#he has to be blonde bc there’s no accurate hair colour :(
smushystrawbabies · 1 year
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Red Dead Crossing? Animal Redemption? Cowboy Crossing? 😰😰
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whattimeisitfic · 3 months
Hey, Hey! I wanted to draw some stuff for your fic, but I had a question. Do you have more details on how Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael look? I know Gabriel has some fem-characteristics and Michael seems to be the largest of the angels. No pressure tho!
Okok, I’ve actually had someone ask me about their appearances before so I’ll just post my response to them to give you a guideline, and if you had anymore questions just let me know duckling. The format of this is: there will be a number w/ a question they asked, and below that I answer it. (The questions came from @the-stress-express if you wanna check out their WIP)
Anyway, here u are:
1. Are Micheal, Gabriel, and Raphael kind of like copy-paste versions of Lucifer? Like, do they have Lucifer’s red cheek spots? Do they all have white ass skin like Lucifer?
- I imagine they all have white skin, and that Rals has the cheek spots, but Micheal and Gabriel do not. They’re kinds copy and pasted, but with a bit of variation in body structure (Rals being more rounded, Micheal a tad bit more square). And also while I’m here, I’ll say that Raphael is a little bit taller than Luci (probably just under Charlie’s height) and that Gabriel and Micheal are the same height, and quite a bit taller than their two brothers.
2. What kind of hairstyles, textures, and hair colours do they have? I’ll probably take some creative liberty, so don’t feel too pressured for detailed explanations, but I want to hear your designs so I can make it accurate to your vision. Also, I’ve heard theories that Micheal’s hair is a lot like Lucifer’s but idk if you are having that there.
Okay, we’ll go through this character by character.
Micheal - Same blondness as Lucifer, but perhaps a little shorter. Maybe a little fluffier at the top? Idk. No real big picture ideas.
Gabriel - Long, silky, straight dark brown hair. It comes down to about his mid-back/chest area, and it’s all like flowy and elegant and pretty well maintained. Shiny probably too
Raphael - Pretty much a mix between the others. Kinda like Lucifer’s style, but curlier, and with a similar brown hue to Gabriel’s (tho a little bit lighter). Again, no real preference other than that, go wild!
3. Eye colour. I remember you stated that Micheal has gold eyes, but what about Gabriel and Raphael? I feel like you mentioned it at some point but I forgot.
I honestly can’t remember what I said either, but I’ve been picturing Raphael with green eyes, and Gabriel with something more greyish-blue hued? I think. Idk if that reflects in what I’ve written but that’s what my brain had decided they look like now.
4. Did you have specific designs for the 3 angels’ robes? Or does it matter what they look like? If it doesn’t matter to you I’ll just let creativity take over there.
Not really. Just that Micheal’s are white/gold, Gabriel’s are a pretty pale blue, and Raphy’s are a pale, rich green (with the green being more on the blue side than the yellow). I struggle w/ outfits so I usually just don’t put much thought into them.
5. I will obviously include Raphael’s beautiful hummingbird wings. So do Micheal and Gabriel have specific wing styles? And furthermore, we know Lucifer had 6 wings bc he’s a former seraphim. I forget but, in this fic, are his brothers seraphims too? I feel dumb for asking but whatever lmao.
Yeah, they def all have six wings. I imagine Micheal’s looking more eagle-like, and… idk about Gabriel. It might be cool if he had more of a “pigeon-y” shape to them as a fun little correlation to his messenger status, but idrc. Do what you think looks best
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babycracker · 3 years
Fire Meet Gasoline: Chapter 6
chapter rating: teen & up story rating: explicit pairing: morgan/m!oc (tanner drake) & farah/f!oc (sadie kennedy) word count: ~2.7k chapter warnings: none story warnings: eventual smut, canon-typical violence, au - canon divergent a/n: as you can see, pairings have changed and i've added some warnings for the future bc this entire story has taken an unexpected turn and it's going to be much bigger than manner now. please don't hesitate to let me know if you wanna be taken off of the tags!
read it on ao3 here
Sadie was sure that she'd have more time than this. Six months isn't long, after all. Well, technically four months. She's been basically on the run for the last two.
She'd had four months to enjoy being twenty-one before the Agency had contacted her about signing the treaty, and for the two months since not so politely telling them to shove it she'd been dodging the bounty hunter that she'd evidently been assigned to.
He was an idiot. A troll, she was sure of it. Big and imposing and clumsy and menacing… but stupid. She hasn't seen him in a few weeks though, and she's starting to relax, fairly sure that she's lost him.
So, for the first time in the week and a half that she's been in this city she's daring to leave her room at the hostel and check out some of what could well be her new home. She pulls her hoodie on, reluctantly pulling the hood over her head and eyeing the bland grey of the fabric with disdain for a moment. Dreadfully boring, and dreadfully cliché - a banshee roaming around donning a grey hood - but she still needs to keep a low profile. Just for a little bit longer.
Everyone's heard about the supernatural bar in the city, such things are not exactly common, though no one seems to know where it is. It would seem the only way to find out is by word of mouth, and unfortunately she doesn't know anyone here, and she can't exactly go up to random people and ask them where the local supernaturals hang.
It would really be preferable; at just over 4'3 she doesn't exactly fit in with humans, but she supposes she'll just have to make do as she heads down the street. She sticks cautiously close to the buildings, avoiding the laughing groups of people and curiously looking around at the bright and colourful nightlife.
She could get used to this.
But for now, she resigns herself to something less flashy, a not quite as cheerful and slightly shabby bar with a bright green neon sign shining from its façade reading Shakers.
Looks good enough for now, so she steps inside, a grin spreading across her face as she takes in the atmosphere. God she's missed being around humans, and this place is packed with some of the rowdiest ones she's ever seen. Her favourite kind.
There's no dancing space as far as she can see (disappointing) but the bar is huge and there are booths lining every wall, the space in the middle filled with several pool tables.
She weaves her way through the crowd, thankfully remaining largely unnoticed, and slips up onto a stool at the bar, breathing out a sigh of relief now that her height is less obvious. She spins around on her seat, leaning one elbow on the bar and watching a group of guys at the closest pool table, trying (unsuccessfully) to gather some kind of hint at how to play the game, when a voice from behind distracts her.
"What are you drinking, pretty?"
She turns, expecting to find a bartender but instead there's a man on her side of the bar and uncomfortably close, a charming and yet slightly unsettling smile on his face. She forces one to her own to keep her frown away, the eerie sense of this guy being bad news creeping through her mind and making her thoughts slightly foggy.
“I’m really not much of a drinker, thanks anyway.”
He’s good looking enough, blonde hair, bright blue eyes and dimples in both cheeks on proud display as he grins at her. But her advanced senses are ringing every bell inside of her, warning her not to trust him.
“C’mon darl, no one comes to a bar unless they want a drink,” he presses, reaching out and letting his fingertips brush against the sliver of bare wrist peeking out from the sleeve of her hoodie.
She gasps and recoils too fast to be able to reign it in, her face twisting into a frown as she pulls her sleeves down and clutches them in her fists to cover her hands entirely. She really should've worn her gloves.
He lifts both hands in front of him, a kind of peace offering, and takes a slight step back. “Woah, take it easy. I didn’t mean to overstep.”
“It’s fine,” she clears her throat, hoping it’ll take the obvious rasp out of her voice as she struggles to get any words out at all. He grins and slides onto the stool next to her.
“If I promise not to touch you again, will you come and join us?”
She eyes him carefully for a moment before letting out a resigned sigh and giving a small nod. He seems nice enough, respectful enough. And she’s never been given any kind of guarantee that her perception is always one hundred percent accurate. Maybe she gets it wrong sometimes. Maybe she’s been disregarding people her entire life based on what she sees of them on the inside, and some of them didn’t deserve disregarding.
She’s been on her own since she ran away from home after her parents’ relentless persistence that she signed the Agency’s treaty became too much, she could do with some friends. Maybe now she can’t afford to turn down every single person that gives her a slight dishonest vibe. Who is completely honest these days anyway?
He grins again and gets to his feet, nodding towards one of the pool tables as a gesture for her to follow him. “I’m Axle.”
“Sadie,” she replies, reluctantly slipping off her seat and noticing the way he immediately arches an eyebrow at her height. He’s a demon, a supernatural, he’s probably already worked out that she’s not human and she just about winces as she waits for the inevitable questions.
They don’t come, however. He’s either much more polite than she’d expected, naïve and just thinks that she’s short, or he’s already worked out what she is and is choosing to stay quiet about it in this public space.
She follows him over to the pool table where a group of five other men are standing around playing a game, and a brief wave of panic surges through her when she realises that they’re probably all demons. They usually hang out with their own kind, and it would mean that she’s heavily outnumbered by a group of supernaturals far more dangerous and powerful than she is.
They barely spare her a glance though as she comes to stand at Axle’s side, and he barely offers an introduction in turn, instead waving his arm around the group and simply referring to them as “the guys”.
It’s probably for the best. She can handle one demon, should the need arise, she can slink away from him unnoticed, but once she has the attention of an entire group of them she’s not exactly sure how she’d get away if she needed to.
For someone that doesn’t talk a whole lot, Morgan sure spends a lot of time on the phone. Tanner hadn’t expected her to be so… clingy. She seems to really miss the rest of Unit Bravo now that she’s stuck away from them, which seems strange to him given that he’d assumed she wasn’t so different from him and would enjoy the break and getting to do her own thing (apart from having to work with him, of course) for a while.
But she’s on the phone again. Granted, she’s talking to Adam about their mission, but still. The number of questions she’d had about what they were supposed to do had been alarming to Tanner until he’d realised that she was most likely just coming up with the need for so much clarification as an excuse to speak to someone from her team.
Whatever her reasons though, he’s bored. He gets bored quite often with her, he realises, and he finds himself watching her on the other side of the room from where he’s kicked back on the couch, obviously and shamelessly checking her out as she paces and speaks in a hushed voice into the phone. Maybe it’d be different if he worked with her a little more; in regard to both her flirtation and their current job. At first, it’d been fun to irk her and get on her nerves but it’s already starting to get old - even for him - and he decides that maybe he should make more of an effort to be agreeable if they’re going to be stuck together for now. Or he could at least sleep with her. That might relieve some of her tension and get her to stop being such a hardass, at least.
She runs a hand through her hair and turns to face him, scowling when she notices his attention and lifting her middle finger at him before turning away.
He grins and sits up straight when she finally ends the call and turns to face him again.
“They want us to go to that bar tonight,” she tells him before he has a chance to say anything, and he groans dramatically and slides down to a slouching position, throwing his head back against the back of the couch and closing his eyes.
“It’s all work with you,” he complains, opening his eyes again when he hears her moving and watching her cross the room and start to pull her jacket on.
“We are on a job at the moment, so yeah, it’s all work.”
“You know this place isn’t gonna be like Mickey’s, right?”
She pulls a face, only small and only for the briefest second but he catches it anyway and for the first time sees how uncertain she is about having to be in that kind of environment.
“You gonna be good?” he adds, trying to sound at least a little sympathetic.
It actually surprises him how much he cares about how much this is going to affect her, and not just for the job. It’s going to be a pain in the ass, definitely. Having to keep an eye on her and make sure she’s not overwhelmed while trying to do his job at the same time, but more than that, whenever he thinks about how painful this is going to be for Morgan his stomach twists slightly, churning uncomfortably and making him feel… he doesn’t even know. Worried? Is this what worry for somebody else is?
Probably not. He’s probably just dreading having to babysit her.
He can already practically hear her teeth grinding by the time they get to the door of Shakers, let alone inside. They can hear (to be fair, godawful) rock music as well as the noise of what sounds like a pretty big crowd through the door, and he casts a glance in her direction. Her jaw’s clenched, brow furrowed, and eyes narrowed as she stares at the door before turning to the side and meeting his gaze.
“What? We going in or not?” she snaps, and he shrugs and waves a hand at her, gesturing to her general demeanour.
“I dunno, are we?”
She rolls her eyes and steps away from him, but he sees her shoulders rise and fall as she takes a deep breath before pushing the door open.
It’s loud. Really loud. Not too bright at least, but even he immediately catches the faint scent of alcohol, cigarettes and weed in the air. He can only imagine how strong it is to her.
His concerns for her are quickly overshadowed though when it takes less than a minute for his eyes to land on a group of men playing pool near the back of the room. He recognises them straight away, which means that they’re going to recognise him straight away and they’ll be gone before he and Morgan have gotten anywhere near them.
“Shit,” he mutters, ducking his head and turning to face Morgan more so as to turn himself away from them.
“What?” she snaps, glaring at him and not seeming to realise that something’s gone wrong, too caught up in trying to distract herself from the sensations bombarding her.
“I know them,” he answers distractedly, looking her up and down for a moment before casting a quick glance around the room in search of somewhere quieter. Something that doesn’t seem to exist in this bar.
He grabs her hand and pulls her over to the bar, nudging her to sit up on one of the stools and standing beside her, draping an arm over her shoulders and leaning in close to her. The close contact seemed to work the previous day when she was starting to become overwhelmed on the street outside, there’s no reason to think that it won’t work again in here.
“What do you mean you know them?” she asks, her voice a little less impatient as she leans back against him slightly, and he doesn’t miss the soft sigh of relief she lets out as he feels her body start to relax a little.
He doesn’t know why physical contact with him, of all people, seems to help her out but he’s going to count it as a bonus when it means that he’s able to set her at ease enough for her to function in these situations.
He glances back towards the pool table, but looks away again just as quickly, leaning down closer to Morgan to hide his face when he sees that the group are starting towards the door.
“They know you?” Morgan finally seems to click on, looking quickly towards the group and then back at him, and he only just realises how close he’s gotten to her when her nose just about brushes against his when she does it.
“Mhm,” he distractedly hums in reply, and she studies him for a moment before a small smirk crosses her face.
“I’ve been trying to get this close to you since we met, and now you’re telling me all it would’ve taken was a few demons to scare you?”
This bitch. He frowns at her, his arm dropping away from her shoulders as he straightens up again and moves away from her, temporarily forgetting that he’s trying to hide himself.
“I am not scared.” He spits indignantly.
Of all the things for her to say. Scared.
“You sure, sweetheart?”
Condescension drips from every word and his frown deepens into a glare. “Fuck you.”
“They’re going to see you,” she ignores his insult and nods behind him, and his eyes dart towards the group that have thankfully already moved past him when he remembers that whatever she thinks about him, them seeing him would be a disaster and if they knew that he was after them they’d be looking for them for weeks.
He subtly watches them go, waiting until the last two people are through the door, a blonde guy and a freakishly short girl, and then grabs Morgan’s hand and pulls her off of the stool. “Come on.”
He practically drags her out onto the street, making sure to keep a fair distance away from the group without losing sight of them through the crowd until he realises where they’re going.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Morgan mutters from beside him, obviously realising the same thing at the same time, and he stops and watches them step through the doors of the same motel that they’re staying in.
He grins and looks over at her, letting go of her hand. “Our job just got a whole lot easier.”
“You think?”
He doesn’t bother answering, just heads towards the motel once he’s sure that they’ve had a chance to get to their room and he’s not about to run into them in the lobby.
He’s stayed here countless times, he knows pretty much the entire reception staff, it shouldn’t be too hard for him to find out what room they’re staying in and pay them a visit when they’re not expecting it. Then all he needs to do is convince Morgan that he doesn’t need her help with his next job, they can go their separate ways, and everyone will be happy.
tags (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @admdmrtn @masonsfangs @homeformyheart @mmerengue @agentsunshine @bravomckenzie @freckles-spangledvampire @mistyeyedbi @kelseaaa @fhauvilles @amlovelies @forestcreatures @maraudern05 @kat-tia801 @alyssalauren @agentnolastname @utterlyinevitable @masonscig
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arwenkenobi48 · 2 years
Pandæmonium Character Design: Lucifer Satan Morningstar
Here’s his default form, which was inspired by traditional depictions of Greek sirens
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The only bits of his character model I wasn’t able to add were peacock feathers resembling eyes all over his wings (bc biblically accurate angels have those and it just leans into the idea of him having false wing eyes and being a fallen angel) and a rattlesnake rattle on the end of his tail.
But anyways, here’s his angel form (and his true hair colour beneath that blonde wig)
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That garden in the background is supposed to be Eden btw. The silver tiara Lucifer wears is meant to be a mockery of a halo. He’s petty, pompous and altogether a shallow, vindictive and self-serving demon.
Superficially he can be very charming, almost endearing, to some humans. He can also change his voice on a whim (although he typically sounds like Darth Vader talking like a valley girl) and can hypnotise people by singing their favourite songs. He also composed the famous Devil’s Trill sonata and his influencer/pop idol persona is Angelo Lightborn (yeah he’s not very subtle about it).
He and Mephistopheles are are also a thing, as specified/mentioned in previous posts. They have a son named Rosier (Ross to his friends) and their relationship is unconventional, but oddly cute.
Satan is his middle name, which Lilith calls him by whenever she’s pissed at him (which happens a lot). Mephistopheles affectionately calls him Luci. If anyone else attempted to do this, Lucifer would probably eviscerate them on the spot. Lucifer will sometimes introduce himself as Satan for the sake of dramatic effect. He also has the three headed hellhound Cerberus as a pet, albeit disguised as a cashew-coloured French bulldog.
And now, a quote from Lucifer during the process of falling off of his limo after trying to film himself singing and dancing on the roof while it’s moving for Tiktok: “You’re dancing on my heart again, guilty rhythm has got no time- OWW! Son of a bitch!”
Yeah he’s kind of a dumbass. Hope you all like this!
Lucifer: *munching the Forbidden Fruit, which is a peach* Wassup humans?
PS: The main ideas for his design came from Lucifer’s fallen angel disguise in the Christian show Superbook, as well as the Fallen Angel painting by Alexandre Cabanel.
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meg-blog-main · 7 years
85 Questions Tag
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people tagged by: @night-and-stars-eternal - thank you so much!! It helped keep me occupied in the ride queues 
I’m tagging : @themasterfangirl @fandoms-with-a-demigod @illyriangoddess @my-boyo-fenrys @saholiveira7 @thatsecretfangirl @xxnasooravsmadnessxx @spires-to-heaven @cheschi @ellxox It's optional and sorry if I've tagged anyone who's already done this, I just tagged as many as I could (whoops not 20) Last: 1. drink: a pineapple fizzy drink 
2. phone call: le bf 
3. text message: telling my boyfriend to stop messing with my bookcase while I'm away (he and his dad are doing some deco work for us) 
4. song you listened to: Be our Guest - Beauty and the Beast 
5. time you cried: On the Universal Harry Potter simulator - I saw Hermione and just welled up 
6. dated someone twice: No 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: No 
8. been cheated on: No 
9. lost someone special: No 
10. been depressed: maybe at some point but I've never been diagnosed 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: No because I'm usually the one who looks after the drunks in the last year have you …
 15. made new friends: No 
16. fallen out of love: No, but I lost a lot of 'best friends' 
17. laughed until you cried: So many times - my sister is nuts 
18. found out someone was talking about you: Yes bc I used to be friends with so many toxic people! 
19. met someone who changed you: Not in the last year, but apparently I've been a lot happier recently 
20. found out who your friends are: Definitely yes the end of school sucked 
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Yeah 
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them 
23. do you have any pets: 2 cats, Ellie and Jasper 
24. do you want to change your name: when I was younger but I'm okay with it now 
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went out to a restaurant with my parents, sister, and bf and got given a really cool Moulin Rouge! cake 
26. what time did you wake up: 9 am 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: reading kanej fanfics 
28. name something you can’t wait for: getting my exam results in two weeks but I'm also a nervous wreck 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 10/15 mins ago ? 
31. what are you listening to right now: some background music at Epcot 
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes he's a knob 
33. something that is getting on your nerves: my sister's loud chewing 34. most visited website: tumblr, Instagram 
35. hair colour: like a blonde brown colour - see Feyre Archeron bc I can't explain it 
36. long or short hair: shoulder length 
37. do you have a crush on someone: le bf 
38. what do you like about yourself: My intelligence 
39. piercings: ears 
40. blood type: O- I think 
41. nickname: Meg, Meggie by certain people 
42. relationship status: taken 
43. zodiac: Pisces , but horoscopes tend to be 75% accurate 
44. pronouns: she/her 
45. favourite tv show: Game of Thrones, ATLA, Handmaid's tale, Stranger Things, FMA:B 
46. tattoos: No, i'd only ever get something small and sentimental 
47. right or left handed: right 
48. surgery: No 
49. piercing: ears - I don't want any more 
50. sport: Hockey (field) , Dance !!!! (My one true love) , I like swimming too 
51. vacation: I'd love to go to Japan 
52. pair of trainers: I have Nikes but I'm more in love with converse 
53. eating: a melon flavour snow cone 
54. drinking: water 
55. i’m about to: watch the Epcot fireworks ! 
56. waiting for: to get my exam results , get home to check my bookcase bc I stg if any page corners are folded 
57. want: Get better at arting and writing, get A's and A*s in my results (especially A* history) 
58. get married: at least not until I've finished Uni 
59. career: Hopefully something history based, maybe lawyer 
60. hugs or kisses: both, but i’m a super cuddly person 
61. lips or eyes: eyes 
62. shorter or taller: taller 
63. older or younger: at least the same age - maybe a year younger 
64. nice arms or nice stomach: both I guess 
65. hook up or relationship: relationship 
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant 
67. kissed a stranger: No 
68. drank hard liquor: No 
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I don't have glasses 20/20 vision yo 
70. turned someone down: Like once in year eight??? 
71. sex on the first date: No 
72. broken someone’s heart: No 
73. had your heart broken: by a toxic friend I guess 
74. been arrested: No, I'm super sensible tbh and my dad is ex-police 
 75. cried when someone died: only at fictional characters & Alan Rickman because no one close to me has passed away 
76. fallen for a friend: never a super close friend 
do you believe in …
77. yourself: it depends, self confidence fluctuates 
78. miracles: I am yet to experience one 
79. love at first sight: No 
80. santa claus: I used to, until I was like 7/8 
81. kiss on the first date: depends how long you've known them 82. angels: Yes
83. current best friend’s name: Charlotte (my love) 
84. eye colour: Light blue/grey - again see Feyre Archeron 
85. favourite movie: Moulin Rouge! But live action Beauty and the Beast is a very close second
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