coffeebanana · 5 months
loveybug au loveybug au loveybug au loveybug au for the wip ask game!
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thanks for the ask, @hueynomure and @wackus-bonkus-maximus!!
I don't really have MUCH of this aside from the idea tbh, but it was like...me trying to put myself in the headspace of what might drive Marinette to become Loveybug. And I came up with something a little different from the original Loveybug origin story, in that Marinette doesn't set out to transform into Loveybug. It happens by accident after Elation, when she's trying to push aside that part of her that loves Chat Noir...and she finds can't quite do it.
So there's an Akuma, and she transforms...only to look in the mirror and realize THAT'S NOT WHAT HER SUIT IS MEANT TO LOOK LIKE. TIKKI WTF? (Aka her true inner desire is that she does NOT want to give up on her love, and that feeling is so strong that it's manifesting in her transformation.)
Other highlights include Chat Noir thinking she's the Akuma when she shows up, and then her realizing...Chat Noir doesn't want Ladybug anymore. And he can't date Marinette....so maybe Loveybug is her last chance. Hopefully Chat Noir won't disappear and--oh. what's Catwalker doing here?
ALSO my headcanon that loveybug's name stems from an "I'm Ma-madly clumsy" type situation. Like she's trying to explain to Chat Noir that "I'm Ladybug and I'm in love with you!" and it comes out "I'm Loveybug!"
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ladyofthenoodle · 5 months
what is ladrien rpf 👀
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ladrien rpf is based on this prompt i wrote, which turned into a whole conversation on the aps discord server where we decided marinette and adrien should collaborate on a ladrien rpf comic together. i have not actually written anything for it, but it was on my list of possibilities for the ladrien zine, so i collected the conversation in a document (which is how it got included on my "touched in the last year list")
some highlights include:
adrien was the only person writing ladrien before gorizilla. afterwards a bunch on people went home and looked up "ladrien" and found his fic, which means he actually set the tropes and characterizations for ladrien fandom
HOWEVER a lot of people disagree with his characterization of adrien and think he's written him too weepy and smitten
this exception to this is marinette, who has been reading his fic since before gorizilla and still thinks he has the most accurate ladybug and adrien out there
she does have some criticism of his ladybug characterization actually
there are definitely ladrien vs ladynoir ship wars but adrien ships and writes both
anyways the end up writing a weekly comic where ladrien just go cuddle and go to farmers markets and raise their hamster
except adrien tries to keep it fresh by adding action/adventure, much to marinette's chagrin, because she does not know how to draw a grocery story in space
she also is way too embarassed to draw any of the kisses he writes
this is all via their online handles btw they have no idea who they're collabing with
thanks for the ask, wackus, @frostedpuffs, and @jattendschaton!
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heartfulselkie · 5 months
tell us about sad machine please 🤩
So this was a fic idea that...went a little off the rails. (You should know, its in the littlebug files somewhere)
I've started writing it already and I do intend to share the fic at some point, so I'll not go into too much details for now. But I can certianly give a quick overview!
It's essentially a semi-futuristic cyberpunk au. In this au, Gabriel runs a massive company that specialises in augmentation, cybernetics and other technology (so think Alliance from the show but a lot more products). His brand is at the forefront of technology and is constantly updating and releasing new products for consumers - but this also leads to a lot of waste and things becoming obsolete. This is something that Adrien absolutely hates.
Adrien is very skilled in programming and mechanical engineering, but has yet to really be involved in his father's company beyond being a public face/model. And he's doing a lot to avoid becoming ensnared in the company because he'd rather use his skill elsewhere.
Which is exactly what he does! With the help of his friend Nino, Adrien uses the pseudonym 'Chat Noir' and works to help repair the items and parts for people who depend on these things but don't have the means to keep upgrading to the constant rollout of new models (so things like prosthetics and body augments and things that people literally need for their quality of life).
Of course Adrien does this all without Gabriel's knowledge - which means Adrien has to source parts for his repairs outside of the company. Luckily with the constant progression and changeover in technology and machinery there's a lot of scrap. So Adrien often spends his time salvaging for parts.
It's during one of these salvaging expeditions that he comes across a very curious little thing. A piece of machinery that appears to host some kind of AI. He doesn't know if it had been some kind of robot, android or just some assistant programme, but he's very quickly intrigued why such a complex and sophisticated AI would be thrown away (even if she is a little bit glitchy and buggy).
So he takes her in and calls her Ladybug.
Who/what is she? Where did she come from? What's hidden behind her corrupted memory?
Obviously there's a lot of questions but... you'll just have to wait until I post the fic!
[WIP Ask Game]
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maridotnet · 2 years
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à la mémoire de
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mostmagical · 5 months
so duolingo reveal came about during a brainstorming session where I was just trying to come up with the most ridiculous reveal scenarios possible. and around that time, my friend and I discovered that her brother was on duolingo because I needed his contact info for whatever and duo sent a notification to my phone that said something along the lines of "your friend so and so is on duolingo!"
my plan was that Ladybug admits to Chat Noir that she would like to work on her English more so they can help akumatized tourists better, and he suggests they both download an app. she reluctantly agrees and allows him to follow her. since this is the only social media she allows him to follow her on, he goes ham, cheering her on and sending her in-app gifts daily. he spends a TON of time on there and is just dominating leaderboards so everyone eventually finds out that Ladynoir is on there, but they don't follow anyone besides each other.
as it turns out though, Marinette did not realize the app syncs her contact information, until someone she knows gets an alert to their phone, "Your friend Ladybug is on the app!"
ask me about my wips! <3
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lesbitorte · 5 months
Okay so this one is basically Adrien is dead and the plot is not entirely stablished and I'm lowkey making it as I go, but Marinette is trying to solve his case.
I have very little written in this wip, but i have two pages of bullet points on how this happens, so here's one of the titles that are on hold xD
AITA for getting my black widow neighbor arrested so I could date her latest late husband after resurrecting him?
(ask game)
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mozzygan · 5 months
i love the before // after format and if that's what you're doing in your wip ask game i am dying to see it 👀👀👀
ok this one is...i've kept it very close haha. imma share some of it because i'm brave!!!!!!! but i'm sure you'll figure out why i've been closed-lipped about this story lol. just gonna share the intro tho—honestly, i know very little about this story right now. haven't super explored it/gotten to know the characters. but anyways IT'S BRAVE FACE TIME 😤 (self harm tw)
I used to write on my skin a lot—notes, dates, assignments, all that. Whenever you’re fresh out of notebooks (which is a perpetual state of being for me), just whip out a pen and you got yourself an easy-to-remember and unlosable agenda on your palm. After my friends got annoyed at me for washing my reminders off whenever I went to the bathroom, I started using the notes app on my phone to take notes, write down dates, remember assignments. But there were marks on my skin that I’d drawn on years and years and years ago. They’d had long since washed off. Still, after days of scrubbing myself raw in the shower, I could never quite remove them. They were gone from my skin, sure, but not from my soul. Two simple words, separated by a barrier of dashed lines all along my stomach, thighs, and the flab of my arms: “BEFORE” and “AFTER.”
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sandradoodles · 2 years
i wanna ask you about all your wips but OMG I'M IN YOUR WIPS??
can we see some odnlb and some feligami?? please i am starved for feligami. thought i was the only one!
FELIGAMI............. IS ALSO ODNLB FANART........... HAHA. I think I told you that you put me onto certain ships that I never would have considered on my own and that is one of them!
I do wanna finish at least one of these pieces so badly but I am SUCH a slow artist so this is what we've got. Here is part of odnlb because this scene hit me like a TRUCK:
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And feligami! I love the way you write Kagami, I can LITERALLY hear her voice in my head. Her demand at the end of chapter sixteen, the reveal (not pictured), and how I imagine his reaction as soon as she walked out of the room lolll:
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mila-beedoodling · 2 years
me gusta tu nuevo icon 🦚
chetos i sent the wrong emoji before. i mEANT 🐈‍⬛
Gracias xD
I liked drawing it 😌
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feather-of-argos · 2 years
The latest chapter of odnlb really be like:
Felix: She's a 10 but she used to date my twin brother
Kagami: He's a 10 but he can be controlled by an inanimate object
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coffeebanana · 8 months
🐕‍🦺for the summary
A drunken game of Twister somehow lands Marinette in Adrien's bed. And there's cuddling. The sort that feels like maybe it's leading to something a little less than platonic. So when an Akuma interrupts the fun, Marinette is NOT about to let Hawk Moth win. Not tonight. This would have been a lot easier if she'd remembered to transform.
"Come on, Adrien." She yanked his hand harder as they raced down the stairs. This would have been so much easier if she could just carry him, but superpowers or not, she didn't exactly trust her coordination right now. "We just need to get to the--fuck!"
Skidding to a stop on the landing between the second floor and the lobby, Marinette stared in horror at the purple smoke that was already creeping through the cracks around the door below. They'd been too slow. It was time for plan B.
Letting go of Adrien's hand (regretfully), she reached for the yo-yo hooked to her--wait. why was it in a pocket? Why did her suit have pockets?
Well, probably for the same reason her transformation had given her a fuzzy onesie and slippers in the place of her usual transformation. Tikki must have been affected by her drunkenness.
None of that mattered so long as she could still do her job and get Adrien to safety. Smoke was quickly filling the landing below, but it hadn't yet reached the hole in the middle of the staircase, which extended to the parking lot floors below. All they had to do was drop down there and they'd be able to find a new exit.
Marinette tossed her yo-yo towards the bannister, frowning as she watched it in midflight. Even her weapon didn't look the way it usually did. It was red, sure. But it lacked its usual spots. And as for ease of handling...it crashed to the floor half a metre away from its destination.
Ugh. Apparently she was going to have to do this the hard way. She bent down to pick up the yo-yo, and was about manually wrap it around the bannister when Adrien grabbed her wrist.
"Marinette, I'm not sure--" Adrien broke off when she whirrled around to face him.
"Adrien, I know you're scared."
"Oh. I'm not actually--"
"But you have nothing to worry about. You're safe with me." She stepped closer, raising a hand to cup his cheek. She had to keep herself from licking her lips at the tiny gasp he let out. There would be time to explore whatever that meant later. "You're always safe with me."
His gaze softened, and he gave a small chuckle. "And normally, I wouldn't doubt that. But..."
Marinette dropped her hand, frowning. Why was there a but? She was freaking Ladybug! And even if she weren't, she'd still find his lack of faith insulting.
He certainly hadn't looked at her that way earlier, when she'd had to crawl underneath him to place her right hand on green.
thanks for the ask!! 💜
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ladyofthenoodle · 8 months
trick or treat 🪣
YOU ALREADY HAVE ACCESS TO ALL MY WIPS 😭 what do you want from me
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heartfulselkie · 1 year
if ghostbug knows adrien was chat noir in her timeline......what's stopping her from telling him? 👀
Because Ghostbug has a lot of history with her Chaton and to see it all suddenly vanish is...just a bit traumatic. This Adrien doesn't know her at all and only assumed she recognises him because he's a celebrity.
She catastrophises the worst possible scenario and her brain just kind of sticks on it - that Adrien won't believe her and find her to be some kind of weird creep if she tries to tell him that she loves him and that he DID love her. Even if he now doesn't remember loving her.
She's already lost the love she thought she had so she can't bear the thought of losing Adrien any further, even if it means starting from scratch. Which is exactly what she's going to do. Things will work out if she can get Adrien to fall in love with her all over again (at least, get him to fall in love with the non-ghost her). When that happens, she's sure Adrien will believe what she has to tell him.
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maridotnet · 2 years
can you draw glasses adrien? 👓
it's dadrien and this is how he looks at his wife 😌
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odnlb update
got some lukzoe and feligami for you guys this week!
reach chapter 22 here
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lesbitorte · 8 months
🐑#enemies to lovers #adrien never went to public school #only one bed
🐑 send me a fake set of fic tags, and I’ll try to come up with a summary for it!
Something that neither Chat Noir nor Ladybug would have ever guessed was that, in the middle of a battle to try to get each other's miraculous, they would get caught by the akuma's power. Now they're in some unknown place, it's late and both of them are out of recharges for their kwami.
Adrien is still a gentleman, he won't let the Lady sleep on the streets.
(ask game)
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