#handon headcanons
Thinking about Landon escaping limbo and returning as a phoenix (while also gaining back the lost piece of his soul), and coming up out of the ashes and Hope running into his arms. And him being hit with the emotion of being free and alive again and reunited with Hope triggering his healing tears to be activated, with the first tear falling as he holds Hope. And the symbolism of him recovering his supernatural side and part of his soul that he’d lost and being healed in those ways allowing him to gain the ability to heal others. Anyways, this is canon to me.
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
How anyone can call these two selfish I’ll never know
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awesometothe3rd · 2 years
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Hope and Landon + Keeping each other’s picture behind the bar
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This is Odeya Rush. She is totally what I imagine a daughter of Hope and Landon would look like.
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6idus · 2 years
hand headcanons 🤯 (head-handons?)
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fadeintoyou1993 · 4 months
For this ask -
HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON AND ELIZABETH JENNA SALTZMAN!!! The only characters to have ever character’d EVER
already did lizzie so hope <3
favorite thing about them: how much of a deeply pathetic loser she actually is like its literally so funny when people write her as someone whos like badass or like doesnt go to therapy because like that is literally not her she goes in canon to therapy every week or so or well she did in s01 but anyways lets not get into THAT lmfaooo but umm yeah so she goes to therapy weekly and she has like plants that she tries really hard to take care of and she bakes like every other day and she like watches.. wait ill conitnue this in the headcanon part so sorry
least favorite thing about them: literally nothing shes the most perfect girl thats ever existed:)
favorite line: when she said Who cares what lizzie saltzman thinks :( because like shes who :(
brOTP: hope and kaleb forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and everrrrrr :) also her and jed :) she would never fvuckinv talk to penelope park STOP trying it. and handon when not romantically. omg also halyssa altho i also ship them romantically :)
OTP: hizzie :) and handon because hope has two hands like landon said :)
nOTP: hosie literally the most disgusting fucking rotted bitch ive ever laid my eyes upon. stupid ship stupid fandom terrible fuckin vibes just rotted disgusted and gutted. i wisgh hope mikaelson had killed that girl so bad my god... hope literally gave josie the only thing that could kill her bc her ass KNOWS she not gonna see that bitch again so shes fine PLUS if she does see her she dies immediately after:)
random headcanon: ok so back to what i was saying before!!! hope like watches the randomest fucking cooking shows there are like she knows all of them and she can rank them by season and she knows so much fucking random shit and random information about the most random things and she like goes to the gym everyday and she like lowkey uses Pinterest and pins a bunch of random workout routines and art tutorials and shit like that like god shes so annoying i love her so much :)oh and shes so autistic actually
unpopular opinion: um i have so many :) i think she actually is a bottom sorry :) i dont think she can flirt either she just says things wholeheartedly because she is an autistic individual and people think shes flirting but shes just like that. she thinks shes really cool doing those one liners and stuff shes like im a hero and so i have to do my one liners :) and thats why landon and lizzie are obsessed w her because shes just like that.
song i associate with them: do you realize?? by the flaming lips
favorite picture of them: this one that she drew:)
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send me a character and i'll tell you....
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handonhaven · 6 months
It’s that time of year again, and I can’t help but wonder what some of Handons holiday traditions would be. I like to think that one of their traditions would be them going to different orphanages/areas that are less fortunate. And give out lots of food and clothes and other things that are needed. And they would give out toys and books, art supplies and music instrument, offering classes to anyone who wants to learn.
What do you think/like to think some of their holiday traditions are?
Aww I love that so much! I can totally see them doing stuff like that! I’m sure Landon would want to do something for kids in foster care as well. As for other traditions, I imagine them spending Christmas with the Mikaelsons at the compound, as well as with Raf and his parents (I headcanon they all move to New Orleans after Landon gets out of limbo and Raf and his parents get out of the prison world). And when decorating the compound, Landon tries to put up as many mistletoe as he can. 😉 I also think they continue the Mikaelson tradition of writing wishes and burning them. And that Hope likes to bake a lot during the holidays and Landon likes to join her. Idk, those are a few things I’ve thought of!
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tribridkissed · 1 year
Me: *watching Originals before work* Also Me: This was a great idea! I have so many headcanons I have to write out! Also Me: *crying* WHY AM I WATCHING THIS BEFORE WORK?! Also Me: This Haylope scene is beautiful. Also Me: Early Handon is so freaking cute.
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bibridlizzie · 3 months
hello. i’m watching legacies for the first time and i’m at s4 and i have a question. you were the most recent person in the legacies tag and you make a lot of sexuality based moodboards so i figured i’d shoot my question at you if you don’t mind lmao.
does hope have a canon sexuality? i know she canonically likes women and i personally didn’t see any chemistry between her and any of the boys in the show so i’ve been headcanoning her a lesbian since every time she breaks up with landon she goes for girls (maya + that girl from the bar). since i’m almost done with the show i’ve been getting into the fandom more and the general consensus seems to be that hope is bi but the show doesn’t say it directly and she’s not even on the canon gay characters on the TVDU wiki?
so did the fandom collectively hc her as bi (like most do with lizzie as a lesbian which i’m 10000000% here for) because she was dating landon but also liked women or is it canon?
i respect her being bi if she is and i’ll (admittedly sadly) drop my lesbain!hope fantasy (still won’t be able to see her with any of the guys lmao) but i was just wondering.
apologies for this big blob of text in your inbox!! i was scrolling through your account at amazing moodboards and noticed you have 1 lesbian hope board from years ago but multiple bi hope boards.
I don't mind at all! Sorry for the late response! And honestly I don't feel like she only goes for girls when she's not with Landon, imo she's more flirty with Ethan than Maya tbh. But that's just me. I don't think she was going to date either of them though honestly. Also I really like her and Raf's dynamic and occasionally like handon, so I'm definitely very much a bi hope person.
But as for it being said it the show, I'm pretty sure they never do say it, but I think that at the time of like season 2, maybe, the actress and a writer said something about her being bi, or just about her sexuality being fluid or something. But I can't find it when I look it up, so idk. I definitely remember hearing about it. I think that it's just that she dates Landon and is in love with him but also likes girls, which could of course also be pansexuality or something else, but I do think someone involved said she was bi. And it is pretty canon she likes guys and also girls regardless of any label stated. It doesn't really feel to me like a comphet kind of thing, like I very strongly feel for Lizzie, and I normally don't care about writers and actors quotes outside of the show even if they state a sexuality for a character, but with that and the way they write her, I do think Hope very much is supposed to be bi in the show tbh. But we can all enjoy lesbian Lizzie!
Also no problem for the blob of text lol, and thank you for the compliment!! I think I probably made that when Hope being bi wasn't as much of a thing in the fandom or show, but I honestly am not sure.
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lemon-patches · 3 years
Handon Pre-Legacies Headcanons
(So I was rewatching some the originals clips and these just popped into my head)
-It's already been established that Landon worked at the Mystic Grill and that's probably where he met Hope for the first time
-Now don't get mad at me but I'm gonna be honest, I don't think Landon stood out to Hope all that much...at first
-Keep in mind that at the time she did have a crush on Roman and we've all seen how committed she can be when it comes to romance
-But on the other hand Landon's trying to get his heart to start functioning properly again because who is that???
-And why does she have such a weird milkshake order???
-So anyways time goes on and whenever Hope's not locked in her room on campus she's at the Mystic Grill
-Thanks to her reclusive nature she doesn't really interact with anyone sans her server and kinda just sits there quietly enjoying her food and the scenery
-Meanwhile Landon's just in the background drooling and pining silently
-And don't get him wrong, he wants to talk to her but he always chickens out halfway through and just writes down his feelings and thoughts onto a napkin or something
-lowkey the reason why he's always writing her letters. because he got used to expressing himself best that way
-So even more time passes and Hope vaguely notices that Landon's the only waiter that's memorized her orders for the most part
-Hope being Hope, she calls him out on it. Politely of course but Landon still panics and nearly has a heart attack while he stutters and sputters out a defense that he's not a creeper
-okay so maybe he's kinda cute or whatever
-Hope thinks it's sweet and tells him so. Leaves him pretty good tips too (which sends Landon into a spiral because she's nice and she tips well?!?)
-True interaction doesn't really take off until she notices Landon being harassed by some Mystic High goonies and sees him forcing himself to bite his tongue
-But just because he has to hold back doesn't mean she has to and she's ready to rip these little shits a new one until they lock eyes and Landon shakes his head at her
-cue the start of hope wanting to hit shit and landon presenting another option...not to mention protective!hope
-Hope respects his wishes but still feels bad that he has to deal with it. Since she can't be reactive maybe she can be proactive
-She's seen him bobbing his head or singing under his breath to the music that plays on the speakers. So one day, during a moment of particularly vicious heckling she asks him who his favorite musicians are as a means of distraction
-And ladies and gentlemen they are off. Shy as he may be, if you want Landon to open up to you almost immediately ASK HIM ABOUT MUSIC OR SCI-FI SHIT
-They go back and forth talking about which artists they like and why and constantly go off on tangents. Almost like they can talk to this person about anything and they'd get it (how strange...)
-It's on one of those tangents that Landon finds out that Hope is from New Orleans which just sets off another 20 minute conversation
-They talk for so long that not only did the bullies get bored and leave but Landon gets scolded by his manager for abandoning the other customers
-worth it
-Before they know it, an odd little friendship has formed in a place that seemed to exist suspended in time, away from both of their worlds
-Hope spends more and more time at the Mystic Grill since she didn't really have friends at school (leave me alone, it's canon)
-At some point Landon just starts spending all his breaks with her and when he's working Hope is still content to watch Landon scurry around while she doodles or does her homework
-Discounted milkshakes anyone?
-They don't really talk about deep shit but their presence becomes a comfort to one another
-And Hope has to regularly remind Landon to get back to his job before he gets yelled at again
-They talk about and do so much random shit
-Ranking the menu items? Check
-Scoring all the contestants on karaoke night? Check (those two are utterly ruthless btw)
-Playing darts or pool over free leftover fries? Check
-Silently judging rude customers? CHECK
-And yes, Landon's crush just grows steadily day by day because he can tell even without knowledge of the supernatural that Hope Mikaelson is quite special
-And Hope is just so damn happy to have a genuine friend who doesn't judge her or want her for family's past or her powers
-Hope only comes over like 2 or 3 times a week but it's almost like a refuge for both of them to look forward to during a tough week
-That is until Hope gives Henry her blood, she gets suspended from school, and life proceeds to go to utter hell
-Hope's life is chaos and Landon's wondering where his lunchtime buddy went
-First it's just a couple days and then Hope's gone for weeks
-(the napkin notes just pile up)
-During that time separated Landon decides that he can't just rely on her being at the Mystic Grill to hangout with her. He's been extremely lucky so far and now's the time to buck up and finally ask her out
-Especially when he gets the news that his latest foster parents don't want to keep him and he's probably gonna be leaving soon
-Eventually he does see her again but doesn't comment on how much more...subdued she looks
-He figures it's none of his business unless she tells him and remembers the promise he made himself
-Sure, he wasn't expecting an audience (hi uncle Elijah) but it's now or never
-He gets shot down. Politely. But shot down nonetheless
-But hearing about his #1 tormentor's car blowing up did cheer him up quite a bit
-He's literally packing all his meager belongings when he decides to go out into the town while he still can
-Sure, they only really spent twenty minutes with each other but they danced. They danced.
-Landon's smiling like a goddamn idiot for the rest of the night. And sure enough, the following morning, there's a social worker waiting for him ready to relocate him
-He's sad, not so much because he'll miss the town or school or even his job but because he'll miss her
-But at least he can remember how they danced together
-About a month later, when Hope can think of human interaction and not automatically curl up inside or want to bare her new fangs Hope actually finds herself at the Mystic Grill
-Yes, she wants a milkshake, and maybe a burger but she mostly wants to see Landon
-She's actually there about half the day until she figures he's not coming in today (and to think she thought she had his schedule mostly memorized)
-It takes about a week of not seeing him before she finally asks another worker about Landon only to find out that he doesn't work there anymore because he moved
-After that Hope kinda just goes back to school and stays there
-She still goes to the Mystic Grill but only once or twice a month if she's nearby (no one gets her orders quite right anymore. especially the milkshakes)
-Now if Hope's not in class or training, she's in her room by herself, locked away from the world (no one else can leave her if she's always alone)
-Life goes on
-But every now and then she'll wonder how her friend is doing
-Little does she know that he's wondering the same thing
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(flipping hell. look at them. disgustingly adorable. i love it)
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phonuhks · 3 years
tag drop.
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I've been rewatching legacies. I could be wrong but this is my own opinion. Cl+o created the ferryman there wasn't one yet. Do you think there would been another way for Landon to get out? The writers ruined Handon for no reason, they were strong and wanted to make Landon with no emotions even tho he knows he loves hope. Those 2 deserved to be end game the right way. It wasn't fair, malifore was finally gone he could of came back.
Well we know Cleo did create a fake ferryman in 3x08 to trick everyone, but it would’ve made more sense if she’d created the one in season 4 as well, or if it was the same one from 3x08. Because it’s still so absurd to me how the writers just threw that in and acted like the ferryman and limbo had existed all along when there had been no mention of them in TVD or TO. It would’ve been more fitting if they’d been recently created somehow.
But yes I do think there’d definitely be another way for Landon to get out. My own headcanon is that Hope helps him get his phoenix powers back (which I headcanon went inside the golden arrow), which bring him back to life and of course make it so he’s no longer the ferryman and completely free from limbo.
But yeah I’m still so mad about what they did to Handon at the end. They were so ooc it was unbelievable, and fr it was for no reason! And them choosing to take Landon’s emotions away, knowing full well that a cancellation was very likely, was so messed up. And yes exactly, we deserved to see a proper endgame for Handon, especially when we’d waited so long and they’d been building up to it the whole show. But I still see them as endgame even though we didn’t get to see it, I do believe they get to be together again and have their happy ending before long. But right? That’s one of the many infuriating things about it, they had Landon and Hope make all these sacrifices to get rid of Malivore, then even after he was gone the writers still wouldn’t let Landon come back and let him and Hope be together? And gave the dumbest reasons for it? Ugh sorry for the rant, I’ll just never be over any of this.
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winnie-the-monster · 2 years
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Call me crazy idc. But this is where legacies ended with both Hope and Landon getting to be happy while alive. Nothing after this exact second is canon to me. Not that B.S with Landon being "happy" as the Ferry Man(we haven't gotten to Hopes ending yet but I know whatever it is it might annoy me). It was a good 2 seasons guys
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baddestbpetrova · 5 years
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Requested; Headcanon if Hope Mikaelson and Landon Kirby had a Daughter
They'd definitely have her when they were a little older, think 20s-30s
They probably wouldn't be too overbearing, or coddle her in cotton wool, but would still be very protective over her, as they know better than anyone the dangers of the world
She'd also be mega powerful (I mean her parents are a Phoenix and a Mikaelson tribid) which means that Hope and Landon would definitely have to keep her out of supernatural trouble a lot, especially when she is younger
This leads to her being sent to the Salvatore school
She'd probably be average, or maybe a little above average in terms of academics, but she excels in physical training and art
She loves art
Hope often paints with her, and she always talks about Klaus when they paint
She loves the stories about her Hayley and Klaus, and the Mikaelsons
The other Mikaelsons would love her to bits, and 100% be willing to fight for her
She'd also have a very strong friendship with her cousins, Raphael's kids
Her parents would try their hardest to prevent her from breaking the curse... and they'd do a damn good job
She probably wouldn't break the curse until her teenage years
Hope would give her all the help she needs to get through her first full moon, and she'd tell her stories of her first moon
Overall, personality wise she'd probably be a lot like her parents, a little closed off and stand offish when you first get to know her, but ultimately, once she becomes close to someone she would be extremely loyal
100% willing to die for those she loves
And also extremely stubborn, and strong willed
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golembcrn · 5 years
okay, but do you know how much it means to landon that hope gave him that bracelet? to call when he needs help? a ‘three click kind of home’. it’s casually implying that she is his home at the moment, and she is giving him something he never really had which is a family, he has rafael, sure, but their bond is more friends than brothers. because at the moment, rafael has his own issues. and hope comes from a family that literally has a motto of always and forever, meaning whatever happens they have their back, without saying it now, hope is extending that to landon, someone like her mother who was always jumping from foster home to foster home and who like her father was constantly abused as a child.
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aquariusshadow · 3 years
Live!Blogging Legacies s3x11
Helloooooooo friends, how’s our methan legacies deprivation going? Two weeks....two weeks...but it's time for another Legacies Live!Blog! Ngl I did miss doing these ahaha
well then we got some old timey shit going on here, im into it
is this clarke
this better be clarke
i better be remembering properly
that looks like an ascendant
hi clarke
yep ascendant...artifact...whatever
damn, 4hrs of sleep (maybe) and im doin good with the brain thing
awww look at hope reassuring cleo
this is sweet
"just be natural" stares intensely
Jed no
do not introduce time travel in this
kaleb to cleo: a special someone
me: .....hope? (excuse my cleope heart)
landon would be a great history major
Kai parker???
did hope just say kai
i really like how theyre writing handon
"i was worried our days of superhero teamwork would be over"
gdi lizzie
platonic!mizzie only plz
ethan come back
really thats all we're gonna see of josie/hope/landon interaction one look
wade!!!! hiiiiiiii where tf have you been
i can see josie larping actually
"im not here to bust up your bromance" ahaha
im really impressed finch stayed by herself with this werewolf secret for so long
ok lizzie calm down
like a majority of werewolf first-tunes are almost always accidental
i love him ahahahaha
this is amazing
i love him
look at how he's making her laugh
this is so fucking cute
this is what i wanted with handon oh my gooooood
rip necromancer i guess
one of the few reasons why i enjoyed his character was he played gideon in season 3 of reign
any reign fans reading this hmu (seriously hmu lmao)
oh god wtf is that
ew dont eat the
be disgusting idc
oooooooo is this how dark!josie comes back
ok thats clever
josies confronting her inner demons head on
i like this
"head-dive" it has a name now
jesus finch
you really dont know the whole story
oooo kaylee heightened dark!josies voice a little bit
i like that
im getting some katherine pierce vibes??? at least with her mannerisms
maaaaaaan i like how theyre showing us finch's backstory
sigh im really not surprised she yeeted him back into reality
but at least he can help heal her???
landon and josie interaction to save hope??? yes plz
oh god this isnt gonna go well with ethan going alone is it
good lord
idk this is a bit much for her
i get shes trying to look out for josie
but yikes
"special candies"
awwwwww poor finch
this poor girl
my headcanon is that josies gonna become a badass DnD player after this episode
awww kaleb's attempt at flirting is pretty adorable
aka be yourself kaleb thats all
i really am getting katherine v elena vibes with josie and dark!josie (i really hope thats not an insult to katherine lmao)
wade you sweet simple fool you tried
so josie ended up taking her magic back to save hope...imma just leave it at that
cmon wade
be the fairy guardian you were meant to
oh ok
yeaaaaaaaa landon save your girl!!!
finally saw landon saving hope
such handon progression im so happy
awwww kaleb wanted to protect cleo
thats really sweet
idk why im not as into these two as a couple compared to some of the other ships BUT i am liking them more as the episodes go by!
handon communication! handon communication!
hope's starting to trust him yaaaaaay
hope's playing dnd
never thought i'd say this but handon is starting to reach couple goals for me
hey mg...ethan kinda...went off by himself...
so, lizzie supports the methaness going on
thats all im taking away from this scene
this is what i mean when i say i like platonic!mizzie
mg is so sweeeeeeeeeet i love him
hosie convo! i repeat hosie convo! finally
man i really want josie to go play dnd
no........nooooooooo dont tell me landon isnt landon
see heres my thing
if the landon we've been seeing this entire time wasnt landon
then all that handon development we finally got
that being said i do find this incredibly interesting
I swear these episodes are just higher in quality! So, if Landon isn’t Landon, then what does that mean for all the positive Handon progression the past few episodes since Landon’s been back? Also, Methan how I’ve missed you.
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