#hinted reincarnation
koujaaku · 2 months
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“Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”
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blood-orange-juice · 2 months
New headcanon: Childe isn't a reincarnation of Ajax/Tuzannou/Parsifal, he's a reincarnation of all the lovely blue-eyed maidens these people loved.
One hailed from a land of snow, another sang to whales and the last one was unmatched in her skill with a spear and blamed for things she didn't do.
It all makes sense now.
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i am cooking …. Something >:3 (ominous)
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meekmedea · 12 days
first kisses & allergic reactions
This doesn't really have a set time that it happens, but since Clemensia has reincarnated to a time where her friends and classmates aren't the most mature (though she admits that some of them as adults were still far from mature), it leaves room for certain...hijinks
Like the one suggested in the title...
Let's imagine this: Clemensia has a strawberry allergy - and it's far from mild
In her original timeline, she'd have found out sometime as a kid when offered one at school
In this timeline, she just avoids strawberries - less hassle and all. And who knows maybe she can use it to avoid meeting Dr. Gaul
Consequence: nobody else knows of her allergy yet
Around this time, these kids are up to no good - the boys are currently menaces (yes, this includes Felix) to the girls
It's really just them daring each other to do things that annoy the girls - steal a thing from them, pull their hair, the works.
Someone nearly lost a pigtail (Vipsania's glare was too scary for them to try again)
Because of the game, Sejanus is the only boy that the girls will interact with nowadays (to the ire of all the other boys in their class) He got dared once - felt so bad stealing Clemmie's ruler that he like spilled the beans like 5 seconds after the act
It comes to a culmination on Iphigenia's birthday:
Nia brings chocolate covered strawberries to celebrate her birthday
Clemmie manages to avoid eating it (Offers it to Festus if he switches seats with her so she can be by the window)
The game is still a thing amongst the boys during recess.
When it's Coryo's turn, maybe he's been a little too boastful lately and because of that Festus dares him to steal a kiss from the next girl that walks through that door
It's Clemmie (womp womp) - Coryo conveniently ignores the fact that Iphigenia is there too, right beside her
Coryo has his pride at stake and has decided to commit
Here's where things go off the rails:
When stealing a kiss, had Clemmie not moved, that kiss would have landed on her cheek
Except she had moved. It landed on her lips instead.
And guess who had a strawberry earlier? Hint: It wasn't Clemmie
Anaphylactic shock is not a pretty sight at recess, but she gets help pretty quick and the adults are like "Oh, she'll be fine. It's just an allergy."
Except these kids are UBER dramatic. (I pity their teacher)
Nia is convinced that it means Clemmie is going to die and is inconsolable
Felix hadn't thought Coryo would go through with this, and is like spiralling between - "Is this my fault for not stopping him??" and "This is Coriolanus' fault!!" And if he wasn't busy consoling Nia, he'd be down to throw hands with Coriolanus
Coryo is reeling from it all
Livia is like, "we should blame Coriolanus if anything happens to Clemmie" - she's like maybe 5 seconds away from starting a riot (Felix would 100% back her)
Someone (Arachne?) thinks allergies are contagious and now the class is in hysterics - are we all going to die???
During this time, Felix and Nia slip away to go find Clemmie
There's (some) panic when the teacher notes Felix and Nia's absence. Nobody has ever felt so much relief when they find those 2 in the nurse's office with Clemmie
Let's face it, nobody wanted to make that call to the Ravinstill family and be like "Hey...your kid's missing (again)."
Masterlist of other rambles/hcs
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penultimate-step · 2 months
Oshi no Ko 145 Reaction
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Live Crow Reaction
I debated if I even wanted to do a chapter react for this one, I did for the last two and this is a series I generally have a lot of thoughts about, but perhaps I was spoiled by how those chapters were deeply concerned with the character arcs for Ruby and Aqua, some of my favorite parts of the manga.
This one instead focuses on our mysterious crow girl, Tsukuyomi. Which is good, she has desperately needed some fleshing out, but....hmm. It feels very strange to go from essentially net zero information to having her whole backstory and thoughts about the other characters dropped on us all at once. The fact that the backstory is so completely out of left field just makes it worse. Like. Okay, so crow girl is....an actual crow? sure, let's go with that?
Would I be taking lethal amounts of copium to think this might be some kind of metaphor? I don't think it is because that would be too misleading for what OnK usually does but like. what is this development here.
I think the main reason this bothers me is because it feels incredibly one-sided. The hints that crow girl's previous life had a connection to the siblings was interesting, and spurred speculation on what the nature of that relationship was, but the actual answer here seems kind of...the least impactful way to go about it? It would have felt Weird and fanfic-y to suddenly introduce a random OC who was important to both Gorou and Sarina in their past lives, given that their isolation and loneliness were kind of key to their characters. But introducing a literal animal in the role feels kind of like a cop out. You want a character who could be seamlessly inserted into the character's backstories, without changing the trajectory of their arcs whatsoever? okay, she's the stray bird they met that time. In essence, it means Tsukuyomi gets to have a connection to Ruby and Aqua, but they don't have one with her. It's one sided.
Which, if I'm being charitable, could be the point - another way to explore the themes explored in previous chapters of people having different views of others. A crow viewing the pair from a distance without even being considered a peer could be an interesting counterpoint to previous thoughts on placing idols on pedestals - a god looking down at people condescendingly, even more so.
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By the fact that she sees them as kids, even Gorou, who was in his thirties, it's clear that her view of them might be divine, but it sure isn't objective. But that's getting back into the supernatural elements of the series that I don't have any explanations or context to talk about.
I don't know, I can find explanations and ideas that make me think this could be cool when thinking optimistically but when speaking honestly I'm not super enthused by the execution in these few pages. And this is meant to be a reaction, not an analysis, so even if it isn't super professional of me I'll leave my conflicted thoughts up in the post.
This isn't a terrible revelation, I don't think this ruins the manga forever or anything, but it does feel like a bit of a wasted opportunity right now. makes me feel a little down about the chapter. But this is a serial, there's still time to make this all come together, in many different possible ways. Who knows, maybe in a few months after this arc wraps up I'll be talking about how crow girl is my new favorite character.
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delurkr · 5 months
"Factum fieri infectum non potest" = "It is impossible for a deed to be undone" (popular translation) and I mean. Abraham. My man. THANK YOU FOR DYING AND HAVING THAT ON YOUR GRAVESTONE.
It goes two ways: think before you act, and you can't change the past. Excuse me while I grab some tissues and go scream into a pillow.
In the one sense, it's yet another warning from the game to lead your characters toward personal improvement, because their actions will permanently doom them otherwise. And THE OTHER WAY. The other way is what I LOVE about the hallucination interpretation. What's done is done, get past the fantasy, nobody wins, I mean I am obsessed with that element in stories, and the WAY that statement is just sitting there??? all cute and subtle??? on that gravestone??? THE DETAILS. Bro when I TELL you it feels like they made LH just for me.
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jeiyuuen · 4 months
got a bunch of one piece fic ideas and they reveal that I have a type...
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mafuteru · 5 months
mafumafu hasnt released a song about "unrequited love where the two go see a fireworks show and then never meet again" in quite some time now. i think we need a 14th one
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teecupangel · 1 year
Sorta inspired by the Desmond/Adha swap idea , but Desmond and Adha as twins? Either in modern times where Adha is reborn as Desmond’s twin and is a badass protective big sis (by a full minute) , or as Desmond reborn in Altairs time so the both of them can give Altair a bisexual awakening. Or both of them reborn in any other time period (or crossover)
The Desmond/Adha swap idea for those interested.
So let’s say that Desmond gets reborn as Adha’s twin during the 1160s.
Note: This one would cover a lot of my headcanons for Adha
There’s no ‘real’ date of birth for Adha but I headcanon she’s a year younger than Altaïr (mainly so she would die the same age Desmon did to hammer in the fact that they’re a lot alike XD) so for this, we’ll set their birthdate as March 13, 1166.
Their father is an informant of Umar although he’s not part of the Levantine Brotherhood. More like a ‘freelance’ information broker and a traveling merchant.
Which means that Desmond and Adha traveled a lot growing up. They have only met Altaïr a few times (like maybe three or four times) when they were young but it was enough for them to grow close.
Of course, Desmond easily got close to Altaïr because he remembers his past life and already has a soft spot for Altaïr. Their parents and Umar think that Desmond and Altaïr have some kind of puppy love going on. Their parents assume it’ll turn into brotherly love when they grow older but Umar is quite certain that his son is falling in love with Desmond. When the talks of arranging a marriage between Adha and Altaïr starts, Umar is more reluctant than he should have been because he can see how cruel it would be for Altaïr and Desmond if they do fell in love but Altaïr is honorbound to marry Adha.
Adha doesn’t care about any of these marriage stuff. She’s more concerned with making sure Desmond stays out of trouble. Keeping an eye on Desmond is the reason why she’s getting better at freerunning… and lying.
Umar still dies and Desmond can’t do anything about it. With his death, any arranged marriage plans between Altaïr and Adha dies as well and they don’t see Altaïr for years because he’s in Masyaf training and their father is oddly against going to Masyaf that Desmond chalked up to him trying to not look suspicious and just an ordinary traveling merchant.
Their parents die later on (peacefully but still a sad day for Desmond and Adha) and Adha promises to take care of Desmond and that they’ll be together forever. Desmond knows she’s making a promise out of grief and fear but he can’t help but want that forever as well. He thought he was okay with his life as Desmond Miles but having experienced how it is to be loved by a family and have a sibling that will always stand by his side, not shrouded by the artificial feeling of being in the Animus or knowing it’s just a Bleed, Desmond cries on her shoulder.
It’s when they’re sorting their parent’s stuff (there wasn’t much) that they learn of their lineage. How their father was a descendant of one of the early settlers in Alamut, supposedly even before the Brotherhood (which he writes down as ‘Hidden Ones’) even started their construction of the castle. Their family left when there was some kind of ‘hidden war’ or something as they didn’t want to get in the middle of any of that, taking with them the stories of a great underground ‘city’ created by those who came before.
Desmond realized that this city was an Isu city (or maybe temple?) and that Adha had been looking for this and found it in the original timeline, most probably taking knowledge from the city that would lead to her being called the Chalice.
A part of Desmond doesn’t want to get anywhere near all these Chalice business, he just wants to live his life as peaceful as before…
But he knows he can’t. Not when the Chalice is meant to unite the factions. Whatever Adha found in this lost city… It could help bring peace and maybe… just maybe… change Altaïr and Adha’s fates.
Unorganized Notes:
Anyway, the whole Altaïr’s Chronicles storyline starts up but, this time, the Chalice is supposedly held by one of the twins. Adha insists it’s her. Desmond keeps telling everyone it’s him. Altaïr is pretty sure one of them is protecting the other and it’s giving him a headache trying to guess which one is the Chalice (or has the Chalice or drank from the Chalice or fused with the Chalice or… seriously, Desmond keeps changing the story and Adha always backed him up and Altaïr is pretty sure it’s another one of their ruses)
Desmond is torn concerning his relationship with Altaïr. He knows he loves Altaïr, had loved him for years now but he also remembers how Altaïr had loved Adha in the original timeline and, really, he was willing to let Altaïr go if it means the two most important people in his life would be happy. Then there was Maria Thorpe and Desmond feared the day she would appear in Altaïr’s life and take him away from Adha… and from him.
In this scenario, either Adha thinks of Altaïr as a younger brother (“I’m older than you.” “Little brothers should shut up when their big sister is talking, right, Desmond?” “… give it up, Altaïr. You won’t change her mind on this.”) and she thinks Desmond is being stupid if he thinks Altaïr would ever be taken away from him by her of all people (“Have you seen how he looks at you???”) or by some stranger. She’s also willing to be their beard and marry Altaïr so they can all live in the same house without it being that strange. Getting pregnant though is up for debate because he doesn’t like Altaïr that way. OR
Adha also loves Altaïr and she’s actually aiming for the whole “We’ll share Altaïr.” ending and really, she needs these two idiots to stop worrying (Desmond in believing Altaïr doesn’t love him the way he loves Adha and Altaïr in believing that something is wrong with him for loving both of them). OR
We add Maria Thorpe later on and this turns into a polyfidelity where they all love one another and are all in a relationship (except Desmond and Adha who see each other as siblings… they’re close and Desmond likes to make Borgia jokes no one gets but they’re not romantically or sexually together) OR
Adha and Maria falls in love and they become Altaïr and Desmond’s beards and they all live in the same house and raise their children all together.
Take your pick. XD
In a modern setting, I think a lot of things would remain the same or get setup as similar but the lone exception is that William Miles would be their father. In this scenario, Adha would act as Desmond’s big sister (even if they’re twins) and try to protect him as much as possible. They’d always be compared and Bill would be more disappointed at Desmond even though the reason is that Adha is trying hard so that Bill won’t focus on Desmond while Desmond hates training so much that he just works the bare minimum. In the end, Adha is the one who suggest they run away and they do.
… This one could end with them both being captured by Abstergo and they’re both put in the Animus with Desmond reliving Altaïr’s 1191 while Adha relives Altaïr’s 1190.
…………… This could also be a case of old Assassins being reborn in the present like in Project Eurydice so Altaïr could be the one leading the Assassin team that saves them and he’s surprised because…
To him, both Desmond and Adha remind him too much of Adha.
(I guess in this case… Desmond and Adha are the reincarnation of Adha split into two during conception)
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yuridovewing · 7 months
yknow i wassss gonna gut the cinderheart reincarnation plotline for razorverse because of how clumsy and insidious the original was… but i have been playing pokemon rejuvenation and now i sorta wanna take influence from that game’s reincarnation plot. where the reincarnation is actually a curse that is detrimental to both cinders and has damaging psychological effects on everyone involved
#i mean ig the original plot had hints of that but it was less that and more ‘’omg we gotta make THIS life worth it!!! (aka not disabled)#which this wouldnt have#id totally gut the disability angle altogether tbh#but im imagining like theres legit magic going on. probably bc of the tunnels#maybe cinderpelt was the first cat to realize there was something up with the tunnels. and she accidentally cast a light spell in there#and she began to experiment a bit. and this is what drives her attention away from leafpool for a bit#i wouldnt know what EXACTLY shes doing. maybe she found it before the moonpool was found and wanted to try and create a starclan entry#for the other medics#and once the moonpool was found she tried to stop but realized she wanted to experiment more#like. can she try and contact starclan on her own? could she figure out how exactly starclan ticked?#and she gets in contact with rock who sorta takes her on as a disciple…#im thinking every cat is capable of reading starclan but it varies and cinders’s sense was very low#so she was trying to compensate for that#it distracts her from clan life and pulls her away and suddenly the bubbly cinderpelt everyone knows has just vanished#but they brush it off as the trauma from the journey#but then we get to her death- she’d been trying to create that pathway and as ive said RV!Starclan is a spiritual anomaly#where cats are supposed to reincarnate but instead they linger#creating the starclan group. but in tampering with magic- cinderpelt got locked out of the starclan cycle somehow and got cursed#the same curse as rock- every time she is slain#her body shifts and transforms and is ‘’reset’’ into a young kitten. into cinderheart#the soul of cinderpelt is trapped in there and it will stay trapped til the curse is broken. and the cycle will repeat when cinderheart dies#im thinking cinderheart reconnects with rock to look into this and shes tied in with the jayfeather plotline#and she struggles with feeling like a freak of nature who was born from tragedy#she gets added to sorrels litter and they pretend shes her bio kit but leafpool and the family knows the truth#razorverse
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abrasife · 8 months
@unladielike * ✶ ❪ cont. from here┊☓ ❫
Ah, he probably bothered her at a bad time. Still, there was really no way to make himself known without things getting a little awkward here or there. Yes, Reanne had told him to keep an eye out for her, but that didn't necessarily mean she told Vivian to keep an eye out for him in return. And it seemed that would be the case—this girl apparently knew nothing of him.
God, why was she like this? He almost wanted to death glare her nonexistent presence right now. She always told him to say 'hi' if he ran into her crowd but never bothered to let them know of his name or existence properly. Maybe it was her way of getting back at him for never bringing her up in conversation with his circle (not that he really had one as of late).
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❝ Well, she likes to introduce her friends to me, ❞ Keith explained as he subtly raised his eyebrows. Shifting the plastic bag he was holding by the arm to his working hand, the boy rerouted the conversation to introduce himself as it seemed Reanne really hadn't properly acquainted them (seriously, what was she doing?), ❝ and since she apparently didn't mention my name, I'm Keith. ❞
Note to self: refuse the next commission request that girl gives him even if she offers to pay double.
Tilting his head to the side, he briefly took in Vivian's appearance. She did carry a similar feel to Ophelia appearance-wise with a more simple and comfortable look, and Reanne got along with her as far as he knew, but—did she really get along with Vivian in the same way? Reanne was not the type to befriend many, but maybe the autopilot sounding talk of this girl was what helped her vibe so to speak? Honestly, why did he always have to question the people she somehow befriended? It was like some old habit that simply wouldn't die.
Partially folding his arms over each other as he committed her face to memory, he spoke a thought aloud, ❝ How did you two even meet anyway? For some reason, I doubt she would've approached you first. ❞
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e17omm · 3 months
Oh yeah, I just finished up to chapter 115 of the manga for 'That time I got reincarnated as a slime' and all I will say is that season 3 is going to be amazing.
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I genuinely cannot wait for next month.
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dual-domination · 11 months
Here, have more 2Luo fic - with Art
One morning, Luo Fei comes across a bouquet of roses on Ben Jieming's desk. Sending flowers to the dead is common, but not while they're still in the morgue.
Luo Fei is confused.
Ben Jieming prefers to drink his coffee.
Can be read as stand-alone.
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chadsuke · 6 months
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Comics Read in 2023:
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Vol. 7 by Koyoharu Gotouge (2017)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Vol. 8 by Koyoharu Gotouge (2017)
So I'm a Spider, So What? Vol. 4 by Asahiro Kakashi & Okina Baba (2018)
I Was Reincarnated, and Now I'm a Maid! Vol. 1 by Natumse Tamayura & Tetete Tanaka (2019)
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina Vol. 1 by Jougi Shiraishi & Itsuki Nanao (2019)
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina Vol. 2 by Jougi Shiraishi & Itsuki Nanao (2020)
Witch Hat Atelier Vol. 1 by Kamome Shirahama (2018)
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts Vol. 4 by Yu Tomofuji (2017)
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts Vol. 5 by Yu Tomofuji (2017)
[ID: Covers of the aforementioned books. End ID.]
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
What if... Diablo had tentacles of his own? What would they look like?
Diablo will cease every chance to use them. Or in this case, use you.
Diablo's tentacles are an extension of himself, in personality, strength and also appearance. They look nothing special, especially compared to how high the potential of his prowess can fly. But remain wise, vigilant in the face of the danger in the corner of your eyes. Diablo respects people who don't flinch at the first sight of heavy pressure, and that will go a long way for you in his personal list of high regards. Books should never be judged by their covers; Diablo can/will use his tendrils to benefit himself whenever best seen fit.
Diablo's tentacles are long, numerous wiggling snakes swirling within the depths of your vision. Hidden under the supernatural edge of his overcast, buried fiendishly deep then deeper and never deepest. Slender, weightless. Humming demonic energy, breathing a shadowy smog of terrible existence, strong magicules stitches them together like patchwork. To touch, it's a ghost. A primordial construct of chaotic clouds; Not condensed of mass flesh, instead a peerless dance of twisted, darkness. A corrupted scattering of forward arrogance.
Contains not a speck of light, no star or spark. Devouring all natural colors, running above with a black sea of endless wistful depth. Mist. Tickling the nerves in your fingers, an incarnated curiosity swimming quite literally inside your fresh veins and the very heart of yourself, causing a sudden cold chill in your muscles. Those chills, of which, never seems enough to stop a witty smile-sadistic and calculating-from shaping upon Diablo's handsome features.
Til the black fog meets as one, into a tip that can sharpen in an instant, the misty structures don't cease their movement. Auras of ashen-like smoke, finely glued together, slowly glide along the tentacle's spine, thickness impossible for normal humans to see-through.
But it sees you.
His tentacles almost throb at your approach, contrary to Diablo's usual composure. Sincere and certain; striding, vibrating. There is a silken whisper, a temptation; his being, the core of his self-calls to you. Diablo is unbothered, that classic cut of bemusement glowing demonically, tight and too delightfully straight; professional as a butler should be. He seems undisturbed-does he not notice? Like he can't afford to even register that his aura is indirectly trying to entangle his darkness on you in a possessive cage-lass he breaks character, and something about Diablo that is crucial to note is-
Diablo never breaks character.
The tentacles are greedy, much alike the very demon they are attached too. Flicking a rounded tip in your direction, a finger playfully inviting you. A single rush of gentle wind brushes a stary strand of hair behind your ear so lightly and so careful you don't really notice until it was already done. Tucked neatly, perfect out of your sight, dare you say you're even better than before from such a simple fix.
Come closer.
The urge to obey is instant, no room for pointless arguments.
The tentacles speak without mouths or tongue-limitless threats to grasp your body, a dark offer licks your ear. Caresses the hilt of your brain stem. They would treat you so well. Wander, explore and taste you properly like fresh meat should be. Diablo is always quick to sense your presence, the first before everyone else in every room and corner. But his extra, boneless appendages sense faster.
They obsessively snap your way, like the very acknowledgment of your existence is a key essential to the lock for their survival. Greeting you with the sound of a quiet whip, a neck breaking turn so deadly it actually 'cuts' the air it breathes. Quicker than before Diablo can manage a polite bow, a far more physical "Hello" then how he normally gives people. His tentacles can hardly help themselves; they want you just as much as Diablo always does. Attention is sugar, and Diablo's tentacles crave constant proof of genuine dedication.
Attention whores.
They love you especially and endlessly, something Diablo can't be more obviously unmoved by, an unembarrassed witness.
Truly, Diablo's control over his visible posture is unrivaled.
As expected, the dark tentacles are tails on a happy puppy. You can always tell how happy a puppy is by how they wag their tail. If said puppy was actually an ancient demon, one of the strongest on the world's scale not to mention. Much to Diablo's disappointment, his tentacles being so connected to his innermost emotions act as his apparent reflections. And you can't be open and lie at the same time, excluding the fact Diablo isn't a lair in the first place-that defeats the entire purpose of being open! (Reading someone's aura is like reading their hearts. Being open to someone means is all about reveal, and while that honestly can potentially be used maliciously, there is a difference between exactly that and outright lying. You can deny it, but the denial of a 'truth' isn't exactly a 'lie'.)
Their "reactions" are fascinating, likewise how Diablo views yours. Waving silent hellos and softly smooching your cheeks, the formed fog is weightless but full of mass against you. Moving with purpose, swiftly. A devilish heat warms against your bones, and it's not just you. Actions speak louder than words, Diablo's tentacles are the physical pinnacle of that. Shameless in the open. Refreshing as mint, dark as nightfall, deep as the ocean trenches.
You come hither, happy to indulge him as Diablo will indulge you. Each step closer and closer to the eclipsed paradise of your lover's heavenly kissed fingers rubbing against your neck, the same touch you've felt a million times over and yet it's been an eternity since you have. His nails burning an unforgivable scorch. The air taints, dancing to Diablo's will. But you welcome the pain, what else can you expect from a demon? You give yourself to him, to the devil that will swallow you whole. He comments on it, because of course he does, there is a sinful delight to be found in picking a rose from its home. Away from its most treasured roots, the needs it desperately and naturally craves. Taking you piece by piece. Delicate petal by petal.
Diablo and his creeping shadows accept your submission, finding joy in your determination and loosening pleads for more, with a strong eagerness you never had a reason to question. At least, none he ever willingly answered.
Diablo drags you down to Hell, one he personally made by his own blood and sweat, claws and hands-anchored to a remorse absent void of just you and your devotion to your beloved. The tentacles twitch happily in response, more than happy to receive you, acknowledge you. The cat is overjoyed to have the prey within it's range.
Be warned, they're greedy for your skin.
Just as much as Diablo is.
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deepseamuse · 9 months
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definitely just a normal art student, i promise. not dealing with any memories of a past life with a boyfriend he really wants to see again, or any urges to kill people. i mean that’d just be ridiculous-
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