#he was THIRTEEN
uchihasavior · 5 months
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[[ You're aware Itachi was 13 years old at the time of the Massacre, correct?
You're also aware he was being pressed by both sides to spy on them, correct?
Danzo also kept oppressing the Uchiha so he could force a coup and declare them a threat to the village.
So the massacre was not Itachi's fault and he's just as much a victim of it.
"No, it was his fault and he should've said no lol" ]]
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pjshermann · 6 months
I’m always re-reading parts of A Little Life (I’m silly like that) and with each re-read I always end up noticing little details that I missed before because they’re usually just mentioned very passingly and therefore are easy to miss.
New recent discovery from my latest re-read is that Jude was actually beaten with a BROOM HANDLE when he endured that one beating at the group home in Montana, and that he was so viciously beaten with it that it left splinters embedded into his back that had blisters form around them.
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abysslll · 2 years
you know what fuck that professor for what he did to fugo
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
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last one i promise(<—lie)
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dopeanddiamantes · 4 months
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𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔦𝔱 𝔪𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔦𝔱 𝔣𝔢𝔩𝔱 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔞 𝔨𝔦𝔰𝔰
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zephyrchama · 2 months
I like to sometimes think that the OM! demons and angels have a heightened sense for noticing other beings, like they know when someone or something is nearby even if it's incredibly still and silent. But they're so used to MC being around that MC can completely slip under their radar. MC's presence is a totally natural, constant part of their daily life. For better or for worse, they're too used to it.
They're just chilling in their room, doing whatever, until MC coughs. It really spooks them. Maybe they jump a little.
"How long have you been there?"
"I came in, like, three hours ago."
"What have you been doing that entire time?"
"I dunno, just... sitting here?"
"The whole time?"
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willowser · 5 months
after you and katsuki have the "baby talk", you're being wrapped up in him in bed and your toes are curled and you can feel the nerves tingling even in the tips of your fingers and you're shuddering through the aftershocks of a GREAT orgasm and he's so close and fucking you so deeply and lovingly and he sits up suddenly, back on his knees, to ask—
"'kay, 'm not," he's breathing so hard, skin tan and gleaming with sweat, and you don't know if he notices, but his hands are shaking when he rests them on your thighs. "'m not pullin' out, right?"
you try to swallow and your throat is dry, the nerves in your belly buzzing for a different reason. "yeah," you breathe, shifting your hips absently, yearning for the friction when he hisses and holds you still. "i mean, unless you...want to."
"d'you want me to?"
and despite the fact that you just had this conversation—you feel shy, suddenly, a little flustered at the thought that he's, essentially, putting a baby in you.
but katsuki swallows hard and wets his lips and he's flushed, in the low light of your bedroom. it could be from all the activity, sure, but his own end is coming a lot sooner than it usually does and you have an idea why that might be.
"no," you tell him, honestly, "not really."
before he can finish letting out his sharp exhale, he's back on you, cradling your face in his hands as he speaks, breathless, against your lips. "fine by me."
(and it doesn't take much more than that.)
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badxwolf · 1 year
"[Russell T Davies] made Rose an equal, not a sidekick. It is she who, on several occasions, saves the Doctor, rather than the other way round. As any parent with a daughter, I now look at Esme and think 'you could be the Doctor'. In 2005, as recently as that, such a thought would have been a pipe dream.
[Rose is] a woman with an independent mind, willing to confront received wisdom. Rose arrives on screen fully formed, one of the strongest female characters of any show, any year, painting a solid line directly to Jodie Whittaker. 
If you think about it, the relaunch in 2005 was actually the first chance to create the first female Doctor. Why not do it then? Perhaps we should be looking back on Billie Piper not as Rose, but as the Doctor."
- Christopher Eccleston in his memoir I Love The Bones Of You
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Alright, I'll say it: Jack Harkness and the Doctor's relationship is possibly the most fleshed out/complicated dynamic in Doctor Who and that is INCLUDING the master/doctor relationship. Seriously, think about it:
the fact that when they meet jack is presented as sleazy con man and the doctor makes him brave- makes him good
but that they are both willing to die for rose as long as she is safe
and then she comes back and dooms them both to live (even though jack has already died for her and the doctor WILL die for her)
(ninerosejack is canon and you cannot convince me otherwise)
but then the doctor sees jack as immortal as someone he COULD spend the rest of his life with
and instead of embracing it like you'd think he would because he is so wrecked by people leaving him/being left by him the doctor RUNS bc the Doctor is so scared of jack of what he means of what he is
jack ends up abandoned in dalek dust goes back in time to find the doctor suffers a hundred years alone/being tortured but STILL WAITS
(screw amy being the girl who waited or rory being the boy who waited- Jack Harkness is the boy who waited and he did it FIRST)
Jack finds out that he was abandoned. that the man that he loves HATES the sight of him. that the doctor would rather have a genocidal murderer than have him
and so Jack gets the hell out of dodge to go to a man who DOES love him
and don't get me wrong Jack loves Ianto and Jack DOES remember Ianto until he dies as the Face of Boe don't forget that (protecting Novice Hame from the virus as he couldn't Ianto
Jack still considers five billion years cursed to never die to be BETTER than the alternative: dying a young time-agent-turned-con-man
Jack has more reason than any other companion save maybe Amy to hate the Doctor & yet spends 20 years in jail to rescue Thirteen still LOVES HER
jack harkness is a living ghost a reminder of the doctor's failures a physical fixed point and yet he still loves the girl who cursed him and the time lord that turned him into the kind of person that would give his dying breaths to protect the last of humanity in a dying city and tell the doctor that he is not alone
because fuck it, YANA was a warning but also a reminder a final gift
jack had been there all along, a ghost an echo a PROMISE
there is no more human character than jack harkness
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greghatecrimes · 3 months
exhausted local man bullied ruthlessly by his husband and stepdaughter
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Chase is so insane. He goes from fat shaming a patient to kissing a child, to killing a dictator, to seducing a nun, to sleeping with Cameron while she's on meth (not necessarily in that order.) Sometimes, he's like a son to me, and other times, I want to throttle him. He has daddy issues and Catholic guilt and is Australian. He's definitely mentally ill. What is happening
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vforys · 6 months
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so i. somewhat expanded my obey me pkmn AU
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demigods-posts · 6 months
one of my not-so-favorite things about rrverse fanfics is how often percy is described as clueless. like, i know it's all in good fun and for comedic value, but percy is incredibly perceptive. for the first twelve years of his life, he was raised in an abusive household and was consistently surrounded by people who would belittle him for shit he couldn't control. so being perceptive was likely a defense mechanism. then he was immediately thrust into a world with threats of godly proportions and monsters with the intent to kill. so it quickly became a survival tactic. the only time percy has ever been clueless was about people being romantically interested in him, which could definitely be chalked up to low self-esteem.
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houseswife · 6 months
listen. this may sound like a reach but I don’t think house’s eagerness to go to the lesbian bar with thirteen was fetishistic glee. because like. okay. straight men love lesbians. but it’s only ever in a “conventionally attractive porn stars making out”, “I’ll pay these 2 strippers to kiss” sort of way, not exactly in the sense that they like to surround themselves with regular, real life sapphics. in fact, most hetero men despise the lesbians they meet in real life because they see them as either unattainable or unappealing disappointments to their fantasies. now, listen. house isn’t stupid, it’s not like he thought thirteen was gonna let him in on some hot girl-on-girl voyeuristic action, and he certainly knew he wasn’t about to get laid himself at a bar of ALL WLW. he’s an overconfident perv, sure, but not the kind who thinks he can ‘convert’ a gay gal, nor would he even desire to. the damn patient of the week is a guy who tried to ECT himself straight, which house obviously doesn’t believe is reasonable (this episode also gave us the shot where both house & thirteen are shown making a face in response to “I’m as straight as any of you!”)
with all of this laid out, you kinda have to assume that he was excited about the bar for another reason. dare I say it was simply… the joy of existing in a queer space as a queer person?
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anna-scribbles · 4 months
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adrien tell ur mom to leave me alone !
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dopeanddiamantes · 3 months
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