#hellenic shitposts
Hecate: save money
me: again??
Hecate: "again" you should save money all the time
me: okay i just want to buy this bunny I'm saving I'm saving
Hecate: okay
Hecate: i love you
me: 🥹🥹🥹love you too
Hecate: also relax a bit, you've been devoting a lot today you deserve rest
me: i didn't even-
Hecate: also don't push your so to work with deities you're scaring him
me: sorry mom
Hecate: it's okay
me: i was actually trying to ask Asclepius a question so like...
Hecate: right, I'll just *disappears*
me: right so where were we
Asclepius: don't be scared of spending money
me: oh my fuckin god
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artemis-potnia-theron · 6 months
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Diana Awakening Apollo by Carl Bertling
I cannot describe how obsessed I am with this painting.
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Here you have Lady Artemis. Regal, majestic, brimming with divine breath in her role as lightbringer.
And then Lord Apollon - 😭
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Carl Bertling I'm on my way to ur house as we speak
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rose-colored-tarot · 2 months
New UPG unlocked: a solar eclipse is what happens when the twins wrestle and Artemis sits on Apollo's head
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sukizula · 24 days
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something something titanomachy days
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saschirmations · 1 year
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despite myself this is an aphrodite and ares appreciation zone
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Now that I've found that statue of Apollo taking a selfie in the Louvre, my life is much more complete.
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daughterofsito · 4 months
I’m a Demeter worshipper of course! I am obsessed with plants & attached with my plants.
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fiasramblings · 14 days
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imagineee-123 · 7 days
Just thinking about how someone I know irl puts down Satanists a lot for being Satanists while they claim to be an open-minded and positive polytheist..
I can't entirely blame them considering they were raised in a conservative Catholic Christian household, but c'mon, man. Don't put down others' beliefs just because you don't entirely understand it.
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greenthey · 2 months
Orpheus ignoring Euridyce even though they've been out in the sun for like 5 days because he has complex PTSD from the last millions of times the myth played out
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it's cool having a hyperfixation on being lgbt and having random flags that are not accurate to you anymore because then you can give them to Apollo as an offering
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artemis-potnia-theron · 6 months
Me this morning: I'm pumped for the Solstice dude 😎 Going to dinner, saying some prayers, singing a few hymns -
Artemis: Takes me on one of the most brutal spiritual experiences (which heavily involved grief and fungus) of my young life.
Me: 👁👄👁
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friendlyfatbee · 1 year
8th Hottest Ghost: Hellen Gravely
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Looks: Her outfit EXUDES 1920s- hence we’ll be using 1920 beauty standards. In that case, her outfit and physique perfectly fulfills those beauty standards, especially her boa. However, HOWEVER, she does use makeup to cover up her true appearance that is ‘ugly’ according to the 1920s (and her dress is also torn in appearance when her makeup isn’t on? I’ve got no clue how THAT works but ghost logic I guess-) I gave her a middle of the road score since I never specified before this ranking list if a ghost’s true appearance or a ghost’s ‘makeup’ appearance is the one that gets judged for beauty. (So averaged max beauty score and min score with ugly appearance.)
Personality: She’s definitely got one!… and some issues with it. This woman is smart, classy, and alluring; not only did she lure Luigi into her trap, but Mario, Peach, and three Toads too! But as for issues: 1.) Beauty. Hellen has such an urge to keep her beauty. Even during cutscenes she’s reapplying makeup, she fights with a mirror in her boss fight, and while Luigi is vacuuming her up for good she does her makeup AGAIN. This woman definitely is insecure about her appearance and might feel she can’t confide in a romantic partner if she can’t let down her guard with all her efforts to remain beautiful. 2.) King Boo obsession. This woman has… way too much physical things in his likeness: Statues, paintings with her and him, slippers, and the door to her office that requires all 4 different jewel keys. King Boo clearly doesn’t reciprocate her feelings because she didn’t succeed in completely trapping Luigi and allowed him to run about the hotel, and she clearly seems upset when he tells her she’s failing. She takes out her frustration on Luigi for King Boo not praising her for her trap. And lets talk about her trap for a second: and ENTIRE HOTEL. We don’t know if she had the hotel prior to wanting King Boo’s affection, but she did modify it to her desires of being both dangerous to Luigi and filled with King Boo memorabilia. She’s looking for some form of validation from others, which might tie in to her need to keep her beauty. Basically she’s already got great qualities likes charisma and smarts, but I feel she should first face her issues of beauty and need for validation before pursuing a romantic relationship.
Survival Rate: Middle of the road. Yeah she fights fairly good, I mean… she did break a desk with her own two fights when Luigi confronts her in her office. I’d hate to be on the other side of those fists if she got mad at me.
Niceness Rate: Also middle of the road. She’s nice when she needs to be (welcoming guests) but also has a bit of spice when she’s upset (fury at Luigi understandably but she broke her DESK guys, I don’t know how else I can emphasize that desks are BEYOND sturdy- and she broke that!! Oh and also just angry pointing for goob servants to go away while she’s spying on Luigi through security cams.)
Overall, Hellen Gravely is here for her makeup hiding her true appearance, lower survival rate, and not loving herself first before others. Me personality if I had to ignore all the criteria I made for ‘grading’ the hotness of ghosts? Hellen Gravely is IMMENSELY hot. I know she’s 8th, and that sounds bad, but the rest of the ghosts from Clem and beyond will be more positive than negative. (I also still find her attractive in her true form but I do admit her flaws are a dealbreaker.)
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pieandhotdogs · 1 year
Witches on tumblr and tiktok: “This is an advanced deity to work with, you shouldn’t start out with this god if you are just a beginner, and when you do you need to set up wards to protect yourself because they can be DANGEROUS. Also, be careful of trickster spirits impersonating deities!”
An Ancient Greek child who was raised actually worshipping an “advanced deity”:
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
You know, I don't think it'd be all that far fetched to say you can assume all Greek gods are bisexual and there's a good chance you're probably not wrong.
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daughterofsito · 4 months
ARCHIVED Thinking for a good couple of weeks about getting “high end.” Art supplies from a shop in town but going though my cheap stuff before doing that…
Mentioning it to my dad and he forgot he had water colour and paper from said shop.
✨I manifested that shit?!✨
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