askdrzinasia · 1 year
Big skepticism from the largest rat there is
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The capybara is the largest rodent in the world, and is native to South America. This social animal lives in groups of up til 100 members, and the latin name means "river pig". Which means it is sometimes referred to as "river rat".
In spite of the name, it is an animal commonly found on dry ground near bodies of water, from forest to arid areas near deserts.
Totally useful
Its meat is edible, the hide usable as leather and the greasy appearance of its fur is not related to fresh bath: it is hunted for the fur fat too.
No wonder it acts sceptic and quizzical towards humans.
In the little family in Dusit Zoo, they were mostly interested in the food they just had received. Quite noisy, it sounded like a small pack of guinea pigs connected to a bass amplifier.
More info on the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) here.
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aticketplz · 7 months
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@Izu Animal Kingdom
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snototter · 1 year
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A cattle tyrant (Machetornis rixosa) sitting on the head of a capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) in Argentina
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internetdruid · 9 months
🥚🥚 two buddies?
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Capybara & Cattle Tyrant
(Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) & (Machetornis rixosus)
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thatnostalgiccarp · 7 months
Critter fact #19:
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The Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is the world's largest rodent. Due to their webbed feet, as well as the position of their ears, eyes, and nostrils (on top of their head), they're great swimmers. July 10th is Capybara Appreciation Day!
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wozziebear · 1 year
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Found one of those wild Florida capybara rodents today
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tenth-sentence · 10 months
These great Rodents occasionally frequent the islands in the mouth of the Plata, where the water is quite salt, but are far more abundant on the borders of fresh-water lakes and rivers.
"Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 1832-36" - Charles Darwin
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amnhnyc · 4 months
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Okay, let’s pull up to the after party with the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)! Weighing up to 174 lbs (79 kg), this critter is the world’s largest rodent. Thanks to an abundance of fatty tissue, the capybara is buoyant in water—making it perfectly suited for a semi-aquatic lifestyle. The capybara inhabits wetlands in regions of South America including Venezuela and Brazil. This highly social species can sometimes be spotted in groups of more than 100 individuals.
Photo: Miguel A Germann, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
Following up on the Chinese fan who got attacked by stitch since some people said they did not see it. i did some digging out of curiosity
The poem was about how ppl who use antiracism as a guise for harassment and slur usage don't represent the poet. No mention of EOTWR or stitch at all in the tags or the text.
stitch posted a smug comment on bluesky about the poem.
fiercynn and someone named hydrochaeris, or spec, posted rants on tumblr and twitter. They called the poem pro-racism and said it showed the poet is allying themselves with white supremacists.
Another thing fiercynn did was screenshot the poem and directly link the url to their followers multiple times to encourage their followers to harass the poet. It is still up. post number 721408803348905984
Oh and of course they immediately jumped to accusing the poet of being anti-Black. And they once again said pokemon of color and pick me were not insults. They said that those slurs were about the white people not the POC. post number 721480208118693894
The poet leads events featuring stories by and for Chinese diaspora fans, and also writes dark fic of her own. She has done real antiracism work and hasn't been loud or bullying about it either.
It is just so amazing these people see an anti-harassment poem and immediately get defensive. They are pointing their fingers right at themselves. I do not understand how anyone can support them when they habve been so blatant in their own racism. They also interpret anything as an attack against stitch and immediately point fingers calling people anti-Black if there is even an ounce of disagreement.
It's amazing to me that people can't seem to find even one black voice other than Stitch to elevate.
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Research Log 1: Location: East (Barcelos, BR), South (Parque Nacional Serra da Mocidade)
Subject Discovery: Subject 'Ann' discovered via miscommunication during incentive transfer. Live specimen of 'Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris' lost in transfer. Attempt to recapture failed; Researcher made for adequate substitute. Escape from 'Ann's attempt to eat Researcher successful. Process included calling out, biting, begging and feigning despair. 'Ann' did eventually release.
Observations: Subject does not understand English or Español. Has minimal communication with local tribes, but understands small vocabulary. Vocal chords likely not completely developed through lack of necessity. Communication conducted via gestures and rudimentary word associations. Skin shares thin and elastic attributes of Eunectes genus on superior and inferior planes. Subject resorts to armor plating along trunk and head for protection from sun exposure and attacks. Hair is nonexistent on the subject, as are most traits indicative of Homo sapien. Heat pits sit under the eyes, with possibility that they are connected via the same nerve or very similar ones via separate foreman channel. General eyesight is less than 20/20; the heat pits likely make up for this especially while hunting underwater. Lower extremity has prehensile capabilities. Distribution percentage between superior and inferior halves proposes predisposition towards ectothermia, possibility to exhibit endothermic qualities up into mesothermic. Facial creases make expansion of jaw and consumption of large prey possible. Hunting seems to have no particular timeframe. Ambush via the water explains both the additional, transparent lens below the eyelid as well as vertical pupil shape. Adipose tissue centered around upper rib cage. Extensive research finds the deposits create insulation around section no longer anchored by a sternum. As well it potentially guards against lower temperatures, an attempt to breach exothermic tendencies and further supporting mesothermic regulation.
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Research Log 2: Location: International Coastal Rd 10, West of Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.
Subject Discovery: Subject 'Wedjet' encountered among group of traveling vendors. Wares sold by subject include: -Sections of shed removed from Subject's lower region -small vials of yellow liquid, later discovered to be self-extracted venom chemically identical to venom produced by Naja haje.
Observations: Subject 'Wedjet' seemed to hold reservation against analysis. Incentive offered to provide testimony includes: - All (4) remaining specimens of shed from subject (3000EGP) - 3 vials (1.5mL each) subject-extracted venom (4500EGP) - Massage Therapy administered by Researcher during analysis. (RESEARCHER NOTE: I think I just got taken for a ride. I'll need to check what the exchange rate typically is for such things. Pretty sure the massage was just to see what she could get away with asking for; at least she let me keep enough cash on me to travel back.) In contrast to previous Subject, 'Wedjet' is well adapted to life among Homo sapiens. The caravan 'Wedjet' travels with are of no relation. Their discovery of each other is recounted as, quote:
"I was just a snakelet when they found me. They couldn't stop the men that took...them from me. But they found me, left alone in the house, and no one to care for me. That's all in the past now. What happened: happened."
Speech observed to be inhibited while hood is flared. As with Naja haje counterpart, extension of the hood is a conscious effort, only able to sustain position for up to 3 minutes. (Per Subject testimony) Further observation reveals rib structure continuing from trunk section, from vertebrae C7 to C3. Heat pits follow similar position as Subject 'Ann', with differences in size and count. 'Wedjet' expresses aggressive-style humor; on more than one occasion during testimony alluded to sensations of arousal when none were present. Hypothesis of exploitation expressed on part of the Researcher.
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Research Log 3: Location: West of Bluewater, NM, USA
Subject Discovery: Researcher was provided local information regarding location. As well provision requirements were noted, namely hiking equipment, personal firearm protection, and guide (RESEARCHER NOTE: 'Guide' being a local from town who can vet that I wasn't there to either steal her cows, invoke Eminent Domain, or capture her for exploitation)
Observations: Subject 'Cera' is an interesting mix between Subject 'Ann' and 'Wedjet'. She lives close to settlements of homo sapiens, but chooses little to no contact with the wider populous. the only forms of contact seem to be from members of the local Indigenous American tribe. They are explained by 'Cera' as, quote:
"...My Middlemen. I, by most accounts, don't exist. But I ain't [sic] survived this long on coyote meat and bunkin' in barns. I raise the cows they don't have means to raise, I get left alone, and we split whatever we get from market; meat and cash."
Subject has been observed practicing eating habits indicative of homo sapiens, with three consistent-sized meals over the course of the day. This is noted in contrast to other observed subjects who otherwise practice eating habits indicative of ancestry. 'Cera' denotes the reason being that an otherwise conventional Lamia eating-style leaves room for predation of stock. Venom naturally produced by Subject's venom glands are noted to not be used in day-to-day life. Similar to 'Wedjet', 'Cera' provides venom samples both for medical antivenin production, as well as private sale. Growths above orbital section speculatively classified as 'horns'. 'Cera' notes they have never shed, but the left one has sustained injury in the past. Quote:
"Sumbitch [sic] had me holed up at least a month. Busted the end off and everything. You can't see it now; this was when I was first startin'. Don't stand behind a steer if you don't want to get kicked. That one made a damn-fine steak."
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Research Log 4: Location: Tokyo, JP
Subject Discovery: Initial lead discovered via r/Cryptids (Reddit). Post contains 5 second video of Subject, rolling away in similar fashion to above illustration. Contact with poster helped track subject to near Nakano, Tokyo, Japan. Four (4) nights were expended in search of Subject, finally found exiting a local 7-Eleven.
Observation: Subject 'Chise' describes herself as a "hikikomori" (ひきこもり) a colloquial used to describe individuals experiencing severe social withdrawal (self-imposed and otherwise). Despite this barrier, she does sustain herself using an animated virtual avatar to interact via social media ('VTubing').
'Chise' exhibits higher 'tolerance' for alcohol in comparison to home sapiens. Specific variable that enables this is not yet known, and may require further research.
'Chise' maintains dexterity exhibited in other subjects, despite tail and body lacking similar length. Example provided includes tucking and curling tail into ring formation to assist in locomotion. Speed clocked at 6KPH.
Researcher requested by Subject to maintain communication. Request pending approval. If request denied or slow in turnaround, independent approval will be authorized.
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mispatchedgreens · 3 months
humbly, i present to you my collection of 'the radiant emperor' playlists:
1. i refer to you (my holy sovereign)
doomed by the narrative (but when you've written the narrative yourself); a general ouyang playlist
2. sunburst-black
alas, poor wang baoxiang!
3. misfortuned | 苦命
a playlist for the fic of the same name by hydrochaeris on ao3
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aticketplz · 1 year
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They were drinking
please grow up
@Hamamatsu City Zoo
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snototter · 1 year
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A capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) sits in the grass with her pup in the Pantanal, Brazil
by Fabrice Stoger
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internetdruid · 6 months
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Red Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) riding a Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) x.
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, vol. 11, Mammals II. 1972. Illustrated by Peter Barrett.
1.) Patagonian mara (Dolichotis patagonum)
2.) Chacoan mara (Dolichotis salinicola)
3.) Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
4.) Pacarana (Dinomys branickii)
5.) Mountain paca (Cuniculus taczanowskii)
6.) Lowland paca (Cuniculus paca)
7.) Red acouchi (Myoprocta acouchy)
8.) Black agouti (Dasyprocta fuliginosa)
9.) Red-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta leporina)
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