#homelander x hughie
alissssssaka · 3 months
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draw your favs like this thing
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olliveolly · 6 months
Hello people 👋
we are finally at the finish line, because we are exactly a week away from Christmas 🎄
To feel the holiday spirit i prepared a couple of arts in advance with my favorite pairings 😉
We starting this week with Homelander x Hughie 💞
Happy Holidays everyone 🎄✨
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chocolatespringonion · 8 months
What if Homelander finally snapped.
Everyone found out about how much of a psycho Homelander is and began hating him both online and on-site. Homelander got angry that he wasted his time to get the approval and love of the puny humans snapped and destroy the entire planet along with everyone in it.
Unexpectedly, Hughie out of all people was the last human alive. He cries as everyone he even known had died, begging Homelander to kill him already.
Homelander broke out of his snap and realizes what he had done. Everyone except him and Hughie is gone, if he killed Hughie then he would be all alone in this earth so he decided to spare him much to Hughie's dismay.
Amidst the ruin of New York, Hughie grew more and more insane. He tried killing himself but Homelander stopped him each time. He avoided Homelander for months before the effect of no human contact finally hits him. Against his better judgement, Hughie began to humor Homelander, listening, talking, and comforting the other.
They both see each other's hidden sides. Homelander sees how gentle Hughie could be and how much adoration he had for him before all the A-Train stuff had happened. And Hughie heard about the traumatic childhood the supe had under vought, no human not even a supe deserves to be locked up like an animal their whole childhood.
The last two humans standing, one a supe and the other a mortal finally found comfort with each other when their whole entire life they couldn't.
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mommy-mortis · 2 months
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I like the idea of Hughie taking care of a freshly depowered Homelander and that includes sharing his clothes
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xelarale · 25 days
why is the boys tumblr just everybody shipping hughie with everybody. ive seen the wildest combos then combined with a/b/o and honestly i cant even say that i dont fuck with it . its still weird tho
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acapelladitty · 4 months
Monomania (fic)
Pairing - Homelander/Hughie (The Boys)
Summary - In the midst of a messy fight, Homelander comes to a somewhat stunning conclusion involving Hughie.
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It was incredible, unthinkable even, that Homelander had found himself in this situation.
Hugh Campbell. Hughie. Starlight's little pet human. The gangly asshole who nipped at William's heels as William actively sought out as many different pain in the ass ways of inconveniencing his life as possible.
Hugh Campbell.
A pathetic human.
But a pathetic human who was currently trading hits with him due to the compound v which flowed through his veins to give him access to the sort of power that he probably used to jack off thinking about.
"Little Hughie." Homelander spat, dodging a messy right hook. Hughie had strength, yeah, but it was clear that neither man was a particularly trained fighter even if Homelander still held the advantage. "A fucking waste of skin compared to the people he surrounds himself with. One day that little girlfriend of yours is going to find herself a real man.”
Ducking under another swing, Homelander landed a strike of his own and his fist bounced off Hughie’s chest with a pained grunt.
“Supes and humans? A mess. Trust me. I've made enough of them." Homelander continued, refusing to allow his growing exertion to show on his features as he pushed Hughie off him – his heart thumping in his chest as his jaw throbbed in discomfort.
Hughie snarled his anger, his boyish features twisted into something almost inhumane as he threw fists with an obvious lack of thought. In the heat of the fight, Homelander could hear how laboured Hughie’s breathing had grown; how erratic and fucked up it was as his blood rushed through his veins and his pulse jumped with every strike. The stench of adrenaline, hot and heady, also hung in the air and the sheer potency of it was intoxicating.
Almost absent-mindedly, Homelander adjusted the crotch of his suit as he flew to the side to narrowly avoid a kick. Adrenaline and anger. Two familiar feelings which sat low in his belly and made his cock twitch despite his fury. He was the fucking Homelander and fighting like this-
His thoughts were knocked clean out of his head as a sharp fist caught him on the temple - sending his body stumbling backwards as the sheer indignation of being caught out burned within his chest like a serpent’s venom.
It only lasted a moment as Hughie's furious expression was quick to fill his sight. Panting and red-faced with the effort, Hughie looked down at him with such intense contempt that it actually made Homelander pause as long fingers wrapped around his throat and started to squeeze.
Even with the compound v, its potency already feeling like it was beginning to fade as Hughie’s movements grew more sluggish, it would be a hard task to choke him out and Homelander took a moment to look - really look - at the man attempting to kill him.
Hughie was handsome in a basic sort of way. He lacked the bulk and muscle of William but he certainly wasn't as scrawny and pathetic as he seemed to be on first glance. In his rage and erratic movements, a few curls of his brown hair had fallen over his forehead and remained plastered there by sweat.
Tall as fuck too.
It wasn’t often Homelander fund himself having to tilt his head to meet someone's gaze and what a gaze it was.
Pure hatred oozed from every millimetre of Hughie's eyes as the blue there appeared to grow steelier by the second and the utter intensity of his gaze, malicious as hell, made heat pool in Homelander's stomach as he drank in the undivided attention.
Atop him, Hughie’s body was an inferno of heat; a mixture of exertion and the compound which was burning through his unfamiliar cells like a supernova. Caged as he was against the wall, the pressure of Hughie's body pushing against his own was surprisingly erotic as the adrenaline and the attention and the flex of the hands around his sensitive neck caused his cock to grow harder between his legs.
With Hughie's hands still around his neck, Homelander easily jerked his head forward in one swift movement and caught Hughie's lips in his own, his actions not fully coming to terms with his thoughts until Hughie recoiled his head in disgust.
The first thing that registered in his head, aside from a burning shame, was a dull pain as Hughie's fist once again connected with his temple. The second was the warmth of lips against his own as Hughie followed the blow by pressing his face in close enough to allow Homelander to capture his mouth once again. Hughie’s lips were soft, nothing like his hard eyes, and Homelander snapped his teeth down on his lower lip, something victorious growling in his chest as he immediately tasted blood and Hughie pulled away with a throaty grunt of pain.
"You're a fucking monster." Hughie hissed.
The fury, that wickedly intoxicating fury, still radiated from his eyes but something predatory - something familiar - lurked in the shadows behind it and the hint of it send a coil of arousal through Homelander’s groin.
Little Hughie had a dark side it seemed, and in that instant Homelander decided that he was going to make it his new project to push the other man as far as he could to see how deep the darkness ran.
Shoving Hughie off him as though discarding a blanket, Homelander readied himself for another fight as he watched Hughie scramble to his feet – confusion and rage now at war on his handsome features as he attempted, vainly, to settle his breath. His eyes dropped for only a second to the undeniable bulge which tented at Homelander’s groin, evidence of his shameful desire, before snapping back up as a snarl overtook his mouth once again.
With the fresh seeds of obsession sewing their way into the landscape of his fragile mind, Homelander tensed himself up for barrle once more as a familiar smirk settled across his lips.
Little Hughie.
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Entry number 26 for @ailesswhumptober
Day 26: nonconsensual touching
Hughie didn't like being at Vought, didn't like being around the Seven and especially not Homelander but if he had to decide between seeing Annie and not seeing Annie? He would visit Vought Tower every time, without a doubt.
Which is why he's here right now, standing in Annie's suite and making coffee for the two of them. Annie had left a while ago because of some impromptu meeting she had to attend but she had promised him she would try to make it quick at least.
Hughie felt weird being alone in here, the suite feeling oppressively empty without Annie being in it. Still, he told her he would be fine, that he would just wait for her here and he would. Of course he would.
And at first everything really was fine. He played a few games on his phone, texted his friends to see how they were doing and then he promptly decided to make coffee for them. Not long after that though, things started being kess fine.
Hughie immediately knew something was wrong when he heard the door to the room open without hearing Annie call out to him. Annie always did when she couldn't see him, even if there were people with her. His suspicions were proven right when he turned around only to be greeted by Homelander.
"Fancy seeing you here Hughie." The supe said, staring right into Hughie's eyes as he did. Hughie swallowed before taking a deep breath, he didn't want the supe to feel the way his breathing sped up but if he interpreted the stupid smile on his face correctly then he already did.
Hughie didn't react, he didn't know what to say and he really didn't want to talk to Homelander in the first place. The supe didn't seem to care though, instead, he just came closer and Hughie really had to fight with himself not to back up further against the counter.
Homelander didn't stop creeping closer until he stood right in front of Hughie, basically forcing Hughie to press himself against the counter. The supe had a somewhat contemplative look on his face as he stood in front of Hughie and Hughie couldn't help but feel weird.
Hughie could feel his heart speed up and the way his hands started to tremble ever so slightly as he tried to make himself seem brave but he knew Homelander knew about him being scared. The smirk on the supe's face gave it away.
"Don't be scared Hughie, I'm not going to hurt you." Homelander said then and the almost soft way he said the words made Hughie even more uneasy than he already was.
When Homelander didn't say anything else Hughie took a deep breath before he tried to shimmy away from him but a firm grip on his arm stopped his movements as soon as they started.
Still, Hughie didn't want to just stay there so he grabbed Homelander's arm that kept him in place and opened his mouth to tell the supe to fuck off but the sudden red glow of Homelander's eyes made Hughie reconsider.
The grim look Homelander had on his face as his eyes glowed vanished as soon as Hughie dropped his arm back toward his side and the supe said,
"That's better."
Hughie could feel Homelander's breath ghosting over his face as he spoke, mingling with his own as Hughie stared into piercing blue eyes. This was weird and uncomfortable and really fucking scary but Hughie couldn't move, couldn't speak. He didn't know what the supe was planning.
He could try and run, of course, but he knew Homelander was faster than him and he really didn't want to get lasered in half. The supe might have said he wouldn't hurt him but-
Hughie's thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly felt a gloved hand on his crotch and he was barely able to suppress the surprised groan that threatened to escape. Hughie felt himself flush and his heart sped up further as he desperately tried to calm himself down.
The hand on his crotch tightened ever so slightly as he did and Hughie wasn't quite able to suppress the groan that made its way up his throat this time. He could see the pleased smile on Homelander's face at the noise and Hughie was really starting to feel sick.
"What do you think Starlight would think of this? Her pretty little boyfriend getting turned on by being groped." Homelander was so close to him now, the words almost spoken into Hughie's lips and Hughie was basically praying that Annie would come back soon.
"I'm not-." Hughie started, trying to set this right at least, but Homelander pressed his lips onto Hughie's before he could finish. Hughie wanted to push the supe away, he really did, but he couldn't. His body just froze completely at the contact and he couldn't really do anything anyway could he?
The supe was way too strong for Hughie to do anything and even if he tried, the supe had already threatened him with bodily harm.
Hughie could feel Homelander's lips move while the hand on his crotch started massaging his growing erection but Hughie stayed as still as a statue. The only thing that reacted to the supe's ministrations was his cock.
He really hated himself for the way his body responded, he hated himself almost as much as he hated Homelander for doing this in the first place.
"You are, I can hear your heartbeat. It's elevated. That's not the only thing that's elevated either." Homelander said after he finally broke the kiss, his face still too close to Hughie's and Hughie was already gearing up to tell him off, to tell him he wasn't aroused but fucking scared but he didn't.
The door to the suite opened before he could muster up the courage and he was never happier to hear Annie's beautiful voice call his name. Homelander rolled his eyes when he noticed Hughie's relief before he straightened up and took a step away from Hughie, his eyes never leaving him.
Hughie's shoulders slumped in relief and the fear he had felt only seconds prior left him almost completely when he saw Annie come into the kitchen.
"What the hell is going on." Annie demanded then, her voice taking on a dark tone while her eyes glowed golden ever so slightly. Hughie could see her eyes jump between him and Homelander and he knew Annie was aware Homelander had done something.
"Nothing. We were just talking, right Hughie?" Homelander answered, his eyes never leaving Hughie's face even after he had turned toward Annie. The smirk on his face was so fake it could have been painted on.
"Yeah, we- we just talked." Hughie agreed even though he knew Annie wouldn't believe it, even though he knew he would tell Annie what really happened the second they weren't at the tower anymore. Homelander nodded at his answer, seemingly satisfied enough, before he left without saying another word.
Hughie felt himself start to shake as soon as he heard the door to Annie's suite fall closed, the what ifs and the whys flooding his head like a monstrous wave. He was so lost in thought that he didn't even see Annie move toward him before she captured him in a strong hug. Hughie startled a little, not having expected it but in the end, he just hugged back.
He was already thinking about how to tell her, if he even wanted to but he knew he had to. Hughie didn't want to but he promised himself he would.
Later though, for now, he just wanted to hug his girlfriend.
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deliciouskeys · 6 months
about the uhm meme list thing for fics…
could you do Hughie x Homelander no16..<3
Lol, sorry, this fic idea got a little bit fucked up, Anon. Hope you don’t mind Annie being in the mix. (meme link)
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16. Homelander x Hughie, Mistakenly assumed to be gay
After hashtag #Homelight airs, and Annie, Homelander and Hughie have that tense exchange in her Vought tower apartment, Hughie gets worried about Annie, and rather than just fucking off to Russia, decides to meet with HL without her to negotiate that the FBSA will lay off investigating Vought and Hughie won’t go out in public with Annie when she’s recognizably Starlight in exchange for HL not fucking with her and keeping the PDA to a minimum. He arranges to meet HL in a public place (for safety). HL is amused by the entire notion that Hughie has anything of interest to him that he can leverage and agrees to meet for what, in his mind, is a complete joke of a negotiation.
What neither of them anticipates is how much public and pap attention they end up attracting when they meet in public. What was going to be a quick conversation in Washington Square Park suddenly becomes tabloid gossip fodder for why Homelander is meeting Starlight’s ex in front of a fountain, and quickly devolves into juicy gossip that all three are involved in a ménage a trois or something equally bohemian. #Homelightbell starts to trend more than the original, Vought-approved hashtag.
HL is really annoyed when he realizes this rumor has gone viral and wants to clarify to the press, but the Vought PR team advises that it’s best not to acknowledge even knowing about the rumors by denying them. Meanwhile, the Boys find this turn of events absolutely hilarious and Billy is determined that Hughie needs to capitalize on this by threatening to fan the flames of the rumors unless HL keeps his hands off of Annie. Hughie isn’t particularly looking to incense HL, but he does get bolder about visiting Vought Tower and spending nights there with Annie. HL gets fed up with these power plays from a puny mudperson though, and one night just waltzes in through the door while they’re having sex. He thinks he’s going to stand there and make them uncomfortable but Annie is also fed up and tells him to leave, since he’s too straitlaced to join in. HL’s like… “what if I do join in”, and Hughie’s kind of terrified and questions why Annie even brought that up as an option, and Annie’s like “Because I’m sick of both of you trying to decide things behind my back and doing your stupid little power games over me!”. … and a very weird sex scene ensues that nobody wanted but both men deserve.
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zombie-eats-world · 7 months
There is by far not enough Homelander/Hughie fics and that’s a freaking tragedy.
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sinqueen69 · 10 months
So the results of my poll for The Boys fic is in!
Twitter overwhelmingly wants Hughie/Homelander
Tumblr overwhelmingly wants Hughie/Butcher
So you shall receive both!
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fanficbookcovers · 2 months
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Cover Art for:
Touch by thefirecrest
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alissssssaka · 3 months
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reupload yeah yeah im testing something full here
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olliveolly · 8 months
Never thought of doing this, but I find this couple really interesting 😏
Especially when Homelander draws out the maximum of his humanity))
enjoy ♥️
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chocolatespringonion · 8 months
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I feel so sad that Homelander x Hughie isn't as popular as other ships. I crave to see more of this ship.
If there are my fellow Homelander x Hughie or Hughie x Homelander I just want to say. You're not alone.
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mommy-mortis · 2 years
Dick in him Friday
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You Call It Madness But I Call It Love
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: When the reader left Payback 40 years ago after a falling out with her childhood best friend she never looked back, but when two men show up to her apartment and start asking her questions about the past, the reader begins to think those things can’t stay hidden and starts to question what’s real and what’s fantasy.  This is a re-telling of The Boys Season 3, where the reader is a supe who's known Soldier Boy since 1927. The chapters fluctuate between past and present, beginning in 1934. SPOILERS FOR THE BOYS S3
Chapter 1: You Shouldn't Have Answered the Door
Chapter 2: Late Night Visitor
Chapter 3: Summer Has to End Someday
Chapter 4: It's My Party and I'll Eat Cake If I Want To
Chapter 5: The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Chapter 6: Batter Up
Chapter 7: Are We Old Friends Or Old Enemies?
Chapter 8: Jealousy Doesn't Look Good On Anybody Except...
Chapter 9: Wedding Bells or Gong of Destruction?
Chapter 10: How Did It End Up Like This?
Chapter 11: I Can't Think With You Yelling At Me!
Chapter 12: My Heart Is Beating For You Constantly
Chapter 13: You Made A Plaything Out of Romance
Chapter 14: You're All I'm Dreaming Of
Chapter 15: What Do You Know About Love?
Chapter 16: Please Come Back To Me
Chapter 17: How Could I Ever Forget?
Last Updated: 05/18/2024
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series let me know :)
Taglist: @roseblue373 @anundyingfidelity @cheynovak @cassiecasluciluce @muhahaha303 @deans-spinster-witch @kayleighmeister @demodemo909 @fruitfacess @bobbobbobinogs @bughill126 @simplyfixated @sleepjam @tiredstrangerr @freefallthoughts @onlyangel-444 @lov3vivian @mxltifxnd0m @mayafatimakhan @marvel-mistress @my-obsession-spn @lifeonawhim @soldirboy @liuope @brynanna @carpenterswife @xxannyxx @babyinatrench-coat1 @the-gentle-spirit @valryomen @cassieriddle713 @shaggzthatsnottheworm @lil-soup @ej13928 @topstory21 @boywivlove @mrsjenniferwinchester @vivre-dans-la-nuit @megara0224 @daisy-the-quake
(Photos on mood board from Pinterest)
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