#hope u enjoy!
toppamplemousse · 10 days
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bottle episode | charles leclerc/max verstappen
Rated E, 30k words, complete
“Are you done bothering this guy? I didn’t think blonds were your thing.” Pierre says through a mouthful of pizza, causing Charles’ eyes to go wide and dart back to Max, who is finding the whole situation rather amusing.
“Merci, Pierre, this is Max Verstappen who works at Vasseur’s and he is Dutch. He has been boring me with his whole life story.”
Seasons pass, and fate keeps throwing Max and Charles together.
read on ao3
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callmegaith · 5 months
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Anon requests :D part 1/?????
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nametakensff · 1 year
Listen....my ability to focus on work is sooo bad today. I decided I may as well record some inducing while I could 😅
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lepardlover · 6 months
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Happy holidays @emizeltucker!! saw u were a fellow transfem kian enjoyer so here she is rockin' out for the @jrwi-art-exchange ^^
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padfootastic · 8 months
exam szn is coming up which obviously means ore distractions, as everyone knows. so what better than to come back to tumblr lol so many tag games etc piling up that i wanna dooooooo
so. let’s have a lil snippet time!
thanks for the tag @in-flvx 💜 this one’s from a wip that was supposed to have been finished & posted for jilypad week but,,,,here we are,,,,,
“Sirius!” Lily exclaims. “We were looking for you.”
“Oh?” He presses a quick kiss to her cheek before bending down to pick Harry up, who immediately cuddles into his arms with a tired sigh. Poor baby, must’ve been exhausted by all the excitement at the beach.
“Yeah, regarding tonight—“ Sirius gulped quietly at the way she said that “—Your room is a bit…messy, I’m sorry. We were reorganising and well, y’know how it goes…”
She shrugs apologetically but all Sirius can think about is how she called it ‘his room’. Not the guest room, not the spare, but his room. Sirius’. He once again pushes past the mushy feelings that rise in him at that little distinction.
“Oh, it’s—it’s fine, I can just take the couch, no problem.” Even if his feet tend to hang off the end, and the edges are a bit lumpy, it’s fine. He resolutely doesn’t think about his comfortable Alaskan King at home.
“Of course you can’t!” Lily scowls at him. “We’re not gonna put you in a couch in your own house, Sirius.”
There it was again, the reference to him belonging here. It was a bit presumptuous, slightly possessive but Sirius was a dog at heart, he was never going to turn down ownership.
“Er—the nursery, then?” he asks, confused.
“What, crammed up in Harry’s crib beside him?” she says with a scoff, “Don’t be silly.”
Sirius blinks. “Where am I sleeping then?”
“With us, of course.” He jumps at the voice booming from behind him, clutching Harry tighter to his chest, whirling around to find James munching on a carrot.
“Where did you come from?” Sirius mutters under his breath before straightening up and saying, louder, “And what do you mean with you?”
“Well, like Lily said,” and here he sends a meaningful, entirely undecipherable, look towards his wife who…blushes? “Your room’s temporarily indisposed, the couch isn’t even an option—don’t give me that look, you barely fit on the thing—and the floor is gonna mess up your back worse than it is.”
“So, our room it is.”
Right. Of course. Because that’s the obvious conclusions. How could he say no?
(Again, he can’t so he doesn’t)
It’s twenty minutes later, after Harry’s been put to bed, thoroughly kissed by his parents and godfather, after James is done with his nighttime turmeric milk and Lily’s put her hair up into braids and Sirius has taken out all his rings and chains and bracelets—that’s when he’s stumped by yet another problem.
How, exactly, are they going to sleep in one bed?
“We’re just going to expand it a little, Pads, don’t worry,” James says, supremely unconcerned.
He goggles at that, staring at the casual wand work. A part of him wonders why this is the extent of magic they’re using to solve this problem—James can conjure a bed Silenced, with his eyes closed—but promptly decides to not dwell on that for everyone’s sake.
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kirby-madness · 1 year
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Hello lads i have been LOOKIN at this au for very normal amounts i am sane @jojo-schmo hi i love ur art,, ALSO UR METADEDE PAIRING IS SO GOOD I AM SO NORMAL AND-
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4e7her · 2 years
Can you please do "are you really so oblivious?" with sebek x male reader?
for sure!! ty for the request :) hope i did it justice <3
i don't think you can really tell it's male reader cause i do 2nd person but. it was written with a male reader in mind!
characters: sebek zigvolt, twst
contains: yandere themes, reader referred to in second person pov, male reader
for a random event - see link here for request rules and here for the masterlist
You didn't think you did anything wrong - all you were doing was chatting with someone from Savanaclaw. A first year, you think, since they were asking for directions.
But, here you were now, having been pulled along by Sebek, who had interrupted out of nowhere. You don't even know where he came from - all you know is one minute you were talking to the first year, the next Sebek had swept you away with shouts of needing you assistance.
"So, uh, why am I here, Sebek?" You asked, confused, brows furrowed as you looked at the half-fae. "I was in the middle of talking to someone, you know."
"Tch! Are you really so oblivious?" He huffed, expression somewhere between a glare and a pout. "He was flirting with you, Prefect! Not even you can't be that dense."
"Wh-? Rude!" Affronted, you glared right back, before you realized what he said. "Wait, flirting?"
You blink, thinking back to the interaction, trying to tell if anything the Savanaclaw freshman said seemed like it was flirtatious. "Uhhh... I think you're mistaken. He was just asking for directions."
Sebek mutters something under his breath, and you think you hear something about asking Waka-sama for strength, before he fixes you a serious look that you've only seen him sport around Malleus. You're half tempted to look around and check for the Diasmonia dorm leader.
"You, Prefect, are a fool." He sighs, running a hand through his hair as he hangs his head, that pout coming through more. "Don't go speaking to those hooligans without me around. They'll just try to trick you, I'm sure."
"Wait... are you jealous? Is that what this is?"
"No! Perish the thought!" Sebek screeches, body language taking a one-eighty as he jabs a finger into your chest, even as his face flushes spectacularly. "How could you even think such a thing?!"
[click here to go to masterlist]
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shimmering-jewels · 1 year
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 9 months
Heyy, I'm new to your blog, but I really wanted to tell you that I love it 🫶🏻 Your fics are so great 😭 And I'm excited for the BND fics tho! (Am not the anon who requested one) Could I maybe request a fic with Ler! Ateez and maybe Lee!Reader? If not, maybe any Ateez fic? you decide who ^^ That'd make me so happy 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️❤️
A Leader’s Wrath:
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Ok so my first Ateez fic! I hope you enjoy! I’m really sorry it’s so short…
𝒍𝒆𝒆: Yunho
𝒍𝒆𝒓: Hongjoong 
𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘪 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭i𝘯𝘨! 💗
𝕥𝕨: raspberries
𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @dandyboyseungmo
Yunho was bored. I mean, who could blame him? All the other members were asleep, and he was tired of bothering Wooyoung, so he resorted to the one thing he had left to do. 
Be bored. 
He went to go bother the one person who was still awake, and that was Hongjoong. Sure he was the leader, and sure he was in a bad mood, but Yunho was determined to not be bored. 
“”BOO!” He yelled when Hongjoong walked into his room, obviously exhausted and tired, and he screamed in fear and almost fell over. 
“HAHA HYUNG YOU WERE SO SCARED!” Yunho doubled over in laughter while the leader glared at him. 
“Oh i’ll give you something to laugh about” Hongjoong commented as he tackled the younger and effectively straddled his waist. 
Yunho already knew what was happening. “Hyung no!” He yelled, hoping to receive some sort of mercy.
Hongjoong wasted no time and pulled the boy’s arms up, digging his experienced fingers into Yunho’s armpits. 
“HYUNG NOOO!” Yunho yelled again, this time more frantic as he tried not to laugh, thrashing around under the leader. 
“ST-STAHP PLEASE I-ITS NOT GONNA DOHO ANYTHIHIHIHING” Yunho broke, screaming as Hongjoong switched to the boy’s ribs, the area clearly more sensitive.
“STAHAHAHAP IHIM SAHAHAHAHARRYYY!!!” The younger screeched as he tried to free his wrists from the firm grip. 
“Nope. I’ve been having a bad day and this is a perfect stress reliever, also this is what you get for trying to scare me!” Hongjoong yelled over the younger’s screaming. 
“HAHAHAHA” Was Yunho’s only response as the elder pulled his shirt up and blew a long raspberry right on the boy’s belly button.
To say Yunho went crazy was an understatement. He went ballistic, back arching up and feet digging into the carpet, his face tinted the cutest shade of pink as he cackled. 
Soon enough Hongjoong let up, chuckling and rubbing at the younger’s stomach as Yunho gasped and panted. 
“You need some water, buddy?” Hongjoong fondly smiled at the younger as he shook his head. 
“Thanks a lot, Yunho.” Hongjoong stood up and walked out of the room, probably going back to work. 
“WAIT. HYUNG!” Yunho yelled, stopping the leader in his tracks. 
When Hongjoong turned around, Yunho commented, “You look tired, take a nap with me?”
Let’s say cuddles was the only thing on their agenda for the rest of the day.
i hope you enjoyed! please check my intro post before interacting! love ya! 💕💗💖
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violixs · 2 years
Minho doesn’t want to ignore you. To him, it’s the only solution.
He can’t sleep at night without thinking of your hands on his skin. Smaller than his, but barely an inch’s difference, he can feel the way they cupped his cheek, the radiating warmth of your palm settling upon his skin as you tilted his head to the side. Then, you’d whispered something to him, coherent enough for him to catch, but not important enough for him to remember. The only thought important enough to linger was you — from the gentle scratch of your nail that felt so welcome against his jaw, to the proximity your lips were to his own.
Chapped, a deeper scarlet in some areas from where you’d presumably bitten them. Kissable. Preventing him from getting the proper amount of rest his soul so desperately needs.
Two hours he sat through a computer science lecture, and he can barely recall a single word that the professor said. Minho does, however, remember the scent of your perfume, and the daisy he saw pinned to someone else’s bag that happened to remind him of it. Fragrant, floral, nothing short of the word lovely. In fact, it rather resembles you: flowery, bright, spring-like in all your glory.
And when he got a text, your given name flashing up onto the watch that sat proudly on his wrist, he was completely gone. For all he’d known, he could’ve been in space, because you were becoming all that he knew, the limit of his knowledge and his interests, truly the apple of his eye.
However the moment he sees you with someone else, he decides it can’t be.
It, you and him, the object of his desires and the apple in the garden of eden. Something he craves so desperately, something he doesn’t believe can ever happen.
Really, it’s not you. If it was you, it wouldn’t be so hard to pretend you weren’t there. Like compass pin finding north no matter what, Minho’s eyes find you the moment he walks into a room. They’re drawn to you — unnaturally so — and the way his heart soars exponentially high the moment they meet your own? It’s not right, as though he’s falling off the edge of a cliff, horribly fast and overwhelming and although he knows he’s going to meet his death, he can’t help but enjoy the adrenaline that shoots through his body.
But perhaps Minho doesn’t know as much as he thinks he does. His immediate failure at avoiding you proves so.
He looks at you, standing there with someone else, and his whole body seems to drop. You’re not even doing anything, nothing more than walking side by side, a polite smile on your face, but he feels as though his world is crumbling. Suddenly he is not falling off of the cliff but is the cliff that is crumbling, too fast to keep up with and equally as dangerous.
Yet the moment you break away, your eyes flittering up in his direction, he starts to float. As though the butterflies inside his stomach are lifting him up, he smiles — barely, but it’s there — and gives you a little wave. It’s almost shy, fleeting as though he’s nervous, but you seem to eat it up anyway, similarly to how he consumes your reaction.
He’s clinging onto every smile you give him, the way your cheeks grow round with your grin and the crescent moons that break out of your eyes. You’re looking at him as though he is not simply Lee Minho, but the moon that keeps your night sky bright, and he feels like he’s floating in the clouds.
It’s when you begin to talk that everyone can see it. You’re idiots, the both of you, falling helplessly while being hopelessly unaware, but it’s sweet. It’s young, it’s blooming, it’s exhilarating. But you’re both so blinded by the other that you can’t see the simple things, the hearts in his eyes as he looks at you, the way you always seem to be outside of his class when he’s leaving.
Minho tries to ignore you; it’s impossible, it was never going to work. But he thinks, the more rational, small voice in the back of his head, that allowing you to ruin his life and send him smiles from across the room is at least a little bit better.
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sgt-farron · 1 year
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hunkydorkling · 1 year
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HAPPY (late) HOLIDAYS, @ohnoitsthebat!! 🎄✨
I tried so hard to:
not post anything about this present because I know you were always online
get all the details down to a T (with a couple of errors) (probably)
make it in time for the deadline for @cksecretsanta22, would you look at that
and now that I'm revealing myself, I do hope you love this ol' thing! I wanted it to be as close as how you'd written your oneshot. If you ever decide to continue that, I'd be delighted to read it. I hope this year is as great as you make it. Thank you for being you.
(Here's the link to their fic!)
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invisi-idol · 4 months
mlp - masc fluttershy nput !
requested by : 🎭 anon
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₊˚⊹⋆ names :
dex , dez , declan , diego , daniel , dane , dean , sean / shawn , fawn , fern , fable , linus , lionel , lain , orion , manny
₊˚⊹⋆ pronouns :
h^ / h^m
fly / flys , forest / forests , grass / grass' , green / greens , bud / buds , bun / buns , bird / birds , kind / kinds , leaf / leafs , tree / trees , chirp / chirps , sky / skys , shy / shys
🐦 / 🐦s , 🦊 / 🦊s , 🐇 / 🐇s , 🦔 / 🦔s , 🪶 / 🪶s
₊˚⊹⋆ usernames :
flutter_boy , chirpchirp , prunedpegasus , naturesponie , elementofkindness
₊˚⊹⋆ titles :
( prn ) who is full / the element of kindness , the nature pony / pegasus , the helpful / friendly ( noun ) , ( prn ) with the kind soul / heart , the butterfly
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rainc0at-extras · 5 months
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Hear The Harmony Only When It's Harming Me // Chapter 2 - Arpeggio - Mark Hoffman lives above Peter Strahm. His neighbour's hobby? Playing the fucking piano. Needless to say, it drives him fucking mad. - Mark Hoffman/Peter Strahm, Angelina Acomb, Lindsey Perez, Alternate Universe - Pianist, Alternate Universe - Neighbours.
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Currently thinking about him being one of those people with severe ragweed allergies who is allergic to chamomile tea as a result,,,, especially since he mostly drinks coffee I feel like this could be an unwelcome discovery for him perhaps
hello! i emerge once again from my writing hell cave to post another little fic because this prompt is SO GOOD. i had to write something for it i just had to (also SORRY for the kinda rubbish ending i got really tired please forgive me xx)
oh ALSO this is supposed to be set like. during/after season 2? but no worries if you haven't watched it cause there's no spoilers
tea (in which i f*ck with k/az b/rekker's dignity for the millionth time)
It was the morning after one of those encounters K/az always referred to as a “negotiation” - more of a brawl, some would say, but who was to disagree with K/az B/rekker - and the five crows were slumped, exhausted, on the seats of a booth in a small, dingy tavern. The not-so-comfortable silence was only broken by a loud growl from J/esper’s stomach. He raised his hands in mock surrender as K/az glared daggers at him. I/nej nudged N/ina with her elbow.
“Let’s order something, yeah?” she asked pointedly. N/ina nodded enthusiastically.
“Oh, yes, please,” N/ina replied, eyes lit up, “I could devour three plates of waffles after last night.”
“I’ll have what she’s having,” J/esper said. He looked down at W/ylan, who looked as though he were about to fall asleep on the taller man’s shoulder. “So will he.”
I/nej turned to K/az. “And for you?” she asked.
“Coffee. Black,” he said shortly. I/nej raised her eyebrows.
“You’re not eating?” Kaz shook his head.
Nina snorted. “Suit yourself, then.” She looped her arm in Inej’s and they made their way to the bar.
Kaz sighed and leaned back in his seat, stretching his bad leg out under the table. Jesper regarded him as he did so.
“You alright, boss? Took a pretty hard hit last night,” he said.
The dark-haired man nodded. “That merch got what he had coming. That’s all that matters.”
“Right,” Jesper agreed. The three of them sat quietly for a while, waiting for Inej and Nina to return. When they finally did, they were holding a tray of drinks.
“The food will be another few minutes,” Inej said as she set each mug onto the table before its recipient. Kaz looked down at his own and nearly laughed.
“What is that?”
“They didn’t have any coffee left. The next shipment isn’t till midday, so we just got the next best thing.”
“Next best thing?” Kaz was looking incredulously at her, “I don’t even know what that is.”
Inej sighed. “That is chamomile tea. And it will do you some good.”
“Something else to fuel him that isn’t caffeine and vengeance,” Jesper said with a snort. Wylan snickered from beside him.
Kaz simply rolled his eyes. The sweet aroma of the tea wafted into his face. It was pleasant, he supposed, though it did settle a faintly familiar tingle in his sinuses. Before he could ponder it further, a barmaid came to their table, arms laden with steaming dishes of waffles - Nina was practically drooling. The sickly, syrupy scent made Kaz grimace, so he settled for a single sip of the yellow-tinted tea in front of him. How bad can it be? Inej drinks this all the time, he thought. Not something he could drink on the regular, but tolerable for now. It was nice, a warm, floral taste that spread throughout his mouth… and nose, apparently? That faint tingle quickly became a fervent tickle, and Kaz’s breath caught quietly. He rubbed roughly at his nose with one gloved hand. The constant waft of steam from the tea wasn’t helping the tickle die down at all, in fact, it was only fuelling the fire. What the hell? he thought, as his nose burned fiercer. Before he knew it, Kaz was ducking down in the little room he had between himself and the table with a heavy sneeze.
“hehH’DJSHHh!” A chorus of ‘bless you’s sounded from around the table. He didn’t even have time to roll his eyes before his breath snagged again, this time much more vocally. “haAh-ehH’dDJSHHhiew!”
Four more ‘bless you’s, this time each with a hint of amusement. Kaz sniffled softly and rubbed at his nose again. The tickle was still wreaking havoc in his nose, and he hadn’t a clue why. He knew he wasn’t getting sick - he felt totally fine, and it wasn’t like he could pin it on an allergy. The only things that really bothered him were dust and that awful ragweed plant that seemed to ruin his life (and dignity) every fall, but this was… a cup of tea. To say he was confused would be an understatement. 
“You coming down with somethi-” Jesper began to ask. Kaz cut him off with a third harsh sneeze.
“-ehHiihH’dDSHHhiew! Fucking hell…”
“I’ll take that as a yes, then,” Jesper said, “Bless you, again, by the way.”
Kaz shot him a hazy glare. “I’m not. I’m fine. I don’t know what the hell this is,” he said shortly. Barely moments after he’d finished speaking, he was overcome with the incessant need to sneeze once again.
“Oh, Saints -hehH’dDJISHHhiew! hah-hAHh’JSHHhuh!” Kaz could feel four sets of eyes trained on him as he emerged from the crook of his elbow, some watching in amusement, some in concern. His breath caught, again. In annoyance, Kaz pressed his nose into his sleeve and prepared for the incoming. A sharp hitch, then… nothing. He sniffled tentatively, but with no result, so he gingerly removed his face from his arm. His eyes met Jesper’s across the table, whose mouth was tilted in a smirk.
“Sounds like a repeat scenario of that posh knob’s closet, eh Nina?” he said, elbowing her. Kaz looked at him incredulously. “Oh, yeah, I’ve been told all about that little incident,” Jesper winked, “I should have liked to be there. Shame I missed out on all the fun.”
Kaz was about to spit a snarky reply, but got cut off by the rapid rise in intensity of the burn in his sinuses. He lifted his arm to his face again, breath stuttering. 
“hehh… hahHiiihh-!” His eyelids fluttered uncharacteristically with each hitch of his breath, his shoulders rose, and his nostrils flared in irritation. Still nothing. He could tell everyone else had averted their eyes so as to avoid embarrassing him - but he was mortified enough already. Kaz inhaled slowly through his nose and felt traces of the chamomile’s scent sneak their way into his nostrils. The tickle burned deeper. He was on the precipice, the very brink, of a well-needed sneeze, but he just couldn’t seem to-
“hah-heHh’dDJHSSHHhiew! -ahH’JSZZSHh! heHH’DJSHHIEew!” 
“Could this possibly be the best thing I have ever witnessed?” Jesper asked, eyebrows lifted. 
Kaz was breathless. “I don’t get it. What the hell is this?”
Wylan’s brows were furrowed for a moment, then his eyes widened. “The tea,” he said simply.
“What?” said Kaz, looking up from his arm.
“Well, you’re pretty badly allergic to ragweed, aren’t you?” Wylan asked. Kaz said nothing. “Um,” Wylan cleared his throat, “you are. Allergic, that is. Badly.”
The taller man averted his eyes. 
“The, uh, well, the chamomile plant is a relative, you could say, of ragweed. And obviously you only really drink coffee, so you haven’t ever really been, well, exposed to this. So, that’s probably what’s making you so-”
Wylan nodded.
“Perfect timing,” laughed Jesper. 
Wordlessly, Kaz pushed the offending cup of tea away from him, sniffling softly still. Jesper was sure he’d never seen him looking so annoyed yet so pathetic in his life. 
Inej piped up, “I suggest we get rid of that.” She gestured towards the mug. Before anyone could say anything, Kaz was already out of his seat and striding towards the stairs of the tavern. A single muffled sneeze sounded from halfway up the steps before the rhythmic clunk of his cane continued and eventually faded from earshot.
“Got rid of the wrong mug, Inej,” Jesper said with a shrug. Wylan snorted with laughter into his waffles, and even Inej herself cracked a smile.
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brokenstar-s · 4 months
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Finally finished Dogma and Lemon! For @whatislifewithoutangst from their amazing story Double Life!
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