#he has the most immature meltdowns fucking imaginable
lesbiansanemi · 1 month
We’ve officially hit the point where I can’t fucking sleep because of this shit and on top of everything the AC went out I literally want to cry I’m so stressed I physically feel like shit like I need to throw up I’m so tired but between my stomach hurting, the stress, and the heat I can’t
#today he told me it ‘wasn’t fair’ that I expected him and his bf to move#just because I refused to get rid of my ‘disgusting cats’ and they would be ‘happier’ in a shelter#his reasonings for why they would be happier in a shelter were all things that they did not do/did not happen until he started this shit#‘they’re always hiding and you never spend time with them’#they hide from YOU#early morning and late at night when you’re in your room they’re fine#im out here rn just sitting with them giving them attention#also yeah I used to give them attention for AT LEAST several hours of the day#but after I essentially got chased out of all the common areas no obviously that wasn’t happening#man FUCK YOU#also sorry I don’t want to spend literal THOUSANDS more than I would other wise to fucking move#esp when YOU moving means no changes in your finances#you make over 50k a year I make barely 20k AND already have more bills to pay than you#why the FUCK should I be getting stuck with the far worse financial decision#and then to try and frame it like you’re getting treated ‘unfairly’ just because I won’t get rid of my cats for you??????#I genuinely hope the stupid fucking car your mom gave you explodes tomorrow idc idc idccccc#ESPECIALLY WHEN HE BOTH THREATENED AND SAID HE DIDNT CARE TO MOVE OUT#and when I said ‘great. do that’ he starts throwing this fucking fit#I hate him so much it is so goddamn UNREAL#I am dealing with a giant man baby who has never been told no in his life before now#and it’s really fucking showing#this is what happens when parents give their kids everything they want#and you have normie cis white man privilege and have also gotten every job/into every program you’ve ever wanted with minimal effort#so when someone finally says ‘no you don’t get whatever you want at my expense’#he has the most immature meltdowns fucking imaginable#kaz rambles
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Lie to Me
Prompts: Post Pof: Janus is not doing ok, everday he can taste Roman's lies, he can feel Roman's pain. He can feel the ego crumbling. Guilt plagues him as hes done the opposite of protecting the ego. Hey uh... could you write a fic when you have the time? - meltheromanstan
Roman is having issues trying to keep up his facade (and maybe struggling with his work cause ADHD makes everything difficult on top of everything because I love the idea of the twins having ADHD) and he is one bump in the road away from a full on meltdown. And Janus realizes a lie in a conversation that’s concerning and at some point in Roman begrudgingly gives a self deprecating reason and Janus is like heck no and Roman’s like why not and Janus is like because i care? And then Roman breaks down because no one has told him anything like that in a long time. Sorry that’s so long. You can write this whenever, or never if you don’t wanna. Anygay, bye and thank you! - anon
Thank you for the requests! oh this poor man. roman i'm so sorry you didn't do anything to deserve this and here I am hurting you. I'm so sorry bb you need to be wrapped up with a hot chocolate and sat far away from everything.
Read on Ao3
Warnings: self-hatred, self-doubt, poor roman’s got so much internalized hatred this poor man, some things that can be interpreted as self-harm but nothing explicit
Pairings: main focus on roceit but it can be platonic or romantic you decide, background LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR
Word Count: 10,554
Janus hears every single lie in the Mindscape. It doesn't matter whether or not the liar believes it to be true or knows it's a falsehood; if it isn't true, he hears it.
Roman lies. A lot.
Or: 5 times Janus had to hide that he was taking care of Roman, and 1 time he didn't.
They never gave Roman enough credit for how good of an actor he can be.
 The wedding is an absolute dumpster fire. The aftermath is a nuclear explosion. Roman sinks out in silence, long before the video is over. Virgil never shows up, neither does Remus. Logan is cut off before he can realize it.
 Well, that’s not true.
 Janus cuts Logan off before he can realize it.
 Because he didn’t care about them, no. Patton has the most influence over Thomas. Patton is the one who influences the other Sides more than they realize most of the time. And Patton is the one who needed to listen.
 So it didn’t matter that the others weren’t there when Janus had to talk to Patton and Thomas, because it worked. Thomas listened, Patton finally understood, and things could start getting better.
 …or so he thought.
 In fairness, the others came around…fairly quickly. He approached Logan with a book on philosophy and an apology on his lips, only to be swept up into a conversation that had drawn both Patton and Virgil into the living room by the end of the day. It felt…well, right isn’t the correct word, but…warm, perhaps. Yes, let’s go with warm.
 Of course, Remus belly-flopping onto the couch—and the rest of them—near the end was certainly an additional factor.
 But Roman…
 Janus didn’t expect Roman to forgive him. Certainly not quickly. He certainly expected Roman to forgive the others for whatever little parts they played in harming the prince’s precious ego. And he absolutely expected the prince to admit that he was wrong, that it was indeed his fault that everything had gone so spectacularly wrong.
 The first time Roman walks into the kitchen after the wedding, Janus flinches.
 Virgil notices and all but jumps in front of him, snarling a ‘what do you want?’ in Roman’s direction. Patton had turned around and his smile had frozen, staring at Roman.
 “Hello, Roman,” Logan says cooly, “may we help you?”
 “Yeesh, aren’t you lot jumpy this morning?” Roman shakes his head and sighs dramatically. “I am not here to grace you all with my glorious presence, simply to grab a little food and depart on a quest!”
 “Thank god,” Virgil mutters, too low for Roman to hear.
 He pushes Janus behind him as Roman waltzes into the kitchen to take something out of the cupboard.
 “…when will you be back,” Patton asks warily, “and where are you going?”
 “Into the Imagination, my dear Padre!” Roman spreads his arms wide. “To see where the spirit of adventure takes me!”
 “That answers only one of the questions.” Logan closes his notebook sharply.
 “Time is a social construct,” Roman says airily, “but I suppose I shall try to return for dinner?”
 “Don’t force yourself,” Virgil snarks, crossing his arms, “looks hard enough already.”
 Roman just laughs and leaves.
 “Goodness,” Patton mumbles, leaning on the counter, “I didn’t expect him to be so—so—“
 “Roman?” Virgil rolls his eyes. “Princey’s got a head bigger than a fucking balloon—“
 “—and he’s not gonna come down to earth for anything.”
 “Roman is—or can be—remarkably immature when it comes to admitting his mistakes,” Logan adds, “it’s not to be completely unexpected that he is still in denial.”
 Patton sighs. “I know, I just…expected better.”
 “Don’t hold your breath,” Virgil huffs, “what about you, Janus? Are you hurt?”
 “I also noticed you flinch,” Logan says, standing, “are you alright? Did Roman…”
 “He didn’t hurt you, did he, kiddo?”
 No. No, Janus is absolutely fine right now.
 The instant Roman had appeared in the doorway, the lies slammed into Janus.
  They hate you, they never want to see you again.
  Everything is your fault.
  Virgil is right to try and shield Janus from you, you were so fucking cruel to him.
  They don’t deserve to be burdened with you.
  Leave. Leave so they never have to put up with you. You know they don’t want you.
  They’ve never wanted you.
 And yet, as clearly as he heard those lies, he heard Roman, the blustery, pompous Prince, loud as ever, spoiled as ever. He saw Roman, the swaggering adventurer, the cocky Creativity who was always right, always the center of attention.
 The actor.
 Janus had definitely given him enough credit for that.
 Right, they’re still waiting for an answer.
 “I’m fine,” he says, a beat too late, “just caught off guard, that’s all.”
 Virgil eyes him suspiciously. “You’re lying.”
 “Well of course I am,” Janus sighs, rolling his eyes, “it’s not like Deceit is one of my primary functions, after all.”
 “Kiddo,” Patton says, “you know you can tell us if Roman—if someone hurts you, right?”
 Something pinches just under his chin. “I know.”
 He shakes his head. “Roman hasn’t hurt me, nor has he threatened to.”
 Virgil bumps his shoulder. “Just…keep us in the loop, okay?”
 “Because it’s very likely that Roman will hurt me.”
 The others chuckle or brush it off. Of course, they did. When they aren’t paying attention, Janus lets his gaze trail up the stairs, following the line where the prince vanished. The others have never paid much attention to when Roman returns from his ‘quests.’
 Janus does.
 Even if Janus weren’t consciously coming to the prince’s aid, he’s certain he’d be summoned regardless.
 He waits, quiet in the shadows, for the telltale squeak of the lower hinge on the red wardrobe door in Roman’s room. He’s learned to keep still, keep quiet, not yet fully materialized, watching as Roman stumbles back through the door, one of his arms sagging in relief as the other holds him up. The door creaks shut and a shuddering breath leaves the prince’s chest.
 His head bows.
 Before the charade completely falls away, Roman pushes himself up and starts getting ready to sleep. His sash, normally laid so carefully over the back of his chair, is given barely a second thought as he throws his costume onto the floor. Janus winces at the slam of the bathroom door and again at the way Roman all but collapses into the bed with a miserable expression on his face. He doesn’t need to pry away the pillow to know that Roman is desperate.
  Stupid, stupid, worthless prince.
  Not even a fucking prince, not even the fucking squire.
  Useless, can’t even do your fucking job.
  Can’t even stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself even though you know damn well you don’t deserve it.
  You don’t deserve anything.
 Janus grits his teeth and waits. Waits for Roman’s lies to grow less vitriolic, more sluggish, waits for Roman’s breathing to even out, sagging against the pillow, before he moves.
 His footsteps are silent as he crosses the room, keeping a wary eye on the door, lest someone else knock and wake up the now sleeping prince. He swallows, leaning down, his lips barely brushing the curve of Roman’s ear.
 He doesn’t touch, doesn’t want to risk waking him now.
 “You’re not stupid, Roman,” he whispers, barely loud enough to be heard, even by himself. “You’re not worthless, you’ve never been worthless.”
 Roman shifts in his sleep. Janus freezes. He stills and he breathes out. Bends just a little closer.
 “And you deserve to know that.”
 Even if he can only even whisper it when Roman is too deep in sleep to hear him.
The lies don’t stop. They just get worse.
 Fortunately, Janus’s powers aren’t limited by the physical space, not when the lies are particularly pervasive. For example, every time Logan insists that he doesn’t have feelings, or Virgil insists he doesn’t care about the others, or Patton says—particularly passionately—that everything’s fine, Janus hears it. These ones typically merit a scoff and a roll of the eyes, or a quip if he’s actually in the same room. These ones he’s used to.
 Here’s the thing about the lies that Janus can hear; it doesn’t matter whether or not they’re lies that someone knows is a lie or whether it’s something they believe. If it isn’t true, Janus will hear it.
 Case in point: Roman’s lies, and the lies that took Janus far too long to figure out were lies.
 When he decides to tune into Roman’s mind, he’s normally greeted with statements lauding about how amazing the prince is, how he’s the best Side, how much he loves himself. Even when he’s not paying particular attention to Roman, he can hear those sentiments loud and clear.
 The issue with that? He can hear them loud and clear.
 Now, is it likely that these are things that Roman believes that aren’t true? The possibility exists.
 Is it more likely, given recent…developments, that these are things that Roman has known aren’t true, and is intentionally thinking them in order to keep playing a role?
 No, of course not, why would you ever think that?
 They won’t go away. He can barely look at Roman now, can’t stop seeing, hearing all the lies he tells himself every day. The others are starting to worry, growing colder towards Roman, concerned about how much Janus tries to put distance between them. Virgil keeps shoving himself in between the two of them, Logan keeps pulling Janus into long conversations that Roman wouldn’t dare insert himself into, Patton makes sure the two of them are never alone.
 Well, almost never alone.
 The lies are the worst at night. When Roman is in his room, curled up under the covers, his head buried in his hands, they roam freely, coloring the red curtains with shadows, smearing themselves over his paintings, his drawings, his writing, his keyboard.
  They’re right to be scared of you, right to hate you.
  You don’t deserve their forgiveness, especially when you haven’t even apologized for the amount of things you’ve done wrong.
  And you’re selfish enough to want a fucking apology from them?
 Janus, waiting in the corner for Roman to fall asleep, winces, the strength and magnitude of the lie filling his mouth with bitterness.
 Does he deserve an apology from Roman? Yes, perhaps, that would be nice. Laughing at his name in a moment of vulnerability was…perhaps not ideal.
 But the idea that Roman doesn’t deserve an apology? From any of them?
 Roman, the only one who consistently defers and gives and tries and hopes for them, the one who works nonstop to make sure they have something, anything to do, for Thomas, for each other, the only one who’s called out to apologize to them, who apologizes to them when he realizes he’s done something wrong?
 Roman deserves an apology. If only to make up for the amount of times he’s been blamed for something that someone else started.
 A noise.
 Janus blinks, coming back to the present as Roman stirs. For a moment, he worries that the prince has woken up, that he’s discovered someone else in his room, only for a trail of sluggish lies to funnel into his mind.
  Janus hates you more than anyone else and he’s right to.
  You hurt Janus on purpose.
  You never stop hurting Janus.
  You will always be someone he can use, a puppet, until you are nothing more than an obstacle.
 Before he can stop himself, he’s striding across the room to murmur in Roman’s ear again, chest aching with the weight of the lies.
 “The others,” he murmurs, flooding the words with as much sincerity as he can, “they don’t know what I can hear, what they have never noticed, and that is what hurts me, my prince, that you are so quiet and so brave that you can convince the world that you’re not suffering.”
 Roman clutches his pillow a little tighter.
 “I don’t hate you, my prince, I know you didn’t mean to hurt me like that, and I know—“ he takes a deep breath— “I know that the hurt you caused me is nothing compared to what I have done to you.”
 He closes his eyes and feels the guilt well up in his chest. He knows he can’t say the full apology that Roman needs—that he deserves right now. He can’t even begin to imagine all the little things he hasn’t even realized he’s done to Roman, how many things he’s done that he’s forgotten that were just another Tuesday to him, but rewrote entire chapters of Roman’s life.
 He can’t begin to imagine how much of this could’ve been stopped if only he’d realized just how hurt Roman has always been.
 “I’m sorry,” he whispers, “I’m sorry that I never realized how far I let this get.”
Roman is touch-starved, he realized, horrified one day when he walks into the living room to see Logan and Patton sitting on the couch, Virgil sprawled across their laps, and Roman in the corner, far away from everyone else, hiding such a look of heartbreak that Janus almost stops in the doorway as Remus brushes past him.
 “Hey!” Virgil splutters when Remus lies down on top of him.
 “Remus!” Patton pushes lightly at him. “You’re going to squish Virgil!”
 “He’s durable, he’s used to it.”
 Logan raises his eyebrows, looking to Janus for confirmation. Janus sighs.
 “I can remember every single time I’ve walked into our living room to see the two of them on the couch,” he says dryly, “and I’m certain that all of them have started with Remus asking Virgil’s permission to lie on top of him for hours.”
 “See?” Remus wraps his arms around Virgil. “He’s fine.”
 “Yeah, yeah, Pat and L’s knees won’t be though.”
 “Ooh! Did you know that some people have a third bone in their knee?”
 “I would be more than happy to follow this train of conversation,” Logan mutters, “if you were to get off my lap.”
 Janus shakes his head again as Remus clambers off, landing cross-legged next to Logan on the couch and immediately info-dumping. Virgil sighs and scoots, laying his head in Patton’s lap and going back to his phone. Patton runs his hand through Virgil’s hair and wiggles his free hand at Janus.
 “Come on, there’s plenty of room.”
 Remus snorts, interrupting his tirade long enough to say: “Jan-Jan’s not a cuddler,” before going back to talking about…something to do with knees. Patton frowns.
 “’S true.” Virgil peers up at him. “He’ll hug you if you ask for it but he’s not big on cuddling.”
 “He should still come sit with us, though,” Virgil says quickly, shooting Janus a very subtle look, “so get over here, J.”
 Janus sits, pulling out his book and opening it. After a few seconds, Patton looks away, and Virgil tunes out again.
 The lies were getting a little too hard to stand.
 Here, behind his book, he can shift his attention to Roman, scribbling in his notebook and looking every bit the creative genius at work, dead to the world, couldn’t give less interest as to what’s going on around him.
 As he said, Roman is a fantastic actor.
 This time, it’s not even that the words are the thing hurting him now. No, these lies are the type he’s more used to, someone frantically muttering the same thing to themselves over and over and over, trying to convince themselves it’s true. The problem is what’s being carried with the lies, and how deep this need must run in order for it to make it to Janus.
  I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it.
 Roman’s hand is trembling a little on his pen as his brow furrows, eyes skating back and forth over the page. The ache starts just under his chin, right where it meets his throat, and surges, rushing through his arms to the very tips of his fingers. All of them, even the hidden ones. His gloves twitch on the pages of the book.
 He’s so cold.
  I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it.
 The words start to blur together. It hurts. His arms ache. He risks looking more openly at Roman only for him to notice, looking back and quirking an eyebrow.
 “Something wrong, Deceit?”
 “He has a name,” Virgil growls.
 “Janus,” Roman amends, shooting Virgil a glance, “is there something wrong?”
 “Why’re you over there?”
 He meant to ask why Roman wasn’t sitting with the other Sides. He meant to ask whether Roman chose to sit by himself and starve himself of physical contact or if the others had cut him off. He meant to ask if Roman wanted to come to sit with the rest of them.
 Instead, Roman smiles.
 “You’re right. It’s getting quite late. I must be off!”
 Before Janus can say anything, Roman assumes his dramatic pose and sinks out, cheerily declaring his farewells.
 Next to him, Patton lets out a shaky breath.
 Logan adjusts his glasses. “Quite.”
 “Thanks, Janus,” Virgil mutters, making himself more comfortable, “I thought he’d never leave.”
 No, no, no, this is all wrong.
 “Why did you want him to leave?”
 Virgil shrugs. “It’s harder when he’s here.”
 “Harder how?”
 “We do not know how to act around Roman,” Logan admits, fixing his tie, “he’s not—well, he seems content to behave as if nothing is wrong, and…”
 “It’s not,” Patton says softly. He fiddles with his hands. “We can’t go back to the way it was before, and Roman…Roman doesn’t seem to know how to move on.”
 Virgil snorts. “Not that he seems to care enough to try.”
 Well, if the lies still plaguing Roman’s thoughts are any indication…
  Why would they want to touch you? You ruin everything you touch, haven’t you ruined enough already? Haven’t you ruined them enough already?
  They’re done trying with you. They hate you. It’s a wonder they only realize it now.
  Broken, useless, toxic prince. Finally left out in the cold where you deserve to be.
 Roman curls up under his thin sheet, the heavy blankets put away for the colder seasons too far away and too close to Patton’s room for him to get them safely. Janus watches as he twitches miserably, curling up tighter, turning over, hugging his pillow to his chest, trying, trying to feel warm. Every now and then there’s a quiet noise, quickly stifled. His arms start to ache again, not just from the cold, but from how much Roman seems to believe that no one wants to touch him.
 He makes up his mind.
 He sinks out to his room, quickly grabbing one of his weighted blankets from his own storage. Returning to Roman’s room, he waits with bated breath until Roman’s chest rises and falls at a steady rate before carefully creeping forward and spreading the blanket over the prince.
 “Don’t make yourself cold,” he murmurs, tucking it into place, “stay warm for me, my prince, stay warm, it’s alright.”
 Roman shifts, turning his head so it accidentally brushes Janus’s hand.
 Janus freezes.
 Roman hums slightly and falls back asleep. Shaking, Janus moves his fingers, letting them card through Roman’s hair. The prince mumbles and doesn’t wake.
 He does it again, firmer this time. Roman all but melts under this, just this, just a proper blanket over him and someone running their fingers through his hair.
 “Oh, Roman,” Janus murmurs, unable to resist cupping Roman’s face in his hand, “you’re don’t ruin everything you touch, far from it.”
 He cups the back of Roman’s head, guiding it to a more comfortable angle.
 “On the contrary,” he whispers, “you make us better.”
 And maybe…maybe he can try and provide a little of what Roman needs. Even if they have to be stolen moments, felt only on the very edges of sleep, when Roman is conscious enough to remember them but not lucid enough to lie and say he doesn’t deserve it.
The time when Roman barely managed to stumble through the door in his room before passing out is the only time Janus seriously considers calling the others to help.
 But no, he reminds himself as he rushes to the prince’s side, they would want to wake him up, to scold him, to figure out exactly what he thought he was doing, whether or not he’s considered whether this is hurting Thomas.
 Janus bites back a growl as he starts examining the prince.
 Perhaps if they were so concerned about whether or not hurting Roman hurts Thomas, they’d be more considerate about what they say to him.
 He pushes that away for now, more focused on getting Roman’s tight collar away from his neck and checking the state of his bruises. From what he can see from the dirt on the costume, he’s fallen, from quite a significant height, and who knows what else might be hiding under here?
 “I’m sorry,” he murmurs as he looks around for something to help, “but I may have to peel you out of these.”
 Sure enough, he can get most of the costume top off fairly easily—and gains a newfound respect for how difficult it must be to put the thing on by himself, there are so many buttons—but the undershirt proves more difficult, especially as it seems to be stuck in places that it should not be stuck in.
 Oh, no.
 Janus bites back a curse and moves quickly. One arm reaches for the first aid kit he knows is in the bathroom, one arm grabs a pillow and stuffs it under Roman’s head, two gently move his arms up and over his head, and two carefully, carefully take the edge of the undershirt and beginning to take it off.
 He presses a gauze pad to the wound over Roman’s hip.
 He holds an ice pack to the swollen lump on his rib cage.
 He checks over the wound on his chest.
 He tilts Roman’s head from side to side to see how far up the bruises go.
 The pants have to come next and Janus grits his teeth, running his hand over Roman’s forehead as an apology before he shucks the article of clothing.
 More bruises. So many bruises. Thankfully no more bleeding wounds.
 He lets out a breath and sits back on his haunches, staring down at the injured prince.
 The best thing about it, he decides, is that there’s no way for Roman to know that he would’ve been safe passing out and not taking care of any of these.
 The wound on his hip has all but stopped bleeding as Janus tends to it carefully, wiping away the blood and soothing the angry skin with a balm, covering the whole thing with a bandage. The mark on his chest isn’t as bad as it looks, bits of dead skin that Janus clears away and brushes off Roman’s torso. The antiseptic makes him hiss a little and he rubs soothing circles into his tummy until he resettles, murmuring that he’s doing so well, he’s almost done, they’ll get him into bed and he can rest.
 None of the bruises on his legs are bad enough to merit bruise cream, let alone keeping the poor thing from his bed for a moment longer. Instead, Janus quickly covers the one on his ribs and lifts the prince into his arms.
 Roman jolts.
 “Shh, shh,” Janus murmurs, stroking a free hand through his hair, “shh, shh, shh…”
 Roman shushes, just in time for Janus to lie him down and tuck him in, one hand still in his hair as he sits on the edge of the bed. A furrow grows between his brows.
  Should’ve gotten hurt worse.
 Janus freezes.
  Should’ve let them hit you more.
  Got off too easy.
  It should hurt more. You deserve it. Maybe if you pay enough it’ll get better.
 “No, sweetie,” Janus whispers, reaching out before he can stop himself and cradling Roman’s sleeping head in his hands, “no, no, no, don’t ever believe that we want to see you hurt.”
  Shouldn’t have come back.
  Shouldn’t be a burden.
  At least none of the others know about it, they would only complain and ignore you. Useless, worthless prince.
 “You’re not worthless, sweetie,” Janus promises, still cradling the poor thing’s head, running his fingers through his hair to keep him lulled and asleep, “shh, now, everything’s alright, hush now…”
 As the lies drift off into nothingness, Roman along with them, Janus’s face falls.
 Roman is the protector. The prince that will always put himself between them and whatever dared to try and hurt them. He’s not meant to fight a war on two fronts.
  Who protects the protector?
 “I will, sweetie,” Janus whispers, so, so quietly as he tidies up Roman’s room and gives the sleeping prince one last pat, “I’ll look after you.”
Roman, perhaps more than any of the others, is essential to Thomas’s mental help.
 Roman is Thomas’s hopes and dreams, the things he wants above all else, the things he strives for, the things he desires. He reaches and reaches and reaches for Thomas, holds every single one of his wants close to his chest, and keeps them safe until they can bubble up into reality.
 Roman is romance, the reason Patton gets all fluttery and bubbly inside. He’s the suave, fabulous, gay disaster that encourages Thomas to be happy, to reach for who he wants, for who he desires.
 Roman is creativity, the livelihood that Thomas has chosen. He works nonstop, tirelessly producing idea after idea for Thomas to film, to write, to create, so Thomas can live and be proud of what he’s doing.
 Roman is the Ego.
 What is the Ego, you may ask? Well, although Freud is largely considered bullshit by modern psychologists—or at the very least, upsetting due to the fact that his research was largely corrupted by the rich men funding it—there are certain aspects of his work that remain in the public mind.
 Simply put, the Ego is the conscious mind. It is the sum of your thoughts, beliefs, and habits as they interact with your physical body. The tether that stretches into your awareness and consciousness and into your physical form. It is a combination of body-thoughts-feelings and the consciousness taken to activate it.
 The Ego gives you a sense of self-worth. It is a mask, one you put on and play as a role.
 Everyone and anyone, it seems, has been warned about the dangers of an out-of-control Ego. Overconfident, hubristic, arrogant, with no regard for others. A vapid complainer, sustained by the power of approval hoarded selfishly. You are encouraged, if not instructed outright, to learn how to live without paying any attention to your Ego.
 Here’s what they don’t tell you.
 The Ego is what you think of yourself. It gives you self-worth because that’s its job. To make you feel secure in who you are. It is sustained by approval because it lives in fear. It itself puts on a mask of strength, of imperviousness, that it is indestructible, because it is soft, malleable, and so very afraid.
 It is true that the Ego is nourished by positive comments, because it isn’t a crime to feel good, or to feel proud, or to want to be validated. It is true that the Ego sometimes reaches too high, only to fall, because that is its nature, to want, and to hope.
 They don’t tell you that when you turn your hatred inwards, your Ego doesn’t just bruise, it crumbles.
 So when Logan constantly tells Roman that they can’t do something, or it isn’t a worthy use of their time, despite his best intentions, he’s not doing much other than snatching Roman’s dreams away. Roman learns not to ignore Logan, yes, but at the expense of constantly being told that it is his fault when Thomas feels crushed, never mind that Roman is crushed, too.
 So when Virgil insults and belittles his worth, tells him he’s stupid and unimportant, despite the fact that Roman will snipe back at him, all he does is reinforce the idea that Roman is the only one at fault, that Virgil is allowed to sit and insult him to his heart’s content while Roman has to apologize for standing up for himself. Roman learns to stand quietly while Virgil tells Thomas he’s a disappointment until the time comes where he believes it’s true.
 So when Patton decides that Roman is bad, after how much Roman has sacrificed for Patton, to do what would make Patton happy, Thomas happy, when all he needs is just someone on his side, something, anything, Roman has to stand there, alone, hurt, angry, upset, and be told that he’s wrong. Roman learns that he’s only here to give, not to receive, that no one will hold him when he falls apart.
 So when Remus starts to show up, more and more, less and less restrained, no one puts it together that Roman literally does not have the strength to hold him back. Roman learns that the others don’t realize how little confidence he already has, only that their approval of him is directly proportional to how much they hate his brother.
 So when Janus decides that Thomas needs to take better care of himself and that the only one he needs to focus on is Patton, Roman is the perfect tool, the perfect puppet, to be used and tossed aside when he no longer needs him, because it’s so easy to twist and turn the little prince so he dances in just the right way, never mind how much it hurts. Roman learns that no one ever cared about him, not really, and perhaps they never will.
 As you might be able to imagine, destroying the thing that gives one self-worth is absolutely the best way to go about things.
 Can any of you guess where the blame gets pushed when Thomas’s mental health suddenly plummets?
 It’s definitely where it should be.
 The thing that scares Janus the most about how that meeting goes is how resigned Roman is.
 His hands are folded neatly behind his back. His face is politely blank. His mind is quiet.
 When there’s a break in the conversation—if you could even call it that—he opens his mouth.
 “What would you like me to do?”
 “Have you not been listening?” Logan adjusts his glasses. “To…anything we have said?”
 “Of fucking course he hasn’t,” Virgil grumbles, shoving his hands into his pockets.
 “Kiddo,” Patton admonishes, crossing his arms, “Thomas hasn’t had any ideas or dreams lately and it’s stressing him out.”
 “Which means you need to get out of the pity party and back to reality with the rest of us,” Virgil adds.
 “Which means,” Logan sighs, crossing his arms too, “you are going to have to start talking to us again.”
 Roman looks between them. “Are we not…talking now?”
 “He means actually interacting with us, Princey.”
 “Have I…not been doing that?”
 “It means accepting that things have changed,” Logan snaps, “and working through it.”
 Roman tilts his head. “How would you like me to do that?”
 “Well—“ Logan adjusts his glasses— “let’s start with an apology.”
 Something flickers across Roman’s face. Janus looks back and forth between Thomas and Remus. Thomas just looks a little confused as to what’s going on—which, when doesn’t he?—and Remus is staring right at Roman. There’s a strange expression on his face.
 “What would you like me to apologize for?”
 Janus winces when Virgil scoffs, turning away, and Logan’s mouth hardens into a thin line.
 “Why don’t you try starting,” Patton says, “and we’ll see.”
 “No, you know what? No.” Virgil points a finger at Roman. “I’m done holding your hand through all of this. Waiting for you to realize that you fucked up.”
 “No, Pat!” Virgil gestures between the three of them. “You know how hard it’s been on us, waiting for something to change, and now he wants us to just…what, walk him through what he did wrong?”
 Patton spares a glance at Roman before looking away.
 Roman’s face twitches. He looks down.
 “Perhaps Virgil is right,” Logan says, “when Roman can try taking the first step, then maybe this conversation will be more productive. Until then, I see no reason to waste time.”
 “Great. Bye, Thomas.”
 “Wait, you guys are just leaving?”
 “I see no reason to simply stand here and be unproductive,” Logan shrugs, “perhaps if something changes, you can summon us back.”
 “Doubt it,” Virgil mutters, grabbing Logan’s shoulder and sinking them out. Patton spares one last look at Roman before he leaves too.
 Thomas shuffles a little. Remus keeps staring at Roman.
 After a moment, Roman moves.
 “…you want me to apologize?”
 Janus definitely imagines the chill that goes through the room.
 Roman raises his head. He does not look at where Patton stood, he does not look at where Virgil stood, he does not look at where Logan stood.
 He looks directly at Thomas.
 “I’m sorry, Thomas.”
 Thomas splutters. “Roman—“
 “I’m sorry that I sent you to the wedding,” Roman says softly, Thomas’s words dying in his throat, “I’m sorry that I made a decision that I thought you wanted. I’m sorry that I tried to put your friends above your own wants, because I thought that was right. I’m sorry that I thought I was doing what was right.”
 Thomas’s eyes go wide.
 “I’m sorry that you never had faith that you would win the callback,” Roman continues, never once looking away from Thomas, “I’m sorry that your dreams are always too far away, that you must always feel the need to crush them in favor of what is more practical. I’m sorry that you constantly feel like you’re set up to be one big disappointment.”
 Janus’s arms drop in shock.
 “I’m sorry that I can’t do what you want,” and by this point, Thomas looks on the verge of tears, “even though that’s supposed to be my job. I’m sorry that nothing I do is ever good enough on its own, that you feel so afraid, so scared of doing the things you want. I’m sorry that I’ve made you feel even the tiniest bit of my fear.”
 Thomas stifles a noise.
 “I’m sorry that I don’t know things.” Roman chuckles sadly. “I’m sorry that it takes me so much time to figure out what to do. I’m sorry that it always feels like everyone’s one step ahead of me, that you have to wait for me to catch up, even though I never, ever do. I’m sorry for not sticking to the plan.”
 Something heavy presses against Janus’s throat.
 “And I’m sorry that I’m hurt. I’m sorry that it’s been a little too much for me to handle. I’m sorry that my pain is an inconvenience to you.”
 Roman just smiles sadly when Thomas can’t finish the sentence. He spreads his arms, giving a little gesture to himself.
 “I’m sorry that this is your Ego.”
 Janus sees the moment the horrified realization dawns on Thomas’s face.
 “I’m gonna fucking kill them,” Remus snarls and it’s only years of practice that makes Janus’s reflexes fast enough to catch hold of him before he sinks out. “Let me go!”
 “You can’t hurt them,” Janus grunts, “you know you can’t.”
 “Fucking watch me!”
 “No, no, Remus,” Thomas splutters, “don’t—don’t do that.”
 “Why the fuck not?” Remus snarls, spittle flying from his lips as he struggles against Janus’s hold. “You heard what Roman just said, they—they—“
 “We did it too, Remus,” Janus says softly, glancing at Roman, “we’re not blameless either.”
 Remus keeps struggling. “Let—me—“
 Roman’s soft voice still the duke entirely, his head whipping around. Roman just stares at him, resignation and acceptance written plainly on his features.
 “It’s not fair, Ro,” he mumbles.
 “Life isn’t fair.”
 “I—I can summon them back, we can get them back, they can listen to you—“
 “But they won’t,” Roman cuts off in the same soft fury, “they won’t listen to me.”
 “Roman, they love you!”
 Janus winces. Roman just turns to look at him. He can’t meet his eyes.
 “Maybe,” Roman says eventually, “maybe not. Either way…”
 He spreads his hands.
 “Here we are.”
 “Let me go, Jan.”
 “If I do, will you stay?”
 Janus lets him go, only for Remus to lunge and wrap his brother in a tight hug. Roman stands there, immobile, until Remus lets out a howl. Roman just murmurs another soft ‘I’m sorry,' and sinks out.
 Remus collapses to the floor, his Morningstar cupped in his hands.
 “What—what just happened?”
 “The twins share things,” Janus murmurs quietly, his eyes still on Remus, “including emotions when they are particularly strong.”
 “So—“ Thomas shakes his head— “so Remus is feeling what Roman’s feeling?”
 “No,” Remus snarls, still gripping the weapon tightly, “I’m feeling what Roman isn’t feeling.”
 He stands up, eyes blazing.
 “I am what Roman isn’t. To you. What Roman isn’t, I am. Which means—“ his knuckles turn white— “the fact that I’m feeling so strongly right now means that Roman isn’t.”
 Thomas goes pale. “What?”
 “Roman is numb,” Janus says quietly, “he’s closed himself off from…everything. To protect himself.”
 “It means my brother, the good Creativity, passion, desire, romance, hopes and dreams, whatever you want to call him,” Remus growls, “is now numb, touch-starved, and too afraid of rejection to reach out for anything.”
 “What do I do,” Thomas asks frantically, “how do we fix this?”
 “You can let me kill the others.”
 “No, Remus.”
 “Talk to them,” Janus suggests instead, “I’m not sure they realize what Roman being the Ego means.”
 Thomas nods. “Okay, we can do that. Should we do that…now?”
 Janus opens his mouth to respond only for something very familiar to trickle into his mind, along with an all-too-familiar tug.
  Stupid, useless, worthless, toxic, dumb, unimportant, bad, can’t do anything right, selfish, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong—
 “Not now,” he manages, “get some rest. You need it.”
 Thomas nods tiredly. Remus just gives him a look that says ‘you’d better not fuck this up’ and leaves, probably to go work out some of his aggression on creatures in the Imagination.
 Janus sinks straight into Roman’s room and his heart breaks.
 Roman is on the floor, pieces of his prince costume thrown haphazardly around him, sobbing hysterically. It’s so loud that for a moment, Janus worries that someone else will come, trying to figure out what’s wrong, before he’s hit with another wave of lies.
  Broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless—
 He aches.
 Because he knows he can’t do anything while Roman’s awake. He’d never let him close, never let him see this. A sick feeling crawls into Janus’s stomach at the thought of invading Roman’s privacy like this but it wars with the knowledge that he’d be summoned anyway, and that Roman is falling apart.
 So he has to wait.
 Watching as Roman falls apart, believing himself unloved, unwanted, and unseen.
 Slowly, far too slowly, the harsh sobs morph into softer cries, then sniffles, then Roman stills, slumping on the carpet as his breathing evens out. Tears of his own threaten the corners of Janus’s eyes.
 The poor thing cried himself to sleep.
 But as he moves closer, reaching out a hand to stroke back his hair, he lets out a coo before he can stop himself when he sees more tears.
 The poor thing cried himself to sleep and kept crying.
 “Oh, sweetie,” Janus whispers, moving to cradle him as gently as he can without waking him, “sweetie you come here, shh, shh, honey, it’s okay, it’s going to be okay.”
 He lifts the poor prince into his arms, moving swiftly to the bed and laying him down, tucking him in protectively and running his fingers through his hair.
 “It’s okay, sweetie, you’re safe now, it’s okay, you’re safe…” He settles Roman’s head on the pillow. “Shh, shh, shh, that’s it, shh…”
 Sleep-clumsy fingers curl around his arms. Oh. Oh, dear. Well…
 “Oh, sweetie, are you—do you want me to stay?” Janus tries to pull away a bit only for Roman to grumble and hang on. “Oh—okay, sweetie, I’ll stay, just—just a moment.”
 He snaps the fingers on a free hand and changes into something softer, something he can sleep in, something Roman can hold and cuddle. He slides into bed next to him, only to be immediately cuddled by a sleeping, still crying Roman.
 “Shh, sweetie,” he whispers, nuzzling Roman’s head, “I’m right here, I’m not leaving, I won’t leave you.”
 Roman mumbles something and snuggles into Janus’s chest. He makes another comforting noise at the evidence of more tears.
 “It’s gonna be okay, sweetie, I promise, I’ll look after you, I’ll take care of you.”
 And when Roman lets out a little cry, still asleep, he breaks, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
 Roman melts.
 “Oh, sweetie…”
 Janus spoils him with kisses, across his forehead, down his tear-stained cheeks, running his hands through his hair, down his arms, over his back, soothing a particularly painful hitch with a hand on his tummy, rubbing gently until he lapses back into a peaceful sleep. He buries his face in Roman’s hair and holds him tight.
 He swallows heavily, guilt and concern warring in his throat.
 “I don’t want you to think,” he begins carefully, “that I’m only apologizing because I feel guilty over seeing you hurt and that it’s my fault.”
 He tightens his grip on the sleeping prince.
 “I am sorry, Roman,” he whispers with his lips against Roman’s forehead as if to speak the truth into the prince’s dreams, “for all the hurt I have caused you. For using and manipulating you, for dismissing you and letting you think you were useless, and for letting the others make you believe you were so unlovable.”
 He shudders, his breath coming out shaky.
 “But mostly…” he swallows, “mostly I’m sorry that I won’t be brave enough to say that to you when you’re awake.”
Janus blinks. There’s sunlight coming in through the curtains.
 His room definitely has curtains.
 Oh. Right. He’s in Roman’s room.
 Shit, he’s still in Roman’s room.
 He’s fallen asleep, he realizes, in Roman’s bed, with Roman cuddled protectively to his chest, after the poor thing had sobbed himself to sleep in the aftermath of that awful, awful meeting.
 Unconsciously, he goes to tighten his grip on the sleeping prince before realizing that he should be doing the opposite.
 He should leave. Now. Before Roman wakes up and sees him.
 He definitely wants to be around for that conversation.
 So, despite the ache in his stomach at the thought of leaving Roman alone right now, he grits his teeth and starts trying to disentangle himself from Roman, despite Roman’s best efforts to cling onto him. If he weren’t so afraid of the consequences of getting caught, he’d find it adorable.
 Okay, maybe he still finds it adorable.
 But Roman’s so soft when he sleeps, so lovely, so unabashed at chasing what he wants. He clings to Janus’s shirt with clumsy fingers, burbles soft noises of protest when Janus’s warmth leaves his side.
 “Come on, sweetie,” Janus coaxes, gently prying Roman’s fingers off, “let me go, you don’t want me to be here when you wake up.”
 “You say that now…” He still won’t let go. “Come on, sweetie, let me go…”
 He leans down to press a kiss to his cheek, hoping Roman will melt and he can escape.
 “That’s it, just go back to sleep, sweetie,” he murmurs, his voice low and hypnotic, carding his fingers through his hair and kissing his forehead, “sleep, sleep, sleep…”
 “Stay,” comes the sleepy little mumble, its voice still lost in the dream, “take care ‘f me.”
 The earnest plea brings a sad little smile to Janus’s face.
 “If you knew who I was,” he whispers, “you wouldn’t ask that.”
 Roman opens his eyes and stares right at him.
 Janus freezes, his hands still caught in Roman’s hair, Roman’s hands still gripping his shirt.
 “Stay,” Roman repeats, his tongue thick with sleep but awake, “don’t run away this time.”
 This time?
  Oh, no.
 Janus swallows. “How long—“
 “You said you didn’t hate me,” Roman mumbles, still tugging on Janus’s shirt to get him back, “and that it hurt more that the others didn’t realize.”
 “You were supposed to be asleep.”
 “You were supposed to hate me.” Roman tugs harder. “Come back.”
 Janus gets slowly back into position, letting Roman cling to him like a child with a teddy bear. Without permission, his own arms wrap around the sleepy prince, and Roman all but purrs.
 “We c’n talk later,” the prince mumbles, already drifting back to sleep, “but stay. Want you to stay.”
 And…well, if it’s the first time Roman’s asked for something he wants in god knows how long, what else is Janus supposed to do but obey?
 “Alright, sweetie, I’m right here,” he murmurs, curling his arms tightly around the poor prince, “do you want to try and go back to sleep?”
 But his eyes don’t drift closed. Instead, they stay glassily alert, one hand fisted loosely in the slack of Janus’s shirt.
 “Sweetie,” Janus calls after a little, “do you want to change into something easier to sleep in?”
 He lifts one shoulder in a halfhearted shrug.
 “Can I help?”
 Another shrug. Janus tucks a loose piece of hair behind Roman’s ear, snapping his fingers to put the costume on the mannequin in the closet and replace it with a soft red shirt and boxers. He presses another kiss to Roman’s forehead and ruffles his hair.
 “Why don’t you hate me?”
 Janus frowns, pulling Roman closer. “How could I hate you?”
 He holds a finger gently up to the prince’s lips before the lies can fill Roman’s head again.
 “Let me rephrase: I don’t hate you, Roman, I promise.”
 Roman’s disbelief is palpable. “But why?”
 ...maybe he is going to have to do this.
 “I can hear lies,” he murmurs, “whenever someone says them or thinks them. If they’re not true, I’ll hear it. No, no—stay here, sweetie, shh, I’m not angry, I’m not disappointed. I can hear them when you tell yourself that you’re worthless, or toxic, or that we all hate you.”
 He lifts Roman’s chin gently.
 “They’re lies, sweetie, that’s why I can hear them. You’re not worthless, you’re not toxic.”
 Roman whimpers.
 “You’re not broken,” he continues softly, holding him still, “you’re not hard to love, we don’t hate you.”
 He cups Roman’s face and pulls him in to rest their foreheads together.
 “And I care about you, sweetie, so, so much.”
 Roman’s breath shudders warmly on his cheeks.
 “Shh, shh, oh, come here, sweetie—there you go, you can cry, honey, I’ve got you, I’m right here, shh, shh...”
 The weight of the prince’s tears drying on his collar makes it hard to swallow. He tugs the blankets closer around them and lets Roman cling onto him as he cries.
 “I know you don’t believe me,” he whispers as familiar lies start to drift across, “but it’s true, sweetie. It’s true, it’s true, I promise. I’m here to take care of you.”
 “I’m—I’m sorry—I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sor—sorry—“
 “Shh-shh-shh, don’t apologize to me, sweetie, you don’t have to apologize, I’m right here, I’m not angry, nothing’s so bad.”
 “I’m sorry.”
 Janus hushes him gently with a kiss to his cheek. “I know you are...even though you don’t have to be, not like this.”
 His chest aches when Roman won’t stop burbling apologies.
 “Roman.” He takes the prince’s face firmly in his hands. “Roman, look at me.”
 Roman’s glassy eyes fixate on Janus’s face.
 “I forgive you, my prince,” he says, “I forgive you.”
 Roman’s mouth stills.
 “If that is what you need to hear,” he continues, softening his grip, “I forgive you, my prince.”
 “You...you do?”
 “I don’t want you to think that you need my forgiveness for me to love you,” Janus murmurs, “but yes, sweetie. I forgive you.”
 Roman collapses.
 Janus catches him. Of course, he catches him. He curls around his prince and murmurs sweet nothings, reassurances, anything he needs right now.
 It’s messy, it’s frantic, it’s desperate, it’s human.
 He can care for Roman while Roman lets himself be human. So he holds the poor thing while he cries himself out.
 He doesn’t cry himself to sleep again, thankfully, just enough to slump against Janus’s chest and huff.
 “No need to apologize, that was long overdue.” He runs his knuckles up Roman’s back. “Can we get you something to drink?”
 Roman stiffens. “Does that mean going downstairs?”
 “No, sweetie. Come on...”
 He gets Roman seated on the edge of the bed with a glass of water in his hands. Roman drinks, blinking as Janus passes him a warm cloth, then a cool cloth, to clean his face.
 “What do they want me to do,” he asks after he’s finished the glass and the cloths are hanging over the laundry basket, “now?”
 Janus winces. Is he surprised? No.
 “Shh, sweetie, I’m not angry,” he soothes when Roman tenses, “I’m concerned. You’re still—you still need to take care of yourself first before you worry about everyone else.”
  But everyone else is worthy of the worrying, not me.
 Janus hisses gently. Roman just sighs.
 “It’s what you’ve told me,” he mumbles, “I don’t—I can’t just stop it.”
 “I’m not expecting you to be able to just stop it, sweetie, it’s going to take time, but part of it is going to be recognizing what’s not true.”
 “I know.”
 Janus opens his mouth to say something else when Roman gasps, his hand flying to his chest.
 “Sweetie? Sweetie, what is it?”
 “I’m—I’m being summoned.” Roman clutches his shirt, staring up at Janus. “Thomas—Thomas—“
 “I’ll go.” Janus gives Roman’s shoulder a squeeze. “Just wait here for me, sweetie, I’ll be right back.”
 He can still feel the warmth of Roman’s shoulder tingling under his palm as he appears in the living room.
 “I’m sure you have a wonderful reason for trying to summon Roman,” he drawls, raising an eyebrow at a Thomas.
 Thomas looks up from his computer. “We were still filming.”
 Janus stiffens. “You’re not thinking of trying to continue—“
 “What? No, no, I’m saying that while Roman was talking the camera was still rolling.” Thomas points to the screen. “Which means we have it. All of it.”
 Ah, now he sees where Thomas is going.
 “You want them to watch.”
 “They should, shouldn’t they?”
 Yes, a bitter part of Janus growls, they should see how badly they’ve made Thomas’s Ego crumble.
 “What do you think?”
 Thomas rolls his shoulders back. “I think up until Roman said...all of that, I didn’t think the others were wrong either.”
 He glances up at Janus.
 “Did you?”
 Janus huffs. “I don’t think we ever give Roman enough credit for how good of an actor he is.”
 With that, the whole sorry tale spills out of him. He doesn’t reveal the exact nature of the lies, just the broad swaths of them and how many there are. To Thomas’s credit, he deals with it better than Janus expected. That is, he doesn’t burst into tears.
 Thomas takes a deep breath.
 “...yeah, we’re watching this now.”
 “Right now?”
 “Answer me this,” Thomas says, looking up at him again, “where is Roman? Right now?”
 “...on his bed.” At Thomas’s pointed stare, he relents. “He’s not alright, Thomas, he hasn’t been for a very long time.”
 “Then yeah. Right now.”
 “Then I’m going to ask Roman if he wants to be here.”
 Thomas nods. “Can you—can you tell him I’m sorry?”
 “You can do that yourself when he’s ready to hear it.”
 Understandably, Roman does not want to be there. Janus wraps him tightly in the softest blankets he has, tucked up with a pillow and a glass of water nearby if he wants it, along with the reassurance that if Roman wants him back here, at any point, to call. He’ll listen.
 “Thank you.”
 Janus leaves him with one last squeeze, appearing in the living room with the others. Thomas is back to setting up the computer so they can all see the screen.
 “Thomas?” Logan adjusts his tie. “I was unaware we had something scheduled for today.”
 “We didn’t. Spur of the moment.”
 Remus shoots Janus a look. Janus nods. Remus shifts a little closer to him and his hand grips his Morningstar.
 “Is this about the video from yesterday?” Virgil looks around warily. “Or is it something else?”
 “It is about yesterday.”
 “Shouldn’t we...wait for Roman?”  Patton rubs the back of his neck. “He kinda—well, if we’re talking about yesterday—“
 “Roman’s not coming.” Thomas keeps fiddling with the computer.
 Logan raises an eyebrow. “Are we deciding how to film the video without Roman?”
 “No.” Thomas glances at Janus. Janus nods. Thomas looks back at the others. “Roman’s not coming because he doesn’t want to.”
 “What the fuck?”
 “Language, kiddo,” Patton mumbles halfheartedly.
 “Wait, so—“ Virgil doesn’t look so much as chided— “you’re just gonna let Princey throw his temper tantrum and not come work?”
 “How much attention were you guys paying to what happened after you sunk out yesterday?”
 “…not much, why?”
 In response, Thomas just pushes ‘play.’
 Their voices fill the room, telling Roman what he’s done wrong, why he’s holding all of them back, why he’s the source of all their problems. Lies, lies, and more lies. They get to the part where the other three sink out and Remus tightens his grip on the handle.
  “…you want me to apologize?”
 Virgil opens his mouth, presumably to make some quip, only to cut himself off with a strangled noise once Roman’s apologies begin.
 Janus watches with a sick sense of satisfaction as Patton’s hands fly to his mouth, eyes wide at the hopeless tone coming out of the computer. Next to him, Virgil goes rigid, borderline catatonic. He looks as if one little push would send him toppling over.
 He can’t see Logan’s face until Thomas stops the playback. It’s only when Logan takes his glasses off to clean them that he can see the tears on his cheeks.
 Thomas looks up at Janus.
 “Can you still hear them?”
 “The lies?” Thomas nods. “Yes.”
 There’s a moment of silence.
 “Roman is the Ego,” Logan whispers, mostly to himself, “Roman is the Ego. Of course…of course, I understand—I understand now.”
 “What does that mean?”
 Logan takes a deep breath and looks up at Patton. “It means that Roman is Thomas’s sense of self-worth, more or less, and that he—he takes the brunt of Thomas’s reactions to…any sort of feedback, more than any of us. Good or bad.”
 Virgil stifles a curse. “And we’ve taught him to hate himself.”
 “We—“ Patton takes a breath— “we need to apologize.”
 “We all do.” Thomas closes the computer and sets it aside. “I don’t…I don’t know how we do that, though.”
 “Breaking patterns of thinking is hard,” Logan says, “and…especially hard when you have been taught not to ask for help.”
 “But there has to be something!”
 “Touch-starved,” Virgil breaks in, staring at a spot on the carpet, “Roman’s touch-starved.”
 Janus raises an eyebrow.
 “…when I was still having trouble,” Virgil says after a moment of them all looking at him, “Roman—Roman would just come and ask me if I wanted to—to—“
 He hunches his shoulders.
 “Sometimes it’d be a hug. Sometimes he’d sit next to me and—and lean on me. Sometimes he’d just—you know, with the forehead thing—“
 They all turn to Logan, who has…a surprising flush to his cheeks.
 “Roman said that he—he wanted to be able to express affection for me and not disturb my work,” he manages, “so we…came up with a solution.”
 Patton blinks. “Is that why Roman will just walk up to you and bonk his forehead against yours?”
 “That’s adorable,” Thomas says quietly, “that’s—wait, hang on, that’s really adorable.”
 “It was Roman’s idea.” Logan swallows. “Most of his ideas are good.”
 “Yeah,” Thomas says, “maybe we should try telling him that next time.”
 Janus looks around. The others look to be in various states of remorse and determination. With the exception of Remus, who still looks like he wants to bash a few of their skulls in.
 “…can we go hug Roman now?”
 “I wanna do that.”
 “If he’s—“ Logan glances between Thomas and Janus— “do you know if he would be amenable to that? If he—would like that?”
 “We can ask,” Janus says quietly, “but I don’t know.”
 “And if he says no,” Remus growls, “you get out.”
 “We understand, Remus,” Logan promises. He looks at Thomas. “Thank you, Thomas.”
 Thomas shakes his head. “Don’t thank me. Not yet. We all have stuff to fix.”
 Janus adjusts his cape. “Then let’s get started, shall we?”
 They don’t sink right to Roman’s room. Instead, Janus knocks quietly on the door and waits for the soft ‘yes?’ from the other side to open it.
 “Roman,” he calls softly, “hey, sweetie, why’re you over there?”
 Because Roman, the poor thing, is at his desk, trying to work.
 “I’m not angry, sweetie,” he murmurs, arms going around the prince to pull him up out of the desk chair, “just concerned.”
 “I figured that if I got to work they’d be less mad that I wasn’t there,” Roman mumbles, even as he lets Janus pull him back to the bed, “so I…”
 “Oh, sweetie, no one’s angry at you.”
 Roman looks up at him with such a heartbreaking look of disbelief that he lets out a soft noise, cupping his face.
 “Would you believe me if I said they want to apologize and make it up to you?”
 He squints. “Have you believed anything I’ve told you since you woke up?”
 The lack of hesitation makes his eyes widen. Leaning forward, he rests his forehead against Roman’s as he pulls off his gloves, reaching up to cup the prince’s head.
 “I meant every word,” he murmurs, doing his best to wipe away the bits of salt in the corners of his eyes, “every single word.”
 He pauses, then leans closer.
 “They’re sorry, Roman,” he whispers, “they’re so sorry and they want to know how to make it better.”
  They don’t want you. They hate you. They’ve never cared about you. They don’t even want to touch you.
 Janus hisses softly as he pulls Roman in for a hug. The poor thing still reacts like it’s the first time someone’s touched him in years.
 “They want to see you, sweetie,” he whispers, “and I believe their exact words were ‘can we go hug Roman now?’”
 In response, Janus pulls away a little and nods to the door. Roman’s eyes widen.
 “Can we let them in, sweetie?”
 “They’re here?”
 “Right outside.”
 “They want—they want to—“
 Roman’s desperate gaze flies to the door. He raises a shaking hand and lets it open.
 Patton’s through the door before it’s even all the way open. Roman lets out a wounded noise as Patton barrels into them, his arms wrapped around Roman before Janus can blink.
 “I’m sorry, Roman, I’m so sorry, kiddo—“
 Virgil follows not too long after, pulling Roman’s legs into his lap and reaching out to take Roman’s outstretched hand.
 “Hey, Princey,” he says, the growl from not five minutes ago softened to a low rumble, “missed you.”
 “Mis—miss—missed me?”
 “Yeah, Roman, missed you. Didn’t feel the same without you there.”
 Then Logan. As Patton and Virgil move to get Roman into a more comfortable position, Logan sits behind him so that when Roman leans back, his head rests against Logan’s shoulder. Logan reaches up to tangle his fingers in Roman’s hair, smiling softly at the low noise from Roman’s throat.
 Roman nods, still blinking in confusion but lets Logan press his forehead gently to his.
 “Thank you, little star,” he murmurs, smiling at the way Roman’s mouth falls open, “I didn’t forget, Roman, even if I haven’t been the best at showing it.”
 “We don’t hate you, Princey,” Virgil says, squeezing his hand, “and we—well, we owe you one hell of an apology.”
 “But we don’t have to talk about that now.” Patton adjusts his grip around Roman’s waist. “Not if you don’t want to.”
 Remus picks this moment to not walk through the door and climb onto the bed but to sink down through the ceiling and land on top of them.
 “Hey, Ro-Bro.”
 “Re, get off, you—it’s too much.”
Remus rolls to the side, right into Janus’s lap, effectively making sure that none of them are leaving, not that they particularly wanted to.
 Janus watches as Roman slowly asks if they can stay like this for a while, smiling when the answer is a resounding ‘yes,’ the cuddle pile closing in around their prince. Roman’s head rests against the crook of Logan’s neck, one of his hands wrapped in Janus’s, the other in Virgil’s. His legs lie in Virgil’s lap, Patton cuddling him protectively as Logan strokes his head. Remus and Janus keep watch, sentries over the resting prince.
 For the first time, in a long time, as Roman drifts off to sleep, the only lie in his head is this won’t last forever.
 They’ve got time to prove him wrong.
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warm-starlight · 3 years
OOF I made the mistake to check how the aot fandom is reacting to the anime and manga rn and holy fuck... I can't believe that there's SO many people supporting Eren (in the western fandom at least) and constantly trashing the other fans, the series, Isayama and all of the other characters as if genocide and supporting and promoting mass murder wasn't absolutely sick and fucked up smh... these whole yeagarist vs alliance arguments and especially trashing Armin and Levi for no damn reason just because they're trying to save humanity from Eren and getting so much attention and taking it away from their precious "god chad Eren" and bragging about them being "weak and useless deadweights that should just die already" is honestly making me so angry and frustrated ugh, this fandom is the worst and definitely doesn't deserve this series at all...
I really hope the alliance will win and defeat Eren and that both Armin and Levi (and Mikasa too, of course) will play a big part in doing it just to make all of these pathetic "fans" have a meltdown and cry at how "unrealistic, lazy and unfair this trash" is, hatred and whining be damned at this point. I'll trust Isayama to give us a "good" (as good as aot's ending can be tbh) ending since he is a very skilled writer and has planned this whole series out from the beginning (the majority of it at least... not too sure about that last arc and the ending tbh) and most importantly, it's HIS story and characters and he can do whatever he wants with them
Sorry for the salt, but I was honestly super appalled and overwhelmed at all the immature toxicty and useless and unnecessary arguments and complaining about absolutely EVERYTHING and not to mention all the DEATH THREATS directed at all the fans, Isayama, WIT, MAPPA and voice actors just because the series isn't how you want it to be smh... I knew the aot fandom wasn't the best, but damn
Feel free to simply ignore my rant, I just needed to get it out of my system for now, sorry again
SnK fandom has got to be one the most toxic fandoms tbh. Best to remove yourself from all the idiots and laugh at a distance at what clowns they are tbh. I think most of them are 15 and younger. I can't imagine any mature person reacting at a fictional story that didn't go their way in such stupid manner.
As a person who likes positive or bittersweet endings, i would love an ending like Zankyou no terror anime tbh. It made me sob but also i felt relief and happiness at the end.
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monotonicmadness · 5 years
I just need to talk about Impmon from Digimon Tamers
Impmon’s/Beelzemon’s redemption is honesty what makes Digimon Tamers so great to me. Like just look at this problematic idiot. How can’t you love him?
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I mean, there are other things that I don’t remember so well, but I find myself thinking about Impmon so often because I love redemption stories. 
So Impmon starts out detesting and tormenting humans because of how his young human partners treated him like a toy and wouldn’t stop fighting over him out of immaturity. And this is the ironic bit. Unlike most digimon who get a single partner, Impmon is gifted the opportunity to bond with two, but being with them makes him feel like another toy they’ll break.
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Just imagine Impmon in place of that teddy bear.
He runs away and tries so hard to convince himself and others that digimon don’t need human partners because Impmon couldn’t stand seeing others getting on so well. He won’t even accept help from others who can see past his facade. 
But he also feels inferiority over not being able to digivolve without his partners and constantly loses validation for his claim that humans and digimon don’t mix whenever the protagonists grow closer to their partners (to the point of literally fusing).
And this is what leads Impmon to making a deal with a Deva in the digital world for the power to digivolve into Beelzemon at the cost of destroying the protagonists and their friends. At this point, he’s willing to do anything for power because his goddamn inferiority complex almost got him killed recently because he tried to take on an Ultimate level at Rookie level. 
Now he’s a Mega, and he goes fucking mad with power, killing swarms of digimon in his Mega wake. He also gains control over a dope motorcycle that that happens to be in the digital world previously taking over digimon? Just all black leather, a motorcycle, and guns. He just screams the stereotypical hot (don’t quote me on this) villian character now.
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-slaps roof of Beelzemon- This baby can fuck up so much shit.
He finds the protagonists and destroys Leomon BY PLUNGING HIS ARM THROUGH HIM before absorbing his digital code. 
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Now Leomon was the partner digimon of Jeri, one of the friends of the protagonists, and she’s understandably very shaken by this because she basically just met Leomon, and they were getting along about as well as any girl with her new lion man bff, and that is of course very well. 
And of course the protagonists aren’t having this either. The main main protagonist Takato (he has the red digimon, so he’s the leader, right?) gets so goddamn furious that he forces his partner to mega digivolve to Megidramon out of pure rage. And Megidramon is just about the nastiest mofo of the digital world.
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This thing looks like it eats babies.
See, this is Impmon/Beelzemon’s toxic behavior propagating onto others. Like Takato is a just and good kid, and he has a great relationship with his partner, Guilmon. BUT HE STRAIGHT UP FORCES GUILMON TO DIGIVOLVE AGAINST HIS WILL. The fucking digivolution nearly causes a system meltdown because it is such a digital hazard, indicating that this motherfucker is about as toxic as it gets.
But Takato realizes how toxic all this is and manages to stop Megidramon and attain Guilmon’s true mega form Gallantmon, the most chivalrous mofo of a digimon you’ll ever see. 
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They’ve managed to overcome toxicity and Gallantmon even shows Takato’s and Guilmon’s bond growing strong enough after this little setback to fucking fuse. They took all of Beezlemon’s toxicity and turned it into a force for good... and then fucking whooped Beelzemon’s ass with it. 
And Beelzemon is only spared because of Jeri’s pleading for no more death. This is a giant blow for Beelzemon. Like what is he supposed to do now? He got the power he wanted, still lost, and was saved by a human he fucking devastated. 
The obvious next course of action is to let swarms of the digimon you were previously murdering take their revenge and end up nearly dead and get saved by the same people you were trying to kill. Nice. 
Well these kinds of events are very likely to alter any logical person’s way of looking at things. Impmon was forced to come face-to-face with reality, and reality fucking wrecked him and let him live. He showed up all toxic and demonic and the protagonists turned it all back on him.
Thankfully, he immediately realized the error of his ways and wanted to change. His first step was to reconcile with his young partners who have done a little mental maturing of their own. They finally show him the respect and kindness he had been craving.
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And at this point in the series, a powerful threat has entered the human world. This entity ends up capturing Jeri and locking her away (for whatever reason I forget). Impmon feels that he must help his friends (they’re his friend now. ain’t it grand?). So what does he do? He LITERALLY leaves his comfort zone of being with his partners to go help the protagonists even though he is still in his rookie Impmon form. Like he is about as effective as trying to punch a bullet bare-handed at this point, but he still goes.
And his resolve and the newfound love of his partners allow him to mega digivolve naturally and even attain his more advanced Blast Mode mega form with some kickass black wings and a blaster. He is now far more powerful and can now punch that bullet with another bullet (laser). 
He shows up to the battles to help. Now he realizes how this must all look like he’s trying to fix everything now by helping. But he knows that he can’t change the past and feels that he is beyond forgiveness. He just wants to do what’s right and save Jeri.
Now, besides the badassery that is CORONA DESTROYER, 
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his attempts to rescue Jeri are some very chills-inducing scenes. Jeri is in a kind of catatonic state during all of this and doesn’t really notice the attempts to save her yet.
So Beelzemon ends up losing his blaster and has to rely on his bare fists to punch the shit out of a giant eyeball holding Jeri (yes, really). Now his blaster did basically nothing to this eyeball, so he is desperately punching at this point hoping for it to work. 
He realizes he isn’t powerful enough, so he calls out for more power. As he has been punching, Jeri begins to awaken from her state and starts to ask for Beelzemon’s help. 
And here’s where the chills start. Beelzemon took in Leomon’s data, so Leomon’s soul (I guess) and will now reside in Beelzemon. So the move that ends up opening a quickly closing hole in the eyeball is Leomon’s Fist of the Beast King. 
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Now obviously Jeri is very shocked by this because she literally sees Leomon in Beelzemon. She can’t believe this. There is just so much pain in remembering Leomon, and she is frozen solid when Beelzemon reaches into the hole to try to save her. 
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“You’re not Leomon.” (chills)
The hole closes up, and Beelzemon fails and ends up defeated and reverted to Impmon, and that’s the end of his part in this battle. And I think this says a lot. You can try to do good to make up for the mistakes of the past, but those mistakes still have consequences and can even hinder your ability to do good. That’s just how it be. You can’t help everything even with your best intentions. (I’m still pretty mad she didn’t take his hand though tbh. Like salvation was right there dammit. But I get it.)
But everything does end up for the best with the usual good beats evil stuff (and the unfortunate return of the digimon to the digital world), and Jeri does forgive Impmon.
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Actual precious child Impmon overwhelmed with forgiveness. 
 Anyway, I just wanted to rant about my love for Impmon’s story. That’s all.
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