#he's the one all the normies (me) recognize and think about
devildomditzy · 2 years
With an MC who thinks they’re not good enough for them
Made this as a personal vent/comfort piece for my self
If you start thinking bad thought about yourself, you just gotta think “the brothers would be so hurt if they caught me thinking this way”
Tags/Warnings: Self-Deprecating Thoughts
Takes it very personal
As pride incarnate, he values himself on making his guests feel comfortable
Even if it’s not him causing the thought, he’ll still see it upon himself to try and fix it
You don’t even have to say it, he just knows (okay, maybe you vented to Beel and Beel told Lucifer cause he was worried about you but that’s beside the point)
“MC, I was unaware I was doing you the disservice of not imploring your importance to us. Let me make that up to you.”
You don’t know how he knows, but you don’t question it.
He prepares tea for the both of you, ready to have a full conversation about self reflection.
Every negative comment you make about yourself he’s quick to counter
“You’ve truly become the gem of the Devildom, MC. I cannot be dissuaded from believing the same goes for the human realm. You’re very dear to me.”
Oh hell no
He will not stand for it
He had asked you to attend one of his shoots earlier this week but you had never responded to his invitation, changing the subject every time he brought it up
At first he thinks you just don’t want to go, which hurts him. You catch onto this, and not wanting him to think that the real reason comes out
“It’s just… you’re a model. Not to mention you were a literal angel sculpted by the Gods, and you make an even hotter demon. You’re on the cover of every magazine in the Devildom. Wherever we go you get recognized and fawned over. Hell, you’ve even got a fan club here at school. You’re also one of the most powerful demons and leaders of this realm. Why the hell would you wanna be seen with some pathetic, average looking human like me.”
His heart breaks
He blames himself for not catching on quicker
“Oi! I’m not gonna let anyone talk about my human like that, even if you are that human!”
In the middle of his rant about how everything about you is perfect to him, from your gorgeous appearance to your terrible humor, to your radiant personality, he gets an idea.
Its like you can see a lightbulb flash over his head, he gets giddy like a child, taking out his phone and quickly dialing a number
As it rings it rings, he proudly says, “If ya got a problem with me bein’ a model, I guess we’ll have to make you one too!”
His agency is actually thrilled to have a chance to shoot Diavolo’s esteemed human exchange student. It’s like a once in a millennia chance.
And he’s holding your hand proudly through it. Now he can show you off to the whole Devildom.
You were nervous about it all week until you saw the photos printed on every magazine in town
You stood next to Mammon, both in your Rad uniforms posing in front of the school. You breath hitches in your throat when you see just how adoringly he is staring at you in each and every photo
He may be a professional, but no amount of training could have stopped his love for you from shining through his expressions
He rips these pictures out of his copy, hanging them both all over his and your rooms
“Now the whole Devildom knows we’re a match made in heaven! Well….shit…uh…ya know what I meant.”
All that stuff about you being a normie, you know he was just kidding right!?
You open up to him against your will, as you both engaged in another weird card game he bought off of Akuzon, and were bound by the rules to confess a burden or be stuck in the games limbo forever
How could anyone (let alone you) think that about his Henry? His player two?
“H-hey! You’re not giving yourself enough credit! You’re super cool, MC! Like, boss level status!!!”
By the shine and sincerity in his eyes, you know this boy is telling the truth
When you flash him a smile and let out a gorgeous laugh, let’s just say the boy melts
Scoop him off the floor and into your arms, he’ll appreciate it.
You have to realize there is only one thing in this world that Asmo thinks can even come close to comparing to him and it’s you
If he is Adonis, then you are Aphrodite (and vice versa)
When he sees you staring in the mirror for a beat too long and learns it’s NOT because you’re admiring your own beauty
oh honey
you’ve got a big storm comin’
We’re talking a self care whirlwind here
He’s got face creams, he’s got body scrubs, he’s got lotions, he’s got makeup, he’s bringing out the big guns
And he’s doing all the work too. Asmo is making sure you feel pampered and radiant by the end of the night
If self care doesn’t work, then he’s got other ways of convincing you *ahem hem*
You’re preaching to the choir hun
He can’t help himself, he compares his every move with Lucifer’s, worrying he’s not as good as him; worrying he’ll never best him
He knows how much that feeling sucks though, and he never ever wants you to even have an inkling of those thoughts
It happens during a study session in the library, he notices just how out of it you are today
“And what exactly is the correct terminology for hypnotizing someone with cursed speech, MC?…….MC?”
When you finally snap out of your haze and meet his eyes, he knows something in wrong
He’ll softly but steadfast question you, even if you don’t tell him the complete truth, he knows exactly what’s wrong, he can see it in your eyes. The same look he sees when he looks in the mirror.
“I’m just not as smart as you, Satan. I’m just a human. Let’s face it, I’m never gonna pass these exams. Diavolo’s gonna send me home because I’m just not good enough. I’m not as great as you all make me out to be.”
At those words, panic sets into his eyes temporarily before they soften
“MC, you’re the most remarkable being I’ve ever met. Quite frankly, I never thought a human could survive down here- well, there’s Solomon, but I wouldn’t quantify him as human. You’re certainly more clever than you think. Honestly, you’re not as great as we all think. You’re even better than that.
After his little pep talk, he’ll take you back to his room for a little study break. He’ll make you tea, read to you, nap with you, whatever makes you feel better.
You enchant him <3
This has Beel utterly baffled because the poor boy cannot wrap his head around why you or anyone else would ever have a negative thought about you
He may not speak it all the time because he just assumes you know but you are his everything
If even an inkling of a negative thought comes out of your mouth, Beel will stare at you straight faced for a beat before completely enveloping you into his strong arms
He’s not the best with words (usually, he leaves the poetics for his twin) but he will really make an attempt to chase these doubtful emotions from your mind
“MC, I don’t know what made you feel this way but I promise it’s far from the truth. Now, how can I help you feel better?”
omg bestie him too, small world!!!
I mean, how could he be enough for you? He tried to kill you!!!
Mutual and constant assurance common between the two of you
And ever since the events of that day, a giant question has been gnawing at the back of your mind. You can’t help but let it slip one day
“Belphie, are you sure you love ME? That i’m not just a replacement in your mind for Lilith? You hated me until you found out I was her descendant…I-I mean, how could you change your mind that fast?”
He’s stunned to say the least, but shakes his head and softly smiles at you before stating
“Yes, I did hold a grudge against humans, but not particularly you. I would have attacked any human who found their way in front of me back then. Lilith is my sister, of course I love and miss her. But you MC? You are the light of my life. I could only see red until I saw through your human nature and finally saw the beautiful soul that is you. I realized I was wrong that day, wrong for a very long time. Now, I don’t want to waste anymore time, I want to spend it all with you.”
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daytaker · 5 months
A Heart-Pounding Interruption to My Life as an Otaku Shut-In!!
Leviathan recognizes these tropes... He's onto you.
Ship: Leviathan x Reader Word Count: 991 Cross-Posted on AO3
It kind of felt like the main character blew into town when you arrived. I never told that to anyone because I didn’t think they’d get it, but since you’ll probably never see this, I might as well put it all out there.
I mean, just look at the situation we’re talking about: a human was whisked away from their standard human-world life and woke up in the Devildom as an exchange student. And not only that– gasp! They’re living in a house with seven conventionally attractive men with wacky and diverse personalities?! This was an obvious reverse-harem plot! And it looked like I was in the harem!
As the days went on, I only became more and more convinced about the situation. The way you started working through us one by one, identifying our vulnerabilities and getting closer to us as individuals and as a collective… That was classic otome heroine behavior, and I was not going to stand for it. Because I knew that there was at least a 6:7 chance I wasn’t the male lead. Odds were, I’d be passed over by a normie with normie taste for one of my normie brothers. This called for a strategy meeting.
So I convened a war council. Myself, Henry, and… well, just myself and Henry. Asmo was busy and Beel wasn’t going to come if I didn’t provide snacks. But Henry never lets me down.
We worked late into the night, and eventually, I drew up my plan of action: Give up completely and isolate myself so that whatever feelings I might have inadvertently caught would be smothered underneath my devotion to Ruri-chan and Sucre Frenzy!
It wasn’t especially creative, but I wasn’t looking for creativity. I was looking for results!
Just… Well… It turned out it didn’t provide results either…
You came knocking on my door the very next day and asked if I was doing alright.
I mean, what was I supposed to say to that? I get that it might not be a big deal to most people to have someone show some level of concern for their basic welfare, but it was for me. It really rattled me! So I would lose my head whenever you showed up. I’d forget all about the war plans and start getting excited. I’d start thinking about what shows and series to recommend to you, and I’d start thinking about whether you’d want to watch any of them with me, and I’d start thinking about whether any of the games I was into recently would interest you…
It was like I wanted to spend my precious time getting closer to you. It was awful! Especially since I knew I was just another guy in the harem.
So there was this game I played a long time ago called My Heart-Pounding Soul Search on Earth. It was a dating sim where the main character was a demon disguised as a human, and they were looking for an ideal soul to pair up with. You know me, right? I’m a completionist. I like to finish every game in as many ways as I possibly can. I don’t really do that sort of thing for dating sims anymore though, mostly because of MHPSSE. See, there was this one character called Alex–one of the routes you could go for, right? And I like Alex, so the first time around, I went for that route. Then I went to play again, and…I got Alex again. So I played a third time, and I was really trying to go for Yuki, but I kept selecting answers that increased my intimacy with Alex again, and eventually I just gave up and dated Alex for the rest of my simulated life. It was like…I had a bunch of options in front of me, but I kept getting drawn to the choices that brought me closer to the same outcome, even when I thought I was trying to do something different.
Does that make sense? I feel like I’m doing it again now.
So I never ended up isolating myself into oblivion or un-catching any feelings that might have accidentally got themselves attached to me. Instead I did the opposite. Except in this scenario, like I’ve already said, I’m not the main character anymore. I’m Alex! But I’m only your Alex if you like Alex best. I could be Dylan for all I know, and nobody ever went for Dylan. Dylan sucked, lmao.
Do you know what the worst part is? I don’t even think I’d mind being Dylan.  Ehhhh… Scratch that, I don’t want to be Dylan. Mammon can be Dylan. But I don’t think I need to be your Alex to be happy. Because, well, you still hang out with me and let me talk about nerd stuff and don’t roll your eyes or tell me to beat it or laugh at me behind my back.
I know you don’t laugh at me behind my back. I’m really good at sussing that kind of thing out.
You laughed to my face sometimes. Sometimes I got too excited or too intense or something, I guess, and you must have thought it was kind of funny. But more often, you seemed like you actually… felt some sort of interest in what I’m talking about. And the really annoying thing is that I don’t even get mad anymore when you do laugh, because it never feels mean-spirited. I hope I’m not just being an idiot and seeing things how I wish they were. I don’t like being played for a fool, you know. That’s Mammon’s job, lol.
So, yeah. I don’t really know what I was trying to say here. I really hope you never see this. I’d die of embarrassment. But, um… maybe, if you wanted to, you could go for my route sometime? I’d definitely be okay with that.
And thanks… for everything.
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asmosmainhoe · 6 months
An Izuku Midoriya MC
Hey, how's it going? I don't know if the suggestion box is still open so sorry if it isn't ;(
But anyway, I wanted to know if you could write a headcanon of the brothers with an Izuku Midorya MC, I would be super grateful♡
(sorry if there were any spelling mistakes, I'm using Google Translate to write this)
- @liz-beedevil
Notes: Don't worry, dear! You never have to worry about your English when coming to me. Also it's been years since I watched the anime so I'm really not up to date with him :'D
Gender: neutral
Warnings: none
Nothing worries him more than your weird powers
Like what do you mean you're breaking your bones left and right by just the tiniest movement? And it's also so destructive as well?
He forbids you from using it within the property, because last time you blew up a whole wall by accident
All these inconveniences aside though, he admires your kind heart and bravery. No matter what gets thrown at you you simply never seem to even think about giving up and he respects that. He's even drawn to it
That said he trusts you more than he at first realizes
"Are humans supposed to do that?"
Last time he checked there isn't any weird green lightning around them and they also don't have super speed and super strength
Everytime you're forced to use more power than your body can handle Mammon is a mix between mad and worried. Like he's going to yell at you for putting yourself through that while at the same time give you such a gentle treatment
Wow, you're just like that one main character in the anime he's been watching
The looks, the powers, the personality...it's exactly the same! He's wondering why, but he doesn't really question it any further. It's not as if a normie like you would know anyways
But he's extremely fascinated by your abilities and kinda geeks out everytime you step into action
His brothers are slowly getting annoyed of his ranting about how cool you are
Levi is secretly making fanart of you
This must be magic, right? Right? There couldn't be any other explanation. Humans aren't supposed to do these things!
No matter how hard he searches for spells or magic that seems similar to your powers, he fails to find something even remotely close to what you're doing
"MC, you simply have to explain it to me. How did you aquire these powers?"
He will respect it if you decide to stay silent about it, but he will take notes about you
Thanks to those he often recognizes patterns or other things to help you improve and use more of your powers
Oh, Asmo is absolutely in love with how this green lightning is surrounding your body. It looks so mesmerizing!
And don't get him started on that fierce look on your face when you step into action
"I didn't know you were so strong, MC~"
If you pick him up and he notices that he basically weighs nothing to you he's going to swoon even more. Especially when you burst into those fast sprints like it's no problem
And with all these powers you still manage to stay kind and humble which also hits him like a bullet train
Finally! Someone who can workout with him and actually keep up? What more does a demon want?
The fact that you're stronger than him though shocks him at first, but it only motivates him to train even harder
Food delivery has never been faster. He's making it a habit to ask you if you could bring him food from the kitchen, because it only takes you a couple seconds
It's refreshing to finally meet a nice and friendly person down here in the devildom
The fact that you could tear down a whole building, but instead decide to treat everything and everyone as gently as possible has him hooked
If I'm being completely honest here your obnoxiously friendly personality kind of annoyed him at first
But then he saw how nicely you treat Beel and how you still stay so incredibly humble in situations where you clearly have the upper hand. It's such a refreshing change to all these authority figures surrounding him in the Devildom
"Why do you keep risking your life and breaking your bones? Doesn't it get tiring?"
Your energy level definitely is going through the roof compared to his, but he learns to cope with that
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kisakis-boyfriend · 8 months
Kinktober Day 26: Mirror Sex
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Pairings: Kisaki x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!Kisaki, praise, body worship, dacryphilia, slight angst (When is there not with Tetta?)
Genre/Format: Smut; Oneshot
Prompt List by: starsandskies 🧡
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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Sneaking up on Kisaki while he was getting dressed or undressed was one of your favorite things to do. The annoyed whine that he let out once he recognized that it was your arms wrapping around his waist was too cute, and you knew he wasn't genuinely annoyed anyways. Kisaki liked to pout and pretend that he didn't enjoy affection sometimes, but the way he always melted into the touches and relaxed around you told a different story
The story of a touch-starved individual who craved the love that you so eagerly showered him in. Closing his eyes and sighing while you finished unbuttoning his dress shirt for him, and of course feeling up his pretty chest before slipping it off. Little kisses peppered on his shoulders as he closed his eyes, exhausted from work and secretly happy to indulge in your usual pampering. “Tired, love?” You questioned
A short, “Yeah.” was his reply. There was a tinge of sadness behind Kisaki's words that only someone close to him would be able to pick up on. It was a sadness that you were quite familiar with, having known Kisaki for so long now. To any outsiders, Tetta Kisaki held himself in such high regard, towering above the normies and weaklings. He was untouchable; a god looking down at the world below from his throne room (office). To you though? To you, Tetta's insecurities were glaringly obvious, they would always creep in during stressful times when he was at his most vulnerable. You weren't a miracle worker, you couldn't erase these things completely but...you knew of one way to pull him out of the dark pit of despair that he so easily fell into
“'M sorry, let me take care of you?” You whispered against his skin, burying your face in the crook of his neck. Hugging him just a bit tighter as your warm arms covered his torso and kept his back pressed against you
Kisaki pondered the question for a minute, he had some idea of what ‘taking care of him’ might entail, though whatever you were thinking was probably exactly what he needed right now. You were good at that, figuring out just the right way to spoil him and make everything feel right again. You knew when your husband needed tenderness and cuddles, you knew when he needed to be fucked so hard that he couldn't think about anything else, and you knew exactly when he just needed to sit with you, either in silence or ranting about his problems to the best listener in his life
After thinking about it while you squeezed him tightly and continued trailing gentle kisses along the back of his neck, Kisaki answered. “Sure. Just...keep me close, ok?” The vulnerability in his voice was something only you were privy to, because only you could earn enough trust from him to lower those impossibly high walls
So you hummed a response and began working your magic, kissing Kisaki's neck and sliding your hands down to his hips. Slow and methodical movements that would work him up while you complimented the hell out of him. Undoing his belt and slipping one hand down the front to rub over his underwear, stroking him softly while you lovingly sucked a hickey onto his neck, “Ooh, you liked that, huh? Keep making those sweet noises for me, baby~ ”
Casually pivoting your bodies towards the full-length mirror in the corner of your bedroom, you began grinding against Kisaki's ass while your grip on his hip tightened just a bit. He didn't notice it yet as his eyes were still closed in bliss, too busy enjoying your lips all over his skin and your hand down his pants. You admired his gorgeous body in the mirror, watching as he started to hump his hardening member into your hand, groaning as he lets himself go and gets lost in the pleasure. The perfect time to work in your loving words, “So beautiful...look at you, so pretty when you get into it.”
Kisaki threw his head back against your shoulder, always so flustered by these things. His eyes were squeezed shut as your words danced around in his head, quickly pushing away any thoughts about work or his day and filling it with your sappy comments. A sudden thrust against his ass caused him to moan loudly, his hips stuttering then speeding up as he searched for any more friction than what you were giving him. You took the hint though, tugging at Kisaki's pants so that he'd let you remove them along with his boxers and discarding the clothing off to the side
Now that he was fully nude, you had a lovely view in the mirror. Continuing to jerk him off, albeit at a faster pace than the one earlier, you thrust against him sharply in an attempt to get him to open his eyes. It took a few tries but eventually he did, noticing his reflection staring at him while yours smirked, resting your chin on his shoulder. “Y/n...” He whined, attempting to look away only for a hand to grab his chin and force him to watch while you touched him
“Shh, I wanted you to see how fucking pretty you look when I fuck you.” You purred, unbuttoning your own pants and sliding them down until your cock sprang free, rubbing against Kisaki's tight hole while you groaned in his ear. The feeling of finally pressing against him properly only made you more excited, bucking your hips and biting into his soft skin, surely leaving another mark amongst the many already covering his neck and shoulders
“Stay here, I'll only be a second, ok?” Kisaki begrudgingly lets you unwrap your arm from around his waist, watching impatiently while you fetch the bottle of lube stashed in your bedside dresser. Tugging you towards him once you were in range again, which earned a chuckle from you. He could be so needy sometimes...but you loved that about him too, kissing his back while you lubed yourself up. The wet sounds of you stroking yourself made Kisaki squirm where he stood, feeling your hand brush against his skin while you jerked yourself off vigorously, probably biting your lip while you imagined penetrating his cute ass
“Mmm....a-aah...” Kisaki's sweet voice graced your ears as you slid one finger into him, using the lube to easily enter his hole and stretch him out. Still forcing him to look at himself while you fingered him open, the lewd sounds from the amount of lube that you used caused a pretty blush to spread on his cheeks. “M-more...y/n...” Kisaki begged, the last shreds of dignity tearing as you added another digit inside of him, pumping them in and out while he watched his mouth hang open in a silent moan
Shallow breaths filled the room when you ceased your ministrations, pulling your fingers out and quickly replacing them with your cock. The lube and your expert fingering had prepped him enough so that you could easily slip into his wet hole, enjoying how his eyes rolled back when you finally did so. Another desperate grunt leaving Kisaki's lips while his insides tried to accommodate your size, noticing the obvious bulge in his stomach every time you pushed in deeply
“Ooh baby...you take me so well. So good for me~ ” You cooed, resting your forehead against your husband's back and sliding the hand that was keeping his gaze forward down his lovely chest. Able to feel his heartbeat for a second when you passed over his ribcage on your way down, a feeling that always drove you crazy. “Does it feel good, love?” A breathy ‘uh-huh’ followed your question while Kisaki pushed back onto your dick, making it hit deeper inside of him as he met every thrust
“Good, I want you to feel so good, Tetta.” You said in between more open-mouthed kisses to his neck, pulling his hips flush with yours and burying yourself within him for a moment. “Fuuuuck....I want you to...feel absolutely amazing, baby~ ” Speeding up your thrusts this time, the sound of skin hitting skin filled your ears while you railed Kisaki. A familiar feeling pooled within his gut as his release rapidly approached, causing his pretty thighs to tense and then tremble
“Aw baby, you close?” Kisaki whimpered while shaking his head yes, gripping your wrists tightly while they held his hips. You kissed his cheek and continued, “Let's try to cum together, ok? I'm pretty close too...” Speeding up your thrusts even more to chase your own release, Kisaki's eyes watered at the rough pounding that was now hitting his sweet spot. Tears fell not long after as you instructed, “Look at yourself, love. I want to watch as I make you cum. Look at your pretty face while you cum for me~ ”
He reluctantly obeyed, too lost in pleasure to really protest. More whispered praises and compliments onto his skin made it a little easier to watch as his face contorted in pleasure, your hand working his cock again until he painted the mirror with his sticky cum, tears rolling down all the while. The sound of his lovely cries pushed you over the edge too, filling his ass with your seed while your vision blacked out for a second
“Mm...good boy, Tetta...you look so damn pretty when you cum.” You sighed, hugging him impossibly close while you both caught your breath and simply enjoyed the comfort of each other's bodies. After eventually pulling out, you dragged Kisaki into the bed with you for some post sex cuddles. Gently brushing his newly messed up hair out of his face and planting a soft kiss on his lips. The two of you relaxed and held each other until you eventually dozed off, hands tangled together lovingly during your nap
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
Tagging: @steadybreadbluebird @6kabuki
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ornii · 1 year
Bitterly Beautiful, Part 8
The Finale: Now Eye Am become death, Destroyer of Worlds.
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"Wait.., run that back."
(Y/n) sits on his bed, as Wednesday stood before him, it was about ten minutes after Wednesday's exotic experience.
"So, you're telling me when we kissed, which by the way, absolutely amazing, Tyler ends up killing me?"
"Flattery only gets you so far." Wednesday responds coldly.
"It got me to those black Cherry flavored lips." He shoots back, Wednesdays face, as pale as it was showed hints of red as she blushed. She looked away scoffing.
"...Stop making me blush, i have a reputation to uphold.” She says, he stood up and smiles, gently taking her hand within his, he kisses Wednesday again, who this time reciprocated it with intensity. They stop their romantic escapade and he just smiles so warmly at his lovely death blossom.
"It's okay. I'll be okay... long as I've got you." He said, Wednesday this time, gripped his hands tighter.
"I refuse to allow Crackstone to prevail, which means Tyler.." she begins.
"We have to stop him, only question is how... we can always capture him." He says, "And to do that we'll need to bait a monster." (Y/n) says.
"I'll do it. It's not often I'm out into the jaws of a monster." She responds.
Tyler walks along the dark path into the forest to an awaiting Wednesday.
"Thing gave me your note. I was surprised you wanted to see me. So, uh, is this a date?" Tyler asks hopeful, and Wednesday keeps her calm demeanor.
"It's a surprise. When I came to Nevermore, romance was the last thing on my mind. But when (Y/n) kissed me, it opened my eyes and suddenly it all made sense. (y/n) warned me about you, about Normens, but I didn't listen. Which lead to me framing Xavier for murder while the real Hyde helped me put him away."
"Wait... you don't think..."
"I don't think. I know. Kinbott probably discovered your secret during one of your sessions. So she unlocked you. Why'd you kill her? I thought Hydes were typically loyal to their masters."
"Wednesday, this is nuts."
"On Outreach Day, I told you I was visiting the old meeting house. Did Kinbott send you to spy on me? I have to hand it to you, Tyler, using the gates house as a death trap to try to kill (Y/n), the one person who could have seen through your Facade, a masterstroke of misdirection."
"Okay, stop. Do you know how insane you sound right now? I'm not a monster. A... And if you really thought that I was, why would you risk bringing me out to the woods to confront me alone?"
"Who said I was alone?" She responds, Tyler hears someone step from behind a tree and turns around to (Y/n).
"Hello Tyler." He says coldly, as Tyler looks back at Wednesday.
"Okay, I don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing, but I'm out of here."
"Actually... you're not going anywhere." Tyler turns around as (Y/n) blows magic dust into his eyes; he stumbles around and hits the ground unconscious.
"Carry his Body." Wednesday said.
"You could ask nicer." (Y/n) said annoyed.
"Carry his body.. please." She says sarcastically. He smirks and picks him up with ease.
"Anything for you my Death Trap." He says Mimicking Gomez' accent. He walks off and Wednesday folds her arms.
"As much as i absolutely despise to admit this... but Perhaps I was wrong when I said I wouldn't find someone.. I won't admit it, that is a sizable crow I do not wish to eat."
Tyler slowly comes to, inside Xavier's art room, as (Y/n) and Wednesday are side by side.
"Welcome back."
"Where the hell am I?"
"Somewhere no one can hear your screams."
"What's with the chains?"
"Don't ask stupid questions, Tyler." (Y/n) said, and Tyler begins to plead.
"Wednesday, this is crazy. I'm a normie."
"That's only half true." Wednesday shows the fencing photo of her mother, but points to a woman in the background.
"Do you recognize her? Perhaps if I hadn't been so distracted by my own mother hogging this photo, I would have noticed yours sooner. Your father fell in love and married an outcast."
"My mom was an outcast. That doesn't make me a monster."
"According to her personal medical records—"
"You stole her medical records?"
"Technically, Thing did. He took them from your garage. Your father's quite the pack rat. Her postpartum depression triggered her condition."
"My mom had severe bipolar disorder."
"We both know that's a lie." (Y/n) said, he walks over closer to Tyler.
"Your dad must be worried you'll get the same condition your mother did. Well I guess his worries were warranted." He said, he turns his attention to Wednesday who, draws a pair of tasers.
"Wednesday, what are you doing?" (Y/n) asked.
"Just some light torture. Don't worry, I won't leave a mark." She says, There's only one thing that a Hyde understands. Pain."
"Wait! No, Wednesday! Wednesday!" Tyler pleads as she tases him, (Y/n) can't look away, he can still feel it, the lighting coursing though Tyler, the stinging pain.
"Don't kill him! He's useless if he dies, he has to admit the truth, admit it!" (Y/n) yells, "You killed innocent people, tried to kill Me! Wednesday, Enid Eugene! The pain will stop when you accept what you've done." He says, his ears perk up and almost like a feral animal he jerks his head to the door.
"People are surrounding us.." he said, Wednesday stops and turns to him.
"The only way is that they tracked his phone, we have to escape, you do. I'll use my crows to—"
"You need to leave, (Y/n)." Wednesday said, and (Y/n) turns to her. "What? I can't leave you!"
"Yes you can, If you value your relationship with Me, and Enid, you will leave before you're arrested. If I cannot protect Nevermore it's up to you." She says, he sighs and grips his cane.
"Fine.." he says somberly, he slams his cane down and crows begin to fly into hatches and cracks, they surround him and somehow he disappears, using dark magic. Just then, the door bursts open to the sheriff.
"Get away from my son! Drop it. Drop it!" He yells, and Wednesday drops the tasers. Wednesday is apprehended and brought to the station as weems is inside.
"Sheriff Galpin isn't pressing kidnapping charges. Which is a miracle given the circumstances."
"Of course not. How long have you known?"
"Excuse me?"
"When I gave you that claw from the cave, did you already know?"
"Wednesday, that's enough."
"Xavier Thorpe is our Hyde. We've got evidence, thanks to you. That's why I'm giving you one pass."
"Tyler is going to turn on you too." She says Before Weems es courts her out, but Tyler catches up to her
"We... Wednesday, wait."
"Tyler! No, no, what are you doing?"
"I need to talk to her, Dad. She was my friend. We're in a police station. What's gonna happen?" He says, and Galpin, his father gives in.
"Make it quick." He says, Weems leaves as the two are alone.
"What do you want?" She asks.
To ask a question. What does it feel like?" Tyler asks
"What does what feel like?" Wednesday responds, and almost like a switch goes off in his head, his calm quiet demeanor turns cynical, cold and, murderous.
"...To lose. You know, at first, I'd wake up naked, covered in blood, no idea what happened. But over time, I started to remember everything. The sound of their screams, the panic in their eyes, and a fear so primal I could taste it. And it was delicious. You have no idea what's coming. I'll tell you so you won't have to find out, (Y/n) is going to die... and I will make sure his last few moments will be absolutely agonizing." Tyler stepped back and, oddly his demeanor changes again and he leaves.
The next morning arose, and it was the last day for Wednesday.
"The quid pro quo for Sheriff Galpin not pressing charges is your immediate expulsion from Nevermore."
"You do realize that Tyler brutally disemboweled six people, then harvested a variety of their body parts."
"Perhaps if you'd come to me with your suspicions rather than take matters into your own hands, we could've worked together."
"Because trust and cooperation have always been hallmarks of our relationship."
"I admire your ability to be your own person and trust your own instincts. But that also makes you impatient and impulsive. Your actions have put me and the school in an impossible position." M
"Tyler is the Hyde. And he has framed Xavier. He confessed everything to me!"
"I wish I could believe you."
"His mother was an outcast. She was a student here, you must remember her. She was a Hyde!"
"Yes, Francois. A lovely woman. I didn't ask what she identified as."
"Then give me more time, and I can prove they are Hydes."
"There is no more time, and there are no more deals, Wednesday. Pack your steamer trunks. We will have them shipped. And say your goodbyes. You'll be on the afternoon train today. I'm sorry Nevermore didn't work out for you, Wednesday. I'm sure your mother will be very disappointed. And so am I." Weems gives a sigh of disappointment, (Y/n) was in his room, pacing back and forth. He stopped as he gripped his cane, grinding his teeth.
"God Damnit!" He yells, wanting to punch something. "How could I be so damn gullible!" He says with more ferocity, he turns to Xavier's empty bed. He pictures Wednesday sitting there, and speaks on her behalf, she opens her mouth but no words come out, only his voice.
"You're letting your emotions overtake you again." Fake Wednesday said.
"Of course I am! Tyler kills so many people, Xavier gets blamed for it, and he gets away with it! And now you're being expelled! There's a chance I'll never see you again! The first girl I kiss she gets expelled for torture."
"What I did was to assure Nevermore has protectors, you, Enid, Bianca and others. You may not agree with my method but you are Nevermores Last hope. Take solace in that, what do you plan to do?"
(Y/n)'s breath became more animalistic, almost low growling.
"... I'm gonna kill him, I'll turn Tyler's family tree into a god damn pile of ash!" He says, the Fake Wednesday stands up and walks up behind him.
"And if Tyler stood behind that door?"
"I'd vaporize him without a second thought."
"...Good, your emotions are strong, but don't let them overpower you, you always let them overtake you. Let them fuel your body for what you have prepared." Wednesday said, and as if on queue, the door is knocked upon. (Y/n) slowly approaches; almost itching to open his eyes, he grasped the handle of the door and opens it. But it was his Surrogate Sister, Enid.
"Oh, am I interrupting?" She says, he wastes no time hugging her tightly, which catches her off guard.
"Enid you're okay! Yeah, I'm fine.." he lets her go, which she adjusts her uniform.
"Yeah, that's good to hear! Wednesday told me what happened, if Tyler is the Hyde then when it fought you at the Manor.."
"Tyler was trying to kill us to silence us, pretty obvious now, but hindsight is 20/20 I guess. But how's Wednesday? I'll go help her—"
"About.. that." Enid says as it catches the confusion of (Y/n).
"Okay, don't freak out but, Weems basically said toy can't come near Wednesday until she leaves Nevermore." Enid says, (Y/n) looks absolutely baffled by it, In sheer disbelief.
"She said it was to makes sure that you and her don't plan anything, not my words." She said and (Y/n) sighs, he looks even more distraught and Enid tries to cheer him up.
"Look, I'll relay any message you have for her." Enid says, and (Y/n) turns back to face her.
"...Any, message?" He says and Enid nods, which was a terrible mistake.
"Enid returns back to the dorm where Wednesday is packing, she decides to help any way possible.
"I can't believe I'm actually going to miss your creepy, lifeless eyes waking me up. It won't be the same without you."
"So I assume you'll be moving in with Yoko. Leaving me in the past."
"Not ever. What about you? Will you forget about me?" Enid said sadly, and Wednesday says something nice to her?
"Enid... the mark you have left on me is indelible. Anytime I grow nauseous at the sight of a rainbow or hear a pop song that makes my ears bleed, I'll think of you." which is Wednesdays version of "I'll never forget you." Which brightens Enid up a little, "Thanks. I guess."
"I always believed relying on other people to be a sign of weakness. That inevitably they would lead me to disappointment. Turns out I've been the disappointment."
"Are you kidding me? I've learned so much from you. Part of it is admittedly criminal behavior, but... most people spend their entire lives pretending to give zero effs, and you literally never had an eff to give. Any chance you've got some sort of sneaky plan to elude Weems?" Enid asks.
"No, Xavier's right. This prophecy cannot come true if I'm not here. But it kills me to leave when Tyler is still walking around free."
"If he tries anything, we have a school full of gorgons, vampires, and werewolves, ready and waiting. Especially (Y/n), We've got this, Wednesday. I promise. On a good note, I got a text from Eugene's moms. He woke up last night. Maybe Weems'll let you drop by on your way to the station." Enid says, thing Snaps his fingers and Wednesday nods at this.
"I think we're all set."
"Thing, I'm going to miss our makeup tutorials. And you better keep sending me moisturizing tips. Stay in touch, okay?" She says, Enid turns to Wednesday offering a hug. "So, we're gonna... You're right. Not hugging is kind of our thing. But..." Enid says sadly and looks a bit uncomfortable.
"What?" Wednesday says.
"Weems forbade him from seeing you in case you two had planned a escape route.."
"I see, I suppose I expected this."
"And... (Y/n) left a present.." Enid says but looks really reluctant to say what it is. Wednesday picks up on her idling.
"Enid we don't have much time, whatever horrid present (Y/n) has concocted will not phase me." Wednesday says with a lot of confidence, Enid braces And moves in, giving her the tiniest peck on the cheek, Wednesday freezes and just stares at Enid who looks a bit horrified.
"Sorry! Sorry! (Y/n) Said to do that.." Enid Looks ready to run for the hills, awaiting Wednesdays response, she takes a deep sigh and calms herself.
"You two make me want to vomit sometimes." She says, there's a knock on the door and then it opens to Weems.
"Wednesday. This time I'm personally escorting you to your train."
"...I have one final favor." Wednesday said.
Eugene has finally awoken in the hospital, sitting solemnly inside his bed, he's quickly surprised by the arrival of Wednesday.
"Eugene. Glad to see you're finally awake."
"I heard you visited all the time."
"Don't ever mention it again. Listen, I've been meaning to tell you... I shouldn't have gone to the dance. I should have been with you."
"When the dance floor calls, you gotta answer. I heard you and (Y/n) stole the whole night away! It's not your fault. It's the monster's."
"It's actually called a Hyde. It's still out there. You can't go back to Nevermore. Not even to check on your bees. And you have to listen to me this time."
"I thought hummers were supposed to stick together. That night in the woods, someone set fire to that cave."
"Yes, Dr. Kinbott."
"It's so crazy that it was her. I don't really remember any of it. I just saw someone wearing black and those boots."
"...What about her boots?" Wednesday said.
"There was an explosion of light and just for a moment, I saw that they weren't black. They were red." He says, and Wednesdays face was actually shocked. And she goes to Weems quickly. There's only one person who could do all this, and with that last bit of information all the pieces fell together.
Thornhill was in her botany class, preparing a syringe of nightshade. She turns around to begin her tests when Wednesday appears behind her.
"Wednesday! I thought you'd be halfway to New Jersey by now."
"You can drop the act, Laurel. I should have known it was you. Faking your death, securing a job at Nevermore, unlocking a Hyde. Typically, I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots. But yours was a bit extreme, even for my high standards."
"Oh, dear. Weems was right. You do need psychiatric help. Can't throw out wild accusations without consequences."
"They may be wild... but they're true. Tyler told me everything." Tyler slowly steps out from the shadows behind Wednesday.
"Initially I incorrectly accused Kinbott of using hypnosis to unlock him. But you used a plant-derived chemical, didn't you? I know your father kept tabs on all the outcasts in town. So I assume he told you about the Galpin family secret when you were just a girl. That's why you targeted Tyler. You manipulated him by showing him what his mother truly was. What Tyler didn't realize is that truth wouldn't free him. It would enslave him to you. That was scary at first, so you used the cave and the shackles. But eventually he willingly became your servant. And when Kinbott came close to discovering the truth, you had Tyler kill her and pin it on Xavier." Wednesday explained the entire plan, Thornhill sighs and removes her glasses.
"Ugh. That's enough. Tyler, honey, make Mama happy and shut her up. Permanently."
"He's not on your side."
"Tyler will do anything for me. Remember what I told you? I showed you who you really are. What they did to your mother...The outcasts made you a monster."
"If you only hate outcasts, why is he killing normies as well?"
"They're just pawns in a bigger game. Just like you, Wednesday. Once again, you've underestimated the situation. You were never getting on that train. I sent Tyler to intercept you."
"I never made it to the station. Heard enough?" Wednesday asks Tyler, Thornhill looks a bit confused and watches as Tyler transforms into Weems.
"Your slave is probably still at the station." Wednesday said, Thornhill looks caught in a trap, a trap she cannot weasel her way out.
"Don't make this more difficult than it already is, Marilyn." Weems said sadly, Laurel, enraged snaps.
"My name is Laurel!" she jams the syringe into the neck of Weems, poisoning her. Weems collaspes, choking as the nightshade. Wednesday rushes to her side.
"Principal Weems! Principal Weems!" She says, but the poison courses though her veins, and Weems perishes.
"Nightshade poisoning. A fitting end, don't you think?" Wednesday turns to Thornhill who knocks hero it cold with a shovel. She drags Wednesday away, little does Thornhill know, Thing is watching, he runs off to find (Y/n). (Y/n) was still in his room, actually contemplating murder, he feels aggressive thumping on his window and he walks over to it, he senses a small thing moving.
"Thing?" He opens it and thing leaps in and begins to frantically tap.
"Woah woah slow down.. what's wrong?" He stops and thumps away.
"Weems? Thornhill? Where did they take her?! What do you mean you don't know?!" He stands up and runs to his window.
"IGVIND!" He yells, he steps back and soon crows come flying in. They sit at different places.
"Wednesday is missing, find her, now!" He yells, he snaps his fingers and they fly out in droves. He turns to Thing.
"Go get Enid! I'm checking the greenhouse." He said before leaving quickly, he rushes out of the room and heads to the Greenhourse. Wednesday groggily awakens from her beating, which Tyler watches her. She hangs from her cuffs from a hook.
"Kind of a déjà vu thing we got going on, huh?" He says with a smirk.
"Except I won't cry and whine like a child."
"Tyler, go wait by the boat." Laurel says, preparing the ritual. "Yes. Listen to your master and be a good little Hyde." Wednesday keeps her stern demeanor as Tyler leaves.
"I have to admit..that shape-shifting stunt with Weems almost worked. But as my father always said, "If you want to outsmart an outcast, you got to out-think 'em." You know, we have roots that go all the way back to Joseph Crackstone."
"So you come from a line of psychotic killers too."
"Joseph Crackstone was a visionary, dedicated to protecting normies from outcasts until his life was cut short by your ancestor, Goody Addams. And then, to add insult to injury, they stole his land to build that abomination of a school. But, throughout the centuries, my family has remained committed to Crackstone's mission. My brother died serving that cause. I decided to take a different approach. The supernatural." Laurel places jars of human body parts with Tesla coils at the top of them surrounding the coffin.
"Tyler's been collecting these body parts to resurrect Crackstone. The one man who nearly succeeded in eradicating the outcasts. You can't wake the dead. Believe me, I've tried."
"I believe your ancestor Goody Addams would disagree." Laurel shows the book.
"Goody's Book of Shadows. You're the one that stole the original from Pilgrim World."
"It wasn't enough for Goody to kill Crackstone. She had to curse his soul too."
"What does this have to do with me? My dear Wednesday, you are the key. Your arrival at Nevermore set the chubby wheels of my plan in motion. You see, Goody sealed Crackstone in his sarcophagus with a blood lock, as Revenge for Killing her Lover, Cianán, she views it as blood for blood. And "Only one of her direct descendants can open it. You are the key. A living descendant on the night of a blood moon. So... I bided my time, and I made you feel special until you were ready to be sacrificed." Laurel caresses Wednesdays bleeding head, only to take the blood from her and smear it on the seal and open Goodys book, she begins to speak in Latin. Soon the jars begin to light up! Electricity dancing between them. Black smoke begins to emulate from the coffin and it bursts open! Crackstone has been resurrected! The impact throws Wednesday off of the hook and she hits the ground. Using this opportunity she begins to unshackle herself. Crackstone, now a decrepit demon is greeted by Laurel..
"I am of your blood. I have summoned you to rid the world of outcasts once and for all." she says and Kisses his ring.
"My vengeance will be swift and true."
"As will mine." Wednesday prepares to fight Crackstone, but the man grabs the girl by the neck, lifting her up.
"Goody Addams. You haunt me still. You will suffer the same fate you bequeathed me. Now burn in the eternal fires of hell." he says smiling, Wednesdays legs flail, until a "Shink" is heard, she swings the foot blade (Y/n) gave her, right into the unmentionables of Crackstone who growls in pain and drops her, Wednesday stood up, but only to receive a dagger to the side by Laurel.
"Go to hell, Where you belong. Sweet dreams, Wednesday!" She says, as she watches Wednesday collapse down. The two, now satisfied with their revenge leave Wednesday to bleed to death. As she lies on a pool of her slowly cooling blood, Goody appears.
"Are you here to take me to the other side?"
"Listen, Crackstone must be stabbed through his black heart. It is the only way he will be vanquished now and forever."
"Is your spectral vision impaired? I'm dying." Wednesday said, but the doors open from the crypt, and she can only turn to see the shadow of a man approaching, goody sees it, and her eyes go wide.
"Cianán." She says, the man runs to the side of Wednesdays to see it's (Y/n) he looks absolutely panicked.
"Wednesday! It's okay! I'm here now, Cmon. Just, relax." He says, he begins to do what he can.
"When I remove the knife, be ready I'll have to use Cauterization. Just, deep breath. He begins to cast a bit of magic on his finger. He grips the blade and Wednesday takes a deep breath. He quickly pulls the blade from her side. He then places his burning finger along her abdomen to close the wound witu heat. She grabs his hand, squeezing it hard as she tries to keep the sounds of pain low, but it was a low whimper. As the wound is close. He picks her up like his bride to be. He smiles so happily.
"Thank god I found you! Thing told me what happened! Cmon we have to get you somewhere safe." He rushes out with her in tow and Wednesday begins to move.
"I can walk by myself now, thank you for saving me.." she said, he hugs her.
"I'm never gonna leave you side, you know that." He says, but their reunion was interrupted by Tyler.
"Laurel said you were dead."
"I'm feeling much better now."
"You're like a cockroach."
"Please, flattery will get you nowhere." She says, and they watches Tyler transform into the Hyde, (Y/n) steps up with his cane, ready to fight him.
"I've been waiting for this!" He charges at Tyler, who swings at him, he ducks under and leaps into his back, chocking him again witu his cane. But this time flyer predicts it and spins, hurling him into a tree. (Y/n) slowly begins to get up, but a pair of claws slam him into the tree. Tyler squeezes his neck, choking the life out of (Y/n) Wednesday rushes over to help but gets swatted away. Tyler raises his hand against, before a howl echoes and something tackles the Hyde. He drops down coughing to sense a pale werewolf, the smell lingers. He slowly backs away, wondering what evil this could be, the werewolf turns to him, seemingly happy, he sniffs the air and smells something. Full Moon Nail polish.
"Enid? You.. you did it!" He says so happy, Tyler rose to fight and (Y/n) feels Wednesday grab his arm.
"We need to get back to the school, Crackstone is going to kill everyone!"
"But, Enid—"
"Enid isn't some little girl, she can handle herself, she's really done it." Wednesday said, Enid turns to them with a reassuring bark. (Y/n) shakily sighs.
"Okay, Go get Em! And Enid.. I'm so proud of you." He says, she can't help but smile and charges to hold off Tyler. (Y/n) and Wednesday run off to stop Crackstone, who enters the main area. As students run, Laurel smiles
"I can't tell you how I've longed for this moment, what it means for my family."
"Silence, woman! Be gone, or I will cut thy tongue from thy wretched mouth!"
"...Never meet your heroes." Laurel says before leaving.
"I will expunge you abominations from this Earth!" Crackstone yells.
"Howdy, pilgrim." He turns around to see Wednesday, still alive, her heart still beating.
"How canst thy heart still beat? What demon sorcery is this?" He yells, he turns around as (Y/n) comes leaping off a floor to attack, Crackstone uses his staff to halt him in his place and then hurl him into a Pilar breaking it. It lands on his back and he struggles to get up, Wednesday now faces off against Crackstone, (Y/n) reaches for his cane and hurls it.
"Wednesday!" He yells and she catches it.
"Twist the Handle!" He yells and she does, she hears a mechanism unlock, she begins to pull and reveal its true power, a blade! A cane sword!" Wednesdays and Crackstone do battle, using her more reflexes to avoid his attacks, but with his magic she is unfortunately no match, using his staff to pin her down. (Y/n) pushes the pillar off of him and charges at Crackstone, using his strength he slams him into the ground and begins to pummel on him. Each punch having a deep impact. Before he can continue, Crackstone used his staff against to slam the blind hero into the fountain. And choke him. He leers over (Y/n).
"I will siphon the life out of you! And then goody! I'll put an end to your twisted bloodline!" He laughs, his cackling just enraged (Y/n), so much that he has no choice. And with a final visceral scream
He opens his eyes.
As if hell itself explodes, Crackstone and Wednesdays were blown away. She can only watches as flames dance around (Y/n), his shadow growing like a multiple armed demon. The flames Grow in ferocity as the blinding heat from his opening bellows though the world itself seemingly. Crackstone slowly backs away, seeing that his left arm, was completely disintegrated into ash. He can watch as (Y/n) walks from the flames, his shadow now has transformed into a monster with multiple arms. He sees (y/n) stands there and utter a chilling quote.
"Now I am become death... the destroyer of Worlds.."
(Y/n) opens his eyes as only flashes of gold bellow form it, as a wave of golden death blasts from his eyes, turning Crackstone into nothing but ash. He closes his eyes again, and he turns to look for Wednesday, who approaches him. He smiles and hugs her, and finally.. Wednesday hugs back. His smile quickly fades as he grabs her and spins, they swap places as a bullet hits his back, Wednesday watches him lurch forward. She peers past him to Laurel.
"I might not get to kill all the outcasts, but at least I'll get to kill you." She says and unloads more, (Y/n) grabs Wednesday, making sure they don't hit her, but seven rounds riddles hud back, and he collapses onto the ground. Wednesday rolls (Y/n) into his back as he chokes on his own blood. His eyes open once more, and Laurel turns to ash, he laughs before us body gives out and Wednesday grabs him.
"(Y/n)! Hold on! I'll get you to the hospital you just need to—" She winces in pain trying to pick him up, but his hand gently holds hers, as he feels his grip slowly start to, weaken, Wednesday holds her emotions together, but she slowly began to crumble as she can only see him choke on the blood filling his lungs.
"(Y/n) if you die on me I will kill you.." she didn't say it out of anger or hatred, it was fear that her vision was coming to fruition.
"... Please don't leave me." She says, and a single tear falls down her cheek, her voice was shaking, so scared.
"Heh.." he laughs, he opens his eyes, and Wednesday finally sees them, and he sees her, the power has seemingly been snapped from them, and she looks at his beautiful eyes. He smiles though the blood coated grin.
"I did say, I'd burn the world down.. just to see you... totally worth it." He says smiling, but his grin slowly fades, and so does the light in his eyes. His grip is no longer there. Wednesday was now truly ocvercome with emotion, tears fell but she didn't cry, she just stares at his body. More students began to fill the main room. Enid approaches and was in disbelief, she fell to her knees and wept. Wednesday closes her eyes and truly felt despair, before Goody kneels down next to her.
"Wednesday." She says, Wednesday turned to goody and she touched (Y/n).
"Allow me to save him, I was not able to save my Cianán, but allow me to save yours." She says, her body begins to dissipate into dust, and there's silence, besides Enids painful cries, Wednesdays places her head on his chest, and hears a single thump.
"Enid stop! He's alive! We have to get him to the hospital, now!"
One Week Later.
(Y/n)'s eyes open to a hospital room, he struggles to sit up but sees that his wounds have healed naturally. He sees the countless flowers and such for him and he sees Enid snoring on his lap. He chuckled and pets her.
"Hey, sleepyhead." He says, Enid grumbled and opens her eyes, she finally processes what's going on and hugs him so hard.
"(Y/N)!" She yells, crying. He laughs and does as well.
"It's so good to see you!" He said, she holds on for what seems to be forever before letting go. Enid wipes her mascara off.
"When I saw all that blood I was so scared and Wednesday said you were okay.. and you spend a week in here and...and.. and.." Enid was trying to speak and was too busy trying not to cry, so it just came out as a jumbled mess. He just pets her.
"Hey, calm down, but I gotta know, how did it feel the wolf out finally?"
"It felt, different, new... thanks to you. You always had my back." She says, "What are besties for? Where's Wednesday?" He asks, Enid smiles so warmly at that.
Wednesday was sitting in the dorm room on the bed, staring at the ground. She was just wearing black shorts and (Y/n)'a hoodie. Enid steps in giddy and she smiles.
"So.. how are you feeling?"
"Absolutely dreadful."
"Oh, so nothings changed... well someone wants to see you."
"Enid I don't wish to speak to anyone." Wednesday said, a person steps in and Enid sits on her bed smiling, a person kneels down to face Wednesday and her eyes look up to (Y/n).
"... you're, not a ghost are you?"
"What? Have you been seeing ghosts?" He laughs and Wednesday slowly begins to grow in anger.
"Are you.. Serious?"
"Heh... what?" He asks confused, Wednesday stands up, and begins to approach him, he slowly backs away at the same time.
"You get yourself shot, and you die, and the first thing you say to me is some stupid joke?" Wednesday said fuming, (Y/n)'a attitude shifts to absolute fear. “Does my concern for your well-being mean absolutely anything to you?” She says, her voice growing in anger, (Y/n) felt another breach in death approaching.
"I-I mean well.."
"I, hate you." Wednesday said, which hurt (Y/n).
"Wednesday I—"
"Silence, I hate how you made me feel, I hate it when you smile, I hate it when you grab my hands and make me fluster, I hate it when you make terrible jokes only to annoy and or amuse me. I hate it when you're always at my side even when I don't deserve it, I hate it when you treat me like you aren't scared of me, like I'm a normal person”
when I'm not. I hate that you care about me, when I don't deserve it.... I hate how much you love me..
"Just as much as i hate how much I... love you." Wednesday said, admitting her love. (Y/n) didn't know what to say, and she just grabbed his face and kissed him. Without any stopping his hands wrapped around her waist and pushed their lips deeper into each other, he picks her up and Carrie's her off to her bed and lies her down, crawling on top he presses his lips back into hers, and Wednesdays grips his button up and tears it off, he kissed her neck, letting Wednesday finally enjoy the reward she so desperately fought for. The slightest moan escapes from her purse lips as his hand slowly slides along her leg, further upward.
As the two, like wild animals go at it, Enid watches absolutely horrified as his jacket landed at her feet.
"Ahem, AHEM!" She says louder, the two stop and turn to face her. Their lips part and they realize Enid was still there. They quickly get off of each other and sit there.
"You two are so... cute!" She says, "Did you remember she was here?" (Y/n) whispers.
"I did, I just didn't care." She responds. A sigh comes from (Y/n). But rather complaining he spends the rest of the day with his closest Allies. But all good things must come to said end, (Y/n) woke in his bedroom and began to Yawn, he attempts to stretch but a vise like grip was on him, Wednesday. She decided to sleep over in his dorm. She hasn’t let him out of her sight since his death.
“Wednesday?” He says, she awakens, with a tiny yawn like a deadly kitten, (Y/n) attempts to hold in his urge to mush her adorable face.
“Is it Morning?” She asks.
“Yes, so… can you let me—“
“… Wednesday you’ll have to let me go eventually, I won’t get killed going to the bathroom.”
“Please?” He asks, She relents and lets him go, he smiles and gently kisses her forhead. Eventually getting dressed and entering the principals old room, The Trio stand inside the Principals office..
"I hate to admit, but I am gonna miss Principal Weems." Enid says.
"She could be a real pain." (Y/n) Said calmly.
"But she was tough. And she died for the one thing she truly loved, this school. For that, I have immense respect." Wednesday said.
"She was one of us. So...Now that classes are canceled for the semester, you have to come visit me in San Francisco." Enid says smiling.
"I can pretty much guarantee fog and drizzle every day. Your kind of weather." (Y/n) adds in.
"Sounds tempting." She says, they enter the foyer as Enid goes to get her things, and (Y/n) gives her one final gift, a phone.
"So... Welcome to the 21st century, Addams. My number's in there already." (Y/n) said, just a way for us to keep in contact. "That's a bold move. I hope you're not expecting me to call." She says.
"No, I'm just awaiting your desperate need to see your man."
"As egotistical as ever, but.. while It will he dreadful to depart, how can I assure you'll never wary?"
"Wednesday I'd never look at another girl.." (Y/n) says.
"I know...but I cannot say the same for the numerous harlots here, so I just mark my territory." Wednesday said.
".... you're not gonna like, pee on me are you?" (Y/n) asks scared, Wednesday scoffs and just grabs his tie, she yanks him into a long deep kiss in front of everyone, she lets him go as he just stands there.
"Any woman who would even dare getting their lips that close to yours not know the consequences."
"Uh.. how do you know that would work?" He asks, and he sees Wednesday, smirk?"
"I'm very perceptive." She responds, he couldn't help but smile at that.
"...I'm really gonna miss you. My little nightmare." He says.
"... I'll miss you too." She replies and leaves, as Wednesday departs, she opens her phone to find two contacts, (Y/n), and Enid. And a mysterious message, which shows pictures of her and (Y/n) talking and the words "I see you."
"My very first stalker. Maybe this forced vacation will be more interesting than I imagined. Unlike my novel, not every thread has been tied up, nor every question answered. Secrets are still lurking in the dark corners of Jericho. Were Laurel Gates and Tyler just pawns in a bigger game? Will today's stalker become tomorrow's nemesis? I know the suspense is killing you.."
"My first girlfriend, I'll admit didn't expect it to be a emotionally castrated Emo. And I gotta say I love it, Nevermore was never normal but she made it abnormal, and to think that this is only my second year! I know you're all dying to know what happens next well...
"I guess you just have to wait and.. See."
To be continued…
Until season 2 of course…
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seahydra · 3 months
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🐍 cybergoth summary post 🦇
I'm not kidding when I say this is long. This is all just early relationship backstory for the most part. Sorry for any cringe. I love you.
LAZARUS, strange thing that she is, is abruptly sent to Hell one morning. Not dead yet; it was because she had apparently "applied" to be part of an "exchange program" at an academy full of demons. She does not recall ever applying to this in the first place, and certainly doesn't want to go back to school again, but she figures it's best not to object for now.
He has the details explained to him a bit less in-detail than he would like and is sent to the house where he'll be living in for the rest of the year until the program is over. He has. Six roommates. He's so fucking mad.
While the demon assigned to be her "guardian" (Mammon) is in the middle of talking about something she's not really paying attention to, they're both interrupted by another person entering the room, clearly already pissed off. This is Leviathan. Seeing Lazarus seems to give him an idea 💡 (bad) - and he promptly drags her off to his room.
Now, in her room... Lazarus is absolutely fascinated by it. It's aquatic. There's a bathtub full of blankets in there- her bed? She has a computer with 4 monitors. There is so much anime merch and some of it is of series that he recognizes and loves dearly.
Levi's room makes her feel a little bit hopeful. She'd been worried about not being able to adjust to a new place, about being friendless and needing to hide her interests, as usual... but there was a fellow nerd right here! Perhaps she could at least connect with one person?
So he thinks, anyway. But when he mentions also being into the same things Levi is, she immediately shuts that down.
"Yeah, right. Don't try and relate to me, you liar. I know how you normies work- you want to try and act like you're best friends with the weird outcast so you can use everything I tell you against me later!"
And, well, it's not like Lazarus doesn't understand that fear. That's literally happened to her. But the sting of rejection and the anger at an implication that she's some kind of poser causes her to storm out of his room without another word. Levi never gets to tell her what his plan for her was.*
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The relationship between those two was strained for weeks afterwards. Whenever one would enter a room, the other would get up and leave. Only interacting with each other if they were somehow required to. Clearly, they don't care for each other very much.
...Even so, Lazarus feels a strange pull whenever he thinks about Levi. Despite his disdain for her and her gatekeeping, he still feels some desire to try and at least understand her a little more. He's not sure why. Maybe it's just because he stubbornly doesn't want to give up on his initial hope of being friends with her... but regardless.
She remembers a bunch of books on Levi's shelf that'd caught her eye the first (and last) time she'd been in his room. Some 138-volume fantasy series: The Tale of the Seven Lords (further referred to as TSL because I'm Not Typing All That). Being no stranger to long fantasy stories with convoluted lore, she decides to get into it.
It's a good series. He likes it a lot. Like, a lot. Seriously. She finishes reading the entire series (+ watches the movies, the animated series, even the god-awful theatrical version) in near record time. It's when he's rereading one of the novels in the living room that Levi catches him and is, well, kind of mad about it.
"Is that-? No way, you CAN'T be... you have to be trying to suck up to me or something, right? Or maybe you're doing this to spite me.. yeah, that sounds more like you. You're probably not even actually READING it-"
"This is my second read through the series."
Lazarus is irritated that he still refuses to believe her, but this interaction was also the most he's spoken to her since their first meeting, so she'll take it. Actually, she wants to take it a bit further: since it seems like he takes anyone liking the same things he does as a personal threat, she figures she'll give him a real one.
So, she challenges him to a trivia contest.
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It's a terribly irresponsible idea and he knows it. But, Lazarus hopes there's even the slightest chance that this could all result in loser girl recognizing him as a kindred spirit and them becoming something like friends. NOT like he cares about that anymore, though. It's just no good being on such tense terms with someone you live with. That's all!
Day of the trivia contest. I will be honest. As much as she loved TSL, Lazarus knows she doesn't even come CLOSE to having the same level of investment in it that Levi does. So, she had to pull... a few strings, by asking one of her fellow students for help. That is to say- the match is rigged it's fucking rigged she pulls out a super rare one-of-a-kind piece of merch that Levi doesn't have.
And he's PISSED about it.
"The idea that someone like YOU could be a bigger TSL fan than me, it's- No... no, I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIIIIS!"
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The room dissolves into chaos. Several hours later, in the guest bedroom- his bedroom- Lazarus reflects back on everything. Leviathan had just tried to kill him. Shifted into her demon form and everything. It was terrifying.
But she was so... So cuuuuuuuute!
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She KNOWS she shouldn't feel that way, but! Once she'd had time to recover from the initial shock of it all, she realizes that perhaps Levi was a lot more interesting than she'd originally thought. The passion! His super cool horns that kind of looked like antlers- no, coral maybe? Anyway, she's kind of left in awe. And then she gets a text message.
Leviathan asks him to meet her in the planetarium. Quickly hiding any evidence of the fact that he was just kicking his feet giggling, he makes his way over. Levi gives him a (very half-hearted, but at least she tried) apology for the incident, and Lazarus speaks without thinking.
"I was impressed by you. Back there, I mean. I'd like to get to know you a little better- why not be my friend?"
"What?! Did you say friends? You and me...?! A-A-Are you... Are you out of your mind?! You know I just tried to attack you, right?"
He knows.
"And if Lucifer hadn't intervened, you'd be dead right now. You realize that, right? I mean, that literally JUST happened."
Yeah, he knows.
"Also... be my friend? Seriously? What are we, on the playground or something? Are you 5?! Who actually walks up to someone and asks them that? Could you BE any lamer?!"
Come on man you had to critique the word choice too?? But Levi's very obviously flustered, which means maybe he doesn't hate the idea THAT much?
"So, is that a no?"
"Whaaaaa-?! Are you even listening to me? Of course it's a no! I... Hey, wait, don't just leave!!!"
Hesitantly, groaning and complaining about it every other sentence in an attempt to seem like the mere idea of making a friend physically pains her, Levi agrees to put their past gripes with each other aside.
"BUT! This doesn't mean we're, like, comrades, though! So don't go getting the wrong idea. It's not like I'm gonna start hanging out with you every day or anything."
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So they actually do end up hanging out every day lol. Lmao even.
It takes a minute for Levi to warm up to her, as he's never really had a true friend before. Plus, well... His self-loathing makes it a difficult to believe that anyone could really like him.
But Lazarus is persistent. He's annoyingly persistent. Yet, it makes her so happy... she can't explain these weird feelings she starts to get about him, this desire to somehow be even closer to the one she already calls her best friend- without actually dating him, because that's not what she wants.
It's only when Lazarus off-handedly compares the two of them to a pair of characters in TSL one day that Levi finally starts to understand his actual feelings.
"Hey. Don't you think we're kind of a lot like Henry and the Lord of Shadow?"
"Huuuh?! I mean, I see the individual similarities, but do you mean... relationship-wise?"
"Mhm. You yourself are always going off about their intimate and unbreakable bond. That's kind of what we have, isn't it?"
"I guess so? Their relationship is sorta weird... Like, I wouldn't say they're in love exactly, but they're still kind of... ugh, I dunno. Their scenes just feel different. Something beyond."
"I get it. Henry is friends with all the other lords, too... but his friendships with them aren't anywhere close to the thing he has going on with the Lord of Shadow."
"Right! You get it! We're totally on the same page!"
Lazarus smiles a little.
"That we are. I'm happy to be friends with you, Levi."
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* - It's because of this that Lazarus doesn't get to form a pact with Mammon. Actually she doesn't have pacts with anyone except for Levi (which she doesn't get immediately after the competition either. That comes some time later. When they trust each other more)
I have another OC (who's a relative of his. My special boy) that takes care of the pact-making. But Lazarus is still the one that gets into the attic yes.
Anyway it takes a bit of further soul searching, googling, and finding exactly one astonishingly well written QPR Henry/Lord of Shadow fanfic for Levi to learn the specific term for what she's experiencing but. There's that! I don't think they ever ask each other to be partners it just kind of naturally happens.
Also I have playlists.
🎵 [General ship playlist] + [Levi's POV] + [Laz's POV]
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joe-moi · 4 months
I kinda look at it this way; I was lucky enough to meet him a few times at the earlier Fan Expos. I’ve met more engaging celebs (I hate to say this, but meeting Jamie put things into perspective because he was so kind and so engaged and talked to me for a couple of minutes and it really felt like he cared about what I have to say) but I’ve always had good interactions with him. I made him laugh, I asked him about movies or music or whatever. He def matches energy, and I think he appreciates when people bring things up not related to Eddie.
I also feel like a few people just ruined it for everyone. The ones that crossed boundaries, did weird things, asked him weird questions (I remember at one con overhearing someone ask him “where do I apply to date you?” And that was just a normie, no one that I recognized from stan Twitter or anything like that.
I do feel like he’s tired of them, and ask anyone, I was defending the fact that he liked going to cons like my fucking life depended on it, lol. I just think he’s over it, and he might do them sporadically but I don’t think we’re going to get a ton like we used to. It’ll never be like London or New Orleans in terms of interactions again, tbh. And I don’t blame him one bit. I’ve stepped away from the fandom, but I still see what’s going on, and again… I don’t blame him. People at these events act weird (and I’m someone that loves them and will defend them forever). His fan base is bonkers as it is. I’m glad he’s moving away from Stranger Things and the absolutely problematic people associated with it, and it drives me absolutely nuts when people say he dropped out of the cons because he’s going to film THAT. He’s has such a blossoming career ahead of him. He’s over Eddie, and we should leave it be.
I’d also rather him not book any than end up cancelling, cause he’s lowkey developing a Christina Ricci reputation (she literally gets announced for every con ever and then ends up cancelling) 😅
I think this is beautifully put. I agree with you almost 100% on all of this. Also, do like that for some reason on this blog, this seems to be the people who aren’t actively in fandom, but are still paying attention, and still like the guy. And I like that because that’s exactly how we are.
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battle-of-alberta · 26 days
Got a question for Drum to round out my camping trip themed asks! While dinosaurs aren't exactly paranormal, the current town of Drumheller does contain the hamlet and ghost town of Wayne. Have you ever brought Paula and Vulcan with you to check it out? For that matter, what's it like living by a ghost town? And what (if anything) does that do to the municipality representative that lived there?
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to be continued...?
(wahoo answered in less than a year hooray!)
We did pass by Wayne on our way into Drumheller but didn't stop, by that time we were so tired and ready to go home hahaha. As usual, Drumheller belongs to @zomsaurus (and who has dibs on designing Wayne too hahaha) (let us know when you go on your research trip :) )
Some more notes...
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Meta Stuff
this is kind of my feeling on what makes a personification exist. I think if a town's population was relocated or only exists in memory, their connection to our world starts to fade
(This is also why non-municipal personifications like nations would probably be a bit tougher and more resilient, to a point.)
(and I'm still concerned about something like Fort Walsh that was rebuilt as an educational tool as kind of a reanimated corpse? lol)
Wayne technically exists as part of Drumheller, like a microcosm of how Strathcona exists as part of Edmonton, so I think amalgamation is one way to cheat death also.
In Hetalia canon there has been one case where a micronation "gave up" and "went back to being a human", though I'm not sure that interpretation works with the way I do things. Interesting to think about, anyway!
A bit more on the Hetalia approach: Prussia is "retired" and it's suggested in this linked scan that he's slowly becoming increasingly mortal. Ancients like Rome will still appear in the dreams of their descendants as well.
the votes are in and the chat thinks Wayne should be half ghost like Danny Phantom
Some fun facts about Wayne
Last I heard, Wayne's population was 28 whole people! At its peak, it had about 2,500.
I think the Rosedeer Hotel / Last Chance Saloon is under new management now, but it's one of the big attractions. If you don't mind the shared washroom down the hall, perhaps the honeymoon suite is for you!
The saloon also has real bullet holes in the walls (framed), though they're from an incident in the 1970s rather than the 1910s
How is Wayne related to Red? Kid sibling? haha. Coal town origins, as is true of many ghost towns...
Waynestock is a big music festival/camping event in early September. It lasts 3 days and features about a hundred artists!
You might recognize Wayne in the movies. Shanghai Noon was partially filmed there!
Other notes...
I keep writing Drum as the "normie" or straight man of the gang even though next to anyone else he isn't normal at all, haha. He just is devoted to the scientific method, that's all! and also jesus
finally my knowledge of star trek comes through for me again on this blog B) remember, you can survive a shoot out at the OK Corral so long as you believe in yourself (though a mind meld doesn't hurt) :)
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scoobhead · 1 year
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alright so we all know that harrow is Maximum Goth and gideon is Jock Prime but trying to place the rest of canaan house was.. harder than i thought. a few quick explanations:
- the second house are similar in vibe (prep jock) but jody feels more prep and marta feels more jock
- the third is ALLLL over the place. babs is full prep and decently jock (prevented from being higher due to both arrogance and Skill Issue). corona is also prep, but less so, and also jock, but more so. ianthe is VERY goth but definitely not a jock and not that nerdy. tbh she deserves her own little box labeled just "freak"
- the fourth are babies and still figuring out who they are, but some things are immediately clear: jeannemary is semi-goth jock (in gideon's footsteps) and isaac is semi-goth nerd (in palamedes's footsteps). don't talk to me about those parallels or i'll cry
- the fifth get the prep nerd quadrant all to themselves. abigail is a nerd queen on the prep side of the line, but with goth tendencies (have you ever seen anyone who loves ghosts like she does???). magnus is her equal and opposite - totally prep, on the nerd side of jockness (and the only cavalier in nerddom). they're just parents, y'all
- the sixth. oh, the sixth. there should be one quadrant called prepgoth jocknerd and they should both be in it. as it stands, i compromised by throwing them both into moderate gothness (they're both just too weird to go prep) but pal at maximum nerd and cam at near-maximum jock. (her and corona being about the same level of jock felt right)
- it's a shame we don't see much of dulcinea, and it's a shame we see even LESS of protesilaus. dulcie is fairly into the pocket for both goth and nerd, for reasons i hope are obvious. protesilaus must be at least a little goth (he IS seventh) and a jock on account of his build and bodyguard nature
- fuck silas octakiseron, but like, he's an archetypal goth nerd and needs to be recognized as such. i could tell you two things about colum asht and one of those is his name, but he SCREAMS normie to me. he was built to be a battery and that's it. i think colum is the most neutral man in existence. frankly it's what he deserves <3 go girl give us nothing
- cytherea isn't on here bc i would need goth and prep to wrap around and meet each other in three dimensional space. she is neither jock nor nerd but some secret third thing (lyctor)
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niklietwriting · 2 years
Bond Points
Idia and you have been dating for a few weeks. Idia thinks of a good way to "level-up" the relationship.
Notes. Idia/GN! Reader, second-person point-of-view "you," pre-established romantic relationship, fluff, use of NA terms and translations (Gloomurai) and use of Idia's "shi"
~1.1k words
More author notes/comments at the end
It had been just like any other weekend in Idia’s room. Idia sat at his computer, typing away at coding to improve his brother’s capabilities, while you laid on your stomach on Idia’s bed to the left. Ever since the two of you started dating, weekends had just been you relaxing from taking care of Grim by sending Grim to Heartslabyul and you hiding away in Ignihyde, just being an honorary resident at this point with how many people recognized you whenever you walked over with your overnight bag. And just like any other late night, Idia needed a midnight snack.
“Hey, babe,” Idia’s breath hitched when saying babe, an awkward pause between the A and second B got stuck in his throat when he tried out calling you a pet name for the first time, “can you buy me Sunchips and a Monster from the vending machine?”
What prompted Idia to think about doing this? Idia and you had been dating since the both of you came back from Winter Break (after a very confused self-reflection during the week, and some yelling and talking it out when he came back to campus), and nothing much of your relationship had changed besides that hugs weren’t as embarrassing and you allowed yourself to kiss Idia whenever you wanted. Idia wanted to do something for the relationship, instead of letting you take the reins, he thought. Another part of him thought that maybe this was too normie and absolutely cringe. After all, in games and sometimes he heard people on campus call each other by pet names at lunch and–ugh, definitely cringe. He coped and told himself that it was “leveling up” the relationship.
Silence to the left of Idia and his desk. Idia mechanically turned his swivel chair towards his bed, pressing his lips together in a tight line, not letting any embarrassment seep out to look at your face.
If your eyes could pop out of your head, now would be the perfect time for it to happen. By the time Idia looked at you, your eyes were already wide, blinking rapidly as you frantically looked side-to-side as if there was anyone else in the room that Idia could refer to. Of course, who else would Idia be referring to?
Idia watched as the red creeped onto your cheeks and spread to your whole face. Nice. Idia smiled, no doubt his toothy grin turning into a smirk as he watched you, flustered and trying to compose yourself. “Is something wrong? Doesn’t look like you were in the middle of a rhythm game or anything.”
“I, uh,” you picked up your phone once, glancing at it, put it back down, then picked it back up again, probably checking if that moment was real and not some hellish dreamscape. You breathed out slowly, calming yourself, though the blush never left your face. You slid your phone under the pillow you were using, and slowly smiled. “What was that, honey? Didn’t hear you the first time.”
Oh fuck. The edges of Idia’s hair no doubt turned that wonderful shade of pink as his smirk turned more into a lopsided smile. He was sure he was blushing too, based on the warmth he felt from his body. He tugged at the ends of his jacket. “Haha, I know you heard me, but babe, could you get me some chips and drinks from the vending machine? I’ll give you the money.” If you were going to turn this into a game, then Idia wouldn’t lose.
And so it did turn into a game. For the whole week after, the two of you only called each other by increasingly more disgusting pet names you two could think of and search for on the internet.
“Your highness.”
“Shrimpy.” You didn’t like this one, probably because only Floyd called you that when you didn’t ask, and Idia received the hardest punch to the stomach he’s ever gotten from his partner before. (You apologized and gave lots of kisses afterward.)
“Widdle kitty.” Idia tickled you in response. That one was just a low blow to cringe Idia said before, and how had you heard him say that? It wasn’t like you were near him when he was talking about Leona during Halloween… How dare you call him that? (Idia didn’t apologize at all.)
“Hey… isn’t Gloomy and you using ‘shi’ enough?” It was the weekend again, and once again you lied in Idia’s bed, hugging a pillow to your stomach and kicking your feet in the air. “We keep trying different pet names but like… Gloomy is a nickname already, technically…”
“Hmm, I dunno. I think you kinda liked the time I called you ‘your highness.’”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” You buried your face into the pillow you held onto, and muffled through the pillow said, “I did, but man…” You raised your head up and looked to Idia. “Did you like any that I came up with?”
“Maybe the more normal ones? But it def felt cringe the whole time.”
You groaned and threw your head back into the pillow. “Sorry, I guess Gloomy and Idia works just fine, huh?”
Idia chuckled and lifted himself from his seat and climbed over his sulking partner. “I’m sorry, did you want to call me something too,” he flipped you over onto your back, “or were you fine with just being my highness?”
The constant onslaught of pet names throughout the week must’ve made Idia’s resolve stronger, because there was no way he would normally say that kind of line. Idia thought he might’ve cringed on the inside, but damn did he say it.
Idia didn’t even know that people could turn this shade of red, and you looked like a beet. Better not to comment on it.
You stammered away, barely getting any sound out, much less actual words, before you pulled the pillow up to cover your entire face. “Shut up, cringe alert,” you said, muffled through the thick pillows that you forced Idia to buy.
Idia hummed in amusement, then pulled the pillow down, and landed a quick kiss to your forehead before crawling off the bed to sit at his computer. If the sound of you kicking your feet meant anything, it meant Idia had won this battle. Nice. Relationship leveled up.
Hey thanks for reading this far ummm if you don't like my... pet name choices feel free to switch them around in your imagination lmao
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maryannecrimsworth · 1 year
part 3?
Here, I don't know if you're done yet. But I was thinking that it would be cool to show the people of Jericho worried about the reader, and even showing flashbacks of the reader helping them or just being kind, either with an old man who was naturally grumpy or with a cheerleader with performance concern, or with a student who was bullied by some of the boys on the football team and the reader helped him and the boys who bullied him by taking it out on someone with pressure at home or part-time work or his position on the team being threatened. .. I think it's an interesting world building to show others besides the reader's father, it could also have Eugene, Ajax and Enid upset with the disappearance of normie who was nice and extremely genuine with them. As Wednesday seeks out and wins the reader back to Addams Mansion. Wednesday more obsessed with getting her man back and how the family is doing after they were lied to. I really liked the three sides of the reader could have more of that. You're terrified of Yandere and I found out I love yandere wednesday addams it makes me scared and horny at the same time
Part 1 / Part 2
Pairing: Yandere! Wednesday Addams x Football player! Normie! Reader
Warnings: graphic violence; Stockholm Syndrom?; toxic relationship; violence, beware!
Cerberus and Discordia
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There was something inside of you. Something you've never quite recognized.
Something dark and dominant, oppressing — as an impulse, a glimpse of thought during one of your plays, an urge you repressed before doing what you had to. A whisper in the back of your mind — only that: a whisper.
Now it was a scream.
"You're just like me" She said, and her words echoed in your mind as you walked more and more, each step further away from her. "You're an abominator."
Your muscles trembled with the memory: your body, somehow, missed it, it felt the absence of her touch and chains. You blamed time at first — it was your routine, your body naturally became used to it.
So you walked and walked, slept and hid until your body could forget it all. Until your ribs stopped showing and the bruises left your skin. Until the city you now lived was somewhere lost and distant — impossible to find. No one sane would live here, and no one sane would look for you there.
Truth be told, now no one would ever look for you.
Your coffin was empty, Wednesday was right: Jericho left you. It was easier to give you up than to investigate your missing. It was easier to cry and mourn over you than explore heaven and hell after you. 
No matter how crowded your funeral was, — the whole city was there — still, none of them would go after you. The police did, for a while. The same police officers who said bears were killing campers in the woods, and who allowed Laurel Gates to come back and to almost destroy Nevermore. They would never find you because they could not — only Wednesday could. She was smarter, better than them all — a ruler, like you.
Some of the people who spoke at your funeral said they were expecting you to become the mayor some day. To bring peace and friendship between outcasts and normies. Because you could; you were kind, helpful and thoughtful — that's why the ceremony was so full and long, that's why there were so many students, from Nevermore and Jericho High, in it. 
But it was a farce. It wasn't enough.
No matter how much they spoke, cried and mourned you, they accepted your absence. The boy who helped them constantly, who gave her blood, sweat and tears for the city and its team — the boy who the town adored, and yet, forgot so easily.
Your gravestone was surrounded with flowers in the first week, but a month later, not even your father visited it anymore. He wanted to forget too. He was ready to leave you, your house and all your memories.
It was hard to figure out all of this without being caught, but Enid's blog helped. After a time, however, she stopped talking about you too. There were more interesting gossips and news than to remember the pretty boy who was now dead.
Maybe you really were — the part of you that worshiped Jericho, the part of you that helped and loved so many people. The part of you that helped jocks, cheerleaders and outcasts. The part of you that wanted to be prom king — it was dead. It no longer existed.
Now, your chest burned at the mere thought of it, and you regretted it all. All the time you've spent with idiots from your team and with mean cheerleaders — you worked so hard to help and understand them. And they forgot you.
Your kindness was useless, and now you were completely alone.
In a city no one knew, in a place no one would dare to step in, you lived your days with pain and bitterness. There was something missing inside of you — something dead and rotten within. Maybe it was the corpse of Y/N, the dead side of you that was forever left behind.
The healer, the kind, the leader. 
You hated yourself for it.
Now, you chose to be an artist, an outcast — a cook. It wasn’t hard for you to find a job; you just had to please and know the right people and now you were working on the best – and only – dinner in town.
The menu from the place was minuscule and the helpers could barely clean a plate decently, but you managed to improve your kitchen quickly. The customers remained the same, nothing could grow there, no matter how hard you tried, but at least you started to get some tips. The money soon was enough to take you away from the shittiest motel of the city, and you got a flat next to your job. You thought, naively, that this would bring you peace: not happiness, but contentment. Something different from dirty and shame — and, in some way, it did. 
It made you feel what you also thought only Wednesday could make. It made your stomach churn, it made your skin heat, it made your breath falter. It made you alive, it made you feel wrath and rage — it made you violent. 
It made you completely different from the boy of Jericho. It made you, finally, who you truly were.
And you didn’t notice that until the metallic taste of blood was pleasant in your lips.
The man above you was foaming with rage: his saliva spurted from his agitated breathing, and their fists dug into your face. Your body gave way for an instant, absorbing the repeated blows and ignoring the insults shouted in the empty alley.
Part of this was your fault: you could have ignored it. You could have smiled and joked. But that part of you was gone - today, you would never let an old, drunk man grope one of the waitresses in your restaurant, and you were never going to allow there to be a reason for a lawsuit.
This scene had already happened in Jericho: at your old job. It had happened with a waitress who worked and studied with you.
"Hey, sweetie" you heard the inebriated voice grow on the other side of the restaurant. A filthy, smelly man, who had grabbed the waitress on her way to the restroom. She, with her eyes still watering from her conversation with you, reacted in a reflex and hit the man in the face. The drunk jumped up from his chair, knocking the plates and cups off his table, and advanced on the teenage girl.
"You who-"
"Sir!" You came between them so abruptly that the man took a step back. "I think there has been a misunderstanding. You don't know my friend, sir." Your smile was stiff, cold, and wide: it mesmerized the drunk like the cheerleader's walk earlier did. "I'll bring you a dessert, sir, courtesy of the house, and we can forget about it." You stepped closer, and he stepped back: in moments, the man was forced to sit down again. "Enjoy your dinner."
You were bigger than he was. At the time, your athletic build and constant training made you a menacing figure to any asshole and predator. You were an upstander, physically and emotionally. The waitresses always came to you for help.
Today, they barely looked at you. Aside from the ringing of the bell and the number of the orders, their faces barely turned in your direction.
Today, after weeks with the Addams Family, and after weeks of running away from them, your body remained slender. Almost fragile. Your skin, now cleared of bruises, revealed thinner, tauter muscles that moved with a fearful, hostile quickness. Your eyes, still deep from sleepless nights - nights when you dreamed about her - spoiled the gentle, friendly look that the boy from Jericho once possessed.
But it was that same look, dark and intense, that spotted the wandering hands of the only customer of the night. It was late, almost dawn, and the twenty-four hour restaurant in town was as full as the city - that is, deserted. There was just you, the waitress, and the man who was shouting for bottle after bottle of beer.
You were leaning over the counter, certain that the drunk's empty stomach would incapacitate him faster, and that the restaurant would be empty soon. But the sound of shattering glass distorted the silence of the night, and your body contracted in a reflex.
Your fists clenched. Your back tensed. The burning in your chest pushed you forward, and the part of you that had been restraining you was now gone.
You didn't allow his hands to reach the waitress. You didn't allow any singing or complaining to be proclaimed - you grabbed the man by the shoulders and dragged him to the back exit of the restaurant. The waitress may have screamed in the hallway behind you, but you weren't sure - your ears were buzzing, and not even the man's grumbling was enough to make you stop.
You could feel only the blood, running fast and hot through your veins, and the sweaty, smelly skin of the man in your grip.
"Go away." You suddenly ordered, overcoming your impulse to squeeze his shoulders tighter and tighter, to twist his skin: your chest burned, but your hands moved away. You couldn't see him. You couldn't. To raise your face now, to face his smug smile and listen to his slurred speech, would make you lose control. You would lose your job. You would lose what was left of your past life - you would lose your kitchen.
You would kill the cook, the artist, the outcast.
And maybe it was this - your free and artistic side - that made you wait for him to hit you first. The punch, as crooked and weak as it was, knocked you down, and a few seconds passed before the wet weight of the drunken man covered you.
He raised his arms, slowly and heavily, and hit you in the face. He screamed and cursed, threatened and swore, roared and barked until your skin was painted red.
Crimson blood stained his knuckles, and colored your lips and nose like a blank canvas. The strokes increased, layer by layer, covering your face - until you reacted.
His body fell, lifeless, in the blink of an eye: you remembered standing up, and he falling down. Now his bloodied clothes were pooling on the floor, touching the tips of your shoes and warming the soles of your feet. You reacted, until the drunk and disgusting man did not react anymore.
He deserved it. You smiled. Your chest finally softened with a feeling of satisfaction. He deserved it.
The peace of the darkness and stillness of the alley, now with bloodstains all over its corners, relaxed your body after a rush of incomparable adrenaline. Your body warmed and trembled like never before: it wasn't like when you played with your team, it wasn't like when you felt Wednesday's hands, it wasn't like the energy you felt when you escaped.
It was greater, better - it was you. The repressed, violent, unknown part of you had finally broken through to the surface: your fists showed, and so did your true nature.
The one that Wednesday saw, and welcomed. The one no one else would ever appreciate.
The one that would now make you arrested.
The police and ambulance sirens reached your ears like an early morning ringer - like the alarm that had brought you out of your trance, out of your calmness.
Before, when you heard this sound, there was only one instinct: to run away. That's why your teammates called you in the middle of a party, that's why the cheerleaders called you from inside a bar; they needed to run away from the police and solve a problem, just like you needed to now.
But your instinct was not to run.
Your instinct, now unsuppressed by any other, created a smile on your face and made your legs bend. The adrenaline coursing through your veins didn't allow you to feel any pain, and you fought - you fought and won. Your wounds and fists showed that it was a fair duel. Now, however, with your pants wet with his blood and your laughter filling the silence of the alley, the scene the police found was not of a fight.
It was of a massacre. A murder.
An abomination.
And the way the hands grabbed you and held you -- the cold metal rubbed against your skin for just an instant --made your instincts rise. The feeling of fervency before the coolness reappeared, and your body ignited in an energetic reaction.
You recognized each of the faces that were now trying to overpower you; they were very similar to the dead man at your feet. They too hissed and harassed, groped and threatened.
They deserved it too.
And they got what they deserved - and your smile returned. Blood now covered all your clothes and skin, and your hatred had brought justice to the most despicable city you could find to live in. To rectify. They deserved it. It deserved it.
And your footsteps created a trail of crimson red through the city, spilling and spreading the blood of all those who deserved so. It created a trail of violence, of bloody justice, and of peace.
One night, in only one night, and the houses of the city no longer had their doors locked and mothers no longer cried in dread. The waitress walked through the streets, for the first time, feeling safe.
You tried to do this in Jericho, by loving and helping those who threatened and screamed - and you failed. You were killed by those you devoted yourself to helping.
This time, however, your success was as firm and palpable as the calluses on your fists, and the darkness around you surrounded you like home. It was your home.
But it was an empty home.
After a week, the dirt and blackness had already become a part of you - your clothes and skin, still covered, alarmed and cleaned the city. Your smile was constant, as was the simmering in your chest, but you still felt that: the emptiness.
Like a darkness, a hollow happiness. As if an abomination like you created fear, and not safety - as if you were a monster. The people of the town looked at you with dread, no matter how much you had helped them and got rid of all their problems. You served them, you bled for them, and they hated you - you knew as soon as you tried to enter the restaurant again and they shoved you out.
Then the impulse came again. The smile broke. You wanted to raise your fists and show what you had done for them - show why they should love you, thank you. But it was useless. You knew before you even tried: there was only one person who would touch you even if you were covered in blood. Even dirty and wounded by all those you hated.
You marched back the way you had once used to escape: your steps were as steady and fast as the day of your fleeing, your certainty was as great as the fear you had once felt. The sweat from your body now moistened again the dried blood covering your skin, your face shone with wetness and redness. Your gasping breath reached the doorway before you could hear what was behind it. You didn't knock, you burst through the door, running inside the house like a predator after its prey.
Morticia and Gomez gasped and yelled at the sight of you: first in fear, then in praise. Your smile, unperceived by yourself, returned slowly, and you paced across the kitchen, past Gradmama until you found. Until you found her.
Wednesday was at the edge of the garden, with a shovel firmly handled by her dirty, quick hands; she was burying something. Later you would find out what it was - a victim of the girl, who stood in the way between her and you - now, you could just run to her.
Your loud steps didn't alert her fast enough: your body hit hers hard, and you both fell into the hole she was digging. Your arms wrapped around her in a reflex, and Wednesday pressed herself against your chest in a violent, almost bestial thrust.
"Mi Cerberus."
"Mi Discordia." you sobbed. "I must tell you."
"You left me."
"You found me." You held her face immediately, violently, as her fists sank into your chest. "I am like you."
Wednesday's eyes fell to your figure: her pale face felt the heat and blood on your hands, her cold gaze followed the strength and brutality of your features. She saw, not just the leader, not just the cook, but the vigilante. The guardian of hell. Her Cerberus.
"You came from hell after me."
"It was empty without you." You kissed her brutally: an urge you could no longer control. "Come with me. Be with me."
Her fingers stroked across your skin, the blood on her hands now mingling with the blood on your chest. She forced you against the soil, her body now covering and glued to yours.
"You're mine." She whispered, gaze locked on your lips as hers moved slowly, expectantly, only an inch away.
You grabbed her neck and pulled her closer - the closer you two could be.
"I'm yours."
@lucasm8 @izumikokomi @carlosgrimhildedevil101 @sadcat5544 @lukam8
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beelzmunchkin · 1 year
Valentines Day - (brothers)
A/N: pls don’t hate me, I really wanted to make a post for Valentine’s Day but Ngl it was very rushed. I hope you still like it…. Also I didn’t grammar or even spell check this, im sorry …… I was gonna write for the royals and purgatory hall (Simeon, Solomon) let me know if you think I should… hopefully not rushed
The week leading up to Valentines Day Lucifer took you to Majolish insisting on buying you a lovely outfit that would coordinate with his for the upcoming Valentine’s Day
Reserves a private area At ristorante six for a dinner for two, has three cursed blinded demons playing violins, and cellos live. They were also cursed so they couldn’t understand anything you or Lucifer said.
At dinner he pulls out the chair for you and even though he already knew what you were going to wear he compliments you.
“this color makes your eyes as ravishing as the jewels on prince Diavolos crown”
“you looks as elegant as the Devildoms most prestigious architecture. No one can ever replicate you.”
“With all the potions in all three worlds none can ever be as alluring as you are”
Feeds you dessert
After dinner, takes you to the the best rated hotel in devildom, as you walk in he hold his hands over you eyes and as he removes them you see golden flower petals that you can only recognize from diavolos personal garden shaped in a heart on the bed
He begins to gently massage your shoulder
“I saw a lot of humans like these gestures, how about you get comfortable and I run us a warm bath.”
has been avoiding you like the plague until it was February 14th
You wake up to gentle pokes on your shoulder and soft murmurs of your name
You open your eyes and see mammon there with a rose and breakfast ready for you. (Insert you favorite devildom breakfast)
During the day walks you to all your classes and has been giving you forehead kisses everytime.
The evening comes and he has the first movie you both ever watched together set in his room with all your favorite snack
Gifts you Valentine’s Day pajamas and you cuddle up to watch your movie
When the movie finishes
“hey you know I love you right? Like no amount of money can ever make me trade you.”
“If I had to choose between you and Goldie I hope you know I’d always choose you.”
“But don’t go expecting all this love hoopla everyday, this took a lot of time for this galantines day”
“You mean Valentine’s Day.” You corrected him
“Shaddup and come here darling”
Cuddles you up
Really didn’t want to participate in normie way of showing love
while you were at RAD, he spent hours coding and programming an adventure game of you two where you had to find the hidden treasure and along the way the mini games you would do, we’re all based on memories you both shared
When you came back from RAD, you went straight to his room to tell him about your day but when you knocked there was no question about who it is.
You opened the door and when you entered you see him curled up and asleep in his bathtub.
While he’s asleep you decorate his room with pictures of times you were gaming, swimming, dragging him out of his room, sleepovers and more. You cut out heart from holographic material and taped them on the sealing and the lights from Henry made it a rainbow of colors all around.
As you were hanging up the last heart you heard shifting you turn to see Levi waking up. He ears turned red, his cheeks turned red and his jaw fell in shock.
“What’s all this? Omg I remember when that happened, how long have you had these pictures. This must be so embarrassing to be seen with a worthless otaku like me”
“It’s Never embarrassing I really love hanging out with you, you’ll always be my player 1”
“I really like spending time with you even if you are a normie. Look I made a game for us. We can play anytime or if you want to play it without me you can too. I understand”
He showed you the game and the opening screen is Levi dressed as lord of shadows from TSL and you as Henry the protagonist.
The mini games were a reminiscent to the development of the relationship you and Levi shared.
As you were getting sleepy after gaming for 6 hours and went to bed Levi grabbed all the photos you had with him and saved them in his TSL novel so then it will always be somewhere safe.
He is very much hoping you want to play the game tomorrow
Being very aware of what Valentine’s Day was to most humans he was prepared. He got you a box of chocolates and roses as most books describe as the foundation of Valentine’s Day.
Of course he had to make today special, you spent the afternoon decorating safety googles for reasons he refused to disclose.
When you went out to an early dinner he pulled out your chair and spoke to you all about the history of humans celebration of Valentine’s Day. of course he was picking up on your expressions as he spoke to understand what parts you liked and disliked. He noticed how you disliked the the whole showing your significant other you loved them on this day.
He picked up on your small smiles as he told you one variation of the history how it was unjust so valentine defied authority and let lovers unite.
After dinner he took you to an area of destroyed furniture named “devils rages” he handed you your custom safety goggles and offered you weapons for the night
Hour went by of cursing the injustices of the world and as it got darker fireworks went off and you saw big heart exploding in the sky
You felt arms hug you from the side
“If I could destroy and/or rule the world with anyone it would be you”
Of course this is one of Asmos most loved holidays. But it was very different now that he had you in his life
Usually he would receive an abundance of love letters, witches, demons, and any human if they were ever around to swarm at his feet in love with him
Now that he had you in his life he didn’t want to go out and have all that attention he wanted to make this day the one day where it was just the two of you without any interruptions.
Morning began with him sharing a secluded breakfast with you. Fruits tasting like dreams on your tongue as shared them.
After breakfast you both went to get private couples massages to which soothed you straight to sleep. As you woke back up Asmo lovingly stared at you in awe
“I may be the prettiest in all realms but you definitely are quite some competition with the dreamlike hue to you features and soft lips upon you porcelain skin.”
You both return to HoL and went to his room. In there he brings out an akuzon box that was halfway open. In there you saw a pair of matching pink bracelets with hearts in them. He tied one to your wrist and you tied one onto his.
“What makes these special is that when your near me it catches you heartbeat and I can feel it in my wrist”
You feel his heart beat thumping on your wrist and it’s racing.
“ you make me lightheaded, I’ve never felt a love as genuine as yours. You Almost make me feel like I’m the one living a dream. Me the avatar of lust, isn’t that crazy”
Your heart is racing against his wrist and he smiled as he feels your heart as happy and excited as his. makes him give you the most gentle and soft hug. As if a demon shaped blanket was placed on to you.
A happy hug just between you two with no other demons and no acts from Asmo living in the love of others. Just the two of you, two hearts beating as one
Today was Valentine day but that would never stop Beelzebub from going to do his morning workout. You went to make breakfast and as you were setting up the table you felt a pair of sweaty arms lift you off the ground and spin you around
He didn’t let you finish and laid kisses all over your neck and shoulder and raced upstairs. You were left a a little dizzy but very red at the sudden affection
It was breakfast time and everyone made their way to the dining table and you hope that Beel would have noticed the heart you made in the chocolate chip pancakes for him before he engulfed his stack.
Before he sat down he gave you a heart shaped hand made card and on the inside was a picture of you two.
You didn’t get to see him until devildom history class but when you saw him he leaned his forehead against you and whispered
“Happy Valentine’s Day, I hope you’re ready for dinner tonight”
“What are we having?” You said
“You’ll see”
Later that night you see a notification pop up on you D.D.D and it was a text from Beel saying “let me be your sous chef tonight I promise I’ll be good, meet me in the kitchen”
You walk into the kitchen and there you see Beel in a chefs hat and an apron that said kiss the sous chef (definitely not written by him) he stood there head held high and a bright smile and you couldn’t help but laugh just a little. You went towards him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
You both spent your evening doing your best to make Creamed Bonnacon. Beel was only allowed one taste test as last time you were making this he ate it all before it was finished.
“You look adorable when you cook, I’m sorry I’m not the best sous chef. (Kisses you temple), I hope you had a good Valentine’s Day. Any day I get to spend with you makes me so happy and gooey, inside kind of like a malevolent lava cake. (Places his head in the crook of your neck peppering you with gentle light kisses) but sadly I could only convince Lucifer to let me cook dinner tonight because I’d be with you”
You definitely had to be the one to wake him up but this time he didn’t curse you or ignore you for disrupting his sleep.
Instead he lifted the blanket and let you in he cuddled into you and whispered “happy Valentine’s Day”
You sadly could only enjoy this moment for a short amount of time because you both had to get to RAD.
During the day you would find little heart shaped notes with drawings of you and belphie or little notes such as
“I can’t wait to snuggle you up and watch the stars later tonight”
“I got a new blanket set I would love to show you them”
“Can’t I just keep you in my dreamworld forever”
“Sometimes I wonder if I’m still dreaming when I’m with you”
You walked back with a very tired Belphie as he did his best staying awake to write you all those notes
You get back to the HoL and see Beel walking mysteriously out of the planetarium trying his best not to look suspicious.
Belphie grabbed your hand and led you to the planetarium.
As you walked in you saw a huge pillow and blanket for t instead. You crawled into the fort and inside was the song you and belphie love to stargaze with. Although you couldn’t see the stars belphie cuddled up to you and whispered sweet nothings in your ear
“You make me so happy”
“You’re the one who make me smile when I wake up”
“ You’re so imperfectly perfect for me”
“ with you I can be myself and it makes my life less dreadful”
“I love you, happy Valentine’s Day”
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 11 months
I have a request, if you don't mind? Marilyn x fem teacher reader that is a weretiger? Like instead of a werewolf, the reader is a weretiger. I was thinking reader is Marilyn's first friend at Nevermore, reader showed her around Nevermore when she first started teaching, eats lunch and goes to Jericho with her etc. Eventually though, another teacher that is a werewolf starts flirting with Marilyn, trying to stake his claim on his "normie prize" despite her uncomfortable rejections he keeps being pushy flirting with her until jealous reader tells him off and he challenges reader to a fight (werewolves and weretigers don't get along) reader is like, "Marilyn isn't some prize to be won but if that's what it takes for you leave her alone, so be it." They fight and reader mops the floor with obnoxious werewolf, afterwards reader picks Marilyn up and takes off with her into the woods and they confess their feelings for each other. Marilyn is turned on by reader fighting for her and reader is desperate to rub her scent all over Marilyn so they make love right there in the woods. Maybe power bottom Marilyn? I appreciate it! 🫶
Yesss here it is!!!! I hope you like and sorry about the language mistakes :)))))
Eye of the tigress
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill x Fem, Teacher, Weretiger! Reader
Warnings: Smut, werewolf and weretiger things, stalking, fluff
Word count: 4,262
Summary: You loved her, and you were sure that she did to. But Nevermore is full of morons who think that they have the right to take her. You have to show them that no one can hurt your redhead
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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“Yuck, lettuce…” You said amused, pushing that vegetable away from your steak. Marilyn looked at you and smiled.
Since she arrived at Nevermore there was not a day that you did not spend together. She was normi, she was different, but you didn't care about it, she immediately became your best friend. She was sweet, tender, kind… You loved her. Being the only normi on the Nevermore staff, it was to be expected that she wouldn't fit in very well with the rest of the teachers.
Luckily she didn't seem to mind at all. She had you and that was enough for her, at least that's what she told you.
Little by little, lunches and coffees in Jericho became more usual. The more you talked, the more you liked each other. Naturally, neither of you would recognize it, but it was quite evident in your smiles, in your eyes. You were so close and surely  there was something between you that went beyond mere friendship. You just had to find the right moment.
“It wouldn't hurt to eat some vegetables once in a while, (Y/N),” the redhead teased, drinking some water.
You raised your eyebrows and pointed the fork at her.
 “Be careful redhead, you seem more and more appetizing to me,” you said, earning another of her tender smiles.
But she was right, you didn't like vegetables and you had a good reason. You were an unusual species, a weretiger, and you loved being one, especially to scare your students. A werewolf had nothing to do with you.
“I can't wait for you to sink your teeth into me…” She murmured, suggestively.
Yes, you were like this all day, but none of you complied with what she suggested. You thought maybe she was afraid of you, that she didn't know what a relationship with someone like you could be like. It was a situation that was becoming more and more unbearable for you. The desire to make that sweet redhead yours was becoming more and more unbearable too.
You were sweating, your heart was pounding, and your instincts had become somehow uncontrollable. You were wild, nervous, but you kept calm, settling for walks in the woods or lunches. You'd have to do something soon or you'd go crazy, and that wasn't good for Nevermore furniture.
“Careful what you wish for,” you said, taking a bite of that delicious steak.
She smiled with slightly flushed cheeks. Laughter and jokes were so common that you had even gotten used to spending the whole day smiling, although sometimes not everything went as well as it seemed.
You wrinkled your nose when you caught an unpleasant odor, one you knew  too well.
“Is everything alright?” Marilyn asked, seeing how you sniffed the air, stopping eating.
You shook your head, looking around for the source of that horrible smell. You soon found it. Mark Peterson, another of your co-workers, another teacher from Nevermore had entered the restaurant. You had a special hate for him.
He was a werewolf. Your species didn't get along particularly well with them. You were ancient enemies, for no reason. It was an irrational hatred that passed from generation to generation. In this case it went beyond pure enmity. Mark was a nasty, cocky, petulant guy. You didn't have any sympathy for him. You had werewolf friends, good and funny people. He wasn't funny at all, and even more so when he had a clear intention of getting closer to Marilyn.
“Hello, Miss Thornhill…” He said humming, leaning on your table, turning his back to you, of course. You couldn't help but growl.
“Hi Mark, how are you?” The redhead asked kindly. You hated that she was always so nice, it didn't seem to bother her at all, and it made your hands shake.
“Hungry,” he said, sighing, continuing his willful ignorance of you. Marilyn smiled, but she didn't respond. “I was thinking that you and I… We could go out tonight. You know, a few drinks, some dances, what do you say?”
You were furious and terribly jealous. You couldn't stand his pathetic attempts to flirt with her. You knew she didn't like boys, but still you couldn't help but seethe with anger, plunging the knife into the remains of your steak.
Mark turned around, putting on a face of mock surprise.
“Oh, (Y/N), you're here…” He said in a false, cocky tone.
“Yes, I'm here,” You answered defiantly.
“I, I, I'm afraid I can't, tonight I have a lot of work, maybe another day,” the redhead said, seeing how the tension began to build between you two.
“Oh, it's a shame, Marilyn…” He whispered, too close to her, too close. Marilyn smiled sheepishly and stood up, clearly embarrassed by the presence of that idiot.
“I have, I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me,” she said before almost running out of there.
He looked at his nails and then back at you, smiling.
You looked behind him to see Marilyn walk into the bathroom. Then you stood up, leaning into him, defiantly.
“Go away, Peterson. This is a private lunch,” you hissed, noticing your inner tigress screaming to get out  and rip his skin off in strips.
“Are you going to force me? It doesn't seem like Marilyn was very uncomfortable,” he said, accepting your challenge with his eyes.
“Then you're blind,” you said, moving closer to him.
“You have nothing to do, (Y/N). She needs someone like me, not a defenseless kitten like you,” he told her, making you hit the table with your fist, attracting the attention of everyone in the restaurant.
“Hey, hey, calm down. Don't put on a show. I'm leaving, but rest assured I won't stop until she's mine. Good luck to prevent it,” he said before leaving.
You sat back down chewing furiously at your steak, wishing that idiot would get hit by a car or something.
He had been flirting with the redhead for some time. As much as she rejected him, he kept insisting. It'd put you in a bad mood, it'd make you grumble, you'd even once had to drink a serum that prevented you from transforming when your feelings are uncontrollable.
The days passed quietly. You were walking with Marilyn through the woods. You loved to see her observing the wild flora, enjoying nature. They were moments of authentic peace, of relaxation. Maybe it was the best time to confess your feelings. You were in a hurry to do it, black vultures were stalking poor Marilyn and you didn't want them to pounce on her.
You were in heaven, lying on the grass with the redhead resting on your chest. There was nothing to tell you that this was a romantic act, but you played with your hands while you breathed the fresh air of the forest, of the plants.
You had your eyes closed, you could fall asleep right there, with her on your chest, placed between your legs against a tree. If that wasn't romantic, then God would come down and see. It was a normal interaction between you, but that afternoon you felt something different, an uncontrollable desire to finally confess what you felt.
“Marilyn… I… I have to talk to you,” you whispered, causing her to turn around and nod. “Well I… I don't know where to start.”
She smiled, but her eyes sparkled with expectation. Could it be possible that Marilyn was waiting for you to make the first move?
“Relax, I'm sure you'll find the way,” she said, getting closer to you. You swallowed nervously.
“Well... I... I was thinking that maybe you and I...” You sighed, noticing how her lips were getting closer to yours.
“You and I…” She repeated, leaning her head towards you, closing her eyes.
It was the moment. At last you were going to kiss her lips. Words were not needed, you must have imagined it. There was nothing to say, just things to do, things you'd been dreaming of since the day you met her.
But you didn't have much luck even when you were already touching her lips. Your nose wrinkled again and you shook your head, looking around you in a state of alertness, heightened by your instincts.
“What's wrong?” Marilyn asked, clearly frustrated. You gestured for her to be quiet and sniffed around you.
“I can't believe it... Peterson,” you said with disgust. Marilyn looked at you, unable to say anything, and she rose from the tree.
“Get out of there,” you said.
Indeed, the werewolf appeared among some bushes, with a cocky smile and his hands in front, in a gesture of peace.
“Hey, calm down, kitty. I have seen you coming and I have decided to keep you company. I adore nature, you know?” He said, addressing Marilyn, who backed away, but without success. Mark put an arm around her shoulders pulling her closer to him.
You huffed, feeling the blood pool in your fists. Your mouth begin to make dangerous growls.
“Come on, stop playing the fool, I know you're wanting to know what it feels like with me…” He said cheekily. Marilyn smiled kindly, pulling out of his grasp.
“You're, you're very kind, but I…” She said, running away from him, who kept stalking her.
“Come on, don't be shy, I'll treat you kindly, I promise…” He said, chasing her until she was behind you, using you as a shield.
You didn't take your eyes off him. You were so desperate to keep your instincts from coming out that you couldn't even yell at that slime. You felt powerless and furious.
“Hey, striped cat, get away from my trophy,” he said, speaking to you with contempt.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Marilyn was not a trophy, she was the woman you loved. You found it so disgusting that that werewolf had the shamelessness to speak like that about your friend, about her...
You couldn't take it anymore, you had to put things in their place once and for all.
“Enough!” you yelled, unable to help but roar as the words left your mouth. “She is not a trophy! She is a woman and you have to respect her and leave her alone once and for all.”
Mark's eyes widened in surprise at your screams. But he didn't back down, he looked at you defiantly.
“Stay out of this,” he said, growling too, approaching you.
“I'll go wherever I want. Leave her alone or you and I are going to have problems,” you hissed too.
“Is that what you want? Having problems?” He asked narrowing his eyes. The wind began to blow through the trees, making it increasingly clear that this was not going to end well.
“I don't know. Maybe if you get out of my sight I can forget about this,” you said. Marilyn punched you on the shoulder.
“(Y/N), let's go, I don't want you to have problems because of me,” she said, with a pleading look while she took your hand. An overly loud growl came from the werewolf.
You sighed, looking into the terrified eyes of the redhead. You wanted to settle accounts with that miserable guy, but she worried you much more. You nodded, closing your eyes and trying to stop your chest from rising and falling so rapidly.
“I'm not wasting time with you, Peterson,” you said, putting an arm around Marilyn's shoulder and walking back to Nevermore.
“Single combat!” The werewolf yelled, stopping you.
“What?” You said, turning to sneer.
“You heard me. Let's bet that delicious normi,” he told you, smiling, quite sure of himself.
“Marilyn is not an object,” you hissed, walking angrily toward him. “Do you hear me, asshole?”
“What did you call me?” He asked indignantly. Returning to his challenging position.
“Asshole,” you repeated, savoring each letter.
He laughed mockingly.
“You can insult me if you want, but you're a coward. You don't have the guts to fight with me. And so you intend to defend your territory?”
That statement made you tremble with rage. You looked back at a terrified Marilyn who wanted to run away. You grunted, looking away. At that moment you were determined.
“Very well, you disgusting garbage, you will have your single combat,” you said through your teeth. He smiled and nodded in satisfaction, feigning a sort of bow.
The two of you walked into a nearby clearing, closely followed by a trembling Marilyn.
There you were, face to face, with your eyes fixed on each other. The combats were exhilarating and most of the time you fought with your companions to vent your needs. This time was not like the others. The honor of the woman you loved was at stake. Her dignity as a person.
“The first one to give up, or can't keep fighting loses, the winner gets the prize,” Mark said, taking off his shirt, blowing a nasty kiss at Marilyn, who made a disgusted face.
“Marilyn is not a prize,” you hissed, doing the same, staying only with your t-shirt, which you already assumed you were going to destroy. You didn't want to show your bare chest to that sick monster. Marilyn picked up your jacket from the ground as she shook her head.
“(Y/N), please, don't do it,” she begged you. You smiled and winked at her.
“Don't worry, I'm not going to let that wretch lay a hand on you.”
“That will have to be seen!” Mark yelled, leaning his neck.
You grunted and ran a hand over Marilyn's cheek. She was on the verge of tears.
“Shall we start?” He asked, bending down. You didn't answer, you just nodded.
The werewolf growled at the timid moon that could be made out in the reddish evening sky and began to transform.
You did the same, closing your eyes. A tigress like you doesn't need something as simple as the moon. You could transform whenever you wanted. Little by little a striped fur began to sprout on your skin and the clothes you were wearing were left in tatters on the ground.
The wolf howled, you roared. The fight had started.
The wolf started running towards you, you ran towards him. In that state you couldn't think clearly, you only saw an enemy in front of you, you didn't see anything else.
The two of you collided and immediately started biting and clawing. You sank your teeth into his flesh and he clawed at your chest with his claws. You were a mass of fur and angry snarls. You roared as his teeth sank into your neck, but with one furious claw you managed to push the wolf off of you.
He howled in rage and charged at you again knocking you to the ground, biting one of your arms. Your eyes locked on his. The looks were intense, furious, instinctive. You had to beat him anyway.
It looked like he was getting the upper hand, not letting you move, but with a thunderous roar, you managed to push him away again, hurling him to the ground. Your breaths were intense and the grunts filled that small clearing.
You began to walk in circles, surrounding each other, trying not to turn your back. He reached his teeth, but missed. You gave him a claw, you also missed.
The wolf paused for a moment, looking at a terrified and frightened Marilyn, licking its lips as he gasped.
Seeing the scared eyes of the redhead, you roared again, not expecting to see a gesture like that again. With an agile and elegant jump, you managed to land a strong claw blow to his chest, making him bleed and leaving him on the ground, writhing in pain.
You had no mercy, you threw yourself on top of him and you roared in his face, with force, with rage. The wolf began to whine pathetically.
You had won. He no longer made efforts to attack.
You roared again and released your hold on him. Immediately the wolf turned, fleeing with howls of pain, getting lost in the woods.
You turned around, still with angry eyes. Marilyn's jaw dropped, and she was hesitant to move closer. Your appearance was elegant, but terrifying. You were a predator after all. You tried to catch your breath and slowly approach her. Marilyn didn't move from where she was.
You breathed hard in front of her and bowed yourr head, showing respect, showing the victory you had achieved. She looked at you a little shaky, but soon after she smiled, looking you up and down.
“(Y/N)…” She sighed, stroking your fur.
You grunted with pleasure and shyly picked the redhead up in your arms, carrying her through the woods.
She laughed funny, while you ran through the trees, with her hooked on your neck. You soon found a good place to return to your human form. An idyllic place, next to a small river. Very carefully, you left the redhead on the ground. You looked at her with bright eyes and stepped away from her a bit, letting all your anger drain away. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to go back to being human for quite some time.
Little by little your size decreased and the shiny fur that covered your extremities began to disappear. Marilyn approached you, immediately covering you with your own jacket. You blinked several times and looked at your naked body, now with some wounds and bites.
“My God, (Y/N), you're hurt,” she said, looking down at your body. You smiled, carefree. All those wounds had been worth it.
You dropped to the ground and pulled her wrist so she would do the same.
“You're crazy…” She told you, covering you better with the jacket. You looked at her, with a unique feeling in your life. Love, sincere love.
“Yes, for you, Marilyn,” you finally said, taking her hands in yours. The tender smile that drew her lips told you that you did well telling her. “I had… I had to protect you. I couldn't let that asshole...”
You couldn't continue. Her soft lips of hers settled on yours. You finally got that kiss you dreamed of, that kiss that made you lose control of your thoughts. You deepened it, you returned it with all the love that your strength allowed you. You caressed her face, her neck. You touched all the skin that was exposed.
“I'm in love with you, (Y/N). I, I didn't know how to tell you and…”
Now it was you who interrupted with another kiss. This time a little different, hungrier, needy. You had won the fight, but not her heart. You had won it a long time ago. You felt full of adrenaline, of love, but also a feeling attached to your nature, a more primitive one. Your animal nature forced you to mark your territory, to make her yours, for her to smell like you, scaring away any other beast that dared to approach her. You needed it, your body was crying out for it.
“You've been so brave…” She whispered between messy kisses, caressing your neck, while you grunted with pleasure. “I must confess that you have turned me on, (Y/N).”
You smiled suggestively. It was the best opportunity, you needed her to be yours. As you kissed her, your jacket slipped off your shoulders, falling to the cool grass. You leaned, lowering her to the ground and climbed on top of her, placing your bare legs on either side of her hips.
“(Y/N), I want you…” Marilyn whispered, starting to pant. You smiled, biting her neck with care, feeling an inordinate pleasure leaving your scent on her. “I want to make love to you…”
You nodded, unbuttoning her blouse carelessly.
“Right here,” you sighed, running your hands over her bare chest, over her belly, over her breasts, as you rocked your hips against hers, feeling her heat, feeling waves of pleasure.
“Right now…” She whispered, helping you to unhook her bra. Little by little her clothes disappeared and the caresses and kisses intensified, filling that romantic place with weak moans and the sound of kisses.
Your bodies rubbed uncontrollably, enjoying the touch, the excessive love, an unbearable desire. She was going to be yours, and she would be forever.
“Don't make me wait any longer, (Y/N), I want to feel you inside me,” Marilyn gasped, taking your hand and taking it between her legs. You moaned noticing her arousal and thinking that it was partly due to the fight you had for her, to defend her honor. You didn't want to run, you liked to enjoy her wet and slippery center and the reactions that this caused in her body.
You kept joking, pretending to walk in and then back out. Marilyn was beginning to lose patience. In a gesture you would never have expected from her, she tugged at your hair with fury, with desire.
“Stop playing, (Y/N), I need you now, don't make me angry…” She hissed, while her grip on your hair was painful, but strangely pleasurable. You liked to see her like this, angry, furious, so out of her mind that you weren't even able to recognize her. That dark side that you had just discovered made you want her even more, if that was even possible.
With a graceful movement, you lifted one of her legs, caressing it, repressing the urge to sink your nails into her soft skin. At the same time you obeyed her orders, inserting two fingers into her, making her moan, making her squirm with pleasure.
“Just like this, honey... Please... Make me yours,” she panted, while you fixed your eyes on her, analyzing all her expressions, all her moans, her sighs, the rude words that came out of her mouth. You could feel your scent on her, your scent perfuming her body. You wanted to roar, but you didn't, instead you moaned at the sensation that your most basic instincts sent to your nervous system.
Your rhythm was slow, but sure, intense. Every move you made was matched by a scratch on your back. You had no wounds there, but now you wished you had them, her wounds.
The pleasure that the redhead felt made you go crazy. It made you bite her lips, her neck. Your hand moved skillfully, carefully, adapting to what her expressions called for. You shook your head, not believing that what you were doing was possible, and the place you had chosen.
There was nothing artificial in that place. Only your naked, sweaty bodies, moving in conjunction with nature.
Your hair was grabbed again, this time in an almost desperate way.
“I'm going to cum, (Y/N)... I'm going to...” She told you stammering, before screaming with pleasure, tensing her whole body while you remained still, curving your fingers and about to do it too just by looking at her .
You remained silent for a moment, looking at each other, as if you had just discovered yourselves. There were many tense months, many wasted months.
You immediately jumped at her neck again, getting next to her, caressing her entire back as you lay down on the grass.
“You are the most beautiful woman in the world,” you said dazed, contemplating your lover's naked body while Marilyn joined your centers, moving slowly.
The intense sensation of her heat against yours sent hundreds of electrical currents through your body. Your hands were together, they were inseparable. Your moans were rhythmic, intense. In your head you kept thinking about the scent that you left in her, about having claimed what should be yours. Not as a possession, but as part of your pack, of your family. Your duty was to protect her, keep her away from all the evil. That's what you thought to do, take care of her, protect her, love her.
Her slightly domineering attitude forced you to lie down. She was in control and you liked that. Her fingers moved in and out of you and her eyes locked on yours. It was fast, intense, it seemed as if she also had the same desires as you, as if possessing you was just as important to her as well.
You ended with a cry similar to hers, reverberating in those trees, involuntary witnesses of the most romantic act of love of your life. An act of lust, of passion, of possession, of commitment.
The grass was cold under your skin. Your legs were intertwined. You could only hear your nervous breathing and the water of that small river running impassively. The night was beginning to appear, and with it the first stars.
It was a moment of peace, of love, but it could not be eternal. You were used to being cold, but she wasn't. You noticed how her body moved closer to you and she began to tremble. You took her in your arms and sighed. She was already yours, and you were hers.
“You're perfect, Marilyn…” You whispered, kissing her hair. She looked at you, hiding the chatter of her teeth.
“I love you, (Y/N)…” She whispered, trembling. “I've been loving you for so long...”
“We are two cowardly idiots,” you said amused. She nodded. “Marilyn…”
“You're freezing to death,” you joked. “We should go back to Nevermore.”
“I think so…” She whispered, sitting up. “I think you're right, (Y/N). But the night has only just begun. After healing those wounds, I'm going to prepare a hot bath for us,” she said, taking the clothes she could reach.
“Sounds good to me”
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Someone gave them a prophecy about loving a human
Ft. Seven Demon Brothers, this Author (it’s me)
C/W: suggestive language in Asmo’s part, threats towards Author
Summary: 800 years, Author gave him a prophecy, telling them he would fall in love with a human.
Rome, Papal State, 13th century
He came to the Eternal City to tempt someone holy and taint their soul, so that he could enjoy that soul in afterlife.
“Greetings, [Brother’s name]?”
He was surprised to see a human recognize him. The human seemed to be male from appearance, wearing some kind of attire he could not recognize.
“First, I don’t want anything from you demon, so don’t ask a question like ‘How can I help you, human?’ Second, just call me ‘Author’. Third, I came to meet you to give you a prophecy.”
“A prophecy?”
I nodded.
“You will fall in love with a human. You will be head over heels for them, loving them more than everything and everyone, including yourself.”
Lucifer 💙
“Do you really think that will happen?”
“Of course, Lucifer. It’s a prophecy. It will happen, surely.”
“I don’t know what your intention is. But you better get out of my sight, before I change my mind.”
“Alright.” I teleported away.
*shocked by how a human could teleport just like that*
After the initial shock, Lucifer would reassure himself. Human race is stupid, dumb, creature of lower rank than angel & demon. No human would gain his respect, much less love. He dismissed the prophecy entirely.
Lucifer then carried on his job, like nothing had happened.
Lucifer forgot the prophecy amidst his busy life, until you appeared and started changing all demons around you.
Mammon 💛
*openly scoffed at the prophecy*
“Why would THE Great Mammon, Master of all riches of this world, fall in love with a human?”
“Why do you ask me? It’s you who would fall in love.” I chuckled.
After the mysterious human teleported away. Mammon tried to dismiss the prophecy entirely, but it still popped up multiple times in his head.
Gradually, Mammon forgot the prophecy, until he met you.
Leviathan 🧡
“Why w…would I fall in love with a normie? Much less a human normie?”
“Admiral, only your heart can answer that. Not me.”
Sometimes, the prophecy popped up in Levi’s head and made his cheek go pink.
Starting from the latter half of the 20th century, Levi immersed himself in the anime & manga world. Every time he watched a love-related or a confession in manga or anime, the Avatar of Envy couldn’t help but wondering if his love would be like this.
Levi realized the prophecy had been fulfilled when he fell in love with you.
Satan 💚
“Author, right? You have successfully provoked me. Tell me, how would you like to die?”
“I will die, but it’s not today, blondie.” I teleported away before he could grab me.
Satan couldn’t catch me. So he punched the wall, cracking it.
After returning to Devildom and calming down, Satan spend many days pondering about the prophecy. However, gradually, he forgot the prophecy, considering it as nonsense.
For him, except an extremely small minority of human who possessed a good head on their shoulders, the rest were ignorant and stupid. At least, their souls were/are delicious. Even if it’s a smart human, Satan just couldn’t see him falling in love with one.
“Maybe if it’s you turn into a human-like form, I wouldn’t mind.” Satan told a cat in his arms.
Satan held that position until one silly human changed him and his family.
Asmodeus 💘
“I think you’re mistaken. I will never love someone more than myself.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that.” *teleported away*
People surrounded Asmo for their own purposes, either getting chummy with a famous demon or desiring his beauty and sex. So he thought even if “the love of his life” in the prophecy appeared, there would be no difference. They would only look at his external beauty and nothing else. Maybe, he would stay with them longer than the others because they interested him somehow. But he would never love someone more than himself.
Yet, Asmo was proven wrong with the intrusion of a human into his life centuries later.
Beelzebub ❤️
Luckily, the steak inside his mouth didn’t go down the wrong pipe.
“Sorry, but I don’t see myself falling for a human. My sister fell in love with one, and it didn’t end happily.”
“I know, Beelzebub. But believe me, you will fall in love with one, all of your brothers will fall for the same person, to be honest.”
Beel pondered the prophecy for the whole day after returning to Devildom. But after that, he forgot about it, surrounded by food and Fangol practices and competitions.
That was until a small human gave him the most delicious cheese burger ever but more importantly, they tried to fix the mess in his family, they cared about him and his brothers.
Belphegor 💜
“Die, human!” Spines started to appear on his tail as it tried to wrap around me. I teleported away without hesitation.
“I would never fall in love with a human. This weakling stupid race is the reason why Lilith died. I would never forgive them.” Belphie told himself. “Author, next time, I’ll make sure you die a most cruel death.”
Multiple times, Belphie saw in his dream the prophecy being fulfilled, he told himself he couldn’t help but feel loathsome towards the prophecy and those dreams.
“Are you alright, Belphie?” The Avatar of Sloth opened his eyes to see you, on the other side of the sealed door on the attic, looking at him with a worried expression.
Strange, he didn’t feel loathsome towards you. On the contrary, he loved that you cared for him. And it soon developed into something more.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
And Sea of Stars.
Time to tackle some trials.
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These little lantern doo-dads are cutie-patooties, is what they are. I'm a little weirded out that they drop Berries though.
Do they eat the berries? Do they grow the berries? Are these plants or herbivores because it's freaky either way.
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Alright man, we gathered your weird giant artifacts and now we understand Live Magic. Do we pass?
Honestly, I don't know why you made a token gesture of a fuss about letting Garl in here in the first place. He can use Live Magic too. I know it's because of Something Something Solstice Warriors So Attunement and all that but. Still.
If the presence of a Solstice Warrior nearby means everybody gets superpowers then this is one area where having normies along is a total benefit. The more Live Mana channelers, the merrier.
Anyway, you can give me my certificate or whatever and we can--
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...okay, so apparently that was happening while I was talking.
Man, I have got to stop going off on monologues in the middle of dramatically tense conversations.
I just want it on record that I think it's unfair of you to make us build the robot body that you are going to crack my skull with. I think that demonstrates poor work ethic on your part. And that I would like to file a formal complaint with your manager.
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That's fair.
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Hold up, nobody said anything about prophecies. We were just told to learn "to use magic without using magic".
Fuck yeah, gift with purchase!
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But we already began our journey!
Ten years after beginning our journey.
I'm so tired of beginning our journey.
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Oh man, I am going to ruin so many people's sleep schedules doing this. This is the most catastrophic power yet.
It's not even a toggle. Like, a lot of games have the ability to SHLOOP straight to dawn or dusk, often with the implication that you aren't really changing the time of day so much as you're just skipping forward in time, either with or without your PC.
But no, this is whole-ass fucking time-of-day manipulation. I can crank the sun back and forth like a DJ at a turntable. WICKA-WICKA Your lunch hour is gone.
This might actually be a sound basis for one of those Superpower Registration Act storylines. I'm about to ruin the lives of every single person on the planet because this bridge is solar-powered and I don't wanna wait around for the right time of day.
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It's nice to know that it's not just Moraine. We're all inconsiderate pricks. Imagine doing this instead of. Like. Any other possible locking mechanism ever.
We already have locks that you just zippy-zap with a bit of lunar magic and they open right up. But no. I'm going to crank the sun back to 8 AM every time I want to cross this bridge. Fuck you.
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Hold up. We sealed ancient evils inside a prison whose locking mechanism is a specific time of day? I feel like there's a flaw in that plan.
Well. That's horrifying. Anyways, it's prophecy time.
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HA! Told you lunar magic's superior. Even Sun Warrior Zale needs a little bit of night to become the best version of himself.
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Zale's prophecy is that he needs to be more like me. My prophecy is that I'm next-gen Jesus. I WIN.
Does Garl get a prophecy?
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That's. Not. A prophecy. That is whining about our decision to bring a normie disguised as a prophecy. Man, everyone's prophecy sucks but mine. Even time recognizes that I'm the best one in this group.
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Oh, there's more. So he gets a prophecy and also some whining. Elder Mist wanted to clearly establish that he's only delivering this prophecy under duress.
Though the prophecy itself is pretty good, actually. High five, Garl. We're both better than Zale.
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That's going to be our ticket to Wraith Island. We need to be there before the eclipse which is... uh... an amount of time away. Shouldn't be too far off. Depending on side quests, of course.
Of course, if we miss the eclipse, I could probably just timey-wime the days back until the day of the eclipse anyway.
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Giants are our travel mechanism? Do they, like, shoot teleport lasers out of their eyes or something?
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woozapooza · 8 months
I had some thoughts while watching The Sopranos 4x04 "The Weight" last night that I'm going to try to wrangle into a moderately coherent post right now during my half-hour lunch break, so let's see how that goes:
I noticed an interesting parallel in this episode between the mob world and the non-mob world (is there a better term for that? the normie world?). The parallel is between two characters who are, like, the last characters I would expect to be thinking about in relation to each other: Johnny Sack and Jason LaPenna. Johnny spends this whole episode trying to avenge his wife's honor by having Ralphie killed, something that Ginny, who is not even aware of Ralphie's offensive joke, very much did not ask him to do. Meanwhile, Melfi tells Kupferberg that ever since she was raped, her son has become alienated from his father and seems to have generally lost his way in life, to which Kupferberg suggests that Jason feels "powerless to avenge [her] and resents his father for the same shortcomings." But Melfi, like Ginny, very much did not ask to be avenged. I don't doubt that Johnny truly loves his wife or that Jason truly loves his mother. But in both the mob world and the non-mob world, cruelty towards a woman is taken by the men who love her as a cause for vengeance—specifically violent vengeance, given that in 3x04 Jason declared he "want[ed] five minutes" with the rapist—regardless of her wishes. Now, obviously violent urges in response to literal violence are vastly more reasonable than violent urges in response to a mean joke that the target of the joke didn't even hear, but I think the parallel still stands: the mob world paternalism on display in this episode is just an amplification of the non-mob world paternalism on display. (Interestingly—and this isn't my observation but something I read on the internet after watching 4x04—Ginny is first mentioned [and joked about] [EDIT: and makes her first appearance] in "Employee of the Month.")
All right, so that's the parallel I saw within this episode, but I want to take my remaining ten minutes to try to begin to articulate how this ties in to some other stuff. The parallel I saw here ("parallel" may be too strong a word but I can't think of a better one so it'll have to do) between mob world masculinity and non-mob world masculinity reminded me of two other episodes where I've noticed similar things. First, in "Boca," the guys are all more or less horrified at the relationship between Meadow's classmate and the soccer coach, recognizing it (again, more or less) as predatory, but they also ruthlessly mock Junior for performing oral sex on a woman, not realizing that the coach's behavior and their own are part of the same bigger picture of patriarchal sexuality. Second, something I commented on from 3x13: Tony doesn't want AJ (or Meadow, but for simplicity's sake I'm focusing on men here) to follow in his footsteps in terms of a career, but otherwise imposes the same standards of strength/masculinity on AJ that he does on himself (rebuking him for crying, wanting him to become a "soldier," describing AJ's panic attacks as "that putrid, rotten fucking Soprano gene" as if that's the worst thing he's passed on to AJ). I'm out of time so I can't really wrap this up neatly, but I guess what I'm getting at is that the resonances between how both worlds conceive of masculinity show that Tony isn't really wrong to conceive of the distinction between his own life and the one he wants for AJ as one purely of legality rather than anything deeper. I don't want to overstate the case because, for example, obviously in the non-mob world it's not normal to kill someone for making a mean joke, but I have to get back to work so I don't have time to bring much nuance to this post.
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