#he looks so good in your style too aughh
fallenclan · 9 months
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Drew this for some comfort :3
trans masc icon frfr!!!!!!
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lucalicatteart · 11 months
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 16: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
Yesterday's poll decided that The Adventurer should offer to help the travelers with their broken wagon.....
After much internal deliberation (and some zoning out staring at butterflies), The Adventurer decides it would be best to offer his assistance. Technically, he IS still following his goal of not getting distracted, because theoretically it would make his journey much faster if he were able to catch a ride on a carriage. So really, this is all an ultimate big brain genius strategy for maximizing efficient travel.. Or, at least that sounds like a good enough justification to him.
Gathering up all of his social courage, he approaches one of the travelers fiddling with a broken wheel near the far end of the carriage and meekly asks if there's anything he could do to help.
The man was so focused on his task, he seems initially startled to look up and find someone near him. "OH..! Oh, uhh.. help? With the wagon?", he smiles pleasantly, gesturing towards a few wooden boards that are just out of his reach, "Sure, kid. If you could just hand me th-"
"Apologies, but we actually won't be needing your assistance, stranger." A taller man, surprisingly almost matching the stature of the Adventurer, suddenly slinks out from somewhere behind the carriage, sternly placing himself like a barrier in front of the man working on the wheel. Wheel Guy nervously averts his eyes, making himself smaller, silently resuming his work.
The Adventurer tries his best to maintain composure against the weight of the tall man's bitter gaze, but can't seem to muster much of a response "Aeughh,,, uh… b-but, h- Bu--HHHh,,?.."
"Look, disregard whatever my father told you, he's old, never has any clue what he's talking about. It'd be best for you to simply move along." ('Father'? They don't look alike at all, and seem to be nearly the same age..)
"W-well.. he.. he didn't really tell me anything, I me-hhH,,.. I mean, I literally just got here, s-so...."
"Good. Even more reason to be on your way."
Placing a gloved hand firmly on his shoulder, the tall man begins to motion the Adventurer away from the wagon, but a strange noise interrupts, echoing from inside. Perhaps some sort of animal sound? Or a person faintly yelling about something? Or… both?
"WH-wHggg… whAT was t-that???!!" The Adventurer immediately stops in place, pausing to listen as the tall man keeps trying to push him ahead.
"I didn't hear anything, stranger."
"No, t-there.. was dEFinitely, UHH, a-"
"Likely something in the forest."
"Wh--aah... d.. do you think it was an animal?"
The tall man continues a dramatic struggle to 'subtly' drag him further down the road, whilst the Adventurer mindlessly digs in his heels, too distracted to even notice he's being so strongly prompted to leave.
"Many animals do, indeed, exist within forests. This should not be suprising."
"...It's just.. ..eughh… s… so weird…"
"I assure you, it is not."
"I-it really sounded like.. like it came f-from insid-"
"Yes, from inside the forest. Now, please, if you would.."
The noise interrupts again. It's definitely someone, or something, in some sort of distress.. And definitely from inside of the cart.
"wHoAAGH, aa!!! T-tHat's NOT from the f-forest, that-"
The tall man fully just shoves him now, sending the Adventurer toppling across the dirt, clumsily rolling and landing just past the other side of the carriage. A mother and young child who seem to be part of the traveling group simply stare down at him with empty blank gazes, wholly unconcerned about helping him up.
As the Adventurer fumbles back to his feet (still confused as to why he was even pushed in the first place), the tall man looms by the carriage, diligently watching to ensure that he leaves.
"Travel safe, stranger."
Despite his initial obliviousness, the Adventurer begins to piece the situation together as he stares back at the man, now fully convinced something suspicious might be going on...
…What should he do next??
Additional Information
the adventurer's current main quest: follow his map to reach the abandoned castle ruins and see the rare animal specialist about the mysterious egg he has
#paventure posting#poll#polls#choose your own adventure#ERM.. ... hee hee... yes.. alas.. it has been like two months since the last one lol#IT'S SUMMER!!!! how can anyone function in the summer..? It's literally 83F in my room indoors right now at this moment at NIGHT#I'm about to go to sleep.. who can sleep in an 80+ degree room comfortably?? ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#Really no hope of productivity at all from like June - September basically... EVIL.. and also the spring this year had some heat waves so#AUGhh... my nemesis the Summer.. Or moreso capitalism is my nemesis for worsening climate change and also keeping people in such#economic inequality that cheap apartments with terrible ventilation get made and people cant afford air conditioners and etc. etc.#but ALSO... the summer... grrrr.. 'Heat' you will never be famous.. you will always be lame nasty and so forth..#ANYWAY.. also sorry this is another blurb that's longer. The text is always longer when there's actually spoken interactions lol#I know I'm not very good at this style of writing (especially when rushing with these) so I always feel kind of awkward having really long#sections people will have to slog through or etc ghbjhjh but.. I don't really know how it make it shorter. the interaction#is just the interaction. certain things must be said and conveyed. peace and love on planet orth.#Ough it's been so long I almost forgot to draw his injuries lol.. in-world it's only been what like.. a day? since he got into a fight with#that mysterious cloaked person who was tracking him to steal the egg. I also always just forget how to draw him in between breaks#hopefully his hair and stuff doesn't look too different. They're meant to be really quick sketches anyway but still.. you at least want him#to be recognizable lol#ANYWAY.. another update from the Son.. what is he up to on his little traveles...
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lilis-doodle-dome · 8 months
I have so many questions about every dynamic you can think of for this au im so interested in hearing more about the tenma siblings (toya included) and nene + emu's relationship with tsukasa
im also interested to hear how the dynamic between ena and mafuyu, emu and mafuyu, + rui and mizuki changes.
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There is not enough space in these charts for any real information aughh, sorry for the weird text sizing. Also I didn’t put that much effort into editing Kasa/Mafu in these images haha
But relationship charts between the group! Sorry it doesn’t answer every question, but hopefully it’s enough? Feel free to ask more if anything needs clarification!
Here’s a transcript:
Tsukasa- Emu: Always tries to make me smile, but should she really waste her energy on me?…Sometimes she reminds me of Saki when she was younger
Tsukasa-Nene: Stronger than she seems. The least chaotic of the others, when we’re together she doesn’t expect anything. It’s…nice, although it might not be good.
Tsukasa-Rui: Always has something new to try, but I think it’s more for his own curiosity than for my self discovery. He knows a lot, could be more helpful if he ever shared it.
Emu-Tsukasa: Someone important to me that I’ll help find the smile of, no matter what! You’re no oohm doom villain Tsukasa-kun!
Emu-Nene: The most wonderhoy singer! Thank you for helping me see what it means to be a leader, I promise to never lose sight of my troupe again.
Emu-Rui: He always has the best, most fun ideas! I really appreciate his support, we always do best with his directing!
Nene-Tsukasa: He can seem pretty intimidating, but he’s actually rather clueless. I hope he can figure himself out, just not at the expense of others.
Nene-Emu: You’ve grown into a person deserving of the title of leader and I’m grateful you brought us together. I know you’re determined about your goal, but don’t forget we’re here too.
Nene-Rui: I’ll get stronger, I won’t turn a blind eye to you ever again.
Rui-Tsukasa: He tests anything I ask of him without complaint, I wish I could say that was a good thing. Let’s keep using each other until we’ve found what we’re really looking for, okay?
Rui-Nene: I’m glad she’s standing up for herself more, but I hope she knows there’s nothing she needs to make up for. It’s just nice to perform with her again.
Rui-Emu: A truly admirable person, she’s dedicated herself wholeheartedly to other’s smiles. Your smile is something precious as well though, don’t forget that.
Mafuyu-Kanade: A musical genius to match my lyrical! Her soft mannerisms belie her unmatched stubbornness, she’ll ever so gently, tell me I’m doing too much, all while she neglects herself! How confounding!
Mafuyu-Ena: She reminds me of those small dogs that get a poor reputation for being aggressive, despite it being people ignoring their fear signals that cause those reactions. That being said, it’s rather entertaining how differently she responds to Kanade versus Mizuki.
Mafuyu-Mizuki: They’ve introduced me to many new styles I’ve never experienced before. It’s amazing how they can make the most intimidating outings seem approachable. I enjoy any and all time spent with them!
Kanade-Mafuyu: She can’t see how she’s hurting herself for the sake of others. I need to help her, someone who can actually save others- shouldn’t have to suffer for it.
Kanade-Ena: Her art is still filled with hurt, but I’m glad she’s found some peace in our group. If only I could do more for her…
Kanade-Mizuki: They always have the frankest opinions of everyone else and seem to speak their mind freely, yet rarely say anything about themself. Their perspective is always appreciated though.
Ena-Mafuyu: Aren’t the big headed types supposed to not actually be good at everything? How is that fair at all, and she’s even got the nerve to be a nice person! I’ll show her-
Ena-Kanade: She’s wonderful. The soft, patient voice-of-reason needed to reign in the group, listening to her music is like a miracle cure for bad days.
Ena-Mizuki: They’re an insistent pest, that won’t leave me in peace. I guess I don’t hate the company though and they are good at putting together outfits for photos.
Mizuki-Mafuyu: A willing dress-up doll, she’s pretty enough to be one too! Kinda reminds me of an old friend with how many questions she asks about everything, guess geniuses have that in common.
Mizuki-Kanade: Always makes sure everyone feels comfortable and safe. It’s really nice to have a space I won’t be judged…
Mizuki-Ena: She’s way too funny not to tease, but she’s just as capable as the rest of the group. It’s kinda scary how easy she is to talk to, wouldn’t want to say anything I regret.
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snurgle07 · 8 months
Say all your psychonauts 2 thoughtS
All of them huh? I think about this game so much, I’d be here all day, but this certainly gives me a good excuse to ramble about some things I love about pn2. :D
- The characters are amazing! 10/10 I care about pretty much all of those freaks. The art style makes them all look so charming in a lopsided weird sort of way, and the game is so empathetic to everyone that even the characters we don’t get much of or who serve a limited purpose still feel well rounded and real.
- Raz is excellent. He’s loads of fun in the first game and continues to be a blast in the second. He’s even more adorable and earnest in the sequel and I love that for him!! He’s definitely one of my favorite characters of all time, I adore him.
- Adoring the characters goes for everyone though. And pn2 has a whole new cast of characters who are all super fun in their own ways. The Psychic 7 especially are super cool. My biggest soft spot is for Lucy, but I love Bob, Ford, and well, the rest of the seven really, a whole lot. Getting to meet the Aquatos is also awesome, and the interns are cool too. Lotsa cool groups of characters to enjoy.
- The story? Awesome. Feels grander than pn1 to be honest, and I like that, but also it’s completely great on its own. It’s got loads of mind shenanigans, drama, great mental health commentary, and manages to balance out all the trauma with enough healing and empathy and even a bit of humor that it all still feels nice and hopeful despite everything. Like yeah there’s a lot of angst material certainly, and as a fan I gotta love that, buuuut sometimes I need a piece of media to punch me in the gut and then give me a warm hug afterward.
- On the note of mental health stuff, I feel it did great. It’s noticeable that they talked to experts and people with personal experience. They were able to convey the mindscapes of certain traumas and mental health issues with more accuracy. The first game was certainly empathetic and kind in regards to that, which was a big deal at the time, buuuut the accuracy was a bit lacking back then. Pn1 shows it’s age a bit in that regard. Pn2 improves on that wonderfully with both kind and more researched explorations into the mind.
-The morals regarding the complexity of the human mind and the messiness of humanity and how we often make mistakes and have more to us under the surface… heroes are often flawed, villains may just be a version of a person we made up in our mind based off of our limited perceptions… aughh good stuff. There are so many good takeaways from psychonauts 2 and I love it!
- Also on a more personal note, I probably owe this game my fascination with psychic powers and psychics in fiction. It’s tangentially what got me into Mob Psycho 100, and has inspired me to make some psychic ocs. The art direction really impacted me and even the way I draw. My style has opened up so much more since practicing drawing such funky looking characters. I genuinely think it has helped me improve a lot and helped me discover more about what kinds of art style I adore and inspired my own. The gameplay too, alongside the art direction, has impacted my aspirations a lot as far as being an artist and hopefully to work in game design— which is to say it’s super inspiring! I think it can inspire people in a myriad of ways, it’s a very unique game like that, and it really reminds me why I love art, storytelling, and games so much. I genuinely feel I owe it a lot for a variety of reasons and I’ve seen many others who play it feel the same. :)
TLDR: Psychonauts 2 my beloved…
Thanks for the ask! I will never not want to talk about psychonauts, this game is sticking in my brain for good.
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torturecave · 6 months
HEYy anon from last questions here!! I got SO excited when you replied oh gosh it made my day!!! I love your takes on this franchise and these two so much, thank you for the insightful answer and for taking the time to reply, that was so kind of you and I appreciate it <3
I really wanted to know as like I said, literally your art is SO SO pleasing and good!!!!! your style is like nothing I have ever seen in an amazing way and I love how soft, touchy and dynamic it feels, it just gives me a sense of warmth that I cant get enough of ! <3 warning I started typing too much accidentally ops sorry in advance, excuse me any typos too its like 5am and i'm going wild hahah ;w;;
I was very curious with how you thought of Branch and Poppy now as I noticed how fond you were of their intimate pranch take, honestly maybe both takes can still coexist, I feel like Poppy was all down for being like that with Branch even before TWT, but he just wanted a confirmation to act on cuz he's a dork and needs it and fears the worst, and so Poppy found it hard to understand if there was consent in a sense maybe? The way in the start they basically hold hands (I think the hair intertwined is canonically supposed to be this, which is adorable af and shows just how comfortable Branch is with Poppy touching him ;;w;). And looking at it like that it is so sweet that he had so much fear and angst about his feelings being returned, I imagine everyone being like "wait you weren't dating already?". Pop trolls did see them ball dance in a pot while being cute as heck aughh i cant with them i love them and their slow burn. Really I still appreciate how the first movie ends with Branch asking for a hug, it shows how touch starved he was and how much he loves and trusts her now even if he's slow and clumsy at it, he doesn't ask for a group hug, he specifically waits when they're alone to get it, so adorable, he fell so hard, 10/10..
OH DON'T GEt me started on the hot air ballon scene, it is legitimately my favorite moment of the movie regarding both of them. It's filled with so much tension?... It being at midnight, the bickering, the way Poppy simply has to stare lovingly at Branch and he just can't take it, just looks!!!.... Wow. Thank you Dreamworks
Just like the first film, Poppy simply KNOWS Branch will jump in and come help her, she's really just hoping it doesn't take him a whole musical montage in which she's dying like last time, which is why I think she's so relieved, because I know she must realize Branch is following her no matter what, they just can't be separated !!! Much less now. :D
So that was a perfect little moment.. I think your wife was the one who made the little essay on how in the first film despite Poppy crashing his bunker, she's confident and not even surprised he came and how that's so telling, I just love the fact that Poppy from the start knows Branch deep down is soft and how despite being a happy bundle of sunshine Poppy also has her rather cruel ways of getting what she wants and is very very smart and smug. Makes their dynamic way more endearing X)
Incel Branch kills me, he has to be the a rare case for sure in this village help! A bit unrelated rambling coming but have you seen Holiday In Harmony special? In it he's ALL about his gf unashamed and unaware of how trolls think he's being strange and it is so funny. He also replaced all of his paranoid trauma carving in his bunker with Poppy related things and it kills me gosh, in one of the notes he calls her "My queen" too, god, hes down BAD!!! I love it T,,T
AAHH holy damn i'm chuckling hard at your observation about Girl's Just Want To Have Fun.... Wow Branch. What is up with that like you gotta wonder if it was intentional.. And he's also secretly lovingly caressing a picture of them (And on the spot /she's/ in!!!!). Doesn't help too that in the original storyboard he was naked.. Much thinking about this from now on from me, thank you very much for pointing it out X)
Those concepts/aus your wife and you had have been on my mind so often, thank to her too for her work, I absolutely also adore her artworks!! It's very nice to know that you two are happily together, I imagine it was fun for you two to grow and still keep watching the silly trolls franchise as more movies kept being done :DDD
Also she's absolutely right with her observation on TWT and TBT oh my gosHHHH. Poppy and Branch taking turns in being obsessed with each other is such a delightful way to describe it, they are so freaking cute. And the way she describes the first movie is spot on yes you get me!!!!! There's a beauty in just seeing them bond and how natural it feels. I still adore the mere fact that both of them actually have some sort of history and dare I say tension from the start that makes them so so good. The beggining in which Branch is obviously waiting for his invitation when warning Poppy and I can just imagine him sneaking into the scene to grab the smashed invitation while Poppy pretends she doesn't notice he did or deep down has to know he appreciates them because she keeps making them special for him and it is so sweetttt!!....
Stuff like that gets my imagination going wild X) and the scenery and exchanges as you say are so so nice :D I could go on and on about the first film but I enjoyed all of the movies for different reasons, definitely agree with you! I was very hesitant at first about TBT, but it surprised me for good!!! AND OH TRUE COLORS IS FOREVER BEST THEM SCENE ,,,, The intimacy and gentleness it has kills me everytime, the moment Poppy touches him and the color starts splashing back to him from the hand she touched instead of normally to emphasize SHE makes him happy is sublime and how they cant stop looking at each other gosh... Perfect perfect perfecttt !!! >www< ALSO later on their secret handshake and whole flirty dance it's just, a BIG catharsis to go after everything they went through !!!
Also I can tell you enjoyed Viva, she was so fun and well, having more than one Poppy is simply guaranteed to be a treat ;;w;; definitely a bit I loved even if I couldn't believe they were going with the lost sibling stuff first X) How do you think Branch is handling being constantly braided and hyped by basically an older version of her gf at least in a superficial level? There's gotta be some funny feelings there somehow or at least I like to think. On a related note, also notice how lowkey horny Poppy gets about Branch's brothers, she is too much, I know it's because she's a fangirl but the similarities they share with Branch have to play a part too imo 0v0
I wish the movie would have shown us more of their sister moments, really found it more endearing than the brozone plot even if that was fun too ;v; I cant stop looking at your doodle where Viva is holding baby Poppy AUugh SO ADORABLE I LOVE IT SO MUCH we needed a moment like that in the movie you are doing god's work!!!<333
Also last thing but thoughts on Branch being called a boy toy? That shocked me when I watched TWT like damn does he seem that submissive? Poor guy.. Also the whole rock zombies moment in general just had a kinky tone somehow lmao. I bet rock trolls must have different social norms, really I adore how pop trolls seem to stand out thanks to being captured for so long, so much that they're the only ones who hug each other to cope with this. I really find the worldbuilding interesting in that regard!!
Now i'm just rambling nonsense hahah i'll try to stop now before I end up crashing tumblr somehow X) I'm sorry for that, I have so much thoughts about these movies and pranch/broppy and you and your wife just get it so much!!! Thanks again for the reply and taking your time on it, really appreciated and i'll keep an eye open for more stuff you post!!! It makes me happy to see you around, as I said, lovely art and content in general (Goes to your wife as well, you 2 are very talented!!!!) and you are so so kind!!!! Thank you <3 btw no need to reply to all of this or any haha, I just needed to get out some stuff cuz I loved your replies so much! I'll try to not spam on your askbox, im just a huge fan of how insighful and how nice your blog is!!! Though if you mind me asking so much let me know and i'll stop right away ;w; !
Last thing, regarding the underwear/clothing, that explains a lot thanks for sharing your thoughts,,, it's amusing that we get to see Branch slapped on the butt casually (Which you know always wanted to see it but coming from Poppy, like that art you did years ago 0v0) yet Poppy must not be lewded because if she had the power to show us how lewd she is these movies could not go on, she would be TOO powerful!!! Just look at how she growls at Branch X)))
Once again, thank you for reading my cringy fanboying, your thoughts and content in general makes my heart happy !!! <33 Have a nice day anytime you catch this :D *runs away once more*
Hello again! ^^ / Nice to see you again, and I'm happy to see my reply could do so much for you... Your ask was very refreshing and delightful to see! The same goes for this one as well. :3 It's nice to hear from someone who not only has an appreciation for my work but also the movies themselves. So you don't have to worry about typing too much either heh. (Honestly I would've answered this question sooner — I was immediately drafting my reply — but I got nerfed by a recent power outage + getting sick bwahaha. The world trying to stop me from talking about trolls...)
I will take a moment to really appreciate how you think my art is so unique. I don't want to sound too full of myself, but I do find that what I want to make / isn't something I can easily find...! I can accept it is particular... and that it can be enjoyed for that reason. >w>
I was very curious with how you thought of Branch and Poppy now as I noticed how fond you were of their intimate pranch take, honestly maybe both takes can still coexist, I feel like Poppy was all down for being like that with Branch even before TWT
I agree! I think the reality is that whatever Branch feels for Poppy is already reciprocated by TWT... To the point where I imagine that after TWT, whenever Branch had a conversation with Poppy about dating (?) she was probably like 'haha, why didn't you say so Branch!?' If he wanted that 'status' she would've been happy to oblige I think, nothing's stopping them... And whatever intimacy that included, she'd be eager for it as well.
Trying to word something here, huhm... I wonder if Poppy, on her own, wouldn't necessarily expect to be 'more' than Branch's best friend? She definitely knows she's special to Branch, enough to tease him over it lol, so I don't think she doubts her importance to him so much. ... And perhaps it's hard to, as Branch is still less social than the avg. troll, persnickety about being touched and whatnot. There's plenty of exclusivity in their bond. (Indeed no one is intertwining their hair so cutely with Branch-!!) It might be that Poppy is just happy to be... whatever she is to Branch, in that moment.
Though for Branch, he benefits from something as definitive as being Poppy's boyfriend. Because no one else is Poppy's boyfriend. Lots of trolls in the village are Poppy's 'friends', and she's probably called many of them her 'best friends' as well — Bridget currently occupies that niche after all. It isn't exclusive to be those things... And I think for Branch, it isn't reassuring to feel as though he is 'on the same level' as... Biggie or Cooper etc.
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The REASON it is devastating to watch Fuzzbert high-five Poppy after he failed to is, because, it exemplifies the very things he doesn't want to be true. Like noooo HE CAN'T HAVE A WORSE CONNECTION TO POPPY THAN FUZZBERT...!!! He can't be a lower rung! In her life! Than Fuzzbert! He needs to DO more for her than that!! He needs to have some sort of... implicit value. I'm extrapolating a lot, but I wonder if being 'like Fuzzbert' would make Branch feel expendable, replaceable, basically not precious enough. Regardless of the fact that Poppy cares muchly for her village... but well, that's the thing, as a queen she is obligated to care for her subjects... It's not special, necessarily. And further doomer-incel thinking is to conclude, it's also not 'special' enough to love Poppy because EVERYONE loves queen Poppy... loving her a lot won't set you apart from all the other trolls...
TBT adds an interesting depth to Branch's misery, he... really believes it was his fault BroZone's performance went so badly, and that everyone left. As much as he believes he killed his grandma... It seems Branch has grown into someone who is very sensitive to the idea of abandonment. Unlike Poppy, Branch cannot reassure himself that he will stay in anyone's life, definitively... It didn't matter how much he loved his brothers, or grandma Rosie, they were equally taken from him. He's been isolated for many years without 'proof' that things will be different...
(I'm not sure if Abandonment Issues Branch is really Dreamworks' intention but I like what they've written here. As you can see my mind's been running wild with threading all the events together from all 3 movies. Tasty conclusions.)
While I'm here like a madman, I will share a tangent related to this all. :) Just something I've been thinking about lately... Even though I don't see Poppy jumping at the bit to date Branch quite like he is in TWT, it isn't out of a lack of enthusiasm or interest or anything like that... JUST that Poppy is more easily satisfied with not putting a term to their dynamic. Quite frankly I think she would be completely receptive to Branch romancing her... surprisingly early in the timeline!! Like as far back as movie 1? It's Branch who's been resisting her this whole time. I think she'd be like. Kind of, agog, if he was suddenly forward with her... if he recited poetry directly to her, even? Since he won't sing.
There's a point where Poppy is so so soo determined to even crack a smile out of Branch, to befriend him and sing with him. I think you could like. OVERWHELM HER, even, with the proposal of romance LMAO, I think it'd be like akdkjf..f jgdhfk what is this /// BRANCH LIKE ME MOMENT!? BRANCH... really... THE mysterious Branch kfkdfhs he doesn't like anyone.. ... 0.0 but he liek me? // omg //// but , waitactually yeah there's always been something here.. between us... hasn't there... 😏
So yeah this is just me saying not only do I think Poppy is receptive to Branch in TWT, I think she would be in the first movie, and, I think he could do, a lot, I think he could earnestly court and kiss that one tbh. If he put on the charm. Branch could be capable of a lot... it's just that he's held back by his traummies kfdhjgjsf
I think your wife was the one who made the little essay on how in the first film despite Poppy crashing his bunker, she's confident and not even surprised he came and how that's so telling
Yes that was my wife, she's fixated on the bunker scene and compiled caps / made gifs / and discussed it. It's an incredible scene really. Her brutal counter to Branch being all smug and difficult at her... can't handle her being smug in return, for real! Then we've always loved how she reacts when she sees Branch again, after having been beaten and battered by the world, blacked out in a spider web. Somehow she goes BRANCH my man. What a funny girl... Incredibly endearing lol. I always like the flow of that scene / them leaving the forest / then them walking on that fallen log. (The log is one of my fav panning shots in the movie~)
[laughing] I'm glad Incel Branch is amusing you, I want more people to see it this way, it's just too funny. What kind of troll... Oh but I have seen Holiday in Harmony! (I like the other special as well... Hope we get another with Viva this time as main focus. :3) Lol but yeah in this special I get the impression Branch just can't seem any less obsessed, it's funny the way Prince D and Cooper are there to get kinda like 😰😰... Put-off by Branch's idea of a present, the way he would go about making something for Poppy and the lengths he would be willing to go (like secretly measuring her etc.) They're just there to be like... the normal ones... for contrast ww
I hadn't observed his crazy lil pinboard so closely, I didn't know it said things like "my queen" but that's very sick (unwell). Looking it over, also some of the things in here are just like, a drawing of Poppy in a heart, cut-outs of hearts scribbled in with ink, help... The fact that he makes that little scrapbook in the end is very sweet, but I do love that because it's Branch, it has to be a scrapbook with a bit of a Deranged quality. Frantic and kind of oddly cobbled together.
HONESTLY it's sad now that we've seen his old bunker plans, because there was a time when Branch was able to make... NORMAL NOT SCARY ART...... Not anymore though.
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The visualization of Branch's brain degrading over time (lol)
Another thing I did not know: that Branch was naked in the storyboard for his part of the opening seq in TWT. I... guess... it was gonna be us seeing both of them naked as a parallel but, ultimately I have to say I do prefer his bathrobe lol, I think it conveys still 'intimate at home' but has more of a chill vibe. (Spoken as someone with a clothes fetish. :B) Whatever the case I'm just glad to have pointed those lyrics out to you heh.
Those concepts/aus your wife and you had have been on my mind so often, thank to her too for her work, I absolutely also adore her artworks!! It's very nice to know that you two are happily together, I imagine it was fun for you two to grow and still keep watching the silly trolls franchise as more movies kept being done :DDD
I'm a big fan of her work as well💞 She was my greatest inspiration back then, and remains to be, honestly she inspires me in every way now, she really helped me come into my own... I'm also glad we can be together and enjoy these movies still. I just have so many memories of talking to her about the first Trolls, and ah... IDK if I've ever posted the story here, but I actually tagged along with her to a furcon when we first met in person. She'd stay up talking to me as long as she could, then have to sleep because she was tabling at the con. I'd stay up a little later, writing fic based on our Trolls discussions... then I'd sleep in the hotel room until she came back, and between commissions she'd be drawing things based on our ideas. We'd exchange art/fic...
Recently when we were rewatching the 1st movie after watching Band Together, I couldn't stop myself from saying "these movies helped us fall in love 🥺"... pfwhsh. So yeah I have a lot of personal connection to it, though outside of that it's just a great movie. :3 The sense of history that the two have is the best...!
[simply nodding in agreement with all your appreciation for the diff scenes!] I also love how Branch's colors begin to return without him realizing, the way it starts at their point of contact... It is all perfect 💖 Oh I really love their dancing in the credits to September, seeing them bounce all along at the end of things is really so wonderful. Ugh lately I've been thirsty for every second of them flirtily dancing together. -_- I wish I could have some sort of saucy music video featuring them...
Ackk yeah I'm head-over-heels for Viva honestly... How could I not be, I adore Poppy so much. 'Two Poppies' was something meant to thrash me around by the ankles, there was no way I could be prepared for that!! Here I was concerned about being bogged down by brother stuff, I didn't stop and think... sister stuff. Goodness.
How do you think Branch is handling being constantly braided and hyped by basically an older version of her gf at least in a superficial level? There's gotta be some funny feelings there somehow or at least I like to think.
Perhaps you wrote this innocently, but, I feel like it's a targeted attack on me, what're you doing... (laughing) I accept it though. You're giving me an excuse to jump into my crazy thoughts.
I...! Do, think that Viva's attention, compounded with Poppy, will be overwhelming for Branch. As it is, I think meeting Viva is too much — kind of leaving Branch agog that Viva is so Poppy-like... Because, as we've discussed, Branch is so very obsessed with Poppy, and I think she is very unique to him, indescribably so. (It goes with the sentiment of 'of course everyone loves Poppy, she's a shining star amidst us all!!!') The idea of meeting another troll could feel like meeting Poppy... That's surreal! Why would that be the case...!? It's almost relieving, perhaps, to find out they're related.
... almost. Whatever relief and ah, placidity Branch feels about them reconnecting, I think it'll fade when dealing with them long term. Won't there be a moment where he's sitting between them, being fawned over, hugged and having his hair played with, hearing them hum together... and won't it make Branch feel dizzy, like argh where am I-? Like a bizarre dream. What's going on?
There's so little that can 'get to' Branch quite like Poppy does. He doesn't give anyone the same amount of attention or consideration he does her, and he's not as interested in others, he likes his space and privacy. Viva is going to challenge this... by being Poppy-like! On top of that, Viva has a past that will let her connect with Branch's? She'll benefit from his perspective and advice, too... This + the fact that she is Poppy's sister, of course Poppy's going to make sure Viva spends lots of time together with her and Branch — all that time lost, they need to make up for it! And because Viva is going to like what she likes then Viva must like and enjoy time with Branch! Er, and she will I think, since she point-blank goes "I like you!" after that little braid moment, after the kiss... h-hm, I wonder what it's like to have your hair missed with mid-kiss.... ueuahhg
If anything, it's like the movie is twisting my arm, forcing me to think about Branch having "funny feelings" about it all... In fact I have to think about everyone in this circumstance having "funny feelings"...! Viva and Poppy are screaming like fangirls together at the end of the movie, aren't they? And when Branch "proposes" to Poppy, the first thing she does is invite Viva to join her, ahaha.
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Just to make me more insane, there's this BroZone tape inside beside Viva's rollerskate bed... So even Viva has some sort of familiarity with BroZone? A fan in some capacity...?? So could her and Poppy really just lay there girlishly, ranking the members in terms of hotness!? Per-haps........
Me and my wife have been fervidly thinking about this all... Discussing chicanery like, well because Poppy has that odd comment about her hypothetical sister being mistaken as her twin earlier, I wonder if they would have fun doing switcheroos. Dressing up as the other and enjoying acting as the other. Branch would be shaken up to have mixed them up, even for a second...
A more innocuous scene we've discussed is one where Poppy invites Viva over to Branch's bunker for the first time, though unannounced. In this moment, a sleepy out-of-it Branch could approach Viva, purring from behind — and then quickly must. Become stiff when it's like LOL Branch it's meee! & Poppy is like, HAHA did you think she was me!? XD Branch hehehee!!!! The girls are so fond of one another, I think being seen as similar would only flatter and excite them. It's more sisterly bonding. It's Branch who will feel like [cries] nooo waiit that's not-!! I- you two are individuals to me-!! [voice cracking]
[sighs] and beyond THAT... I've thought of more intimate things between all three... I can't in good consciousness go into great detail (too weird) (and it'll take a million years) but well, you can just know that this is where I am at with them. In my mind I see Branch twirling the girls around, and them all singing together... I've also been mentally making mash-ups and creating playlists basically, of things for them to sing at/with one another...
On a related note, also notice how lowkey horny Poppy gets about Branch's brothers, she is too much, I know it's because she's a fangirl but the similarities they share with Branch have to play a part too imo 0v0
LOL thank you for being willing to say it, point blank, like yes... She, just is, horny, about Branch's brothers, fsr that is the thing, ongoing in the movie. I know the idea is that they're depicting that usual "boyband fever" but, most boybands aren't composed of. Brothers-!! So I think that's what creates this strangeness ultimately, like, *doubletakes* ??
I am sure part of Poppy's appreciation of meeting the members of Brozone is her current connection to Branch. It's like something she's loved in the past now informs her about her partner... Untold levels of excitement! It's not just meeting a celebrity, it's meeting someone who was close to Branch ! That Branch sang with!! All those years ago!!! And... I imagine any resemblance between them isn't a small thing lol.
Though it kind of amuses me, the difference here is that Branch's brothers are not... deeply into Poppy... in the same way. There is a barrier. I think JD is offended by their intro and, really in general more of a Lone Ranger type, while Bruce is extremely monogamous (seeing Brandy as his Soulmate out here), and Clay is like... too orderly, not leaning into the bit of being asked to do his old dances etc...
(An aside — IG fandom fsr sees Clay & Viva as a thing but I don't?? I suppose his willingness to leave her behind and slip out w/o her noticing and, describing her as "she's got some stuff going on" doesn't feel loving to me... They feel more like co-workers, genuinely able to collaborate on their job, but that's it. Amusingly enough, even how Viva talks about Clay, calling him "Mr. Clay" and saying he does the BORING STUFF makes me feel like, it's a Funny sort of rship like, Viva feeling 'lol couldn't be me' about Clay's nature... Not like besties out here? Hence, why Viva is so lonesome and desperate to have Poppy back in her life...)
Anyways it's all amusing, the way Poppy seems to be the only one down for it. Though to be fair, I do think it'd be like, a bit Much, if Branch's brothers abandoned him 20+ years ago, and then they come back in his life, condescend him as the baby and, flirt with his girlfriend. It's for the best they don't... go that, far. Branch doesn't seem keen on sharing so much with his bros in That Way, I don't think.
Him and Poppy have such different circumstances with their siblings... IG in the case of, if Viva were to fangirl and gush over Branch, it wouldn't bother POPPY remotely... if anything it's a way of bonding. And I- guess I don't think the 'siblings' element is off-putting for Poppy, she just seems so open-minded to many things in this movie LOL... That's my takeaway at least.
Yeah I'd have loved for there to be more sister focus in this movie, I'm happy with what I got but I could always use more! I needed to draw Viva with baby Poppy especially... Poppy's fixation on having a sister throughout TBT makes me think she somehow has deep, buried memories of Viva. Enough to give her this sense that she "should" have a sister... like something is missing. She was just so young though, she can't recall it distinctly.
On Viva's end, she's so emotional when she processes that Poppy survived, that she's finally meeting her again... You can just tell that Poppy meant so much to her, even from that brief time together. And I just love how Viva describes Poppy as having been so cute, eensy and weensy... I have to believe that when Poppy was born Viva was the sort of kid to be like, I'm going to be the best big sister ever! I'll love you forever and always Poppy! We're going to be the best-est of friends! Carrying her around in her hair and whatnot... Gah. I can see it so well.
Also last thing but thoughts on Branch being called a boy toy? That shocked me when I watched TWT like damn does he seem that submissive? Poor guy.. Also the whole rock zombies moment in general just had a kinky tone somehow lmao.
oh lmao that scene just makes me laugh... In general Barb's referral to Branch as Poppy's boyfriend seems to be in a heckling manner, as he comes to her rescue, meant to be rude perhaps about his loyalty to her? He does fling himself to protect her, maybe it's all just making fun of that behavior... like Branch is her dog lol.
The rock zombie scene does have ? A quality to it? I think when you watch Poppy shredding it and throwing her head back, tongue out, it does make you feel something. The glowing red eyes. Perhaps though it's just the 'aesthetic' of rock, things like messy hair and heavy eyeliner and fishnets just have an ~evocative~ vibe, compared to their typical outfits, which are more modest. I think that's mostly what we're picking up on. 'Trashy' is often slutty as well.
I agree overall there's a gap in culture... Though I also like how the more the movies progress, the more we have to conclude King Peppy's faction of trolls are distinctly sheltered, since Viva's group managed to be more resourceful and aware of themselves? I used to think it was a result of domestication, but I think actually it's just that Peppy has specific hang-ups and wants no one to dwell on any bad memories. It's an interesting thing to instill into your group... Poppy's generation of trolls post-Trollstice tree times are quite distinct.
And, I'm glad, my underwear insight was of value to you. Omg but wrt spanking... I feel so... *tugs collar up sheepishly.....* *closes eyes* .... like I said, I don't begrudge that old art I made, but it feels embarrassingly dated... I was quite young and figuring out my preferences out, at the time. Now ermm, I'm more into projecting into the one doing-the-spanking, so my modern inclinations have been thinking of Branch as the one who spanks Poppy...
It feels silly to talk about but I'm now. Into top/dom Branch..... This is like where my thoughts terminate with Poppy being all crazed fangirliing for Branch, that she'd become an overstimulated love-struck girlie under his touch. Also we don't think about Poppy being poly anymore either kfdsgsh we amusingly hit a point in conversation recently that was like. 'Sheltered virgin Poppy.... now that is thought provoking'..... It would be a gap moe situation though, like all her natural sauciness and overt thirst co-exists with a lack of experience, so there's anxiety when things actually get intense. When it's time for private dirty dancing if you will.
(... it's hard to believe anyone would still be reading this post rn...)
WELL anyways you're a very nice person, thanks for your fun questions. *waves as you scamper off...!*
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woojinieemoved · 7 years
my cats betrayed me...
member: kang daniel
genre: fluff
writing type: paragraph
word count: 1.3k
summary: daniel’s cats start to like you more than he thought they would
a/n: nothing is changed this is copy and pasted from my files lol
my masterlist
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You decide to move in with Daniel after been dating for many months and you basically lived in his house since you always went over. It was really easy to move the rest of your stuff to his apartment, the majority of your clothes and belongings already sitting somewhere in a pile inside of his room. Daniel was helping you carry the rest of your belongings up to his apartment, making sure you didn’t slip on the stairs, walking behind you and keeping an eye on where your feet would land. You finally get to the door and unlock it, smiling up at Daniel before walking inside. You both prop your belongings on the floor and slip off your shoes before collapsing on the couch nearby.
“Aughh.. There was barely anything to move, but I’m still really tired.” you sighed and scooched closer to Daniel, snuggling up against his chest. He smiled and put his arm around your shoulder, poking at your cheek.
 “What are you complaining about? I carried most of your stuff up the stairs.” He teased, laughing softly.
 “That’s because you didn’t let me carry a lot you dork.” you fight back, grabbing his face with one hand and squeezing his cheeks softly, laughing at the fish face he had when you squeezed him. Daniel quickly pecked at your lips and pulled you in closer to him his hand on your waist instead. “I know I know.” he smirked, looking down to see how you reacted to his sneaky kiss. You were a little shocked at the kiss and turned a little red, but you didn’t complain about it. Whether if it was a long or a short kiss, you always loved getting kisses from Daniel and it worked that way with him too.
Daniel reached forward to grab the remote control for the tv and turned it on, leaning back again to keep you close to him. You both cuddled watching whatever was on, making stupid commentaries over them, overall just having a good time. A couple loud meows was heard and you see one of Daniel’s cats slowly walk over to the both of you and decided to jump on you to join in on the cuddling.
“Aww hi Rooney. Did you miss me?” you say as you give the cat some soft petting and light kisses on her head. “Rooney come over here!” Daniel calls for his cat, patting on his lap for Rooney to come to him. Rooney was still nuzzling your hand and purring loudly, ignoring Daniel’s calls. 
“What the… Why isn’t Rooney coming to me?” he said looking slightly disappointed, attempting to call her again multiple times, but his loving cat still ignoring him and staying on your lap.
“Ppppfft. I guess she just likes me more.” you tease and continue to coddle the cat in front of Daniel. “What? No way. I’m the one who raised her since she was a kitten how could she do this to me.” he whined and got up from the couch to walk into his room just to walk out with his other cat in his arms. “I’ll have Peter to love if you have Rooney. Peter loves me more than Rooney loves you.”
You tried to hold back your laughter, seeing how Daniel was getting jealous of his own cat liking you more than him. He starts to pamper Peter, but she jumps out of his arms, walking towards you, rubbing her head against your arm. You look over to see the other cat nuzzling against you and then look up to see Daniel with a face that screamed betrayal. You burst out laughing and how disheartened he looked by his cats going to you.
 “How could they do this to me… I’m basically their dad... “ he sighed and leaned back dramatically, putting his hands on his face and laughing a little. That comment made you laugh even harder which made your ears tear up and you hunched over, slapping the table lightly. The cats were startled by the banging of the table and they both jumped off the couch to run back into Daniel’s room. You regained your breath after laughing so much and wiped your eyes.
 “I’m sorry Daniel I have no idea why they like me so much”
He turned to you with a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised. “Maybe it’s because they know you’re a super beautiful person with a great personality and sense of humor” he said and slowly dragged himself closer to you. You blushed at his comment and started backing away as he was getting closer, causing you to fall back on your back onto the couch. Daniel hovered over you, killing you with his gaze, slowly getting closer and closer to your face. Your heartbeat sped up, beating through your chest and your eyes were widened, anticipating for him to do something.
The mood was quickly changed as his gaze turned into a mischievous smile and he started to tickle you, causing your body to squirm around and have you laugh a lot. He stopped after a couple seconds and quickly got up to run into his room, closing the door behind him. You had to recover after being attacked for a little bit and finally got up, walking towards the door of his room. You try turning the handle, but it wouldn’t budge and you smirked at his childish behavior.
“Yah! Kang Daniel! Open this door!” you yelled through the door waiting for his response. “No! I’m spending quality time with Peter and Rooney so that they love me again!” He yells back and grabs both of his cats, snuggling them on his bed. “They still love you dumb butt. Now hurry and unlock the door.” you sighed and smiled to yourself thinking how cute it was how Daniel was reacting. You couldn’t figure out if he was really just jealous of how his cats started to like you more than him or that you were giving more attention to the cats more than him. “I won’t give you any kisses if you don’t open this door right now!”
As soon as you said that, you hear loud thumping getting closer and the door being swung open, the wind of it blowing against your hair. “Okay I give up already.” He said giving you a big smile, his eyes creasing like it always did, making his smile even brighter. You snort at how fast he was to react and tippy-toe to give him a small kiss on the cheek. “Good.” you say and decided to tease him one more time.
You slip by him walking faster towards where Peter and Rooney were calling their names and holding your arms open. Daniel quickly turned around and ran up towards you, wrapping an arm around your back and squatting down to lift your legs, carrying you bridal style. You were shocked at the sudden lift and turned your head to see Daniel’s sunshine like smile. 
“You gonna betray me with my own cats again?” he teased and placed his lips onto yours. You smile, laughing a little and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Maybe… But that won’t happen if you keep me distracted.” you said, smiling again which made him smile as well. He spins you around a couple times before dropping you onto the bed and laying next to you, pulling you in to cuddle, the cats joining in at the foot of the bed.
“I really love you a lot Y/N.” he whispered into your ear and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, smiling to himself. “I love you a lot too.” you responded and brought yourself closer to him and he tightened his grip around you. You both eventually fall asleep, marking the first day of moving in together.
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