#hmm probably just one post
simgerale · 2 months
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In a far corner of the world, there was a continent once torn apart by war and greed, fighting over old grudges and forgotten slights.
With time came new rulers, and against all odds, the neighboring empires built an alliance.
The unexpected love between an empress and an enemy prince brought on peace after decades of strife.
Together, they bravely fought for the future.
For themselves... and then for their children.
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shima-draws · 3 months
Me, sketching out charm designs: Fun!! Ehe! So fun!!
Me, lining charm designs: Why did god put me on this earth. Why was I put here only to suffer. Such a cruel fate has befallen me
Me, coloring and shading charm designs: Fun!! Ehe! So fun!!!
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batfamhyperfixation · 11 months
The Tumblr fandom experience is writing a reminder to yourself of something important to your fandom and scheduling it for the day so you can remember to write a post about it later, accidentally posting it, and not realizing until later that you posted a post with just the words "Jason Todd death anniversary" on it on a day that was not in fact Jason Todd's death anniversary, and the only reason you realized you posted it was cause people were reblogging it, not to tell you the date of his death anniversary, not screaming at you for having the wrong date, just adding onto it like "don't worry I hear it wasnt permanent" and talking about how it's been 20ish years and stuff, like if I accidentally did that on Twitter, I would have people coming after me for weeks and discrediting everything I do as a "fake fan" like here on Tumblr we are all just vibin' and reblogging weird posts that only have 4 words and are completely inaccurate cause we don't care about facts, we care about community
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peliginspeaks · 5 months
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Reference for Hallowrove's scars!
First death: Lost the Feducci duel, got impaled with his lance. Would have healed more messily if Oversol hadn't been there to take it out and help afterwards.
Shapeling Arts first aid: stabbed in a dock brawl, patched up creatively by Haarsink
Vake: first encounter with it in BaL, the text mentioned it raking its claws down the player's legs while holding their shoulders and the image just stuck with me
Upper River Beast: sometimes there's a Big Fuckoff Flesh Creature. Lingering scar from an out-of-game roleplay incident.
Others: no consistent canonical placement for the assorted small scars, except for none around the eyes. Definitely most of them are from monster hunting or clambering around over walls and other types of Hallowroveish Activities they get into out of curiosity, but a couple lighter and older ones are from absentmindedness when they used to do metalwork and mechanical stuff on the Surface.
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starfallproject · 25 days
Tekken character vignette pt. 1
Characters: Kazumi, Kazuya.
Word count: 165.
Kazuya is asleep when Kazumi slips into his room in the middle of the night. Her child looks peaceful in sleep.
Kazumi kisses his forehead. She looks fondly at her son, tracing her fingertips on his face, her own bearing a brittle smile. Her fever spikes prevented her from seeing her little angel for the past few days.
As she goes to the door to make her leave, a quiet rustle stops her.
“Mom?” the question comes out uncertain, she looks back to see Kazuya sitting up, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“Go back to sleep, dear. You need it for the morning training,” she hears herself say. Kazuya looks confused but nods drowsily, and lays back in his futon.
Her hands shake as she closes the shoji door, knowing that if she gives in to her desire to go back and gather him in her arms, she would waver.
Her fists tighten, she has a mission to complete. It was a long time coming.
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littleredstory · 8 days
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I wanna finish this but idk when I will. "It's pride month, me, you know what that means" "what, do you want me to. like. make my ocs gayer somehow? what?"
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nautilusgays · 1 month
A zombie apocalypse could be happening at the same time as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and the story would stay the same
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waspgrave · 2 months
Who should be my replacement spouse in fo4
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puddii-ng · 10 months
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i just think theyre fun…
old traditional chibi doodles for a filler post but UGH i miss them so much. the moopsies
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You guys ever wake up in the morning and go ‘…what the fuck did I do last night’
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asjjohnson · 1 year
He lives in Amity Park. Just one of seventy thousand people making a living under the shield.
He makes a modest salary working at a garage. There's a handful of cars per day, coming in for oil changes or tune-ups, and the work is divided between him and two coworkers.
He considers himself to be pretty average. One face lost within a sea of thousands. Unnoticed and unmemorable.
He doesn't mind. He's a pretty bland person overall. He doesn't do much other than work, eat, watch whatever's showing on TV when he's at his small apartment, and sleep; and he doesn't feel he needs more from life than that.
He moved to Amity Park a few years ago, after wandering from place to place.
The ghost thing was new to him. He can't remember seeing a ghost until after moving here. And when the purpose of the shield was explained to him, he couldn't imagine ghosts beyond a vague idea. They were said to be slightly translucent and able to fly. And, in Amity Park, ghosts are just another part of their way of life. A normal sight to see. Especially Phantom.
Even now he can't build a clear mental image or description when it comes to ghosts. He never had a chance to really take one in.
Every time he sees Phantom, his mind goes blank, in pure terror.
Even on the other side of the shield, high in the sky 500 feet away, barely even close enough to make out the cape and suit, the ghost would cause him to freeze in place on the sidewalk, forgetting how to breathe while people push past him to continue on their way.
He's at the garage when the sirens come on. In an oil-stained jumpsuit, on his back beneath a car.
At first he's confused, cocking his head to listen, but someone yells that it's the shield.
He should've recognized the sound. There's a drill twice a year. Somewhat of a holiday. The entire town meets up in the shelters under the city. But the timing is off. Wrong month, wrong day, wrong time. For one thing, there is no work on Drill Day. So he didn't make the connection at first.
He puts his wrench down and follows the others out of the garage.
When he steps through the door, he sees Phantom in the distance, throwing parked cars, and he freezes as the others run.
It gets hard to breathe. He can't get enough air. His vision zeroes in on Phantom, the rest of the world vanishing. His heart pounds in his chest like it's trying to free itself. Phantom is coming nearer. He feels dizzy. His head is swimming. He... he has to sit... His knees hit the asphalt. His palms keep him from falling, his eyes never leave Phantom. The ghost comes nearer, casually, meanderingly, blasting random objects. As near as three businesses down. Two. Phantom turns and blows up the building across the street.
Phantom turns back around. Eyes focused overhead, at the garage building. A giddy-looking grin. Then the eyes drift downward.
They lock on him.
"What do we have here? A flea that forgot how to scurry away?"
He shudders at the sound of the voice. Trembles as Phantom floats nearer. He cringes on the ground, seeing his death mere feet away. Stares wide-eyed.
Phantom's grin fades, eyebrows furrowing as eyes study his face. Then, "You?" The eyes narrow, a sneer crossing the face. "I should have finished you."
He shrinks back as Phantom reaches for him. Squeezes his eyes tightly shut. Death. Death.
But instead, a strong hand grips his upper arm—and something seems to light up behind his eyes.
Memories flow through him like water.
A sister. Spinning on her heel with long orange hair flying, a superior, righteous expression as she says something.
Parents. Both wearing tight jumpsuits, excited, building a deadly weapon at the dinner table while asking about school.
Friends. One in black and one with glasses, putting a finger to their earpieces as they talk over each other making suggestions.
Tiredly brushing long black bangs out of his eyes as he reaches for a toothbrush. Lying on his back looking up at the stars. Observing a translucent, slightly glowing gloved hand, wiggling the fingers.
He exhales with a hiss. And snaps his eyes open to glare at Phantom. "You!" He jerks back, breaking Phantom's grip on his arm.
He was robbed of ten years of his life. Of who he is. He lived through ten years not realizing what was going on around him. Accepting the shield and the destruction as normal! And it was a part of himself doing all of this! Making the shield necessary! Out having a joyride at everyone's expense!
He's so angry. Furious.
He can feel his eyes light up for a split second, and a flash of green sparking in his palms. "I'll destroy you!"
He doesn't run for the emergency ecto-gun in the garage.
He lunges at Phantom with his bare hands, palms repeatedly trying to glow, sparking for only an instant at a time, like an igniter without fuel to back it up.
#danny phantom#dp#the ultimate enemy#dan phantom#dark danny#danny fenton#au#asj post#asj writing#I tried looking up what a panic attack feels like. I probably didn't write it very well though. But well I tried.#Hmm. It might be possible to interpret this ficlet more than one way.#rest of tags are ficlet spoilers#I'm still interested in the Tue 'human side doesn't die' possibility.#I'd always thought it was assumed that Dan killed his human side. But Vlad never said. Just said Dan did something pretty bad to him.#My 1st dp fic idea had an unconscious Danny. But I've been thinking about it again lately. I'm pushing the idea a little farther each time.#The idea here was that Danny's kinda an empty shell without much inside. Just going through life blankly and without memory.#He's a bg character. The only unique thing about him is that feeling of fear.#But when Dan touches him it creates a connection. So part of what was taken can return through that connection.#But there's a chance you could see the story as about a stranger who has some kind of skin-to-skin–contact mind-reading ability.#It could be someone other than Danny. Who takes Danny's memories from Dan.#...I didn't end the story early. I'd imagined the ending being him lighting like my computer's been doing and leaping for Dan.#(The computer had gotten better after awhile but after I reset/recovered it it's gotten bad again.#Last time I turned it on it took try after try after try. The power button light would only flash on for a split second. A blink.#Then after several tries the power button would flash on for slightly longer and I'd hear a part shift. Like a cutoff sentence like 'D—'.#the computer eventually came on though.)#I imagined more at the beginning and more at the end and more about the panicking. Just didn't think of the words to use.#The only reason he can punch at Dan at all is because of the residual power. It's like the Fenton Gauntlets that let humans touch ghosts.#Drill Day is like a fair. It's part practice part fun and part getting rid of old food supplies to get ready to restock.#People sometimes think Danny looks familiar but he gives a different name and shows no recognition. So he must just be a stranger.#'Danny died in the NB explosion right?' or 'That out-of-state billionaire adopted him.' or 'There'd been that Masters Mansion explosion.'
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
thinking abt ur jamiazu fic where they go on a field trip and azul carried jamil <3 loved them sm .... azul talking to the lil octopus was so cute too
wahhh THANK YOU i really liked writing that one!!! i love making characters be SILLY DORKY LITTLE FOOLS
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hes being SO VERY SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
i'd like to think jamil was Haunted by that new lore of Azul Being Strong Enough To Carry Him With Ease LOL
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chickpea0 · 1 month
Not regressed not fully functioning but a secret third thing (stupid)
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t5t · 10 months
thinking about how vash could also be an antagonist (not villain. antagonist.) and still fit in the same narrative. by that i mean he would still be enemies with knives and at no point would they reconcile.
like its not even that deep if u know what i mean. u just need to shift the pov to that of pretty much anyone else. as much as his intentions are good he still involuntarily causes so much harm both to himself and others, and it's easy to see it as not being his fault at all since the conflict is always initiated by other characters. but it's exactly his extreme avoidance of it and unrelenting pacifism that causes him to be backed into a corner and to use undeadly but still severe violence in order to resolve these conflicts. sometimes this still causes the death of both his opponents and loved ones.
his altruism and peace & love attitude in the end are just façades and he uses to justify his inaction, this inaction is a coping mechanism for his fear and hatred for himself. he's not on a quest to radically change gunsmoke and improve the condition of its inhabitants, he's a vagabond who often finds himself in situations where he is forced to take action to preserve the life of innocent people.
im not saying he's an amoral or bad person, the opposite, but im still willing to say there's selfishness in his behaviour u know. he doesn't really face any of this directly until wolfwood kills zazie the beast. at this point he can't fully rationalise his conflict avoidance anymore, this time he can't find a clever exploit to get ahold of the situation back and save the day. had wolfwood not acted he and the others would not have escaped. i think this is further exacerbated with wolfwood's death soon after, which he obviously blames himself for, but imo it impacts him more than others because 1. as much as he's committed to protecting every life, obviously having his close friend die is more traumatic than the death of strangers, and 2. as opposed to rem's death, he knows wolfwood's could have been prevented, he had agency in the situation and was aware of the extreme danger.
this is why i see vash's killing of legato as a huge step in his growth. its what finally has him face conflict head first and take a significant step towards actual resolution instead of a patch up
vash deciding to take a life, his brother's life which he promised to rem to protect nonetheless, is what finally redeems him
thats way too many words ugh but basically this image
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pyromaniac-cyndaquil · 9 months
pmd chatot for blorbo bingo? ^^
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He's a silly rabbit. I love him
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duckduckngoose · 2 months
Hhhhhhh brainrot hitting so hard. I low-key wanna revive all my Taz grad wipes again from the dead
#the duck quacks#unfortunately i didnt have a lot of writing from my taz era bc i was very insecure about my writing at the time but GODS i have pilesofideas#...post canon (or just mid canon#thundermen roadtrip au. where would they get a car? idk. can one of them even legally drive? probably not#hmm also had a sickfic with fitzroy going on where his magic just made things so much worse#also haf a 5 + 1 fic or Fitzroy bonding with snippers bht i only figured out 1 out of 5 and the + 1 oops#i also havr been wanting to write something with the whole old changeling Fitzroy theory going around. idk what but i rll wanna for funsies#i also had written a little bit about the tribunal going wrong i think? irk where i was going with that but it would fun to expand on that#also like always wanted to write a classic Fitzroy tapping mote and more into chaos and shit goes erongTM fic#lots of these are fitzroy centered whoops fjjfjf. hes very blorbo#also just relistening to just the curse and tribunal eps makes me want yo write even more#i wanna give the thundermen a small break after Out of Order to judt talk to eachother. i wanna write an argo POV of him worryinh abott#Fitzroy during that episode. I WANNA WTITE SM WUGHHHHHDHSBFNDBSSBZNNNFJJF#also wanna write fitzroy complaining about having to share rooms at the start of grad only to realize that when hr gets his own room its#suddenly harder to sleep anf he kinda misses the others#BC THATS ONE OF MY FAVORITR TROPES FRFR. almost all of these are just tropes i like and i wanna do with the Thundermen/do my own twist on#soooo msny ideas i can barely sit still and decide what to write kdkfkfkf
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