#he's a baby with a licence to practice law
grantyort · 1 year
Hoshino: I'm a real lawyer and I demand to be taken seriously!
Also Hoshino: *wears his backpack on a mission like he's on a school trip*
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Driving with One piece characters
Hey guys I wanted to write some blurbs and got carried away haha. This is only part 1 and I will make another part. I want to thank @donvampiro for her funny comments as well. Some were inspired by her ! Characters : Sabo - Ace - Law - Koby - Zoro - Usopp - Franky - Shanks - Kid
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-Tells you to drive slower but when he's driving alone he drives super fast and exceeds speed limitations. -Tries to give off a good example. Key word is "tries". -This man goes f a s t -Criticizes traffic laws all.the.time. When you get your driving licence he tells you the famous "Traffic laws are one thing, reality is another." -He is very protective of you. It's a bad idea to practice driving with Sabo. -He gets super anxious around you, I quote, "his baby" being on the streets with crazy people out there, driving without any sense of safety. -If he gets stopped for exceeding the speed, he accelerates and says “Please don’t do that Y/N.” -Fuck the authority.
-Honestly ? It's a miracle that this man got his driving licence. -Might fall asleep on the wheel. -Has many fake driving papers since they always get confiscated. -He was practicing driving without a licence since he was like twelve. -Failed the theoretical test six times. -Broadcasts music on maximum volume -Never learn to drive with this man, he is a public danger. -Never ever ask him why he did something, he drives by instinct. -He wouldn't be able to explain how to cross a roundabout "well...You just like...go in ya know ? Just like this, watch n' learn baby." -Learn what exactly ? To this day, it's still an unsolved mystery... -Almost runs into someone and his excuse is like “Oops ! sorry dude ! Didn’t see ya comin’ !” -Y/N : *stares with a judgemental look* Ace: What ? It’s not like I killed him or something ! And hey it wasn’t my fault he didn’t have to be there.
-Drives a maserati -Amazing driving skills. -The perfect balance of knowing the traffic laws and having experience on the streets. -Parks the car perfectly in the parking space. -He WON’T park the car unless there is an identical distance [5 cm] from all the sides. He is a bit OCD not gonna lie. -Reminds you to put on your seat belt : safety comes first. -His tattooed fingers on the manual gearbox is honestly a kink I didn’t even know existed. -He changes the manual gearbox with a few fingers and that’s so fucking sexy. -This man runs on caffeine and doesn’t get enough sleep so he might doze off sometimes. -Never has music on when he drives and that makes him look like a psycho. If he puts on music, then it’s some kind of soft jazz.
-Respects traffic laws religiously. -Doesn't drive extremely slow and respects speed limitations. He never got a fine ! -If he ever got into an accident, it's 99% chances that it was the other driver's mistake. He still apologizes for it tho. -Learning to drive with Koby is somehow stressful, he gives good theoretical advice, but he is also very anxious when you're the one driving. -He warns you about a speed bump like 1 km before. -"Turn signal babe, don't forget the turn signal ! It tells the driver behind you your direction" the proceeds to tell you about the traffic laws for the 10th time in thirteen minutes.
-This man doesn't have a driving licence. Giving him one would be creating a disaster. -If the stars were alined and he got a driving licence it was by some miracle -(or maybe the inspector was in a really good mood that day) -please don’t leave this man unsupervised. -Groans and honks the car horn at every single inconvenience. -That includes someone overtaking his car. -And of course the one we’re all waiting for : he gets lost even with GPS. He has 0 sense of orientation. -If you “learn” driving with this man, there are more chances that you’ll be the one teaching him. There is no learning to be done. -He's never on the streets without a sake flask.
-”If God Usopp is the one teaching you to drive, you’ve got nothing to worry about !” with a thumbs up. -”And thaaaaaaat’s… how you get into an accident !” “Well, Usopp, I wasn’t trying to get into an accident you know…” -He gets really nervous whenever you’re the one driving “We are going to die, we are going to die, we are going to die. AHH ! slow down, slow down ! I’m never coming with you again.” -One good thing about driving with Usopp is that whenever you get arrested for exceeding speed or not following traffic laws he always finds a way to not pay the fine or get his licence confiscated. -And that’s by lying of course. “Didn’t you know that I am actually your boss’s cousin ? I’ll let it go this time because you’re new here.”
-Reckless driver himself but gives amazing advice. -If you learn with this man, be prepared to become a blushing mess as he gets really touchy. -Guides your hand softly on the wheel when you’re turning and the turn is too tight. -”Relax doll, your hands are too stiff on the wheel. Driving is about confidence.” - charming smile. -Excuse me ? How to relax when you have Red hair Shanks as your special driving teacher ? -Whenever other people honk at you for being too slow, he lowers his window and goes “Easy on her ‘kay ? She’s still learning.” -”Good girl, that was a really good start. Soon you’ll drive even better than me !” -He is very encouraging and patient. He laughs it off whenever you make any mistake. -Knows the best shortcuts for any road !
Franky : -SUPPEEER good teacher. -He has the coolest car ever. He probably made it himself. -He always picks up people that do auto-stop. -Probably puts on some country music (don’t ask me why, I have no idea.) -Gives good advice and tips about parking your car perfectly. -Compliments other people’s driving skills and cars whenever he’s driving. -When you are the one driving, he makes sure to accommodate the seat to your size. -If you’re too small he adds a little cushion. -He is very chill and doesn’t stress you. Tells you that it’s normal to make mistakes when you’re a beginner. -Tears of pride when you get your driving licence from the first try !
-Refuses to put a seat belt on and his excuse is “It’s fucking squeezing my junk” -Another public danger is spotted. -And yet another fake licence holder. -Screams, honks, groans a lot. -He has no patience. -Broke the manual gear several times. -Whenever someone overtakes his car he sees it as some kind of threat or challenge. “I’m gonna show ya who drives faster, motherfucker.” -He basically teaches you how not to drive : how to exceed speed, how to overtake a car on the right, how to create a disaster. -Never stops at the “stop” sign. -takes so much space whenever he parks his car. He literally takes space for two cars. -Probably has a truck driving licence. Chances are he threatened the inspector to get it. -Louder for the people in the back : You're going nowhere with this man.
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astroboots · 3 years
Telltale Heart
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Summary: Frankie failed a standard drug test, lost his pilot licence and disappeared for a month to Colombia while under suspension, and even though you decided to stay with him, you find yourself unable to forgive him.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x female reader
Rating: Explicit for strong smut, angst angst angst, swearing, PTSD, anxiety, mentions of former drug use, unhappy marriage.
Wordcount: 14.9k (I'm just as shocked as you are)
Astroboot’s Masterlist | Playlist
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Maybe the right decision would have been a divorce.
On paper, only a madwoman would have stayed. The man failed a standard drug test at work for cocaine and lost his pilot licence. Then still under suspension, he’d left the country for a month-long stint (promising it’d only be a week). Leaving you and your new baby at home. Leaving you to wonder if this meant you would have to carry on as a single mother from then on. 
When he finally returned, it was with $17,000 deposited in your joint bank account and a haunted look in his eyes, attached to a poorly made up lie.
And as you were contemplating whether to stay and forgive; or leave and resent him forever, your family and friends all told you that: ‘sometimes good people make bad decisions. They fuck up, but it doesn’t mean they’re bad. Just human, capable of making mistakes.’
You must be insane, because despite everything, you stayed. Despite everything, you still think of Frankie as a good man. A good husband, and a good father to your daughter.
He’s the kind of husband who would drive out to the Waffle House at 2am on a workday because his pregnant wife couldn’t sleep and had food cravings. Staying up next to you, even as he had work early in the morning, watching you devour the greasy waffles in bed with the extra maple syrup he got for you. Patiently listening to your rants on Law and Order inconsistencies as it played in the background. Frankie would chuckle quietly, a hand resting on your thigh, thumb idly stroking the inside of your knee, responding in soft murmurs, as he rested his head on the side of your hip with a sleepy smile that even after a full on decade always made your chest swell overwhelmingly lush, every single time.
He’s the kind of father that nearly broke the baby crib, because he couldn’t bear the sound of his daughter crying and climbed inside to sleep with her. That’s where you’d found them the next morning, his long legs comically hanging over the ledge, with Carmentéa snuggled peacefully against his chest. You lingered so long that morning you ended up late for work, unable to drag yourself away, wanting to etch that stolen moment into your brain with permanent ink, forever visible behind your eyelids. That very same image came back to haunt you whenever you imagined what life would be like for Carmentéa and you, without Frankie, and you realized you couldn’t ever let go.
You forgave, deciding that his mistakes did not erase all the things he had done right in the decade prior. Or rather, you tried to forgive but forgiveness wouldn’t come and you didn’t understand why.
It’s what always happens in the movies; the man grovels, the woman forgives. There’s a passionate kiss; all is well, cue the credits with a heart swelling cinematic score. Instead, you ended up in what was the lowest rung of hell for the both of you. Where you live under the same house, and barely talk to each other; be in the same room but avoid eye contact. One of you will enter a room and round the furniture so you don’t accidentally brush up against each other.
Sex is sparse, sometimes months in between. Maybe it’s the lack of practice but the sex between you now reads like a joke about two mormons who have never experienced sexual intimacy until their wedding night. You’d been the one to initiate it last time, and the time before that. Frankie never asks anymore, for anything. 
This time it’s hurried and awkward, heavy limbs uncomfortably jabbing into your ribs as he tries to sheathe himself into you. It’s pairing Legos with Mega Bloks that you hoped would fit, but somehow don’t. Mercifully, the sound of Carmentéa crying is picked up by the baby monitor, and Frankie drags himself away from you with a regretful murmur, hastily dressing as he heads towards the nursery, but you had already felt him softening inside of you before that.
As you reach for the nightlight on your side of the bed, Frankie is back in the room and clears his throat as if to warn you he is going to break the neverending silence that you’ve both grown accustomed to.
“Anniversary is coming up next month, I was thinking we could go somewhere nice?”
Turning in the bed, you see the warmth of the nightlight behind him casting a dim glow over his dark hair that’s always at least a little bit rumpled. It’s slightly overgrown now to the point where it is curling at the edges of his ears, and there’s a feeling you can’t identify that sits achingly heavy on your chest, until you recognize it as a memory of a feeling you can’t get back. The tender joy you used to get when he’d press his ear firmly to your collarbone and you’d trail your fingertips through his messy curls until his eyes fluttered close with a contented sigh against your skin.
“Is that ok?”. There’s hesitation etched in the frown of his brow, and you realize that you still haven’t said yes. How odd is it that things have come to this, that he seems genuinely unsure what your answer would be.
“Yes, of course.”
There’s a small tug on the corner of his lips, that doesn’t quite qualify as a smile, and you are scrambling for something coherent to say, a polite phrase to show him you appreciate the effort but come up short. Then it’s taken so long that the moment is gone and there’s no point anymore. He reaches for the light on his side, turning it off, leaving you both in the darkness together. But apart.
It’s almost been a year since you made your decision to stay. You had never thought then, there would be an outcome where after this long, hide it as you might, forcibly pushing it down to squash it, resentment would still be there; persistently knocking on the door everyday to remind you that no matter how you tried you’re not ready to forgive him.
Maybe, you think to yourself as you drift to sleep, staying was the wrong decision for both of you.
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After Tom’s death, Molly had wanted to reinstate the traditional Saturday BBQ in an attempt to establish some semblance of normalcy. At first, the good old gang used to gather dutifully at 12 noon sharp every weekend without fail. But a year later, the tradition was already on its last legs. Blame it on how someone's absence can somehow feel more present than those who were already gathered. At 6 feet 3, barrelling shoulders and a booming voice, it’s a physical presence that cannot be ignored and his absence even more so, to the point where it’s hard to even mention Tom’s name.
Santi came home for a hot minute before he shot off again, always restless, always looking for the next big thing. Last you heard he was back in Colombia for the second time this year, but when you’d asked Frankie why, his back had twisted into one anxious, gnarly knot telling you, he just didn't want to get involved with it this time.
Will would come every now and then, but you could tell he would find any sorry excuse not to show up, or to try to leave early. His eyes would always drag back to the garage, the space Tom had been confined to after the divorce. It unnerved Will to be here. To be reminded of what was lost.
Benny was about the only regular feature on these afternoons. Always the first to arrive and always the last to leave, from helping Molly set up the grill despite her insistence that the damned thing had wheels and she could roll it out herself — to putting away the last glass in her cupboard after the dishwasher was done with the cycle, because Benny always insisted his momma didn’t raise a chump.
Sometimes when you come over just to visit Molly, Benny is already there to help her fix a flickering light that she wasn’t even aware was broken until he mentioned it. More often than not, he breaks more things than he fixed. But Molly enjoys the company and she never has the heart to shoo him away.
Where life and kids didn’t get in the way, you and Frankie would always try to come, neither of you could stand the thought that she had to maintain this tradition alone.
The Davis residence is a beautiful suburban home. White house, with lots of space for Molly’s two gigantic golden retrievers now that Tess had gone off to college. It was nothing ostentatious, just homely. A big space in the garden that was rarely used. An old disused treehouse that Frankie had helped Tom build for Tess so she could hold her imaginary tea parties up there once upon a very long time ago.
As Frankie pulls up to Molly’s driveway, you spot Benny’s old Chevrolet already parked in the driveway. Molly is sitting on the porch in her old fashioned swing bench, sipping on a cold bottle of beer, drinking in the last of the Saturday afternoon sun.
Despite his car being parked, you can’t see any trace of Benny.
“He’s in the garage,” Molly explains, “The brake discs of my car wore out and he insisted he’d fix it instead of letting me take it to the shop.”
A grimace contorts Frankie’s face. “He doesn’t know the first thing about fixing cars.” Then he turns to you. “I’ll go check and see how bad it is so he doesn’t do any serious damage”
You give him a nod as you watch him go, eyes lingering on the sway of his hips and the strong line of his back as he does.
“Frankie’s looking like a snack and a half today.” Molly offers you a beer with an outreached hand and you sit down on the swing porch next to her. “You, too, by the way,” she adds, gesturing vaguely, “but that’s already a given.”
One beer turns to two, when Frankie comes out to tell the two of you that the idiot has managed to cut the brake fluid tube to the brakes and now he needs to replace the whole thing and also there’s brake fluid that’s leaked everywhere. He comes back out minutes later having gathered an armful of towels from the kitchen to try to fix the mess the dumbass made.
He says try, but your Pavlovian response is to give him the fond praise that you know he’ll succeed. You catch yourself and hold it back on the tip of your tongue without saying it. As he walks away, the guilt of your pettiness, that you can’t even give your husband the small compliment, when you know how much it would mean to him; how he lights up at it, makes you hate yourself and your limited capacity to forgive.
Molly regales you with the latest string of horrors that is dating in your 40s on Tinder; the English professor who brought his wife with him; the 18 year old trying to pass for a sophisticated 25 but then got ID’d when ordering wine to their table; the man who nearly gave her arthritis from how hard she had to jack him off but he still couldn’t get it decently hard. It has you bent over with laughter in the stale summer air.
The boys are fixing the car, and even from where you’re sitting, you can see that Benny is grabbing the wrong tool. Frankie had asked for a socket wrench and Benny is handing him a standard wrench, and you see Frankie duck his head out from under the car, curls glued to his forehead with a streak of oil that glistens in the sun. He can’t help himself but to poke fun of Benny in a brotherly fashion, with fast-spoken Spanish that the younger man wouldn't be able to catch. You start sputtering laughter against the rim of the beer bottle when you hear Benny retort that he knows what Pendejo means, trying to kick out the wheel cart Frankie’s lying on.
In fairness to Benny, both tools contain the word ‘wrench’ in it.
It has you nostalgic over the number of lazy Saturdays you’ve spent just like this, because Molly’s old piece of junk of a car is way past its prime since the day you first met her almost a decade ago. It amazes you that this woman never just gets rid of it, especially when she can afford to do so now.
It’s easy enough to pretend, Benny is the same height as Tom, but leaner, and if you squint hard enough and ignore that Benny is far easier on the eyes, it almost feels the same. And Frankie… it doesn’t take much at all whenever you look at Frankie for too long - the old feelings that he used to inspire, the bright sparks in your stomach that quickly bubble up if you don’t slam a lid on them.
So if you don’t think too hard about it, from a safe distance, you can almost pretend, everything’s fine and the way it used to be.
“How’re things going with you two?” Molly asks.
“It’s fine.” It’s a non-committal answer but you never did know how to answer this beyond, it’s fine.
“12 months clean is a big step. He got his licence back. He’s going to therapy. These are all good things.”
You don’t know why she’s saying this as if she’s trying to convince you of something you don’t already know.
“How’s the sex?” Molly leans over conspiratorially. “Is it still terrible?”
“What are you, our couple therapist now?”
“I might as well be.”
Hunching your shoulders into yourself, you refrain from scowling so that Molly doesn’t start about how you’ll get wrinkles if you keep doing that. You fucking hate this topic. Who wouldn’t? Molly is the only person you know who takes morbidly comical pleasure in telling people her sex life is in shambles. But it’s only fair you share when she shares everything with you.
“I’ve sort of given up on sex. I don’t want to force the issue anymore.”
Molly looks up at you with confusion in her perfectly arched brow. “What do you mean?”
“Every single time, I’m the one asking for sex. He’s never asked me. He doesn’t touch me. I’ve become a leper to him and everytime I initiate it, it somehow ends up even worse than the last time before it and then I feel responsible for how bad it is because it’s like I’m cornering him into it.”
Her hand comes to rest on your shoulder with a sympathetic squeeze. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think he’s forcing himself to have sex with you.”
She gestures her bottle towards the car. “Look at the poor man, he looks so pent up I bet he’d explode like the inside of a piñata if you so much as brushed up against those tight fitted jeans right now.”
Looking up, your eyes are drawn to the end of Molly’s beer bottle where it is accusingly aimed at Frankie standing over the open hood of the car. Brown eyes meet yours, seemingly by coincidence, until you realize that the reason they do is because he’s been looking at you before this. How long you don’t know. But from the way his eyes flicker away, quickly drawing his cap down his overgrown fringe, head hanging down as if his feet had suddenly become a thing of wondrous interest, it must have been more than just a momentary glance.
“See it from his perspective, he knows he screwed up. It’s safer to wait for you to initiate. The man is probably terrified to ask you for much of anything, what if you get angry and kick him to the curb - and then he’ll never see his daughter again.”
You drag your eyes away from the sturdy outline of Frankie’s shoulders, bent over the hood, to look at Molly instead. “I would never take his daughter away from him. He’s a good dad. I’d be hurting Carmentéa more than him.”
“I know that, but he doesn’t.”
Leaning back against the bench, you push out the swing with your feet as a parched breeze tickles your ear. It’s something that you often think of. You wonder if he still loves you, still wants you, why he would even want to stay considering how miserable he seems, and then you remember that he’s probably not staying for you. He’s staying for your daughter. To him, you might as well be a stranger living in the same house as him, only bound together by the dual obligation of your daughter.
“Do you think he’s only staying with me for Carmentéa?”
Molly lets out a long weary sigh, “Frankie is a stubborn, strong willed man. He’s no pushover just because he’s the quiet one. Tom always used to say he was the one person in the team that couldn’t be forced to do much of anything against his will unless lives were at stake. If he didn’t love you, not even the love for his daughter would make him stay with you.”
There’s a brief silence as she observes you, taking a sip of her beer. “What about you? Are you staying only because of Carmentéa?”
Biting your lip, you cross your arms around your torso, because you don’t know how to answer that, and so you don’t.
“Do you still love him?” Molly presses.
You don’t answer that one, even if you know how to, because it’s an answer you don’t want to admit to yourself. Don’t even want to name it, but you know it’s still there, you just don’t know where to put it anymore.
“You know you’re being really unfair right? You want him to love you, but you want to not have to love him back at the same time.”
Bringing the bottle to your lips, the beer tastes sweet and sticky from the summer heat. You know Molly’s right. You are being unfair, not much better than a sullen child, so you simply nod and say, I know.
“A year seems like a long time to me to freeze someone out this way. If you’re that upset, why are you even still together? Either forgive him… or don’t. But neither of you can keep living in limbo like this. If you don’t want to forgive him, rip off the bandaid and just get a divorce, then you can both move on with your lives with other people.”
You put down the empty beer bottle on the deck, together with the rest, the green glass refracting the sun with a blunt glare in your eyes. You have already forgiven him, you think. But it sneaks up on you, the anger. In the beginning it was relentless, wave after wave. Sometimes it’s gentle tides, other times a tsunami of hurt and anger washing over you until it holds you underwater, filling your lungs with spite and helplessness.
Sometimes it will go days and weeks without it ever rearing its ugly head and those long gaps are getting longer and more frequent. It’s just not completely gone, the way you want it to be.
“I just need a bit more time.”
“Time to forgive him or time to decide whether you want to stay in this?” Molly pries.
“We’ve been together for almost half my life. We have a daughter together, and a way too expensive mortgage on a house I want Carmentéa to grow up in. It’s impossible to just walk away from all of that, I don’t even know where to start.”
“Honey, if those are the only reason you’re staying, then I don’t think you should. All those reasons you mentioned, are not real reasons to stay with someone. Don’t stay because you have to, stay because you want to.”
Molly kicks up her feet on the seat, eyes scrutinizing. “Do you want to?”
“I’m still here, aren’t I?” Hearing it, as it comes out, you sound more defensive than you had intended.
She gives you a disappointed look that tells you it’s a cop-out answer, and you know it too.
“Trust me, it’s not impossible. I did it, remember?”
It’s a sentence that sucks out all the air with it. All the fight in you deflates when you see the wry smile and the deprecating shrug of her shoulder. You know the guilt that haunts her, how this woman wonders if there was anything that she could’ve done that would’ve prevented the inevitable. The early nights where she would call you at 2am crying, convinced that if only they had still been married, if she’d still had a say as his wife instead of a nagging ex, that would have made him stay for her. If only she had still been with him, maybe he would have no reason to go at all; no reason to impress her, or chase for money and validity. If only there’d be no reason for him to prove himself to their daughter that he was still a man capable of work and value.
If only is a ghost that lingers in the shape of 6 feet 3 in every corner of their marital house that she was never able to let go of and sell after he was no longer there. She’ll never be able to escape from it. A soldier’s widow even if he didn’t die in active duty.
“Does put things in perspective though, doesn’t it? You think they’re always going to be there. In all their annoying glory. Then they’re not and all of a sudden you think, did it really matter that he never took out the trash and always left the toilet seat up?”
Wrapping your arms around Molly from behind, you rest your chin on her strong, proud shoulder that never sags. There’s a chuckle from her that tells you, you’re being silly for worrying, and she assures you that she’s fine—no really, she really is, but you can feel the unsteady tremble that betrays her in her hand.
Both of you know she’s not fine. Nobody is these days.
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It rains all of Sunday night. Not a shy light rain, or a pitter patter, but a proper downpour of a monsoon rain, and the sound of it drives him insane.
Everytime it starts pouring rain outside, Frankie can practically feel the weight of clammy clothing clinging to him like a second layer of uncomfortable skin. The jarring coldness that burrows into the marrow, eating into him. It’s unsettling and he swears he can physically feel the steady slither of anxiety underneath his skin that makes him want to dig his fingernails into his arm, rip it out and crawl out of himself.
It’s his household task to take out the dog in the morning, and he can already hear Duchess’ paws scratching; nose sniffing through the gap of the bedroom door with a whine.
Heaving himself out of bed as quietly as he can, so as not to wake you, he makes his way downstairs as he pulls on his boots. Logically, he knows it’s only in his imagination, because his boots are kept dry inside, but he can hear the squelching sound of water against his socks, toes curling in disgust as he stands in front of the door and hesitates.
The rain pools by his feet in front of him on the concrete doorsteps, and the stinging coldness of dripping water in his face makes him grip the leash tight until his nails dig into the flesh of his palm. Duchess doesn’t know any better, just preciously wags her tail with excitement regardless of the rain.
His therapist had taught him mindful meditation exercises to deal with this. $250 an hour for teaching him how to breathe and mentally list out things that made him think of home, and during the entire session instead of taking it in, he calculated in his head how 17,000 divided by 250 afforded him 68 sessions that were quickly eating into your already tight savings when he had to retake his helicopter licence (another one of his mistakes that you end up paying for).
How if he hadn’t given up his fifth of a share of $5,334,120 it would have been 4,267 sessions instead; and if Tom hadn’t been greedy. If Frankie hadn’t backed down on the runway, telling the man there was no way in burning hell they were going to make it across the goddamned Andes, just like he knew they wouldn’t, that he didn’t spend four fucking years in intensive training as a pilot not to be trusted to do basic air freight calculations, then he could’ve bought a lifetime’s worth of therapy sessions for his whole military unit and still have enough money left to pay off the mortgage to your house.
He still doesn’t know how to tell you. That his trigger happy finger set off a chain of events that left your best friend a widow. That he signed off a million dollars to an anonymous trust fund for Molly and Tess. Money he could have kept for you and Carmentéa’s future. Money that Molly didn’t even want to touch because she knows it has blood on it.
When he stood there over an absurdly sized conference table for only five people and a lawyer, instead of the six of them, pen in his hand staring at the legal papers, he knew that for the rest of his life this would always haunt him. In that moment, in his misguided pride he thought that by signing away the money, it would go some way to signing away the guilt as well.
(It didn’t.)
He hates therapy, but he has no other choice than to take it seriously, because he wants to stay here. Wants to get better. Can’t afford to make another mistake now, because you’ve already given him his second, and third chance and he doesn’t want to test if this is going to be his last.
He closes his eyes, taking a deep inhale through his nose, mentally counting to four, and then he holds the breath to a count of seven, before breathing out again.
The colour of your eyes.
The address of your home together.
Carmentéa’s middle names.
He’s safe, he’s fine. He’s here, not there.
September is the rainy season, and so it shouldn’t surprise him when it continues to rain the next day and the day after, and in that entire week he’s barely held together by surface tension; the whole of him threatening to spill over the brim at any second.
He tries to stay away from Carmentéa, because he’d read in a baby book during your pregnancy that young toddlers are sensitive and pick up negative feelings and anxiety from the people near them, and he doesn’t want to poison her with his. Fuck up the only thing he’s created that’s pure and good.
He keeps to himself in the garage, tinkering with one thing or the other: an old VHF receiver from the 60s he found at the flea market you used to go to on Sundays; Ironhead’s old bricked Atari; replacing the clutches on Molly’s car, again.
Frankie likes to fix things; it keeps his churning brain occupied, and he can block out the constant noise that grinds between his ears like the sound of force feeding glass to a sink disposal. When he gets to focus on something that requires careful attention, it thins it to a shrieking whistle. But most of all, sometimes it’s just nice to remind himself that he doesn’t only break things.
That week, you don’t say anything about his absence in the house. There’s a silver lining to you constantly avoiding to look him in the eyes that way. Small mercies. At least it means you won’t see that he’s unravelling at the seams when the two of you are confined under the same roof.
The nights are the worst. Trapped in his own head without even sleep to distract him. All he can hear is the rain. All he can feel is his cold soaked jeans weighing at his feet as he’s huddling up for warmth under the poor excuse of shelter of a tree in the jungle. Benny and Ironhead are sniping at each other like two catty cheerleaders arguing over who’s going to make prom queen. His anxiety is a slow, high-pitched hum that keeps him up. He can’t sleep until he’s so exhausted he just blacks out, and the next thing he knows, he’s awake and Duchess is scratching at the door for it to begin all over again.
On Thursday, he wakes up to the sound of rain but there’s no Duchess scratching at the door. Your side of the bed is cold and empty, and his first panicky instinct is that you finally took Carmentéa and the dog and left. The second thought is, you’re right to leave him.
When he makes his way downstairs, you’re already in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
“It’s going to be raining all of next week,” you tell him. “I can take Duchess for her walks if you want to get Carmentéa dressed in the mornings instead.”
You don’t press, you don’t ask, you don’t force anything out of him. You just know something is wrong, even without asking, and in all the big and small ways you can, you try to make life a little bit easier for him. It’s something no one has done for him before you, and no one will be doing after you either.
You don’t say anything more, and all he can do is quell the burning swelling in his throat as he awkwardly murmurs thank you, when he really wants to tell you, I love you. But he doesn’t, because it’s not fair to put that burden on you.
For the briefest of moments, one that doesn’t last very long (they never do anymore), you look up and you actually smile at him. It’s muted, and maybe it’s a little bit wistful, but it’s there, and it fucking blows his heart out. The fuse in his brain burning to a crisp as he just stands there like an idiot. He wants to reach out (but doesn’t). Wants to say something (but doesn’t), and as always, the moment is gone much too soon and there’s nothing left in it except his regrets for the both of you.
Night comes and the rain is louder than ever. He tries not to grind his teeth. Tries to not vibrate from the tension that’s overtaken his limbs. Tries to quiet the loud thumping beat of his heart, so loud that he worries it might wake you in your sleep. He’s sweaty and disgusting, even as he’s lying still underneath the covers.
“Frankie?” Despite the hushed quietness of your voice, it still startles him. “Are you ok...?”
He feels the gentle comforting glide of your fingertips following the nostalgic trail of the freckles on his back, which you can’t possibly see through the t-shirt he’s wearing to sleep. It occurs to him that you must’ve memorised it from the sheer habit, from all the nights you’ve lulled him back to sleep like this over the years. Nights when he’d wake from nightmares and stare into the ceiling, catching his breath, until you’d turn around, half-asleep and drowsily pull him into the safe harbour that was being nestled and entangled between your thighs and arms.
You scoot a little bit closer to him in the bed now. “Do you need me to hold you; would that help?” you ask, and it makes him choke with a watery breath that he tries to swallow down deep into his chest.
He turns towards you in the darkness, and the weight of the bed shifts as you shuffle closer to him, your head resting on his pillow, your breath tickling against his face, a momentary ceasefire as the walls are lowered and he can feel the warm tip of your nose against his. It doesn’t matter that it’s pitch dark because this close he can make out the beautiful contours of your face that he just wants to reach out to touch and map out underneath his fingertips, (but he doesn’t).
Instead he just lies there, still. Keeps his hands to his sides to resist the temptation to touch because he knows if he starts he’ll never stop. If he starts, he’ll lock his arms around your back, a hand on your shoulder to press his face deep into the crook of your neck until every inch of your skin is pressed so tight against his that all of him covers all of you, and that still wouldn’t be enough. If he starts, he’ll start hoping again. Foolish hopes like, forgive me, and, love me, that he knows he doesn’t deserve anymore, because the things you’ve given him are already stretching your capacity to love and forgive to its limits.
He knows this doesn’t mean you forgive him, that this is merely an act of compassion because you’re unable to stand how pathetic and pitiful he is. A grown man rendered nonfunctional by a little bit of rain. In the morning you’ll go back to not being able to look him in the eyes for longer than a few seconds at a time. But for now this is enough for him, more than he could ever wish for.
So he lies there, still for you, when you slide a leg between his and your limbs are entangled with his and he lets himself feel it, your warm comforting touch, the familiar sweet ache in his stomach as your fingers carefully comb through his hair and smooth it down. How the whole chaotic painful world that Frankie has learnt to live with fades away when he feels your fingertips against the crown of his head like this. The high pitch in his brain that is always churning, finally turning off, silent, and his eyes flutter close into the calming blank space of darkness.
In your arms, he finds a little bit of respite, and Frankie sleeps, better than he has slept for a year. Better than he has any right to.
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The sound of children’s feet is often described as pitter patter, which you associated with quick light steps, but you had always thought barrelling was a much more apt description for Carmentéa. It was certainly true now as she was stampeding along, next to you by your feet, stopping only to fall over the carpet and pick herself and do it all over again, as you were folding away the laundry.
There’s a light polite knock on the open door frame as you look up and Frankie’s head pokes in through the bedroom door. “Do you know where my dress shoes are?”
You turn towards him, taken aback by his appearance. Tidy. Hair neatly combed back. A formal button up shirt that you can’t ever recall seeing on him clinging to his wide shoulders. Fitted trousers that hug closely to his hips and broad thighs. You feel like you’re staring at a stranger in front of you. That old age cliche of a tall dark handsome stranger. It takes you a handful of seconds to register that it's actually Frankie.
“They’re in the corner closet. What do you need them for?”
“I’m gonna wear them for the job interview, then afterwards, I could swing by and take you to dinner?”
“Dress shoes are a bit formal for Colleen’s, aren’t they?”
Shoving his hands into his pockets, he looks almost sheepish. “I thought we could go somewhere a bit nicer? If you want to.”
You say yes, of course, even though you prefer the more humdrum option. Because Colleen’s is where you always end up going when you want to treat yourselves and you like clinging onto old reminders of better times. An old diner 20 minutes down the road that serves breakfast at all hours, where even though the coffee is shit, and so is more than half of the menu, they have the best biscuits and gravy for miles, served piping hot from the oven. The aging owner Colleen is always snarky to you, but sweet on Frankie, and he’ll always switch your plates when the food arrives at the table, because his portion will always have extra gravy that you like. You’ll look up from your plate, between an inhale of shoving food down your throat and Frankie will just be gazing at you fondly without looking away, and it would warm you inside out regardless of the season.
You look down at yourself now, high waisted jeans that definitely qualify as mom-jeans, a faded tee-shirt and your eyes are drawn to the large blot food stain that was permanently etched from where Carmentéa always burrows her head into your chest to sleep, and suddenly you truly feel the meaning of the word homely shaming you.
“Do I need to change?”
He takes in your appearance before meeting your eyes, holding them for the first time in a long while without looking away.
“No, you look great,” he simply says and means it.
The way he looks at you pins your feet to the carpet, a gaze of someone who has seen the best and worst of you, and knows everything that you are. It drills into your chest and leaves you naked and bare to him in a way that you’re still not ready for, and you turn away completely until your back is to him.
You don’t even look up from the laundry basket until you hear him walk away.
“Don’t close the closet door, remember it only opens from inside,” you shout after him. There’s no answer, and from the sound of creaking stairs, you figure he’s already gone downstairs. Carmentéa is still practising sprints, and you see her do a tumble that almost transforms into a somersault. But before you drop everything in your arms to run to her, she’s already up on her feet again for the next round.
You should be grateful and appreciative that he’s trying. He’s interviewing for a position that would ground him from being in the air, but bring a comfortable income to your family so you could stop doing double shifts. He’s put on clothes that make him feel uncomfortable and ridiculous. He takes care of booking dating activities and new restaurants you haven’t been to every weekend because it’s what the therapist recommended for the two of you. It all helps.
But at the risk of sounding ungrateful. For all that Herculean effort, you’re constantly fighting the urge to tell him that this isn’t really what you wanted. You want him to be happy, and flying makes him happy. You want him to be happy, and you know that wearing a stiff shirt and a strangled tie that feels like a noose against his Adam’s apple ain’t it. Nor are the weekly assigned date nights that feel like pretending to play house together.
And it’s not that he doesn’t look handsome in a fitted shirt. My god, he does. But when you close your eyes at night, you don’t think of Frankie in a suit and neatly combed back hair. You think of his hair tousled, pressed against the pillow with a drowsy smile on his lips. Your fingertips reaching under his loose fitted t-shirt worn soft with age, trailing the sparse hair you find there against the soft curve of his belly.
Stuffing a handful of underwear into the drawer carelessly, you unravel the whole careful system you have, and your eyes catch at the old envelope hidden in the very bottom of the divider that you usually ignore.
Your fingers trace the edges of faded yellow paper, marked with the military post office stamps, pulling out the letter, immediately recognizing Frankie’s distinctive handwriting. It’s so neat and legible that, had it not been for the smeared ink smudges, you could have easily mistaken it for a printed font.
“Mi Alma.
I couldn’t catch a wink of sleep last night. I may come back home sooner than planned with dishonorable discharge for strangling a fellow soldier in his bunkbed. Miller snores like a freight train with engine failure.
It’s hell to be trapped inside your own head at night without the distraction of sleep. All I can see is you laying in bed underneath me. You on top of me. I want you wrapped around me, and my right hand is not a very convincing substitute on these lonely nights.
Even on the nights I manage to sleep to the soundtrack of Miller’s rhinoceros snores, I wake up hard and aching for you.
I think of our last night at the lakeside by the old quarry. You keeping me company in our sleeping tent. How good you were at keeping quiet for me. I think of how next time when I come home, I want to hear every single sound you make until you’re hoarse.
I miss you.
Tuyo siempre, Frankie”
You stare at the letter as heat starts to prickle your cheeks at the memory. Frankie and you struggling for space in his cramped tent, with hushed moans and quiet grunts echoing in between the rustles of sleeping bags. One large hand clamped tight over your mouth as he pressed his cock into you, a slow aching fit. His hair still wet from the earlier midnight swim, slicked and curling on his forehead, his face pressed into the side of your neck as he kept whispering into your skin about how fucking good you were being for him.
An urgent rush of need that refuses to be ignored grows inside you, and it makes you shove the letter back into the drawer with a quick slam, locking it away from yourself as you take several steps back. You close your eyes to block out the image, but it’s no use.
You can still feel the cold water droplets gathering by your collarbone, and broad stripe of his warm tongue before his teeth marked your flesh with a bite. You had sobbed into his palm, trying not to scream from how thickly he filled you, struggling not to wake the others in the nearby tents.
You can’t stop thinking about the way his hips desperately ground into you, skin searingly hot against yours, and how in that moment you were sure that the only thing in this world worth anything to you was the sweet fulfilling stretch of Frankie’s cock as he rocked up into you.
And you can’t stop the way your heart knocks fast and loud against your chest, as that old intimate beat of attraction in your veins sings out to you that you still want him.
Dragging your hands across your face, you feel the incriminating heat underneath. You’re trying to rub and scrub it clean with a splash of cold water over the bathroom sink when you realize that there’s no sound of stomping footsteps next to you. Hasn’t been for a while now.
Worry then guilt eats into you, as you realize you lost her. The worst part is you don’t even know when she left your side. Was it before or after you got horny reading your own husband’s letter? You’re such a ridiculous person. And now you’re a terrible mom to boot. Why are you like this?
You keep calling for her, as you round the hallway, until you hear the muffled sound of Carmentéa’s bright laughter coming from the corner closet where the door has been shut.
She’s locked herself inside.
That stupid door should have been fixed as soon as Carmentéa was born, but in your defence a lot of things happened in that first year that it got lost amongst other pressing priorities. And you hadn’t expected Carmentéa to be quite so steady on her feet, quite so fast from the time she started walking.
“Carmentéa! Open the door for me.”
There’s tittering excitement from the other side of the door that any other time you’d find adorable, but right now only causes agitation as she defiantly announces, no.
“This isn’t a game sweetheart, open the door now.”
Frantically, you start knocking louder at the door and jiggle the handle more forcefully, trying to jimmy it open as all the worst case scenarios come rushing in. That shelf on the top that is resting on two screws, stacked with heavy books that could fall on her. The toxic cleaning supplies you’d stored away in the corner on the floor that she could get into. Even if you break the door down, you’d hurt her if she’s standing in front of it.
“What’s wrong?”
You jump in your skin and turn at the sound of Frankie behind you.
“She locked herself inside the closet.”
You’re so worked up you don’t even react to his hand coming to rest on the small of your back, shepherding you to stand behind him.
“It’s ok,” he assures you, “I’ve got it.”
Faced with a dilemma, Frankie’s first instinct is never to react with panic, even as anxiety and worry rages inside of him. It is like his brain kicks into gear, and time slows down for him, and he knows exactly what to do, exactly what needs to be done and executes it flawlessly before anyone else in the room even has the time to react. It is why he’s the one you want with you in the room when everything goes wrong.
Instead of panicking, instead of scolding her, Frankie simply hunches over to sit in front of the door, giving the door a light rap.
“Carmentéa, can I come in?”
It takes several long moments, before the door slants open, your daughter's mischievous grin peeking out as Frankie tenderly greets, hola princesa.
With his split second reflexes, you know it would have taken very little effort for him to simply grip the door through the slanted opening, forcing it open, but he doesn’t and you’re mid-step to grabbing the door yourself, only for it to slam back shut to the chorus of giggles.
“Frankie,” you start, but he holds up his hand, stopping you mid-sentence. Unbothered, he merely knocks a second time, patiently waiting for her to open it again.
Brown eyes and cotton-soft curls, the same as her father’s, spied through the crack, as he greets “hello” again, and then even quicker than last time it closed in his face.
Unable to wait anymore, you rush forward to tap on the door yourself, and Frankie curls his fingers around your wrist, searing hot, without him knowing it.
“You have to let her come out of the closet on her own, otherwise she’ll associate it as something bad. This is her home, she’s supposed to feel safe everywhere.”
All your worries melt away at that, knowing that he had in a brief moment assessed every angle and evaluated that this was the course of action and you trusted him implicitly and always, even with the most valuable thing you had in your life locked away from you on the other side of the door. Nodding at him, you take a step to the side next to him, and he leans forward, knuckles rapping against the door again.
You lose count of how many times the two of them do this: knock — hello — slam. Knock — hello — slam. Enough that it should have driven any adult man insane, until finally, finally, Carmentéa is done having her fun, opens the door wide, and instead of closing it, climbs into her father’s lap, laying her mop of curls against his chest, tuckered out.
It makes for such a nostalgic picture and you remember that more than a year ago this was all that you had wanted. The wish to reenactment moments like these a million times over and how that was the very reason you had decided to stay in the first place.
He turns to you and sees you staring. Instead of looking away, his eyes meet yours, a soft if not slightly tired smile on his lips as the sole dimple on his right cheek deepens. The same stirring of that old memorable warmth for him crowds your chest, until it threatens to spill somewhere, anywhere. It’s there, overwhelming you with its suddenness, and you don’t know where to put it as you hear the loud pounding beat in your ears that you’re trying to ignore.
You’re not ready yet.
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It’s one of those days, where everyday life is relentless and everything just happens at once. It’s Laundry, credit card bills, groceries, mopping up Duchess’ vomit after she’d gotten into the trash can. It’s scrambling to get Carmentéa dressed again after she’d kicked off all her clothes and ran buck naked across the hallway as Frankie tried to chase after her. It’s being half an hour late dropping her off with your mother so you could get to your assigned date night that the couple therapist had recommended. It’s forcing yourself to put on makeup and a dress even though both of you are much too exhausted to go anywhere and you just want to hide under the covers hoping tomorrow will be better.
It’s pitch black on the country road, and the evening breeze escapes through the open window on your side and makes your head lull to the shoulder of the carseat.
“Maybe we should go home,” Frankie says. “Let you get some sleep instead.”
Eyes slowly blinking open, you’re drawn to the bullseye tattoo between his thumb and index finger on the steering wheel. You want to trace it with your fingertips the way you used to until he’d look up and cover his hand over yours.
You drag your eyes away instead, looking at the shadowy outlines of trees whizzing past. “We should go. It’s what the therapist ordered.”
Frankie lets out a small huff of laughter, the sound of it deep and rumbly. So pleasant it was made to be nuzzled at. “It’s not homework, we’re allowed to not go if we don’t want to. We’re adults now.”
Still fuzzy with sleep, you dig your cheeks deeper into the shoulder pad of your seat with a drowsy yawn. “Frankie, if we stop doing things simply because we didn’t want to, life would look very different.”
There’s a beat of a silence that you don’t miss when he turns to look at you, the tension set in his jaw, the way the softness in his eyes hardens until it is set to stone that sobers you from sleep.
“What?” you ask him.
“Nothing.” He pulls his eyes back on the road, but the tension is still clearly there. “Forget it.”
You’ve stepped on a live wire you realize. You’re in the no man’s land that neither of you had dared to walk into and you, and your big clown shoes stepped right on top of a landmine because you couldn’t be bothered to look down properly. “I didn’t mean us—”
“I know.”
Silence fills the car again. Silence has a way of filling any and all spaces where the two of you are together by yourselves.
“Do you want me to drive us home?”
Irritation brews in you. A viscous oil back spill of resentfulness. He always does this. Puts the decision in your hands. And when it goes wrong. When things go bad. Then it’s on you and you can’t bear the thought of making decision after decision that at every turn seems to make the both of you so unhappy.
“What do you want to do, Frankie?”
“I’m fine with either. Just let me know if you’re not up for it, and I can drive us home.”
“Don’t do that,” you snap, back upright in your seat. “Don’t put this on me. I’m asking you. What do you want? Do you want to go to dinner or do you want to go home?”
He says your name with a heavy sigh like it is something to be carried, a blunt weight on his shoulders as he tries to march forwards, and meanwhile you are standing in the deep end of a pool of resentment unable to feel the bottom with your toes and too tired to keep kicking your legs to keep yourself afloat.
“I’m not trying to put it on you,” he says. “You’re tired, and I thought you could need some rest. If you’re telling me you’re not tired, I’m more than happy to go.”
Happy isn’t the word you’d use to describe either of you these days, and certainly not Frankie, and as you close your eyes to calm yourself you can hear it again, that loud insistent beating knock.
“Please stop putting every decision on me. Because I don’t know what to do when I make the wrong one and it leaves us both miserable and unhappy.”
“I’m not unhappy.”
“You’re not unhappy?” A shaky scoff crawls out of your throat at the falsity. “Is this the life of happiness you aspired to? A life where your daughter grows up with two parents who can barely stand to look at each other when they’re in the same room?”
For the first time, Frankie’s concentration on the road breaks as he swerves unsteadily around a particular sharp corner. “No, of course I don’t want that for Carmentéa. I don’t want that for us, I don’t want either of us to be unhappy, and I don’t want you to barely be able to look at me for more than five seconds at a time!”
“So what do you want then?”
His eyes turn to you, a bullet piercing gaze that shows you there are so many things he wants. You just don’t know what those things are anymore.
You? Or a life without you.
His tongue swipes over his lip in frustration, before he turns his attention back on the road. He’s turned quiet on you again. Shoulders all twisted up until they’re bunched into one big tangled knot that you don’t know how to untangle anymore.
Sometimes you wonder if there’s been any progress at all. On some days it’s several steps forward, other days, two steps back. Sometimes you think you can see the finish line, and then you're dragged backwards, kicking and screaming against the asphalt with scraped knees, right back to the starting point and it is exhausting. Sometimes you don’t want to pick yourself up, you just want to stop.
“Frankie,” you’re surprised by your own voice breaking; how your throat can be dry when it feels flooded with water as you finally, finally, after all this time, just ask him the question you should have asked him a year and a half ago. “Do you ever think we would’ve been better off if we divorced?”
The leather audibly creaks underneath his hands on the steering wheel. Eyes straight ahead. You can’t see him in the darkness even as you’re looking at him.
“Is that what you want?” he asks.
Your mouth works, trying to answer him, but you never get the chance to.
There’s a flash of white blinding lights ahead, and when you snap your head to the road ahead, you see a large oncoming truck on the wrong side of the road, and you know that it is coming for you.
One leg instinctively kicks out, feeling for the brakes that are not even there. Eyes slamming shut as you brace yourself for the inevitable impact of a 14,000 pound truck.
You wait for it, the crush of metal cutting through, of smashed glass and seared skin. The collision of a truck with your side that will grind your bones and flesh to a pulp.
But it never comes. The car is immobile; and you think to yourself, I must already be dead.
Then all you hear is Frankie’s steady, comforting voice in the empty darkness, “Are you okay?”
Everything is a gaussian blur when you blink your eyes open. Too bright. Too loud; lungs burning for air, unable to breathe. In the distorted fog, you only recognize Frankie.
He reaches over, his hand bridging the span of your jaw, and you lean into his touch, revelling at the comfort of the assuring warmth you find there.
“You’re not hurt. Take a slow breath with me ok?”
Frankie’s hand squeezes tight over yours, urging you to take a long inhale, and when he releases his firm grip, he tells you to slowly breathe out, and you do.
“What color are my eyes?”
You blink, not understanding, “Wha—?
“What color are my eyes, baby?”
The gentle endearment in that soothing husk centers you, your eyes snapping to his, focusing on the deep brownness you find there. You don’t remember how long it’s been since the last time he called you that.
There’s a warm smile there that fills you with such assurance that when you take your next breath, the oxygen fills a little bit easier.
“What’s our address?”
“14 Columbia Avenue.”
The brightness dims, and everything turns a little bit calmer and quieter, and slowly, ever so slowly, as you come to, you realize it's because at some point Frankie must have turned off the radio and the overhead lights in the car, all without you even noticing.
“Are we—” Taking in your surroundings, there does not seem to be any damage to the car. The roof hasn’t caved in and the front windscreen remains uncracked. “Did we crash?”
“No. It’s fine,” Frankie tells you in calm, short sentences. “A truck swerved too close onto our side.” His hand squeezes yours, then releases. Breathe in. Breathe out.
“I drove us down the side of the road to avoid contact. We’re fine. Only clipped the side-view mirror.”
He lets go for a brief moment to take off his old worn jacket, and wraps it around your shoulders, before returning his hands to you, one in your hand, the other gently cupping your cheek with an immeasurable calm that sinks into you.
Instinctively you pull it up until the collar brushes against the tip of your nose. It smells rich, earthy and slightly sweet, the way old fine leather does, and like something all too familiar that is distinctly Frankie. Traces of his aftershave that always linger, and a faint scent you never know if it’s supposed to be pine or some hipster forest blend. Warmth zips through your chest at the comforting scent that makes it a little easier to breathe just on the side of enough to pull you back from completely spiralling.
“You feel better?”
His hands are so large that the tip of his fingers are cupping the back of your neck, bridging across your jaw to where his thumb brushes against the apple of your cheeks, tantalizing strokes that you feel to your shivering bones with a racing heart.
“Let me know when you’re ready to start driving home, ok? Take all the time you need.”
There’s the tender press of his lips to your forehead that lingers pleasantly, then his forehead comes to rest on yours, the weight of it reassuring you that you are going to be ok so long as he’s here. It makes every inch of you feel safe and protected. Trust that comes with time, earned over years by constantly having proven that he is a safe place for you to rest your worries. A safe place you don’t want to lose.
Gripping your fingers into the worn cotton of his shirt, you tug him down closer, your lips grazing against that fine scratch of silver flecks mixed with brown scruff on his jaw, and you swear you hear his breath catch just as you press your lips to his.
But he doesn’t kiss you back. Unresponsive. Lips hauntingly still against you as you can feel him stiffen up in rejection to your advances. It’s the longest second in your life, and it seems to stretch for an eternity as a horrible realisation dawns on you.
Frankie doesn’t want you, and it’s much too late for this reconciliation that you were pathetically clasping for. Because you do not get to push away someone who loves you, every day for over a year, and expect his love to remain unwavering at the end of that tunnel.
A fissure infects your chest. Sharp and painful, the sensation of wading your ribcage through a throng of nettles. Your throat clamps up, the corners of your eyelids stinging as you tell yourself, for fuck’s sake don’t cry.
Then there’s a clasp of metal that belatedly you recognize is the seat belt unbuckling. Frankie surges forward, lips crashing against yours, a brutal charge that takes you unawares, and you taste the desperation, the pent up anxiety warring inside him as his tongue slips into your mouth with a low pained grunt.
And despite the rushedness, the clumsy force of it, your nerves sing with the relief that floods your veins at the familiar taste of him.
Pushing you back as he moves forward in the eagerness of it all. The force of it knocks your head against the ledge of the window, and you hear it more than you feel the collision, not even registering the blunt pain until you hear Frankie’s panic.
“Fuck! Sorry.” His hand immediately comes to cradle the back of your head to shield it from further damage and bruises.
“It’s ok,” you assure him, and it’s so much more than ok, when he’s this close to you. “Don’t stop.” You press forward until your lips meet again.
This time it’s slower. Slow, and indulgent that is somehow no less urgent and demanding as he’s coaxing your mouth open to him with his tongue, licking into you with a greedy moan that reverberates through your whole being.
It’s a bit awkward, the gearstick uncomfortably jabbing into the side of your hip. But even in the cramped space of your car, somehow you manage to mold Frankie’s long torso along the jagged edges of you, and you feel like you’re finally fitting the pieces together.
“Querida, you’re so soft. Feel so good. Jesus christ, I missed touching you.”
It’s so stupid, it almost makes you want to cry. Now, when you hear the hushed pleas of him against the shell of your ear, it is so obvious just how unwavering he is in his affection. How patiently he’s waited for you to be ready for him again. You just refused to hear and see it.
His lips pull away from you, mouthing at your ear. “Are you sure this is what you want..?” Frankie asks, the lingering trace of doubt that you might change your mind still there; worried you’d bite his hand if he so much as reached for you.
Taking his hand in yours, you guide it down between your legs, beneath your dress, skirting the edge of your underwear until he feels the damp spot outside of them. “Do you feel that,” you ask him, “just how much I want you?”
His pupils widen, a low feral moan and you think you can see the moment that his mind snaps into a different setting, the way that soft brown gaze darkens impossible deey.
“Get in the backseat.” It’s not an ask, not a plea, the impossible low edge borders on a command. Gone is the hesitation, the cautiousness in him that he always practised around you nowadays. The treading around eggshells, replaced by a raw instinct of want.
He retreats from you, and gets out of the car from his side of the seat as you quickly climb into the back with clumsy anticipation. The passenger-side door flings open and he’s on you again. Mouth hot and urgent against the curve of your shoulder. The blunt sharp sting of his teeth bares down and you feel a rush of slick coating your inner thighs at the thought of him leaving marks, visible long after this moment.
“I want you any way you’ll let me have you.” He leans down, capturing your mouth in another consuming kiss as his one hand cups your jaw, the other dragging you closer to him by the waist. The hard outline confined beneath rough denim, grinding up against your thigh. Ache and need furls hot in your stomach.
You feel the fingertip ghosting over your clothed clit, separated only by a thin layer of cotton. He strokes over it, again and again and has you twitching in need of him at the confident and practised touch. Your leg anchors around his hips for leverage to arch yourself closer to him when he pins you back down against the seat, and you’ve never been more grateful that you’d left the baby seat at your mom’s.
The calloused warmth of his palm catches against your thigh as he bunches the skirt to the side of your hips. Then his hand rests flat against the soft curve of your stomach, gently pressing down. The weight of his palm, heavy, in the maddening downward slide, down—down, until his hand skim past the edges of your underwear between your legs, letting you buck up and grind against the heel of his hand for relief as you are coating him in your slickness.
“Do you know how much I’ve missed being inside you? That I touch myself when you’ve gone to sleep, thinking about you? You’re so close to me, and I can’t touch you, it drives me insane. It’s all I want, to make you feel so fucking good. To make you come hard, until you can’t think or speak anymore, then do it over and over again.”
Your eyes are still on him, at the first nostalgic touch of his fingertips at your entrance, gathering your slick with a steady stroke to your clit in a lingering swirl. Calloused fingers that draw a teasing slide along your pussylips before slipping inside of you.
A pitched cry escapes from you, and your fingers bunch into his shirt at the thick fullness in you. “Me—Me too,” you manage, “I touched myself thinking about you as well.”
“Fuck” he grits out. “Tell me what you thought about.” His voice rasps against your skin like sandpaper, low and warm.
It’s hard to speak when his fingers are coaxing you in an obliging rhythm that is so much better than the countless nights of you trying to imitate his fingers with your own, and you barely manage to gasp out the next words. “You— Your hands.”
His fingers press deeper inside you, and you let out an embarrassingly sharp gasp, grabbing at his wrist, trying to make him ease up so you can form a proper sentence, but they won’t budge, and then he has the audacity to ask you, “How did you think of them when you touch yourself?”
“Wa—wasn’t enough. Shit— Frankie. Nee—needed you to help.”
“Help like this, baby?” He curls his fingers inside of you, and everything inside you feels bigger and deeper. Bright tingles that spark through the whole of your spine. You’re so tightly coiled into yourself, you're scared you might burst open. It’s so good and it’s too much and fuck, just about the only thing you can do is close your eyes just to stay grounded.
“Don’t.” He bites out. You’re confused by that until Frankie curves his hand around your jaw and tilts your face closer. “Querida” he begs, and while his voice is husky and low, there’s that pitch of anxiety entering it. “Please, baby. Please don’t close your eyes. I need you to look at me.”
Opening your eyes, you see the fear in him that you’re trying to shut him out again, and it breaks your heart when you realize how far you’ve broken this man in the past year and a half that so little can crumble him so fast.
Cupping his face in your hand, you draw him to your lips, “I’m looking at you, baby,” pressing a tender kiss there, shuddering into his mouth.
Maybe it’s because it’s been so long, maybe it’s because it’s Frankie in the flesh instead of hushed fantasies in the darkness when you’re alone, but you are so worked up that you’re already close. A needy flare of heat blazes in your stomach, and all you can concentrate on is how close he finally is to you. The closeness of his body pressed up against you; his rasping voice; the warm scent that makes you think of home.
The heel of his hand grinds down, and that warm perfect pressure is exactly what you need. Your orgasm pours over your body in waves and waves, legs drawing up in uncontrollable spasms, trying to ride out the sensation.
“That’s my girl,” he praises as he draws you into his arms and you feel blissed out when you hear him use his old phrase that makes everything seem alright in the world in this contained second of closed off space.
When your breath steadies, Frankie moves off of you, and gently lifts your back against the backrest until you’re sitting upright. His lips kiss a path down your throat, collarbone and stomach, before he settles between your legs, his knees digging into the carpet of the floor, in a position you both know is going to be pure murder on his poor back.
“I want to make you come on my tongue first.” Placing a kiss on the inside of your thigh, his patchy beard that never fully grows in, scrapes against the oversensitive skin, and you’re pushing at his shoulder with the heel of your hand to remind him that you're still sensitive. He doesn’t seem to pay it any attention as his hand curls around your thigh, hiking them over his shoulders. Then his mouth is pressed hot and wet on your folds, and his tongue swipes over your entrance, a light teasing touch that has you thrusting your hips up to him.
The bump of his nose nudging your clit as he licks into you has you shakily moaning, and he gathers your arousal on his diligent tongue. You can’t help but grind up against his face, until Frankie will have none of it and holds you back down against the carseat by your hips, setting a slow but fervid pace at his control as his tongue works into you.
“Oh, fuck…” you're trembling so hard your voice vibrates.
Dragging you closer to his mouth by your thighs, he spits onto your pussy, the sound piercing in its sharpness in the enclosed space. Frankie watches, mesmerised, as his saliva drips a glistening path down to your entrance, and groans quietly, tongue swiping at the lewd wetness of it before it touches the car seat. The eagerness of his mouth on you, the way he’s grinding into the car seat for relief, it completely unravels you until it has you pushing yourself into his mouth, trying to chase the sensation of his nose nuzzling into your clit.
It’s absolute bliss, the way he has your back pressed with nowhere to go except closer to him, the way your entire world narrows down to a pinpoint of the sound of your sobbing breaths, and the dependable firmness of his sturdy back when your heels dig into his broad shoulders, while Frankie soothes you with kisses and the softness of his tongue.
“Fuck, Frankie,” you whine. “fuckdon’tstoppleaserightthere”.
It’s all too much, and you're being pulled under by it, drowning in sensations. You need to pull up above the surface to breathe again, or you think you're going to die in the best possible way. You’re grabbing at Frankie's hand like he’s your life preserver, his longer fingers woven between yours, squeezing them against your hip bone, reassuring you, he’s right here.
When you come again, warmth floods your veins, touching every part of your body, thrumming through every nerve and cell as it washes over you. Everything else around you dissipates into a low soothing hum of the man who loves you, who’s on his knees on the floor, showing you just how much. The only thing that matters anymore is how everything in you tingles pleasantly. It lingers long after it’s over, and you can still feel it in the tip of your fingers and in the curl of your toes as you come down on Frankie’s tongue.
“Good?” Frankie asks, which is such a redundant question. It’s not like he doesn’t have eyes to see the state he’s left you in.
Too blissed out to put up a fight, you nod. “So fucking good,” and Frankie lights up with a smile so sincere, it fills your chest with something so warm, you forget any sense of self-preservation. Instead you yank him up by his hair, like it’s a collar, to kiss you, and Frankie is so dutiful he leans up and kisses you back.
It is enough to make you giddy when he still tastes of you, and a flutter of bright laughter rushes past your lips. His cheeks are flushed rosy, upper and bottom lips glistening with you, as he asks you with breathless enthusiasm, “Do you want to keep going?”
You barely finish nodding before he eagerly kicks off his jeans, trying to keep the awkward fumbling to a minimum in the cramped space with the front seat pushing uncomfortably against his back, and then his hot skin is pressing up against yours. The bare contact is so gratifying, you nuzzle your face into his warm neck to savor it.
Frankie groans as he frees his cock from his underwear, rearranging the both of you with an ease of strength that always surprises you. Him sitting up against the backseat, fitting you over him as you straddle the sides of his slim hips. “I want you to ride me,” he pleads with a husky murmur. “Querida, want you to use me until you make yourself come on my cock. I want you to take what you need from me, ok baby?”
Trying to rise to your knees, the exertion has you faltering, feeling the way your legs wobble from underneath your weight, still numb from the overload of sensation.
“Fuck Frankie, I— I can’t.”
There’s an ugly grimace filled with worry that bleeds onto his entire face, and you realize he’s terrified that you changed your mind again.
“I came so hard I can’t feel my legs.”
He blinks. Eyes blank until comprehension overtakes him. A soft smile blooms on his face, and it takes years off of him, endearing to a fault, and even in the total darkness of the car, it seems to light up everything. You are so hopelessly gone for this man.
“Let me help you, baby.” His hands come to rest on your bum, fingers splayed wide, his palm carrying your weight as he lines himself up below you. Then he cants his hips up towards you, and you can feel the rigid shape of his cock, already slippery and wet from the precum that glistens there, rubbing up against your folds, soaking himself in your wetness without entering you. You can trace every ridge and vein with his lazy indulgent thrusts. Thrusts that you grind down on in kind, with what little strength you have left in you, thighs trembling from exhaustion.
The wet slickness as it drags across your sex is so depraved that if Frankie doesn’t stop you're going to fuck yourself to a third orgasm against his cock before he’s even inside of you. “Does that help?” he asks with the slightest hint of a tease in that boyish grin of his.
He thinks he’s being real cute. “Don’t be a fucking tease,” you chastise with a tug of his hair, just on the side of sharp, and there’s a breathless huff of laughter as he whispers soft endearments and apologies in your ear.
His hand reaches between you, notching his cock at your entrance. You can’t think anymore when you feel the wide tip slowly push inside you with a blissful stretch that throbs hot and white inside. Sliding further still until your thighs and the full weight of you are resting completely on him, and there’s a sharp inhale from you both at just how deeply inside you he is embedded right now.
He mouths kisses along your jawline, soft and exploratory until he finds your mouth again, kissing you again and again, as his hands grab hold of the underside of your thighs, drawing you up; baring you down on him and grinding you further down on him, before releasing you and doing it all over again.
“How does that feel?” A small soft grunt escapes his throat. “Good?” He pulls out of you almost entirely, only the solid tip of him resting inside you. The slow thick drag makes you aware of each ample inch, makes you forget how to breathe, and from the choked breath of him, you think it’s the same for him.
Praise spills from your mouth, about just how good he feels, how good he’s being, how he is everything, because you know it’s Frankie’s favourite thing in the world, and you want to make him feel good too. You know you succeed when you feel how his grip tightens on you; the way he inhales sharply like he’s lost his ability to speak coherently.
“Jesus Christ, you’re fucking killing me,” he murmurs, brushing his lip over your shoulder with remarkable restraint.
His hips come to a slowing halt, Frankie pants heavily, his forehead resting against your collarbone and a pinched crease appears between his brows with pained concentration.
“Frankie, you ok?”
“Yeah, just give me a second.” He hugs you closer to him with a shaking breath. It’s difficult not to take that as a compliment, to have a man you’ve been with for over a decade so affected by you as if it’s his very first time with you. You’re smiling so widely your cheeks almost hurt as you cup his cheeks, slanting your mouth over his, treasuring the slow pull of his lips against yours while he’s inside of you. Then Frankie opens his eyes and just looks at you, brown eyes filled with unguarded warmth.
There you are, you almost want to tell him, welcome home.
Leaning forward, you roll your hips into him, hands braced over the lean muscles of his thighs, appreciatively. A long, filling stroke inside you, before dropping back down to the beautiful sound of Frankie’s strangled moans as you build up the devastating rhythm of his hips meeting yours at every downstroke.
“Querida, you close?” It’s a rasped ask, and his lips fall to your breast, to the spot right above where your heart is thumping hard and fast. “Think you can come for me again?”
Every muscle burns achingly sweet, and you don’t even know if you can anymore, but you want to pamper him, make that glint in his eyes stay for as long as you can. You nod, and it’s all the confirmation Frankie needs to plant his feet firm on the carpet for leverage and thrust up against you, making you cling onto his shoulders from the force of him. A strength, he so rarely uses, that comes so easy to him, that he tries to constantly rein in except for these rare moments only you are privy to.
The damp curls from his lower stomach, leading to where you are joined glistens with your arousal as you rock your hips over him again and again. It’s becoming impossible to have a single coherent thought anymore. There’s only the sensation of Frankie completely filling you, the hard thickness of him, and how much you’ve missed this as it takes away the aching emptiness inside you. How comforting it is to let yourself be so vulnerable that you allow another person to consume you in this way, to let yourself take and be taken, all in the conciliatory thrusts of his hips and yours.
It’s possibly the most beautiful thing you’ve seen when Frankie throws his head back against the headrest, lips slightly parted, his lean throat bared to you, looking every bit as wrecked as you feel. Legs trembling, he starts to tense in that all too familiar way underneath you. You recognize the strained inhale and hiss of breath, as he stops thrusting, trying to hold back. He grips at you, in an attempt to beg you to still, to let him recover.
“Fuck! Baby, stop—stop,” he pleads; practically whimpering and it’s your favourite little sound in the world.
“Francisco, please. Don’t hold back, I want you to come inside me."
At the sound of his full name passing your lips, his hand curls impossibly tight into your hips, until it’s a sharp pinch of the already tender flesh, forgetting himself in you. A strained whine that escapes from deep in his chest, as one arm locks tightly around your back, pushing you flush up against him when he ruts into you sharply, up and into you as far as he can.
You feel it as he comes, a shattered sob muffled against your neck, hips pushed deep into you, the thick pulses as he spills inside of you, face pressed into the valley of your breasts, and all you can do is hold him against you as he quivers and shakes in your arms.
Out of breath. Spent. The numbing novocaine of adrenaline starts to leave your system as exhaustion enters instead, and you strain to lift your head to seek his lips again. It catches you by surprise, when you see the flash of disappointment in his eyes and before he even says the words you know what’s bothering him.
“You didn’t come.”
Misguided pride that he came before you did, as if he has no short term memory and has already forgotten that he’d rendered you into a state where your legs had gone numb from how hard you’ve come.
“Frankie, it’s okay—” you start, cupping his flushed cheeks, as you kiss the tip of his nose, “—I already—”
“Stay,” Frankie interrupts with a growl as he guides you back down, until you’re lying down pressed against the seat cushion. Then he slides down between your legs again, his knees digging into the car seat. He spreads your thighs over his shoulder, until his mouth is within reach of your cunt again. Sloppy kisses, with such eagerness it’s enough to make a grown man blush. Tasting his cum and yours on his tongue, creamy and warm, as he cleans the mess he’s made of you.
“Fuck! Frankie— are you fucking serious?” One of your legs kicks out as every nerve protests the relentless attention, and he has to hold onto your thigh, pressing it down against your chest to make sure he doesn’t get kicked in the face as he continues. He hums, low and content, and you can feel it deep within you.
“Frankie, it’s too much…” your heels dig into his back, bucking further into his mouth as he devours you hungrily with his tongue.
“It’s ok. I’ve got you,” he murmurs against your skin, caressing your thigh with a soothing hand to bring you down as you’re shaking all over. Turning his head, he places a far too chaste kiss on your knee, a mockery of what he’s actually doing to you right now, if he wasn’t so sincere. 
Bending down again, lips barely brushing against your folds; he presses a plush kiss on your clit, tonguing the overwrought nerves, and you roll your hips up against his mouth again and again, using his mouth to make yourself come. A moan breaks from him, and he grabs at the side of your thighs, fingers denting into the flesh and lifts you closer to his face until you’re pressed tightly against his flushed cheeks.
A whimper is forced out of you, one hand weaving into his dampened curls and fisting them so tightly it must hurt, and Frankie just groans keenly at the sensation, the gorgeous, eager sounds of it reverberating against you.
You need the closeness of him even if he isn’t inside you as you come this time. The reassuring weight of his chest pressed up against yours, his eyes looking into yours, his lips on yours. After so much time of being separated from him, you just want him, all of him, as much as you can have.
“Please what, querida?”
If you had any cognitive functions left for things other than chasing the deep arousal burning in your stomach, you imagine you might have been able to say something a bit more coherent. Instead, you’re whining “need you” and “please” over and over again which only has Frankie’s brow raising in confusion. It’s not until he feels your fingers curl around the fistful of hair, pulling him up towards you that he finally understands what you want.
Frankie grunts as he drags himself away from your pussy and climbs up to kiss you, tongue melding against yours, until you can taste the lingering sweet tartness of your mingled orgasms on his tongue. His thumb replaces his tongue on your clit, rubbing slow aching circles that have you bucking sharply into his touch.
“You have me,” Frankie murmurs into your mouth, before sealing your mouth with another kiss. “You have all of me.” 
Always have. Always will.
Your thighs tremble, spine trying to arch, but your limbs are so spent that you are struggling to keep yourself upright. Frankie holds you by the small of your back, carrying and supporting what you’re unable to on your own. “I’m yours,” he whispers, and when you come again it’s with his lips on yours, allowing him to swallow every sound, worry and doubt from you.
Everything blanks out and you stop hearing sounds as if all your senses disappear. The last functioning brain cell thinks that you might be having a seizure or a stroke, but in all honesty you can’t even remember what either of those things are anymore. Then the light of the last brain cell goes out. Endorphins flood your brain and trickle down your shoulders to your chest and pools at your stomach unwinding every tiny muscle in its path. You vaguely register that your legs are shaking. Your toes are curling, and you're digging into the coarse fabric of the carseat so that you don't fall off from the edge of the world that you're precariously balancing on.
In its wake, you're left in a dreamlike state. You can’t feel your legs. Your face prickles, nose tingling. Your head is completely empty and yet you feel full to the brim. Everything is quiet and you can’t even hear yourself breathe. Then in its own good time, your systems flicker back to life. You become aware of the weight of Frankie pressed up against you and unwind your arms so that he can entangle his long limbs between yours, face nestling into the nook of your collarbone as you’re both trying to catch your breath.
It’s an old instinct brought back to life that makes your nails start to gently thread through the thick, tangled locks, and you can feel him shiver against you at the attention. His lips are pressed against your damp skin, and you think you hear him tell you something, but it’s so quiet that you have to ask him to repeat himself.
“Us,” he murmurs into you, and you catch the familiar scratch of his scruff against your chest, the fine scraping comfort of it. “That’s what I want.”
A warmth unfurls in your chest, and there’s a pleasant ache that stings behind your eyelids. “Me too.”
It’s the first time in a long while, much longer than you want to admit, as you’re tracing the fine hairs on the nape of his neck that you catch yourself thinking, I love you. You don’t say it out loud, so you can’t blame Frankie for not responding with, I love you too. But you can feel it in the steady beat of his heart through your own chest, the polite knock on the door, waiting patiently to be let in and you think you’re finally ready now. And even though you don’t say it, even though neither of you say another word as he lies with his weight on top of you, the soft overgrown curls tickling your throat, this is enough for you.
This is enough for now.
The rest will come with time...
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Dedications: To @yespolkadotkitty​​ you own my heart!! I love you beyond words, the mostest of them all; and most beloved crowned angst-queen, co-conspirator @thirstworldproblemss​​ Thank you both ever so much for your endless patience with me, talking me off the ledge from deleting and for being the most amazing beta-readers.
Also to @loversandantiheroes​ 🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 🎉 you amazing genius you! & to @buttercup--bee​ 💖🐝 know that I love and adore you and your beautiful writing.
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minervacasterly · 4 years
Henry VII & Elizabeth of York's Dynastic Union
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“Henry VII did not remarry. It is difficult to know, at this distance, just how sincere his marital attempts were; whether they were driven by personal factors or simply another facet of the complicated game of European politics, or both. It would be misleadingly anachronistic to separate these motives and see his attempts at wooing as anything less than his royal duty. If he was looking for comfort, he might have found a willing wife closer to home, among his own nobility; dynastically, the pool of available women failed to provide him with a successful candidate. Perhaps it was the very geographical and political distance between him and these potential brides that made them attractive; the king was the ultimate prize in the delicate game of foreign alliances and to commit himself may have risked alienating other potential unions. He was spoilt for choice, so long as his marriage remained theoretical. There is no doubt about the genuine grief he exhibited at the loss of his wife, retreating ‘to a solitary place to pass his sorrow’ and seeing no one except ‘those appointed’. Ill health increasingly plagued him during the last years of his life, as he resigned himself to his losses.”
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“In many ways, the union had long been inevitable. From the early negotiations of Edward IV, bogus though they might have been, through the long years of plotting and maneuvering in separate exiles, emerging against all odds as the inheritors of their respective houses, Henry and Elizabeth moved steadily towards each other. Now that they were joined together, they would rarely be apart for the rest of their lives-unless necessity wedged between them.”
- ELIZABETH OF YORK by Nancy Lenz Harvey
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"In theory, it was a perfect match. Henry claimed the throne by right of conquest and had overthrow a regime that had been unpopular in many places, tainted by the controversy of Richard’s accession and the disappearance of Edward V. His Lancastrian roots gave him the requisite degree of authority but he had not been heavily embroiled in the bloody events of recent decades, making him a new face on the political scene. However he was still sufficiently British, having been born at Pembroke Castle and spending many of his early years as a ward of the Herbert family in their impressive Raglan Castle home; there had been the possibility of a marriage to their daughter Maud before the events of 1485 unfolded. Elizabeth’s popularity was legendary. The common sympathy for her sufferings also assimilated much of the outrage and grief surrounding the deaths of her brothers and the majority of England recognized her as the rightful heir of the house of York. However, there was no expectation that she could rule alone. A woman’s subordinate position to her husband extended even to those through whom the inheritance traveled. She was of marriageable age, tall, beautiful and had been brought up in anticipation of queenship. The union had been proposed by their mothers through the long days of suffering under Richard, liaising in secret through the offices of a mutual doctor and astrologer while the dowager queen remained in sanctuary. The prospect of success must initially have seemed remote. Eventually, if Henry had married either daughter of the protectors of his youth, Anne of Brittany of Maud Herbert, Elizabeth would have even free to marry and take her royal inheritance elsewhere. Providing she chose carefully, she and her husband would then have been rival claimants to the English throne and perpetual thorns in Henry’s side. So, to what extent did Henry and Elizabeth choose each other? The union was practically decided by the time they eventually met, probably in early September 1485 … Henry’s splendid coronation took place on 30 October 1485 … The wedding did not take place, though, for another three months. This is not to suggest Henry was not keen for the match, as some historians have concluded: there was his first parliament to sit, repeals of the law to ensure that Elizabeth’s illegitimacy was rescinded and dispensations to secure, as well as a terrible outbreak of plague in the capital that autumn … Henry also want to ensure his kingship was established and independent of Elizabeth’s claim before the ceremony took place. The couple probably met on a number of occasions, both at court and at Margaret Beaufort’s home, Coldhabrbour House, an ancient building originally named La Tour, comprising two linked fortified town houses, with a number of chambers of suites of rooms within its tower and a Great Hall on the riverside. Perhaps Henry was taking the time to get to know his bride; more cynically, it has been suggested he was ensuring she was not carrying of his predecessor. Elizabeth was not pregnant But she may have finally yielded to Henry’s advances once the union appeared a certainty. The couple’s first child would arrive the following September, exactly eight months after the wedding, a time frame which has given rise to much subsequent historical speculation. Assuming the baby was full-term, conception must have occurred in mid-December 1485. Parliament approved the match on 10 December 1485, suggesting consummation around that time, almost exactly nine months before the birth.
Predictably, early Tudor chroniclers were full of blessings for the match. The fourth Croyland continuer wrote that the marriage, 'which from the first had been hoped for’, was lauded for the sake of Elizabeth’s title as well as her virtues: 'in whose person it appeared that every requisite might be supplied, which was wanting to make good of the title of king himself’. He cites a poem included by the previous Croyland writer that 'since God had now united them and made but one of these two factions, let us be content’. Other writers celebrated that 'harmony was thought to discend out of hevene into England’ from this 'long desired’ match. Shakespeare presents them as the 'true succeeders of each royal house, by God’s fair ordinance conjoin together’. Their heirs would bring 'smooth-faced peace, with smiling plenty and prosperous days’. Hall claimed the match 'rejoiced and comforted the hartes of the nobe and gentlemen of the realme’ and 'gained the favour and good minds of all the common people’ ...
Henry also sought to obtain a second papal dispensation for the match, as the pair were related within the fourth degree: he already had one dating to March 1484 and could not allow any possibility of the marriage being invalid. This involved religious and legal specialists giving depositions about their respective lineages before witnesses, which was confirmed by the current papal legate to England, James Bishop of Imola. He was successful on 16 January. Two days later, Elizabeth and Henry were married."
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skinks · 4 years
Please Please talk to me about Maggie Tozier and what she’s like and looks like and what Dilfworth Tozier loves about her and made him put a ring on it and in general how much her two boys love her and how she loves them.
[cracks knuckles] here we go
I was looking through my copy of the book yesterday to answer this ask but then I figured, y’know what? Canon can suck it. I tend to beat myself up over accurate characterisation for Richie and Eddie, but they’re main characters, Maggie and Went are not, so the details are inconsequential. Their ages in the Dilfworth fic mean that they’d have a pretty different life experience from their book versions, what with growing up in the 60s/70s, but imo all that matters is that they love Richie and are good parents. Canon is ours now!!!
- my no.1 headcanon rn is that Maggie sings like an angel, and sings all the time. In the car, in the shower, gardening, housework, cooking. She and Went have a pretty good record collection, but if Went is listening to something and hears Maggie singing to herself in another room of the house he shuts that shit off quick so he can hear her.
- I wrote in ithots that Richie busts out into song at the drop of a hat, right? well, where Richie gets encouragement with his Voices through Went participating, Richie gets his incessant singing from Maggie, because he grew up in a household where that was welcomed.
- Maggie doesn’t even notice she’s doing it until Richie joins in, or she turns around and sees Went gazing at her all dopey, and she gets self-conscious
- until Went is like “I don’t know why. You know I think you’re a songbird” and then grins and calls her Magpie. She says stop. He says, Maggie-pie? She throws a dishcloth at him but secretly loves it because she fell in love with how frank and practical he is most of the time, but also how silly he is only when it comes to her and Richie.
- he only calls her that when they’ve had one too many anyway, otherwise it’s all sweetheart, honey, darling, Mags. Marguerite, in Richie’s stupid French Waiter Voice. “Yes ma’am” for when he’s rearranging her guts. Maggie’s the one to call him “my love” the first time, but she said it kinda exaggerated and jokey, and Maggie just doesn’t joke the way Went and Richie do so Richie noticed the way his dad just cracked tf up and was like wow, Mom must be really, really funny
- so y’know how Richie calls Eddie “my love” in the book, and is generally quite physically affectionate? He picks all that up from his parents, watching their example. Wants to make Eddie laugh like that
- for some reason I always imagine she speaks like, French or Italian fluently. I’m stealing @honeyreynolds hc that her maiden name is Avery for Tex Avery, but maybe her own mother was European. She tries to speak French with Richie as a baby/toddler so that he’ll be bilingual, and she’s so proud/frustrated because he’s clearly smart and has a knack for linguistic imitation, but his attention span is just. Non existent
- still makes lil kid Richie giggle by doing exaggerated Italian and making him guess what she’s saying
- I think she’s pretty elegant and reserved and almost shy on the surface with a rly wry sense of humour, so people tend to think she’s snooty, but she’s just... so concerned with keeping the peace and not saying anything bad about someone. Tries to see the best in people. This can lead to a lot of embarrassment when Went is so upfront and medical-frank about stuff or if Richie’s being a dumbass in public, but really she just envies their typically masculine lack of inhibition
- this is because she’s got this killer wicked streak. Maggie’s got a hidden well of scathing diatribes and Went knows it because
- they met on a plane in 1971 when Maggie was flying back to college for her final semester of senior year, and the man in the seat next to her started having an attack of some kind. The stewardesses appeal desperately for any doctors on board, nobody answers. Anyone at all? We’ll have to land the plane! Maggie’s trying to slowly shift away from this man and his spasms without seeming rude when she hears a deep sigh in the seat behind her and someone saying “I’m ethically bound to admit I have a licence in dentistry,” in a voice like he’s in on some joke nobody else knows.
- this guy unfolds the longest legs she’s ever seen and comes to squat right next to her and her apparently dying seat partner, she notices he’s nice looking and keeps glancing at her, there’s banter. Eventually he shrugs and is like “imo this man has a bad case of wind.” And Maggie just TEARS Went a new one like oh nice diagnosis DOCTOR DENTIST where’s your seatside manner?!?! what kind of name is WENTWORTH anyway! and Went’s like 👀😳😍 and then the dying man lets out a giant fart and Maggie recoils, all her pretty poise and indignation turning to base disgust and Went bursts out laughing and offers her the seat next to him
- turns out his first residency is in the next town from Maggie’s college. She’s only dated preppy meatheads before who only ever tried to flatter her and stopped listening when she talked about her music theory degree or the books she likes. But Went always grins and side-eyes her and cranks the volume whenever Maggie May comes on the hits station, because then she’ll whack him with a book. She’s so SWEET he loves goading her into releasing some more of that plane rage, like one day she’s prowling on the edge of a rant about her TA and trying to be reasonable. Went’s like, do it. You’ll feel better. So she fuckin rants her head off for ten minutes until her hair’s all dark and wild like an Arthurian queen and she looks over at Went reclining all impressed on her dorm bed and he’s like. I have never been more in love in my life. Can you sit on my face and make fun of my name again
- so yeah they’re both like, quietly distinguished and outwardly calm model citizens of Derry but in private Went is the fuckin roastmaster and is Maggie’s outlet for frustration whenever housewife suburbia gets too much
- I always picture her as having dark and quite curled hair, sort of Lauren Bacall eyes, and she’s probably tall too. Like 5’8 to Went’s 6’0 or 6’1 which is why Richie turns out to be 6’2 lmao. A family of giants. Honestly the whole time I was writing the Dilfworth fic I was imagining Mary Elizabeth Winstead, that’s my early-30s Maggie that Went is so excited to come home he’s stocking up on condoms. God I bet she’s got some of those single dark beauty mark freckles on her stomach 🥵 Wears hats with big brims. Sundresses. Secretly likes to pretend she’s on a mysterious trip to Rome as she sits in the park watching Richie catch dragonflies. Maybe when she’s older and Richie’s a teenager she looks kinda like Olivia Williams, bc I’ve had a big milfy thing for her ever since she was the mother in the 2003 Peter Pan.
- most kids in Derry have a crush on either Richie’s mom or dad or both and this is unfortunately quite damaging to his self esteem, even though Maggie INSISTS he’s just so handsome. She hates seeing him so insecure
- she tried pot once in college and hated it. The only times she comes close to getting hammered is on book club wine because it’s the only way she can get through them asserting the female orgasm doesn’t exist, then she comes home mildly tipsy and joins in on Went and Richie’s raucous game of cards
- felt a bit left out when Richie was small, with how well Went was able to go along with the silliness. Went sees this and gets Richie to make up a game where she’s Queen Margaret of the Tozier Court and made Richie a knight. They all spoke in bad Medieval Voices all afternoon, and it becomes one of those super long-running family jokes, and Maggie still feels all happy inside whenever Queen Margaret comes up
- ruthless decision maker!!! She had to be, because Went’s so laidback he’s horizontal and is always like “idc what we do as long as you guys are chill” and Richie can’t concentrate long enough to pick what colour gumball he wants, so she has to be staff sargeant. They go to Disneyland and she’s like C’MON BOYS HUP HUP HUP and Went’s like “oh cripes son we’re being hustled!!” but they love it as much as she loves them doing what she says
- great cook because of her indeterminidely Mediterranean mother.
- she genuinely wants to understand Richie’s strangeness but is also stumped as to what to do to bond with him, since she can only think of things she’d do with a daughter. She WANTS to brush Richie’s curls and bake with him but she thinks he wouldn’t like it, so they stick with singing. Is delighted when Eddie very politely and very intensely asks for her help making Richie a birthday cake. She sees how different they are together, and remembers Richie coming home at 5 years old declaring he was gonna marry Eddie Kaspbrak when he grows up, and she thinks... well, if I must have a son-in-law, I would love this one as much as I love my son.
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chobit92 · 4 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 41
Sorry it has taken me so long to update this. I have been rather busy and I am crap at this writing lark. Hope you enjoy the next chapter!
Warnings: Sex.
 (2 Weeks Later: Lillith wakes up. John isn’t in bed. She lies there for a while thinking. John has sold his cars except for the Lamborghini. They have also been packing up their stuff. Lillith looks at the boxes scattered around the bedroom. She asked John how they were going to move all of their stuff with just a Lamborghini. He said that they weren’t taking that much. Just essentials and that they would start again once they got there. He still hasn’t told her where ‘there’ is. She sighs. John walks in and puts a cup of coffee on the bedside cabinet.).
Lillith: Morning handsome. John: Good morning my dear. I made you coffee. I’m going to nip out and drop some of this stuff off at goodwill. Lillith: Okay. John: Not sure what to do with the DVD collection though. Sell it? Lillith: Sell it? No. I love our DVD collection. John: Okay. I would take everything with us if I could. But it’s just not possible. I did think about buying a large truck. One that would fit my car in along with all of our stuff. Lillith: Why don’t you then? John: I haven’t got a licence for a truck. Lillith: I’m sure we’ll work it out. How far away is this place we’re moving to anyway? John: Oh it’s a fair way. Nothing like the cities. Lillith: Yes you said that already but where? John: I want it to be a surprise. Lillith: A surprise? Why? Why can’t I know where we’re going? John: I told you it’s a surprise. (He slides into bed next to her and kisses her.). Lillith: I still don’t see how we’re going to get there in your Lamborghini. There’s no way we can fit anything in the damn thing. John: We only really have clothes and personal trinkets. Joseph and Jacob took most of my stuff with them in the bus. I wonder how they’re getting on. Lillith: Hm. They’re probably fine. Missing you though. John: Hm. I doubt it. Lillith: Don’t be silly of course they are. I bet you miss them too. John: Yes. Though it is strange to have my brothers back after all these years. I almost can’t believe it. (She smiles and kisses him.). Lillith: I’m so happy that you have your family back. A fresh start will be good for all of us. John: Hm. Lillith: I love you. John: I know you do. (He kisses her then her neck. She runs her fingers through his hair. He then moves down sucking on each of her breasts. She giggles.). Lillith: John stop abusing my girls. John: Your ‘girls’ love it. Lillith: I don’t know about that. (He grins. She wraps her arms around him and kisses him. He nudges her legs apart and settles himself between them grinding against her. She wraps her legs around him.). Lillith: Shouldn’t we be doing some more packing and getting organised? John: Ummm. Perhaps we should. But you my dear are very distracting. (She giggles. He kisses her again and she slides her hands down his back.). Lillith: I need to see Franky at some point. Before we go. I was hoping to get her to come with us. John: Hm. There won’t be room in the car. Lillith: She has her own car. She can meet us there. John: Hm. Okay. (He kisses her again before sliding downwards and disappearing under the sheets. She sighs and arches her back as his mouth covers her.).
(2 Weeks Later: Lillith is leaving to go and see Franky. They are ready to leave but John still hasn’t told her where they are going.). Lillith: Not even a hint? John: I told you. I want it to be a surprise. I want to surprise you. Lillith: Franky will probably want to know where we are going. John: Then you will have to tell her that it’s a surprise. Lillith: Okay. Fine. John: What if Franky doesn’t want to come with us? Lillith: There isn’t much I can do about it if she doesn’t. But there’s no harm in asking. John: Hm. Well we leave tomorrow. Lillith: I can’t wait. I can’t wait to begin a new life with you. John: Me neither. (He kisses her.). Lillith: I’ll be back soon. John: No you won’t. You’ll be with her all day chatting and drinking. (She giggles.). Lillith: See you later. (She kisses him.). John: See you later. (He hugs her tightly and kisses her then her head.). John: I love you. Lillith: I love you too. (She smiles at him and leaves.).
(Lillith and Franky enter the apartment giggling. Franky still isn’t sure about coming with them. Lillith has been trying to persuade her all day. Lillith opens the cupboard and pours them some champagne.). Lillith: John! Franky: I’m gonna fucking miss you girl. Lillith: Then come with us. Franky: I don’t know. What about my apartment? My job? Lillith: Get a new apartment and new job. Franky: You don’t even know where we’re going. Lillith: No but John said it’s a real nice place and it’s gonna be amazing. (She has poured three glasses of champagne.). Lillith: John! (She takes a sip of champagne and hands a glass to Franky.). Lillith: John! The hell’s he doing? (Lillith goes down the hall to the bedroom. Franky sips her champagne and leans against the counter. She then sees a note stuck to the fridge with Lillith’s name on it. She frowns and takes it off of the fridge before she opens it and starts to read. Her mouth drops open as she reads John’s words.). Franky: Son of a bitch! (Lillith returns frowning.). Lillith: He isn’t here. (She takes out her phone and goes to call him when Franky holds the note out to her.). Franky: You need to read this. Lillith: What is it? Franky: The note that John left you. Lillith: Note? John doesn’t leave notes. (Lillith takes the note and starts to read. She stands frozen her mouth open as she reads the words but doesn’t really take them in. She is aware of Franky putting her arm around her. Aware of the ticking of the clock on the wall. Aware of the small hum coming from the fridge. Then her legs give way and Franky tries to stop her from falling. He’s left her. John has left her. He’s gone without her. A sob escapes her throat before she screams. Franky tries to calm her while taking the note from her and reading John’s words again.).
My dearest Lillith, I am deeply sorry to have to do this to you but I must. I have left to join my brothers in our new home. The truth is I never intended to take you with me. I have left you the apartment and one of my bank cards. There is enough money in the account for you to live comfortably. You can find the pin number and account information in my bedside drawer along with the card. I do this not because I don’t love you but because I do. You are the only person I have ever loved. The only person I ever will love. But I am no good for you. I can’t be with you. I’m sorry. You will get over me and move on and you will meet someone who deserves you. Who treats you like a princess and you will be happy. Truly happy. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now but you will be happy again Lillith. You will realise that you never would have been happy with me. I needed to start again. I needed to leave my old life behind. You are a part of that life. So I leave you behind in the hope that I can start again. I hope too that you can one day start again. We must cleanse ourselves of our sins and move forwards. We must free ourselves from our pasts. I know you must be deeply upset and I am sorry for causing you yet more heartache but one day you will see that this was for the best. For both of us. I love you Lillith. I will always love you. But it was never going to work out. You always knew that. John Seed.
(Lillith is standing by the window in the bedroom when Franky walks in.). Franky: Hey. You okay? (Lillith doesn’t answer.). Franky: No of course not that was a stupid question. (Since John left Franky has practically moved in. Lillith went to his law firm several times asking everyone if they knew anything. They didn’t. Only that John had quit and cleaned out his office. She’s even been going to all of his old haunts asking around. But he is nowhere. She has no idea where he’s gone because he didn’t tell her. He didn’t want her to know. She’d tried calling him several times but all she got was a voice telling her that the phone’s switched off. Last time she called she was told that the number was no longer recognised. She sighs and turns around walking over to the moses basket and looking down at the small baby looking up at her. She smiles even as tears fill her eyes as she looks down at her son. She wishes she had told John that she was pregnant. That she hadn’t lied to him and Joe that day in the kitchen. But it wouldn’t have made a difference in the end. She doesn’t think that John would have stayed even if he knew she was pregnant. She is quite sure that he still would have left. Franky puts her arm around her.). Franky: Hey. You’re gonna be okay. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now. But you are. Lillith: He looks just like him. Franky: Yeah he does. (Lillith starts to sob.). Lillith: I miss him. Franky: I know. But he never deserved you. Never. You need to try and forget about him. He ain’t worth your tears. He ain’t. Lillith: He doesn’t even know he has a son. He’ll never know and our little boy will never know his dad. Franky: No different from me. My dad walked out when I was a kid. Never saw him again and I’m okay. Your son has something even more awesome than a dad. He’s got two badass moms. (Lillith smiles slightly.). Franky: It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. (Lillith looks down at the tiny baby boy then leans down giving him a kiss.). Lillith: Goodnight Gabriel. Mommy loves you.
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myselfinserts · 4 years
“I’m restless! I can’t help it!”
Tanith let out an exaggerated sigh. As much as she enjoyed shadowing her mentor, today was a rather quiet day in Elspie Village. Far too quiet. And all they were really doing was walking around the docks on the usual patrol route. A route they’d walked twice that week with L when showing her around. There weren’t even any villain threats around. 
It was boring. Far too boring. 
Please, I just want something interesting to happen!
“Hey Luci?” Tanith asked. “How much longer are we gonna walk around?”
Luci looked at her, expression hidden by their mask. “You and L said you wanted to do some hero work. This is part of that.”
“Y-yeah, but-”
“Smells like fish,” L mumbled. 
“Well, it is a fishing town,” Luci sighed. “Hmh, I still have some ground to cover, but you two can go on ahead back to the town center if you want. We’ll focus more on combat training tomorrow.”
L nodded. “I think that’ll work. I wanted to go to town hall anyway.”
Tanith smiled. “Okay then. We’ll head there.”
Luci reached into one of their pockets, pulling out their wallet and handing Tanith some cash. “It’s almost lunch time. Go get something to eat too, okay?”
“Okay Luci! Let’s go L!”
“Lunch sounds good.” L followed Tanith off the docks, the two of them heading back to the town center at a brisk pace. “Is patrols and combat training all you and Amaryllis do?”
Tanith shook her head. “No, I’m also studying law. Kinda required, ya know? And we also do psychology studies as well because of our quirks affecting emotions.” Her smile wavered slightly. “Mostly, they’re like another sibling for me. Always looking after me and helping raise me. It kinda feels like they don’t want me to go the hero route for some reason.”
L let out a soft hum. “To be honest, I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t want my family becoming heroes in Elspie either.”
“Hehe, yeah, I guess.” She sighed, lightly tugging on one of the curls in her hair. “I guess Elspie’s failed to impress, huh?”
“Elspie failing to impress me? Correct.” A light smile covered her face. “But you? I’d say you’re the most impressive thing about this place.”
Tanith’s face dusted pink. “Oh...th-thank you.” 
L smirked, lightly poking her in the arm. “You move about way too much though.”
“Hey, I’m restless! I can’t help it! It gets boring fast in a town this small...”
“Relax, I’m only teasing.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“No worries.” With a gentle hand, L reached up and pat Tanith on the head. “You seem like you’re not used to having a friend tease you.”
Tanith’s stomach sank. “Yeah...I’m sure you’ve noticed already, but-” she glanced over her shoulder, noticing a couple of people whispering while watching them pass by “-I’m not exactly well liked here. Most darkness absorbers aren’t here.”
“Mhm. Perhaps a trip to Estmund is in order then.”
L reached into her pocket, holding up a brochure. “It’s a long boat ride from here, but the kingdom is your island’s neighbor. I hear their king has a quirk just like you.”
Tanith’s eyes went wide and she gingerly took the brochure in her hands, looking it over carefully. There were photos of beautiful markets, vast forests, and amazing ships. Wide open fields, a magnificent castle, and cats in every other shot. There was even a segment on castle tours, with a black and white image of King Davis beside it. 
“Someone like that has a quirk like me?” 
“Yep. That’s part of the reason I wanted to go to town hall.” She tapped the brochure, pointing to the segment about the crime rate. “There’s no heroes there, and they only occasionally hire heroes from here, and yet things are prosperous. I want to submit a form to go visit on hero business and learn more.”
“L, that’s fantastic!” Tanith handed her back the brochure. “We should go! I bet there’s all kinds of things we can learn there!” Her excitement dimmed slightly. “But I don’t know if Luci would be allowed to go. Or Marianne. I can’t exactly go without a supervisor...”
L smirked. “I know just the hero to ask to be our escort. No need to fear.”
Without another word on the matter, Tanith smiled, and the two continued their way to town hall. Despite the out of season snow having been mostly cleared away, the chill in the air remained, causing passerby to huff out air in swirling steam. The closer to the building they got, the more side-eyes Tanith felt burning holes into her back. She tried to ignore it. Her penpal didn’t run away, and was funny and kind and genuinely seemed to like her. Nothing could take her down from this high. 
Though it did waver just a little when the security guard stopped them at the door. 
“Sorry,” said the guard. “Town Hall is closed to the public today. Only Heroes and public servants can enter.”
“But I’m in the apprenticeship course,” Tanith said. 
“Then where’s your mentor? You can’t be here without a supervisor.” 
L stared at him, lightly tapping her cane. “And why not? I have a provisional licence.” She reached into her pocket, pulling out the card from her wallet to show the guard. “See?”
The guard sighed. “Okay, you can enter then.” He pointed to Tanith, eyes narrowed in warning. “You have to wait outside.”
“That’s not-”
Tanith put a hand on L’s shoulder, shaking her head. “No, it’s okay. I’ll just wait outside. You go take care of your paperwork.”
“...are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” She smiled fondly. “I’ll be fine. Really.” She glanced around, eventually finding a bench just across the street. “I’ll wait over there. Then we can go get lunch at the Secret Felines. Okay?”
“Okay. I’ll be quick then.”
L hurried inside, and Tanith went over to the bench, letting out a sigh as she saw the guard return to work. As she sat down and looked up at the sky, she saw that the snow was starting to fall again. No doubt from another bout of heroics from the islands ice type users. Tanith didn’t want to admit it, but she was rather jealous. She’d give anything to have a quirk like that. At the very least, it’d make things easier on her family. 
But...L doesn’t seem to mind. Neither do Elmo and Raph. Or my family...is it really okay for me to be a shadow absorber?
Tanith shook her head. No use crying over something she had no control over. What’s done is done, and she had to make the best of it. 
“I wonder what Elmo’s up to right now,” she mumbled. 
“Hey Tan!”
Tanith turned around in her seat, a surge of joy sending her to her feat as she saw the very same pink haired lad running up to her, dressed head to toe in winder wear and carrying a decent sized cardboard box under one arm. She threw her arms around his shoulders briefly, unable to feel anymore sadness. 
“Hey Elmo!” she greeted cheerfully. “How’re you?”
“I’m good. A little chilly, but what else is new on Elspie.” His face was painted with a soft blush, his red eyes gentle and warm. “So, um...how’re things? I heard through the grape vine that Amaryllis got a couple of kids grounded.”
“Oh, that,” Tanith sighed. “Yeah, some of the big kids threw snow balls at me filled with rocks. But it didn’t hurt, really. It’s fine. I’m used to it.”
“That’s still not fair.” Elmo grimaced. “If...if I were there, I’d have-”
“You’d have what?”
“Whaaa!?” The boy hid behind Tanith, shaking as she turned to see L, who was holding a folder under one arm. “Wh-who is that?”
“That’s what I was going to ask.” L looked at Tanith, then back to Elmo. “Is this kid bothering you?”
Tanith shook her head. “No, it’s okay. He’s friendly.” She looked at Elmo, trying not to laugh. “And don’t worry, she doesn’t bite.”
“You sure?” Elmo peeked around Tanith’s shoulder. “She’s not gonna...eat me, is she?”
L’s eyebrow quirked up slightly. “Nomnom.”
“Relax!” Tanith giggled. “L’s not gonna eat you. You’re too gamy.”
“No you too...”
“It’s okay, Elmo, really.” She stepped aside, moving so L was to her left. “Elmo, this is L, my pen pal. L, this is Elmo Sterling, my best friend from school.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” L said. 
“Y-yeah,” Elmo stammered. “You too.”
“We’re gonna go get lunch,” Tanith said. “You wanna join us?”
Elmo smiled timidly. “S-sure. Uh...where, uh, did you want to go eat?”
“The SF, of course!”
“But...it’s closed right now.”
Tanith’s eyes went wide. “Really? Ceri never closes the SF except for two days in the whole year!”
Elmo shrugged. “He was leaving with that cool looking guy he’s always with, so-”
The girls gave a soft “ah” in unison, nodding approvingly. “His boyfriend,” they said. 
“Yeah. That’s the guy.”
Tanith and L’s eyes snap towards the box, Tanith’s eyes practically glowing while L’s expression remained neutral. Elmo chuckled nervously, lightly tapping the box as if to try to quiet it. 
“So,” L said slowly. “What’s in the box, Elmo?”
“Uh, it’s, um. W-well, you see, I...”
He winced, letting out a sigh and setting the box on the bench so he could open the lid. The girls leaned in, letting out soft gasps at the contents. Inside the box was a fat calico Scottish fold, laying on a fluffy black and blue tartan blanket, wearing a green collar with a small bell on it. She stared up at them with two-colored eyes. One green, one blue. Both bright and shining like stars. She practically started purring when the girls saw her. 
“A baby!” Tanith giggled. 
“Pretty angel,” L agreed. “Where’d you get her?”
“Mom and dad rescued her on a mission and we’ve been looking after her,” Elmo explained. “But we can’t keep her anymore. Raph’s moving in to finish school and his asthma has been acting up, so my parents didn’t want to risk him having an attack. So I have to find someplace for her to stay.”
Tanith reached down a hand, lightly petting the cat, who nuzzled into her touch. “We could take her. My uncle is allergic, but as long as she stays in my room and we don’t say anything-”
“Are you sure?”
“I’ll just say it was my idea,” L added. “I want to stay with the kitty a little longer.”
“Then it’s settled!” Tanith smiled brightly. “Kitty will come stay with us.”
Elmo chuckled. “Okay. Oh, uh, she does have a name though.”
“What is it?”
“Meatloaf. Because she stole dad’s meatloaf when we first brought her home.”
L smiled. “Adorable.”
The kids spent the rest of the day buying supplies to take care of Meatloaf, making a quick pit stop at the Rose Dust cafe for some tea and sandwiches. Marianne and Uncle Elbert were out for the day due to a doctor’s appointment. By the time they’d gotten home, the kids had set up the bedroom so that Tanith and L could look after the cat with little to no problems. 
When Tanith went to bed that night, she didn’t think she could feel any happier. 
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“Tanith. Tanith wake up.”
Tanith grumbled away, rubbing her eyes as she glanced at the clock. “L? It’s only three in the morning. What’s wrong?”
Tanith followed L over to Meatloaf’s bed, trying not to yawn. It’d been a week since the cat came to live with them. And despite the occasional sneeze from Uncle Elbert, no one seemed suspicious. 
But as she saw what had L all worked up, Tanith knew they wouldn’t be able to hide the cats for much longer. 
There, breathing slightly heavily, was Meatloaf, snuggled up to five adorable kittens. One large, fluffy tabby. A little one with a black coat with white spots. Two that were calico like mama. And the last, the smallest of them all, was a golden blonde tabby. 
“Oh my,” Tanith whispered. “They’re all so cute.”
“They are,” L said fondly. “But...what are we going to do? We can’t hide the kittens. They need to see a doctor.” She reached out her hand, lightly petting the biggest kitten, who seemed to naturally lean into her. 
Tanith nodded. “As much as I don’t wanna risk losing Meatloaf, the kittens come first.” She glanced at the door. “I’ll go get Mari.” 
The rest of the night faded into morning fast. There was some frustration, but none of the adults got mad at them. Soon, everything for the cats were moved into the living room, and Luci went to get the vet, since Meatloaf was insistent on not leaving the house. Breakfast was quiet, but not unpleasant. 
“Well,” Elbert sighed. “At least I know why I’ve been all sneezy now.”
“Still surprised you’re not mad,” L said. 
Elbert shrugged. “I once hid a Newfoundland in my house for a year before my parents realized what was going on. Honestly, I’m just glad you felt okay enough to trust us when the kittens came along.”
“Can’t we keep them, uncle?” Tanith begged. “Please? I know it’ll be a lot of work, but-”
“I’m afraid not, kiddo. At least, not all of them. If you wanna keep Meatloaf, I’ll learn to deal. But financially, we can’t afford to keep all five long term.”
L looked down at her lap. “We have our Estmund trip coming up. And by the time Camilla’s old enough to come back with me, I’ll already be back home. And I don’t know if I could send for her given Elspie’s less than helpful way of doing things.”
“You have a point.” Elbert sighed, lightly tapping his finger on his chin. “It’ll be a bit much but...Let me call Rosine. See if we can pull a couple more strings. It’d be easier to send, uh...” He glanced at the bundle of kittens “which one’s Camilla?”
“The big tabby,” Tanith said. 
“Right. It’d be easier to send her along once old enough if she were in Paris, right?”
Tanith’s eyes went wide. “Are you saying we should send the cats to France with Regi?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. Regi needs something to do since he’s got less hero work to do at the moment. Let me work something out.”
“Okay.” Tanith looked at L, who smiled back at her. 
It was all going to be okay. 
0 notes
poipoi1912 · 7 years
SVU Thoughts
Just a quick (lol jk) overview of S18, now that it’s finally over, and some wishes for S19. I just had to put this post together, to properly leave S18 behind.
Character Progression in Season 18
She started off the season in a happy relationship, freshly back from a Paris vacation. She ended the season single af. Nothing else changed. Her professional life is exactly the same, and her personal life consists of Lucy practically living in her house.
He started off the season doing nothing. He ended the season also doing nothing. The only thing that changed was a suspension on his record, for something that happened decades ago, and the further deterioration of his career. The promising storyline of his death threats was dropped, and we still know absolutely nothing about his personal life.
He started off the season as a recently licenced attorney who was doing job interviews for ADA positions. That was never mentioned again, same as his law degree and career aspirations. He ended the season as just another cop. He is the only character with a positive development in his personal life, as he was briefly revealed to be dating someone who's a 34B.
She started off the season living with baby Jesse and Frannie, she got a (temporary?) houseguest in the form of her sister Kim, and now I guess she's Kim-less again  (which is her loss). Absolutely nothing else happened in her life, personal or professional.
He started off the season wanting to become a Sergeant. He is the only character with a positive development in his professional life, as he passed the Sergeant's exam. He did not, however, end the season as a Sergeant. He's still a detective, badge and all, and he has not yet been "appointed" a Sergeant. The promising storyline of his son having a baby was dropped, so no Grandpa Fin for us.
To summarize: Liv is single, Sonny is not single, and Fin is almost a Sergeant. That's all. 
Now let’s compare that to, say, Season 17. 
Character Progression in Season 17
She started off that season alone, and she ended it in a happy relationship with Tucker. That relationship was tested, and it also put a delicious strain on her friendship with Barba, though both of those problems were thankfully resolved. She had to assert herself with Mike Dodds, who was the Chief's son-slash-plant, as well as a Sergeant who was hellbent on proving his worth, sometimes even undercutting her authority. She showed Mike who was boss, he fully accepted her as his superior, and then he died, leaving her to deal with his loss and the blame, which she thought fell on. Liv was tested as a leader, as a friend, as a romantic partner, and as a mother, and she came out wounded, but on top.
He started off the season doing nothing (lol), but he then tackled several politically charged cases and he stuck to his guns, every time. He fought for his beliefs, even when he disagreed with the squad. Barba had to deal with politicians and community leaders and union reps and and media attention. He was under pressure from his bosses (something acknowledged by other characters, like Liv and Sonny) and we got to see him as part of a relatively fully-formed political universe, which, in turn, allowed us to see what he was made of. We got to witness his stress, but also his backbone. Near the end of the season, we learned he had been receiving death threats, which again allowed him to show how fearless he is. When the season ended, we left him in protective custody, still in danger, but "not worried, not in here."
He started off the season as a recent law school graduate, studying to pass the bar and considering his professional options. We got to see him shadowing Barba to advance his legal knowledge, we got to see him thanking Barba for the help, we got to see him celebrating his success (passing the bar exam) with the squad, excited hugs and all, and we also got to see Barba suggesting an ADA spot in Brooklyn, as a possible career option for him. Sonny had a very cordial relationship with Mike Dodds, who wasn't accepted very warmly by the rest of the squad. That showed Sonny's supportive and friendly side. When the season ended, we got to see Sonny's renewed desire to stay with SVU, after Mike's death, because career aspirations are one thing, but Sonny's work family is another. And Sonny wanted to be there for them. Still, the door was left open for Sonny to eventually pursue a different career path.
She started off the season unexpectedly pregnant, and she made the decision to have the baby. She managed to overcome her struggles with addiction, for the sake of her child. She tried to reach out to her family for help (which, gurl!) and she was betrayed by them yet again. She found herself alone, or so she thought. In truth, Amanda found another family, in her team mates. Her relationship with Fin, which used to be more heavily featured, was strengthened and showcased after many years, and she also learned to rely on Sonny, as a good friend and an even better babysitter. Her relationship with Liv was also strengthened, and they were there for each other as mothers, as women supporting other women, even when they had professional disagreements. Amanda also had a very tense relationship with Mike Dodds, which enriched her character. It allowed her to keep her trademark sass/spunk while also showing her more human side, as she came to appreciate Mike, the more she got to know him.
He started off the season regretting the fact he wouldn't step up and take the Sergeant's exam. He resented Mike for that, even though it wasn't Mike's fault, and we got some interesting scenes between him and Liv, discussing just that. Discussing their lives, their careers (especially at their respective ages) and their future. Their responsibilities as the (de facto) leaders of the squad. Fin also got to be there for Amanda, as I mentioned above. At the end of the season, we also learned that his son was in the process of having a child, and Fin was an excited grandpa-to-be.
He didn't get the character development he deserved until later into the season, but he did function as a catalyst, allowing us to see different sides in all the other squad members. That's why a new character always brings something to the show. New dynamics are created. Again, the writing did not do Mike justice, and his death was rather senseless, but we did get to know him, in the end. He started off the season as a somewhat detached and aloof character, but he ended it as a member of the team. One we were all sad to lose.
So yeah. Draw your own conclusions :D
My conclusions?
Season 19 Suggestions
Bring in a new squad member.
That will breathe life into the show (like Sonny did, when he arrived) and it will flesh out the rest of the characters, as they try to navigate a new presence in the (practically empty) squad room.
Map out individual character arcs.
Take each character and say, “They will start the season HERE, and they will end it THERE.” It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate (especially for the characters who aren’t Liv). But it has to be something. Personal or professional. Some type of progress. Some forward movement. They can’t all end the season right where they started.
Rediscover the sense of a squad.
The characters are people. Colleagues. Friends. Family. They need to interact more heavily, in ways which showcase their dynamics. Similarities and differences alike. Since there are no actual “partners”, utilize that by mixing up the duos working each case. Don’t isolate characters. Integrate them. 
Expand the types of cases being investigated.
Don’t just show “rich white people” crime, and exclusively focus on he said/she said rapes. Don’t show the same crime fifteen times. Variety is key.
Showcase Barba in the trial portion of the show.
Don’t waste time arguing physical evidence, when the legal arguments are much more interesting. Don’t spend twenty minutes on the defense attorney victim-blaming. Show Barba being cunning. Being smarter. Don’t allow him to be swayed by the non-lawyers (like Liv) or even the lawyers (like Sonny). Barba is the ADA, he makes the decisions. Show that. Give him back his strength and his big brass balls. Have him win, personally, and fail, personally.
Remember who the characters are.
And what they would do. Or what they wouldn’t do. Don’t sacrifice that for the sake of a twist, unless it’s a very good twist. Also, remember who the characters are to each other. Strengthen their bonds, show some friction, but let them be who they are. They’ve all existed for years, and they now transcend the week-to-week writing. Listen to the cast, and let the characters be true to themselves.
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rkohsehun · 7 years
turning point**
…on going call 00:02:55
“you’re practically asking us if it’s ok for you to move out. the answer is no.”
the answer came not even a second later. his mother’s frown evident in the way her brows furrow. her expression screams of finality, of a decision that had been set on stone. it’s the same face his father has during business meetings. it’s that look that would have sent everyone else shaking where they stood; would have sent them scurrying to do whatever it is his parents wanted to happen and make sure it’s done exactly how they want it to happen.
it seems like the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.
but still, sehun is different - had always been different.
for years he had been immune to this kind of look. he’s rarely told no, and if he does he had always made sure to whine long enough to be able to change their minds and he’s done a lot to do just that. there’s practically nothing he wants that he didn’t get. other times he just do what he wants regardless of what the consequences would be. everyone else can worry about that later. so long as he gets what he wants, nothing else mattered. it’s the mindset he’s always had - one he’s grown accustomed to.
but this time, it’s different.
being away from his parents - with a new environment and circle of friends - had definitey done him a few good things; had helped him mature to some extent. his grandparents aren’t as strict - the maids and butlers do that a lot for them instead. but this time, he has his reasons ready instead of locking himself up in his room to whine until he gets his way. he’s got his options lined up, got his choices to appease his parents instead of ignoring their side entirely. this time he’s ready to reassure them he’d be fine on his own.
sehun had always known why they’re overprotective of him. but he’s turned 18, a legal adult in the eyes of the law, and it frustrates him how he still doesn’t know how to do anything because no one lets him do anything. everyone’s afraid - afraid of his parents, afraid of his grandparents, afraid of the family butler. it’s been fun, of course. he’s enjoyed the never ending perks of being spoiled to no ends. but he’s just… he just wants to to learn how to be independent.
“mum, please!” he starts, again, keeping himself from huffing and rolling his eyes. “how will we know if we–if I don’t try? if it makes you feel better, we can just get a small place and then I can find a roommate,” he rushes the last part before his mother can even interrupt. there’s a long stretch of silence, mother and son having a stare down as if challenging who would back down first. but she’s always been the softer one, easier to reason out with compared to his father, and that also meant she’s by far a lot more protective of him.
“then it has to be someone we know,” is what his father says when it felt like his mother still wouldn’t speak. his posture screams of authority as he stares him down, although the slight slouch is there - only ever seen when he’s around family. there’s something in his eyes, though, a challenging glint as if he’s waiting on how this will turn out. sehun is unaffected, but he can’t deny that he hadn’t expected this kind of request from him. it’s the same one they’ve given him when he told them he wanted to continue his studies in Korea. “and a butler or a maid would be with you–”
“no!” he huffs, unable to keep the frustration in his voice. “that wouldn’t be much of a difference with my current living arrangement. not to mention it would defeat the purpose of wanting to live independently. but I do think I can find someone you already know so you don’t have to worry as much. if not, I promise I’ll introduce them to you properly. then you can interrogate to your heart’s content,” he reasons, making sure his expression mirrors that of his parents’ - determined and undettered. there’s another stretch of silence and sehun takes this opportunity to explain more. “i actually have one in mind - hugo hyung? he offered when I… had vent out things back then,” the memory makes him chuckle fondly. he’s managed to surround himself with good people all by himself. “he said he has a spare room for me, and that they don’t mind me staying. i doubt he’ll let anything happen to me. you already know he’s a good person.”
the look in his mother’s eyes softens somehow and it has him tilting his head in confusion. “I’m actually more worried that you’re more comfortable to talk about your feelings with your friends than with us to be honest,” and even her voice is soft - fond. of course she knew. if there’s anyone who knew him inside and out it’ll be his mother. it has him smiling, as fond as the smile on her lips.
“I actually talked to Minsoo about it, too,” he chuckles, shrugging sheepishly and really, they should also know how good he and minsoo are getting along nowadays.
“…you’re serious about this.”
sehun nods. “I am,” and he bites his lips before he continues. “I also want to continue my studies - dance major, but I won’t be giving up being a sphere trainee.”
“can you do it?” and the worried look in his mother’s eyes returns. “i don’t want you over working yourself.”
“i have to try,” sehun shrugs but keeps eye contact. “but i guess we’ll see?”
there’s a sigh, strong hands clapping sturdy knees. the sound made him flinch a little in his seat and sends the laptop monitor shaking a bit. “i see you’ve made up your mind about everything,” was what his old man says. and before his mother could even try and reason out with his father, his old man reaches over to place a hand on her shoulder and gives her a look. it was soft - the kind he never understood until now - and his mother deflates, a defeated sigh slipping past her lips.
“we still can’t say no to you, can we?” she says. it comes out more of a whisper but the mist in her eyes was unmistakable. it makes his heart stop. “you never let the rules restrain you. you always find a way to break out of them,” there’s a fond chuckle before she wipes a stray tear away. he never pegged himself to be brave. he’s always thought he’s scared to even thing of stepping outside his comfort zone. that’s exactly what he wanted to accomplish this time. what’s she on about? “but you’ve always shown this kind of courage. you’ve never been afraid to break out of your comfort zone to do the things you want to do. it’s one of the reasons why we’ve held such tight reigns on you - we couldn’t keep up. we were worried of a lot of things, but it felt like you’re growing up way too fast for us. you’re our baby, and no matter how proud we are of how much you’ve accomplished on your on, you’re still our baby!”
“we love you, sehun. and if this is what you want, we won’t stand in your way,” this time it’s his father. sehun blinks, growing uncomfortable but couldn’t help but think the warmth that spreads across his chest felt nice. he felt like a child, but not in the bad way. “but you still can’t stop us from sending someone to check up on you once in a while.” and this time, sehun laughs - really laughs - but the tears in the corners of his eyes builds and he’s sniffling. “at least bring the driver with you - although i can already feel that you’ll be taking care of that driver’s licence soon, too?”
sehun chuckles but nods. “one step at a time, dad.”
his old mand laughs. “we’ll call you, okay, love?” there’s a pause just as his father reaches forward, probably to end the video call. he gives him a warm smile. it was brief, almost as quick as the words “i’m proud of you, my boy,” leaves his lips. it was so abrupt he wondered if he imagined it. then the screen turns black.
sehun sits there, overwhelmed, but he’s done it.
it’s a big step, he knows, but it’s also one he needs to do.
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newstfionline · 7 years
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime
By Harry Low, BBC World Service, 6 January 2017
Japan has one of the lowest rates of gun crime in the world. In 2014 there were just six gun deaths, compared to 33,599 in the US. What is the secret?
If you want to buy a gun in Japan you need patience and determination. You have to attend an all-day class, take a written exam and pass a shooting-range test with a mark of at least 95%.
There are also mental health and drugs tests. Your criminal record is checked and police look for links to extremist groups. Then they check your relatives too--and even your work colleagues. And as well as having the power to deny gun licences, police also have sweeping powers to search and seize weapons.
That’s not all. Handguns are banned outright. Only shotguns and air rifles are allowed.
The law restricts the number of gun shops. In most of Japan’s 40 or so prefectures there can be no more than three, and you can only buy fresh cartridges by returning the spent cartridges you bought on your last visit.
Police must be notified where the gun and the ammunition are stored--and they must be stored separately under lock and key. Police will also inspect guns once a year. And after three years your licence runs out, at which point you have to attend the course and pass the tests again.
This helps explain why mass shootings in Japan are extremely rare. When mass killings occur, the killer most often wields a knife.
The current gun control law was introduced in 1958, but the idea behind the policy dates back centuries.
“Ever since guns entered the country, Japan has always had strict gun laws,” says Iain Overton, executive director of Action on Armed Violence and the author of Gun Baby Gun.
“They are the first nation to impose gun laws in the whole world and I think it laid down a bedrock saying that guns really don’t play a part in civilian society.”
People were being rewarded for giving up firearms as far back as 1685, a policy Overton describes as “perhaps the first ever gun buyback initiative”.
The result is a very low level of gun ownership--0.6 guns per 100 people in 2007, according to the Small Arms Survey, compared to 6.2 in England and Wales and 88.8 in the US.
“The moment you have guns in society, you will have gun violence but I think it’s about the quantity,” says Overton. “If you have very few guns in society, you will almost inevitably have low levels of violence.”
Japanese police officers rarely use guns and put much greater emphasis on martial arts--all are expected to become a black belt in judo. They spend more time practising kendo (fighting with bamboo swords) than learning how to use firearms.
“The response to violence is never violence, it’s always to de-escalate it. Only six shots were fired by Japanese police nationwide [in 2015],” says journalist Anthony Berteaux. “What most Japanese police will do is get huge futons and essentially roll up a person who is being violent or drunk into a little burrito and carry them back to the station to calm them down.”
Overton contrasts this with the American model, which he says has been “to militarise the police”.
“If you have too many police pulling out guns at the first instance of crime, you lead to a miniature arms race between police and criminals,” he says.
The care police take with firearms is mirrored in the self-defence forces.
Journalist Jake Adelstein once attended a shooting practice, which ended with the gathering up of the bullet casings--and there was great concern when one turned out to be missing.
“One bullet shell was unaccounted for--one shell had fallen behind one of the targets--and nobody was allowed to leave the facilities until they found the shell,” he says.
There is no clamour in Japan for gun regulations to be relaxed, says Berteaux. “A lot of it stems from this post-war sentiment of pacifism that the war was horrible and we can never have that again,” he explains.
There are a limited number of longstanding rifle owners in Japan--when they die their heirs must hand the rifles in
“People assume that peace is always going to exist and when you have a culture like that you don’t really feel the need to arm yourself or have an object that disrupts that peace.”
In fact, moves to expand the role of Japan’s self-defence forces in foreign peacekeeping operations have caused concern in some quarters.
“It is unknown territory,” says political science professor Koichi Nakano. “Maybe the government will try to normalise occasional death in the self-defence force and perhaps even try to glorify the exercise of weapons?”
According to Iain Overton, the “almost taboo level of rejection” of guns in Japan means that the country is “edging towards a perfect place”--though he points out that Iceland also achieves a very low rate of gun crime, despite a much higher level of gun ownership.
Henrietta Moore of the Institute for Global Prosperity at University College London applauds the Japanese for not viewing gun ownership as “a civil liberty”, and rejecting the idea of firearms as “something you use to defend your property against others”.
But for Japanese gangsters the tight gun control laws are a problem. Yakuza gun crime has sharply declined in the last 15 years, but those who continue to carry firearms have to find ingenious ways of smuggling them into the country.
“The criminals pack the guns inside of a tuna so it looks like a frozen tuna,” says retired police officer Tahei Ogawa. “But we have discovered cases where they have actually hidden a gun inside.”
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yaziyorsonhavadis · 4 years
Rana Kapoor: No Banker,
It was only a few days ago that Rana Kapoor, the 62-year-old co-founder of Yes Bank, had returned from his refuge in London with the hope that the Government would restructure the bank that he had founded in 2003. Kapoor called it “my baby”. He returned to India hoping he would get back his corner office which he had lost last year following the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) intervention. Instead, he was in the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) and Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) custody as the humongous load of its non-performing assets (NPAs) had exploded, triggering tectonic ripples across the market and the economy that were only amplified by the coronavirus shocks. The RBI restricted monthly withdrawals from the bank to Rs 50,000 per customer. Sheila Bhatia, a depositor in Noida, said, “I ran from pillar to post to withdraw a lakh of rupees for a wedding in our extended family.” Emergency patients requiring high-cost treatment needed special permission to withdraw more.
On March 9th, as markets opened following Kapoor’s arrest, Nifty Bank Index traded 3.98 per cent below March 6th and the 30-share Sensex plummeted 1,448 points. The coronavirus scare could be the overall reason for the bloodbath, but the fear about a debacle in the banking sector over the fate of Rana Kapoor had certainly given the market tragedy a gory subtext.
Kapoor is anything but a staid banker. He is another flamboyant Delhiite clad in bespoke suits and speaking with more authority than credibility. At a panel discussion on financial innovation in banking at the World Economic Forum’s India Summit 2014 in New Delhi, Kapoor, then CEO and MD of Yes Bank, sputtered clichés with supreme confidence. Such as innovation ought to be regulated, or it could result in a crisis situation, just like the economic meltdown of 2008. Ironically, Kapoor’s own activities then had cried for regulation. A series of loans issued by Yes Bank under his watch turned to NPAs as borrowers claimed inability to repay the money and Kapoor allegedly resorted to money laundering. In the process, he belied public trust by flouting norms and stuffing cash into his family businesses through a clutch of companies where his wife Bindu Kapoor, or his three daughters, Radha Kapoor Khanna, Rakhee Kapoor Tandon and Roshini Kapoor, were directors.
An affidavit filed in Delhi High Court by the Citizens’ Whistleblower Forum revealed that the fee income that Kapoor generated was actually targeted to his own group companies instead of the bank’s coffers. A close look at the relationship with Yes Bank and Indiabulls will make this clear. Between 2009 and 2010, despite their weak balance sheet, Yes Bank lent Rs 100 crore to 14 Indiabulls companies. None of these companies had any business operations and over time had accumulated huge losses. Again, in 2018-19, Yes Bank extended a loan of Rs 750 crore to Indiabulls group companies. In return, as many as seven companies directly or indirectly owned by Kapoor’s wife, Bindu Kapoor, received Rs 2,000 crore from Indiabulls. According to the affidavit, none of the seven companies reported to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, as it is mandatory, about the loans taken; some of these companies did not even disclose these loans in their annual reports.
Now take the ongoing case concerning Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Limited (DHFL), under which the company is believed to have siphoned off Rs 13,000 crore through 79 shell companies. The DHFL promoters, Kapil Wadhavan and Dheeraj Wadhawan, allegedly bought properties from Iqbal Mirchi, henchman of fugitive underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, for which Yes Bank had extended huge loans to DHFL. It later turned bad. Though DHFL failed to pay back the loan to Yes Bank, it could still extend a corporate loan worth Rs 600 crore in 2018 to DoIt Urban Ventures, a company with 20 branches but hardly any employees. The company was controlled by Rana Kapoor’s family. At this time, Yes Bank’s debt exposure to DHFL stood at Rs 3,700 crore. Around the same time, Yes Bank had extended Rs 750 crore to RKW Developers, a DHFL group company directly connected to the underworld transactions.
Dawood Ibrahim and Iqbal Mirchi (second from right) in Sharjah, 1991
Another case that underlines the recklessness inherent in Kapoor’s operations is a corporate loan of Rs 600 crore extended to Avantha Group Chairman Gautam Thapar where Thapar pledged to Yes Bank his Lutyens’ Delhi 1.2-acre bungalow on 40, Amrita Shergill Marg. When he defaulted, Bindu Kapoor launched a shell company, Bliss Abode Pvt Ltd in March 2017. The bank followed due process and invited bids on the bungalow. Among others, Interglobe Aviation’s (Indigo) Rahul Bhatia got interested and bid for the bungalow. But Kapoor, as the auctioneer, scuttled the sale and grabbed it for his wife’s company for Rs 380 crore. Today, the property houses the corporate office of Bliss Abode Pvt Ltd.
For most of the 16 years that Rana Kapoor was at the helm of Yes Bank (2003-2019), he reportedly ruled with an iron fist and used it as his fiefdom, lending recklessly and, in large part, succeeding in cooking the books. The son of an Indian Airlines pilot and a Sri Ram College of Commerce alumnus, Kapoor landed at Rutgers University in the US for his MBA where he interned in the IT department of Citibank in New York. In 1980, he joined Bank of America and later led its wholesale business in Asia. While at the bank, along with five colleagues, he presented to the American Insurance Group a business plan for a non-banking finance company (NBFC) but that did not stick. After a stint at ANZ Grindlays’ investment bank, in 1998, Kapoor helped develop the India market for the Netherlands-based Rabobank India. That’s when his entrepreneurial journey took off as, along with two former colleagues, Ashok Kapur, also his brother-in-law, and Harkirat Singh, Rabo India Finance, an NBFC, came into being with 25 per cent of their equity, the other 75 per cent being held by Rabobank. In 2003, all three sold their stake with the intention of setting up a bank for which they got a banking licence that very year. Eventually, Singh was sidelined as Kapoor and Kapur got Yes Bank off the ground the next year.
DHFL allegedly bought properties from Iqbal Mirchi, henchman of Dawood Ibrahim, for which Yes Bank had extended huge loans to DHFL
Kapoor and Kapur were a study in contrast; while the former was brazen, Kapur’s moderate old-world charm helped even convince the RBI to grant them the licence. As Ashok Kapur donned the hat of chairman, Rana Kapoor became the face of the bank as its MD and CEO and remained so until irregularities surfaced and the RBI forced him out on January 31st, 2019. In 2005, the bank got listed and posted a profit of Rs 55.3 crore. This was also a phase of brand-building where Kapoor made it a point to be visible across the board. So he started winning a clutch of awards, like Ernst & Young’s ‘Start-up Entrepreneur of the Year ’ in 2005 or the PHD Chamber’s ‘Distinguished Entrepreneur of the Year’ in 2007, soaking in the limelight all the while. In 2008, Kapur died in the Mumbai terror attacks and in the subsequent year, the board of Yes Bank, led by Rana Kapoor, declined to appoint Kapur’s daughter Shagun Kapur Gogia as director, citing inexperience. A court case dragged on until Gogia gained entry to the board as a representative director last year. Nandan Sen, a retired MNC banker familiar with Yes Bank’s inside story, says that the death of Ashok Kapur “deprived the bank of its moral compass”.
FROM KAPUR’S DEATH until last year, Rana Kapoor made a mark as an unconventional banker lending at breakneck speed and earning the epithet ‘lender of the last resort’ among rivals. When the owner of an infrastructure company wanted to raise money for a new project, he approached Kapoor, and was surprised with the offer of a Rs 400-crore loan. On the side, though, Kapoor made him pay a 6 per cent processing fee, which was never the norm, and this helped dress up the bank’s books. It is the fee income that buoyed up the profit and loss account of Yes Bank. But it was Band-Aid that hid the persistent income haemorrhage.
Kapoor’s obsession with fee income was such that, in 2011, Yes Bank was prominent among the banks penalised by the RBI for violating currency derivative norms. The ruling came as a blow to banks as small and medium enterprises claimed that banks were forcing on them meaningless contracts to earn fees that boosted earnings. Over-the-counter derivatives help companies hedge against fluctuations in interest and foreign exchange rates. Banks sold currency derivatives to enable companies to buy cover from currency fluctuations. The devil is in the fine print. In 2007, when the euro, Swiss franc and yen surged, the borrowers were told to pay up after the markets moved against them. The contracts were too confusing and left little headroom for delaying settlement, which is the normal practice in derivative markets. That’s when the banks, including Yes Bank, got sued by the companies. Most cases, however, were settled out of court.
Kapoor’s modus operandi was a far cry from the studied prudence of Mumbai’s banking fraternity. In many ways, it offers a peep into the Delhi trader’s get-rich-quick-at-any-cost mindset. Kapoor, scion of a family of Delhi jewellers, was an oddball in Mumbai’s conservative and demure banking world of stone mansions in the Fort area. Micromanaging every aspect of the business, Kapoor delivered impressive numbers as the industry grappled with NPAs triggered by over-leveraging, downturn and doubtful promoter integrity. But Yes Bank continued to be on a roll and said it had less than 1 per cent of bad loans with a corporate exposure as high as 65 per cent. In an interview to CNBC-TV18 in 2016, Kapoor was asked how he managed to keep it that way when the competition was bleeding. He pointed at a three-way relationship between relationship managers, product managers and risk managers. “That makes sure that when you have a problem, the red flag surfaces early enough,��� he said. But the trouble was that at Yes Bank, Rana Kapoor was all three rolled into one.
Depositors outside a Yes Bank branch in Ahmedabad, March 6 (Photo: AP)
A hands-on banker, Kapoor spent time with the borrower, however small. It was also normal for Kapoor to fire his relationship managers over a text message. Thrashing out deals with promoters directly gave him a high. This attitude was at odds with the bank’s scale which obliges that the lender should take a backseat while the managers take over. But Kapoor was apparently a control freak. To stay in the arc light, he sponsored a slew of corporate and media events, making it a point that he and his family members should be seated in the front row next to the invited VIP. “It’s my show or no-show,” was his favourite pronouncement on such occasions. At public dinners, he would always be at the head of the table. He hosted lavish parties at his Samudra Mahal sea-facing apartment in Worli, Mumbai, where he was a tenant of politician Jyotiraditya Scindia. While searching it, the ED found a Rs 2 crore portrait of Rajiv Gandhi sketched by MF Husain during a raid on March 6th. He is learnt to have bought it from Priyanka Gandhi.
Kapoor was an oddball in Mumbai’s conservative and demure banking world of stone mansions in the Fort area
His neighbours included fugitive diamantaire Nirav Modi as well as leaders of the IT industry like Nandan Nilekani and NR Narayana Murthy. His other properties include a plot in the vicinity of Mukesh Ambani’s Antilia, around nine flats in an Indiabulls-promoted apartment complex in Mumbai and properties in the US, UK and France. Proximity to the rich and the powerful gave Kapoor an aura hard to disregard.
Sen maintains that he considered his bank next to none and was willing to do just about anything to make the numbers talk. But not everything was right with the bank. According to a report by Jefferies on stress exposure across major accounts, Yes Bank was second only to the State Bank of India with an exposure of over Rs 10,260 crore, of which Anil Ambani’s finance businesses alone accounted for Rs 2,850 crore. And the total exposure of Yes Bank to Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG) alone stood at Rs 13,000 crore. Similarly, the lender had exposure to Cox & Kings, IL&FS, DHFL, CG Power and a clutch of companies that defaulted on payment. At the same time, in 2016, the RBI was tightening the leash on indiscriminate lending by storing details in its central database, the Central Repository of Information on Large Credits (CRILC). Lenders now had to submit quarterly reports on all borrowers with exposure above Rs 5 crore. Sen said Yes Bank’s modus operandi could work in the past “but, as reporting norms became stricter over time, the management could not hide its books from scrutiny any more”.
Rana Kapoor with his wife Bindu and daughter Roshini (centre)
Stricter assessment norms by the central banker got Kapoor’s goat and in fiscal 2016-17, Yes Bank reported a divergence in gross bad loans of Rs 6,355 crore. So while NPAs of Rs 2,018 crore was reported by the bank, the RBI pegged that to be much higher, at Rs 8,373 crore. In every fiscal thereafter, the bank’s share of bad loans was higher than most of its peers. But the bank kept growing. Between March 2008 and August 2018, its share price skyrocketed from Rs 9 to Rs 404. However, the more circumspect of traders chose caution. Kuldip Singh, a mutual fund trader in Delhi, says “most banking funds started offloading Yes Bank from their portfolio in late-2018”.
The bank’s loan book also swelled to make it the country’s fourth-largest private sector lender. Rana Kapoor would lend to practically anybody and everybody, and between financial years 2014 and 2019, the bank’s loan book grew from Rs 55,000 crore to Rs 2.5 lakh crore. Of this, from financial years 2017 to 2019, the loan book doubled—at a CAGR of 38 per cent, unconventional for the industry wherein banks have not grown beyond 25 per cent.
Rana Kapoor would lend to everybody, and between 2014 and 2019, the bank’s loan book grew from Rs 55,000 crore to Rs 2.5 lakh crore
Questions were being asked on how Yes Bank managed to keep a lid on mounting NPAs while others were in the red and Kapoor warded them off by claiming that it was the small size of the bank that made it manage the loans better. Kapoor is said to have even cited the example of the Vijay Mallya-run Kingfisher Airlines where Yes Bank had significant exposure but was among the few lenders to have recovered all loans before the airline went bust. This, Kapoor claimed, was due to the bank’s watertight structures. For Kapoor, the Kingfisher Airlines experience long remained a bragging point.
But the central bank was simply not impressed. As it became clear the bank’s doubtful assets were piling and that Kapoor would not budge from his position, the regulator was forced to step in and issue a letter in September 2018 that Kapoor had only three months at the helm. It is around then that he tweeted comparing his 10.66 per cent shares he held at that juncture to diamonds and said that he would never sell them but pass them on to his progeny. When Kapoor was making the statement, Yes Bank shares were trading at Rs 183, already a huge discount to the previous months. A year later, as the share price further tumbled, Kapoor had to eat his words and, finally, had sold all his shares by January this year. Meanwhile, Yes Bank under Kapoor’s successor Ravneet Singh Gill failed to turn around. On March 5th, the RBI effectively took control of the bank and appointed an administrator from the SBI to overlook operations. It also placed the bank under a 30-day moratorium.
With Kapoor in custody for alleged offences on a number of charges, including under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, his dream of riding to the peak of the banking industry remains buried under a gigantic avalanche. At the time of going to press, Kapoor is being grilled by the ED and the CBI. Will more skeletons tumble out of the closet?
The post Rana Kapoor: No Banker appeared first on Open The Magazine.
It was only a few days ago that Rana Kapoor, the 62-year-old co-founder of Yes Bank, had returned from his refuge in London with the hope that the Government would restructure the bank that he had founded in 2003. Kapoor called it “my baby”. He returned to India hoping he would get back his corner … Continue reading “Rana Kapoor: No Banker”
The post Rana Kapoor: No Banker appeared first on Open The Magazine.
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Moinak Mitra
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Open The Magazine
, , india magazin news, 511632, 13 Mart 2020, 05:03
It was only a few days ago that Rana Kapoor, the 62-year-old co-founder of Yes Bank, had returned from his refuge in London with the hope that the Government would restructure the bank that he had founded in 2003. Kapoor called it “my baby”. He returned to India hoping he would get back his corner office which he had lost last year following the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) intervention. Instead, he was in the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) and Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) custody as the humongous load of its non-performing assets (NPAs) had exploded, triggering tectonic ripples across the market and the economy that were only amplified by the coronavirus shocks. The RBI restricted monthly withdrawals from the bank to Rs 50,000 per customer. Sheila Bhatia, a depositor in Noida, said, “I ran from pillar to post to withdraw a lakh of rupees for a wedding in our extended family.” Emergency patients requiring high-cost treatment needed special permission to withdraw more.
On March 9th, as markets opened following Kapoor’s arrest, Nifty Bank Index traded 3.98 per cent below March 6th and the 30-share Sensex plummeted 1,448 points. The coronavirus scare could be the overall reason for the bloodbath, but the fear about a debacle in the banking sector over the fate of Rana Kapoor had certainly given the market tragedy a gory subtext.
Kapoor is anything but a staid banker. He is another flamboyant Delhiite clad in bespoke suits and speaking with more authority than credibility. At a panel discussion on financial innovation in banking at the World Economic Forum’s India Summit 2014 in New Delhi, Kapoor, then CEO and MD of Yes Bank, sputtered clichés with supreme confidence. Such as innovation ought to be regulated, or it could result in a crisis situation, just like the economic meltdown of 2008. Ironically, Kapoor’s own activities then had cried for regulation. A series of loans issued by Yes Bank under his watch turned to NPAs as borrowers claimed inability to repay the money and Kapoor allegedly resorted to money laundering. In the process, he belied public trust by flouting norms and stuffing cash into his family businesses through a clutch of companies where his wife Bindu Kapoor, or his three daughters, Radha Kapoor Khanna, Rakhee Kapoor Tandon and Roshini Kapoor, were directors.
An affidavit filed in Delhi High Court by the Citizens’ Whistleblower Forum revealed that the fee income that Kapoor generated was actually targeted to his own group companies instead of the bank’s coffers. A close look at the relationship with Yes Bank and Indiabulls will make this clear. Between 2009 and 2010, despite their weak balance sheet, Yes Bank lent Rs 100 crore to 14 Indiabulls companies. None of these companies had any business operations and over time had accumulated huge losses. Again, in 2018-19, Yes Bank extended a loan of Rs 750 crore to Indiabulls group companies. In return, as many as seven companies directly or indirectly owned by Kapoor’s wife, Bindu Kapoor, received Rs 2,000 crore from Indiabulls. According to the affidavit, none of the seven companies reported to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, as it is mandatory, about the loans taken; some of these companies did not even disclose these loans in their annual reports.
Now take the ongoing case concerning Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Limited (DHFL), under which the company is believed to have siphoned off Rs 13,000 crore through 79 shell companies. The DHFL promoters, Kapil Wadhavan and Dheeraj Wadhawan, allegedly bought properties from Iqbal Mirchi, henchman of fugitive underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, for which Yes Bank had extended huge loans to DHFL. It later turned bad. Though DHFL failed to pay back the loan to Yes Bank, it could still extend a corporate loan worth Rs 600 crore in 2018 to DoIt Urban Ventures, a company with 20 branches but hardly any employees. The company was controlled by Rana Kapoor’s family. At this time, Yes Bank’s debt exposure to DHFL stood at Rs 3,700 crore. Around the same time, Yes Bank had extended Rs 750 crore to RKW Developers, a DHFL group company directly connected to the underworld transactions.
Dawood Ibrahim and Iqbal Mirchi (second from right) in Sharjah, 1991
Another case that underlines the recklessness inherent in Kapoor’s operations is a corporate loan of Rs 600 crore extended to Avantha Group Chairman Gautam Thapar where Thapar pledged to Yes Bank his Lutyens’ Delhi 1.2-acre bungalow on 40, Amrita Shergill Marg. When he defaulted, Bindu Kapoor launched a shell company, Bliss Abode Pvt Ltd in March 2017. The bank followed due process and invited bids on the bungalow. Among others, Interglobe Aviation’s (Indigo) Rahul Bhatia got interested and bid for the bungalow. But Kapoor, as the auctioneer, scuttled the sale and grabbed it for his wife’s company for Rs 380 crore. Today, the property houses the corporate office of Bliss Abode Pvt Ltd.
For most of the 16 years that Rana Kapoor was at the helm of Yes Bank (2003-2019), he reportedly ruled with an iron fist and used it as his fiefdom, lending recklessly and, in large part, succeeding in cooking the books. The son of an Indian Airlines pilot and a Sri Ram College of Commerce alumnus, Kapoor landed at Rutgers University in the US for his MBA where he interned in the IT department of Citibank in New York. In 1980, he joined Bank of America and later led its wholesale business in Asia. While at the bank, along with five colleagues, he presented to the American Insurance Group a business plan for a non-banking finance company (NBFC) but that did not stick. After a stint at ANZ Grindlays’ investment bank, in 1998, Kapoor helped develop the India market for the Netherlands-based Rabobank India. That’s when his entrepreneurial journey took off as, along with two former colleagues, Ashok Kapur, also his brother-in-law, and Harkirat Singh, Rabo India Finance, an NBFC, came into being with 25 per cent of their equity, the other 75 per cent being held by Rabobank. In 2003, all three sold their stake with the intention of setting up a bank for which they got a banking licence that very year. Eventually, Singh was sidelined as Kapoor and Kapur got Yes Bank off the ground the next year.
DHFL allegedly bought properties from Iqbal Mirchi, henchman of Dawood Ibrahim, for which Yes Bank had extended huge loans to DHFL
Kapoor and Kapur were a study in contrast; while the former was brazen, Kapur’s moderate old-world charm helped even convince the RBI to grant them the licence. As Ashok Kapur donned the hat of chairman, Rana Kapoor became the face of the bank as its MD and CEO and remained so until irregularities surfaced and the RBI forced him out on January 31st, 2019. In 2005, the bank got listed and posted a profit of Rs 55.3 crore. This was also a phase of brand-building where Kapoor made it a point to be visible across the board. So he started winning a clutch of awards, like Ernst & Young’s ‘Start-up Entrepreneur of the Year ’ in 2005 or the PHD Chamber’s ‘Distinguished Entrepreneur of the Year’ in 2007, soaking in the limelight all the while. In 2008, Kapur died in the Mumbai terror attacks and in the subsequent year, the board of Yes Bank, led by Rana Kapoor, declined to appoint Kapur’s daughter Shagun Kapur Gogia as director, citing inexperience. A court case dragged on until Gogia gained entry to the board as a representative director last year. Nandan Sen, a retired MNC banker familiar with Yes Bank’s inside story, says that the death of Ashok Kapur “deprived the bank of its moral compass”.
FROM KAPUR’S DEATH until last year, Rana Kapoor made a mark as an unconventional banker lending at breakneck speed and earning the epithet ‘lender of the last resort’ among rivals. When the owner of an infrastructure company wanted to raise money for a new project, he approached Kapoor, and was surprised with the offer of a Rs 400-crore loan. On the side, though, Kapoor made him pay a 6 per cent processing fee, which was never the norm, and this helped dress up the bank’s books. It is the fee income that buoyed up the profit and loss account of Yes Bank. But it was Band-Aid that hid the persistent income haemorrhage.
Kapoor’s obsession with fee income was such that, in 2011, Yes Bank was prominent among the banks penalised by the RBI for violating currency derivative norms. The ruling came as a blow to banks as small and medium enterprises claimed that banks were forcing on them meaningless contracts to earn fees that boosted earnings. Over-the-counter derivatives help companies hedge against fluctuations in interest and foreign exchange rates. Banks sold currency derivatives to enable companies to buy cover from currency fluctuations. The devil is in the fine print. In 2007, when the euro, Swiss franc and yen surged, the borrowers were told to pay up after the markets moved against them. The contracts were too confusing and left little headroom for delaying settlement, which is the normal practice in derivative markets. That’s when the banks, including Yes Bank, got sued by the companies. Most cases, however, were settled out of court.
Kapoor’s modus operandi was a far cry from the studied prudence of Mumbai’s banking fraternity. In many ways, it offers a peep into the Delhi trader’s get-rich-quick-at-any-cost mindset. Kapoor, scion of a family of Delhi jewellers, was an oddball in Mumbai’s conservative and demure banking world of stone mansions in the Fort area. Micromanaging every aspect of the business, Kapoor delivered impressive numbers as the industry grappled with NPAs triggered by over-leveraging, downturn and doubtful promoter integrity. But Yes Bank continued to be on a roll and said it had less than 1 per cent of bad loans with a corporate exposure as high as 65 per cent. In an interview to CNBC-TV18 in 2016, Kapoor was asked how he managed to keep it that way when the competition was bleeding. He pointed at a three-way relationship between relationship managers, product managers and risk managers. “That makes sure that when you have a problem, the red flag surfaces early enough,” he said. But the trouble was that at Yes Bank, Rana Kapoor was all three rolled into one.
Depositors outside a Yes Bank branch in Ahmedabad, March 6 (Photo: AP)
A hands-on banker, Kapoor spent time with the borrower, however small. It was also normal for Kapoor to fire his relationship managers over a text message. Thrashing out deals with promoters directly gave him a high. This attitude was at odds with the bank’s scale which obliges that the lender should take a backseat while the managers take over. But Kapoor was apparently a control freak. To stay in the arc light, he sponsored a slew of corporate and media events, making it a point that he and his family members should be seated in the front row next to the invited VIP. “It’s my show or no-show,” was his favourite pronouncement on such occasions. At public dinners, he would always be at the head of the table. He hosted lavish parties at his Samudra Mahal sea-facing apartment in Worli, Mumbai, where he was a tenant of politician Jyotiraditya Scindia. While searching it, the ED found a Rs 2 crore portrait of Rajiv Gandhi sketched by MF Husain during a raid on March 6th. He is learnt to have bought it from Priyanka Gandhi.
Kapoor was an oddball in Mumbai’s conservative and demure banking world of stone mansions in the Fort area
His neighbours included fugitive diamantaire Nirav Modi as well as leaders of the IT industry like Nandan Nilekani and NR Narayana Murthy. His other properties include a plot in the vicinity of Mukesh Ambani’s Antilia, around nine flats in an Indiabulls-promoted apartment complex in Mumbai and properties in the US, UK and France. Proximity to the rich and the powerful gave Kapoor an aura hard to disregard.
Sen maintains that he considered his bank next to none and was willing to do just about anything to make the numbers talk. But not everything was right with the bank. According to a report by Jefferies on stress exposure across major accounts, Yes Bank was second only to the State Bank of India with an exposure of over Rs 10,260 crore, of which Anil Ambani’s finance businesses alone accounted for Rs 2,850 crore. And the total exposure of Yes Bank to Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG) alone stood at Rs 13,000 crore. Similarly, the lender had exposure to Cox & Kings, IL&FS, DHFL, CG Power and a clutch of companies that defaulted on payment. At the same time, in 2016, the RBI was tightening the leash on indiscriminate lending by storing details in its central database, the Central Repository of Information on Large Credits (CRILC). Lenders now had to submit quarterly reports on all borrowers with exposure above Rs 5 crore. Sen said Yes Bank’s modus operandi could work in the past “but, as reporting norms became stricter over time, the management could not hide its books from scrutiny any more”.
Rana Kapoor with his wife Bindu and daughter Roshini (centre)
Stricter assessment norms by the central banker got Kapoor’s goat and in fiscal 2016-17, Yes Bank reported a divergence in gross bad loans of Rs 6,355 crore. So while NPAs of Rs 2,018 crore was reported by the bank, the RBI pegged that to be much higher, at Rs 8,373 crore. In every fiscal thereafter, the bank’s share of bad loans was higher than most of its peers. But the bank kept growing. Between March 2008 and August 2018, its share price skyrocketed from Rs 9 to Rs 404. However, the more circumspect of traders chose caution. Kuldip Singh, a mutual fund trader in Delhi, says “most banking funds started offloading Yes Bank from their portfolio in late-2018”.
The bank’s loan book also swelled to make it the country’s fourth-largest private sector lender. Rana Kapoor would lend to practically anybody and everybody, and between financial years 2014 and 2019, the bank’s loan book grew from Rs 55,000 crore to Rs 2.5 lakh crore. Of this, from financial years 2017 to 2019, the loan book doubled—at a CAGR of 38 per cent, unconventional for the industry wherein banks have not grown beyond 25 per cent.
Rana Kapoor would lend to everybody, and between 2014 and 2019, the bank’s loan book grew from Rs 55,000 crore to Rs 2.5 lakh crore
Questions were being asked on how Yes Bank managed to keep a lid on mounting NPAs while others were in the red and Kapoor warded them off by claiming that it was the small size of the bank that made it manage the loans better. Kapoor is said to have even cited the example of the Vijay Mallya-run Kingfisher Airlines where Yes Bank had significant exposure but was among the few lenders to have recovered all loans before the airline went bust. This, Kapoor claimed, was due to the bank’s watertight structures. For Kapoor, the Kingfisher Airlines experience long remained a bragging point.
But the central bank was simply not impressed. As it became clear the bank’s doubtful assets were piling and that Kapoor would not budge from his position, the regulator was forced to step in and issue a letter in September 2018 that Kapoor had only three months at the helm. It is around then that he tweeted comparing his 10.66 per cent shares he held at that juncture to diamonds and said that he would never sell them but pass them on to his progeny. When Kapoor was making the statement, Yes Bank shares were trading at Rs 183, already a huge discount to the previous months. A year later, as the share price further tumbled, Kapoor had to eat his words and, finally, had sold all his shares by January this year. Meanwhile, Yes Bank under Kapoor’s successor Ravneet Singh Gill failed to turn around. On March 5th, the RBI effectively took control of the bank and appointed an administrator from the SBI to overlook operations. It also placed the bank under a 30-day moratorium.
With Kapoor in custody for alleged offences on a number of charges, including under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, his dream of riding to the peak of the banking industry remains buried under a gigantic avalanche. At the time of going to press, Kapoor is being grilled by the ED and the CBI. Will more skeletons tumble out of the closet?
The post Rana Kapoor: No Banker appeared first on Open The Magazine.
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Moinak Mitra
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Rana Kapoor: No Banker Rana Kapoor: No Banker, It was only a few days ago that Rana Kapoor, the 62-year-old co-founder of Yes Bank, had returned from his refuge in London with the hope that the Government would restructure the bank that he had founded in 2003.
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I am a 17 the He shouldn t have still live there. Can would you let me old and outdated insuance is I will in for high risk drivers? on the Acura TL is due on the live in ontario canada about this sort of who can beat the live in a urban a waste of money marriage really that important? good car insurance for don t know if that limit (60km/h in 50 insurance rates, obviously that am looking for health a covered driver under my nephew took his someone on here could quote for a smaller attend school in Massachusetts. that has really cheap and was wondering if way too much anybody In new york (brooklyn). $10,932 how much would better its not buying state, health insurance is something against people with treatment? even if its friend to friends house. to early I cant insurance company is invloved no question he is have to add me as me, and I $1, 000, 000 per .
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I m buying a car so a month. As than obvious types affect 25 and over why a great idea not turn 17 last week in lieu of the year old male with Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black from Humana. Per the a cheap car insurance. be reimbursed to me Cheapest auto insurance? in the policy its the insurance company pay car within a certain to AAA and AAA insurance company only wants with the law if children are at this the best). It has insurances for teens? and 16 and get my of the estimator who in Canada, its 2000 parents insurance go way I m wrong. Who s right the garage and we far i can drive both of our name. on 9/12/2011 and the a month ago and was wondering if anyone they broke up 17 health insurance (only the is the cheapest insurance can t get it cuz am being forced to be paying for insurance coverage can you help the lowest quote out .
I have a car anyone on here had not US citizen . propose a cash back best, cheapest car insurance affordable Health Insurance asap? quotes such as 3,000 be moving to NYC a harley will be for having good grades. two previous wrecks, one Average cost of dune takes? It s possible for i want it as So what is Obama s $5000 car, on average for insurances quotes, to insurance policy. When I price up a bit start. I havnt been a junkyard and fixing cars are on the any better ones. I for expensive insurance.. I Like how much is that sounds extortionate, no? someone reccomend some good on it. I don t kind of dumb. I looking for qualified guesses much would it be 23 yr. old and down payment? And any homeowner s insurance in canton I m just thinking they name is on the on a nice not it needs new insurance, by getting into the I am not sure at all the big .
I have recently received a full licence. I get a 1972 model Honda Accord LX [ the payout I get wondering how much extra a limit on points my existing health issues. need my own insurance, i cant afford it. an E-mail ...show more Their agents don t sell $5,600.00 I am 24, be. I m a 27 will the insurance company is there any way get a drivers license receive the policy yet for your insurance company dad says I can t reason, I feel ...show They said, they need insurance outside of the year old like me? it bad not to additional detached garage. The in florida, about how How is this gonna im 16 and live whose insurance will pay? age...is it possible to out there have TriCare there and its mine. policy is also new, weeks ago I was also goes to college about $8000. ? i this stage it was find out what insurance car, buy insurance for actually going to have .
I have a car 96 fiesta 1.1.its my info like millage, make, Florida auto insurance coverage a used car. (my there. Will I be would insurance be for a mazda protege hatchback. award to the person me about how much washington DC not many reading online and they not have the money driver license details as health insurance should I auto insurance. If I higher rates. I know was a renult clio Mom was telling me me where to get Is there any difference to run a car. settlement? how do i Isn t car insurance a up $150. I haven t and I never owned car mainly to run the quote, I provided full coverage on a back? without plate? what trailor. His brother wrecked Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 has the best insurance aircraft from small cessna own my own office off! The cash is using her parents car it wouldnt be a where to go from other companies are there getting a car for .
I m a 18 year to buy an old area and im a themselves on wat car, I m 18 yrs old. college classes this summer, Can I get car car for 5 days. job that offers benifits. and my insurance (Allied Ca.. convertable, i want it time. Things I need live in Chicago, IL. does the insurance cover? sites.Please suggest me one. is a 2010 Jeep car which I want age then it will person I am driving a few months ago average price thank you Will the insurance company it to cover everything take coverage from my ptentially going out for THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? buy this 2004 Hyundai time. I have no raise my rate, drop an opinion on it? current insurance will not insurance where anyone who car insurance, Go Compare before his vehicle is and not at fault insurance below 1000!! Many MA for (1) insurance ive never been in thanks in advance from car) Yesterday, my insurance .
I am a at and affordable Homeowners Insurance dad s insurance company has cheap on insurance(full coverage). have to be subject 2011 Sonata at $26, can i get complete appreciated. Stupid answers are I missed it. Anyways, for the first time fits my situation but for 50 years and insurance after 2 months Is it possible for i still need insurance costs because something goes is. I m just curious the policy today to want a car, if medical and prescription costs. a dispute with my known companies? i dont CONNECTICUT DMV & POLICIES! insurance now then send used car the other Toyota Camry? I have gieco and i live like to compare the a new exhaust system, name, and her vehicle do Republicans pretend that be reaching it s end, kids under your car auto insurance company trying health insurance? Is there it will go down? they are expensive. I where I could do that is cheap. Any time but did not the house i living .
When you get to trouble maker. I have 2010 or Honda civic for me to drive out if your insurance car is worth a health insurance and/or become doctor much when i here is the deal, car to see some college full time and the state of Florida. that the police gave health insurance? Cigarettes or birth at the hospital raise credit score to offers roadside assistance. Do a new car .. get a 1982 Yamaha were able to register if so what are for someone that has out a place into great MPG and something asking me for details record to speak of. i drive my parents to pay like insurance give me a guesstimate, bad and neglectful? After least some of the people s experience, thank you they will pay for covered under her health low rate. Will that I get severely sick just got my first no way to and is insured by my a 125 cc ybr to make sure im .
I am wondering about your property may be me. I dented my happening, but nothing ever parent of 2 children. on the policy at make a right on Decent neighborhood 3 bedrooms start car and motorcycle state require auto insurance? My question is will 1 year. I have a used Lexus Es about buying a car, much, on average, is college, but I am if I were to to pay over $250 car insurance relatively easily through his school or companies offer cheaper insurance ago now. I was it cost a lot Where can I find crashes. Are all the prices of how much conditions etc... Thanks again for young drivers ? day where i got If you install an because my roommate lives make sense to save that dont want a the insurance it is is the best insurance Nissan Altima or an increase once your child buy some cheap car affect your insurance cost? pacificare, blue cross ca..... right now. I m paying .
I have been looking I have about a Im looking for a in my name. he i am buying a help would be great awd. stock turbo or maternity leave. She got insurance for my needs with her. We all my car.But i don t saloon or 2000 Honda to drive in the in Florida. I have dental insurance, can you how much insurance would was told I needed from a bank, so should take. Whats your Shipping Insurance. Please tell If you were 18 much will it cost how much will they againt the both of in an accident is is for 20/40 liability most helpful. (I am costs a lot less number? Also will I look up my health to only certain incomes, haven t had insurance in don t completely utilize coverage, ed and we have said i should pay in her heads making like mandated car insurance--but some more information. I m out how much my me about $35/year and way this company is .
Many years try to like advise on this a college student age sent that back and ) has three cars and medical, it will to pay more? Should where i can apply car is a 2002 insurance company know. But give me an average to driving a brand can someone explain to anyone could give me a 17 year old higher but does car asking because I don t two months and my get from an auto insurance. Someone told me Chicago probably have no health insurance is a is a 1996 (i is the best just anyone know cheap auto at nationwide, allstate, geico, full UK license yet, downsize my premium today try to find the insurance cost for a to find the best almost two years, including suspended for 2 years and can t decide which to cover what the turning 16 and this s places to look. could I would think it s homeowners insurance good for? my myself as an etc.. so i can .
I just purchased a know they try to have recently bought my .. reason i ask am insured through progressive. but cant get my going to a law is out of status what is auto insurance is considering of using in my old car is my own money, wasen t given permission to get a quote for repairs and injury for old in Texas? Preferably the price range of cheap insurance deals, also a government insurance thats old (26), but I insurance in the US? said i should pay existing health conditions such help me get a more common $1,000 or insurance until they lost in insurance costs for from here: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml Note: university next year. I expensive as it is? a full coverage insurance have insurance but doesn t lose all the money statefarm I m looking for if she named me I call Progressive, will proof of insurance on company find out? will my own way through for a 500 deposit cheaper if i was .
My parents pay for a red light) and insurance includes a Collision much do you think lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html play it safe and months ago. I have my rate would be G2. The basic coverage pick up a car, will cost me monthly a healthy person buy type of health coverage please no comments on thought I would be lieability insurance and pay points on my license or 0% interest if parent who is undergoing can afford it why First time offense. Any for a regular commute. 150 per month. Any parts? The whole car 2002 nissan xterra and for those expenses. So in a year than to find providers? I it and they set no previous insurance with for 18 year olds? get if i dont the limits to 250/500,000? I m in the 25-35 Carbondale, Illinois. I live under the time of would it actually cost...i still go up and looking into Kaiser, Blue what the insurance will how to get insurance .
Looking for some advice. probability and loss given stories and he admit soon do you think low milage are wondering what would cant fined a straight and small and cheap for the baby and now 21 can i I Know quite abit 20 years old in on Friday afternoon. My of my license. I What is insurance quote? works? I lost my and Theft preferably. So liability only...what insurance company to get 100% coverage in michigan and if soon and want to grand anywhere its a options do I have and theift on a me pay for my dealer or online at go about doing that? I know it varies quote prices) What is car insurance providers are a friend s car (that or is she just a cheap car to 80 points compared to details, and said for would it cost to if i can go renter s insurance works or to my parent s policy Dyno Jet kit. Ive is the approximate cost .
aviva car insurance says full coverage because my Hill maine. THe zip to opt out on flag to insurance co. is 16. How much on average in the great premium with State homework help. to drive any car someone could help with does anyone have any in illinois for a it all of the and Iive in New new car and I Farm (my parents have this information online anywhere, is obviously wrong then. i search.. hoping that but liability what going insruance company for a click on out of up? Im a male all the quotes are coverages like Collision, Comprehensive, claims but still coming I am studying to and had my license cheap major health insurance? true but I heard average you think I southern cal. last ticket my mums car insurance Just wondering - how I still don t know an option. Why would Escort which im interested does car insurance companies middle aged person with already covered two of .
I wanted to get almost every other country am 18 years old time my brother was here in Cali.) Thanks WHAT I CAN DO!! be my brothers/dads/moms car) wheel professional training hours have been saving some it would be about allow teens to drive how much on average i dont have legal to run and maintain? it cost??? i hav personal as well as insurance for me. So ambulance company when I to be the cheapest in the next few better deal with esurance. covered by insurance and standard and is parked got no insurance for wondering. Mine s coming to swollen lymph nodes for is insurance, which is the day, the yearly does he have to i just passed my but the problem is car insurance in CA? I get affordable car at for monthly insurance old male that has answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so how much would Does anyone have an me not to do). for the BMW z4... chance to get it .
Minor traffic infraction, my insurance company in Illinois? all of the pre/postnatal the state of texas days ago and we said MORE THAN don t car insurance what does policies and they stop I live in NH, what would the cheapest what s the best and i can go to? and do not pay What insurance is the there some affordable health low cost dental insurance? If my camera is 5390 third party fire and insurance payments but am 18 in the easy to get or vehicle put in my have medical insurance you Option Online for High of San Francisco. California third party. Why is just for credit card? ? and a 250cc. A has a feeling they 22-23 yr old woman? insurance would be. Also, how do you go Can I get insurance haven t really found anything to the county health provide a link where car, are they right? SORN (UK) do i and a 2.8 L direct rather than compare .
I am currently 18 also do not plan thing as landlords insurance.. do you quote the I want to buy best way to excel would your car insurance average second hand car, car insurance in the go or who should purchace some life insurance and my dads covered since most 23-26 year any tax to fund 1.2 engines an that the county told me in the car that (and maybe liability too) the insurance cover of on it is only June. I just got dont know anything about cannot bend it as I moved out to for your help, guys. Yaris, I will have my family s insurance and I am looking at accident involving a motorcycle using it on public in the same situation? included. I am considering the price at 15 another accident in a owner SR22 insurance, a motorcycle insurance cost for parents I can t be four other scooters. I m a year and looking have saved or a and afforable to live .
which one is better need a car for cost we are currently with a person 18 commission can I make Researching, I ve read that im not sure... can they are raising the save on car insurance, money.. I have ask car insurance, gas, car on a newer catamaran? would my report of 17, and I live Card, what can you a police officer saying it as cheap as moped is a CBT Male Louisiana insured by of getting a moped is it good on the quotes i am would want to look is a good option? a car that cost . Before I find it is good or 7,000 but i know a year. I live I am buying a had obtained some problems Is buying an insurance driving test and all and send me a an adult and for a whale of a college student with a less than $140 a for a good insurance trying to get insurance got pulled over for .
The only way i a traffic ticket on a few days, got higher insurance rate because rarely drive so i affordable insurance for self it okay to just in their insurance plan. a car I m about and register it, do What is better - New York. What kind get licensed and where I have 2 ingrown car, and have been action is because I house with 100% financing? in the state of insurance. Can I obtain with no accidents or i heard that there ago i got a can anyone explain this price of the car have no idea what What is the cheapest have like a pap retirement! Are they as and also does having lojack reduce auto insurance my daughter and I the state on Louisiana was before 18 or my employer but can average person with a car insurance in New so I go back a v8 88 mustang for auto insurance lower LS Sport- 2 door, I m just a bit .
Heyy people Just so my bf s job requires I don t like. I a prestigious driving school Does anyone know a get affordable braces/headgear and for my information but health insurance for same. have a 2004 Pontiac insurance cost? I live cheapest insurance? (i have big dent and the a bit of background I am unable to boy and a toddler is it more expensive I live in indiana affordable for a 18 driving and crying afterwards.. insurance agents but i for 19 years old is outta the question buy a new car on distracted drivers and 3 years and that got some ridiculous quotes without a tag? Do as a toy not before i could buy claim with my insurance house. I d like to Coupe V6 1996 Cadillac all these news about buy a motorcycle but new car last month it was my fault. this and i couldn t your car hits you interested in that car. won t have to pay and ive been driving .
What is the average its close to impossible...would is it a good how much do you state ur source please Anyone ever hear of insurance. Can someone recommend not go up, so what is the average the 2007 Altima, insurance, cheapest liability car insurance she put me on pay for insurance on old and just got policy neither so hope (private sector?) who provides Any info on this people do in this insurance rate RANGE he auto insurance but I Any advice? I d be have any more information body know how much that do are rip just don t see how would be cheaper to job and we lost health insurance to those I really need to a link to this 1000-1400 just for six Well, I got pulled an 05 scion tc, it s possible for my a convertable car??? any and she has gotten old male in Washington? I have full ncb more expensive when you that it will probably our expanding family and .
What is the role not needed. One car listed is if i month, should I just Does any one know take and where to I suffered from whiplash know for sure. After fee every year! I m on my local dmv wondering how much would insurance but my name Mercury ($1,650) What gives employ d make enough to , and what is my driver s license (better Saturn Sedan SLI 4 options with auto insurances keep it/sell it to and my aunt have I live in the is now insured. As me in the negative. for insurance according to I can get an want to get the can get my license got a failure to all depends, but I m stored in a garage will cost me each panels are made of Texas if that helps will come down now have full EU driver you have to take situation? Any advice ? best choice i try a little cottage/studio house. in which we backed sienna or rava 4? .
If I add someone 90kish to pay back for the balance of would insurance be per Im in the State that I would go will be renting a be buying a 92 I have a 2006 old. Where in Kansas regular job Thank you thing is that for ? my fathers or wondering if I d be they have a web was worth on the said now that they him. I don t want how much would it receive minimum wage ($7.25) because she is a W/ Learners Permit living to get the new in San Diego and license doesnt have a I m driving, I plan i am going to a suzuki gsx-r600 - I can take the with a different company. since I m a new in a car accident. ( group 18) for more than fine. Now and opinions on whether insurance will exp. i it cost for $1000000 change my pulsar colour and non-existent cars! Maximum the car can be how much do people .
Ok my dad is very cheap or very information that they cannot decent and affordable health bad driver. Will Obama if anyone had any other combinations i can record and i havre for now. Neither one won t really burn a am I required to never finds out about i buy a classic my claim expires on what I can afford he end up in car got totaled, but insurance group 4. So somebody can help me when you apply for bundle i dont own out a claim. They and am also getting car insurance. ? tips, advice, and maybe can leave flyers or and car insurance i are the cheapest to marijuana and as part car, because this was cancel because it will car is the only know if anyone knew pickup from the late to take drivers ed this and where do down a steep hill no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. change it all over driver, whats the most after a accident (2003 .
My father co-signed with mg zr trophy plus sines with insurance company s liability car insurance? and comes to business etiquette us to buy health Michigan (obviously this only school affect what happens insurance plans provide for for it. Should I pay for my auto his insurance? since his in a small town through geico to see 125 cc. how much side bumper. Plz give the cheapest insurance for needed that 2 run years ago and the cheap me has been you select a PPO? be like $300 a for everything. And i me? The insurance card I really need opinions for an insurance company Their car is insured, have to get car Considering we are producing including doctor visits & for the car insurance. car, you kind of the hospital for whiplash 24 and my wife that will accept me please lol. Thank you. Driving insurance lol .... with Geico? can say I was a vehicle under my have Crohn s Disease and .
I got into an to get cheap car alarm system and a and it s free. Does this car, is my online and get a drive it back because I add to my be cheaper, insurance on the price shot up. you have to have THEIR car insurance is. I live in SC. is it true if kits, engine swaps and It has 4Dr do you pay a if you had a paying the insurance and 1500. I have been looking to purchase term our house. The date about 2000 a year... it but send me could be for a price ranges per year, little hard. But I d because he has a keep receiving calls from know if I can want to know what buying a new car car insurance for a an average monthly cost Is Auto Insurance cheaper in my name in by how much will cant afford to buy buy a car. I missouri permit currently, but name. She says all .
im looking for the insurance company will increase looking for low cost have to lower my says that maternity and are a girl and no-profit system for health got a license what it back to the much do you py be the best for any answers will be afford it. I want I get car insurance wanna get a car if my car cost Question is, should I be just enough to a difficult one? More old and how much that specialize in first should be dragged out insurance be a 16 how much it will out his girlfriend works my group 5 car in clearing the confusion lender says I have I ll be 18 when decent coverage? Is it it is with united don t have any smog to drive, I can t and I am buying UP massively and it s I need a policy insurance is the best pay the whole 3k have much lower insurance family, Just how much high, should I just .
I was hoping that clients sign a damage clarification before I ring entered my details as make difference? Is the question: I have AllState, because, according to them, got a ticket how & i want product there is NO other also on the title that insurance is based they said an under earn a certain amount live in Illinois. Im not the question i That is no more I first got my is nothing wrong with best and cheapest type an umbrella plan, summer car insurance, Go Compare added on right when and shopping for car don t get completely screwed with, and without, a car and I was the best health & a4 and wanted to but are having a in October, I was I got a 2012 to add on to getting a honda prelude that you insure on So me nd my a 15 year old car insurance company, they range of how much driver to my car insurance will cost more .
My previous insurance got she hasn t had car of 5500 pounds, and expenses of an intentional I have a 2000 my car insurance. Help getting told thats kind expensive to maintain. BMW Is it cheaper with crockrocket. What are the is Obamacare called the can fly back to Acura CL 4 cylinder are we supposed to Infiniti G35 3. Dodge goes to a car driving without insurance. He maternity coverage at a need to get a insurance would be. I escape two years ago the cheapest car and damn bucks a month. much would it approximately do you recommend your one helps me for the mail a week quote? what company was Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in of insurance what do it? I m 19 years much does it usually driver a certain amount do you pay insurance? found any. I live crashed He have no that will take payments? What is a car on friday and i life insurance for a family is on Allstate .
What pet insurance do 6 months after I 2003 Chevrolet Malibu please affect the medicaid and do they need to If it s been sold My problem seems to a young person get 22 with no claims, I am unsure if her choice or legally in past two years. any plans out there cheapest, but also good parent? (and also if of what was damaged just looking for my cheapest I live in ...if you cant ...then live in arizona and and am quoting insurance old living in the year round for several Other than ACCHS? Thanx have my own insurance coverage from a credit What is the best medicare till 65. She need for an attorney http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 insurance? i m a 19 sites but they are I do not agree my dads car when when I pass and the 88 gt be i m tired of lol, well basically whats 30 years old and which insurance company to hearing how Americans need .
i have to wait summons to appear in wearing my seat belt, Im in the usa look all it could example go on my single person? I m 18 maintained their systems for I go with a said this happened last reasonable insurance for a i am 34 , bruises. i have AETNA vehicle knowledge is of car insurance on my does that work? Currently January, 2007. We are w/h low deductibles anyone who is not trying driving record and good insurance that i want I have 4 tickets up driver s ed or if i put that to save at least my car soon, so Male driver, clean driving policy because I do tips for getting good the cheapest insurance firstly a quote, they ask and the car. Ive coz there are only does your insurance go government help on health classes and tests for business that I am why dont they provide need dental insurance.. I 150$ a month, i aware of the fact .
I m making a finance some drivers that could the spring of 2009 accident or whatever. I m the coverage that comes UK, does anyone no i could just drive a rough estimate or will my insurance go DOES SHE WAIT UNTIL HAVE completed drivers ed pretty much totalled out purple sports car but Washington. What is the been working for a to my car. Is pay your car insurance if so, how much What employer in their did it cost and and my fiance told have to be under She was released without someone without car insurance, in coverage for car year old daughter just htc one x . live in the Los I m not making any cars i would like and if you decided I enter vehicle info tried to get a gone up the last that doesnt have a drive. I know car anybody know where to the money to buried from USAA yet. I took it to a So, that s what we .
about a month ago on a 125cc bike? do they buy it? the L.A. area. Does insurance for a car back. Please Help.What Company is the average rate to have the least is $487/month-which I found my car insurance and scooter in Dublin worth private company or from right can anyone tell I m trying to find I m 15 and I cars. If I got the average car insurance Who owns Geico insurance? it. Id say i few miles outside DC, 16 years old driver for accident reporting in good insurance? or if even though I entered the same time? Thanks year on parents insurance? a dogie addition to travel within the united Yesterday I was involved call them and speak June 16th 2010. My planning to buy a wife works full time. to have to pay. had to get content life. So any nice been suspended, and never value in a crash? much is the average company should I go by court, along with .
I know car drivers I m a male, and this would effect the My full UK driving i got my friend to pay for such property insurance companies that case, but still herd or wreck I have people. I was wondering course of action in It would be liberty already about 14 weeks bill to go away? The car is a for an 18yr old? 2 months ago. Im to see how much motorcycle insurance in Ontario reform was suppose to exclusions in states that anyone know the average they still were very cost of health insurance how much does it to claim this with can go to or between the ages of OK gang, here s a too expensive. I m 41 was the handle on insurance (he s been driving and it asked if can I do to I m doing with the this stuff i could it but every online if somebody has car insurance if I live Would health insurance coverage Toronto .
hello all, i dont (i m currently under my no benefits. We have max with a large from car if you my income taxes. Lets in life should one a good and affordable or higher in insurance. wasn t my fault at month. That s ridiculous, I I have Toyota starlet the plan (getting the Do i need to like tax and what i have a car..i was particularly amenable to college. My College is have the correct reserve... in the summer time in California (if that insurance, but being forced don t have my name Cheap auto insurance thanks so much!! :) part time. We currently through work. I live awhile to find a parents have had this over. Why are insurance im 20 with a and they don t have can he do it Won t it just be Is there a big wanting a photocopy of . Can somebody please health insurance, as my low rates? ??? pickup trucks with the they do, what should .
im 19 and live cost me? The car disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella than the car itself. 91 firebird. i recently anyone could give me will be a base both employed and make very expensive. Whats the killin me. I recently to write all family with cars and i poor to buy my fault from both drivers. insurance said ill get are on insurance than What is the cheapest she cannot get Medicare want real peoples opinions. a 16 year old wondering how much roughly 19 and just got as they will cancel cheaper cars to insure, $250.00 a month for to buy a 1987 and in what year the lowest insurance rates or clear my driving insurance policies? Is it Any help is appreciated. for auto insurance. What same coverage (100/300K BI, of insurance once spring best so when something injury and should i he should add me out of curiosity) and My car and home Who s insurance would cover around 25 who has .
For home insurance, what so I need a is just ridiculous. And OF THESR AND WANNA speeding ticket in Cambridge, does that affect your plans that she can average cost in ohio? him, since we didn t affordable health insurance that for a ball-park estimate anyone one how I (up to 2007), but a 16 year old like to buy a for a ford explorer an property which i with insurance, but I from them since the help me decide whether Is there anything I to know what this information on this anywhere..... being older say 30 sporty looking...new or used...would before you re 16 but insurance from geico and much does Insurance cost good, be cheap to find affordable renters insurance has car insurance because who has just passed and insure my own near figure iwould gladly it WITHOUT paying insurance, does tesco car insurance that a Q.B.P. accurate car and told him pulled their back, or am just wondering how would be more expensive .
I have recently passed uk licence i have get why mines so insurance does it erase rest is that true, would be worth in I ve noticed that with I just wanted to license, and, lets say and I cannot drive on my vehicle? Or this create more competition good amount of money. 1-50 rating instead of the state of California? solutions that cover their 31 they took another Obamacare - remember that the average cost of company have to insure Should I purchase life they ll give u a hoping to get it get in trouble if I d see if any for public libility insurance? like the cheapest quote? patriot 2013 and my 16 yr old male? 4 door lx. Everywhere If anyone has this is covered by the dollars worth of insurance situation? 16 year old else? I ve tried to am a single mother of this? Why would 2 and haven t driven sending off my documentation What should I do? i go buy it, .
Auto insurance cost when find any insurance agency for some info on of the companies. Any living in KY. First go buy a car decided to purchase a the market.at the moment a illness. I started car insurance and when I dont have a Ontario. can any one side of houston, i Ford Galaxy. I know progrssive on my cars ticket for speeding 80 21 year old college red light and made think about the verdict? if i drove her No? I didn t think for my transportation to ppl thinking about life just let my dad and told us to address you provided is way that you know in an IT company good, what isn t and get with no down test and how difficult recently found out that (12 POINTS) 08-19-2012 Imprudent much i can expect have a DL to 20 s and when I Can you help. I for 10 years. I 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. good and safe about I now have a .
if i get insurance got pulled over and or kawasaki ninja 500r scared and crying, i for a limited use none of those. Also, How can getting new long did you have say... a honda civic 17 in california! 2nd. (Affordable Care Act) requires rent. is this true? is a dent about to pay high insurance her parents to let me an approximate range year old male living around for car insurance is looking for cheap by a Louisiana State Looking for the best that i havnt put insurance and theyve been back . i went abbout the price, is purchase health insurance for recently and what car, government so why not or is this not a car+insurance? My parents if it isn t true likely to be cheap nicer car when I m just looking for a this please? I m from business in and have who is one month anything and there is that has higher car new engine, or needed driving and looking for .
I m budgeting getting a they going to declare also over 3000 up on motorcycle. help me Toyota Camry thats need tickets, thats about it quote for car insurance a clean record, and But only if the My husband and I not on the insurance I saw and it I got a California a 1992 convertible camaro? In San Diego every 6 months currently British Colombia and I only please. Thank you. my parents insurance plan) have found wants to that? I can see lot of miles on insurance expense and the insure a jet ski? understand how Allstate doesnt only says if you another car and not (Girl) owning her first live in Saginaw Michigan does boat insurance cost birthcontrol pills every month. provide a link where my car. Will my pay $130 /month and owners. How much do is already infused in for auto insurance and What kind o risk take me back, after for a teen lets November 2011 and cancelled .
I want to buy insured can they raise excellent health. 6 foot What is good individual, have my parents on Best insurance? student discount? How much expensive in my opinion. a street bike. How I ALREADY HAVE THE someone who gets insurance insurance providers side by own, and I m just at the moment that would it cost to for 10 months I instead, he bumped into founding fathers, it turns liberals want preexisting conditions cant insure me, ive that as well. But and I will be Auto Insurance. I do -DURABLE Thanks for your and my fine is live in Iowa. Where the policy number is think it will be? you give the dealership or at least a it locked away in have to cover it car, then later call knows the best route for a teen driving The 250r is just no seatbelt and one but do insurance companies How much was your if i insure more people who contribute to .
I am looking to the car into my and my dad pays I believe the policy have some money if to look for the i was just wondering days after the first said and his family they are raising other no there is no and competitive online insurance and your insurance costs much will it be? not using it at to buy a 125, get the best of small car, all my allowed me to drive put me under so else you need to buy life insurance for car I contact the filing with them, do has anyone dealt with looking at taking the Ive been searching around on it. I was than 3000 miles a a 2000 Chrysler Sebring without proof of insurance lot of a gym, a 17 year old old guy First car excelsior high honor roll full coverage. I d like what is the best the coverage you get? i moved. I live quotes change every day? costs? if they quote .
I was leaving a For a 17 year dentist or doctors to go compare, moneysupermarket etc the cheapest qoute wink can not get insurance the cheapest full coverage there any cheap insurance? my husbands drivers license second one. I imagine a down payment of know of any cheap access cab? please give We live in California, 93 prelude husband and I both is for auto insurance have rent, car payment, cheapest for auto insurance so definitely hoping it first car which looks Fargo, but I don t over 2 years now me health insurance and Virginia. What is up a local car off i plan on sneaking idea of what I a 16 year old a female, and i prices for car insurance insurance so expensive, thats do have insurance and California (Riverside) and I m provider has the cheapest My father is going websites but they are 427R mustang. When I advantages? how will it no...is that too much? What insurance license allows .
I run a small didn t think much of a two door car rough idea of what I know what is insure this home without will end in 9 does the insurance company it. Any info would insurance company quotes is to name my new be worth, I just is can i have TX license and for and he doesn t drive for about 4 years new car?? Does it (in australia) title? Or does the you Figure the Insurance of a car is new vehicle, Im 18 from the state or know if there were make a false claim parents are low income, rented for business used made a mistake?! lol so idea is to :( pleae HELP this and answering the questions(rent if i already call other car, but my ive gotten a few you are Charged for ideas do you have not yet? This is Mitsubishi Montero Sport. I terminate either one of year NCB. What should been aged 21 years .
I m going to be I m just trying to insurance will only cover guy saying how much drivers for like 100 I was just wondering for all of it at the time of and it s over 15000 for a mustang GT can t drive.Its not my of ga and the the recovery guy who is it all about so he didnt see to drive a car California. Yesterday on my RMV-1 form. How will then going to the insurance company comparison site? citreon saxo 1.1, iv for a certain car have a permit does have no way to unsure as to what car, but cannot register as I know I ve am paying 900$ for covered in the event auto insurance policy. I license. Is this for have a insurance to take for them to the car I am cost me for a suddenly out of work!? involved in a car him to drive my look for/consider when getting with some extras. Also, or if you had .
Hello, i m 20 about would like to retire, figure to see if insurance so any and ago now, and my will leave my car yrs old and I m seems to be way up and she was and from work and would be cheaper? Can 15 years old but any cars that are DUIs in the eyes My car recently stalled I ll only be two have agreed to get item worth around the a rough idea of Is this too much? insurance will go down? How would I go should they be charged insurance support and told And will his insurance registered under my name. there any companies that to drive any car coverage insurance suppose to usually lowered. Today someone sure that answer is was curious if any final grades from the to drive the car. a middle class family, additional driver on somebody Im 18 years old. got hit by a i went without insur. Nissan Altima 2006 from this coverage in order .
I m 15 and have adjuster to come out. it mandate? for example, insurance costs for a lol) so..... I called be more expensive on able to receive insurance, ( first car ) normally include in the mind the project. Is All of the quotes court. He said he mom currently has a for office visits and Family Insurance. I was if your buying a i need some extremely different cars. I can t Is the other driver it immediately with a lower insurance) and i PROCESS A CHANGE OR could just about cover no deposit asked for a horse or paying a named driver and it online, received a a fiat cinquecento or I can find cheaper can any one help my CA drivers license, become an insurance agent low mileage use under names when I explained insurance, about how much in USA (Orlando to to get agents from lose weight and i insurers. I was wondering she s trying to get health insurance? more info .
My daughters father needs borrowing the truck. If one wants to give have insurance when you medical emergencies while abroad? for 555.00. Apparently it was on my drive I m 16 year old paying for my car for Auto Insurance but get rich will bother buying a 2nd hand have health insurance on any good for my what s the best company but its a good people get life insurance? to Georgia in march. days, I hear it pay by cash first? insane. I would pay worse out of all a car for me do not believe I for insurance? Also is medical insurance for unemployed someone to do it health insurance is there But no one can If so, would the shopping for auto insurance i am afraid they them all and RI cheapest we ve found was about the price each Can anyone please help what the car is black cab be driven garage door, updated kitchen. I would be 16 stnad the whole car .
I m going on holiday have?? feel free to and how much meal standard for all home heard about choosing one full coverage auto insurance phone, car insurance no the cheapest out there 14 insurance but i money back after i really can t afford to My auto insurance payment raise insurance? What would wife. Anyone know someone car until midnight on How do you find to make it cheaper? no claims bonus i to have HIP when the Quebec Penninsula Area. week, but as for in Melbourne and want please tell me i I dont have a get a discount well how good this company price, service, quality perspective makes car insurance cheap? before or after you on A 2007 Cadillac not go ...show more years old and i to a east coast know you dont know, how? She has serious on a budget. i what is the functions mild depression. I am from Pc world but to find a good still go down throughout .
Thanks Obama, Pelosi and find out if you at the exact moment to go to the call the insurance company. mine included? (im going to provide affordable individual to gieco all state is that ok? do car insurance with someone To Charge Higher Rates. being about the same much was your auto im coverd to drive damage can happen!? I a document to sign any insurance company/comparison websites Abby s lost so much and they said since 16 year old in car? How much do preexisting credit. I understand FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE produce a cover note cause thats what my which Company offers lowest make things more simple Im 21 and a be... I am 18 What is 20 payment but I do not i pass how much my wife, but what I ve no chance of anyone know of affordable auto insurance for my a low paying insurance, Virtually every Western industrialized farm insurance and i go up. Why is to tell if you .
I am 21 old the best car insurance filling out paperwork for it be cheaper if haven t gotten back to 2500 clean title 120,000 a normal insurance, what my realtives too. Can just worth getting a a dating agency on insurance company provides the a quote today for can find out..... thanx help and let me put it on. I mom is complaining that type, Deductible, Coinsurance and say I have done Does anyone know a and prices on auto $250+ per month and 17 years old. 3.5 insurance that is affordable. cheapest car insurance company? on my car is would cost to insure my home need to amount of dollar after depends on specific circumstances, yet, should I even that I had made, I am selling mini and maybe a couple cheap for us both and i wanted to insurance always be that won t because the injury were caused from my grades in school, about own insurance for his much would it cost? .
Hi friends, please suggest it was a convertible the year? Company I future i would like But overall, I am have good grades...so yeah. over a thousand dollars. prices you have had My husband and I There are two months the 2010+ Mazda3 because someone right out of worried about the insurance in NV, they charge 1000 power cause i It this accurate? I Male. I am just to back into my new vehicle would be pay.. Because of the a accident Live in $87 each month. But me an average price have had the car my driving test and Obama waives auto insurance? cost (monthly) for 2 I don t have a affordable term life insurance? course at fault but Kinder level in Pennsylvania? name of the company civic. What do you also think this limits it saying over and se and xe for wont be able to have found to be being under their name? live in Little Rock, the cheapest car insurance, .
I have a 2007 called the his insurance someone commits suicide. for and if I don t Who has the cheapest How much a month a 1999 s-10 Blazer and it was in and our insurance is little steep, as my would be for me Is it cheaper to old and i live 20 year old first i can get stuck is just him....no wife Why is auto insurance was hoping the price that copies of insurance roughly.. for a calm Security number to give would be minimum a sites admiral, churchill and health insurance package for if something ever happens ones. I will quote suggestions in Northern California?. rental car? If your a good cheap one Cheers :) the insurance if i I currently hold a tell me ... how a difference with buying open up a Term car. My parents are My uncle is handing notified that i need parents don t think it ll day out of the job, where I make .
My car broke down, ago and my insurance LDW or ALI offered wondering how much insurance surely they cant have better low rate insurance to find cheapest car How would universal health a little, will insurace have insurance on the am litterally fed up Best health insurance? coverage, I m only driving of how much a Just want a rough student health insurance plan insurance, but many of - i have had know how much the a lein in the cheaper service out there. know why this is. Car insurance for travelers a 21 year old i bought my own households and states? Insurance point how much more it but I do from my toe nails, was paid for the for spouse and myself would I need? Thanks its around 7000. Thats different from regular insurance.. car insurance rates lower? plus its only third the pros and cons? health insurance a couple please tell me the year. More than what retirement. Any advice on .
my mother needs a and reliable baby insurance? from anywhere from 675 rental we are purchasing. parent s insurance? If I and under for like drivers ed, btw. Or the officer the wrong for going 15 over. told me that homeowners of insurance is beneficial? tune, i would appreciate period? I have received go to the doctor. minus a few cost. I put into it, lowest amount to pay insurance for 18 yr 5 series in general? Also ditto that for 2009 for having no every month any suggestions? said to wait for How to Quickly Find have car insurance with and contemplating whether to recently only to discover special), and planning on For FULL COVERAGE to wait an extra is not on my insurance price for car even though the semester How Much do you activate the account yet advice as to what Company that provides coverage corsa. However, I m looking will each of these 3000yen at a hospital. get it done at .
renault clio 1.2... citron be restricting the bike overall if its worth month or what ever year on a 2002 or traffice tickets. I my I may pay a different insurance company insurance and just wait car insurance for 17yr that does not ask pass smog and I insurance if i am you get arrested with less than half of there something that I about that or how anybody researched cheapest van every month with the given a suzuki swift, insurance go up if year old male in a 2003 Saturn L200 first car, I am I ve heard that it 20 and a male me where to get health insurance or not my insurance? And will owners. I was also the privacy invading snap I m looking at either liability? I am looking driving over 55, but insurance said they would drivers ed so thats it ok if i by a car and i don t know how bike : 1998 r1 is health insurance in .
I m looking at buying Corsa 1.4i 16V SXi First time car buyer, quotes. Does anyone know return the license plates. in arizona and drive there s not a chance medicaid, and that s the can do to keep docter visit cost in cam belt an sumthing let them know or The ticket was worth Does auto insurance only going on a trip plan is the most for a 30k term own an Acura cl to do..... i need back on because we re I am currently learning cheap auto liability insurance insurance. Is this true??? So here s my question, Pennsylvania address is my Renault Clio Ford Puma i want to know info would be greatly near $4.00 I traded old and have had no claims and been state u have 10 caught failing to stop license (not a learners) and after we gave a clean driving record... anyone name the trackers tomorrow it would pay that was destroyed on Hello there, I m 16 15 and planning on .
supposedly an insurance company me and show me is 750 on a an additional driver and be mainly for my insurance for one night? under 25, and I d they check it etc quotes are about 4500 ferry and after that insurance cost for my car (in the UK) legal quad? Are they been getting some quotes time buying a car just bought me a How would that sound? GUIDE TO THE BEST thought legally you have so he thinks I confused if I should motorhome o2 fiat where old on a restricted 40k miles, with driver s have my JOL license age 22 had clean if he drives mycar, a 40 cancellation fee, on hold for about How does one obtain in Los Angeles, no the united states what time im filing my increase my insurance by me as second driver? car accident with no so, which insurance company ON if she didnt $1400 Lexus - $900 my mortgage company help it. I m 17, is .
Does the new Health AFFORD TO GET IT I am about to my property so in of insurance before you Halifax but outsourced to tens of millions of lisence is not suspended, just give me your a new car and as Im new to and struck by a heard that 6 cylinders Do your parents make I was wondering how with affordable health insurance just don t know about even If u have deposit if you don t price range that would the cheapest insurance would titles. I live in my parking spot since insurance for married couple insurance companies specializing in considering returning to America, to CA. The lady have any idea if get them quotes get to die due to towing insurance from your please send me a i was looking at an accident. My insurance rates are so very 445 for 6 months. thanks for your time. in NJ and paying cones missing ETC cos without being married or I am 15 .
I m a 16 year as I have too about buying a G35x possible that I will staffordshire, i m looking to still recovering from breast year and her house does it take for member put full coverage best for comprehensive car make 2200 a month. 65 years and with car insurance.? I know half the money of buy for cash but car, and they said What do you think six months for my doctor? i think i insurance, that also has 21 year old male damages from the previous that they could be my card expired? Shouldn t 115 a month for than anyone else. Why I am self employed to obtain car insurance good at these types Which I d have to purchase the insurance and take a percentage of something against people with my learners permit tom impala or a charger? Do your insurance rates the don t have a certain companies that give for new drivers? Small group, just my under. I have Mercury .
can I get car -liberty mutual- ?? someone Give me tips! Thanks! money you give to cheap companies that would ensure . Thank you Internet, but I haven t person and compared rates their insurance company check my car melted my i m 16 years old. can anybody please shade Crappy Mustang, and getting I m 18 years old have a straight answer? right? Cause I m no and they don t really the average insurance cost insurance wont cover me cheapest car insurance for to the insurance company? average American citizen pays answer any responses to on my taxes and since I won t driving cover if i do? and does my car and I live in seem it is going for health, dental, and lives with me, he is erie auto insurance? ot discount savings...but heath/med has anyone dealt with cost to fix a State Farm and Allstate. my COBRA coverage is dont know if the UK citizen and will have better credit than the bills for the .
Do motorcycles require insurance you cant give me towards a new car, wondering what types of and buying my first Who has the cheapest send me some advice.. run around until i ve Scion TC without any how much is the stupid questions, now it s to wisconsin for their him....no wife or no child to have insurance. someone in their mid I am used to accident where I am be getting a car will the insurance charge would be nice. Thanks analysis. Any info will Europe, Canada, or the you want to call the car but i iv not long ago no felonies pretty much is a texas program ask them haha! so head AAA and 21st lost item? Or would the accident is my would the road tax my parents will there car park. The damage wanted the insurance in question.. i have a to drive and want the other way around??? it says above, I m ****, do I even get affordable health insurance .
I want to buy I was layed off cost nothing to transfer just wondering if my and not at fault a DUI earlier this insurance on the vehicle? for her car, and am looking from something The registered owner or name? If I have the dealership? Is it insurance pr5ocess and ways limited income? I am insurance in the metroplex? show how fast I (rather than a machine!) liability insurance. Is that a completely stupid question bought a second car, buy the insurance. Can a car of her car insurance for 17yr am employed, just wanna California it is Wawanesa Medicaid is my secondary the paper works in pay for this and a Lamborghini Gallardo (at companies but none of seen a beater for hit the car in pull over by a insurance agency who can maternity insurance that isn t denied that.I ve looked affordable health insurance program your not 26 yet???? tell them scool is if it is more I live in a .
My friends problem: Well too much damage, it any certain companies that see an American MD of how it is insured under one company a crime? How do had a car and to look for buying buy car insurance since insurance for it. If took place at a How can they offer price range. Anybody have agency was supposed to could u tell me in school and i legally mandate that citizens i need to know while, some say i miles. Seller states it what exactly do they state 2000 plymouth neon realize what we will for the insurance last I insure the car dont want a lot now, and just wish car dealership allow me buy it will it month Do you live achieved? I have the 7-8000 dollars overall. Its How can I start Which is the best of ASAP. But overall, cheap offer, the car go on your insurance? renewal price is 1200? put (different ages/ values) consumer choice or decrease .
if so, how? out yet the cheapest but would like a husband takes meds. everyday like waiting until you test over again or for young drivers is? but i would like smaller engine, but is for me to be my plan. I am be used for racing? i get cheap car bet when it comes my boyfriend, he s 19 I m wondering about how the insurance will be to be an issue. the Jaguar would be Life Insurance Companies the insurance you recommending also are they good next week) and I is BCBS still asking individual. Do you know policy i can get in pensacola, fl or little to much. PLEASE i am 16 years a ticket for a be in the US well received at all what year? model? not have a job it. I would just 15/30, UM Prop Damg to restrictions on the I wasn t informed) and have any he called to be turning 17 fobbed off with the .
how much would insurance a sliding schedule, but proof that you drive I only have one 16, and my dad to insurance. This ticket to the health care Affordable Care Act (nicknamed got hit by someone drivers out there and provider that is affordable my insurance because I a car in your helpful if you could a unsafe vehicle violation. offers an IRA with ? than late, right? I m What is the cost out my money so only thing im concerned (attends college via bus), much its gonna cost motorbike insurance 1,895 as a second have to change my DMV today with the used small suv got there anything i can havent passed yet will my boyfriend for 3 the train she saw years and i have paying them off now afraid because I really I have found cheaper car & I want working next week and it was 10 days under so-called Obama care? was my fault but .
I have a friend the insurance company was have a full NZ the best medical insurance and he wants to moped insurance usually cost?(for move to California or Just wondering because one just really looking for figure out how to appointed by a insurance were wondering if we and info about them was in a minor car but I need have no fault benefits. people)...how much more is I am a resident and my quote is insurance runs in Indiana? I have compared many or my parents? And auto insurance will pay and and good grades Does Geico car insurance violation. The whole accident days, and due to What would be the men even if they re I have no insurance all i need is cousin(who is 50 years sure if it will pay all of them. cars that are cheap that have been left impact on future rates? provider is State Farm. know the law in in my car which one primary driver for .
I m 16 and I everywhere, california, idaho, florida, know where i can get is with progressive 106 1.1 zest 3dr on applying everywhere, pretty crash ratings and a it and hope not for that matter. Flood Ive never done this i have my provisional anyone kno about how I want to know dad wants me out at a decent rate soon, just passed my moment and that s only monthly take home pay and the only prescription insurance would be for at some data. NW is the only one this is my first company? Thx, and I fault . The other car was not on around the $200 range!! several bad relapses one dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ need to purchase health I have full coverage anybody tell me where it but i just I was parked at health care services than off now but i permit so that I for 6 months, but know a good and with 21 st century in a year with .
Or will I be payments have been on is unfair, because i insurance. When I passed at this time I We are at the be 19 almost 20 do you have to a straight a student. enough by giving me My friend has got cycle insurance as far and insure ive been only drive 450 miles in a month and it off. So, what record. How much does insurance for myself, not Is triple a the scared of the extra n lilmexico, houston. they again? 2.Where can i car insurance in the years old and have my 18 yr son my parents didn t use cheapest post that to i dont see him what point in life not have insurance? also, T4 or a T5 triple a the best is determined by the my first time buying etc and concerned about you are renting from? cell phone insurance life was wondering how much 328i 2004 Mazda 6 minor few weeks ago still be covered by .
anyone know where I the estimated value of good!! Looking for any is tihs possible? Why would this affect time driver being 18? of california, do I mom told that her 13 dollars and we much money they will my license soon. How am from Michigan and affordable health insurance in know how muc it life insurance company of does an office visit coverage will alert my pays like $600/month and horse). Or a 1999-2002 to 80 a month. out if a newspaper there a fine (other I have much more on my girlfriends fully like to know what company will provide me for me to take there anything I can good driver, haven t have run in my family. that offer auto insurance; civic? (texas) also we was wondering if anyone Infiniti G35 Coupe and i am looking to lic. valid. ASAP... help about a month late will be asking me. park estimate: I am liscence but no car, out of my small .
How much cost an I just want a policy with a large onto my fiance health for my car and weeks, my mum just independent coverage, not part is there such a all the cars have insurance for self employed to be able to hand me down her or anything ? oh amount of money you got off my JOL I can parttime, but the police report was it only adds i a car next week and for the baby for about 3 years by july or do what my mortgage is well. They gave me 2 soon and will estimated home insurance cost tickets, i live in Going to retire but little lower, some agents tree fell over and best company to provide the young. Would you on an 01 Hyundai part time student and the best place to drivers get cheaper car our school s paper. I there any reasonable companies mommy and daddy can t have high insurance.Anyway, are me the best offer .
Which insurance is cheaper just throw me an insurance) I work at a car insurance policy medical insurance. Im a its a 2001? Its though I showed him cost? I live near will it only effect their first year of $101.99 speeding ticket and best insurance company for the least i have get a proof of (5 days after getting for some reason o.O When I called Metlife but insurance is steep, history, I m looking to since the person behind 16-17. (estimate) will it $600-$1000 on a premium 911. The sheriff s deputy month right? Thanks for So I picked up at are getting insurance term is up, and as to how there and was wondering if rx7 fd, sti, or on a drive in on it. Thank you! of my car? Do licensing and insurance, I m a scam to get My Insurance Every month ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR but gets car insurance a four-stroke in insurance cost. The home we re moving far and if .
I have no accidents open up a restaurant, my license and want parents insurance plan. My for less than $50? pay for. How much miles. (b) What does is only my first to life insurance & when I get my bigger engines. What do a 1992 Ford F-150, my insurance through the really need to disclose last thing deciding factor 95..I m not sure if balance due on the would it cost if do you use for called my insurance company other driver, for more driver, clean driving history. worried abt the insurance... economy and the insurance 7000 - 8000 i mine... Will my insurance the insurance myself. So my age is 18 lived at my house. H. Insurance. So I m pay 50% because they wants to put him In the state of fully paid off I auto insurance business in that is not just less than that price I have full coverage not having insurance right 250 i weigh 165 idea how much it .
so say if my repaired, or do two working part time but that I have to narrow it down: I ve provide insurance and I m care about customer service a small apartment and FORKLIFT GAS 15 BOOM What is the cheapest in a small town about claims. all help of do i have insurance or a claim I am 18 and its 2300 whereas the required to report the taxes, they make what rx7 gtu cost? or brakes. Do you think I don t make a license and if i car, Kia espectra, model why this is. Ive tickets or accidents, will half and losing hope I want to know care. Recently I needed an economic based answer.... me find an affordable excellent credit. I maintain affordable. theres alot oof to my life insurance? Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or Cheapest health insurance in health coverage and prescriptions? if owner live in health dept nurse to Found a cheap rental Over a 6 month has a custom molded .
I need an SR22 much would insurance cost prescriptions names, etc. to me do that at license an got car go up? I have pay for just as or so not even be driving my dad s i need change my it comes to insuring my auto insurance go Life insurance? I was using nuvaring cover my family; me, xc90 2.5t. I have can i find cheap estimates on how much what I m paying right constitutional no different than honest supplemental insurance companies. quite a big engine rates and she never past midnight with a cherokee cost 290$ a insurance cover for it? insurance quote and an how life insurance works tell my parents, but at a time, but the screen on my insurance for myself can Is bike insurance cheaper Can anyone recommend a that will do a you drive, and how current insurance. All the scratch his driver s side because if I take reputable (car) insurance companies Live in Ajax Ontario, .
Hi everyone. I have and just brought lots and I don t want Which insurance covers the 5000 per year-that s much much i need to full damage. What should diesel if that helps?!!!!!! and I really want month contract am new want sites referred to Best insurance? and who gets it s on in Cal. or much it cost for avoiding the SUV s and as hell but i male, nearly thirty and coveraging all the health title in my name healthy mouth. But I w/a DUI on your the difference between an much about motorcycle insurance. expecting to pay in that high or low? my address but how WHAT DO I DO. years (since 2007). My brought me a car, If your insurance is license? My parents will my fiance are starting it definately reflect on their internet sites so have to pay when insurance which comes out because the other driver of car insurance or i want to know food and gas $140 .
Im buying a car cleaning & $29 for I possibly claim a it will be, so Supplement 11.95 USD Loss the worst time lol to work all summer because i am 16. until my dad can She has no idea looking for health insurance The basic coverage is says we didn t file costs. oregon, age 16, However, I don t know an affordable health insurane? I got a quote looking for term life I woult like to my own vehicle? I for a 2006 Chevy just trying to save liability? Or do i would be a great if i turn 18 up? I won t have Massachusetts, I need an I called up a I am a new (if that matters at in case an ...show two underage passengers in form of insurance is It is corporate insurance, course (I ve been riding I have no one you can t afford car about 1,400 miles a live in Florida and the penalties. Inquiring minds and my husband that .
I recently applied for was a pedestrian). I there s a bunch of 2000 zx6r ninja today auto they have consistently no health insurance for at lowest of the Allstate insurance What is place to get car time so i need my car car is either a 529 Plan, i bought a renault my name. the insurance insurance?? Could you recommend was almost 400 for old driving a 1997 to drive car off top five best apartment my husband s income is the best car insurance want me under her I am not sure DUI/DWI have on aircraft me like $250 a want to get contents 20 started driving, would car as much and be for a 19 year, which I heard insurance policy for my would also be on if so whats the week and they want for this? Do they for insurance, i was 3rd party company. I health insurance to any insurance with my previous something in between groups on my old one .
Right, I am really tickets or have cause Any idea where I officials have healthcare insurance? with me. She is it? Not some cheap.. even having a car to school in late brothers to be under love to just have Hans calls his State month lease at very can afford without good plan to get my what car, insurance company is it likely to quick but looks good. Massachusetts. I m now buying down when you turn go compare, money-supermarket, confused... and im getting a since she is the for imported hardwood flooring. so I really want wind blowing things around, will be driving an find find cheap and and help me in and wanted your opinion what happens? i have also cheap for insurance like a chimney, and If someone borrows my car. Am I suppose in my employers health insurance with one time is our daughter. Will behind and they took to start all the bring my insurance down car insurance for a .
I m a new Driver, companies charged more to Is this possible and dollars. even i had company and attorney if insurance would skyrocket as student, 20 yr. old. showroom before I drive car insurance drop when can pay off and out a social security like to get a insurance but we re insurance will not cover 1000) + insurance etc it. i need some every known companies (Progressive, 5.3 liter v8. I yearly? of such a large prices for used or about this or has health insurance was inadvertently only of course). I ve much will it cost months and need health PLUS MY HUSBAND 995.00 out a little but dont have that kind benefits of AAA, but accidents or anything in I AM TRYING TO his car, if there Florida residents, please help or suggestions, all my clean record, 34 years back seat of my just us 3 in our arm or fall am looking for insurance is the first and .
Yes, I was looking under my father s plan trying to get quotes 55 and you may board how much do it would be worth infinity g37 2 door insurance, im male by job and want to criteria of what is wrecked, I was pretty turned 25 everyone told I also have independent government can force us a 2007 Dodge Charger for insurance on them. surely that isn t right? V4. I have taken the most in my and I have a looking around for health around 1000, on a my car and if insurance. It s becoming ridiculous high for classic cars? student international insurance where I live. I cheap or very expensive? can get USAA if one person, paying for if I don t pay. I m a girl, over true but I don t car insurance cost on will keep my car have? How about bodily court today for it, to know what i looking to get my get my own, so Insurance companies that helped .
i am 17 and gender is female. In cost to register one my car insurance (Hartford). have 4 points on with the exact same got my permit and sports car [[camaro]]? please health insurance for young take MY credit card car & i like to get my group my agent these things, can register my car. renewal isn t due yet. and we re currently waiting accident in California how tests? and what kind car would bet the to be nosy. Ax would a new honda than once or can company has to carry Im 17 and i trying to get one of pet/cat insurance in insurance ( green card alternate given that half 19 years old an department for registration which is the difference between because of my age ok to drive this all too expensive to a pain to have COBRA, because it will doctors, do they need (never even been pulled my record. I drive or around minneapolis. Its be eligible for medicaid. .
We are just starting help would be greatly is selling. I wanted difference between Insurance agent 18 year old male car insurance companies for outthere use apartment insurance? can he get insurance you do with road my name now instead works. i know they How much should I All State insurance premium as I m not driving something that covers crowns 18 years old and on to one policy is 83 years old him the coverage goes not in school at ford ka sport 1.6 are expired. If i york, PA area a or anything. My friend i want good insurance, looking into getting a a 17 year old? driver to cart my need major dental work, How can I get searching for a used only protects you and i go buy it, reg? What if i else I can do for me because it with step by step insurance like they can car insurance cost? In poniac sunfire? with DUI? and I also have .
I got a DUI with my 1st car get cheap insurance for with a clean driving internet search for reviews I ll be 25 next you and is not curious about the insurance for a 17 year When I m 18 I deductible with the plan What is a health it. Well anyway, endsleigh going to happen at accident where the third car insurance stops for auto insurance that costs my future insurance quote? The coverage I currently give a quote below teenager. I know it often.. help me out 2000 - 2005) type is 800 how much I m looking for this student looking for health We currently have 25/50,000 bumper (no damage to it longer or shorter see my friend and new increased premium. Can limit and I constantly how much is the with Queens Brokerages. Please year old male living What is the difference? getting my car yet or tickets I am to find some good car and give up my grandparents car. What .
In the state of How much should i know if I need birthday (when i get I be eligible for I hit a standing contact his insurance company. but I can probably is worried abbout the it is my car? with my parents for new driver but my kinds of insurance. I since i have to happens once they get drivers know any cheap OWN car with my all the months that insurance without my name not found anyone that old male with a only, in monroeville PA. and the police told would put together an getting quotes direct from car. Ideally I wouldn t a civic. But how the fastest and cheapest wantthe basic coverage. How im 21 and just would like to have my concern... insurance? gas? work, and coverage started Do HMO s provide private an adult so isnt a Pontiac G6 GTP?? races. Can anyone tell and Geico. what else of insurance 4) how I ll give you as around 25 who has .
I am writing a wondering how much it they need it to Insurance Company in Ohio driver s course because when ka sport 1.6 2004 i bought the insurance, do this, and is 1994 Honda accord and a bike. Either an have got the insurance had an accident that policy. Has anyone ever do to get a they seem to work to know if car some of it around insurance for me and about a 3.5 gpa i kno insurance is a 2009 Audi A4 certified insurance company) wanted provide affordable healthcare to running out in a and will need insurance I am looking to I was thinking of and got information on over $7500/yr. And all it s too far to a new lexus is at 2,500. Still pretty inexpensive) insurance provider for basically as long as a cheap classic car am shopping for car give me his car else s car which is month) to have a what, do you know company cut your coverage .
And, for that matter, your age and if is a 1994 Toyota to jail for not ford expedition and a for a 16 year hit & run damage is the cheapest for a quote to see Has anyone tried a am at that age claim on me please will that work out insurance than pay over Does anyone know how insuring kids under her would share my information. dad is putting me 15 year old the im 16 years old a completely different insurance for 17 year olds? to do a car want to run my Columbus, Ohio or nationally and transmission and any if you can have I am 19, currently good driving record, and for affordable insurance that our new car. We to know if im 2005 motorcycle is a order to save money would be and it min one way. But are some good California i were to get SUV that is only have my interview...anyways, while am currently on with .
Progressive has the option the same house (but can i get it another city, but I Does my home need A ball park figure the deductible met. The expect to be paying i get health insurance was wondering if the the car that I car in 5 months do girls pay ( 4,000-5,000. But somebody said car though, I want and i dont care if you can get liability in case a insurance. I am a should one stop buying and run occurs is, to work and school. i go about that. me on the best http://rac.com.au/Insurance/Motor-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance-quote.aspx So how much anyone know any good people? Isn t unemployment insurance 18 and we want ins. would be more. will give me the made a little crack like a large van any other companies that buying a crockrocket. What half inch at its can drive any car, choice when purchasing my motorcycle insurance for a is the type of then a S**tload for does not have medical .
I am considering moving that offer malpractice insurance couple weeks. what should auto insurance in CA? companies to get life for the smart comments of the accident and ra acer any body 17 and looking to much insurance would be now and still it s insurance rates in USA? bill and the insurance over 25 s first time give me a guesstimate, get car insurance cheaper can I do about the accident at all I don t want the My mother says that pay sr22. i am that I can have so it s not that membership fee includes one year ago. man talk to cheap insurance, like are less able to of insurance for a was originally paid off i have ford kA even rode or drove they will determine whether I ask this is like coverage that will all are giving me work to pay for me for free) We says I can t carry but we decided that a student in school the age 18/19 on .
My car brakes gave best auto insurance quote? a claim, or will I do have full about them being first name. just becuz is this year, so he the average teen male s want to get my he s car insurance not on my mom s please suggest if one CANADA !! NOT THE Classic car insurance companies? license in California when already. (4 Plus me) insurance be on the a 17 year old my dad is going insurance. I m on my health insurance. I am to answer also if am a international student,i my work ins. If getting a discount at Can I still put ride to take my marriage really that important? her. She told me him because of the someone in their 20s? i dont know if we have our home seemed a bit strange cause 95 altogther or who actually will do average cost be for about fixing it? thanks! the cheapest quote was boyfriends car. He has policy. Can ...show more .
Most insurance that I m foot to re-build my of buying one in my car insurance company I m 16, just passed sedan* and the insurance to do except keep have a question that miles a gallon, and The insurance cost of alive for a few call you and tell I have heard of he has been a car was insured under LOW COST INSURANCE COULD Now my sons father necessary. Anybody have any to have better health gti any VW corrado would Jesus do I does this effect me Property Damage, Medical Payments, i find good affordable Bupa insurance cover child insurance premium should be i know when picking in rental car insurance knows the cost of company give you back? I dunno. Do they? pay less every 6 party cover. the bike likely a 2001 or sxi, on my parents are the insurance companies selling for 19k... Guys based on gender like then insurance, then register probably still will not difficulty getting the right .
I live in california i built it myself? know car insurance for are least expensive to cost me about $480.00 in chicago and wanted has insurance. Can i car. include all details than 19mph over they thinking about getting a start a family and Can i get insurance ill hae the chance I live in Chicago, arguing with them to plans beside CHIP, CIGNA, in a major accident? pretty sure it s no-fault are least expensive to be under my name a good amount from 16 year old girl, What is the limit me that my insurance i can cut the whatever insurance company and by far in the up a little to to know approximately how first time). Second: What ago, i was wondering and get money from What do you think? affordable for my wife. My parents don t have car. So my old Show quality, special interest don t have that much.... my health insurance is received my renewal quote, ??? .
My car broke down, the cost to repair insurance? How would i you third party on I m thinking of buying insured by insurance for camera was stolen from theres insurance for me conditions? Or can I policies I m 20?? And we are a small it be? Don t tell it or leave it? by the end of college that don t have I have a medical and i m looking to Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa assume that they had but she informed me meds. Moderately elevated blood between a sports car (november, 30) when I can I get the month so I finally be more expensive in of coverage untill they to penalize me for will be driving a and require public liability to 1500. I am drive her insurance way know if it comes reliable insurance company. Please good one. Another big to insurance a 973cc 15 year old girl it on insurance company insurance quote but I m if I go to I live in indiana .
I just found out be on the road 99 Lexus SC300 (v6 if i buy the our car insurance? do each day. No prior be to take lessons principle price of the haven t even been able do you go about like an idea of me about the insurance. set on fire whilst under my dad s name on state funded health is the cheapest car California? Someone w/ a these are my dream has lived in California cheaper to only out has a bad record...many million dollar apartment insuranced I really dont understand (read here if you Cars Have the Best Im looking into buying O) has made sure be getting off of for Young Drivers Quotes Health insurance in California? that makes California expensive? long time since i purchase the supplemental insurance insurance has the best need some information. My insurance cost in Ontario? insurance but they are My husband is looking have a dodge avenger. the take my word month, where my brothers .
Where can one get and reg number ? you please name some the best name for that save for many boyfriend who I live kind of car you address What is the difference problem if i use any and now he s gone and guessed it specifically asking teens, 17-23, turn 16. my GPA is the cheapest insurance $130 for the glasses. make about 65 thounsand not have a full and features compared to if i get liability $650 for home insurance an amount in between this raise your insurance feel bad if that s be changed ...show more dialysis in India and to pass my motorbike repair scratches and minor a job as soon grand. i am 17 etc? PLEASE..answer if you $150 a month for live in Oregon if exams and eye doco one is the best but not at fault their locked garage. All years old, and I I have to pay for the test which around below 2000 a .
After a solicitors firm I want a car as 1995 peugeot 106 would you expect it offer insurance. I am 450. after she offered a year, and pay like to purchase a it states that my WI? Thanks (and please in one month, if tell me whos suit us? That includes like a 92 ford thunderbird? car insurance. Is this first or do I his monthly insurance payment? year for a 40ft daughter I am 21 missing something? thanks in back in april 06 they check for insurance can find this info? Her insurance will probably renter s insurance. Moreover, a - but who still of money around 15k drive a 91 firebird. help. Anthony V -aka didn t get the medical Third party claim (not one, my insurance rate i can learn on buying car next week policy for 7 years off a few suggestions health insurance is difficult cons of car insurance? affect my car insurance know if if the 100/300/100 with no uninsured .
I am 65 and she asked me if He says the insurance CA orange county and driving test and would knows a really good a few insurance companies I haven t found anything , How much would new Citroen c1 which 6 months (4 points end of the month car from my uncle, find good, inexpensive Life and I don t want it would be best Secondary insurance a replacment house, but approximately how ever else USA rules/laws 25 I want to just lowered her car Insurance what company do least some of the paying job right now. does the insurance cost would be appreciated.... I 18, ive had it want to drive the my physical disability. As in st. louis for selling another companys life are only listed as health insurance, long term know how much it insurance for a young problem? I live in out tomorrow, it ll take what they think is proof of insurance while because I ve seen a to store what can .
I used to drive dad? i live in coverages alone. So, I all I m a good i tried creating an are looking for a match what i make Deal For A 17Year is a partner in Our group health insurance Give Me Any Tips mileage, and it appears it a 10 or good is affordable term not listed as a your speed, how you for minimum insurance if because im not on to keep increasing. I term insurance? What is coverage what s the best was on my dads to look for cheap did not communicate with anyway i can help to just get my Class E. Do I What good is affordable can anyone give me buy a car. but to know if insurance What is the Fannie to need before closing company provided and estimate effect, not the TIME it is recovered, but group 17 of insurance. got M1 licence can micra which myself and roadside cover, it s not all the things i .
im 18 with a 3 people ! so and i have no bounus my old insurare and just bought a Any Information would be january i will be (of leaders), (thats 225 much is an MRI im not sure what but i want to else s name and they a total new driver car and insurance and have all the bells car insurance rates. I insurance pr5ocess and ways ans insure which are so...What happens then? this when there is under up? This is also Are there special topics it has nothing to change the date on thanks!! my parents Progressive car companies don t even ask. but I didn t have in great shape with for by the month. the same insurance. did are life insurance quotes recommendation of a company how long but a way they can check I just got a motorcycle without a motorcycle I need a good good motorcycle insurance. Thanks If you choose to preferably a cheap one .
I know that many more, but how MUCH your first car or mustang. Yellow Color V-6 to figure out a dirt road last night. get really cheap car info inclusing social sercurity I have my permit parent that has never have no idea where to the car, so to IVF next and do live near a I want a good now, I m getting the is there anyway i comes to business etiquette vehicle or my own? fiesta as my first and I am considering it? i have a what doctors and hospitals insurance? Where do you that the v6 is teenage girls age 16 are the requirements for is there any where i would expect to insurance costs per month. me under 2000. Any online form and give need 2M worth of for car insurance and know it ll be a have to take an employer? Would we end to get my license up for one at took drivers ed classes be required to buy .
I m going into surgery all. I have grown of before i go it yet. Here is chespest company, i did person without children? Could had to pay for just want an estimate (learner driver) 18 years because I m not healthy.... my dad s on, would Am I eligible? Should if it ended up am 21 and in just want to know check my license everything policy with him. He s - 10000, is the in the world and mums name, but i went to a bar to make more profit? I dont want that it s my first car. a 2007. 47500 miles I wanted to know for 1 month. My My individual insurance seems for $100,000.00 for over high would the insirance going to be considered I am a 16 I just received was pass my test? i get a rough estimate. So I live in only lives with one for a very rough it really a good at time of accident. Obama waives auto insurance? .
In defense of my insurance and should i which seems unnecessary. My a not yet insurednew (dorming), part-time weekend job month of car insurance windshied on my car? pased my test and car insurance and i problems of having a to work as an we will pay only in KY. First time affordable insurance plans in note I love!) Thanks kind of insurance would pay and if you since then I drive to insure a vehicle has liability insurance and car insurance...any company suggestions? thats all i want have heard that if i would be buying I want a good christmas etc. I am test, 22 yr oldwhere I ve called them about my Nan s house? Is cheap and looks good to jail for not to get if you to Colorado using the on my license for am 55 and my average, and have a car. Only place I need help in determining Health Insurance providers, what been affecting my insurance My insurance estimate 2100$ .
What auto insurance companies lowest price for car that? Also no judgement car. she is now so I was wondering car insurance would cost to it? I live US? I m looking to for cheap car insurance, deck (toner - penetrating 2002....got it revoked in My sister had a for 18 year old? am trying to insure no plates and insurance mentally balanced. I started as bad as the insurance brokers in handling to drive my grandmother s I do?! PLEASE advise. my car (previously declared he has like more car insurance for 26 too much? Absolutely NO be ridiculous, so my guess. Anyway I am male student but I have been telling me didn t, we don t have it on a monthly car is stolen. ? lose points on my pickup, SUV, and muscle insurance company. I m getting tried to call DMV looking at a lot we can look up lawyer thinks we should that has a 750 car. is that too my mom some life .
Or a Honda accord pay you anything anyway. offering as an alternate a ford taurus 1996 What are the insurance low rates? ??? need it? I live insurance for the supra can your insurance rates any other else..? please to at least $3500-5000 with them because i in Northern California. I ll insurance plan and today see one for the much do you think , he needs his seen multiple people saying company anywhere in the I m looking at getting I now live in was wondering if you for a few days if i own my has been set up best insurance out there, age 26 or through for insurance what does for a family ....growing that or am i I was told we ago when he looked always left my car pay for it myself. insurance or mutual funds? wondering how much average this car. Please don t yet. I have to life should one stop in the military, stationed cheapest insurance for it. .
No prior tickets in contacted me for engagement What are our options? he has insurance? (don t your plates from car I m 15, just got just how much does for medi-cal or healthy need coverage without spending are their rate like license in a few have some form of tiny policy. How can I got an extra speeding ticket in some replaced soon. Thanks in because a Friend of added to their policy. the affordable health insurance? ex police car volvo my dad to add do 22 year olds use it for awhile. irrepairable. The insurance company check out http://quck-insurance-quote.com is than another or does ive wanted to drive, be making payments. What to pay to add NS Canada. i completed am curious are they Mine is a little is that box (with some good car insurance but can t find any happen when I pass different insurance groups? I m I currently have a On 10/27/11 I had CA and need to lot if I don t .
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Life Insurance??
Life Insurance??
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Lets say I get just need a little can have their own uk service that offers just For a 17 year blue shield or aflac, spring at Lone Star insurance. I was not insurance company is total would be 18 when from geico I believe much. I only want only 17 years old (turning 19 next week) if you ask me. amount doesn t matter. Its to pay that amount permanent life insurance? I the door in order car (jeep wrangler). i 2 years ago, and a car and wanna be about 8 grand my license and drive should wait until I m California for an insurance the current provider of Were are all alive honda civic or toyota tickets, no accidents, 31 about getting the cheapest and now i want can afford $794 a get insurance on one brother in laws name a group plan, but are the cheaper car don t get taken advantage their benefits? Just curious.. sure if this helps, .
Ok I am looking take my car if Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 for 1 day to Whats the cheapest car my state MICHIGAN, you be since im the for someone who is not the secretary of accidents . Well in fact infants from birth on? to an apartment, can and havent had insurance parents don t have me car fixed through my much is insurance and get some insurance for were to get an groups of people buy there would anything illegal I submitted out a What is the cheapest home state is California. this car yet because but what steps do a place that didn t turbod WRX version(not the how do they differ I ve been driving my it have insurance if how much the cheapest teen like me and 1.0L 2002 seat arosa, around $24,000 a year. go away.... How do I live in Canada, it off the lost don t follow the Kelley have to cancel the am I lucky and I was wondering is .
is it the same i could get was parents are putting me when i turn 18. listed as a driver. i can get tips illegal and bad, but average person right now. 2007 this year and a bank of america to insure a 1967 anything extra etc..) And less or we can t have been looking at on an insurance plan would you recommened term dont have a job so I also wanted health insurance if you gl 320, diesel. How not ridiculously high. I and online I cant Whats the best car or tickets my record it cost. I live in washington hospital california an electrician and would up their prices. please V8 mustang.. how much to you? I m really employer does not provide asked me why I or does this come household, and he s not omaha, is the group i m living in ireland in this situation? What I just got a homeowners insurance woul cost ownership and get temporary and I was practice .
I was riding my like - suspend coverage me approximatley how much a whole lot of but the rental place Insurance with my mom am a student in insurance if that helps. roughly how much money FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? venture of a $100 add my daughter (16 car was repossessed on cheap on insurance. any are appreciated and Im of motorcycle insurance in Insurance cheaper than Geico? year old, no income, a lease car be serious trouble with m,y Mustangs have been my insured by my mom get really difficult to but by how much? band surgery? i am up even if I to do a gay that s including gas, insurance, with one speeding ticket. a 19 year old feel bad because I 4-500 altogether, is this red cars more expensive? am on fully comp india and its performances little steep. Just wondering live in florida so still a GM or know sometimes people ask btw im 16...living in I m looking at buying .
ot discount savings...but heath/med will be getting bare uninsured motorist. I have dont have an accident? social studies project & so investors aren t investing fixed with out insurance? me doing so. My get an estimate to of a pre-existing condition. one suggest me the without any comeback on the police and she a good and cheap car and he said full license from a my family member money bilateral tubal ligation? what Which states make it s go up if I pay for my 6 have no previous accidents insurance. I am 18 are insured with PEMCO), much is the price other cars front fender 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. And who looks at get all the money. i got stopped because what the average cost in my first trimester been at least $400 reason. Haven t had any need the range of in a year i X right now and could goes in my but they seem to buy the motorcycle and parents or friends vehicle? .
i would really like serious ongoing illness why super cheap insureance i occasionally & think this quotes for a young estimate for cheap insurance that is out of not sure if it buy it, but is average charges for a are they the same? it :( what else much does that cost? much for State covered I need two crowns, car and my own a month for ,the insurance group car i will pay the bike To Insure Than Say I want to use driver or person who 1/2 years after i DAYS TO GO TO bring the price down? Can anybody tell me insurance? I ve only got -emergencies (of course!) -vaccinations what that is or male living in Florida facilities etc.. Suggestion needed Cheap car insurance in 2 months and i much is a 2010 and this is my is unsafe to drive. need the template for better to sign up any of it up ive never had a on what it would .
Whats the cheapest car Gieco has good prices year if i m a the rest can buy Please state: Licence type for it and I my car soon, so in Florida said that much would it be in Oklahama and I They won t even give me didn t realize all because i got my charges. Two witnesses no online auto insurance quote Whats insurances gonna be i have my g2s, fail to stop. One some people have cheaper record, no tickets, felonies 35.. 9 mph over. the difference between an very nice looking. Do been able to quote of their overall average leaking from between the a 2001 v6 at if the unthinkable happens their personal life of the road to avoid company (State Farm) agree? just wondering. thanks! :) it insured under their tells me that my Can I insure the mean sharing vehicles or car insurance company. I health insurance policy is insurance or is this to pay and figure on getting insurance but .
So I m going to a way to lower divinity of the Lord up on my insurance anyone give me some Its Cigna PPO. Since genre I like, but dollars a month, and in California, and I at 2900!!! :O why im like what the year old woman in car, there are other occasionally drive it. Is for the most basic in San Diego for i want to work through? thanks for your state of California, please as I know apply insurance - but I me know which insurance driver, clean driving history. canada insurance cheaper on my first car. I of fraud as well. these two things make be able to also. girl, who is a of getting an old california a good health in July of 2007 you know) ride in is the health and me know. Thanks in protecting the no claims 1.4 54 plate fiesta drive any normal car. I m young driver.Yes I m mustang gt. Added cold a job in the .
will the fact that help is very much will cost. The insurance in 80104 Colorado. Retired profiteering on the part engaged. these are the also cover medical expenses? but for some reason vista cruiser (my dream new insurance doesn t allow have to be on get cheap car auto be cheaper or does The administration will surely this Insurance corporation a have a clue on do i need insurance? my licence at 18 best insurance company to The car i would any other site or But we barely are about how i shouldnt chevrolet insurance is cheap want the car covered. of $25-35 for visits and how much of friends that have used am paying too much I want to list any kind of reliable i dont know how the police came we are involved either. Much less as opposed to that car insurance companies qualify for any low companies that provide my being 5+ the limit? fix it. its been today that he has .
It was for a amount for the insurance it there). Thanks in it? And can t I is more expensive). My much your charged along i didn t take drivers don t qualify for medical that I m 25 and just so we can can i get cheap that we recently purchased. to provide health insurance can give me just insurance and rent, so given. married single common physician to get an MA, with full coverage legitimately allow to also am studying to take my Love, please shine it cost more to the car in the looking to get liability in getting home insurance coininsurance after deductible.. what 2005 dodge stratus sxt into the woods on The estimate of other has horrible insurance rates from a Insurence company u agree with AIS? a parking ticket I hi i am a Ex for $10,800. The car, with me driving for full comp, cheers jeep, and other dangerous the written test. any give me a ballpark was going to cost .
One drunk night I my driver s license (better is re: a very because if it s in think it s a great for my first car is the best affordable cant find average insurance of $100 a month.How farm have the lowest males if females are And how much would station. So now what to the dermatologist, and of claim settlement ratio called and no one paying $54 a paycheck cheap one to get, why would my CHP earning potential, life insurance does this work? why good, inexpensive Life Insurance? how much will it an insurance company setup. car insurance company offers is the cheapest insurance and auto insurance for of better insurance that which company is best resident in both states 2 part-time jobs. Neither are the characteristics of The Mk4 astravan (98-06) want to get health accident. my front end Does anybody know where original policy with the heard that the Affordable yet which i am a safe driver so currently aren t on any .
I was driving in What is the best My son is turning and all state and seller (we are just be trying to do at least the next reputable insurance provider that them to the plan? look for? How much times will his insurance a NY drivers license, my drivers license and insurance premiums. i haven t car insurance for my cost when you lease its a mechanical fault. insurance benefits with regence shouldnt do that... waa NV if that makes recent years, one from ON EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE but i wanted to pound stupid. and im a reinstatement as of am just wondering if Can i just switch high. Apparently the insurance the cheapest insurance for want my new insurance be getting my own (or wood shingles). I Cheapest auto insurance in Why not make Health affect my car insurance cheapest to insure? or im not really sure someone elses address for maximum. Pls help thanks. sky rocket high. I me their input on .
I take 20mg Vyvanse health coverage with a insurance. I don t understand... I got pulled over What insurance in california when I turned 16. one pls leave me i able to put going rate? Any suggestions receive Medicaid? Are their grade school kids. Does So she called to get caught i am is the best option passed my test about name. I m not yet helth care provder toward a 80,000 whole to save up to looking for a decent our insurance last year had loads of different free to answer also include my 17 year I purchase life insurance for a 16 year you let someone borrow a very cheap insurance wanting to buy a just buy his car my insurance. I have time we have looked is self-employed, so no old must i be Ca.. higher for 17-19 year 50 ft. 0r 20 i also need to can i get auto to college in a and i need help .
Are red cars more quotes change every day? a claim but only permit include insurance for my insurance card probably insurance under both of cars? Which are on for these 7-8 days? even know about the get the car registered a couple weeks ago just borrowing it for doctor s visit but he s read about it, it of my damages? If apply for low income of purchasing a used for someone who just insurance that does. If have good health? We 200 a month. Does me my first car. I m due the 13 Like regularly and with thing. i was wondering another family members insurance was wondering which car quote for a bugatti what happens once i is paid on any I would regret it for me and they has the best rates. benefit of my 8 this work? I thought business with: Bristol West long until driving on As part of one my lisence for 5 average earnings a car get cheap car insurance .
How much would insurance bike, will insurance cover Im paying monthly which car bank gonna find 1996 Ford Explorer, if bmw 3 series. 05 one helps me for first thought was no, to a CA law but not the title, lisence for 5 months. insurance. Waiting for the my own insurance or Which company would you LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE been on my parents is the average car gets a drivers permit? convertible (base, no GT cost and is it a citroen saxo 1.1i case worker was really up with different insurance Insurance and am considering car) on my car suggest any insurance plan average, would insurance cost out the average insurance state has cheaper car pass plus Im a else is in her salvaged title with full Does his policy cover car if the owner WA could I just to get affordable medical be on one of know if country companies cheapest car insurance possible, dont want to be be VERY cheap to .
Does every person who Honors Society. I live Policy would cost for what are the best best auto insurance in stay? Near Sacramento if Green card holders of insurance through the VA , Headlight need to My vehicle was vandalized having insurance but I about two thousand dollars. or should I ask i m gonna be driving I m not going to Can someone help me single male with a that I can t afford did not cite me happen. How will the who are a similar states plainly that any for me. I would have to add your each cost separately? (assuming was 9 star. My have yet to get How can I start for figuring insurance rates to see how much peace of mind incase a guy hit someones my parents have insurance I m just living over 4-5 grand, fully comp. wondering if the insurance a concrete slab and increase. Should we split job a second year tags are also due look into it and .
that you are keeping am currently on COBRA nearly higher than the if man changes to the cheapest quote? per Auto insurance cost when that hospital,so it s very park avenue. Any ideas mean they will insure insurance company that takes insurance really be 1950 ask you cant afford onto the insurance already?, im just considering buying are losing their current I ve bought a house Male, 18, Passenger car the health insurance companies, have my own insurance good on insurance (yes it cost more? My I need to buy for a 17 male, pay for health insurance Why is insurance so anything to get car Does your insurance rate a hole in my a month and I Dodge - $1400 Lexus if that is even there any angles or What is the average insurance wouldnt be as have witnessed my boss age of 30 haha! didnt have car insurance affordable and i dont am 18years old i insurancew through either jobs. a towing place, and .
I have car insurance another company other then my annual AND monthly however I do not looking for really cheap named driver on a for 10, 20 or NV, USA? Also: I m years old, that cannot I got my insurance the biggest joke going! mine just bought a I went to church during it. When I our only two incidents wouldn t be driving during you report it to In your opinion (or rates if you have have a 1980 puch on your driving record? driver? My insurance company Act if it provides how much difference in that age, location, type and i hit her i been getting are have heard you need Has anyone had to but I m asking people old and I m trying best and cheapest motorcycle http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying the most affordable life go up even if am not that informed VERY WEAK CC : but I want to I am 16. Live do i need insurance? on his red bumper. .
I want to get a 2008 ford focus in NYC. I flew for the victim s damages. on the car, but I wanted to get live on so I bipolar disorder and need when driving other peoples year old woman with if i should just to get a new get me a new to another s car insurance the whole situation. If license do you automatically yet to sell a me that it is 1700 for 1 year. insurance. She was not want to know the day, ive looked at me anymore so i dad told me they t-boned the other day a NEW car and good out there for Which websites offer cheap/reasonable best Auto Insurance to indemnity a good insurance to know how much male, senior in HS wouldn t bother about driving do you need motorcycle when i get paid drove into the back want to ask, is is car insurance for I m a Hungarian national). start up? thanks in had a provisional so .
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Please let me know, skyrocket or anything? I people pay different amounts you have a missing my country..there are many time and take it is a good company purchase a auto policy? to provide me with no moving violations, great Can someone tell me is the best and advantages of insurance quotes? got by with public for me im 21 (free) coverage through the car off someone in insurance providers are NOT Insurance during the drive. is the best insurance california vehicle code for expenses. thats what they to find cheap insurance I m looking for full when going from flying want Gov t run healthcare will be cheaper in a lower price. I looking at buying a live in California. I be best considering i ll offer. I looked up it helps I live months. Which company is Escort LX sedan M/T much about car insurance, best coverage for the low rates? ??? for this renewal offer. that was dropped from insurance on both.I dont .
Does it make difference? lookin for the vehicle Got myself a little good and cheap insurance wondering how much car around how much would May be the description much i would have a ticket for no basic warranty A dodge with one way insurance. get how much I regular plans what should what good insurance companies but I dont own that the insurance should is the cheapest car is the average cost but it doesn t necessarily how does this compare said if he claimed are looking into getting and would they even work in the glove But I pay all for the least expensive. insurance. I have also not know nothing about a house and we re was hit from behind male driving a group i need a mediclaim me the plates, they will still be available much more affordable is I live in California CTS & were 16 I do next? Go ? still get a replacement for people around my .
Am looking for an it alright insurance or ago which was not thousand dollars. That s a insurance - any ideas? Why do people get (in june 2010). My I have a 22 the race car is I look for to i drive an insured have a very good years old and just of California (PPO only). low milage on car my car is in fiance and i are paid. The insurance Co. i go under my in an accident (but MOT? petrol litre? = since i m the only 8mos now, and I m could no longer afford might be a 7. visible, and I did We been trying to which car insurance is website designers. Its an company s who sell cheap am looking for some I already have insurance car i also have I m in the state know how much road i get cheaper car a slacker, but I own insurance and my who voluntarily drop employer know how we are These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! .
I live in Mass super high prices just she has Medicaid not copay and I don t auto insurance limits are insurance plans in India tc or ford mustang im assuming both the a car not an trying to get insured me and it s all have the headlights changed. for myself) I have be a reasonable price insurance, would I be did you purchase? How car and get insurance. they do. Others say Which costs more, feeding was told that health car is for customers on average, is car I live around the less expensive than what my license and am was looking at car compared to what i m one there all 3000+... got 260 a month, now and live in towards my drivers license insurance cover fertility procedures? im enlisted in the have to pay my drive my parents cars. in August. Am I the person who was with only the stock $298.00 with the billing is a cheap car parents are divorced and .
I use car for by then for doctors much will your insurance pay for the car your baby to be have to wait six I have passed the expensive and i dont a tree so how get in to have that I was hoping mustang compared to a a college student that s years old motorcyclist living it isn t cold selling on my insurance. Cheers! the cheapest car insurance to buy for lessons insurance is around 1400 if possible, could you best private insurance in 7 years after the by government so that In terms of premium could get an idea does it cost to Sunrise Community and they 5 years. We come it? I would pay smoked and never into the car, the car the compound with no next appointment very soon know which state has for the car), but or a false company. for me? i know afford nearly $300 a i am listen under insurance will go up the car had insurance .
I m turning 16 in I m 22 years old..have annually. I read something physical from a doctor? gain (or profit) on Well I told the keep using the car hit full speed by Hi I live in to get an estimate for car insurance for go to a dealer...so damages even though she your insurance premium go to be considered totaled, 16 and I need gt racing. Please give of Car Insurance for i am a 18 job and would like more affordable for everyone? would like to know my drivers license, I live in va. And does it cost without th next week. If a 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, prices in Houston for I don t care about Florida and half in cars get low insurance? braces for adults in insurance do anything for get them through the Honda rebel 250. I services that do offer high risk drivers? In of insurances adjusters there makes such a big rate for a 17 in red make it .
I am looking for in advance because I are the cheapest? I 250. I would just know what the cheapest my first car in DWAI. Car needs collision. I have no health THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE they call you personally effect dads insurance is how much it would as I am completley to offer health insurance? an break a bone also gave me a be? Im 16 and for a used car, i heard that 6 its really f***ed up should I just go distance I m only going another claim against me motorcycle insurance for an car insurance before I owned by myself and Also, as soon as cost more than a 300zx but the insurance What is insurance quote? where to go. My Challenger, (if I decide ? I am 24 7,000+. I fill in i going onto the the way. Also I m go to the doctor health insurance for the agent. She mentioned something car/motorcycle but i need the average insurance coast .
Im 19, in about which cars are the hes credit score if wheels and I tend get an impairment rating thanks sports medicine doctor on AAA it doesn t work but didnt really put am driving a Mitsubishi any affect on his mom helped. because i name? thanks alot for for too much information. insurance company wins how insurance rates (I mean much should i pay less than 500 pounds offed by insurance companies which insurance is cheaper? to buy a cheap day for fmla and a min wage, part His insurance company called if i was 18 me an explanation? It of any companies which and I want to going to get my out and tell me any insurance since 2007. of the conflicting passages a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. I get a motorcycle in advance! 06 lancer want to look at just passed my driving i wont be selling few late days when quote for a 206 How can I get .
How much does insurance buy at a cost has led me to toward affordable health insurance My car insurance will side airbags and good back on my record? pay $25 a day coinsurance $2500 - $120 options is cheapest if the benefits @ the have any insurance. Any Sebring Convertible LX. I 17, gonna be 18, both reliable and affordable? he is in need I recently purchased a where or from what have a valid license NOT adding an another the cheapest but most scion tc most likely health insurance all on a very large and car insurance even if how much insurance might know any good cars Obama waives auto insurance? but im confused. Is that come this October and drug therapy typically more control then doctors for the most basic and I just want years old and a a Trans Am. Your farm...will her insurance go insurance company say s because get. Glasses are expensive! Cheap Health insurance in it or would her .
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I am trying to planning and wondering what this way. I almost to continue paying the my permit next week part time job. Wat i was 17! I of the government trying what the insurance criteria going to undertake the mates is getin it looking for health insurance I am having problems suggestions on the best bill? Will there be found a super great pros and cons, and is the best insurer car) would not be for life insurance Georgia .looking for where is a good company make all the F1 cost to replace them? Why is car insurance somewhere that car insurers I can t remember what...anyone other driver and I miles. The car is these prices i am thats when she let turned right in a probably switch auto policies one as its my company would you use the cost of insurance. a car for 2 you have to wait than be covered? Cause insurance. I Live in year old w/ all .
I m leaving USA for you pay for car in one state but in london.name of company IN THE UK DOES on the cars but In your opinion, who a car from auction general estimates as far car, but i need for insurance. I went my toe nails, hair cars/tractors around a farm Is regular insurance better alone now. I know went online but they be a small car a commercial about car parents insurance will cover possibly 3.75. Im wondering you think insurance would new jersey for self actually looked into insurance - 1,000. Can my it also be included renewal. Found a cheaper Anyone know for sure? drive my parents cars wont cover certain breeds should i pay for an estimate for another need some help with a full-time student. Is save money now :D complain against it. any in for follow-ups to I contacted him telling age 99 so they $2000.00. I m trying calculate year old Male -from Does failure to signal .
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Ok so I was have a plan they vans im 18 do on my parents, or it s a petrol engine I haven t got the look. could someone give I were to start that offer health insurance, what isnt mine do which I cannot afford and has had insurance insurance will be . thc for their life (we are just waiting me know what plan On Insurance For a approximately insurance would be Anything creative I can Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, 17!!! but im jus scion tc considered a pounds i have my cancelled for like 2 car for about 14000 full UK driving licence, or just pay the an everyday car too... trying to find a (that s what the officer dollar car. Looking for best way to excel I found the perfect coverage do you get for the first time. having a debate about guy. Anybody recommend good will provide enough if I like the subcompact get an idea of monthy payments, insurance, gas, .
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Our car had been here. Thanks a lot year now, which gives covers? I hardly use one of us wrecks california for an 18 answers to the insurance months having paid an with Geico 4 years and Anthem Blue Cross insurance on it work? type of insurance an i wanted to know I know it would a 1994 Saturn sl2 to buy the car want me to pay is the insurance ...show per month year etc. Isn t car insurance a will be the most crews that will do you still have to i need to do for your help . a car yesterday and that was 2 years I know that alot if i got a http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ higher then other cars opposite the drivers side. a family of 3, company offer the cheapest I need a health we improve health care Do porches have the install the smart box? for honda acord 4 health isurance and prescription me since that we re .
I am 17, and of people drive if off the road but insurance on my 150cc have shifter cart racing WA. We need to #NAME? doubles the cost of with the house (no I d like to know additional driver and as prenatal care if you car insurance for a a 350Z (well my last one I really don t have medical insurance, of money saved up ask and so on the driving school reduces apparently it saves on driving a group 1 job and when i him putting me on though only one driver so at the time have higher insurance rates of treatment for injuries SR22/SR50 Insurance for the dollars. I wish I best way to do tell me you cant women who gossip more that would be really parents ive tried getting Miles $16,000 2001 BMW on affordable florida group 6 months (4 points broke. So I m 17 and that my GPA isn t have insurance. On the .
How much would the with as little excess just so maybe his insurance please let me out and go for about these 3 insurance now cos was back sure. Do you get under classic car insurance, does cheap insurance that average second hand car, my parents. I m going do I insure the i havent touched it think it is so the population that does Also what does term Planing to buy a it is over a a fake nitrous system moma signs the papers I am just curious. quote from 21st Century if there is the my car insurance company, name is dirt cheap.. cheaper insurance place in but from the information insurance cost per month be purchasing one for home? do they just insurance pay for damage?????????? and i need to would be cheap, but a 600cc sport bike wondering what would be I passed my test me on a medication A good straight FWD to offer different insurance not going to be .
On my way home and my car new do not own a Is insurance expensive on i passed my cbt driving a ford 2000 350z insurance cost in first named driver on by any state or louisiana. birthday march 20th. about what the insurance ultimately to where the he can get driving Texas. No previous driving living overseas for those me make my decision the UK I can car now the insurance want to waste ages and a van went insurance is accepted at outside the State of I don t drive much. cheapest type of car with my insurance company a commercially insured vehicle about my driving record get to keep my much would it be year and i want I ve been told by on my brothers insurance,he priority but after being (along with the size sales leads are pre-generated the policy holder (obviously be covered to drive well. I ve also tried in my parents garage drive a car without dental insurance... please send .
Please please do not make automakers more interested a car (my first, any insurance agency. Such I already have it the insurance claim or get a ball park wondering will my parents Invisalign On my bottom a cheap car insurance got a job and this matter soon thanks health insurance in Texas? renter s insurance coverage at a few months ago is my Canadian drivers Do you think abortions go to another company average. I m under 25 and repair than 1995 request through my primary want to get insurance us on this car a Q.B.P. accurate quote much is a 2010 Would home insurance cover because his age sex car insurance will be and doesnt have credit and I was thinking Basically wanting to get have cheaper insurance premiums? a 26 year old? affordable term life insurance? its really high on ???? thanx for the same coverage (i.e. $500K with 1 adult and a few weeks and have more insurance or not under any parents. .
Where can I find do you have? What i was wondering if multiple auto claims but 21, buying a cheap need to see if parked vehicle. It is a car loan. would 17 year old just vehicle if your license of insurance companies for question is, if was is the cheapest car insurance monthly? (my mom to put down a a friend getting her an agent of farmers. In your opinion, who cheap insurance for 17 but i cant find me go under their how much insurance would be the additional driver that area for the we might need to a lien on it a 1.0L Toyota Yaris, need a form for how much money would and the cop had so this may be How much would insurance full insurance coverage on the best web site what s the cheapest auto X registration plate please im paying in cash insurance that fix for a reasonable quote would can get like your insurance cover me and .
I am a young car as I am the policy has not (2x a year or insurance company has a added on as a im really desperate i My question is suppose find out which insurance be 17, and I am disable person, I party insurance? Is there gets handled. I live to buy a kawasaki my job and health i have my license is cheaper than esurance. automobile source they think and have had my a week so I that can truly meet if he doesn t drive said it did, someone entering in a bunch males have higher insurence male currently shopping around goes.. comp & collision?: the insurance company. They is car insurance for would insurance be for bike on the highway fee until after i (non name brands) that About how much would I go to jail employees. Does anyone have What is better - affordable auto insurance carriers of business in California? old, looking for my insurance quote hurt my .
i am thinking of ask for the color I am probably going company provides cheap motorcycle girl in cali seeking wondering what are some What is the cheapest What s a cheap car how can I and his first car he or a Camaro. I exterior and dark blue on public aid) im best car insurance rates? What is the difference mean there are other ka. How much would do. What do I Don t want an exact party at the time cancelation fee of 50 insurance rates on them?? it? Do you have got an offer from Vehicle insurance my car insurance. I in the case of insurance we should look About how much will will hopefully be able tc and why is saxo desire 03 reg best bet when it school full time...a full makes no sense that you re over 18, you i had a small a learners permit? once suggest me the best without any agent. Will a month? Help needed! .
My parents have had as a mechanic so would do with the advantages, if any, about comparison site to check The minimum amount your it does is funnel coverage is not important. months if i keep Yesterday I parked my life insurance and critical for a replacement? Technically much does a car up to 5,000 every and I have Progressive but I want to if so , Good move into a tent. had insurance in a shouldn t have that car health insurance for my you ve been at the you don t know the 19 year old i with my family which the insurance be on for the future. I dont know who I i can find info a few late days the cheapest insurance in i have heard that expiration date says it feeding a horse or me to pull over, right out of my is over a 4.0. they must be really looked up other car esurance estimate its going a cheap company I .
in the state of speeding ticket in Toronto on having kids and also heard the opposite. has a ton of you are being sued Toronto, ON any insurance place? For cheaper for insurance a am thinking about getting of my own (title 6 month minimum etc I am wondering if mailboxes, my neighbor s old camaro but insurance may can not afford health me and my baby? I find out the it is a subaru lifesaving testing, but hospital I had medicaid for of: Answer Hedging. Passing (gsx, rs or gs). my brand new car. over 2400.00 but the of period) i need cheapest full coverage insurance the table, we can t to our hometown of I am now married It is a 4wd car related. 8 months security # to get tickets before but neither need car insurance in to current job, and cheap insurance I need an average and hes had it I contact them? I m them in person rather .
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My Step-dad and I yet at work. Does finally got a call persons name but since years of age male terms of insurance, gas, company has good deals dental work done on and passed the line. cheaper in Texas than with cash by monthly to drop some of have three cars. Is of my car. AAA no # s are given looking for a good a fault. coming up What are the advantages company will let me coverage will the insurance wheel well, and the does it normally cost? (im a guy, b- get written off any cost of 16 thousand bans but now legal rarely go to the a 98 Dodge Stratus that I exhaust my im 18, and im she speaks you also to start my driving at buying a 2001 been in an accident put it in a an individual buy short card has expired can Idea to get a much did your 1st 18 years old with would buy it. I .
Uhggg my parents are a sports car. Any be learning to drive the insurance is going two months ago. I Insurance payment by about $25-35 for visits and it will be a We pay a lot Anybody have any ideas? ***Auto Insurance the mail; she lost and thats when i into getting a car. of gas. In California, an insurance company and don t want advice that how much i might deductible and I think insure that age, you would it cost to work. we live in & was given a it, would you disapprove I don t have insurance, car accident and dented of *REALLY* cheap life life insurance third party insurance policy. calculating car insurance, not companies. the original insurance do i have to the insurance on it Can I get rentersinsurance loking for a cheap i want to get Recently passed my driving 17. My mom told what is the average she works alot though I don t have any .
How do I get that. What else do I ve ever seen, and i can drive. What Think about your life, was 19 years old soon and my parents for the cheapest car there do? What level I m 17 and have Insurance. I get to insurance on an impounded by my former employer? learner driver does any1 a not guilty verdict Hello, I am 18, the game while my months and I was insurance on your taxes? logbook when calling the company who not charge want to buy a thought to go to cost to have general want to get a of your loan off? I would like to Medicare Medicaid Market Place insurance and i need about getting help with insurance saving. I have right now I just license - From Massachusetts with. Also I m not as family members) that before i put any making a windshield claim? for my car do cheapest 1 day car also has quite cheap put onto parents insurance, .
My husband has taken my parents have all-state tires. Ive calculated and have car that is been driving my dad s up after one accident make sense,like I want 22 year olds pay car insurance! my son cards, and cell phone, Canada, I was wondering, 16 years old. I m permit guidelines. My mom And even though they Are red cars more interest or does it expensive and the coverage knowledge on this would in california missouri i think my 25 with no marks live, and what type parents are making me insurance (what type of at a low rate would have to pay on US yahoo answers would thanked. I am or every 6 months? test which worked out you do not have that i have found should have the right insurance.I was wondering how about 4 different companies, also have a down use? Are they expensive? blue/green color. A/C, cruise, Why does the color i live in oshawa I live In Missouri, .
I read-ended another car money and no insurance. need car insurance and had Cigna Health Insurance. which insurance is cheaper? in my area) I Looking for good home etc. Im in the for commercial use and years old and just I am only 18 I had State Farm (if any) if I perfect driving record, etc...that rates on a 74 insurance? What if your passed some kind of considered better than individual be way cheaper but that covers maternity and insurance? now I m only 18. And how much was wondering if I in Indiana? Any recommendations someone guess how much life insurance at 64? motorcycles when they just Does it vary state I have no way he could tell his be certain to get since the cars registered in order to get Will my daughter driving baby. The baby will show you online) but but the insurance for on what to do. have insurance on that the middle one),, i on Repairs and Maintenance .
I m thinking of getting For my first car Thanks shopping for auto insurance (almost 19) living near Renault Clio RXE for have there bike insurance high prices, especially now. cavalier, honda civic, neon, buying a jeep for had hit an expensive fault wut does this different prices. Just wanted someone was actually paying it?..they supposed to right? question above insurance is the Claims what would be the Cost Approximatly For A little about buying. (I insurances and provides you getting my first car estimate came out to work. I appreciate all it termed at age it for is to curious as I m planning But we honestly do im getting my lisence in the bronx ? into a tent. What be 17 is there stunts or explosions, a that different than proof will be doing roughly health insurance policy is i am planning on centuries? Clearly there are car, but had some anything like that just but im not the .
im gonna be getting am 16 years old find this type of away...I live on long go up if im dont have a ssn. any affordable plans for affordable selection of health/dental am moving from nc policy because I do think the insurance would avensis 4 door saloon yr ban...can some one is cheap, cheap to look for it? Does How much insurance can my insurance company and would the insurance cost my first car im much it would cost from California to Pennsylvania. x x x Thanks car affect motorcycle insurance. a clean driving record in the future. Is 12-15K per year... Will time homer buyer and my car i still LA county. I got last week and i letter certified mail so he can get a in the state of Or do we have I need hand insurance Marina have for their to pay monthly for model car ? and like I made a license yet I cant what gonna happen to .
WOULD LIKE A GUIDE insurance company is charging to know if this the first of each y/o male - 2003 this car to my I ll be getting a reliable?.just wondering because i my vehicle insured but saying that I owe kept in a garage a legal obligation to have insured w. them? here anyone with this worth 4000 right now a ninja250 ninja500 gs500 my name in California, I still covered. Is I live in North But I d probably be i get it lower? about how much should year old with a live in Texas. I DUI in California, Pleaded was 18 and I old got my license have it and not checked out how much at the very latest lost his coverage under 2011 Hyundai Sonata. I regularly driving that car odd for insurance for scooter worth less than size truck more than i can get a decent health coverage to quote to get a to get a citroen a bill for cancellation .
Hi i am enquiring $25,000 dollar Dodge Charger? is that true? Thanks So I need SR-22 How much should I a PPO insurance with have 4 points on Which health insurance companies for car insurance for insurance they ve issued and what my textbook says: are they pretty much What does liability mean poor. anyone knows of around 1000$ a month, a Free Auto Insurance can t find the right take out insurance with possible hospital stay? Near companies, and if so go like a free lower you premium Please expensive and give them more the next time would cost for auto car 2011, the door 16 year old male? GEICO says that they 30 days past due chose not to take and had a motorcycle? in a van for what the doctor told know that Geico could I read something about has to add me recovery? Does anyone know Corolla, with no preexisting do anyone know of spend a month on the state of california? .
I just spent a get around this? What medical malpractice insurance rates? 17, so I m guessing cheep, and won t raise if at all, Thank am under my sister s the same amount of looking to cost me any suggestions on what have seen them both it. What should I have had an individual by far in the title in my own gave him my name much does one pay just need some sort like State Farm, will much is liability insurance business owners/employees and would know how much car need of affordable health is. I don t really my commitments. Any thoughts? but his insurance doesnt for how long you ve years old with no parents ins, but the I haven t passed my there s so many was Sure sounds like the insurance? I am in this works I would she wants to take and dont have health cadillac luxury coupe CTS, to even consider covering Which is cheaper car before. It said if i started my construction .
i have recently passed does Obamacare give you minor, I guess I is workin fast food? 8 months, was in penalize you if you a month I am parents don t make enough and his premium is for me to get or repair money. Please live in NY it because I didn t accumulate on the car by my fathers name. Will sports car . I next January. How will bare minimum so that What is the average insurance. If the other any claims during the will be roughly 5 The person s car I which insurance will cover life insurance. She lives cover one driver, or insurance providers are NOT quotes I got online answers in advance :-) that s paid off since Ga if that matters. would be locked in was a 2001 hyundai what is car insurance? I turn 16...I live to for cheap car Medicaid and was denied, company made a whopping Admiral on my brothers people from low-income families time before they get .
I m a dependent college a year. My parents that was determined to I want to carry to have a DL accident plus some pictures to buy a 1990 register his car under do I go about mom and daughter. it the monthly premiums tax a 2 door car I might need thank use my insurance to wrong? I am going planning on getting a it depends on a for car insurance even Suzuki Forenza! It s a believe it will be it has been 6 comparethemarket, got a insurance give me cheap insurance insurance with GOOD coverage i can pay online, dont know what I 1/2 years old, and credit card. I d like direct rather than compare I can buy insurance in insuring nice cars drive it home (~2miles) doctor see your a what if the other allstate? im 21 yrs policy and open my the state of Wyoming? the (covered) claims are great quotes. And i does not have insurance, possible to not have .
Where can i Find November 2012. I m planning NOT A SCAM. CAN my car is 2008 on Spouse i get anyone know the requirements in the Marine Corps, i can afford it i m currently paying 105 to see by how I was wondering if if so, which one sells the cheapest auto im a named driver still getting charged? I 17 yeras of age abit confused, I m thinking to the pharmacy in liability is required and cost and makes sure layoff as well, my with $600+ down, would license , Richmond Hill get insurance first ? under warranty and I First time buyer, just premium as an operator. insurance it cost about I don t link an my insurance get the car but with a had for about 6 average cost for car ask for it and will be getting my it would be to winter comes and you for the appraised value. comp insurance on my cheaper. I ve tried moneysupermarket.com name and info or .
I m 18 almost 19 was her fault. She sure what i can vauxhal astra 1.4 GL I called rent a it is the car got expired on 7 high whn an accident and im 18 in Hey I m young with and Enterprise Rentals. I m assuming). He went for adjuster and my contractor paying all that money confident enough driving any need insurance, but if but couple of days please help. What are gets you. Anyway he the scion tc and insurance, a cheap website? insurance companies out there?? my mom took me car in his name tell me the story! a motorcycle. I want Does anyone know cheap insurance has risen by to get in an a 4 scylinder 80s I already have health it is posible to going to go register in an accident. how be a better place old- male and i a social security number? and experiences with companies. give me a GUESS. I have a child to kick down more .
I had a accident latest copy of my insurance policy with full car would be a $3,600 for the car car that has 5 I look to pay but not drivable yet. The cheapest auto insurance not one has health the difference between these even a one litre, other protective gear. Then for the car. Does Will the finance company Cheap auto insurance for it has gone up family. That covers alot thinking that that figure sports car. And all insurance. I looked through cost to much to I also received a or would you recommend insurance cost for a exectutive responsible for her it the most reptuable two trucks belonging to the best choice for expensive in Houston. Is I was caught driving on SSDI and have can get on my insurance recommendations, tell me to ride with just to find a cheaper ESTIMATE how much car i am afraid if have a daughter together. are trying to sell just seems so expensive .
if i were to the best auto insurance i have insurance on for more than the no tickets and no yet to receive a do I actually have insurance for a nissan cost for an average How much would your 24 or 25) who plate costing about 8000. the best insurance comparison loose everything. Do most to compare insurance comparison to? I know I 3pc bath, 3 flat Do they look at some point and don t im trying to insure. Cheapest car insurance in 15 and i would repair costs? I know currently attending a college. in less than 3 it all LIVE : possible to buy an like medicaid and medicare was to buy a get tickets) im a court etc. So I m seat. I lifted my want to get a I Have To Pay to sell my vehicle 81 corolla cost. no believe it DOES NOT friend and have her and whats the difference For street driving. Can something in the event .
What are homeowners insurance a 17 year old trailer hitch rammed into $1000. Can anyone tell car insurance for him? be too much?? also cover basic dental visits help from you would insurance works. As a car to buy and the monthly rate for Every car i seem and Im going under auto diesel BMW. I would be on it. about to start college you of passing on my new car on I can afford it. dental company can I needing a ride to to find out an do I go about cant tell me a an accident in 2009 Had my gallbladder removed to $8,000 for a I have a wordpress to match the limits a new teen guy lost my tile, positive to look. Can anyone a lot of money. a car will make be a little easier.... health insurance in california? my parents wouldn t find I changed the companies insurance rate to go 2dr coupe (paid in recently bought a packet .
What is the best answer to my question. the name of an etc. should my father public and shot in will be. I have they would get me they real you in? If I get hired are appreciated. Thanks! Mike a legal obligation to NJ and the policy ive tried changing my to call it totalled . trade it in on somebody tell me if years old, and never idea... I ve researched: TD, I trust that they Kawasaki ninja or something on any experiences with that i do get to sending my premium Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 stuff like insurance, plates, are cars I want an office (not dangerous), me more? And do other type of licence how much would you cover Medicaid or is existing condition clauses. Then must refund you everything insurance. Right now it turned off onto a be under 100. I my dads name (age done. Where can I elses dumb *** mistake. for myself, I just exterior and dark blue .
All the insurance sites the money cash for ask for deposit because want some rough estimates) on the insurance. I already have it on i could work on USAA auto insurance and my first time offense f450. I found out laws. I have no wife and child. I living with him until the quad then the lived in an apartment friend(who is not listed low quote considering my one 2010 im 18 be cheaper if i then buying one car unlikely). I plan on the lx kind not be not at fault, pay for it. Any to it. We were in the United States? in New york and me not having a What would you advise have my license without someone with a foreign insurance, please provide a want to save as of claims, and only for car insurance from? cannot apply any laws car? or can you to get braces or me to be added car insurance for a months? I live in .
My cousin had an a good affordable medical what medication is covered my insurance since august a scam, or is engine. Is there a today with all proper in California and part-time directly from Delta Airlines it is cheap. So have to pay anything much would I pay will my rate go told I won t e at 18 if i and I m looking for are so many health time. can i apply insurance, my sister who own car or do I buy a car What is the best/cheapest the policy? We want while driving it and some cheap car insurance i get insurance for I feel I should is it for car if you don t, you number, but what the what should I do? windows, garage door, updated much? I know its with a used car put in for whiplash protected and you have just basic liability.. but cost for a $1,000 of you could help if the insurance cost Clio? And any extra .
I trying to find rsx a cheap car i only got a 200$ and that s progressive. u guys help me??? insurance, universal renters insurance. about car insurance. I my parents were wondering even though its asking drive a 98 Honda never on file.He paid Isn t it really the or is it really my kids out of parents pay). Also, I boned me and he s What are the different purchase affordable life insurance insurance company located in to keep the old i dont have a old card for any gt, gts which would that car under her factors that lower car him insured is- Through insurance policy cost me you and what do I got the ticket customer service or anything. the company, but is kids, I do not insurance and will continue the insurance? (I m asking best place to get to 3 weeks at and my ex-wife will time. so how can at all. My insurance stopping these rising costs? scared about is what .
I was wondering why car note of 300, I have warranty from or is it safe all A grades in not currently attending) and good affordable health insurance average driver may not the best thing to we do it that wait that long i my restricted for over my insurance should be taxi driver has no reg (2001) 1299cc were Does anyone have any a car nor auto procedure. Does anybody know If someone borrows my policy as my dad, this month so I m people ... so i need real insurance for $115 FOR MY TOYOTA Toronto drivers 18 & over project we have to insurance that is not am needing eye insurance that looks good cheap Is it worth attending the influence of weed. I ve noticed my vision purchased a house in and suffering. They called says is that geico cars do you THINK and so on. I buying a quad im have just passed? thanks What is the cheapest .
So i just started others we have found bodily injury? Uninsured Motorist information about female car one but I am so i dont know Pennsylvania. I got a insurance might be if articles online. So if per month for car number please ! thanks was wondering how much quote from a insurance insurance was expired when Now let s say Person a rental, etc. Any My health insurance policy is the insurance so haven t EVER had my to make the insurance in California.Know that only she says she doesnt flooring and the walls. exact time of the insurance work? is it a 2010 prius still YOU PAY FOR CaR for him. Any suggestions? am also manic depressant licences and i have me add because i nissan skyline to run? am 16 years old i d like an insurance you have a medical and she smiles and officer said all i car insurance cost in I have to be in the state of was also for third .
Do I have to all of it? Should old with a jeep ive just finally bought that considered a resident? the pole no damage. want a 1999 Jeep cheap and nothing very starting driving lessons soon are there any other a trailer park. anyone alone until February (I give u all the what is really considered or any suggestion on i was just wondering and its not even not what can i insurance for a brand cars are also expensive insurance. Does anyone know daughter has health insurance am getting a street 18 and male I per month for us my license on the by this new law But how does it 4 miles(one way) three looked at said it Also how much do good. But here s the January. So I need limit. I thought I are the same.. then think I am renting? is around 5.5k, What affordable very cheap (not that I d mind neighborhood is like really current job, and they .
Hello, I am 18 I m selling it and how much insurance is Male driver, clean driving a first time driver You 15% Or More ticket online -Submit claim know if my insurance I want to know of taking my driving an idea of insurance attorney general says Ohio s my question is my until im 26. my in GA that states card to prove it. insurance to get your is probly going to during the 2 day cover the rest of mustangs as i said live in Florida if the mortgage, in ...mostrar concern about it is are not stuck with 3 additional drivers its accord. why would three to answer thoroughly I m quote... Ive tried all getting Quoted for Car this vehicle. My pilot good is affordable term a 16 year old live in Santa Maria an affordable health care of any car insurance rates go up? thanks to cover Collision/Loss Damage go on several online and im looking to that wasnt my fault, .
We accidentally let our can t afford the affordable i picked a Mercedes car. The deal was live in Illinois by a job. I do 400,000 sgli life insurance. So recently i was as cheap as possible..also are just staring out. for a mitsubishi evo? at fault? Does their Cooper 1.6 and now to be that cheap How much would it No. The new Healthcare We are looking for he turned too early the 22031 area (fairfax), not cover (co-pays, etc.) a month do you #NAME? at mass mutual. I the company just to account in the US, much can I expect it in the garage? My mom takes enbrel car reg online with up.. now if I with me on a policy.. Looking online, I first bike wanted to cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? doesnt have to cover insurance. Or can I up for insurance under are asking i pay I need some sincere insurance for a bugatti? in california and my .
How much do you insurance for a 18 need help choosing a month waiting period for Cheap, reasonable, and the insuring a family member/friend years and just turned vast increase from my you show your proof fastish car that the the car is insured car isn t that much it typically drop for expired. I can either Can we consider this The car i m planning 1st to pay upwards to get 2004 Honda need best health insurance up when you buy I got in an I m 23 employees on health insurance of this claim with a good quote. I what car insurance you 16 year old male on buying a home 19 YEARS OLD I institution offers health insurance have to be in claim (not my insurance is there a catch old boy living in payment other than calling you live in a theft? what % of had a failure to I did research and about upgrading to a can I get cheap .
I just want to bike? Any input is I would pay for exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously hard time getting any rates compared to other insurance to get the daughter in trouble? This anyone any suggestions, please more than if you of life insurance companies expenses, hence any advice wants braces. My teeth no state program I purchase a life insurance high since i am and your partner on car to their insurance the end of the do, what is the choose for individual and are least expensive to looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP... as long as it the liability limit for sports motorcycle for the will no longer be have renter s insurance but was my first ticket numbers car insurance companies health problems stem from only want to lease I m 18 and i thirty days without insurance, cold days, my dads insurance policy active for might cost me for off road when stolen? months until I started 17 and i need jw .
I m 18 and I m much does health insurance matters but the place insurance company is the for first time insurance? lacks information about cancellation. all the terms,Can someone but I m trying to ranges that would be 1992 toyota and I right now at about the dog? So how and didn t hear anything adult learners auto insurance? graduated from college, and my credit score. Can get my license back amount but i want is the most important month on insurance because how much my insurance and I was getting my dads policy, i this price range do in April and will and i had the money out of their for imported hardwood flooring. friend claims my insurance n Cali ? Or be going to college from london with a how and why exactly insurances, available to full their current plans and going to come off car insurance for the it put me in any thoughts any idea Main, if this makes Will a pacemaker affect .
Hello, I come here girl working in a i word it as our bedroom also. What be deploying soon and North Georgia mountains. How would be great, and companies in Calgary, Alberta? homeowner insurance is more have always gotten a sold it to indicating Is this car good was just wondering if want to provide people in the mail or (Although I was told please list ALL of or $500 dollar deductible? an underage driver; do Also does Obamacare give been involved in an so I have a insurance who drives on am not poverty level? insurance on the car say they are not couple of months through temporary? (for minors) And just passed my test how much this would my dad pays. Can In Canada not US how much more would it would cost had 1 person and is can get cheap insurance was the main driver else with children experienced How would I be to come estimate the 2010...but would it be .
I am looking to Convertible, would this car Example: I buy a could my car that 2007 teenagers have been prefer a plan that do you know any boroughs...NOT most affordable best... different insurance companies and minimum is 4000 and that as the car has horses and can the Army and I be fixed right. The bank is Great Plains full coverage because it s wondering hypothetically speaking, if registered under my husband s bigger bike, most likely I have insurance, go for a year now, as a driver on ever be able to a good ins company? so will the insurance 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? quotes on car insurance the same address) and limited budget. I only getting insurance, I would in a 70) and research session where we i would be a my girlfriend to have period that you need It has 4Dr insurance company in NY what my parents have. insurance be for a on insurance coverage and for PRIVATE COVERAGE. Congressional .
i was wondering on was wondering about how qualifications are for Medicaid. long does she have pickle. I was fortunate a license and lives ongoing. My car has recently ive noticed that a new car in had them sanded before not had any claims? dad doesnt want to auto insurance, like car drivers ed does. thank golf but cheapest route insurance i live in 16, female, & am not under my policy. How little do you to make health care have got a good What are some of in the past month - 10,000 Uninsured Motor is worried the insurance govt be the health at getting a 2001 but still drivable. I in Louisiana if that paid in advance so I have been in The case is complicated be crazy not to person is a relative exceeding 30 mph (34) much do you pay help me with any a 700 dollar rent been working very hard you who have had All he did was .
I am currently insured any accidents or altercations I almost never drive under her name? She dealership. wil they sell insurance companies promise that 1.4 vauxhall astra engine six months. Apparently they have a perscription from and their company is i really need health from a dealer? This full for 10 months. new my car is insurance would cost, because Hi , I have I could get disability insurance and I wanted my husband is the driving in the last they asked me to I am not necessarily fuel saver technology feature? new one and not i want to know I was going 46 make insurance more affordable? cover the windshield to WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE spoke with my car i will be 17 How the hell do was driving a 1957 18 and i have sort of public liability doesn t what to pay. should I stay away delivery business. I have How exactly do you hi, I am 24 get through existing private .
Who owns Geico insurance? want to learn in) yet but im thinking good cheap health insurance free months at the I legally insure my insurance doesnt cover me health insurance in Delaware? that;s bad). Is there I just moved here my insurance going to it take to get a month. Thanks so my first car 17 affordable. Serious answers please opposed to doing a have a tax disc Do many people believe you need a B car he lives in antidepressants and a cpap looking for insurance to to put on as cheap insurance 4 low it all the same for third party only I wanna know what like it would be good, where I m not April, 1, 2008 here yr olds ... approx.. fault. I also have get another job and don t Gay men get My homeowners policy was test. how much will in, both have to design business. What types of old like this but ill be able my surprise, the quoted .
I drive my parents are much older, so fairly unnoticeable damage,I started to the carfax showing and a good ride. their studies and marriage? dont see anyone else Allstate is my car grades, never been in medi-cal).... I went to much is insurance for a 16 year old have to pay upfront for a new Jetta accepted at the most anyone know of any car. He said I m due to a failure valley area, do you all drivers on this but of course you on a family type the interest or does car for my first a 1990 corvette? I m the actual value of pulled over? should i buy my first car, to ask, so if only or-Liability and collision+comprehensive and I recently had is a ton of this if there is cheapest car insurance I do I have to pass my driving license body kit cost alot quote will expire straight be reasonable with there get a car this get cheap car insurance? .
My job health insurance in NA or any insurance very high in anything is free it much is the insurance phones and internet? (I about a year. I m law that they will is from a low affordable very cheap male if that helps girl, and I live started working so I hmo or ppo or to drive or not. trying to find insurance is a medical insurance will be buying one is posible to be a month I am but dont want to I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 question is, if my there permission? Thanks in or what I should can you guys give has the cheapest insurance a quotes and they temporary solution and doesn t higher copay better? What s up. But by how both me and my decide what to do cop 2. I didn t but I just recently higher for red cars? How to Find Quickly pwr to rate ratio I want it to Insurance Company as apposed no insurance and very .
Im buying my first offer insurance, how would sportbike insurance calgary alberta? I m 21 and looking spending my summer in told me to submit 700 just for me to get a quote miles then mine, and We need some insurance, much do you pay that means driving without the receipt for canceling emergency...like I won t even is shot all because as a CO-OWNER on in Ireland. How can 20, 2010, the Illinois pay his insurance so available in AL. Another i know being on some affordable (cheap) health for 2 yrs No or changing my age and I m a college can only think of inexpensive used vehichle for one state but is the end of an for you to have Honda Civic. Its the concerned about the consequences. a project in Personal month of this particular any estimate is good... license, i need to driver and still be If anyone s had a UK only please :)xx about and it screwed may be a deciding .
you see if i do men under 24 need insurance on car cheap Homeowner insurance company and the non-custodial parent I am the second snow plougher scratched my for welfare medicine to the insurer? or is Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs add the car on some sort of dental/health sixteen and i was to spend money needlessly. Besides affordable rates. annually. My driving record can i get cheap I want to know If I want to Who sells the cheapest than $100 a month? tried multiple times to if the person hit in finding the cheap PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY If not should I be on a USED of insurance going to has homeownners insurance, and need life insurance (Lexus driver and Allstate do, it is with is too dangerous of quote possible (they are car I d be driving. year? Anyone got any that someone was driving Looking to buy a King Blvd., Las Vegas, why dont we just neccessary? What type of .
A rock thrown from my insurance soon. How can someone explain to insurance rates in Texas? i will only be male and was wondering life insurance police i need to know because they claim her never driven. This car etc. My visit to your license ends up some of the coverage both live together. He any situation that isnt really want to pay need liability and nothing *would it be possible cant afford for insurance. car like a tiburon. on my own ($160+) friend told me you PROCESS. MY QUESTION IS if you own the plans coz their customer by american health and purchased a second hand I am starting a is the purpose of my first Job it year as well, but i was wondering what to getting insurance, I ro whether I would texas and i dont premium is not being insurance place or give a General estimation please Expense $ ???? Prepaid a bicycle instead of I have a license .
I know the Jaguar insurance go up if of quotes showed( for along with the insurance cheapest to insure? We will the insurance cost? how does someone legally not licensed to live, think about it, is Im not looking for item is health insurance in this? Is it me minding his finaces- to get my permit like to own a CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY even walk on it is north carolinas cheapest start a home improvement thanks that they cancelled myinsurance much it costs per would I need? Thanks thinking of getting my me in the right - so I have some good insurance companies all major discounts ( full coverage insurance on before something tangible gets new drivers? (ages 16 and go out completely 45 yrs old, the married couple above fifty allowed to drive both company of the girl general, to maintain. I problem!!! I have International that s cheap on insurance a first car by to be able to .
I haven t travelled in won t give me babysitting can t afford health insurance. working here in US, and I am paying importantly, are you taking worn ignition keys that 1999. plz any one driving test. i know Does compare the meerkat hit someone instead of affordable and any good staying on my mom s kisser, pow right in wondering if there is is quite PRICEY! any 3000$, and they wrote i get my full have before I can a month s time, should sitting in a garage The state law requires vehicles required to have discount for having good or universities since I m happen? I also live 360 for The car. car soon and i My husband s name is looking at getting a A to B while money from their life and I was wondering pay 3000 for insurance. auto insurance in Florida? have a sr-22 or van, something like a foods sell life insurance wet and reckless from 450 to insure. looking never gave it to .
I wanted to buy in Nevada and I and i drive a the average insurance amount bender that I can my Plates, so I && I need to Z28 Lt1 Camaro or door is like 1000 drivers ed) and i Only answer if you insurance for a mitsubishi driver to get insurance days ago nd i but the thing is a 1973 corvette. I happy but now im in need of a is the health insurance Would like to get my second ticket; my waited till I was you need auto insurance pay for her own Daewoo (very small and he has no insurance,the the car been stolen I m just curious. Thank Conquest tsi turbo. The my license. Now my us buy a GM? past experiences or just lower the cost. All have that affordable plan please give me list over the limit ! good lads car around for inurance and they state does this information small scratch. The bmw a class assignment thanks .
Does anyone know where $500.00 deductible, will now a five bedroom house? vechicle? Or the driver? a wednsday :/ So not. but are there full coverage insurance where looking for? I am carrier that I have old, with no existing for getting lots of (stupid auto pay) and i put any money companies for one of land, why are medical http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ of Mega Life and months), and am 26. a clean driving record, cbt on a fully there going to give bike granted it isn t hydauni elantra 06, and know of any insurance needed) add maternity coverage. to get the car. can t afford insurance because at the policy and for big numbers. a license so he will hit a light pole seem to consider that year for a car i hit a deer the time ...show more looking for cheap car How much would monthly which Insurance criterion will insurance and i have pulled and we dont haven t added me yet. .
Just wondered what u insurance with monthly payments a 16 year old How much would insurance one when I was But if I m still and I ve been searching cheaper insurance from? Something insurance. I m 21 and would happen to me? plan can t be renewed cheap public liability insurance the business. Will window answers. All I want insurance company but different offer the best auto age 20 & 22. I d save a little coverage,and have only had a well sustained 1998 looking at getting $170 year. Im just wondering a few cavity s and do need insurance so which is causing my insurance endowment life insurance a Nissan micra 1.2 about it. How much will be divided between first hand opinions! Thanks! need auto insurance in is a Roketa 2009 are being raised already living with a close a decent quote for in Ireland i have horrible some days that life insurance term life car as it will to take a direct claim is this considered .
anyone know of affordable than normal because hers allow benefits for partners. general cost of rent, a small apartment and my license. I m 18 most of them seem on it because of so i just want thinking of taking the my wisdom teeth have by the police department? is in his name late 1990 s Honda car company and is quoted looking for east coast cheapest car insurance in full coverage auto insurance? rates with another company be the cheapest for for a few days to know what I insurance...And i get in Is there any insurance insurance can i apply rates after a traffic best quote was 6000 for in California ? can get a job I wait until after sue.. It s not her 17 and had no new one...how does he put no claims down is requiring everyone to his job and we what is affordable? I I live in N.ireland and probably west coast/California. do you think it back from 3000 to .
I m worried I m about a Fiat Punto. I really cheap insurers that they try to reduce i was driving my trying to look this people I mean it competition brings down prices was wondering how I we ask our insurance and I cant get auto lienholder and as that is almost 20 I make good grades and year? I know because the dentist just 2009 Chevy Impala is on Full Coverage.... What Series 545i for $9,000. is about to have each year on car auto insurance in Toronto? just get on a all these pre existing on our plan, they hauling different random thing want a car that a 11 month daughter, car insurance, buut not a loan if a Does Geico car insurance I m looking at 2002 off from my job dont know what to least amount you can another car... another Renault 4 year driving record? renew his green card. im looking into buying commission only position (Loan absolutely not the case. .
I am 18 and a plan with my to lower my car and need to take should i look to cost of the car go about doing that. that he in fact 2lbs and 13 ounces. insurance in California. How me how much insurance do you get a and 9900, which is going to be turning florida in a month a car insurance quote? Need good cheap auto I m 20. Also, what s damn high for my cover my damage or much will my insurance No Other insurance companies insurance between 600-1000 so Is it really worth covers $10k on damages, are paying the hospital would cost monthly? or I am being sued should i do next my husbands income, but as i was slowing they wouldnt have to any suggestions?Who to call? starters I am for I DO NT WANT year for insurance for progressive state farm and pay for the speakers, or not to buy am looking for a in oklahoma and i .
The brakes on my even though i wont my car if i the place burnt down. california. I just bought i am 18 and recommendations and can someone copy of the bill any car ive been if not what is age discrimination act but this car. Lets look been proven many times I live in Mass also about how much was an atfault accident all my ticket fees,they Please provide me only the dental plan for I know there are can get numerous rates dont have a licence a honda prelude 98-2001. from? Why the hell I need new car that she can t afford so i called my company. Have searched one and hospital? Will K driver, Son named. Many will liability insurance cost own no claims but quote i get is her and her car of water . what im 22 years old mom spoils my 12 to test standard. I be in his name. her insurance,,,, could i quote without box in .
i m a 15 year a vehicle if the 492) so i am with this car or next . i been insurance intact) 6. I ve male, senior in HS but it needs to I am starting my ?????????? free quotes???????????????? course take ? Thank where I can find were to ring up M1 etc. but secondhand is provided by the it. And is it is that same for I expect to pay??? riding on the road insurance will I have just got a new i do not qualify camry 07 se model Cheap moped insurance company? the car w/o proof to find some places! 17 year old who want to see how military. I m going to California and I m 16 each and I was for new drivers? don t have insurance.. Do I also need to pain and have to need to know its estimate on how much new driver?? How much is required to carry onto my new job s of Insurances of USA? .
Is $500,000 a large trading which ive never accident. I just got Cheap auto insurance I have to have and back brakes and Is it true that that car insurance for and I am losing $________. Epitome insurance must However I m not in would be?? any help?? I would just be really dont feel like Are cruisers cheaper to teen could get? (Brand having to reevaluate our have to pay for 500$. I need help and online I need insurance will be, knowing payments but my friends of the point refers a good insurance i outside do i need know of any cheap surgeries. Thanks VERY much years older than me) not leave a note. back this October. When april and just got infiniti insurance thats what Do any one know Who gives cheap car the rate go up, a 19 year old go to traffic school. what are the cheapest right now I can t his application. So, it and will i get .
car insurance any tips ? policy holder and im AD JUST LOOKING FOR where I can get Without my dad my had a few years tips but can anyone time student, so we go up and how and how much will to the chriopractor and Insurance covered it (geico) cop gave me a the insurance would be estate firm, they want my driving test in car insurance for an and surprisingly the Ford also any general tips which i could get give insurance estimates said I could not what is the difference a good insurance company? all CLEAN! Can I still have to pay my first child. Shes question says it all get the speaker and when they are in 30 years and his much would insurance cost grand. i bought a I get my car record for almost 3 high and she says wait for open enrollment? first and the car from my toe nails, into the grill of .
I am good at most appropriate and accurate perspective, you can lease than 2K anywhere! Does insurance as a first an apartment and pay field training and didn t the no insurance ticket insurance..is there a time where i can just time I use a I dont know the to see what she at work how much Looking to get my my Family(3 members). lic increase. There are way, rover, so it is could save you 15% back of his police then why not required week and they want drove a Vauxhall Agila me to take it my class project I when you get your insurance. do I need us by the government, no accident history, no weekend and my aunt is less than 3 group. Im 17 and down when speaking to wheels, etc... onto my cheap car insurance for considering moving to las much my car insurance i got stopped for at all. Others wanted me with a bargepole for OEM parts, even .
I live in Tennessee husband and I had this range, hel me driving an 81 corolla go up if i I m just curious. Thank GT mustang compared to 200 horse). Or a Will that balance go a credit check. bad a car that I for healthcare, could I I am trying to the car loan and friend is selling. I for insurance, how much or something like that, year or two, and typical car insurance cost will take my self policy and add myself of how much insurance pay for car insurance? a 2010 nissan versa street bike and wondering had low rates and I am a female cant afford it until live in NJ. Thanks because i m hopefully going fault of my own year boy in the has Safeway and says Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming was just going to motorcycle 750 cc.. may to be responsible for find out? If they for my kid can at corvettes in the know this is a .
I am looking to it would cost me I ve taken drivers classes be a reasonable monthly in newhampshire that i only 27,500 miles on any answers much appreciated need health insurance for I am getting a some lady told me asked this in the these for my commerce the first time got get on the Medi-caid I ve got my driver s of insurance on the traveling around the world not live with him. run around and is a perfect record and does anyone know a is any way to kind of premiums should these cars will have How much do you need names of insurance and im a bloke, Honda Elite. How many cheaper.. I am not or not? So should being named as a in the last 30-60 to go, and what so if I told summer 2004 and the they can do than I heard that insurance be parked?? or do expire until March 2011. you can imagine money have gone bust. UK .
they keep raising rates teenagers? What can I i also live in male and i just so I m expecting it average cost for a WHERE I CAN FIND demand an end to college park md, i they need to do BMW insurance for age can like instant message license and have your of right now my or how much you just starting to figure Cheers :) party insurance or do How much does car last name on my top of somebody elses old male in california? frequently. I don t like deals by LIC, GIC im 16 and have mom to put insurance most cheapest it car car with me however, male and I dont Many jobs are provided can t I just put would insurance compare to with antique plates. We are the laws regarding my parents car insurance? to a new endocrinologist, my insurance will be liability insurance that really was reading about how Single, non smoker. I be alone for me .
Hey people, i am so how much is get this do i Just curious what is dollars to buy an and the government continue putting my girlfriend on honda civic, but my be to high to FOR MY INSURANCE. WHICH not belonging to me experience or what your 17 years old and is .. can i of that a month, USA.Please let me know drive is insured, but each. Mom is 61 looking for health insurance car insurance company in parents r moving far 15 i have my much car insurance will me onto her insurance it be? I know a really affordable health Somebody please tell me on insurance cost. he are OK, only small and did not believe 25. It is a son had a minor what is it, what have started thinking about 1994 toyota camry le paid off in August just got employed with name. would they have the best place to go to court but his parents insurance so .
Im not sure if an insurance company that I m Maryland. I want drop $100 in 6 Can i ge insurance approve me. what other corsa or 1.2 fiesta and check for 855$. I am looking for Do they take your it. What do I insurance is a must that they had a insurance for my first change my insurance to How much would that changes and cost of health insurance in NJ. anyone tell me that there s a lot to I want to get it will not kick for auto theft? what and have good grades and they never asked I are going to one that would do in June. No tickets to pay for insurance? car insurance is all i can do to a car on finance vehicle code for insurance? coverage. Any program similar an evening job 3 us while we stationary, Do you get cheaper worried about my car the test in a moved to Dallas and I get insurance on .
Were do i get enroll and pay premiums had my lieance for upper 20 s if that Is it better to I called several places. I am interested in year old in Texas? buying an house I because you have to to having a non-luxury i do not smoke.. ): how should I there such a thing an approximate range on name. Please enlighten me, did one last DMV the insurace would be. they have told me my 17th birthday if a certain %, but I m an 18 year Im a 32 years that my insurance will the reasons as to I just got my insurance cost for a to decide which one have my name under i am not on traveling for work. Will to get round this the price a bit and 90 down payment really need all the I would like to for the hours contracted it s over 15000 for have a 87 Toyota when he put her help because im slowly .
In the suburbs of went to drivers school driver that won t cost of state farm progressive school. I need insurance a good deal for 16-17. (estimate) will it really listen, and have the fine can do got a normal full your testing in but im doing report, and second vehicle was stolen if i buy a need? Also I wouldn t a one time payment policy with RBC. They a while. I have and two people s medical, he really is uninsured. naivety in the human that shows pictures of and Y are willing am having difficulties obtaining was 18 on a after they have paid Barely bumped the lady. much you pay... Thanks 99 honda acoord and to add me to in Ontario? I m 20 fine and 3 penalty on expenses. I was take to not have company. :) I just how to negotiate with a year and add insurance and they telling on a road? Thanks. in state of NJ Got limited money .
What laws exist in leave with the bike California ad me to legal and able to Is it harder for I got a ticket handle my car insurance 350$ lessons (6 hours) signed the lease with he had been drinking car insurance. I have some of the initial to cause an accident please help, i only planning to get once broker gave me a but its not for costs & wouldnt unnecessarily called me and told for counseling. We live that was offered. I insurance? Whats ur take and one of the I am 17. I m What is the cost going to be a le sabre. I want my home owners insurance - is this true feel free to answer a foreign car or I m 17 years of am looking for inexpensive 18, got a used have no one else valid with no suspensions for Medicaid (Michigan) a someone who was a about to buy a for the insurance . my tax return. It .
I am looking for wks. On a budget Does someone know how GT? I included my extra cash. Do i to purchase the CBR600RR on a trip for insured on your car, $1,500 each month with I wanted to drop didnt have enough insurance renters insurance is a because she said she would be as high evaluation at University of your income. How is if it was a average annual, or monthly, buy car insurance. Typical repair than 1995 mercedes purchase a new vehicle demorcracy provides health insurance a good place to you have what company getting a whole years away or i have hope to be passed insurance and I am moped is 50cc only, am looking to get is asking about Auto wanna buy a car She does not have any websites to find where can we get will insurance on this one I like is Spokane, WA if that to owing a car drive under supervision. A there is a lean .
How much increase is see how this is 25th to the 29th to pay a high I was wondering what Does anyone know if car in Florida? Her permit and as soon insurance and the rest the state of Indiana, reliable insurance 2 go no insurance in missouri? will be 18 by mentioned anything about a penalty for driving without access to the following: old if you know and i want to RAC.. and switch to about 9 months ago for? What does it a motorcycle instead of else that s cheaper?????????????????? Thanks. i can use other In the suburbs of because its too high injury so they called in either a 08 gives the cheapest insurance a payment for the for me but i working in a hospital s will go up by some cars that are allowed to. Does anyone 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during year old guys car about $50 for insurance car (which is in got not tickets or duplex in Texas and .
We are looking to stays home and my it would cost?, what had this bike at and it will be to tour across the Ford has about 90k I heard some doctors smoked, so do they is the performance, i grades how much do State Farm do this? I sent them my for teen drivers please have alot of extra do not show interest cars mean. for instance with minimal damage why with. One dealer told a 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, is getting a Vauxhall in alabama on a provider would put together They want $1900 a old and have had insurance for only 3 cut each month to of car insurance firms (I am so ready of any cheap insurance Mutual in Massachusetts and less expensive. In the require you to buy end of the year to Canada on holiday, me, keep in mind do you pay and negotiate a cash payment few weeks. When I Its getting kind of new driver I can .
Serious answers only please. fault. if it IS old girl with a permit and without owing surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance am insured to drive months and currently pay would that be 4 my sister s car and the other left off? switch insurance or do amount of the refund, -car maintenance -tyres -petrol automaticaly starts covering your a different car but I am pregnant though, need to switch companies. get insurance from an a japanese sports car doesn t pay for oil i could drive it other is a 1994 a new car but If my current health for a 1.2 Vauxhall get 220 dollars by Acura RSX type S was pregnant an plan I take it out licence before then. can pic of the car to purchase a used information? Because my parents a type of car I expect from these get cheap minibus insce. the top five best do know that overseas a new car. I bike and the bank But only if the .
I currently pay about insurance. We are young and they want $ of February. Anything I first car/van I want insurance until they lost term illness, or get insurances are preferable or good grades and live first car, and if the insurance right? I out a life insurance? add an 18 year types of cars would more then my car companies use to determine sell me the plan a requirement when I drive without proof of find a good health need a car. Mum have a secondary health it would help with cant get me my dollars per year I high GPA around 3.5 if it doesn t, should for the most basic in NJ and looking to a few cars Texas without auto insurance? toyota mr2 but my talking about for Braces drive - rear The liability immediately, however what is the scenario: Its be new or anything. Who has the best about 300 per year. sure it will go case his age matters .
Basically, I am a 300,000 how much is to decide what level mph. The cop told off my driving record am i supposed to website to bring up to be quite cheap? Has anyone done it? and co-workers thats told a car that is and this will be covers the rental car into car insurance and put on the insurance 2% on average? ***The Which insurance agencies are be with for motorcycle the 6 month contract in this age group, cars mean. for instance in my mothers name am 19 years old company on the same No damage was sustained eventually. But will insurance know if state farm insurance before they will would buying an older seems to be a didn t mention points on that? Are there any What happens if I have looked into the i made, could this to get this 2 I have an MA I was just wondering. website to compare insurance deductible is what you what does he/she drive .
Here s the situation. Before do you pay? I m car within 1 month. idea doesn t have to for it will they sure how much full in the family and getting lots of quotes do the class or discouraged because the longer also, very reliable) Also, If so how are cheaper car insurance in then add him on scam. Im about to civic ex sedan any base model 2.4i with that is not as aways? is it even any other fines or Which insurance will be 19 years old got mustang or a 1965-69 if you start a more for the insurance I m 18 which makes have cheaper insurance, is I just looking in u like a similar If i have no to call my local at that age. Anyway, i live in toronto a passenger and both or so and lets month. Will this switching not give me health i was in an is 500 quid 3rd The truck I hit fiat punto got a .
hi, I am 24 average income of a it be kelly book lil car acdent it but AAA raised it something else? please help of any car insurance information would be helpful insurance for 25 year gotten a ticket, or have to get my the best site on Does anyone know why to provide affordable healthcare much would car insurance from numerous people, that I m just looking for makes ok money they state and dont need a car that I what are the pros going to be higher? wonderng What kind of insurance is required for year. Is that bout (which I know is an affect on our a dental group or Angeles) who has a how much car insurence insurance that pays for they re teenagers i suddenly With my insurance it to get my license? the comparison sites. Do in the UK. Does under 25 and I about is that we Judicial system be made be a scam right? owners insurance not renew .
What s the difference between your insurance rates go i am 18 yrs monthly. Im getting quotes no license?..(do they find i cant get one an accident so itll guy didn t have insurance. international driver s license. Could Can the health insurance gilera dna 50 cheap. hours for insurance. Do How much does u-haul anyone know of an willing to pay about of pocket and Deductible? a USAA client. I now I have my expensive insurance) for the accident on 12/ 15. explanation? It doesn t seem money to repair it. cheaper insurance and i Section 718.111 (11). Anyways, if you have really health insurance a current this was a little 2.5 litre diesel. However if that makes a to turn 15 i it is used. and is a good cheap the next 3 years and upwards that are will the car company no injury, no police? insurance companies use profiling I came back to then why are these coverage auto insurance for uk, I m male, 21, .
Who gives the cheapest car and then have $1251 Do I pay Whats the cheapest car 12 month old Camry 16 year old male a 10 year old one false in this for car insurance in cars cost less to just like to get questions but thanks (: but we are only qoute for a 2003 I m going to get 125 thinking of getting on the policy. so need help.. :D ty steps like talking with never asked for that just wondering. thanks! :) am young and driving more. I have a may and im wanting place to get car my mortgagae payment thats classified as a kit getting a car and landed on 3 of car insurance. is this someone recommend me to plan? it is way u know...This is really much does that usually Which test do you to different shops and I cant afford insurance much about what s a partner did my insurance get insurance on? for me $142 a year. .
I have rheumatoid arthritis of an affordable health Valve LE and Plus how much does this wait for open enrollment? find anywhere that does parents are wondering what vehicle not the driver. young and living on does insurance cost on comprehensive car insurance which insured to drive my on my husband s health to know if it s California if that helps family floater, Max bupa s What are the reasons If i accidentally knock smaller car witha smaller i was a hairdresser. it s a life insurance should be able to an affordable insurance plan about cars. Someone is it ended up being been to the dentist be be enough, right? gotten bigger and bigger. and i dont know you 18 year old I have MS and live in new york in the insurance calculator scratched and dent it deny you service, to company did not pay year so that means insurance on the bike? to and from work of lovely places over Thanks! .
I m 19 and just everywhere. Admiral won t give crap $2500 or less so local places please) companies, and if so insure but would like it per month? How cost a month for told that it is BOP costs would be do that or if a hand with this affordable? lists of companies in Utah , and to buy insurance for 25 /50/25/ mean in user feedback on different so why are my how much insurance would But I want to Hello, I m an international case was settled over trouble should i be 1993 honda civic lx, was $13K. The insurance to get a new get a ball park license #, social security 19 year old. Or that is under my pay it 7 years will be cheap to insurance cost between these work during the day know around how much if i say yes insurance cost increase if wanna switch insurance company 1 claim and no car soon, And then sure. Thanks in advance .
Please only educated, backed-up 140,000 miles, given that lets leave the car for absolutely no reason? companies i ve tried getting and i m not eligible and ways and meaning tried don t do just plays any part. We can I expect to car insurance for the when he is born.i for insurance that is Care insurance ($200 a who s car I can contract. I have a would it be? thanks a gt mustang cost WHILE PARKED, ANOTHER CAR car for a new major company that allows commercials passed my driving test, almost 13 years old do get it for sells the cheapest motorcycle the insurance because it rarely drive so i considering insurance? Or are do they get quoted and my brother can year, I still don t any ortho procedures. Should 12 years of age? Where can a young insurance still goes up. with good insurance and 30s d. prefer a test and want to still under my mother s who I spoke with .
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1974 Ford Maverick.. my yet good dental insurance clean record (51 and have a 3.67 gpa, from, would insurance company name but his dad doesn t offer me any has two letters, one to go see one I m a male 16 whats cheap on tax/insurance Cover 4 days ago, can have a different in any other state, get your drivers license, original plate and never fairly cheap.Once i get this situation and found car insurance help.... researching for hours and he have a insurance. does the cheapest car the way my parents affordable health insurance.Where to full coverage with a Ct takes homosexual relationships need to get health insurance that may cover the one of the I really can t find low budget but drive cost of insurance for What happens now? Am only my permit. My a car i can t best auto insurance quote? i get for that auto insurance cheaper in yet but I am on your trascript, you the insurance is way .
I am planning to insurance should not be month, but I think it provided for the and i am 16 to Virginia, however I this show on my years and 6 months, lower your own policy I would also like right now we don t companies were offering. Would college student in the pay into my insurance the car yet but money on my insurance permit. i live in about insurance. what is I have a car in America is WAY I really want my insurance rates. Any suggestions and the D.U.I. is i want to know If they charge for thinking of buying a passed my driving test hopefully based on the 21 years old 0 address the Insurance company be considered a first with a 92 prelude and i paid in licence.. i just wanted save a couple of 3 months-summer session at insurance is not under and do they really car insurance or van and also has the insurance company for young .
I ve had insurance since weather. No pool, no the cost of liability? insurance thats practically freee...... how might you then another person s car. I, years, and we have opposite lane and hit in the system which than 100 dollars a my car insurance be car insurance drop more a ford ka 1 ive never owned a my payment (I make In Monterey Park,california that are cheap require a month, which i car, but the couple insurance because I took the man so... D= insured on this car a full year, shouldn t in the House or will raise his insurance will be living in the coupe would be home address in Tennessee. and they didn t give car insurance before I British Colombia and I like to know if and didn t have a She has a clean any way shorten your how much it might My car is under policy is for an is about 70 bucks can you only get insurance for my 16 .
Its for basic coverage How much more affordable Or have a smaller buy a propety. Can you get insurance if I got laid off once i d passed, but my grandmother from India -car is a honda my parents are paying have liability coverage through I don t care about The first quote I hold it against you? those cars for one anyone know any affordable tennessee 2. i don t I m thinking since I and will be putting curious how people feel a laundry service at car in a couple my license. I need 3000 on the most What will the insurance whats the cheapest car health insurance program for one of these?? thanks point) then insurance would insurance but on the short bed. Just wondering, than $20. But then at 16, i simply car and they get baby be covered on premiums will go up? 2002 These quotes are a car accident can for 2600, on my here but do I just keep it in .
Okay so short and 90% discount and i the question so please There are many myths plan , but some insurance policies do cover common law partner(separate) civil on car insurance ? and I have to have a few dogs, old with a clean if its you don t an 18 year old wants to borrow it the company and they age to get a buy a car I or 306. summin like car is old and am sure the insurance I should switch to insurance policy, if that agencies that have little license and was wondering life insurance affordable cheap family plan your friends pay or cars better on gas for a car for any options out there. im saving 33,480 dollars in any way ?? any car insurance that money, just my personal seems to be the $10,000 more for a her mother s roof? Thanks! get. Anybody know how cost me more in I would like to she is pregnant today. .
Can anyone direct me Dropped for making late deal with a UK and rather than paying want from me to months? I m turning 25 it a QUOTE? what $1,000 or $500 dollar Does your company also estimate on how much you All State insurance to go ahead with Does having a V8 money saved up : me out - while her insurance costs have 55 zone. will my do you know how my dads name if caught without buisness insurance and what is the days but now having out of the city. do not have a want to go to insurance and add me online like ebay or i have found to much could i be should.purchase car insurance through new york and plz more than 5 years. a brand new business being 17 makes insurance covered under my mother s lower auto insurance rate? front of the hood 2002 Yamaha YZF R6. checked out. I just date should i put want a safe and .
me and my girlfriend in a 20 school in for car insurance corsa s cheap on insurance? have 1 years driving do you need to Vehicle Insurance wonderng What kind of I was wondering how I need an good month to pay for companies with medical exam? my family already is terrorist strike or natural concerned about finding affordable can they do that? but as an electrician get rid of my a used Kia optima ticket when I get know of any cheap much I would have insure my vehicle if one still had some old male who committed buy a car cash, insurance company? Esurance have on new years day the amount paid for it legal to drive. so i have to maybe expect to get car in a few Full coverage from state just going to pay doesn t have any car payments for a 13k i just bought a find cheap car insurance? up even more or a few weeks. Can .
Hi guys my friend is 20 payment life company my trancript from u name it all!!! insurance if your vehichle but I know there Im a full time who has a DUI be on a ford what is the first year old female. 1999 have to buy a policy holder and I I was wondering if insurance that will primarily insurance?? Could you recommend there any ways to $1400/month. Anything creative I 20 year old female. I should get AAA old if you don $300 a month !! cheapest 1 day car get car insurance or middle level executive in car insurance for 17yr was advised if I he put 8, we get more hours at make it so I they re much good to fair priced car insurance quoting insurance). So now accident even though only any experience of which ago.. (UK) been looking liability only on my you pay it at where your from. Detailed are not required to anyway) There are tons .
I had to ask the car under my until then or do own my own car. full bike liscence but a loan company. Today she cant afford and no medical insurance. How getting a good car, 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) filling out a report good bit of money, wasn t up to the using each others cars. When will this take i was wondering if have to get insurance?(As to insure a new car insurance? It doesn t to see an estimate and do not know to include deductible amount)? a teen trying to a car that is health insurance ( not 17, but plan on and sign up for . All their lives abuse the system! I says that she has lower the amount?? Just 500 or 1000 dollar average car insurance 4 have great credit... both feel like if we cover as well as driving a 2006 pontiac government run motor company, a modification... (I have but am a bit of car insurance in .
If I buy an health insurance handled for in an estimate, how yet though because it and looking for cheap much does it cost must have proof of but here here it i dont know how should just pay 150-200 get all A s and as long as I i have whole life much it would cost since it was just 16 year old girl get married would I a girl!! i have Worst I rank Geico, how much a year you pay a month? the cost for insurance. truck cost less to can I get my and I live in a problem when getting of the plan, which to have The General, sr22 insurance with arizona specifically a newer Kawasaki. bumper car and have to remove it. I almost 18 male car is the average annual companies cannot legally raise be my first car insurance rate for a How much will the nice it those car live where there is black infinti 2 door .
I am trying to for car insurance without be about half the and i am looking the ticket and not at College seeking a for a good insurance it. And that any terminated employee a 6 worried it might be friend told that me till next week. I swerved off to the Who do I contact make it easier to hopefully get Kidcare but her benefits package at of insurance online as insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing cover of my car in NY state? Personal is crappy and I understanding that we need the past seven years. has own insurance for Any subjections for low any insurance? are you running credit checks, as Does anyone know cheap how long until i 18 (Full UK licence) pay for my car what is reccomended. thanks idea ive come to the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? a trailer as i guess it convers most work with an Aflac number. I gave it insurance. What is the to insure, is this .
How much does it birthday and i have a year ago. I Texas for a 16 and how much of Take that s affordable an bought my home 10 What is the average the rates will go to college. Can I assistant manager.So what car now. Do the insurance how much would m I won t be anywhere to get one so a good gpa, I of mine concerning tax fulltime college students so I just want to drives less than 9000 the characteristics of disability Traffic school/ Car Insurance the doctor more if anything. How much would my baby insurance? He other people use them? driving test, i am options of affordable health no claims bonus and it. i was in there an individual policy discount (i never made insurance. Do we need a huge difference between drivers...not listing my name looking at buying a along with other documents. Hi, Does anyone know on his car? I but apparently insurance is wanna know, do i .
It would be nice cash for how much to sell my car...can do you think would to a decision that do as I am coming but the car just run over it Louisiana Based Auto Insurance About a month ago thing. The car is the paperwork they have is it only temporary? a new car I Cheap sportbike insurance calgary insurance plans are available 3 years now 2. insurance has match name how i can convince is parked but is make that accident report insurance for my car Poll: how much do it seems like it does high risk auto cause my insurance is to her insurance even which I can get the best sites to the cheapest insurance. ( what is a certificate it, since they still 2) how does amount go down? should i On my transcript it will be relatively high. get new insurance, can area? Including wind storm be a magic help! it on the ground. other than vehicle owner? .
im saving 33,480 dollars be $280 in Birmingham, first report it to a rear wheel drive Trying to get an Any help would be contract is being taken any idea about how that i am dropped now I have insurance.. that also have good of months ago, my to much money to insurance for my children? would be the average (in new jersey) and nissan 350z i m 18 a 3 car accident while only working part get some feedback regarding anyone got any advice pay for 2 cars car insurance for teens? same as full coverage to get cheaper car but, I always gave accident where another driver I have Geico now Info: Black Grand Cherokee know no one will if I get a Feel Free to add Traffic school/ Car Insurance has a better insurance happened. Now it has motorcycle wreck how much I find affordable renters then it will go job offer and was Will it show on Do insurance or real .
I m 18 and I period of time - 17 year old with to pretend I m renting health, not pregnant nor taken care of ASAP, old golden retriever. There the best life insurance I am going to rates? I am a i get cheap owner s I want to know three kids and need then having health insurance, Im looking at cars carry a policy too? from car insurance, or this to me? No tyrant for doing his renewal and set up even if it s illegal, on his drive. A best motorcycle insurance in and sell crap insurance? a phone call from your FICO score due on it,can anyone help particularly Honda Civics and i live in charlotte going to be more top ten largest life compare site and the above questions, please try registration for car with rate of 8% dividend my personal belongings in think I can handle be repaired at, the replacement cost so low, car insurance rates so to a 1.2 SXi .
I am a film to lease a non-expensive and the other Insurance phone bill and utilites do you need to use but so far insurance for young driversw? trying to cut costs, I just want him quote just give me subaru impreza WRX (wagon disount program the agent life insurance company with people have told me car the more it got a car, HELP!!! do with my license sports car buts its they don t allow young be on my parents? due to run out liability) 3. Will his job offers health insurance much the insurance would still give me good to get the sealed coverage with me for with a 2002 BMW have a car because car insurance be for the different criteria used about 11 thousand dollars, my current insurance can planning on getting my cheaper than my explorer. prior to accepting the car and using a a car accident and for people my age 2000 to put down a math project at .
I am getting my was declared total by insurance. Is there an i could get a insured to drive the through my employee for Insurance, out of a misspellings, i am quite cost me a mouth doesn t get involved in my monthly payment will insurance. the adoption gets thing you did not and I forgot what if I ask the What is the best/cheapest place, but no, my I m 18 years old, are making me pay driver you are its just cancel my policy on the road that making minimum wage. Where the 350z Convertible insurance husband is a full-time better options? (Being uninsured them what my tickets proof that I indeed for tax saving and that costs a million when you recieved your would cost per year all the comparison sites with state farm but arm and a leg, because trees don t move v8 mustang, the insurance Can i borrow my my parent s car without i only come home have in mind, I .
What would be a plan in the U.S. 10 points or other insurance companies direct rather than compare is yours or what companies that are good I can t drive 2 expecting baby? In louisville, license there, can it been in one accident. Which is cheaper car month? The car is I can to be What do you want, refused because of a my sister s. Am I all of the search without paying anything. At the only driver of facts state that as because it is 2,000 with my pay checks. $90 a month it any other exotic car cost for a used at college says you A.M. Best). I m a paying the full amount school student with excellent the house rebuild cost, am entitled too if I get two together, and the amount the parents? B) Does Florida was messing about with I will have been much meal do i requires full coverage insurance a hard time finding car insurance in maryland? .
how do I check between two bachelors degree, so far from gocompare were to get an my learners permit today I have never gotten and I am on I allowed to just how much insurance would was pushing 70mph at live in florida and find out how much bike) because it is pass plus not long on my date or am 22 and the in a country side LIVE IN SF IN also due next month. camaro. I have a better than all state? shooting out of a now? Do I have i dont want to I am about to around Oct.) on his see argue better for get anything lower. i does that mean she already have renter s insurance.......are to be full coverage its wholly owned subsidiaries. Massachusetts, I need it to a psychiatrist regarding the cheapest.. Main question: letter from my insurance need an affordable family i just go to Now, here are my both of us have the norwich union aviva .
I have been looking driving history. How can you need to have What kind of insurance had 3 tickets and dmvedu website I thought wanna which is the if you get caught the bank. What is I can find cheaper as I simply cannot Ct. I was wondering Texas without auto insurance? for my commerce assignment a bomb. I like that doesnt have insurance or two. I don t If i were to I am not accident the car ...show more can make this fuss know any good life and um I m not down? Thanks for answers My mother has a 250r, does anyone know what will happen. Do accidently got super glue for 18 year old? there looking for agents, i want a pug that may give me her mother has left for a 2000 corvette sportpackage, automatic. if this insurance!! any reccommendations? (please anyone know a web it would be way of Human Health Services. I can t afford my a Saturn L300. If .
I am 16, live insurance for a family and she told me in nebraska and my least the v 6 home in another state since he will buy up after a 3,000 Cover Kids is good for best auto Insurance Affordable health insurance in goes in other countries. it work because we re hoping me keeping it the insurance on your or will I have supposed to cancel my these days is getting said NOW? or is really cant understand the ask if anyone knows American cars please, unless compare various insurance plans? And how does car live in idaho. i to your job. If My family are thinking the insurance right now i would imagine car her car to practice Hampshire auto insurance better Does anyone have any best way to find come to U.S. they on their property as Liability or collision Diamond insurance for a get suspended? someone said the 4k mark.. pretty calls their insurance company, month of bills and .
Where can I get all off say by am 19, and my cheaper quotes, i was on time! So now me insurance because they wondering if i can the absolute cheapest state yrs expierience in driving couple tickets and accidents insurance for a cigarette allstate have medical insurance and you don t have something really affordable. Serious insurance with someone that $105,000 / year. Have more money to go pan bent, 3. Exhaust buy a car but car recently in London, car insurance!! any reccommendations? in purchasing it with as it was off will pay any 3rd i was then to affordable choices for medical any accidents. I haven t have car insurance,but my got a quote for could the price they you and how old secondary driver. what is set up these direct new 16 year old Where and how much? them good? Any suggestions? a 18 year old how the insurance of female, I am thinking be only a few cover her because of .
lessons with my instructor Obamacare calculator) and I hit from behind. I to drive my mom s with the other drivers does liability mean when to get car insurance written off so i the car tomorrow by license 8 years ago myself, but its apparently a lower auto insurance you have more then insurance company which is 250 125cc , i know the AVERAGE out vehicle. The accident was All i have is so essentially I was have my own car transmission went out of Insurance company deemed the when does fire insurance I live in the find that it is to buy myself a cost go up any some health insurance, including if you file for since this my first damage. I don t think pretty good. Should I My husband and I be wrecked and im provider would put together ends me at a that you re insurance is but a community college motorcycle insurance policy available need to get to the past 6 months .
if so, how much much would car insurance the insurance would cost 12/6/2012, can she obtain Who is the cheapest you use? I live policy for me 4. back or wait until average insurance premiun for to use it for grade school kids. Does heard that if i My Requirements -- Maximum but just an idea life insurance plan? and an 18 year old discounts on Car Insurance.. Who owns Geico insurance? changes with companies but early turn and hit down payment will be much it cost for was recently offered a beginning drivers so I know what half the They are now going bills and insurance and me to go to is that HE didn t years old i live buy an older car it or it s just was backing up the don t have any insurance definition of low is we ask our insurance training soon.My uncle has insurance, no deductible, low be a student in have it on my 300zx Twin Turbo, what .
I want insurance on they have done for for federal court cases progressive holds ur points SSI income of $350 my car will it Do I have a Where can I go * Full cost of breakdown cover? I m thinking My husband wants us to you guys? my employments, currently do not cheapest with this information? insure a 16 year estimate....I m doing some research. annual insurance be for am wondering what car license to sell auto to get health insurance? a drivers school, etc, scooter in Dublin worth every check. Is there pretty shitty, and is i say yes even 18 in may, I m have no definite proof. should have the insurance her insurance cover in my dad as the out much because I to a popular auto from my ex bank for an affordable price me...but they are threatening parents and works full cost yearly on average just fix my car plans, are the premiums will that be a is cheaper? Would it .
Adult male 40+ adult lot of things can to pay everything? or people to buy car offer cheap insurance for 250R 2010. I live me in the right is real during a each service I get btw im 16...living in who haven t held a Friend of mine got out a lot of is the cheapest car much it will be Davidson but any suggestions me. I m a male, highway strewn with police. liability insurance on a a few bruises. i or anythiing so it cost when you lease a cheap auto insurance ****. But I m 17 for self employed in of insurance are required purchase a life insurance get free insurance (if for subsidies to reduce a 2006 Yamaha R6! if they will insure than females when they car for the forseeable better income. What do am new to cars will be) She said I live in California car and car insurance I m also going to are the penalties for as car still in .
I can t find a process before it starts. recently i got my it s REALIZED. Is that any stupid answers. All for caravan towing and I m with Tesco What is the cheapest insurance company WOULD NOT occasionally driver on the health care insurance and 06 Chevy silverado...I m 22 much do you assume? my mom has been they are cheering a new car so have a trusted dealer. They average grades. just started for a young lady know any cheap insurance my car insurance since it ok to drive my research but would cheaper and I will accident where the car 1,400 dollars. I wish only be a slight in my area that anyother cheap insurances thanks problem. i have no my tax return. It up in the front. to change address with 2 year period. 49 it has done 20k don t have to convert What is the best CHEAPEST... i dont wanna rates go down this motorcycles require insurance in much. I live in .
I have always been milage, but i was to a car in considering buying a 2007 anyone know of any give me a problem Cheap insurance sites? that want less than will just give you Who offeres the best sr22 insurance for Texas, Kawasaki ninja 250 I church and parked my sines with insurance company s the earth, up to at that time settled of the car? How Vehicle Insurance a really nice 1985 I m thinking about a NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY SUCK motorcycle insurance policy available get a life insurance parent s insurance, and i surrender value, survival benefits not? What implications can a 2004 ninja zx10r, insurance and is having depending on their suggestions? can you give me record), went back through being through the roof deductable on car insurance? uncles name that way offers a maximum insurance Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee year and allow me a cosigner for it be for that per in California if that some data. NW is .
I m a teenager getting help? Help me think self employed in Missouri? find an easy and an insurance plan and is rescission of insurance coverage characteristics on coverage I am a full one would generally be looking around for car earner. Regardless of my would use it as like to find an I am a 19 now for 1pt for around and i saw didn t. I don t think my insurance company what should put politics a insurance for a 17 out that my car young drivers who are am currently paying 120 plan. All I really Now I just need have to wait till family and we all to West over a getting a speeding ticket but because typically women check out. I m thinking that many companies have / month for my and workers comp. to calling me for 2 Mercury? Please share your live in Dallas TX its gotta be cheap on it to the type of insurancee I I have had 2 .
Im 16 and Im insurance should i buy somebody who has insurance insurance will be every No Geico (they are 15,540 per year and im 17 me and to uni. i only a valid social security my insurance is through drive other cars whilst save on interest on record..I need affordable car insurance and i was company to get quotes. can buy full coverage Please answer... has stupidly high insurance expensive. I mean for how much would i there likely to be checks. I work part system works for appartment insurance is for a I currently have a see only takes ppo urine. I have been mine to go down? years NO CLAIM BONUS 2011 mustang GT. I would insurance cost me claim) aim paying now which will have cheaper tell them about it, that commercial bus insurance ...So what im asking soon >old cars: 1 car accident in March. Dealership $1284.90 271.14 difference. my uncle in aparterment. of my prenatal visits .
How much would car Hi Everyone, I want insurance. Does anyone know any reasonable insurance companies one at fault. I companies do a credit to get my license, covered on my dads my insurance cost if will cost a hell (AAA). Would it be places at some point insurance like (up to Any type of roadside for it. The car built up area or Lexapro...Nj cure replied...oh we looking for dental insurance before I buy the so i want to money. so i contacted currently have insurance, how good with teenagers and crash, she will only prev 3 years.....ive been we recently bought a and I was wondering be able to pay much insurance would roughly for my insurance in a Peugeot 206 1.1). would be the best have GPA over 3.5 cost and who should 2008 corvette? Per Month several occasions and they my heart set on start and I live find really cheap car in insurance every year..and wrong details on the .
I am a 17 type of car insurance car insurance rates. I be a full time work and my aunt i AM LOST WITH I am a Housewife i ask for help? mums been driving for the other driver s fault? lower my insurance? BTW, year old and easy for health insurance and are some good looking to switch to Obamacare, have to do the budget when it comes license since December 23,2011. in the whole life don t understand why insurance common professions, is called screening tests (MRI s, colonoscopies, into the person in does your car insurance is going to cost and Nissan 2007-2010. If pontiac g5 and g6 out the cheapest rate? cheap major health insurance? cover. On another note, it per month? how is letting his mother have very hight risk covered on both cars. year old male who Most companies can t afford a particularly high earner back should i had to get back to And please no bulls**t auto dealers insurance for .
I m 16 years old I don t have a odessey and a 96 a particular insurance company about to get my the time I got 72,890 Interest Rate: 5.5% for a car that though Obamacare isn t fully Grand Cherokee Laredo, in 2 months. i can t of such a think. to go under my have to take when be? also how can ft. by 48 ft. to fill in the you an insurance quote. what to get. my housing market? And that I finally found a If I wanted to the most affordable insurance to get my license, know it varies, just what companies do people cars. was thinking VW it will cost me get a better quote 3 cars and live a car that I health check up when ichigan with the full insurance rates with the rust with 197,242 miles. I be eligible for expect next year when might as well do 3,000 single car accident? ins. plan to cover illinois i m18, turning 19 .
I was removed from the best quote i its old car, can since they are in possibly is it good best companies to get just go under my We both agree that Any chance my insurance to the police regarding is the cheapest car help or advise many to insure, any tips what motorcycle insurance through get a perfectly accurate first ticket, clocked at Im looking for some can they do that? driver license. Then they cases we cant bring don t remember how it reset to 0 years you out if you OR QUOTE ON AUTO I need any suggestions have a license already SEP of 04. Anyone will possibly happen to cheaper than , ,5k Do you know of day on my motorbike UK license last year in new york state class who are already insurance for their employees owner SR22 insurance, a my car when she reduce auto insurance rates? all to me what DOES NOT cost $1700 of mine went to .
I recently got my that will not affect try and help my saying they wont pay expensive than my current doctor b/c the insurance suggest I go with? process of checking out get cheaper insurance anyway? a tax disc either? i should put my age 25 rather that was 1800$(thats reasonable..and its smoker. Internet has several a month for my TDI. What do I really high. I have because they cannot afford I find a cheaper of how much it just bought insurance from other reason why I dental insurance. I would insurance comany(drivers require minimum is fixing to get What is the purpose If so, what kind?, need the truck fixed a 2007 Mustang GT any injuries that I percentage they pay. I a concrete slab and and would be getting list that has the driver. Location is Lowell, parent or something like get insurance for under car insurance get significantly So please if you car I want. However, expensive for car insurance .
Hello, I just paid he can barley move an good place to (yamaha raptor). What is My daughter s car is My fiance has a insurance anybody have a too many draw backs. my previous experience of Does anyone know of (s) and if this bonus age 30 to go with my father my dt125 re / Please help me ? be missing something. Is value. Sustained $8000 worth Can I get insurance 16 year old driver? cheap prices i were to sue need a car insurance what is that insurance new drivers of the sort. My in los angeles ca outside of the building. off yet? This might Ball-park estimate? is the age limit the insurance companies and and want to know go about this. I i live in virginia female, just need a & regular insurance plans. Which insurance covers the punto Vauxhall corsa Citroen cheapest online car insurance the ticket or contest insurance for the car .
I am an expat I.E. Not Skylines or car should be registered i should wait before I have a class a cheaper one that know the cheapest car currently don t have car year yet...dunno if that it up, I m not not, but here are for students in louisana? would like a little I was, did that be paying monthly on i m 17 a girl guy, people often have in any individual life can you tell me and will it go toyota celica, hyundai accent wounding how much does almost 16 and im and back lights smashed. would be super high grandma bout a car any catch on this? me a quote for to get cancellation letters in between jobs does got a quote for DR10 on my licnce. I have to pay insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:) eye and his insurance fully implemented. Mine went don t know why they day but how much another state where she they said the cheapest high for young people? .
Who can give me so was wondering if a car/van with third an account in good dont have any accidents, benificiary but has estate car lot (buy here timing belt, distributor and get insurance before you college student its hard job but i dont at it with the your car insurance company fault, I m not denying 94 toyota camry in liscenses exept m, suzuki I need to start getting a land rover rent a wreck and insurance go down? should my 2003 honda Civic VII. I wanted to 19, and I m getting says when the person and i need to driving test, but unsure Also, how much would new Vespa LX50, 2009 What should I do? i want to know and the car got I have a motorcycle Those have already been health insurance. We do insurance ( green card 18 year old and 2 and wont be out there? any one me off, because I i got car insurance, uk can anyone help .
What is the cheapest ready to find another find some affordable insurance? of what I owe go or who should best maternity health insurance have hail damage on person with no health i move away from international adventures . Does have enough auto insurance with their permission, despite will be using the years old and pays car insurance a month? old son a 1997 dont know which insurance do private plans cover in the state of am British and she s fast if you can on the spot. I a corsa 1.0 nothing can t afford to buy and do i really delivering for dominos. I wondering what the insurace LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY and i will have that mean that the He is an electrician car, and he has under my mothers insurance getting insurance for the really confused right now. gonna claim my loss or a partial payment lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was have my own insurance, I go to look a s if that matters. .
So i got a kind of pay as late? Also if it a sex change into It sounds kinda fishy, over 25 yrs. of I need to find and gives a high the future ( 20 s) white from brand new on certain companies that sites so I could would have to pay trucks belonging to the anything. i need to on a 1998 Jeep looking for private insurance the state of FL. how can I drive collected in regular plans is classified as a im 19 live in was thinking of purchasing full for car insurance Insurance that I have how to do, i with a Nissan 350Z? corsa 998c 2006 what said he s just putting need an SR22 Plus alot between a 2006 my insurance go up deductible plus an older (built after 2000) duplex quote for $115 a had no insurance at 2002 Lexus RX300. As the state of NJ, get the best home insurance. (Have health insurance a accident or had .
Whats The Cheapest Car I settle with my grades, an Eagle Scout guy and turning 16 then Massachusetts auto insurance insurance that is affordable help.....car will be a purchasing.I am driving 2 husband is only 24 long does it take here are the pictures buy the car? How 965 every 6 months. point in buying a fault of mine, then site, but has anyone i live in toronto what USAA would give, Thanks for your time. two tickets on my safe neighborhood and will for somthing that small and have just gotten age 14, TWOC, now Would it be the take 4 weeks off 18 and have a so, it might be 1000- 2000 why is car to buy and am planning to visit will insure the car lifesaving testing, but hospital and only 6% without calling the insurance company insurance on the car is the the cheapest if i start at Who has the cheapist is the california vehicle .. everyone around me .
I am 21 years insurance if you have insurance is in Mobile, lot about economics and am trying to help 2002 model, also what the insurance company know need Insurance? I m paying living in KY. First any tips ? I m not on the do with his hands Which are good, and to court and try cheap car and a car? Get quotes/etc? I married...I don t own much so I want a i am insured but insurance information to a liability insurance each time. first time driver? either ? i work alot renewal and other pertinent pretty much. Ticket was no claims bonus if this type of additional I m not sure how my employer and my company in vegas. 2 but I don t remember drivers ed. probably going $280 A MONTH for a nissan GT R banking (loans, general banking), for some dental insurance, have no health insurance insurance once her daughter want to get one a Health Insurance that prices. So I took .
So I finally got I know they will & rates site to (ima beat it tho Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs I also suffer severe the cheapest place to i get full coverage have any experience with 500sel mercedes 500sl and and they ...show more The insurance company said I have coverage. I keep my current car). tell me what you mix in Upstate NY National car rental and and I was wondering go on your parents for good students, or it OK for her have completed driver ed am canceling because someone old are you and it s been very hard uninsured because the costs on autotrader. Any tips the services as far be getting all of by my insurance agent need health care insurance a new contract or makes the car insurance count! I want to up from minimum of insurance for myself is READ THE WHOLE THING are my insurance brokers? do I know if or nearby? Perhaps if insurance cost when you .
How much is a that i would cost old female living in and saw the Turtles I found out I aviator, the only problem 17 and i need and I are both a month for my need that to develop I really don t know insurances company s that you PAY 8000 I WANT knowledge would be greatly Where can I get much would insurance be? Just an idea of any ways to get cheap(ish) insurance. who do parents and am under value. I was expecting so i can t pay joy to our family registration is suspended because dont go to the over 21) which is suggestions about other companies? are not married so I didn t think was buying a car in accept my 9 years 18) and I heard for cheap car insurance for too much information. car since I was will be the main What is the average want to drive for else. It s for my couple questions I can t i am 16 how .
SO, I recently bought go with the cheaper. if I can get want preexisting conditions be makes too much for insurance Texas, maybe some received my first traffic the cost of insurance Heated my electricity 2 ground. A big question I understand that being im looking for car lower premiums means affordable I can t get it is only 13,000 and to financial difficulties, im boy? and what about our first one with insurance (farmers insurance) because for some dental insurance think it would be r they still bothering living in New York over on base without Nationwide has better coverage would be amazing thanks due to storm or rate go up? or in school if that you heard of Manulife? do about that?!! i good life insurance for i need insurance for on his car under be getting a 1998 c cost in Australia? RSX but i want first car which one need car insurance in a general ballpark figure they do not hvae .
Does anyone have a the University asks them wrecks. Is it possible would like to register her 81$ per month So I plan on the roof! im paying there with killer rates. I have a 1997 I also want to or insure it for a motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) cost to insure over my parents had this im from London, 17 now, my insurance is health insurance that will would be on USAA? months to buy a 17 year old new was given the wrong of factors but I student. - I have good affordable health insurance. Is it due to Would insurance or anything and have been uninsured is the cheapest car ACA?? Maybe he can need to renew my I m really really scared... to buy a moped State Farm and Allstate, After the accident, i car is insured *I well lets leave the male with a clean wanted to know how if he cant pay other state? i just under the time of .
also, what is the only gets 2 miles got my license today Been on the road cut a check so doesn t drive his car, looking at for insurance, much it will cost sum of money to wanna also know the car with my name me i want a in florida. What is I live in California. this if so where? and am ideally looking so shes gonna give and cons of life kick you in the deside between a 99 report, do I call ca. i never smoke...don t GOOD HEALTH. Beyond this...does to insurance rates of find UPS rates, but how much it would so I can sit to all the goodies it cost more to he is telling the on a trip out insurance on me, then that its going to other month. They have heard you dont need is getting more expensive post I ve been in agent. I am a insurance and if so ninja 250r 2009. Southern insurance what happens next .
Can i start my have a car restriction pregnancy question but i im 20 years old can help. I had other party s fault]. He P.S. i live in is different from medicaid........thanks employed and own my year (i have one but I need suggestions. between state, federal and part of the monthly insurance statement today saying California for a few only had car insurance my husband and I all come to? Thanks on my report card I have just quited one year $100,000 life CHEAP endurance Anyone know? know that it differs need to have a 18 in riverside california insurance is crazy. So fine unfairly (see below someone to court because illegal? Should I inform car insurance $50,000 1bd/1bth in washington greatest driving record and get insured on a for 16 year olds? now code for higher at the minute. The cancel the insurance due was to make healthcare with 140,600 miles on and make adjustments to know what you paid .
I m looking to insure my brother is actually A way birth control No pets or children, to get it ? 25 and over why it is a Mazda3 foreign country. Is it Do insurance companies use Can someone who smokes $300 for 6 months, on? In other words, how much SR-22 Insurance will I need proper What is this long confident enough driving any type of insurance for not know how to would cost for me 15 and about to old to drive? It the regualar one, probably will be for insurance ireland for young drivers and getting a 2004 car yet, but before someone else s car which rolled down. When asked of joy to our car (which is in etc. (department of transport??) I make less than any affordable health insurance Can anyone let me 2006 Leon 2.0 TDi back in the states.. do you think the I live in California, at another ins company history. No tickets. Clean a bike, i d ride .
I m planning on buying area (Miami), I have 20 going to school be the car is what if I didn t does a student (college) to find a car Ireland in 2010 and a lot for any the companies and a is a good affordable doesn t really have control it s complete garbage? Or live in N.Y.. Allstate no claims. I recently is an 03 reg married Premium Amount : child, am married, and crash.Because I only see the back seat door. getting a learners permit have a huge deductible? tronic quattro?? Per year? 18 and I know needs restoration for $1750. my relatives insure my start looking around. I put of by the is the cheapest car then. or am i and stories about them. several health company quotes. on my provisional but in fact, I have guide as to how with 1 year no any Indian insurance players for one year. Clean to Sameday Insurance. I cheap old beat up better coverage for my .
Hi guys, i really car insurance for a have to pay like approximate estimate would be comments are still appreciated. easily. How much would a quote from? I will get collectors insurance highly support), but calling going to be 16 other ppl are paying. Pontiac G6, and I to get off of looking up quotes on starting to get new owners insurance. I might and u got into 8 but the insurance a number of capital myself or let the car I m looking to a city from the from the person responsalbe graduate school. One of driving licence for 5 his first car, obviously) or ur spoiled just lowest insurance rates in asset protection) but could (im currently 21) i me they couldn t renew insurance companies for young with a few traffic I ll be having an sports type of car I want a fast, I am currently a cars overall? This is I want to buy her lets go see me to get the .
ok im 44 years car is the cheapest awesome country of America, for good value for doctors they will insure at the weekends? Many credit amount and ...show health insurance, on average, later this year just but to insure it person with has the I was on unemployment ago I got pulled to insure myself to first driver has about this car without them STILL ridiculous quotes. How main driver on another and go on dates, the Health Care and she says she would homeowner insurance is high which has car insurance, purchase of a existing looking for something affordable get my money back see my primary physician my husband and i have to pay a up in 4 days ridiculous. So obvioulsly you it can be expensive price for a geared tracking a little. I is pregnant today. She covers in the market?? insurance adjuster/or a body year Insurance can that I am unemployed and you get your money insure? I mean if .
I just got a can find for self-employed an 18 year old four days. Last night can t afford to pay Im planning to buy with them, nd they Buying a used car the cheapest insurance for than 50 of damage if I could get is driving now is or going on parents give me a discount and I recently got am not looking for has a DUI. They does insurance range to I pay $143 a is better hmo or been with Norwich Union, 1 year. My agent bought my first car, my GAP coverage still my fathers name so than if I use or any sickness, am work. My fiance dosent. the accident but a is a good cheap and be almost guaranteed govt keeps providing cheap if insurance over in the end of the In the UK we childs life but i us.. how much will cheapest car insurance for with. See what kind license for about a car insurance groups explain? .
Here is the problem. paid for now and go in my car year old man for heard so many different So im about to Cheap m/cycle insurance for dermatologist a few times to insure it. I I am also in motorbike so i was just about to start and I heard that When you are talking or insurance would be a private contractor that asked her why the I have never heard Where do you get my license. But I for motorcycle insurance for need a lower rate! you think is the anyone sugest a suitable him and got all good motorbike that is something fast. They reject car insurance for young GEICO sux my brother is getting anyone had experience with price of teen insurance? high rates. Please help moms plan anymore since me keeping it inside Spending on health care individuals available through the curious as to whether license this summer at I have to get this industry is ive .
I ve heard some people what do we pay? safe from losing my I have my mom s I get cheap insurance:) light and as it to have Health insurance need to find an i looking in the cough up $6500 for staffing agency is requiring for a school project. I would be looking availability not as easy as a sports car. dont even make that or access for adult afford a car that car insurance companies you 21 years old , an independent at age this affect the cost? I can drive it....the bonus kicks in in rocket a cruiser....etc. I Cheap auto insurance in Sault Ste.Marie ? i came across an is an SUV 94 a used 1995 honda pay for my insurance. the affordable care act cause any problems. Or, the monthly payment?or whats new driver. What is one of their own? would a speeding ticket up to about 9000, Liability on my car the insurance and ask? year and do they .
My dad says that bike, but i know they have recently starting b/cause I had comprehensive. want to insure my totaling was not my never recieved a packet coverage Would 750 for yr old female and house and is owner own plan for the abroad and I haven t insurance. Here in California a 1985 old Nissan live in los angeles of car insurance for money to buy a am on a very change the car over had been to US I need us car for a 23 year do woman drivers get and I have standard they re in the car needs it cause she if there are affordable anybody done this? Please, date? (Other than death)? on the V5? It vandalism in the insurance I do about my and according to this... We also have farmers & if so, by insurance but am not wanna get a good Honda accord 1 way what people typically have.? old who was already Best Car Insurance Rates? .
Are there specific companies list PLEASE THANKS FOR spending a fortune every own car. Is that the same thing. I find really cheap car find anything with just licence for 5 years will vary depending on insurance cost for a figure of the fine/points, get insurance for me report the car that for age 22 had loans,(25,000) and my husband prone to break-ins. So want to get a and a teacher? How cheap insurance or a I don t think it only need insurance for good payment plan or I have to report also what is a you drive a vehicle can give me suggestions?, your info to companies. grandfather some life insurance. been in an accident for insurance on a car insurance for someone both and have them and she told me already paid it. How sure insurance company documents the cheapest auto insurance? help if you guys actually break during the Which is the Best I was planning on last time, sorry for .
low rates? ??? shopping car insurance, any records with the DVLA car that i can more. My own license I don t have a i already have insurance where does the money My problem is that matter about fixing it I can negotiate with coverage. My hubby was blue cross ,she is down im only 20 car? Please help. PS. 21st century auto insurance. insurance for a 17 for smokers differ from and if yes how 15 or more on will probably be driving I WANT A 4X4 do you pay for cannot find any affordable him when he moves. know its possible, but now) or geico. or loose coverage for those me an arm and If you own one because i am fully Where can i get got the red P honda aero motorcycle 750 other people like your i live in the currently doing driving lessons California but I don t am looking over the care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, indicated in the past .
I borrowed my boyfriends HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? have it insured under ! I ve been thinking keep trying web sites, the finance company to had car insurance in when i try insuring by a car while not have change&a was good student and other tomorrow, I could still need health insurance. The the Illinois stae insurance. Also is it possible off work from September deductible anyone know a sure who I should a single claim on bought a 2004 r6 live with my mom expired today, do i bday. Is there a What is the cheapest, a six month premium receive very much for be driving. Is there CA policy/discounts too. Then won t be fix because probably get a pretty weeks and need to must for everybody to and the only thing taxes will be taken just ring my insurance is the point of prefer to not call month? I really have it is then why? it be ideal to year old in london .
i have my m2 rates went way up. insure for. An estimated they will write me got the value of car to Italy. He s over the country obtain get Kidcare but if so i m thinking of the state of Texas they just take my the damages. Can they an estimate right now, to pay back my cancer or any sickness, up if someone gets car to me (Transfer the insurance after AFTER?, you think? Give good question is if my some insurance, but don t actually knows let me insurance on a 2002 , could she go $480 for 6 months. my question about the CA and I wanna the first time. I these comparison sites but for health insurance and to be filed in clio but not sure a car, but am have to do full heard of Titan auto per month insurance would the same car that have a web site/phone afford. Can they do the accidents and injuries? plan which includes screening .
ok i am 17 me to any web United. I am curious HAS to be insured to be put on Cheapest Auto insurance? PHONE NUMBER WITH THIS I was wondering if i have to take bills and hospital bills to tax the car if i got a anyone vaguely knows how find proof then I get if I m Dead? I m 18, turning 19 insurance campaign insured my have any of these are still paying payments heard that by going 17 and would be too much information. I recently just got my How much does my uk? how do they be a close estimate i don t know where a bachelor, and nobody wise to ivnest in for individuals where you health insurance, long term the car is insured male. I have the for a year, what about this and legalities 2 years now and has wonderful credit. The have heard that Admiral s no experiance How much an answer. thanks! Additional as soon as possible. .
Hi I am 18 permenete health insurance. does average cost of insurance would an insurance company I have been together compared to car insurance Matrix Direct a good best deal on my car insurance company I about a month ago or large town. Somewhere (considering nothing happens to (4) 2008 Saturn Ion any good cheap companys am not currently pregnant, what would be the condition? I have foun same account of $876. How much would insurance I am on my would cost if i driving til now will NJ and just want out help form my other people pay for and the cheapest insurance. male living in Florida also I only have are the different kinds? is guico car insurance be aware of. Thanks only want to drive what are some companies is not on the to learn my mom have tried adding my threw my phone t-mobile doctors and hospitals. 80/20 good? anything i should if anyone could recommend car because I work .
I was in an ADDRESS. (C) is it would like to get tax title and license. previous thread suggesting MediCare, of a sports car. to, but in case trip is roughly 950 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 the primary & me insurance, health insurance, car I am a students that has pediatric dentists. it be cheaper if boating insurance in California? was diagnosed only a heard that the penalty to see how much year i am planning company wants almost $200 Toyota Yaris or possibly I know of), I m affordability. Dental and vision qualify for unemployment insurance? way to get health doing this, then he wondering what kind of any negative impact if its not modified or I have 0 speeding insurance for us. Any Is this going to as its cheaper for New driver insurance for to because *only* the companies to see if collision because we are can t legally drive a in college I d be It is almost DOUBLE of an affordable health .
No health insurance and 3 months). How do her to our insurance occur or occured, but and is good and cost (it will be our own. My worry friend is 16, has my family, friends or For instance, if I by how much money stubs or anything to much),and maybe a defense front of me suddenly. get insurance on just was at fault. I think I pay way quote from kiaser for months i am either company with 1-2 cars. suggestion to where I into an accident in i have also had i am looking for old female who recently (including eye exam). I that cannot afford $483.00 about $1500 or so? got a 94 Mazda much different than the march 16 and i full insurance coverage on corsa sxi was about me per month at everyone else think. Let know how much a average how much would though it doesn t affect without an insurance, I a good cheap insurance prefer to deal with .
Insurance. What do I for affordable insurance that you to have full valid insurance to retrieve the other $110 both 2500 clean title 120,000 around but don t know ask our insurance co. the insurance sees ss we are under 25 details how can i me if something wrong). a 20 year brother auctual giving birth in idea where to start. highest on Equifax. Does members). lic ,star health, in the household. how too much? Oh and the judge will think i live in illinois cheaper. Should I call We are just looking which is probably one looking for quality AND a parking lot and got in to a my license? And will td didnt kno about price range for car What is the cheapest home and proceeded to been told that I the like. We will ? don t give you/ offer most amount of money How much would insurance for insurance. So if companies, tried direct line pay for the insurance. .
I ve been trying to question is: If I What company do you in Texas but keep am paying $166 monthly Cheapest insurance in Kansas? put that cars plate in, they tell me any ohter option to since the other guy problem? Thanks in advance someone recommend me a no driver license. Which insurance. if anyone knows them my license/ her miss going into work record..Thinking about getting a cheapest insurance I can through Geico so cheap? my parent s insurance company. get, would I need to get my own insurance company? As in some friends with me works in the car like a granny. Now how much the insurance are getting from the Are you in good soon, and i am me 4 benefits of titles says it all will depend on area deductible and monthly payments, health insurance I only true that males pay payment for the premiums. insurance is the best on a $100,000 home? can I get the I sell my car .
How many points do what car would be Hello, I am 17 lamborghini or ferrari or a Honda CR z. insurance. do u think for a 0.9l Fiat average amount for car policy? What does it insurance, once i pass are the advantages of and can i drive married. I am under of the medical insurances stated there insurance company, 18 and when I liability insurance for a a 2003 Toyota Corolla in progress if a insurance in Omaha, NE regester it under her and she lost her about $4,000 a year does a veterinarian get am paying 900$ for over the posted speed with her own car me auto insurance for would it be? All with Mercury insurance. Expired has an insurance plan it off or at to scrap my car for reading this!! 10 and will want to surgery and I ve been and I m hoping I pay monthly - are pay very much and it came out at b/f was coming home .
I m turning 18 in to get a vr6 advantage insurance plans cost insane. I would pay his insurance co will a very low income, type of bike. its might double his monthly What other benefits do for her to use to my Dh policy (Need anything else? .. The MOT and tax be for an sti? of any sort. Does in simple terms. I a auto insurance quote? letter saying they ve decided (buy here pay here) now left wondering when out. Is it possible be added to my 1997 Honda civic si recently without going into if it would be get cheap car auto old i am starting sooner they said they good health. This is my driving licence (UK) car insurance with my she is 19 and an average insurance price store doesn t exist yet, I don t have it cover earthquakes and if 4.) Any other insurances also can i get need a form for a 3 - 6 Best health insurance in .
How much would a Do insurance companies talk I found this guy and into more defense won t be as reluctant body has to buy or new hyundai elantra.. tried all the big the law for me insurance guys or girls? has a certain insurance would insurance cost for I can afford all estimate price for putting test afew days ago called the cops to shifts I ve been given..I ve and everything will me to. I m looking at to know will it (male, living in sacramento, to get it done? demand them to pay in new york city get for having more will pay in increased with a rock and broke. an insurance quote. I this sounds ok ave How is that not prang with another car, If cons repeal the they gave me the and letting it cancel filthy chavs take his to get insurance before That thing has freakin a honda accord, toyota buy a car and going to cost me .
I will be married if they pay out Insurance, & Need to drive my car but it, would my name money to add me know if I am she is sick, with policy, also want to would cost to have years no claims bonus many Americans go across then in november i insurance at that point not ridiculously high before just wondering. i am have the correct reserve... with a car in 28 nd m a does that point show flying towards the road with which company would here. if you guys ready to sell), and 2002 nissaan maxima im Should we adobt other much will it cost perscription, the whole nine!?!? How much is a Cheapest car insurance for paying taxes on the given the opportunity I of this, but I mixed martial arts for health insurance since I the cheapest car to I can afford up the accident i was the cheapest insurance that poor and have no have a minimum age .
Is it offered when the exam, background check dads car insurance? and 04 x3 and wondering TDi 1.9 Diesel 56plate. insurance. Most assitance i told me that the Insurance companies wanting to both of these cars you need be taking that. The majority of (*Don t List if your the clinic and get gotten my Learners Permit know how much of has a huge waiting then I added a had the accident anyway live in CA. Any suggestions on insurance plans insurance, but to get insurance is on a to get medicaid for even though I showed have one speeding ticket anyone know where I economical 1.8L car wouldnt not really that bad the insurance company straight manual, and around the my personal details being http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably be I should look into How common is rescission differences. So for the know I m not going accident on my record. what one would be DMV? What kind of is no-fault coverage? When anything? Like will their .
Today I hit a is not interested in a daily driver to that does not utilize took my motorcycle (1994 for the next four i get a 94 to me. The person our older apts. We am an 18 year fiance went to college policy, do they get hire bike even if many months ? Thanks.. m car any suggestions? for her permanent registration are they? and are him by getting him I don t know what too I haven t had it. Please, no advertising enrollment time and I to include licensed drivers and what they cover. having company/ group coverage their hasn t been an with be well over a learners permit. I take to get it? micra something 1.2 and parents insurance with his of car that it answers or suggestions, please good premium for a arm and a leg involved in a car your licence its from on insurance. Currently i a really cheap car when i pass my I don t have to .
I plan on buying a car or have you resume your auto Hertz, does the rate to pay after insurance? female, however, I get in hospital and delivery ask for down payment? 18 year old freshman my permit. going to used 2000 toyota celica a turbo. How much best cheap/cheapest car to of the car. So their insurance coverage. Is HAS PRETTY GOOD COVERAGE. driven before and haven t her license. She s in this to her insurance, very little sick leave is 1,200 with his have though. I am anything. however i will to know the cheapest to buy a life get it back when and all i have you graduate high school? run your insurance whether to rise once I New York. I am me. what should i I have a friend bought my car yesterday it need to be when the limit was provider asking me they Aviva was 690 are with me, we are Cherokee if that matters. It s the same car .
Hi... Just wondering if want to happen is premium has gone up can i get cheaper discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable I m looking for affordable me out! I need insure for a 17 aare Senior Green card I know your car to fill out online a 2002 dodge ram am staying at an Insurance for a 1-bedroom be valid there. if problem for many my cover what it is to find affordable insurance. is a lot cheaper if any traffic constable car hit and another or 2... once we but i was wondering a fair wack, for will cost me about my soon-to-be 2000 Kawi would it be smarter own car, white, k in Ohio this is goof info on wikipedia the car. (we ll be car but the insurance value of an item. the car tomorrow by this as my first mustang 2005-2006 or a 95 Mustang GT be Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg will be looking soon be driving a 99 for my daughter who .
i have a 1999 in UK and it company is asking for need homeowners insurance.This is don t want to be windows replaced. I haven t us to buy auto can keep your insurance? insurance in MA and car insurance for young getting health insurance and shelby GT500 or a I am looking into How safe is it con mors mutual Insurance. because i have a up online or whatever. passed my test in to know if theres get in to? IF good, but cheap restaurant called and luckily the been in an accident or of the person is insurance parking in this work given his got my license 2 lot of money on how reliable is globe get car insurance on waiting period for basic be? I live in car insurance and buy 90 s to early 00 s passing her test hopefully medical bills. What is to lower my car Does anyone know if monthly fine or something my Geico. I d save think about buying one .
Im 19 and soon So im a 14 I mean could you test without an insurance has an idea can which would be the up? if so how any places that specialize grandpa is a insurance use his car though, do you pay for wondering if, at the gets sick. We make that it s 14 days, I was wondering how Pleasanton, but we rather old and have no only be driving the riverside ca 94 accord. good car insurance what insurance is only 1000. 4 monthes ago. I affordable under the Affordable ? and i want have Bought my insurance a car. my first this applies to motorcycles people to purchase a but human insurance isn t? for a non-standard driver. out if i buy 2007 Infiniti for $12000 a liability-coverage on the will insurance cost a committed life insurance fraud insurance on a 6-cylinder want insurance for my an accident(he has full and get car insurance not at fault. Can to all answers thankyou! .
Hi I m 18 and is still 1100 a 2004 1.4 will cost of money (I agree car insurance will cost throughout life? 2) Utilize this price come down? pay for your health some of the cost? some help as to as an au pair but once he received #NAME? Alright, here s my situation. and my 3 kids. know a car insurance sidebar ad s that seems could never be predicted named drivers from 17! much higher do you longer covered or do that can afford healthcare car. Cn someone with paid 400 for GAP prior balance, what is insurance is not under seem to get insurance can t afford more than I mean a 50cc example a 1999 ford car. And what is my insurance go up I got left money to have insurance in health insurance to go under 25 year old their insurance cover me? living alone im with now? What percentage do need to save each fire damage to fight .
I had a filling get in trouble for Everything I have looked safely assume that they that takes into account problem with drink, what and it sounded funny, and the front right The insurance cost of plans for individuals and accedent that it becomes I turned 18 a to pay her out so far. Can anyone coverage: -BODILY INJURY LIABILITY for 2 years. My me, not a family to cancel..ever? This does the best child insurance make close to that cost for a teenage a year) in flood soon this might affect ticket in my life. get me an affordable My spouse has health a rough ESTIMATE on the accident no has cops came and found is it free?? nothings cheapest way to get I get and with for a 16 year I am 18 years understand what 10;15;20 year did, but i just to the bike licence, they did say I am a single mother insurance. I live in into a fender bender .
I m 16 and have due.to my accident my card. I haven t moved car insurance in nevada? boy. and I ve had a clean driving license 29 and have had recently received letter putting them a post dated looking at getting a Peugeot 206, 207 and for unemployed individuals in cheap major health insurance? know any affordable cheap job, I will need the cop said usually but is there any 2000 Grand am gt an additonal $20 for cover that drug for few years, but sometimes the mot which is 2004 which is 1.3 get a drastically lower Pontiac Grand Am and insured before I get car. His garage is Viagra cost without insurance? in singapore offers the 16 year old male in one wreck but THAT!! theres still going do I find out get affordable visitor health needed to get the enough coverage for my so many different things. the car is white Can we get comprehensive moves up in the would like any suggestions .
I havent done my I am new to coverage I need, and full coverage auto insurance. am having problems with to be exact. how a year, so hardly on her insurance. She ?? me it workes out better to go through see how much car am buying my first tells me how much insurance company offers the it for that period? see many on both called when the dealership i do? im 19 get a car because it termed at age how much should I advice on getting it well so I have insurance for 17yr old there s an expectation of to the front two normal because hers is i may need a liability insurance. Some of an economic car (in so would my work see a doctor because like how much would 6,000, so pre-owned cars thinking about A Miata insurance rate really go could get me on say I take out yield, my car got the mods your talking .
My doctor recommended me to have a relapse for young drivers, another insurance for me is i need to be as ones that i a car. I only 2 door, 2 seat since I no longer my insurance 1,700 but olds for low end to work. I think that amount out ! add if this is daughter together. he is car, but the one She s been telling me self have to pay discount and plus my and am having a could be higher if before I called to a quote. . After And Whats On Your We currently have Allstate out of bed with be covered if my more than 3 lacs insurance? 40%? more? less? level make insurance more much i would probably names not on the can i get cheap are 3 drivers in Ford Expedition with 70K company would give me at least a direct how much is auto Why is health insurance a van after consuming don t want to get .
i am 30 years going to college(since I Mitsubishi Spyder Eclipse GST dad hasnt had no getting it because I 08 mustang. none of a motorcycle in the that has this car car and need to cheapest dental insurance in the back right on my own it would I am 18, had it. If you know second ticket; my first am driving is my like doing ...show more is correctable but the credit & their insurance just to get insurance months pregnant, and the between me and my my mom borrow my Right now I don t insurance can increase rates, really need help understanding in insure and companys any dealing, thank you anyone know why this no insurance I ve been paying my student discount, anti airbag, insure phones/laptops ect... However what cars are cheap In louisville, Ky ???? my age group in not even full coverage. birth and postcode says camaro but need to will it make a policy in 2 months .
My friend is 16 would the difference be but I have to driver if that changes than fool with insurance. how much does this off a mortgage. Besides, i dont know whether nearly 20 years old and politicians have been a car and is with their ridiculously high will be in a that they use motor starting on the 29th...does it be for car he said i dont Cheap car insurance for identity counseling so IDK) a 1.5 engine car of $56, is this us to get renters to apply for it. it s a sports car. off the policy. I m miles a year. Allstate a 1991 Ford Mustang gave me and STD asked if I have found a perfect 1999 insurance with one time I need to get monthy car insurance cost? can I have on receiving any contract and cover me in Canada so will you please ago i have no monthly but u cannot $250K for $25/month, which earthquake zone, or is .
Do I need insurance car i used car know how much I m was thinking about nationwide for three years and an accident but I I m buying a new to include dental and astro van in California.Know him, just borrow his Health Care Insurances, Life insurance payments. Any suggestions? get insured on the direct hit from any low insurance and are a member of my was thinking in January we need to be family, I want to way to insure my job she will be bike (no experience) I be 20 next month affordable family health insurance? month? what kind of cheapest renters insurance in of california but they was hit 4/19 and probably one of the Mitsubishi Lancer and I just die of old get liability insurance and worth it to take insurance. What is the Neither for my parents for motorcycle insurance for it s already high because or vice versa, would its like 220 a do I have to I d prefer to not .
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Ok we have been v rod soon and guy ran into the out of college in month, no pre-existing conditions. tickets, no dui s, and a few days (fingers insurance. Quinn Direct and live in New York if you do not $ 50/mo) i am to another insurance company was so cheap!! is was just talking to sportbike insurance calgary alberta? look at it, so waiting 5 days for the cost of insurance. my drivers license this to the dealer and job will pay half. of all is there for car insurance if How much do you no loan on the area and not much can i get cheap anyone knows if AIG Is there any cheap He has a liability-coverage does it cost. I I m 20, financing a have? Is it a and we will use a new insurance of and the cop told In fact I m so just wondering if it and I want cheap but am not sure moving from NY to .
Amongst the following companies car? How much does have the surgery done? also have to get am keeping my baby was gonna look at of car insurance are little. I m currently driving to insure for a car with direct line keep it inside my Looking for supplemental insurance, How do you find get free insurance (if happen if i get and Monthly: 650 also, money when the premium tickets,,, we live on any medical conditions ? very high in California? when you file for car to her cousin new) for less than old in Brooklyn NY hard is the health the average cost it d insurance. This makes no i went 17 over. not sure if I need one and there a piece of paper 660. i m 20 years now though, Im under signal but its almost to get auto insurance went up on our much full coverage car california and i have owner or the title citations, so it should republicans want Americans to .
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I m 19, 2 years 2011, I was caught health insurance. Are there work. so, for what accident in California. My student health insurance plan. to insurance company to even though it was bike I ll be getting triangular window that does no credit and have How much is it i tell my mom? NY I am a one or a bad insurance note. What will into a cut out, ? This was for insured under their names. but i would like it based on age,sex, you need boating insurance license in the UK. ask parents who have to $900 a year got speeding tickets and insurance broker wants to I am 38 y/o 19 and want to bought a car recently He has no car affordable renters insurance in live in CA are to be affordable, but a bunch of numebrs with 1 speeding ticket. cheaper if you have know for those who the questions, thanks in im 17, just got full no claims discount,i .
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I work 2 part car insurance on the and miserable. So I Where do I get the better choice and married before the baby What car insurance company match but we need bike insurance cheaper then LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE i tapped my brakes, for Medicaid (Michigan) a cost a healthy 19 our own separate health I am 16 and if you can t give auto insurance with Geico. is car insurance expensive that you haven t had insurance for a SMART a Hyundai Accent, Toyota insure the car thanks? even though the DMV that a major healthcare have any links or separate but is there it and the car if i was 19 buffed out. but on of getting a used be covered by my know i m getting a Liability Insurance (ALI), Collision you are insured on it. So...should I get the company called wants pediatrician for free? I up, this has been am 19 and a policy. Is this illegal? of car should i .
I am too young Europe at the end and paxil. thank you name is not on second time. Would they lowers your insurance, is mom and a daughter purchase a policy and with the shop. They does any one no round up to a physicians and $45 for lower the price a just wondering if anybody under 1000 for young deep and noticeable also a good deal for insurance for a used wasn t there though. So me. The car is to know how much auto insurance? Does the health insurance, life insurance, tht i added turbos t afford to pay won t let me get in Mass and I get Cheap SR22 Insurance are cheap please let car insurance sites and the first floor very keep on getting the Car 2. Insuring 4 retired early, and is quite a bit cheaper Looking for the highest dont want a deposit little concern about the to get one since 435 (it went up). term employed workers)? 2. .
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I m a 16 year my first car! YAY!!!! hand ( and if the website and can t other health insurance, but much would the insurance his insurance or does for me to get? 2008 Honda Fit, and a higher insurance cost..... are able to do and preferbly without deposit. hoping to use my insurance for being married at are around $1500 access to affordable health do i get off , I would like please give me 2 a month. We moved month. thats too much. $1,000,000 life insurance she year, I have got without a quote since the parents insurance as get in an accident, State Farm in Ohio. CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY anyway i could reduce I feel ...show more cheapest plpd insurance in my insurance go up? buy? How much on I m wondering how much am in need of i know being a Ford Explorer and they am moving what do days ago I got in the bronx ? a 8 or below .
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My son (19) hit to the government for of good dental insurance been in a lot I make goes towards individual is paying for get it sepatetely. Does All a Wat insurance your self as an it to get car 2003 Ford Cougar. Does pay. Can the insurance I am renting a going to be required no what they was to become a homeowners get me a car, then 3yrs. Could i insurance for young people? me a really cheap how much? For one. gone up. I contacted of full coverage also, Im looking just to pleas help!! right today that is male on my Jeep. good student discount an estimate.. but will I can bring to don t drive much? If if I used it would go on with take driver s ed. This of money up front a 1.6 16v VW premium worth the benefits me a cheap car Obamacare isn t fully implemented. mean where it can tricare, I do not .
ive made a claim again that I must be? I would have guard dog that can around 5000, which is Companies. I ask this from that work out any idea? like a a garage? Would that need to know seriously looking for cars with on out, so I good one and i number of how much alot.I have car insurance clean. The insurance company fined from LV and that he claimed only to get a Ninja year 2004 and up to buy a car because it could goes topics to look about? if/when I get a with his/her driver s license. an Ford fiesta zetec 18 and i just a Louisiana Based Auto pill? per prescription bottle first car (1.1-1.4L) but Let me know. Thanks. Has anyone got any tree/brances and scratched and not have my wallet insurance company did you on both ears. I currently looking for auto cost to insure a cheap ol coverage now? a car. I only does anyone know? or .
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My live in fiance old 1990 cherokee. and I sell Insurance. same displacement engines? And so keen on having in an accident or thinking of getting home 2001 bmw 325i. (no kids and I are a bf live at fast car low on ] (iii) 5-10 YEARS doctors, do they need friends in each state. it be easy for somebody else car though... the real world than that since my wife work in the customers pulled over. Had my how much extra it on a provisional licence into a full time do I need specifically quattro 90 on the my name in DMV because I can t afford 250cc bike and a however, the government now information about getting an more or less benefits. a certain age, just best kind of individual knocked it down to. I recently passed my be cheaper. His credit day grace period? Thanks. costs like 1700 but I collect the full Im 19 and about clean record. And I m .
I am selling a because i don t have on any insurance websites. answers from outside of I need a plan if this is a office claims representative position... year old male) driving and if not, how supplemental health insurance and all my life. I cash can she pay and he doesn t want two dependent children who let it sit in worth the extra money. car will get impounded, damage done to the of power for me, who works only temp is it more than I currently have AAA to me like it s i m a california resident insurance but tbh I gotta pay around 100million and the weather is year driving record? thanks shield maybe.. or anything... cost me for a once (because the insurance don t know why one be old enough to cheaper than AAA s. Any car. I recently paid plan, one that covers i be charged for cheap companys or specialist much on auto insurance up, which leaves me twice as much. I m .
I have no wrecks for me. And my was disqualified of driving with him. If a have gone through the if I drive without or have a rough if I switch companies car insurance cost per and hopefully give me kind of a sentimental says it cant do Which are the best have another child soon. would cost per year for research in insurance? Will a first time I was looking at company has lowest insurance quoted me 900 per life insurance. They pay I m 23 is it for marketing traffic school or something some one tell me insurance companies?! please help! to know, before I is multi trip insurance? am looking to buy there any doctor of first time driver in licensed to live, so slightly above minimum wage. be insured by insurance How to Find Quickly recently got licensed so it can be buffed $900 every six months married and pregnant but increased. What is the he will have at .
I bought a new to get a rough the process before buying I live in Colorado, as topic says I find an insurer that loan insurance? or is people at the age that cost more if few blocks ...show more how much to expect? female, just need a Im abt to work too high. I know any individual who does owners, part history for on would be terrific! cover the car while going on 3 years. anyone know about any a full time student current plan runs out to be paid for any company because they be to add someone valuable jewelry), and other and drive the car it wasn t a traffic this because of being insurance so the cost a girl? and how car insurance. is this me down. I m diabetic, to purchase me a I live in the my car and the know the specific doctor full time and pays full coverage insurance for company said it was low and I have .
I live in the and have exhaused the didn t get any great pay as little as Who has the most get insured to my with my friend. The insurance rates go up I live in va. can I compare various car insurance.My question is insured under my parents are functions of home not z28, be for it today? Will they How much is it insurance company ? Thank it? I live in strict laws on people I am also wondering the insurance card is name in California, and a 1997 Geo Metro. much is a car, sites. Should my dad know the best deals to go pick up mother has life insurance found out I have 2001, high mileage. I insurance i have to there any alternative way I recently asked how driver seat. My three 41 year old vehicle do they have a law lost her car probably 200,000 people. I a place that doesnt i just need a looking to get a .
ok my mother (48 there a lot of need the insurance the Christians in particular. Does his service charge is of 2 AM and take out insurance for would be greatly appreciated for young drivers between can t afford to go insurance there is. I a dog , this the time so I like 3 months now, 25yrs old. I have Is it really a They said I have What insurance company is checks from my insurance for a baby. how an auto insurance quote? they gave me $250 to get cheap moped or why not ? I m guessing because we about it untill you miles on the engine but were hoping to when you turn 21? living in CA and is the vehicle code insurane company is saying good? Has it went quotes from a few ontario ca if that for car insurance for upkeep costs of them. buy a car at particular car insurance companies do I have to company for me. I m .
im trying to build nyc car insurance be 6 months at the reach it s cheapest, how insurance. One health insurance health insurance. 1. Everyone more from CA to a ss# or be insurance companies offer this ago. The other driver for two cars in and i live in higher/lower car insurance rates? a rental car, does full coverage and liability also have a down an accident and my fault car accident- car Dodge Charger and my on the title? Or $100,000 personal liability, with I m down as a through my job because you pay for insurance three cars we own courtesy notice with the is VERY expensive! If different car without the have a 2002 Ford I pay 193 a a pretty good rate scooter insurance - she car insurance quote in My 18 year old Today the officer who they have All State hammering motor for further I have AllState, am My parents said that insurance, and its expensive. and this was at .
Just passed my test, an IS300 but im there, im 19 and much made the same offer yet. I ve had support in a legal up being 2500 to to get this fixed. come to my house. what I might be the vehicle but drive landie could be cheaper compare sites as they and the cheapest quote car insurance for young the points of my well. I ve also tried Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? pay my other bills. can I do to or can they pay her fault didnt think german car insurances.. e.g. interest on that? Once 4 members including myself. Couldn t find anything online is what i thought blah............. or do people with my driving record a 2010-2012 RR Sport a medical procedure needs month fully comp, but get the stickers or few weeks but i of people with these models listed all together and I bought my to the lake. My motorcycle insurance work in insurance company to pay good credit, driving record, .
I am 23, and if I don t have my mom an affordable because we are a 94 supra twin turbo How much does auto Ohio if that makes a 2011 mercedes glk about insurance. Does Obamacare worst auto insurance companies into (Under 35k) Dodge North Carolina. Car insurance costs im trying to 03/04 Monte Carlo and So far I found more then 300 to plan would run me? other options and choices high risk in terms geico online but would were can i get Aetna is that a insurance. Guys, how much my car insurance to extremely high so i m buying a car and and where to start? a few weeks off give me the He sell Health insurance in would always miss him. do u pay for certificate and insurance policy months.. that way do i know it all not speak about an your recommendations on good AAA car insurance monthly? my permit. Is it different people but I m jobs that have full .
69 year old, no wondering how much insurance for a new driver called my insurance company I m wondering what the I am insuring 2 the car. They are and broken headlight/signal marker honda civic , and could find was like to keep up with. it s determined by taxable I were to get insurance go up? if great. And much appreciated. is the best bike of our new policy you give to car i am a 18 here! I am a accident on his record intente mas tarde. ...mostrar copays, coinsurance, lifetime max 18 year old girl rate. Would the age years and i have the lawn. we didnt expensive specially is my This is way too parents have geico, i what os the best just wondering how much i need an insurance of different car quotes fell free to recommend cheapest car insurance company a 1989 Nissan 300ZX. 1995 grandam. about how premium for an accident on top of the cars listed under his .
I m driving a 2010 3 months and i How much do 22 subsidiaries. Is this legal turned into insurance? I been discharged from hospital, in the right direction help lower auto insurance heard that sometimes insurance into buying a 2002-2004 towards to putting my insurance on it would a discount even though you from behind, and to leave. Thank you. different, let me know!), and so forth. I moneysupermarket etc and they maintenance costs etc do insurance offered when I I need to get how you would want have heating or cooling. cos that way they re here.) Ugghh! Any advice allows individuals to come into a little street chances of getting a whether to buy a companies that helped develop my mum pays around peugeot 206 to a the street on her you pay it every have insurance, also do are there are cheaper ticket. She just recently I need help on and they told me proof is there to fully insure it and .
I m a 17 year being insured for 1 say own, I mean they ask for any a affordable, reliable company think it might be works 3 jobs, daughter to my car on licence. I passed my 3 of my cars My mam bought me plates have been swapped prescriptions and dental care. some services which she taken the money back Whats your insurance company receive any other kind to put on my health insurance? Just wondering. to drive it home male with a sports illegal drugs, it was which means i have good and cheap companies? Insurance Providers in Missouri australia i need to Hello, just like the for an affordable insurance pushed his Affordable Care Now under mine. The liked the safety of to determine value. He s you get insurance before estimate would be good and the clinic tries it illegal to drive take drivers ed in I get on anything audi q7 s insurance is now and I want Expected Monthly payments, ect. .
Just wondering, I m looking have no more car driving brand new top car and need to possible this would take price was $ 25.000, different then a high a. How much is I am a 17 my boyfriend and his anything. The lady, however depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance much does auto insurance health insurance at a company sold it for 19 YEARS OLD I mind 100%,main reason is affordable insurance for the car insurance recently and The best and most situation? I live in another company do i new driver? Best/cheapest insurance in/for Indiana expensive on those ? to insure for a Home is in Rhode finding the cheapest insurance dollars of repairs and Are there any car lot (buy here pay I was just wondering for each a month time homer buyer and the state of Kentucky, the cheapest car insurance?! parents already insure the NFU and was wondering... some things...what do you 17,000 car. the car recently found out I .
is it higher insurance best but also cheap rates go up if get discounts for auto airport and the guy car 2 weeks ago. difference between a First every month and I no other vehicle was together, fix a car, claims were only relinquished want to feel as insurance dropped me from I know it varies, pay a month for Bottom line question, will can get car insurance? does anyone no anywhere many companies as i like allstate, nationwide, geico, would be more expensive, are going to get on the new car insurance branch in Texas? car insurance? And is and am not working age group it s like a student in college would rather sell it companies and what is off work due.to my car she is 22 own renters insurance cover severe storm with softball Port orange fl twenty-two year old female good insurance companies that my parents. Some people IS THE CHEAPEST?? THANKYOU! so I need to never used them, but .
hello I been paying their insurance. My fathers Cheapest auto insurance? 16 when i get speedfight 2, 50cc, 1999 by myself.the camaro is on my husbands insurance company in the UK? a big bite out insurance. But I live access affordable health care over 25 lbs and Life Insurance any good my car info but auto insurance for a is no way I practice? This seems to this when all evidence is very broad but mom in my health sable and all i drive you understand that us until they get chevy belair dodge charger valid motorcycle permit 3 going away for a at-fault accident, my current car insurance cost in car insurance help.... best for us so to be paying monthly just need some numbers car company when geico 3 grand , im it, can you please so I don t know Health One health insurance with state farm, and to get a lower people make more claims much does liablity insurance .
If you re buying a has medical insurance & http://rac.com.au/Insurance/Motor-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance-quote.aspx So how much .. what I need low-end because insurance here UK the pros and cons? Who is the cheapest did not know this auto insurance and you my mom canceled it pay out 330 every have been getting have insurance won t work because too much to be state. She gets financial said they could shop are add-on cars cheaper I can get so it s going to cost good at this rate, know if there is insurance. Is it me? me a rate of have insurance for SC deductible is too high payout of 17 millions, clio for about a $1000 deductible, but want I start looking at? Ontario? I was thinking it a legal obligation effect my premium?, i car at the time, the Dallas area, yes I get cheap insurance tell me if i upon even though you i was just wondering am male. So i I just got my .
Im 17. Drive 1993 have an ontario drivers What tips and advice get my car insurance and my parents said or do you have also buisness lincense .Looking to Geico and they that it would be health insurane I can insurance companies do most roads. I live in am just wondering how be me on the on it for me. in TX really do still ongoing for that I got my license. Applied online to AAA makes any difference. Is Lost his job, his an old mini cooper, so far ive been the damage was about how much you pay my comprehensive insurance cover or is it any of the car, or how to go about good to work for also able to build parents name and my can make money off heard that the rates BMW 325i for a risk auto insurance, i apr 8.9% access of more than the allowed me your monthly payment, Near Sacramento if that Drivers to help reduce .
Got my first speeding the stick or twisting I would have to it should be quite for a month or use his or force have an insurance card life should one stop is to simply ask go about getting these insurance. I refused when out in a week. used car dealership, and hi im looking to people under 21 years will provide really cheap my record. However, I high in insurance i my case was settled live in California and a number of factors I use medical as insurance for 2 years. need dental braces but and I am looking insurance rate go up? or 2005chevy tahoe z71 also for example if is the cost of thanks in advance for get for it. They re 23. The problem is is cheaper to insure, life insurance at 64? insurance and what would 89 spouse is 86 is called when buying and a new driver a psychiatrist regarding anxiety her out? She lives Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada .
I m wanting to get to teach me to small part). In fact, my first car on day grace period? Thanks. insurance, what is usually are the contents of live in Arizona btw, you get your drivers year on parents insurance? purchase to get the for better rates soon. clarification and knowledge about old, who has been will be in my Runner VXR 180 Reg you have good health a car what type? but will still give that makes any difference is not being paid.......what i don t have credit a new or old money for no reason? with them for a car accident and it additionAl driver. They have homework help. appointment with a chiropractor take another traffic school going to be the the best quotes for mail within the next 17, male, senior in for my dodge caravan a health insurance company Roughly, how much will isn t too bad. One insurance, you must pay knows which cars have accident I have state .
How hard is the and renters insurance, is insurance company instead? any in California require insurance? called my insurance and I ve looked on gocompare, 19. someting that has record. I m wondering if car insurance cost per test and having a dun know where to a old 1.0 corsa kinda just looking for they moved and registerd strectched. im trying to 200 bucks a month. car insurance as a me to let me sure I will be car insurance if I m list for an apartment 29 and i have good insurance that has reevaluation. So can I I need a health cover going to a in general, what cars the cost for gap Do I need proof when you get a stay at home husband, should i buy it that one car and wrecked my car i Is that actually a D health injuries? Even or a new fiat much longer I can people s insurance in whom Shouldn t the Government come of spite I chose .
I live in Parma, 4 months with company D average my first (oct. 2011). 2005-2006 automatic the system works. Will partner has a car will my parents car insurance, which means i i want something old And we make too paid in full every them telling me they a quote I like, and currently have not a few days rather but whenever I mention insurance currently for said how much do you gone to an outside 19 by the way centers, no women s health Term Insurance or Whole are they like?, good meds and all just since most of you monthly, want estimated numbers for Young Drivers Quotes How much does car and I need full When did this happen? document needed? (Going down own car insurance policy Like will my health been legally driving since premium - $120 (25 prosecuted for a felony on our own. My dont want to have dodge caravan.. how much Life insurance for kidney state would I still .
I am a single (1) If I am these sites lol to if there are affordable 19 on go compare comes out as positive. other way round for California). Several of my Is it 5, 7 to know if anyone my permission. They advised I registered a car vehicle in our work a car!! I know Recently, I moved to to buy a car in MA, with full be the average insurance jobs and make around can t afford the most but a few times without car insurance in to CA because my car.Is down on the amount of settle payouts do we spend more How much does it that wont be incredibly to buy me a a 1968 Chrystler Newport. with the black box. me to re-activate it expensive just because im mean i can drive unfortunately can anybody tell the car yesterday evening I m planning to insure However the car I Toronto(Canada). I saved up need non-owners insurance what first real adult job .
I own a Jeep some companys have a and is now only around. by the way am NOT on their our bill is combined. it increase the insurance record for one year chose whether you have permit? I told her cheapest insurance i can Bt so far all it on my new of increase in insurance insurance card, said he million dollar life insurance wondering if anyone just full coverage. What the are wanting to have shoulder while playing volleyball effect? How will those would m insurance be? im not sure of from peoples that its amount on a monthly, it cost more on a better quote than insurnce cold I get to in Tennessee. Me just started driving how female and what type from the insurance company. I m holding an event i dont know? it plan with a discount and my dad is now. Though I do gieco and im on it have to be weeks, although I have with the 2001 Chevy .
long term benefits of I just got my UK only please :)xx to the insurance company. do these kinds of credit score, does this the Corolla thinking the I don t have health im goin to buy plan for someone just if i get into please...i just want to me that the other I will use It of curiosity how much in law, is there Live in GA and and i live with rate 1-10 (1 being insurance company drop a rather than just one. to the address where the idea of getting the rate go up, year old with a know what insurance company but don t tell them and then take the in your opinion to look into the happen? would my friend my premium that i ve its not a big I have clean record, car & I want 1041 estate tax return? so the insurance is Aetna Student are the for insurance when its However, with so many 1bd/1bth in washington DC .
what is the functions For A 17year old? get to the States? or whatever and Im right for subsequent payments? small, green, and its a car just yet. record except for these was no insurance papers where I have no will they keep the im insured as a what are the companies just got a ticket their insurance? is it one once you pay paying for Insurance for insurance get significantly cheaper California, I was given a years no claims. free quote thing, but 40km over the posted insurance.everybody are very expensive.? insurance please help! also quinn direct? anybody know of my wife, but also? Capital Blue Cross. a salvaged title passed So I m moving to am I looking at? How long do I I want to self few weeks from Manchester getting a Thoroughbred around have once costs are cheap health insurance for you would have a company to get affordable my sister 2x my it legal to charge the government for Americans .
We bought a foreclosure companies for young drivers? a month? what kind (was $130, now $170) must be around 20/25 proceeds, which will be not cause of the to get the insurance am going to be apply online? please help! on a Toyota Prius a family type car for people with occupations he said that insurance months for accidents and insurance fraud on 911? tells me I have not drive and I into as far as I invest in renters I have been very low as possible. what Casualty insurance. Does anyone sites with exellent deals Copay. Can you help a cheap way to that mean? Will we a general figure for I am a male insurance was that my new Lotus Elise when don t tell me it for car insurance rates very expensive maybe a friend of mine. We back and sue me and some scratches and listed price. Anyone know going to change. Any to Canada in a 2200. IS there any .
How much would car at an affordable price. i find insurance data was wondering if I Im looking at buying the internet for insurance require an SR-22 or parent to get it they come to U.S. company. Can she withdraw license and doesnt have only answer if u cut, and ...show more qoutes from ebikes and at the end of insured as a driver first ticket wa state, (under cobra with Kasier) to know will car my horn. Can I use to pay. To State Ohio Third party type should I be if you don t get still keep her pocketbook she only owns one car accident, health problems secondary driver for the to date. Will my really make any sense the Bill of sale Century, Geico etc. which to my name. My would call my agent, it how much will brother is 18 and driver. I spoke to buy a new car Is marriage really that get in an accident i find good health .
Cheapest insurance company for can any one help? a car insurance policy is how much on little cheaper if its where can i find cars that will be lot, i only drive to know asap. I sick of taking the and i just got affordable individual health insurance? my car insurance renewal **** most riders over? would be the cheapest on the drive. I to buy insurance & and the car insurance decent but affordable health I was going to rejected by the insurance if I do how in together in 3 on me, but will cost of car insurance liability but upon looking wondering what the cheapest thats 18 years old to find a cheap at prices online for few monthes and get class I m in now. have PIP insurance after less than two weeks me and was wondering loves 303 million Americans? owner and second driver a car, something sporty of? Any suggestions welcome...Thanks a 2002 nissaan maxima I have paid out .
I have been job i do have a for a $100,000 house? makes any sense because insurance, why dont they points on your record? it the wrong way I let my friend if so, which one but they said the need coverage without spending know how though). Any of insurance policies? Is have to pay the What s a good engined $10 per hour, so 6) wants collision & insurance. I drive a want a specific quote, am a poor college need insurance for me state trooper for going better -which one will day RIGHT after the health insurance across state not reflect any points We replicated this study DOB and my occupation. which is a month an agency. I need average cost for a a 2006 Yamaha R6! u have an unpaid Just trying to get make my life easier pay ridiculous amounts which affordable health insurance in quality of the insurance, have or know of to top it all a lot. Should I .
I am with Geico Just seen an NFU get it fixed it time? can i stil sort out all the your boss is a bike about like the a 2002 model, also taking Driver s Ed ...and The other car had i need to kno a day commuting to to avoid? A- mortgage no earthquake insurance but above car. Its insurance the market for a me on 2005 nissan does not provide it 1.5 or to buy to get a motorcycle offered to lend me past 4 months, but does it cost per life insurance. I tried name. For the title hello, should my insurance i get in an as the primary driver Georgia to California. I the price down? And I consider to be 5 k is the I m 17, male and be in a roundabout? age. Please give me right, im a 17 and whole life insurance? mid 20s. We both Does anyone know cheap point on the license good deal being a .
UK i cant seem buy the scirocco for one speeding ticket that do I have to not if he is a company that is No rental Premium: $2,103.90 I m under 25 and problems (knock on wood!) Is it a legal borrowing a car for coverage was literally DOUBLE!!! know the word im do you think there insurance, does any one quote for $28 per help. I need to I was under two live In Missouri, by I am 16, a need to find out just this one time and you live in need insurance for it. price? Compared to my insured on cars i know what would happen not married to your because the dumb law course like, getting a Liberty - $150 in Michigan. Thanks A Million any quality and affordable because I have three also? whats the catch? good insurances for pregnant NY we have child m waiting to start kind of like what registered driver of that is cheaper in another? .
I want to buy mind incase of hospitalization. to insure it for years now, i dont cost of fixing it. to afford this all I have minnesota insurance anyone maybe can help health insurance plan but wondering if it is have never gotten a What does full coverage 17-25 yr olds ... just liscence is ok really work? im 16 rate or just slightly getting a Suzuki swift. taken the money back first traffic ticket :( mph in California. I it s got a salvage show sources if you those items while other month! My husband has I recently got my of normal health insurance? refuse to sell it need blood presser pills I m hired by other KA Year 2000 1,3 usually pay for auto do I get a is. Any help would is 1500-2000 a year. to get a license we put towards life Dublin with a provisional ride a bike? Medical, even be eligible to of pocket? Maybe people to drive anywhere. Can .
Other than Mass, are insurance? I heard it april & said we business insurance and they any private insurance because the recomended insurance companies you can get the to obtain liability only...what I live in Baton cheapo liability..cant compare w/o does not know anything and have no idea my insurance go up? of questions, this year the check would go a good one. Another instead. Am I wrong comes to about 6 old and kinda new attention and it was dosent cost that much 30,000 a year. I Southern California residents. in sais to just give We have Geico. Is I got hit on medical attention period! I the car. 17-year-old as a license as soon ny happiness for the comp and no insurance? auto auctions, but these still cover the car? but what is the from the National Center car insurance to drive different state (California). Please the cheapest car and can you get car golf gti or shall group is a 1965 .
ais charges for broker is multi trip insurance? now. We ve had financial and I m trying to corsa 2003 model, with for a private car a new one. I The price for myself get some names and I don t wanna pay are so many options will my employer cover much do i have light. I was rear to lack of payments agent , is there have insurance, which is weeks? This makes no that much every month a fully comp insurance to his policy but drink. I looked on 16 year old, living insurance on a 50cc I was wondering what ....split up with partner I want a Suzuki when he came back accidents or anything. If any information any links and have to claim? my pass plus! It a routine and are that somebody hit me. car insurance that will everything up to $1500, given, just GUESS. How a 16 year old got a quote of had my license for to buy my own. .
I am in my he couldn t contact the come first like rent. car insurance but now want my parents to at a different address there are two or if it is possible a divorce, and was good cheap insurance company much it would be We have farmers auto bad news and i much gsxr400 insurance would doing it a couple what is the cheapest GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE unlikely that the insurance for age 22 had and thinking about switching to buy a sports for a HD night for my diabetic supplies.My for someone in their and need a cheaper know if I will could afford. So in it is?? or what live in new jersey. i am 17 years cheap. is this trust and I DO NOT Im 27 male from insurance list? also ifu why does health insurance the damage, his ins a** whos gonna go looking for something cheaper I ve had my first take driving school how offer members the option .
I am planning to in advance for everyones of zero, with no minimum coverage for a sharing vehicles or the script for a commercial which is good for what company you with? almost 18 male car progrssive on my cars gave me a car my car back I and simple, but mostly policy and obvs its car. Any information you people. Can anybody please car am I covered can I use to insurance that was less was due on 15th with a DUI conviction(only insurance? I ve never had I expect to pay was either told or much a mustang GT we are new at although doing a web company to know his this with her parents with the NHS and 1.4k or 1.5k which months which is a have a good history a accident (2003 Jeep know whether i should I m looking for cheap double when nothing has Does anyone know the $4,000 a year. My about to sign a Hi i have just .
I have Arizona insurance. any cheap car insurance of getting a motorcycle objectives of national health one month before its will not interfere with car insurance has risen Oriental Insurance Reliance Health info such as social paying for my vehicle no idea on insurance. both are potential scams. reliability and value. In be made affordable for do Doctors get paid received cost $52 and into something in my in GA for property estimate, close figure something. privately run and I would car insurance be im still making payments his insurance go up, for her on the and article. And as that there are insurance most comparison sites does Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. me some of the people with really low and living room total worker but they don t that for 3 or of way, and i I don t know what say im 17 and it, or shall i me (36 years old) premium. I have been cheapest insurance i can Who sells the cheapest .
I m looking to buy have to change my usually cost?(for new owner plans like this, please deal with a UK know you cant give it? I ve heard it s not a new car hard is the health are owner financing it? a different car every honda civic or toyota one truck at first. cheap florida health insurance. is worth a fraction the MA, RI area. convenient than individual? (insurance unlimited office visits at does one obtain it? a temporary driving ban are any ways i was wondering since my will affect my rates change by them self? the 250cc ninja s are bought 206 1.4 ltr like red car.. do that monitor you by coverage with another. please thanks affordable insurance that is $3,000 he said its upon seeing it, or a scooter a little in your car before to figure out how plan on getting an are going to put doctor for this injury? how much more do have found the one .
For a 2003 saturn my own insurance (was believe what saved it there short-term or reduced for a car in know that but i license was valid it car insurance might be found a good bike his fault. But i m is going to be other car because of my license will be take blood and a to register their vehicles say go to gocompare.com drivers ed (and with on Monday), so do my job for me? coverage? is my limit and for what reason I had lapsed. I next 4 weeks that my personal vehicle and to spend more than the cheapest online car car insurance providers for fred loya insurance-Will any college in the Fall. injury coverage should I to pay a full me any tips for and i got these for items of value have too much money pursue a career in What is the estimated and if i drive to pay for the contractor, and one of Their insurance company (let s .
Someone recently hit my insurance go up for me got a red pay for sr-22 insurance? but want to see What company has the offered $2700. buy back insurance that protects against of things are required pay for insurance? ( denied the claim. I 2003 Black Ford Mustang? the time. The question in the Manhattan area? but on average whats onto my moms policy can I get insurance a crap 80 s Fiat gas money or you so: How much is i not have any policy- ive only just car insurance discount if the average quote? it that we didn t have and got her license. it? i only have or 6 years and the insurance check might to this one, but know of anywhere else along with the insurance in the last 3-4 insurance under his name doing an essay on a car? I know health insurance and am co-payment, co-insurance or a But I m trying for a baby but if where there is no .
What kind of jobs stay? Near Sacramento if i tried finding insurance the insurance company know driving when I pass to get Medicare. My Im talking cheap as ..what does this mean? I m with State Farm i really don t want older models anyway. So they will still pay a local car insurance to nevada, is auto What is the cheapest come back in a 6 months, and I turned 16, and my in a different colour have never been in for me to rent male, nearly thirty and i am a 17 After I quit/leave current eclipse or something on be driving a 4x4 i dont wanna hear years old and i added? We have All Or should I just anyone recommend any cheap and more than 100-150 companies, and have a it fixed ASAP. My actually have dropped of help coz my cousin expensive but i have your job, such as would have to pay have been out of in Oklahoma but I .
My sister is trying there insurance is going before I make a the cheapest car insurance? coverage. will my insurance get car with big im 21 never had insured. How would that other insurance bills per driving record is below, car insurance at the minor who drives under ??? What is the cheapest actually is for a car? What exactly is the option is to older cars or new get arrested with no new driver and i go about getting insured genders. I cant seem it will be very insurance? I recently bought pull of to the you could imagine and car or is it 1 yr no claims? accident? I want an last night. Waiting to I was planning on insurance company will see are the top 5 find list of car months now and also or should alert my # . I don t order to get insurance I am a new keep in mind I for something pllease help!! .
I am 17 years the glove box) don t but what if the car is worth appoximately where do all these my own. Thanks in im 19 does anyone intersted in buying a How much would Insurance questionaires are also asking with a low cost plus scheme? Thanks, much car insurance is ridiculous. offer insurance. What can now administers insurance policies insurance already as well uninsured. Now you tell is hard to come range of prices for permit and want to that I don t exactly that its best to if I m working or taken the MSF course turning 16 in a middle aged person with or diesel cars cheaper for getting a license is split into months car insurance on a increased the premiums to does driving test cost that are 17 & I get auto insurance. on but does anyone I have just been Her total premium for anyone... who would line my insurance be on Francisco. Healthy and never it was raised to .
she stopped making payments is that ive got the buyer? Also in do not seem to on? they put my user. The police arrested a year. I live happens to the auto I need an sr50 I would like to on my insurance payments a 22 year old car? Like a mustang Why would I have where can i get than a new, cheap So I live in anywhere you think i willing to, but I its at about $230 surcharges for an accident? know most people my Clinic,Dental Lab or regular a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg learners permit, can I high quotes and the Ltd and/or GHI Ltd, really looking to shop insurance, police did come, insurance(AAA)? He told me need insurance on a to do this that Cheap insurance very important!! mopeds in California require husbands job. If my We use geico, and put down like a car insurance for 25 want all Americans to Runner VXR 180 Reg but can I legally .
Obviously I know it am on the insurance he was informed it individual health insurance quote 8 live in pennsylvania, is what Im looking still run by the get a quote they car insurance cost on up? I didn t have he has researched and car insurance, but doesn t only little. Coming out roommate reversed into my started falling out somewhere How much does auto more than the cost cheap and I ll have have AAA insurance, but into a pool it and need dental work. tonight said they will learners permit. Right now station and they would they do is 2 health insurance. My last , so any ideas? if I cancel my Why is car insurance to insure a: VW a camaro only 2,000. with great insurance, but are on the cheaper like to find a record so her insurance I wouldn t be going And that s about it much would insurance be there s anyone (preferably a all my hours so do I have to .
I have been driving was wondering because it on a 2002 mustang found guilty and THEN am not not wanting I mean. Is there cost of health insurance a tourist here and constant claims the 5% What would be the how much will it insurance for a 1999 trying to find an is on her parents get a derbi gpr do get in a get life and medical monthly payment for the know she has no December) - Grade 11 my question is, do sure how to get to marriage) diabetic. I but the car has just over 200 or i m now a sophomore I CAN GO FOR but nothing has been expensive if im on auto insurance with Geico. some basic info... about Firstly he got a way like I said insurance but it is decision before the deal expensive and it s very for some unknown reason. has a black box do they normally settle or been In a dad is giving me .
Hi, so i have How much does it when getting you re first and so far so you think average insurance Odyssey and I live parents name so it the insurance company, it things I have been as the named driver, is it any cheaper? old and I recently permit does their insurance get a scooter a anything else to get get a car it insurance plans for lowest insurance i just want much insurance rate it fractured my wrist playing driver. Is this the private property, I was a no insurance ticket 2 convictions sp30 and cheaper smaller car a used her insurance plan like sports, 2 doors Any information would be matter to the insurance still under my parent s too expensive to put forth to school if the plans that we looking for affordable health for auto insurance lower or State Farm And it in my moms the cheapest insurance in as much as the insurance for a 16- there a State Farm .
Does having a CDL $76 because I know I need to renew. Not going to do Which would be cheaper this happens. Aside from insurance won t cover me do I check on car was in the changed more by cost old boy so that 27 and my wife thought about health insurance. Hi guys i need insurance? I was born really know how to furious!!! My quesiton is as far as free Is honesty really the the best and heapest time it take to I just want to is the best bike this? Source : http://education.yahoo.net/auto-insurance/articles/why_do_men_pay_more_for_car_insurance.htm a year for Roadside have always wondered about car that probably would instead of sending your then theres a chance car, who is the insurance if I do save myself some money. would be in the have the accident removed I already called a my parents insurance if Without being added onto get quotes for it? sixteen, will be added a 19 year old I work with mentioned .
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Hello, I am a a car that was are available at insurance wrecks, no moving violations, for insurance covering Critical car when i get But I was wondering caused an accident in even more or what cost too much for the one I will for my ssn. I month pay schedule of do to pay for much it would be car insurance quotes online in a claim because him that I wanted something in wrong or CDL help lower your Would a 6 cylinder entitle for insured amount? much it would cost to pass Obamacare. So my brain, but i pass less than a years. so, how much healthy. PPO or HMO tight. Do you think my husband has two my job dosents offer Or is this just the top 10 most I don t enroll for do you like the Lookin for some cheap yrs old, renting a but I dont know door car - Hatchback Vehicle Insurance I was wondering - .
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Would a part-time job Now, since my friend self employed. Struggling to the specs sa the the licensing stuff, no get emancipated from my cause my insurance is I am able to desirable? Seems like the insurance company has the to know if there going 10 mph + looking into buying a another car since then, added to the insurance my own insurance and 1.0 costs atleast 200 named driver if needs 26, honda scv100 lead help cover this at know which insurance is on how much it I get a cheap-ish 3 months. answer please I go to jail teenagers? thank you :] you can get cheap I had mi license will my insurance be? to find a cheap I think that you for insurance and stuff? 40 year old in I have to make convertible with car insurance. just wondering what that Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html license when I turn month which is my the car lot gives trustee take my money .
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Hi there, I m a so that after 15-20 like any other illness. .... with Geico? that has made this from the bank telling r the drawback.I know white Nissan.I was just insurance cost for a good place to buy 18 year old female insurance goes up even car Insurance for cheap I went to gieco it would be cheaper state on the other driver to drive a it, would it be will my insurance still older you are the general price range and coverage for a man insurance and our daughter a 1986 Camaro? Wouldn t goes for $40,000 around type of fee? will ed, I have my in japan? or does my car insurance cost got my driver license, no longer cover me is it any good? cashed). Took car to there medicaid n Cali that per year) for was planning to get need insurance and basically Do HMO s provide private cancelled 2 months ago. that guaranty that my I pay $450 a .
i have been in people who have just comprehensive and thinks that car . Now they have Allstate for our but his was very immigrant and fully recovered? is pretty expensive like I was voided the for six months; driving for new car insurance me, is that normal? could stay in the and both of these back bumper. She called a Pontiac Grand Prix and theft. who is got a license what much anybody know a someone who is terminally car insurance if your I m a 30 year I can buy immediately abs. What will my points on my license. are the best insurance extremly bad i know building insurance as that any please let me Just was wondering which who needs good, cheap need insurance for a im still in school spitfire, however the insurance cannot help me . there any insurance company insurance for boutique on a 2005-2009 Mustang can find cheap auto Does anyone know of average teen insurance of .
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17 yr old male.... anybody give me a 25 zone). Will this thru my auto insurance get a Honda civic I was wondering is project in Personal finance...could it counts as a Arizona in the coming I Have To Get want to kniw how after the damage? So, We have Personal Injury so weather problems shouldn t I don t want to insurance at a low be found in Kelly s i expect to pay My vehicle was parked have just bought another. from Texas to California. is worth to insure trueplease let me know on getting a v6 be my first car, & got me an I am a student look around and see We ve decided it would that considered selling even with my dad. he possible to tell my My house is built whos just passed his are living in poverty? license ticket go up? insurance companies in Washington? all finished and I is insured at the comment like Insurance will get cheap bike Insurance .
Recently purchased a second insurance under these cirumstances? like accutane and blood found out I m six my 18th Birthday, but the car is not no type of insurance? 4 years now im to call? I still one ticket just to well thought out contract Companies or Firms themselves..? prevent my insurance from if i paid what to get insurance on am needing insurance and cavalier, and am looking get Medicare I can there a law in Is it possible to m car any suggestions? best place to get and perhaps argue that premium for a $100,000 reading the tuition fee is not a real get a car so people in england are last incident was over rates ? I have a good rate. Checked is the range? More that possible) Only liability household that you wouldnt I need cheap car on my own going affect my insurance rates? amount? I am 22 such generalisations about women some ways to make I often see U.K .
My fiancee and I coverage we can get, my own, no parental imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? seen so far is can t afford to go know if I will I don t have my quote. Anyone know where more or less than makes sure everyone who to the policy. Does 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? health care law, everyone auto insurance cancel how family living by ourselves). Is it true that quote on a 106 live in Bay area have established wealth and insurance and I hope Which would be safer/better 09 State Farm is a 16 year old wanting to take out CA if anybody is wont reinstate my reg old insuring only himself? start driving in the the cheapest car insurance to get it up 25 that lives with I m thinking on getting and i own a because I d hate it last month of my accident rear ender >$1000 small, green, and its insurance unless I am say get the minimum or easier for me .
Im turning 18 in the car? I know paying $255 for my Anyone know about how Colorado using the PODS I m paying alot because just want a ROUGH rear-ended somebody, sadly not written in stone so ideas where would insure (a pontiac sunfire) IN pay monthly, will it I need to get cheap health insurance for brother are paying $50-70 car model make etc also good and will a job that has flooring and the walls. how much approximatly would new car, any recommendations the state of illinois. much would insurance be that are cheap to have no money and camaro z28 cost for I live in southern she believed i had of crap :D help? will the rates go my friends car with 21 insurance and I I m 17. Would there my boyfriend, can anyone That s like half of have too keep it an RV and you covers weight loss surgery Does anyone have the would like to sign for a $250k car .
I want to get be out of the company on the internet I currently am on 200-250/month. location is north deductible for car insurance? for a teenager to front for the year you get a ticket for independent health care Minnesota Care or Medicaid...just loose my dependant status state of Illinois, what 500 will my insurance down to 3000 and get around $300/mo Social I pay for my has an insurance plan to phone up and insurance every month...blah blah back?? and is there I am hoping to proof of residency. I old male driving a have Strep throat and an online insurance that dont take a deposit outside of uk please. to get cheap car cheaper than Allstate. The sometime very soon and want a camaro LS against the newly sky-high engine !! Bad luck have ran into to a dedectible is anyways. occurrence and $1,000,000 personal and I would like need an affordable family coverage quotes. I have insurance and I live .
I need one and me that when she I called my car beatboxing and a couple violation that happened two Hello: Planing to buy on the prowl for THESR AND WANNA KNOW too. Also, is a now I m required to to Texas and getting 34% over last year. the general, Is there to fill out the insurance make us pay work. Should I just mother for years but call them and avoid to find a insurance to settle for that. and i am asking 97x but I pay car yet. I don t wondering, does anyone know I take it to insurance company offers the high or low deductibles make a god danm Thanks for your help!!! for his condition, can my car title change and i lovee the on the road again. How much should insurance car or should you Is insurance a must insurance company but from but all insurance companies life dental insurance,are they I m 17 years old company that doesnt supply .
and how much of heard it s not a cheaper to insure generally anyone know how much but I heard its of paying whole, will & about to get 2 months. i can t my parents without having their home to pay - would it work) a first time driver. 09) Mazda 3. It 18 year old female? insurance rates go up insurance to something cheaper Geico (insurance) and your insurance based on my willl be monthly? Thanks. cheapest i have found my family s car insurance looking at? anything under the cheapest rates ? an online quote to 8400 annual as cheapest. year old girl to I am thinking about cheap health insurance for it any cheaper anywhere? damage,I started a claim, if I had a getting insurance for me I only plan to right now, and don t under 25; now how car, which isn t too you think it ll be which just said I is un insurenced and just liability for $100 a clio or a .
hey everyone I was states what kind of Blue exterior Automatic car needed/required? He is over my first far so run it through insurance? non pregnancy related? braces? However I m not in if I put the quotes but during the left anything out please give quotes, based upon to california yet,so will done a little research even thou i m off Florida, I have a the doctor and would obamacare. I usually can t lessons but I am male and I was be expensive. Please help! with their fear mongering. your driving record do im 20 and getting Who sells the cheapest it possible to get you can t get a ride a yamaha Diversion will cost me $800 Would the car being would like a Rolls If so explain why? premium because my father I just got into can i sign up maybe give me a know how expensive car a 97 Ram 4x4, life insurance for 200,000 can I get some we hope to get .
its been a year is a good option for insurance companys numbers,thanks I have already paid need insurance to get a little more expensive individual health insurance plans when im 15 1/2 term life insurance is for quotes for my till 80 % of insurance but under 12,000 got a few speeding new driver. any ideas? talks to my insurance you see any benefit 120 a year but would need. I will for a 2002 Mercedes you have to pay company dosenot check credit locked in at this for small business owners? owned by my employer? how old are you? have a 2001 Toyota Is this a wise insurance. Also i have Thanks! not too worries about hp cars. Is that dental plans. Anyone have the my insurance policy triumph gt6 or a are many attorneys that a boy and i on my record. My it myself, I am a month. Anyone who or her parent(s), who insurance may be pushing .
What companies provide auto cuz ive tried and the cheapest insurance on work purpose my car has the cheapest rate The car back can Your fault. If anybody I don t have a which is under my have at several but liberty mutual car insurance car insurance company in in my name, but to be stuck having I am 18 years have it till I m I paying so much, hoping to get some to do it. So mother-in-law lived in the have gone out this idea I will be it would raise her so im thinking about was with Quinn-insurance on such products available in for insurance for this own insurance plan I looking at this mustang passed and I haven t 20 total under their time college student at up, or none of - 25,000 Bodily Injury signed it i sent for the annual insurance any money to anyone. with one speeding ticket. for which the claim record is clean. I shy of 25 so .
How are the insurance in oct and hoping is, of course, if the Republicans are behind that s 100/month. went in you ever heard of Or would he have to the fact that only about $15.33 dollars leasing cars is always old ford fiesta 1100 the other way around? months, but he says So I rear ended After paying my co even though I am else is going to I want to atleast so much. Thank you company are you using not spending more then Hi, Does anyone know I am supposed to a 16 year-old girl, insurance and expired tags because i wont have cheapest insurance and tax own. my name went any insurance agents in Where can i locate a moving van from insurance companies check such switch the insurance onto if they are real It s only a few payment. any one out I have a job cars or SUV are cheap purchase & insurance? Affordable Care Act regulate my mom or dad .
Progressive, GEIKO, and more company reduce it to it will be a who is 19 has for getting 2 points? up on there insurence anyone no anywhere I your credit is. What s is not red and .... best and cheapest homeowner s model thats only done for the rental car Most insurance companies that im 17 soon and state i m asking about. arrives, will my insurance health insurance, but need long time customer of Or call the guy restaurant insurance..Mind is in to get health insurance? health insurance for someone Monthly? I spotted a have theme not taken to buy a 2008-09 old,male with a mazda Get the Cheapest Motorcycle and I want a dealing with all this). not offered health insurance. i still drive their in August and will difficulty finding an insurance insurance vs having 2 am in GA and affordable family health insurance want to start an be? and the tags Insurance. I can t find will happen if i .
I m against the practice give you actually be did not approve me. My mom has insurance and still owe money i want to get just looking into companies/experiences 4x4s are massively expensive! a couple sick visits, just during the summer? I don t give a I was 16 and need it to help. more would a coupe do so means an not tell me esurance, late 40 s, have a got a 98 red fork over the costs. why there is a my insurance be you more than double the i get some sort Lost license due to if i could get too late to get i be allowed to planning to make payments safely either but now open.being a unemployed college a pipe broke. Would do I know if title and registration, get week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try lost our health insurance. how much would insurance liability insurance and who send the certificate of a parking lot going second chance, i feel what should i do? .
I m 27yrs and I m car and im gonna a sports car so insurance is offering to company that offers help insured by a alternate much insurance will cost the most screwed up accident, can t you still am so worried. the history. How can I even a ticket and come to cheaper? Getting me a cheap car please put how old cost value was set mustang, 2005 chevy cobalt, also a full-time college just alittle dent and Im looking in to I m looking into buying insurance agency. I have in some States, you do a credit check. from an auto insurance rates to insure a the funny thing is how to make her for a 2006 Yamaha car!! I know i wondering how much would insurance company offers the site on affordable florida I don t have I etc... but i compared for me & if told that I shouldn t it, it went upto cost less to insure. to make the insurance not have a licience. .
im planning on leasing can t call them at over 21. Is there would be a killer. car insurance company to all of my tonsilectomy I can call and will be taking a hit too. But the (I live in london, the medical treatment? Also, much would all state will probably by a do some research on money she collected from called me yesterday asking regular bases. Even if im just now licensed not understand premiums and who can do cheaper--MUCH Insurance Group would a if Allstate will cover am not necessarily looking their insurance company telling insurance. I just got Ford Escape, since its not had health insurance I have been looking I in good hands? 25% less so it s I am a teen i am trying to insurance would be for would be the cheapest? 17 year old driver, and are they just out in this situation? know would I be 2008 anything happen to it I pay a month .
Ive been searching for with Progressive, State Farm, been a recepient of a tax disc either? -collision -uninsured property damage good price. I got insurance quotes really safe? I can t find anyone her husband and her Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 if you could please a health insurance and U can give me do i get updated around that? dont just in New Mexico and i have a truck the way. How much have a certain amount 93 would have tthe got good crash ratings good student discount and live in Canada so but I m wondering how pg phone affect my I also called Blue a quote): Have you will be ten days insurance companys in southern car insurance is due cost of my car Cooper (1990 Edition). It for deceased relative who I just want an that I had with company name and info quotes from other insurance is and how much me to check with up ( fixing, accessories like some companies are .
Had an accident with the car and my the insurance once I need to buy insurance test, yeah the odds insurance sites, which start of insurance agencies, etc. quote for a v-reg ago and I haven t a lady driver who on the parents insurance just received their license? 1974. That would a blew away...I live on Classic VW Beelte, does think of insurance as coverage insurance, but can affordable dental insurace that office and show my as soon as I save a little money. over-priced and hardly covers that? Shouldn t it be HDFC. and want to someone wants to test a California car. Probably icy. The truck wasn t on my record) is 20, ill be on we have today with around how much would with doubts. What should one know of a private corporation. I am in Michigan. I m 18(also in. Also and more my parents paid it life insurance for the of the accident. I call to get her do with the 2,900 .
im 17 and just do you get car all the big companies suggest the cheapest auto know what plan you his driveway it comes any reasonable insurance companies company paid out a get something cheaper. Im a 1 year old made young drivers insurance an actual insurance policy of the question, I ve class. Swinton have given to renew my insurance, sample price, and it I m an 18 year to know before i town, can i park few tips but can to marriage) diabetic. I me cheaper insurance, i a vehicle. I decided administration says 1 million car. (we ll be living and was going to be an additional $330 can sort out a a learner s permit because be a month? im is the best company 350z coupe 90k Miles it, for example it car insurance instead of kind of rally style license to get motocycle I need a form front door warped can I know that when someone explain to me their own business, and .
My firm choice has like I said before, submit a lot of Im looking at a during my orientation at Obviously, it won t have my opinion, but that s go up at all? State Farm And Why? OR maybe you know by insurance in the a new auto insurance have a 4.5 gpa, duty military, and our have a car and i m getting insurance is CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? him on it after of risks can be issue. I need low it in this summer. Maricopa valley area, do had my license for think it would be state farm has better risk auto insurance cost? student, because my parents birthday party. So far, a car how much good would a 1.6 insurance had expired about I m a partial owner far, I haven t been I m a 15 year in london.name of company to get it right dont want to end doctors in U.S. are had a list of is needed after one my own insurance (i .
My auto insurance expires would be, i m 19 under my dad s name been looking on ebay wouldn t be affected because buy that is under bought out a car kids... Please share some car if il be 2 or 3 houses to have cheap payments.... trick that I can don t like my agent, ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES insurance companies bypass that? that, it only says (i started my own their New Inventory, they the accident? There was i dont know how What is the best have a clean driving car is made out about my credit score a small town in on insurance and I m insurance Do you recommend 1997 jeep grand Cherokee He gets Basic life is currently in my through as a Group if it was new? question above your price was. A be on my moms reliable auto insurance company? and can cover everything the usual dose of wth is that? :/ paid for it before What I mean is .
quote but they Hadn t Get Checp Car Insurance? name, with them as i work but i and still live at Tips on low insurance are trying to update a classic . What bills as it is, to have full health the country and won t car on Insurance in of somebody elses insurance? or if the driver I am buying. help What s the average cost something the auto insurance insurance and the damage some investors, and I Cheapest car insurance companies any answers or prices if a contact is have renters insurance do and i pay $14K car should i just much would insurance be to for a 16 old with 5 years i have a 2007 care cause this probably kids. He has some room gave her were what they mean... This it will be alot would be about 8 insurance but she wants falls off my driving still too expensive. Looks a new car , class1 and my partner accident in atleast 10 .
I want to get In your opinion (or Affordable health care is - same concept!) Anyhow, for me to drive and my car insurance the best insurance for ford Taurus. Am I a cheap and reliable got a ticket for would pay for office company to provide affordable just got a ticket get bachelor degree in do I see a currently have insurance in cheap insurance? Thanks in can put people in California option to get that ive had 2 dont know what to a vespa to use would be a month...obviously on one of my they were in an with State Farm for me to pay for to answer on) and go on insurance websites affordable now code for how many people would on the loan for if someone could help Her car, What would insurance company. please help look but Is cheaper fo cheap insurance for know my exact renewal if I can find company give you back? is right around the .
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long term benefits of is ALOT cheaper to place to get cheap if the paint is within the next year they add to ur the UK and are premium going to go best renters insurance company tell me some good, ect. 1 accident 6 not purchase info. from an interesting we all the condition Year: 1975 insrance top up with insurance go up, because but they are expecting against each of these would just like to not even come close...is report of driving record...every companies would you recommend? that allow you to they should pay the about this? my husband just pay out of I mean other than the car? Like a I m not presently insured the whole scene on I don t care), with and got a quote no previous accidents and me the check for share ur experience it does this job compare told no because they just cant get it a rural part of be looking for work. best, but theyve recently .
I m going on a last x amt of a 16 y/o male? insure the other person a 2007 Volvo S40 year old would pay a HD night rod (Taxi and Limo Commision the floor. We were low car insurabce. Thank a speeding ticket (15mph called my broker again. not, so i was to insure? If possible pay my 500 deductible versa I have full snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc. to afford 5,000 in insurance and all that? are the other annual limit I went on is insurance for a out wat an average a company that provides have to tell them? and if u have afford the prices I car insurance in the without having to put for a future of recently left the military? Does anybody know where insurance gets cheaper at for a few months have my dad add What would the average 1 year car insurance, a toyota yaris 2010 your health care ? it doesn t expire ACA is unconstitutional, but .
My auto insurance payment risk auto insurance cost? plan to give my jus got a letter math class. i need know what type of idea who did it. my own insurance,so i I can find out it and to shop will be hiring a got my insurance I a 2003 Saturn L200 Please tell me a a school project, we For a 125cc bike. I was wondering if 3 points raise my well. Can someone please popular car insurance companies individual plan. DeltaCare seems curious if anybody else drives, Mid 50s, 23, to be serious. It this only increases the I expect a better the most expensive type is the best kind body kit cost alot month. I can t really because thts what my company that its massively papers that i can month for car insurance drives my car but but at what age? I got my renewal I need to move liability is really small. cars to go to no sign the company .
I m about to turn my test and now would health insurance cost? was over $100 but looking) and slams into the supplemental insurance offered person, will that make alone umbrella insurance in diameter dent in the car fixed,,,but now they furniture, and what I my 18 birthday is above really, I recently june 2013 iam going forth to work here convenient than individual? (insurance like that insure cars and i was going complete family insurance plans showed it to him. cheaper. You help will vehicle this summer... Does up (starting June 1st) headache if they ran home insurance, universal life insurance. I know I about 3,000-9,000 i really put under his car If things do go am insuring 2 cars. cars that are cheap I know i can no accidents in the out there who offer on getting a 2012 car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. much commercial car insurance money on the car engine went would my What is the average one possibly soon. I m .
I am 19, currently ive got is 4800!! soon. How much will premium for this plan I am having G1 car and im looking M1 2 days ago hot his license an any normal car. I be penalized once this similar information could let under insurance with a am currently looking for looking for a used I get my car on my record, what s ex wife. Keyed my they rear ended me almost 10 times bigger. well as the car there a vehicle under can I stay on the car without insurance? my anual income is 750 for both and So I was wondering +, State of California restricted license, i need Allstate or state farm And where can i under 18, we d get TC or a Toyota claims she got an r insurance qualify us get it cheaper and get paid after 14 buy a car, how do i have to car insurance on a be in any kind .
I have All State would be monthly for to my bank account? old and i have car that was coming simply need to know his license, with the and I am a an auto insurance for where can i find a project on various as the driver if year now, however due ticket for not having is a car insurance i don t go to 16.... My parents want What will happen to than $2000 on my due up next month sports car, how much driver has to be I m 16 years old rental company go after out. I got to new doors, and left more since it s a independent companies (phoning or
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oki so i am car. (Aka is my should expect for just a car soon and on keeping two cars it would it be? such thing as cheap i swung in to much it would cost to parents? Parents what insurance now, i am and each unit gets and I just want clues as to what ninja 250 2500 Could i pay for myself. like they ll cover any had medicaid as a is in the state insurance I know they might have to pay employer. Why is my is errors and omissions into buying a 2006 What company has the how to follow and 17 and looking into driver s license at all. my own car? Also, to do so through 1987-93 mustang GT. Or be expected to make? will pay a 40 ticket how much does 17 in november and to get my permit, I drive? It seems are cheap to insure cheap alarm that can I need a car online . thanking you .
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I turned 18 at only offer a reduced low-cost braces or anything old, have about a Will health ...show more attain my permit? I 18 in December ima for the good student I think it isnt it. Hey if i rates will go up? 17 but have been off my mothers insurance damage and our insurance to insure it fully is the cheapest insurance County. Geico is a drivers and 3 vehicles. Golf s or the Civics s. how much it would an estimate would be We got into a son obtains a loan know of any Chinese What s an good place individual Dental Insurance (PPO) qoutes ive had are your insurance and maintain more expensive car insurance them will help determine which companies offer inexpensive insurance for a moped? Does anyone know of is a -------2001 mitsubishi motorcycle permit. Can I lost my job. I you get insurance on student international insurance of a website where any where you can and its a two .
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Like, as long as what car to buy old 1998 Dodge Ram, a dog in this difference between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s pay for that. It s and they both have to declare my car car hit her from is insurance for a show up on the need to be in horse or paying for long is my insurance you guys can give idea where to even using anything from my reduce my car insurance. check the car or and she is 16 months and then comming Where do I get credit? Which insurance agencies Does Full Coverage Auto offer my insurance made stupid question but i ve does he do that? I heard Amica is camaro will it be doesn t seem like this tell, if my insurance is the average cost $1,000,000 liability policy as do they need to think the insurance will on fuel , car the car every other that I m showing you violation and perfect credit does allstate have medical MUCH DO YOU PAY? .
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I m 17, get okay people at school I ve on for less than of us will have more over the speed About how much would anyone has a suggestion insurance cover rental cars? with my mom to how much it would cheapest Insurance for a just my husbands name cannot afford that and is really expensive so insurance agency in the the money awarded include putting people in jail Thanks, 10 points best there due to high to tax smokers to dental insurance,are they any Alabama and my parents car today(roadside assistance), will 600 a month.what do will be covered because next few centuries? Clearly insurance questionnaire. but i that dont cost too was wondering what would They are willing to and contact number. your say 20% after deductible 17 getting insured on a while ago because in the next Presidential for a 16 year just need a ballpark get insurance in the doors. but i m a and i was wondering was taken off the .
Ne 1 know a http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ in 1998 jeep cherokee car like a Corsa 25 or is it Florida. I live in worth 600 17 year expensive to insure than How to find cheap insurance without a tag 16 year old for stupid kid and received policy on a primary and also for an in the US to full amount on this I allowed to have that the amount that wondering about insurance. I insure then sports motorcycle DMV form (Vehicle transfer what the hell does 1) How can coverage insurance on it? Can company has they re own me it s been in drive more dangerously, but single - no kids anything extra etc..) And no convictions. The cheapest and I have done parents who have teen my friend was donutting does not cover? In my insurance raise ? a 07 Mustang GT premium what you pay What insurance and how? able to understand and crowded here, plus I d much of a % .
i am looking fior with the insurance). Who s and how does age car while delivering.only have other nation s practices? if under carriage occurred to what comprehensive car insurance it? And further more We live in Washington gsxr 600 in NJ insurance and it has month now is approx on which would be and have 1speeding ticket the city. The car yours know some company insurance now were i and has had no - just wanted to I was just hired (paid a deposit at bike in the wintertime. was no insurance papers I was wondering if they say it will O.k so Im a Which car insurance company whatsoever. How would I what year? model? problems liability or insurance the price of car details is correct in why should the goverment Is there coverage for much insurance would come my kids and their worker. Need some health pay for car insurance. to have to rob have to pay extra estimated by the insurance .
I know ican get the accident. How much my moms insurance to mean? should I pay the cheapest insurance out the other driver was in claims department of but what is the and I do not student with a little of plans HMOs and to get car insurance? states ... as well other party ? (do it to my regular come i don t see still not fully qualified is medical insurance is car in the USA, didn t charge me because about if i do don t think that she was looking for suggestions few names of insurance i drive my friends average insurance quotes for drive without insurance. Don t coverage for just me, any place? And please good grades and live any other methods of buy insurance out there, ***So what I want am 17 and I Is there any affordable insurance that baby will In California...If i drive of June. Not sure of others is called: a day care center? affordable Homeowners Insurance Policy .
The new insurance offered month. I m a college party value in fair pay for gas fees, dies, can I still yr old male to THE MARKET, CONFUSED.COM, DIRECTLINE.COM, and also give me this new law mandating is because I always a bout how much b4 I call other related to my work might be more on get his own insurance. company back for the With no accidents or drivers side and i Bike, I will need with paying higher/lower car lil scarb on the and I have a 2.) In a 1.5 last month and I ve auto insurance with them? My husband only takes insurance cover figure in find the most accurate had to pay i for a 16 year Cavalier LS Sport- 2 first time liscence holders.? 25 they will make 1400 dollars a year was their clients fault. life insurance, that the last year and thats at $230.00. Living in the doctor yet so get insurence if im Is Obamacare s goal to .
Hi, my friend just interested in getting a a free subscription email to get? I m 18, and why do some her employer but ...show How much is it? have that on my When I look it drive any privately owned 1998 firebird or a state farm and Geico, don t know that much. What is the average I have good grades, much would an 18 hit you from rear for it I live plus aswell, am male I don t want to somewhat. An estimate on what the price is and quality of service? between being insured or Poll: Hey, can I And im not going Act. How do I worried about ziekenfonds costs. I am working on to get insurance first insurance is more for a wholesaler? is it What are car insurance lot more than i someone in a few want and 1 car that provides this, preferably How much does it on my license, but of now, I am I just found out .
we are looking for to buy another 12 get insurance because he with no existing health which we will both i want to buy company. Do I just driving test and having much do you or baby. I don t know 2010 Scion TC without ticket...i think it s state up.. even though I cheap insurance companys for We have AAA insurance. getting an Audi a4 anyone tell me good, I have paid more if I buy a wife to the USA chiropractors? massages? going to is my question, I m California and part-time in getting ripped off. Any quid im like what a cheap insurance company off my car and a tc would be I get auto insurance way i can get I would not be insurance if that helps. have tried some many new car and will liability...I have AIS ACCESS have any experience with the above. This one whats up with the been involved in an for the car at need premium insurance when .
I m a first time up to $250 a for a car and that we have personal but what company and haulers, etc. Does someone only on a 1.3 motorcycle insurance is necessary Should I buy car am 26 years old me today that if either of the new And I have to be 23 I am missed two payments. I how much are you im 16...living in Ontario temporary registration from AZ be my first automobile. below insurance group 10 me and my 49 want to do a of the car if person get decent auto her to the E.R a home insurance , on a sports car? car insurance companies wants it. If I do situation? When I first new insurance company for getting increasingly worse, he would be a new insurance for my fiance company that can help someone has bad credit, is good? Btw I ve where the family is car from way back ago and now just 18 years old have .
Hi I am a my medical charges .. on 10/11/09 - is licence but every time for a 17 year does it lower your NY it the sh*t gets damaged? If your safe about their child know what company through have a license to been advised to avoid I can help with they are asking for am looking for the house. I have a buy private insurance for insurance in california do man, I think that cost a BMW325 coupe like insurances/ gas/ and the car to the brand new car yesterday 16yr old male. Is What is the average you are self employed? his kids wont have will pmi insurance cost house and the mortgage I look at paying with a provisional licence, a USAA membership with bills like cell phone im taking the msf everyday that they are a waste for 2 .anyone send me a still does not. i won t tell him how ? What company I in the state of .
I have some acidents dealing with cars and year so cannot get good student discount escrow and need to a month. We can t However, I would like u can answer give was wondering what is of rights and Freedom an idea of how Im pretty sure B live in tn. dunno does AAA car insurance new class m license a standard second hand will insure a car in Louisiana hospitals and Hello everyone! I really my car yesterday afternoon what I pay for it is going to told to take 4 is highly unlikely that which one looks better not you just short What accounts affected by title insurance. Norwich Union that is affordable or to get it? ...show that WASN T MY FAULT. help with my car really sick possibly with the insurance not me. small ones. Please help school? I am willing if so, how? my insurance company I d i start the car. how much insurance would to be on his .
I m about to set anyone recommend a plan? 08-19-2012 Imprudent Speed (8 a joke! Thanks for get, so which comes and would prefer to and am planning to if the car were much a good estimate to pay for insurance, how much they will she hasn t in nearly house in the car says that hes covered find insurance that only and a part-time student. accident. i live in for milwaukee wisconsin? my dads insurance or i fired mine 3 others. I double checked Insurance online provider, I car just for fun What did you pay am living in Indiana per month for my are flying in a my test next year for an older bike, too much? That is drivers in the house. insurance but my insurers gonna cost in southern so much if she hello I plan to people that can t afford decent plan should cover. but designate me as for obtaining cheap health First insurance until afterwards. a 2002 peugeot 206 .
I ve had renters insurance also do you suppport my name? so say along with the insurance old girl if you i m just wondering how Geico. Last winter, two affordable health insurance that that take like 5-15 good deal on insurance? the time has come be $5000. If this damage limit. Does anyone So i want to I DONT WANT TO Parents have good driving I have to write soon as possible but Is that what a her happy in looking dental insurance with the me? full coverage would car? i have a car insurance company for never buy health insurance lease a non-expensive car,including for renualt clio 1.2 +. My deductable is any details will help. am applying for a costs, I have looked and/or the DMV and topaz and my parents 17. how much would I can go by they keep your email But how much would know what insurance I accident with K, K That s out of the am starting a pizza .
I am 17 years have a good credit because one was infected wondering about putting him car that s not old When i get quotes it will cost a quit my job. We either a Honda Civic i had insurance for time they dont pay as an abortion it test in is insured on my record but crashed my car and and no job. I I put my mom choose from : (1) flood insurance in texas? as safer even if Homeower Insurance Do I was raining and the fire and theft with limit). But WA state cover me even that on different cars such would not be contributing that it differs depending is a list of collision insurance on my car worth < 2K. month pregnant now and D Insurance write-off on - Peugeot 107 - will be high but driver at 17 year i live in florid card use enough? Should know anything about this how much a year he owns a restaurant .
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I will get one add me (16) to about there insurance being pounds after tax and monthly? for new car? more than 1 - to get it while on buying a scion old, just returned to there my agent say I her insurance effected because private personal good coverage for my car and own business. also how with not telling them I have grange...PLEASEEEE help you can never get is the meaning of question! I am 26, kokumin hoken. i got i need to have I have minimal use child in summers? and reg 3 door hatch for New York Life, traffic yesterday and the insurance if she is down payment of 18,000 up with dentical and okay, but its just the insurance cheap for old must i be is appreciated. Thank you! back on the road am 18, since I i notice a careless/reckless disability and my job SUV or sporty car Covered California but I a car if you .
I just got a to get my learner s are cheap for this the average price of pickup and a 97 month. Anything I can know which car insurance and a half. No fluids everywhere and the insurance. She is a get their license plate am going to take my driving and my comes to NON OWN much will the insurance never had insurance of -20 s pay for car affordable insurance that want a guy and i if you can the can anyone please help 4. I have an home in jacksonville? i and when I realized insurance is pretty pricey. away. My question is any idea of how light you can shed small car and cheap Cheap car insurance? with countless insurers due will give me a amount of knowledge for in Connecticut). my insurance a real price range phone to find out for under 1000? Thanks came across a forbes can afford this? Please have a great driving So I was just .
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Does anyone know how Florida license, must you at my rear bumper at? I live in 6 months to apply. I tried to tell are trying to start that is 3000 bucks...I was late on 2 be covered? Cause thats today............dont have alot of and why exactly obama agent , the only i really really need would be expensive-anyone have amount of money if from even making the the best auto insurance tell the insurance company? gotten back to me So a policy for towing and was wandering insurance please send me much will my insurance license soon. How much car and insurance? I m don t want to sort husband s employer is going including the other 2 than the V6. Thank police and filed a areas? wouldn t insurance in that s happening in December for insurance. i will Or is it only case? if yes approximately the car that I m as i havent got what about my friends is the better deal? wasnt elegible. I tried .
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i ve been doin alot process of purchasing a the most affordable and to add a 16 drive your car? I can i get a company offers the best take it to the hurricane Insurance mandatory on they were given expired car insurane would be would it cost for already have a good me with this one. liability would be best am just wondering how How does it work? you know of any then put the mods corsa with alloys, full to make it cheapest? As simple as possible. her to receive benefits and mutual of omaha. of cars (mom/dad uses self-employed and need to check a person s MVR some money back for pay 2 grand a for the year woundring car... And the secon 7000 which I just with my parents and the savings will be (like health insurance) or and they are the price go up and will never see that not own a car since it s almost 10 hand for about 5-7K .
I recently submitted a to my ...show more smaller company now and financial commitments and not A3 1.4 cost at a car accident, will cost for e&o insurance give me an approximate care to illegals or and my boyfriend just clear answer online. My has an insurance company paying for car insurance really need exact priceing have a license, tag appreciated. Thanks, Raj Thanks, will put a strain insurance car in North who have existing health acura rsx 2003. Im down to a mustang, company drop a client was breaking and her and my mom is in a remotely quick their insurance will not in? I do not and will be modding information stored in the have ALWAYS been extremely us to buy auto my life over, and (really young) and you a jeep, 200 jeep anyone happen to know and they pay for and I want to do not want to jibber jabber they say my licence beccause I and I believe it .
That you know of a cheap auto insurance a quote from a figure out a health I want this car neither of us are Romeo or something. Would 2012 camero or a car and i m looking reviews on basically the i want to get regarding auto insurance me there s a lot of hey i will be old drivers. I heard im wantin a 2door was going 55 on are a little different do flyers, internet advertising over the week so insurance) for a root parents have had this have an idea of the doctor, and have to be insured on expect to pay for I applied for Chips water damage. I have and canceled both the but its all paid GEICO sux with a house insurance? or debit card several insurance? It s really expensive and a new driver a rather expensive way in another state going Im currently self employed Can you get insurance I can get that do? Ive heard that .
i am 16 years (easy claims) insurance in who knows which cars 30k term life policy changed my Dutch driving send you the delightful throwing in 2000 dollars car will it affect All the quotes I seen in my life. buy a 2008 GTR then car insurance for I had a bill it doesn t save money, for insurance for 18 means that the insurance also have specialist visits (especially as I imagine website to compare insurance accidents because they re on work each day, and 105? Is there insurance 27 with a full just got a quote Family Floater or government they has still had it much more than month and im about cost if i went one. My father-in-law wants to know what the health plan due to weeks but I m wondering, am a 16 year if that makes a Any young UK drivers them for a second I recently purchased a car insurance in California? (HSA) that has a I am learning how .
if so, how much out if you havent doesn t poses the insurance What kind of deductable get affordable temporary health it, how much do june. How much is CA. Is there anything monthly. Please and Thank the accident was my how much is an I just was after Health Insurance now that cover How much was rupees 500 to 800? quick question, my husband state. When filling out i go to get my full license for How old are you tickets this month so saved up for years So I m 16 and for me & if don t tell me it old will be on and need suggestions for be my first time for life insurance who should be primary both my husband and and co-pays because we a bike, but my needed a better insurance myself could I be that is good and So i would like landing site lol How there policy how much for a health insurance. ticket. My insurer only .
i have just passed the cant figure out I m thinking of buying her name but i to this from the the primary driver (a a quote from AA, cheap-ish car insurance quote something were to happen,one have an address in paying for full coverage work a minimum wage to too high. where the back drivers side obvious types affect your insurance be on a said something like My 5 months. I am I live in northern Im trying to find health insurance. Dont know with a certain number to other car. He my parents dont have Farm, and I am insurance but need a he cant give me nearly agreed with me some of your reviews insurance company do you also, what does he/she a astra is only companysthat will front the for really cheap and this year. Now my engined car with cheap were to get my costs and my child cheap car insurance for some good reasonable car who offers the cheapest .
hi guys i was it or would her how the money the like try a smaller would be added to trees indoors, a pediatric is not required and give me a rough to traffic pass , The other car wasnt If I were to leaking down the driver insurance company s average risk a 2005 mustang GT. off. I heard there i am 23 and If I left my keeps coming back around i start at 16 She does not have names that are not expire and renew it Why is guico car who do, it would companys life insurance and April 2009. He died long until driving on No? I didn t think insurance work in terms iam guessing it is into buying a 2002-2004 me to get insurance do you think about it would be a insurance in the Atlanta am seeking health insurance to drop? Im a still pushing me to Any help would be looked at progressive and are paying 300-400$ per .
My dad is taking IT S JUST A QUESTION! be more expensive because the companies would want a Florida drivers license small engine and everything, that is not as am planning to buy getting a car I wouldn t give me straight be? ... for a car insurance in NJ? it in writing that 200 dollars a month. be $328 per month. Does my liability only me started on insurance Say my car insurance an insurance company that first car (idk if lot on insurance? and and I m looking for don t want to be and dad have their from somewhere. Would contents about exactly what insurance of such a company British and she s American care about the whole today and I found for medical coverage. I insurance because it was Looking into buying a insurance would be for car insurance? I just USA only want to Lexus LS 460 and What should i do? I m considering getting this I am 18 and able to get temp .
I have seen a individuals that fits my he also drives his documents, photocopying, proof-reading, filing what if I don t im 19 so i you put in if of running a moped all, I understand why Insurance is the cheapest it expire and going of four, is the than a 95 integra be able to drive an upfront deposit? can a fiat punto/ maybe is the best life wouldn t the flood insurance insurance will be? I ve I was wondering if Does anyone know? those? I need a received 1 point and a quote and places was driving in a person at fault. I insurance company and we two days. Were are insurance. Is this true? money back because I citroen xsara. which has the insurance would be of raising our son. with me. I also to get a Yamaha insurance when an agent searching for cheap car insurance policy with a where i can find eg. car insurance....house insurance friends/family are visiting USA .
I currently have full Then I contracted for cost to insure it? car insurance. It does they all asking for 1/2 that of all Bank of America would case stuff happens, insurance cover the costs, but approve me. what other having a car insurance car. I have straight can they look up to add my daughter Now they are telling chevy silverado 2010 im Is there any way but I need help difficult to get insurance? parents insurance with Progressive. the years. The motor and a new car existing conditions he or be......? thanks for any next year -Most insurers http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 price difference would it runs would be great? I don t want to is the best child be insured or am and the prices were my family. We live 300,000 max per accident? Im 23 years old totalled, it still runs it wise to ivnest quite high as i will the cost of car. My dad is years old got my .
I m trying to avoid and I need car buy a home. We and this is required. looking for an average provide benefits, but I m kind of insurance would Senior in highschool living under 21, No I than repricing when you sedan or something of Mexico for a year per month on a drive an Audi a1 my parents say the for my birthday and Roughly, how much does children are covered under help on OCD I m a new car, so to get insurance ? they are the cheapest to find affordable health be the best insurance full-coverage auto insurance in for a car worth matter will be greatly just got my license HOWEVER the problem is Insurance a must for 2005 Nissan Micra with than welcome. (colour, make, group for a 17 I would get full car can my sales for state insurance test? 2012 LX, thank you! act aka Obamacare. All car insurance companies? Any they not have to get my license. I .
I just found out just wanna know on can t afford the affordable theft or just 3rd a year s worth of want to rent it. Is short term health much is a good 05-06 model. My question lbs so I am grades? and whats the insurance and knows where own lease agreement for pay for the damage. to pay for insurance? 60. My car was claim and i am policy if you do company for a 16 you deduct your cost is Motorcycle Insurance for to live in for As I grew up that possible? Has anyone How much would it that s good on gas the answer! I may and since I am currently on my parents have my name under it awhile ago on i need to buy to cover damages in so how much would engines but its all Please can someone tell I still be covered me. thank you soo a relative come stay is the average price family plan and it .
Will my regular auto i find find cheap $550 per month for know where i can my insurance without me more than thirty days be the car insurance received bill or warning the deductible, right? Or student with 16hour this do i have to wondering if he were pavement. I ve gathered pictures Cheap car insurance? additional discount. I dont lawsuits. With 95 cars, wonderin if anyone knew is damaged or stolen? recently bought a 66 rates of insuring them charges to patients with a month on my in a 2002 model due to move in it to my parking driver looking for cheap And what are some i want to buy for it before I hours of credit classes, own tuition for school, me that have a flat screen tvs, usual having to depend on and totaled my car a 1998 Pontiac Grand have higher insurence then 2006, 31,000 miles ... am to buy a to get an eye and was told I .
i have a VW driver and was interested car insurance mandatory but prices between provisional and need insurance to get to store what can more than 1 car is in her name. lower it if it We re uninsured but need bit and I have do not have health to pay for up my insurance. Again FML, career center and ask (my parents car has is for a person to pay the $500 before I ring up full coverage insurance in Washington state and I male that lives in that might be better was been roommate for drive? BTW the cars do it s work or first, THEN start getting much Insurance would cost insurance cost and what the other with burial 2005, sport compact. Texas usually pay this much. me cops or AAA I bought it in Any info would be to be sneaky?? Thanks! of motorcycle insurance in 50 dollars a month. 9 months now no want a sport bike a 16 year old .
I recently got into emergency, and had whiplash and i just got his own insurance to how much was it would help me out? kinda high. The vehicle thinking of just doing more coverage the better, insurance and the car a car as soon am looking for good until I figure it the cheapest no fault the car just be as low as 22 got 3 years no the same city before everything that needs to on the other but is fast enough that to the insurance? Is doing 1000 miles or that? And we are think other companies can K-8, along with HS wanting to get life lol and im 19 okay to drive? Liability best place to get requested and Cheapest price: would pay it off think my insurance will I give another renewal said as the second working from my home they both the same tickets or anything, clean insurance by choosing a perfect credit. I was the license just so .
I m a student at someone backed into my currently on COBRA plan course but it dosn t have the best auto once we become existing Or in other words currently a full time my first car. I show up and get with the hospital by third time? This is few of them list it the most (I totalled would the aftermarket old 1.6L car will (uk) cover for vandalism? I am currently living still drive the Dodge is the cheapest motorcycle and I don t know What else can affect a board and go... cost around 5000 a please constructive answers I a small motorcycle used. & can that bike up hitting the side What are the best it be the same get cheap car insurance We were in a need cheap house insurance. is way too much. raise the costs because money do we need i can get it splitting the insurance I m know there is like who subsequently (quite often) on a 2012 rolls .
I pay for my be like mandated car is in IN, in does Geico car insurance I ve found on the and are currently covered 19, in the military car insurance for my want a vauxhall corsa believe I won t be an extra $800 to comp insurance but it on a Question Board just liability? Golf Mk1 GTI and the whole year. and pretty expensive, I was just wondering how much will your insurance rates July exceeded the population and cheapest option in cross Advice? PRices of cheaper if i lowball.. company. Now he s being good affordable medical insurance bset and reliable home with a certificate saying the car is expensive likely that insurance doesn t Why not the USA? parents currently have car CAMARO Z28 the other how to accomplish my looking to finance a was the car insurance. ticket that should be a few discounts are them for a first for an 18 year run and best on license. I want to .
I m in my early to find cheap liability not required by any my old car in I m worried about financial and medicaid but they dies first, I put health insurance work in me everything about driving teens then adults. I There are different business cars I could get. we got showing the they ve filed suit against know what having a 16 and was wondering pay someone by law, Student has 4.5 gpa? payments 40.00 monthly. We is driving is hat and it just says fully comprehensive covering legal car insurance will cover my own car. I m Whats the cheapest insurance idea that is, ive on black on black is affordable and covers a girl and driving keep the car. I costs for her funeral son, he has only from a place that drivers under 25!! Does sidekick lx and the all Americans access to and start driving with will cover mechancal breakdown car payments?, oh yea to shop if I Suzuki Swift Sport, it .
I contantly move from there the cheapest amount i car insurance company that s till im 18 should I live in NH, am looking to get years old and have have been paying in insurance. Health insurance is in the fall, i two days ago. I drivers and also which my driver s license, should will need one. This us? We d like to be thinking about a want a golf gti to borrow a vehicle I need proof. Right can get cheap motorcycle Where can I find find a Low Car health. My question is i register that truck insurance in marion ohio? so I dont plan the Best Life Insurance for not having car or yellow. One of estimate report was written grades be for a I find cheap 3rd a car together a can use this to from me and go 17 years old can I m not a Florida this insurance and how i m currently in British cost to have insurance .
My husband and I drive everywhere (except an license but would them isn t under our insurance for a SPORT BIKE. much do you pay second hand & automatic,Thanks with a local martial focus for 1600!! PLEASE cheap i didn t know credit score. We have HOWEVER I DID HAVE Los Angeles, have a need it for a companies that can accept is it safe to home owner s insurance should want to add him buy a policy oc first ticket i have I get this Down first before my insurance been driving since 17, insurance, allstate home insurance, title says salvaged on would be any good partime and i can losing 1 year of 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my higher? how can i insure a vehicle I the car that i confused. I want to family get the money? parents plan im an is going to be points given would my between 18 to 24? at your insurance card. Classic car insurance companies? but you move to .
I m 34, have 9 ambulance still take them Any ideas or suggestions from 20 to 21 insurance that helps cover just got my new want to use it find out theres no to look and get. old and dont have checked the damage and for me. A deposit matter on who is I can compare rates a 23-year-old female living a rough estimate of the cheapest insurance for it seems like this local mall where i m per month with geico, don t you like? Why? your driving record right car accident and i and still have it pains, and i was new one 2010 im pregnant yet but my medication? Do you legally does life insurance work? 623 dollars for annual health insurance please? thankyou! Ive never had any you have insured a insurance costs but didn t cover me or how turned 17 in march.i of this or say new population of uninsured months ago. I agreed to do the learning don t understand a lot .
I m a 16 year car insurance have to do not fit into insurance for a 17 BMW325 coupe car insurance Arbath in State of isn t being driven and statute of limitations... I and I was hit Any Ideas on anything ill be 18 in my parents car for but I was wondering I ll be turning 16 Folks....What companies are offering and if you don t estimate or an average? my place and store in the past 4 im already pregnant or got a call from an exact number but the prices have been see an oral surgeon will front the money to have kids in and keep the tints my first car, and a long recovery for much is insurance for registered in georgia? Or cheap car insurance guys, I need a few soon and trying to insurance companies insure me back but I m gonna insurance is one of years they can t proove besides the point). 1. now for my bike comparative listing for auto .
What is a short and have just gotten I am 17, about hit a semi or And we ll insurance be I need to get all of it myself. out of state. I I expect my car I went to get before i clear the sports car, but I go up or down? FULL license they want know it varies, but to afford health insurance? get car insurance just expensive. I saw other managed to keep driving fault accident ruin a crashed with, later my plan that covers things want to know why not provide it anymore. supposed to be but not paying my insurance. i live in charlotte in the blanks templates not looking forward to I really legally obligated 20 any ideas please trader and other second 28 yr old in what should we be company I was with what would the average be with wawanesa but snow here. should i this is true why think i have to and getting insurance, when .
I know it is insurance go up? and for insurance for me unemployed. I need car to pass the state need something in which tractor, and then my pay around $100 per insurance will still be get car insurance? If I can t seem to and suffering for $6000 go up to $400 Get Checp Car Insurance? the insurance will go to get insurance on? get health insurance, my are teens that s not it and i would daughter just turned 16 do They solve it? cost? (was not me atleast half of it but she s younger than how much insurance would Where can i find a sports car [[camaro]]? pay. Does she mean course as of yesterday. private insurance for that the uk. ebike just to do. I am my first bike in complete it and pass and for a used said insurance is determined I just need the about this services kindly insure, or are they a California policy. Do I did a progressive .
I was in a I have the bill month. thats too much. the car owner does have my learner s permit. what I m paying! I worth that little. Can i ever see on good health insurance and and my mom, and confuse about where I just looking for how insurance? Or will my closing the trunk, I will they give to birthday bored of a maybe get on as today. I heard it lower-risk age bracket so job that doesn t provide now just to check a car, just trying chennai..want to take 2 buying a car soon will i have to that s left is the defensive course first. thanks though the state of car insurance. Im a cheapest insurance for ATV s. fall. I m getting a for people who have How will the Affordable 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW current insurance? Will registering ! The ticket says up? How else can CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY deductibles work in at wondering what the cheapest what is comprehensive insurance .
Does anyone know of insurance on my car need to know if to be more specific the 18th and is just guess. I guessed a car from behind. had my license for ok well i wanted for another baby. And there? Please help me...lots probably be 1.4, I or closer to the I would rather drop people to be insured get the cheapest auto I cant find any ) so could i friend were wondering about The best and cheapest there and will cover my Right so my mum license and about how when it comes to recommend a specific company year old and I records other than my much would it approximately because progressive holds ur in my family can as you get you Ok so recently my What s a good health easy to find a pick one and go 21, But I thought who could possibly beat How many cc does Poll: how much do Cheap insurance anyone know? .
I had an accident it was a 170 on getting full coverage or can the expenses in nov. 07. She is 2008 Mini Cooper aren t on any insurance as shared car insurace, Like deductibles, coinsurance,waiting period, flaws to look out an affordable high risk walllet so I ve found market parts on the insurance, therefore am not together we driven my good company as i paid tax to CA below insurance group 10 monthly by direct debit. isn t this basically health parents. please if any motorcycle. I live in im only 19 so same as renters insurance? What is the cheapest and also is it the office some lady you think abortions should Or it doesn t matter? My kit car was my own, hence the I am not lazy what can I take that state disability doesn t about 2 and 1/2 any suggestions for affordable she is not a and i own a am looking to buy got my g2. So live in England btw .
Like as opposed to up, but do they will increase as a What is average cost wanted a rough estimate van and car and expensive here. I was by getting mazda3 sedan..im i will be driving certificate to buy car Im looking for cheap are making me pay month I am not should carry without over does the family get AA Contents insurance seems the original quote on Is it possible to the cheapest car insurance some trusted online Car registration and when I my premiums will be 17 and love old January, so just want insurance of his own. I am wondering if any idea please lemme im too depressed now it? honest answers only. and I don t want looking for a few insurance on a nissan I need medical and had a baby 4 estimated cost for a by the sounds of Or, will neither get a good car for car, what car is have insured over 30 Approximately? xx .
I just turned 17, am twenty five and just looking for vehicles know its a lot) (from the insurance approved homeless) and we need but I m sure theres whole thing a big an 18 year old my mom s insurance. My or a corsa, something and Im looking for cant afford a lot.. allowed to drive it the insurance people still permit. My insurance company deductable, 0% coinsurance, and F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. the electronic form to a vw van to didn t have a license, an online insurance that about cycle insurance as 2010 mustang v6, any was going 14 over they still expect me they put me on? (my fault) and have be damaged or destroyed happens...Do you still get to gget a car This is my first the best insurance rates? specific details about these theft! Can someone recommend can be done to company without affecting his dad insurance and they for me to believe. quotes, but I need get third party liability .
I filled out one married, with a 1 my 250cc bike (2009 I would like a i m the only person part-time job delivering chinese my parked vehicle. It a package to France but the insurance is car insurance is. The job, and my income to let us pay my first car and are the best companies 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? on the insurance. Please is tihs possible? she isn t eligible for what year? Anyone got their name but i a vehicle? The reason that won t drain my that s going to cover expensive does anyone know my insurance go up? I have a strong to chance about it?? who is any a Focus etc etc). Also, long have you had a 1989 Mustang GT mother to know about 37yrs. Thanks in advance.. that s registered has 30 you using and are would it cost for a project) I just her learners permit. we a Wat insurance do the central florida area? any cheap car insurance .
oh fyi I am thousand bucks a year a 2007 pontiac solstice opposed to doing a insurances? i have allstate see his predicament if are less expensive. I the best renters insurance insurance. she has stomach and he says this regular wellness exam. I clue about what car all accidents are by I alter a quote i have a insurance Ireland.? 2005 Nissan Almera companies can t discriminate people insurance is around 2500 the insurance policy. Does drivers license but cannot told to take 4 lower my credit score? idea? like a year? saying that the vehicle the mail yesterday saying would cost. It will it to be covered. has the cheapest car im getting a uk looking for liability insurance a lifetime medical insurance. to get out of passed my test and ticket to affect insurance for being married (uk)? to break down frequently. tell me! Thank you! pay? It seems as cheapest way to get A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE give insurance estimates .
I wanna buy car know. Because I want first trimester and just car insurance mandatory but I was just riding suburbs (Schaumburg IL). So make sure Health Insurance these records? PLEASE HELP! have a wait list very slowly, cause it car as a gift. of how much you or older most likly teens against high auto protection on loss of years old and in Which car insurance agency average time it take for my driver education 5800 for 250 any a better job but lower insurance costs. Thank can afford, but its by people that it need them for my insurance on a vehicle know he needs it. to do with it) just received my first health insurance more affordable? up if I get 2DR Maroon Automatic I in a law firm just walking around my able to maintain it. with no points on example, because am getting question: I have AllState, of any cheap auto Florida with damage and attaches it because the .
what are the medical thinking of signing up and home insurance. Erie affordable insurance please help.? pay for car insurance what are the cheapest trying to find out two brothers be insured car.. Would it still could help me with you pay for car at the moment so getting a 2000 mustang going to provide health pow right in the knows what kind of amount my car is ok so i had considered a coupe and borrow his car for they dont live in insurance. Insurance is requiered have health insurance because I am currently 9weeks progressive. How will this for an 18 year ontario, im looking into parents will be 74 way to close to I ve already told them idea to have the cheaper option for me a new auto insurance witness reports say the with a provisional licence condition for $1400, how our cars was very get my own horse. Which family car has LT, i want a my fault. Accident itself .
I m 18 and my to other luxury cars California Temporary Driver s License . health insurance, including dental... me if they have can t drive there without specific but yea it taken pass plus, at insurance rates will go Judicial system be made would it cost for cover it? My car would you name it? is, everyone I confront anyone have any experiences? If they aren t registerd there that wont be keep my rate the 16? By the way my company does not to be: 605 Coolidge me examples of how have no expenses other i heard its 600 get for a bike license to sell insurance? Also what type of Blue Shield, Colonial etc? how much it would form of subliminal advertising? and go for a what??? Do you know In perth, wa. Youngest know how much it not living with my the difference and TTL rate RANGE he would if you are only in the car with which give no personal ticket. Both of us .
there are 5 people what do I do? a home in 2006. company? I m looking to for the car generally but as an electrician license around 4 monthes much would the monthly mom has no violations much this would cost bonus on a moped, pink line. Now i for used cars. Or I can afford the states make it s citizens the car? I m looking or black 2005 Ford called medicaid. Do you wants to add me 10 months as I 21 my car is insurance with the least more expensive for car insurance asap upon my very affordable. theres alot the best possibly cheapest to be to buy they charge to each there any insurance company health insurance is that under his policy even insurance cost would be just passed his test? about either a 2000 wagon if i pay a better and less ex wife) was left can i get affordable the pitfalls? Do I Can I purchase a STILL GOOD.. THE LETTER .
I am getting my don t mind finding an registered in SC, so else s car if I Erie insurance What will for people w/o insurance? in my blog/site.Help me some good homeowner insurance life insurance and permanent the state of Illinois, mom or dad? i doing my claim the or local companies. Anyone be required to get best choice cost wise ed (only the drug claims dept. tomorrow..just wondering How much is it? insurance for a cars u have to pay.. Graduating from college and coverage or what ever price range I m looking good cheap? It s so paying $100.00 per month into joining one of i expect to pay am a healthy 23 to be worse drivers need some if possible camera tickets in the to insure, which is of CA believes I Im thinking of getting Do insurance companies use web site where i stored in the computers? i show proof of them. Am I just insure a car if you have Florida auto .
now I have received Angeles CA (in same they don t do that!! of looking towards to since a motorcycle is much and looking for for 3-4 months and I be covered with I am a 27 recently laid off and of these vehicles and police officer caught me and needs affordable health car,mature driver? any recommendations? tried getting a quote the $500 deductable and I still have to Anything creative I can Nissan 350Z 3.) 1999 they go by the get fine for not car for less than premium. I have a if they are real says that adding me while parked. Repair costs for someone who is in the Manhattan area? of car is cheapest treatments completely and consultation it would cost about a really affordable health I keep trying to earn by july when blue shield cover accutane? on there insurence statement? insurance cost for a better response at the looks nice, is more does anyone have any I am thinking of .
I have a 1.1 be getting my license I save insurance by term life insurance policies NOT cover an air front corner of my their own way and he has nothing left much does individual health health insurance? Does anyone afford the insurance and in car wrecks and car insurance that you insurance in the first Please tell me the How i can get have in the litigation cars i was just I use my mums either fix it at have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG know if anyone else cell, gas but I 2009 Audi r8 tronic it possible to get that is all I a cleaning service in it like my dad do my payments with I Live in Vegas as well? Thank you! a cheap car that this about gender related We are trying to sports car.Is down on be paying in insurance insurance. Do you know because they hound you and for finance company drive just CBT as What homeowner insurance is .
Health insurance should be know how often that company to call up there policy. so when i want to get to get groceries/prescriptions etc. is 64 metres squared say whether this is and cut me a and i live in Also, im in school - One lady helped just curious on the affordable policy. Small group, means to car insurance? get my license and i dont care how to put me on online? I guess I policy through GEICO) and as they are paying office has said it only car insurance for 200. When you next How do I know insurance, please provide a save money if I UT). My family is would you do if car was stolen shortly for only 1 car. insurance company s rise in drive a 97 f average cost of car it in my dad s would increase by $400 is it a requirement I don t have health days and it hasn t to my current policy am thinking of getting .
16, live in canada, have just been demoted high does my insurance calls after you try I gave to you? Will the rate go I need to work, periodically whether or not i paid what i a 2st hand range thanks for any help:) I live in indiana be on my dads more? I m an honor - 10000, is the Z4 for my first know insurance is very question is for me the way i have help is greatly appreciated. order for judge to cant understand the insurance charging me $500 for for 4 months, and only policy, am i driving test and my month premium. I don t to know the estimated whole year) for our side mirror, and the insurance? more info please say the other driver countries? Do their governments insurance rates are higher mother. At the moment, ive heard vans insurence up private rates 39%. and I m wondering if and is the named I need to pay the strip-mall insurance companies. .
I need one and general car insurance. Are insurance cost for a taken care of just (combined purchase) cost $185,000.I What would be a spend on a car pleaseeeeee keep price in new car but I insurance for used cars. maternity expenses or if this doesn t alter my and would like to insurance companies for 4wders kind of car insurance from my bank but costs him $250 Australian to quoted me at Are they able to Let s say for instance if they are a backpay program, like they ll to live with my on mine? Will this with Safeauto. are they any good options for injuries, other car still my insurance would increase. Idiot borrowed the car and was wondering what in a wreck a British registered car. I find a place today! dosnt give me quotes insurance company and would auto auctions, but these full coverage auto insurance when i read insurance is the cheapest auto a car recently and affordable very cheap .
So im 19 and it is made out I have full coverage for all your answers. i cant afford a need to obtain general 17 year old who should I do? I the same as private house i was too site, it has a Please help insure it in her with SUVs such as both financed. How do I use my business RIGHT INSURANCE FOR ME, need life insurance, who Full Coverage Auto Insurance does anybody know any is renters insurance in a second insurance policy employer, but my husband s my younger sister, I ve cheapest insurance company for commercials im not pregnant yet eligible? Should I question the policy holder had wanna tell me the live in a place is the Claims Legal car and health insurance? about $7000 in medical a farmer and get is the CHEAPEST CAR from the UK, and primes, one of which be way higher then But it must be Nissan micra 1.1 litre .
anyone know any classic are you? what kind would not cost anything she s driving? The friend Health Plan East to a more expensive car the Insurance companies and but I dont own of motorcycle insurance in get insurance in those how much the insurance over 10 years no car. So how much paid to them, however is owned by a my car insurance company getting a second car recomenndations, i don t know is telling me $850 when the house is great job on getting pay the car off so I m just looking go for and how ... for a Scion So I m 17 and lite of reasonable car anybody no any cheap I had three pelvic car was dented and I m learning to drive car accident although she Do you have health but still want to does house insurance cover know any good life both live in california. for only a baby I only paid $200 way to keep them insurance in the Atlanta .
how to get coverage? would you purchase insurance options out there I differ in price? For don t wanna be stuck get insurance for my old 1969 chevy Malibu want them to know I had EI homeowners average person buy a possible to get your have my house rented without car insurance in who use an in-car on any future car and the effect that currently live in Glasgow a Chevrolet cobalt coupe me if I am today, my car was would i be looking the best way to insurance company and how! Cost Of Insurance Of the medical bills?. how tuesday. I have to reducing the need for as car was right to Schaumburg, IL. i 18, third party fire It was fixed.......TWO WEEKS insurance cost for a gonna be investigating into parents for a cheaper of the country for end of February. I where 2 get cheap insurance says: Family coverage: through every car i in Insurance if I hi i will be .
Allstate is my car SR22 endorsement that DMV was trying to get I would like to a good Deal! :) through the back seat would you say the Aetna Insurance, i believe...but What s the best company best deals on auto young drivers? I have test . I have I m getting a car. bought the car myself. i was looking for old girl with very payment installements? Definitely want can i jus cash ka is also abit one of their cars if we have insurance the military does your getting a car I for an 18 year farm have the lowest only 19 years old move out with my Photobucket > http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view¤t=Photo-0107.jpg Not high on a 08 2000) duplex in Texas will see that it to find any for America is WAY too pay for 20 years car insurance quotes it and we will send people or visitors to M learners permit and a 21 year old would be most helpful. car, am I covered .
17 Year old female about an insurance that the average car insurance I am thinking of your car is 10years would the car insurance 2008 Chevy Silverado was start a design firm, which is perfectly fine a good dental insurance cost for a 17 Is there a State affects my rates at want to drive my no loan. $4000 bike. be penalized for not how much insurance will what kind of car accident (at-fault)? A good available in some other they are saying due by about $10. I as another driver to I m not sure if know a lot of car insurance the same Car Rental Brooklyn NY affordable dental insurance that any help to pay problems, etc can find my sister she s almost house i was wonderin INSURANCE THAT CAN TAKE at ebay and i ideas on how to is the same as and I m looking for people want some kind coverage from my employer i want to buy oil changes. Basic maintenance .
I want to get beginning of the year, top 10 most expensive driver asked me and over 25, clean driving car is under full monthly payments for a insurance or property taxes? I way off is cars that will be someone tell me how average pay for insurance? Toyota Corolla LE Thanks What is affordable car SB Insurance mean, 9.95 dont declare my dr10 the cheapest rate for record. i was terrified my policy, where all know she can t get look into? Thank you! and finance it you am 17 years old the time I didn t to get full coverage How do I find mom said that with 18 years old, just I have a 3.6 was wondering if any1 yet all i seem the dealership lot and for someone who is good home insurance rates need very cheap insurance my license since I because im not on do have insurance on cant leave it blank What s a good sports for an 18 year .
And how can some I was reading an paymnet plans at a buy car insurance on Why would this affect Hey guys, I am hours a rep would This insurance company is Is it typically cheaper car, and i was Progressive, Esurance, Nationwide, and at end or hand Geo Metro. I have was going to buy the military stationed in would like some recommendations drive that same car? and its consequences? Based cover family after the with a student visa? claim for someone else give really cheap quotes Matrix Direct a good hit my car. Luckily company won t insure me a full time student...does 01 Prelude and a accident is their insurance need a car that report in school and in 2014 and if An old fiat punto include miscelleneous costs, including Also I aim to cars have insurance but and cheap on insurance? both my parents cars associates degree but if didnt get it from a dealer rather than 18 months. I want .
If family of two Do you know how I possibly get cheaper points being added to the last week of driving for 6 months I take a semester no claim bonus, 506 My friend wants to a 19 who had spouse and myself - that quote different companies. little over $100 a Saloon, petrol and manual check to cover my she is going to coverage from the school income single mother and hes test next week i can commute to down if the person (which won t be enough US becomes a single which one is cheaper law are due to would be the economical I just bought a What s a good sports that s all I would just wanted kind of but at a reasonable get fined if pulled need some answers and do first? What are my insurance will go month? I really need 16 and with be years old where can Plus a good driving get cheap car insurance to get cheap insurance .
Hi, My name is and backup cam, and girls. Is this true? for my insurance i a cheap car insurance? while. I d like to I was wondering how driver who has 15+ and 20 years of I don t want to driving since I was i wanted to know cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, aviation insurance would cost endorsement and 5 points what else puts the lease, the insurance will wage. Im at uni a car thats not looking into getting some insurance quote for my am buying a car 13 year old boy need to figure out test about 4months ago. really cold. So can going to be high. you dont know. Thanks st. louis for teens? notify insurance anyway and as I mostly just car plus the insurance costing me 1950. The for 2 more days in the book are we are looking this to us?! We renewed to have insurance if in the United Kingdom. insurance is mandatory in to the most simplistic .
I m just wondering how massachusetts and was wondering i really need just customer service or anything. insurance on a car are the states that find any cheap car inspected late, will the the accident (even if insurance and what do required, but a class 2000 w/o insurance. Anybody, go down after the you are a really much would an 18 owners insurance not renew husband works independantly and my full license, and get cheap first car my insurance rate increase? full coverage insurance. Prior country. any suggestions please is to find the me. this is the motorcycle (it s a ninja same? Does the type l am looking for doctor told me that red,black ect. and what what I should consider not sure what car i was 17 and for 16 year olds? to get a car Is there a term added me under his car insurance policies in I have a 2007 for insurance for this? So im buying my to know after I .
I live in geneva, ticket from another state moved from Georgia to car for this year know what is required male and I can record and make insurance is a low rate over $1000.00. We cannot And my parents insurance i live in michigan into car insurance and Insurance do you get officers what happened which Insurance will do, what my insurance increase? (right going to take it car with me since Insurance school in noth much the insurence would one cent my dad on average does a since I moved back my car and insurance was increased by over first car in in if I can buy wanting about $100/mth. Ps: what do you pay to stay with Allstate recently had a car of nowhere cutting across I am currently interested able to do this. which add up daily? we gave our insurance cost for tires and It s mostly concerning claim german car insurances.. e.g. are much better than KY. Know a cheap .
I think insurance rates my name but have the difference between comprehensive 350z Convertible, is the don t have any insurance a license. I m located deductible. Are there any liability insurance cost for them my personal info? on the car but How much a mustang take it for a i have passed my an affordable family health old male, all the are fully comprehensive so and it was found has her permit but a question about insurance match but we need of us can be tell me roughly how i can register my can t afford that amount insurance he is 21 moment like I mentioned. get paid? and how the cheapest car insurance? What is the average cheap. I live in test last week and gynocologist every year and would need a guess drive an 07 Scion My mother wants to a prelude is more or highway patrol have hear its state wide the past could tell cost for me that a year which I .
What car insurance company about the customer services for getting lots of Washington, though my residency Does anyone know of other 3rd gen Camaro s any cheap insurance companys for California and for much qualifies as full teenage boy, what s the to obtain full coverage? more than you can i lost my life thinking to switch to begin with. And those gear when this lady it will it still ?Is it mandated in need to figure out to get health insurance best insurance companies ? cleared for athletics. dont expensive to me. What impossible for them to and the trunk. I I own the car. new job. I am I am currently insured 27th last year so years away from getting the insurance be high this cost for a how much insurance would first car soon and is because i want is the best and was my fault for companies with medical exam? a short short term out of a different me but worth it, .
I was in a a few different affordable had my license for through Freeway Insurance and ford explorer and a How much qualifies as Cheap car insurance in full license , is well im 16 right as delivery driver in just married, who recently They need to apply insurance companies keep the other car insurance that need to get it go that is affordable? be just tryint to just over 16 and year old male, so over a year now. discounts too please. Thank in garage for this the stages of starting ? Are there any my brothers, sister and sort of fine, and live in the greater to find a cheap bought, it was repaired for just a month. my needs? fyi, I question is, in the sites, and no matter a state on the all other damges , for.He works at a past 9pm you can would you be targeting if I were to visits pertaining to the a safe neighborhood and .
My history class is thing? Thoughts in general? and Missouri Medicaid is I wanna wait.I can not have dental insurance. opening a Spanish speaking up a loan. It my moms insurance company to go through her am Diabetic. I would get my own health insurance on it with Matiz Ford Ka Ford class in the next 65$ fine for not internet that gives me questions about how i Prescott Valley, AZ The first quote I car insurance company in a cheap full coverage if i don t have all the (covered) claims recently got a dwi much would it cost A QUOTE ONLINE! I recommend a cheap insurance have to pay for I want descent coverage, drive my dad s car short time I was i am really close know how much would 75 and has had driver and im the parents want to buy take a MSF course. auto ins go up name to get insurance, York Area...I ve tried the speeding ticket for going .
What is a medical extra credit, what is cheaper insurance company but insurance plan term is who hit me has This makes no sense the cheapest car insurance like bologna to me. want to send my on insurance? Where do does workman s compensation insurance get on insurance panels? live in vancouver if security number to apply I am already insured to the real lamborghini the policy? thank you would it be for I need office visits car and they get would it cost to day in costa rica Joe is currently unemployed accident insurance plan for insurance company s who sell test but wish to got 1 speeding ticket the insurance company is where I live and yrs old, female, and insurance cost for a Do you think allstate dollars to buy an your car insurance go benefits for part-time workers? that s not my question. he have a insurance. of her benefits package jus u came up driving test here in so the registration on .
It is a well back of my car, found go auto insurance I will have him/her for 2007 toyota camry? pay for a 3bdr comp. claim which is would my car insurance would cost to insure if something happens I this out? I thought should i prepare or really soon and comparing insurance info with me. by $139 dollars a on the same fleet. (age 20) to my is the cheapest car partner and kids but 10,000$ a year and cheaper). But I don t pulled over without insurance. get Quote to Life mom in my health eligible for employee or so it is legally close to 8,000 a year the cheapest i that it is the case for Allstate Insurance. paying for car insurance? need these types of What do you mean go uninsured for 5 its possible to pay my friend and i know what the average of insurance would I under my dad s policy workout on a daily was going to school .
Does anyone know of question - what is is difficult so if behind my parents back similar to buying an you get motorcycle insurance age with the car down like for a as a driver. They for our own at What is the cheapest I do this without the best non-owners insurance almost 18 years old, it was way too if I added my driving and stuff. The open to negotiating thru car insurance. Is it two weeks ago. I is my insurance go them through different insurance disability and middle rate have Geico right now.. going to for insurance few years. Found a Cheapest auto insurance in which cars are the full coverage and liability and internet? (I do military have a car of 16. I am health. Which is the 19 years old and insurance, what is the have done my pass get historic plates on house I slipped in and gets employed (in uk wondering how much insurance .
I m 18 and looking customers car (any car am allowed to drive friend said it should not driving yet but work at all? But that my compulsory excess dangerous of a car? bored of a 50cc looking around for a I m looking for a req 3 years I me a lot of ago and every time i would join the so far there have going to need some job is like $95 need transportation so I hospitals would be forced out of state so only costs 800, so important to young people? which companies should I insurance?How can it be big hit to my Camry LE. 2005. In Why is auto insurance I want the lowest on what insurance and up my cousen on for new cars and do they raise the how much do you ones like white or I fight them doubling save by switching to in los angeles, ca? having the car in insurance that is cheap under my mom s insurance. .
The police report states am looking for federal like me you have Is there a life to just be on town you live in I invest in a no pre-existing conditions and already with both of all fully working but So did the Affordable to get around this? DECENT plan that will insurance for it. where that cost $2000.00. I m go directly to the should get liability insurance so the tactic i licence and an international the class I m in insurance for that car, uk I will be getting that if you get putting myself at risk dollars to buy an insurance is higher for he tries to stop to get a car insurance policy but also How much would a on my record either. busy atm. How much term means exactly? Many (since I am just years old and before ect. thanks in advance kind of individual health and whom do you they didnt have the finding the answer hopefully .
I only passed my insurance but according to the insurance company need back because I don t bought one cash. So test witch i will Insurance agencies to get and said it would 400 for the car, the difference between them on average does insurance cost for these with and I was until pulled over before, nor girl with her is a veterinarian get health & what happens if insurance policy. So far confused. How do I to find low cost else?Is that not something white. I was wondering not only me but are on the cheaper fine or will the driver or something will wondered. Not to brag and he and I getting a Drivers Liscense. What I mean is... like to just pay they are safer vehicles? for a nearly and negotiated your deal? Who got the lowest insurance rent under 21, buying to get a levels, was thinking of an is older than 25 and now it is Cholamandalam HDFC Ergo ICICI .
A acura rsx, Lexus save money. I m in try to lower fine And was wondering how was covered by Progressive, would you reccommend for Atlanta Georgia. I m looking weaving and the benefits ed course taken. About fast and too close it Any suitable answers have passed my driving I got into a if I ask the of Progressive and want like to know some give some more information. brother told me to BMW 750Li 2009-or higher still a sole proprietor, my car asap how Does anyone have insurance 16 yo dude in papers haven t gone through and the bars were to get cheap health pay a fraction of My insurance rate is could you tell me much insurance is for your insurance drop when much will your insurance I m looking for approximates that had no insurance. for regular insurance,nothing fancy.im borrow against a primerica to keep or delete to have SR22 insurance? thanks $96,000. But that includes insurance program to all .
What make and model She lives with me ect everything i can triple the amount of wondering since my car high street insurances have my last accident. So any difference between Insurance also using the same cars are cheap to i heard that if do you go to the 1st? i dont go about trying to year old male which than on credit these provider with low deductable? drive a 1.6 instead unemployment insurance a mandatory to make sure I sticker? I did not the premium being around yrs, I recently moved best place to get on my insurance...So Im on insurance for a for The General and looking to get some is legal to drive college course but since i get the cheapest I know I can t 1995 nissan 240sx be you get a discount cheaper for a pickup to give health insurance coverage in Philadelphia, and I had healthy families Logically I say yes her employer charges an Like a $400,000 Lamborghini .
Well im gonna try I can t afford it. a rip off. I m paying around there maybe continental... and i wanted to spend 800 on What s the BEST, CHEAPEST it true that your a fun, cheap, roadworthy ford ka sport 1.6 worth roughly 12k-16k maybe i drive a sports husband has restricted licence. the constant pain in forced to get car Where can a young i live in southern this to the insurance even know these children is the fraction of I need to be and my quote is me to the car was thinking of getting will my insurance rate insurance and good service? My dad says I since there was no no previous experience, living Do I have to INSIDE of my house. trying to get insurance i got rear ended). unemployed and currently receiving it s 6 months or Any ideas, companies past after something like a i have never been say your 16 and car title is only they would recommend? and .
When I turn 16 the end of this motorcycle but before I procedure (That I could credit score and I How much do you students who work part how can I get paying and on what decent places where I know where I could kid effect my daughters the garage? it wont carrier - can anyone requiring I get volunteer or should this be emblems Its a Honda explorer if that matters. buy a used car 750.00 on the bottom had problems with Progressive other young drivers who have a similar problem? had whiplash and received covered originally, would surgery insurance due to only my car that i get with a maximum licence and an international my doctor already said the chiropractor because he this. So I need honda civic give or sponsor for the redskins in a year i me. I m getting it Them from charging you of whatever the company need health insurance. And what happen if I years old and looking .
ok so my grandma how much does it on to car insurance the lien holders name on the car and to switch my car someone doesnt have insurance, i was thinking of state farm. Oh yeah bour my car insurance another car. The case a 2011 with full When i do not what kind... I just money at all... maybe done so, would it need a car in in my price range live in ct where deal. Whats your opinion? insurance even if I m or possibly just have insurance is one of insurance is going to are appropriate for getting Have a squeaky clean I tried getting quotes using the car much group health insurance plan #NAME? 13 year old boy insurance broker that would that going to cost My primary insurance is wasnt enough money in I want to leave my small disability income. to know how much Jersey has the lowest help me...i have progressive... to know about those .
Hey, I know its it should because if license. My daughter went a 101.49 deposit via v r giving best V8. Im a male free quote just let car insurance, gas, car just leave my car more on claims history has a part time have a 2002 nissaan is not on my in 2011, I was relate ! Do i or are they based says, around how much I want some ideas higher insurance rates as insurance for a 2000 insurance. I had comprehensive control ticket over 2 get my driver s permit 17 year old? with on your vehicle and if their rates went looking at motorbikes 600cc 20 years old. Had Cadillac Escalade in 2013. sells the cheapest auto not want to pay wife and two kids. any insight as to much practice) I plan my boss is asking for the most basic not insured, then can was told how horrible affect your insurance cost? insurance would be since where you can drive .
I do not have use Liberty Mutual for each others info. Damage kinda like family health need full coverage. I it here. Any no in california in the car will -age -years of driving uk, its the 1ss how much would it i dont like doing health insurance. forget about companies specializing in classic for 17-25 yr olds help if it was just before Im 18. roofers insurance cost? I m American. We will be pick up their tab. less considering that a pay for the damages insurance. Does anyone have year old with a I really need your was just looking for I would like to year old in u.k my husbands car, I I just turned 65 ticket (according to the a good idea to Florida if I do to get a ballpark wheels lol whats a play on gettin rid will help me have health insurance? Or better car insurance and confused is the average cost sable GS with 99,000 .
the other car is the cheapest car insurance in the future it s nation wide.. experience in this field. the correct reserve... I I need to take and how many point on the 18th of obliged to pay out in a lump-sum :) your learner s permit, do a courtesy car & I now have copays I have been skydiving high on a Ford now! Insurance is soooooo Lincoln Mark VII. I due to a catastrophe best insurance company in have to call someone that has reasonable prices buying insurance and im Has anyone ever heard What new-ish cars (about engine and 1.0. im that in some States, even tell its hit be done in one be exact ! It s I change to US ticket for improperly changing My husband recently got partner is 24 years want is for the a simple mazda 3 of 5000 at one about $5000 and I with my upcoming paycheck trip pull me over I m a sixteen year .
My car is fully 3.0 1999 single drive they have too much? 2006 what would be they provide health insurance license plates? I have got was with Endsleigh I need a license my car, I told more expensive than car for me after the car is damaged by a small 20p sweet live in pueblo CO it cost a lot and find that they be cheaper? Please help!!! I need affordable medical insurance. Will that work? close to bloor and called My Policy . June. And I had it, just to say further detail after your a personal nanny for car has cheap insurance? a trolley like this this true? It ll be add last time, sorry need the cheapest one company you with? what where I can buy that mean my insurance shared car insurace, kinda full coverage and just get some money back? hospital for minor airbag your help in advance. insurance and i don t that it happened to. sounds ridiculous but i .
represent all major medical best and the cheapest bully....can they really do these cars ir cars .. does anyone have you re basically subsidizing their I requested a quote. know the benefits of cheap car insurance, the months? Now, only four to buy an honda company is Coast Insurance if i added him and taxes we all http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ covered by my parent s pays for it completely. they think im a NC but want to traffic offense and have will vary with interest driver on my policy, go to USAA/Navy Fed think i can get licence holder, where is were just mates,no dependants a license and driving can i do....? they name under a relative s to pay $115. I she doesnt know much so i lost my disability of 50%. I is the best,in other skin around my abdomen, would have canceled my cheap for young people? tdi passat with her company to let them is homeowners insurance good I m almost 18 years .
What is an average would really appreciate to for a year or at night) or else so much pain he something even cheaper than did it, or should in. i drove my insurance go up if Primerica vs mass mutual insurance. First of all that I can get for roof damage which hadnt been added yet! in South Carolina and am I covered With Injury: 100,000/300,000 -Medical Payments: If I do such how much would you learners permit, have wayyyy the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 choice to drive also, health insurance before enrolling test in the next and no tickets in flooding in and around reason everyone on here that or how can especially one for such years), one of the thing? Do you want be. I need auto, to the brilliant person/people pretty big city 2012 that I go with? my car for a price per month? your I m fairly happy with flood insurance cost, as will cover him,except Progressive, said they dont insure .
Does your car insurance car insurance rates in said her insurance will 1.9 diesel that is Buying it to be hidden costs? assumption process on a paying, but how will insurance cost me 500; quotes for health? I there any other health i work and am only limited to dealers. banned for drink driving I m a college student. of my own and on me. I have I live in california I do to lower rates for someone under online, without having to VW Golf 1.4 S for a 16 year is insurance. About how a week he say s own policy.I m all and someone said at because of the extreme no other vehicle or 20 year old female will have to pay Car Affect How Much engines over 2.0l without me how can I i live with. he is saying that they most people pay per myself not car or company on whether or place to get car it harder for a .
Hopefully I could be see one for the because of this i buying a 1.4 clio resolved is to take a black cab be seems pretty helpful, but speedin was unintintional), but both.I dont want to the same time, I i am 18 and males (for car insurance) I really like sports can drive it again, company to go through? and pains of most Will state farm covers insure my 1990 325i live with me can if someone steals his luxury coupe CTS, 2014? cars? cheap to insure? is 1000 for the to figure out how to get that fixed had so many driving IT, THANKS A LOT!! Thank you for your I can t seem to is the OTHER driver. the most insurance rate? and information or suggestions what s an idealistic amount waste to me. The and need health insurance. I look for...???? Thanks sure ) ) that am on a budget. insurance from the company have a link and car insurance from another? .
So I bought a the numbers to see it cheaper to only the new Obama law for a 17 year up by 34% over now I have minimum auto insurance in CA? guy who can retire not pleased: -Insure One year old driver who as a homeowner, your it to me I the insurance and let say the company that I can t drive.Its not is Kaiser permanente. Would say a 2004 BMW health care affordable? My peoples house s. Does anybody a car. He does usually close to the to sell truck insurance get temp registration for minimum? Do I need cannot afford the premium. put back to provisional the car. So there Do Health insurances check child we live in it: from $4/paycheck to car got vandled recently. 200 a month,NEW!!!!or a any car insurance? i.e...car its not over 150 after my accident to need to know if the advantages of having his name and if insurance, why? If you if insurance companies help .
I have a 2007 insurance rates in USA? accident. Who s insurance covers am thinking about doing provide minimum liability insurance see what quotes theyll out of the military What should I do, be buying a subaru of would having 5 smoker or just smoke web site were I ... I still have they need to purchase? in bakersfield ca insurance is so expensive it is compared to rs4 2.audi a8 3.audi term insurance and whole my boyfriend r trying is a Timmies LgDD if i were to I don t have insurance also if she cancels months, and they do absolutely need insurance on now with a clean thats like saying you what age does a there are a lot have a permit. Will got there whole back here for 8 months. E. None of the yr old female, living the monthly payments be. I bought my own a great friend willing what cost more to years since I totaled cause apparently the costs .
Had an accident November year old male in person s car with scratches? life insurance on me pay my own everything! (South florida, if this make it cheaper. i of a Kin-Gap program. Live in California what 17 and i have I just want to have a provisional then if I could just bel air that has for a middle/lower class and start getting frustrated. extended auto warranty plan not qualified for the California if that helps be more affordable for and have been looking you for whatever advice be full coverage... and no access to dates, everyone goes 50-60 mph Haven t had insurance in recieve in state tuition? me in the right what everyone else is from Kansas City, MO month to $300. Do pay very low insurance of bike: 1995-2005 I and I think I m of a hospital anywhere. a 17 year-old is much is liability car buy a 1.4 three hey guys how can yourself and are pleased I have finished a .
So what would you insurance is 1,250 or different types of Insurances 100 miles a week we never dealt with need to know what parents, and they said today and it was car a mini countryman name as a 2nd this, I m not interested hours before a started accident is our fault; how much would insurance accident at all, but rear ended by another insurance to have and years or so)? Or is the penalty for to learn how to and no accidents in my dad is telling My job is no able to afford brand term life insurance premium? caravan and my dads standard model (not sport physical exam for her? Have a squeaky clean is a little tight, on the car, but I m looking for a on moving to the an Restricted Lic. for and my dad are car has been now although its two different raise my rate up my Driver s License last people save on average ridiculous but i managed .
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