#hes a dork
ioniansunsets · 3 months
"🍒 How do you act when you have a crush" [[ I did Runeterra already so now we shall do a Heartsteel xoxo]]
He is reckless and impulsive. Kayn makes really bad decisions about you when he's around you and has a crush. He NEEDS to look cool around you. He needs you to find him fun and worthy of company. Just something about wanting to spend any possible moment with you without being too obvious about it too. Like you wanna go to a concert? Alright he's gunna use some connections to get tickets for you both, " Right now, lets go, tonight, I'll drive us both!!" Or how you can sigh and talk about wanting to try some special chocolate brand that isn't available in town. He's on it, what no it just so happened he was on tour and bought this for himself but he doesn't mind sharing it with you! No he didn't order it online and ship it over for an exuberant price. What? You think bassists are cool? " Did you know I play the bass too?!" He's brought you into the studio. Huh? No? You think pianists are sick too? " Hahaha, what? You think I can't play the piano. I tried learning every instrument at least once baby." He's embarrassing himself, he thinks he's being subtle about his crush. But everyone in Heartsteel can see it. Man is obsessed with you.
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marisashinx · 5 months
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The Yugo Switch.
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smokeygrayrabbits · 19 days
mark babygirl Grayson singlehandedly ruining the viltumites carefully crafted reputation of being horrible terrifying gods. mark goes to any other planet ever and proceeds to be an absolute disaster and a sweetheart and everyones like wait this is a vilturmite?? he just got chased down the street by [insert panets equivalent of a squirrel]. he spent ten minutes talking about his human mom and how cool she is mid battle. he teared up after his teammates made fun of him.
. . . maybe viltumites aren't actually that scary
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knownsecretss · 2 years
I hate when people say that zuko is some badass mysterious guy like yes he is very powerful but he's also just an angry autistic teenager who once trauma dumped to an unconscious 12 yr old
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human aus where crowley is super cool and sauve and smooth never sit right with me, however, i love the ones where he's a giant dweeb. because yeah, as a demon he seems slick to most people but if he was a person? that's a grown goth adult who yells at his plants, loves the golden girls, probably dances to queen alone in his flat, and is pining over his cute stuffy best friend. bro is a lazy employee of a big bad company who bullshits his way through conferences, he would NOT be some cool intimidating CEO! i get that people have their fun with aus and fanfiction of course, that's why it exists, but personally i prefer it when crowley gets to be a sappy kind bastard.
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soutakuphi · 1 month
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Wanted to get out a drawing rut and ended up making a new Yu-Gi-Oh oc story, hate it when things turn out like that.
Tentative name for this verse is Yu-Gi-Oh Stars, but with how lazy i am it basically is its name Its practically set in the same world and acts as a sequel to GX, with a new campus location and a new cast and crew to chill out in the schoolyard.
Our (un?)lucky protag is Yuji Hoshino, an easily excited new student at the new Central Campus Duel Academy (Academia for sub onlys) who thanks to a rough encounter with some snobbish Upper classmates ended up in the 'Remedial Group,' a selection of students who through either mistakes or poor performance are relegated to this program due to the strict misery chancellor of the campus, who wants them gone but due to budgetary/other vague reasons cant outright expel them. They're the "Slifer Slackers' of the campus.
Hoshino tends to rush through things but cares a lot for his friends. He's also a huge toku/superhero fan and his deck is basically Masked HEROES but constellation themed and learning more towards Super Sentai, with a hint of Saint Seiya mixed in as well, "Celestiar Heroes." His ace cards summons are usually followed by an elaborate pose mimicking tokusatsu transformation poses
Will try to post more as time goes on and add more thoughts and details for him.
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ask-modern-verse · 1 year
I think I've learned through the Dream tournament that Modern Dream is just a fan boy. He's just adorably gushing about everyone around him.
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tanevcolton28 · 9 months
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My face when my bestfriend falls
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frobby · 2 years
Rin okumura not pulling girls(and guys) is such a fucking lie I can not believe
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aliveinacoffin · 11 months
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My Own Mirror
Pt 2 of this fic, since I love feeding y'all. AND TY SM AWW
TW: Mentioned past child abuse, mentioned past brief descriptions of domestic violence
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There was another long stretch of silence, just as unbearable as the first if not more painful.
Shouta's tired eyes scanned the balcony, his eyes traveling from the weed to the makeshift roof. He shook his head, muttering to himself how the top was prohibited as well. He seemed deeply uncomfortable, the whole situation was something so out of his depth that even being here was painful.
"Do you even wonder? Do you even care?" Her voice was still wet, the waterworks still coming down her face, just at a considerably slower pace.
Shouta looked back at her, the young girl in front of him, with a sense of sadness and pity she'd never seen on him before.
"All the time. I...regret....not coming back for you, all those years ago, even now. I can't bear to look at you without being angry at myself." He admitted, head low and hands shaking.
Suddenly, a sense of realization hit the younger Aizawa like a ton of bricks. This whole time, Shouta was angry at himself and took it out on her instead of mourning the loss of his family. It made it more painful when both of them realized when they took into account that they both were just carbon copies of their late mother.
They both shared the same sharp nose as her, the same slightly curly jet-black hair, and the same hooded and dark eyes. Hell, even your erasing quirks came from her side of the family. Her quirk was that anyone who was within 20 feet of her would have their abilities damped, and when it was activated, low and behold, her eyes would glow.
"I'm sorry that I was never there. Father just...made it so impossible to even share the same room as him. I've regretted every moment that I left you behind with that man. I thought that now you were coming back to me was some sort of divine punishment. I've been the hardest on you because I couldn't bare to watch you fail too." Shouta's voice was tense, strained as he tried to hold back his own tears. He quickly brought a hand to his mouth, pulling down the skin of his face as he tried to will away his tears.
"All I ever wanted was to be with you. I always looked up to you, you escaped, and you made a better life for yourself like no one else in our family had." She admitted, a true admission of feelings from the depths of her heart. Her stance was still aggressive, feet spread apart and shoulders hunched as she protected her stomach. The more this painful conversation went on, the more her stomach ached. A trait from her fathers.
"I'm so sorry, you've had to suffer so long alone." Shouta looked away, pain etched into the very creases of his face.
Her teeth clenched as agony wracked her entire body, and she too avoided eye contact, not able to bare the look of vulnerability on her older brother's face.
"I-I.. don't have to..anymore now though, r-right?" Her voice cracked.
Shouta looked up at her once more, a sad surprise written on his face. His eyebrows furrowed down, and a sad frown pulled on his mouth. "N-no. No. Not anymore." He rested his arms uncomfortably at his side, and suddenly she rushed into his arms. His younger sister hugging onto his stiff form so tightly it almost hurt.
He relaxed in her hold and brought an arm to gently cradle her back.
The afternoon was shining brightly, the sun setting made everything glow in an orange hue. The sounds of birds cawing and children laughing and chattering were heard all around U.A., a common thing for the high school.
Two people walked side by side with one another. An outsider might assume it was the result of a weird quirk, the people at U.A. thought it was a man and his daughter, but very few people knew the truth.
"So what does it mean again?" The younger sister asked black thick hair in a messy ponytail. Her long hair had been cut to a comfortable pixie cut, she had never really liked it long. Her once lanky form had been filling out slowly with her time at U.A. now that she had access to a proper diet and constant exercise.
The older brother sighed, tired eyes rolling once more. His hair was shoulder-length with a messy sort of fringe. "I have a foster parent certificate. I can house children in need of homes, and it shows I have the qualifications to do so. I can also adopt children of my own. But for our situation, I am merely acting as your temporary guardian until you turn of age." Shouta Aizawa sighed, turning to look at the younger Aizawa.
"Finally! Jesus, it took them long enough." She huffed, the same hooded eyes looking back at him. Her arms crossed over her strong chest. That was one thing that was different between them, while Aizawa was lean and quick, his younger sister was more built and stocky. Like their parents were.
"It's a long legal process with the necessary precautions. It would be foolish to just allow anyone with this license." He said, stating the facts per usual.
"Okay yeah sure, but it didn't have to take so damn long." She muttered angrily, lips forming a pout.
They walked to the teacher's dorm, and she awkwardly waved at all her mentors lounging around in the safe space. Some were caught off guard and scrambled to do something productive, while others just lazily waved at her back.
"This is..kinda sad." The little Aizawa admitted, wandering around the older Aizawa's dorm. She immediately went to snooping and started rummaging around his few belongings.
"I didn't bring you here to judge me. My decorating is fine the way it is. No need to over-clutter my living space." He murmured grumpily, going over to the open kitchen to start a pot of coffee.
"Sureee. So, do I have to live with you now that you're my legal guardian?" She asked, her voice giving way to nothing of how she truly felt about that.
Since the two had started to build a relationship together, there were many bumps in the road. The biggest and foremost was their personalities. The older Aizawa acted like their late mother, her emotional unavailability and neglect are what shaped his apathetic nature and rather tired attitude. Whilst the other had grown up with their angry and headstrong father, his anger and physical abuse turned into her stubborn pride and unmovable nature.
Though that proved to be difficult to navigate at first, it soon turned into their own song and dance. Almost reminiscent of how their parents were with one another. But instead of screaming matches that turned to physical violence, they turn to angrily stare each other down.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." Shouta said, wary of what her response will be.
The youngest turned around, a determined grin on her face. "Guess I'll have to move all my stuff in here before the weekend ends, huh?" Her hands were on her hips, proud of her revelation.
He sighed and shook his head in mock disappointment, but a smile found its way to his lips. "If that's what you want." Shouta turned around to pour himself a cup of coffee.
"I see you smiling asshole!" His sister laughed, joy filling her teasing voice.
Tag list :>: @hitokor
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neri-ink · 1 year
Little art critic oc because why the hell not
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funkymunkybusiness · 2 years
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Look at that funky little man go
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everyspiritalbarn · 1 month
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acidsaladd · 2 years
kai saying "wow wow wowzers" is my new favorite thing
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anadorablekiwi · 1 year
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Kitty boi
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tanevcolton28 · 9 months
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When the slow friend finally gets the joke PS why he gotta be cute and dorky at the same time tho
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