#headspace hero
i-like-bagel · 2 months
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I wish I had a big brother like Hero…
idk might draw him more
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shine-n-bright · 8 months
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Original vvv
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msarts649 · 6 months
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make her a part of the omori friend group
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A floating mirror… Your friends smile warmly behind you.
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omoriaskspace · 3 months
!! Welcome To Headspace !! "You've been here for as long as you can remember, surely nothing could go wrong, right?" __________________________________________________ An Omori Ask Blog With The Headspace Characters :) Don't be shy! We don't bite, or...at least most of us don't. ... The Rules ... 1. No NSFW or Creepy Asks please! If you send anything of the sort they will be ignored and deleted! (Anon asks are okay!) 2. Please be polite and respectful of our boundaries! 3. Please do not spam in our inbox or send the same question over and over again, we need time to respond! 4. The Real World versions of these characters are not included here, please do not ask for them! 5. Please do not push ships on us!!
... How Things Work Here ...
1. Please remember that this is all for fun! I, (The creator of this blog) thought it would be neat to make a little blog for the headspace characters, so voila! Quick reminder that I do not own these characters or the game, and they all respectively belong to Omocat ! 2. I might occasionally add my own little headcanons here and there to flesh things out for certain asks, but i will not indulge in any ships, mostly to avoid shipping wars. Please do not ask for it. 3. Feel free to send silly meme-y asks, serious lore asks, etc etc! The world here is your oyster! Just please keep it safe for work and dont be creepy or mean!! 4. I will occasionally respond with little doodle arts, but if i do not have any art for the ask, i will respond with text. Each character has their own designated text color, for reference! Mari; Hello! Aubrey; Heyyy!! Kel; HEYOOOO Hero; Hey there! Basil; Hey!!!- Omori; ... If an action or thought happens, it will be bracketed like this... 《 HE EATS THE BABY 》 5. Occasional side characters may be included if you ask about them! Questions about the headspace itself are allowed as well! If you have any questions or concerns unrelated to any of this, feel free to contact me at @thesoulbox or @soulstice-0610 :) (( ASKS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN )) vvvV Some art to get us started! Feel free to ask away!!! Vvvv
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zombiesandbells · 11 months
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Just finished Omori a week ago
It has pulled me out of my 2 year long artblock how
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catnip-feathers · 8 months
Some animation concepts that I doubt I'll ever finish lmao
I wanted to directly upload the files but apparently I can't upload more than one video so YouTube embeds it is I guess :')
First one is "Aishite Aishite Aishite" but it's Sweetheart and bright colors wheeeeeeeeeeee (really hoping I didn't screw up the lyrics, also it's not the whole thing but I didn't get any more than this done excluding the lyrics XwX)
The second one is just. Sunflower angst that I did at 2 AM and sorta gave up on less than halfway through (I found the song in a playlist and decided "fuck it why not" but now I'm kinda seeing those whys and I don't really like how it looks ;w;)
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snailsbigrace · 6 months
Headspace HERO Headcanons
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A/N: Back with more headcanons from my Wattpad! Sorry this ones short! I didn't have all that many ideas at the moment for HEADSPACE HERO!
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 604
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- The man of the hour!
- Writing this instead of the essay I'm supposed to be working on! Pop off! 
- This man doesn't have a mom to do work for so he likes to do things for HEADSPACE MARI! Similar to chores like buying things she needs from the mailbox and such. 
- Like REAL WORLD HERO he's an early morning type of guy, he's able to focus and think the best when he first starts an adventure! That's always when his JUICE is at it's highest thanks to natural rest!
- HEADSPACE HERO, unlike REAL WORLD HERO doesn't pick up or touch anyone! Sometimes he'll give HEADSPACE MARI a hug or even rarely give HEADSPACE AUBREY or HEADSPACE BASIL a hug or a pat on the shoulder or head but he's not so much of a touchy feeling type. 
- There's no obvious reason as to why this is, it could be that he's just gotten used to keeping his distance thanks to HEADSPACE KEL being a little more aggressive, or he could just simply not like touching or coming close to people. He won't make a big deal of someone touches him though, he's not uncomfortable with touching people or being close to someone, it's just not something he does actively.
- The definition of child friendly. Never has even one out of place thought. Always tries to avoid using foul language. He will catch on to an inappropriate joke though! Doesn't mean he'll be happy about someone making one though! But rarely he'll give an awkward chuckle. 
-  10/10 pretty boy. 
- Unlike REAL WORLD HERO he sleeps on his side! Good thing he's not as monster-ish as his REAL WORLD counterpart.
- HEADSPACE HERO is always encouraging the youngsters! Telling them to try their hardest! He always tells them that great things will happen if they do!
- He usually encourages OMORI and HEADSPACE BASIL! Those two are not as confident as HEADSPACE AUBREY and HEADSPACE KEL. 
- He usually only tries to calm HEADPSPACE KEL down. After all, HEADSPACE KEL is intense. Usually HEADSPACE's HERO'S attempts are in vain. HEADSPACE KEL usually just gets more hyper.
- Interested in listening to the stories that HEADSPACE MARI will sometimes tell. Usually romance or adventure types. He likes them! Though he likes HEADSPACE MARI's voice in general. He would listen to her go on about something for hours if he could. He can't though. Adventures await!
- Sometimes likes to bug HEADSPACE AUBREY about her crush on OMORI often. He finds it funny how she's so embarrassed to admit it!
- Always has clams on him! Usually in the one hundreds! Just to make sure that if the group needs anything on short notice for HEALTH or JUICE he's ready!
- Loves LIFE JAM! Doesn't like LIFE JAM GUY.
- He's a wuss like REALWORLD HERO! Doesn't like to get in unprovoked fights and is not a man who likes drama. Luckily most of the groups drama is just between HEADSPACE AUBREY and HEADSPACE KEL. Though they usually work through it with some tough effort.
- Also like REALWORLD HERO, he's the first to fall asleep. And also like REALWORLD HERO he always wakes up with something drawn on his face. Whether it be a mustache or a sprout mole . It's almost always HEADSPACE KEL.
- Can't stand up for himself at all. HEADSPACE AUBREY and HEADPSPACE MARI always stand up for him.
- Was really worried about HEADSPACE BASIL when he went missing! How could've this happened? HEADSPACE HERO was supposed to look after everyone and yet he somehow lost HEADSPACE BASIL!
- Promised he'd find HEADSPACE BASIL. Swore he would.
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Thanks for reading! <3
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zepsei · 1 year
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With New Year comes Hero’s birthday, Happy Birthday Hero!!! 🎉
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hey, it's the magical girl anon again lol. dw about it hah, sorry i didn't know! in that case, would you mind doing 🤍 in headspace? :D
Hi Magical Girl Anon! Thanks for coming back. Sorry again for the miscommunication. We really appreciate you being so nice and respectful about it.
We'd be happy to write a fluffy Headspace Hero headcanon for you! Thank you so much for the ask and for playing our “Hearts For Hero” headcanons game!
🤍-- Headspace Hero Fluff Headcanon
Hero eventually starts his own restaurant in Orange Oasis. It becomes the most popular and successful restaurant in all of Headspace. His former employer, Mr. Jawsum, is one of the biggest investors in Hero's business, and even lets some of his Gator Guys go work for him. With Mr. Jawsum's support, Hero's restaurant eventually becomes a chain of restaurants around Headspace.
Even though Hero is very busy running his restaurants, he is incredibly happy because it's his dream, and thanks to the help and hard work of his employees, he still finds times to go on adventures with his friends! They always stop by for visits and for great food as well.
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shine-n-bright · 5 months
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This is canon.. Me thinks...
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shouta-edits · 2 years
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could you please make a ship flag of headspace hero and headspace basil from omori? -anon requested
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spookyghostbunny · 11 months
Headspace Basil on Blackspace Hero's back, what happens?
Herosaurus? I wrote for him anyways. We appreciate Herosaurus in this house
Basil wandered around this new dark and spooky area. Where were his friends? Did he take a wrong turn on his way to the picnic?
Why does this place feel so familiar?
After walking around for what felt like hours, Basil came across a door. Maybe this was the way out? He was starting to get worried about the others. Were they lost too? Did they notice he was gone?
Would they even care?
Basil shook his head of those nasty thoughts. Of course they care! They're like his family! He took a deep breath and opened the door.
And another.
And then another.
Basil opened a few more doors until he entered a completely black room. In the middle of the room was some sort of dinosaur, but with Hero's head! He gasps, stumbling backwards in shock.
Herosaurus looked at Basil with a kind expression. "You don't belong here. Let me help you out." He crouches down so Basil could climb onto his back.
Basil hesitated, not knowing if he should trust this... Hero dinosaur. But he did want to leave, and the Herosaurus didn't seem to be mean. He thought for a second, deciding he should take the chance. He slowly and cautiously walked over, climbing onto the dino's back. "Ok... Take me out of here, please."
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thatoneeclipseerror · 24 days
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yes this was my friends idea (using headspace hero with this emotion) I don't really know Omori so sorry if its bad
-Eclipse Error
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kiisaes · 10 months
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let's be best friends forever! ✨
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