clovertama · 1 year
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Nami Harvest Moon i love you... ❤️
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ash-of-the-meadow · 11 months
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I've been digging through my old Harvest Moon stuff and came across this picture of my old Pony cosplay, circa 2015 or so. It was one of my favorite cosplays and I really should make the updated version with the dog on the shirt.
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durotoswrites · 2 years
This is the other part of the anon ask for character breakdowns.  This time, we’re featuring Archeologist Carter!
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How I feel about this character:
As I mentioned in the Grant ask, I haven’t gotten past the first year of AWL yet, so I have yet to interact with Carter in-game.  I’ve seen screencaps, but most of my experience with Carter is from HMDS and HMDS Cute.  This is actually the first Harvest Moon Carter I was acquainted with, and I always thought it was odd you could phone the church in HMDS to remove curses and a different Carter would answer the line.  Technically you had two Carters in one game, hehe.
Carter has always struck me as incredibly focused on his work at the dig, to the point of obsession.  He’s a very hard worker, but despite that, he does enjoy the fresh air outside of the dig.  I never really think of him having many other interests outside of his studies and looking into finding out more about his ancestors.  Because of this, I feel like he falls a little flat.  He doesn’t spend much time outside of the dig, and when he is anywhere else, he seems to be focused either on work or how much he hates Flora’s cooking.  Oh, yeah, and getting his energy from the sun…  
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I honestly don’t really ship Carter with anyone because I feel like he’s basically married to his work.  There are other characters who have this, like Doctor Trent, but I can see Trent as more receptive to others’ emotions.  I feel that with a little more development for Carter, he could be someone you could count on.
Farmer x Carter: Because the main character is basically a blank slate, he could work as a good partner for the player.  The only problem is that he needs to find some more hobbies.  I mean, I appreciate that he’s a hard worker - and I think that meshes well if you play as a hardworking farmer.  The problem is that he tends to treat the MC like an assistant.  I think if he was written with some more development, he could be a good partner.  I guess this is an instance where fanfic comes into play, haha.
Flora x Carter: Again, if he was able to see her as more than an assistant, I think things would work better.  Their communication isn’t the greatest.  I get the impression he has a sensitive stomach and her serving spicy foods makes him feel sick.  If he just spelled that out for her and she was more willing to listen, or if he could, you know, cook for once, things would go better.  They do have an odd love scene in AWL that I saw online where it’s clear they have some sort of feelings for each other.  I just feel like it was portrayed in a really awkward way.  Then again, I feel like both Carter and Flora are kinda awkward in their own ways, hehe.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I could see Carter becoming friends with the locals at the bar when stops by for a drink.  Honestly, I see Muffy and Griffin being friends with the whole town.  I feel like Carter values his alone time, and he’s okay with having a smaller network of friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t think he’s a very popular character, so probably most of these opinions aren’t too wild.  Firstly, Carter’s age doesn’t bother me at all, and I think his design looks fine.  I thought of him as “sooo old” when I was a kid, but now that I’m older, I appreciate that there were older characters available to marry.  However, I think he could use some more development to become a better marriage candidate.  I don’t feel like they added enough to him in HMDS to make him a valid marriage choice.  With Cody and Daryl, I felt like there were far more interesting characters to marry.
I don’t dislike Carter, but I feel like he doesn’t have a good sense of other people’s feelings.  It doesn’t help that Flora is also stubborn in her own ways.  Them as a couple is a little concerning because I feel like they don’t communicate that well as they’re currently written.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I really wish that Carter was given more of a chance to grow more in personality.  His heart events with Flora fall a little flat for me, as do the ones with the MC.  I’d like to see him with a passion for more than just one thing.  I guess he likes taking in the sunlight, but have him practice Tai-Chi or something for variety.  I’d love some more scenes with Carter at the bar that are more than just him getting drunk.  I want to see him interacting with Griffin and Muffy in a friendly manner.
Thank you so much for the ask!  Have a good one! ^-^
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squirsquirrel · 7 months
But also I just really want to play hmdscute and I'm hearing noises what the frick where is this coming from
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strawberisapphic · 4 years
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7 years apart… im always growing, maybe ill do this again in another 7 years! the new one was just a warm up, while the first i know i worked on for HOURS.
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aprildoesart · 5 years
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Only one left now!
Elli | Ann | Karen | Mary |  Popuri
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moomoo-au-lait · 6 years
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i sketched a good lil man today.. love griffin..
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harvestmoonie-art · 6 years
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-3- Claire and a blue egg! Very late might I add. I’m in dire need to restart a Harvest Moon file of mine.
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moominsnufkin · 6 years
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💖HM:AWL Girls made in Pastel Girl app💖✨
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moon-dumplings · 5 years
I cant get the Claire & Jill patch for Harvest Moon DS to work :/ is it outdated or something? It says no special setup is required so i figured it would work like the FOMT patch where i just add it to the folder, am i missing something?
I’m currently using xdelta to try to patch the rom but i keep getting Error message: "xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT", which i guess is because the versions are incompatible? the patch is v1.0 and the rom i have is v1.10, is there anywhere i can find a v1.0 rom?
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arsyeong · 4 years
[3] one more game | bb.
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p r o l o g u e  /  o n e  /  t w o
summary: the innkeeper’s son is a play boy but after one genuine heartbreak, would he be able to play one more game? word count: 1,837
a/n: i can only come back to this now because it took me months to outline this. oh well. there’s few bambam content (i think?) so here’s a bambam hmds cute based series :DD you don’t need to know the game! just... enjoy this i hope hehe ^^ stay safe everyone!
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It was embarrassing, to say the least, which is why you’ve been avoiding Bambam for the past week. Much to your luck, you haven’t seen him much at the Inn – thank goodness – and you think it’d be better not to ask which of the many rooms was his; you don’t want anyone to think you were curious. You weren’t.
Not in the way they might think anyway.
That day remains in your memory, however, vivid as the moment you experienced it. His casual tone and his smooth words had annoyingly stuck to your mind and, over the course of the week, you had found yourself wondering if he would still be up for that offer of practice even if you had run out on him.
You realized shaking your head wouldn’t erase them, so you began to wander the valley, hoping you’d both forget about the incident and see with your own eyes the sceneries that had drawn you here. It worked, and you found satisfaction even in skirting the area around the beach you had admired so much. Villagers referred you to a number of places, some even offering their company, and you had gladly accepted as much as you could. It was nice knowing more than the staff of the Inner Inn, and you felt more and more comfortable with each day that passed.
Today, you had gone about your exploring alone, seeing as your supposed-to-be companion had been summoned by a work-related matter. Yeeun had left you a note at the Inn’s lobby, though, informing you of the situation, asking for a rain check and even offering a new date. You’d take her up on that second trip, you thought, especially after finding out you had come quite unprepared at your destination.
She had suggested you go to the valley’s largest tree, but she didn’t tell you it had been converted into a little workspace with an unusual casino inside. The people inside paid you no mind until you emerged from their casino five minutes after you had entered, having had found out you didn’t even have any money on you. You’re glad they don’t escort you out with security like they do in the city, but you made a mental note then to ready for next time.
Walking out, you planned to sit by the spring you had seen on the way in, but you’re stopped upon catching sight of distinct white hair, attached to the very figure that had plagued your thoughtless mind, to the man you had dreaded seeing any time soon.
You duck behind the large root of the tree before he even realizes you were there, but it’s only after you peek from your spot that you see his eyes are trained to a woman standing beside him, a frown on her face and her arms crossed over her chest.
“That’s a stupid smile on your face,” she says, eyes narrowing, “Let’s hear it.”
“Then let us be honest, (Y/F/N),” he goes grandly, and his arm gestures reflect the effect in his tone, “You used to like me, didn’t you?”
Even at your distance, you see her eyes widen. “I knew it,” Bambam says, a smile spreading across his face, “You did like me!”
“What are you talking about?”
“Your eyes widened.”
“So what?”
“(Y/F/N),” he coos, “Do you really think I would be one not to know the meanings behind different body languages?”
“Body languages my foot, Bambam,” she scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Do you really think I would have a crush on you?”
“Yes,” he says with certainty, beaming and nodding firmly, “Who wouldn’t?”
“No need to get so defensive over it!” he laughs, holding his hands up in surrender before chuckling once more and placing those hands on her shoulders. You watch as Bambam leans in, and you think this would be the end of your eavesdropping, but you hear his voice loud and clear, “It’s a secret between us.”
You turn away from their scene and think of how you could leave without drawing much attention to yourself, not wanting them to think (or know) that you had been listening in. You let a minute pass before standing up, brushing your hands on your dress and at the same time smoothening it, and you walk as calmly as you can away from them and the tree, holding in your breath as if that would make a difference.
It starts raining the moment you return to the valley’s main pathway and all you could do is curse before running back to the Inn, the rain seeming to pour harder with every step you take. When you pass by the bridge connecting this area to the farms, you slow down to see if people were doing the same and they were; there were no vehicles to run you over as you stand in the middle of the street, but you only take a few more seconds before running again.
You yank the door of the Inner Inn and practically throw yourself inside, then you lean against the hurriedly closed door as you catch your breath.
When your heart rate’s back to normal, you take a final deep breath and push yourself off the door. Dani greets you coolly from the counter, and you’re about to just smile and head to your room when you realize the change of counter persons.
“You must be wondering where Maisy is?”
You nod. “The weather report said it would rain today and the ceiling leaks a lot when it does,” she explains, “Those rooms were usually vacant so she attended to more urgent things but, now you’re staying here, she went to ask Joseph to toughen it up and left me in-charge for the time being.”
“Ah,” you say, nodding your head, “Thank you for explaining.”
Dani cocks her head to the side at this, and there’s a small smile on her face. You don’t move from your place, sensing she had something she wanted to say.
“You know, (Y/N),” she goes, “Not many city people would thank you for a simple explanation, especially if it involves a problem regarding you. From what I’ve seen, they always scream.”
“It’s a sad reality,” you agree, shrugging, “Though more and more people are going to school, more and more are also forgetting basic etiquette and respect.”
She nods. “I appreciate – “
The door suddenly flies open, cutting her off mid-sentence, and you turn around in shock of the sound. In comes Bambam, screaming, “Okay, I’m back! Is my meal ready?”
You have nowhere to hide this time, and you’re rendered immobile at the sight of him. Not only an hour ago had you been listening in on a conversation he was having with a friend, and the memory of your last conversation with him is quick to resurface in your thoughts; a blush rises to color your cheeks.
All that avoiding and hiding but here he is.
And he’s walking toward the two of you.
“Dani!” he greets, giving her a small wave before he faces you, “and (Y/N)! What’s up?”
You couldn’t think properly and you contemplate between chuckling nervously and saying something awkward like “grey clouds.”
However, before you could embarrass yourself, a sharp voice cuts through the room. “And where the hell have you been, you slacker?!”
You flinch at Dani’s words, surprised a person you know to be quiet yelled as she did. When you turn to her, you’re quite afraid to see that she’s absolutely fuming. Bambam, on the other hand, turns to her without even seeming the least bit phased. “I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me!” she shouts, her hands fisting tightly, “Where have you been and why weren’t you here to take charge of the Inn?!”
“I was busy!” he says, hands up in defense for a moment before he crosses them over his chest as he frowns slightly, “Hmph. I’ll bet I have more to do than you.”
“More to do?!” she asks in disbelief, in anger, “But all you do is go off wherever and whenever you want!”
“That’s still doing something!”
“Tell him, (Y/N)!”
The sudden mention of your name catches you off-guard, and it takes you a moment to think back to what she’s said. Dani was seething, looking directly at you, and you think she’d find out about your eavesdropping if she narrowed her eyes a bit more.
“Well,” you start, and you gulp nervously as her gaze practically pierces you, “if Bambam says he has some things to do – “
“See!” he cuts, “She knows I do things!”
“You didn’t even let her finish!”
“The point stands!��
At that, Dani glares at you a moment before turning back to him and giving him a harsher look. “I don’t care if you have ‘things’ to do,” she hisses, “You should be in-charge. You’re the Innkeeper’s son! Those ‘things’ aren’t even of any importance!”
Bambam’s eyes have darkened, and it’s becoming obvious that his anger was taking from his usually calm self. A little more, you think, and he’ll blow.
“You know what?” he goes, his face stonily stubborn, “I’m leaving.”
“I can’t deal with this negativity in my life,” he groans, exasperated, “and don’t worry about that meal. I’ll just eat somewhere else.”
He walks away and exits without even looking back. When he opens and closes the door, you see it’s still raining out, and he doesn’t have an umbrella with him.
At her heavy sigh, you turn around and see Dani glaring at you. “Maybe I was wrong about you,” she seethes. She crosses her arms and looks away.
Not a second later, Maisy enters the Inn with a bright smile on her face. Having not noticed your grim faces yet, she sets her umbrella down to dry and cheerily announces, “Joseph said he’ll fix it!”
Her positivity is subdued when she finally looks up and registers the tense atmosphere. Her eyebrows crease and she asks, “What happened?”
“Bambam happened,” growls Dani, and she spits his name as if it were disgusting to say, “Happened. He came, he left, he happened.”
Maisy looks to you, both to show her concern and to ask you to confirm, and you nod your head sadly. Bambam’s mother sighs and walks over to the counter; she places a hand on Dani’s shoulder and squeezes it comfortingly. “You can go rest now,” she says softly, “I’ll take it from here. Thank you for your efforts, and I’m sorry on his behalf.”
“You don’t need to say sor – “
“I believe it’s my duty as his mother,” she says, resigned. The Innkeeper looks sad for a moment before she coughs, straightens and addresses the both of you, “Now, head to your rooms and rest up,” she offers a kind smile, “I’ll cook a delicious meal for you to enjoy soon, both as an apology and as your Innkeeper.”
You smile back at her, grateful, and then you head up.
p r e v i o u s  /  n e x t
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ash-of-the-meadow · 11 months
Hey, ya'll! Despite using this hellsite since like 2018, I've only ever made like 2 posts that weren't reblogs so I have no idea what I'm doing.
Anyway, the remake of the classic Harvest Moon game, A Wonderful Life, just came out. I have been a fan of this series since I was 14 in 2006 and the entire time my favorite character has been Rock. Rock is also the most hated character in the fandom and has been for the nearly 17 years I've been in it. Imagine my surprise when I hop on tumblr today and find other fans of him!!! I'm so excited and my inner teenager feels validated. I'd love to interact with you all and swap war stories if you've been the trenches as long as me. I expect this post to unnoticed into the void, but I must try.
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goddess-spring · 6 years
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Yes, it really is.
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Love HMDSCute because its the only game that lets me pick a platonic best-friend option alongside its romancable NPCs. 
I realise that that only happened as a mistake but I still think more games should do it.
Also HMDSCute lets me find a random dirty woman sleeping at the bottom of a mine and suddenly declare her my best-friend and move her into my home without ever exchanging a word with her and I think that is also something more games should let me do.
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I'm a college student, and Harvest Moon has actually helped me a lot this semester after quarantine made classes end up online. This semester's finals were done while playing HMDSCute and I never thought it'd be a good idea to answer questions while playing, but it was: statistics is one of the hardest classes we had thanks to the way the professor explained everything, but I got a good grade because I was VERY relaxed. I owe u my lieb now, Kai, now u have to marry me
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booklovingbelle · 4 years
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Harvest Moon 30 Day Challenge Day 23
What is the next HM game you plan to buy? SOS:FOMT
This actually was kind of a tricky questions because I have also been debating buying either Sunshine Islands, Light of Hope or Magical Melody. But it also depends on time to play & funds too. I do know my husband is getting me a switch & this game once I complete my specialist so either way I will get this game! Also I haven't purchased the others yet because lack of funds plus I am doing a play through of HMDSCute & debating doing a play through of AWL next so those will keep me occupied for the time being.
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