#he only told Sasuke to stop seeking revenge when sasuke turned chidori
Kakashi: *shows countless times in canon he cares about his students and wants to train them, but a lot of that training is outright skipped for ‘more interesting storyline’
Weirdo’s: nah, Kakashi didn’t teach any of his student’s anything and didn’t care about them at all.
#like god DAMN#Y’all can’t handle an imperfect teach can you?#you can’t handle a character who makes mistakes but genuinly tried his hest#who was thrown into the job even though he did not ask for it#and STILL did his best#‘he doesn’t care about sakura’#WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE PROTECT HER AND CONTINUE TO SAVE HER IN ALMOST EVERY FIGHT IF HE DIDN’T CARE#‘he didn’t teach sakura anything’ yes the FUCK he did#he taught her chakra control which she obv excelled at#and a jonin level technique that allowed her to avoid being knocked out in the konoha crunch#and allowed her to wake Naruto up as well#‘he only ever tried to push his views on Sasuke’#no he didn’t#he only told Sasuke to stop seeking revenge when sasuke turned chidori#a move kakashi taught him to face a shinobi with an impenatable defence that WANTED TO KILL PEOPLE#there is a whole year before that where he knows Sasuke’s goal and never once tells him not to seek revenge#and him not being able to connect with Sasuke doesn’t mean his intentions were not genuine#sometimes people simply don’t understand each others trauamas and struggles#even when they desperatly want to#‘he was terrible to naruto’ fucking WHERE#He chose a specific sensei to teach Naruto chakra control#recogbizing it as Naruto’s weakness#and chose a dude who was a jonin specificlly because of his teaching capabilities#as for the fucking time skip#it’s made vary obviouse even before the team splits that Kakashi and all the other Jonin are on missions constantly#that’s the whole reason Shikamaru and a bunch of genin were sent after sasuke#instead of you know#FUCKING JONIN#None of the jonin were available#they were all on missions
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narutocharacterpolls · 9 months
Now that the semi-finals polls ended, would you like to share your opinion on Kakashi's character? :)
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Pie splat deserved
I think it’s obvious that I take in the story broadly through a Sasuke lens and so the biggest reason I hate Kakashi is because of the way he treats Sasuke. There are other reason sprinkled throughout but that’s why I mainly dislike him.
However firstly, I think it’s obvious based on the group of characters I’ve made clear are some of my favourites, but I’m very anti-Konoha and don’t like bootlickers. So that immediately makes me criticize Kakashi and knocks some respect I could have for him off.
Anyways, Kakashi is incapable of treating team 7, most specifically Sasuke but it does affect all of them, normally because he cannot stop projecting team Minato onto his team, and that heavily affects the ways that he interacts and treats his team. He obviously projects himself onto Sasuke and as a result treats him really weirdly imo due to his own self loathing. He teaches Sasuke (a severely traumatized child) the chidori in an attempt to alleviate his own guilt from creating the jutsu that killed his best friend. I really don’t see much, if any, reason that Kakashi did this outside of his own selfishness and he most certainly didn’t think it through in the context of Sasuke. Again, because he views Sasuke as a reflection of himself rather than being his own unique person. He then goes on to literally tie Sasuke to a tree and scorn him for using the chidori (and may I add— while I’m aware Sasuke asked for the fight against Naruto, Sasuke only raised the chidori in defence when Naruto raised his rasengan) and seeking revenge against Itachi (y’know, the man that killed his entire clan, manipulated him, and tortured him by making him watch Itachi killing his family for 72 hours straight), then he LEFT HIM THERE TIED UP TO THE TREE. Not to mention he once again reflects himself onto Sasuke by saying he personally didn’t seek revenge and chose to move on. They are not in the same situation. At all. Sorry but that just rubs on me very unpleasantly.
A lot of my distaste was actually from him in Shippuuden though because his treatment and attitude towards Sasuke just gets worse. When Sakura tries to go to kill Sasuke and he shows up he decides that getting Sakura and getting out isn’t the right thing to do, but decides it’s his turn to try to kill him….. Ehem….. Alright….. Claims that Sasuke has turned to some kind of dark side but claims Obito to still be a hero of Konoha later on….. What a man. Still on the topic of Sakura trying to kill Sasuke, he criticizes Sasuke not once, but twice (later on during a war…. There are bigger things to focus on here) about how crazy and messed up it was for Sasuke to attack Sakura…. When he didn’t just attack her, he acted in self defence after she tried to kill him. But does Kakashi critique Sakura outside of saying she knows she wouldn’t be able to beat Sasuke? No, he doesn’t.
With Sakura on the mind, literally during war arc (once again, more important things to focus on here) he tells Sasuke that Sakura suffers from loving him and that no one needs a reason to love someone, just to hate someone. This is such disgusting behaviour to me as he once again is discarding Sasukes feelings and what Sasuke has stated he wants. Sasuke had literally just told Kakashi how he feels but Kakashi does not care about what Sasuke desires. But it doesn’t matter to Kakashi because to him Sasuke is a reflection of himself and since Kakashi doesn’t view it that way Sasuke isn’t allowed to. It’s a really gross sentiment.
The whole thing of how Kakashi treated Tobi revealing the truth of the Uchiha genocide and the way he reacted to it is also incredibly upsetting. And that revelation still didn’t change the way Kakashi viewed Sasuke at all. He still felt it was right to try to immediately kill Sasuke rather than… Approach him in a similar way to Naruto. But whatever, I don’t feel like getting much into this whole thing though.
There’s other random things, he’s hypocritical within his view of Sasuke’s revenge, I find him overrated as a “powerful fighter”, I personally find him having the sharingan uncomfortable and undeserved, he did not show care for Sakura in the way he did to the other two in classic, bootlicker Hokage, ect., but I’m not going to delve into anything else because I don’t feel like it lol.
All in all I don’t care about people that do like Kakashi, but it annoys be that he’s so often portrayed as someone that he isn’t. I know there’s some good to Kakashi, I find his back story rather interesting as well, he has handled some things well, but the negatives heavily outweigh the positives for me. To Kakashi lovers that decided to read this, you are valid and it’s okay to like him. I just don’t.
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Hi, sorry for talking about this, yesterday I talked about the S fans, well today they are defaming Kakashi a little more:
- they are calling him a hypocrite because supposedly "he really went from learning that important lesson from obito and inheriting his motto (those who abandon the mission are scum but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum) and repeating it to team 7 only to abandon sasuke right after". They keep talking about the tree scene but they don't take into account that he had a mission, for me he didn't abandon him, he even stopped to talk to Sasuke.
- they also say that Kakashi told Sasuke to "let it go" but in the scans he never says that, he only tells him to forget about revenge but not about his goal, which is to go for Itachi
- and finally they said that when Kakashi mentions "precious friends" he talks about moving on with life but that doesn't mean that he's saying it to take them into account and work as a team. For them, Kakashi says it so that Sasuke can move on with his life, but for me, Kakashi says it so that Sasuke can stay and be able to fulfill his goal with all of them, so that he doesn't have to carry that weight alone, since team 7 was going to have to face akatsuki anyway
But well..sorry...I'm not going to talk about this anymore, I just wanted to vent😣
Oh gosh that’s… they’re really reaching huh.
He put sasuke first and talked to him first before going on his mission, and had the sound four not shown up, beaton, and taunted Sasuke he may have actually stayed in the village. Kakashi’s talk broke through to him, but being Beaton easily by the sound four once again showed him his weakness and pushed him to seek power from Orochimaru. Kakashi also chose his teammates and friends over the mission when he actively turned his back to Tsunade while she was trying to give him another mission and went after his students. But i guess that doesn’t count because it proves them wrong.
This is like when they say he told Sasuke ‘you don’t need a reason to love someone’. He never actually stated that. He only stated ‘you only need a reason to hate someone’. Like ya if you nitpick (which they’re doing) you could get that understanding from the interaction, but he never actually said it. It also doesn’t include the fact Kakashi has Zero problem with Sasuke’s desire for revenge until it caused him to try and use his chidori against Naruto and almost caused them both to kill Sakura when she ran between them. Kakashi only said to ‘forget about revenge’ when it became clear Revenge was causing Sasuke to shove everyone away and treat even his friends like enemies.
Kakashi’s thing about ‘filling the hole in your heart’ is about not allowing yourself to wallow in your pain and loses because he knows how much it can destroy a person (his entire time in Anbu is a testament to that). His belief in ‘filling the hole in your heart’ is about moving forward while remembering the people you lost. About allowing yourself new bonds so you are not standing in the world alone surrounded by your suffering. He says the exact same thing to Obito during their fight.
Honestly, this is what i hate.
It’s ok to hate Kakashi because he’s ‘boring’ or he just doesn’t interest you
But to act like he was this big bad who never cared about his students when he showed time and time again that he did is so incredably dumb. If he upsets them that much that they have to make up reason’s to hate him, it’s time to take a step back and fous on the characters they actually like
For their mental health
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