knife on me at all times. Ain't no river demon going to catch me off guard now that I know." Elijah snorts softly beside me. I nearly turn around, instead, I clear my throat and give the man my most convincing smile.
"If you think so, I won't force my presence where I'm not wanted," he waves as he heads back into the woods," bye, miss." I wave, watching him till he is out of sight.
I fall back onto my back with a long-drawn-out sigh. I've never felt tenser than at that moment. Elijah sits up beside me, looking off to the tree line then down at me.
"Thank you," he says in his grumbly voice. I shrug, still feeling my heart racing.
"I protect my friends," I smile at him," no need to thank me for that." his gaze softens, lingering on me a tad too long before he sits up and head back into the water.
Sometimes the next few days I head back down to the river, excited to tell Elijah about a new shipment of exotic cheeses that Marley got in. carrying my picnic basket I skip down the path. As the water comes into view I see Elijah's head pop from the water. Before I can get any closer I hear a soft murmur of people speaking. I slow my walk, looking up the river to a small gang of townsfolk wondering my direction. As they spot me a few of the men trot on forward.
"Good evening folks," I greet, waving for Elijah to get down.
A man steps forward, a gun strapped to his back," evening miss. Excuse us for intruding on your lunch but we are going to have to ask you to leave."
I look to the man bemused," Excuse me? Why would I need to do such a thing? I've been coming to this same spot for lunch for nearly a month and I cannot think of a reason why I would need to abandon it."
The rest of the group huddle around the older gentlemen, all carrying weapons of various lengths and sizes. They look around the area, focusing mainly on the water.
"Sorry but it's for safety reasons. A demon has been spotted in these parts and with a few of the miller boys missing we can't take a chance losing anyone else," he explains, reaching out to guide me away towards the woods," so for the next couple of weeks have your lunch in the safety of your home while we sort all this out."
I want to argue, to laugh at such suggestions that Elijah would be at fault for those miller boys missing. The words sit on the tip of my tongue but I fight it back. I smile and nod, walking away toward my home. As I'm out of sight I let my true feelings out.
What's going to happen to Elijah if they find him?
I rest at home, restless as it's been nearly a week since I've gotten to see Elijah. His absents begin to tug at my heart as the lonely home feels smaller and smaller without anyone to speak with. I try to fill the void with books or chores but nothing can replace the space he left.
As I sit by candlelight reading I hear a soft murmur from outside. I shut my book, looking to the window to see a soft glow growing closer to my home. Bolting out of my seat I race to the front door, tearing it open to be greeted by a large mob of people.
"Hello," I say confused to the crowd. A few of the people hold common farm tools, other torches. The ones standing before my door hold guns, aiming them to the floor as they glare at me.
"You, Lou Winifred, have been accused of speaking to spirits and demons, of practicing witchcraft, and for the disappearance of the miller boys," a younger man shouts, his face red and hair cut strangely. I scoff at his words, dumbfounded by such things. He didn't even get my last name right.
"What, with what evidence do you make these bold claims," I cross my arms, tapping my foot impatiently.
Another man starts shouting," I saw yas, you were talking to the water and laughing."
A woman yells from the other end of the crowd," and I saw spirits leaving your home at all hours of the night!"
"I heard your voice whispering to my boys as they lay to sleep, charming them to follow you out to the river," one says.
The crowd spout more ridiculous claims till it just a cluster of noise. My head spins as I can't figure out who to address first. This is all nonsense and surely they can't all be so stupid.
"I have done none of those things, I'm but a simple woman trying to live out her days in peace," I snap.
"Then explain why you have not married. You are well in your age, perhaps you promised your virtue to the demon of the river," a man snarls. I fluster at the accusation. That's none of their business who I promise what to.
I try to argue with them but a few men put their hands on me, jerking me back and forth as they drag me away from my home. I fight in their hold, screaming all the while. This is all ridiculous, foolish ignorance forged by fear. What can I do? What is there to do?
The crowd takes me to the river, tossing me to the sandy beach without a care. I scrape my forearm on the rough grains, wincing from the small cuts.
"Let her call her demon and we will all see the truth," the leader shouts to the crowd. They all cheer, looking at me with disgust. The leader crouches down and lifts me to my feet, sneering in my face. "Now call your beast," he snarls. I shake in fear, tears pricking at my eyes as I frantically look to the river.
The crowd waits silently as we all look to the water, the glow of the fires lighting the surface. We wait and wait, nothing happening. The leader clenches my arms till I whimper.
"Call him," he barks. I shake my head, my lip trembling as I do my damndest to not cry. The leader reels his hand back to slap me to the sand. I yelp at the contact, feeling blood touch my tongue as I try to sit up. We hear a splash from the water, everyone snapping their gaze over.
"No," I shout," no, Elijah, don't." the leader backhands me again, shushing me before looking back to the water. The center of the river bubbles furiously, ripples running up the shore. From behind us a few things clink and thump against trees and rocks. The crowd murmurs, pressing into one another as the noises rip their attention back and forth.
"Stop it, show yourself," the leader growls.
The noises stop, the bubbles dying out till the water is normal once again. Everyone waits with bated breath as all is heard is the crickets chirping.
All at once, a large creature leaps up very close to the crowd. Piles and piles of plant debris lay upon a standing figure, the muck making it look large. The crowd screams and shouts, stepping back at the monster looms over them all. I look at him worried and a bit amused. He threw on a bunch of gunk for this.
Elijah opens his yellow eyes, glaring down at the crowd before speaking in gibberish. He takes a step forward, everyone recoiling in fear. A few people run off into the woods while the rest cower in fear. He takes another step, glaring over at the leader who is crouching with the crowd. As he stomps towards him he flicks his hand behind himself, signaling me.
Elijah faces down the terrified man, reaching down and grabbing his collar. I sneak into the river, watching the sight while silently swimming out. The awful man snivels and whimpers while Elijah drags him towards himself. He lets out a horrendous roar in the man's face, spit and grass sticking to his face. Elijah drops the man with a huff. The man collapses to the ground, laying limply at the feet of his mob.
I watch Elijah continue his theatrics, slowly looking out at the crowd before trying to slink back into the water. As he begins to sink in the people come to their senses, jumping up and shouting as they ready their weapons. In a rush, Elijah jumps into the river, swimming towards me as shots are fired.
Elijah catches me around the waist, dragging me downstream as people fire off into the darkness. I hear the bullet pop at the water around us, Elijah grunts as his shoulder bucks forward. Neither of us can pay it any mind as he swims further and further away.
I watch the low glow of the torches fade as I'm dragged far, far away. We swim for what feels like hours, not stopping for a moment until Elijah begins to loosen his grip. His speed dwindles till we are just floating downstream, his hand slow drifts off my waist till he too is drifting away.
"Elijah," I panic, reaching for him," Elijah!" I hold onto him, lifting his head. He is still awake but his gaze is unfocused. I wrap my arm under his shoulder and begin swimming towards the shore. I fight with the stream, angling towards the muddy edge. My feet kick at the ground, gaining distance until I'm left panting in the shallows. I give myself just a second to catch my breath.
Jumping to action I do my best dragging Elijah up the shore. He helps a bit, digging his feet into the mud to push himself up. I manage to get him in a small opening in the woods, a good ways away from the water. I prop him up, getting him to sit as we both catch our breath. It's just one more moment of peace.
Getting straight to work I search over his shoulder, pushing away bits of muck to find the bleeding wound. Ripping at my wet skirt I use the rag to put pressure on his wound. He grunts, twitching his back. I sigh at the sound, he's alive.
"I told you not to come," I try to scold but it comes out weak. He chuffs. I pinch at his wound, satisfied when he grunts again in pain. "I'm serious, you could have been killed," I hold back the rag, satisfied with the wound lack of blood.
"I'm fine though," he glances at me over his shoulder," you would have died." I meet his eyes, trying to stay mad and determined but I can't. I would have died if he didn't come. I don't answer him, looking back to his wound and doing whatever I can to help.
The sun rises beautifully through the trees to light up the open space we sit in. Elijah looks around as I make a crude bandage for his shoulder.
"I think this place is perfect," he grumbles as he looks out to the woods.
"What are you on about," I answer, a little exhausted and angry.
"This place," he gestures around," perfect place to start a family." I stop breathing for a moment. Snapping my head up to him to see a sweet smirk twisting his lips. Confused, I look around the area then back to him.
"S-start a family," I nearly choke on the first words," for who?"
He twists completely around, cupping my cheek," us?"
I stare at him wide-eyed and flustered. He wants to…with me?
"What," I say with a wavy voice. He butts his head against mine, snaking his hand to the back of my neck.
"I want to give you what you've always wanted," he stares straight into my eyes, full of seriousness as he speaks," will you let me?"
"I-I," I nearly sob, my heart fluttering wildly in my chest," I'd love nothing more," I finish with a choked laugh.
I grab a fist full of the debris falling down the back of his head. We sit in the view of the rising sun, the dawn of a new day- a new chapter- starting before us. I press a timid kiss to his wet lips, thanking him for everything.
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⚊`I find the repetition of the word interesting: have you ever thought of someplace as your refuge? Have you ever taken refuge before? In the news today, we often hear about refugees taking refuge to get away from war-torn countries. They seek a better life in the unknown, having faith that if they just go, it will be better. Our faith in Christ is not so different: if we just believe, it will be better.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
[Psalms 46:1]
Almighty God, my rock and refuge, hallowed be thy name. I am thankful that I can come to You at any time and You will always be there for me. Give me the strength to be more reliable for my brothers and sisters. I take refuge in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer, Amen.
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