#hq parenting
yellowistheraddest · 5 months
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your tax money goes to support his smoking addiction and so he can play with rocks
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gatalentan · 10 months
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Lisa Ann Walter on Lindsay Lohan 📺 The Parent Trap "Updating a Classic" DVD Extra (1998)
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iwaoiness · 3 months
Hanamaki: yo how was Hanae-chan's first school day?
Oikawa: oh good
Iwaizumi: yeah she cried a little but quickly calmed down
Hanamaki: for real was she who cried? then why do you two have red, watery eyes and oikawa's nose is still running?
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chishiyashoodie · 1 year
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iizuumi · 1 year
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Movie night but nobody is watching
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kyopmi · 2 years
♡ — good morning :-)
akaashi keiji x gn!reader
nothing but fluff and hilarity in the akaashi household on one fine morning, 1.3k words
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mornings like today have been far and few between lately — a rare, peaceful start to your and akaashi keiji's day where neither of you have any work scheduled for the entire day, where you can fully bask in each other's presence without handfuls of deadlines or dreaded morning commute chasing after you.
and heaven knows no one deserves this more than akaashi. 
after having to work overtime for almost the entirety of the past two weeks, akaashi is looking forward to being woken up not by his alarm, but by the gentle sunlight that filters through the curtains of your room, along with the familiarity of your warmth tucked comfortably into his side, and he can pull you into his arms and the two of you can cuddle under the sheets for the whole day (or at least, until one of you gets hungry). he wants it so bad that he’s pretty sure he had dreamed about it last night, though there was also something about bokuto flying on a giant pink bunny in his dream...
unfortunately, his fairytale fantasy is cut short when he actually wakes up to find your side of the bed empty, with most of the sheets covering him up to his chin.
disgruntled, akaashi immediately sits up in bed and fights back a yawn, eyes half-squinting as he looks around your shared bedroom. 
no sight of you anywhere.
a few seconds later, his other senses start to wake up with him and a delicious smell wafts into the room, along with a quiet sizzling noise coming from the kitchen down the hall. the overworked editor is immediately on his feet, walking towards you and leaving the bed unmade because he’s sure it won’t be long before the two of you will be messing it up again.
he has to admit, the sight that greets him upon entering the kitchen is probably just as amazing as waking up next to you. your back is facing him as you busy yourself on the stove, the cute owl-print apron tied over his oversized shirt that hangs loosely on your shoulders, giving him a peek at your bare legs, and your look is completed by a pair of fluffy, pink bunny slippers on your feet. the scruffy brown dog the two of you had adopted several months ago sits patiently on the floor next to you, her tail wagging hopefully as she looks up at you in hopes of getting any scraps of food.
your dog - appropriately named choco - is the one who gives akaashi’s position away, as your furry friend senses his presence and turns back to look at him, giving an enthusiastic woof! that catches your attention.
“oh- keiji! you’re awake!” you exclaim in surprise, though you don’t look too happy. 
akaashi can’t help the smile growing on his face, stepping closer towards you and snaking his arms around your figure before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on the small pout on your lips. “good morning to you, too, love,” he murmurs, a teasing lilt in his voice as he presses another quick kiss to your forehead. “sorry, am i not supposed to be awake?”
“well, no,” you shake your head. “you’re supposed to be sleeping in on your day off, and then me and choco were supposed to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”
his melodic laugh fills the room and your heart swoons, feeling like it’s been far too long since you’ve heard it.
“well, my apologies for ruining your plans,” akaashi says, “but i think the sooner i get to see you, the better.”
you feel your cheeks warm at his declaration. “you always have a way with your words, huh?” you mutter under your breath, closing the gap between you and akaashi as you hide your face in his chest.
you can’t see it, but there’s a dopey grin on your husband’s face now, trying his best to bite back a laugh at your antics. choco looks up at the two of you curiously.
much too soon for your liking, the two of you pull away from each other and easily ease into a comfortable rhythm around the kitchen, with you finishing up the cooking while akaashi grabs two plates and some cutleries to set on the table. 
“anything else i can help with, darling?” akaashi asks.
“hm, i’m almost done here. you can put the kettle on for some tea, if you’d like,” you suggest, to which he hums in acknowledgement.
there’s a content silence that falls between you, the only sound coming from the shuffling around the kitchen with choco padding along behind akaashi as he moves around. he dutifully does as he’s told, pulling out a pair of matching teacups and saucers from the cupboard along with your favorite blend of tea leaves as he waits for the water to heat up. next, he reaches for the jar of honey on the counter and the bottle of milk in the fridge. 
“the new brand of milk you bought tastes great, by the way. i’ve been having it in my tea and coffee all week,” akaashi comments as he pours the hot water over the tea leaves, allowing it to steep. “we’re almost out, though.”
at his statement, your brows furrow in confusion. “i didn’t get a new brand of milk, keiji,” you reply, confusion evident in your voice as you turn to look at him.
akaashi is just as confused, raising the bottle he had retrieved from the fridge to show you. “what do you mean? here it is.”
indeed, he’s holding a bottle of milk in his hand, but the realization soon dawns on you, making you gasp and clap your hand over your mouth.
“keiji!” you squeak, “that’s goat milk. for dogs. that’s choco’s milk!”
you have to hold back a giggle as you quickly scurry towards him. “look, it says here,” you point towards the label at the front of the bottle. 
sure enough, when akaashi further inspects the bottle, there’s a print that says “goat milk” under the brand name and right under that — “for dogs”. he can’t believe he had missed it during the many times he had pulled it out of the fridge and tipped its contents into his mug. then again, he may have been half-asleep the past few mornings while he was concocting his overly-caffeinated beverages, only noting that he feels much more awake after he’s had several gulps of it.
you’re full on laughing now, partly at the absurdity of the situation and partly at the look of gobsmacked disbelief on your husband’s face.
“don’t worry, kei,” you reassure between giggles, “it’s made from all human-grade ingredients. you should be fine.”
akaashi definitely feels much better at your words, though now he can feel a blush creeping up the tips of his ears. “that’s a relief,” he sighs, setting the bottle of milk back at the table. “for a second, you had me worried i’ll be growing a shiny fur coat of my own.”
you snort at his joke. “well, if that happens, i hope you’ll get used to sleeping in the living room with choco,” you tease. at the mention of her name, choco yips again in excitement. “see — she’s already agreeing.”
before you can say another word, akaashi swiftly wraps an arm around your middle and pulls you flush against him, eliciting a surprised yelp out of you.
“hm, you sure you want that, darling?” he hums, almost a whisper, deliciously close to your ear and sending a pleasant tingle down your spine. “and speaking of sleeping,” he continues, “i think the two of us can do a little more sleeping of our own after breakfast.
can’t let the bed get too cold, after all.”
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honeystwiggypeach · 1 year
BESTIE imagine being with kenma and once his mother meets reader she absolutly loves and adores her 😭😭
Listen bestie I’m a sucker for meeting the parents fics , like hello how adorable is that???? Anyhow going down the route that you and kenma didn’t meet until he’s older and what if I slip in single dad kenma🤨
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Ok so you and kenma def meet at like some cute little cat cafe his daughter had been heavily interested in and obviously being the outgoing and energetic little two year old she is she came babbling right up to you before her dad came to scoop her up apologizing profusely for her and you just had the softest smile telling him it was more then alright that you’d worked in a day care.
He smiled telling you it wouldn’t be king before he’d have to enroll her in a day care and before he knew it you were scrawling down your number telling him to call you.
Now however, you’re far past the first phone call actually you’ve got the precious toddler on your hip as you stand beside him on his mother’s porch as you swear as much as he keeps telling you that she’s going to be overjoyed to see you, you however weren’t so sure she would be.
I mean what if he was a mama’s boy?? What if she just wouldn’t like you?
He squeezes you hand softly and before you know it his mother is pulling the door open.
“I’ve heard so much about you darling, how’s he treating you?” Her smile is warm much like her son and you can almost immediately tell that she does not in fact resent you.
“Well” you respond, “he’s really good to me and this cutie” you give the toddler the slightest tickle and she’s giggling like a mad man, his mother smiles she can’t imagine he’d be better with anyone else, she’s never seen her boy this happy and you make her beloved granddaughter happy as well.
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Anywho…def not what you asked for but I’m a sucker for dad kenma😞
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blxckgym · 11 months
kageyama as that dad that is always taking pictures/videos during family events or trips but he sucks at taking pictures so 50% of the pictures are blurry, someone is mid blink, theres glare, or theres a thumb in the shot
hinata meanwhile will take one or two pictures and they'll be perfect and thats what ends up in the picture frames
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osamusbigtits · 6 months
osamu won't stop staring at the bruise on suna's arm. suna swears he can feel osamu's stare pressing against the bruise, causing it to ache. suna keeps his eyes straight ahead, seeming to all the world like he is listening to the teacher talk about grammar.
the second the bell rings to signify lunch time, osamu's questioning suna about the bruise.
suna looks down, hyper aware of the people still in the classroom with them. osamu can pester all he wants, but suna won't budge. the miya twins aren't the only stubborn assholes in the school.
osamu moves to sit in the chair in front of suna once their classmate leaves. his approach softens and he takes suna's hands.
"what happened?"
suna bites the inside of his cheek. because it sounds worse than it really was.
he clears his throat. "my mom had..." he trails off, unsure of how to describe it without making osamu worried. "she just grabbed my arm a little rougher than she meant to."
"rin," osamu says softly but sternly. suna feels his stomach roll.
"really, osamu."
of course, he's leaving out the part where his mom dragged him away from his dad. the one time his mom meant to protect him.
suna curls in on himself. "they know," he says, voice barely audible. his chin wobbles and he blinks tears away. he doesn't know how they found out, but they know suna is gay. a bigger sin on their already disgraceful son.
"can we talk later?"
osamu breathes out. "yeah. yeah, of course. I'll tell ma to make your favorite, okay?"
suna only nods.
he's stuck wondering how many times his parents can break his heart.
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freakurodani · 1 year
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so.... if you have taste then perhaps u've seen @osamusbigtits and @monstrsball single dad AUs, where Osamu is a father and Iwaizumi is a father, well I've had the honor to listen to them talk about it in the discord server and the brainrot is real... and i may have been inspired to add some bokuaka parents <3
please please please check out the links for more details its so cute i promise you'll love it <33333
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kazuyummy · 11 months
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🥂 golden rule - king's cup hq drabbles | pt. 1
in which someone in the group draws a jack from the card circle and gets to make a rule that must be followed until the next jack is drawn. pairing with reader is random in each drabble, and some might not have one at all.
pt. 1 (here!) - karasuno third years & shiratorizawa
pt. 2 (coming soon!) - karasuno first years & inarizaki
pt. 3 (coming soon!) - aoba johsai & nekoma / fukurodani
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🥂 karasuno third years
"you have to refer to everyone by one of their parents' names. otherwise, drink."
the group giggles at kiyoko's rule, and she continues, "and we should do given names, not family names."
"alright, ayane," you wink at her, "it's not too soon to be calling you by tanaka's mom's name, is it?"
she blushes as you and the boys tease her-- even the shy azumane is joining in on it.
"hey mineo," kiyoko teases asahi with the name of noya's grandfather, "don't think i'm the only one who can be teased with a soon-to-be-fiancé's name!"
his face goes red as well, but the group of you knows it's all in good fun. tanaka, noya, nor any of your other former kouhai could make it out to the cottage this year due to various commitments-- school, work, or of course, volleyball-- but it left you with a nostalgic group of the graduates in your year. michimiya wasn't able to come with daichi either, which meant no couples were on the trip.
well... unless you counted your drunken little rendezvous with sugawara last night after both of you finally admitted feelings that had been pent up since high school. but you'd like to think the two of you had done a pretty good job acting normal today. though drunk, you resisted giving each other visible hickeys, even with swimsuits on-- and it didn't seem like anyone suspected a thing.
"hey koushi," daichi calls, and you instantly point a finger at him.
"hah! dai-- fumi, you gotta drink!"
"hey! you can call me by my dad's name, y'know?" when he doesn't pick up his drink, you push the can toward him.
"huh? i wasn't calling him," he gestures over to the very owner of the name, then at you, "i was talking to you."
your nose wrinkles, "huh? my dad doesn't have the same name as him."
"see, that's funny," daichi begins, and as soon as you meet the glint in his eyes, you know how this is going to end, "i thought so, but i thought i heard you calling him daddy last night?"‎
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🥂 shiratorizawa
"no touching your phone during the game. otherwise, i get to send one message to any of your contacts."
you roll your eyes at the ever-mischievous tendou-- even if he doesn't have something planned, you know he can come up with the absolutely most embarrassing texts to send on the fly.
"c'mon, phones on the table. i don't trust any of you to use the honour system. except ushiwaka, of course. and to a bit of a fault." wakatoshi shrugs, and takes another sip of his beer.
"as if you're any more trustworthy, tendou!" you grumble, but fish out your phone and place it in the pile.
"no, i see how it is. he wants it to be more tempting if someone's screen lights up," reon muses-- quite perceptive of him. immediately, phones are going off, and people are leaning over to look at the messages people are getting.
"aaaand i think we got our first booty call," semi snickers, his hand reaching across the table to your phone. you see the contact picture even before the message, and your brain goes into a panic-- you swipe the phone.
"not even thirty seconds in, and we have our first victim!" tendou cackles, near-ecstatic. he opens his palm to you, but you're gripping the phone to your chest as if you're protecting it with your life.
"but-- but semi touched it first!"
"i said no touching your phone though, didn't i? nothing about anyone else's phone!"
before you can protest further, semi grabs the phone out of your hands and gives it to tendou. he wraps his arms around your waist and holds you to his chest because after seeing that message, he knows you're going to do everything in your power to get that phone back.
"so the rumours are true, huh? you're talking to oikawa!"
goshiki gasps dramatically, to which you huff,
"see, this is why i didn't tell you guys! i knew you'd get all weird and protective about it! we're not even dating yet."
"yet?" semi narrows his eyes, and you regret your choice of words.
"oh, come on! text my mom or something, idiot. i get shit from him already for even being close with you guys after high school."
"well then i'm about to give him some shit. one message, two words. i promise."
you stop struggling against semi momentarily-- that doesn't sound too bad, "two words? huh. a nice little "fuck you" or something?"
"yeah, something like that," tendou raises the phone, snapping a picture of the unsuspecting ace beside him. worse than the group seeing the suggestive thirst trap your situationship has sent is the image your redhead friend has returned with two words that you groan at, since they're going to get you into so much shit,
"she's busy."
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comradekiwi · 4 months
kghn fic where hinata gets hit by a car on his bike ride home. or his bike gets stolen (pseudo sugar daddy kags arc maybe if tobio pays for a new one ?)
#can’t believe i’ve never read this before#if anyone has I am always so happy to receive recs#kghn#kagehina#hinata shouyou#kageyama tobio#it would just hurt so bad and I rly rly love when fics play on the underlaying themes that make hq so deep and complex and authentic#and beautiful#like the difference in resources and accessibility b/w hinata and kageyama#bc of differences in background/wealth#hinata having to do a half hour bike over a mountain to get to school/home every day has always broken my heart a little#like. fuck he’s just a kid#he’s trying so hard#he’s working so hard#now imagine his bike gets stolen#he relies on it and loves it and maybe can’t afford a new one#he’s so sad and worried and torn up#and he’s stressed tf out bc obv his parent(s) can’t drive him or they would (?)#maybe they can but it’s not sustainable#enter kageyama. freaked out by hinata’s tears. doesn’t like how they make his chest feel weird. buys him a new one.#hinata: did you get a new bike .#hinata internally: it looks just like my old one the bastard#kageyama: it’s yours#hinata: excuse me#this reminds me of that fic where kageyama is on a sports scholarship in uni and a year older and buys hinata things kshfksgkfdhk#it was rly cute#oh the accident one is bc every time there’s a shot of a car on the road while hinata bikes home I have a heart attack#ITS NIGHT TIME. YOU DONT HAVE A HELMET. THERES NO ONE ELSE ON THE ROAD. UR ON THE ROAD AND THERES A CAR#scares the shit outta me I WISH YOU DIDNT HAVE TO DO THIS BABY😭😭😭#even tho it’s super important for ur character and themes etc etc ikik
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Chris & Bill
(via @lovehate-love)
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iwaoiness · 1 month
Where's the good in goodbye
His mother gently pinches his cheeks once more, makes him promise for the thirtieth time that he will take care of himself and beat up any racist he encounters, and hugs him tightly before finally letting go and joining his husband, who continues to keep his sunglasses on in an attempt to disguise his tear-reddened eyes. They tell him they're going for coffee and Hajime nods.
Iwaizumi hastily brushes away the tears from his cheeks, gathering his resolve before turning to confront Oikawa. His eyes remain fixed on the ground, his brow furrowed, his lips drawn into a trembling line, and his nose tinged with red. Hajime smiles, a bitter mixture of sadness and love, because he has not yet boarded the plane and already misses him so much that it hurts where his heart dwells.
"What a crybaby" He says, his voice too hoarse and too low to get the mocking effect he wanted.
But it's enough for Oikawa to glare at him, his chocolate eyes wrapped in a crystalline coating on the verge of shattering.
"You're one to talk, Cryjime."
Iwaizumi laughs, stretching his arms out towards the love of his life.
"Come here, Tooru" And all it takes is those three words to make Oikawa collapses into sobs before hugging Hajime, who also holds him close, as if he wanted to rebuild him, as if he wanted to cage Oikawa inside him so as never to lose it.
They feel that something is torn inside them, that their hearts are now not beating, but stabbing. Not only Tooru is saying goodbye to Hajime, Hajime is also saying goodbye to Tooru because in ten days, when Iwaizumi starts his classes at UCI, Oikawa will be on his way to San Juan, and there won't be time or enough money yet to be able to travel. And this is what hurts them the most because it is the first time they're separated without knowing when they will be able to see each other again, whether it will be weeks, months or even years from now. Despite leaving Japan because there is not enough room for so much ambition, they are still children. Children on the other side of the world, in a foreign land, where culture is alien and language a barrier to be broken. Where they will have to learn by themselves to anesthetize loneliness and nostalgia in order to continue walking without feeling so much pain.
"Don't forget to do the house tour" Tooru whispers, the voice raspy and wet, as his hand strokes the hair at the nape of Iwaizumi's neck. Iwaizumi chuckles softly, his fingertips tracing soothing patterns along Oikawa's back, as he knows he likes.
"I won't."
"And call me once you arrive."
"And make sure to take good care of the lucky charm Takeru and I made you."
"Mmh" Hajime hums, sinking his face deeper into Oikawa's shoulder, taking a deep breath of his soft perfume, straining to remember it until they meet again.
"And you suck at doing laundry.” Oikawa continues, nestling deeper into the hug, sniffling through his nose before running the back of his hand across his cheeks. “I know you'll put white and coloured clothes together, so I stuffed colour catcher wipes in your suitcase."
"Are you my mom now?" teases Hajime, his smile growing wider as he feels Tooru's laughter reverberate against his chest.
"You wish, Iwa-chan"
They don't know how long they're still there, hugging and talking. Neither still able to look each other in the eye without feeling the urge to tear up the tickets and make the stay a little longer.
But the mechanical voice over the public address system alerting the passengers of the flight to Los Angeles, reminds that time is running against them.
Hajime holds onto Tooru a little tighter before reluctantly pulling away, though his hands remain linked around Oikawa's waist. They search each other's gaze, tattoo the colours of their eyes in their memory for fear that they will fade until they meet again, and then, Oikawa cradles Hajime's face between his hands, caresses his wet cheeks with his thumbs and they both close their eyes before kissing.
It's soft, it involves everything they can't express by speaking and it makes it seem like saying goodbye is less difficult.
"I have to go now" Hajime murmurs against his lips before kissing him once more.
"I know" Tooru whispers back, stealing yet another kiss.
They had hardly slept the previous night, etching their presence onto each other's skin, kissing until their lips hurt, transforming words into unbreakable promises. They had gazed at each other, committing even the smallest mole to memory, smiling and embracing as if tomorrow would never arrive.
"Wait, I have one last thing for you" Hajime interrupts, stepping away to retrieve his backpack, which he had left nearby, leaning against one of the pillars alongside the rest of his luggage. He crouches down in front of it, unzips the large pocket, and retrieves his favourite cap—the one adorned with the embroidered Godzilla figure next to the kanjis. With one swift shake, he unfolds it before standing upright and returning to Oikawa. Iwaizumi smiles at his confused expression before placing the cap over his hair. "Give it back to me when we meet again, Trashykawa."
Tooru blinks, reaching up to touch the cap before mirroring Iwaizumi's smile and nodding.
There's one last hug, a take good care of yourself, eat well and don't overdo like the idiot you are and an I love you too, Iwa-chan. Then Hajime's parents return. Tooru joins them, slipping an arm around Iwaizumi's mother, who reciprocates by wrapping her arm around his waist, while exchanging smiles with Iwaizumi's father, who offers encouraging pats on the back. They watches as Hajime swings his backpack behind his shoulders and hoists up his large suitcase, before turning to face them one last time.
There are no more words.
They wave goodbye, and as Hajime bows respectfully to his parents, tears well up in their eyes once more. Oikawa blinks rapidly, determined not to succumb to tears again. With that, he resumes walking towards the first security checkpoint, alone and without looking back.
The three of them linger in silence amidst the bustling Narita International Airport. Hajime's father noisily blows his nose with his sixth handkerchief of the day and his wife takes a deep breath.
"It seems like only yesterday when I first held him in my arms" She murmurs, her voice still tinged with moisture, yet softened with the tenderness only a mother can have.
Oikawa gives his second mother a gentle squeeze, tilting his head over her.
"Hajime will be fine. Even though he's a brute, he's responsible and strong."
"I know" She smiles warmly, patting his hand gently. "And I know you'll be fine in Argentina too, but saying goodbye to him and you will still hurt so much."
And Tooru understands that feeling so well. After all, he has just bid farewell to his soul.
i think i didnt wrote about iwaoi saying goodbye at the airport until now omg, hope u enjoyed it!!
u can find this and me on my ao3 🌻
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Most popular Dynamight sponsorships?
Skin care? Gym wear? Tv adds for safety? Would be get to be an ambassador for a brand e.g. calvin klein?
– 🥿
Thank you for asking me, shoe!
Hmm............ popular with him or with the fans? Because as I also mentioned in the hair ask I answered last night, whatever Bakugo sponsors he probably really has to like and use... so there must be some kind of discrepancy in his favorite things vs. the public’s LOL. 
Like... I imagine his favorite thing to sponsor would be hot sauce OF COURSE!!!  And I think that would be pretty popular with people too, at least as a collector’s item. Knowing him, he’d probably just choose his favorite brand and contact them himself asking to support LOL, or just talk about the item enough anyway for them to ask for it to be official. 
And maybe not Calvin Klein undies specifically... but once he’s gone full Pro, I can see him giving his parents the opportunity to work in the fashion industry independently... so I can see him being their personal brand ambassador, whether they did normal stuff or statement pieces and the like. 
It’s funny though because I feel like he probably hates doing commercials or anything where he speaks (because he doesn’t want to sound forced or be criticize for not being nice), so most of his sponsorships ads are like... pretty quiet. Like, he has been and can be on billboards, but more often his seal is just featured in the corner of an advertisement saying he likes the product. 
(Like, cooking oil or athletic tape or... idk. An energy drink orrrrrrrrr... propane tank lmao) 
Of course he still does safety ads, though!!! I feel like all heroes do, maybe not for specific safety items, but... on how to be safe in general? 
Normally the ads are like, “I’m Pro Hero Deku and this is how you safely cross the street! Make sure to always help those who need it, like seniors and children!” 
Dunno!!! Does this seem accurate? 
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snoozefm · 9 months
kageyama being the poster boy for mommy and daddy and grandparent issues help!
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