#hudson and riso
shecelebratesmisery · 2 years
Most common enneagram mistypes (also by instinctual subtype) and short explanation for mistype
Type 1
In general: E3 (focus on competence), E4 (when unhealthy), E5 (focus on competence)
Sx1 (countertype): E8 (both have a forceful nature)
Type 2
In general: E9 (positive attitude)
Sp2 (countertype): E7 (positive attitude; childish disposition)
Type 3
In general: E1 (focus on competence), E5 (focus on competence)
So3 and Sx3: E8 (assertive attitude)
Type 4
In general: E2 (especially when unhealthy), E3 (especially with 3 wing), Enneagram 5 (withdrawn stance; especially with 5 wing), E9 (withdrawn stance)
Sx4: E8 (reactive triad; might mistype due to forceful nature)
Type 5
In general: E1 (focus on competence), E4 (withdrawn stance; especially with wing 5 or if sx subtype), E9 (withdrawn stance)
Type 6
Sp 6: E2 (dependent stance), E5 (especially with a 5 wing), E9 (attachment triad)
So 6: E1 (dependent stance), E3 (attachment triad; especially when unhealthy)
Sx 6 (countertype): E3 (attachment triad; especially when unhealthy), E4 (reactive triad), E7 (especially with 7 wing), E8 (reactive triad)
Type 7
In general: E3 (assertive attitude), E4 (frustration triad), E8 (assertive attitude)
So 7 (countertype): E2 (positive attitude; they both have a self-sacrificing nature which may be the cause of mistype)
Type 8
In general: E3 (assertive attitude), E7 (assertive attitude
Type 9
In general: E2 (positive attitude; especially if social subtype), E4 (withdrawn stance), E5 (withdrawn stance), E7 (positive attitude)
Main sources: Naranjo, Hudson and Riso, Beatrice Chestnut
Remember to always check basic needs/passions/desires when in doubt between two enneatypes! Enneagram is not as much as outward behavior as it is about your internal feelings. Checking integration/disintegration patters can also be useful.
Hope this helps someone! :)
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90stvqueen · 7 months
i found enneagram books and bought a couple, and i was feeling a little insecure ("am i rly a 7? i act like a 2 a lot of the time" etc etc) and then i read some stuff about type 7 and laughed out loud bc it read me so hard. so i think i'm typed right lmao
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incure · 10 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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istj-hedonist · 2 years
why do you think riso&hudson is better than naranjo?
i haven't read either of them because i hate reading but any time someone says something outrageously stupid they claim it's based on naranjo
meanwhile if someone says something that is boring common sense then they quote riso&hudson
and for base groundwork i will take boring over dumb
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maximizeu · 11 months
Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator
Discover the popularity of Enneagram tests in the US, with millions of tests taken and an impressive average customer rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. With its intuitive approach, the Enneagram is particularly well-suited for relationally-oriented organizational cultures. Explore the power of the Enneagram in understanding personality types and promoting positive relationships within your organization.
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rainytypology · 10 months
Enneagram system
A rewrite/more in depth post of the Enneagram system compared to my last post on it. Not an expert. May change later.
If you like kpop and typology, check out my blog. I do type analysis on idols and typology notes.
What is Enneagram?
I mainly took notes from Riso Hudson theory.
A typology system that categorizes personalities into 9 different types. Each type is numbered from 1 - 9.
Each type has a desire and fear that motivates their actions in life.
Core and Wings
Core: Our main type. It is the foundation of our personality and does not change.
Wing: Acts as a complement to our core. Wing can be one of the two types that sit beside core type. E.g a core 2 can have a 1 wing (2w1) or 3 wing (2w3). But is not necessary to use since wings can change and/or can be balanced.
Levels of Development
Summary of healthy - unhealthy levels of personality
- Healthy levels -
Level 1: Liberation
Let go of self image so we are free to express ourselves however we want. Self acceptance of all traits.
Level 2: Pyschological Capacity
Begin to identify with positive qualities in our personalities and learn to improve ourselves with them.
Level 3: Social Value
Still strongly identify with our set self image and make effort to maintain image. Want to share our good talents and abilities to make a positive effect on self and others.
- Average levels -
Level 4: Imbalance/Social roles
Idealization of self image; have a major focus on either good or bad qualities, no in between. Fear is an obstacle here.
Level 5: Interpersonal Control
Insist on self image being accepted by others, which can cause conflict. Can lead to controlling and manipulation.
Level 6: Overcompensation
Overcompensate due to underlying negative feelings. Desperate for others' acceptance.
- Unhealthy levels -
Level 7: Violation
Desperation for acceptance leads to violation of one's self and others. Serious conflict can occur. May victimize themselves to excuse offensive actions.
Level 8: Obsession and Compulsion
May be overly obsessed with an image of who they want to be. Deceives others
Level 9: Pathological Destructiveness
Most unhealthy state, display very toxic traits and behaviours, may have mental breakdown
Disintegration vs Integration
Or basically Stress vs Growth
Disintegration: When under heavy amounts of stress, a type will go into their disintegration type. They will pick up the negative traits of that type and act like the unhealthy version of it.
Integration: When maturing/developing positively, a type will go their integration type. They will pick up the positive traits of that type and improve their character.
* I will only give short descriptions for the triads. I will explain more in depth in individual posts.*
Centers of Intelligence
There are 3 centers of intelligence. Each center shows how and why we solve issues in life.
Gut/Instinct/Anger (types 1, 8, 9)
Gut center focuses on reacting and taking action immediately. This triad has an issue with control and anger.
1: Often perfectionists who repress their anger in order to remain morally good. They see their anger in a negative light.
8: The most open and comfortable with their anger. Uses it to assert boundaries, especially since this type fears vulnerability.
9: Often a passive type that dismisses or downplays their anger. They fear conflict and may worry being more assertive will cause a negative effect on themselves and others.
Heart/Image/Shame (types 2, 3, 4)
Heart center focuses on self identity and connections. This triad wants love and recognition and do what they believe is best to get that. They struggle with self worth.
2: They want to be needed and helpful to others. Pride themselves on being of service. Wants to receive love and to give love.
3: The most image oriented type. They always try to show their best selves and best efforts in order to seem admirable. Fears being worthless.
4: Wants to create a unique image for themselves, believes being boring will make them unloveable.
Head/Thinking/Fear (types 5, 6, 7)
Head center focuses on ideas, making rational decisions, and gathering info. This triad deals with fear and uncertainty.
5: The most internalized head type. 5's want to gather as much knowledge and resources as possible in order to stay secure and independent.
6: Quite an anxious type who seeks security through relations with others.
7: This type fears pain and suffering and seek out experiences in order to avoid negativity.
Other triads
- Harmonic Triads -
How types handle conflict, coping mechanism
Reactive (4, 6, 8)
Reactive types are not afraid to show and speak about their true feelings. They may seem "dramatic" in a way.
4: Melodramatic and self absorbed in negative feelings, drowns in intensity
6: Will argue, stick up for the right thing, moody, anxious
8: Big and loud reactions, can be very fiery
Positive (2, 7, 9)
Positive types dislike negativity and conflict and have their own ways of avoiding such tension. Optimistic during hard times.
2: Actively tries to be a good and kind person, only tries to focus on the good aspects of people
7: Seeks out fun opportunities to make their life exciting (basically distraction)
9: Values harmony and peace, will not risk any type of action that will disturb these values
Competency (1, 3, 5)
Competent types are often perfectionists who want to show their best selves. Objective and rational.
1: Strives to be correct and right, wants to be precise in what they do
3: Represses softer emotions to keep up a certain image, thrives with work/passions so they can be the best at what they do
5: Detached from feelings to remain logical and objective, knowledge seeking
- Hornevian Triads -
Relationships with others, how they get what they want
Assertive (3, 7, 8)
Assertive types go against people to get what they want. Do not back down easily, can seem aggressive and forceful.
3: Pushes through obstacles for achievements, goal oriented
7: Asserts their right to have fun, refuse to be restricted
8: Asserts power and strength, places boundaries
Withdrawn (4, 5, 9)
Withdrawn types are very internalized and do not show their needs openly. Deals with things alone.
4: Feels something is wrong with them internally, feels misunderstood
5: Detached from others as to not drain their own energy, will figure it out themselves
9: Introspective, lets life happen
Compliant (1, 2, 6)
Compliant work with people to get what they want. Builds relationships for security, wants to be helpful to others.
1: Doing the right thing instead of one's own wants
2: Focus on other's needs more instead of self
6: Tries to build a safe and secure environment by getting ppl to work together
- Object Relations -
How we are affected by others, our own affect on others, how we react to personal wounds
Attachment (3, 6, 9)
Seek out bonds and companionships for particular reasons. Individuality vs adaptation.
3: Changes their image to suit whoever they are with in order to meet expectations
6: Creates support systems to help with their self doubt and indecisiveness
9: Adapts to the energy of the environment to keep harmony
Frustration (1, 4, 7)
Triad gets frustrated when their needs aren't met.
1: Has a need to improve every little imperfection they find
4: Dislikes shallowness, longs for depth and complexity
7: Not enjoying experiences, not feeling fulfilled
Rejection (2, 5, 8)
Their own needs feel unimportant to others, so they reject their own needs as well.
2: Rejects the need to receive love and guidance, instead focuses on connecting with others and helping them.
5: Ignores and minimizes all their needs, offers knowledge and expertise in some hope of being acknowledged for their intelligence.
8: Rejects by being never putting their guard down, wanting to appear strong and as the protector of others.
Claudio Naranjo theory
There are three subtypes/instinctual variants that show our drive in life. There are 27 different subtypes in total.
Self Preservation (Sp)
Focuses on physical safety and security. Our physical health, financial security, obligations, and comforts.
Sexual/One - on - one (Sx)
Wants intensity and deep connections, one on one relationships are preferred.
Social (So)
Prefers to be in a community, wants to create good connections and bonds with others. Socially aware, focus on group goals and contributions.
Katherine Fauvre theory
A minor but still interesting piece of Enneagram. Tritype is formed of your 3 dominant types from each center. The first number will always be your core, followed by your other 2 dominant types.
E.g 369. 3 = core, heart. 6 = head. 9 = gut.
Enneagram notes
Side blog:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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redstringraven · 1 year
an excruciatingly long ramble about the '03 turtles and the enneagram 🐢 pt1
i’ve been working on this ‘project’ on/off for a year, and i need to get it out of my system. this is me posting the first part to force myself to stop fidgeting and hit the ground running.
i love the enneagram. i think it’s a useful tool not only for self-growth but also for character-writing and understanding. since 'typing' the boys, i've referred back to this tool while writing them or rewatching the series, and it's infuriating how much sense certain things start to make. to me, anyway!
as a heads up? this is going to be a big analysis over a series of posts. i have a lot to say fldjsfkl (i'm so sorry). i will try to keep it organized and understandable.
consider this the introductory post! posts will be linked below as i finish them. [ raph ], [ leo ], [ don ], [ mikey ]
some small disclaimers before we get started:
this is concerning the 2k3 incarnations of the boys only, and seasons 1-4 are given the most weight. 
i don’t take “”birth order”” into consideration. no one--not even them--knows the order they were born/hatched in. i won’t be referring to leo as ‘the oldest child’ nor mikey as ‘the youngest’, etc. when it comes to ‘filling a role’, sure, they do that just fine, but i tend to avoid referring to them in an actual birth order or approaching them from a birth order mindset. they step into roles rather than there being an established order. the 03 boys will frequently ‘switch roles’ depending on their circumstances and company.
these are also, obviously, my own thoughts/observations, and i’m not any sort of professional. I’ve just done reading and research and thinking. whether you agree or not is up to you, i’m not your mom, go--do whatever you want, it’s fine it’s good, i don’t care, blah blah blah, etc.
OKAY. an introduction and briefing:
we’ll start with some ground-work since the enneagram seems to be unfamiliar territory to a lot of folks i’ve spoken to. feel free to skip over the next two paragraphs if you’re already in the know. i’m not going to spend too long on it, but i feel like i need to spend some time or everything else that follows might get muddy.
while there were a few books i read in preparation for this, it was careless and neglectful of me not to mention the two i referenced and heavily pulled from in the more enneagram-focused sections of this project (the parts where the enneagram itself is explained rather than how it applies to the turtles) to aid in creating a baseline. i went into this excited to analyze and discuss the turtles specifically, but i should have treated both the sources and my own posting with more respect. i apologize for that massive oversight. i feel pretty damn stupid since i usually consider myself good at that sort of thing, but i'll continue trying to do better! the two books i referred from were:
the wisdom of the enneagram by don richard riso & russ hudson
the road back to you by ian morgan cron & suzanne stabile
and i recommend them if you have any interest in exploring the enneagram further!
the enneagram is a tool used to develop self-knowledge, self-understanding, and to grow beyond self-defeating aspects of our personalities, as well as improve the relationships with those around us and to grow in compassion.
one of my books uses colors to illustrate how the nine enneagram types work: there are an infinite number of variations of the color ‘red’, but they are all still variations of the same hue. similarly, there are an infinite number of ways a person may express their enneagram type. another thing to keep in mind: your number is not determined by how you behave, moreso why you behave. It’s less reliant on traits and focuses more on the motivation that drives you.
i also feel it’d be a breach in etiquette if i didn't say the enneagram should be used to type yourself, not others. these are fictional characters; please don’t go trying to type the people around you. don’t use it to justify your own questionable behavior, and please don't feel the need to adopt a more rigid personality if you see yourself in a type. again: this is a tool, not a rule book.
if you want my opinions immediately, and without further exploration or analysis, here they are:
Raph is an 8 and has a 7 wing Leo is a 1 and has a 2 wing Don is a 5 and has a 4 wing Mikey is a 7 and has a 6 wing
but if you want more details (including what the heck a ‘wing’ is), come along with me while i do some giant ass posts on the boys and how they align with their core numbers.
i'm especially excited to talk about "City at War" from the perspectives of an 8 and a 1, how mikey is a complicated combination of a lotta moving parts and almost stupidly self-aware, as well as "Same as it Never Was" and don's 5 and the fact this boy never talks about his goddamn horrors. like i warned: these are gonna be quite lengthy, but i’ll be breaking it up as neatly and in the most digestible way possible. as well as keep the meme-ing to a minimum. …but i make no promises.
stay tuned. i have an order i'm going in, and raph's up first.
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mynameiskanade · 2 months
I've wanted to get into typology forever but honestly it seems like there's a lot of jargon and I don't understand it . nyx help 😭😭
as a kinda average typology nerd, i recommend starting with enneagram! since i think its a good start. (i dont recommend taking tests since a lot are unreliable, however tests are fun so if you wanna do it, go for it!!) here are some sources for enneagram if you wanna study it!
singular enneagram core theory:
(i dont recommend following Riso Hudson's enneagram completely (cough cough enneagram institute) since it can include stereotypes.)
instictual variant enneagrams:
and also, some basic knowledge about core theory is that enneagrams include passion, fixation, defense mechanism, and a structure to go along with it. for example, enneagram 7's passion is gluttony, the fixation is self indulgence and planning, and the defense mechanism is rationalization, and theres a structure that goes along with the information.
if you want really easy typology stuff, then i recommend SLOAN or temperaments! (you can find temperaments by searching up temperaments and going to images) and you can find SLOAN in pdb wiki:
i hope that helps :3
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jerdle-typology · 10 months
Dear miss/mister,
On your post of Enneagram 2 (explanation alongside health levels), I am very thankful to you for making such work (which takes many hours and effort at that!). It took me a long time on the internet before I could find something that put almost everything together in a single recipient. Efficient to a Te, indeed.
Can I ask you if you have any post/sources regarding the development of a 2 (and if not, if there is the desire to write such post?) In the sense of: not the descriptions of how the type acts, but how to ‘climb the ladder’ and slowly progress into healthier levels?
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the compliment, but it's just nicked from an existing book by Riso and Hudson.
I'm not familiar with any sources about enneagram 2 growth.
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jackfraser · 2 years
plus one social club.
@aliyvh: Aliyah percebeu a situação lá de cima e não deixou Alex descer. Pegou-o na metade do caminho, pela mão,  e o arrastou para onde conseguiriam observar o casal conversando, mas não seriam vistos, atrás de um item da decoração, um punhado de folhas, muita decoração de folha, folha para todo lado, que, segundo Jack, representavam a natureza que dominou o mundo pós-apocalíptico. "Deixa eu te explicar." E dali ela observou Jack subindo as escadas, ótimo. "Jack amor, vem cá... me ajuda a explicar pro Alex o que significa aquilo ali usando os termos corretos para não deixar a desejar a descrição do evento histórico que é esse momento: O REENCONTRO DE GEN E JOEL." Ela dramatizou abrindo os braços.
Alex, que olhava para a atriz como se ela estivesse louca ou exagerando, mas também achando graça em tudo aquilo, negou com a cabeça. "Não precisa explicar nada. Eu sei que é o ex-namorado da Gen. Joel, não é?"
@jackfraser: Jack estava decidido a ser um bom amigo, portanto seus planos era procurar Alex e talvez enrolá-lo um pouco, dar espaço para Gen e Joel conversarem sem a sua aproximação para evitar dramas. Sabe, de maneira discreta.Aly, Deus a abençoe, tinha outras ideias. Ela impediu que Alex descesse, sim, mas também logo explanou a situação para o fotógrafo. " — Okay, baby, calm down." Com o riso preso, Jack descansou as mãos nos ombros da namorada e ergueu os olhos para Alex. Coitado, simpatizava com ele também. Não devia ser exatamente uma situação divertida pra ele. " — É, cara. É a primeira vez em, tipo, muito tempo que eles se vêem. Desde o término, acho. Não leve a mal, acho que eles devem conversar."
@aliyvh: Aly balançava a cabeça com ar de compaixão. Se Jack não segurasse, ela acabaria pedindo educadamente para Alex ir embora para que o casal pudesse fazer as pazes em paz, com privacidade. "A gente acha que eles devem conversar." Ela repetiu a fala de Jack. "Mas, eu tô com a Gen, né? O que vocês acham que eu devo fazer? Pego meu carro e saio para um passeio turístico solitário na cidade enquanto vocês aproveitam a festa?"
@jackfraser: " — Não!" Jack negou rapidamente, antes que Aly respondesse que sim, o fotógrafo deveria ir embora. " — É só dar uns minutos pra eles, só isso. Podemos aproveitar a festa enquanto isso, você disse que gostava de The Last of Us, certo?" Uma péssima tentativa de distraí-lo. " — Aly, diga a ele que não tem nada com o que se preocupar."
@aliyvh: Alex balançou a cabeça, descontente, mas sem perder o bom humor. O Healy não existe. Mesmo na situação mais fodida que era aquela, continuava com o ar blasé. "Ah, mas isso vai depender do papo do casal." Aly respondeu e foi devidamente repreendida por um olhar de Jack. "Que não vai terminar em flores, muito provavelmente... O término entre eles foi bem... pesado." Alex deu uma risada. "Acho que a Gen vai respeitar a minha presença. Além do mais, ela sabia que ele vinha e mesmo assim escolheu me convidar, certo?"
@jackfraser: Aliyah! Ele a repreendeu com os olhos. Cara, não era essa a situação que ele queria para seu aniversário. " — Claro que sim. É só, como eu disse, dar espaço pra eles. Eles namoraram por muito tempo, cara. Tenho certeza que você entende, certo?"
@aliyvh: "It's okay, guys. I'm chill. Vamos fazer assim... eu vou buscar uma parada que deixei no meu carro, juro dar a volta e não atrapalhar o papo do casal. Lá no meu carro, eu vou fazer uma ligação importante de trabalho também, então vocês terão minutos de folga. Daí depois que terminar essa ligação, só depois, eu volto pra festa e procuro pela minha garota Hudson. O casal conversa, eu volto pra minha... amiga... e todos ficam felizes." Aly semicerra os olhos. Não estava muito satisfeita não. Aquele era um plano com muitos furos. Mas, bem... se pudessem garantir pelo menos essa primeira conversa de Wardson. Talvez eles possam se acertar e conviver em paz. "Não volta antes de meia hora." Aliyah impôs.
@jackfraser: Jack ouviu o plano com a sensação esquisita de que eles eram um grupo de adolescentes agindo de forma jovial enquanto um casal de amigos se enroscavam. Mas, bem, era um plano. Tinha certeza que era a melhor opção para evitarem uma cena desagradável... Joel parecera bastante chateado com a notícia do inglês. " — Aliyah!" Ele a repreendeu novamente, achando um pouco demais demandar um tempo longe. " — Valeu, Alex, sério. É melhor evitarmos o drama."
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Is it common to mistake So and type 3 for Fe and if so, how can I tell I'm doing it? I'm 3w4 sx/so and I'm sure of my typing, I got it from different sources like Riso- Hudson, Luckovich and the Enneagrammer. I've got into MBTI not that long ago and was typed by a friend who's been into it for years as ENTP, the profiles she sent me seemed to fit well, so I went with it. But later on as I got more interested in it and researched more I realized I was a sensor. Because I noticed unrealistic expectations and too much optimism irritate me a lot in other people, and I care about facts a lot. So I thought I must be ESTP. But a couple months ago as I went from just reading articles to watching real people from different types talk about what's like being it, I realized general online profiles are not the way to type anyone.
While there are several things in common between me and ESTPs, there seem to be some pretty core diferences. And many things I have in common are core traits of type 3 and the social instinct. I noticed it even with the fictional ones who share type 3, as I made an effort to watch movies with them it it. I identify with Ti's focus on logic, desire for coherence and consistency, clocking inaccuracies and contradictions and having a string cause-effect mentality. But when it comes to Fe the only things I identify with are being highly aware of socially appropriateness and atmosphere, and being good at reading people. So i started considering the possibility of being Te/Fu instead. I could see Te as I believe in reality>what should be logical in theory and results>perfect design. For Fi I have had very strong independent morals and values since as young as age 10, from memory that's when I started to notice how different from my family I saw things. I'm also private and protective of my feelings, talking about them with others is almost unthinkable. The natural conclusion would be I'm ESFP then but I have major doubts. The more I spend time with them in real life, hear them talk on Youtube or se them in fiction the more I'm amazed at how they have a very simple and direct thought process: I see it, I want it, I get it. I feel like doing x, so I do it. Little to no hesitation, or much consideration before acting. Like consequences don't exist or don't occur to them. I'm not like that at all, so I don't think I qualify. Maybe I don't understand what Fi is really about and I'm in fact a more independent Fe type. 
If ESP seems wrong, why not ISTP?
You aren't giving me much to go on other than you seem to think ESPs are too unaware of the consequences of their actions. What doesn't fit about ESTP other than not relating to characters/a few people others assume are ESTPs?
How do you form your morals and values? Does logical thought and the desire for internal consistency go into it, or are they subjective and not consistent? (Ie, this thing bothers me but that almost identical thing does not.) Would you even notice an inconsistency in your moral belief system? Would you attempt to eradicate it? TPs tend to form consistent values based on logic / cause and effect (such as it's rational to be moral, because it helps me achieve this or it avoids that and here is moral's effect on society), whereas FP/TJ types can be inconsistent in their values because their values come from an emotional place of "do I care about this? Yeah/nah."
Instead of relating outward, read more about the internal structure of the types and start looking inward for answers.
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sun-pluto · 1 year
very random post, but i saw a few talk about typology and i know a few resources!!! i used to delve into mbti+ennea a few years ago then stopped because of the drama, but if anyone is interested in a very well-explained enneagram book mainly for self-help, the Riso & Hudson version is available as a free pdf online. I don’t want to link it otherwise i’ll risk it being taken down, but it’s there for those curious! It’s really comprehensive and really nailed my understanding of enneagram.
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maaarine · 2 years
The Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram (John Luckovich, 2021)
“Each instinct has varied widely in name and definition, and they are almost always defined in terms of a personality type rather than as independent biology-based motivations. 
The Self-Preservation Instinct has been called the “survival” or “conservation” instinct and is generally described in terms of traits which characterize a person who seeks comfort, stability, and resources. 
The Sexual Instinct is often labeled “intimacy,” “transmitting,” “syntony,” or “one-on-one” and is often vaguely said to characterize a personality that seeks “intensity,” “excitement,” or deep relationships. 
The Social Drive has been greatly misunderstood as a “herd” or a vague “group” awareness whereby a Social person is someone who likes to belong to groups. 
These are perspectives this book seeks to challenge. 
Don Riso, author of Personality Types, and Russ Hudson, who cowrote Wisdom of the Enneagram with Riso, later came to realize that the Instincts were not simply variations of an Enneagram Type or “subtypes,” as they had been previously characterized in other Enneagram teachings, but were actually describing the way in which the personality structures interface with genuine biological instincts. 
The instincts, Riso and Hudson understood, are independent variables and could be considered apart from one’s Enneagram Type. 
Further, Russ Hudson was early in emphasizing that the instincts had to be considered from a scientific point of view rather than drawn from conclusions rooted in common cultural misconceptions of instinct. 
With his background in the Fourth Way, recognized that the instincts were rooted in the body, and therefore, must be experienced through the body rather than as descriptions alone.”
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pinojangany-41 · 2 months
Da Linda a Costanza
Chère Constanza,
Je suis ravie de te connaitre, je m’appelle Linda, j’ai 14 ans. Cette année, je termine mes études au collège et j’irai continuer mes études au Lycée pendant 3 ans avant de passer le baccalauréat. Pendant mes temps libres, j’aime jouer au basket-ball. Mon plat préféré est le riz au lait. J’ai deux frères mais pas de sœur, ils s’appellent Angelico et Michael, ils étudient à l’université de Fianarantsoa. Mon père s’appelle HAJA Hudson, il travaille comme gendarme, ma mère est ménagère, elle est courte et a du poids, elle s’appelle MANANTENA Zoeline. J’espère que tu auras ma lettre.
Je t’embrasse fort Costanza, j’attends ta réponse, au revoir. Joyeuse pâques
Cara Costanza,
Sono felice di conoscerti; io mi chiamo Linda, ho 14 anni. Quest’anno termino i miei studi alla scuola media e continuerò a studiare al liceo per 3 anni prima di sostenere l’Esame di Stato. Durante il mio tempo libero, mi piace giocare a basket. Il mio piatto preferito è il riso al latte. Ho due fratelli ma non ho sorelle, essi si chiamano Angelico e Michael; essi studiano all’università a Fianarantsoa. Mio padre si chiama HAJA Hudson, fa il poliziotto, mia madre è casalinga, è bassa e rotondetta, si chiama MANANTENA Zoeline. Spero che tu avrai la mia lettera.
Ti abbraccio forte, Costanza. Aspetto la tua risposta, arrivederci. Buona Pasqua
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lo-kom · 7 months
End of week 5 recap
The Designer as Publisher talk- Adrian Shaughnessy
References to look into:
Read through First Thing First manifesto
Design Observer- The Politics of Desire and Looting
Decoding Dictatorial Statues
How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul
Graphic Desing on the radio (podcast)
list of independent design publishers
Thames and Hudson
Open Editions
Occasional Paper
Set Margins
Silver Lining Press
Standout Publishing
Jack walked us through enquiry in his practice and his interest in systems. Notes: question to always ask yourself when reading for the course: how can I contextualise what I've just read in the contemporary climate today?
had a dissertation tutorial with Jack in the afternoon
screenprinted my fabric for a second time over the weekend- prints came out a lot better this time. Spent my weekend stitching together the bag and then laying out images to print on the Riso with price stickers
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rainytypology · 1 year
intj 8w9 is unusual tho, isn't it? it's not all the time like that but 8 is very Se driven and even tho mbti and enneagram is not the same, to an extent 8 is associated with se user
A little unusual but not impossible.
I am guessing you are using Naranjo's interpretation of enneagram. I mainly follow Riso Hudson, but both have interesting takes on the enneagram theory. I know the enneagram community mixes both/multiple theories. I like Riso Hudson more as I think it's more broad, not too restricting.
Every type combo is possible imo, not every MBTI type will share the same motives and fears (which is what enneagram is, at least in Riso Hudson theory). Yes, there may one or two ennea types an MBTI will commonly be, but it's not impossible for them to be other types as well. In the case of an INTJ 8w9, I think it would be a very highly independent and driven INTJ. 8s fear vulnerability so they value independence and control and will not be afraid to assert this. With a 8w9, the 9 wing makes the 8 calmer and more internalized with emotional expression (esp anger. INTJs are generally calm with limited patience...not too out of character with the 8w9 type either). So this will make INTJ work hard to assert their independence and control over their life; they'll always want to be prepared and be good at problem solving since they do not want to rely on others. They pride themselves on being strong emotionally and/or mentally. They'll likely be very private and lowkey, they just want to live their life in peace (9 wing makes INTJ value harmony and peace). They can be more protective of who they care about as 8s/8w9 are protectors.
It also depends on the instinctual stacking bc that also affects how the enneagram type expresses itself.
In general I don't think any ennea type belongs to a certain cognitive type, it just depends on the person's basic motivations and fears. Both systems focus on different things, so there's really no specific enneagram(s) for an MBTI type to be. No impossible, no right or wrong combo. Unusual, sure.
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