#highkey debating on blocking this one person
witchplastic · 2 years
kinda over weird people following me so lets go
anyway I support trans people cant believe i gotta say that but ive noticed lots of terfs lately, no my mind woll not be changed
i also support victims of abuse, regardless of gender or what is common in statistics, abuse is abuse, so if youre a guy and youre abused youre welcome here, and obvi if youre nb or a woman yeah ur welcome too, and no my mind cannot be changed if you come in my inbox telling me men cant be abused or some random kind of person isnt ever actually being abused they can only be abusers, you fucking suck, abuse can happen to anyone and has to do with like 2 fucking people in a dynamic and isnt really a societal oppression thing its interpersonal so its on sight if youre going on about this crap ill know youre too far up your own buttcheeks to be bothered to listen to anything but your own bullshit so ill be outta ur life forever
transmascs are valid as well as men, transwomen and women are valid too, nonbinary as well, everybodies chill and if youre some stupid microcosm of hating a specific kind of person for some dumb reason i dont want you here
ace is chill too yk idk let me just list the entire acronym i guess???? unless ur in some sorta bullshit of 'im a map im queer' obviously youre full of shit fuck right off, and if you dont know what MAP is good for you
if you think the word queer is not ok, i dont use it myself but i think you suck for getting in a tizzy about it and claiming youre oppressed bc people use it as an umbrella term, you just are in a state of mind that you cannot comprehend your life and yourself beyond the category of victim and i suggest drawing some edgy art wearing a cool shirt and vibing with yourself, break the rules and stop being scared of everyone this shits cancerous youre gonna die of 31 from anxiety dog, your heart will just stop, make new friends if a friend calls you a bad person for honest mistakes they suck too bad thats a lot of online gay and queer spaces lol, done with that im too old
if you gatekeep the words femme and butch as exclusively lesbian words ive already used them and im bi so have fun being hurt deeply by what i do personally to myself for my own expression
if you dont agree with these points you can escort yourself out or be blocked by me when i find you being sneaky, these aint up for debate
also this is my actual personality i just never express it on here because im worried about some annoying 15 year old kid or 30 year old adult with no life telling me how im wrong because they lack reading comprehension and ive come to the conclusion im too old to bother
fuck jk rowling. the bitch is crazy.
basically my beliefs are if you believe in people being hurt for a quick buck or to get yourself happy, and if you cant handle basic respect, leave. and if you cant handle someone being a little stupid or ignorant, or anything veering from a story that benefits you, also leave. im only interested in real shit and kindness. i dont wanna spread misinformation, and i dont wanna feed into bullshit.
fuck terfs also. i hate yall because you act like you give a fuck. but in reality its all a game. and terf aint a slur but if it hurts you like one, good. you deserve to feel bad, youre doing Bad things. dumbasses. its called guilt. ffs
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jean-kayak · 3 years
Relieving The Tension
Summary: Kirishima comes to you for sore body problems, but he suddenly develops another problem
Pairing: Prohero!Kirishima Eijirou x black!fem!reader
Warnings: (smut 18+!!), fingering (f.receiving), oral (f.receiving), unprotected sex, little bit of hair pulling, size kink, praise kink, Kirishima is horny for reader, reader’s a tease lmao, manhandling (Kirishima flips the reader around a little bit), reader’s pretty bold and confident, and she highkey thick
Word Count: 5,056
A/N: lmao, I got this from a hallmark movie that I was watching, and I was horny; here is the result, and there’s like a tiny bit of plot
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"I don't think the moves you gave me are working, man," Kirishima tells him tiredly, his body still feeling stiff and sore.
Midoriya laughs lightly as he nods his head. "I figured as much. I have a friend of mine who helped me out a while ago, and I talked to her. She said she could help you out. I'll give you her information."
Kirishima nods. "Sounds good. Thanks a lot."
Kirishima doesn't really know why he's nervous when he walks up to the door to your place. Maybe it's because he doesn't know what to expect. He doesn't really know anything about you except for the fact that you've helped Midoriya by giving him some stretches to do. Which he tried to show him, but they didn't really work.
Not soon after he knocks on the door, it's swung open, and he assumes the person that's supposed to be helping him out comes into view. "Oh, hi! You're here early!" you chirp, and he rubs his arm nervously.
"Yeah, sorry about that," he says, and you wave him off.
"Don't worry about it! This just means we have more time, come on in!" You're a lot more lively than he expected, but it's not in an overbearing way. You move to the side to let him in, and he steps inside, taking in the room as you close the door.
"You can follow me this way," you say, brushing past him, and the first thing he picks up on is how good you smell. You smell really sweet, and he can't quite put his finger on what it is, but it's intoxicating. Then he snaps himself out of it. He was worried about you being weird, and now he's being the weird one.
"You know, I never expected Red Riot of all people to be in my house," you joke, and he chuckles easily.
"Kirishima is fine, and Deku said that you helped him out when his body wasn't feeling the best, so he figured you could help me."
"Well, that's what I'm good at. Helping people relieve the soreness in their bodies," you respond, walking into a room with one side of the wall lined with mirrors.
"Is that your quirk?" he asks, stopping right as he steps into the room while you keep walking.
You wave him off. "Oh, no. My quirk is gathering information," you tell him as you make your way to a closet on the other side of the room. You don't need to turn around to see that his face is showing confusion. "I'm able to gather any information from people if I touch them, but only if I want to."
You pull out two yoga mats, pushing the door closed with your foot before turning to him. "So don't worry. Your secrets are safe," you tell him, making finger guns towards him as you wink.
The laugh that escapes him makes him relax a little more, not even remembering why he was nervous in the first place. "So, what stretches did Izuku show you?" you ask, rolling out the mats as Kirishima fishes his phone out of his shorts.
He sees there's a text from the pro-hero himself saying 'how's it going,' and Kirishima wants to text him to tell him that he forgot to mention one very important detail.
How insanely attractive you are. Your bubbly personality is already bringing him, but your body is on a whole nother level. The leggings you have on cling to every last one of your curves like they're a second skin. He couldn't help but admire how amazing your ass looks, and he found himself staring way too hard when he was walking behind you.
He pulls up the stretches and leans his phone in your direction so that you can see, and you step close to him again, your scent infiltrating his nostrils once again. "Okay, well these are pretty easy, but they're not working?" you clarify and he shakes his head. "Are you doing them every day?"
He feels his face heat up as he rubs the back of his neck. "No..." he admits, sheepishly.
"That's okay! Being a hero is hard work, and you really have no set schedule, I get it." Your reassurance makes him feel ten times better. "If you can't do it every day then at least try to do it twice a day. Even getting a few stretches in is going to ease your pain a ton."
He nods eagerly, signaling that he's understanding everything that you're saying, and you clap your hands together. "Okay! Let's get started. You can step on the mat if you want to. Up to you if wanna remove your shoes or not."
"What do you prefer?" he asks as you walk away from him, and you can practically see the smile on his face.
"Personally, no shoes. Helps me feel more grounded," you express playfully, and you glance in the mirrors to see that he's slipping off his shoes, which makes you laugh to yourself.
You instruct him to do some breathing exercises as you set up your music, and when all that is out of the way, you walk back over to him.
"Okay, now we can finally get to the stretching." You step behind him as you look down. "Okay, feet together," and he does what you tell him. "I'm gonna touch you, is that okay?"
"Yeah, I trust you," he tells you, and the both of you laugh lightly, but his laugh dies in his throat when you place your hands on the small of his back.
"Okay, I just wanna make sure you're comfortable." All he can do is nod. He is way more than comfortable, but he doesn't want to tell you that. And the only thing he can think about is how soft and small your hands are. Or how small you are compared to him.
He can barely see you standing behind him in the mirror, but what he can see is that your head barely meets the middle of his back. "Hey, just relax, okay?" you say softly as you rub small circles on his back. He hadn't even realized he was tense again.
He nods as he takes another deep breath, and you smile at him in the mirror. "There you go, good job." He almost tenses again at the praise.
"Okay, can you bend forward for me? Try to touch your toes." You step to the side, keeping a hand on him as you lightly push him down. "Is that as far as you can go?" you ask, and he's glad that you can't see his face turning red.
"Yeah..." he trails off, and you rub his back.
"Hey, no, that's okay. I just wanted to know." You give his back a few more soothing rubs before you speak again. "I'm gonna push just a little bit more, okay? It's gonna pull."
You put the slightest pressure on the top of his back, and he winces when he feels that pull. "I know, you're just gonna hold it for a few seconds. Just like that, you're doing so well."
Kirishima wills the praise to go anywhere but his dick.
You put him through a few more stretches that actually make him feel a little better, like the one that you have him doing now, which feels euphoric for his lower back.
His legs are spread out straight his sides as far as he can go, with his hands out in front of him as you push on his back. "That feels good?" you ask, noticing the satisfying sigh he releases and he nods again. "This is where most of the pain is, yeah?"
"Yeah, it's almost like my whole back."
"You wanna tell me where?" you ask, your hands running underneath his shirt, which he previously consented to. Your hands are so warm, so soft, and he feels goosebumps breaking out over his skin when you lightly graze your nails up and down his back.
He wonders if he could make you scratch them deeper--
"Like on the sides of my lower back," he cuts his thoughts off, trying to find different ways to not get a hard-on right in front of you. He feels as your hands glide right to where he mentioned, and you dig your thumbs into a certain spot that has him holding back a moan.
"Like right there?" you say, smirking because you know you've found a spot already.
"Y-Yeah," he mumbles as you pull him up to sit him back up. You run your hands up to his shoulders.
"Maybe like right here too?" you try, digging your thumbs in another sore spot that has his head falling back. "You've got a lot of knots, those spots are pretty common. How about right here?"
You press the heel of your hand just hard enough into the middle of his back to tap at another one, and this time he releases a broken whine. He doesn't know how much more of this he can take.
The way you're whispering in his ear while hitting all of the spots that seem to make him weak. He feels like he's putty in your hands. You start massaging at his neck, and he almost falls back onto you.
"I can give you a massage the next time you come if you want."
"Yes, please," he sighs, barely recognizing his voice as he releases another whine, and you lean dangerously close to his ear.
"Well, whenever you're ready, I'll be here, Red."
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Kirishima lowkey debated coming back, but the fact that you made him feel so good after one session is the reason why he's back on your doorstep not even a week later.
"Welcome back," you greet, letting him in. "You've been doing the stretches?" His answer's a bit delayed because the only thing on his mind is how good you look right now.
"Yeah, I have," he answers distractedly, his eyes taking in the fact you have a sports bra on and no shirt which means there's nothing blocking the phenomenal view of your ass. He knows that if he stares any longer he's gonna drool.
This time, you lead him to another room, and it looks like it's straight out of a massage place. "You're gonna lay on this table right here," you explain, patting the table. "You can take your shirt off if you want."
He decides he wants to see if he can get a reaction out of you. So he peels his shirt off, flexing a little bit just for good measure as he moves to lay on the table, and he feels his ego inflate a little when he sees you raking your eyes up and down his frame in the corner of his eye.
He moves to lay down on his stomach as he hears music starting to play softly from the speaker, and he turns his head to see what you're doing, and he's met with bending over nearly right in front of his face.
He knows he's probably a huge pervert, but he really can't help it as he takes in your figure, biting his lip as every possible kind of dirty thought pops into his head. The popping of a cap snaps him out of his thoughts, and that intoxicating smell that you seem to give off fills his nostrils.
That only fuels his thoughts as he thinks about your skin all slicked and oiled up--
He's glad he's on his stomach right now.
The feeling of the warm oil spreading across his back makes him relax, and he sighs deeply. "I'm gonna use my knuckles now, okay?" you tell him after you've rubbed oil all over his back.
You see him nod, and he feels your hands for a few more seconds before he suddenly feels a mix between pain and pleasure, the latter winning out, making him let out a garbled noise in surprise. "Does that feel good?" you ask, digging into the same spot.
"Yes, oh fuck," he releases quickly, and he barely has time to recollect himself. "Shit, sorry for swearing."
Your chuckle fills his ears. "It's all good, I totally get it." He doesn't know how long it's been, but he literally feels like he's melted into the chair. He's never felt something so heavenly, and he wonders why he never went to get one. Then again, he thinks from now on that he'll only get them from you. "You not falling asleep on me are you, Red?"
He doesn't know if it's because of how good he feels or the heady scent of the oils, but your voice runs over his body so smoothly that it makes him shudder. It also could be the way you say a shortened version of his hero name that has him feeling some type of way.
A goofy smile finds its way onto his face as he turns his head to look at you, but his eyes are barely open. "Trust me, the last thing I'm thinking about doing is falling asleep."
You laugh softly. "Well, what are you thinking about doing?"
You, he almost says, but he holds back even though it's difficult. He just responds with a lazy shrug. "I dunno. I'm too focused on how amazing this feels." In response to his words, you dig into another tender spot, making him release a shaky breath. "Ah, shit. You are really good at this."
"Yeah? You want me to do the front?" you ask jokingly, but he can tell that you're actually somewhat serious. He's about to consider it, but when he shifts that's when he notices it.
He's hard as a fucking rock.
He doesn't really know how he didn't notice, but he does know that he's now as red as his hair. "Uh, I'll pass for today," he tells you, mortified at the situation he's unknowingly put himself in.
"You sure? I don't mind." He looks over to see you rubbing the remaining oil on your neck, and he wants nothing more than to pounce on you, bend you over the chair, and split you open on his dick.
The thought sends another jolt to his already raging erection, and he has to get out of here. It might become disastrous if he stays any longer. "No, that's fine. I'll take you up on it next time," he says, and he hopes he can find some way to get himself out of this situation.
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When he comes over the third time, he almost walks right back to his car. When he sees what you're wearing, he thinks that you have to be pulling his leg. You've gone sans shirt again, but this time you've replaced the skintight leggings with short spandex.
He can't feel himself to bring any shame as his eyes zero in on your bare legs as they meet the fabric that's barely covering your ass. He figured he was going to have a hard time, but he clearly underestimated the situation.
Along with the sound of your voice, your hands touching him softly, how amazing you smell, adding in the fact that your plush thighs are no longer hidden is what sends his imagination running wild.
He imagines how they would feel around his head while he eats you out, or how they would feel when he digs his fingers into the soft flesh while he eats you out, or how they would feel wrapped around his waist as he makes you cum on his dick over and over again.
The thoughts plague his mind the entire time, and he has to try even harder to not get hard in front of you again. And the worst part about all of this is that he doesn't even know if you feel the same way. He's been too distracted that he hasn't even been focusing on picking up cues. If you found out what he was thinking, you'd probably kick him out. Or file a restraining order against him.
"Hey, before you go, do you think you could help me out?" you ask as you sit on the floor, spreading your legs out in front of you, looking at him in the mirrors.
He wants to say no, but he wants to say yes, but he doesn't want to sound like a dick if he says no. "Sure, what do you need?" he asks, walking back towards you.
"I just need you to push down on my back," you explain simply as you start to lean forward, and he gets on his knees behind you before placing his hands on your back and pushing you down. He keeps going when you don't tell him otherwise until you're basically flush against the floor.
You feel so warm against his hands, but he can't help but point out how big his hands are compared to your back. It shouldn't be such a turn on for him that you're so much smaller than he is, but he really can't help it. Especially when it leads to him to think about how small your hand would look around his massive length, and how it wouldn't be able to wrap around it fully. Or how he'll try and fit it in your tight, little hole.
He shakes his head, an attempt to get the images out of his head, and he looks down, but then his eyes hyperfocus on your ass, which is no longer hiding being your spandex.
It must've come up while you were stretching with him, but at the angle, you're at, the firm globes are right there exposed in front of his face and he can't look away. "See something you like, Red?"
His head snaps up, his eyes wide as he meets your eyes in the mirror. Your chin is resting on your hands, your top half still parallel with the floor, and you chuckle softly at the deer in headlights expression Kirishima is currently wearing.
His face turns crimson as he realizes he's been caught red-handed, and he's about to start blabbering an apology when you start to move. "It's okay," you start, the huge smirk on your face never faltering. You push back against his hands until he relaxes them a bit, giving you the room to move to a new position.
He watches in awe as you bring your legs back together before folding them and getting on your hands and knees. You back up just a little before arching your back, your ass not even a few feet from his face.
He stays there frozen, and you wiggle your hips as you giggle, never taking your eyes off of him in the mirror. "Go ahead, Kiri, I know you want to."
He glances at you in the mirror before moving his hands to cup your ass, his fingers digging under the material to expose your entire backside, and he can't help the groan that escapes from his lips.
You wiggle your hips again, and this time, he's digging his fingers into your hips and pulling you into his crotch, rutting his half-hard dick against you, making you moan. "Oh, fuck, I've been dreaming about this, princess," he breathes out.
"I know," you respond sweetly, and the next thing you know, you're on your back with Kirishima hovering over you.
"You tellin' me you've been a tease on purpose?" he puts together, and you respond with a light shrug as you trail a finger up and down his ridiculously toned arm.
"I just gathered some information. What I needed of course. I was just waiting for you to crack," you admit. "Took you long enough."
You can tell he's holding back. The arms that are right beside your head are flexing every now and then, and you thrust your hips up into his full erection, making his nails scratch at the floor underneath you. "I don't want you to hold back, Eiji. I want you to fuck me so hard that I can't walk straight."
Those words seem to be the ones that break the dam because he's leaning down, pulling you into a searing kiss, his tongue shoving into your mouth almost immediately. He pins your arms down to the floor as his lips travel to your neck, his sharp teeth quickly making marks all over your neck.
What you said seems to have unleashed an animal from Kirishima because he practically is ripping your clothes off, your body bare in the blink of an eye, along with his. You can't help when your mouth drops open at how built he is, your hand traveling along his Adonis form, and your eyes almost pop out of your head when they land on his dick. He's fucking massive.
"You see something you like?" he teases with a wink and you nod, your eyes having a hard time leaving his crotch. "Hell yes," you emphasize, and he smirks before pulling you up to meet your lips again. His hands travel from your neck to your breasts, his fingers playing with him until he can pinch and pull the hard buds between his fingers.
You moan into the kiss as he deepens it, one of his hands continuing its mission downwards while the other stays to play with your tit. He smiles at the feeling of you slightly jumping when he swirls a finger across your lips, his finger instantly being covered in your slick. "This wet already?"
You smirk. "Only for you." You gasp at the sudden intrusion, one of his thick fingers sliding in easily. Your hands fall to his arms as he pumps it in and out of you. He adds another finger, making your back arch slightly. You can feel the stretch and he's only put in two fingers.
He picks up the pace, curling his fingers inside of you, hitting that spongy spot with perfect accuracy, and you can't even keep kissing him, instead moaning into his mouth.
He starts to slow down, and you whine, pulling on his shoulders. "Stop teasing, Kiri," you pant, trying to move against his fingers when he stops pumping them into you.
He gives you a shit-eating grin. "Oh? You're singing a different tune now. I thought you were all for teasing," he taunts, and you shake your head quickly as you continue to move.
"Fuck, no. Come on, please," you beg, and he realizes that he really can't wait any longer either, so he pushes you back down onto the floor before spreading your legs and crawling in between them.
He slips his fingers back inside you while his mouth attacks your clit, which makes you jump and your hand find his hair. He scissors his fingers inside of you before adding a third, and you already feel so full, making you wonder if you can actually take him.
Your back arches off the floor when his tongue swirls around your clit and his fingers press on that spot inside you, making you release a breathless cry of his name, your head dizzy with pleasure.
Meanwhile, Kirishima feels like he's in heaven. He could stay in between your legs for the rest of his life if he could. Your thick thighs press against his ears at a particular swipe of his tongue, and he groans before using his tongue more feverishly.
He knows your close from your grip tightening in his hair, how your moans are getting higher and how you're panting, and when you cum you practically come up off the floor, your legs squeezing his head, and he groans as he holds himself back from coming just from you coming undone.
Your taste explodes on his tongue, and he makes sure he finger fucks you through your orgasm, making sure he gets as much of your juices as he can get. When your back hits the floor again, he comes up for air, sliding his fingers out of you and into his mouth.
He smirks when he sees your half-lidded eyes before leaning down to meet your lips for a kiss that takes your breath away, moaning softly when you taste yourself. "You not getting tired on me, are you?" he jokes when he pulls away, and you scoff as you shake your head. "Good, because I remember you saying that you didn't want to walk straight."
The memory that occurred not too long ago makes his neglected hard-on ache, and he wastes no time in lining himself up with your hole. You wince slightly when he starts to push in, and he rubs at your clit while he kisses you again, distracting you from the momentary pain. "You okay?" he asks when he gets the head in, and you take a few deep breaths before nodding.
"I'm okay, keep going," you urge, and he pushes the rest of the way in, the prep he gave you helping ease the burning stretch. You realize that he still hasn't stopped moving, and you already feel so full, your eyes rolling back.
"Holy shit, you are so tight. Fuck." You see his muscles twitching, and you know he's holding back, waiting for you to adjust. His arms falter when you clench around him, and you lean up towards his ear.
"What did I say? I want you to fuck me." You grip his hair, pulling his head back roughly so that he's looking you in the eyes. "Hard."
Any bravado or air in your lungs you had before was ripping from you when he pulls out and rams back into you. His pace is relentless and it's like you can feel him pounding your cervix with every thrust.
He moves from his hands to his elbows, and your arms wrap around his neck as you feel your body going limp from pleasure. "Ah, fuck, Kiri, you're so big, feels so good," you moan into his ear, and you hear him whine into your neck.
Then he's pulling out of you and flipping you over and sliding back into you before lifting you up and putting you flush against his chest. He wraps a hand around your neck, and he's basically holding you at this point while he's thrusting into you, your knees almost hovering above the ground.
"You're still coherent. Think that needs to change," he grunts in your ear, and you smirk as you bring a hand up to run through his red locks.
"You like when I praise you, don't you, Kiri?" You both know you didn't need to use your quirk to figure out that he had a praise kink. He revealed that on his own.
He doesn't respond, just lifts your chin up to meet his eyes in the mirror, and you can help the whimper that slips past your lips when you see the bulge in your stomach. You watch as your breasts bounce with every motion of his hips, and your eyes fall onto the bliss expression on Kirishima's face.
"You look so pretty, Red," you tease, and he bites his lip before pushing you down.
"You're still talking," he grits through his teeth, and he pushes your top half onto the floor before pulling out and seeming to move deeper than he had before.
You practically scream as your hands claw at the floor, and he shifts his hips until he finds your sweet spot, and he angles himself to hit there every time. Your eyes roll back as you arch your back more, and Kirishima moans at the sight below him.
"Uh, Kiri," you manage, and he leans down over you.
"What is it, baby? You gotta tell me what you want," he coos with a smirk, knowing that you're being fucked stupid, and you can barely think about forming a proper sentence.
"Please, uhm close, ugh." You roll your eyes at a strong thrust as your body starts to go limp again.
"Hm? You gotta speak up," he teases, and when he sees you about to argue, he cuts you off with another strong thrust that has you seeing stars, and you can feel the shit-eating smirk he has on his face. "You were saying?" he continues, his rhythm slowing down.
"I'm close! 'M close! Please, please, please," you beg, feeling that coil in your stomach close to snapping. You hear him chuckle lightly before he increases his pace again, this time one of his hands snakes down under you to play with your clit.
You jolt at the sudden stimulation but moan regardless as you use the last remaining energy you have to buck back against him. "Cum for me, baby, you can do it," he coaxes as he sits back up, and with a few more aimed thrusts and a pinch of your clit, you cum with a scream of his name.
"Ugh, fuck," he whispers when he feels you clamping around him, and his body tenses as he cums inside of you with a low moan, his warm seed painting your walls white.
He falls on top of you, both of you sinking flat against the floor as you catch your breath, your bodies covered in a layer of sweat. He slowly pulls out of you and flops on his back next to you as he places a hand on his chest, his heartbeat still pounding.
"Fucking hell," he chuckles, making you laugh breathlessly. "I don't even know what to say," he admits, and you roll over on your side, lifting your head with your elbow.
"Left you speechless, huh?" you jab, and he laughs as he nods.
"Yeah, you did," he agrees before he's pulling you on top of him and kissing you fully. "Guess, I should thank you," he says after he pulls away.
"For the sex or the stretches?" you ask, and he grips your hips when you grind down against him which makes his breath hitch.
"For both, but, uh..." He trails off, and the frown on your face is quickly replaced with surprise when he flips you over onto your back. "I'm pretty sure you can still walk."
"You think you can do it?" you challenge and he scoffs.
"Oh, I know I can."
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jincherie · 5 years
florescence | i
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❀ — pairing: taehyung x reader x seokjin ❀ — genre: hybrid au, hybrid tae, hybrid jin, poly, fluff, smut (future), angst  ❀ — words: 4.7k+ ❀ — rating: sfw ❀ — warnings: lowkey highkey threat of euthanisation (wooo dystopian hybrid elements!), shy and blushing boys prepare your hearts ❀ — notes: this is written for an old old old old request! you can find it here for now, but I’ll make a post for more convenience later. besides that, I already have about 18k written for this and have barely dented what I want to include so... guess we’re in this for a bit of a long haul! I’m still in the process of guiding where I want this to go, but until then... I’m eager to kick-start it! Since I technically already posted this, I’ll post the second part relatively soon. Please enjoy! lmk what u think!!! love u!!
Okay, so maybe you’re lonely, and maybe there is something missing in your life, a void that you maybe want to fill with a companion that may or may not be of human origin... You’re perfectly content not doing anything about it though, until your best friend calls you in desperate need for your help and you suddenly end up coming home with not one, but two hybrids that may or may not have been on the way to the chopping block had you not taken them in. They’re more than a little rough around the edges, and the situation is less than ideal but... maybe the best things don’t always come in perfect, shiny packages. Maybe they just need a little time to bloom.
— posted; 28.07.2019 // masterlist || next.
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Nerves have your knees wobbling slightly as you stand in place, the impressive height of the B.H. Laboratories building looming over you. Really, you’re not that anxious about what you’re about to do, yet your knee still feel slightly weak and your shoulders pinch with minute tension. Your body might be a little out of tune with your brain, you think, or perhaps the emotions attached to the physical reactions just haven’t hit you yet.
You waver in your spot, finally deciding to bite the bullet and take the handle into your grasp. It’s cool against your palm and smooth to the touch, if slightly worn. As you shift your wrist and twist the bolt, you recall the panicked and desperate voice of your friend as she’d called you barely half an hour ago. Seulgi is hardly the type to get worked up over nothing, so when you’d answered the phone to the sound of nothing but fear and urgency in her tone you’d been instantly at attention.
Your raven-haired best friend works at the massive Lab currently in front of you, filling in the role of the receptionist and taking her placements here as she completes her degree. Her ideal career path is one of science, but one of her passions and interests lies in the complex matter of hybrids. Really, this job is perfect for her—B.H. Laboratories specialise in genetic matters and in the creation of hybrids, most specifically those made to be companions. Long since passed are the days where hybrids were still new and shiny and held under the most barbaric of laws, if any. For some the strangeness and novelty has worn off since then, yet that doesn’t mean that the laws regarding hybrids have kept up with the shift in the population.
B.H. Labs, from the very beginning, have been pioneers of sorts in the field. Always pushing the limits, extending past perceived boundaries and paving the way. A lot of what Seulgi gets glimpses of is new hybrids, new combinations and variations. The goal of the company is to achieve the perfect companion for the people and the individual, and they work hard in their efforts to create such a thing.
This means that new lines and batches of hybrids are always being created, prototypes always being tested and tried out. Usually, the hybrids pass and go on to the next stage—they go to shelters for adoption while the data recorded from their stay goes towards the creation of the next batch. Usually, this is how it goes. However, there are the rare exceptions—batches that begin to vary and differ as they grow, turning out nothing like intended. Batches that don’t meet the goal of the experiment or that are lacking in some way or another, are marked as failures. If even a single hybrid of the bunch is deemed unfit, the rest are scrutinised brutally and received the blemish on their records as well. This, actually, is a topic that sparks heated debate in the community— because it’s common knowledge that at most hybrid facilities, failed batches aren’t sent to shelters like their predecessors, but instead are put down, like nothing more than the animals they are spliced with. They don’t have the opportunity to make connections for a possible home, and so the only destination that awaits them is the gallows. B.H Labs stand out from the rest here, due to their spotless record of product success. Never have they euthanised a hybrid of their making, and never has a batch or single hybrid been deemed a failure. However records and streaks of success, like all things, must come to an end eventually.
This… is why Seulgi had called you in such a frantic manner earlier.
She’d caught wind of a last-minute decision that had been made about two hybrids who had been deemed ‘failures’ for whatever reasons. They were being moved from their quarters as she spoke and are scheduled for the chopping block tonight. Seulgi is far too good a person to just stand by and just let it happen, and while floundering for any possible solution she’d come across you.
You can’t believe she remembered it, but one time you’d confessed to her while blind-rotten drunk that you were actually a little bit lonely, living by yourself in your large two-bedroom apartment as you were, and kind of longed for a companion. You’d never ever meant to let slip that you’d considered getting a hybrid, because you both held very similar views regarding them, but it had tumbled from your pouting lips nonetheless and now Seulgi is privy to one of your most embarrassing secrets. If she wasn’t your best friend and didn’t know that you’d rather cut off all four of your limbs than mistreat a hybrid, then your drunken confession might have earnt you a potent smack and the cold shoulder. As it is, all you can remember receiving was a drunk laugh and sly smile.
You didn’t think she would remember it, but clearly you were wrong because here you are now, all of a sudden about to receive not one but two hybrids in one go.
The second you step foot into the reception area your presence is noticed and a high tone pierces the air, stationery and folders cluttering against a desk along with the familiar sound of small wheels sliding across the linoleum.
“Oh, y/n, thank god you’re here.”
You turn, catching sight of Seulgi as she bolts up from her position behind the counter and darts around the desk, heading straight for you. She might have slammed straight into you if she didn’t catch herself a little before she arrived.
“I’d give you more info but we really don’t have time, they’re going to move them soon so we need to get our asses going.” She’s speaking so fast you can barely keep up and if you didn’t know her so well then you might not have understood what she was saying at all. She grips your hand and begins down the stark white and light blue hall, tugging you behind her. Fuck, okay, this is going much faster than you prepared yourself for. “Thank you so much for coming, y/n. I know you were kind of thinking of adopting only one, and from a shelter, and this is way out of the ball park of what you ever imagined but… thank you.”
At the mention of the other details you’d accidentally confessed to her while drunk that time, you blush, but choose to let it go for now. You aren’t sure why it embarrasses you exactly, but you know she doesn’t say it with ill intent and that she is stressed to high hell right now so you’re willing to ignore it.
“It’s no problem,” you say, shooting her a reassuring smile when she turns to catch your gaze. “I couldn’t live with myself if I said no, knowing what will happen if we don’t…”
Seulgi doesn’t say anything but the way her features twist into a grimace are telling enough that she knows what you mean.
“I asked them earlier if they could be spared if someone was interested in them, and they said yes but since they don’t know anyone, they’re still going ahead as per normal procedure,” the raven-haired female informs you, the two of you hastening your pace down the winding halls. Deeper into the bowels of the building you venture, Seulgi navigating with so much ease that you are sure she could do it with her eyes closed. “So long as we get there before they start the final part of the procedure, we should be good.”
Everything has gone so fast since Seulgi first called you over half an hour ago, and it continues to do so as you round corners and duck down halls. Eventually you reach a wing with walls painted pastel red instead of soft blue and your stomach churns and dips as the situation suddenly becomes much, much more real to you. Are you actually ready for the way your life is going to change in just a few short minutes? What if things go wrong, or they hate you and—
Seulgi stops suddenly, turning to you with wide eyes. “Oh, shit. I almost forgot—I should tell you before we go in there, they aren’t… from a batch that was deemed a failure.”
Your brows furrow before you can stop them, confusion on your face plain for her to see. She hurries to explain, “They’re… they’re from two previous batches. The rest of their batches were fine, but these two… something about them deemed them unfit to be pushed forward to the next stage.”
You can see the embitterment on her features as she continues, lips tugging down, “They… they were kept for a while, observed a little, but they… the next batch is larger than the last ones, and they’re clearing out the block to use all the room they have available. And with nowhere else to send them, since they weren’t ever officially cleared for release from the lab like the others that go to shelters and sellers…”
You’d come here already empathising with the poor hybrids, but your chest aches and your heart throbs even more now. It saddens you that this is happening to them, that this is their reality. The idea of how powerless and scared they must feel right now… it makes your lungs pinch and constrict in sorrow.
Seulgi swallows, turning her gaze to the side; you hadn’t noticed before but she’d stopped you right outside a frosted glass door, and if you strain your ears you can just barely hear the low tone of male voices on the other side.  The shorter female seems hesitant as she glances back to you, as though concerned that your mind has suddenly changed or something along those lines.
“Stop stressing,” you smile, pushing down the incriminatingly thick, wriggling bundle of nerves in your stomach. “I already agreed, I’m not going to turn back now. I want to help them.”
Your words ease her worries instantly, and she appears sheepish for a moment as she averts her gaze. “No, I know, I just… the thought of what would happen if I didn’t know you…”
She trails off, shaking her head before catching the reassuring gaze you send her. “Alright, let’s go in. We can’t afford to waste any more time.”
With that, she reaches for the handle of the door, swiping her personal card on the scanner beside the frame with her other hand. A beep permeates the air and the light flicks from red to green, lock clicking open. She’s quick to act, twisting the handle and bursting into the room with you hot on her heels, acting in the moment before your nerves can catch up to you.
“Wait, please wait! I brought her, I brought someone who will take them, please wait!”
The sight that greets you as you enter the room is one that you should have expected yet it still comes as a surprise. Three people dressed in slacks and button-ups with clinical coats over the top turn to face you in shock; one is by the door on the other side of the room, hand poised by the handle, and the other two are stationed either side of the remaining two figures in the room.
The hybrids, you realise instantly. You feel the breath whoosh from your lungs suddenly as they spin in place with wide, fearful eyes and you catch sight of them in all their beautiful glory.
They’re about the same height, with the same golden skin that glows nicer than it should beneath the unforgiving fluorescent lights of the lab. That is where their similarities end for the most part though, as they appear to be different hybrid types altogether, something that is consistent with what Seulgi said to you earlier. The one to the left has soft, pale reddish-coloured hair and large triangular ears with thick tufts of white on the inside. His eyes are rimmed by long, dark lashes and the iris swims citrine green-gold with dustings of cocoa by the pupil. His hips are narrower than the hybrid beside him, his posture drawn in as he hugs himself and his tail, deep russet and incredibly fluffy and thick, wraps around his long legs.
The male beside him sports soft charcoal hair, the ears settled amongst the strands speckled grey and black to match the fluffy, white-tipped tail that brushes his calves. His eyes are deep amber, gleaming gold in the light, and rimmed with dark lashes that only serve to emphasise the contrast of his irises. His shoulders are impossibly broad and his upper body tapers into hips that, while aren’t as narrow as the male beside him, are still slim and give way to long legs. Both of the hybrids are wearing the standard loose white clothes that come complimentary from the lab, and both are looking at you with mixed emotions playing on their features.
“Seulgi,” the male by the door lets out a heavy breath of relief, hand dropping from the handle completely. “Thank god, I thought you weren’t going to come—I tried to take as long as possible but there’s only so much I can stall when I have orders from the higher-ups, you know?”
Seulgi nods, her gaze flitting from the hybrids in question to the male’s face. “I know, I’m sorry I took so long, Jooheon. Are these the ones?”
The male, Jooheon, nods and begins walking over to where you are, reaching into the deep pockets of his lab coat. The other two humans in the room visibly relax at the turn the situation has taken for them.
“They are,” he affirms, gaze falling to you with what you swear is a hint of gratitude. “And this is your friend, y/n? The one who offered to take them?”
You nod along with Seulgi, and Jooheon lets out another huff of relief. “Thank god. Okay, I brought the release forms down so all you will have to do is sign and then the three of you can be out of here.”
He pulls a folded bunch of papers from the pocket, placing it along with a pen on the desk to your side that you in all honesty didn’t even notice until now. He then turns to the two hybrids, who are looking frantically from you to him with wide, confused yet somewhat hopeful eyes. Your heart gives a painful throb as you see the glossy sheen beginning to gather over them.
“You’re saved,” Jooheon breathes, and you watch as the hybrids seem to shake slightly. “This is y/n, she agreed to be your owner and take you two home to take care of you from now on. You’re safe now, you won’t need to worry about… what we talked about earlier, anymore. Okay?”
The two hybrids look like they’re about to cry, chins wobbling and lips trembling, but they manage to keep the tears at bay just a little longer. They turn to you, appearing as though they want to say something, but Jooheon takes your attention again before they get the chance.
“Alright, y/n I need you to sign here and here, on both forms,” he instructs you, holding the paper open and pointing to the areas amongst the lines of fine print that needed your signature. You take the pen and do as told, and once he is satisfied with your progress, he turns to the other two staff members that were in the room. “Hyungwon, Changkyun, you can take their wristbands off. They won’t need them. Did you bring the collars?”
They both nod, the taller one reaching into his coat pocket while the other goes about removing two thick bands from the hybrids with a tiny, specialised key. You finish scribbling your signature where it’s required just in time to receive the two simple leather collars that the tall one is holding out to you.
Now that what you guess to be the ownership forms are signed, Seulgi has visibly sagged in a combination of relief and exhaustion—she did stay here well after her shift ended to sort this all out, after all. She isn’t normally here until almost nine o’clock at night.
“Thank you, Jooheon, Hyungwon, Changkyun,” she breathes, striding forward to grasp the papers and fold them neatly. “Thank you for letting us do this.”
Jooheon shakes his head, a fond, thankful smile tugging his lips and making dimples appear on his cheeks. “No, thank you. I… I don’t know what we would have done if you two didn’t…”
The silence that falls at his words is heavy, and you look to the two hybrids to see their gazes directed at the ground, forms trembling. You want so badly to comfort them and reassure them that everything is going to be okay, that you’ll keep them safe and do everything in your power to make them happy, but you can’t bring yourself to overstep that boundary. You’re new to them, they don’t know you. The recollection of that fact makes your face heat in embarrassment at the nature of your instincts in this situation.
“It’s no problem,” you say, the first words you’ve uttered so far in this room—every gaze whips to you accordingly. You shoot Jooheon and the two hybrids a smile. “I’m happy to help. I promise to do my best.”
The male nods at that, relieved, and he turns to the two hybrids.
“Alright, you two come with me. We’ll go grab your things and make sure you have everything ready to go.” He turns to Seulgi now, “We’ll meet you at the front of the building in a few minutes, make sure to grab the guidebooks for her.”
And with that he’s grasping the two hybrids gently and leading them down the hall, disappearing from sight within moments. You don’t even notice the other two lab employees bidding you farewell until Seulgi is tugging at your arm and leading you in the direction you came from.
“Come on, let’s go,” she says, a smile tugging her lips to replace the stressed frown from earlier. You’re glad to see a brighter expression on her face. “I’ll grab those guidebooks for you then we’ll meet them out front. You caught the bus here right? I’ll drop you three home.”
x     +     x     +     x  
Barely half an hour later finds you standing on the footpath outside your unit complex, waving to a grinning Seulgi as she pulls from the curb and toots her horn in farewell. Something that you probably could have gone without, if the way the two hybrids by your side flinch is anything to go by. Silence drifts over the three of you as you watch her car disappear into the night, taillights flashing before she rounds a corner and is gone form your view. The short trip to your house was spent much in the same manner, Seulgi the main perpetrator driving the conversation as you respond occasionally from the front seat, the hybrids bunched together in the back with their tiny amounts of luggage. You’re not really a quiet person— quite the opposite, really— but you don’t want to overwhelm and intimidate your new housemates more than they already are. Thus, a majority of the trip was spent in silence.
You realise as you’re standing there that you know little to nothing about these two hybrids—there was no ‘getting to know them’ process as there might have been at a proper shelter. Normally, the procedure is that you enter the shelter, fill in application forms and tell the clerk what you’re looking for—they direct you to hybrids they think will be suitable, and then you spend some time with the hybrid to get to know them a little. Obviously, nothing like that happened tonight; actually, you’re still reeling a bit and the events that have occurred so far haven’t even caught up with you yet. You can’t find it in you to complain though, not when you know that choosing them meant that you saved them from a fate more befitting to an animal.
“Do you two have everything?” you ask suddenly, doing your best to make your voice as gentle and nonthreatening as possible. It still startles them though, and they flinch before their attention whips to you, their eyes wide—both are taller than you so it’s almost kind of comical, the way they react. When they nod you let out a hum and send them each what you hope comes across as a reassuring smile. “Excellent, please follow me and we’ll go inside.”
They do so without qualm, and you can’t help but wonder as you turn on your heel and begin to walk towards your unit—sat on the ground floor to the front of the complex and hidden behind a tiny courtyard—what exactly was quote-unquote wrong with them for them to have been marked as failures and lined up for the fate they almost faced tonight. You climb the few steps that lead to the courtyard with them in tow, making it to your front door and unlocking it with speed and practiced ease. You hold the door open for them, closing it softly after they file in.
“Alright,” you hum to yourself, moving to slip your shoes off and deposit your bag to the small table to the side. You go to face them, about to ask them what they would like to do first, when you come to a startling and embarrassing realisation.
You don’t even know their names.
The two hybrids are already looking at you as you turn to face them, soft smile on your face.
“I’m sorry,” you apologise, hands wringing somewhat nervously. The events of the past hour are only just sinking in, a jumbled mess your mind is struggling to disentangle, and it all feels so….surreal. “This has all gone pretty fast, huh? I just realised I never asked your names. I’m y/n, as you probably already guessed. And you…?”
The two of them share a glance before the one to your left, the one with raven hair and bright amber eyes, speaks first—the other shifts behind him, cheeks dusting pink as he ducks his head a little, russet-coloured strands hanging over his forehead.  
“I am Seokjin,” the male speaks clearly, but you can hear the tremble in his tone that betrays just how nervous and on edge he still is. “This is Taehyung. Th-thank you for taking us in, mistress.”
At the title he attaches to the end of his sentence you blanche, shoulders pinching in discomfort as a squeak escapes you. You reach and take his hands into yours without thinking, desperate to reassure him.
“No, please! You don’t have to call me that. I don’t know what you’ve been taught but we’re equals in this house, just y/n is fine,” you inform them, gaze flicking from one face to another. “Okay?”
The second your hands grasped his a deep blush stains Seokjin’s cheeks, his eyes wide and ears slightly pressed to his skull in what you guess is fluster. He nods when you send him a prompting look, Taehyung following suit from next to him. You allow your eyes to scan their trembling forms for a moment, taking in the way their tails press tightly to them and wind around their legs, ears half lowered. You’ve barely recovered from what almost happened to them, so you don’t doubt that they’re still caught up on the fate they oh so narrowly missed. Your heart goes out to them.
“You’re still a little shaken up, huh,” you murmur in observation, brushing your thumbs over the knuckles of the hands in your grasp before you realise what you’re doing and gently let go. You do your absolute best to fight the embarrassed flush trying to colour your cheeks as a result. “I’ll show you to your room, then you can decide if you would like to shower and freshen up or have something to eat first. Is that okay?”
Seokjin’s eyes are wide as he regards you with something akin to shock, plush lips falling open before he musters an answer for you in the form of a nod. You turn and see Taehyung shyly nodding as well, a hand reaching to grip the back of the other hybrid’s shirt as he shuffles slightly behind him. You suppress the urge to raise your brows—wow, he’s a shy one, huh? You’re a little taken aback but it’s honestly a little endearing.
“Okay, let’s go,” you say, offering them a smile again. Seokjin attempts to return it, but Taehyung is too busy staring at the floor to catch it. “My house isn’t very big, but I’ll point out places as we go.”
The two hybrids trail after you as you proceed to give them a makeshift tour, pointing out the main rooms and adding little comments of what you liked to do in there or what you use certain things for. They observe their surroundings with wide, inquisitive eyes, and the further into the house you delve you catch them sniffing subtly as they take in the different scents in your home, tails unwinding from their legs to tentatively brush wall corners and furniture. Bit by bit they seem to ease, tension fleeing their forms somewhat, and you’re glad for it. You don’t want them to be on edge for the whole night, and you don’t want them to feel uncomfortable for longer than is normal.
“—this one is my room, and this one here is yours. I’m sorry, you have to share a bed for now but I will be able to get two separate ones soon.” You run your hands through your hair sheepishly, eyes sweeping over the room for anything that shouldn’t be there. You duck in and grab a box of paints you left to the side, offering the two hybrids an embarrassed grin. “I promise I will get all this stuff out of here as soon as possible, too. Ideally I would have cleared it before you got here, but tonight was a little short-notice so… yeah.”
Taehyung is hiding behind the other male but is watching you with rapt attention over his shoulder, absorbing everything you say even if the blush on his cheeks betrays that he’d rather be averting his gaze right now. Your eyes flick to Seokjin and you catch him chewing his lip as he processes your words, amber hues flitting about the room and taking everything in.
“It is fine,” he says, offering you a small smile in reassurance. “We will be okay. You have already been more than generous enough.”
You shake your head at him, attempting to smile though it doesn’t reach your eyes. “I appreciate that, but you guys deserve better than the state of the room as it is right now. I want the two of you to be happy , so… as soon as we can, we’ll get some stuff for you to decorate and make it your own… okay?”
You swear his eyes are shining as they whip and meet yours, his mouth falling open once more as he struggles to form a response. You clear your throat, speaking so he doesn’t have to.
“Just there is your bathroom. I have one attached to my room, so that one is just for you two,” you inform them, fingers wringing nervously again. “We can maybe go tomorrow and get everything we need, but it would be really helpful if you guys thought about what you want and maybe make a list? I’m happy to get whatever.”
They seem taken aback at your words, not for the first time tonight, but nod nonetheless. You let a bright smile onto your face. “Awesome, thanks. You can pop your bags in here—would you like to shower and freshen up first, or do you want some food?”
The hybrids share a look, and Seokjin turns back, opening his mouth to answer when two loud grumbles pierce the air. Both hybrids flush bright pink, mortified, but you just laugh.
Guess that answers your question, then.
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a/n: please let me know what you think! i hope you liked it, i’m excited for more to come :) 
also as always, please feel free if you like my works to support me by buying me a coffee!! and if you enjoyed this, please let me know by liking and/or reblogging <3 next.
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celestial-violencia · 4 years
“Nicewashed” Tarot Decks
What is Nicewashing? Nicewashing is when the darker elements of a tarot deck are removed. Cards that normally scare people, like the 10 of Swords, Death, the Tower, etc. are changed to a more "light" version. Some of the darker imagery might be removed or modified and the creator of the deck might offer a different, gentler perspective for the card.
Why is Nicewashing Such a Hot Topic? Some tarot practitioners believe that by removing the heavy imagery from the deck, it creates an imbalance with the deck. Some people feel that the shadow aspects of a tarot deck are an important building block and by removing them, you are ruining the integrity of a tarot deck. Some people believe it's spiritually bypassing and tricking a reader or querent into thinking that there is no "negativity" in the reading.
Is there ever a time where nicewashing might be appropriate? Nicewashing can be appropriate in certain situations. If someone has just lost a loved one, for an example, you're not necessarily going to want to break out your heavy-hitting decks by default. If a querent is going through it, sometimes they need a more uplifting message. For some clients, some imagery like in the 10 of Swords can be triggering, especially for someone who was or knew a victim of violence. And other times, you might have a client who is afraid of tarot and you don't want to feed into that fear and scare your client. Is this "babying" your querent? Not necessarily. The core meanings of the cards are still the same, but sometimes a gentler perspective or visual is needed. As long as you are taking into account the core meaning of the card, you can still read perfectly well with a nicewashed deck.
When is a nicewashed deck problematic? The only time a nicewashed deck is really problematic is if someone is purely using it to spiritually bypass and ignore any negative aspects in their lives. But truthfully, these types of people don't need a nicewashed deck to accomplish this. You can give this type of person the darkest, grungiest deck on the market and they still find a way to apply toxic positivity to all of the cards throughout the deck. Using a deck with a gentler visual perspective does not automatically put a person into this camp.
Where do you stand in the debate of nicewashed decks? Personally, it doesn't bother me. There are such a variety of decks on the market that there are decks for everyone. There are still darker decks being produced. There are still neutral decks being produced. And there are more light-hearted decks being produced. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think nicewashed decks read any differently for me. I've used the Happy Tarot here and there, and while it looks like a cutesy, lovable deck, it reads like an absolute savage that is roasting my entire existence. On the other hand, my copy of the Tarot Restless, which looks like an absolute eldritch horror, reads like a gentle baby to me and highkey has "pls protecc" energy to it. The idea that you can't get nitty gritty readings from a deck with light-hearted imagery is flawed, in my opinion. That being said, if you're using a deck to just spiritually bypass and pretend like everything is fine in your life, maybe don't. See my post on shadow work. This is an important part of yourself to face if you want to grow as a person. So at the end of the day, to me it's not a deck issue. If a nicewashed deck is going to be problematic, it would be more on the reader's side and how they use the deck. If you're drawn to "nicer" decks, then by all means have at it. Just make sure you're taking into account all aspects of the cards contained in the deck.
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forestwater87 · 5 years
Would you want Gwen and David to become a couple at the end of CampCamp? And adopt Max as well? Cuz' I do...
Gwenvid becoming canon is one of those things I simultaneously love and feel is unnecessary. The show will never let it be as pure and fluffy (or emo) as the fans will make it, anyway, and there is no force on earth that will stop me from shipping this ship with every ounce of my shriveled little heart, so I’m kinda ambivalent on the whole thing. (Besides, I know at least one of the showrunners is not at all into it, so I don’t see it happening no matter how much we may want it to. As long as they keep giving us little ship nuggets we can read way too much into, I’ll be good.)
Also I’m not convinced CC is the kind of show that needs an end, so “at the end” is one of those things that … eh, whatever. It’s an endless summer existing outside of time. Does it ever have to end, as long as they keep having new ideas?
As for the other part of this question … oh, boy. Anon, you did not ask me to go the fuck off on this question, but I gotta because I’ve been holding all this inside for literal years, and I don’t even care that this will make me hemorrhage followers because I’ve been very good and very quiet about it for a long-ass time and I just gotta –
I fucking hate Dad//vid.
And you know? I didn’t used to. My feelings, much like those regarding Cute Waitress, went from “how cute!” to “eh, not my thing but whatever,” and now we’ve circled all the way around to my entire soul lighting on rage-fire every time it’s mentioned, and just … I hate it so much … it’s just …
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I feel like this deserves an explanation. And I think the people who’ve already blocked me or whatever aren’t going to read it, so let’s put it under a cut just for the sake of scrolling. But here’s the cliffs notes version:
1. It’s #NotAllDad//vid. There are some iterations of it I don’t hate, and even quite like.
2. David adopting Max, as a general concept, blows. There are exceptions – see #1 – but 99 times out of 100 I hate it with all of my hate. (The short reasons why: David is baby and Forest has Issues, it’s kiiiiinda racist?, and it’s lazy, boring, and way overdone.) 
3. The fandom will not fucking chill about it – at the expense of all other explorations of David and Max’s relationship. And that makes me highkey annoyed.
That being said, anyone who’s worried my blog will become a cesspool of dad//vid hate, please don’t be concerned. This is like lancing a boil of something (I’m bad at metaphors). All the garbage pours out in one massive textblock, and then I go back to being more or less chill about the whole thing. We’re dealing with years of repression here. Shit’s gonna be a lot more intense than it needs to be, and then we’ll settle back down to our regularly-scheduled CC fluff times.
I’m hoping this doesn’t make the fandom hate me forever … but given #3 up there, I’m pretty dang scared it will.
(And hey, I don’t want Cute Waitress to explode in a pit of fire and snakes anymore, so maybe my opinion on dad//vid will change eventually too. Always hold out hope, right?) 
1. #NotAllDad//vid
Like I said, I didn’t used to totally despise the whole Dad//vid thing. Like, I love the idea of David having been a counselor for so long that he just has ingrained Dad Instincts (see S4E14 for the most recent example of this). David as the Dad Friend? Good shit. David as the mother/father hen of his little cabal of campers? Very good shit. Nonliteral interpretations of dad//vid are usually really cute and fun and have some solid basis in canon, and I’m all about it.
Even some of the more literal David-adopts-Max AUs aren’t … the worst. Some of my friends have written versions of it that are original or at least were at the time and really compelling, and usually they found a way of skirting past the majority of the issues in #2. It can be done well.
It just … usually … isn’t.
And for that we gotta see #2.
2. David-Adopts-Max Sucks as a Concept
There is nothing good about the idea of David adopting Max, at least based on what we’ve currently seen in canon. 
(Yes, I am aware that I should couch statements like that with “in my opinion” and “with exceptions” and the like, but that’s a lot of work for this and a bunch of the stuff I’m gonna say in a second, so please just assume for the purposes of everything I put on this blog that it’s in my opinion. I’m not out here dropping Cold Hard Facts about Camp Camp of all things; I’m just spewing my feelings. 
I have lots of feelings.)
I don’t really have a cute little opening segment for this, so let’s skip the hors d’oeuvres and hop right into the meat of it:
David is Way Too Young to be a Father (According to Forest, Who Has Massive Emotional Baggage About These Things)
David is 24 goddamn years old. You know who shouldn’t be put in constant legal charge of a 10-year-old? Someone who is only 14 years older than him. If he’d had Max the old-fashioned way he would be too young to go on 16 and Pregnant. 
That is too fucking young.
I know that some people become parents that young, and even younger. I’m not saying your experiences are bad or invalid. I’m just saying, from the standpoint of being 26, that if one of my two-years-younger friends told me they were adopting a kid they knew from work, I would tell them they were fucking bonkers and to hand that child over to a grown-up immediately. This is especially true of David, who has remarkable emotional maturity but is also mentally about 8 years old. Gwen is the adult at that camp, and David is such a baby. 
Please don’t give the baby a baby.
Also, I’m terrified of having children. I never plan to, I’ve only recently accepted the fact that I don’t have to (grew up religious; it was kinda a whole thing), and get knee-jerk defensive over the idea of anyone my age or younger having children. It freaks me out, and that’s not a good or right emotional reaction to have but it’s mine, and I lowkey panic every time I think of David having children because if he should have a child at 24 then I’m already late.
Yes, I get the feeling that I’m running behind. For something I don’t actually want, ever. In comparison to a fictional character. Whose fatherhood decisions are not even remotely canon.
TL;DR I have issues and my other arguments are decidedly more valid than this one
So How About That Racism, Huh?
I know this has been a matter of some debate in the CC fandom for a while now … but you know what? It’s not nearly enough of a debate. People should absolutely be talking more about the potential problematique aspects of having a way too young white kid take a child from his immigrant parents on some pretty shoddy evidence (which I’ll address in the next section). There’s some White Savior stuff going on there, some negatively-stereotyping-poc-and-immigrant parents going on there … I’m not saying these should completely disqualify any dad//vid AUs or speculation or anything, but it should absolutely be much more of a conversation than it currently is.
(This is why one of the few David-adopts-Max concepts I like is one in which his parents have died. Not only is it more interesting – again, see the next bit – but it neatly sidesteps some potential gross stereotyping, and that’s just always rad.)
I feel like the common counterargument to this is that there are not-great parents of color and not-great immigrant parents IRL, so wouldn’t it be dishonest not to portray that in fiction as well? 
I mean … I dunno. 
I’m not here to tell anyone how to write the One Pure Dad//vid AU or anything. But I will say that I don’t think most people in love with this concept have done anything resembling due diligence in considering how best to sensitively portray the complicated familial, racial, and other implications of this particular AU or concept.
Besides, it’s not real life. It’s fiction, which means any decisions are being made deliberately. It’s a choice to depict Max’s parents as abusive and neglectful monsters who immigrated to America to give their son a better life but that’s for the next section, and it’s not inherently a bad choice, but it’s one that should be made thoughtfully, with an eye to the history of negative stereotypes that already run rampant in fiction. That’s just part of the writing process, and not one that should be shunted aside because it’s more work and less dramatic than creating the biggest of big bads for David to make grand speeches at and/or punch in the face.
Just Not Very Interesting (And Done to Death)
Regarding the overdone thing: Reading a David-adopts-Max AU most of the time is just like reading every other David-adopts-Max AU; I’m pretty sure I could put all these fics on transparencies, overlay them on top of one another, and still have a legible story because they differ so little.
Now to be clear: This – along with the rest of my points in this section – are about personal taste. Some people love reading the same story over and over again, and it brings immense comfort to them. That’s okay, and you shouldn’t feel bad about reading (or writing) these stories and not wanting to break your back trying to find a new angle for it. Cringe culture is canceled, and my personal tastes should not dictate the fandom. You do you.
That being said, I’m also allowed to be so bored by almost all of these fics that I nearly fall asleep scrolling the AO3 feed.
And the frustrating thing is, it would take so little to make it different. All it would take is asking: what if it wasn’t that simple? What if his parents aren’t all bad? What if they’re trying their best, but aren’t able for whatever reason to care for Max the way he needs to be? (I’m thinking Deja’s mom from This Is Us, for a cool example.) What if they later come to regret whatever behavior is making them so sucky, and reconcile in some fashion with their son? What if David and/or Max have fundamentally misread the situation, due to being on the outside and a kid, respectively, and it turns out his parents are actually making the best decisions they can in this situation and David doesn’t need to literally become Max’s dad, but integrates into the family in another way? (Seriously, even “what if they’re dead instead of evil?” would blow my mind in terms of originality. It’s been done, but not nearly enough.)
So that’s the overdone thing out of the way. What about lazy and boring?
It just seems to me that, based on the evidence we’ve been given in the show, there are infinitely more nuanced and creative alternatives to “Max’s parents are canonically abusive and neglectful and deserve to have their child ripped away from them by the guy who sees him at his job like 2-3 months out of the year.” I, in fact, refuse to believe Max’s parents are bad people based on the current evidence, and won’t do so unless canon forces me to see no other option.
Because as of right now, I just don’t buy it.
Didn’t show up to Parents’ Day: Well, we know they immigrated from India to escape “menial labor” (S1E4), and we know capitalism stomps all over the kind of people stuck doing menial labor, so what if they were unable to get away from work or they’d be fired? Hell, what if they couldn’t afford it for whatever reason – car broke down, they don’t have a phone or were out of data, they got hurt or sick or something came up that was interpreted by a small child as a lack of interest because he’s been shown that he doesn’t fully understand either adults’ motivations (all of S1) or the complexities of living in adult society, though he thinks he does (S1E4)?
Didn’t give him an activity: What if their grasp of English isn’t great? It’s a damn hard language to learn, and I sure as hell couldn’t pick up a second language if I was working to the bone to support my family. I’m exhausted trying to get through my 5 minutes of French on Duolingo, and I have a relatively cushy job and the benefit of an owl harassing me every few hours. Maybe they looked at the absurd camp activities and assumed they were misreading something, so they handed it over to their son (who is clearly fluent) to pick something he likes. Maybe they wanted to give him some responsibility and a sense of autonomy in deciding what he wanted to do for the summer, and he was so annoyed at being sent off to camp that he refused to do it and interpreted their hands-off nature as not caring. Maybe they were tired and just told him to pick something and it’s as simple as that, because parents are allowed to be exhausted sometimes. Just strikes me as pretty bizarre that they’d bother sending their son to a summer camp (and those things aren’t cheap, even one as not-awesome as Camp Campbell) but not be invested enough to give him the activity. Saving all year to scrape together enough money for a summer camp, sure, but filling out one line on a piece of paper? Pfft, who has time for that bullshit? 
(I recognize that assuming they’re poor based on a single line about “menial labor” might seem like a bit of a stretch to some people. But honestly, to me it’s no more of a stretch than assuming that they hate or don’t care about their son, or any of the other wild theories thrown around about Max’s parents all the dang time. At least this one is relatively new.) 
Sent him a sweatshirt and a short note: Again, maybe their written English isn’t great. Some people are better at a spoken language than a written one. Or maybe they didn’t have enough time to write a long note, or they knew Max wouldn’t read it (he doesn’t seem like the type to be all that into long emotional letters). Regardless, they knew to send him something he’d like that would likely be worn down by constant wear at camp. And sweatshirts aren’t cheap. Neither is mailing a package. Just seems like a surprising amount of effort to go to if they don’t care about or love him.
Sent him to Camp Campbell for the summer: Let’s say they’re poor, based on the evidence we have. It makes sense to assume that they work relatively “unskilled” jobs, or are in school, or both. Because those jobs don’t offer benefits or a lot of money, we can also reasonably assume that they either work multiple jobs, long hours, or both. They probably don’t have family in the area or even the country, and it wouldn’t be reasonable to expect neighbors or friends to take their son in all day, every day, all summer so he’s not home alone while they’re at work (especially considering he’s not all that easy to get along with). He’s familiar with the city (S3E11), so we can assume he’s grown up in an urban environment, which means he’s probably to some extent a latchkey kid. Sending him to a summer camp would get him out of the city, around people his own age, where he’d be supervised and kept busy while his parents are at work until school starts. Camps are expensive, but I imagine Camp Campbell might be the best they can afford, and they’d assume it’s better than him sitting in an empty apartment all day.
Max’s insistence they don’t care: He’s … ten years old. Not only has he made it clear that he assumes the worst of most people, including adults, but it’s also relatively common for kids whose parents worked a lot while they were growing up to interpret that busyness as a lack of interest in them. It’s hard to understand things like expenses or financial security as a kid and view it as “my parents are never around and so they don’t love me.” Hopefully when he’s older he’d appreciate everything they’ve sacrificed for him, but at 10 years old it’s expected he’d feel neglected.
I’m just saying, maybe a borderline emotionally unstable child isn’t the most reliable source, is all.
This isn’t rock solid, I realize; I’ve made a lot of leaps of logic and assumptions extrapolating from what we’ve been given. But I don’t see it as any less plausible than his parents hating him or whatever the prevailing fan theories are, and more importantly: it’s a fuck of a lot more interesting (yes, yes, in my opinion). I think adding nuance and sympathy to Max’s parents will always end up more interesting than “good David vs evil parents.”
Of course, we’re in a bit of a limbo since we don’t know necessarily where RT is going to take this. There is every chance they’re going to drop the bomb that Max’s parents are literally as bad as everyone has made them out to be – and worse. Maybe they’re actually Xemug. Fuck if I know. And if that happens, I’m gonna call it out for being the cheapest and least-interesting of the possible options. Bad, lazy writing that pits pure good against pure evil is always gonna suck, even if it comes from the writers of one of my favorite shows.
I really, really hope they don’t go with that (to finally, I guess, answer Anon’s question fully). And I’m pretty forgiving when it comes to things people hate CC for: Dolph doesn’t bother me, most of the problematic episodes don’t bother me (that pee one is still pretty rough though), but if they go the “Max’s parents are the devil and that is why Max is the way he is” route, I’m gonna … well, just be so profoundly disappointed that the showrunners could’ve done something interesting and decided instead to go for the lowest-hanging fruit, that’s all.
3. This Fucking Fandom
So here’s the thing. Dad//vid is unique among the “ships” in the fandom in that it is deliberately placed as “the anti-Max//vid.” And I understand why that was done, and I appreciate it holding up that particular vanguard; max//vid has no place in dad//vid, and vice versa. 
But the problem with dad//vid being set up as the not-max//vid is that everything that isn’t dad//vid is suddenly viewed as “max//vid-lite.” Even when that makes literally zero sense.
See, even when I was briefly into dad//vid in its very literal “David adopts Max from Max’s evil parents” form, what I was really drawn to was the idea of David being Max’s older brother. Back when the fandom was like 100 fics on AO3, I had started planning out this long plot involving David taking on a brotherly role to this kid I thought really needed one. Admittedly I’m just a sucker for sibling relationships, but from the beginning I’ve been all about this brotherly bond, and so when a popular artist came up with the term “bro//vid” and it started gaining traction, I was all over that noise. There was finally a version of this relationship that wasn’t either “Max and David fucking” or “David literally adopts Max and becomes his literal father,” and I couldn’t be more excited.
And then … I found out that apparently “bro//vid” was becoming synonymous with “max//vid but secretly.” And … man, it really sucked to suddenly be treated like I was supporting pedophilia because I didn’t like the idea of David-adopts-Max as much as the whole big brother thing. I can’t even imagine how much it must suck if your favorite iteration of Max and David is something along the lines of mentor/friendship, without some sort of buffer of “well they’re basically (or literally) related.” Because if “these two as brothers” is max//vid-lite, then I can’t fucking imagine what that would be called.
And even when it’s not specifically about max//vid, it just keeps cropping up. I posted about the Season 4 premiere and expressed how much I saw a cute, brotherly relationship between David and Max, and someone immediately replied saying that they thought it was more like father-son. Which … yeah, fine, I don’t care if you see it like father-son, go nuts, but I am getting really sick of the fact that father-son is the only acceptable “ship” and everything must lean in that direction, no exceptions. (I know, it’s not a ship technically, but I don’t know what else to call it. Don’t read anything weird into me calling it that.)
I don’t think “please just let me enjoy these two and their relationship dynamic without making it pedophilia or insisting David adopt Max from his terrible evil parents” is that tough an ask. 
Or at least, it really shouldn’t be. But somehow it … kind of is.
And that sucks.
(Also, I hate the whole “Max is David’s favorite camper” thing. It’s not technically tied to dad//vid, but it does often come hand-in-hand with that and it just irks me to no end. If David has such blatant favorites, he is terrible at his job and kind of a douchebag. I think he gravitates towards the camper(s) who need attention the most, because he likes feeling like he’s made a difference, but I don’t think David would just straight-up pick a favorite like that, not when he has a full camp of kids who need him. Just saying.)
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wannawrite · 7 years
Work Your Body, Let’s Dance
Wanna One’s Kang Daniel X Reader [ fem ver ] TW: mentions of alcohol, has some sexual references, all in all pretty mature content but not really since I’m small it’s in between fluff and angst idk :( Word count: 3747 • frat boy, college! au Daniel • the most elite fraternity on campus, the 101 is hosting a huge party in celebration of summer • it’s a long night, this part is exclusive, invite-only hey, anon, hope you don’t mind I added frat boy au bc that was the first thing that popped into my head when I read your request. 😬 i’m not the best at this kind of scenarios ( apparently i’m known as the fluff, innocence, and young love writer ) but i will try, thank you, anon. S/O to my gem @woojiniee for the help 💝 - admin L PS: very unrealistic considering the fact i have never partied and contains no dancing contrary to the title….. __________ Your own apartment complex was dull and quiet, many students had already packed up and left to go home for Summer break but just a few blocks down, the 101 fraternity house was teeming with life. And that was where you and your friends were heading next. It was going to be THE party of the Summer before the holidays had even begun. You knew it. The 101 never held back on parties. So, even though parties were not your preferred scene, you rarely missed out on a 101 party. Being invited to a 101 party was almost like being invited to a state dinner. They were just that recognised and distinct. Despite their popularity, not much was known about them. They were lowkey yet highkey. Some basic information was that there were eleven main members who lived in the house but they had almost a hundred seniors who graduated before them or juniors they were ‘training’ to maintain the prestige of the 101. It was definitely intriguing. 
In your two years of attending their events, you had only seen four out of eleven members and spoken to two of them face to face. The four being Yoon Jising - the oldest and leader of the group -, Kim Jaehwan - the crazy yet loveable person of the group -, Park Woojin - the one with a million faces in the best way -, and of course, Bae Jinyoung. In fact, the only reason you were invited to this Summer bash was because you shared a class with Jinyoung and sat next to him for almost two terms. He was a kind and friendly person even though he could be a bit shy sometimes. Jinyoung was nice enough to continue the friendship even after a new year started. Sometimes, he talked to you in between classes or texted a lot during the weekends. Though he never made an effort to introduce you more to the rest of the 101 boys, you were grateful he was your friend. He was the one who issued your invitation. It stated that you could only bring two friends so you called your best friends to come join you. “Woah, this is such a glamorous way to arrive at a party,” Lua, one of your friends, mentioned as you guys click-clacked down the pavement in your heels. “Yeah, I would have called a taxi or something. Then again, there’s no way we can get a cab at this hour,” Rina retorted, groaning when her heel almost gave way. She sighed and tossed them off, continuing the remainder of the journey barefoot. Luckily for her, your apartment was pretty near the location of the party. The street was crowded with cars and the entire student body seemed to be milling to the 101 house but you knew half of these people didn’t even carry invitations with them. And it wasn’t like the 101 house was going to open its doors to strangers. You shoved through the crowd and long queue at the door to get to the very front, Lua and Rina trailing behind you. You met the doorman, a tall and athletic man. He was definitely an alumnus. “Invitation?” He asked, holding out a hand, glare suspiciously menacing. Your shaking hand placed the paper in his, trying your very best to maintain a smile on your face. “Name?” He was now scanning the official guest list. “Y/N, I’m with Bae Jinyoung,” you replied, hoping your voice didn’t waver. On the outside, it seemed like a regular, mundane gathering or housewarming but behind those rather soundproofed walls was actually a full-on bash. There were two other lankier men standing by the door, whispering into their earpieces every so often. “Hey, JR Hyung, do you want to go to the trampoline park this weekend?” “Lol, hi Minki and sure, let’s go.” Even though it was your third time at the 101 residence, it was the first time you noticed such high security and precautions taken. It was crazy, were these guys celebrities or something? They can’t just be normal students. This is like professional security at concerts. Who can afford all this? The security guy scribbled some words on the list before nodding and gesturing for the two other men to assist. “Miss, apologies but we must conduct bag checks.” There wasn’t much in your bag so JR cleared you but Minki swiped Rina’s lipstick and issued her a ticket. “Come and claim it later,” he said stoically but let down his dark glasses and shot her a wink. Rina squealed, causing you and Lua to roll your eyes. Does Rina attract attention everywhere we go? You thought, sighing bitterly. Does no one like me enough? Am I that repulsive? JR and Minki lead the three of you to the entrance and pushed open the doors, allowing the three of you to enter. You smiled at them before proceeding forward to the deserted foyer. The second you stepped past the foyer, there were people filling just about every corner of the mansion. Loud music blasted from the speakers and you swore you saw Jin Longguo - another popular 101 alumni - DJ-ing. Maybe Jung Sewoon wandering around to avoid being stalked by his sasaengs. It seemed like all the seniors were somewhere around. ( dhsksh omg guys this is so random i apologise ) Lua and Rina gazed in amazement at 101’s fraternity interior design. ( lol it isn’t like this a lot of times ) They started for the kitchen and you trailed behind. … “Hey,” a warm voice that sent strange shivers down your voice greeted. You lifted your head to meet the eyes of an unusually handsome man. There’s no way he could be a student. He’s definitely a alumni or friend of boys in 101. He stood in front of you, beaming, hair perfectly tossed in the ‘boyfriend’ manner. There was no denying he was a complete heartthrob. “What’s your name? You can call me Daniel.” You finally returned his smile, brushing a stray lock of hair out of your face. “I’m Y/N, hello.” Honestly, you were intimidated and hadn’t wanted the wall you leaned against to open up and swallow you up. Daniel planted one of his hands on the wall and leaned against it comfortably yet stylishly. He took a sip from his red solo cup, it’s content seemed like alcohol. You weren’t big on drinking but your own cup didn’t exactly contain water either. You blushed as he drew closer to you, eyes locking. His gaze was so captivating yet there was some sort of underlying mystery, like one of a predator. It was entrancing, really. “Y/N…” your name rolled off his tongue like it was meant to, it made you grow hot when he said that. Of course, the redness of your face didn’t go unnoticed, he chuckled and only inched closer. “Y/N, what are you doing here all by yourself?” After venturing to the kitchen for snacks or drinks, you found that you had lost both Lua and Rina but later discovered they were hitting it off super well from some guys related to the 101 and Rina went off in search of Minki. You pushed through the dance floor and slumped in a secluded corner of the mansion, debating life’s meaning and if you should spend that extra three dollars on a latte tomorrow. You weren’t going to reveal the entire story so you shrugged and sasses back. “I could ask the same for you.” That made Daniel smile like genuinely smile, eyes crinkling and all. He put his hands up in mock surrender. “Ohh, I see that’s how you want to be.” He shrugged and sipped from his cup again. “Just wanted a bit of alone time I suppose. There. Now, will you answer?” “My friends left me for some 101 boys. It’s good for them I guess,” you groaned but tried to see the best in that. Daniel sighed, “Ahh, I see some of my hyungs or dongsaengs have captured your friend’s hearts. Who invited you?” You almost didn’t reply, completely lost in the universe of his eyes. “You have pretty eyes,” you blabbered out without any consideration. Daniel crept closer, your bodies almost brushing. “What was that? Sorry?” “I said, I could use some ice,” you quickly covered up, holding up your half empty cup, praying he bought your terrible lie. “Oh! Of course! Follow me,” he said, grasping onto your wrist and leading you through the crowd in the direction of the kitchen. Suddenly, Daniel shook his head and waited until you caught up. His arm slipped onto your waist as he drew you close to whisper, “It’s too crowded here. Let’s go somewhere else.” Your mind fogged over with a million thoughts but you nodded and followed him away from the masses. You walked down a quiet corridor that seemed to be out of bounds to guests. “Daniel, are you sure it’s okay for us to be here?” You asked, concerned if anyone caught the two of you. Daniel laughed, his hand still wrapped around your waist. “Yeah, they won’t mind. I live here, sweetheart.” You felt silly, face flushing pink. “Oh. Sorry, I didn’t know.” “Didn’t I have the 101 aurae radiating off me? Exploding with charms?” Daniel asked, unlocking a door and pushing it open. You scoffed loudly on purpose and lied easily. “No, of course not. You aren’t like Jinyoung. You’re going to need to walk by me again.” Upon observation, the room you were in seemed to be something like a gaming room. There were arrays of gaming consoles and shelves filled to the brim with boxes of discs. There was an overstuffed yellow sofa in front of two televisions which Daniel gestured for you to take a seat on. He moved to the side of the room which seemed to hold a small pantry with a mini fridge and a breakfast bar. “You sure? Are you affected by my presence?” He teased, pulling open the fridge door. That, you refused to reply to. Daniel returned just as you began to lounge on the couch. He found you absolutely adorable. He handed you back your cup, fingers brushing which caused a whirlwind of emotions to stir from within. You clinked your cup against his. “Cheers.” “Cheers.” You two spent a few moments in silence before Daniel cleared his throat and set his cup down on the coffee table. “Would you like to return to the party? Or,” he paused to settle down on the sofa next to you and intertwine your legs such that your knee just about rested on his thigh. “Stay here and get to know each other more.” A suggestive look planted on his gorgeous face. You let out a series of giggles and rolled your eyes. “Well, the party will be there for quite some time.” This is the alcohol talking… though I’ve barely downed half a cup. Daniel slung an arm across your bare shoulders to which you automatically responded to his touch by leaning forward. One hand cupping your face, he asked you if he could kiss you. Your reply was a peck on the lips which sort of stunned Daniel, his eyes going cartoon large. His kisses were full of fire and passion, tender yet rough, you couldn’t describe it accurately. He left a trail of soft pecks along your jaw and almost to your collarbones. ( daniel it’s time to stop ) You huffed in annoyance when he broke away but felt elation rising when he faced you with a huge, schoolboy in love grin plastered across his lips. You shuffled closer, leaning on his muscular chest as he draped an arm across you. I’ve known him for like thirty seconds, we shouldn’t be doing this! But another part of you told you to take the risk. If it feels like it’s right then it can’t be wrong. Daniel kissed the top of your head as you snuggled deeper to him. “Okay, do you like cats?” … In that hour or two spent cuddling in the game room, you two talked ( and found Daniel could do a lot more with his mouth than just talk ) and tickled. Basically, did a bunch of romantic things and a bunch of childish things. Daniel pouted and refused to talk to you for a good five minutes after you beat him in Mario Kart. He sulked in the pantry, raiding the fridge. “Daniel, you can’t exactly finish one party sized bag of gummy bears,” you pointed out, staring at the packet that he was currently devouring. “Yes, I can,” he retorted with confidence and proceeded to continue eating. You blinked. “Did you not… eat… two of Jinyoung’s cupcakes just now?” He shook his head in denial. “No, there’s only one Lee Daewhi on campus.” You grew a lot closer to Daniel and didn’t regret making out with him at all. He appeared to be a wholesome and genuine person. Eventually, both of you decided to return to the party scene. He linked arms with you and practically skipped out of the gaming room but not before locking it shut. “Last time, a bunch of people got in there and trashed the whole place. Sungwoon later sued them and won the case,” Daniel mentioned as he tucked the key safely into his pocket. “If only you and I were locked in there…” He smirked and you hit his chest. “We were just there for like two hours and all we did was game, you cried when you lost and snacked.” His smirk only grew bigger. “Well, you did forget the part where we made out for like half an hour and then cuddled. Your lips are still swollen, by the way,” he counter attacked. You nearly screamed in embarrassment, using your hands to cover your face. Daniel pulled them away. “Yahh, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I know I’m irresistible.” He kissed your flaming cheek. “And you, are absolutely edible.” ( what is innocence ) The duality of a man was what attracted you to him. … Daniel told you to wait for him at a spot nearer to the quiet foyer. You scrolled through your multiple texts from Lua and Rina. At first, they were insanely worried, then they discovered you disappeared with Daniel and sent a bunch of winking emojis. 9.48pm You: yo what are those Lua: idk lol where are you 9.50pm Rina: did u get that D? You: NO, STOP IT  Lua: liar Rina: ^ You: I DIDNT You: we talked tho 9.54pm Lua: …. Rina: so you went into an out of bounds room with THE kang daniel and did nothing You: no, we played Mario Kart You: omfg he’s the cutest Lua: uh huh You took your time to type out the story of what you and Daniel had done. Once you emerged, he seemed insistent on always having an arm around your shoulders or waist. It wasn’t like you were complaining. 9.57pm Rina: itS CUTE ISSA SHIP Lua: i’d advise you to be careful Lua: we dk daniel super super well You: yeah ik im also cautious but i can ask baejin Rina: ohhh Lua ;)))) Lua: shut up “Hey! Y/N!” The familiar voice of your good friend and a main 101 representative, Bae Jinyoung greeted you. He ran towards you with open arms but his gaze narrowed in on your chest area. Jinyoung embraced you anyway. “Y/N! I haven’t seen you in forever,” he exclaimed. Then, his expression morphed into one completely foreign, he pressed his lips together and his jaw locked. “Y/N…. I know you’re a responsible adult and old enough to make wise decisions. So…when are you going to introduce me to this leech of a boyfriend!” He hissed. “You’re like my sister! I deserve to know! Who is he? Is he taking care of you well?….In other sectors….not just-” The puzzled look on your face said it all. “Huh? What do you mean? I-I’m not seeing anyone!” Jinyoung gasped. “So you hooked up with a random stranger? Y/N! Okay, what happened? Walk me through. Did you use-” Your face was about to explode from all the blushing. “No!” You shouted. “It isn’t what you think! What are you even talking about?” Your eyes scanned your body. Baejin pulled a pocket mirror from his pocket. You shrieked. And covered your mouth after gaining a few curious stares. Both your collarbones showed off two perfectly sculpted purpling spots which you clearly knew what they were. Your lips were swollen beyond belief and there were more small hickeys forming on your jaw. Jinyoung’s panic grew worse. “You mean you didn’t know? Are you okay?” Just then, Daniel appeared with two cups of water ( yes, that’s enough alcohol for tonight ), he looked just as confused. “Kang Daniel!” You screeched. “What did you do?” You wanted to melt from the embarrassment and if only the floor could swallow you. Jinyoung shifted his gaze from you to Daniel and then back to you. “Him? Of all people?” Daniel clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Yah! Am I that terrible?” “No offense Hyung but Y/N’s too good for you,” Jinyoung replied, shrugging nonchalantly. “We’re just friends,” you added meekly. Well, I suppose after he leaves your neck like this…I think the friend zone is out of the question. Jinyoung’s bottom jaw hit the ground. “After this? Friends? Friends! Okay! Daniel, even though she’s too good for you, you better marry her when-” You tuned out to whatever your friend was saying, face redder than the tomatoes sitting in the 101 fraternity kitchen. You felt Daniel’s hand enclose your own, he beckoned you to follow him. “Come on, let’s head upstairs.” Baejin was about to combust. “Hey! What do you mean by that? Daniel! Keep the door open! I’ll be checking!” He yelled and shook his head. But secretly, he was glad Daniel was finally interested in the best - almost out of his league - people. It’s a ship, what should the ship name be? He pondered before figuring he should ask Daewhi. … Daniel unlocked another mahogany door, he flicked the lights on. They lit up a very… stereotypical masculine looking room. He blushed and kicked aside a pile of laundry. “Sorry, I share this room with Ong Seongwoo,” he apologised as he picked up trash from the floor. “It’s almost as if Jaewhan was just here…” You perched on the edge of his bed, smoothing out the crisp silk sheets. “Meow!” You jumped when you felt velvety soft fur brush against the back of your hand. It turned out to be an adorable tabby cat. You grinned, gently stroking it. Daniel rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh, I see you found Peter.” “How many cats do you have?” You questioned, staring at the pile of cat supplies on his dresser. “Uhm…not many? I have no clue where the other’s are right now,” he rambled. “I keep them in here when we have guests over you see but sometimes they get adventurous and they just disappear but that’s okay because I know they’ll come back for dinner and….I’m rambling aren’t I?” Daniel turned a couple of shades of pink. You suppressed a giggle for his benefit. Daniel disappeared into the bathroom for awhile but emerged with a makeup pouch and other materials in his hands. By that time, Peter had curled up into a ball and fallen asleep on your lap. “Here, I got… uh, some stuff that could help,” he muttered shyly. “I’m sorry about those. We barely know each other, it must have made you uncomfortable.” He pressed a small ice pack to the bigger ones that had begun to throb. “I-it’s fine. We’re friends now aren’t we….Listen, I think you’re a nice guy and all but… let’s take it slow,” you mused. Your heart was fluttering uncontrollably as Daniel swapped the ice and applied a cooling aloe vera gel all over the bruises. You shifted ever so slightly, careful not to wake up the sleeping cat. Oh my god, she’s too cute I think I’m going to die. it was a miracle he kept a straight face, Daniel fought the constant urge to either kiss your plump lips or laugh at your current state. Neither of which sounded very appealing. Once the ten minutes was up, he cautiously dabbed a damp cloth to clean off the gel before spilling his entire bag of makeup on his bed. “Uh…I’m not sure if my foundation will match your skin tone.” You examined his foundation, then dismissed it. “It’s okay. They don’t need to be covered. It isn’t super obvious anyway. Don’t worry about it,” you assured, smiling shyly at Daniel. Your hand clamped over your mouth in an attempt to hide a yawn. “Do you need me to drive you back? Where do you live?” Daniel offered. He ran a hand through your hair. “No! You’ve been drinking. I’m fine, I’ll just call Lua or something.” You knew you weren’t even going to be able to make it past their front lawn without passing out. It would be impossible to make it back to your apartment. Your vision was blurring. Daniel lifted his cat off of your lap and set him down in his proper bed. Daniel grabbed one of his shirts and motioned for you to change. He wasn’t taking 'no’ for an answer. You weren’t in the right mind to be traveling back and he had been drinking, he wasn’t going to endanger you. He also thought you looked super attractive in one of his shirts, it made him jovial when you mentioned it was comfortable. “Sleep, take my bed. I’ll take Seongwoo’s. He left for his home yesterday,” Daniel informed, shutting off the lights and gently pressing a kiss to your forehead. You smiled without even realising. “Daniel,” you whimpered, suddenly upset. He frowned. “Yes? Are you okay?” Concern evident in his voice. “We didn’t even get a chance to dance,” you sobbed, pursing your lips. Daniel chuckled. “We didn’t but we did a ton of other things, didn’t we? I’ll dance with you some other time. Get some rest, I’ll call Rina or Lua later. Goodnight,” he cooed softly, promising you a dance. He combed through your hair until you fell asleep, lulling you into a dream. You couldn’t wait for what was in store for your relationship. ( this is so freaking messy i have no clue what even happened im so sorry anon )
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survivormuxloe · 5 years
Episode 13: "so things went from Guatemala to Guatepeor” - Ahrre
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david REALLY GOT BRAVE TRYNA COME FOR ME WHEN HIS ASS AINT IMMUNE HUH. aint it so.. vote me and ur ass gonna go... ijs!! rip my perf game but at least i was the last person to recieve votes so thats kinda cute.. it doesnt change the fact that im winning tho ALMFNBG like. just 3/4 more tribals to survive bitch.. give those immunity wins to me pls x :)))
LOWKEY MY ASS WAS NERVOUSSSS LIKE I DONT WANNA READ MY NAME ON THOSE PIECES OF PAPER AGAIN THO!!! altho my name is cute written out by anna highkey ngl.. maybe she'll write them in cursive for my winner reveal? x
my mind tho. rhys/tobi/ryan r all under my spell. missus mo and ahrre got brave and are gunna get a taste of hell when im not dying under exams lol x ALMFJHBFG
lvoe u gusys. xoxo ur winner scooty toots
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Well fuck. David is gone. I’m in the minority. So now it’s just me and Ahrre. But I don’t want to settle for 6th or 5th place. I’ve made it this far I wanna make it to the end. So I’m going to try to wiggle my way through.
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So the situation is looking pretty grim, Rhys stuck with the majority, David the absolute unit is dead and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the next one to go.
So right know things change as it's no longer about getting majority but rather get that group of 4 to cannibalize itself. Now the thing is that each of those 4 seem so confident in their position but only 3 make it to the end so that means at least one will end up being left out and that's just with a minimum level of snaking, but we know they are capable of way more shafty shit.
But their overconfidence in their position is not the only problem. It's also kinda hard when I've tried to blindside 3 of them. But hey at least you can't say I didn't try. Tobi is not willing to even tell me anything until tomorrow after we do the challenge. But he also says he's rooting for me as an underdog even if we're in oposite sides... Cheky fecker trying to get my jury vote...
As for the rest well I'll try to talk to them tomorrow, if I can commend Mo for something is that at least they might be more willing to work with him than me, which is clearly not a good thing for my game but eh wadda you do. I know for a fact by now everyone is gonna be saying that the plan is me going home probably 5-1 but if that's gonna end up being true or just a bluff for one of the 4 to get blindsided is still to see.
Either way I'm gonna try to stir some shit up and not be a voulnerable pleb waiting to be taken out or saved. Better dead than a goat.
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These fattys are going down one by one... i love it... like highkey david going means that me and scott have to step up our physical games if we wanna take out ryan... someone else has to win immunity and then we can start pinning moves on ryan... I'm slowly repairing my relationship with ahrre by having a frank talk with him about our relationship in the game, which was both awkward but i think it helped??? im trynna work him pretty hard because he's a tough nut to crack but i think i can do it hehe... scott is working on mo but lets be real mo is easier to crack than ahrre, and honestly rhys' performance last tribal was good.. too good imo like.. i previously pinned him as an inactive goat but if he's able to connect with the other side that well and have them believe what he was saying, i have to give him props because that's some good plays in terms of benefiting our alliance for knowledge, bad jury management sure, but good for the alliance... at this point tbh,,, who the fuck cares about jury management... but then again it's important if you wanna win so maybe im just a dumbass
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Well right now it’s final 6 and the question of a final 2 or 3 is up for debate because it could be either or.
After that tribal and David left, he tried to expose me when I had exposed myself already to the people he exposed me too. So sis there was no new tea.
Honestly now one of our 4 needs to go. The only one I would feel confident about going to the end with would be Ryan. Just as I feel he has done less. I’m super close with Scott, so I think right now I need to try and convince some people to vote out Ryan.
The only problem is I will probably need to convince Ryan and Scott or mo and ahrre. Mo and ahrre may not that me after lying to them two rounds in a row. And Scott seems to be strong for our alliance sticking to the end. So I’m going for this immunity as if I win it should all the confidence I need to make a move against my own.
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I’m not feeling great. I don’t like a conversation I just had. It made me wanna quit. I’m not going to because I wanna do my best.
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i really found an idol day 1 and made it to final 6 with it safe and sound.... ctfu how did this even happen, and Scott too we rly did that. the only thing about that is.... at least until we surpass final 5, there's always that worry that im gonna make a fool of myself with it and hnnnng. i feel like our 4 is solid af and yet, i'm still making myself paranoid that Tobi or even Rhys would perk up and randomly try to blindside me or Scott... but anyway yeah thats where my head at rn. i still don't talk to ahrre at all so he's a complete mystery and no idea if anyone else talks to him so that's great. Mo is an oddball still idk what to do w him kfsdfa
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So I want to flip on my alliance this round. But 2 people outside my alliance are throwing me hardcore under the bus. Ok. So like how am I gonna make a move now.
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pls god... lett this immunity challenge be in my favour alkfjnhfg i just want a win pls pls pls let me be guaranteed f4 lol
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I just had a really good conversation with Tobi and it’s making me like really happy because this entire game I’ve gotten the short end of the stick. With people not thinking I don’t deserve to be here, that I’m a goat and people sending me condescending messages about my mistakes. It feels really nice to get praised for the good things. Don’t get me wrong I own up to my mistakes and I do my best to improve and change moving forwardss so I don’t make the same mistakes again. But usually the conversations that happen before that aren’t very happy, they’re needed and they end on a peaceful note but they don’t start out happy. But Tobi just praised me on my gameplay complimenting me and it’s such a good feeling. I think I might end up in fifth or sixth place but I’m still proud of myself and I’m going to keep fighting till the end.
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so like... I'm really happy i won immunity but im kinda more annoyed with scott right now like... we had this big plan to take out ryan at 6 which is literally a perfect time now since 1) we can access numbers for it 2) he wont suspect it so the chance of an idol popping up is low 3) we can gain trust with ahrre and mo this way... but NOOOOOOOOO lets play with our emotions instead of our BRAINS and take out someone who has played a bad game and would be EASY to beat in the end like JESUS and i thought ahrre had his head up his ass... also scott is SO fucking confident know like he acts like he will 100% win against anybody in ftc and like sis... that's not the case... not if you're constantly confronting and arguing with mo and ahrre... use. ur. BRAIN.
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Anywho, this vote. Mo & Ahrre are voting me probably. So It seems to be a 4-2 vote. However an Idol may be played now more than ever, as I think this is the first time someone from the bottom hasnt had any hope of staying. (Dani, Felix & Jones were all blindsided , and Michael & David had some chance of staying). So one could easily be played. So ima try to push a 2-2-2 vote to save my ass.
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so. (: I lost spelling bee. (: LAMDLFNFG
lowkey feel as if the words are suitable to the player tho. embarrass for ahrre as in that game is embarrassing. accommodate for Mo as in we have to accommodate for the fact that he’s a goat. Cemetary for rhys bc he makes us all wanna die @ tribals. handkerchief for me bc my ass gotta clean up ryan and tobi wanting to target each other.. and rhythm for tobi bc while hes in time rn that time is gonna run out soon :flushed:
i just dont want 6th ):
So I know it’s me and Ahrre on the chopping block. I just kinda wanted to make a quick plea. I really really wanna stay. I want to go as far as I can even if that’s just fifth. Not only to prove people wrong thinking I don’t deserve to be here, but also to prove to myself. Whatever decision you make tonight I respect wholeheartedly. But I’d love to go further.
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I’m currently making my plea to the others on why I deserve to stay. I’m proud of myself no matter the outcome but I’d love to go as far as I can.
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So ahrre and mo are both kindve pleading for themselves. Mo just wants him to be saved where as ahrre is trying to flip people. He is trying to flip me again which is funny. Lowkey am a little worried just Incase it’s a ploy to get people to vote me or something. But he needs me and tobi to flip. So I think he won’t vote me which is great, incase a surprise idol is played.
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soooo final 6 tribal. I definitely want Ahrre to leave finally, so how to make that happen. Scott informed me that mo/ahrre lowkey suspect i have an idol so wig. i would prefer if we went 4 strong on Ahrre bc I really don't think he has any powers, but the thing about that is i don't want to campaign for that to happen and make it look like i feel safe about idols... i don't want tobi or rhys to get suspicious and get the urge to flip on me/scott.. so kinda tricky. we'll see what happens
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so recently scott and ryan have really been pounding on mo for his goatness and like... I took advantage of that hehe... I talked to mo and had a real heart to heart with him and like... I told him that he deserves more credit than he's getting and then more wholesome stuff and then BAM we got past the barrier we previously had and now we're totally cool!!... where ryan and scott burn bridges, im gonna build new ones!! so like that wasnt TOTALLY just for strategy like im not that big of an asshole... but its a mix of both. mo is a good kid and he gets too much backlash for his game.. and im gonna take advantage of that by showing up as his guardian angel hehe.. and who knows like this might pay off hugely when i need his vote at f5 to take out a bigger player but for now i'll stick to tending to his wounds that scott and ryan left.. and they really did come for him pretty hard... like REALLY hard so there is no harm in coming to him and helping him with his confidence and who knows, that might be a jury vote right there
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Right so things went from Guatemala to guatepeor, I didn't win immunity I actually flopped at it in wonderful fashion it was quite beautiful really. But anyhow Tobi ended up winning it.
So I tried to talk to people and get them to do ANYTHING but to no avail really. Ryan and Scott seem set on stone. I did get Tobi to tell me that if it ties 3-3 he would flip on the revote but that's just playing it safe. Rhys told me he doesn't want to go to rocks so I'm like hey Tobi supposedly flips on the revote so maybe there's no need for that go talk to Tobi.
But they all seem to be giving me the silence threatment right before tribal even Mo has accepted what seems to be me going home.
It's a shame really cause if I do end up going home one of the majority of 4 is gonna regret it the very next week and two more later when the 4th beats them at the end. But hey congrats to that 4th guy whoever it is.
I've tought about doing an idol bluff but it wouldn't make sense for me to tell anyone I have it. Even Mo since if I hipotetically had it he wouldn't help me with it because he would be the one going home probably. Also because I would've definitely played it in a previous round for someone else if I had it and the rest probably knoes that.
Either way rn I'm currently trying to get home in time for tribal since I had to walk a chunk because I almost didn't had enough for the bus fare lel. Who knows maybe I'll survive somehow like the cockroach I am but I don't rate my chances or luck very highly. Either way at the end of the day I'm happy and you can't say I didn't try!
Ahrre is voted out 5-1.
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