#hannah reynolds
bookaddict24-7 · 15 days
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Attached at the Hip by Christine Riccio
Wild About You by Kaitlyn Hill
Keepers of the Stones & Stars by Michael Barakiva
Have You Seen this Girl by Nita Tyndall
The Worst Ronin by Maggie Tokuda-Hall & Faith Schaffer (Illustrator)
The Lamplighter by Crystal J. Bell
The Word by Mary G. Thompson
I Wish You Would by Eva Des Lauriers
Liar's Test by Ambelin Kwaymullina
In the Shallows by Tanya Byrne
Shooting for Stars by Christine Webb
Before & After You & Me by Dallas Woodburn
Summer Nights & Meteorites (Golden Doors #3) by Hannah Reynolds
Happy reading!
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mydarlinginej · 1 month
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read my full review of summer nights and meteorites by hannah reynolds here.
From the two-time Sydney Taylor Honor author comes another sweet Nantucket-set summer romance, perfect for fans of Rachel Lynn Solomon and K.L. Walther.
Jordan Edelman’s messy dating days are over. After a few too many broken hearts, and a father who worries a bit too much, she’s sworn off boys—at least for the summer. And since she’ll be tagging along on her father’s research trip to Nantucket, she doesn’t think it’ll be too hard to stick to her resolution.
But hooking up with the cute boy on the ferry doesn’t count, right? At least, not until that cute boy turns out to be Ethan Barbanel. As in, her father’s longtime research assistant Ethan Barbanel, the boy Jordan has hated from afar for years. And to make matters worse, Jordan might actually be falling for him.
As if that didn’t complicate her life enough, Jordan’s new summer job with a local astronomer turns up a centuries-old mystery surrounding Gibson’s Comet—and as she dives into her research, what she learns just might put her growing relationship with Ethan in jeopardy.
my review:
After a string of messy hook-ups, Jordan Edelman has sworn off boys in favor of bonding with her father this summer. On the way to Nantucket, she meets a cute boy…and technically the ferry ride doesn’t count as a new start yet right? Except when they arrive, she discovers that the cute boy is Ethan Barbanel, her father’s research assistant and someone she’s disliked for years. As she spends more time with him and his family though, she soon discovers that sometimes you have to let people in — and that sometimes you have to carve out time with the people you love and to discover yourself.
Eight Nights of Flirting was one of my top reads of 2022, and I was so excited to read Hannah Reynolds’s next book! It’s always fun returning to the Barbanel family and their antics. This book was also similar to the previous two books where part of the plot has to do with some deep-dive research into something the protagonist becomes fascinated by. In this one, Jordan becomes intrigued by the upcoming comet, especially the unsuspecting role of a female researcher.
I liked the characters too. Jordan has felt estranged from her father ever since he moved to Nantucket for his research. For months, all she’s heard from him is Ethan Barbanel this, Ethan Barbanel that, which makes her hate him from afar. This summer, she’s in Nantucket to spend time with her dad again, and the last thing she wants to see is Ethan, who she thinks is her father’s pseudo-son. Ethan, for his part, is very respectful of Jordan’s boundaries and reaffirms to her that her dad does love her and wants to spend time with her.
read my full review here.
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jewishbookworld · 2 years
Eight Nights of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds
Eight Nights of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds
A sixteen-year-old girl is on a mission to find the perfect boyfriend this Hanukkah, but love might not go according to plan, in this charming winter romcom from the author of The Summer of Lost Letters. Shira Barbanel has a plan: this Hanukkah, she’s going to get a boyfriend. And she has the perfect candidate in mind—her great-uncle’s assistant, Isaac. He’s reliable, brilliant, and of course,…
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libertyreads · 1 year
Book Review #76 of 2023--
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Eight Nights of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds. Rating: 3 stars.
Yes, you are seeing correctly, I’ve officially started my Christmas in July reads--half way through June. Sometimes Christmas in July just has to start two weeks early. With the sheer volume of books I’m hoping to go through in the next three weeks, it’s the only method to the madness. And I actually started this year with a Hanukkah romance. In this one, we follow Shira and Tyler as they land in Nantucket a day ahead of their families thanks to a freak storm. Shira convinces Tyler to help her get better with boys so she can ask out someone who works with her uncle once they finally arrive for the holidays. But can Shira get over the embarrassment she felt three years ago when Tyler rejected her? Can those flirting lessons really help her land Isaac?
There are some things I think this book did really well. Like the setting. For some reason, I love the idea of a location that is normally so busy in the summer and it being used as the setting for a winter story. I think the author does a good job of showing that this is normally a summer/beach town and that those who are around now are the every day Nantucket people and those who came for the holidays specifically. It all felt authentic and real. I also loved Shira’s giant family. Even if they were a bit much at times. I think it helped move the plot forward without it feeling forced. I loved the friends to enemies to lovers storyline. It all made sense and it was all done really well. I thought Shira was a little oblivious at times but that could come from her being so stuck in her own world of books and lessons with very little time for actual dating. Tyler was a sweetheart and I appreciated that he let Shira get to the same understanding of their friendship/relationship before pursuing anything. And, as always, I loved the holiday scenes. I can’t say for sure how true to life the Jewish traditions were handled but I enjoyed them and thought it was pretty informative for someone on the outside. We also got some Christmas stuff in there too thanks to Tyler’s family celebrating the holiday.
The story dives into an unexpected plot that I don’t think the summary even mentions in passing which made it a bit of a shock. I didn’t mind that part of the story too much but I did feel like it took away from the rest. I don’t know if it was just one plot line too much for me or what. I liked where that plot line actually ended up and I think it was fun. It just took away from everything else going on for me.
Overall, I give the book a 3 star rating, the romance a 4 star rating, and the holiday-ness of it all 4 menorahs.
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Eight Nights Of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds | Audiobook Review
Eight Nights Of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds | Audiobook Review
Why Did I Listen To Eight Nights Of Flirting? I am trying to get through my Netgalley queue and wanted to listen to a book that was a little less heavy than my previous listen – House Of Hunger. Eight Nights Of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds absolutely fit the bill. This contemporary young adult seasonal audiobook was a perfect choice for my needs at the time. What’s The Story Here? Eight Nights Of…
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nabwastaken · 5 months
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bookaddict24-7 · 2 years
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(New Young Adult Releases Coming Out Today! (October 18th, 2022)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First in a Series:
Strike the Zither by Joan He
Eight Nights of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds
The Sevenfold Hunters by Rose Egal
We Are All We Have by Marina Budhos
Berliners by Vesper Stamper
New Sequels: 
The Scratch Daughters (Scapegracers #2) by H.A. Clarke
The Rogue Crown (The Five Crowns of Okrith #3) by A.K. Mulford
Happy reading!
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mydarlinginej · 1 year
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with the end of the year comes the end-of-year playlists, and of course I’m pairing my most listened to songs this year with books again! check them out in my latest blog post 🫶🏼
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hipsternumbertwo · 3 months
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Nightmare Time Soundtrack on Spotify [The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals] [Black Friday] [Nightmare Time 2] [Workin Boys] [Nerdy Prudes Must Die]
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mydarlinginej · 2 years
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read my full review of eight nights of flirting by hannah reynolds here.
A sixteen-year-old girl is on a mission to find the perfect boyfriend this Hanukkah, but love might not go according to plan, in this charming winter romcom from the author of The Summer of Lost Letters.
Shira Barbanel has a plan: this Hanukkah, she’s going to get a boyfriend. And she has the perfect candidate in mind—her great-uncle’s assistant, Isaac. He’s reliable, brilliant, and of course, super hot. The only problem? Shira’s an absolute disaster when it comes to flirting.
Enter Tyler Nelson, Shira’s nemesis-slash-former-crush. As much as she hates to admit it, Tyler is the most charming and popular guy she knows. Which means he’s the perfect person to teach her how to win Isaac over.
When Shira and Tyler get snowed in together at Golden Doors, they strike a deal—flirting lessons for Shira in exchange for career connections for Tyler. But as Shira starts to see the sweet, funny boy beneath Tyler’s playboy exterior, she realizes she actually likes hanging out with him. And that wasn’t part of the plan.
Amidst a whirl of snowy adventures, hot chocolate, and candlelight, Shira must learn to trust her heart to discover if the romance she planned is really the one that will make her happiest.
my review:
When I requested this book, I didn’t really know what to expect other than it sounded cute. As soon as I started reading it though, I couldn’t put it down and fell in love with it instantly. Full of heart and family, Eight Nights of Flirting was an adorable story about opening yourself up to others and finding love where you least expect it.
Shira Barbanel is horrible at flirting, but she’s determined to change that this Hanukkah so that she can finally make a move on her crush, Isaac. When she arrives at her grandparent’s estate in Nantucket, she begrudgingly allows Tyler Nelson, her former crush who rejected her years ago, to spend the night after a power outage. She talks him into giving her flirting lessons, and over the course of the next few days, he helps her learn to move past her self-consciousness.
Again, I didn’t really know what to expect but this book ended up being a call-out post for me/my younger self. Internally, Shira finds herself awkward and agonizes over her interactions with other people, especially with her crush. Tyler helps her realize that all of this internalized and that outwardly, this comes across as if she doesn’t want to interact with people on purpose. Instead, as he tells her, people are more concerned with their own lives than anything else. It was really nice to see Shira open herself up to others over time, including Tyler. She also reaches out to friends with whom she doesn’t usually talk to outside of school.
read my full review here.
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voronskaya · 2 years
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this meme but comedy women edition
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whenweallvote · 4 months
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In collaboration with Black Voters Matter, we made this list of our 7️⃣ favorite books by Black authors being banned in schools and libraries across the country. Many of these helped to broaden America’s view of Black people, art, and culture.
Have you read any of these yet, and are any on your Reading List this year? Comment below with your favorites! 📚
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nickandcharlie135 · 1 year
Imagine a Ted Lasso special where they play against Wrexham AFC in a charity match.
Set it 6 months to a year after the series finale. Make it an hour and a half long so we have time to catch up with everyone.
Get Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney to guest star. Heck bring the actual Wrexham players to star as themselves.
They could even call it “Ted Lasso: The Lasso Special”.
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wildfloweronwheels · 2 years
Sorry but it really doesn’t sit right with me that Blake Lively felt forced into sharing private photographs of her fourth pregnancy with the world just to devalue any non-consensual shots captured by the 11 male strangers camping outside her house who are scaring her three other young daughters. Like if she wasn’t famous and these photos were being taken with the intention of being sold to the highest bidder for profit, those men would be headed for prison as examples of textbook stalking, harassment or predatory behaviour. How in 2022, can we still have an extremely lucrative industry built on this behaviour especially when we can literally draw straight lines between this and so many public breakdowns, body image issues and mental illnesses experienced by people in the public eye, particularly women? How do we as consumers of pop culture and supporters of these people justify handing publications profit with our clicks in the wake of one of the most high-profile women in the world being literally chased to her death? Just something to think about…
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jaydenswrl · 1 year
I played Life Is Strange 2 for the first time and I loved it. I've become emotionally attached to the characters. I remember playing the first one repeatedly when I was younger.
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penelope-regulus · 1 year
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