#hq Komi
🎉2k Celebration Headcanons🎉
Being Fukurodani’s Manager
⭐️ Manager Glow Up Edition ⭐️
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Fukurodani x gender neutral manager
Warnings: none
A/N: This was the winning team and scenario for the 2k celebration headcanons! I apologize for taking literally 7 years to get this out but please accept my apologies 🥺
What a team to have a glow up in 😅
Honestly you do know who the teams ace is right Yn?
You wouldn’t be trying to steal Bokuto’s thunder now would you be 👀
I mean, even if you were, you’ve earned the right YN
You are the teams precious baby manager 🥹
Literally the teams pride and joy
You are a second year just like Akaashi and boy are you loved
Literally these boys and girls do anything and everything to protect their precious YN
Konoha has said several times that no one is good enough to breath the air of THEIR YN
Now you never really paid much mind to these idiots
Because, well you were busy with other things
Bokuto…. Always Bokuto 🙄
Anyways what I’m getting at is that you deserve so much YN
And thankfully I, your fairy godmother, am here to give it to you 🧚🏻‍♀️
You see, summer break is coming up and while the boys are busy practicing, you are busy doing other things 👀
You ended up taking a two week vacation to visit family, much to the contest of the team
Bokuto 👉🏻 cried like he was never going to see you again 😭
Akaashi 👉🏻 *internally screaming*
Kaori and Yukie 👉🏻 sad because now they have to deal with Bokuto for 2 whole weeks
Saru and Konoha 👉🏻 trying to figure out how to get you to stay
Washio and Komi 👉🏻 apologizing because they know you desperately need and deserve a break
Nevertheless, you manage to escape and head on your two week vacay
Bokuto texts you the entire time telling you how he misses you
Akaashi takes Bokutos phone and apologizes to you profusely for bothering you 📱
However while you are away, some things change 👀
It seems our sweet little Yn has had a massive glow up while away and boy am I excited 🤩
Now you really don’t think you’ve changed that much but trust me, you have
You changed your hair, got some new clothes, found a magic elixir to clear your skin
Heck I think you might have even grown YN 😱
Don’t come for me, I swear you kids grow like weeds when you are teens!
Whatever the case, you’ve definitely changed YN!
And oh boy I’m excited to see our favorite little owls reactions 😍
When you showed up to practice you walked in and immediately went about your business
Washio and Konoha 👉🏻😐🤨
They have no clue who you are
“Hey Akaashi did we get a new manager?”Kumi says coming up behind Akaashi
“I’ve never seen that person before. Maybe they’re lost?” Onaga adds
Akaashi studies you while Yukie and Kaori approach
“Hey do you know who that is?” Komi asks as the girls who look in your direction
Just as they look, it registers with Akaashi
Like a literal slap in the face, his brain has awoken!
Too bad he realizes too late to stop the riot that’s about to incite 🙃
“Wait is that-?” Konoha says, studying you
“Holy crap, YN???” Saru yells as you turn your head and smile at the team
“Oh hey guys,” you say 🥰👋🏻
Rip to Fukurodani, you’ve served us well 🫡
“YN?? Is that really you??” Komi questions, slowly approaching you like you might not be real
“Umm yes, I think so???” You say confused
Please they have you wondering if it’s actually you 😭
Because like why are they acting this way
“You’ve changed,” Washio says bluntly
“Oh yeah, I guess I’ve changed a little but it’s only been two weeks guys,” you say, confused and secretly planning your escape to look the mirror
“Wow YN, you look…” Yukie starts to say
But unfortunately, she didn’t get to finish because a certain someone interrupted
You see, a very important person was missing from the newly revealed YN
“HEY HEY HEY everybody! YN comes back today!!!” Bokuto screeches as he throws open the doors to the gym
Everyone just waits in silence because they all wanna see his reaction
“Hey Bo! I missed you!” You sing as Bokuto stops, studying you from head to toe
“Who are you?” He asks 🤨
You 👉🏻😐
Well now you really need to look in a mirror
“Bokuto, it’s YN,” Akaashi says coming up next to you
Bokuto rn 👉🏻😐🤨
“That’s not YN Akaashi,” Bokuto says staring at you
“It’s really Yn Bokuto,” Komi says coming up next to you
You 👉🏻🙂
Bokuto 👉🏻😐😑
“Very funny guys, great joke. I think I’d recognize my second favorite person in the entire world” Bokuto says, laughing as he walks past you
Sorry Yn, spot #1 is reserved for Akaashi 💅
You sigh, knowing exactly what to say to Bokuto
“Whose the best ace in the entire world?” You say, mentally rolling your eyes that it’s come to this
Bokuto stops and turns 👀
“Everyone knows that,” he says as you stand there, again rolling your eyes
“You’re better than Ushiwaka because you beat Tsukki like a million times in 2 on 2,” you say as Akaashi smirks
Bokuto 👉🏻😐😱
“HOLY CRAP YN??” he screams as you turn and smile
“That’s what made you realize it was Yn?” Konoha asks
“Yn you look so good!! Wait- why did you change?? YN did you get a partner??” Bokuto says, deflation eminent
Akaashi 👉🏻👀 YN choose your words carefully please I BEG
“Bo, no! I just needed a little a change. I’ll admit I didn’t think I changed that much but I guess I did!” You say, beaming as the entire team swoons over you
Literally they didn’t think you could get any cuter 🥰
However what Fukurodani fails to realize is that your glow up would affect more than just them…
You see, with the training camp coming up at Shinzen, a whole new problem arises
And you see, these dummies don’t realize how much your glow up will affect literally every other team at the camp
It actually doesnt register until they arrive at camp and get off the bus
And it actually hits Konoha first
He’s helping you unload the bus all while the other teams stand around, staring at you
Konoha rn 👉🏻😐🤨😳
Crap crap CRAP
“Akaashi! AKAASHI!” he whisper yells as Akaashi turns to look at him
“Look!” He says pointing to the gaggling bunch of guys staring at their amazing manager
Akaashi 👉🏻😐😳
Please Akaashi knows you can handle yourself but he is still so protective of you
I mean, you are literally a key to Bokuto’s success and those an irreplaceable member of the Fukurodani team
You continue to unload the bus, oblivious to the men now fuming behind you
Akashi and Konoha are GLARING at the guys staring at you
Tanaka and Noya have nothing on these two petty bbys
When you finally turn around, you sense the tension
“Hey what’s going on?” You say as Komi quickly pulls you away stating he needs help with some ridiculous task
“Wow YN really… changed?” Kuroo says smirking
“Stay away from YN, Kuroo…” Akashi growls as Konoha backs him up
Kuroo throws his hands up, smirking as he walks away 😏
As the camp progresses, you notice a lot of the boys being extremely nice and helpful
“Hey Yn let me carry that for you!” Tanaka says as you smile
“Oh thank you! You are such a sweetheart!” You say as Tanaka gushes 😍
Meanwhile, Washio is standing behind you, glaring at the bald spiker
Please these guys are all so protective of their bby yn 🥺
But it doesn’t stop there
“Watch out Yn!” Someone screams as you turn to see a ball flying at your head
You duck before the ball is immediately snatched up by Ogano, Shinzen’s captain
“Oh Ogano, thank you!” You say as he smiles at you, extending his hand to you
“You ok YN?” He asks as he pulls you up, hand lingering in yours
Akaashi, Komi and Saru instantly see you but their eyes don’t go to you oh no no no
rather to a certain owl haired boy 👀
Bokuto is watching your interaction with Ogano, confused as to why the other captain is so attentive to you
Bokuto has noticed the other teams paying extra attention to you as well
At first, he thought it was because you were so helpful but that couldn’t be it because the other managers were just as helpful
By then he notices how Ogano’s hand lingers longer in yours 😳
Akaashi, Komi and Saru rn 👉🏻👀🍿
But before anything can happen, you simply thank Ogano and walk away
Bokuto shook his head, a little confused but still thinking about your interaction with the other captain as well as the looks given by the other teams
“YN come practice with me!” Bokuto cries as you roll your eyes
“Bo, I need to help everyone else!” You say
“Actually taking Bokuto would be a big help YN,” Konoha says
“See YN- hey wait a minute?!?” Bokuto glares are Konoha
You 👉🏻😐🙄 come on Idiot
“Hey wait up!” Kuroo said, following you
You turn, seeing the giant captain running towards you as you beam at him
“Kuroo would you like to join us?” You say as Kuroo smirks
“Of course, I would never turn down the company of someone so pretty,” he says winking at you
You blush profusely as Bokuto glares at Kuroo
Please Akaashi is RUNNING 🏃‍♂️ Ukai Style 👇🏻
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“Come on Yn! I’ll help you,” he says as he pulls you two towards the 3rd gym
Leaving Bokuto to GLARE daggers into Kuroo
During your practice, Tsukishima joins again, causing Bokuto even more grief
“Akaashi, have you noticed everyone staring at YN?” He finally asks
Akaashi knew this was coming but he’s cautious about how he answers it
“I mean, Bokuto haven’t you noticed?” Akaashi asks
Bokuto 👉🏻:D noticed what???
“Oh for gods sakes Bokuto, YN got like super hot!” Kuroo shouts, finally putting it out into the world for all the hear
Akaashi 👉🏻😐🤦🏻‍♂️
Kuroo 👉🏻😏
Tsukishima 👉🏻👀
You 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
Bokuto looks from you to Kuroo and back again
Then the lightbulb finally goes on
“I mean do you really blame us Bokuto?” Kuroo asks
“WELL NO BUT STOP IT!” He shouts
“You want us to stop being nice to Yn? Sounds kind of mean Bokuto,” Kuroo says with a smirk
“YN do me a favor please?” Akaashi asks before going to tame the untamable
“Sure Akaashi,” you respond sweetly
“Don’t have a glow up again until Bokuto graduates,” he says as you just nod
You 👉🏻🫡 aye aye captain
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anime-freek · 10 months
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freakurodani · 1 year
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Konoha ACTUALLY suffers from intense second hand embarrassment, is the thing, and bokuto, now akaashi too, were exacerbating his pain
its a cruel, cruel world, the fukurodani boys volleyball club
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kuroi-tsuki · 3 months
Haikyuu-bu!! Chapter 140: Aooni Menangis, Akaashi Menyebar, Shirofuku Bertambah Tua
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Sampai jumpa di chapter berikutnya~
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kakasau · 2 months
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smwhererealistic · 5 months
Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
16 - hunt you down <- 17 - congratulations [epilogue]
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im finally finished with the series :))
im sorry but i kinda almost gave up halfway through it😭
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haikyuusbookclub · 2 years
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lostvampirez · 1 year
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Shouko Komi ★
Its Komi san!!!!?!!! (i definitely dont kin her not at all🙂/s)
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turbomaslo · 3 months
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akaaschi · 1 year
FUKURODANI Academy in the HAIKYUU!! Touch the dream app game
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Bokuto Koutarou WS
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Akaashi Keiji S
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Konoha Akinori WS
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Washio Tatsuki MB
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Onaga Wataru MB
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Sarukui Yamato WS
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Komi Haruki L
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whoamels · 1 year
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Just doing what owls do.
My full piece for @hqteamzines hehe we still have leftover sales! Check em out! There’s an easter egg to my oc btw~
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cerisesakurainspring · 3 months
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☆Story Masterlist - work in progress☆
Bokuto Kōtarō
Sarukui Yamato
Washio Tatsuki
Akaashi Keiji
Konoha Akinori
Anahori Shūichi
Komi Haruki
Onaga Wataru
Link to ☆Haikyū Main Masterlist☆
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🦉 Fukurodani Edition 🦉
Washio Tatsuki: Gay. When I first sat down and decided to give most of these characters a sexuality headcanon, I saw him and my first thought was "yeah there is no way he is into women." So I cannot for the life of me see him as anything other than a functional gay man. He definitely thinks Konoha and Akaashi are very pretty. Also thinks that Inarizaki's #2 middle blocker is very handsome.
Sarukui Yamoto: Bisexual with a female preference. I honestly really ship him with Shirofuku and I have no idea why. I just went "they are totally dating" one day and it's kind of just stuck. But I can also see him getting together with Komi or even just another boy (on his team or not) in general. He's a bit of a bi disaster sometimes but he's mostly functioning. Totally refers to Shirofuku as his wife later in their relationship.
Bokuto Koutarou: Pansexual. Now I know what you're all probably thinking. And I'm not gonna lie and say you aren't right, but you're only half right. I can see Bokuto having the ability to love someone SO much. He loves anyone and everyone. Obviously has a thing for Akaashi but also thinks Konoha is very pretty and handsome. Thought Shirofuku was very beautiful when he saw her for the first time. Total b(romance) with Kuroo.
Akaashi Keiji: Pansexual. I am quite unsure why I think this label fits him so well. Obviously he has an thing for Bokuto, but I can also see him falling in love with Ennoshita or Konoha. Thinks Suzumeda is very pretty as a female and could see himself dating her if he felt any attraction towards her. He's still a bit unsure of his identity, but he likes the label pansexual so he sticks with it despite what anyone else says.
Konoha Akinori: Bisexual with no preference. So I sort of saw him as gay when I first started making headcanon lists. Then I started seeing the potential of him with girls and decided he would be bisexual. Now he has had crushes on every single one of his teammates, cause he just loves easily like that, but Washio, Komi and Akaashi are the only ones still going strong. Thinks the managers are too pretty for this world. Also thinks that Kai is very very handsome and that he wouldn't mind kissing him–
Onaga Wataru: Panromantic Asexual. Now he gives me the vibe of a sex repulsed asexual. He's still a bit nervous about the label though because it's all very new to him. Romantically, I can see him be interested in everyone on the team at least once. Definitely nursed a puppy crush on Bokuto during his first few months as a first year. Thinks Akaashi is very pretty (like everyone else though for real). He thinks Washio is so goddamn handsome it is not even funny, like holy shit please praise his blocks more–
Komi Haruki: Pansexual. Can and will hit on anything that doesn't say no. He's always on the lookout for somebody to love. Has the tiniest little crush on Konoha. Appreciates the fact that both Washio and Bokuto can bench press him with those tree trunks they have for arms. Thinks Onaga is cute but like in a boyish way. Probably had a puppy crush on Suzumeda in their first year after he saw her giggle at something stupid Bokuto did.
Suzumeda Kaori: Straight Asexual. Now contrary to what the rest of the fandom headcanons her as, I just cannot see her crushing on any girls. I also see her as sex repulsed like Onaga, hence her joking with the team about how her and Onaga are the team's "real aces". She's very supportive of her teammates and will punch someone out if they give her team any trouble.
Shirofuku Yukie: Straight. Now I would be lying if I said shipping her with Sarukui had nothing to do with if, but similarly to Suzumeda I just cannot see her being interested in other girls at all. She's very comfortable with herself and her identity and is very supportive of the rest of the team. She does think Bokuto is cute, but in a "not attracted to you" kind of way. Probably dated a boy or two in junior high before Sarukui.
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kuroi-tsuki · 9 months
Haikyuu-bu!! Chapter 130: Akaashi Si Ninja Bertopeng Bokuto
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Sampai jumpa di chapter berikutnya~
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jackieparty · 2 years
Fukurodani Hogwarts Houses
Gryffindor: Saruki, Komi, Kaori
Slytherin: Konoha, Washio, Yukie
Ravenclaw: Akaashi
Hufflepuff: Bokuto, Anahori, Onaga
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smwhererealistic · 7 months
Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader(Fem)
[Social media + Texting]
main masterlist
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Summary: The captain of Nekoma's volleyball team gets lovestruck when he sees the new manager of the Fukurodani volleyball team.
Twitter: y/n's , kuroo's
01 - friend
02 - who is she
03 - scared
04 - awkward
05 - they are weirdos
06 - lies
07 - respect
08 - in your face
09 - obsessed
10 - down bad
11 - that should be me
12 - nervous
13 - [redacted]
14 - hehe
15 - oh well
16 - hunt you down
17 [epilogue] - congratulations
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