goldencherryhazz · 3 years
A/n: this is the second fix in two days what is happening?! This is purely based on this pic, and no I don’t think I will ever get over it. Pls don’t copy my work, notes would be much appreciated!!
Boyfriend!harry x reader
She’s small but very fluffy!
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(Just look him 🥰)
You and Harry had always been a pda- ey couple, just wanting to love on each other all the time when you were in each other’s presence, showing the people around you who the other belonged to, it wasn’t possible to not be touching the other wether it was one of Harry hands on your thigh when out for a meal or one of your hands slipping into the back pocket of his jeans when you were walking. That was only the subtle things you did in public and around your twos friends. Sometimes you were full on kissing nearly turning into full on makeout sessions but someone, usually Mitch when you were with him, would be making throwing up noises or saying ‘get a room you two’. It got even worse when you were at a bar or a nightclub, Harrys possessive side would come out when random men would stare at you, his girl. So he would have you sit sideways his lap which you gladly did always feeling safe in his arms, he would whisper sweet nothings into your ear leaving sweet kisses on your neck whilst staring the guy or multiple men who were ogling you, making him chuckle into your skin when they would look the other way awkwardly some even moving seats after being under Harry’s intimidating gaze.
And tonight was no different, the public displays of affection didn’t falter, you and Harry had been invited to Sarah and Mitch’s house for a film and wine night night, popcorn probably being included aswell. Sarah had also surprised you all with matching white dressing gowns having seen them in a sale, so she couldn’t resist and thought they would be perfect for watching films in.
So there you all were barely watching the film that was playing on the tv, it merely just a noise in the background whilst you all were all in deep conversation, you Mitch and Harry sat on the l-shaped sofa and Sarah was sat on the armchair opposite. You were sandwiched between Harry and Mitch, Harry’s hand on your thigh as usual, giving it a squeeze through the soft white fabric of the dressing gown every so often.
‘So H are you going to put ‘medicine’ on the next album’ mitch had asked for the the billionth time that week.
‘I have said it before and I will say it again, I don’t know’ Harry responded.
‘Why don’t you know’ Sarah piped up, picking up another piece of popcorn from the bowl that was resting on her very prominent bump, you and Harry were jumping for joy when they had announced that they were going to have a baby, your pretty sure Mitch still was still in shock but you knew both him and Sarah would be the best parents.
‘It sounds killer when we perform it live so it would sound even more amazing as a studio version’
‘But people have heard it all before and I want there to be all new material in the next album’ he responds tiredly
‘They haven’t heard a studio version of it though, so it technically would be new’ Mitch points out.
‘Oh Mitch will you give it a rest’ Harry says squeezing your thighs a little too hard making him loosen his grip and smooth his hand over the area as if to say sorry.
‘No absolutely not’ you laugh at their heated discussion but at the same time you felt a bit awkward being in the middle of it so you kinda wanted to crawl onto the armchair with Sarah.
‘Harry you might as well give up now’ Sarah chimes
‘Right I will think about it, okay’ Harry settles the argument not wanting to be pestering by the same question over and over again.
‘Hallelujah’ Mitch says bringing his drink to his lips taking a large swig
‘Thank fuck for that’ Harry mutters under his breath reaching for his drink, but still loud enough for everyone else to hear making the room erupt in laughter.
You eventually get up in need of the toilet, Harry reluctantly lets go of your thigh, he had become slightly tipsy and a little sleepy over the course of the past half an hour. You remember once when you were at a bar with the whole band after a concert, he was like this and when you needed to go for a pee he wouldn’t let you do from his grip not wanting to be on his own even though all of his friends were surrounding him, he even tried to follow you to the restroom making you laugh at how cute he was being, luckily this time he stayed put.
When you come back you stand in the doorway of the living room, still being out of view you admire the sight of your boyfriend, he was now laid down against the cushions a hand fiddling with his curls, there wasn’t a crease between his eyebrows like before, his face now looked peaceful. He was clad in his black jeans which looked quite silly compared to the fluffy dressing gown, but he looked so soft and cuddly. You notice that Mitch has gotten considerably closer to Harry as they were having their own quiet conversation, his beer still in hand, meaning that had and excuse to cuddle up with Harry not that you really needed one anyway.
Sarah was now completely immersed watching the film, not noticing you as you reappear into the room, Harry looking up from his conversation smiling at you, his face morphing into a smirk when your knees hit the sofa and you start crawling up the tight gap on his right, before placing your head down on his broad shoulder hand on his chest then snuggling your warm body into his. He immediately places his arm around your shoulder bringing you even closer to him then pressing a chaste kiss to you lips before pressing one into your hair. No words are exchanged between all of this your acts of affection speaking louder than anything.
You spend the rest of the night in this position, chipping into conversations from time to time, getting sleepier as the night went on, the dressing gowns were definitely a good idea Harry thought, they made snuggling so much more toasty, he also couldn’t stop looking down at you with a massive grin you looked soo dreamy and peaceful Sarah even secretly snaps a quick photo of you two one of the many times he does this, finding the interaction truly adorable and posting it on Instagram which you would find out in the morning. Even Mitch found it quite cute, and that was saying something, but he of course didn’t say anything because he was the one that always took the mick out of you two when you were like this, so he decides to stay quiet and go and cuddle with Sarah instead wanting to keep the calm atmosphere of the room.
You realise that your happy place was right in Harry arms and at this moment in time you never wanted to move out of his grip, he suddenly moves to place another kiss to your lips ‘love cuddling you like this baby’
‘Hmm I love cuddling you too’ you smile at him as he rests his chin on top of your head sighing happily, wrapping his arms even tighter around you like he never wanted to let go.
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harrystylescherry · 4 years
Early Morning Glory (Harry Fic Snippet)
A/N: Hi! So, here is a snippet from Chapter 10 of my Harry fanfiction that I’m currently working on! It’s an AU, where Harry looks the same as he does now, but is a college student in NYC and a music major because DUH. 
Basically, the main character Auden works at a 24 hour book store and Harry comes in with Niall one night and they become friends and Auden knows she wants him but she has baggage and hides her feelings and Harry seems to want her but his actions say otherwise. 
It’s a slow burn but trust me it’s worth it. Currently, there are 12 parts and I upload a new one every Friday. You can read it all here!
Here’s the snippet:
We threw out the takeout boxes and Harry started to help me fix the overcrowded shelves until we heard the front door of the shop open. 
“Hello?” The voice rang out. 
“Fuck.” I rested my forehead on the shelf in front of me and took a deep breath. 
“Is that?” Harry asked in a whisper and I nodded. “You stay here, okay?” He was walking towards the front of the shop before I could answer. 
I moved closer towards the front, still hidden among the shelves, and peeked in between two books so I could sort of see what was going on. 
“What are you doing here? Where’s Auden?” Lukas took a step towards Harry. 
“She doesn’t want to see you, Luke.” He responded. 
“Bullshit. Of course she wants to see me.” He started looking around.
Harry held his hand up in front of Luke, “I think you should go, man.”
“I just want to see her. She’s been avoiding me for weeks now. How are we supposed to be together if she keeps avoiding me?”
“You and Auden aren’t together. You guys never were.”
Lukas scoffed, “She told you that?” Harry didn’t respond. “I should’ve known. She was always a liar. Tell me, Harry, what other lies did she tell you so that you would fuck her?”
Harry’s voice came out threatening, “Leave.”
“C’mon, we both know she’s a slut, so just tell me. What bullshit did she feed you?”
I didn’t hear Harry respond, but I did hear someone cry out in pain. I ran out from behind the bookshelves to see Lukas nursing his bloody nose and Harry standing over him, breathing heavily. 
Lukas took a step closer and Harry raised his hand again to hit and while I wanted to yell and tell him to stop, I was frozen in shock. I had never seen Harry this way, this angry.
It wasn’t until Harry raised his fist for the third time, ready to strike Lukas somewhere else, that I broke out of my revere and grabbed Harry’s arm. He fought my grip for a few seconds, seemingly not registering that it was me who was holding on to him. He turned around and looked at me with so much anger but in a moment, it seemed to fade away. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it before telling Lukas to get out. 
“Fuck the both of you. You assholes deserve one another.” His voices was muffled underneath his hands but he obeyed Harry and left.
I let go of his hand and hit him on the chest, “What the hell was that?”
He rubbed his knuckles, “What do you mean? I was defending you.”
“I know—thank you, by the way—but what was that? Rather, who was that because it wasn’t the Harry I know.”
“You’re welcome.” He kissed me on the cheek and walked away. He positioned himself on the counter with my laptop situated on his lap.
I walked up to where Harry was positioned on the desk and put my hands on his knees, “Harry?”
“I recognize that I probably shouldn’t say this but…” I gave him a light punch on the shoulder, “angry you is kind of hot."
He smirked, “Regular me is hot.” 
I rolled my eyes, “Your ego really is huge.”
“Because of you! You’re the one staring at me all the time. What else am I supposed to think? I’m a good looking man, as proven by your shameless staring.” He fanned his hands out like he was laying out the evidence, which I guess he was.
“I don’t stare at you!” I tried to pull away from him but he held onto my right hand, “I just—“
“Like my tattoos,” he said it in a low sing-song voice, signaling that he’s heard that line before. “Just admit that you think I’m hot.”
“Harry, I don’t think you’re hot.” I crossed my arms over my chest and he grabbed onto my waist.
“Why not? I think you are.”
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Hallways - Pt I
She scurried through the hallways, holding her binder tight to her chest, and keeping her head down. Her white sweater tucked seamlessly into the waist of the black and white plaid skirt she wore. The slight chill in the air had her thanking God that she had decided to wear tights that morning as she juggled a cup of hot chocolate disguised as coffee to boost her holiday spirit.
 He could see her across the hallway as he spoke on the phone, eyes following her inconspicuously. He could see her as the crowd glanced at him with longing eyes, begging for a drop of attention. He could see that, as all the other people in the hallway fawned and giggled over him, she simply furrowed her cute little eyebrows and plucked her bottom strawberry lip into her mouth to chew on it, large eyes trained on the floor. 
As she padded along the hallway in a pair of black Doc Martins, the redhead could feel someones eyes on her, following her every move. Looking up, she tightened her arms around herself as though they could provide best security in the world. Her brown doe eyes curiously peered across the hallway, to see if anyone was looking at her, barely flitting across him. 
He slowed in his tracks and allowed her to walk ahead of him, admiring her small frame as she passed him, head ducked down, protected by the curtain of her short, wavy, head of flames. Grinning to himself, he straightened up, running a hand through his messy curls and smoothing his shirt down, before stalking up to her confidently. 
“What’s going on in your pretty little head, Tiger?” 
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kissme-hs · 7 years
One more chance
So here’s a bit drama one. I changed the plot a bit. Hope you guys like it! I thought I’d do it by tomorrow but was free so yeah completed todayu only. Send me asks babes. Ask me stuff. Harry talks are open. 
Feedbacks are appreciated :)
 You were hurt.
You were hurt when you saw Harry’s body rocking someone else’s.
You were hurt when you saw Harry’s lips moving around someone else’s.
You were hurt when the love which you both shared was shared between Harry and someone else.
 It all happened three years back, when you and Harry were in a relationship. You never thought that you’d be able to love someone so much. When you were with him, it was like being in a different world. You both were in your own bubble.
You completely-utterly dedicated yourself to him. He was your day and night. Your happiness. Your world. He was your God and you worshiped him.
Harry on the other side felt the same. His heart was with you and he never wanted it back.
Everything was perfect. Your relation with Harry was everything you’d asked for. Your happiness with him couldn’t be put into words. He was your aesthetic. Pure and beautiful. Everything was going smooth until that day.
The day when your heart shattered in pieces. You could trust your eyes. For days and days you hated your own eyes for showing you the reality. You never wanted to believe the sight. The naked pale skin of his body glistened with sweat as he kept thrusting in the body of a woman who wasn’t known to you.
Tears wasted no time to fill your eyes up. You covered your mouth with your hand to muffle the sniffles. You stomach to doing flips as you heart clenched. There was a physical pain that you could feel at the time in your chest. The pain which made you dizzy.
Rushing out of his house are soon as you can, you settled in your car. And there you let it al out. Even you hard cries and sobs couldn’t explain how hurt and broken you were.
It takes years to build trust. But it takes no time I’m breaking down. An Harry broke all the walls of trust. He broke the walls of love. He broke the walls that you both built in two years with your love. He broke you. 
 "What???“ You shouted as you made a cave around your ear with your hand to hear what your bestie Anna was ranting about. The loud noise of club made it hard to be audible to each other.
"You need a make a move!” She Said kinda yelled to make it audible as she swayed her hips to the beats on dance floor.
“No!” You said sternly as you stepped away from the crowd. Your heels clicked against the floor as your made your way to the bar.
“Babe!” Anna followed as she pulled you by your elbow turning you around.
“He was an asshole. Forget him! You need to move on !” She said rolling her eyes as she sat on the stool beside you. You shook your head as you gulped the fine vodka shot. The burning sensation at the back of your throat made you feel better as your head span.
“He is. But I-i can’t again. Can’t get hurt” you said blinking the tears. Anna awed as she pulled you to him to let it all out. Maybe it has been three years since you Walked away from Harry, your feeling for him never did. They stayed.
“Y/n. I know you don’t want to. But bub, at least try. Who knows maybe someone can fix your broken pieces?” Anna said as she rubbed your back.
“H-he. Only he can fix it Anna. Only he can.” You sobbed. The feeling was back. The pain was back. The memories were back. It all flashed against your eyelid as your closed your eyes. All the laughters, kisses, cuddles, moments were back.
You never knew. Never knew what made him do that. You loved him with all you had and he? He paid it back with pain and tears.
You didn’t deserve the pain. The hurt. You do not deserve anything he caused you. All the way back it was Harry who lost someone who loved him. Where else you lost someone who never did.
“I-I think you’re right. He’s an ass. I don’t deserve to be hurt. I’m gonna go dance now. You go with Ashton.” You said wiping your tears and taking a deep breath. A grin formed across Anna’s face as she hugged you tight.
“That’s my bestie. Love you.” She said and pulled away before exiting the club with her fiancé. Sometimes seeing her happy made you jealous, because she had someone who loved her eternally. Someone who made a promise and kept it.
You stood and gulped one more shot before adjusting the short skirt and made your way to the dance floor flooded with drunk and grinding bodies. The smoke filled air made you a bit nauseous but you were too sad to go back.
Leaning in to the Beats of music your let yourself completely merge in the crowd. You swayed and jumped and hooted like others. You were swaying your hips sexily when you felt someone pelvic grind against you. Though you came her for this, you weren’t that type of person who preferred one night stand to get over there ex.
Immediately, you started to unwrap the man’s strong arms from your waist causing him only to tighten them more. You screamed, but failed. No one could hear you.
Tears flowed down your cheek as your tried to push him away. You kept punching his chest. Soon the man was on ground and a tall lanky body covered you. Your nostrils sensed the familiar smell of the person you left three years ago.
“Touch her again, an’ I’ll break you’ face!” Harry shouted as the crowed floor came to a halt.
Harry wasted no time in grabbing your wrist and pulling you out in fresh air. Away from the drunk atmosphere. Harry opened his car door for you to sit in. You knew he was angry. His breath was heavy and face tinted red. So instead of arguing you sat in. You were too drunk to argue anyways.
Harry sat in the driver’s seat and began driving. None of you said a word on the way to his house.
He got out once he pulled in parking and opened the door for you. No matter how angry he was, he always cared. Why’d he do that to you then years back?
You stumbled a bit as your feet twisted because of the High heels you were wearing. You winced in pain supporting yourself by the car door. The pain huddled you from moving. You eyes scrunched in pain and your bent to clutch your feet.
“Move” Harry said more like demanded. You did as he said and stood up. He raised an eyebrow and lifted you in his arms. Instantly you wrapped your arms around his neck.
His arms felt like home. Your home.
His scent reminded you of all the memories you made. Those sleepless nights and days. Those moans and breaths. The kisses and….
And for the third time in a row tears welled up in your eyes again. You kept your face hidden in his chest so that he couldn’t see your tears as he carried you to his house.
Once you were in the room. Guest room. He laid you down gently on bed. His face was merely inches away from yours and you could feel his warm breath on your lips. Your inner emotions started to build up again as you stopped him when he started to pull away.
You cupped his cheek and stared in his eyes. His eyes carried the same pain as you did. The shine he carried with him in his eyes was replaced by dullness. His face didn’t showed the love and happiness it did before.
Biting your lips you leaned in to feel the Sparks as you conceited your lips with his. A whimper left your lips as he began to kiss back. You couldn’t believe this was happening. The man who hurt you was here. You were kissing him.
You felt a wave of warmness rushing in your body kicking the coldness out. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulder as he kicked his shoes and hovered you.
His body was aching the same way like yours were. Desperately and hungrily.
Harry pulled away slowly as he admired you. His long fingers brushed hair out of your face.
“God. Where were yeh? M'love.” Harry whispered as he kissed you again. The kiss you shared how dearly you both missed each other. How the empty space needed to be filled. How the code needed to be completed.
The whole night was spent reliving the days. Making love. 
 You grunted clutching your head tightly as it pounded. Sitting up you looked to your side and saw a naked Harry sleeping peacefully. His cheek squished against the white pillow and lips were in a pout. A smile creeped up your face but soon faded. You were enough sober to remember what happened last night.
You threw your legs out of the bed only to be greeted by the cold wooden floor of his house. Stretching out your body you padded down the stairs to get yourself a glass of water.
As you poured water in glass you spotted a purple bruise covering your wrist. You swallowed as rushed to the nearest mirror to examine yourself.
Love bites. Everywhere.
You eyes began to get watery as you try to fade the memory away. Drinking the water you stared outside letting the salty water flow freely.
“Yeh left withou’ any call or letter. You never wrote t'me. Why ?” You heard heavy voice from you behind. You closed your eyes to avoid the reality because last time you faced it, you were broken.
“Tell m’! Why’d you do tha’? I-I searched for yeh everywhere! ” Harry cried. His voice cracked as he spoke.
“Say somethin’! Y-yeh don’t get t'cry. You’re the one who broke meh! Yeh don’t get t'cry!” He spat harshly as his own tears blocked him from speaking.
“T-three years ago, on Thursday I came to your house. Happily. I never thought I could love Anyone the way I love you! But as I was about to open the door I heard something. Something which was enough to break me” you said stoping to take a deep breath.
“I-i open the door and I see the most devastating thing ever. My love. My l-love, my everything interacting with other woman’s body physically. T-touching her the way he touched only me.” You continued.
“Broken and hurt I left. Couldn’t think of doing anything else.” You finished stating yourself. You were crying bad. Managing your voice to keep still and calm.
You heard Harry mumble a ‘shit’ as his heavy steps carried him to you. You felt his arms turning you around. Your red eyes met his red ones. His lips were swollen from crying and kissing. His hair in a mess. Though he was all in a ugly state, he still was the most beautiful person to you. Your aesthetic.
“Tha’ was a mistake. I regretted it. After that day I starte’d hatin’ myself. I promised myself t’ tell yeh. But yeah were gone. I-I searched fo’ yeh like crazies. My world stopped. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Bu’ last night. I felt alive again. ” he said cupping your cheek.
“If yeh le’ m’ love yeh again, I promise not to hurt you. I mean it’. I swear t'god. We will be like we were before. Please baby. Le’ me love yeh” he pleaded.
Though he broke you. He hurt you. He couldn’t leave you.
“One more chance styles. You lose it and you’re dead” you said pointing him with your index finger. A teary smile forming on his face and he nodded. And the next second he was kissing you. But this time as yours.
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Part 5
harrystylesimagine s #imagines #harry #Styles #harryimagines #harrystyles #onedirectionimagines #harryimagines #stylesimagines #imagines #harrystyles #harry #styles #hsimagines #harrystylesimagine #harrystylesliveontour2018 #harryimagines #onedirectionimagines #harryimagines #onedirectionimagines #harryimagines #onedirectionimagines
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lynnstyles0330 · 9 years
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Imagine being at a club with Harry.
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swegfullyyours-blog · 10 years
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goldencherryhazz · 3 years
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Harry Styles album booklet by Molly Hawkins!
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thewritingbabes · 11 years
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Losing You - Short Story (Harry)
Because I was inspired by this song to write this, I recommend listening to it while reading.
*Your P.O.V*
I had just gotten home after a hard day at school. Nothing had been going right that year. So far it had been nothing but horrible. I couldn’t stop thinking about how worthless I was. I’m not good at anything. No one cared about me. My grades started to drop and all I did anymore was sleep. I walked into my room and dropped my backpack on the floor. After I stripped out of my jeans and sweater, I threw on some shorts and an old t-shirt. I crawled under the warmth of my heavy blanketed bed and let the tears fall. They kept coming but I didn’t care enough to try and wipe them away. A vibration pulled me out of my horrible thoughts. I picked up my phone from the nightstand beside my bed and checked the text. It was from Harry. He was one of my best friends and was always checking up on me. I had started growing feelings for him quite a few months ago. They kept getting stronger as time passed so I finally gathered up the courage to tell him how I feel. He said he wanted to stay friends. The whole time, I thought he liked me the same way I liked him. I know he didn’t mean to hurt me but I didn’t take his rejection very well and it only worsened my depression.
Harry - hey! :)
You - hi
Harry - are you okay?
You - no not really
Instead of receiving a text back, he called me.
"Hey, what’s going on?"
"I don’t know, Harry. I’m feeling really shitty lately and i don’t know how to handle it anymore. It just keeps getting worse."
"Awh come on, (y/n). Everything will get better soon I promise."
"You say that every time and nothing’s changed."
"I know and I’m sorry but you have to trust me on this. Things will get better. It just takes time.”
"I don’t think I can wait much longer."
"(y/n) do you want me to come over? I’m getting a little worried about you."
"No but thanks for caring, Harry. Goodbye."
"(y/n) wait-"
*Harry’s P.O.V.*
My sentence was cut off by the dial tone. She hung up.
I grabbed the keys to my car and ran out of the house. As I shoved the keys into the ignition, I shut my door and put the car in drive. I zoomed out of the neighborhood onto the main road. I was trying to get to (y/n)’s house as soon as possible but no matter how fast I went, it seemed like it wasn’t fast enough. When I finally got to her house, I hopped out of the car without taking the keys out or even closing the door. I sprinted up to her door and started banging. Her mother opened the door and smiled at me.
"Oh hello, Harry. How have you been?"
She noticed my rigid breathing and nervousness and became confused.
"Is everything alright?"
"Where’s (y/n)? Is she alright?"
The words came out so fast I was surprised she even understood what I had said.
"Yes, she’s fine. She’s upstairs, why?"
I accidentally pushed her a little too roughly and ran up the stairs.
Her bedroom was empty but I noticed her bathroom door closed. I rushed up to the door but it was locked.
"(y/n) are you in there?"
I got no response and started to panic. I began slamming my body against the door to bust it open when her mother walked in.
"Harry, what’s going on? Is everything alright?"
"I think (y/n) did something to herself. Something bad."
Her mother started calling out to her daughter but she didn’t get a response either.
When I finally busted open the door I saw her. She was lying across the cold tile floor; empty pill bottle in her hand. The sight immediately brought tears to my eyes. I rushed to her, falling to my knees by her side. Her mother was still standing by the door speechless. She didn’t know how to react and neither did I. I checked her pulse and she still had a heartbeat. I listened closely but she wasn’t breathing.
"She has a pulse. Call an ambulance."
She nodded her head and rushed out of the room to the nearest phone. I remembered mouth to mouth so I gave it a shot. During my attempts to get her breathing again, I start thinking of what i’ve been planning to tell her for the past few weeks. She hadn’t noticed but I started growing feelings for her a while ago. When she told me how she felt about me, I panicked and said I wanted to stay friends when in reality, I was just too scared to tell her. Quite pathetic, actually, how even when she was brave enough to admit how she felt, I chickened out. Now she would never know.
"C’mon, (y/n), breathe!"
My shaking hands grasped either side of her face and I leaned in once more. This time she coughed, not once but twice. It’s not much but it’s enough to assure me she’s still alive. Even if it’s not for much longer. Her eyes fluttered open a bit and I smiled through the tears. I pulled her into my lap and warmed her up as best as I can. She had just enough energy to whisper a few small words.
"This is all i’ve ever wanted."
I wasn’t sure weather she was talking about dying or being held in my arms but nothing mattered right now except getting her to a hospital.
"I know."
The next few minutes passed by in a blur. All I remember was the people trying to pry her fragile and limp body from my arms until they finally succeeded. They let me ride in the back of the ambulance but only cause I wouldn’t take no as an answer and they needed to get (y/n) to the hospital. I held her tiny frozen hands in my large warm ones all the way there. Once they got her to the hospital, they rushed her into the emergency room and forced her mother and I to stay in the waiting room. I sat there thinking about everything from when we first met to now. We’ve been through so much together and I never wanted our friendship to end. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted the friendship to grow into a relationship. It seemed like hours passed before the doctor  finally approached the waiting room. We both rushed up to him. We both shot questions at the doctor, barely giving him a chance to answer.
"(y/n) is going to be alright. We had to pump everything out of her because of all the pills she took so she’s quite hungry. She’s resting now but you can visit her if you’d like. Just try not to wake her up because she needs as much rest as possible."
As much as I wanted to see her, I let her mother go in first. When she finally came out, there were tears streaming down her face. I found it kind of awkward when she pulled me into a tight hug but I understood her pain and that there was no one else that could support her at the moment so I hugged back.
"I almost lost my baby.” she cried into my shirt.
I held on to her and rubbed her back till she calmed down.
"Everything is going to be alright."
She sat back down and collected herself while I started walking towards the room where the girl I loved lay dreaming of a world where all that exists is happiness and love.
I took a deep breath as I turned the door knob and pushed the door open. When I saw her lying there, I stopped in my tip toeing tracks. She looked so flawless; like an angel. Her long wavy brown hair laid a mess across her chest. Her small figure was curled up into a ball under the thin sheets. I found my place in a chair next to her bed. All I could do was sit there and think and cry. How can someone so perfect hate themselves so badly? I reached out to brush the stray hairs from her face but accidentally woke her in the process.
"Hey." I smiled at her while hastily wiping away the tears left on my face.
She stayed quiet for a few moments, staring at me before speaking.
"Why’d you save me?” she spoke at a volume barely audible.
Her question left me a little confused. Did she really think I could let her die? So cold and alone on that bathroom floor. Let her think that no one cares or loves her?
"Because, (y/n), I love you."
I was quite shocked at how blunt I was but it didn’t matter because I finally told her the truth.
"You do?"
"Yeah. For quite a while now. I wanted to tell you when you told me how you felt but I got nervous and couldn’t do it. Almost losing you taught me something. It taught me that the old saying ‘You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone’ is in fact true. I knew I loved you but i didn’t know how much until today. To be honest, I think I would’ve completely lost it if you died. Please don’t ever do something like that again. I promise if you ever feel as if killing yourself is your only escape, everything will be okay because i’ll be with you through it all."
During my small speech, she sat there intently listening. By the end of it, tears were falling down her face. She took me by surprise when she wrapped her arms around me so tight that I could barely breathe.
"Thank you."
The hug lasted for a comfortable amount of time before. she released me. She sat back into her pillow and tilted her head towards me.
"One more question."
"What is it?"
"Do you think you can find me some food? I’m starving."
My mouth broke into a large smile that reached the corner of my eyes and displayed my dimples.
"No problem."
I stood up and walked to the door but as I reached out for the handle her beautiful voice sounded in my ears once more.
"And, Harry", I looked to her and waited for her to finish the sentence.
"I love you too."
The words made me blush and drop my head towards the floor. I hadn’t realized how badly I wanted to hear those words come from her mouth till then. And in that moment, it felt like all was right in the world.
Alternative Ending
The next few minutes passed by in a blur. All I remember was the people trying to pry her fragile and limp body from my arms until they finally succeeded. They let me ride in the back of the ambulance but only cause I wouldn’t take no as an answer and they needed to get (y/n) to the hospital. I held her tiny frozen hands in my large warm ones all the way there. Once they got her to the hospital, they rushed her into the emergency room and forced her mother and I to stay in the waiting room. I sat there thinking about everything from when we first met to now. We’ve been through so much together and I never wanted our friendship to end. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted the friendship to grow into a relationship. It seemed like hours passed before the doctor  finally approached the waiting room. We both rushed up to him. We both shot questions at the doctor, barely giving him a chance to answer.
"I’m so sorry but, she’s gone. We tried to get the pills out of her system but we were too late."
All I heard come from his mouth were the words “she’s gone”. I don’t understand. She couldn’t just be gone. Was he joking or something? Of course not, that wasn’t something you joke about. My heart started pounding against my chest and it felts as if I couldn’t breathe. I ran through the emergency room and out the sliding doors. I stopped at the curb and dropped down to my knees. The heavy droplets of water in my eyes started showering down onto the cement. My entire body was numb. I couldn’t feel the shivering wind against my skin or even the sound of my own screams. I screamed until there was no air left in my lungs and I felt dizzy. That’s when everything went dark.
*1 Week Later*
It’s only been seven days since she died. They said that I had a panic attack and passed out outside on the curb. I barely remember though. The funeral was a few days ago. I went with my mother and cried like a child the whole time. But at least I fit in with everyone else sobbing. I think it shocked people so much, especially her mother, because she always seemed like such a happy girl. I saw her slowly slipping away though. I tried to save her but I guess I was just too late.
My mother let me stay home for the week but she didn’t want me missing too much so she sent me back today. When I heard the beeping of my alarm clock I wanted so badly to shut it off and go back to sleep, not just for five minutes but for forever.
But even I knew that I needed to go back to school. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a total disaster but that’s not a surprise considering I had been in bed the past week. I hardly ate either, only when my mom forced the food down my throat. Sleeping hadn’t really been a thing for me either. The most I got a night was maybe twenty minutes but then i’d be woken by the nightmares. The same nightmare kept playing in my mind every night. It’s of (y/n) and she wouldn’t stop repeating those words to me.
"This is your fault." she repeated in a ghostly tone and it made me shiver thinking about it. Her voice played in my head over and over again.
I spent a short amount of time getting ready before grabbing my car keys and heading out of the house. The ride to school was silent and lonely. I remembered back to when i’d sometimes give (y/n) a ride to school in the morning. She was always such a morning person and would blast on music right when she got in the car. I didn’t mind though mostly because I loved hearing her sing along. Everything about her was absolutely beautiful. 
When I pulled into the school parking lot, it was a bit late so it took me a while to find a parking space. Once I completed that task, I walked inside the school full of people that I didn’t care for talking to anymore. The only person I wanted to talk to was (y/n) but I couldnt cause she’s gone. I avoided the stares as I walked to my 1st period. Silently, I entered the classroom and sat down in the back. When the teacher was done with the lesson, they gave us a simple worksheet to work on which I finished quickly. A few of my friends that had been giving me my space most of the hour eventually finished also so they walked up and sat down next to me.
"Hey, Harry. How ya holding up?" the question came from, Tyler, one of my closest friends. I felt bad that i’ve been ignoring his texts and calls lately but i’m sure he understands why.
I didn’t wanna depress them by saying how i actually felt but i also didn’t wanna lie and say i was happy. I settled with a shrug.
"Look I know you aren’t really in the mood to talk but we want you to know that we’re here for you. If you don’t remember, (y/n) was one of our close friends too and we’re all struggling to get through this but believe me when I say we will. Together we’ll get through this, Harry. Everything will get better soon. I promise."
That was the last sentence I said to her. I said everything would get better soon. I promised her and let her down. I was too late.
They waited for me to say something but I just sat there. Pairs of eyes bored into my soul. I knew they wouldn’t leave me alone until I replied with something they agreed with.
"You’re right. Thanks, guys."
I stood up and hugged them all as the bell rang and then escaped out into the hallway. Everything Tyler said didn’t seem to be true. Things will never get better. Not unless (y/n) somehow got brought back to life.
But as I sat through each class thinking, maybe things would get better. I obviously will never forget about her. I may even never get rid of those feelings I felt for her. I realized that life is tough and sometimes it feels like you need to escape because things just keep getting worse. But I also realized that when you have people who care, even if you don’t believe so, things will lighten up and better days will come. All you have to do is wait.
As I was driving home, I felt much better than before. I pressed the power button on my stereo and a familiar song started playing. It was (y/n)’s favorite song. I guess she had left one of her mixtapes in the cd player of my car. I smiled as the song played on and a single tear softly rolled down my face. I sung along to the song imagining her in the car with me. It felt like her spirit was there in the car beside me and that was comforting. I think she came back to let me know that it wasn’t my fault and it was okay to move on. The sun then came out and the sadness that had taken over me the past week was slightly lifted off me. Maybe Tyler was right. Maybe I will get through this.  
- Samantha
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kardasihian · 11 years
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kissme-hs · 7 years
Anyone wanna talk about H?
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Part 1
harrystylesimagine s #imagines #harry #Styles #harryimagines #harrystyles #onedirectionimagines #harryimagines #stylesimagines #imagines #harrystyles #harry #styles #hsimagines #harrystylesimagine #harrystylesliveontour2018 #harryimagines #onedirectionimagines #harryimagines #onedirectionimagines #harryimagines #onedirectionimagines
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Harry watching you being taught how to play guitar by Niall.
'Im so lucky' harry thinks to himself 'so lucky.'
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lynnstyles0330 · 9 years
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Imagine recording Harry working out
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goldencherryhazz · 3 years
Better than sex
A/n: it’s currently nearly midnight and I have been working on this for the past three hours, so I don’t even know if it makes sense but I will check in the morning lol! Notes would be much appreciated, pls don’t copy my work!
Warnings: smut, daddy kink, choking, oral fem!recieving, fluff
Agreeing to go on tour with Harry was one of the best decisions you’ve ever made, travelling to every corner of the world and watching your boyfriend perform in front of thousands of people in the most extravagant outfits every night was honestly a dream, but now after four months being on the road with him you we’re finally going home for a break.
‘Wake up darling’ Harry said stroking your cheek, it was only 7’o’clock in the evening in the uk, but jet lag was getting the better of you so Harry being more accommodated to flying here there an everywhere gladly drove you two home from the airport whilst you napped.
You give him a lazy smile stretching your arms in the air ‘we’re home H’ you say excitedly looking at the front of your home, you honestly thought you forgot what it looked like after not seeing it for 4 months.
‘Yes we are my love’ admiring his girl and how cute she looked rubbing her sleepy eyes with her whole palm like a child.
He opens his door and climbs out of the car, quickly making his way to your side to open the door for you like the gentleman he is, ‘m’lady’ he gestures for to to get out the car ‘well thankyou kind sir’ you giggle at him, pecking his cheek on your way to the back of the car.
You two make a quick job of getting all your luggage into the house, only dumping them in the porch already agreeing to deal with it in the morning.
You walk into the kitchen to be greeted by Daisy, your two’s cat who Anne had kindly looked after whilst you and Harry were touring, you felt bad for leaving her for so long but Anne had insisted seeing as Daisy got along with her cats aswell, so she basically had a massive sleepover, ‘hey dais how are you, missed you soo much’ you coo towards her she let you stroke her for a maximum of two seconds before she spots Harry in the doorway and bounds over to him. You chuckle, Daisy had always had a soft spot for Harry and you couldn’t really blame her ‘not giving mama cuddles huh, missed your daddy too much’ he said with the cat laid in his arms, her paws up as if she was in surrender. Eventually she scrambled out of his arms going to her bed in the living room you presumed.
‘Wanna go and watch a film in bed baby, you can choose whatever you want promise I won’t make you watch The Notebook again’
‘Yeah sounds perfect’ she smiles walking to grab his outstretched hand which didn’t have any rings on which was a strange sight after being so used to seeing him with them on.
The two of you trudge up the stairs, and when you finally make it to the top you run into the bedroom that you and Harry shared, and jumped onto your California king bed, making Harry laugh at your antics. You had truly missed this bed after being in a different hotel at least once every two days over the last four months, there was just something about the duvet and the memory foam mattress topper that you couldn’t get enough of, the sheets were also extra soft and smelled like fresh flowers, you laid flat on your back with tight arms and legs splayed out like a starfish, as you practically sunk into the mattress ‘this is better than sex’ you say jokingly but sounding quite serious due to how comfortable you were at that moment.
This made Harry spin round to face you with his eyebrows raised a smirk on his lips, he made his way to the bed, you had your eyes closed so when you felt his breath again the side of your neck it made you jump and had a shiver running out your spine ‘are you sure about that sweet girl’
You open you eyes in shock, not knowing what you said would get him riled up that quickly, or bruise his over so increasing ego, but you knew if you kept playing along he would give it to you really good just so that he could prove you wrong, and you were all for it.
‘Are you saying that this bed is better than my cock...my fingers...and my mouth?’ Kissing you on the sweet spot on your neck between his words.
‘Hmm, I don’t know you’ll have to show me can’t remember.’
‘Oh baby you don’t know what you’ve gotten your self into, I’m gonna make you remember it for days’ making a moan escape your lips, he pounced on top of you pinning you arms above your head kissing you on you lips multiple times before dragging them down your
Harry knew you were probably joking but he loved having his way with you and for the last 4 months being on tour the only sort of intimacy you two had was quick fucks in dressing and hotel rooms with being so busy all the time and at night Harry was understandably tired after doing a show. He wanted to dominate the shit out of you tonight and you had just added fuel to the fire, so with no fear of someone walking in on you both he was going to let loose.
He pulls back and releases your arms, ‘strip for my baby, then I want you to sit at the top of the bed with your back against the headboard’ you moaned softly at his words, already putty in his hands and instantly start undressing as he did the same.
Once you were naked, and sat against the headboard you couldn’t help but stare at your boyfriend pulling his t-shirt over his head making his arms flex, your pussy become slick with your wetness as you watched him. Once he freed his cock from the confines of his boxers, he gives his shaft a few tugs trying to relieve some of the building pressure.
‘Jesus, can smell you from here’ he moans crawling up the bed, you legs spreading even more on instinct to give him more room. He lays on his belly once he is closer to you wrapping his arms around your thighs swiftly dragging you so that his face was barely centre metres away from your sopping cunt, you drape you legs over his shoulder heels digging into his back.
‘M’gonna use my mouth and my fingers and I’m gonna make you cum so hard that you squirt everywhere sweet girl’ you squirm in his grip his eyes looking directly into yours. He gives you no warning as he ducks down pressing a kiss directly on your clit, then licking a bold stripe up your entire pussy ‘always to wet for me, you taste just like a strawberry angel.’ You throw your head back, you hands gripping onto the sheets to prepare yourself for what was to come.
He focuses back on your clit flicking his tongue from side to side, he teases a his middle finger round your entrance making you buck your hips ‘patience sweet girl’ he says removing his lips from your clit to suck a hickey onto the inside of your thigh.
‘Feels so so good daddy’ the first words you had spoken except moan after moan since Harry started, your fingers pinching your nipples, he smirks up at the pet name, his cock twitching against the sheets.
He decides to give you his fingers, inserting two at the same time, you whine at how easily they slid into you. He gives no time to adjust curling them into a ‘cone hither’ motion then pumping them in and out going knuckle deep every time hitting spots that you would never have been able to fine with your own, a calloused finger rubbing tight circles around you clit. ‘How good is daddy making you feel, tell me’
‘So f-fucking good, your fingers feel amazing inside me daddy’ you can’t stop your eyes from rolling into the back of your head as his mouth finds it’s place back on your clit, adding a third finger into you cunt, still thrusting at a delicious pace, You could feel the knot tightening in your belly, but not only that you felt like a balloon was ready to burst within you.
You tangle your fingers in his hair, knowing that he loved it when you tugged on his curls, but you also did it so that he wouldn’t pull away and deny you of an orgasm when you were almost falling off the edge.
‘Clenching around my fingers baby, know your gonna cum, stop holding back leg go for me’.
‘Shit daddy, I’m so close’ you cry out
‘Yeah you gonna squirt for me, soak the sheets?’
‘Yes daddy’
‘Go on then, cum for me sweet girl’
You couldn’t hold back any longer, after a few more thrusts of his fingers you let go screaming as you do, the ballon inside you also bursting resulting in you squirting over the lowers portion of Harry’s face and the sheets beneath, he moaned out. Your legs were shaking, your head was thrown back, and your back arched as he continued thrusting his fingers inside of you to ride out your intense orgasm. After a few moments you took in a sharp breath having forgotten how to breathe ‘holy shit daddy’ you barely mustered up, you felt like you were floating in mid air, you don’t think you’ve cum that hard in a very long time.
After a couple of minutes you start to come down from your high, you look at Harry who was still in the same position, his eyes were glazed over in lust ‘that was so fucking hot angel, swear I could’ve cum just right there and then’ he licks your folds cleaning up you up a bit. Harry swore he could spend hours between your legs, he couldn’t get enough of your taste.
Eventually he presses one last kiss on your clit, before blowing air directly onto the small bud, making you squirm at the overstimulation.
He moves up you body, pressing kisses against your skin along the way, swirling his tongue around your hardened nipples then blowing air only each in just like he had done to your clit making a shiver run up your spine. He reaches your lips kissing, dipping his tongue into your mouth so that you could taste your juices.
‘Was that good sweet girl’ his words muffled by your lips.
‘Yes daddy, m’kinda sleepy now though’ you say shutting you eyes a lazy smile spreading across your face.
‘No falling asleep on me now, haven’t even fucked you yet, m’cocks leakin’ for you.’
This makes you perk up a bit, now yearning to be filled with Harry’s cock, you had only just come down from your last orgasm but you were ready for another one.
‘Want you to come deep inside of me daddy, want you to fill me up so bad’ you whine.
‘You want my cock baby’
‘Yes please daddy’ you were desperate now.
‘Well since you asked so nicely’ he reaches down tugging his cock a few times spreading pre-cum over his length, before slipping into your warm cunt both of you groaning at the feeling, he thrusts all the way inside you his length stretching your walls deliciously.
‘Ohhh sweet girl, swear you pretty cunt was made for me, can I move now’
‘Yes daddy, you can move’ he instantly complies not being able to stay still any longer. He starts a steady pace pulling nearly all the way out before thrusting back in hitting the deepest spots within you. You reach your arms over his shoulders tracing some of his tattoos along the way then gripping onto the soft skin. Whimpers and groans filled the room as Harry buried his face in your neck, your natural scent mixed with your favourite perfume intoxicating him, you take your chance to suck a hickey onto his neck after not having much time to mark him up.
He was fucking into you at a fast pace now, getting lost in pleasure ‘so deep daddy’ you moan. He moved his face from you neck, gripping onto the headboard with one hand to get more leverage, the sight of him above you pounding you into the mattress turned you on even more if that was possible.
‘Daddy can you c-choke me’
His hand flies to your throat gripping it just enough so it restricted you breathing slightly, ‘like that baby, you love it when daddy rough with you, don’t ya’
‘Yes daddy, fucking love it’ you scream as he starts hitting your g-spot repeatedly.
‘Oh shit, daddy’s gonna cum, you gonna cum with me’ he groans hand getting slightly tighter around your throat.
‘I’m gonna cum to daddy, please keep fucking me like that’ your eyes roll into the back of you head you heels looped round his back and crossed at the ankle to keep him as close as possible. His thrusts start to falter and his cock twitches telling you he was about to fall over the edge ‘cum inside me daddy, want you to paint my walls with your cum, please daddy want it soo much’ you whimper also starting to tumble over.
‘Shit I’m cumming’ he growls sheathing into your cunt his cock twitching one last time, his balls resting heavy against the space between your pussy and your tight second hole, he emptied his load inside you, the sensation of his seed filling you up also made you cum, Harry’s grip on your throat giving you a head-rush as you do, you both felt euphoric. After the waves of your release come crashing down in you your body goes limp, you know that you will be sore tomorrow and probably the day after but it was all worth it. Harry’s takes longer to come down from his high, his cum now dripping out of your pussy. ‘You okay bub’ you say sweetly looking up at him.
‘Oh I’m more than okay baby, feel fucking incredible’
He takes his loosened hand off of your throat before resting his body on top of yours, his cock still buried inside of you ‘I take back that last statement about this bed being better than sex’ you whispered breathlessly into his hair stroking through the sweaty curls.
‘You better’ he tiredly laughs into your neck.
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goldencherryhazz · 3 years
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