#is it weird? well idc i love the fic too
sacersanguis · 2 years
TFW you find out your favourite fic has been updated>>>>>
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*fic in question is Bloodletting by TheResurrectionist.....🥺🥺🥺 superbat mandalorian star wars au I love despite having zero knowledge of mandalorian or star wars~
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Hey love! if you're still accepting requests, could I get an extremely wild, rough and feral nsfw Daemon x wife fem!reader please? (feel free to ignore and sorry if the request is weird, but I'm thirsty for this handsome fictional man who unfortunately doesn't exist)
Frost Bite
Daemon Targayen x Stark!Reader
Summary: You were travelling back to home soil in anticipation of your wolf's heat cycle. Besides the fact that you could not stand the sound of your prince husband's breathing and the fact you were certain he would perish in the cold, there was one more reason why you did not want him to join you: the fact the heat was affecting you too.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Basically PWP, 5k+ SMUT T_T (non-con [daemon touches her while she's asleep], virgin!reader, she cries for various reasons, fingering, choking, biting, degradation kink, corruption kink, spitting, marking, edging, oral [fem receiving], breeding kink, cream pie), RIP feminism, opens with a wet dream, brief mentions of near death experience in a snow storm, dark!daemon (but imo its just canon daemon) fem!reader, wife!Reader, soft!daemon, typos, etc.
A/N: YEAH MINORS DNI. LOL SO I was planning to write this for my part 2 of my Stark!Reader, but i got lazy and didn't want to create a whole plot leading up to the smut, so i removed it all together, which I guess worked out swell for you nonnie, since I was planning something absolutely unhinged. I hope you liked that fic of mine since you're basically getting a p3 of it So here's part 1, here's part 2, but you don't need to read any of them to understand, but i suggest you do for background cos lol this is PWP T_T Next part ig but its a blurb "✨Magic✨" OMG NEXT PART BUT ITS NOT A BLURB "Moon Cycle" Also nonnie, i wanted to tell you albeit asking for smut is pretty awkward HAHAHAH you gotta process these feelings somehow you know. i mean, we could have been criminals, like Daemon, instead but we're not, and that's what matters (unless you are a criminal in which case im closing my eyes) this gif of him is so large on pc but idc he's so hot MATT I WANT YOU SO BAD FUCK OFF if someone snitches to big brother again like in In Your Defense /: Idk if you want to be, but I'm tagging everyone I tagged in the previous fic, as well as the others that commented there SO HI THIS IS SMUT YOU CAN GO IF YOU WANT LOL HAHHAH @aralezinspace @em-the-lurker @blue1006 @mukduk-not-murder @min-jianhyung @deniixlovezelda @moonmaiden1996 @thatmysteriousblog
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I caught him. I caught him doing the very thing I dreaded to catch him do. The one thing I accused him of doing every night, though in my heart of hearts I wished he did not... not that I would ever admit it to his face. Because why would I? Admitting it would mean- "You want me," Daemon heaved against the neck of the woman beneath him. He cranes his neck up as he thrust into her, smirking, eyes dark, "you want this to be you," he pants as he stares at me, "don't you?" I am in my place, frozen, watching and hearing the woman come undone underneath my husband who kisses her tenderly. "Daemon," I whimper helplessly, teary eyed, "Daemon please." "Fuck off."
I jolt awake, sweat sheening my neck and chest. I turn to my bed, empty, because though Daemon insisted we sleep together and I could not fight him in his decision, he did not return to me until nigh dawn.
I wipe my face as I recall my intensifying dreams.
It seems my travels up North would come quicker than anticipated.
And as much as I wanted to tell him I told you so, oh to all the gods, how badly he deserved it, there was no time for me to gloat when Daemon did the very thing I warned him not to, fall into the icy river.
It was instantaneous. The cracking of the ice, the splashing of water, the scream that escaped me. Maybe I should have left him in the cave we kept Caraxes, who he insisted on bringing. But then again he would have insisted on joining me to the cabin, the way he insisted on joining me here up North in the first place.
And now I had to deal with the consequences of his actions.
It was sheer miracle that I got him out of the river without falling into it myself, sheer stupidity of me to rid him of his coat and offer him mine when the blistering snow storm was not relenting, and quite clearly the sheer will of the gods that both of us made it to the cabin... barely.
The moment we walked in, I shut the door and scrambled towards the fireplace. As my fingers shivered, I thought of Havoc, and how at least I know she would find mine and Daemon's corpses if ever we do not make it. I had sent her away when the storm came out of nowhere because we had to find cover for Caraxes, and she would not have been any of help to us if she were here with us anyway.
My poor pup. She would be heartbroken if she saw me frozen. And Caraxes...
I curse the flint, I curse the cold, I curse the gods, and I curse Daemon for every time I failed to light a fire. I thanked the Stranger for finally allowing me the mercy of my eventual success.
Once the fire was burning steady, I get on my feet and run to Daemon, hauling him over to the fire roughly in haste where he helpelessly kneels in front of. He could do nothing but shiver as I scramble to get some dry clothes and sheets for the both of us.
I yank him closer to the fire and begin to undress him.
Seeing as he is nothing but docile to my actions and how his skin was turning grey, I began to grow frantic, "you cannot fucking die, you prick!"
I rip his top off and quickly clothe him, "I did not go through all the trouble of marrying you for nothing. I refuse to be forced into another marriage because your stupid ass froze to death."
Daemon's shudder comes out in a thick condensation.
"Fuck," I whimper, as I struggle to get him out of his boots and breeches.
I shrivel up at the feel of his frozen fingers then brush against my arm and I shake my head rapidly, realizing there was no choice. The only way I can warm him quickly enough is if I share my own.
I strip him naked, pulling off the shirt I struggled to put on him as well, then wrap him in a fur blanket in the meantime. I then take off my own clothes and hiss at the nipping cold.
The fact Daemon does not even look at my naked form strikes a chord in me.
I straighten him up and fix the blankets on his legs and thighs before I sit on his lap. I press my bare chest against his and whimper at his dangerously concerning coldness.
He shivers against me as his face rests helplessly on my shoulder. His breath that hits my skin is not even hot.
"Remember, you're too fucking stubborn to die," I say as I wrap my legs around his torso and graciously place his fingers beneath my bottom.
His lack of warmth literally brings tears to my eyes.
I reach out for the other blanket and wrap it over myself, consequently Daemon, before I wrap my arms around him and breathe hotly against his face.
I rub his back, "will you allow irony to take you? The hot blooded prince defeated by the cold?"
He releases a shiver and moves his head. He mutters something, but his quaking body does not allow me to make sense of it.
"Do not waste your energy," I chide.
And so for a long moment, we stay like this, wrapped in each other's arms, sharing each other's heat. I do my best to warm him. I even nuzzle against him, the way Havoc did me, just so I could warm his stupid face.
Daemon finally finds it in him to lean against my touch, and when he does, he mutters under his breath, "irony-" shudder, "-would be if the- N-Northern princ-ces-s-ss died in the cold."
My face contorts and yet I cannot help but chuckle at him, glad he can sputter his nonsense again, "then I should make Caraxes burn you for your stupidity."
I shiver when I feel his icy lips kiss my neck. Goosebumps form on my skin when I feel the hot breath that follows. My hands rake up to his nape, where I then dig my fingers as I pull away.
"N-n-nno!" he stutters, hands coming around my hips to brace me tightly, "I ss-swear I'm not warm yet-t-t."
I pull back again though to face him when I said, "I only wanted to tell you," I lean my forehead against his face, "I fucking told you so, you stupid idiot."
I rest my face on his shoulder and close my eyes, knowing I would not be off him any time soon.
I dream about him. I dream about kissing his shivers away. I dream about pulling the fur blanket that separated our legs away, and riding him until he was warm.
I dream about how good he feels, and how he burns inside me. I dream about calling his name, unlike how I did in my other dreams. I was no longer calling out in betrayal, I was calling out in pleasure.
"Daemon," I trail off in a groan, willing my heavy eyelids open. I feel pressure building up inside me before I understand what's happening.
I not know how, but I am laid on a bed, head on a pillow, form still naked. Daemon is sat up beside me, peering down at me and his hands.
I whine.
His fingers-
"Oh fucking hell," he groans as his other hand begins to knead at my breasts, "you feels so good wrapped around my fingers, I-"
I cut him off with my squeak, hands flying to his arm, thighs closing shut, squeezing this hand in between my thighs.
"Daemon," the dazed quality of my voice is gone.
He tilts his head, face twisting, a challenge.
When I struggle and wrangle against him, all it takes is his hand on my throat to make me go still. I barely manage a choke and my breath continues to leave me as his fingers quicken their pace inside me.
He only releases me after I shake and shudder when I come.
It is overwhelming and nothing at all like I have dreamed or imagined, unlike all the times I've touched myself in secret. It was intense but there was a shame tied to it.
My entire body is hot and tears prick my eyes at his relentless ministrations.
"You were too fucking ready for that," Daemon mutters dryly as he quickly pulls away and shifts in his spot, "how long have you imagined fucking me, hmm?"
Before I even have the brain to do something, he crawls down the bed, "was it when you caught me touching myself to you?" He sinks down, grabbing my legs, "or have you done it before and withheld me of your sweet cunt for no fucking reason?"
All at once, he brings his face between my legs and begins to lick all the slickness off my pulsing core.
"DAEMON!" I scream, pressing my thighs close as I push myself up on my elbows, trying to break free of him.
He ignores me and forces my legs open even as I kick them in protest, "you will not deny me something you so clearly want yourself."
He grunts and pushes my legs down before grabbing my hands that were shoving him away, "you fucking bitch," he grips me tightly, "you will not find it in yourself to fight me off once I make a whore out of you."
I growl at his words, feeling my stomach drop along with my tears because of it.
I was realizing just how strong he really was, and how in moments where our arguments got a bit physical, he has probably holding back. The revelation of this does not cease my attempts at freeing myself, but it is as pointless as I feared.
Daemon rises up from his spot, nearing me, up until he is breathing against my cheek and rubbing his hardened length against my wetness.
I turn away from him, unable to really do anything else and shudder as he speaks, "you said it yourself, you did not go through all this trouble marrying me for nothing."
I screw my eyes shut, feeling tears fall, "Daemon."
He shushes me, pulling my arms up above my head, "you should not worry. I refuse to die now that I know of your lust."
I whimper as he rolls his hips against me, "still, the idea of someone claiming you- fuck-" he groans gutturally, "had I died..." he trails of in another groan, "someone else would have gotten my prize and it would have been all be your fault."
Daemon squeezes my wrist in one hand then grabs my jaw, forcing me to turn to him. I keep my eyes shut though as he heaves hotly, "I should utterly ruin every part of you so you can never have anyone but me. Though make no mistake, I would never let that happen as I so fucking breathe."
"Hypocrite," I scoff.
He laughs and I tense at the feeling of his vibrations, "she speaks."
I dare to look at him as I pant, "you do not desire me. You're just a spoiled brat who merely wants to wet his cock, just like how you do every night."
"Oh," he groans, "is this jealousy I hear?" He squeezes my cheeks, "is my pretty whore jealous that she is not the only one?"
"Fuck you!" I manage out though muffled.
Daemon laughs at the feel of tears rushing down his fingers, "do not cry, foolish wife. I'll have you know I have not wet my cock ever since I called out your name when I fucked someone else before our wedding day."
He releases my face. I attempt to even out my breath.
"I hadn't even realized until she asked me who-"
"And you think you deserve an award for that?!" I quip through my heavy breathing.
He lets out a laugh that makes me whimper, "I think you ought to know that mine own want for you has made everyone else undesirable," he licks my cheek, making me pull my head away from him, "I have been so pent up in want and for what? Because you're too bull headed to allow me anything other than my lonely hand?"
I try to wrangle out of his grip again, and he presses his whole body on me in response, "it's quite adorable that you still have it in you act like you didn't just call my name out loud while you dreamt of fucking me."
He rubs his nose against my jaw, "you wanna know how I know?"
"Fuck off-"
"You were rutting against me like a hussy," he sighs, "by the gods, had I known you were so wanton at night, I would have never granted you the insult of sleeping alone."
I could feel myself burn hotter with each word that leaves his lips despite myself. I did not want him to catch me like this, but there was no use; I was already caught.
As Daemon rocks his hips on mine, he hisses, undoubtedly feeling how much wetter I had gotten was beneath him.
"Fuck," he trails off, "here's what going to happen," he whispers, rutting against me rougher.
I cannot for the life of me withhold my whimper.
He chuckles as he presses his face against mine, "I'm going to make you come with my tongue and then I'm going to fuck you until you cry."
"Daemon, please stop-"
"Your heartbeat against my cock and how fucking wet you are disagrees with your protest, little liar," he croons. He lifts his head, then leans his forehead against mine, "don't worry, my little virgin, you will not cry because it hurts, you will cry because you'll want it so bad that it hurts."
"You will not refuse me," he whispers, though it is anything but sweet, "not when there is not a sliver of doubt in my mind that you want this too."
He brings his hands to my neck again and I wait for his grip to tighten, but it does not, "now say it."
I look up at him as my breathing quickens.
"Yield," he commands, breathing heavily all of a sudden.
I look up at him feeling my belly swirl in ways I could not ever explain.
"Admit to both our ears that you burn for me just as I have been fucking burning for you."
I yelp when he puts pressure on my throat then releases it.
"Say it," he barks.
"Say you want me," he says softer this time.
I am disarmed by his quick change in tone and a shiver leaves me as the cold finds its way to my belly as he pulls away. Daemon releases my hands then begins to crawl down. His eyes are fixed on my as he mutters once more, "say it."
I shudder as he presses my thighs against his cheeks then whispers, almost begging, "say it."
I turn away from him and close my eyes, awaiting his next actions, for it was not like I could stop him if I refuse.
"Say it," he urges louder, "you know you want to."
I clench my jaw, "just do what you want and be done with it."
He growls, and goosebumps form on my skin when I feel him bite at the inner most part of my thigh. I grip at the sheets at the feel of teeth and tongue. I bite my lips tightly to keep myself from making any noise.
"I should, shouldn't I?" Daemon mutters.
I yelp and look down at him when his finger strokes my core.
His eyes are dark as he airily chuckles at my reaction, "after all I have given you my name, my Targaryen queen. You are no longer your own, you are forever mine."
I watch him as he lifts his head up and kisses my sopping heat. I flinch when he nips at me, drawing my nub out with his teeth. He lifts his head as he releases my flesh. His chin is glistening with my slick as he says, "I want you."
My breath leaves me when he says this.
"And I know you want me too, but I have to-- I need you to say it." He repositions himself in my thighs, "you are after all married to maniac," he breathes against me, "now, say it."
He shakes my thighs, "SAY IT!"
"I want you," I snap, "Daemon, I-" a loud cry rips out of me before I can even continue.
The sound of him lapping his tongue on me, eating me out as if I was his final meal, was somehow louder than my cries. I cannot help but so violently react to him as he devours me. He forces me still in his grip and fights off the movement of my thighs with his face.
It seems as though my admittance has reduced me into nothing but needy sounds.
Without another thought, my hands reach down at him and dig into his silver hair. I arch my back and pull at him when his tongue flicks into me.
"Fucking slut," he mutters, squeezing my thighs as he pulls me apart.
I scream out his name as he digs his face deeper into me. I lift my head up when he pulls away to laugh, "look at you, rutting against me like the needy whore you are."
I don't have time to find offence in his words because I still, not even realizing I was in fact moving my hips against him. He laughs as he continues his work, leaving me no time to feel embarrassment and only hot pleasure.
He is fucking good at what he does. He's so fucking good that my mind wanders where it should not. How much practice has he gotten to be this good? It is precisely because of this that I finally break, "all for you, Daemon," I grab his cheeks, "all for you-- all mine."
I do not see how his eyes dart up to me for I then throw my head back and whine. I feel myself come close to my undoing, "fuck, Daemon, don't stop."
I shriek when I bites me.
Just as I am inching so close, all at once, he pulls away from me.
I pant and stiffen as I hear and feel him spit on me. Much like all other moments, I do not have time to react. When I turn to him, he grabs my legs and shoves me to my side.
I begin to panic when he rises to his knees.
"I'll be fucking damned if I don't make you come on my cock right now," he grunts, making my eyes drop down to the very thing, erect, hard, and angry.
"Get on your knees, bitch," he blurts, though he doesn't give me much of a chance to as he drags me up into the position he wants me by my hips.
I haven't even propped myself up on my arms yet when he unceremoniously begins to pound into me.
I am certain if anyone could hear us in the middle of this storm, they would think I was mad, or worse, being tortured.
"I'm going to breed that prurient wolf in you, just as I'm sure your wolf, Havoc, is being bred right now."
I growl at the idea and feel my belly tighten at his words.
Daemon groans before he chuckles, "that's it, isn't it?"
His relentless thrusts begin to grow sloppy. Suddenly, he yanks me by my hair and lifts me up. His other hand slaps to my throat to offer painful support as he pulls me up against him.
I choke on my spit when my form presses against him with difficulty. He sinks down on his knees, my core wrapped around his length as he shifts me in a snug position atop him.
His hands make their way to my breasts to roughly grope them. His teeth sink down on my shoulder.
I release a wild sound as my own hands come on top of his. I am left moaning at how his mouth sinks into my skin.
Daemon makes sure to suck hard before pulling away. For a moment he catches his breath before speaking, "you did not want me here because you are affected by your wolf's heat, aren't you."
The way I begin to slowly bounce on top of him is enough of an answer to him.
He laughs as his hands depart from my tender breasts, one going down to my sensitive nub, the other sealing my throat again, "you are a fucking selfish bitch for keeping your cunt from me."
My breathing becomes arduous when he tightens his grip around me.
"You would have preferred to touch yourself to the thought of me?" he questions as he rubs on my sensitive nub.
"Daemon," I gasp, pushing my head back as his lips latch on my neck again.
He ceases the moment of his fingers as he finishes grazing on my skin. "Yes, my pretty whore?" he mutters in between his kisses, "what do you want, hmm?"
My breathing strains when his hand tightens around my throat more. I catch my breath when he releases his grip to push my hair off to the side, "tell me what you want me to do to you."
I call out his name. He calls out mine.
I find myself grabbing his hands as I moan out, "I want you to fuck me."
Without another word, I am thrown down to the bed. The only reason I'm still on him is because of his hands that latch on my hips.
I am nothing against his strength. He handles me like a ragdoll, fucking me with absolutely no regard and nothing else in mind.
I make sounds that mean nothing. His name is polluted by my whimpers and cries that you cannot make head or tail of.
I would not last any longer with how he was handling me, even if I wanted to, even if I tried.
"That's it my easy bitch," he pants, "come around me like the needy whore you are."
"Your eager cunt will take my seed well when I fill you up," his one hand leaves my hip and rips my head back by my hair again, "don't you think, pretty wife?"
"Yes," I reply without thinking, "yes, yes, yes, yes-"
"And you will give me your pups," he mutters, "bare my dragons, like a dutiful wife will you not?"
My only response is my body breaking orgasm. I shiver beneath him, falling powerless as I scream his name and crumble, absolutely boneless.
Daemon lets out a string of curses as he milks out my reaction for all he's got.
He does not waver once bit and it maddeningly delicious.
My voice hikes up when I feel him release inside me not too late after.
"Fucking come slut," he barks as he snaps his hips in me, "take it all just like that."
I bury my screams in the cushions he presses on, unrelenting. When he finally does grow sloppy, I take a moment to catch my breath and relish the feel of him.
I whimper when he pulls away and slaps my ass.
"The absolute mess you've made of yourself," he coos, as he rubs the skin he slapped.
I can feel myself leaking, I can feel it all over my legs, on the sheets, and I could practically feel his pleased smile as he watches the lewd display. I could not bring myself to care at all though, not when my legs begin to fall.
I squeak when Daemon rearranges me on the bed. He is not at all as rough as he was with me a while ago, but his strength and my lack thereof does not really allow him to be gentle.
He falls onto the side of the bed next to me and gathers me into his chest. When I roll over to him, I groan at the feeling of my wet thighs pressing together.
"Do not make issue of that," Daemon says as he watches me squirm. He pulls me close to him, arm over my shoulders. His other hand hooks behind my knee, dragging me atop him. I whimper and push my hand on his chest when I feel core empty out on his thigh.
He does not allow me to pull away and I turn to him because of this. Daemon forces me close against him, "are you so haughty over my come that you cannot bare the thought of it-"
"But it's getting everywhere," I start off loudly but end with a whisper.
Daemon's nostrils flare as he shakes his head, "I should sure hope so."
I feel my cheeks burn and so I decide to hide my face in his chest.
His laughter intensifies, and I do not enjoy how my head bounces on his ribcage because of it.
"Oh meekness suits you well, my dear."
I weakly mumble, "fuck off."
His amusement continues as he rubs my arms, "you mean, 'I want you to fuck me, Daemon.' "
"I did not say it like that!" I quip, lifting my head as I turn to him, finally making him cease his stupid laughter. The sight of his stupid smug face still glimmering in slick renders me frozen.
Suddenly I am aware of how cold the room still was.
"Pray tell, how did you say it?" he hums, pushing hair behind my ear.
I furrow my brows and press my cheek on his chest again, admitting lowly, "I didn't say your name at the end."
"My," he draws shapeless figures on my skin, "I'm glad to know the moment is burned in your very being."
"Fuck off," I mutter under my breath, scratching my eye. It dawns onto me that my face was equally as wet as Daemon's. Heat rises up my face again when I realize I really did cry because of how good he felt.
"Don't fret," he sighs, "there is a reason why you should not worry yourself about how your pretty cunt is leaking blood and come. I shall fuc-"
I turn to him in concern and push myself up.
Daemon furrows his brows and shakes his head, "it is normal," he soothes, grabbing my cheek, "or did you just forget your maidenhood was still intact after imagining fucking me?"
I am suddenly aware how real everything was. My husband has finally gotten me to consummate our marriage and all his talk of me bearing his seed could may well come true. My chest begins to constrict as my mind floods with endless scenarios.
"Well, if you start frowning like that, I might actually feel bad," Daemon mutters, lifting himself up on his elbows, "what's wrong?"
I look at his concerned expression and find myself speaking before I realize, "did you mean it?"
"Mean what?" he clarifies quickly.
"That you want me," I quip just as fast.
He stares at me for a moment, as if he was taken aback or measuring the truthfulness in my voice. When a prolonged moment passes between us, he realizes I was serious.
"Fuck," he drops his head back, "it must be exhausting to be a woman with your overthinking."
"Well, pardon me for not-"
"You are pardoned," he blurts, making me whimper when he suddenly flips us over.
I am beneath him again. He does nothing but press his weight on me, but I struggle beneath him, not enjoying the idea of remaining in an uncomfortable position.
He misreads my intentions and hinders me from moving, as he wraps his arms around me, "I just told I want you, that I burn for you, that I want you to mother my children. Do you honestly think I am one to say that to anyone?"
I gulp as he shifts to nestle his face in the crook of my neck, "I..." he breathes against my skin. He does not continue as he opts to kiss my neck instead.
When I move to wrap my own arms around him, he speaks again, "I am at your mercy. You saved me from freezing to death when you could have easily decided to rid of me."
I press my cheek against him and begin to comb through the long hair on his back, "I was serious about my distaste to remarry."
"Well, you will not," he quickly retorts, "you will have me until the end."
I bring my legs around him as I release a sigh, "consider me overjoyed by the thought."
He chuckles as he shifts, "you do not sound-"
"I did not want to admit it," I cut him off, "but I think I..." I turn to him as he lifts his head, "I think I... care for you, Daemon... I-"
"Love you," he finishes, staring at me with an unreadable expression.
And for the first time since our nuptials, he kisses me. He kisses me not because he has to, not for the sake of showing everyone present, but because he wanted to, for the sake of showing me.
He is nothing but warmth, nothing but fire, nothing but him. Daemon is not sweet, but in this moment he put even honey to shame.
He begins to stir on top me, though he makes sure his lips do not leave mine. It is because of my moan that we are broken apart, the moan that leaves me when I feel him slip inside me.
"You know how I fuck," he sighs, rubbing his nose against mine, "but now we'll both know how I make love."
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vitamin-cunt · 11 months
hiii im a new follower and can i request a dabi x fem!domme!reader
format is full fic but if you want can you also add some headcanons at the end
kinks to add
•sadisim (reader
•masochism (dabi)
•frotteurism (ok idk if you make your fics automatically match with your blog theme [hospital for horny mfs like me] but can you make it so that dabi is a paitient of a hospital for sub people and reader is his most favorite doctor so theres alot of intimacy)
•master and pet themes (reader makes dabi wear a collar, very very short maid dress with frilly black lingerie, cat ears and a cat tail butt plug)
and can you make it so that the reader has a genital type quirk were reader can give people the genitals of the opposite gender and do it to herself without removing their original genital (ex. reader gives dabi a vagina and clit while still having a dick)
A/N: anon I'm in love with you. I'm on one knee rn, you have no idea (Tired asf gonna go proofread this in the morning)
CW: As stated in the ask above, GN! Pronouns, cock mentioned (can be interpreted as a strap tho), Dabi has a pussy at some point (idc, idc there's the door), fingering said pussy
Making a broken man of Dabi
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What the fuck was he doing here?
Like, seriously, why the fuck was he here???
It was a strange situation, really. A hospital for incredibly lewd individuals to seek treatment-
And he of all people was here?
He didn't have lewd desires, just-
Well, fuck, he couldn't have normal sex but that didn't require an intervention or whatever this was.
He ran his tongue over his teeth as he rolled over in his hospital bed. Even the uniform was weird-
He was in a maid outfit. A black, short-ass maid dress.
"Awww, look at him blush~ Let me have him, I think we're gonna like each other."
His face burned furiosuly at the memory. When he was first admitted, he'd been uncooperative with pretty much everyone. The "doctors,"(if that's what you could even call them), the nurses, even other patients, because he wasn't like them, dammit!
He wasn't some sex-obsessed lunatic that fucked any hole in sight, he just-
He liked certain things. A lot more than most people did, but that was fine. At least he thought it was fine.
He'd scared off all but one of the staff.
He couldn't make you disappear and, for whatever reason, he'd come to appreciate your presence.
You treated him more human than anyone did in this God-forsaken hell-hole. You checked on him, catered to his needs, listened to his moans and groans about this place...
He swallowed down the excitement as he realized you would be coming in today.
The one thing that set you apart from the staff was that you knew what buttons to press with him.
"I think this thong will look so cute on you~"
"You did such a good job touching yourself for me!"
"Be a good boy and lift your ass up just a little higher for me."
It was like you could read his mind.
Yeah, that was Dabi's "problem." He liked being a toy.
Your toy.
He'd always known he had a thing for being treated like shit, but he tried to keep it on the down-low.
Too bad Daddy dearest found out.
A knock came at his door, and before he could even sit up, you were entering the room, an oddly wide grin on your face.
"How's my favorite patient?"
He narrows his eyes and rolls over in his bed to face you and the door. In your hands was a duffel bag of god knows what. "You're only this happy when you have shit to try on me," he says, eyeing the bag and trying to guess what was making those bulges from every angle in it.
You laugh and ignore him despite his bite of a response. "God, Dabi, what did I tell you about keeping these blinds open?" You walk over to his window blinds and sharply close them shut, leaving the room in the eerie purple glow of the lights above. "How are you going to masturbate with any privacy in this place?"
"What, you want me in the dark all the fucking time?" He hoists himself up on one elbow and follows you as you unpack your supplies. "Yeah, the one thing that gets me hard is a dank-ass hospital room."
"Mmm, just that? Not your favorite doctor?" You fake a pout, hand halfway in the duffel. "Even after I stretched that ass last night? Even after I played with those tits?"
He throws his head back, outwardly in exasperation and inwardly with a humming arousal in his chest. Even his low sigh could be confused for an excited groan.
And one wouldn't be wrong in thinking that.
"Why do you always..." he covers his hot face, trying to put into words what he wanted to say without sounding absolutely pathetic.
But, how could one get any more pathetic laying in a maid outfit in a rehabilitation hospital for the most debauched and depraved sex-addicts?
He swallowed and began again. "You're always describing my body like...like...you know I don't have those parts, right?"
After a moment of silence, he peeks between his hand to find you smiling down at the cat ears and cat butt-plug in your hands.
Your favorites.
When you look up, its with a craze in your eyes. And why should he be surprised?
Only the most depraved could work here.
"You're saying it would make more sense to use those words if you had those..."parts?" You tilt your head innocently. Well, as innocently as someone could with a bottle of lube in their hands now accompanying the lewd accessories.
"I guess," he muttered, his hand sliding down to his jaw and muffle his voice.
He was glad you couldn't see his cock twitching to life beneath his skirt. He loved that face. The look in your eyes right before you fuck him dumb.
"Can I show you a trick?" you ask, approaching his bed and laying your "materials" next to him. "You know the position, get in it, baby," you command, before he can answer your first question.
It always takes some time to follow your first order, but he always does it. Even now, with his head buried in his folded arms and his ass in the air, exposing his thong.
"Happy?" he bites, even through the muffle of his pillow.
He hears you donning your gloves and next came the sound of lube squirting from a bottle.
"We'll tell the insurance this was a prostate exam."
A cold finger pushes itself against the entrance of his hole and then inside him, sliding in easily.
He groans in arousal and discomfort. He guessed it wasn't entirely an entirely normal thing to prefer the feeling of surgical gloves to human fingers, but why give this hospital further justification to keep him here?
"Don't rock, baby, I've told you this before."
Right. He was already fucking himself back against your fingers despite only one being inside.
Your other gloved hand rubs his ass, lifting up the skirt to see the skin beneath it.
"You're still a little red from yesterday, so I'm not gonna spank you today."
He simply nods, hypnotized when you slip in a second finger. And then a third, and, fuck, even a fourth.
This couldn't even count as prepping when you were hitting his g-spot so earnestly that you had him moaning into his pillow. But he had, notably, reduced his writhing because, dammit, you made him want to be obedient.
And just like that, you'd slipped your fingers out, leaving him feeling empty.
"Fuck, if you're gonna prep, then fucking prep, don't..." he swallows as he realized he'd crossed a line.
Never back talk.
"I-I just mean...because it's like you're teasing..." he stutters out weak follow-up after weak follow-up, trying to backtrack from his outburst.
But, to his shock, you don't get angry at him. You laugh, in fact. Soon, something metal was pressing against him and after a moment, the metal plug end of the cattail slips inside him and slotted itself perfectly as he'd grown accustomed to.
Even then he arches his back and pants.
What were you playing at?
Any other day you would have punished him to senseless tears for the way he talked to you, but now?
He's pulled from his pondering when you adorn him with the cat ears.
"On your back, Kitty," you say, walking away to change your gloves. He obeys, wondering if you were going to come back with a cock ring like you'd had last night.
But, besides the fresh pair of gloves, you'd come back empty-handed.
He was really concerned now, especially as you mounted the bed with a grin that left his thighs trembling and his mind buzzing.
"Fuck's going on?" He growled, testing his luck with his mouthiness.
You don't answer, instead choosing to lean forward and press your lips to his. He'd kissed you before, but this...
Why was he suddenly hot? Like, burning, he...he hadn't activated his quirk, had he?
Suddenly, a buzzing emerged from between his legs. Then, a dampness in his thong. Finally, a sudden wave of inexplicable pleasure.
"Wh-what the fuck!? Why do I- mmmmh, it's not supposed to feel wet down there, what did you- ahhh- what did you do???"
He squirmed beneath you, the hospital bed creaking loudly as it usually did during your encounters. His face burned as a new warmth overtook his loins, one that he'd never felt before.
He rubbed his thighs together, trying to rid himself of the incessant ache, but you place your knees between them before he can really do anything.
"Why're you so freaked out?" You say above him, removing your scrub top. "It's just sex therapy!"
"Bullshit." His eyes scan your bare chest and abdomen, having seen it for the first time ever, really.
You laugh lightly through your nose. "Okay...Just sit still while your master plays with your little pussy, okay?"
"I told you, it's weird when- ah- haaah~ fuck!" His eyes went wide as your fingers slipped past his thong and inside him.
But not his ass.
All he heard was the slick squelch of your fingers penetrating him, and before he knew it, he was arched against his bed, gasping and reaching for the thin, cheap sheets above him.
He couldn't stop the moans, the uncharacteristic whines, the sounds coming from his- his-
"Your pussy's dripping for me, baby~" you laugh.
You gave him a pussy. What was worse was that you gave him a pussy and he liked it.
He could feel you scissoring in his walls, just like you did in his ass but it was different, this wasn't the same, it would never be the same-
He covered his face, you couldn't see him like this. Fine, make him wear the tail and the ears, keep him in the outfit, watch him roll his hips against your hand as you fold your fingers inside him-
But he'd be damned if he let you see the blissed tears running down his burning cheeks.
"Are you gonna cum, already?" You tease, noting his tells. His moans turning to breathless pants and a repeat of soft "uhn, uhn, uhn", his thighs trembling, his covering his face. "I didn't even get my dick inside you yet!"
You inside him? When he could feel every movement of your fingers, the aching of his- his clit-
He couldn't take it, even the idea of being filled-
"Not yet, Kitty." You removed your fingers from inside him, once again rendering him empty.
But it wasn't the same, this time, this time he felt as though he could cry. The tears fell faster now, he couldn't even hide them.
What were you doing to him?
He was crying because you wouldn't keep fingering his pussy!?
Furthermore, he was rejoicing when you'd slipped a bit of your cock inside him, his pussy clenching around nothing but air and your tip.
This is crazy, this is insane-
"Ohhh shitttt, ohhh shittt~ yes, fill me up, fill me up!"
He sounded insane-
"I know it's against protocol to directly penetrate your patients, but for you?" You whisper as you lean down and it let him get adjusted. "I couldn't let anyone else be the first person to use this pussy~"
You quickly grow impatient of letting him adjust and it shows because soon, light rocking turns to full-on thrusts in and out of him, fuck the slapping noise it made, fuck the squelching noise it made, fuck how loud he got-
Fuck, he was so loud-
He doesn't know what to do with himself but sit back and take it. Take getting pounded mercilessly like a little bitch.
"Seems like after tonight, you'll fit in with the other patients, hm?" You grab his jaw and turn his dissenting face back in your direction. "Think I trained my Kitty well, don't you?"
He could barely understand you, not with you grabbing the tops of his thighs and pulling his hips down into yours as you slam up into him.
"Tell me you deserve to be here, baby. Tell me you're just a depraved sex slut like the rest of the patients."
He wanted to reply, he really wanted to, but how could he when his tongue was sticking out of his mouth and his eyes were stuck in the back of his head?
"C'mon, baby, I know you can do it. Tell me you're no different, c'mon, let me hear it, baby."
"Haaaah, I'm n-no different! I-I'm the same! I deserve this!"
It wasn't much, but even you knew that he would cum before you could get more out of him, at least at the rate you were going. And, frankly, you didn't want to stop.
In fact, you wanted to take things a step further.
You grab his cock, the same cock that he'd barely registered still having, and began stroking.
And that was all that it took for Dabi, because seconds later he was clenching around you as tight as he could and cumming. It was almost like a double orgasm, what with his spurting white cum onto his black dress, and cumming clenched around you. White hot shocks sent his paralyzed body into brief jerking motions and the pleasure was immense beyond his understanding.
He would deal with the implications of this event when he wasn't still coming down from his high.
"Remember this the next time you complain about how I describe you, Dabi. Because you might just get what you wish for."
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meraxesmoon · 8 months
yandere rhaegon pleaseeee
note: this made me feral, I unironically enjoy those rhaegon edits on tt 😭
warnings: yandere content, incest, obviously rhae and egg are siblings, but I made the reader a targtower kid as well, aemond's twin ig, affection-starved aegon, reader is devout like her mother, poly relationships, infidelity, rhaenyra is still married to daemon but idc, never will i write dom aegon, reader is presented as innocent and sweet, baby trapping
┍━━━━━━━ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗━━━━━━━┑
♡ Aegon desires love. He wants someone to love him unconditionally. Not to mention, he has some severe mommy issues. I imagine that he's always had such a weird dynamic with Rhaenyra, but he ends up desiring her affection as he grows older. Of course, she's on Dragonstone, and he's left in Kings Landing, but he also has another sister that he has his eyes on.
☆ Sweet (Name), the second youngest of Alicent's children, and Aemond's twin sister. She loves her siblings and is especially doting on Aegon considering he definitely needs a loving touch from someone who isn't one of his whores. She's a pious girl who believes that Aegon needs some help, and so she's close with him, maybe out of pity. Aemond and Alicent try to keep her out of Aegon's fewer savory hobbies, but she still loves her big brother a lot!
♡ (Name) is so sweet on him, too! She, of course, is closer with Aemond because they're twins, but she likes looking after Aegon after a particularly bad hangover of his. Her life mostly consists of going to the Sept and having tea with her mother, and reading with Aemond, so watching over Aegon is something she does regularly. Aegon completely revels in her attention, and fully takes advantage of the love (Name) has for him as her big brother.
☆ Then we have Rhaenyra, who comes to Kings Landing to settle Luke's legitimacy trial with Vaemond. She's there with her five children and her husband, but she still finds herself involved with her half-brother. He's pathetic, but some part of Rhaenyra likes that. She also adores her youngest sister despite her dislike for Aemond. She thinks (Name) is so cute! She's growing as a woman, though, and Rhaenyra takes notice of that.
♡ Along with her nights spent with Aegon, Rhaenyra starts to spend more time with her younger sister as well. She's just so sweet! Rhaenyra wants both of them, she realizes, and Aegon wants the same thing, so it's a done deal after she finds out about it. However, Alicent intends to marry (Name) off to some lord and Rhaenyra won't allow it! Her sweet (Name) deserves to be cherished, not sold off to some ugly old man.
☆ Rhaenyra and Aegon are very much against their sweet sister marrying anyone, so they decide to corrupt her <3
♡ Despite Aegon not caring much about having children, Rhaenyra convinces him that they have to get (Name) pregnant, so Otto and Alicent are unable to marry her to someone outside of the Targaryen family. You know eventually Rhaenyra will have to return to Dragonstone, but maybe she'll bring Aegon and their little lover with her.
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once I came across a fic where rhae and daemon screwed her daughter and ive been traumatized ever since 💀
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betasquadx · 6 months
- Beta Squads love languages - <3
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( Some of them have multiple thats why they’re longer )
Two words, physical touch. The man literally said it himself. Yes, he can be a few of them, but this one, this isn’t surprising. We see the way Kenny is in videos (a cutie patootie☹️), he would 100% be all over you. His arm around your waist or shoulder, by your side at all times, cuddling 24/7, its so obvious. In bed he lets you rest your head on his chest, while he strokes your hair, hugging you randomly every now and then, physical touch.
He’s definitely a lot of them but probably quality time & gift giving. He loves spending time with you. Whether it be a movie day, date day, or even a beta shoot itself, spending time with you is his for sure. When he doesn’t see you he’s calling and texting you 24/7, just to talk to you. Gift giving I mean cmon, I made a whole fic on this. He treats you way too much in your opinion, buying you random gifts, spoiling you on your birthdays & christmas, even taking you to different countries.
Honestly a weird take but Words of affirmation and physical touch are screaming to me. You see this man with Kenny?! Or even Aj bro. He definitely likes to hug you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder (if he’s even able too w his 6’9 ass), holding hands with you, his arm over your shoulder, hear me out. Words of affirmation, again, gives me reassurance vibes. Loves to talk you through things while cuddling you. Definitely listens to your day as well (if you’ll listen to his).
I don’t know why but acts of service comes to mind immediately, I feel like he’d be that boyfriend to do anything for you (not like that chill out🤨), like you ask for something? He’d probably say no but as he’s saying no reaching for whatever you asked for. Deffo that boyfriend to try to cheer you up on your period by buying you take away, stocking up on pads, and watching a Disney film. Cuddling you as well (idc that he said he hates physical touch, with you he’s diff)
Quality time and words of affirmation hands down. He loves to spend time with you, like Chunkz he deffo brings you out a lot, movie days with you, date days, beta shoots, everything. Sometimes even car drives while listening to frank ocean on full blast. Words of affirmation is another weird take but hear me out, he loves listening to you, story’s or just how your days was he loves it. Loves reassuring you as well, if your worried or anything like that he’ll make you some tea and sit you down, talking to you. (Therapy vibes)
Im spoiling yous fr😻, also disclaimer these are just my opinion🫶🏻 hope yous enjoyed💗 Also pls tell me if someone did this I’ll tag them<3!!
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greynatomy · 1 year
request: can you do another social media thing with florence pugh ?
LOVING the social media fic especially the Florence one! hope to see it more from you 💜
thank you for the requests!! this is my longest one yet, but i feel it needs another part, especially from the venice film festival. lmk if you do want that
hope you enjoy this one as well!
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liked by oliviawilde, harrystyles and 140,739 others
dontworrydarling Welcome to Victory
Only in Theaters September 23
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harryfan1 love it!
harryfan2 now this. this is cinema
↳ harryfan5 and i dig it
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liked by ynfan1, flofan1 and 4,649 others
ynfloupdate yn and florence were seen at the beach and having dinner
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ynflofan1 the hottest couple to exist
flofan2 hot mama
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liked by harryfan7, harryfan3 and 12,494 others
harryupdates harry out on a yacht with ‘don’t worry darling’ director, olivia wilde, showing lots and lots of PDA. they can’t keep their hands off each other
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harryfan2 i did not see this coming
harryfan9 isn’t she married?
↳ harryfan6 she has kids but was never married
ynfan1 isn’t it weird for the director to date their actor? it’s like the boss dating an employee
↳ flofan6 i read that they got together during filming
↳ flofan3 seems very unprofessional. a power imbalance
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liked by harrystyles, oliviawilde and 97,749 others
dontworrydarling See you in Venice.
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alicomedy Let's go baby!!
harryfan1 Soooo excited
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liked by ynfan1, ynfan2 and 10,749 others
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ynfan5 olive fired yn, one of the best and most on demand actors, for a singer
↳ harryfan1 don’t disrespect harry he’s acted in in movies before
↳ynfan5 i’m not disrespecting him. i’m just pointing out that the cast is made up of a bunch of a list actors, yn the most in demand rn, and fired them for harry, which she started dating not long after hiring him
↳ harryfan9 i’m a harry fan and even i think it’s weird to fire yn, hire harry, then announce or show him and olivia dating just as the movie is announced
author idk what i’m saying here i’m not caught up with all the drama that happened during this time. it’s probably just a load of bs on my part
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liked by florencepugh, haileesteinfeld and 4,394,929 others
yourinstagram idc if the paparazzi sue me for posting this pic, it’s one of my faves cause… b00bies!
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ynfan4 not yn posting this right after the article about her getting fired is published
↳ ynfan7 you can’t take them seriously
↳ flofan3 florence also not promoting the movie at all is a boss move
haileesteinfeld you’re too funny
↳ yourinstagram HA @ florencepugh she finally admitted i’m funny
↳ haileesteinfeld i take it back
florencepugh babe…
↳ yourinstagram i said what i said and i stand by it
↳ flofan4 i love this relationship
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vixxensvoid · 4 months
The lack of community fanfics is ASTOUNDING LIKE THIS SHOULD BE A HATE CRIME. Actually, I’m pretty sure by Abed and Jeff’s standards this IS a hate crime. Let me tell you why… as if it isn’t obvious enough:
first and foremost, Abed: BRO. Do I even have to say? 😭 like be so fr he started “we’re in a show” and “six seasons and a movie” … and fanfics 😍🥱 this man would be reading them with Troy and “this is creating an alternate timeline”, “cool cool cool”, “wow this is the best media I’ve ever consumed”, etc. Typical Abed things <3333
Supportive bff Troy: THIS MAN LOVES ANYTHING ABED LOVES 😭💀 plus he would think it’s so cool “awesome! Look Abed, someone wrote a story (bless his heart) about me >_< ! ^_^ !!! <3” they would def read these in their blanket/pillow forts when their tv goes out cuz they didn’t pay the bill (although Annie would never let that happen)
Jeff: HIS EGO? Hello??? This man would eat that shit up and read them first thing in the morning and last thing at night. You can’t tell me otherwise. And whenever he feels bad about himself he remembers that people write about him 💀 cuz y’all remember when he pretended to be 400 pounds just to see if someone would still love him? Come onnnn now
Britta my babygirl: people always hating on my wife fr so when she sees fanfics, two reactions depending on what type they are
if it’s normal ffs and fluff/crack she will love it and laugh, feel appreciated “see guys! TOLD YOU I HAVE FANS!!” I love you britta 💔 and… smut 😭💀 GIRL SHE WOULD BE LIKE “THIS IS NOT FEMINIST!!! PORN PORTRAYS WOMEN-“ and a huge rant but tbh I’m with her on that 😍💋
the Dean: 💀💀💀💀💀 YALL HE CANONICALLY WRITES FANFICS. COME ON. 😭😭😭 IM CRYING. HE WRITES JEFF X DEAN FANFICS AND WE KNOW IT. HE WOULD MAKE A TUMBLR AND AO3 ACC UNDER A DUMB NAME LIKE “Jeffs_littleDalmatian” 💀 or smth like that AND HE WRITES THAT WEIRD DALMATIAN SHIT YALL I CANT 😢 worried for him fr. OH AND HE PRETENDS TO NOT BE THE DEAN, thinking he’s so smart “it’s just my sister!!!”, “it’s just a fan!!! I think people at school are shipping us Jeffrey 😏”. AND he would 100% send Jeff fanfics that HE wrote 💀😭 but ofc Jeff knows his writing style… aka delusional
I could go on and on but y’all get the point. WHERE THE HELL IS THIS SHIT??? THEY WOULD BE SO DISAPPOINTED IN US 💔 especially Abed 💔
Anyways I have more to add and I have many community dreams… I’m thinking I should just start making them into crack fics atp. Would anyone wanna read my dumbass crack dream fics of them? ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
Leave some asks abt ur dreams too cuz I wanna know so badddd, I love weird community headcanons + dreams. The highlight of my days fr
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 month
Hiya! 😊 You're now a writer for the show. What three episode storylines are you gonna write? (In other words, what are you gonna make the boys do?)
ohm y god i literally have so many episode ideas but i'll try not to repeat any of the ones i've made posts about (except my first bullet bc im so passionate about it) so i'll give you my big list. most if not all will likely be something i DO end up writing about in my own story because ehehe i love making them do things
ones i think i've mentioned before:
a returning to minnesota chapter!! not for anything but nostalgia, getting to see the guy's favorite places, seeing their friends and families, bringing them back to realize how far they'd come. not so shy spon for my fic but i wrote a chapter like this last month and it's probably one of my favorite things i've written to date. it let me explore some of the boys' past, family dynamics, a little bit about Katie and agh i can't believe btr didn't capitalize on that at least once. ik its expensive to fund sets and hire new actors but idk i imagine it like an hour special where they could afford to shell out a bit more. idc when it happens, could be after they sign their record contract or the last episode or whatever :)
sketch comedy episode, something akin to saturday night live or so random
graduation! like you and i talked about lol i think it would be sweet
get me in the writers room stat:
originally i'd planned a "home alone lost in new york" like chapter for my story around thanksgiving where the boys are going to perform at the parade in town but they end up having their own adventure around the city beforehand. boyish antics, screaming gustavo, beautiful scenes, the works. i was just in too much of a slump to actually put it to paper :)
more tour-focused chapters (again, spon for my own fic lol) the episode in Canada was cute and the one on the bus was fun but idk there's just so many elements toward touring that i think they could've capitalized on; homesickness (for CA or MN), hardship of a go go go schedule, or fun things like being able to travel with your best friends and not ending up on the world's most wanted list lol. i know they tried really hard with this one so i don't blame them too much but my vision is just different and that's okay!
crossovers! while i'm so very happy dan schnider didn't have either of his disgusting hands in big time rush, i do remember watching the icarly/victorious crossover for the first time and wishing big time rush were there. it takes place in LA! the victorious kids are singers! carly, sam, and Freddie are pop culture experts! it would've worked really well :) so i'm writing that as a chapter for my fic LMAO
generally either an episode focusing in on or more scenes including james and lucy since the writers wanted them to be together so bad. inherently there's nothing wrong with them being together, but i do not think the relationship was given enough time to develop. give me lucy discovering her feelings for him, give me james not being creepy and obsessive about her; something more needed to be done on both of their parts to make me believe in it
additionally on that note more with jo/kendall and logan/camille; i love them both but they also had little development, just more than james/lucy. maybe they give carlos a gf (not alexa IMO, sorry. that got into weird territory for me idk why they made him be with a "real" person when he isn't other than they were already together irl) earlier and they can all have like conversations about their gfs and how much they love being together idk
and another generally, there were many songs btr put out that i love so much and feel like deserved their own episodes for hehe. i know not all of them have storylines easily transposed but i think they used confetti falling like four different times in the last season when any other love song from their third album could have been placed instead
and also another generally, and i know the early 2000s would've never allowed this for children's television but they should have and i'm the writer now!!!, but more representation all around. maybe some episodes about cultural heritage that didn't make stereotypes the main focus, canon LGBTQIA+ characters, holidays that aren't christmas, aspects like that where all kids can see themselves represented... LA is such a huge melting pot, it's not all white kids trying to make their dreams come true!
good god that was long SORRY AKJBSKJGBAB i have a lot to say and there's a lot im trying to incorporate into my story to add in what i think enhances the already present storyline. that's what's so beautiful about fandom, i love that we can have conversations like this :)
but what about you? anything you'd like to add in? i'd love to know <3 thank you for the question!
ask me a question! save my life!
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hotcat37 · 6 months
pls pls pls Käsh fic recs 🤲
KÄSH MENTIONED 🔥🔥🗣🗣 I'll try to strike a balance between ICIP universe Käsh and normal guys Käsh fics!!
by @morbid-things This is art and not a fic but idc everyone should look at it because Alistair COOKED and I'm obsessed with how well he drew Tommy being weird abt Jere <3 (the art where Tommy fingers Jere's wound is also highly recommended 👀)
by @lintubin2!! (I forgor to complete the tag lmfao) What is a Käsh fic rec list if not for Splinters.... This one is pretty hard to summarize, it follows Kä and Tommy after the ICIP mv and there were a lot of surprises in this fic. You will probably be disoriented and ugly sobbing by the end of it 👍 (would read it again ofc)
by @darkerthanblack-666!! An interesting look into ICIP!Käärijä's psychology and his relationship with Häärijä. I included it here because Tommy is important to the story and his relationship with Kä is kind of sweet in a fucked up way XD
by @hazzybat !! I am so sorry for recommending your drabbles out of all the amazing fics you've written but there's so many great concepts in there I just had to!😭 The princess! Jere x knight! Tommy and the one where Tommy does a handstand hit different ngl (bonus rec: their fic Hatefucking!! Angry Tommy fucks a forgetful Jere)
by @cinder-rose!! I'm sorry for dragging you into yet another fic rec list but I'm afraid you ate with this one. Big CW for somnophilia and drugging!! Tommy puts Jere to sleep and has his way with him 👀 Completely consensual, ethically questionable and somehow tender all at once
by chokeherout!! This is ABO which I am not into whatsoever but this fic is genuinely funny and the smut was so good I almost forgot I was reading an alpha/omega fic lmao 😭😂 It basically follows the music video plot but with the added sexy(?) twist ;)
by Natiushq !! Tommy and Jere in a shower, what will they do?😳 Tommy is such a menace in this and i love how Jere is genuinely puzzled by his attraction to him lol Part 2 is also excellent and there's interesting character study stuff in this one too :)
by BoldnotBrash !! Succubus! Käärijä AU 👀 Tommy is just really horny and going along for the ride (heh) so he can get laid 😭 Their interactions are rlly funny in this fic and the Succubus lore was genuinely interesting to read too!
by Rising_Starship_Phoenix !! Fic where Tommy is really into Jere's leather look ;3 Includes some light bondage, honestly just a fun fic where they mess around and admire each other's hot bodies <3
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sweeetberries · 10 months
𝘿𝙤𝙪𝙜 𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨
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Genre: fluff
Gender neutral pronouns are used
Warning: none
Note: this is my first fic on tumblr so I’m scared 🥶 || this will be divided into to to sections. First one is just regular headcannons (just related to remer) and the second halve is relationship stuff.||
He was definitely the kid in school that would bite other kids, and it would HURT… and then he probably do it again.
He definitely eats ketchup on scrambled eggs (I personally HATE ketchup but he looks like he would eat it)
When he gets sad, he makes the “☹️” face. He can’t help it ☹️☹️
Remer gives ZERO fucks about what other people think and if given the chance, would probably do some uhhh… other things that will not be shall not be said because this is fluff 🥰
I feel like he smells very strongly of old spice shampoo and sweat, and it’s not always the best combo yk
Yk how he says he’s good at cooking? yeah well he’s def mixed up sugar and salt while making cookies. He thought they taste good though and didn’t understand why coop wouldn’t eat them 😔
Bros room is MESSY! I’m talking can’t even take 2 steps without stepping on something.
He talks like a TikTok kid (I do too). But it’s REAL bad. Like an average conversation looks like this
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Relationship Headcannons
This man is head over heals for you and literally won’t shut up about it (in a cute way yk)
He talks about you sm it’s almost scary. Like he would be talk to someone that has no idea about you and then all of a sudden, the know your whole life story.
You literally can’t watch anything with him because he will talk the WHOLE time. So that rules out movie dates.
This is a really weird comparison, but he hugs like how a big dog plays. Does that make sense? Because I KNOW this mf strong af, and just forgets about. Like when he hugs you, he’ll squeeze, and it will feel like your eyes are about to come out of your sockets. And he’ll just look at you like “what babe 🤷”
He is has to literally be touching you at all times. Wherever whenever.
Will spoil you even though he is broke (it’s probably squeaks money 💀)
Why was this so hard 😔
Anyways I hope this wasn’t to bad because looking over this, I’m horrified to post this
Also if y’all wanna request something then… do it
Or don’t idc 🤷
love ya! mwah💋
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martellspear · 2 months
I will never understand how people ride so hard for the ship of Rhaegar and Lyanna… it’s barely a ship. Grown ass man groomed Lyanna… riding off the coat tails of a prophecy that was actually a warning/curse to the Targaryen lineage. Elia deserves better and her babies too. I highly doubt Jon would be okay with what his father did (I understand why some people don’t like Jon) but Jon is always about loyalty. (This is a stab to the fanaticals who use Jon to defend Rhaegar). No one likes Rhaegar, and these weirdo stans need to understand that he was an asshole who abandoned his kids. If he was really serious on protecting his children, he should’ve gotten all of them out of KL and taken them to Dorne before doing any act against his father. He was an asshole and an idiot. These stans need to chill on the internalized misogyny and racism. Anyways, long live Queen Elia, and her babies <3
he learned that he got the prophecy wrong once and decided that it was worth risking everything for it again😭. i'm not going into the he loved her or not (because he didn't), but their entire is just SO weird. the entire thing.
i don't think that jon will be proud nor lean toward a targfication once he finds out the truth; he will hate the learn what was the price of his birth, that his half siblings are dead because of his idiotic father - not only that but his uncle and grandfather as well -.
idc if people enjoy rhaegar as a character or not, but at least recognize that he what he did was awful and led to the destruction of his House and family. So much that in the show, the result of this entire thing is the fruit of this betrayal killing rhaegar's little sister so 🤷‍♀️ (i think it's a interesting irony)
to me, he was absolute certain the targaryens would win because it's ✨written in the stars✨ and if his children are the saviors, no harm could come to them. he was completely blinded and seeking meaning to the tragedy surrounding his life.
it just pisses me off so much that elia and naerys share a similar story but the treatment they get is completely different. they can't even hide it. and the prove that their ship is so twisted is that they have to transform an innocent woman - who is always described as sweet and rhaegar was fond of - into a horrible person.
anwyay, elia deserved better and i'll never get over the end she and her babies had (and that's why i'll continue writing queen elia/ elia-centric fics 🤭
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dandylovesturtles · 3 months
🌻🚦🎁 (sending u so much creative energy)
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
Oh all the time. idc if this makes me conceited, I write fics because I want to read them lol
I go through cycles sometimes where there are fics I feel embarrassed about (because it didn't turn out how I wanted or I'm really aware of a mistake or whatever), so I don't read those much, but then I usually get over it and start reading them again.
��What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
It's almost always happy endings (I would call them "happily for now" lol, maybe they'll have troubles in the future but for now they are happy). I used to write tragedies or hurt/no comfort more often as a teenager but ultimately I'm not super into writing this kind of thing.
It's kind of funny because I actually am a tragedy fan for original fiction, there's a lot of things I really enjoy that don't have what most people would consider a happy ending, but usually for fanfiction I'm being more self-indulgent so I want all my special little blorbos to come out alright in the end.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Yeah why not:
“Leo?” Mikey asked hesitantly after a moment. “Are you mad at me?”
Leo took a breath and let it out. Was he mad? No, not really. He was far more scared than he was angry. For a split second, he’d thought it was a lot worse than a few cuts and bruises.
“Nah, Mikester, I’m not mad,” he said. “I was just worried about you, is all. I’m glad you weren’t hurt worse.”
“O-oh.” Mikey looked even more miserable now, somehow. He looked down at his lap, lips pursed like he was going to start crying any moment.
Well, that wouldn’t do. “Hey, hey, come on, bud! I’m sorry I yelled, okay? We’ll finish getting you fixed up at home.”
Mikey flinched, which was a weird reaction. Maybe Leo wasn’t managing to be as cheery as he thought. “…Okay. Thanks.”
“No problem.” Leo got to his feet, holding out his hand for Mikey to take. He could hear Donnie and Raph coming back now, hopefully with good news.
“Love ya, Mikey,” he said once his little brother was standing. Mikey still looked so tense, and Leo didn’t know what to make of it. Had he hit his head after all? “Mikey?”
“Uh, yeah. S-sure.” Mikey gave him a wan smile. “Love you too, Leo.”
(for a bad things happen bingo that I will hopefully finish sometimes soon)
Thanks for the ask!
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robinscatgirl · 6 months
Murder Girlfriends or something like that...
I don't know how I got here but I've been plagued with the thought of writing a Tim/Jaime fic except they're both girls and bi... (I'm projecting but anywho...)
So this is set in S3 of Young Justice, and around the time I think Bart and Eduardo started dating (idc what you say, I'm positive they have something for each other)
Say during the invasion Jaime and Bart had something going on and Bart absolutely enamored Jaime but when Eduardo showed up Bart fell in love with him as well just a little more than he was with Jaime.
So ofc he breaks it off with Jaime saying "Maybe in another life." and she's devastated because she loved her fluffy-haired boy.
So Jaime starts avoiding team outings that involve most of the team couples as she would just be third-wheeling the entire time and the jealousy she would feel ofc.
Tim on the other hand spends more time in Gotham than with the Team in the Watchtower or the Hub as she's not that close with people there (I mean DC practically took away her team, her shtick, and her friends so that leaves us with her Gothamite and assassin friends)
That is attributed to most of the Team members not being really accepting of her when she became Robin as they thought she was trying to replace Jason (which rude much, didn't he replace Dick too?)
So she had a few friends some she lost when she joined Batman Inc. She still has Steph and Cass though so she's not complaining. She broke up with her girlfriend Cassie and hasn't seen any sign of them getting back together.
Somewhere along the line Jaime starts going to the Watchtower and finds Robin there. They fight a bit because she was one of Tim's close friends before she left to join Batman Inc.
Then slowly she opens up to Tim about her feelings and how things have changed. Tim is an awkward bean but comforts her. Jaime frequently visits the Watchtower after that and Tim opens up to her after a while. She tells her about being JJ, how she feels inadequate, and yadda yadda all that.. One day Tim invites her to Gotham at night and teaches her how to train surf and use her grapple (which is unnecessary but still sweet) Tension rises but the sweet kind and oh...Jaime's falling in love again and Tim has butterflies in her tummy for some weird reason.
Then Batman dies (or so they think) and Tim thinks otherwise but others tell her she's just grieving. (At this point it's mid-season four ig, I'm really straying away from cannon)
Dick is Batman and Tim is still Robin because Damian hasn't been introduced yet and is still with the league...do you see where I'm headed?
Tim dips after she finds the first clue Bruce left when he way yeeted into the time stream and makes plenty of fake aliases and assassin friends on the way.
I want to find a way to incorporate her trying to clone someone close to her but idk who.
The scene where Cassie finds Tim is replaced with Jaime but she's encouraging Tim to look for Bruce and tells her to call when she needs help.
Since she doesn't wanna tarnish the Robin name, she makes a new alias to work with Ra's.
In the cave where the assassin from the Council of Spiders tries to off them, Tim calls Jaime. She's stuck bleeding out on the floor with three half-dead assassins.
Jaime answers the call and gets them to Tim's hotel where they're abducted by League Ninjas and taken to Nanda Parbat. Tim's thrown into the pit after losing too much blood during the splenectomy and Jaime's being held captive.
I'm just world-building rn but would this be a good fic or should I just scrap the idea?
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ephemeral-winter · 8 months
what in the entire fuck
many many wot s2e7 spoilers ahead
young!moiraine would never just fucking visit cairhien with her lover be so fucking for real
jumpsuit good tho. i like the jumpsuit
the way they wrote the gitara scene is weird and overly didactic ??? i get that they need to compress like all of new spring into about 30 seconds but idk guys
why the hell did they bring the seat all the way to cairhien??? like why can't she sit on a normal store brand throne
that said i do appreciate the firm planting with the knees far apart none of this prissy legs crossed at the ankle shit for siuan that's a dyke for sure
siuan stroking moiraine's face put me in an early grave
madeleine madden emmy when!!!!!
i get it i get it they have no time to actually talk but like moiraine's facial twitches while siuan is all like omg can you imagine if a forsaken got to him lmaooooooo
i can't decide if siuan naming moiraine's fatal sin as pride is like true or not like sure there is some pridefulness there but it's way overridden by a crazy amount of 'i'm going down with him' and like i sorta think that seizing on pride is a misreading of siuan's understanding of moiraine??? or maybe i've been too into the fic where they have a psychic bond because anvaere's later explanation of moiraine's righteousness seems so much more correct
they are being soooo incautious about having important convos where other people can hear them like why did lan and moiraine have the suicide convo in that anteroom where the guards are and also like all your senses are heightened when you're holding the one power so like leane should totally be able to overhear moiraine and rand discussing going to falme idk guys
however i like how right before lan asks moiraine about suicide she's rubbing her fingers together and trying to calm herself. ms pike what do you know
it was cunty of lanfear to walk through the foregate like that i do have to give her credit for that
i love verin idc how they handle her later arc i fucking love verin
siuan channeling in the fur coat? yeah. let's think about that
the entire waygate scene. where to even start
1. arching and moaning.
2. i simply do not believe that moiraine was shielded for six months and then was immediately strong enough to open a waygate. girl needs the magical equivalent of physical therapy
3. the visual of the gate opening and closing is. hm. unbelievably sexual?
4. siuan in the fur coat. again. much to think about
5. hate to think that siuan is so angry with moiraine she can't hear that moiraine is not able to lie and like totally misses the part where moiraine is as close to begging as she'll ever get in public. that hurts my heart fr fr
6. arching and moaning. again
7. so rand when shielded is always crouching in on himself. neat little dumai's well/box arc foreshadowing i must say
8. i feel kinda crazy that lan heads for the waygate before moiraine. like i get that they are not so in lockstep as they once were but HE knows about siuan. and they just silently agree to leave her there? where is the lan who is the main shipper of siuraine
9. the dual trickle of blood. the 'moiraine please.' i'm going to cry for the next year
10. how are they gonna come back from this
11. fuck
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neopuppy · 1 year
I went to the Dallas show too and everyone I talked to said the GA situation was mess. I had seated tickets so it wasn't that bad for my friend and I, but our friend in GA said the line/fast pass situation was insane.
I was so ready to be bias wrecked by renjun but jaemin just wouldn't let it happen
I high-key want to see the dreamies again
MANNNNNNN i wont get into it abt the line drama too much, idc what they venue said either it was 1000% their fault. As someone who was raised by armys to smarten up abt how kpop works when I first got into it I rly never wanted to do a GA crowd again after how wings tour went down💀😅 but 7dream……
the whole everyone show up at the same time to get in line without any staff to handle how it goes is the venues fault, they were letting people get crushed, smothered and injured just bc we’re “kpop stans and the worst fandom they have ever had to deal with.” and then going on twitter to make fun of us 💀 also idc what anyone says there are a group of 20-30 foreign girls cutting lines at every stop and will not allow anyone to talk to them rationally. There are also about 15-20 American fans doing the same thing- thinking they control front of the line and saying the most ridiculous shit…..unfortunately most of them are Haechan stans too. They make it harder for the rest of us bc they were acting crazy as fuck, everyone else I met was pretty normal and calm😭 but those people were rly insane and staking out the venue by hiding in bushes/trees and piles of dirt the nights before. GA crowds need to be abolished bc some of these people are just abnormal.
idk I have been to well over 50 kpop concerts and ykw, Dreamzens are the worst. like, hands down the worst fandom experiences I have had irl have been in Neo City, they rly do have some of THE worst sasaengs I have ever encountered and it’s not limited to Asian fans, a ton of Western fans have adapted that behavior. It’s rly weird and sad to see.
BUT!!!!! None of that can deter from how fun and amazing the concert was oh my god I love them so much I almost cried a few times I’m ngl, like I’m not that person but NCT Dream mean a lot to me(despite how awful the fandom is, online AND irl), I heavily deep-dived Dream during the pandemic/lockdown and they in many ways became my safe space throughout the mental strain covid put me through(and still does). Their music and them in general bring me more comfort than I realized, like finally getting to see them all together felt idk….. I felt happy again, like my heart was full. It was so nice, I’m crying just thinking abt it, I love them so much bfjwixidcn.
I have really been getting over kpop and very disheartened with it ever since lockdown restrictions have been lifted(even prior bc the way kpop was moving during the pandemic made me pull back big time). Concert etiquette is lost, younger/new generation fans are the most disrespectful and entitled pieces of shit literally ruining the fun, and people are more insane than ever……like I cannot handle this culture of newer fans that truly believe they will become y/n and get an NDA by acting like a wild animal and holding up not only stupid signs but also crossing lines between fan/artists.
There are more problems in this fandom beyond Judy(iykyk) for example, but the fact that people enable her delusion by saying she is pretty and they aren’t doing much to shove her away. SHE READS MY JENO FICS LIKE THE REST OF Y’ALL……. She is not fucking anyone in NCT and its sick how even the fandom has no respect for these artists as human beings
Like I have traveled for many concerts now, and it is 1000% extremely easy to not stalk or ‘conveniently’ show up at the same place as kpop idols. People with the same flights/hotel/at the same restaurant/off-schedule events etc etc are going out of their way to harass these idols.
The whole experience of being a kpop fan is an everyday struggle for me bc on one hand I love these artists for their work and talent so much, on the other hand being associated with fans who act like wild animals that were raised by apes is sooooooo humiliating and not in a nice kinky way either.
I keep saying this is my last year with anything kpop idk. I just wanted to see the neos a few more times in concerts bc they rly do have the funnest concerts imo, but something rly shifted after lockdown, bitches went too crazy fr. I wanna go back to 2019 when concerts were more abt having fun with your parasocial friends and less abt getting attention lmao. Ok I ranted butttttttt yeah. Asking for kpop stans to act somewhat normal is…..outlandish I suppose.
Hopefully the next time I see the Dreamies will be more pleasant! I know this arena is much safer and more prepared for kpop stans bc they handled enhypen’s crowd rly well when I saw them there. Either way I’m going to have fun! Hope everyone stays safe💚
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scabopolis · 1 year
fic recs: l/v fic fest, "I love a man in uniform"
In anticipation of the upcoming 2023 Logan x Veronica "New Year, New Fic" fest, I bring you a small selection of fics inspired by the site of Logan in uniform. Again, the kind of uniform is up to you. The sky is the actual limit.
Day 1 of the challenge is February 1, 2023 so be sure to check out the #2023 LV New Year here on tumblr or the AO3 collection for more fic and art.
As a reminder, there are so many fics that fill these tropes. These are just a smattering, so make sure to make note of the ones you love the most and next week, when the challenge starts, maybe go drop those you love a kudos, a comment, or both to share the joy.
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To begin, let's start with the inspiration fic for the prompt and then we'll add a few more.
These are mostly all Logan in a Navy uniform, so I'll be excited to see if there are ways we can open that definition up in the next week!
Fic: Metal Under Tension by @machawicket (AO3 account required to read) Rating: T and/or M depending on your POV Tropes and Themes: Reunited after 180-days, Veronica climbing Logan like a tree, these two are OBSESSED with each other Read if: You want to be transported back in time almost 9-years to that post-movie time when macha kept us all very well fed with fic inspired by the movie and what came after. This fic is romantic, and funny, and touching, and man. WHAT A TIME!
Fic: The Long Way Home by @absolutelyiris Rating: E because of those two-weeks of bliss iykwim Tropes and Themes: Idk, man, this fic is perfect to me - (but also it's a movie compliant fic, with chapters 1 and 2 showing snippets throughout the film, and chapter 3 post-Logan's deployment) Read if: This fic messes me up in the best way and somehow I'd FORGOTTEN ABOUT IT which is why these kinds of challenges are the best. The part of the chapter when they're back together but he's about to leave for 6-months. AGGGH! I can still feel it in my gut.
Fic: Every Belt That Hit Someone (is Still Made to Hold Something Up) by @igrockspock Rating: E for sex and for some violence and some swears Tropes and Themes: This fic is perfect (I've said that twice now and idc), snapshots of Logan's life pre-movie, some of the most developed Logan/Carrie dynamic, THE BOOK SCENE Read if: You've somehow managed to never read this before and you're curious what all those weird fragments I just mentioned even mean.
Fic: The Crowd by @ghostcat3000 Rating: M for "genteel smut" as GC calls it Tropes and Themes: Another reunited after 180 days fic (I CAN'T HELP MYSELF I LOVE THEM ALL), they don't have sex in public but it's a close thing, appropriate (as in inappropriate) jokes about the uniform Read if: Look, this fic makes me happy. Do you want to be happy? Then read it.
Fic: Waste of Breath by @bryrosea Rating: M Tropes and Themes: It's called growth!, starts one year post-s3 through Logan returning from deployment, every single moment makes me want to set myself on fire and then read it again to experience it all over (too much?) Read if: You want to feel like you're inside Logan's heart and head.
Fic: Blackbird by AliLamba Rating: T Tropes and Themes: AU where Logan and Veronica are at ballet academy, battle couple but in the art of dance, found family and friends as family Read if: Okay, technically Logan wears ballet costumes not uniforms, but again, I hope this goes to show how open to interpretation these tropes are. Also, if you're looking for a completely alternative world fic, then this one is top notch. Romantic and clever and takes me right back to being teenager and loving Center Stage.
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