#how you've brightened my day after such a gloomy start i had
sacersanguis · 2 years
TFW you find out your favourite fic has been updated>>>>>
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*fic in question is Bloodletting by TheResurrectionist.....🥺🥺🥺 superbat mandalorian star wars au I love despite having zero knowledge of mandalorian or star wars~
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 4 months
PALentines day 💋
Bale!Bruce Wayne x reader drabble <3
A/N: we all know about Valentines day, we've beard about Galentines day, now get ready for Palentines day!! A day to celebrate the most platonic of friendships... most of the time.
(I'm sorry that this is so short, I've been trying to write some shorter stuff lately <3)
~Fi 🐝
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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Friends. That's what you were. The friendliest, most platonic tier of friends. Okay, you were good friends. You did hang out a lot, and it was always fun. Maybe best friends is a better term. You went to each other for advice and whatever was on your mind, always having someone to confide in.
Bruce was the best best friend, which is why he stood in front of your door with a overly dramatic bouquet of flowers and a disgustingly expensive box of chocolates.
Because, if your friend doesn't have a valentine, you step up and make them a little surprise to brighten their day! ... right? This isn't weird. No, he's just being a good friend, that's all.
At least that's what he told himself when his brows furrowed and a subtle feeling of regret started to seep into his bones. He hated how much this felt like he was actually taking you out and not like a thoughtful gesture you'd get from a friend.
And it didn't help his case of being madly in love with you, either. He hated himself for how much he liked this, being able to pretend that you were more than just friends for even a split second. That he was able to do what he's been wanting to do for years; show you just how much you truly mean to him.
Bruce has had a gray, dull and gloomy life. Everything seemed to go wrong for him, throwing him deeper and deeper into emotional ruin. But then you came along and made everything just that little bit more bearable. You were like his little ray of sunshine that broke through the heavy clouds and make him see the beautiful colors of the world again.
And he knows that he can never give you back just how much you've given him, but some flowers and a box of pralines are the steps in the right direction... right? Jesus Christ, what was he doing? He's just your best friend. God, this IS weird.
And for a beat, he'd actually thought about turning straight on his heel and sinking into a pit of shame once he was back in the privacy of his own home. Bruce huffed in frustration at himself. He'd been standing in front of your door like this, like an idiot, for the past 10 minutes and still hadn't found the courage to knock.
The crease between his brows softened. What if... you appreciated his gesture? What if, this was exactly what you needed after a rough week. Just someone thinking of you. And, what if... you felt the same? A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, along with a pinch in his heart.
Bruce wanted nothing more than for it to be true, to know that you've been loving him just as he's been loving you. He was never a fan of hope, but that's all his lovesick heart was filled with now. Overflowing with the desperate hope that he has the chance to make you his and treat you like the treasure you are.
He had the urge to fall to his knees before you and just let everything spill out, how you made his life better in every way, and that he was but a man who couldn't help but fall for his guardian angel.
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《Tag list》: @allysunny @certifiedredhoodlover @hellonheels-x @gaozorous-rex-blog
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loyaltylanced · 1 year
1010 words under the cut. Small warning for the brief, implied death of a child.
" Why am I here, again? "
" Well... You are the weigher of souls, sir. "
" She's a child. She hasn't lived long enough to damn herself to hell. "
The child in question is quickly lifted up, held close. It's -- not quite upsetting, it happens all the time, but rather -- somber, every time he has to do this. One little life, cut so short. She seems entranced by everything, the vivid greenery, the nature around them, and there's something so innocent in it that Michael has to find the amusement in it.
He shoots the other angel a stern look, regardless.
" You can easily be replaced. Don't bother me with something so trivial again. "
The petrified look on his face is almost satisfying.
He steps away then, starts in and toward the countless doors that line the hallways. An idle wave of his hand, some long-forgotten motion that's more of a reflex, and another appears at the end of their walk. For her part, the child is quiet, finding whatever little thing grabs her attention. Babbling softly to herself, perhaps trying to make sense of this.
What a curious thing it must be. She'd barely had time to make sense of her world, and now -- well, adults can barely comprehend the sweet hereafter. He cannot imagine what it's like for a child.
He sets her down, kneels down to her level. " Is there anything you've always wanted? Something you've always wanted to be? To do? "
She ponders this. " I wanna be a dragon, " she whispers, as if it's some big secret; as if her mortal identity hangs in the balance.
To his credit, Michael hums in thought. " What kind of dragon? "
" Big and strong. Strong enough to protect the kingdom! " She's beaming, clapping her small hands together gleefully.
" I'm sure you'll be the strongest dragon there is, " he assures. It's a relatively simple ask, a little reality warping here and there. A small smile turns the corner of his lips, and he leans in, matches her enthusiasm. " Would you like to breathe fire? "
She gasps, delighted.
" Yeah! And I wanna fly, like you! "
A glance to his own wings, then. A brief movement, almost a flutter, and a raised eyebrow at her. She giggles, nodding.
" Like that! "
" I think I can arrange that. " He looks up to the door, smiles almost wistfully. He stands, a palm presses against the cold steel. A beat of concentration, a glow around his hand, and he looks back down to her. She's taken to clinging to his leg, attention rapt on the door.
" Whoa. Are you magic? "
" Something like that. " She looks at him, suspicious.
" Like a witch? " He has to stop the snort of amusement. Oh, if only she knew.
" I suppose. But not like the wicked witches in fairytales, the good kind. " She seems to accept that.
" Like the fairy godmother! "
He does snort, this time. It's quiet, and she seems not to notice. " Are you ready? " He lifts her again, gestures to the door with his head.
" Are my mama and daddy gonna be there? " She's so quiet, tentative, and his heart would break if the archangel had one.
" In time. Do you think you can keep the kingdom safe until they arrive? " She brightens, as if given a task akin to Atlas. She nods, very seriously, and it's almost amusing how her head looks like it's about to pop off her shoulders.
" Uh huh! I'll be so brave! "
" I know you will. " It's quiet, soothing, and he steps over the threshold with her. It's like stepping into a scene from a storybook; all bright colors and whimsy, castles and knights on horses. A gloomy forest, dreary, and yet -- still that fairytale feel. Her eyes light up.
" This is just like in the book Mama used to read to me! "
" I'm glad, " he murmurs. There's always something so imaginitive about someone's personal heaven; something so human. It's so simple to appease her, and he supposes he shouldn't be surprised -- after all, not a day ago her biggest worry in her life had been whether or not her parents would read her one more book before she went to sleep.
And yet.
" Dragons live in castles. "
She's looking pointedly at his wings, enraptured and curious in the same note. A chuckle, and Michael readjusts her in his arms. " Is that right? " They move of their own accord, spread like he's going to take flight. He will, but he's giving her the warning.
She's absolutely giddy.
Angel flight is usually instantaneous, but he allows her to take the lead, explore the fanciful world that she's created. It has its own charm, and she seems pleased enough with it. She tugs at his wing, much like the rein on a horse, and he lands down on the top of the castle.
" You can always change things if you like, you know. Forever is a long time to be a dragon. "
She considers this.
" Yeah, but that's okay. " A tilt of his head. " When I wanna be something else, I'll just call you! "
He doesn't have the heart to tell her that's not how it works. He nods instead, thoughtfully.
She looks down, serious, like she's picked up on it. " -- You'll come back, right? When you bring Mama and Daddy? "
The nod is much more decisive this time.
" When they're ready. " She looks unconvinced, for a moment, and he supposes he can't blame her -- it will be years and years before either of her parents join her. Such is the frailty of life. " I promise. In the meantime -- " A glance around, exaggerated, that same reassuring smile returning to his face. " I think this castle could use a dragon. "
She's practically bouncing on her feet, that childish excitement over getting to be the dragon in the storybook overtaking her once again.
" I'm ready! "
It's simple, the boop of his finger to her nose; and as she starts to sprout wings, Michael takes that as his cue to leave. This is not his story to play out, after all.
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yutaeki · 1 year
A date with Nilou
 (A date with Nilou)
This day seemed especially boring and dull. It was gloomy and dark, so I decided to go to the Grand Bazaar. Paimon scurried behind me while I was walking down the stairs, we went past a few stalls and bought some snacks, after that sat down to have a little snack break.
We were eating when Nilou suddenly appeared right behind me, having the brightest and most adorable smile I've ever seen.
“Hello Traveller! Do you mind if I sit next to you?” I shaked my head as she sat down close next to me, she fixed her hair , looked at me and smiled, I blushed a bit and continued munching down on my Coconut Charcoal Cake. Nilou stared at me and giggled while handing me a napkin as she said: “You've got it all on your face silly!” “You seem to be in a bad mood, is something off?”
I nodded and explained to her how everything seems boring and dull, and while it seemed like something was missing, the weather seemed gloomy as well. “The weather and our moods are the same - they can both get gloomy. It's all right, though, because the sky will become even brighter after the rain.”
I talked to her about my recent problems for a bit while offering her some food, everything seemed to brighten up after that and I stood up preparing to leave, I decided to ask Nilou to tag along as she has been with me for the whole morning now, so we packed our things and set off.
I decided to make this a fun and memorable day for her for everything she’s done, so I decided to take her to Liyue, it was the day of the lantern rite after all! We went to Sumeru’s dock and set sail.
While on the ship, Nilou got seasick and passed out on my lap. I instantly turned bright red while my heart pounded like crazy. I didn't know what to do so I just stayed still. The cool breeze of the wind blew by while the boat was moving forward. I thought about what Nilou said earlier about moods and smiled to myself.
By the time we arrived it was already night and the stalls were very crowded. Luckily I had enough mora to bring her to Wanmin restaurant for a good meal. I ordered us some Triple-Layered Consommé , Almond Tofu and some Wolfhook juice for refreshments.
We enjoyed the meal while around us were thousands of lanterns in the sky, swarming half of the night’s view!
I decided to bring her to the Jade Chamber for the best view of the festival! We held each other’s hand while jogging towards Bu'yun to bring us to it. 
We sat down at the edge of the Jade Chamber looking at the view of the night sky with lanterns all around. I took a glance at Nilou and saw her beautiful glistening eyes glowing with happiness and hope.
“I really like being with you. I don't know why, but it feels like a butterfly is trying to burst out of my chest…”
After she said that, I held her hand even tighter, not wanting to let go of her or the moment, hoping this will last forever. Eventually it got late and we were about to leave, But before that, we had one more destination to go to, and that was the Heyu tea house. We arrived and we were just in time for Yunjin’s opera performance. I waved at Yunjin then it started, Nilou watched with inspiration in her eyes. Seeing her happy made me grin. As we watched the performance, we had tea and chatted.
Yunjin saw Nilou staring at her with excitement, so after the opera they came up to each other to chat. Nilou introduced herself to Yunjin before she invited Nilou to go on stage. Nilou got nervous for a second and brought me along on stage, for a second I was confused but then she said:
“Since we’re in a festival, why not have one final dance before we leave?”
I gathered up my courage and followed her dance, she looked at me and giggled while I was struggling to follow, she spun and fell into my arms, I froze, smiled, and continued to dance in the night. Everyone clapped and we bowed, preparing to leave the stage.It was time to head home.
Nilou fell on my lap once again on the ship, but this time I felt warm and fuzzy instead of nervous. We slowly set sail for Sumeru… I tried waking her up after we arrived, but she passed out…again so I carried her back to her place and went home to tuck in Paimon. I passed out from exhaustion….
I woke up to a note on my front door, it was from Nilou, asking for another date sometime soon…  
I’d be happy to accept.
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cannellee · 2 months
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୨୧ alpha! mikey x omega! reader x alpha! south (part 2 : reader pregnant with south's kid)
— you finally move on from mikey and get courted by south. turns out mikey is definitely not over you and tries to get you back by beating up his rival (smut)
cw : yandereish (more mikey than south), smut (both mikey and south, separately), mikey's a huge red flag ( slight angry/jealous sex)
my masterlist : ☆
(requested : you can see the details at the end of the post.) (GOD, I'm so glad I've finally managed to write this entirety, i had so much trouble doing so. kept lacking motivation and inspiration... + it's actually so bad pls forgive me)
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you decided to leave and never look back, not a single memo to inform him of your departure. you were sure he wouldn't care, or at least, he wouldn't make any effort to actually come and get you back.
mikey changed. and for the worst. you've been putting up with him out of loyalty and worry for his degrading state. but you couldn't take his emotionless and avoidant behaviour anymore. it was all too much and with how little he was opened to discussion, you felt trapped and knew your relationship was going nowhere.
you turned your back to your shared apartment, empty and gloomy and told yourself you were not going to regret that decision.
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that was two months ago. you now had finally settled in your own studio after spending weeks and weeks at your parents' house. you hadn't received any news from mikey and although it pained you, you knew it was for the best.
you tried going out more since your friends advised it was better to take your mind off of mikey. you got a small job and avoided staying alone.
and that's when you met him.
south was an unbelievably tall and scary-looking alpha. one slap from him would have sent you flying across the room, that's what you thought when you first saw him.
you had been working as a cashier for the past few weeks in a convenience store. you had to make money to support your studies and it offered you the perfect amount of time to let you do some homework between breaks and empty hours.
alcohol always was south's first pick. he would throw his bottle on the counter, roughly shoving the money he owed in front of you. you had learned to not get surprised anymore by his violent exterior and quickly figured out that weaklings like you didn't interest him.
south and you had found a little routine as he was your only customer most of the day. he came everyday at the exact same hours to buy the exact same drink. you didn't exchange a word but you didn't feel threatened by how imposing he was as his demeanour subconsciously made it clear to you that he would not harm you.
you had seen him fight other thugs outside of your store and immediately got shivers at how bloody it got.
after that incident, south started to spend more time around like he owned the place, often inviting around your store, the closest members of what you assumed to be his gang, considering their uniforms. what used to be your peacefully quiet store, soon turned into an open hideout for him and his meetings.
your rare clients soon became non-existent and south quickly became your only visitor of the day.
despite being surrounded by countless of young alphas, none of them ever crossed the door, they all remained outside while south got his usual drink.
you started getting familiar after he beat up some men who were desperately trying to wreck your shop, probably trying to get revenge for south or something. your shop quickly became known as his domain and some reckless alphas tried to take it by force.
you had thanked him and had you not noticed his eyes brightening just a little, you would have thought having you make a small talk was bothering him.
after the both of you got more comfortable, you started hanging out. south would walk you home after your shift, calloused hands offering to carry your bag. he was quite the eccentric man and talked boldly of his interests, asking you to do the same.
you soon went from fragile omega to potential mate he wants to protect in south's mind. he didn't know when the shift happened, all he knew is that he unknowingly claimed you as his own, even before he realised his feelings.
south was a very instinct-driven alpha and the daily proximity with a vulnerable omega so close to danger each day, made him extra careful. he usually didn't pay any mind to omegas, preferring to fight with other alphas and measure his strength. but he felt an uncomfortable tingling sensation whenever you weren't in his field of view since he knew thugs liked to hang out around your store.
he quickly made it his own place, warning any strangers they were definitely not welcomed. he used it as his chance to court you more boldly, giving off a more assertive look and flirting with more panache. his confidence made your cheeks burn and it didn't help that he would occasionally call you sweet names as a 'joke'.
none of you would have predicted such a turn of events. but it seemed you and south had more in common than people thought and you formed a nice pair with good chemistry.
tension always felt heavy in the air and you wondered who would be the one to make the first move. and you quickly got your answer after a particularly hectic day.
you soon found yourself in a dark alley, cornered by his big arms and musky scent : a nice mix of cold tobacco and citrus. he kissed you roughly, hands pawing at the flesh of your ass in hurried touches.
he inhaled you deeply ; the new proximity felt just right. regardless, south refused to support the idea people had of him, he who was seen as nothing more but a beast. he refused to take you in the cold and dark streets and took you home instead. he carried you like you weighed nothing and you both crossed familiar places before finally arriving in the safety of his house.
south was strangely soft, albeit a few provocative words here and there.
he made sure to reassure you, whispering in the shell of your ear. " 'm gonna take good care of you omega".
and he did. he started slowly, not wanting to rush you and preferring to take his time getting to know your body and sweet spots. he licked and kissed your neck, left trails of wet kisses along your jaw and collarbone, occasionally biting your soft skin and leaving light bruises.
when it soon became too much, you let out needy whines, earning you a mocking laugh and a "what do you need baby? mmh.. you need to tell me", you watched as his head emerged from between your legs, weak hands holding his hair.
"i want you south, please don't tease" you felt shy as you muttered the words and begged him some more, as if getting more lucid of this depraved scene.
your naked form beneath him felt like the sweetest candy, and he wouldn't let you go until he had lapped all your juices. but he recognised your distress and decided to show mercy to his poor and desperate omega.
"of course baby, I'll give you what you want. no more teasing" he chuckled at how cute you looked and caged you once again, arms on each side of your head before slowly sliding inside your entrance. south was being extra careful despite your wetness preventing anything from hurting.
when he finally started moving, he attacked you with tender kisses, letting his hips work for both of your orgasms. you meekly hugged him back, crying from pleasure was all you could do and all south was gonna let you do.
he swore your sweet little cries came from heaven and your pretty face and brows furrowed from how good he fucked you, fuelled his ego like nothing before. it felt so great taking care of his delicate omega that way, showing her how he was the only who could make her feel that way.
when he came inside you, his grasp grew possessive and his low, rough grunts helped you finish as well.
he cradled you in his arms, not pulling out and simply enjoying the pleasant quietness of the room, filled with nothing but your pants.
your scent had been replaced by his definitely. and after this night, you knew your sugary pheromones were going to be an old memory for anyone who wasn't south. he'd make sure he was the only one able to smell your most intimate scent and smother you with his once you crossed the door.
his lovely embrace soothed your worries away and not once since you met him, did the thought of mikey cross your mind. south treated you well and his intimidating appearance chased people away, leaving you out of trouble.
he had great patience and made sure to take it slow, knowing how fast you could become anxious and insecure.
south was a great boyfriend, the perfect alpha, and mikey was sure as hell, not able to even compete with him in that area.
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it's been two weeks since you and south officially started dating, and something felt wrong.
it all felt perfect the first few days that you nearly forgot just who you were dealing with : a literal thug with a real gang under his commands.
you felt him avoid your questions and watched as he went out longer while never telling you what he was up to.
south knew you were growing more distressed the more time passed and you didn't receive any proper explanation. but it was nothing compared to the pain you would feel if you happened to learn that your boyfriend was involved in an extremely serious conflict with your ex-boyfriend.
he decided to keep you in the dark to deal with him and wished things would go back to normal once their final battle had passed.
it was set at the end of the week. south mentally pleaded you to take it a little longer and he promised himself he would explain it all to you once he had gotten rid of his most threatening enemy in all fields, both fighting and love.
he often wondered if mikey knew of your newly formed romance and what he would think and do once he learned about it. even if you were dead sure mikey didn't care about you at all, south didn't share the same opinion and felt an uncomfortable dreadful feeling creeping up his chest each time he thought of what mikey was capable of.
he had to dispose of him. and quick.
he swallowed the guilt in his throat as he kissed you goodbye and once again ignored your pained expression of pure betrayal. you thought he was turning out just like mikey, whereas south only had your relationship in mind, desperate to do anything to keep it and you safe from him.
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mikey was not someone who could think clearly and rationally when confronted with the harsh reality. coming home to your absence hit him deep in the guts.
he did expect you to come back eventually, like you always did, with an apologetic smile on your face and tears of relief upon seeing him accept your hug.
but this time you didn't.
your absence hung heavy in the empty room of his apartment and he never felt such distress. was it too much for you ? did his avoidance really drive you away once and for all ? worries kept circling inside his head and they only worsened after catching you hanging out with some nobody.
out of anybody, you just had to choose him ?
he watched from a distance as you excitedly jumped around him, small arms embracing his as you did so many times with mikey. the way you looked at south made him sick with jealousy, as if you had erased him completely from your heart.
the way you seemed to move on so easily from him disturbed him. but most of all, he felt anger consuming him seeing how south responded to your affection.
he'd look at you lovingly and smother you with tender touches as if you were made of glass. you seemed to like it. was it how you liked to be treated ? like a mindless prey in need of care ? mikey could give you that. mikey could remind you of your place.
he admitted he hasn't been the most attentive alpha recently, but he'd make it up to you. he swore he'd make you realise how unworthy south was.
most importantly, he had to take care of him, his impudent rival who touched his omega even though he was clearly aware that you belonged to him.
mikey was going to show you how much he loved you by fighting for you.
he needed to get you back, and violence was the only effective way he knew to get what he wanted.
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"w-what's going on ?", you hesitantly stepped out, watching in confusion both men facing each other.
you had followed your boyfriend all the way to a deserted place by the port. the gang gathering you were met with was not unusual at all and almost convinced you to go back home. that was until two familiar figures emerged from two different gangs, seemingly preparing for sometime way too serious to your liking.
you grew more and more confused at the appearance of the two men, completely clueless as to what they had in mind, what they wanted and why the hell they looked so thirsty for blood.
shock didn't even allow you to think properly and you couldn't think of a reasonable answer as to why south had kept you out of such important matters when he knew your story with mikey.
you couldn't hear them because of how far you were, but you swore you heard your name being shouted by mikey.
you couldn't dare move, not with how lost you were, how unsure you felt. you weren't used to violence, both south and mikey had made sure to keep you out of their business, and seeing them ready to tear each other's throat out of all people mad you sick in the stomach.
you remained at your spot for a good while, cringing at the way they hit each other with the intent to destroy.
you felt scared and couldn't move a muscle. but when mikey's ascendancy forced south down, all defeated and beaten up, you couldn't take it anymore, fearing something worse than a simple trip to the hospital.
you forcefully pushed the crowd of people aside, making way for you to reach the circle filled with the two alphas you came to love.
"south ! what's wrong, are you okay ?" you cried out as your intervention forced the fight to pause. running up to him, you threw your hands to his broken nose, blood dripping like water. he had a swollen eye and bruises everywhere, needless to say he was suffering a lot.
he only breathed heavily, not even able to answer you. still, he remained stood up, eyes unwavering and never leaving the other.
you aggressively turned around, harshly staring at the cause of such injuries.
"mikey ! what the hell is wrong with you ?!" you cradled south's face in your soft hands, worryingly examining him.
mikey's eye twitched, every fiber of his being hating his omega touching the skin of another alpha.
"y/n... you shouldn't be here, that's dangerous." while swallowing his anger, he took a few steps towards you, hands softly extending to you, only to be stopped by your furious voice.
"what's happening between the two of you ?!" mikey stopped in his tracks, gentle eyes now glaring at the alpha you so cautiously held. you were upset and mikey knew it was all because of that man you had taken a liking for.
but he also knew it happened simply because he hadn't been giving you the attention you needed, while south did. if you came back to him and he changed his behaviour, it was all too clear in his mind that you'll come to crave him again.
"y/n." you looked up to a stern mikey who wanted nothing more than to tear you away from the big hand of south enveloping your forearm.
he calmly walked up to the both of you and you tensed, unable to read his expression and fearing for your boyfriend's safety.
mikey gently took your hand in his, forcing you apart from south. he helped you up, swiftly kicking south in the gut to make him let go of his grip on you. it was too fast, you didn't even see him move.
you gasped as he bent over, coughing blood. it was a sight like you had never seen before, your boyfriend, who was unreasonably strong, didn't even stand a chance against mikey. if he couldn't protect you from him, then what would happen of you ?
mikey felt your distress and forced your eyes away from the unpleasant scene before you. he had no trouble manhandling you now that you were in such a state of shock.
your trembling hand was holding his arm like a lifeline and he brought his own to you nape, slowly massaging it and applying pressure to your vulnerable scent glands, forcing your body to visibly relax.
"I'm doing that for us y/n. you felt upset and left me, I'm only making up for my mistakes. don't cry like that" you had no choice but to accept his kisses, not daring to move even a muscle.
you hadn't realised tears were flooding your face until he brought his hand to wipe them in what would have been comforting if it weren't for the current situation.
horror filled you as south managed to get up again even with all the blood covering him. you wanted to yell at him to stay put and give up, but knew him better than that. he wouldn't listen to you and fight until he couldn't anymore.
"fuck- you're crazy..., think I'm- I'm just gonna hand her over to you?" his faltering form met the floor again in a second, mikey ignoring him and simply kicking him in the face.
"y/n, since youre here we'll just make it easier for everyone. come over here and leave him, you dont need him" he kept going, smiling softly at you as if there wasn't south's weakened state at your feet and as if he wasn't two seconds away from murdering someone.
"mikey please, what are you saying...?" your wide eyes looked up to him, pleading him, along with the most peaceful and vulnerable scent you could let off.
"l-leave her alone you sick fuck..., she broke up with you out of her own free will. she doesn't want you anymore and I don't- and I don't plan on giving her up to you"
this time mikey seemed annoyed, but did nothing to him.
"y/n, you know what's best for you and you know I'll get you back by all means. I'll kill your little friend if you don't stop denying my feelings"
your breath quickened, sugary scent turning sour and bitter. you tried to keep mikey by your side, gripping his arm desperately. but he only removed them with a reassuring smile while moving you away from a few meters.
"y/n, stay behind and don't move. I'll finish this quickly so we can go back home and catch up for the wasted time", while completely disregarding your emotions, he kissed your forehead, talking to you like he was your saviour.
he tackled south to the ground, easily throwing punch after punch, and you watched in horror.
mikey seemed to be in a haze, absolutely uncaring of anybody's state and health, not even your own right now.
fighting always felt like an out of body experience for mikey, unable to control what he was doing and completely giving in to his urges. but now it was worse. he was beating up the alpha who had been brave enough to court and fuck you. the satisfaction he felt upon seeing him destroyed was indescribable. that was his way of slowly claiming you back.
but that wasn't how you felt about the situation.
you looked around you, hoping to find someone on your side and willing to stop mikey. but you were only met with scared faces and other bloody fights. none of them would ever be carzy enough step out and save south.
so you ran to them, throwing yourself to mikey's side who was sitting on south's torso. you grabbed his fists easily as he didn't want to risk injuring you.
"mikey ! mikey stop ! you're going too far, he's already almost unconscious, what even is the point of doing this ?!"
"y/n. stay outside of it. I'll teach him a lesson so that he never even dares to look at what's mine anymore."
at this point, south wasn't even moving anymore. he took all the hits mikey gave him without any sound, face unrecognisable with how disfigured he was.
members from both gangs had stopped their fight to watch, holding their breath upon witnessing the one-sided battle.
"mikey leave him be, you're killing him!"
but he didn't listen, calmly pushing you away, spreading strong pheromones to make you submit and obey. you covered your nose and took deep breaths, mustering all your willpower to not simply walk away as he had instructed you to.
and one desperate attempt after the other, you had no choice anymore.
south was lying like a corpse under mikey who didn't seem like he had any intention of stopping. and begging for south's life only seemed to make mikey angrier each time.
"mikey, I'll come back with you okay? just stop what you're doing, please..." you hoped it worked and you felt relief upon seeing him tear his gaze from his victim.
he smiled warmly, contrasting with the splashes of blood on his face and chuckled softly.
"that's right... we're going home again, no more running away" you took that as your cue that it was safe to approach him again now and you quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him to you and off of south.
he followed you after little resistance, letting go of south's collar as you watched his head fall on the ground in a loud 'bang'.
you followed meekly when mikey possessively put his arm on your waist in order to guide you out of the center of the gang fight.
you threw one last glance at south, feeling a little relieved upon seeing his friends rush to him once mikey was out of sight. the others parted way when the both of you approached, avoiding eye contact with you as you walked through the crowd of gangsters.
mikey's pheromones were strong, deterrent, it left no room for arguments. if anybody did have something to say about their leader's predicament or your situation, they chose to stay quiet, for their own safety.
you let mikey drag you like doll, crossing the paths you didn't take for weeks. and there you were, standing at the doorstep of mikey's home which was once your own too.
it felt like everything had changed. you didn't leave for such a long time, but it seemed like your departure had distracted mikey more than you thought.
the curtains were drawn, dust was everywhere and his home didn't have that bright atmosphere you used to bring. it was dull and gloomy, a reflect of mikey's state of mind.
your attention settled on mikey once more when you felt his arms cage your waist from behind, a displeased scent escaping him.
you tensed, presenting your neck to him when he nudged it with his nose. "smell awful. that damn alpha...", he muttered, angry that someone touched his omega so intimately she was reeking of someone else.
"don't worry, I'm gonna make it all better... 'will erase any memory you have of him" you felt his teeth graze your skin, roughly playing with it. you held back and let him do what he wanted, slowly growing meek in his hands.
when he stopped and looked back at his work, he felt proud of the marks he left on your neck. but it wasn't enough, and still feeling unsatisfied he growled against you before easily carrying you to the couch.
once on your back, the heavy tension from earlier seemed to be back. you gulped as mikey looked you up and down with a predatory gaze, making you feel awfully smaller.
"sorry I haven't been treating you good like you deserved. you needed a strong alpha by your side to make you feel safe..." he nuzzled his head against the side of your neck again. it felt gentle, like your old mikey was back, before his occupation got the best of him. for a second, you hoped you would be able to calm him down...
"but you belong to me, running around with some garbage really hurt me y/n... do you know just how i felt during the time you were gone ?" he gripped your waist tighly, making you whine in response. the more he talked, the more scared you grew, unsure as to what his anger would make him do.
"don't worry omega, I'll just show you what nobody else will ever be able to give you"
you didn't even think of south anymore, your predicament stressing you out too much to even have wandering thoughts. you still felt a pang of guilt, but mikey brought you back to reality quickly.
"mikey..." your voice came out in a whisper, worried and confused, your scent begging him to reassure you.
and mikey shouldn't have felt the way he did about your reaction, but your big doe eyes looking up at him expectantly, knowing you were at his mercy, did something to him.
mikey wouldn't hurt you, but the obedience you silently showed him proved just how loyal he could make you. if insisting a little bit was able to turn his little omega into his once love sick and gentle mate, then he would do it. he wanted your old self back, when nobody but him touched you and when his simple presence was enough to send you into a wave of happiness.
with this in mind, he let himself completely succumb to his instincts, letting his hands unbutton your top.
you swallowed a gasp when his hand came in contact with your skin, roughly shoving your bra down your tits. his mouth travelled down your chest, kissing your boob while his hands quickly worked dangerously close to your entrance.
"I'm gonna get rid of those..." he stated firmly, glaring at the hickeys littering your skin that south had left. he was going to make you forget all about him and reaffirm his claim on you, make sure nobody will ever think about wanting you for themselves ever again.
he caressed your thighs before meeting your wet underwear under your skirt. mikey was feeling so high with all those sweet pheromones you let out.
you couldn't help the soft moans, even when mikey was barely grazing your skin. you just felt so deprived of everything, you had tried to play big by leaving him, but in the end, your body craved him.
at least that's what mikey told himself when he took in your intoxicating scent which was calling for him, and your glossy eyes, pleading for more.
sex with mikey was nothing like you experienced with south, and your body grew hot on its own, anticipation making you produce so much slick involuntarily.
he couldn't believe he had actually denied you his attention all this time, especially when he had such a pretty and sensitive omega all for him.
he pushed your panties aside, finally giving you what you wanted. your head was cloudy when he put the first finger inside. he continued his kisses, strong arms cradling you and quickly added more fingers.
the feeling was exhilarating, you don't even remember the last time mikey took care of your pleasure that way, or even embraced you for that matter.
"feels good baby? I'm gonna stretch you nice and wet... get you all ready for me" and you could only nod weakly, body shaking at the sweet torture you were submitting yourself to.
"that's right baby, I'm gonna give you exactly what you need, don't worry...", his hand left your pussy and went up your neck instead, giving it a tight squeeze before softly touching your parted lips. he forced his coated fingers inside your mouth and you eagerly sucked on them, tasting yourself and mikey grunted a few praises, satisfied.
"good omega... now spread your legs for me" he grabbed your neck, this time with the intent of staying there longer. you were too far gone to disobey him now, so you parted your legs on instinct, slightly tensing at the pressure his hands applied on your airways.
he hastily let out his dick from his boxers, muttering a few curse words at your compliance.
when his tip finally met your pussy, you felt desperate, needy for more than just that. and despite how good it felt to see his omega beg and cry for his dick, he didn't drag it out for too long, himself being even more impatient.
his thrusts started fast and rough, uncaring of whether you had adjusted or not. he was pounding into you, any signs of consideration gone the moment his dick slipped inside of your warm walls.
"fuck, I missed this baby... feels so good being inside of you", he moaned into your mouth, loving your fucked out face and biting into your neck any chance he got.
his hips never faltered and fucked you deep and good like you needed. your arms hugged him tenderly, nails digging into his reddened skin.
"you're gonna be good for me and take it, right?" you didn't even have time to respond that mikey already had flipped you on your belly, chest down, head on the pillow and your ass in the air.
mikey took his time to admire you like this, all vulnerable and submissive, waiting for your alpha to wreck you from behind like an animal. and with his omega presenting all sweetly like that, mikey had no choice but to pound that pretty ass of yours.
"god, you love it like this, don't you?" your dignity was nowhere to be found and all you could do was moan dumbly at his words, omega deeply satisfied at how her alpha's attention was solely set on her.
"I'm gonna fuck you until you beg me to stop. need to be reminded of who's in charge" you couldn't see mikey's face anymore, but the sensations didn't even let you open your eyes. you felt him slap your ass a few times, telling you to take it like a good girl.
and it felt too much, too good and too right. mikey was the only who could draw such moans from you by fucking you like a common whore.
the closer mikey got to his release, the more his thoughts wandered, displeasure and jealousy seeping through his veins and into his words.
"fuck, you really love this don't you? doesn't care who's inside as long as they can fuck you good ?" hand prints would definitely decor your ass the morning after when you woke up, but right now, the pain felt so good you didn't even care.
you could only make out a few words from what he was saying. your head was buried in a pillow, you were stupidly drooling from all his pounding, unable to talk correctly.
"fucking whore.. sleeping with any alpha... my omega.." his words grew more incoherent afterwards and you felt him come closer to his high as well yourself.
his cursing and degrading speech shouldn't have made you clench your pussy harder, but it shamelessly did and it sent mikey into pure bliss.
"fuck, I'm so close- take it all baby", he thrusted harder a few times, slower, and finally came inside of you. you welcomed his warm seeds inside gladly, coming right after him. you moaned loudly, pretty face stretching itself into a cute expression of pure pleasure.
it felt so great mikey had successfully managed to make you forget all about the previous events, turning you into a panting and obedient doll.
"so good for me, look at how much you came" he slapped your ass, putting one last claim on your body. you shuddered under his every touch, your orgasm making you extra sensitive.
you didn't move until mikey did, waiting for your alpha's approval before taking any initiative.
mikey made sure to stay burried inside of you long enough for his cum to settle nicely into your womb, instincts wishing for him to breed his little omega.
you smiled weakly when he called you his pretty girl, finally letting you rest against his arms when he felt like you had received enough.
you were ashamed to say that a good pounding was enough to make you forget about south, but it did, and right now you felt so relaxed you couldn't care less.
mikey felt satisfied and proud when he took a deep breath and could only smell his own scent on you, feeling like it was the best achievement of his life.
he now only had to make sure nothing would ever keep you apart from one another. the night wasn't over and mikey intended to tire you out enough to make sure you understood his point.
and if even after that night you still try to defy him, mikey will have no choice but to worsen his behaviour towards others to make you understand that there's no limit to his love and obsession for you.
stay close and obey, or mikey will have to force you into being his devoted and precious omega... he loves you too much to let you go.
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shortestcake · 2 years
Pairings: Vi x reader, Sevika x reader, Caitlyn x Reader (separate)
Pronouns used: none
Gendered terms: pretty girl
Genre: fluff
reader is described to be short, femmine, cutsie and bubbly
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🍓 Vi, although I feel like doesn't have an exact type, definitely enjoys your dynamic.
🍓 Cute little you, walking around the streets of Zaun with a 5'9 brute like her
🍓 She doesn't care too much about her appearance, often completely prepared to go out in under 20 minutes
🍓 You, on the other hand, need to be told a few hours before leaving, so, she ends up watching you with lovey-dovey eyes while you get ready
🍓 Anyone who dares make a snarky remark on how you dress will certainly get their face bashed in
🍓 She often steals clothes from Piltover for you, since she knows how much you struggle to find outfits you like in the Undercity
🍓 Most people view your relationship as an opposites attract situations due not only to your appearance, but personalities
🍓 Little do they know how soft Vi is behind closed doors
🍓 How tightly she holds you each night, how sweetly she looks at you while you ramble about your day, how her mood visibly brightens when she sees you
🍓 As much as she loves holding your waist or slinging an arm around your sholder while you walk, she can't seem to get over the feeling of your delicate hands holding her rough ones
🍓 Vi isn't oblivious to the fact that most people will see you and assume you're weak
🍓 Your cheery attitude and frilly outfits create a ridiculously high contrast to the dark world surrounding you
🍓 Naturally, Vi becomes protective of you
🍓 She glares at anyone who looks at you for over two seconds, prideful when they immediately move their gaze to something else
🍓 Violet melts the first time you stand on your tippy-toes to kiss her
🍓 Ever since, she often refuses to bend down to kiss you, preening in how cute you look when you get needy
🍓 Either that or she'll pick you up, since she likes kissing you far more than teasing you
🍓 Her favourite thing to do after a long day is come home to you, if you're cooking or washing the dishes, she'll walk up behind you and wrap her arms around your waist
🍓 Eventually managing to coax you out of doing any more work, in favor of cuddling her
"C'mon, I know you'd rather snuggle up with me than this. I swear I'll wash them later, 'kay? Good, let's get to bed now sweet-thing."
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🍓 Similar to Vi, Sevika enjoys your dynamic.
🍓 The scary lady of Zawn together with such a cute thing as yourself
🍓 She likes how small you are compared to her
🍓 How she could just pick you up and not struggle in the slightest
🍓 Speaking of, she adores, picking you up, your little suprised yelps never fail to make her grin
🍓 Sevika isn't one to fret over her appearance, doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate the effort you put into yours
🍓 Probably complains about the ridiculous amount of time it takes for you to pick an outfit, but she's only half serious
🍓 Your style isn't very common in the undercity, and it's one of the main things that attracted her to you
🍓 From the second she saw you walking around The Last Drop, she knew she had to know you
🍓 And so, now you spend your time at the infamous bar on Sevika's lap rather than snooping around for god knows what reason
🍓 Soon after you started dating, if she's gambling, you on her lap is a must
🍓 Your personality is something quite refreshing for Sevika
🍓 How excited you get over small things is a nice contrast to the gloomieness she's used to
🍓 She often jokes about how bizarre it seems that you've made it so far in the undercity without any protection
🍓 As light-hearted as these jokes are, Sevika isn't stupid
🍓 She knows that a lot of people consider you an easy target
🍓 So, regardless if you can defend yourself or not, she becomes extremely protective of you
🍓 If you're out together, her touch is a permanent factor
"What? Am I not allowed to hold my pretty girl? No there's no reason behind it, just want to touch you."
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🍓 Caitlyn loves spoiling you
🍓 She takes any chance she gets to buy you anything and everything you like
🍓 The two of you will often probably help doll each other up for events
🍓 Caitlyn is tall
🍓 She's never really thought much about her height until she met you
🍓 When you started holding onto her arm, your much smaller frame leaning into hers while you walk around, is when she really started appreciating your height difference
🍓 Tends to carry things for you, not because she thinks you couldn't by yourself, she just like doing things for you
🍓 Loves it when you cling onto her, you could be cuddling, walking, anything really
🍓 Forehead kisses are her go-to when it comes to showing you affection
🍓 She secretly puts things higher than you can reach on purpose, just so she can have the satisfaction of giving it to you
🍓 Caitlyn is a pretty calm person, so your energy fits hers perfectly
🍓 A large amount of your conversations includes you rambling excitedly while she simply listens
🍓 You're usually on her lap while she's completing paper work, talking about your day
"Mhm, of course I'm still listening love. Just a few more papers and then we can cuddle, how's that sound?"
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[SF] Interdimensional
Somewhere in the late 1890's portals have been opening up on Earth. And so, humans discovered the mysterious creatures from another dimension, The Lurk. Well, in reality, they discovered us. See, in the eyes of Thullians, the sentient life forms residing in the Lurk, our universe was a barren dimension, lacking life. Every ship they sent here found no sign of creatures. Suddenly all our alien based fantasies have dropped for something way more exciting.
Insee opened his eyes. He was on duty today, on Earth, guarding the portals. He wasn't very happy with his job, really. In his childhood he was held high as the smartest student. But as the years went by, he praised less and less, and eventually became a mediocre learner. He ended up with, well, not the worst job. He was one of the first Thullians to arrive on Earth. These humans, they're very... Aggressive. Even in the threat of a highly advanced species discovering them that are quite capable of hurting- No! Destroying all they've worked for, they still have high demands! "Close those portals! They're dangerous!". Out of mere pity have we done anything to help them... and maybe curiosity. This whole dimension was thought to be lifeless. Of course, how else would you believe a desolate void full of chunks of gas and rock and ice with holes sprinkled about ready to suck in everything and let it all disperse. Even so, this little rock in the middle of nowhere. It had everything we looked for! Water, atmosphere, preferable distance from its star! Yet we still, almost hopelessly check, as if ready to find nothing, just as we did countless times before! And yet here he was. Guarding these stupid portals that we can't even close. Or hell, who knows, we probably can, but those idiotic researchers want tests and experiments and whatnot. Ugh! Of course, that's just speculation he'd heard from his co-workers. Maxermegk certainly said so, and he believes it oh, so much! As for Insee? He's kind of... neutral. All his mind can concentrate upon was his frustration over his failure in life and... and... Well... Suddenly his train of thought collapses as a swarm of Centikillers burst out of the portal. As he was trained, he whips out his weapon, firing at two of them and ready to shoot the third, only to be interrupted by it lunging at him. Of course, it was meaningless! He was protected, he had armor! Insee grasps the long body of the creature and slams it onto the surface of the Earth, leaping into the air. From up above, he aims his weapon and fires at the creature's head, killing it. Landing, he still hears a deafening screech. One of the monsters he'd shot still had its head intact, which meant it continued to live, even with it's split in half body. Crawling up to Insee he begins mindlessly firing at the ground. None of the shots hit it, at least not lethally, and it begins crawling up his leg. He starts shaking his leg around, attempting to get the creature off him. Eventually, he comes to his senses and grabs onto the creature's head, crushing it with his bare hand. He then steps into the portal, where his fate remains unknown to this day.
Chapter 1: August 4th, 1903, 01:18 PM
"After entering the portal, the Thullian guard never returns. The position for portal guard remains open in said area." Anne closes the newspaper to look at her brother. He seemed... uninterested. "Well?! Do you not wanna check out what happened there?" Says Anne, almost frustrated. He remains silent. "You're really acting strange today, Clyde. I'm worried. Are you alright?" He lifts his head up to look at his older sister. "I'm fine, I'm... I'm fine. Look, I'm just... I'm just kinda tired." "It's 1 PM, Clyde. It's not like you've done anything big today!" "I... I didn't really sleep last night and uhm..." Said Clyde, almost breaking into tears. "I... Are you...?" "There was this..." He sniffed. "...this creature... In my room..."
August 3rd, 1903, 11:48 PM
Clyde was covering himself under his blanket. He just had a horrible nightmare. He was outside looking at the sky when beams of light broke through the buildings of the city, and he could only watch helplessly. For some reason, he was very terrified of that. Something else he was terrified of, something more usual for a twelve-year-old boy, was the dark, which is why he hated that nightmare even more. He had been woken up in the middle of the night, and now all he could think about was whatever could be sitting in the shadows of his room. Of course, nothing ever was there, but tonight was different. Clyde felt the crippling fear of being watched and all he could do is hope his blanket could protect him from the dangers of the unknown. Eventually, his tiredness clouds his dark thoughts and he is slowly put to near sleep. When suddenly, a noise abruptly awakens him. He had done the worst mistake he could do: alert the monster of his presence. He pushes himself backward with his legs, covering his entire body with the blanket he held so tightly. He glanced towards whatever made the noise. A figure of a man obscured by shadows stood before Clyde. As it stepped more towards light Clyde realized whatever that was, it definitely wasn't human. A bulbous head layered with large scales resembling those of an isopod. Of course, Clyde didn't know this and presumed this was an alien. He covers his mouth not to scream before the creature somehow backs up into the shadows and seemingly disappears. He reluctantly gets up to turn on the light, noticing the creature indeed had vanished.
August 4th, 1903, 01:36 PM
Anne looks worryingly at her younger brother. The description of his experience was terrifying. "W...Well, umm..." Clyde eyed his sister down with a gloomy stare. Thundered by the weight of responsibility she quickly answers: "I... I've got a plan! We'll...." Clyde's face brightened up hearing his sister's words. "Ok, look, so we will..."
August 4th, 1903, 10:12 PM
Anne sat near the closed door to her brother's room. This wasn't the greatest plan but it might work. She just had to wait for that creature to appear again in Clyde's room, he will yell out to her, and she will come! Easy enough. Now she just had to sit there and not fall asleep. Not as easy as it sounds. But she had to do it! For Clyde, her baby brother.
August 5th, 1903, 12:54 AM
It has been almost three hours. On the verge of closing her eyes and succumbing to the grasp of deep sleep, Anne got up and entered her brother's room. Clyde was sleeping, and no monster was there at all. She returned to her room, grabbed her pillow and blanket, went back near Clyde's room, set herself up, and went to bed.
August 5th, 1903 10:48 PM
The next day came and went after the "failed" attempt last night. Technically they achieved their goal, Clyde slept peacefully. Only Clyde slept peacefully. Anne slept a full 2-hour nap before waking up at 3 in the morning not being able to go to sleep anymore. She didn't drink coffee, she never had. She heard of girls her age drinking coffee but she just didn't want to. Tonight she was about to get the sleep that she didn't last night. She went to sleep early and she was now waiting to fall asleep...
August 5th, 1903 11:52 PM
Anne awoke in a cold sweat. Eyeing every corner of her room, she layed back into her bed. It was as if she just had a nightmare, yet she didn't remember anything. And it didn't feel like she just wasn't remembering her dream, she just really didn't have one. Something else woke her up. Someone. Someone was in her room and she could feel it. She sprung back up to see it and indeed it was there. The silhouette of the same creature Clyde described was in her room, it's back covered by the light protruding through the open door. She took her blanket off and got down from her bed. She felt it looking at her, following her movement despite not seeing its face. She reached for her ax that she laid next to her nightstand before going to sleep. She grasped the handle tightly and reached for the creature. It quickly stepped out of her way, near a darker corner of the room. Was it gone? Anne couldn't tell. She turned on the light, and the creature was still there. Its bulbous disgusting head was illuminated by the lightbulb. It had the body of a human and the head of an Isopod. As she reached closer she came to a creepy realization. It wasn't the head of an Isopod, it was an Isopod wrapped around the head of a human. It was facing the wall, shivering almost. "Hello?" Muttered Anne. The creature ducked down and held itself, ready to be stuck by Anne's ax. She eyed the creature down, still holding tight onto her weapon. It turned it's gross head to look at the hesitant girl. It was clear she saw the creature's fear in its movement, and she was mercilessly looking at the poor being. Crouching now, it turned it's whole body to face Anne. They reached into their pocket to hand the girl something. It was a coin, not one that she could recognize. She grabbed it and inspected it in her hand, and as she put it down to look at the creature again, it had vanished. Confused, the girl looked at the coin again. It was from Earth, surely, but not from where she is from.
submitted by /u/Stefananananan [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3haXLGc
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