#heeelll yea
infernal-skull · 1 year
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“So promise me you’ll cut me off and live through the night.”
hello my two followers on tumblr. today i bring you art, tomorrow.. who knows. oc is clyde my bestie for the restie
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
Gotta have something to wash down that big ass order .w.
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djpurple3 · 4 years
favourite romantic tropes? particularly for intrulogical? i need them for reasons
Gdjsbf well i dont know a lot of tropes off the top of my head,,, but heartfelt, tearyeyed confessions are always a favourite of mine, especially if the weather echoes it (ie bucketing with rain? Its a mess but its so romantic)
Uhhh or where one's having a quietly hard time and the other will go out of their way to dk little things that keep the other sane and functioning and at the end of the day they kiss softly and thank each other and go to sleep in each others arms like hhhh
Hopefully that makes sense, i realise these are oddly specific and a very certain ouvre but eh
I mean almost anything floats my boat. Cloudwatching? HELL YEA. Going on a walk? Heeelll yeaaaa!! Feeding ducks together? Oh babyyyyy. As long as its soft lol
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fohk · 4 years
oh awesome. do you plan on getting more or nah?
heEelll yea. it’s been a while since i got one
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phoebe-does · 5 years
hands down you are just great wifey material!! you should tell us your healthy crumble and banana bread recipe one day!
oh heeelll yea! Someone needs to come wife me up! 100% I’ll try and get both recipes out within the next two weeks!
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wildermouse · 6 years
Tall girls with long hair and glasses? Also what about jock girls~
heeelll yea 🤟🏼 tall girls would make me feel small n cute and the hugs would be so nice?? and sporty girls 😍😍
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sabawoyomu · 7 years
Get to Know me tag
I was tagged by @Elvenferretots
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!
1. Are you named after someone?
I dont believe so, no.
2, When is the last time you cried?
Like two days ago. I dont cry often though!
3. Do you like your handwriting?
Heeelll no.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
Wtf is lunch meat specifically? Chicken???
5. Do you have kids?
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I consider myself all in all a terrible friend. So I’d rather not. Probably just hang around me if I was friend with someone else.
7. Do you use sarcasm?
No. Never. (that was sarcasm yea)
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
I guess?
9. Would you bungee jump?
Hell yeah, hopefully the cord breaks aayy lmao.
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal?
Dont really like cereal in general. Müsli I guess?
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
12. Do you think you’re a strong person?
Physically I’m stronk.
13. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Baked Alaska.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their face. If they’re hot or not.
15: Red or pink?
Hm, depends entirely on the other colours. Pink in some cases red in others.
16. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
My entire fuckin phsyical existance. Especially my.... Torso? Maybe, it depends on the day.
17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
Black and black.
18. What was the last thing you ate?
Bolognese and Ruccola
19. What are you listening to right now?
The shoutcasters of LCK, SSG vs KDM.
20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
21. Favorite smell?
Insulin. Liv. Some cats. Gasoline. Orange peel.
22. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
My counsilor.
23. Favorite sport to watch?
League of Legends!
24. Hair color?
Natural blonde. rn Its red though
25. Eye color?
26. Do wear contacts?
27. Favorite food to eat?
Lasagnette? As for my fave food to NOT eat...
28. Scary movies or comedy?
Scary movies!
29: Last movie you watched?
Uhm... Rogue one?
30. What color shirt are you wearing?
Grey with a hole in it.
31. Summer or winter?
Winter all year pls.
32. Hugs or kisses?
Both! Fuckin smooch me and smother me at the same time.
33. What book are you currently reading?
Worm by Wildbow.
34. Who do you miss right now?
35. What is on your mouse pad?
A world map.
36. What is the last tv program you watched?
Voltron Legendary Guardian
37. What is the best sound?
Someone I love sleeping. Aurfs voice in general. Someone pouring their heart out into a growl. 
38. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
Neither, honestly.
39. What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
40. Do you have a special talent?
I’m really good at coming up with excuses to hate myself.
41. Where were you born?
Göteborg, Sweden.
42. People you expect to participate in this survey?
Whoever feels like it tbh @queenrivu @twistedadorable @lanokirxgames @skimmerskir @mister-masochist @not-enough-salad-babies  I know I forgot someone cause I’m terrible pls forgive me.
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gucciheaux · 7 years
Chris Evans is damn fine. Like i used to over look him cuz he a white guy with muscles but he a white guy with muscles who can't stand trump HELL YEA YOU FINE ASS HEEELLL
nah i've wanted him to kill me since he was in fantastic four ndknsks
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hellishgoat · 3 years
What Colour Am I ask game: Olive & Plum!!
Heeelll yea!! Thank you 🥺 the frog is very very welcome :D 💕🐸💕
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hbcat-13 · 4 years
[GO ANTI GO] is dope stand name :0c
Heeelll yea
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