crizztelcb · 1 year
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Hey @bugaboooooooooo remember when i said I was going to make you a birthday gift because of the incredible one you made for me? I finally made it! Well late but I couldn't make I before because of some problems :,). If you don't know about bugaboooooooooo ladynoir design I truly recommend you check it out I really love it :3
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heartfulselkie · 7 months
of your fics that ive read, btc and c&l are my favourites!! your writing is so good, whenever i read a new chapter of your fics i keep thinking about it for days!!! Oh!! Plus your littlebug zine fic is AMAZING i'd love to reread it whenever i have the time
Whiskers coming in and knocking me off my feet with how nice this is 🥺
I really didn't expect my zine piece to get an honorable mention - thank you 🥰💕
Let me know which of my fics is your favourite!
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littlebug valentine's day zine preview!
ok, i am so stoked to share a sneak peek of what me and my littlebug friends have been working on! prepare yourselves, it's almost ready!
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“This?” he asked, holding up the magazine and pointing a clawed finger into the center of Adrien Agreste’s chest. “This is yours?"
“Shut up,” she hissed, making a fast grab for it. “Give it back.”
Chat Noir dodged her swipe and, with a click of his baton, rose up from the alleyway and disappeared out of sight over the edge of the adjoining rooftop. Cheeks flaming, Ladybug tossed her yo-yo around the iron rod of a fire escape railing and swung high, landing hard on both feet before him.
He was crouched atop the smokestack, the magazine pages crinkling as he rifled through. “So you like fashion, my lady?”
“Who doesn’t like fashion?” she said, exasperated.
“Gabriel has some pretty good designs, I guess.” Chat Noir raised the magazine to eye-level, his ears perked with interest. “You did get this for the designs… right, my lady?”
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can't believe i got to work with @maridotnet @redundant-lava @heartfulselkie @mila-beedoodling @coffeebanana and @bugaboooooooooo for this! we just know you will love it 😘
Check out @littlebug-vday-zine for more information! The zine will be available soon!
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mila-beedoodling · 1 year
V2 with adrino 👀👀 <3
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I might have 100% forget about this kiss prompt sitting in my asks, SORRY
(i am not taking more requests at the moment)
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carpisuns · 2 years
🎁for marinette :3
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coffeebanana · 7 months
hmm of your fics that i've read so far (ive been meaning to catch up on your fics ashdjfsh) the first that came to mind as my favourite was I Don't Believe In Umbrellas! Its such a great fic, and its one of my favourite marigami fics!! And i also love This Distance Between Us and Waiting For Our Happily Ever After SO so so much, you write the love square perfectly 💗
:D I Don't Believe In Umbrellas, beloved!! That one is so special to me I'm glad you enjoyed it! 💞 And the other ones too--thank you so much!!
Thanks for the ask!! 💜
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marimbles · 8 months
for the ask game: resident marichat expert mutual!! and also Exquisite Tags mutual, i love reading your tags on stuff! theyre so sweet and make me feel more hyped about whatever you reblogged <3
I’m honored to be considered an expert bahahaha. I guess it makes sense since there is not much to know! They’re stupid<3
hdsjkss me when I arrive at the tags
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it honestly sort of weirds me out when ppl don’t use tags or just tag the fandom name and that’s it bc it’s like wym you don’t use the Secret Screaming Space…. u can scream in there…. don’t u have things to say??? i guess im just a guy who never shuts up!! (real)
Btw you are ladynoire mutual to me. maybe it’s cause that’s how I first discovered your acc?? But I always remember your iconic ladynoires they’re so cute and fun!! All your art is so cute and fun so you’re also just Cute and Fun mutual. you have such good vibes:)
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maridotnet · 2 years
sending ANOTHER request :333 id love to see anything batb related!! like some scenarios that you've had in mind (if its not too spoilery ofc) or anything else <3
hmm WELL just for you, here's a joke i want to stick in at some point ;)
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HEAVEN FORBID adrien see her exoskeleton!!!
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ladyofthenoodle · 1 year
ohh im so intrigued by all your wips!! id love to hear about rent-a-bug 👀
rent-a-bug is based on this post i made. someone else did write a variation of it but it was different that what i had envisioned so i am still playing around with the idea of writing it myself.
anyways after adrien sees marinette-dressed-as-ladybug he approaches her and asks if she accepts private clients marinette immediately assumes, naturally, that “private clients” means “things not appropriate for a children’s party” and she’s not really sure how to handle this because on the one hand, it seems like a super inappropriate request given the setting, but on the other, this is adrien… so she gently explains that she doesn’t really do this for money and it’s just a favor for a friend and adrien, bless his heart, responds with “it’s okay if you don’t have any experience, i haven’t really been satisfied with the professionals i’ve hired anyway.”
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sandradoodles · 2 years
Hi! i just started reading your confessions comic and i am OBSESSED!! and i didnt want to spam you by rbing all of your posts so i am going to write my Thoughts here :3
First of all i just wanted to say how much youve improved over the course of making this comic!! the lineart is so much Smoother and neater, the shading is so PRETTY, i love how youve done the backgrounds, whether you actually draw them or put flowers or something else behind the characters, and the layout looks so much more proffesional and puts the focus on the right things!! ALSO your anatomy has improved sm and i love all the wild expressions!!
Also i LOVE the teal colouring with pink accents, its such a pretty combo and its kinda like your trademark now!!
And obviously the whole story is so GOOD. i love how you cranked up the Idiot Meter to 1000000 bc YEAH theyre IDIOTS!! I loved the whole Clownbug part with ladybug discovering chats in love with marinette and being ANGRY abt it, its one of my favourite flavours of love square, and pt 6 of the comic was also SO entertaining!! miscommunication my beloved <3
I also love the first panel of pt nine, its just so pretty!! and ofc the shenanigans with the design contest, it feels v realistic and you absolutely NAILED mari's character!!
And the bee miraculous akuma is GORGEOUS!! it looks v menacing but also rlly cool and i would KILL to see the full design
i also love the way you showed marinettes progress with the jacket!! the montage of them bonding and working on the jacket is so cool <3 (and the shoulder gag is rlly funny lksdjhghjkgfdkjh)
FINALLY the jacket itself is just. BEAUTIFUL. the design on the back is absolutely stunning, and i love how you incorporated the miracle box and roses (did mari draw inspiration from chat? 👀👀) and the pink inside is so cute!! and the paw mark w marinette's signature!! (also i see you have a weakness for bomber jackets and you are RIGHT they ARE the pinnacle of fashion)
and buttercup reveal my beloved!! the blush!! the awkwardness!! the wild expressions and gestures!! i LOVE IT!!
also, i love all the small details!! like how you shaded marinettes palms as hearts, its so cute! <3
Anyways im just REALLY exited to see where youre going with this comic!! <3
omg omg omg okay I woke up to this, immediately read it FIVE TIMES IN A ROW, and have spent all day trying to figure out how to reply to so many lovely compliments 😭😭😭
THANK YOU SO MUCH OBVIOUSLY it means the world that you read every part and then took the time to type this up! This comic is such a labor of love for me and I'm always trying to work in a lot of fun and cute little details/moments so when people notice and point out those things it makes my heart SWELL WITH JOY. (If you like the hearts on her palms, part ten has some hidden hearts as well heehee)
When I started this my only goals were to scratch my lovesquare itch and get comfortable drawing again after being out of the habit for years. I had, idk maybe ten followers and did not expect anyone to read it or that I would actually manage to draw more than five parts or so AND NOW HERE WE ARE lol. I am so happy that you can see an improvement in the art, not just in how the characters are drawn but stuff like backgrounds and the visual storytelling as well. I hope to get better and better with each part!
Reading your comments about the characterization makes me wanna screech with happiness because I LOVE. THESE. IDIOTS. SO MUCH it is ridiculous!! RIDICULOUS! And as much as I adore leaning into them being incredibly stupid, it is important to me to show how much tenderness lies at the heart of their interactions. They are so, so stupid because they’re so, so sweet. Confessions is very much “journey over destination” because I just want to indulge in as much insanity, humor, awkwardness, confusion, affection, devotion, and partnership I can manage to tease out of their relationship in one story.
The color palette btw was a complete and total happy accident! Sometimes a thing works because you put lots of thought and effort into it, and sometimes a thing works because you fell on it. The color palette is an example of the latter but THE JACKET is an example of the former, haha. The amount of time it took to develop not just the meaning of it but literally the physical design (gotta look like something Marinette might actually make, gotta be something that I can draw a bunch of times, gotta be something that [spoilers redacted], gotta be something that fits over Chat’s shoulders, gotta be something that actually looks good, omg.) I have a whole post about it already but still more to say because I always have more to say! this is so much rambling I’m sorry
One of the big challenges I’ve had in trying to make a comic is figuring out how to balance what to say, what to show, and what to imply. The jacket is first and foremost exactly how Marinette presents it, a means to hopefully reach Adrien and deliver the card from his classmates. The specifics behind the design are more implied. Marinette pours a week of blood sweat and tears into creating this jacket, and as far as Chat Noir sees, she is single-mindedly focused on that task. But we all know she’s ALSO carrying the responsibilities and concerns of being Ladybug. Losing the Miraculous is obviously like... the biggest thing, a terrible and invisible weight that she carries alone!
Except not, because Chat Noir is there. He’s there for Ladybug, he’s there for Marinette, he’s a constant presence in her life and his support allows her to move beyond the shame and horror of losing the Miraculous. Marinette embroiders the symbols of the stolen Miraculous centered around the ladybug and surrounded by irises (sorry they aren’t roses!), and it looks like a topical show of support for her local superheroes; Ladybug embroiders the symbols of the stolen Miraculous centered on the ladybug and surrounded by irises and it’s a promise to her city that she’s going to get them back. (That she stitches the symbol of the cat in the left-hand side of the lining so that it zips over the wearer’s heart might mean something too but that was... more subconscious.)
ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYY I hope that my long-winded rambling comes across appropriately as a sign of JUST HOW THRILLED I am to have received this beautiful thoughtful ask. Hopefully the behind the scenes talk was fun to read haha. I am so honored and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!!
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lesbitorte · 11 months
🦟 for the ask game! <3
🦟 Recommend a fic that makes you smile! Fluffy, sweet, light-hearted, that sort of thing. :)
[looking through my +600 bookmarks]
Okay, so lately I've been reading a lot of dadrien fics so I'm sharing this one: Turtle-y Awesome by @chatonne-rousse
Here's the summary:
Hugo Dupain-Cheng loves turtles, and by extension, he loves Carapace, his favorite superhero of them all. He doesn't know yet that his idol is also his Uncle Nino, and Nino hasn't yet seen the Carapace shrine that is Hugo's bedroom. But the little man is turning five and has just two wishes - a Carapace-themed party with friends and family, and the latest, greatest Carapace play set. This is a story of best friends, laughter, good kids and even better parents, and a whole lot of turtles.
(Ask game)
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sofilandstuff · 1 year
Happy Hanukkah!!! 💕
thank you so much!!!! 💖💖 happy holidays to you too :D
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heartfulselkie · 1 year
Littlebug Valentine's Day Zine: A Preview
I'm so excited to share a sneak peak of my contribution to the LVD Zine!! This zine is an amazing collaboration I got to be a part of with @maridotnet, @bugaboooooooooo, @mila-beedoodling, @wackus-bonkus-maximus, @coffeebanana and @redundant-lava. We're looking forward to sharing it with you all soon!
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It was raining when Adrien finally stepped outside. He breathed deeply, taking in the faintly stormy air. Normally he would be so relieved for the photoshoot to be done and for him to get out of there, but today was different. For the first time he had properly spoken to Marinette. And not only that – he’d kissed her. Sure, it had just been for the photoshoot, but Adrien’s heart took whatever moment of bliss he could find. He only wished it had lasted a little longer.
Lightly touching his fingertips to his lips, he couldn’t help but recall the feel of something softer. He’d washed his face after the shoot as he always did, but the imprint remained heavy in his mind. A slight taste of lipstick accompanied by something far sweeter, a flavour that he could have only called Marinette.
He wanted to taste her again. He wanted to feel the softness of her lips mark him again.
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Check out @littlebug-vday-zine for more information! The zine will be available soon 💝
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crizztelcb · 1 year
ooohhh beauty and the beetle au and ''Can i keep it please'' for the wip game please!
Thanks for the ask.
Beauty and the beetle au
well the beauty and the beetle au has become quite complex and started going further and further away from beauty and the beast in lots of parts if not almost all of it.
There's a forest known for its strange creatures how devour humans, If someone is a stubborn to a person or the city they get put to dissappear on the forest and thats what is happening to adrien, he refused a marrying proposal that his father had planned for him being the last straw for his family, he is send there to never come back but with the help of a candle named alya he explores inside the forest to find a way out.
I'm more creating art of this au than actually writing it but slowly I'm doing it.
Can i keep it please?
For can i keep it please I already have it posted on my ao3 but is only one chapter for what I can remember, Is djwifi fic by the way, I really wanted to work with both of them.
Luis can't understand why his parents don't stay with him more, he loves his auntie alya and uncle nino but he still want to be close to his parents too like his siblings are, but because of the new peacock villain his parents always disappear when it starts to attack, letting Luis at alya and nino again. Luis go to the backward were he finds a dinosaur like sentimonster how he befriends and brings inside asking if he can keep it, alya and nino tried to tell ladybug about the senti but ends up also befriending the small creature promising Luis to help him hide baguette (the senti name) from the heroes, villain and even his family (both alya and nino know the identities of ladybug and chat)
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What would you say are feligami’s flexes as a ship/couple?
i put some of this in my guide to feligami but thank you for the excuse to expand >:3
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they're the smartest couple in mlb (in some ways. most ways.) ((sorry not sorry to gabenath)) both felix and kagami are wunderkinds in their own rights and i love that if you put them together they turn into happy little dorks
fastburnfastburnfastburn. while i would've loved some more feligami buildup and/or exploration, i did love that rapid connection, shotgun romance type thing they did in canon.
they understand each other. it helps that they both know they're sentis and can bond over that shared experience! nobody quite knows what it's like to be who they are except the other. come on that is so so sweet 🥺
they're both the most socially awkward kids in the show. they study human interactions together and compare notes afterwards. "you did well speaking to adrien today. he was glad you did not steal any of his belongings or insult any of his friends." "thank you. your smiles were very genuine. all your practice is really paying off."
they challenge each other to grow. felix helps kagami push the boundaries of authority imposed on her by her mother and her upbringing and her own expectations of herself. meanwhile kagami helps felix become more socially and emotionally adept with all the wisdom she herself has acquired <3 they both help each other not be afraid <333
let's not forget this look (the one that started it all):
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also i guess it's not really a flex but i do think it's so funny that kagami's the girl who dates both twins 😂😂😂😂😂 fun future conversations for the next generation
thank you @redundant-lava @bugaboooooooooo and @heartfulselkie for your help on this <333
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carpisuns · 1 year
2, 11 and 19 for the ask game!
2. who is your favorite character to draw?
Willow park!!!! She’s so ROUND I love the kind of shapes I get to use when i draw her <3
11. warm or cool colors?
warm! I feel like even when I intend to use a cool palette I often end up adding a lot of warm colors anyway bc I just like the feel of it haha
19. do you like drawing short hair or longer hair more?
hmm, they’re both fun in their own way! not sure I have a preference
Ty for the questions 🥰
Artist asks
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