#here we go again🚶‍♀️
binniesoob · 1 year
Tomorrow X Together Storyline Masterlist
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Welcome to TXT's storyline masterlist! It is subject to change while we go on with the parts and the comebacks.
If you have any insights/suggestions/theories or see inaccuracies, feel free to share anytime! Through anons, asks, tags, notes, reblogs, whatever you feel comfortable with <3
All the posts related to the storyline can be found under the tag — txt lore !
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— Youtube UPDATED
contains music videos and trailers in the storyline order. Includes MMA performances that are lore centered and every year announce the next Chapter name as a tradition
— Spotify UPDATED
includes title tracks and most b-sides
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— Storyline through Official Album's Descriptions UPDATED
info about each album provided by TXT's official website
— The Star Seekers Webnovels
The storyline has an additional variation focused on TXT's alter ego Star One. It is narrated through two webnovels and has significant differences from the main storyline of the albums: it is about alternative universes. Despite that, it has very useful explanations and anticipations about the main storyline as well. You can read it here:
Webtoon | Wattpad webnovel
(Although these exist and I read them, I'm going to focus on the storyline through the albums and only mention them when needed, also because not everyone has access or interest in reading them.)
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— A Summary of the Storyline (until The Name Chapter) FULL CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS COMING SOON
what is it about, what are the main motifs and symbolism used, analysis of the music videos from The Dream Chapter: Star to The Name Chapter Concept Trailer
— TNC: Temptation Tracklist Posters Analysis
analysing the tracklist posters art and explaining how they connect to the lore
— TNC: Temptation Album Analysis
analysing the songs included in The Name Chapter: Temptation and the Sugar Rush Ride music video
— Poppin' Star, Roller Coaster and Sugar Rush Ride Correlation
cr. @/sweet_candieot5 on twitter
— TNC: Freefall Predictions and Logo Analysis
my predictions for The Name Chapter: Freefall and the new logo meaning
— TNC: Freefall Concepts Analysis
analysing the concept pictures for the album! what do we expect lore-wise from it
— TNC: Freefall Album Analysis COMING SOON
analysing the songs included in The Name Chapter: Freefall and the Chasing That Feeling music video
analysing the songs included in Minisode 3 : Tomorrow and the Deja Vu music video
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literalsunhobi · 5 months
me at all times: maybe i should rewatch lysy in são paulo
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11/01 Ah shi, here we go again 🚶‍♀️
(The answer is obviously boobs tho)
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Quitting your 9-6 security job because of Tetra 🦊, Pricilla 🐞 (Grumpy guard and lowkey sassy🤐)
An: I... The way that I wanted to change Tetra's into a black cat one so it could be an MLB reference... Rocky start but trust, it gets better in the end... 😊 - Here we go again... 😌 you found a job at a museum, to pay for your gacha addiction 📃 so yeah, pooks you were assigned at nighttime... 😃 This time though, you actually LISTENED 🤯 to the people, and found numerous articles about the Fox and the rabbit duo that made you FEEL single 🙄 Yeah, you heard that right, these two smh... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ At this point, bestie didn't want to deal with them at nighttime, that you made a pledge that you're QUITTING 🚪🚶‍♀️ when you see the two... It was ON SIGHT 👥 If they show up... - Oh, pookie... You weren't wrong... Fast forward to 12 midnight, they show up like a cliché heist scene, making you sigh and down the scalding HOT 🥵♨☕ coffee. Honestly pooks, I feel you rn... 🧍‍♀️ You end up staring at the two of them DEADASS tired 🙄, making them stop in their tracks and STARE 👀 at you. Turning away, and muttering to yourself that you didn't want to be dealing with this shit, you walked away, from them, thinking about how you're going to file a resignation letter in the morning or just ghost your employer altogether... Regrets were made when a voice speak up, making you walk a little bit fasterrrr 🚶‍♀️💨 You were not in the mood for this... 😶
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The girl, who was dressed like a fox asked why YOU were ignoring them??? 🤨 You gave her the side-eye, responding that this was not how you wanted to spend your Sunday... 😐 At this point, you were being sassy 😭 My girl... You just wanted a normal night, why couldn't they just give you that? 😞😞😞 Like, can't a woman just... Get away from all the struggle you've been through...? Having multiple jobs, one which was basically free labor, one got you almost DEVOURED 😭, why does this have to happen to YOU??? 😩 You can never catch a break, can you??? 😿😿😿
Girlie was STUNNED, like??? Isn't this your job? Do you not care about getting fired or what? 😧 The one that dressed up like they were in a masquerade... 💃 attempted to provoke you... But you was not responding like they were expecting you to, making them even more concerned??? About the lack of reaction coming from you, lmao you were just standing there, as if you were babysitting them 👺 Then both of them awkwardly waited for the queue that you were playing with them, but you were NOT at all 😶 Making them just stand there and observed you like you were Mona Lisa...
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Busying yourself with playing the award winning, hit video game called "Path to Nowhere", you ended up farming a lot of hypercubes just enough to pull for your favorite character... 🥰 You weren't in a grumpy mood anymore after half an hour of playing the game... Meanwhile, not noticing that the two were still there, waiting for you, like they were waiting for their MOTHER or smth... The fox lady cleared her throat, making you glare at them for interrupting your game time... 😒 My girl is CONFUSED as to why you were literally doing nothing but playing games on your phone... Like omg, it's like they're obsessed with you or something Pookie... 🤭
You let out a nasally "What?" with an attitude 💅 That's right bestie... You tell them girl 😤 Making them flabbergasted at the way you were talking to them, like they can't believe that this... Guard was not GIVING like excuse moi? Why is YOU not chasing them or smth? This wouldn't be the heist for them... Yeah right, as if you had the energy for that... So, they carefully explain that they wanted you to do something or like call the authorities at least? But you didn't like getting told what to do, so... NO 🥰 making their jaw drop at the way you were nonchalant over the whole thing... The way they were debating if they were just going to find another place to rob or just... Leave and like steal the items they were targeting.
But they wanted to at least understand why were you not interested in them...? So you end up ranting about this game you were playing and how you needed MONEY because you blew all your life savings for this particular game like it was the casino, gambling away your chances for a better life... 💸💸💸 which is why how you became a security guard to cure your gacha addiction... (You did not get cured at all btw, I was the credit card 💳) Making them think you were crazy, to which you respond...
"Crazy? 🤪 I 😜 was 😈 crazy 🤑 once. They 🤐 put 📦 me 👉😝👈 in 📩 a 😻 room. 😭 A rubber 😰 room 🤩 A 😥 rubber 😞 room 😢 with 😖 rats 🐀 And 😯 rats 🐀 make 😩 me 😬 CRAZY 🤪" Girl,,, both of them actually felt bad and decided to talk to you the entire time, making them forget about stealing 😊 for awhile... (Pookie that was such a smart response, I could NEVER come up with that 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️) You learn both of their names. Tetra and Pricilla, decided to "kidnap" you out of the museum and end up giving you some 💰💰💰 to help you in your gacha addiction...
You end up dragging them into the rabbit 🐇 hole 🕳 of playing PTN, that they became your friends in the game as well in real life... You also got them addicted to gacha... Now there's three of you 😈😈😈 You guys chat whenever they were free and hung out a LOT in your apartment, making it their second base to crash 💥 in after their usual heist. Sis... I'm going to ask you again, how do you manage to be friends with these people??? Were you some magnet for sinners? Maybe you should lend me some of your luck or smth... An: I still have some ideas 💡 left in me which is why I post often hee hee 🥰
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cocozydiaries · 2 months
this has been sitting in the drafts for a hot minute and you might as well get comfy coz this is a really long post (i’m so sorry) like whatever ur thinking it is longer. i’m a yapper :(
first thing i want out of the way: THIS IS NOT AN ANGSTY BACKSTORY i’m not about that life😭🙏 i want happiness and comfort pls and thxs (some minor stuff but only coz i couldn’t think of any way around it)
@keishawantskisses @livingmydreamlife5555 i posted my mha drself intro now it’s ur move🤭 (also if anyone else plans on posting their mha drself intro PLS TAG ME)
i’m so nervous? like i dont post about my drs much😭 anyways enjoy!!
Around when i was four i was adopted into a really nice family :> (aww so sweet)
With my family both my parents work as spies for a major undercover spy based hero company that works on breaking down villains from the inside by infiltrating them (you thought this was gonna be a chill backstory huh🙄 guess again).
See a lot of “villains” aren’t the typical villains you see heroes fighting day to day. Some keep their crimes traditional. They keep themselves lowkey while their crimes affect things and lives on a big scale. With these kinds of criminals it’s pretty difficult to prove they’re doing this stuff directly.
Can’t immediately fight a criminal if they’re not technically a villian. However they are still considered villains since the use of quirks if often involved and the use of quirks is what sets aside a villain from a regular criminal. Proving it is where things get difficult (think spooky gang sorta stuff and how often they can get away with stuff but then add in quirks into the mix)
That’s why these sort of spy agencies exists. To gather intel and then weed out the rats! (They also do other stuff this was just an example)
These spy agencies are also totes government approved (not to be confused with vigilantes which are also illegal) seeing as they work pretty closely with cops and some heroes. However for obvious reasons they’re kept out of the public eye.
To compare ig people would talk about these companies in the same way most people talk about the CIA or FBI. They know they exist and sometimes make jokes about them watching people. All that good old expected stuff.
Both my parents obviously know about each other’s jobs and that’s actually how they met me!
(god this is a long post)
Growing up my parents weren’t in the picture soooo yk. Care homes ig🚶‍♀️
I was around four when my quirk manifested. Long story short i accidentally flooded the place! Luckily it wasn’t insanely dangerous (only ankle level water on the first floor) but the place i was at still decided to switch me over to a different home meant for kids with slightly more difficult quirks just in case.
This place was essentially like the other homes just more equipped to handle kids with difficult or powerful quirks. They have more supervisors on hand with less kids.
Considering how some kids are placed in care after having just undergone smth traumatic to get them there, their quirks aren’t always very stable around this period in their lives. These facilities are meant to help them adjust mentally as well as assist them with their quirks. Some kids temporarily lose their quirks. Some kids lack control over overly powerful ones. Even in care quirk privilege still exists…
Flashy quirks aren’t as common as one would think so there aren’t a lot of kids like that and even less that are in care but whenever a kid like this does appear they’re transferred to these places to help them.
My life here, although short, was actually quite nice. I got along with the staff and the other kids well enough. I was happy and like four… like what else was i gonna be? Four going though midlife crisis?
However being the society that we live in quirks are pretty important and as such they’re a highly considered aspect in the whole adopting process.
In some cases some people might want easy to handle kids and so will want quirks to match that. On the flip side some people chase those flashy quirks. Hoping to mould kids into smth worthy of it (cruel i know but it’s a cruel world).
Some people defend these kinds of people by saying that even prior to quirks a child’s physical/mental well being was always smth that was put into consideration with these kinds of choices so by following that line of thinking aren’t quirks just an extension of that?
Of course social workers will do their best to make sure kids are taken in to homes with their best interest at heart but these kinda people slip through the cracks.
However my situation was a bit like the second. I was chosen for my quirk (just like all my older siblings were). With my parents they’re basically given funding (by that lil company they work at) to support the kids under their care and help guide them to follow in their footsteps. It’s basically a sort of investment.
There’s a lot of debate as to how ethical this is. The kids are given the choice to follow through once they reach a certain age but preparing kids to be spies… yh it’s an iffy topic.
Some argue that hero schools do a similar thing since people spend their whole lives preparing for those while others think it isn’t a fair comparison from an emotional perspective. Again this is a really forked up society.
As for the kids? They don’t do any spy work until they’re old enough ofc but in some very rare cases (like with my older brother and sister) they might.
Besides what kid doesn’t want to be a spy? Also they’re given the choice and any assignments they do complete (no matter how rare) there’s a set amount of money put aside for them once they reach a certain age.
The main thing to be considered when placing these future spies into houses is their quirk’s efficiency. Take my parents for instance. My mum is more suitable for short term assignments (like guarding people or whatnot) seeing as her quirk essentially boosts her physical strength while my dad does more long term lowkey stuff (espionage) since his quirk is more subtle.
My quirk on a surface level might not suitable for spy work but it makes for a great weapon if handled correctly.
So yeah. I have a future spy turned hero sorta thing going for me. I also would very much like to clarify this isn’t a sad backstory. I had a good childhood and a decent upbringing. My parents didn’t have to take in any kids but they wanted to. Also, unlike some people, they will still consider me their kid regardless of if i decide to follow their line of work or not. Cough cough take notes endeavour cough.
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cryptiles · 2 years
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— details ; brothers x gn! reader ; head-cannon based ; 〘🐙〙 ; obey me m.list ; they/them/you/yours
— summary ; domestic texts between you and the brothers
— requests are open as of 17/8
“ good afternoon mc , are you home ? “
“ yeah i am , why ? “
“ a package was just delivered to the front porch , do me a favour and check it for me would you ? “
“ ofc ofc , give me a sec. “
“ are these flowers ? “
“ do you like them ? “
“ i would love to go back to 2 seconds ago where we were relishing in the moment without the mention of fathers name. “
“ 🏃‍♀️“
“ oi ! i’m stuck out in the rain tell lucifer i’ll be late for dinner. “
“ pftt .. imagine. “
“ don’t laugh at me ! i wore an expensive jacket out today too … now its ruined. “
“ wru rn ? “
“ outside some randos shops shelter. “
“ jeez everyones wet and soaked as fuck , smells like shit. “
“ LMAOAAOO HELP 🚶‍♀️ but anyways i’ll come pick you up if you want. “
“ wait what ? you’re gonna walk here in this type of heavy rain ? “
“ umbrellas exist dumbass. “
“ YEAH BUT STILL , i wouldn’t wanna trouble you it’s just a bit of rain. “
“ nothing the great mammon can’t handle ! 😈 “
“ yeah yeah … i’ll wait for you in your room , movie night remember ? “
“ jackass 😒 “
“ for what ? i’m lazy to leave my bed. “
“ WELL “
“ YOU WHAT ? “
“ pick me’s are more infuriating than popular wannabes. “
“ i rest my case. “
“ they’re equally as annoying , both types can’t keep their mouths shut. “
“ disagree. pick me’s act upon it changing their tone of voice and putting others down for their own gain. “
“ that’s a lowball. “
“ okay yeah valid point but then again you could argue that the wannabes have a chance of dropping their now friends for the more well-known group. “
“ meet me at the library in 5 , i’ll make some tea for both of us while we discuss this. “
“ are we really debating over high school drama … “
“ yes , it’s important. “
“ mccc !! “
“ mc ! “
“ sweetieee “
“ answer me love 😾😾😾 “
“ sorry sorry , mammon was speaking to me. “
“ you know , you should stop hanging out with him and instead with me ! 🤗 “
“ but moving on ! i found this adorable pair of boots that would look absolutely gorgeous on you. “
“ ugh ! imagining you in those already makes my heart flutter you’d look so adorable 💕 “
“ mc ! i’ll swing by the house and pick you up get ready in 15 minutes hon , we’re going on a shopping spree. “
“ i’ll come pick you up sweetie there’s no way i’m letting you walk here all by yourself ! “
“ what if someone steals you away from me while im not there ? 😾 “
“ alright alright YOU BETTER BE HERE SOON “
“ also you’re spending too much time with satan , the amount of times you’ve used that angry cat emoji is concerning … “
“ BEEL WRU ? “
“ mc ! are you alright ? do you need help ? are you hurt ? “
“ i’m just extremely tired today and i don’t feel like walking down the long hallway for dinner … “
“ could you come to my room and give me a piggy back ride ? 😁 “
“ oh “
“ thank goodness you’re not hurt. ☺️ “
“ but sure :D i’m omw to your room , hang tight mc. “
“ ilysm 🫶 “
“ wru ? “
“ my room , why ? “
“ come to the planetarium “
“ the stars are really pretty tonight “
“ they remind me of the celestial realm , where we couldn’t admire our own stars … “
“ but here , i’m able to do one of my favourite activities with everyone , with you. “
“ i told you i forgave you belphie. “
“ please don’t beat yourself up on it anymore. “
“ how did you know ? “
“ you never have enough energy to type this many words 🥱 “
“ also open the door , i think you accidentally locked it. “
© 2022 cryptiles. please do not repost / translate my work and post it to other social media websites without permission , thank you.
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
Hi Rae! I’m the anon that sent those 6 idea prompts that one time. (Ex: R planning a prom for J) I thought of some more I would like to share! Here they are:
R goes to spend Mother’s/Father’s Day with J’s family, even if J can’t make it because of her job. R would of course bring them a gift and she would also be helping them around the house. She wouldn’t want them to do anything, so she is the one that helps set up for the gathering. She loves them and wants to show her appreciation. If J was not there, one of her siblings would secretly FaceTime her to show her what R is doing.
Ever since the Met, R and J make it a tradition to attend red carpet events in matching outfits. They love showing that they are together even though everyone knows. R also does the Will Smith meme with her arms out towards J to bring attention to her beauty. J always blushes no matter how many times R does this.
R thanking J in one of her acceptance speeches. R didn’t think she would win, so she didn’t bother to write a speech. She was so shocked when she heard her name that she couldn’t move, so J had to snap her out of it. Once she is on the stage the only thing she could think about is J, so she just locks eyes with her and thanks her over and over again. J may or may not cry a little.
R has a pool table at her house and one day when J sees it, she asks if R can teach her how to play. (J may or may not know how to play) R says of course and gets excited that J wants to learn because R finds the game fun. R shows J how to hold the pool cue and she is of course right up on her. This was J’s plan all along because she just wanted R close.
R picks up J from the airport one night. She takes her to her home and J tells R to just spend the night at her place. When J goes to her fridge to get something, she sees that it is practically empty because she’s been gone for a bit. R says she’ll just go to the supermarket to pick up some things for her but J doesn’t want her to go alone, so she tags along. They go to a 24/7 supermarket and have some fun in their delirious state (since it’s late and J is sleep deprived). J is sitting in the bed of the cart and R is pushing her around and they are giggling together. R brings J in an aisle that she knows has J’s favorite food without asking J if she wanted it. J realizes and can’t help but to kiss R in the middle of the supermarket. At the end of their trip, R is holding all the bags and J reaches out for R to give her some. R doesn’t realize she wants to grab some bags, so instead she moves all of the bags to one hand to be able hold J’s hand with her other hand.
R surprises J with a bookstore date. Any book that J looks slightly interested in, R makes sure to grab, so she could buy it for her. J is so in her element that she doesn’t really realize that this is occurring. After like the 6th book she turns to see R just holding them all. She is shocked and asks R why she holding all of those. R just says that she wants to spoil her girl.
I hope you like them lol. Can I please be this 🖍️ if it’s available.
THIS GOT LOST IN MY INBOX but I swear I saw you send this in ages ago (i just found it🫢)
I LOVE ALL OF THESE IDEAS (will def go up on the drawing board 🚶‍♀️…. walking there as we speak)
- I love the idea of themed/matching outfits on the red carpet/events. yk R and J will be gunning for best dressed couple every time
ily babes, thanks for sending these. I always enjoy reading them, sorry it took me so long to respond LOL
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webslingingslasher · 2 months
j do whatever you want / need!!!!!!!!
you could dnf the whole series and although I’d grieve it privately i would def understand like this is a hobby for u!!!!!! if it’s not fun anymore then u shouldn’t do it💞💞💞💞💞 u don’t owe us anything so do or change or quit or revamp anything u want <3
I swear I think all of us just like talking to you JDJDJDJD obvs I loveeeeeeeee ur writing (literally more than anyone else, it’s all I read) but i just like reading random asks too like even tho we don’t know each other irl, i feel like we’re friends🚶‍♀️so I just like spending time here. the writing is a BONUS
i might’ve come for the series but I stayed for you and even if you never write anything again I’d still be here💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 literally all of us would
🥺🥺🥺 thank u bestie <33 this is soo 🥰🥰🥹🥹
i think i get ahead of myself sometimes and then when i stop feeling passionate for something it’s hard to keep going.
it’s an idea i’m sitting on and i think i can revamp it and make it so much better.
((also we are friends, duh!! why else would i keep coming on here?))
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alittleorcish · 1 year
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aw shit here we go again 🚶‍♀️
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n4talia-chaparro · 6 months
How can gpkrupp have a soft spot for Melvin when he tortures him?/gen because I thought gpkrupp didn’t have feelings
True- he was originally supposed to be a villain that doesn't have feelings or regret like any horror game characters (also inspired by puppet combo games ofc) and maybe may have some random villain trope into him.
His feelings are different compared to the original show Krupp.
(I mean I'm sure some people the whole inside-out reference in the show where Krupp had those weird personalities inside his damn mind?? I'm pretty sure gp!Krupp doesn't express that much of any emotion except for anger and intrusive towards any people or himself????? Idk I'm working on that actually)
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Welp here we go again.
Trigger warning, again...: mention of cuts, bleeding, uh this one insult (?), etc cuz info dumping the AU and answering questions related to it is oddly weird but fun.
He may be a toxic and bad influence for Sneedly but since that fucker had a pretty fucked up history during his childhood, the man sees the kid as a younger version of him. (Ohh shitttt spoilllerrr/J /but srs)
- - -
he be going from: "You look just like me when I had your age and used to have glasses."
To: "Back in my day my mother used to punish me by carving lines to my wrist or legs and then hurt me in a fucked up way as possible to make me sick and bleed in front of everyone in the church as everyone laughs at my fresh cuts and wounds and getting strangled and tortured by god himself, still listening to the nuns and priest laugh at my suffering and cries. And that's exactly what I'm doing. I'll do the same shit to YOU. I will keep hurting and damaging you mentally and physically cuz I love seeing you cry and bleed. I wanna hear you scream and beg for mercy until I get tired of your existence and use you as a stress toy to let out my anger towards you as a way to cope. I don't care if you are dying. I love watching you suffer and bleed."
And to THIS: "I don't care if I took all your IQ and made you retarded as fuck, since you wanna act like a nonverbal toddler or a dumb animal, I'll still harm you but at the same time I will adopt your ugly ass because you don't know how to take care of yourself and you are like a son to me and I don't know what else to tell describe to you, your ugly ass crossed eyes are filled with innocent and pure and it makes me wanna adopt you"
And then: "Well fuck I'm a dad now"
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That is the cycle LOL.
it repeats the same thing over and over, my friend. Gp!Krupp doesn't know how to deal with Sneedly at the point he ends up adopting the kid and is unaware of the soft spot he developed throughout the whole damn storyline and how he just found out about it. 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
[NOTE: Some characters are in the middle of development since I'm trying hard to improve the au to be "perfect"]
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joonberriess · 7 months
Animal farmmm 😭🚪🚶‍♀️it was so well written!! And the end I had to stare at the ceiling for some time 😔 and well- why do i feel like jk loves us
here we go again with the delusions 👨‍🦯 just kidding lmaoooo idk maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t
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carsonian · 10 months
🍐 and 🍍for the writers ask game?
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1st of all, this feels like standing before a God & receiving fruit. Like. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the other way around. I'd LOVE for it to be the other way around--i.e., I'd love to hear YOUR answers to the game. What music (if any) did YOU listen to when you broke the fandom's brain into neat quarters with "Gather Ye Rosebuds"? Or what rarepairs do you enjoy? You're so good at nailing character voices (see: "non-functional requirements") that I feel like you'd convince me to give, like, Thanos/Groot a go.
Onto the fruit 🔪🤔
🍐 - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind? If no, why not?
Not really! Mostly, I prefer dialogue and chatter. I like to keep shows running in the background; I think it helps me keep the fic moving. That being said, if I've got a particular song stuck in my head, it'll bleed into whatever fic I'm writing. That also being said (lots being said here), it's not always 1-1. Like "Transcendental Blues" by Steve Earle doesn't reallllyyy have anything to do with "Transcendental Blues" the fic. But it also kinda does. Blue curtains type beat. I think the CLEAREST link between fic and song is the summer camp crack fic I wrote--Never Let You See (Baby, What You Mean To Me)--for which I listened to 1 hour of silence broken up by random cartoon sound effects. And well. It complements the fic pretty well. Also, I'm never doing that again. I felt like I was in a Loony Tunes skit for hours afterward.
🍍- Rarepairs? Yea or nay?
Firstly, I don't mean to be that person but maybe I do because I feel like this fruit should have been the pear? Or is that too gauche? Somebody tell me. My radar's off.
And, rarepairs, YAY! Cause, see, I'm a Steve/Tony gal first & foremost. If they're the main course--I'm having a good time regardless. I'm feasting. I'm nom-nom-nom-ing. I don't mind what the side salad is. Or whether the fries are thick or thin. 'Cause the burger is scrumpdillyicious. I may reach for the salsa dip--why not a little Bucky/Sam?--and sometimes, a good beverage washes it down--Nat/Bruce, sure--but I'm there for the burg and if the burg's rockin, this girl's gonna roll. Nooo okay siri delete that last sentence. NO siri embrace cringe. die mad. die feeling something.
I think I'm getting too comfortable on this app but thank you @lazywriter7 and pls let me know the soundtrack to all your fics so I can wallow. A good wallow is nigh! Aight, I'm off to re-read "we were infinite" 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️(see how I'm walking towards the fic. Even the emojis know whassup & what's good. FYI: this fic is whassup & what's good.)
FYI x2: ask game.
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euphoricfilter · 9 months
First of all calm down my bub. 🩷
Gosh you're just like me 😭. I also tend to ruminate over small instances like this. They bother me so much until I let them out l and share it with my mum.
I feel you can chill. They perhaps just checked in on you? Perhaps they cared about you enough to see if you're not bored or lonely idk? I personally don't know them.
If that's not the case, and they actually did want to hangout with you. What you did was totally right. Cause it's very imp to draw personal boundaries sometimes lest people step over them later.
You'd have felt even worse had you let her in I know. You legit don't know the other person. Cause I'd have felt the same.
I'd suggest do something to engage your brain in something that gets your brain off it. Cause these type of small instances will be very common. It's an energy change let alone emvironment change for you it's okay to feel like this don't be so hard on youself and just let it go.
They don't even care trust me.
HELP i did the same, i messaged my mum after 😭
okay so i messaged the girl in the room next to me, idk if we’re friends? or if that’s like overzealous because we’ve known each other for like 5 days max LMAO. but i messaged her, saying i forgot to say hi to her friend, and to say hi for me, and then they knocked on the door and i like completely freaked out because i was not prepared for that at all and i definitely forgot her friend’s name and feel bad about that now too
but!! apparently the girl next door talked about me a lot to her friend (she said it’s because i’m her favorite 😭) and that her friend also likes bts and told her about the albums i have. because the girl next door helped me organize them on the shelf the first day we got here. and idk if i was meant to be like haha do you wanna come in and look? but i seriously was like internally freaking out so i probably still came off awkward but i feel a little less bad about not saying hello. and she said she saw my jellyfish and asked if i made them and i said yeah and she seemed super cool and nice, and she said the girl in the next room told her a lot about me so now i’m like 🧍‍♀️ i probably did something right??
they’re both very nice people so i don’t think they were bothered by it 😭 my dad said the other day, like if you get closer to people, (especially the girl in the next room, or like people in my accommodation) then maybe just bring up that i do have chronic social anxiety LMAO and that if i’m like not up for stuff, or kinda awkward about things it’s really just me having a lil moment, nothing to worry about, and that it’s nothing to do with them. and that i do like them as people just some situations aren’t always gonna make me feel good 🚶‍♀️and that some social situations are triggering and that’s okay
i know realistically it wasn’t even that big of a deal but yeah… sometimes my brain is a little menace. i feel a little better now. i think i’m gonna watch spider-man ATSV again to make me feel better
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tmema · 2 years
here we go again 🚶‍♀️
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osakiharu · 2 years
Grace🧍‍♂️. I want u to paint this picture in your mind👁👁. Imagine kazu, sanzu and mikey die. How wld u feel?
Like they die somehow idk how...but they did 👀
I was just here editing this thing and I was like... if sanzu dies I wonder how grace wld feel then my mind went to kazu and mikey. Then I was like... what if all of grace's favs die...
I'm curious
dee.. this is so mean >:( i can’t give you proper answers for these because i refuse to thing about it and i like.. can’t put into words how i feel about shit so this is the best you’re gonna get 🗿
i think with kazutora ill be extremely shocked. like i don’t think it’ll happen at all so i will literally shit myself if he does because wakui has no reason do kill him off 🚶‍♀️ so yeah long story short i’ll probably be shocked because wtf my kazu does not deserve to die >:( and then cry my fuckin eyes out. i love kazutora so fucking much. but i also feel like his death will be more like a mentioned one rather than a scene itself yknow? like chifuyu will be like kazutora died 🤷‍♀️ n we don’t actually see so maybe that’ll spare me a few tears 🗿
mikey and haru… you’ll never see me again. like with kazutora i’ll recover after like 10 years idk. mikey and haru… ESPECIALLY MIKEY. i think i’ll just pass away along with them like…
i think harus death would be pretty sudden and it would be over with quickly like kakucho :/ idky i just do but yeah i would just.. not to be dramatic but i literally wouldn’t know what to do 😭 like i really can’t give you a proper answer for haru because i just don’t think about it and i’d probably just sit there and cry my eyes out like a fucking baby 🧍‍♀️ i love my haru so fucking much n he’s always been so lonely so i feel like he’d probably die a somewhat lonely death trying to save someone who doesn’t care as much about him :(( DEE IM GONNA PUT SAND IN YOUR BED FOR THIS
mikey… im so fr when i say i would like.. be affected on a level that i shouldn’t be 💀 like when i look at mikey i literally go “that’s me.” he was my first favourite character in the show and he holds a very special place in my heart so if he died i would literally just cry. like i wouldnt know what to do with myself at all 😭 but a small part of me would feel happy for him :/ he’s suffered mentally so much and he’s such a lonely character that i feel like he’d be better of living his life in the clouds with emma and shin n stuff :(( so yeah as much as i would be literally like.. devistated 💀 i would also be a little happy for him <3
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hotarutranslations · 2 years
I like Furari Ginza
I watched the medley, From Morning Musume '18's fall, Harunan graduation performance,
Its a super fun medley 🥺❤️
Whichever the tour, medleys are always, fun but,
As expected I didn't remember how it all connected 💦
I've done 600, huh, eeh,
Its been a while since I've watched it, I was like, eh, whats next!? I watched it with my heart pounding 💛
From Souda We're ALIVE, it connects to LOVE Machine, everyone is in 2 lines, I was with Harunan and in the front but,
Thats a happy memory in my heart 🤭 fufu
It may be something really trivial but,
As it was Harunan's last tour......
At that time, Being close to her even for a bit, I'm happy about that 🤭 fufu
The memories came to mind from watching it!
We also did Go Girl!
Its super exciting!
By the way, speaking of Go Girl, the other day on Mo-Jo, Kaedy picked that song ♩♪♫
If you missed it, click here by all means
Also, speaking of the era my favorite song at the time was,
Morning Musume '18 Furari Ginza
I love this MV! The song and the appearance of it really match!
Furari Ginza, We haven't really sung it recently but I like it ❤️
Oh yeah also, those heart glasses I had......
I wonder if they're in a warehouse now...... 😕 lol
With that, looking back on things again, I think every era has its own personality
I cherish it no matter the era
Now as well, so much!
I want to sing and dance with Sakurai Rio soon!!!
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The other day I appeared on, Araki Yuko's jalanjalan ~Araki Aruki~
For those that missed the stream, there is also a present project  🔴   By all means, please check it out on Twitter and the stream  🔴  
see you ayumin <3
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