#he wants the floof
blobee · 1 month
Can we get Moth Gears and Wasp Iceberg together?
Of course we can
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*I added his glasses in the second pic. You didn't see anything
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oh no. i like it
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artistmarchalius · 2 days
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It’s Angel’s turn!
Sepia version under the cut
More vintage Hazbin catalog pages: Fem!Alastor, Fem!Vox, Rosie, Niffty
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starsandhughes · 7 months
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oh he looks good
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sysig · 7 months
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Some highlights from a tense but still very Winterkov-y scene (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Fionna and Cake#Simon Petrikov#Winter King#Winterkov#The first five are all in sequence and then from there it's a bit sporadic#I dunno if this is one I'm gonna finish by they did both turn out very cute so I wanted to show some of them off lol#It's mostly a headcanon comic about how they differ in attractions (basically how much influence the Crown has on Winter)#I initially compared Winter to a slightly more chill Bill Cipher - a non-human entity inhabiting a human body#Probably tempered by how much Simon is still left over - not a lot but even a little does make a difference!#In that there's a lot of things the Crown might get out of a human body while still experiencing an entirely alien interpretation of stimuli#It's all just a lot of character analysis headcanon stuff lol - the Winterkov is still the main focus! Here anyway lol#I am very endeared at the idea posited by some fanfic writers that inviting Simon to the lab was just a pretense lol#He /did/ have to get out of his clothes before getting into new ones lol#They really do both have such lovely designs ah <3 They're fun to draw!#This was a lot of settling into them - I love the little floof-lifts that Winter has from Simon#His hair is long but it's still not completely able to weigh itself down from his voluminous bob! Very cute#The nose ears and shape of Winter's glasses really set him apart but their similarities are so fun#And while it's not featured here Simon's shy little smiles vs. Winter's big and loud expressions! Their contrasting features are so neat!#Very enjoyable character design
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sassypantsjaxon · 8 months
To further my Mirio should be an erasermic child agenda, allow me to just point out that he has the same hairstyle as Past Mic
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tanevcolton28 · 2 months
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2 things
2.his hair flow is so sexy
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howlingdemon13 · 5 months
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I don’t know if I like the pattern or flat colors, but I really really like the shape!!!!
Will probably screw around with this in the morning.
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sweetest-honeybee · 2 years
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I can’t decide on an evil x design bc I wanted to tweak some stuff but I’m just…the second one with the sheer amount of floof
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signed-sapphire · 3 months
Another sneak peak… what do you think he’s mad about?
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gin-draws · 1 year
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Sketching backstory stuff and deciding I’m gonna draw a dog SO chonky…
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sysig · 1 year
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Uh oh he’s also cute (Patreon)
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leafywillow · 7 months
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New reason for being MIA lmao oops 😅 his name is Bear, he's a 30 lb newf puppy and a menace, and I'm obsessed with him
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rocket-man-major-tom · 2 months
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I am so in love with this individual, and I will not apologize for it
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little-buggy-boy · 8 months
glad to see you back at it, friend! I've been at it myself. My team has trained up nicely. Peeps the Dusclops is now Peeps the Dusknoir and Belladonna has evolved into A Gourgeist. Charlie the Gible has seen a few battles but...he's not evolving. I have a theory about that though
We met a dragon-type trainer a few days ago while trekking up a mountain and his garchomp scared Charlie really bad when he saw it.
I sat Charlie down and told him about his evolutionary line, that garchomp was his final form. charlie was quiet for a moment, then rushed over and hugged me. now I want to ask: My theory is that he's so scared of Garchomps that he doesn't ever want to be one or evolve at all. is that a normal thing/ a thing that can happen?
I’m so sorry I never saw this!!
That’s interesting, that could definitely be a possibility. I know that Zapps didn’t want to evolve for a long time, since she liked staying on top of my shoulder or head, until she realized that she could help me if she was bigger. Similar thing for Vinny, he doesn’t want to evolve since he likes how fluffy he is, he doesn’t like how he would loose all of that fluff he’s got now. So it is definitely a possibility, and evolving should always be their decision, no matter what it is.
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orbdotexe · 2 months
Give me all of the thoughts you have on those three and I will give you cute cat video (threat)
OKAY SO. its been a hot minute since ive done anything outside of writing the already established shorts for Exile, so this might be a lil lacking in what i usually put into these. But i promise its got more of plenty else! my brain has been zoomed ALL the way in on getting every single floof in warframe (i have all but like. 5. and those are all from Venus. please help)
Drifter. Drifter Drifter. He does NOT want to get attached and Shin and laughing at him the whole time. That man knew exactly what he was doing when he dragged Drifter into this and feels no regret. You might even get a rare smile (albeit smug) from him when talking about it.
It may not have been the most moral thing to do; using Drifter's experiences with the Nine to trap him into doing something insanely dangerous--But he's fine now, and he barely even came out with a bruise. Besides, the whole system should be glad Shin did that. At least now, Wolf has some direction.
It's not the most moral thing, yet again, to point Wolf at enemies again--A weapon, again--but it's what they needed. Horrible thing to need, the exact thing you need to get away from. But they have to want to get away from it enough to leave, first, and they can't get to that point without it. Wolf has to be a weapon to know what to do with themself, now. They spiral without it, and Ghost takes far too long to realize it--And refuses to acknowledge it when he does.
But they need an outlet, and the City still needs them. Two birds with one stone (though Wolf might object to that specific phrase). Think of the greater picture, Shin might ask.
That's why now, after a life removed from the bigger picture, I'm risking everything I am on a simple bet—that you are different. That you are better. Than me. Than them
This is what I want—need—you to understand. Your path is not your own. It is shared. It has impact. It carries consequence and creates wake, both obvious and unseen. And the path you're currently walking is… concerning. For yourself, whether you see it or not. More importantly, for others.
Have you considered this?
Shin is much more attached than he sounds (thank you autofill for recommending "attractive"), trying to both guide them and keep at a distance. Not that he ends up doing the greatest job.
Drifter, on the other hand, is more or less his typical self--If much more... put-off by the whole thing, at least for the first while. He gets used to Wolf's tendencies, and how Ghost and Shin try to direct it, so they don't catch themself too far in their own crossfire (not that its effective, but the two try. Thank the Light for Crow coming around).
But Wolf is still unnerving, maybe because they remind him and the states he was stuck in. Maybe because it's-- Well, not willingly. But the things they put themself through that they don't have to? So, maybe there's resentment, or maybe he just doesn't understand and maybe they don't exactly help much of anyone understand. Maybe they're unnerving because of their eyes, because of how they hold themself (a kicked dog.), because of the fighting spirit, the determined heart, reduced to the mere haunting of someone who was before.
Maybe it's pity. Maybe he doesn't want someone else to end up like him, or the people he's known throughout his far too long history.
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