isaangie-art · 1 month
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A birthday present for @heartfulselkie! 🍰 🎊
I'm sorry once again for being late (〒_〒;)
Wanted to make a quick doodle and got delayed a bit xD
Hope you like it! And haappy b-day, Selkie :D
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thefelixzine · 3 days
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Our nineteenth and final zine preview, featuring our beloved spot artist @heartfulselkie 🦭♥️!
It's the final countdown! THE FELIX ZINE will be releasing tomorrow!
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bklily · 8 months
I find it both hilarious and disturbing that Adrien's ultimate repressed persona is the one in charge. He's (mostly) keeping all of the Chats under control... 👀
Yeeees that's what I was going for haha. Granted some of them do help to keep the order (mainly Mister Bug)
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But Cat Walker being sort of the current leader in the mind palace is also related to the fact that, in Adrien's life, an always present theme is: control.
He was created in a controlled way, unlike a "messy and chaotic" natural pregnancy. He was created under the control of his parents, literally through the amok and emotionally through the fact he always became what they wanted to be. And even past Season 5 there's still an aspect of "control" that the reality itself has over him, where his father's ideal wish is now controlling the people's perception around him.
So while personas like Chat Noir and Mister Bug could technically be in charge, I don't think it would be so fitting as cat walker- because he embodies Adrien's control over himself in a neatly trained way :,,)
The Adrien brainrot never stops I am losing my mind!!!
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thewanderersminuet · 11 months
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Slow work day again, which means I get to draw more. I was trying to focus more on getting vibes down today and sketched this inspired by @heartfulselkie 's bell the cat!
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maridotnet · 11 months
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~*~casts a spell on you to read Bell the Cat by @heartfulselkie otherwise he'll bite you~~*
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a conversation between two ultra fans @wackus-bonkus-maximus and @redundant-lava
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coffeebanana · 1 year
Enemies au ft. Ladrien for the ask game 👀 (hehehehe)
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@heartfulselkie @ladyofthenoodle @rosie-b
i see this is was a popular one (which is good because i'm actually dying to talk about it 😂). i haven't written much of this yet, but i DO have a complete 26-chapter outline (that i made during my writing "break"), and even though i'm trying not to get too deep into it yet because i have so many other projects, i also not-so-secretly want to be enabled. do with that what you will this fic would take place in an au that diverges from canon at some point early season 5 (post-elation at the latest but i haven't quite decided), and it's my rendition of sentiadrien being forced to help monarch. i want to play with how sentiorders might work and what loopholes might exist. but also the fact that adrien doesn't know he's a senti yet. he doesn't even understand WHY he keeps agreeing to help his father, and he hates himself for that and ladybug...is understandably not in a great place either. obviously she has more support than adrien, but she still feels the weight of the burden. she misses her kitty 😢. and even alya has some stuff going on in her life, so she can't be as available to marinette as she has been in the past
then ladybug and adrien run into each other after an akuma attack one day. and it's sort of an echo of strikeback, where she's at her lowest point, and even if adrien knows he should run away and leave her, he can't. not when she's hurting. and he starts to realize maybe he can still help her. maybe he's not useless.
and ladybug also starts to see adrien in a new light (because he's still allowed to go to lycee, he just...doesn't really talk to any of his friends anymore). she's been so distracted with her own stuff that she's pushed her feelings about him aside, but even if she can't overthrow monarch, even if chat noir is lost to her, maybe she can at least help someone she loves
so basically it's ladynoir enemies with ladrien helping each other pick up the pieces. where they both start at rock bottom but maybe they (with some help from their friends!) can start to help each other heal
i'll share the intro scene under the cut (since this is getting long) with the caveat that this is an early version i might still want to flesh out/rework/possibly rewrite completely
thanks for the ask(s)!! 💜
It was barely October. It shouldn't be cold enough for the air to burn on the way down, for each breath to feel like ice crystallizing in Ladybug's lungs. But it did. 
It felt like she'd forgotten how to breathe.
Gigantitan toddled down the street, clapping his hands and using the occasional stopped car as stepping stones. Car roofs caved in as he advanced, bringing muffled screams from those who hadn't been lucky enough to flee  in time. And Ladybug could only stand there, backing away unsteadily as she failed to come up with a plan. 
Part of her wondered if she should just give up. It would be fitting, at this point, to be taken down by a toddler. If she barely had the strength to get out of bed every morning, she certainly didn't have the energy for impromptu babysitting—even if the fate of Paris hung in the balance.
Maybe it was someone else's turn to care.
The voice in the back of her head—the one insisting she didn't really want that—wasn't loud enough to spur her heavy limbs into action. Instead she found herself wondering what the end would be like. When Monarch won, when he made the wish, would she feel the force of being torn apart, cell by cell? 
Or maybe her end would come sooner. Gigantan was getting close now, and the silhouette of Monarch's mask flash across his face. But maybe he wouldn't be swayed by Monarch's words. Perhaps he'd keep smashing through the streets, and she'd be crushed like the cars he'd already left in his wake. Or maybe—
Someone slammed into her side, protective arms wrapping around her as they flew through the air, landing roughly and rolling until they slammed into the side of a building. Even with the suit, her hip was still throbbing from the impact when they stopped, her assailant hovering over her. She kept her eyes shut tight for a moment, breathing in his familiar scent and taking comfort from the arms bracketing her body—keeping her safe, the way they always used to.
The way they shouldn't. Not anymore.
Chat Noir's breath warmed her face as he pushed himself up, and Ladybug forced her eyes open to meet a pair of wide, worried eyes. Ones that sucked away any remaining breath she had left.
How dare he look at her like that? After everything?
"Ladybug, I..." He squeezed his eyes shut, his whole body stiffening momentarily. "I'm sorry."
A shiver travelled down her spine, zapping some life back into her. By the time she noticed his hand twitching in her periphery, she was already moving. Her fist connected with his cheek as claws grazed her earlobe.
Grunting, Chat rolled off of her. She sprang to her feet, hand moving to her yo-yo as she glanced back and forth between her two foes. Adrenaline coursing through her veins, she was starting to cobble together some semblance of a plan. But she needed more time, so she tossed her yo-yo around a nearby chimney and took off through the streets. 
When she was certain she'd gotten enough distance from the fight, she stopped on a rooftop, resting against a chimney as she caught her breath, remembering the shock of green eyes boring into hers.
It shouldn't be cold enough yet for her body to feel so numb.
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seas-of-silver · 11 months
I saw an old post of @heartfulselkie's where she had an ask game, and I liked the sound of it, so I'd like to play, too!
Ask game: Give me the first sentence and I'll write a short piece for it
I look forward to what you guys send me!
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littlebug valentine's day zine preview!
ok, i am so stoked to share a sneak peek of what me and my littlebug friends have been working on! prepare yourselves, it's almost ready!
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“This?” he asked, holding up the magazine and pointing a clawed finger into the center of Adrien Agreste’s chest. “This is yours?"
“Shut up,” she hissed, making a fast grab for it. “Give it back.”
Chat Noir dodged her swipe and, with a click of his baton, rose up from the alleyway and disappeared out of sight over the edge of the adjoining rooftop. Cheeks flaming, Ladybug tossed her yo-yo around the iron rod of a fire escape railing and swung high, landing hard on both feet before him.
He was crouched atop the smokestack, the magazine pages crinkling as he rifled through. “So you like fashion, my lady?”
“Who doesn’t like fashion?” she said, exasperated.
“Gabriel has some pretty good designs, I guess.” Chat Noir raised the magazine to eye-level, his ears perked with interest. “You did get this for the designs… right, my lady?”
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can't believe i got to work with @maridotnet @redundant-lava @heartfulselkie @mila-beedoodling @coffeebanana and @bugaboooooooooo for this! we just know you will love it 😘
Check out @littlebug-vday-zine for more information! The zine will be available soon!
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carpisuns · 2 years
Totally random thing, but because of the confusion over your name I now have a headcanon.
Adrien called them Carpisuns his whole life because he probably saw them a total of one (1) time since he was never allowed them. He misread/misremembers it and no one has ever corrected him because it's just something that never came up.
Until one time Chat is chilling at Marinette's and she asks if he wants something to drink.
"We got some Caprisuns. You want one of those?"
"Do you mean Carpisuns?" He answers looking like the head empty no thoughts kitten he is.
And Marinette just stares at him. And wonders how she fell in love with this scruffy weirdo who doesn't even know how to pronounce Caprisun.
omg this is so old aklsjf im sorry i didn't answer it before but this made me smile haha thanks<3
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ladyofthenoodle · 3 months
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
hi selkie!!!
🧩 assuming that i��ve cleared all the tags and summary before starting, bad formatting is definitely the first thing that will make me go. not double spacing between lines….. 😭
🛼 hmm okay i will describe the latest chapter as best i can
🃏 💔 🚎 🫑🕺
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aidanchaser · 8 months
im going to try to update Expectations tonight, but i want to tease the AU i'll be working on when Boulangerella is over. That one's just crested its halfway point, so its time to start teasing other projects, right?
Anyway I'm very very very excited about this AU y'all... I have... so many ideas/plans for it
Monarch pointed with one hand to the woman, asleep in the glass time-locked containment field and with his other, brandished his cane at Chat Noir’s chest. “It’s your fault she’s dying—You could have saved her!” Chat Noir gripped the end of the cane with his claw-tipped gloves. The diamond-hard ends only scratched the surface of Monarch’s cane. “And at what cost?” he hissed.  His mother was little more than a corpse in a coffin. Mother wasn’t quite the right word, though, was it? He was her mirror image, her regeneration—or, more truly, her reincarnation. But that didn’t make this his fault. He hadn’t asked to be made. “You’d burn the universe to save her,” Chat Noir continued. “I won’t let you.” “You won’t let me?” Monarch repeated, voice curling around the words like smoke. “I made you everything that you are!” “So kill me, then." Chat Noir surged forward. The white marble floors were slick beneath his hard boots and the cane pressed deep into his ribcage, but he ignored the dull pain. "Undo everything she did and take me back into her. Which is it? I’m your son and you wouldn’t hurt me or she’s your wife and you’d do anything to save her?” “If you had helped, if you had brought Ladybug to me, you could both exist. You could have your family again.” And oh, it was such a tempting offer. But Chat Noir swallowed his tears down as he had time and time again. There were moments in his memories that he missed, certainly. There were evenings where all of them seemed happy, where even his aunt and his mother had laughed, and even his father and his cousin had smiled. But there were far more memories of cuts and bruises, of simulated battlefields, of being told he wasn’t good enough, of being told he’d crumple in his first fight—and of course he had. He had stood on the battlefield alongside Catalyst and The Horseman' he had seen the destruction of war and smelled the rotting flesh of the clones and he had run. He was done running. He was going to end this today. He’d gotten his friends away safely, now he just had to make sure that Monarch would never go after them again.
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lesbitorte · 11 months
Mahogany and pink ❤️
Yessssss though it's illegal for me to drive since I don't have a license lol BUT I CHOOSE THE MUSICCCCC
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(Color ask game!)
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mila-beedoodling · 1 year
10 and 11 for art asks!
Well hello there Selkie!!
10. are you right or left handed?
Right handed!
11. warm or cool colors?
I don't have a preference, but I think that I end up using more warm than cool ones
(the ask game)
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sofilandstuff · 2 years
Art trademark: Your way of doing lighting/shading is so soft and pretty! I love it
👉👈 thank you! it's nice to know ppl find my coloring soft! 🥹 coloring is always a struggle for me
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rosie-b · 1 year
For the WiP Game: Soft
“Adrien’s not a traitor,” Marinette repeated in a softer voice. “And I’m sure he has a good explanation for his new ring."
I don't have too much else done for this fic, but it's been eating at my brain for a few weeks now!
wip ask game: Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in.
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