#hey hey spoon
luckycharms1701 · 5 months
*crawls carefully over to a deep and foreboding gaping hole and peeks my head over the edge to look inside. There I see three feral tumblrs prowling around and laughing maniacally (y’all know who you are)
I pull back a little to glance at the warning sign written in bold lettering “Mikey Well: DO NOT ENGAGE IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO FALL IN AND SUFFER THE SAME FATE”
I let out a little hum and tilt my head curiously, inching back towards the mouth of the hole. “They look hungry though…And it is the holidays…I wouldn’t want them to feel lonely…”
Turn slightly and grabs something out of my pocket. I glance at the random ask request sitting in my palm, considering for a moment. Then I shrug nonchalantly and with a sheepish grin, cautiously drop the ask into the Mikey Well*
Just wondering on your take on how Bayverse Mikey would handle having a friend/SO who’s exTrEmElY touch starved, to the point that most touches become super overwhelming. I think it would be interesting to see how he would handle that being the most physically affectionate of the turtle brothers 🤔
And then also how would Mikey respond to said individual finally feeling secure enough to request affection? AnYhOo, Hope you have a wonderful New Year and may all the good come back to you in the coming days. May you always feel inspired and never experience creative blocks! Here’s a little request for y’all to gnaw on for a while and once again please know how appreciated you are!🧡✨
ooooooo, a new request to gnaw on, i love those!!!!
and honestly, anon-chan, i wouldn't call it **maniacal** laughter! just a little, you know, crazed
we're certainly not reaching out to bodily pull you in the well with us
anyway, thank you very much for the new year's wishes! may you have a year that you've only ever dreamed of!
oh man what a request too thank you!! as someone who is seriously touch starved myself i have Thoughts
Mikey has so many feelings the first time you flinch away from his touch. He is sad that what he sees as an overture of friendship is apparently rebuffed. He is upset that you, who has been so kind to them, must still somehow see them as monsters. Why else would you shy away from his touch? He is angry, because he once again has been denied something because of who he is. Because of something he can't help, something that honestly, deep down, he doesn't really want to change.
It takes him some time, and a lot of pushing down his natural instinct to reach out, to realize that you don't let anyone touch you, not even other humans. To be fair, he's not really in a position to witness you interacting with other humans a lot. But April, Casey, and Vern all receive the same flinch that he did, so it must be a universal thing.
He feels the same things all over again. Sad, because he can't imagine going through life without the healing power of another's touch. Upset, because he should have realized sooner. Angry, because you are the one going through this.
Mikey's not the type to let this stand. But it's not like he can really do anything without your agreement. And he can't talk to you about it, it's not like you're Raph. Besides, he's still feeling a little... cagey? No, a little cautious around you. He really, really doesn't want to be proven wrong.
So he opts for the agonizing option of waiting. It's so hard, but it's for you, so he does it. He takes every opportunity to subtly (like a brick wall, but no one has the heart to tell him that) let you know that he's available to be touched. He hopes that with time you will reach out yourself and give him the permission he desperately wants.
When you reach out and touch him for the first time? Well, sunshine boy earns his name. He is so happy, even if he can't pick you up and spin you around the way he wants to. So he tucks that feeling away, for a time when that will be possible. He hopes that time is soon.
And when that time does come? When you finally come to him and ask for the affection he longs to give you? Mikey can hardly believe it. He starts small, though this too is hard for him. A press of his hand to your arm. A brief one-armed hug. A ruffle of your hair. Even those small touches are enough to give him joy. He's so happy that you're letting someone in, and he's especially happy that you chose to let him in, of all people.
When he gets to pick you up and spin you around the way it feels like he's always wanted to, it's only natural for it to end with a kiss.
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salemlinnet · 26 days
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Page 137, drawing johnny wrapped in ghost's little cape is my favorite thing i've drawn in a while. i can just imagine him grabbing the corner and winding his lil arm in it and 😭
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garaksapprentice · 9 months
The internet: You must never machine wash your knits. Never. Ever. They will be destroyed the moment they are touched by the caress of a machine's heated water supply. Hand wash only, or You Shall Be Sorry.
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That photo contains ~13 pairs of 70/30 wool/nylon socks, a 100% wool shawl, an acrylic shawl, an acrylic kid's jumper, an acrylic beanie, a vest knit of "handwash only" wool, and a few other things I've forgotten.
This is one of the reasons to swatch, people. Knit a swatch. A big one. Even better, knit a hat out of the thing you want to use. Chuck it in the wash. See how it comes out. Make decisions from there.
I've knitted somewhere above 50 non-sock things in the decade or so since my first kid came along. I have machine washed them all. Only two - TWO - things have gotten eaten by the wash in that time. (a purple toddler dress and half a sock). And both of those were accidentally put through with the regular clothes wash.
Obligatory caveats: Probably don't do this if your machine doesn't have a gentle/delicate setting. I made sure mine came with a wool cycle when I had to buy a new one. It takes 38 minutes, spins at 800 RPM, and refuses to go hotter than 30ºC.
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Also if you tend to use loosely spun yarns or very large gauges (both seem to be popular nowadays), or like to knit Extremely Delicate Lace, use caution. (My knitting preferences are basically the opposite of those things - I like things that last.)
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“Johnny helps Kenshi eat” yeah his ass
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lovertm · 26 days
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1980's-related buttons by cutebutton
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You could say that I have strong feelings about this ongoing debate
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prince-liest · 2 months
I have officially hit a "too stressed to write" state of affairs that I suspect will last until this Sunday. Kinda hoping folks aren't too disappointed in the sudden change in regular update schedule - sorry. :(
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coquelicoq · 4 months
post-canon every single member of kimcom likes to spoon kim dokja. nonsexually. it's just nice to know he's alive and there and feel his chest rise and fall within the circle of your arms. try to do something stupid now asshole. oh you can't? because of my octopus impression? that's right. take THAT. however i will make one exception for yoo joonghyuk. yoo joonghyuk may want to spoon kim dokja, but he never gets the opportunity because kim dokja wants to spoon him more. so the sleeping arrangement is yjh>kdj>all other kimcom members on rotation. actually i take it back there's one other household member who doesn't want to spoon kim dokja and it's yoo mia, but that's fine because she's one of the only people (besides kim dokja) who yoo joonghyuk would be comfortable spooning. so there's probably times when it's yma>yjh>kdj>today's lucky winner.
incidentally this is also the order for the doing-each-other's-hair train because while yoo mia WILL allow other people to do her hair, no one wants to because she always compares their skills unfavorably to her brother's. and she's really articulate about it. just utterly scathing. one time her criticism was so devastatingly, accurately incisive that she made lee hyunsung cry. yoo joonghyuk spooned him that night to cheer him up and yoo mia was so mad about it that lee hyunsung had to leave the country for a couple weeks. the household learned a valuable lesson that day. it's best not to disturb the delicate spooning/hair-train balance.
#i love how often the webtoon shows people giving their injured teammates piggyback rides#like yeah that is way easier than a bridal carry. good weight distribution#but also it means when they go into Spoon Mode they're like. hey this is familiar!#anyway kimcom totally has a schedule for who gets to spoon kim dokja because otherwise shin yoosung and lee gilyoung would#resort to murder#also han sooyoung was hogging him and pretending it didn't count because it was her clones doing it#(classic excuse. it wasn't me. it was my clone! my clone stole the cookie from the cookie jar! my clone ate my homework!!)#kim dokja figures out that there's a schedule but he thinks it's like. a chore for them instead of something they're fighting over#because he is an idiot 😎👍#the other sleeping arrangement is kim dokja lying on his back and one person on each side cuddling up to him#that's the default when yjh isn't around for kdj to spoon. which doesn't happen very often#if anyone asks no i did NOT start crying the last time someone spooned me because i was incredibly touch-starved. utter lies#totally untrue and also completely irrelevant to the matter at hand#orv#omniscient reader's viewpoint#my posts#f#kdj#orv spoilers#i guess??#kimcom in the situation room trying to strategize how to turn him back into a squid so they can all have a tentacle to cuddle#kim dokja only has two hands and like ten people who want to clutch him to their bosom...but what if he had MORE than two hands?#he has before and he can again. as god is their witness
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spoonmoment119 · 1 year
that’s not very minecraft youtuber mumbo jumbo of you
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I feel like there are several people on SOS that would know how to fence and I know it’s a server with no lore but fucking hell let me write a scene of Pix and Sausage fencing foil
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wuffen · 2 months
how are you doing? ❤️ i missed your art!
idk how to answer that question anymore lol, i guess the most neutral thing i can say is that i remain unchanged – which is a bad thing, really, i guess, but ehhh it is what it is
i miss my art too. or rather, i miss making it
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something about how the before-there-was-anything-there-was-darkness-and-before-there-was-darkness-there-were-MONSTERS monsters are always this specific yellow when you see them blaine’s just miserable because their friend ate the ichor of one of said monsters and died about it. ;)
pink hat: oh-- blaine: What. pink: your aura is, like, terrible now
blaine: .... okay. larry: why would you say that?? pink: it's all yellow now
blaine: yellow's a happy color..
pink: not THIS yellow it's a deep, oily yellow- larry: oh, stop-
larry: are you calling them a monster??? pink: no i'm just saying there's like, monsters in their soul and bones,
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eamons-redguitar · 6 months
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tallandsad · 6 days
Why are unpaid internships still a thing like deeply that shit should be illegal. I have to basically do a 6 month clinical at hospitals after my rad tech program and it’s minimum 40hr week for 6 months like bruh
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annemarieyeretzian · 11 months
orym saying “we’ll unpack tonight.” and directing everyone, confirming with ashton “you are going to see milo.” and asking fresh cut grass “do you want to go see milo too?” and saying “then go see milo.” and stating “I’m going to go see ajit. who’s coming with me?” (bonus: fearne immediately saying “I’ll go, I’ll go with you.”)
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disastersteps · 2 months
you know, i think the first time julia meet anita- they already have little fats to their body- and its mostly thanks to themmy (bc i forever hc that themmy was the first person and first friend of anita to introduce to the variety of food)- and then gradually get a little more weight as they got to know charge then later as julia, and food was becoming something these two genuinely bonds outside of their banters and teasing they do on the field and at the HQ- but food? cooking together? that was one of the rare moments where anita shows interest and ortega was simply happy to do it to a point she did introduced them to her mom.
that seven years later, she sees anita- there was no fats left in their body- even when she sees them training herald (i like to think that the training varied, from rooftops to just training room in the HQ) and took notice of their body- where was that body neets used to have- its still wide, its still round but it… just feel wrong- and idk if i want that apartment route to be the canon or i can just mixed it together- but that the apartment route is how julia tried to nudge anita to eat well, to eat and to cook with her, because she knew they knew they missed this. the rare bonding they used to have together.
it would've taken years- and years post-whatever the fuck the story will be finished, i do honestly want anita to finally stop thinking about self-sacrifices and putting themself to the death and instead. focus on regaining the body they have- started cooking even if their hands are still weak but slowly steady over time, even when mortum is now part of their life and food. food is everywhere.
and. julia ortega one evening leans on the railing of the porch, mortum on the side with a hot tea. the two looks toward the horizon to the fields where horses roam, and a person walks with their cane as they help lead a horse who was only months old- and. oaughoguhg eating well, food matters to ortega, and anita regain their love for cooking and and and (im BLAMING THAT COOKING MANGA-)
anyway. julia and anita is "i want to cook for you because its simply is love" and mortum is "the food you cook makes me feel loved." and BYE
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