#hehe vash glasses
sellieaa · 1 month
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smth about small acts of service
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falseneun · 9 months
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katsurolle · 1 year
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vashwoods and triguns and crossovers with other stuff i like..
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chris-continues · 10 months
Only for me..
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A Jennifer’s Body AU w/ Uncanny Vash
SUMMARY: in which Vash is your part demon boyfriend.. who has a rather interesting diet.
TW: mentions of murder, corpses, cannibalism, blood, light gore, slightly suggestive (you kiss and get close to one another w/ some suggestive touches), mentions of not eating (nothing too heavy)
NOTES: Ray said smth along the lines of “I need to kiss him when he’s covered in blood” and I felt that. Jennifer’s body is one of my fav movies ever (and while I was watching it w Ray and a few other friends he was like “…so uncanny vash-“ AND I WAS LIKE “YES.”) so take this thingy hehe
TAGS: @h4venpha @vashfantasy @lune010 @captaintweet @millionsvash @beanibon
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“..I hate that you have to- to lure them in like this.” You were well aware of how beautiful and captivating your boyfriend was, charisma rolling off of him in waves.
He was inhuman.
“..I know mayfly, I’m sorry..” his gaze drifted towards the ground, swinging the corpse around like a rag doll sheepishly. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear.” Blood covered him, head to toe, splattered across his cheeks and even the lens of his glasses.
You stood, arms crossed on one side of the room pouting. “Mm.. ok.” Your foot tapped on the ground of the abandoned house- you’d made it habit to meet with him afterwards, terrified at first but soon warming up to it. He didn’t enjoy it either.
There were days you had to convince him to find food. Starving himself, for the sake of others- which was selfless, and perhaps it wasn’t morally correct of you to cast others aside but you needed him alive. So you compromised. He wouldn’t do this alone. He was eternally grateful for that, really. He much preferred his other, more temporary way of feeding. When the.. incubi part of him gave way to you. He’d never bring himself to hurt you- god no! But you seemed to have your own allure, feeding him in waves. In some irony, you were the dessert he fed from after a meal from one unfortunate victim.
He gently lays the body down on the couch for others to discover later, making his way toward you. His pupils contract unnaturally, stomach probably making room for it’s assumed second course now. A rumble erupts from his stomach, hungry, depraved, even. It's a bit scary to you still, even more so when you'd first found out about his little secret. That the likable tennis nerd in your bio class was secretly a serial killer- not by choice. He was such a sweetheart, despite the feral look glinting in his eyes he held you tenderly against the walls of the rickety house at the edge of town.
"..'m only yours.." He murmured against your neck, nipping gently. His jaw creaked, bones rearranging from the previous tearing of flesh with his teeth. "All mine.." You smiled into his hair, stained a slight pink. "Mm, you gotta shower." Your hand found its way into the strands, ruffling his hair affectionately. The hum he released was rather otherwordly in pitch, content chirps growing closer and closer until-
"Clean your mouth first, uh uh."
Of course you made him use mouthwash before kissing you, duh. Cross contamination was a thing. You truly wonder if that applied to your situation, however either way you weren't too fond of the idea of having his leftovers between your teeth.
He whined, tossing his head back and rummaging throughout his pockets. "Fine, fine..." a cute pout settled on his lips. One you couldn't wait to kiss off. "Hurry up.." you tapped your foot impatiently, "Had to wait so long earlier." "You act like you're the one getting fed!" Ah, the irony. Amusement dripped from his tone as he hurriedly spat the mouthwash out the half opened window. "I'm a very lucky person to be feeding you. Now c'mere." You slung your arms over his shoulders once more, his neck craning down as he dipped you playfully, pressing you to the wall once again. His lips met yours briefly- a warning for what was to come- before he groaned. The demon in him had yet to be satiated.
Vash craved you immensely, and would go to extreme lengths to truly prove it to you. So dutiful. Devoted to you.
Warmth emanated from him, as if he were a heated, weighted blanket. Everything about him made your head spin- although that may be apart of his quite literal otherwordly charm and aphrodisiac. Well, that, and the fact you were head over heels in love with him. "Love you mayfly," he groaned, "Only you. 'm sorry, 'm so sorry.." He whimpered, message to you broken between kisses. Oh god, he was so sweet.
"You're the only one for me." He continued, pressing into you further. His breath mixed with your own, his arms encasing you. He was your safe haven, yours. And he'd do anything for you. Blood trickled onto your shirt, chest pressed to his front. Crimson tinged every article of clothing he wore when feeding, you both had to make routine trips to the thrift store in town nowadays. It made for cute dates out, though, so you weren't complaining. "Love you too.." You breathed out, barely able to get a word out as he kissed you deeper, and deeper, inhuman tongue plunging into your mouth. He seemed to always crave more of you, the taste of you intoxicating. He hummed, hands rubbing up and down your biceps before tightening around you once more. Everything about him was exhilarating, always giving you so much it almost felt overwhelming in the best possible way. A coppery taste still made its way into your mouth, but you'd grown to not mind the taste. Not if it was Vash, the boy who'd cherish you through and through. Who would bite at your bottom lip, practically devouring you with such need as he continued to cling to you in full.
You'd love him through and through, making this all work. You had so much love to give him, pressing back against him in an attempt to match his feverish need in your kiss.
He was yours. And in return? You were his, unapologetically, unconditionally, and that would remain unchanging.
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wtfforged · 17 days
Zoro (or Wolfwood), 8 and/or 12, for the character ask game :)
noticing the wolfwood mention, i would first and foremost like to apologize for tricking you into thinking that i have ever consumed trigun. i watched like 3 episodes each of '98 and stampede i know nothing about these characters. i just like trigun and always reblog trigun art anyways bc both wolfwood and vash remind me of my friends oc who i am vehemently obsessed with. i do plan on picking it back up though!!!! i want to read and watch it all!!!!
8- oh god. god. oh my god. im such a haterrr im such a hater. clutching my head. im not used to big fandoms so you have to understand the insane whiplash and like flesh-boiling hatred i felt upon getting into one piece(found family! fun/cute characters! cool adventures!) and seeing the community being so hugely shipping and very specifically Being Weird About Zoro. i ffucking hate how very popular it is to take zoro's usual Kind Of Unexpressive And Quiet/Introverted(shy) Nature and turn him into some weird Sexy Bishounen Yaoi Unquenchable Dom Daddy. this is typically also combined with turning sanji into some tiny little weak and flowery hairless biped twink who goes "kya !" for shipping/jackoff material purposes. like im going to kill you. im gonna bite your nose off. get your hand out of your pants and go sit in the corner and think about what youve done.
12- HEADCANONS IS SO HARD. BC I HAVE SO MANY REALLY SELF INDULGENT ONES THAT IM SO SHY ABOUT HEHE. but one i can give you right off the top of my head is that sometimes i hc that hes functionally illiterate, maybe even dyslexic. he was orphaned so damn young and never got any guidance or schooling outside of the dojo which he only found like, definitely after your typical learned-how-to-read age. and i dont really think dojos teach you how to read and write. it probably took a second for (some of) the strawhats to realize that his snappiness about getting made fun of for his shakey and messy handwriting or misreading/struggling to understand texts isnt just him getting annoyed or engaging in typical banter, but is really him literally not having learned those skills and getting embarrassed and upset about it. of course this isnt like. canon at all. he reads just fine in canon. but alas. we are all always one life-changing fic away from a new hc(<-what happened to me). so on the opposite side of the coin, i also hc that (literate) zoro needs glasses/reading glasses... but thats just cause i think zoro looks reaaaaaaaallly cute in them:] i need to draw zoro in glasses more...!
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
TRIMAX VOLUME ONE LETS GOOOOOO ....i didnt remember this was just 6 chapters...wow
chap 1:
-1st act of god you say...huh
-yeah who could believe that...thats insane....jaja
-ik this was written in the 90s but i still dont like eriks saying that, like wth man lina is right
-hey lina :3 missed you
-....i like the new glasses...
-"lina cover your eyes :]" oh :c
-"oh is eriks again" :c
-"stop. some legend that is" ow :c
-this is all just so sad cuz he rea;;y wanted to retire but he cant :c hes vash the stampede
-ww laughing at fake vash is the best xd
-also thats funny cuz yeah vash COULD shoot you in a matter of seconds but thats not what his name means and i really like that :3
chap 2:
-aw lina :c
-imagine going to the store and finding the silliest/most depressed wet cat in the universe ready for adoption
-ok but how did you (from the perspective of a stranger) figure that knives was a name? knives comes from knife, so if a random person read "knives" wouldn't they think about the utensil first?????
-vash: how do you know so much about this evil entity that is my brother?
ww: hehe, please
-ily lina theyre talking bs
-...im not ready for stampede eriks i will evaporate
chap 3:
-go get your vacation queen ily
-keele i will yeet you into the sun
-im never not going to be so fucking mad at HOW EASY THAT WAS BECAUSE THIS BASTARD MENTIONED MERYL LIKE IK YOU MISS YOUR DEAR FRIEND BUT OMG it just makes me sad
-wolfwood :3
-i like that :3 meryl just cant be an office person anymore when shes discover more of her world and people like vash. even if she almost died a lot of times, those were also the times when she was alive.
chap 4:
-ok but that panel with mostly shade is scary
-i also want to lift my whole self with my arm :D (she said even though just walking places makes him tired)
-ok but if he trained like that for 150 years no wonder he's the only pro gunman ever
-i like his face on that panel, he's amazed and proud that one of his siblings survived for that long
-vash knows why is it always like that and he understands it but god he wishes so hard for it to just fucking stop and it breaks my little heart
-hes literally just an anime girl saying "hi-mi-tsu :3" (im so sorry i will never say that again but I'm right)
-he remembers people and names after so many fucking years
-also those children probably have never met him but vash gives so much ragdoll energy that they went with it (ok never mind maybe they did but you get the idea)
-cmon brad :c why are you so mean to him :c
-all of this just backs up the SA interpretation and although it hurts my feelings....damn its just good writing. like not knowing what your own body can do and people taking advantage of that...makes me fucking sick (in a good and bad way i truly don't know how to explain it)
-noooooooooooooooooooooo :c every time someone calls/vash calls himself a monster this user loses 5 years of their life :D
-wolfwood sir your projection will make me want to eat my own arm
-"run away run away ">:b" i love him so much
chap 5:
-the chapters cant keep starting with flashbacks I'm gonna start WEEPING
-is geranium tea a thing? maybe vash would like geranium tea
-how dare you, my vash the stampede would never side with the cops, he's acab i know that in my heart
-THAT ONE PANEL MY BELOVED (the onle about looking without his eyes)
-hes so fucking done
-yey conflict time :3 boi oh boi
chap 6:
-oh the title placement on this one :3
-i dont think he will (or that he is) fine after all of this but sure
-such a loud chapter and vash is so quiet
-and again, there all judging, expecting to see what will vash do
-"what do you know about my pain" brb I'm gonna EAT SOME GLASS REAL QUICK
-its like....its like why, why make me suffer like this. its not even heavy stuff its just that everything hurts. his impulse and desire to help everyone, his reason why, how others see him while he tries and sometimes win while other times fails. it all hurts in a weird way.
-...legato why are you inside a fridge (i kinda forgot lol)
WHAT A VOLUME i need to lay down
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leox-un · 11 months
hey im toying with a fic involving your design for swap au vash (of course i wont post without your permission) but i was wondering if you had any color ideas for it
like if his glasses are orange like normal or (tristamp spoilers) purple like theyd ended up in ep 12. or like if he still carries his gun or relies solely on plant abilities
idk im just thinking very hard about this and figured i should see if the original creator had any thoughts
omg im honored,,,, im not a fic reader but i think i would legally be obligated to read that because it makes me so happy that you liked the au that much hfkshfksh !!!!
okok in terms of your questions, i feel like his glasses are actually probably white/blue tinted? i feel like it would match the rest of his design vibes-wise, especially if he has a dramatic "cant see eyes through glasses glare" moment but they could realistically be any color lol so go wild (in my delusions his glasses are red because white/red palettes are my beloved + something something rose tinted glasses)
and i feel like he would use a gun rather than his plant powers; while canon nai rejects all human creations n such i feel like swap au vash specifically uses human creations to create their downfall, like an ironic sort of thing
but also go wild if you have funky ideas do em i would love to see hehe
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OK OK. Vash and Dave and Dirk are all the same flavour of character and so are their romantic interests HERE U GO HERE HERE TAKE THIS GARBAGE
Vash & Dave: red colour scheme, Bisexual, extremely protective of their friends
Vash & Dirk: self sacrificing, will tear themselves apart/let others tear them apart for the good of other people
Vash, Dirk, and Dave: repressed blond guys with cool glasses, very little self esteem, put on a front to hide the terrible awful horrors they have experienced, have so much Mental Illness
Wolfwood & Karkat: loving nicknames for their partner (read: terrible stupid insults<3), swear a lot, secretly actually cares but tries not to show it
Wolfwood & Jake: rootin tootin gunslingin guy!!!
Wolfwood, Karkat, and Jake: dark hair, also have lots of Mental Illness, pathetic cringefail loserboys <3
they have similarities as ships as a whole as well!!! like ok ok here
vashwood & davekat: not technically canon but heavily heavily implied, insult each other as terms of endearment, very <3<
dirkjake and vashwood: hehe funny guy :3 x stoic loner type guy who's actually kind of a loser <3. also it would never work out. inherently tragic romance. it will not end in smiles and marriage, it can only end in tragedy and despair and blood. there is no other option for them. either they get together, have a few months of happiness at most, and then break up, or they stick to each other like glue, trust each other more than anything, have something wonderful blossom between them, and then get into enough trouble that maybe one watches the other die or the relationship explodes into something toxic. or maybe they don't say anything ever. nothing happens and they remain on the precipice of should-we-shouldn't-we forever. but they stick together regardless and it still goes downhill. there is no other alternative. it has to be a tragedy. and isn't that the saddest thing you ever heard get said.
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hiraya-sa-dilim · 1 year
Ang Pagiging ay Pag-alam ay Pag-Ibig Chapter 1. In the early 22nd century...
Early in the 22nd Century, AI corporations advanced Human and Robot evolution into the TRIGUN technological era, heralding free market bio-cybernetic modifications, and Androids—beings now virtually identical to Humans—known as Replicants.
The TRIGUN Replicants were superior in strength and agility, and at least equal in intelligence, to the genetic engineers who created them.
Replicants mass-produced by the SEEDS Project were used abroad in warfare, in the hazardous subjugation and colonization of other Lands.
After a series of bloody mutinies by a SEEDS Project platoon during several campaigns abroad, all Replicants regardless of manufacturer were declared illegal on Noman’s Land—under penalty of death.
Special police squads—Undertaker Units—had orders to shoot to kill, upon detection, any trespassing Replicant.
This was not called execution.
It was called retirement.
Wolfwood is an Undertaker. Vash, once proven to be a Replicant, is his next target. Blade Runner AU. Multichap. Rating for violence and explicit content.
[1703 words] Read here or on ao3.
The Replicant’s eyes are shielded by a pair of glasses, two matching circular voids over otherwise unconcerning features. Wolfwood’s subconscious automatically supplies prescription, tinted, and armor in that order, and he files it away for theories to test throughout the interview.
“Please have a seat. I appreciate you taking the time today, aa,” Wolfwood pretends to glance at the file display on the table’s screen to see what the thing across him would do, “‘Vash Saverem.’ I hope I’m saying that right?”
“Yup!” (Nothing. Wolfwood took his eyes off it and it did nothing.) “And it’s no problem. Good to do a practice interview before the real thing. This is part of that new legislation, right?”
“Due to recent events, yes. And best of luck on your applications.” Wolfwood leans back on his seat, presses a couple of buttons on the PKD machine. They blink colour under the harsh white light over their heads, but are too weak to affect his visuals on the Robot before him in any way. Boredly, he runs over his shopping list in his head. Cigs. Nachos. Batteries. Bullets. “If I may direct your attention to my equipment, I have turned on audio-visual recording. You are aware of this?”
“Ay! Aa, yes.”
“Then for the sake of this recording, my name is Nicholas D. Wolfwood and I’ll be facilitating Mr. Vash Saverem... 32. Uh, cy-”
“Last July.”
“Turned 32 last July. They say I look younger than my age, hehe.”
“A. Aa, ehem, 32, cyborg, single, citizen of Noman’s Land, his mandatory Voight-Kampff Examination today, April 10, 2119, for the purpose of employment. I will be asking you 20 to 100 reaction time-sensitive questions meant to illicit emotional response. Number of questions depend on your answers, so examination may take as briefly as five minutes to over an hour. Length of time does not necessarily mean negative or positive results. We are not looking for any set of answers in particular, but try not to think too hard and answer as simply and honestly as you can. We are also required to track,” Wolfwood pats the PKD as part of his spiel, “optical activity and changes in your vital signs during the test as part of evaluation. This process is unobtrusive and won’t require any conscious effort on your part to display results. Evaluation will be completed and revealed to the participant within five minutes of test completion. If the personal information I’ve read from your file is correct, and if you understand the procedures for the test and consent to taking it,” Wolfwood takes a long, tired drag from his cigarette, and does a final check on the monitoring machine (no detected weapons). “please state your National Identifying Number.”
“Yes. 60-012-536-474, thank you. Do I, aa, sign anywhere?”
“Your recorded verbal consent is enough. If you could please remove your glasses so we can begin.”
“Nicholas, ha... that’s a good name. In an old pagan religion, he was the protector deity of children-”
Wolfwood pointedly adjusts Punisher’s position behind him, an upright cross in wrappings looming over his seat at the table. If he could reposition the lights so that the gun would overshadow every Human, Replicant and idiot who ever had to sit across him to shut them up, he would. They should recognize a grave site when they see one. “Your glasses, please, Mr. Saverem. This is not a visual test, you will not be needing them.”
“Of... course.”
Wolfwood turns back, pleased the smile on the Robot’s face has gone down a few notches. “Let us begin. You are walking in a desert. You look down to see-” (The monitor must be fooling him... No. The morning sky from his distant childhood before the sprawl of hologramic billboards engulfed even his little valley. Blinking at him. No screen, nothing to protect him, nothing to divide them both .) “ehem, aa, shit. Aa, to see a tortoise on its back. What do you do?”
“Do I have food?”
“Do I have food with me, and water? In the desert? Of course, I’d turn her over the right side up first, but-”
“Thank you,” Wolfwood snaps. He keeps his eyes on the dancing numbers on his device. “It's your birthday. Someone gives you a calfskin wallet.”
The Replicant—Saverem—scowls in the screen. “I suppose the right answer would be to reject it and report them to the police,” he says slowly.
“‘The right answer?’ We’re not looking for the right answer, Mr. Saverem. Just your answer.”
“Then... then if it’s all they have, and they give it to me for something as pointless as my birthday, I’d take it gratefully and repay them in kind. Otherwise, I’ll refuse and have a talk with them about it.”
“About getting a different job other than tanning. Or being a thief. Ay, actually, it’s likelier she would be a grave-robber if-”
“A different job. Such as?”
“Something sustainable for a start. Hopefully, legal and kind, too. Like teaching.” Vash smiles expectantly at something Wolfwood doesn’t get. It’s almost sincere if it doesn’t look so practised...
Wolfwood tuts. He’s not supposed to ask follow-up questions, but fortunately, the Replicant doesn’t know that. He flips a page in the questionnaire.
“Let's try avoiding conditional answers, Mr. Saverem. Now. You've got a little boy. He shows you his butterfly collection, plus the killing jar.”
“I’ll talk him out of it. Get advice if that doesn’t work.”
“Let’s keep our answers brief, please, with no regards to future situations. Single sentences if that helps you.” Wolfwood had been so sure it’s a Replicant before it opened its mouth to talk. Whatever. They have a hundred odd questions to go. The faster he proves his hunch, though, the sooner he gets his next pay check. “You're watching television. Suddenly, you realize there's a wasp crawling on your arm.”
“I’ll wave it off, get it outside saf- get it outside safely.”
“You're reading a magazine. You come across a full-page nude photo of a girl. You show it to your spouse. They like it so much, they hang it on your bedroom wall.”
“A. That’s. Aa...”
The Replicant is red in the monitor, almost as much as his jacket. Wolfwood taps his cigarette over the ash tray, idly fiddles with the loose strap of his weapon on his lap. “Mr. Saverem. Remember we are monitoring your reaction time.”
Saverem stifles the last of his giggles. “Get her stilettos in my size, I guess,” he shrugs. Eyes like a clean, clean sky.
Wolfwood returns quickly to the PKD. He’d been keeping his eyes away long enough anyway, he reasons, clearing his throat. “Next question,” he grinds on his cigarette.
Wolfwood hates this part of the job.
He heard that in the old days when it was easier to tell just from appearance, Undertakers called suspects in or paid home visits and had it over with in five minutes 90 percent of the time. Now he’s in an office, only three miserable blokes in and dozens more to go before lunch god damn it, doing his nth review of the vitals fluctuations this Replicant... Human... has displayed in the past hour. Finding nothing again, he tightens his grip on the Punisher’s strap under the table, winds a leg back to kick his usually flawless intuition in the shins...
“One last question. You're watching a stage play. A banquet is in progress. The guests are enjoying an appetizer of raw oysters. The entrée consists of boiled dog.”
“I’ll leave.”
Wolfwood kicks his intuition’s shins. Both of them.
He’d wasted a whole hour waiting for the question that reveals the crack in Saverem’s facade, the gaping hole on his Humanity’s puzzle. But the Human’s stats are the typical cyborg’s for each emotional response, and his empathy and logic above average. Enough so even Wolfwood would be forced to call him a sensible person, maybe even a good person if you held a gun to his head. But not too much that it rang any alarms.
“That concludes our examination,” Wolfwood mumbles, cracks his neck. His throat hurts from talking so long. He only ever had to ask up to 30 questions for even the most complex Replicant, and otherwise the necessary minimum of 20 for Humans. He couldn’t tell why he hadn’t been able to let this one go as the latter sooner. “You’ve passed with flying colors, Mr. Saverem. Congratulations.”
“Really? That’s new. Hehe.”
“Your papers will be updated of your status. Expect the change to be recorded in an hour. When asked for proof of your Humanity,” (Wolfwood was right. They were prescription glasses, and tinted. Saverem had stopped squinting since putting them back on, a desert’s haze, a sandstorm.) “a. Aa, for all intents and purposes, simply present your National ID .”
Wolfwood taps and drags the man’s file to the appropriate folder, reaches behind him to check on the Punisher for the next loser... still imposing, still heavy-looking. It’s always too early to take a break when you need it. “Please tell the next person to come in. Have a good day, Mr. Saverem.”
“You too, Nicholas. Aa, Mr. Wolfwood. Thanks for everything today.”
Wolfwood picks up Saverem’s untouched cup, chucks the contents in the sink to avoid the handshake he is offered. He busies himself at the water dispenser until he’s sure Saverem is at the door.
“So... I am not a Replicant?”
A strange question. Wolfwood actually looks. “It appears so, Mr. Saverem. You are Human Cyborg according to your records.” He watches the tension on Saverem’s lips and scoffs at the back of his throat. “A. Any questions before you go? Forgive me for not asking sooner.”
“You believe... A. None now, it’s okay. I, I hope I haven’t wasted your time today. And I hope you have something good for lunch.”
“A, sure. You too. I... guess.”
Saverem chuckles. “Thank you. Really.”
It’s dark by the doorway, away from the unfeeling fluorescents over the interrogation table. But the light is in Wolfwood’s eyes, and he couldn’t tell if the sandstorm has yielded to a night sky.
The closing door is silent in the windowless, soundproof room.
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alena-reblobs · 9 months
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol12 Part2
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1Vol02 Part 2 | Vol 03 Part 1 | Vol03 Part2 | Vol04 Part1 | Vol04 Part2 | Vol05 | Vol06 | Vol07 | Vol08 Part1 | Vol08 Part2 | Vol09 Part1 | Vol09 Part2 | Vol10 Part1 | Vol10 Part2 | Vol10 Part3 | Vol10 Part4 | Vol11 Part 1 | Vol11 Part2 | Vol12 Part1 | Vol12 Part2
Continuation for chapters 4-6
Trigger warnings for suicide mention/ideas within the analysis.
Ok chapter 4 will just be a collection of awesome pages which is nearly every page of this chapter
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Love how that coat is pointing back at him. Nightow also doesn't give a shit at how long it is in places. Looks cool and that's enough.
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Battle glasses!! This shows he means business. Also makes his emotions harder to read and it feels a bit like him closing off again...
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Followed by these pages...Vash almost looks strange. A bit creepy, even. Knives, if you tried to understand your brother for once, you'd see he's not actually that hard to read. Marlon gets it, too. You didn't even try.
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I love Nightow's whole approach to this epic showdown between Vash and Knives. It takes its time, now even with the quietness before the storm...the atmosphere that's being created is just so tangible. Also, how cool that now it is Knives looking down at Vash, and not the other way around! Like it was most of the other time.
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Oh nooo Vash felt that through their shared plant power, didn't he. Despite all that's been, that must've been an extra gut punch to Vash.
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Beneath his coat, our man is made of legs, leather, and boot straps, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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I think I read a post of someone saying some wise and intersting stuff about this page but I can't recall what it was about anymore...but I just want to say I love how Vash doesn't change what he is, for this final battle. He's always been a gunsman and damn pretty good at it. He's not going to transfor super-saiya-plant now, but stick to what he knows!
And their expressiooons...man this manga has so many great and varying expressions.
Chapter 5:
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There's wisdom stored in the pages of Trigun that I probably cannot fully grasp with my sparse knowledge of life experience. We get so rarely any insight into Vash's thoughts, it's always something precious for me as a reader.
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Love this panel!
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Oh, he looks so incredibly tired. The fandom has been using the term 'Widower Era' for this flavour of Vash and it is so fitting.
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Awesome page!! Again!!
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It's really crazy how far gone Knives must have been at this point that even children don't mean anything to him...they are all part of this big threat called "humanity".
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They are so young! And Vash looks so terrified..it's making me realize once more that this cool and powerful gunslinger started out as a "normal" boy, who had to become so powerful as a consequence of all that fucked up shit he went through...
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asaasffsd yeah, he's not just prepared to die here, he's planning for it.
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hehe pretty Vash panel in between (suprise: EVERY Vash panel is a pretty Vash panel!)
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The widower era is a look that suits him but why is it so grimdark aah. Is that the solution you've come to, Vash? Is that really the only reasonable and possible outcome, and are you sure your concllusion has not been clouded by recent traumatic events?
Chapter 6:
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This chapter is really where you get what Vash's power really is, isn't it? It's been shown that he can create these holes, but in July it was more an explosion, with the fifth moon as well, so this time feels like the first real mention of that black hole power!
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Yes! Who is there to decide if humanity is good or evil, if it deserves to live on? If you must find a decision, at least hear the voices of those who had to suffer! And Knives never really tried listening to the other Plants..
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Knives would have a blast with twitter and the youtube commentary section.
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That story of that village is so sad, and just a great example of...accidents that just happen. Misfortune that causes people to be cruel to each other, without wanting to. This showdown between Vash and Knives, I love how it's not just them throwing cool catch up phrases at each others' head, but...it comes down to their core conflicts, and it touches topics that are so very applicable to real world conflicts, too.
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Stupid stupid military shooting >:( The plants look in pain now, too!
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And then...and then he's not fighting along!! <:') The friend squad is here for the rescue!! Finally, finally Vash is getting some help in his fight. He could and should have asked for it, but it's great they still came without him needing to.
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Aww Meryl :DD These two are just so precious.
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Oh I was just wondering if this is the commander feeling Chronica's aura like that time Wolfwood did feel Vash's during the fight at Home?
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(At least she's not crying blood like Vash did, phew) but uh bye Domina :( You had your short, but sweet appearance!
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hafula · 2 years
hehe. knives for the character game *stares at you with my autistic eyes*
HEH. im doing specifically manga knives for this so these are big spoilers connor stop looking. you can come back when youve finished reading it. this got long so its going under a readmore
My overall opinion on the character
GREAT antagonist and character. i love him so much because i understand why he does the things he does even though they are VERY extreme. in all fairness to him, he sees the worst of humanity from a very young age which traumatizes him greatly and vash reacted the same exact way he did at first which makes me wanna throw up thinking about. i also love that hes not an antagonist because he hates humanity for mistreating plants but because the way he goes about things goes directly against vashs own moral compass! he was such a good kid and its devastating to see how his trauma fundamentally changed him as a person and how he couldnt really even be redeemed by vash. tragic and sympathetic (to a degree!!!! not entirely!!!) antag in my eyes. i think it could have been handled better but overall hes my problematic fav and im sorry
One virtue they have
im trying to think of one. i dont know what counts as virtue when im talking about a chaotic evil antagonist. um he has very strong ideals that he sticks to and definitely has determination to go through with them, even if theyre directly against the protagonists wishes. i cant say much because overall hes a pretty bad person. lmao.
One flaw they have
just like vash, black and white thinking. he cannot comprehend that there is a good side to humanity because he has seen the worst of it and what its done to his species and, more importantly, what they did to vash. like his ideals are so strong but theyre skewed because hes actively looking for every single bad thing humanity has done and ignoring the good when it doesnt support his mission. this really says something about society
Favorite moment from their arc
IN PART with the above i absolutely loved when he absorbed a plant and obtained her memories, which also included memories of humans being good to her. like i feel like that would have been a great way to start showing him that humanity is not inherently evil and start an inner conflict with his goals & the memories hes getting from his siblings' lives among humans.
Least favorite moment from their arc
i honestly cant think of one. he was a good antagonist the entire series from what i remember but its been a while since ive done a complete readthrough so this may change when i finish up reading. least favorite iteration is anime knives literally fuck that guy he was evil just because a guy was mean to him one time so he started thinking humans as inferior ??? fuck off man at least manga knives has trauma and no reason to trust humans after literally seeing the remains of his would-be older sibling dismembered and put into glass tubes as a testament to the fact that humanity is scared of things they dont understand and thus causing them to do horrible things 🤨 it doesnt justify his actions but at least they make sense
One relationship they have with another character
JUST one? he has so many interesting relationships with the gung ho guns but like he also sees them as tools so ill go with vash. his relationship with vash is a lot more important in the manga than in the anime or at least he never says "we should try to act like brothers". they ARE brothers. they never had a sibling hierarchy before the big fall but i think it speaks levels about the fact that he starts calling vash his little brother to the point that the gung ho guns also address vash as his little brother since for all intents and purposes vash always looked after him like an older brother on the ship. knives was more sensitive and naive than vash was. knives had the big ideas of being accepted by humanity. and its literally destroying me to know that their places could have EASILY been swapped if vash never injured rem and gotten her "ticket to the future" talk. its tragic! theyre twin brothers! they care about each other but they no longer see eye to eye on anything! THEY HAVE TELEPATHIC POWERS WHICH HAS BEEN IMPLIED TO BE A THING THE ENTIRE TIME SO THEYVE BEEN LINKED THROUGH THE ENTIRE MANGA? WHY WAS THIS NEVER EXPLORED
One relationship I'd like to see explored from this character
wolfwood! i feel like they had some freaky weird dynamics going on there and their interactions made me want to see more. the fact that he knew that wolfwood was trying to kill him and wasnt actually chapel but also was just letting him do whatever cuz he didnt think wolfwood was a big enough threat... dude. itd be funny to see their interactions if knives ever got his domestication arc fr. it would have been so fucking awkward. i also think wolfwood would have some pretty strong words for knives and i wish he got to say them
What I would have liked to see happen with them in the media
his domestication arc. or like him living in general. its very dumb of me because the entire point is that some people cant be redeemed in the end but like. i Know that seeing him start to get more acquainted with the good side of humanity would do things to me esp. if he managed to remember how rem used to be good to him and genuinely loved him, and also i think it would have been comical. the one thing i loved to see from the anime was the fact that vash spared knives and took him with him to start over or whatever and i wish that happened in the manga! him turning into a tree was pretty funny tho ngl
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