#hashimoto's disease
aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Small vent, because recently I learned that I have Hashimoto's disease and that does explain a lot since it can cause a lot of different problems, but one of them is lack of libido.
I've identified as an asexual since I've been 14 years old, and over the years I've come to terms with it and became comfortable, even happy, by identifying as ace. I like not having any sexual attractions- but what if it's caused by this illness? It's not that I would feel like an impostor in ace community, but what if I'll get my treatment, and suddenly I'll just feel the attraction, because it wasn't there for the lack of my libido? I would have to accept that the label I was comfortable, that I grew up with, is suddenly not me? I'm suddenly really scared of the treatment even though I really want it, because I feel horrible in my body and this will help to change it, but yeah. I also have my concerns
Submitted May 4, 2023
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drafthorsemath · 8 months
Life update feel free to scroll. Short version: just glad for the distraction this place provides
In 19 days I can see a new doctor. My body is a total wreck and we know what's wrong. We know it's not my thyroid. We know it's my PCOS. We have tried everything my one doctor (endocrinology and reproductive specialist) can think of and her response was just "when do you see your new ob/gyn?" The latest medication has made me so sick and I am preparing myself for the thought of surgery.
My horse's body is a wreck. He is still being treated for EPM, but we found out he's positive for Lyme's disease, so we need to treat that too. He is also lame like he has an abscess in his hoof, so I'm trying to soak his foot enough to encourage it to blow and resolve. Despite my health issues, I would feel so much better if my horse were better. It's kind of like we're both run down.
I am so zoned out and so tired. I have bursts where I can get things done, but they are harder and harder to come by. I've been going through a series of job interviews and projects, hoping to get a better job and a lot of my energy has gone into that, but I finish a video interview, close the laptop, and am ready to crawl into bed. Tomorrow I turn 38. I'm glad that whole doomsday prophecy thing was wrong. Even if I'm kind of out of it, I love you guys and your posts that I see. Even if I can't always interact like I'd like.
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ivebeenmade · 13 days
Doctor's appointment yesterday. Had a long talk, and a blood draw. They are now thinking I could have 1 or 2 other autoimmune disorders, along with fibromyalgia and hashimoto's. They are referring me to a neurologist, sleep Study clinic, and a rheumatologist.
We've been googling the blood test results as they came up on the app. Some things are definitely off- at least my thyroid is still on track.
Processing, and trying to find ways to make day to day life bearable until these follow-ups.
Update: Late in the day I got an email from her. She still wants me to see the rheumatologist and neurologist, but she is also going to start getting me scheduled for Iron Infusions. This could potentially do a lot of good- ease the fatigue and brain fog and muscle cramps...but it's also gonna involve one of my weirdest phobias.
Ever since I was a kid and watched my grandma get treated for cancer, I have had an extreme fear of some kinds of medical equipment. Not what you'd think; not needles, or the machines...but the plastic tubes, containers, etc. Even in their sterile packaging. I just feel my skin crawl around them. And if you know how IVs work, well....
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sufferthesea · 2 months
If anyone is gluten-free and/or diabetic, please drop your favorite recipes/cooking blogs below! I'm meal planning and can only find about 3 full recipes. Everything else is snacks or desserts.
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mental-mona · 5 months
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thejaguarseyes · 6 months
Maybe if I start thinking of my chronic physical illness and mental disorders as curses from the gods I'll feel cooler about it
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spooniesolutions · 2 years
Welp, it's official: partial (possibly full) thyroidectomy on Sept. 21.
Finally 🙄
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hederastrong · 2 years
Self Reflection 6/9/22
I've been... diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease.
Hashimoto's Disease is an autoimmune disorder where your body doesn't recognize your thyroid as part of your body and begins to attack it. It can lead to hyperthyroidism at first, and eventually hypothyroidism, where I'm at.
It can cause you to feel fatigued, feel sore in your joints, have muscle soreness, have brittle hair, have difficulty conceiving babies if you have those parts, feel suddenly too cold, dry skin, weight gain, and constipation, among other things.
I don't have ALL of the symptoms, but I will say I don't have maybe 2 of them.
I already have PCOS and chronic migraines, so this is gonna be fun.
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justamisthings · 1 month
so i know what my diet/nutrition should look like bc of the autoimmune shit my body's got going on but a) i don't like like 80% of the shit i should be eating and b) who's gonna fucking pay for gluten-free/reduced, lactose-free, low-sugar food? do y'all know how much more it fucking costs than regular food and for like half the taste if that! urgh this is just so frustrating it really is body why are you doing this to meeeeeeee
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So today I went back to the endocrinologist and the blood results showed alterations in two separate areas.
Now I'mma hit my lovely mutuals with new info about me:
I got diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease and will start treatment.
I have more testosterone than I should have for my age, which means I'll be going to a gynecologist to find out why. If there's no disease causing it, I'mma keep it as it is.
So yeah. Also, I requested that he uses my chosen name (soon-to-be legal one) while we speak, and we discussed briefly my sexuality due to certain aspects of the blood results. Honestly, it would've been chiller if my mom was supportive, but if he has any problems with the queer community, he definitely did not show it. He seems like a standard guy, very comfortable to talk to.
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femboyhunterkiliar · 4 months
btw i just got diagnosed hashimotos so thats fun
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markstudss · 1 year
What can Lead to Hashimoto's Disease and other auto Immune Problems
Hashimoto's disease is an auto immune disorder that causes the body's immune system to attack the thyroid gland, leading to an underactive thyroid gland or hypothyroidism.
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autizta · 2 years
remind me to make this edit tomorrow:
Me: "Sorry for being white"
Japanese Physician Hakaru Hashimoto, pointing a gun at my throat: "許せない罪もある"
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emmuffins · 10 months
I don’t WANT to lie around all day. It’s not “relaxing” or “peaceful” or “restorative”; I’m Miserable.
I WANT to be at my job.
I WANT to hang out with my friends.
I WANT to clean the apartment.
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spooniesolutions · 2 years
That spoonie feel when you flip ahead just so you can see a calendar page that isn't filled with doctor's appointments
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untypicalcomfort · 7 months
Me: I don't think my chronic illness is bad today! :D I mean I just have a little pain—
Me as soon as I get home:
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