#i am a fangirl
laylawatermelon · 5 months
The K-Drama Of It All
Hello! My hyper fixation has (very unhealthily) latched onto this show so I'm gonna be analyzing.
First of all, I am a veteran in these spaces.
Very shy in real life I am an avid observer in all my fandoms but TRUST I know what's up at all times because of it.
This first analysis will be of the phenomenon of how they playing in my face with the classic K-Drama tropes and cinematic choices.
Let us begin.
Now we all agree that The Bear is a cinematic masterpiece right? Right.
I have been consuming media across all mediums since I was a kid.
I quite literally spent most of my life watching behind the scenes, in front of the scenes, and in between the scenes.
I'm also an aspiring filmmaker and screenwriter. As such I analyze stuff I like more.
I try to understand why they are the way they are.
Now that we got all the fluff out of the way let's get down to the nitty gritty.
*stands on soapbox*
Page 1 of 10000 ehem
In this this essay I will -!
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Fr tho. Let's look at this from a K-Drama perspective.
I've spent about 10-12/13 years watching them. And luckily got into it during the golden era.
I literally watched She Was Pretty air (among others). Ex, Strong Woman, Descendants of the Sun (never watched; controversy+ bad attention span), School 2013.
So you know I'm (somewhat) of an og.
I'm those shows it's very formulaic.
This can extend to other Asian dramas but I'm going to try to stick to K-Dramas.
For example, the 10 ep rule. Must have a kiss or kiss in that episode. (Before is fine)
Now they're getting a little willy nilly and getting down in the first EP but I can argue they was down bad back then as well. Just more angsty longing looks.
(which tbf Sydcarm does all the time but it's 99% Carm though)
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In KDramas there's something common in the cinematography that I'd call the halo of light. Almost all the time there are some form of beauty shots with them beautifully lit where they're together, the way they look at each other etc.
Which ironically they do with these two a lot on the show.
I know the show is gorgeous but you can't just explain away some of the choices.
I have watched and read a lot of discussions so this will be influenced by a lot of people. I will mention when I got the help from (if i can find it).
Now I just want to say I think this.
These following trope have been here since the dawn of K-Drama time.
Enjoy my infodump.
Firstly let's discuss this here:
1. The Meet Cute/Halo Effect
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We've all been screaming to the void about the classic meet cute that happens with Carmy's life and him being constantly bombarded with noise and chaos.
Stylistically this wouldn't be a typical formula for K-Dramas as it leans more into Kmovie style (which valid The Bear was originally a movie) I think it's as textbook as it comes.
Now the original script (which I have read) had a story of different tone. Very Chicago and chaotic but still...
In this iteration of the script idk what the actors were on but JAW looked at the script and chemistry test and was like hmm yes.
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A dramatic romcom. I see.
For her she's an ambitious woman who has (maybe a tiny crush) admiration for him cause like he's literally who she wants to be.
Young, talented and successful. He's made a name in their industry so of course she wants to work under him.
But he he's playing the male lead in an early K-Drama with the classic *she enters* and it's like the second coming out Christ being lit from behind her.
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The classic 'I can't believe I never noticed how beautiful she is' in all dramas (and romcoms honestly).
You can also compare it to the corny slightly funny moments in slow motion when they miss each other/do the angsty look.
Like this.
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Good old kdrama tropes.
What's interesting is that in their scene they do the opposite of what a K-Drama would usually do. They cut the music and let it become calm.
You get to breathe and relax and so does he. He feels at peace.
In K-Dramas, osts are a kind of a life line so they would most likely blare it when he has that realization.
And then at every other romantic moment after.
Another way that it could be is by using very like calm music (still the ost but still).
They do use this with having mostly romantic music in their scenes but it's usually quiet and a bit hard to hear or understand (unless you're analyzing like many of the wonderful people on this app).
Now you can argue her warm lighting in each scene from the finale and introduction represents his hope/life/good change being given back to him in the form of her (but if that's not the most romantic thing I ever heard).
Now for the flashback in the panic attack scene you could argue the blue tone he sees her in, as it usually represents some kind of sadness/distance/professionalism in this show, it can also represent his piercing blue eyes remembering her in the only shade they know how.
Good God that color grading is nuts. His eyes *ARE* the color Blue.
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Now I want to talk a bit more about shot composition, color grading and color choices.
In a few interviews I've seen and read the editors, directors and others were quite serious about the shots and music they used were very much on purpose.
I mean come on.
Also Announcement from a novel/screenwriter:
The most telling scenes is the beginning of omlette and the end of the episode before it.
The director had chose to show her tattoo that represents loss in a deep blue lighting which was actually in a similar lighting that Carmy and Claire were bathed in afterwards.
The quora search says it means pain, heartbreak, and emotional turmoil.
It also lines up with the rest of the shots with him preparing dinner with Claire and her being alone.
I believe this kind of represents the emotional cheating (?) going on between them as he practically abandoned her (and their child, The Bear).
(which is a wild choice for platonic coworkers)
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As I've said before blue lighting is usually representative of sadness, coldness etc.
In the scene personally even without connecting it to shipping or everything the message came clear to me.
He was quite literally being suffocated as in the last scene her body was on his as he stared in the distance blankly.
Honestly that shot was kind of heartbreaking because it feels like coercion in a warped way.
He feels like he should be happy, he should participate in these acts, he should be doing well.
He's fulfilling his family's wish.
So why isn't he happy?
That's my writer kicking in but that's what I got from it.
🥲 (gimme a sec i gotta cry)
But the same blue tone was used in his panic attack as the camera zoomed in.
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Now the ironic part was that they used warm lighting for the scenes with Claire, but it's not that unusual.
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Warm lighting has always been used to also represent a time period in the past in addition to good/warm times.
What's ironic is what's literally colored in what should represent good times isn't working.
He's remembering his family in those same tones. The past isn't helping.
But the future does.
Enter Sydney in blue.
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Now blue usually represents sadness (or calm) but it's also used in futuristic scenes.
*They benefit from the cold clinical look i guess🤷🏾‍♀️*
Then he becomes calm.
I can also say that their kitchen scenes in early season 2 are blue coded but it has a calm feeling not a distant feeling. It ironically feel warm and calming despite the cool tone.
This appears in a couple other scenes in the show when he's showing her the work done in the early season.
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But color wise it's usually warm tones with them as the color kind of transitions in that scene. It's half half.
His view is warm because he thinks she's good with what he did and hers is cold because he ditched her so yeah.
Now shot wise let's discuss because it's a bit obvious.
The staff head mentioned loving close ups to show the characters emotion but also to convey a sense of what's not being said.
An example of his uncertainty with Claire is the car scene. In most of his shots it's extremely close to her and gives off an awkward vibe.
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But when you go to her perspective, she's more open and his shots show background and more of his character, also reflecting their relationship with each other,
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This persists with the kitchen scene as well.
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When I rewatch it it has that same quality. It's a bit more pulled out (obviously as they literally spent the night together so anyone would feel closer) but there's still an awkward/dreamlike feel like when its on her like she's not quite based in reality.
Or in Carmy's self sabotaging view, too good to be true.
In comparison to Sydney, the shots with her are almost always wide and open.
We see it with them as early in season one with the outside scene where he's staring her down and gets her to open up.
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You can argue that almost all of their shots are as equals, or in the same frame with an openness that have/represents when they're communicating with each other. (I'm def writing about their communication)
Sydney's character is ironically what a male lead would be like and Carmy would be more of the female archetype.
Which I really appreciate now that I think about it.
The male lead is usually very successful/good at what they do, hesitant to share but when they do you feel it and know it's sincere. They're usually more bumbly with expressing when they're emotional but when they do its like a huge release. And when they love it's very obvious and excessive at times.
In comparison, Carmy is very expressive, sensitive and aware. He's devoted (Claire sorry but you don't quite count) to things he's passionate about, willing to communicate and has traits of sensitivity.
His eyes and body tells what he's feeling almost immediately. (Also JAW is just an incredible actor)
In Kdrama land their roles would be switched. Hell I can argue some American dramas as well.
Back on topic though.
The Halo Effect is there. Like all the time.
To my next point-
2. The She Looks Away, I Look At Her
Now you may argue this is very Disney Rapunzel, all that coded.
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You will also be correct.
I am a Disney (more Nick honestly) kid.
This too applies to the K-Drama world nay I would say it originated there (it did not).
Do you know how many shows I can name where the male lead is just hopelessly in awe as he stared at the female lead because she just insulted him and he wants to tell her he loves her in every way.
Ring ring.
I heard The Bear calling. Yeah imma need you to clock out on this gaslighting.
time to fangirl
Look at the gif sets!
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But honestly, it's a common way to show that the character cares and wants a person without outright saying it.
You understand the vibes almost instantly.
He likes her. He wants more.
She likes him. She wants more.
3. Matching Clothes
This one is a simple one but we all know how common it is in K-Dramas to have a matching something.
A good example of a recent show is Extraordinary Attorney Woo, and how they almost always matched even if he was in casual clothing and she was in office clothes.
You're supposed to get a telepathy feel from them. Like they're on the same wavelength.
In ships/shows they usually subconsciously brainwash you into details of a relationship by having them wear or have something that reminds you of them.
In wardrobe, clothing is meticulously planned to match characters financial situation and express their personality. The clothes tell the story.
And the story usually is we go together. Real bad.
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So yeah, sure in this scene/episode they were more in tune and tandem and as time went on they became more disjointed.
Granted they do work in a place with uniforms but I digress.
And lastly my third point part II-
Same But Different
If this were a kdrama there'd be like 0.00% chance that they WOULDN'T happen.
First they're the main leads so duh, and second the way that they parallel each other is insane.
There are many edits and examples of them directly mirroring each other in certain situations.
Scrubbing the floors when feeling lonely seemingly in the exact same spot, stressing in the freezer, saying stuff at the same time and their weird telepathy and answering each other's - sandwiches (that's what I was gonna say).
And if any of you say work wife I will rage cause let me catch my man laying under a table like that!!!
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But for real, yes there's intimacy and friendship and all that but I ain't everr look at my friends of either gender like that.
If did I probably had feelings and just kept em in. And did the Carmy puppy eyes (TM).
And yes we are aware Carmy is emotionally constipated like a coke bottle filled with mentos with a tight cap on and his lack of a social life coupled with his (many) different mental illnesses/difficulties.
So he probably doesn't even recognize or even want to recognize them as such and honestly as a 4 lifer
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I'm really sad but I don't think he'll confess in the next season.
I'm making a post about it but I'm also uncertain about it lasting more than three seasons as thematically and the way it was intended to be a movie I feel kind of uncertain.
It can extend to 4 but it was intended and the way it's narratively been flowing its exactly like a 3 act structure just spread out (like butter).
The next season is after the dark of night aka main character loses everything.
This season was fun and games - quite literally him having amusement and such. (Training Arc!!) It ended with his demise I'd say.
Now there's no where to go but up.
I'm not saying that it's impossible, but a 4th season would likely be more aimed toward getting a star or maintaining a star etc and family ties and such.
That'd be most likely when, if any, outwardly romantic contact should happen.
But they might surprise me.
Butt honestly in KDrama land there's no way the set up isn't romantic even if it was just a chef or professional focused show.
I'd say it'd be standard honestly for ones focused on career with a dash of romance.
Ex. Miss Hammurabi (best example)
The Good Doctor (Japanese Version)
There's probably more but I exclusively watch romance so 🤷🏾‍♀️.
In Conclusion,
Yes. They are end game.
I also wanna say how odd it is that this ship is attacked by fans of the show and non fans alike because I've literally grew up in the age of Rise of The Brave Tangled Guardians.
There's nothing more random than that time period.
They all dated each other!
Like my guy there's a Tony the Tiger x Grinch fic and don't even get me started on the Onceler selfcest as different flavors of himself (/j i love stuff like this)!
My point is it's not that unusual for the two leads to be shipped. Same gender or not.
I also have years of teenage brain rot developed from eating movies for breakfast so I know more than you! (/hj) I'm obviously right!
I will be discussing some more of this in length at a later date.
But I rest my case.
I will retreat into my cave until next time.
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vyncentevelyn · 1 year
New @azrielgreen fic drops, read the tags and I am giggling like a school girl immediately. For a full picture I’m at work and my coworkers are confused by the abrupt laughter. But I can’t help it, Az made sunshine. 💙✨
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amplifyme · 2 years
Now I’m on a trip down memory lane. Stephen McHattie and Lance Henrickson also both guest starred as villains on the 1980s TV series, Beauty and the Beast, which is the show that dropped me down the fanficcing rabbit hole for the first time.
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Beauty and the Beast also had several well-known names on their writing/producing staff, including George R.R. Martin who would, not long after his stint on BatB ended, go on to write the first book in his A Song of Ice and Fire series, A Game of Thrones. Also the writing/producing team of Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa, who would soon after be hired by Chris Carter to work on TXF. 
Jay Acovone played the recurring role of Joe Maxwell on BatB and would later play Detective Curtis on TXF episode Demons and later go on to play Duffy Haskell in the 8th season. Not looking up the episode names cuz, nope.
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sheikfangirl · 2 months
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Blade Runner 2049 redraw with a angsty Zelink twist, dedicated to @rottencandyapp1es! She also drew her take on that iconic scene, check it out if you haven't already! 🔥
I am obsessed with the idea of toxic Puppet Zelink haunting and torturing Link all the time😭 HDGDNGDHS !!!!! Like....REALLY OBSSESSED!
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theghooligan · 3 months
aemond: my uncle is a challenge i welcome, if he dares face me—
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luckyraeve · 10 months
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I was "asked" later to join a top-secret government program. - Leon Kennedy, Resident Evil 4 (2023)
Redraw of the ending scene in Memory of a Lost City from Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles.
*please reblog to show support. do not repost*
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jazzzzzzhands · 5 months
~To be as an Ocean, as a River
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Changing, adding, losing and leaving marks in one's wake~
oooh ooh So i'm really very very normal about Deity Wally
He is sooo Gentle looking to me..
I just wanted to play with him..
He got a little Buoy as a tiny HAT!!
(I dont think he noticed)
Deity Wally @cloudysunflowr
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nosecondivelived · 3 months
this is just me fangirling over a cosplay i really like feel free to scroll past i just needed to screech
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like???!!! it is so gorgeous oh my fucking god (i spelled gorgeous correct first time look at that) the detailing on the costume is so good i love the little pointy things going out of the shoulder bit!! i dont know much about cosplay but i can guess that even if its a wig managing to style it like that must have been such a pain and take so much skill oh my god,, and the weapon????? if im not misremembering from when i was scrolling through his page i think its handmade too??? oh my god i love this so much. thank you so much to ravenyams (their tiktok and ig handles) for giving me permission to share his cosplay and freak out over it,,, i love it so much oh my god
edit:!! also!! the last photo is done in collaboration with @/heykrashly on both ig and here, you can see it in the image itself but just figured i should write it here as well!
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laylawatermelon · 3 months
Buddie: it's The Way It's Played
Aka don't hate the player hate the game or whatever.
(i promise the is Buddie at the halfway point if you just want meta)
I woke up pondering about edy's comments and found it a bit funny and ironic because she probably doesn't know just like we don't know.
Oliver recently talked about how he wasn't heavily involved in this upcoming episode 2 so he'll be getting to watch it for the first time with us.
It's the same case with her. In her eyes she does her few scenes and goes home.
In her head she is the chosen love interest and she is indeed being asked to come back.
The second half of the season hasn't publicly been announced (or fully filmed I assume) so she's just as oblivious as we are.
What I will say is that celebrities should know to not be in the spaces of fandom and don't get heavily involved.
Especially with shippers.
As a fangirl I have always been protective, I would say, over my stuff but I made like a rule that I don't reply or have online arguments.
(mostly because i get riled up easily in real life and it's dangerous imagine doing it with a complete stranger or a mob of them if we're being fr because there's never just one person arguing with you.)
It's likely millions or billions 🙃
Also as a fangirl, I don't mind shipping or not shipping.
Do what you want, I don't care.
I grew up in the good ole don't like scroll away time.
What I'm getting at is that some people are more comfortable on online spaces. Some are more quiet (like me) but they're there.
I've recently become disillusioned slowly over the years of Hollywood ( all the woods honestly) glamour so when they are shown or said to be bad people I treat them as such.
Cause they're that.
Who do good and bad stuff all the time.
Granted we don't a camera or constant surveillance or record (or funds) all the time, but I'd bet we said/did bad stuff.
Now in Hollywood's case their stuff is mainly criminal/jail/wtf is going on over there?!??!
In her case, I'm not surprised.
There's people who are homophobic/transphobic and everyphobic (and -ist!!) in the world so of course they would be in show business.
Cause they're people. We got people (like millions of them, a concerning number in worldwide leadership positions but that's a story for another day...) like that all over.
Celebrities are not and never will be role models. They are public images projected onto a pretty body.
That's also the reason why I'm saying that she should shut her computer and cut her losses.
(a lot of celebrities should do that honestly)
But, it does let you know who to support and who not to.
And I'd rather know my enemy rather than worship a perfect image honestly.
I also think it's unwise to fight the people who are literally indirectly paying your bills.
There are 93k people (just on Tumblr) who ship the guys.
Even I know better and I'm a fan.
(i think it's because I'm a fan and ik how it can get I'm just an observer cause whew 😥😮‍💨)
That's not counting the ones not active here or casuals who agree with the pairing.
If they pay your bills walk on eggshells ma'am. You're job quite literally hinges on people liking you.
So be likable.
(once again I will reiterate as a fan/human with a heart let me know how bad you are so I don't give you my love if you're a bad person with shady morals.)
But as an observer it's like just shhhhhh. Please. The Internet is forever. There is no timeline for it. What are you doing??
If I'd say it it's like watching you drive a burning car driving down the street and you're sitting in it proudly waving and hitting people but insist you're right or a good person.
I'm just shocked at some people's let's say narrow thinking aka limited timeline thinking.
Fans and the Internet didn't forget. They will find you.👹
But I wanna talk about Buddie now!
Now that we've criticized celebrity culture and the response of ms. Edy and her bad mindset (aka lack of critical reading and decision making with fandoms and responses in general also queerphobia?!) that honestly I appreciate.
Be a bad apple in public.
Imma stand on business.
Expeditiously 😤.
Bye bye support and hello uproar.
But back to Buddie 😘😚🤗😝, I wanna be clear I am a fan but I am also very critical of media.
It's the way they act.
The reason Buddie even exists and is accepted is it's literally there. (Their fault)
There is no subtext.
The actors play it as such, the directors direct it as such and the marketing play it as such.
I'm a bit upset seeing y'all called clowns (although i hope it's said affectionately cause tone indicators or the lack of) because you're not crazy.
They quite literally put the battery in y'all backs so it shouldn't be surprising if the battery is more high powered than expected.
You are not misreading anything.
Most people just choose to ignore the signs because
(the church! Homophobia! All rhe -ias and ists!)
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Truly our downfall as a modern society.
Anyways, as a writer and heavy media consumer there's no mistakes.
Every wprd is carefully chosen, every shot has a purpose and every cut is done. These things are practiced a thousand times, edited, retaked a thousand times if they have to.
There's no mistakes in media. It's literally made to influence, persuade and educate.
Nothing is a coincidence!
But after reading a few interviews and listening to the fandom I think we can also say with confidence they've been playing it as a romance.
There's nothing platonic.
They have platonic couples on the show.
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is not it.
Even if you see it as pure writing without the context of their acting choices.
Let's say kitchen scene.
You wanna work it out in the ring (throws playful punches)
I'd take you.
I wouldn't do that. You're on blood thinners.
Buck steps closer to playfully intimidate him.
You wanna go for the title?
Now pause.
Ik we all know that scene religiously and can only see it as insane (because they are. It is.) but I read it in my mind as a blank sheet of paper and couldn't help but wonder.
Why would you say it like that?!??!!?
Mr. Oliver Stark and Mr. Ryan Guzman I sentence you will eternal jail cause wtfff?
I imagined it more platonically. You can quite literally put, let's say, Hen and Chim in that same scenario. Damn even Eddie and Chim.
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Their acting choices would reflect that. Hell, read the lines without looking (or hearing their insane intonation) and imagine your best friend. Any friend for that matter.
It wasn't playful, it was well, sexually tense. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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Ps i love buck 1.0 and was shooketh to see his return because i watched the show backwards. i did season 2-6 in like a week then begrudgingly did season 1. Me nah like abby ...
They are choosing to act it out as a romance.
Now that could lend itself to male partnership in movies (and real life) where they went to war together that were usually where gay/queer men had partnerships/relationships in every sense of the word.
The shows ain't got it from nothing. 🤷🏾‍♀️
There's always truth in fiction.
I also find out a bit hilarious to imagine the director tried to get them to stop but the takes were either too good or they kept pushing the envelope and the editors were like yes. 🤗
I will put this shot of them longingly staying at each other instead of the slightly less neutral one.
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Or cut when they say we're the only ones who don't have kids (+buck) then cut to Buck being a good dad! 🤗
On a bit of a more serious note let's say it is a bit of manipulation of the masses marketing wise.
The show is very queer friendly with a (black!) lesbian couple, a gay man, an engaged (black!) gay couple and many queer stories of different races in their cases that are told wonderfully.
I acknowledge and comment them for it but ..
The big problem is how Buddie is treated. (Or rather the very rational people who ship them)
(which their name is kind of funny because I link it to buddy cop movies that can be homoerotic when they feel like it and buddie is technically that trope)
Homosexual media (in the case of film) has always been subtext, hidden, stereotyped, twisted or been outright secret messages for the girls to uncode (cause religion 🤷🏾‍♀️).
It has only been like very recent that queer people have been gaining respect in media so it's not surprising.
What life was like in 2019 to now in terms of queer media is like night and day. The same would be for the 2000s. Gay was used as an insult. The world is quite literally changing before our eyes.
In their case, the elf scene is said to be a wink at the audience.
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But the actors took it seriously. So we do as well.
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Aka the battery put in they back.
They respect the same vision. 😤goated
The chemistry is undeniable, and the tropes they have parallel a lot of romantic things used historically in media. (And in the show *bathena* but🤷🏾‍♀️)
It's not an accident to say that if one of them had been female (aka the "acceptable" pairing) they'd have been together.
You could argue that if he'd been with Maddie like intended they'd be together. And little jiyun would be a sister.
She might be a Jane actually??
Back on topic.
I found it interesting when watching like a compilation (cause i did nawt watch the show before become a buddie fan) and found it hilarious because it was like their normal behavior and i felt the romantic tension shift. It was like whoooaaa holup. The air shifted.
It's very easy to spot it because at the first few episodes it was very platonic then it became very side eye....
What do you mean he's cute? What do you mean wanna go for the title?
(That scene is eternally insane)
What do you mean with other couples they're paired as a family? Consistently?
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What do you mean the kid and you go on solo family outings to the zoo? Constantly? For years?
You take care of him like all the time?
What do you mean he's your kid's legal guardian and partly the reason you lived after being trapped in a well?
The actors play it romantically. Ryan does cause I remember step up.
After like a year together? Over his family? Who are not firefighters??
Ik how he is when he's flirting.
The show also (unfortunately) writes their love interests as tools of self growth for them (which can be a bit problematic cause the women aren't being treated three dimensionally characters men get to be. the two who were closest were abby, and Taylor. Shannon was so so for me personally. Which is odd because they have complex main females it's just unfortunate that the women they have for them are rarely people outside of the relationship and that's why it falls apart in the case of their relationship/people getting invested).
Nobody is quite literally written as important to each other like them. They are in a relationship no doubt. We can say queer platonic now (as they are raising a kid together?!??!! Like come on. Chim and Hen aren't like Buck and Ed. Also the good cop bad cop scene?)
It's just not sexual I'd say.
Cause emotionally, mentally all that is there.
And they could absolutely play it "straighter" 🥴 cause I've seen a plethora of male friendships (slight side eye ry we got buddy cop movies galore don't play with me!!!) where they support each other.
They don't act like that!!!! Look at this and tell me I'm wrong!
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(i feel insane but I'm not i swear)
the lighting, the cut, the conversation im melting~~~!!!!
It's not inaccurate to say that the way they're written (and acted!!) is more romantic than platonic.
I'd assume they couldn't let the two hot men who represent "manliness" be together because they didn't fit into a (gay) stereotype.
But they will gladly let you advertise their show to the high heavens and bring in millions of dollars in revenue, which does upset me ngl but 🤷🏾‍♀️ hey, can't hate the player hate the game right?
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
Since some people might want a Mac, I'll offer a Mac equivalent of your laptop guide from the perspective of a Mac/Linux person.
Even the cheapest Macs cost more than Windows laptops, but part of that is Apple not making anything for the low end of the tech spectrum. There is no equivalent Mac to an Intel i3 with 4 gigabytes of RAM. This makes it a lot easier to find the laptop you need.
That said, it is possible to buy the wrong Mac for you, and the wrong Mac for you is the 13-inch MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar. Get literally anything else. If it has an M2 chip in it, it's the most recent model and will serve you well for several years. Any new MacBook Air is a good pick.
(You could wait for new Macs with M3, but I wouldn't bother. If you are reading these guides the M3 isn't going to do anything you need done that a M2 couldn't.)
Macs now have integrated storage and memory, so you should be aware that whatever internal storage and RAM you get, you'll be stuck with. But if you would be willing to get a 256 gig SSD in a Windows laptop, the Mac laptop with 256 gigs of storage will be just as good, and if you'd be willing to get 8 gigs of RAM in a Windows laptop the Mac will perform slightly better with the same amount of memory.
Buy a small external hard drive and hook it up so Time Machine can make daily backups of your laptop. Turn on iCloud Drive so your documents are available anywhere you can use a web browser. And get AppleCare because it will almost certainly be a waste of money but wooooooow will you be glad it's there if you need it.
I get that you are trying to help and I am not trying to be mean to you specifically, but people shouldn't buy apple computers. That's why I didn't provide specs for them. Apple is a company that is absolutely terrible to its customers and its customers deserve better than what apple is willing to offer.
Apple charges $800 to upgrade the onboard storage from a 256GB SSD to a 2TB SSD.
A 2TB SSD costs between $75-100.
I maintain that any company that would charge you more than half the cost of a new device to install a $100 part on day one is a company making the wrong computer for you.
The point of being willing to tolerate a 256GB SSD or 8GB RAM in a Windows laptop is that you're deferring some of the cost to save money at the time of purchase so that you can spend a little bit in three years instead of having to replace the entire computer. Because, you see, many people cannot afford to pay $1000 for a computer and need to buy a computer that costs $650 and will add $200 worth of hardware at a later date.
My minimum specs recommendations for a mac would be to configure one with the max possible RAM and SSD, look at the cost, and choose to go buy three i7 windows laptops with the same storage and RAM for less than the sticker price of the macs.
So let's say you want to get a 14" Macbook pro with the lowest-level processor. That's $2000. Now let's bump that from 16GB RAM and a 512GB SSD to 32GB and 2TB. That gets you to $3000. (The SSD is $200 less than on the lower model, and they'll let you put in an 8TB SSD for $1800 on this model; that's not available on the 13" because apple's product development team is entirely staffed by assholes who think you deserve a shitty computer if you can't afford to pay the cost of two 1991 Jeep Cherokee Laredos for a single laptop).
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For $3000 you can get 3 Lenovo Workstation laptops with i7 processors, 32GB RAM, and a 2TB SSD.
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And look, for just $200 more I could go up to 48GB RAM and get a 4TB SSD - it costs $600 to upgrade the 14" mac from a 2TB SSD to a 4TB SSD so you could still get three laptops with more ram and the same amount of storage for the cost of one macbook.
I get that some people need to use Final Cut and Logic Pro, but hoo boy they sure are charging you through the nose to use products that have become industry standard. The words "capture" and "monopoly" come to mind even though they don't quite apply here.
"Hostile" does, though, especially since Mac users end up locked into the ecosystem through software and cloud services and become uncertain how to leave it behind if they ever decide that a computer should cost less than a month's rent on a shitty studio apartment in LA.
There's a very good reason I didn't give mac advice and that's because my mac advice is "DON'T."
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zhongrin · 10 months
modern!au zhongli with greying hair, his long strands tied up with a fazan, an antique analog watch on his wrist, golden prescription glasses sitting on top of his perfect nose, carrying a dark leather briefcase, dressed in a white dress shirt and soft beige sweater, walking out of the office to pick you up after work so you can have dinner together.
i have died and ascended goodbye
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sheikfangirl · 25 days
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Post-TotK fluff ❤️
No more nightmares. Zelda is really back.
Link can sleep peacefully ❤️
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All the girlies: falling for ghost.
Me when I’m seeing that one Scottish short dude:
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ventique18 · 11 months
- random pickup lines shitpost -
🐉: "My name may not be Juan but I juan-na be with you always."
🌸: "Who taught you that corny-ass pick-up line."
🐉: "I read it from a book titled 1000 jokes guaranteed to make anyone smile."
🌸: "Did you memorize a line from a joke book and use it to flirt with me?"
🐉: "Without you I feel like a juan-derer lost in life."
🌸: "Oh my god."
🐉: "But with you I feel like I have juan the lottery of life."
🌸: "Why are you so obsessed with Juan?"
🐉: "I juan-der what our future looks like. You are the juan for me."
🌸: "Omg stop, pick another name at least?"
🐉: "Yuu are my entire yuuniverse. Yuu are my juan and only. "
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warningsine · 9 days
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So I guess it's not true then? That you and Saira are a thing? What? You haven't seen the fanfic? Yeah, you and Saira, so hot.
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feathercreates · 5 months
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POV you just told degrading Genesis he's still pretty uwu
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