#hitler mention
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i feel like we never discuss this part of the chainsaw man lore.
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sayruq · 6 months
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daloy-politsey · 1 year
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Remember that it wasn't just 6 million Jews that died, but also two third's of Europe's Jewish population and statements like "X is/was worse than Hitler because they killed more people" are unhelpful.
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vague-humanoid · 8 months
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jyndor · 2 days
never getting over kanye "I love hitler" west pulling "it's complicated" over israel
honestly man just heard some christian zionist armageddon shit and had to stan. I need people to understand that so many zionists are not just antisemitic but are full on nazis like fucking kanye. once again more zionists are evangelical christian fascists than jewish so please do not conflate this shitty political ideology with a religion tyvm
also fuck kanye
also also edited to make it clear that it was very, very good that he didn't come out as pro-palestine oh my god
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foxgirltail · 3 months
Why do liberals keep making the 99% Hitler comment, thinking it's a good argument
If the vote is between 99% Hitler and 100% Hitler your moral obligation is not, in fact, to "vote for the less Hitler", it's to prevent both of them from taking office and to prepare for the eventuality that they do. (Fun fact, Hitler was not defeated at the ballot box)
Get organized, get a support network, and for the love of god stop trying to convince people that someone who is apparently only slightly better than Hitler should be in office
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glamfellens · 11 months
“at least the nazis were efficient” literally any documentary or history book will tell you that they were a bunch of sycophants who were terrified of hitler and deferred to him on military decisions despite him having no experience in wide scale campaigns. they were so scared of him they didnt wake him up to tell him the allies had landed in normandy for d-day. lol
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justsomeantifas · 1 year
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Mormons baptized Hitler so he could go to the best afterlife, and when they force their lgbt family members to become apostates they are knowingly sending them to the worst afterlife they can think of.
It is not enough to say MAGA caused this shooting without closely looking at how mormons as a whole would rather mass murders over a gay child.
This is just a small window into the hell of how mormons treat LGBT people.
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just-antithings · 11 months
"i can't say that all cops are bad because that's what Hitler said about the jews :((" i'm sorry What in the Fucking FUCK????
(and this was a direct quote from a family member too)
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polyamorouspunk · 11 months
IS IT A RACIST DOGWHISTLE??? I’ve never heard that before ever
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As far as I’m aware there’s no direct link between the slogan and historical racism just like there’s no direct link between the slogan “kill your local pedophile” and drag queens/trans people it’s just the idea that historically black men had a higher chance of being falsely accused of rape just like these days drag queens and trans people have a higher chance of being falsely accused of child predatory behavior. But “Kill Your Local Rapist” does not DIRECTLY mean “Kill Your Local Black Man” like “HH” means “Hail Hitler” or “88” means Hail Hitler” or “1312” or “ACAB” means All Cops Are Bastards. The link is not *that* direct. Aka, a lot of people put it on their vests and such as a way to support victims and many are victims themselves and it’s not some secret KKK stuff that everyone who uses it is in on. It’s a “oh I had no idea historically this can be a bad slogan” more.
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sayruq · 4 months
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felinecryptid · 11 months
just a kind of rant ig, but one of my old friends saw my status on dc where i came out this june and he went all 'homosexuality is unnatural and human population will die out bc of it, hitler was doing a good thing'
that's wrong, it's natural and being lgbtq is beneficial to a species, otherwise it wouldn't have evolved in the first place. (this is from a purely biological point of view, there are many other social issues which others have explained in much better detail than i ever could)
i am valid, all of you are valid, don't let assholes bring you down
i wasn't sure if i should come out but my situation changed where i wasn't in a precarious position anymore to come out (ie, i swapped schools before junior year) and all the 'friends' who could inform my homophobic mom didn't have a way to plausibly contact her anymore
so i could safely come out wo the fear being outed elsewhere. many of my classmates and friends supported me but some indeed turned out to be bigots, funnily enough there were more people in the community than there were homophobes
all of this means you should hold your head high and never back down with your pride, and do it in a place where you can't be harmed. its always worth the wait and you will find your people, just give the situation some time
i love you all, those of you who are out and proud, those who are in the closet and can't come out or not ready to come out, who have complex identities and those who use only one word to describe themselves, i love you all so much
all of you are brave and keep being proud of yourself 💞💞💞
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daloy-politsey · 2 months
Republicans in the First Suffolk district (state Sen. Nick Collins's district) who vote during the March 5 primary will get to decide who represents them on the Republican State Committee - one man and one woman.
On the woman's side, the candidates are Elizabeth Hinds-Ferrick and Lori Kauffman, both of Dorchester.
Hinds-Ferrick immigrated from Guyana, got a doctorate in law and policy at Northeastern and is currently assistant director at the state Department of Transitional Assistance.
Kauffman, who grew up Jewish, divides her love between Kanye West and Hitler. She wants to exile Jews from the US and blames a Covid-19 shot for giving her stage-4 brain cancer (don't worry, she says the tumors are now shrinking) . She's also a transphobe.
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rocketpunchblam · 7 months
If anyone can tell me when the transcript for riddler secrets in the dark is fixed that would be grea, I’m prob not gonna listen to it until it gets fixed because it’s BAD
I’m pretty sure they are auto generated but it’s like so bad and makes it hard to follow along
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panpercyjackson · 8 months
So you think H*tler is trans?
I don't know how to tell you this, but Hitler was a real person
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