#huginn & muninn
tizeline · 5 months
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So I've been agonizing what Raph, Leo and Mikey's names should be in the AU, cuz if Splinter didn't raise them then they Draxum would've been the ones who named them and why would he pick human artist names?
Alas, I am lazy, and I don't wanna spend a bunch of time figuring out alternative names for them, so I quickly thought of an in-universe reason why they all ended up with the same names as in canon lol
(TBF Splinter did immidietly start naming in the show as well, he was just a bit less creative about it)
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dianagj-art · 5 months
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artofrottmnt · 11 months
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storyboard style expressions + poses I love the style of the storyboards they're so cute gvbvhjn
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red-rover-au · 2 years
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Draxum: *desperately tries to see his creations as weapons*
His Creations: *say shit like this*
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ex0skeletal-undead · 1 month
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Odin by Grobi-Grafik
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wild-raven-and-crow · 3 months
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Munin at Yosemite National Park, enjoying a view of the river.
(Munin is my African raven.)
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saimincoatl · 1 year
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Huginn, Muninn, let’s blow this popsicle stand
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beannary · 11 months
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what do you mean this isnt a direct quote from the show?
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pimsri · 1 year
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Animals of the Apocalypse
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bulbabutt · 6 months
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spent too long on this and lost my train of thought
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cupcakeslushie · 10 months
Is the big smile Donnie always wears when he is uncomfortable or around his siblings, is it a genuine smile or is it kind of like a mask hiding his true feelings?
Just curious because he has such a big smile and it’s cute but it seems like he smiles a lot for someone with lots of trama and it always happens around his siblings.
It’s kinda both I suppose. Sometimes he can’t really believe that he’s with his family and that they actually like him. So it’s easy to smile cause he’s so happy.
Other times it’s his go to coping mechanism. There wasn’t much he could do in the face of an angry Draxum, and crying always seemed to upset his father even more, so he’d try to grin and bear his punishments. Any time he’s upset, he thinks smiling is his best defense at hiding how he really feels.
It probably all started innocently enough and just became second nature.
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ashe-alexysss · 1 year
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S1 Ep1 in a nutshell!
NEXT -> S1 Ep2a
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dianagj-art · 5 months
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Look at him! so happy and proud! hope nothing bad ever happens to him
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zeriphi · 1 year
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What do you mean this isn’t how that episode went?
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red-rover-au · 3 months
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@less-depresso-more-espresso and I stumbled on a god tier concept
The Poison Eaterz episodically try (and fail) to capture Red and bring her back to their Draxum 😁
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chiscribbs · 3 months
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As promised, to show my thanks for getting Grown Apart AU through to the next @tmntaucompetition round - here's a little bonus treat:
A visual chart detailing all the major character relationships in the AU's first act! Enjoy!
(Click "keep reading" for some additional information on a few of the dynamics shown above.)
Splinter & Mikey - When the boys were still very small, Splinter used to take them with him on his excursions out of the sewers (either to get supplies or to search for the two missing turtles). During one of these trips, Mikey got separated from his dad and brother - they eventually found him, mostly unharmed, but the traumatic experience left a lasting mark on Splinter and he has worried about his youngest son ever since.
Leo & Raph - Leo and Raph are the first of the estranged brothers to meet, face-to-face. Raph finds Leo snooping around Draxum's lab and attacks him. Leo manages to escape, with his newly acquired portal sword, but the lab is destroyed in the clash. The two proceed to fight each other on multiple occasions after this, forming a sort of battlefield rivalry.
Donnie & Mikey - By complete and total coincidence, Donnie ends up saving Mikey's life after Draxum drops him off the roof of a building. Mikey takes this as evidence that Donnie is a good person and decides to trust him (despite Leo's protests). Realizing this, Donnie uses Mikey's "misplaced" trust in him as a ticket into the Hamato residence so that he can hide out there until he's apprehended the oozesquitos.
Raph & BM's Assistant - Although Big Mama and Draxum don't work together often, their business does tend to intersect on occasion. Because of this, Raph has had the odd encounter with Big Mama's masked companion. They've never spoken, though (not that BMA would speak even if they had gotten the chance).
Donnie & Raph - They're aware of each other's existence, thanks to their parents' occasional dealings, but haven't actually seen or spoken with each other. Big Mama largely limits Donnie's interaction with anyone outside of herself and hotel staff, and she's especially reluctant to let him meet other mutants (once she learns of their existence) or Draxum. This hasn't stopped him from listening in on some of her business chats via his surveillance tech and finding things out that way, though. Raph only knows Donnie as Big Mama's mechanic and the one responsible for her criminal empire's recent upgrade in technological advancements.
Splinter & Leo - Because of the incident that occurred when they were younger, Splinter has always had a soft spot for Mikey. Leo doesn't exactly resent this fact, but he does often feel like he gets short-changed on all accounts - when Splinter isn't around, Leo is responsible for keeping them both safe and out of trouble. When Splinter IS around, a majority of his limited attention generally gets directed towards Mikey. Thanks to this, Leo is left feeling both a little attention-starved and desperate for some independence. He's too proud to admit to his dad that he feels unseen, though, so he instead opts for causing a little mischief to get the desired attention.
Raph & Mikey - After learning that Raph is not only a mutant, like himself and Leo, but that they were created by the same person - Mikey becomes determined to befriend him and change his mind about humanity. He considers Raph part of the family - even before finding out that Lou Jitsu is their real father, thus making him their real brother. Raph doesn't quite share the sentiment, though - as far as he's concerned, Mikey's the one who's on the wrong side of the fight and no amount of niceness is going to convince him otherwise. (It does, however, make it a lot harder to hate him...)
Donnie & BM's Assistant - These two have a history that goes back several years and has soured with time...on Donnie's end, at least. He used to be close to BMA, considered them a friend for a little while, then something happened to change his opinion of them and caused him to see them as a rival. But what about BMA? What effect, if any, did the loss of Donnie's trust and friendship have on them? As with all things surrounding this character, it's a mystery...
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