#and allowed her to wake Naruto up as well
Kakashi: *shows countless times in canon he cares about his students and wants to train them, but a lot of that training is outright skipped for ‘more interesting storyline’
Weirdo’s: nah, Kakashi didn’t teach any of his student’s anything and didn’t care about them at all.
#like god DAMN#Y’all can’t handle an imperfect teach can you?#you can’t handle a character who makes mistakes but genuinly tried his hest#who was thrown into the job even though he did not ask for it#and STILL did his best#‘he doesn’t care about sakura’#WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE PROTECT HER AND CONTINUE TO SAVE HER IN ALMOST EVERY FIGHT IF HE DIDN’T CARE#‘he didn’t teach sakura anything’ yes the FUCK he did#he taught her chakra control which she obv excelled at#and a jonin level technique that allowed her to avoid being knocked out in the konoha crunch#and allowed her to wake Naruto up as well#‘he only ever tried to push his views on Sasuke’#no he didn’t#he only told Sasuke to stop seeking revenge when sasuke turned chidori#a move kakashi taught him to face a shinobi with an impenatable defence that WANTED TO KILL PEOPLE#there is a whole year before that where he knows Sasuke’s goal and never once tells him not to seek revenge#and him not being able to connect with Sasuke doesn’t mean his intentions were not genuine#sometimes people simply don’t understand each others trauamas and struggles#even when they desperatly want to#‘he was terrible to naruto’ fucking WHERE#He chose a specific sensei to teach Naruto chakra control#recogbizing it as Naruto’s weakness#and chose a dude who was a jonin specificlly because of his teaching capabilities#as for the fucking time skip#it’s made vary obviouse even before the team splits that Kakashi and all the other Jonin are on missions constantly#that’s the whole reason Shikamaru and a bunch of genin were sent after sasuke#instead of you know#FUCKING JONIN#None of the jonin were available#they were all on missions
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wing-ed-thing · 10 months
Konoha 12 Domestic/Spousal Headcanons
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Tags/Warnings: No Reader Pronouns, Boruto Doesn't Exist, No Mentions of Children/Adoption
Completed versions of these headcanons will be linked on the character's name.
𓆃 Choji
Loves bonding over cooking and baking— whatever you like! If there's anything you're ever craving, Choji is taking to the kitchen to make you a gourmet meal as good as any professional chef!
Prime rib, lamb, tartare, croissants, macarons, soups! It doesn't matter your allergies or preferences, Choji can and will make you any food your heart desires.
Offers excellent cuddles. 11/10 squishy and soft.
Is very understanding, a fantastic listener, and naturally positive.
Never lets the romance l die, and after a hard day at work, will feed you ice cream while you rant about your day.
𓆃 Hinata
Traditional wife who has always wanted to be a traditional wife since she was a kid.
Content with cooking, doing laundry, and other domestic work.
Although, because of the society and the way she was brought up, she might feel insecure transitioning out of shinobi life.
While being made to feel weak isn't something Hinata is a stranger to, she is sensitive to comments from others about her domestic life.
Be sure to give her lot of reassurance and validate her work around the house.
𓆃 Ino
Also wanted to be a wife growing up, but the stay-at-home life is clearly not for her.
She'll try it for a period of time after your wedding or union, but she's far too restless for cooking and cleaning.
You supposed that she thought it would be relaxing and aesthetic, but if anything, she's getting frustrated and throwing the potato across the kitchen as soon as it slips out of her hand.
Ino will eventually find important work to do, come home to complain about it over dinner, and buy you something nice in a half-brag about how much more money she's making.
This is, of course, not to say she's bad at housework or doesn't do her share. She's perfectly good at domestic work and does the bulk of it, but the moment you expect it from her is the moment she stops.
𓆃 Kiba
A slob who, if allowed, will live in heaps of trash.
For the bulk of his 20s, he'll be super unsure of the whole settling down thing. You could make a whole bingo chart out of the cliche bachelor lines he spouts.
I'm not really a marriage kinda guy. I don't wanna tie myself down to a ball and chain. I just wanna meet people. I'm looking for someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. Nah, I'm not looking for a relationship.
That is... until one day he wakes up and desperately wants a family of his own. To an extreme extent. Like his expectations are absolutely insane.
As a husband, you'll need to reevaluate those and have a nice long chat because at the beginning of your relationship he will certainly not be pulling his weight.
𓆃 Lee
Sweet, clingy, loving and sincere man.
Ah, you are the sun, the moon, and the world to Lee. He is constantly thinking of or doing the sweetest possible thing he possibly could for you at any given hour of the day.
Is his execution great? You'd give it a 50/50. Does he ever take a break? NO.
Whether it's breakfast in bed or going on a grocery run to get it off your plate, you're sure to have to put out one fire and learn how to use 20 carrots in your meal prep for the week.
He really tries his best, he just gets a little excited.
𓆃 Naruto
Another slob, although well intended.
Naruto never had a formal family growing up, and so he has little ideas of what's expected.
Much of his idea of what a partnership should be comes from media or stupid things that Shikamaru probably told him on the playground growing up, so you'll have to work together as a team to set expectations.
A lot of what he does for you is in his language (you have to learn that him making you both ramen cups is indeed a romantic gesture for him), but he loves exploring things that you like!
Naruto explores your likes and hobbies in a very genuine and non-performative way. Sharing things you enjoy together will be the foundation of your relationship.
𓆃 Neji
You'll spend your first year of marriage focused heavily on strict boundaries, expectations, and other couples work.
The way Neji was brought up completely fractured his sense of family. Not to mention, no matter what you're like Neji will certainly have to fight with his family in a silent battle over clan politics.
Because even though the Hyuga clan has stopped certain practices, doesn't mean that everyone in the clan is in mutual agreement or share similar attitudes with each other.
This will be a marriage built on structure and meaningful confrontation. Neji is determined to break the cycles of his family to make a healthy life with you.
𓆃 Sakura
Wasn't sure if she'd end up with a partner. She really wanted it, but with everything that happened in her life, she had her doubts.
Most definitely too hard on herself. Sakura pushes herself to almost fall over you to ensure you're pleased. Whether it's housework or cooking, there's a part of her that feels the need to prove her work ethic.
It's the small things with Sakura. Even after a long day at work, she'll still bring you your favorite home for dinner, even if the place is out of the way. She'll stay up an hour later to spend time with you even if she has an early morning.
𓆃 Sasuke
An ironic mix between Naruto and Sakura.
As a kid, Sasuke 100% wanted to be a husband when he grew up. 100% wanted to have a spouse to provide for and had similar dreams that some kids often do when they think about families.
But after the Uchiha Tragedy, much of Sasuke's outlook about his future has been skewed. Any relationship will start off as rather unstable and you can almost count on Sasuke being emotionally distant
It's about how the two of you work through his baggage and his willingness to be vulnerable.
𓆃 Shikamaru
Surprisingly well-adjusted?
He knows how to do basic life skills. Pulls his weight and sometimes even does your tasks. Shikamaru is generally clean and organized.
Where's the problem? He's terrified of commitment.
Most of the relationships in the Nara clan seem to consist of passive Nara men with verbose spouses who have no issue bossing their partners around.
But at the same time, Shikamaru doesn't mind this dynamic. He wants to laze, but he's also almost seemingly afraid of dynamics that allow him to laze.
He'll be just fine around the house, just a bit dramatic if you ever ask him to do anything. He'll get over it.
𓆃 Shino
Great husband and great family to marry into.
Just overall very balanced, if not quiet. The Aburame clan is close, but respectful of each other. You'll never have to deal with nagging in-laws because Shibi has already taken you in as one of his own.
Enjoy fresh meals of produce expertly tended to from the garden.
While Shino has his more talkative side when it comes to people he's close to, he's still quiet by nature. Don't expect that to change just because you've gotten married.
The obvious con is the massive amount of insects that will constantly be around you. You're not allowed to trap them or kill them.
You will have to get used to bugs crawling on you.
𓆃 Tenten
You're always doing something crazy.
You don't think any of the other Konoha 12 ever expected that Tenten would have the most exciting marriage, but look at her now.
You're always innovating, making new things for her business, and taking spontaneous trips to check out crafting techniques.
Anything and everything you set your mind to, you support each other in. There are ten million projects scattered around your home.
You roll up to get-togethers (when they seldom happen), being the most traveled and bringing the most unique gifts.
No one knows what you're going to be up to next.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: I apparently had a lot more opinions on all of these characters than I expected. When I make multi-character posts, I like to keep each section sort of short, so if you are interested in more in-depth hcs, tap the underlined name or visit my blog for more.
Sakura, Lee, Choji, Tenten and Sasuke are done at the current moment.
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fatkish · 2 months
Hiya. How are you?
I wanted to request a Aizawa headcannon in which he has a daughter and they are both kidnapped by a daengeorus villain, so he do everything to protect her and escape. With happy ending please hshshs
Thanks you. Hope you have a great week 🧡🧡
Aizawa x Daughter Reader: Kidnap
(Trigger Warning: this is a Dark fanfic and involves mentionings of kidnapping, abusive relationships, allusions to rape and may be uncomfortable for certain audiences. Please be advised)
You are an underground pro hero. You are 22 years old and have your old man’s quirk of Erasure and your mother’s quirk of Spy Eye
Basically your mother’s quirk allows for her to summon floating eyes that she can remotely control and see with. (Kinda like Gaara’s sand eye technique from Naruto) her quirk mixed with Aizawa’s and gave you the ability to summon eyes that had special effects like quirk erasure, x-ray vision, infrared (heat detection) vision, laser eyes, foresight and night vision
Your drawbacks are dry eye as well as migraines from eye strain
Aizawa is retired, at age 48 and lives in a nice apartment.
You had a boyfriend that you tried to break up with after you discovered his abusive tendencies
That didn’t go over too well. After a fight, he managed to get away and since you didn’t have enough evidence to arrest him and get him put away, you had to collect evidence
What you didn’t know, was that he had learned about Aizawa and decided to kidnap him not knowing that he was a retired pro hero
Your ex had a similar quirk to Midnight’s, he could emit an anesthetic gas that put people to sleep. Thus his job as an anesthesiologist in the hospital
He used his quirk on Aizawa and tied him up with quirk restraining cuffs and blindfolded him. He brought him to an abandoned warehouse to use as bait and texted you his picture saying if you didn’t come alone, then he’d kill him
Of course you tried to save him, but the moment you entered the building, even though you were wearing a gas mask, he managed to get behind you and a fight broke out
In the struggle, he managed to cut the strap on your mask, allowing you to breathe in the gas and fall asleep
After you were caught, your ex had you restrained in quirk restraining cuffs. He then put you both in a car and drove to an abandoned cabin in the woods.
After waking up, you see your Ex with a scalpel about to kill your dad. You beg him not to and that you’ll do anything, just please don’t kill him
Aizawa has tape over his mouth and despite his struggles and attempts to protest, your ex eventually agrees
He then takes you into another room where he begins to beat you up, punching, kicking and cutting you with the scalpel
Aizawa is struggling as he can hear your cries of pain and the thuds from your body being hit.
After beating you into unconsciousness, your ex was planning on forcing you to have his children so that you couldn’t leave.
As he is with you, beating you, Aizawa uses a hidden compartment in his prosthetic leg that holds a utility knife. He manages to break the restraints on himself and breaks down the door as the your ex is about to force himself on you
Aizawa beats him up and uses his skills revealing his identity as Eraserhead. He ties the Ex up and carries his daughter to the car outside.
He drives you both to the hospital where you’re treated and he calls the police to arrest the ex
When you wake up, he tells you that your Ex has a history of this kind of behavior with previous partners and that he won’t be out anytime soon.
Hizashi comes and drops off new clothes for you as well as get well cards
Aizawa asks how long you had been in that situation, he fears that his mistakes as a father had lead to you being with an abusive partner.
You reveal to him that you had no idea about who your Ex really was and that he only acted this way in the last 2 and 1/2 months of their year long relationship
After this, Aizawa has you move back in with him until you get better
(Hope you enjoyed this.)
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Sasuke gets called a 'hurts every woman in his life because his real soulmate is a man' case and in actual canon he's so desperate to get Naruto off his ass that he resorts to brutalizing him multiple times and he tried to kill Sakura exactly twice when he was spiraling due to relapsing but was best friends with her in their Genin days and continues to have a soft spot for her in Shippuden and Blank Period,was a mama's boy with pretty much no positive opinions on his abusive dad,mouthed off to multiple male authority figures and the only times he was actually mean to women more than men was when Ino and Karin would hit on him despite his obvious disinterest.Ichigo and Orihime are accused of ruining their whole series just for being endgame and then they were literally best friends who were secretly in love the whole manga with Ichigo's hollow raising him from the dead because of how much they loved her and Orihime being allowed to actually have her own personality,powers and friends and enemies seperate that were all fleshed out seperate from him.Nami and Luffy are said to be obviously the main couple but Luffy is canon aroace and Nami might be a lesbian since she's never shown interest in guys but HAS possibly in women.Fairy Tail is Lucy's story and her and the other girls have are way more interesting than almost all the guys with the exception of Gray and the Dragon Slayers and Graylu and Gajevy are easily the most well-written m/f ships in the franchise compared to the other shitty ones but you'd never know that from the fandom's metas and other content alone.Shonen fans will wake up every day and just lie
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akiizayoi4869 · 2 months
Sakura Haruno Appreciation Post
Rewatching Naruto and reading the manga has made me feel like posting about one of my favorite characters in the series, Sakura. At first, nothing about her really stood out to me. She was the typical teenage girl who had a crush on a guy who really didn't seem to care about her at all. As time went on, though, small things about her stood out to me. Her affinity for genjutsu (something that I wished Kishimoto touched on more) and her chakra control was better than both Naruto's and Sasuke's, something that I wasn't expecting from her at all. It's not like she was much of a fighter at this point, and she needed protecting more often than not. Sakura's character didn't really start to peak for me until the chunin exams in the Forest Of Death. This scene in particular:
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The moment she cut off her hair to free herself from Kin's grip, I knew that she meant business, that she would finally start taking her life as being a ninja more seriously. Why? Because she cut her long hair, something that she was proud of simply because she heard a rumor back when she was a little girl that said that Sasuke liked girls with long hair. Sakura was no much for the sound ninja, of course, and she's eventually bailed out by Ino and her team, and later on by Sasuke himself when he wakes up. Seeing how beat up she was because of that fight, and how she wouldn't back down because she wanted to protect her teammates no matter what, made her character grow on me.
Then we get up to the preliminary round of the chunin exams, and it's there when one of my favorite fights in the chunin exams happens: Sakura vs Ino.
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This fight is where Sakura slowly starts to sprout from a bud into a fully bloomed flower. She takes her fight against Ino seriously, and gives it her all. When Ino used the mind transfer jutsu on her, I thought that that would be it for Sakura. But she managed to kick Ino out of her mind thanks to inner Sakura (another aspect of her character that I wish Kishimoto did more with, but I get why she just sorta vanishes after a while) and the match resumes between them. It ends in a tie, but it was still a really good fight regardless. It showed that Sakura really can fight if she wants too, and it put an end to her rivalry with Ino, allowing them to become friends again. After this fight I definitely had more respect for her character.
When Sasuke eventually leaves the village to join Orochimaru, Sakura felt that she was worthless because not only was she unable to do anything, but Naruto got hurt in his fight against Sasuke because of the promise he made to her to bring Sasuke back. So, she does something that I didn't expect her to do: ask Tsunade to take her on as an apprentice.
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We can see how those three years of training with Tsunade paid off, since Sakura can not only stand toe to toe in a fight against Kakashi fighting alongside Naruto, she also has enough strength to take on an Akatsuki member like Sasori:
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This fight definitely showed how much better as a fighter Sakura has gotten in three years. Yes, I'm well aware that Lady Chiyo helped her in this fight, but she still did an excellent job of holding her own. Aside from her physical prowess, we also see how far she's come as medical ninja as well. Going from reviving a dead fish to doing something as critical as cutting Naruto open to pump his heart in order to keep him alive during the 4th Great Ninja war:
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And it's during this time that she was finally able to stand next to Naruto and Sasuke in battle, instead of always walking behind them and watching their backs get farther and farther away from her. Idk about you guys, but watching these three perform the summoning jutsu at the same time, doing their own three way deadlock like the original legendary sanin before them was so fucking badass:
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We already knew that both Naruto and Sasuke had long since surpassed their masters, Jiraiya and Orochimaru. But until this moment, it was unclear if Sakura had truly surpassed Tsunade or if she was just on her level. This scene right here definitely showed that Sakura has indeed surpassed Tsunade, making her, Naruto, and Sasuke the new legendary sanin.
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Watching Sakura grow throughout the series was really nice to see, not to mention inspiring for me to watch as a young girl. Her growing determination to better herself and stand the same level as her teammates is why she is and always will be one of my favorite characters in the series, if not my most favorite character.
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hyuganejiswife · 2 years
A’Lil Bit Tipsy | Shikamaru Nara X GNReader
| REQUESTED BY @shikamarunaraaa, drinking, alcohol, a drunk shika confessing to you, you should also thank Ino and Choji
Word Count: 1029
Note: THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING. it made me so happy🥹 don’t be afraid to request again. I hope you like it!
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Your whole group of friends had gathered at Ino’s house for a small get together. The whole goal was just to kick back and relax, have a few drinks and have fun without the pressure of training or missions looming over you.
You’re lounging on the sofa with your feet in Shikamaru’s lap, the man being your closest friend of the bunch, taking everyone by surprise as he allows you to use him as a cushion.
While not on your team, the two of you often find ways to spend every possible waking moment together. You’ve been practically inseparable since birth. Similar to how his father, Choji’s father, and Ino’s own were so close, his mother was just as close with your mother.
Over time as you grew up, lazing around with the boy in fields or while attempting to do homework, even when the two of you entered the academy, you were often not far behind each other. Shikamaru would go as far to even admit that you were possibly as smart as he was… Sometimes.
When it came to his feelings for you, you were quite possibly the absolute dumbest person he’d ever met. Of course, he would never tell you this. He still had some respect for you. Yet, it was quite amusing to him to watch how you tried to decipher the meaning behind some of his behavior… As well as you trying to hide your own feelings for him. He wasn’t dumb, obviously. He knew you had some major feelings for him, he was just waiting for you to realize you did in order for him to act on it. But he could only wait so long as you grappled with your own heart.
From the point that he realized his feelings for you, Shikamaru hadn’t been shy. He didn’t go above and beyond of course, that wasn’t him, but he didn’t shy away from how he seemed a bit more okay with your PDA than he normally was, or even how he’d walk through the village market with Ino and Choji, often picking up trinkets to gift to you or window shopping for you so he could show you later just because the item reminded him of you. The two of his teammates would simply sigh, the question coming up of when would you finally confess your feelings for one another. Shikamaru would simply brush them off, mentioning that the topic was such a drag and they shouldn’t be sticking their noses where they didn’t even belong.
And as he sits sipping on his seventh or eighth drink, he’d lost count, his free hand tracing pattern on your thigh as you and Naruto argued across the room at each other over something he was unsure about, he finds himself humming. He tugs you a little closer by your legs, seeking for your attention to be on him once more, but you remain unshaded, bringing up statistics he knew you were pulling out of your ass in order to shut Naruto’s absolute nonsense down. He chuckles softly, shaking his head when you give him a pointed look in a meek attempt to silence him before he outed your nonsense.
“Guys! Let's play spin the bottle!”
You laugh brightly at Ino’s announcement, noticing how Shikamaru tightens his hold on your legs. “That may not be a bad idea, but I’m good where I’m at. I don't want to play!” Shikamaru lets out a breath of relief, only to frown when Ino attempts to pull you onto the floor, her and Choji having come up with this little plan to play the game in order to spur either you or Shikamaru into a jealous confession.
Within seconds, Shikamaru has tugged you further away from Ino and into his lap, an arm around your waist as he growls at her. “They can stay right here. They don’t even want to play.” His cheeks are flushed but it could easily be put off as a side effect from the amount of alcohol he’s consumed.
You hear snickering but shake your head, prying his arms from around you and standing clumsily, the effects of your own drinking getting to you. You take his hand in yours, “Alright. Time to get you some fresh air, Mister Protective.”
Shikamaru groans loudly, calling you a drag and shuffles out of the room after you, the two of you stepping out into the balcony alone, much to Ino and Choji’s pleasure and amusement. He stands with his hands behind his head, letting out a breath. You could smell the alcohol coming from his breath, your eyes traveling over him.
“What’s gotten into you?”
He rolls his eyes at this question, tilting his head as he looks down at you. “You really don’t get it, do you? So much for being the second smartest person in our class.” He tsks at you, causing you to frown. His hand comes up to tap below your chin once he sees the confusion on your face. Once your eyes are in his again, he leans closer and you try to take a step back, thoroughly confused by what was going on, your back hitting the rail. He smirks at you, shaking his head.
“You’re drunk, Shika,” you whisper, your eyes flirting to his lips as he only steps closer to you again, intent on closing the gap between you.
“A little bit tipsy,” he mumbles in return, nudging his nose to yours as he slowly closes the gap between the two of you. “And absolutely tired of you waiting to realize how you feel and that you feel the same way I do. It’s such a drag watching you be so clueless and confused when I say something sweet to you or buy you a cute little stuffed animal. Or how you don’t get why you always come running to me when you’re upset or think I’m hurt.”
He takes your stunned silence as a perfect opportunity to close the gap, giving you just the right amount of encouragement to reciprocate, no longer trying to argue that he was too drunk to understand what he was saying.
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New World (5)
Itachi Uchiha x Reader Fluff
Summary: The world War has met its end and Itachi has returned to his village. He questions whether he should set down his roots here when he meets a stranger. Or rather, a stranger is forced upon him by fate.
Warnings: attempted murder, attempted flirtation, attempted insults, attempted threats of murder, attempted stealing of HEARTS
Word Count: Can someone send me pictures of their cats? I want to feel a little better before going back to work after the holidays
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
"Oof, Y/N! You look like you got smushed by one of the Oxen!" I wish I got smushed by one of the oxen. That would have been much easier to bear, you internally groan at yourself. Nami tries her best to comb the tangled mess that is your hair while forcing you to drink as much water as possible. She is visibly worried about the drowsiness still in your eyes as your steps wobble when you walk towards the courtyard to meet everyone else. The Bamboo villagers have already gathered there for the day. So has Naruto. Kakashi and Itachi are nowhere to be seen and Nami does not want to go look out for them while leaving you with people she does not trust much. "Where were you all night?" your friend whispers close to you, trying to comb out the stubborn knots before tying your hair in a braid. The pounding sensation in your brain has mercy on your sensory organs for a moment and lets Nami's worry slip in to let you form a sentence for a reply.
"I was-" you rub your eyes and crinkle your brows to think hard about last night- "I think I was behind the cottages somewhere." Your voice still croaks even after drinking all that water. There are nothing but judgmental glares coming from the Bamboo villagers; even Toge. "People should drink only till the point they can handle well," Izo announces to the group before helping the Chief get up on the ox. It takes you a minute to realise that comment is aimed at you. You want to hide behind Nami. The embarrassment is too much. "You are right, Izo-sama," Kakashi acknowledges the man, entering from the front gate of the rest house with a bag. Itachi follows him in, carrying a similar bag to Kakashi's. "People should only do so much as their capacity allows," former Anbu continues, "or they might find themselves drowning in embarrassment for being defeated by some small no-name...sake?" Izo averts his gaze and gets up on the ox. So does Fukaboshi. The rest of the caravan stares blankly at Kakashi. You want to feel offended but the heaviness in your head does not allow you to hold your frown for long. "Sumimasen," Kakashi chuckles, raising one hand in defeat and smiling at you till his eyes close, "would you like to rest a bit more?" You sigh and shake your head. "I'm fine. Let's go. Let me just go fill my bottle with more water." You do not wait for an answer and walk towards the corner that has a little earthen tank for drinking water. Everyone walks out of the front gate, save for Kakashi and Itachi. Kakashi nods at Itachi before following the rest of the group.  You notice him standing there alone, your pace slowing down as you remember waking up alone on the wooden settee, curled up under Itachi's cloak. Ah, the cloak. You take the cloak out from your backpack and bring it forward to hand it over to its owner. "Arigato, Itachi-san," you bow a little, "I hope I did not cause trouble last night." Itachi takes the cloak and hands you a bottle of a tea-like liquid. "Must have been hard," Itachi speculates, opening his cloak and wearing it right there, "having a nightmare like that." You find it hard to look away from his eyes. They seem sincere with the question. You bring the cold bottle to your cheeks to let the heat seep out from them faster. "Have it now." Itachi nods at the bottle, sending a little warm stir in your stomach, "It will help with the...hangover." You look at the bottle, then back at Itachi. A part of you swirls on the inside on seeing him patiently waiting there for you. Without another thought, you open the lid and chug the sweet, cold liquid down your throat, letting it absorb the heaviness and heat from your body. The relieved sigh after the last gulp brings a hint of smirk to Itachi's lips. Your head does tiny repeated nods, looking at the empty bottle before you smack your lips. "Good," you admit, looking up at Itachi, "does this come in orange flavour?" .
Today's journey goes the same way; through the forests and rocky lands. The adults are unbothered on their oxen. Kakashi and Itachi have taken their place as usual. Naruto is ahead of the caravan today, and so is Toge. Kozuki is right next to Kakashi, trying to start a conversation. And Kakashi indulges in it. Around noon the caravan passes through another forest with a low-hanging fog. You and Itachi are walking at the back of the caravan. You are glad not to be bothered by Toge today, but him not running up to you with a new piece of conversation seems to bother you a little. Something seems off. That little unsettling thought also melts away. Could also be your company. The thought makes you smile and steal a glance at the man next to you. And while doing so you do not realise Itachi has raised his hand to signal you to stop; running right into his arm. Kakashi has also signalled the caravan to stop. Naruto and Toge stand frozen in their paths on Kakashi's signal, looking for any signs out of the ordinary. Everyone can sense it. The silence of this forest is defeaning. A little too deafening. The birds that were chirping, the animals that were skittering along the forest floor, all have gone silent. Kozuki has already drawn her twin daggers. You have taken out a kunai but are not sure if you still remember how to use it. The elders are also on their guard, waiting for a movement in the silence. There is a snap of a twig somewhere in the forest. And before anyone can make sense of it, a shadow flies right past the Chief, leaving a scratch on his cheek. "Chief," Izo shouts, grabbing everyone's attention, except for Itachi's. Everyone rushes towards the Chief. Kakashi is slow, still overlooking his surroundings. Itachi on the other hand is grabbing your hand to stop you from running in the same direction as others. "Itachi wha-" You never get to finish your words. The hand that is grabbing yours, pulls you to him quicker than you can fathom, making you collide with his chest. What you do not see is the movement Itachi has already sensed from his left, right where you stood a second ago; and sensing the danger, he draws you closer to him with his hand on the small of your back, before summoning his crows. Six crows. Six assassins. Six daggers flying in the air with you as their mark. Itachi does not move. His eyes, on the other hand, are already swirling in that direction. "Mangekyo Sharingan." You hear the words reverberate through his chest for one second. And the next, all six assassins drop to the ground. .
"Chief, are you okay?" Fukaboshi shouts as he descends from the small hill he goes up to look for any other assassins. "I'm fine." "He's fine." The chief and Kakashi declare in unison. Izo comes down from his ox and glares at Kakashi. "Hatake Kakashi, you are lucky our Chief was not hurt or I would have personally slit your throat right here." Kakashi folds his arms over his chest. "What is stopping you from doing it right now, Izo-san?" You, Kozuki, Naruto and Toge turn to look at Kakashi, a little taken aback by the direction this is going in. You take a step to walk in Kakashi's direction but are stopped by Itachi once again. He shakes his head and slowly pulls you back to him. "Mind your tongue, Hatake," Fukaboshi growls at the White Fang. "I have been minding my tongue till now, Fukaboshi-sama. Because if I didn't, these comatose assassins would be dead by now and you would be taking home the bodies of six young kids who don't even know why they were trying to attack us." Silence. Kozuki looks at Izo before dashing towards the comatose assassins lying on the ground to remove their masks and gasp in disbelief. Toge follows. Both of them look back at Izo. "Izo-sensei, did you know about this?" Toge is the first to ask. You want to take a look at the assassins as well but do not move; partially because a voice inside you is gathering all the anxiety in your chest and telling you it has something to do with you. Partially because Itachi still holds your hand- loose enough to not hurt, tight enough to give you a sense of reassurance. And it hurts your heart to admit that his presence feels safe. The reason for that feeling is never discussed internally at that moment. Kozuki and Toge are now standing opposite Izo, even looking at Fukaboshi with questioning eyes. "This is not the time and place to argue amongst yourselves in front of other villages, Kozuki. Toge!" Chief orders. Toge relaxes his stance. Kozuki does not. "This is the only time and place to ask why the other 'villager' knows the identity of these assassins and why did our people attack our caravan?" Kozuki growls back. "KOZUKI!!!" Izo thunders, summoning fire in both hands. The sudden emergence of fireballs gives you a jumpscare, your instinct making you grab Itachi's arm with your free hand and wanting to hide behind him in his cloak. The Chief sends his favourite stick flying towards Izo to create a gust of wind so strong that the fire fizzles out before it returns to him like a boomerang. No one dares say a word. Kakashi does it out of respect. Naruto does it out of sheer surprise. Bamboo villagers do it out of fear of seeing their Chief in action. You and Itachi do not speak because both of you are busy gathering the thoughts suddenly scattered; due to your brains registering the warmth under each other's skin. "Answer the girl, Izo." Chief demands, "I do not like being kept in the shadows by my loyal hands." .
Naruto is rubbing his forehead a little too furiously. "So-" he pauses the rubbing to spread his fingers to signal a pause in the air- "to summarise, the bamboo village senseis raided our village's graveyard to find the legendary Whisperer or any clue that led to that legend but could not find any. So, they had intended on sending assassins to the village while taking away two of the strongest shinobis of Konoha, thinking that the assassins might have some luck getting it out of the Hokage. But then they found out the Whisperer was with us, they sent a message to the assassins to attack us and take the Whisperer. The plan failed because Kakashi-sensei and Itachi-aniki were too strong. And now Chief-sama is mad at Izo-sama and Fukaboshi-sama because he was kept in the dark." The caravan- which has now scattered in a five-meter radius- sits in silence. Izo and Fukaboshi sit together, at a respectable distance from their Chief. Kozuki stands over the six 'assassins' that have now woken up but dare not look at the woman for fear of being burned under her glare. Nami sits next to Naruto and Toge sulks while sitting and ripping the grass off the small hill Kakashi stands on. You and Itachi sit opposite Kakashi, the latter never letting go of his stoic manners while you are suddenly shuddering on the inside. Kakashi raises his shoulders and nods in affirmation, proud of his pupil for retaining so much of that heavy information. "So, the Whisperer is somewhere safe, Kakashi sensei? Or do we need to protect it still?" Naruto turns his head in question. Nami, who has been sitting next to Naruto, rolls her eyes and facepalms hard. Kakashi smiles. Naruto feels a smack land on the back of his head. "Ow! What?" He asks Nami, offended.
"The Whisperer is safe," Kakashi assures Naruto before he sends daggers in Izo's direction from the corner of his eyes, "but we plan to protect to the point of killing." "We never meant any harm to the chosen one, Chief," Izo finally speaks, never looking up towards the crowd, "we only wanted to do it right by the village." "The chosen one?" Naruto whispers the question in Nami's direction. Nami simply puts her index finger on her lips, quieting down the young ninja. "You could have simply asked for their help," the Chief grumbles, not wanting to look at his men. "Come on, Chief. No village will let an outsider know about their Whisperer, let alone let them help them out," Izo protests before he feels Fukaboshi's hand land on his arm to quiet him down. "Is that so, Kakashi?" the Chief is curious to know. Kakashi sighs. "I think that is up to the Whisperer to decide, right?" You are intently listening to Kakashi when you feel his gaze land on you. Basic instinct makes you avert your gaze, letting it land on Nami, who has the same question in her eyes as Kakashi. So do Izo, Fukaboshi and Toge. Even Kozuki. The cold that has seeped into your bones has suddenly grown intense. Your heartbeat is playing at a wild tempo. Your head turns to look at Itachi, craving for some kind of guidance. "Should we visit their village and see what the trouble is?" The birds seem to have started have started chirping again.
For you.
You want to melt into his affectionate voice and disappear from this place. Maybe into his equally considerate eyes? You nod at him before looking at the rest of the caravan. "Okay," you declare weakly. Fifteen minutes later, the caravan is back on track; this time a bit colder than before. The assassins have been sent home. Fukaboshi and Izo have been ordered to walk the rest of the way while Naruto, Nami and Kozuki have taken their places on the oxen. You and Itachi are still walking at the back. Itachi can sense a dark cloud surrounding you. It doesn't help when he sees you walk with furrowed brows and a heart rate akin to that of a rat. "Are you okay, Y/N-san?" Itachi asks in a whisper, bringing you out of your anxious thoughts. "Hmm? Yes....no. I don't know what to feel." "Y/N-san..." You look up at Itachi. "I know-" you are already interrupting him before he can speak- "you will keep me safe. So will everyone else. So will Konoha." Does not stop this dreadful feeling of being in the dark and having a target on your back. "Please know I will protect you. No matter what." His dark eyes seem to carry a resolve that stirs you to your core. And then his smile makes you forget what you were anxious about in the beginning. You smile back and nod. Itachi tries to rationalise why his chest suddenly feels lighter. Nami, on the other hand, wonders what all she would do to Itachi Uchiha if he ever dared to be anything but the reason for that smile on your face.
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
On wasted years of teenage girls and what's beyond them:
A Sakura Haruno quick character study.
⠀Ignoring Kishimoto's possible implications or even his intentions for the character, I think one of the coolest facts about Sakura is that she wasted so many of her Academy years in superficial stuff.
And you'd say: “How is that good? Or cool?”
Listen, most 12 years old have their lives figured out. They don't have a clear path to follow, they haven't lived a traumatic experience that altered completely their core and the paths they'd follow for the rest of their lives. They don't attach their personal growth or maturity process to stuff like revenge or proving to my homeplace that I, a 12 years old kid, deserve basic human treatment.
There are kids like that, of course. Kids like Naruto and Sasuke, like Neji and Rock Lee, like Itachi and Kakashi and so many other kids that worked hard for years to become strong in their system 'cause they knew what they wanted, needed even.
But pre-teen girls with a relatively normal life?
⠀You mean to tell me it's not common for them to fall prey of the social obsession over physical appearance? Specially little girls who were bullied for not being up to the standard, girls who crave attention from someone well-liked or popular because that would make them worthy or visible to the others. The reason they are so many books and movies and stories about how awful is to be a teenage girl, is not for fun. The expectations are crushing: from your parents, from society, from the people at power even.
And if you were one of this girls, only to wake up one day after a reality check, let me tell you it hits you so, so hard. You'd obsess over the lost time, terrified it's too late, you'll never be able to catch up with the others. You fell into the trap and now it's game over. Except is not, but no one will ever stop reminding you of that mistake you made.
Even if it was on a period of your life when things were changing so fast you could barely follow the flow of it all. Your body was changing, hormones betraying you. You were expected to be sincere but not overly vulnerable and be pretty but not superficial and be joyful but not annoying and be quiet but not utterly submissive and— you get it.
⠀My favorite part is that Sakura, a late bloomer, never gave up on herself. For all the people who wasted years of their life caring so much about things that didn't matter at all in the end, Sakura is good representation of what it feels to try and recover. Honey, you can still achieve your dream. Stop beating yourself up, stop destroying yourself over mistake you knew because you didn't know better. You know better now, don't you?
It's not gonna be easy, but you can still work for it, go for it, train for it, you can change. Humans are allowed to change. If you had a slow start, if you found your purpose years after you were expected too, if you find it hard to understand what to do or even understand yourself, if you crumbled under the pressure, if you weren't as strong willed or if you didn't have it as bad as others, breath, it's okay, don't punish yourself any further.
⠀And it brings me to the question of why do we confuse obsession with passion. Why do we turn innocent actions into something with ill intentions?
Naruto was passionate about being Hokage the same way Sasuke was passionate about revenge. Sasuke's thing wasn't negative before Orochimaru put in his head that he was wasting time. Sakura was passionate about getting recognition from Sasuke at first, which is not so different from Naruto wanting recognition from the village or Sasuke wanting his brother to acknowledge him.
And it was not until the Forest of Death that she realized she doesn't want recognition of that type anymore. That's the symbolism behind her cutting her hair. She wants Naruto and Sasuke to see her as someone they can truly trust in, as an equal not in terms of power, but as reliable teammates. There she shows that she has grown to the point she cares about them both, about what both of them think of her, about their well-being and approval as her friends. She's done wasting time, and even when we see she's every inch as weak as she was before, what changes is her actitud.
⠀If you read her interactions with this in mind, it makes more sense.
In the beginning of the Chunnin Exams, Kakashi makes sure she will participate for herself and not her teammates. She does. And Kakashi's worries are confirmed twice, when she almost raised her hand after the writing exam because she was concerned about Naruto and when she almost raised her hand after the Forest of Death, because she was concerned about Sasuke. She wanted to be there but she was willing to give it up if it was to protect her teammates dreams or well-being.
She tries to stop Sasuke from leaving the village because that's her first big loss. That's her first time facing a tragedy. It is traumatic, just not so big when compared to her team experiences. But she just realized how much they mean to her and how much she wants to be better for them and now it's over, too late, too late, too late.
She asks Naruto to retrieve Sasuke because she does know she was weak, she wasted her time, she should be better. And when Naruto comes back so beaten, she swears next time she will be able to go with him. At least strong enough to be considered to go on the mission, to be considered useful enough, skillful enough.
Her reason to train with Tsunade is because she wants to be capable of resisting the conditions of a fight. Being a medic nin made her irreplaceable, being a combat medic nin gave her the freedom of following her team around and withstanding more than the common medic nin.
She fights Sasori and learns mid-fight to deal with him without Chiyo'd help, all not just for Gaara, but for a clue of Sasuke's whereabouts. And she got it. In that sense, she reached her goal in that moment. She proved she had it in her.
⠀From there on, it was a struggle. Almost every decision she made, it was thinking of how she could help or what was (wrongly assumed) her responsibility to her team.
She confessed to Naruto her fake love because she believed it was her responsibility, when it was not. Naruto's feelings were their own, his promise to take Sasuke back to Konoha maybe started with her, but became his own quickly. She didn't have to lie to him and to herself in order to fix only temporally a situation that would get out of their hands anyway. Was it something awful to do? Yes. Was she wrong? Yes. Should it be excused? No. But there is a reason to her actions.
She tried to kill Sasuke because she thought she had a responsibility to him as her teammate (to stop him from descending more into darkness), to Naruto as her teammate and friends (to spare him of the hurt of being the one to kill Sasuke) and to Konoha and the shinobi world (to stop his acts, to put at end to the madness).
When she jumps to their side at war and says she has finally reach them, she means this, the fact she has a reason to stand beside them even if it's not in power or fighting skills. Her invocation is as useful as theirs, she's the best medic nin available so she needs to go with them, even if only for a second or even if only on one thing, she can still do something for them. Let it be keeping Naruto's heart beating, or giving Obito chakra to keep his Mangekyou running longer to find Sasuke, or hit Kaguya in the head so Naruto and Sasuke can seal her.
She even says it. If with her life she can help them at least a little, if she can change things to their favor at least a little, if she can heal them at least a little, she'd be satisfied with that.
⠀Isn't it amazing that the girl who wasted her Academy years in being pretty and spend years upon years trying to be accepted by society, a girl so weak and helpless, became a woman capable of helping so many people. Someone strong and reliable, top on her field, compared to the best of the kunoichis. She didn't know what she wanted in life at 12 years old (she rambled nonsense when Kakashi asked), but when she finally figured out, she didn't stop until achieving it.
And I think that's good, right there. I don't like how the story execute this concept, I don't like how certain things were portrayed, but it makes sense when you consider her core as a character.
I love her going from true zero, (just knowledge, stuff anyone could adquire with proper studying), to the top. I love that she had a bad beginning, that she was annoying and naive and ignorant, that she had so much room for growth and she did grow into it. Kishimoto's writing aside, I'll give him this: Sakura is a needed character in the plot and he gave her the necessity for being a great character. He just,,,,, well, like he said it himself, he struggled a lot with her, writing her, portraying her properly. And it'll forever show.
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tokiro07 · 2 months
Another thing that bothers me about the Earth Flames being so rare is that they have no bearing on anything
The Tri-ni-sette are the Vongola Rings, Mare Rings and Arcobaleno Pacifiers, and together they maintain the world's balance (somehow), but the Simon Rings, which are of supposedly comparable power to the Vongola Rings, just...exist independently? For no purpose?
Then I started thinking about how Mare means "Sea." Why did the Tri-ni-sette use so much water imagery (clams, the sea, rainbows) when it represents the Dying Will Flames? It just doesn't line up very well conceptually
If I were to reboot Reborn, I would recontextualize the Tri-ni-sette specifically to represent the Dying Will Flames of the Sky, Earth and Sea
Sure, having 22 different Flame types would be a lot, but I don't think that's much worse than the 15 we already have, especially when you consider that Amano didn't care enough to elaborate on them anyway. What's another seven for her to ignore?
Anyway, here's my ideas for the Sea Flames
Sea Flame: Adaptation; as a sort of reversal of the Sky Flame's Harmonization ability to make other flames like itself, the Sea Flame changes its own properties to best match the situation, like liquid filling its container. To continue my spear example from a previous post, a Sea Flame-coated spear could become flexible to keep from breaking when hitting a particularly tough target, sturdy to block attacks, or fluid to maneuver around barriers; the Sea Flame is a deep but clear blue
Wave Flame: Conduction; like sound traveling through a medium, the Wave Flame can enter and travel through objects, though its speed may be affected by the properties of said objects. A Wave spear could be made temporarily intangible to bypass defenses or could allow the force of its strikes to propagate through a struck target; the Wave Flame is a billowing green (for the green room of a tidal wave)
Current Flame: Direction; with fluid properties, the Current Flame always flows in one direction at the user's will, able to drag anything caught in its wake in said direction. A Current spear could be thrown and controlled from afar by altering the flow, leave a trail that would force others who cross that trail to move along it, or be manipulated precisely during close-range combat; the Current Flame is a pale and somewhat cloudy yellow
Vortex Flame: Rotation; immediately upon production, Vortex Flames begin spinning around their point of origin, and similar to Current Flames can affect the movement of objects caught within, albeit in a much more specific and localized manner. A Vortex spear can be spun along its center to convert its head into a drill or spun along its length to convert its pole into a helicopter, as well as inducing a spinning motion onto whatever is struck; the Vortex Flame is a spinning, frothy orange (because I came up with its color last and orange was all that was left, though it coincidentally brings to mind Naruto)
Geyser Flame: Explosion; requiring a charge to build up pressure, the Geyser Flame creates explosive force when released. A Geyser spear can have its flame concentrated on the back to propel itself forward or on its tip to explode on impact with a target; the Geyser Flame is a boiling, glowing red
Surface Flame: Distortion; like the surface of water, the Surface Flame refracts light, allowing the user to deceive an opponent's senses by altering the position and proportion of an image. This is distinct from illusions as new images cannot be introduced, the extant image can only be warped. A Surface spear can be made to seem to disappear, teleport, become intangible, or any number of other optical tricks so long as the user is clever and skilled enough. The Surface Flame is a shimmering, rippling light blue
Depth Flame: Compression; by applying pressure from its edge towards its center, the Depth Flame's density increases inwardly. Objects that enter the Depth Flame's radius are drawn to the middle and are met with increased resistance and pressure. A Depth spear can increase the density and efficacy of its blade, draw foreign objects to itself, or create crushing pressure on the struck area; the Depth Flame is a gradient, opaque purple
With this, the Vongola, Mare and Simon Rings make up the Tri-ni-sette while the Arcobaleno are their own thing distinct from them. Kawahira says that the Arcobaleno are so massively important that the Vongola and Mare Rings are basically irrelevant anyway, so who cares if the Pacifiers aren't part of the Tri-ni-sette anymore?
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signedeclipse · 1 year
Hello, I’m new here, and I got a strange fluff request. I hope I'm not breaking any rules you have. Can I ask for a One-shot for Kochou Shinobo x S/O who’s based off Utakata from Naruto Shippuden. I hope this isn’t too specific.
Here’s the one-shot scenario. Kochou Shinobo has an GN S/O, who uses Water Breathing Technique. However, her S/O created a new form and it's an unorthodox way that suit their needs: Instead, her S/O creates bubbles that can come in any shape or form and be used offensively against Demons and defensively for the user, and instead of a sword, uses a bamboo bubble pipe.
On day, while Shinobo is visiting her S/O, practicing new ways to use their form, they wanted test out if it was possible to travel inside their bubbles
Shinobo is fascinated by the concept, and agrees to test it out with them. Her S/O blows a giant bubble that engulfs her, and then one for them. Both their bubbles soon float into the sky. 
At first, the Shinobo is having difficulty controlling her bubble, as she keeps slipping and falling, and bouncing around the walls of the bubble. She and her S/O giggles a little, having fun. But suddenly, the wind blows her bubble into their bubble, and their two bubbles merge into one bubble. Shinobo at first apologizes, but her S/O says it’s okay, preferring this way. They sit down and cuddle together in their bubble and watch the sunset, and Shinobo is amazed by the view.
Soon, their bubble lands on the ground and pops safely, and Shinobo thanks her S/O for their experiences
Fluttering [Shinobu X Reader]
Reader is Human Female | Fluff
Recomended Song - Hymn for the Weekend by Coldplay
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It was an early morning, early enough that the sky was only beginning to lighten as the peeking sun had still not been seen, mere minutes from waking the world around it. The insect hashira noticed the morning dew was still dripping from the trees, so despite the clear skies above, the distinct sound of rain was all around her. 
This path through the forest led to your home, protected by newly grown wisteria trees. They were in full bloom, leaving the ground scattered in purple petals. They sat at the base of the forest, like a fence protecting the extensive clearing where your home sat. You had built the entire thing with your two hands between missions. 
Only a few had the fortune of growing these trees, but one unique thing about you was that you belonged to the Wisteria family. 
As always, the closer she got to your home, the more bubbles would glide past her through the wind, accompanied by the sound of bamboo wind chimes that hung from all corners of the house. 
As she recalled, you both met long ago during the final selection and bonded well over the fact that you were the only two to remain. The similarities didn’t end there, with you both sharing your experiences of not using a typical nichirin blade. 
From then on you two became close friends, most missions done together and if not, always promising to meet afterwards to share what had happened. 
Shinobu outshone you and became a strong hashira, but she always credited her rise to her position to you who encouraged it and allowed her to use the wisteria from your family trees. But besides that, you were never interested in rising up the ranks. You did things at your own pace, preferably in a support role over a defensive one. 
And when she had earned the courage to ask you to be her lover, she had learned to appreciate this fact. The more in love she fell, the harder it became to let you go on missions that might harm you. 
But it was for the greater good, and- 
“-ocho? Miss Kocho!” Her hazy purple eyes finally seemed to connect with your own, though her expression hadn’t changed. 
“Oh my, was I gazing off again? My apologies.” She raised her hand to touch her lips, as if trying to express her surprise. Even so, you knew she was tugging your chain. 
“It’s fine, of course, I’m just happy you stopped by.” The two of you were sitting on the porch, your legs dangling off while she had hers crossed. Your tea was half empty, but she had already finished hers. The sky was a purple hue, as the day continued to tick forwards. 
Taking her cup into your hands, you quickly finished yours and sat them aside, before pulling out a bubble pipe the other had never seen before. This one was made out of bamboo as opposed to straw, and was stained a dark brown with a waxy finish. It was a finely crafted piece, but before Shinobu could inquire more of it you rose to your feet and walked out from the house, into the grassy field. 
“Ah, you did mention in the letter you wanted to test something out, correct?” She  walked out to join you after seeing you push the end of the flute into a soaked sponge that was filled with the fluid you used to make bubbles, a purple hue to it from the wisteria embedded in its mixture. 
Originally your bubbles were harmless to demons, but helped trap them. With Shinobu's help, however, you were able to make a solution that could subdue and occasionally kill them as well. 
When she stood in front of you, waiting, she was more than surprised to realize she was growing taller- except, no. It seemed you had trapped her in one of the bubbles without her realizing and it was lifting her into the sky. 
“Dear, this is incredible!” She praised you, not just for this new feat, but for the fact that you had her guard so low that you’d managed to catch her. 
Your smile was always wider than hers, and she loved it. Clearly you had been having trouble with the technique, as shown by the joy on your face. Not long after she had been picked up, you were in one rising up to catch her. As you both got higher, Shinobu found herself struggling to stand up straight, falling to her ass. 
Unamused at first, your laughter picked up her mood until she was giggling too, failing to stand up multiple times before giving up entirely, crossing her legs and looking down at you. 
“Don’t worry, they won’t pop.” You mumbled more of yourself than her, watching as you were lifted as high as the clouds might have been. Thanks to the clear skies, you never lost each other. It was a little scary at first, but with time you were both playing around, seeing if there was some way you might be able to steer them. 
As Shinobu attempted to use it like a hamster ball, however, she smacked right into yours, attaching the two with just a small barrier between them. 
“Ah, I completely ruined it…” Her frown returned as she tried to push away, gasping when you took the sharp end of your pipe and moved it towards her, “Now, now! I don’t think this was bad enough to result in death-!” 
As the sheen between you two popped, you quickly pulled her into yours so she wouldn’t fall, now stuck in the same bubble as you. 
“I just wanted to scare you.” You stuck out your tongue, looking at her who had fallen onto the ground again, while you stood easily. Of course, it was easy for you to keep from falling, but Shinobu would wipe that smirk off your face when she kicked the back of your knee, making you fall right back beside her. 
When met with your grumbling, she only hushed you by moving one finger to your lips. 
“Shh, look.” The finger on your lips moved to point forwards, and when you broke from her mischievous gaze, you saw the golden sun begging to rise above the horizon, decorating the landscape with a beautiful backlit glow. 
You were lost for words looking at the fantastic scenery. You could see the butterfly mansion from here, among other landmarks hidden throughout rural Japan. Shinobu’s arms wrapped around you after pulling your arms around her, resting her head on your shoulder. 
“Wow.” Your tone had gotten much lower, moving to rest your head on hers. This wasn’t what you had expected, but the timing was perfect. 
“Yes, wow.” She agreed, humming lightly so as not to cover the sounds of the birds chirping as the sun woke all of nature from its slumber. 
Enjoying the silence and the warm company, you two watched until the sun became too bright to stare at, and as the bubble lost its ability to keep in the air, landing further from home near the edge of the forest where the wisteria was, in which one of the branches popped it. 
Although a rough landing, you were laughing and smiling from having to catch yourselves in the worst ways, dropping from the tree and thanking it for saving your fall. 
“I am happy to know your studies are improving your technique. Feel free to write to me anytime you have more of these ‘experiments,’ okay?” 
Unfortunately, she was already leaving, but you waved off and hummed in agreement. 
“Thank you, Miss Kocho!”
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Author Note -  Sorry this took so long! I really struggled to get my ideas out for it so I had to adjust some details until it was able to flow, I hope you enjoy!
Word Count - 1,278
Art Credit - HJHX
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h8ani · 10 months
Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka x Reader
Anime: Naruto
Word count: 1049
Warnings: No warnings, fem!reader
Prompt: “Oh my god! Him? You like him?”
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Having a crush on someone is like feeling butterflies in your stomach when you finally see them for the first time in the day. You get giddy and suddenly it’s hard to not smile when they’re standing in front of you. It’s hard not thinking about them, you think about him when you wake up, when you eat lunch even when you’re sleeping. You find yourself craving his presence, even if he wasn’t talking to you, just him being around is enough.
That’s what having a crush is supposed to feel like.
You on the other hand wish you can dump these feelings in a bottle and have it sink to the bottom of the ocean.
On top of thinking about him constantly, which is starting to make you go a bit insane you realize that on days you know your paths will cross you tend to look better than usual. You fix your hair, the make up you decide to put on is almost scary good with how you’ve perfected it and your ninja attire you usually wear you decided to change it up with a different color in hopes he just noticed you. You even started to notice how nervous you grow around him or when he’s in the vicinity you’re not as bad as Hinata when Naruto talks to her but you’re pretty damn close which makes you go insane because that just isn’t you.
Sitting inside Ichiraku Ramen on one of the open chairs you sit by Hinata who you invited over to have lunch with. You two usually take time out of your week at least once to sit down and have a meal together.
“Hey Hinata. Howd you know you had feelings for Naruto?” You ask while picking out the egg from your ramen while she looks at you with an immediate blush on her cheeks.
“Well… I became interested in him when I was younger, he saved me from bullies when we were kids and even though I wasn’t allowed to be around him I always paid attention to him from that point. I admired him a lot for who he was so the feelings just came naturally, especially as we got older and were around each other more.” She answers in a small voice. You smile at her words. “Why do you ask?” She adds.
You shrug, “Just wondering is all.” She nods and turns around. “Oh hi Kiba.” She smiles at her teammate who sits next to her.
You feel 10 degrees warmer and the small restaurant suddenly felt suffocatingly smaller. You looked down at your food immediately finding it much more interesting than what the boy next to you was saying to your friend. What ramen did you even get? Wasn’t it supposed to have chicken in it? There’s so many vegetables in this. When did the broth-
“Hi (Y/N).” Kiba says with a smile.
You have to acknowledge him. You have to look at him, it’d be rude not to.
Jesus is it getting hot in here?
You hate how tight your chest feels right now, it’s just Kiba. Just Kiba, the same boy you’ve known since the Academy, since watching him lose at the Chunin exams and the same Kiba you’ve known since forever. It’s Kiba, the boy you’ve realized just up until recently that you’ve had a crush on since you can remember.
“Hi…” you say quietly and glance over at him before looking back at your bowl. You can feel your cheeks burning up and curse him for coming in here. You hate being this girl, you don’t get shy, you’re loud and abrasive most days but with Kiba around, you are reduced to a shallow puddle ready for him to step in to.
You’ve ignored and pretty much zoned out all of their conversation until Kiba stands up. You turn your head, and he smiles to the both of you. “I’ll see you two around.” His eyes linger on you for a moment before he leaves past the front banners of the restaurant. You feel your cheeks and they were practically on fire with how flustered you got, you internally sighed. God did you feel like an idiot around him.
You were patting your cheeks, hoping to calm down when Hinata gasped next to you, causing you to quickly look over. “Oh my god! Him? You like him?” She exclaimed. Your mouth opened but nothing came out. “I always noticed you act differently when he was around but that’s why you asked me that question earlier!”
“Shh!” You hush her and look around you two to see if anyone was walking by. “Don’t say anything to anyone! It’s just a little crush, something that will go away eventually ya know? It’s not like Kiba would even like me back so there’s no point in saying anything to anyone. Let alone him, right?” You rush all of the words out as quick as you can.
“Are you trying to convince me that you don’t really have a crush or yourself?” She asks.
“It just wouldn’t matter if I told him or not okay?”
You huff a big sigh and Hinata can’t help but frown slightly. She knows your feelings now, you like her teammate, but her teammate has almost said the exact same thing to her about you, give or take a few words. Kiba wanted to spend more time with you, but with you never saying more than a small greeting to him he thought it was pointless and he wouldn’t have a chance. Kiba seeing you and Hinata eating was just a perfect excuse to see you. He likes seeing you around the village, he liked being in your presence, he just liked everything about you.
He stayed back on the side of the ramen shop once he heard Hinata’s voice raise when he left. His curiosity getting the better of him he eavesdropped on your conversation. He waited a few moments and after hearing you admit, you also have feelings for him, his feet seemed to have a mind of their own because before he knew it, he was walking back into Ichiraku and was standing in front of you. You stared up at him with wide eyes and mouth agape.
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Crimson Kisses [ShikaIno]
cc-naruto-s-rank-shinobi Crimson Kisses // Ino waking up Shikamaru with them, lmao
@minds-interlinked answered:
Send “Crimson Kisses” and My Muse will cover Your Muse’s face in multiple kisses! - [[ @cc-naruto-s-rank-shinobi ]]
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Unlike Shikamaru, even on days off, Ino was an early riser. She liked to wake up to the sun, and get her day underway. She was never one to laze around, but her husband was at times. It was too bad that she rarely allowed him a moment to do just that if she was around. As such was this morning. "Time to get up now, Shikamaru~" She whispered in his ear, hoping that'd coax him up. When it was clear that it wasn't going to do anything, she resorted to another tactic. Relentlessly covering his whole face in kisses until she finally got the desired reaction. That, and she knew he wouldn't exactly complain about such a wake-up call. At least not much.
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Shikamrau’s instinct usually when he hears a voice while waking up, was to make sure it was or was not Naruto. Back when they were teenagers, it was his cue to go nap somewhere else, but nowadays it was usually important Hokage related business.
He was relieved though when he realised it was in fact Ino, who else would be kissing him all over? It was nice and all, but he didn’t feel like getting up yet, until he couldn’t hold back a grin from all the kissing.
“Alright, I’m up…” Shikamaru spoke with a defeated sigh, sitting up straight with a sleepy goofy smile toward his wife. “Well since you woke me up, it’s your responsibility to take the lead today.”
// yep lmao, that's pretty canon for me with them two too!
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artfullypoetic · 2 years
Perfect [One-Shot, Completed]
Title: Perfect
Summary: Sasuke finds himself faced with the opportunity to travel back in time once again. Where will he go? What will he see? Fluffy SasuSakuSara one-shot written for SasuSaku Month 2022! Prompt: time travel
Disclaimer: I do not own nor did I create Naruto. This was created solely for entertainment purposes.
Rating: General Audiences
FF.net Link | AO3 Link - Reviews are greatly appreciated!
Sasuke leaned back against the bark of the tree in which he was currently perched. A sudden fatigue overwhelmed him and he was sure that if he allowed his eyes to close, his body would slip from the branches. He pinched the bridge of his nose and inhaled sharply, willing the quick thumping of his heart to steady. But despite his best efforts, the familiar sting behind his eyes continued to grow.
Below him and past the thick branches of the oak tree, was a home that he knew so well yet never allowed himself to feel welcome in. Through the window, he watched the even breathing of a sleeping child— his child. His heart lurched when she tossed and turned.
Though Sarada was now eleven years old, the Sarada before him was only a few months shy of turning six. As he watched her, he yearned to open his arms to her, to tell her that her Papa was here and that there was no need to question his love for her. But even in this vulnerable state, Sasuke knew the dangers of disrupting the past. He was not one to toy with fate but when given the opportunity to travel back in time, he no longer had the willpower to resist. 
Sasuke and Boruto had just returned from their journey back to Konoha and with Urashiki defeated and Naruto’s life saved, he could finally relax. But there was one thing that bothered him—one thing that he had to see for himself. Just this once, he thought, he will allow himself to indulge in his own selfish desires just this once. 
And so he traveled back in time, not to change the past or protect the future. This time he was here in this timeline so he could see the life he left behind when he embarked on his world-saving mission. For once, he wanted to see the things he was only able to hear about and hoped he could picture as vividly.
Sasuke sat up straighter when he saw Sarada stir awake. He watched as the small child slid out of her bed and out the door. He followed her with his eyes, watching her movements through the windows and praying that she wouldn’t move out of his sight. 
He realized then that she was heading to Sakura’s bedroom—actually, his and Sakura’s bedroom—where his wife was currently sitting against the headboard with a book, reading in the dim light. He watched silently as little Sarada climbed into the bed and rested her head on her mother’s lap. Sakura smiled, so gentle and soft, and ran her fingers through her daughter’s black hair. 
Concentrating, Sasuke could make out the sound of Sakura’s humming through the open window. He couldn’t stop the smile that played at his lips as the scene before him caused warmth to spread throughout his chest. But underneath the comfort he felt as he witnessed the tender moment between his wife and daughter, was the ever-growing guilt and sadness that seemed to plague him constantly. 
He imagined himself there beside them. He imagined his past self giving up his mission completely—world be damned—so that he could spend every waking moment with his family. It was too late for him to change the past but the vivid images in his head brought him a sort of comfort. A fleeting sense of solace, but he welcomed it nonetheless.
“Mama, do you think Papa will come home tomorrow?”
The small voice was barely audible but Sasuke’s acute ears caught every word. At the sound, the tightness in his chest returned and he gripped the fabric of his cloak with a tense fist.
“Maybe, but I don’t think so,” Sakura answered. Her tone was gentle but he could hear the hint of sadness beneath her words. 
Silence followed for several long beats until Sarada finally spoke again, her voice barely above a whisper, “How can I be sure that Papa loves me when he’s so far away?”
Sasuke’s breath caught at her question and he fought back a choke in order to not give his position away. The tightness in his chest was painful now, cloaking him in a dull ache. He pushed it away, telling himself that there was no use in feeling this guilt when there was nothing he could do to change it. But for once, he wasn’t strong enough.
“Sarada, remember when I had to leave on that mission last month and you had to stay with Aunt Ino?”
“Yes, you were gone for a long time.”
Sakura chuckled, “Yes, I was, wasn’t I?” She placed her book down and turned her full attention on his daughter who now sat upright beside her. “Did you stop loving me just because I wasn’t there?”
“No, Mama! Of course not!”
“Exactly,” Sakura cupped Sarada’s cheek with one hand and tucked loose strands of black hair behind her ear with the other. “The same goes for your Papa. Just because he can’t see us doesn’t mean his love is any weaker. If anything, your Papa’s love for you grows stronger everyday and that’s what protects him when he’s on his mission.”
“I protect him?” Sarada’s eyes widened. 
“Of course you do. Papa does his best to protect the village because he loves you and that love keeps him focused on his goals so he can always win his fights.”
“Is Papa the strongest Shinobi?”
“Of course he is!” Sakura raised a fist in the air, “We Uchiha are the strongest and you should always be proud that he is your Papa.”
“Papa is cool,” Sarada laughed as she lied back down on her mother’s lap, her small hands tugging the comforter to her chin.
“You bet he is. Make sure you tell him that next time you see him.”
With a final nod, the little girl fell asleep again as Sakura continued to run her fingers through her hair and hum a soft lullaby. 
As he watched the scene unfold, Sasuke let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He owed Sakura again, it seems. He’ll have to add that to the growing list of things he needed to thank her for when he got home. Home, he thought. It was time for him to go home, not to this past home in front of him but back to the present where his wife and daughter were likely still anxiously waiting for him to return. 
With a final glance into the window, he committed the moment to his memory as he hopped from branch to branch and away from the past images of his family. The pace of his heart began to quicken once again as he reached the clearing in the forest where he would finally be able to reactivate his time travel device. 
Despite the guilt that continued to threaten him, his heart was full—full with the love he had and the love he received. As he set his destination to the present, he smiled. It didn’t matter what happened in the past. Yes, he made mistakes and yes, he wished he could do things differently. But despite it all, he had people who loved him unconditionally: a wife who selflessly cared for him and a daughter who revered him. 
And so Sasuke set forth and headed to the present, his chest aching at the thought of reuniting with his family. As long as they were there and they were safe, he thought, everything will always be okay. Everything will always be perfect. 
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dorn-queen-of-thorns · 11 months
2nd chapter of " The power in me"
The catastrophe takes its course
3 years and six months before
In a panic, Sasuke runs through a devastated Konoha. Up until this morning everything was still relatively in order, if you can put it that way. Boruto has been brought to the Science Institute with a new mark on his chest, which Kawaki was responsible for this. Boruto explained to Sasuke that he himself asked Kawaki to do this.
Sasuke suspected a deep desperation between the two boys that compelled them to do this. According to the records, Momoshiki tried again to gain the upper hand over Boruto's body.
Also, there has been an incident at the Institute involving Code that ended with Code kidnapping Amado and being taken out of Konoha, whether the suspected scientist was still alive was uncertain at this time.
A few hours later, pure chaos raged in Konoha involving the Uzomaki boy. In recent times, the cases where Konoha is on the brink and Boruto has always been the focus. A huge dimensional gate gaped in the sky, sucking in everything and everyone who couldn't escape or were too weak.
Well, Sasuke doesn't blame the boy for that, he didn't choose to become Momoshiki's vessel and this incident must have something to do with the Otsukis, he's sure of it. He and his father should have taken care of him much sooner, which unfortunately meant Boruto's death. The boy was aware of his fate. Everything that was important to him that his family and friends could live in safety. He and Kawaki have been able to face the consequences where he and Naruto have failed.
The last thing he saw of the boy was disappearing through the gate with the young novice scientist Sumire in his arms and then closing it behind him.
But it's not Boruto that's causing him to lose his composure now and isn't part of his concern now.
The reason is different and lies in his arms.
In his arms lies his daughter Sarada, who is badly injured and has lost consciousness. She hasn't woken up once since he's been with her.
There is now a gaping hole where her right eye should be. The bleeding has stopped on its own, which he takes as a good sign, but it would calm him down even more if she were awake. Any sign, maybe questions what happened to her, or cries of pain, even a helpless whimper, would calm him down a bit.
But her silence is frightening for him and unbearable.
Little Peanut! Please wake up!!! he begs silently and thinks back to better old days.
Sarada hated that nickname so much and was so embarrassed whenever Sasuke called her that.
Sometimes in the past he made fun of calling her by that name.
Papa, you are so embarrassing!, were her words then, but then she had to grin herself that he called her that and only he was allowed to call her by this silly name.
Sasuke thinks of a time when he made the mistake of teasing Sarada with peanuts in front of her three teammates.
Well the situation ended with Sarada and Boruto immediately getting in a fight after Boruto called her by her hated pet name. Sasuke then had to separate the two brawlers.
Mitsuki observed the situation like he always does and Kawaki….
He watched the boy staring at the scene in fascination and Sasuke clearly saw color in Kawaki's face of the otherwise rather pale boy.
Sasuke distrusted Kawaki in one respect and the reason was Sarada.
Not that malicious distrust between enemies or a dangerous situation.
No, that suspicion was the kind of suspicion that existed among fathers when their daughters started to become interesting to boys or, in some cases, girls.
And Kawaki was clearly showing signs of interest that Sarada has yet to ignore or keep well hidden from her father.
The boy had always been close to her on missions or, judging from a report by Naruto, worked closely with her.
That damn Naruto! Not only that, he recommended Kawaki to Sarada's team.
To top it all off, he must have gotten Kawaki and Sarada together, judging from a girlfriend chat between Ino and Sakura. Sakura was amused that Sarada found a boyfriend and addressed him as "Kawaki kun" in the hospital, like she used to do to her love. A circumstance that Sasuke painfully reminds that at some point in the future he will no longer be the most important male reference person for his daughter.
Ultimately, the boy acts just like Sasuke did around Sakura when they were genin. He clearly sees parallels to his relationship with Sakura and his daughter with Kawaki.
On top of that, there was almost a fight just now.
Sasuke found the boy holding Sarada protectively in his arms and a disjointed Delta, a cyborg created by Amado. Judging by his eyes, there must have been a fight and he must have cried for her.
Sasuke knew this was a dangerous situation for him and Sarada . He had to somehow get Kawaki to let go of Sarada.
First, Sasuke tried to calmly persuade Kawaki that Sarada needed medical attention as soon as possible and that she needed to see her mother immediately.
The boy didn't react to Sasuke's words and still clutched Sarada.
Memories well up in Sasuke as he saw the sight. Sakura also reacted to protect him from harm.
Sasuke slowly got closer to the two and Sarada doesn't make a sound, when he stood almost a few centimeters in front of the two, everything happened very quickly.
Sasuke noticed that in seconds, Kawaki's horn grew rapidly, similar to Boruto's when he lost control of himself.
Within seconds, Kawaki attacks his opponent with his blade Sasuke, which he in turn fends off with his katana.
The strength and hardness of the ninja tool blade that grows from Kawaki's right arm has increased in strength and hardness many times over. Unlike the last time the boy attacked the scientist Amado, Sasuke was able to easily destroy this blade.
Sasuke is well aware of the emotional and desperate state Boruto's foster brother must be in.
Their faces are a few centimeters apart and Sasuke sees the young Uzomaki crying silently incessantly.
This is the moment that Sasuke takes advantage of and traps his opponent in a genjutsu.
Sasuke didn't expect it to be that easy. He has the feeling that his opponent willingly indulged in the genjutsu in order to be able to forget the sorrow and pain.
However, Sasuke can't worry too much about Kawaki and leaves him to his own devices.
He quickly takes his daughter from the arms of her teammate and friend.
Unnoticed, Sarada's body drops something...
But Sasuke doesn’t have time to react and he quickly makes his way to Sakura, Sarada's mother.
Where is she? Sasuke asks himself desperately, she must be around here somewhere...
He made his way straight to the hospital. But where the Konoha Hospital was supposed to be, there is a ruin that looks like any other. Rubble and destruction everywhere, which Sasuke is only realizing now. In the streets and alleys of the once beautiful Konoha with all the small achievements and attractions of the 6th and 7th Hokage there are only mountains of rubble, dead and injured.
Konoha has never been particularly lucky in its history. Again and again it became a theater of war or destructiveness of powerful opponents like Pain, or Nagato as he was really called.
And every time Konoha has risen like the phoenix from the ashes.
Unconsciously, Sasuke looks at the rest of his hometown's landmark, the well-known Hokage Mountain.
Where the well-known landmark of the city was once recognizable, only destroyed grimaces are left.
The face of the 7th is even half gone. Startled, Sasuke realizes what it might mean.
If his own daughter's situation weren't so tragic, he would be worried about his best friend.
Desperately he looks for his wife and the otherwise calm person screams anxiously for his wife, like a small child for its mother. "SAKURAAAAA!!!"
Otherwise he would scold himself pathetically for it.
But his daughter's situation is anything but pathetic, it is life-threatening.
When he seems to have given up all hope, hear her familiar and beloved voice.
"Sasuke kun?" She emerges from behind the rubble. Despite all the dust and dirt on her face, hair and clothes, she's still unmistakably his Sakura. Anywhere he would recognize her beautiful, bright green eyes.
Reassured that her husband and daughter have returned to her, she holds her hand to her heart. Now that both are standing in front of her, everything will be fine again…. Won’t be?
Strange she has never seen her Sasuke so distraught, even the horrors of the 4th Ninja World War had left him cold on the outside back then.
She quickly recognizes the reason for this, she is shocked to see her daughter's pale skin color, which is already graying.
Sasuke looks at her with all the hope in his one eye.
Sakura sees the hole from Sarada's empty right eye level, blood starts to clot in places. Asking what happened is obvious.
"Where did you find her? How long has she been like this?” she asks professionally.
She's trying to hide her fucking fear. If she loses her composure, how will her husband fare?
Otherwise he is always the strong, composed one of the two and always gives her support.
This time she has to be the one who has to be strong for both of them.
Sakura notices Sasuke fighting back tears as she performs the field inspection and examines her daughter with her hands after a chakra flow is still active. Where countless chakras should flow, she only feels cold...
"Her bleeding stopped 15 minutes ago and I found her with the boy Kawaki..." he says in a cracked, hoarse voice.
"Is he responsible for this?" Sakura's hands clench in anger.
Sasuke shook his head in reassurance, "I don't think so. He tried to defend her from me and also has defended her against of one of the institutes cyborgs. I had to lock a genjutsu on him to make him let go of her. He showed no hint of guilt, much more sadness and..."
Sakura realizes what her husband is getting at, and she has also noticed that Sarada is becoming more popular with the boys, especially Naruto's foster son, Kawaki. Without any reason she will not have given him the lavender flowers almost a year ago, as Ino told her. Also, Naruto had already asked her, if Kawaki could watch Sasuke and Sarada's training session. Sakura wanted to ask her husband and convince her to let the boy watch as well.
Sakura never wanted to see the day that Sarada had to die before her parents.
After all her exertion, her tears are now flowing.
Sasuke senses that there is no hope for their daughter when he sees Sakura's tears falling down Sarada's forehead. Both hold each other in grief over their common daughter and cry the pain out of their souls. After what feels like an eternity, Sasuke finds the words back first.
" Would it have helped if I had been with her faster?... I shouldn't have focused too much on Boruto... It's my fault... I ignored Sarada….” Sakura feels her husband's pain.
Sakura shakes her head reassuringly, "Please don't blame yourself for this. We all knew how dangerous Boruto's condition was and that he had to be kept under surveillance... Besides, her death probably occurred in a few seconds to minutes, you couldn't have reacted that fast....and self-blame isn't helping her at this moment...."
Sasuke looks at his wife doubtfully and thinks about what he said, ".... What do you mean by that?... Is there anything else you can do for her?... You're not thinking about the Tensei no Jutsu, are you??? "
Sakura is silent for a moment and shakes her head resolutely, " No, I can bring corpses to life with the Tensei no Jutsu. But at the end of the day, they're corpses that either succumb to the natural process of decomposition or the jutsu ends up being broken…” Sakura dries her tears and doesn't want her to look so tearful at what she's now planning to perform.
Before all his hopes are gone, Sakura takes his hands in hers. What lies ahead is for everyone here an end and a new beginning at the same time...
Sakura has been looking at her companion with love since childhood, wishing they had spent more time together with Sarada. Large green eyes, as pure as jade stones meet a coal-black, with the strongest emotions it changes to blood to fiery red eye.
"I know of another way to help her..." Sakura says calmly.
Sakura sees new hope glimmering in her husband's remaining eye, "How am I supposed to help you?" Sasuke is aware that he is not of much help to Sakura in her specialty and yet he wants to do everything in his power to help their girl.
"Keep an eye on her. No matter what. Your job is to monitor her breathing and please hold my hands..." Sakura says seriously.
Sasuke nods to his wife and gives her all his hopes and trust.
Sakura takes a last deep breath for what is to come.
She saw this jutsu once in practice and actively experienced it. Gaara, the Kage of Sunagakure bequeathed all of the user's information to Naruto during his tenure as Hokage.
Important and valuable documents that Naruto doesn't know how to handle and he was smart enough to pass them on to the right hands so that no one messes with them.
This jutsu is as simple as it is explosive, as can be seen from the secret notes of the user Chiyo. With this jutsu you could really bring the dead to life with the fact that the user lets the dead live. A price Sakura is willing to pay if her daughter can live for it.
Sasuke does what Sakura asked him to do and watches Sarada closely. First, Sakura breaks her Byakugou no Jutsu seal. Black tattoos in the form of lines travel across her body, visible on her arms and legs. Nothing to worry about, he's seen it on her quite a few times and he knows that Sakura will use up a lot of chakra for this action.
She slowly begins the procedure and Sasuke feels his hands getting warm, this must be Sakura's medicine jutsu.
"Keep eye contact with her. If she wakes up and is in pain, a familiar face will take away her fear and prevent a panic attack," says Sakura calmly, "...Do you remember when she was smal? She always adored you..."
Sasuke has to smile at the shared memories and becomes melancholic. He misses the time when Sarada was so small and always wanted to be in his arms.
"I can still remember the time well..."
"Yes, these times were good. I remember one day when she wanted to paint your nails and couldn't give up until she got her way...
But papa had granted his little peanut's every wish..."
Strange somehow does Sasuke feel like Sakura's voice is getting older and weaker? Certainly caused by the stress and the effort...
"Don't remind me, Sakura. I had to go to the Hokage HQ for a meeting that same evening and I was standing there with your pink and red nail polish on my hands. Naruto and Shikamaru still tease me about the story to this day..." Sasuke laughs softly.
Nice times together, the best of his life when he thinks about it.
Then, after what felt like an eternity, his daughter's first sign of life.
With a deep breath, Sarada sees the light of day for the second time and says softly, " Papa..."
Sarada looks at him faintly from her remaining eye. Black circles under her eye adorn her eye, a small price for the worries and fears of the last 2 hours about his daughter,
" Please rest, Sarada, you have to divide your strength. Think about your chakra control..."
His daughter nods weakly in confirmation and falls asleep again...
The happiness of having Sarada alive again comes at a high price, as he now learns. Shortly after Sarada regains consciousness, Sakura's seal dissolves and so does all contact with the living world.
Sasuke feels the skin contact between him and Sakura breaking down. He immediately looks over at his wife. But is it really still Sakura?
In front of him is a woman aged 90 years or more. The once gorgeous pink hair has now turned gray and dull. Deep wrinkles line her face. Age spots have appeared on all sorts of places on her body and dull eyes that were so bright green until a few minutes ago look at him tiredly.
Stunned and almost in tears in shock, he wants to yell at her and ask why she did it.
The reason for this is obvious and lies in his arm. Before Sasuke can say anything else and wake Sarada up, Sakura grabs her husband's face. Sasuke wants to say so much more to her, but he knows that these are the last words of his love and he doesn't dare interrupt her.
"Please take Sarada away from here. You know who can help her and please don't blame yourself... Because I... don't regret anything... I love you both infinitely..." she says with a raspy voice and gives Sasuke one last goodbye kiss before all life leaves her.
Sasuke knows that Sarada's reserves will not last long and so he sets out with a heavy heart to bring their daughter to a safe place.
But he will return to give his wife a proper burial and to have a place for himself and Sarada to share thoughts with Sakura.
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dxkk1104 · 2 years
part two:
The ceiling shimmered with a million colors from the headache. Sasuke had been lying down and listening to Itachi cough for two hours. He had no way to help his brother when the attacks were coming.
Shisui and Mikoto watched over him, but Sasuke couldn't look into his face and see the blood and paleness signifying lurking death.
"Shisui will take him to the hospital, Sasuke." Mikoto appeared in his room.
He saw fear and tears in his mother's eyes.
"I'll go with him."
Getting out of bed, he felt all his muscles tense. Two months ago, after Sakura's birthday, Itachi's condition worsened day by day. Since then, Sasuke was like a walking ghost. He even distanced himself from friends.
"Fuck... fuck, fuck, fuck..." Sasuke and Mikoto froze "Sasuke! Sasuke!!!"
He rushed out of the room, and when he appeared at Itachi's door, he noticed Shisui shaking his shoulders and trying to wake him up. His brother's face was covered in blood and sweat.
And his brain shut down. Sasuke acted like an automaton. He reached the hospital, handed Itachi over to Sakura and her team and sat down in the waiting room.
His family was hanging around somewhere, but he paid them no attention. He felt anxiety, fear, pain, sadness, anger at everything and everyone. He wanted to scream, hit a wall or someone, cry or laugh at the meanness of life.
But Sasuke was just sitting with a face expressing no emotion and staring at the wall.
He spent three, damn long, hours in this position. When Sakura finally emerged from the operating room she did not have a cheerful face.
"We tried our best. He's in a coma for now."
"You said you would take care of him. You promised that nothing would happen to him."
"Sasuke-kun, we are only human. We kept him alive."
She squeezed his shoulder and wanted to stroke his cheek with her other hand. Sasuke pulled away abruptly, not wanting to be comforted. He wanted nothing, from no one. No words. Sakura put her hand over his heart.
"Don't touch me." he hissed through clenched teeth. The girl made a puzzled and hurt face. In her head, she was probably replaying her birthday and what happened on it, and what they never talked about "Just because I fucked you out of pity doesn't mean it meant anything."
She hit him.
Sakura didn't even put a quarter of her strength into it. She just wanted to let Sasuke know that he had hurt her and waited for some words of apology. He, however, stood in silence.
"I'd say it was me who fucked you, Sasuke. You didn't even make me come," she flashed past him.
She never indulged in provoking and hurting others the way they did, but she was annoyed by the impassive expression on Sasuke's face. He looked as if he didn't even understand how much he had hurt her.
With tears under her eyelids, she allowed Mikoto, Fugaku and Shisui to enter Itachi.
Sakura tried to push Sasuke's words out of her head, but they kept replaying. What if he was telling the truth? But then it was real to her, as if he wanted to sleep with her because of some feeling, not to just fuck her.
The door opened in front of Sakura. Shizune was just coming out of a meeting with Tsunade. Sakura greeted the woman and went inside.
"And how is he, Sakura?"
"Here is the entire report, Lady Tsunade." she placed the pages on her desk.
"Hmmm.", she read silently. Sakura noticed someone off to the side. The gray-haired man she ran into not so long ago, "Good. You'll still have Itachi in your care, with extra help. We have a new student."
The boy approached, extending his hand toward Sakura.
"Isao.", he smiled.
"Sakura.""I hope you will work well together." Tsunade handed Sakura the report.
"We will certainly work well together." Isao put his hands in the pockets.
The fifteenth of July was the hottest day since the beginning of the year. Naruto was sweating under his thin blouse and dreaming only of a cold shower. However, there was still lunch at Uchiha's.
He got an invitation from Shisui yesterday and couldn't refuse, as the boy pestered him for two hours.
Naruto mused, in his mind cursing Shisui for dragging him out to dinner, and ran into Sakura.
He hadn't seen her in a long time, he thought to himself.
All this time she had been busy taking care of Itachi, who still hadn't left the hospital.
"Sakura-chan! How good to see you. I see you've already finished your work, that's great! Shall we go together?"
"Where?" she pondered a moment "Ah, dinner, well, yes. Sorry Naruto, but I said no."
His jaw dropped. Sakura had refused to meet where Sasuke would be. She, who had a crush on him for so many years and never missed any opportunity to see him.
"Why and how? I had to agree,"
"Sometimes you have to be able to object."
"A-" he was interrupted by a loud male voice calling out to Sakura.
A gray-haired man ran up to her and, smiling, began to ask if she was doing anything else today and if she wanted to go with him to the restaurant. And, to his dismay, she agreed. Naruto stood in shock listening to this, feeling that he was not at all a step away from them.
"I'll see you some other time, Naruto!" she said goodbye, walking away with the boy.
Sasuke knew that Naruto was waiting for this meal to end. His curiosity and shock emanated a mile away. The blond boy wriggled in his chair and looked at him the whole time.
And when they finally found themselves alone in the kitchen, washing dishes, Naruto couldn't stand it.
"Sakura went to a restaurant with some boy. Do you understand that?! Teme, we have to do something about this."
Sasuke felt his heart pounding and blood humming in his ears. He clenched his jaw.
Don't do anything stupid, said one voice in his head, it's because of you.
"Sakura can do whatever she wants,"
"I don't deny that, but you know.... Well, everyone can see it at first glance." Sasuke looked at him with a grimace. He had no idea what his friend was insinuating: "That you like, like Sakura."
"I don't." he denied quickly.
"Don't lie to yourself. That intensity of your gazes and the gentle touch that..."
"Stop it."
"...you both exchange. God, sometimes it seems to me that with your eyes alone you are fuc..."
"Shut up!"
He was heartily sick of it. He didn't want to hear any more about Sakura
and what 'was' between them.
"I doubt we'll see her here anytime soon, Naruto." Shisui looked at Sasuke as if he knew.
He had to know.
"What did you say to her, Sasuke?"
Desperation, he sensed it from his friend.
"We had a little exchange of words."
No one said anything else. Sasuke's tone testified to his reluctance to talk further.
You let it happen yourself, the other voice repeated, you screwed up yourself.
The beeping sound of the machine testified that Itachi's heart was still working. He had been in a coma for six months and Sakura was slowly losing hope that he would wake up.
Isao was preparing another report while she was changing the drip.
"I've been wanting to ask you about this for a long time." he began, tapping the pen against a piece of paper, "That boy who often comes here and whom you are clearly avoiding, who is he?"
Sakura froze. Who is Sasuke to her? At one time she would have said one of the most important people, but now the only answer that came to her mind was - he already belongs to the past.
She waited so long for him to apologize or talk or whatever, but he did nothing.
He didn't even try. And Sakura couldn't look at him.
"My former friend."
"A former friend? What happened between you two?" Isao approached her with the report already written. Sakura looked away "You don't have to talk if you don't want to. It's probably difficult for you." he tucked her hair behind the ear.
"It's a little hard for me. We were friends for quite a long time."
"I understand."
She looked at him and didn't know what; what factor made her kiss him.
Perhaps she wanted to forget what had happened? Or maybe she wanted to replace the feeling of sadness with another, much nicer one, finding it in a person so different from Sasuke?
It only took one visit to the hospital for Sasuke to learn that Sakura had someone.
At the time, he walked past her office, whose door was gently ajar. Sakura stood on tiptoe and kissed the boy. And Sasuke then felt a sting in his heart.
Although he shouldn't; he brought it on himself, Sasuke repeated all the time.
Itachi looked at him with tired eyes. He woke up two weeks ago, but his condition was still unstable. Doctors had him under observation.
"I can see that something is bothering you, Sasuke."
"Everything is fine, Itachi." he tried to avoid his brother's gaze, which was drilling a hole in his head. He might not have broached the subject with most, but he could never lie to Itachi "I said something very stupid to Sakura."
He fell silent.
"And you're sorry and you'd like to fix it, but you don't know how."finished Itachi for him, "Talking is the key."
"She will not want to listen to me" Sasuke didn't even try to consider another solution "This has already happened several months ago."
Itachi shook his head, and Sasuke remembered that his father did this whenever he was disappointed in him. Anger, sadness and a sense of worthlessness sat in his stomach, accumulating and riding up to his throat.
He took three deep breaths before speaking up.
"Can we talk, alone?" he looked meaningfully at the boy.
"Isao, check Itachi's health results." Sakura sent a gentle smile.
Sasuke and Sakura left the room. She stared at him, waiting for Sasuke to start.
"Those words were a mistake,"
"Apparently the words weren't the only mistake," she snorted.
Sasuke knew it would be difficult, but she didn't make it easy at all.
"I wish I could fix it." he didn't even look into her eyes, "If you let me." he didn't know if he would be able to bear what he could see in them.
"First I want to hear one word. Then we can think about fixing the friendship."
Friendship... he didn't think he'd have to rebuild a bond that, arguably, wasn't quite what he wanted.
"I'm sorry."
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sukirainbow · 1 year
[+18] Birthday gift
Fandom: NARUTO Rating: Explicit - 18+ Content Pairing: Nagato x Konan Characters: Nagato, Konan Content: Explicit Sexual Content, Birthday Sex, Anal Sex, First Kiss, First Time, Grinding, Blow Jobs, First time being sexually intimate in a 5 year blurry relationship, cheerleader outfit Word count: 2797, complete Summary: Nagato sleeps peacefully, unaware that Konan, his partner of many years, has planned a horny surprise for him as today is a special day: his birthday.
Wrote this so I can make them go through the awkward "we're in a relationship time time finally have sex" "We're in a relationship???" situation dsgfqhqhgq
First few paragraphs under the cut, click the link for full fic.
Nagato was still sleeping peacefully on his back in the morning. Konan had put him to bed early the day before, so he slept very well. She took such good care of him every single day, he felt so thankful that she was there, but also felt guilty that his condition didn't allow him to give her a break more often. He did his best to keep using his legs though. He had a little mobility but couldn't quite get off or on the Pain control device by himself. Not without struggling a lot at least. He hoped the young woman was helping because she wanted to and not because she felt like she had to. Thinking dearly about Konan, he was slowly starting to wake up when the door to his room opened then closed. Then he heard quick footsteps and suddenly a weight jumping on his lower stomach. Immediately woken up he arched from the impact and tried to understand what just happened.
“Happy birthday Nagato!!!”
Konan was standing over him, sitting on him.
“Konan?? What's the meaning of this?? You know I'm sensitive-”
As his eyes got used to the light, he could see Konan was wearing an unusual outfit. It looked like a cheerleader uniform, but very, very skimpy. The skirt was very short, she was wearing thigh high socks under it and her top was cut so that her underboobs were visible, her big breasts being very visibly cramped in it and it looked like it could spill out at any moment. Nagato blushed and started stuttering.
“Wh- what's with this outfit Konan???”
She smiled shyly and looked away, fidgeting with her hair.
“Well.... It's been what... 5 years maybe more? That we have this relationship between us... And we've never been intimate like this yet... So I thought since it's your birthday, we could try it out on this special day... What do you say?”
Nagato blushed and frowned.
“Relationship???? Us???”
[AO3 link at the top for full fic]
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