#i am full of sin
sapphicvampirenerd · 1 year
Today's vampire brainrot is about how some vampires can compel you.
Specifically this scenario:
"Does it feel good, my angel? Oh? You want to cum? Well, I don't know if you sound desperate enough for that... How about you beg a little more for me? No, no, I won't stop touching you. ~You will not cum without my permission, no matter what I do to this pretty little body.~ Oh, much better angel, now that's begging."
I'm full of sin and I haven't been fucked in ages, and this is what it leads to apparently.
No one look at me, I am a MESS
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gothcore-masochist · 1 year
The next person to call me pretty girl needs to fuck me. I'm going to actually combust.
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witherbythesword · 2 months
if the theory of sam reich being replaced by .. evil wizard dalton reich (and i cant believe i am partaking in this discurse) is true..
i've seen some people asking the question about what those childhood tapes mean. Well i am one of the ancient ones that owned vhs tapes and you know you could replace whats stored on those tapes with overwriting it with new material but it would slowly degrade the quality as the magnetic tape the information is stored on isn't necessarly made to be re-recorded on indefinetly which would also explain the degrading quality of the gamechanger episode.
So my theory is that dalton reich wants to erase sam from history and to do this he is slowly erasing any proof that could hint on sam and dalton being two different people. One thing he appearantly needed to do is overwrite these old vhs tapes of sams childhood.
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compacflt · 9 months
I was wondering if you had thoughts about how Ice and Mav's politics don't fully align with their actions? There was a post where you said Ice's politics are more socially liberal than Mav's but Mav is also the one who goes out to La Jolla to hit on guys before Ice, and later again when he's broken up with Ice, but Ice only goes out with women out of fear for his honor or whatever. Same with their respective thoughts on feminism, with Mav's mild respect for Charlie (telling Ice not all women fit the stereotype) but later Ice is the one who sends Juno to Mav's Top Gun class without telling him she's a woman and Ice has a respectful friendship with Juno. I think you said Ice is vaguely on the ace-aro spectrum (demi-homoromantic) which is a sort of fascinating irony that he doesn't have the words for it whereas Mav is the one with the theories about Ice's sexuality. Though with their hypocrisies and inconsistencies this all just feeds into their characterizations of the fact that they keep divorcing their actions from their spoken words from their identities.
okay going to take this point by point
1. yes i have addressed their politics in relation to their actions before, so maybe read this post and this post before you read this one, just to see where my other thoughts line up
2. gay republicans and conservatives do exist (at the very least certainly republicans and conservatives who have gay sex in secret)
3. before maverick is a political actor he is a human being, and the characterization that we are primarily given for him is that he is impulsive and reckless and doesn’t think through his actions. As ive written about many times before—from a story construction standpoint, his thoughtlessness is his number one most important character trait. He is both thoughtlessly dangerous (his hero’s “fatal flaw;” he can’t stop himself from making bad decisions) and thoughtlessly brilliant (the navy’s best and most daring and heroic pilot). He does what he wants without thinking about it; and he makes excuses and hollow promises whenever that plan doesn’t work out (“I know better than that. It will never ever happen again;” [it happens again] “I’m not gonna let you down. I promise.” [goose dies shortly thereafter]). His thoughtless impulsiveness overrides everything else. Maybe the act of having gay sex (to address your “he gets fucked in La Jolla before ice” point) is politically subversive, but for Maverick’s thoughtless character that we are shown in Top Gun, the most subversive possible thing would be to LABEL the gay sex and think through the consequences of it. To call a spade a spade and call himself gay or bi or queer or whatever. That would be the most subversive (and with mav, entirely unbelievable imo) possible thing. That takes conscious effort of thought, something maverick is near-incapable of doing. As long as he can get away with it without thinking about it, he’s politically in the clear, with regards to his character & character arc. If that makes sense. “Don’t think. Just do.” That’s literally his motto lmfao. He represents thoughtless action as an archetype; his politics come secondary to his desires
4. Their “respective thoughts on feminism” are divided into two camps: 1. “Professional as required by the law” and 2. “Sex pest mode.” They’re naval officers in the 1980s. Whether republican or democrat, that’s kind of par for the course. How men treat women can be a performance to other men. Any respect i made them show towards women had broader, more metatextual “need to move the conversation/story from A to B” reasoning behind it. See the first post I linked for much more on that.
5. i never said ice was on the ace/aro spectrum, or if i did i DEFINITELY meant it sarcastically. That could not be further from what i believe. This isn’t something I’ve ever discussed on this blog before, but a MASSIVE part of the philosophical discussion I’ve been trying to moderate within this project over the last year is the question— “do labels even work with characters under these very specific and extraordinarily extreme conditions and societal pressures?” It’s a question I took from my time studying early American history—the contexts of certain environments, and I would definitely count the elite officer ranks of the navy in the 90s and 2000s as one of these certain environments, simply Are Not Conducive to the easier (path of least resistance maybe) ways we civilians handle sexuality and friendship and trauma. There are so many variables and external and internal pressures within an environment like the upper ranks of career navy officers that sexual orientation labels lose all nuance and accuracy. I don’t think Ice (as i have written him) is gay. I don’t think he’s straight. I don’t think he’s bi. I think he’s an unlabelable product of too many variables for labels to have any effect on how he is perceived. Which, in our society built around labels and categories, is admittedly difficult to wrestle with. But doesn’t make it any less worth wrestling with.
6. Yes, ice and mav’s hypocrisy is the linchpin of the entire story.
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They’re both trying to have their cake (“honor” and moral superiority based on the harmful traditional subjective morals arbitrated by elite navy officership) and eat it too (a fulfilling relationship with the love of their lives). & the point is that they cant. they have to settle for one.
#adam & eve can either stay in eden or eat from the tree of knowledge. but the moral authority told them not to eat; so they can’t have both#or—they can have both but they can’t ACKNOWLEDGE having both; they have to keep it a secret even from themselves. that way it’s not sin.#(the navy is ice/mav’s religious institution as i keep repeating)#re: ice and labels.#like i am both joking and not joking when i say he’s mavericksexual#simply because maverick represents both the guilt Ice must deal with re: the death of a friend#AND the recklessness that would inspire him to realize (in the actionable sense of the word) the full extent of his sexuality#no one else can do that. he and maverick were made for each other like that.#same thing where ice is the only one who can legitimize maverick in the eyes of their overbearing institution.#they’re made for each other in a way that imo transcends sexuality and labels.#I’m not going to touch the politics of ‘demi-‘ labels because i know people feel very strongly about it#and you come to me for Top Gun not necessarily my thoughts on modern identity politics#but suffice to say i don’t believe either ice or mav are demi anything.#they’re just guys. they’ve killed people and killed with each other and killed for each other. they don’t need labels. just let them be#tom iceman kazansky#pete maverick mitchell#top gun#icemav#top gun maverick#asks#edts notes#thanks for the ask! hope it isn’t coming off as aggressive or argumentative#* argumentative yes. you can argue with me.#but the labeling issue has been on my mind since DAY ONE & influenced much of how i wrote the story#human beings are so much more complex than most labels give us credit for
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strangefable · 9 months
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thank you for the many, many tags over the past... let's not count the time. but thank you to everyone who's continued to tag me for wips <3 most recently @inafieldofdaisies, @direwombat, @adelaidedrubman, @cassietrn, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @trench-rot, and many many more, thanks so much to everyone who thinks of me <3
today, i have a little bit of the opening chapter of the atlanta prequel to share:
Micah slowed her bike. Wouldn't do to get pulled over for speeding. Not with what sat strapped to the bike behind her. She felt the hard, sharp edges even through the leather of her jacket. She could almost hear ticking in the back of her mind; that thing may as well have been a bomb.
Hell, a bomb would’ve been less unnerving.
She followed the monotone, mechanical voice in her ear as it directed her to the appointed address. She felt a twinge in her neck as she tried to look up to the top of the building. Dark, ominous, sharp. It was a vague shape in the dark night sky, but it still felt foreboding as she gazed upward.
She pulled her helmet off and shook her head, releasing her hair as well as the chill along her spine. She was just a mechanic, but she was not going to get intimidated by some slick, rich asshole too impatient for his coke to wait for a regular mule.
As she entered the lobby, she saw the sleek marble floors, the stark modern architecture. There were heavy plaques on the wall with mysterious names. An office. A swanky, high tower one. Ballsy place to take in a delivery like the one she carried.
A man behind the security desk eyed her suspiciously. She offered him her sweetest, doe-eyed smile. “Hi, I have a delivery for…” she glanced down at her phone, “Mr. Duncan.” She looked back up at the security guard, still smiling warmly.
He grunted, waved his hand toward the metal detector. “Of course he’s still here,” he muttered to himself, before meeting her gaze.” 38, top floor.”
She hesitated as she stared at the metal detector’s arch. She took a few slow steps toward it, wondering how sensitive it was. At least she didn’t have to explain a gun, since hers was locked safely at home.
The detector went off as soon as she stepped through. She winced and stepped back.
The guard gave her a knowing look. “What’re you carrying?”
She attempted another smile. “Just a knife. It—”
He smirked and waved a hand. “Yeah, you’re not the first. Most of the couriers have some kind of protection these days. Can’t be too careful.” He nodded her through, ignoring the alarm as it went off again.
She nodded and smiled. “Yeah. Thanks.” His casual attitude about the whole thing surprised her, but she wasn’t about to argue. She wanted to get this over with and get the fuck out of here.
The whole place reeked of wealth and prestige and it made her skin crawl. So much metal and isolation from a single natural thing. So cold and uniform. She hated shit like this. Not that she’d admit it aloud, but it made her ache for home.
The elevator stopped at the top floor, and Micah ducked out swiftly, grateful to escape the grating music that jangled her nerves even more. Why did the wealthy always have such bland taste in everything?
She entered another lobby, but straight ahead was a formidable wall with a list of large, brass-lettered names behind a block of marble that must’ve been a reception desk. The woman seated there had a strained look on her features as she glanced over at Micah. Instead of a greeting, she only offered a stony, questioning stare.
Micah made a small sound in her throat. “Uhm. I…I have a delivery for Mr. Duncan. Urgent, I was told.”
The woman’s eyes went glassy at the name, and her expression seemed to grow even tighter. “Of course. Down the hall, Fourth door on your left.” She pointed to a hallway to her right.
Micah nodded and followed the directions. The lighting was low everywhere, probably dimmed to save cost outside of normal business hours. She wondered what kind of business it was they did here, then she stopped herself. She didn’t want any details at all. “I’m just a mechanic, that’s all.” She mumbled softly as she came to a stop outside the large, solid wood door.
It was floor to ceiling and she felt a sudden urge to run anywhere else. Instead, she lifted her hand and rapped her knuckles against the wood.
“Yes?” The voice was smooth and sure, the barest edge of a threat beneath the word. Why did the image of a shark swerving beneath the water flash into her mind? She shook her head and pushed open the door.
“Delivery for Mr. Duncan.” It felt so stupid to say, but what the fuck else could she say? This was not her job. She would not let this become her job. She didn’t want the heat of being a mule; she’d made that abundantly fucking clear.
Yet here she stood.
“Come in.” The voice was clipped and cool, all business, but with an attempt at warmth. A small measure to pretend at civility, she supposed. She opened the door.
To her surprise, this room was not all sharp, sleek steel and concrete. It was lined everywhere with deep, rich wood. The scent of it filled her lungs, soothing, familiar. She blinked as her eyes took in the shelves lined with thick, heavy looking tomes. There was a wet bar taking up a whole wall, and it was where most of the room’s light came from.
That and the Tiffany lamp sitting on the gargantuan desk in the middle of the room.
A large, sleek, black, leather chairback greeted her. “You’re late.” The chair swiveled suddenly but soundlessly. A man with piercing blue eyes and a firm mouth stared at her. He peeked his fingers together in front of his face. One eyebrow lifted slightly as he took in the sight of her. “And you’re new.” A glint flashed in his eyes.
She narrowed her own. “No, I’m not. I’m doing a one time favor. Because, I’m told, you were very… insistent.”
His lips curved into a mirthless half smile. “Oh, is that how they phrased it?”
She snorted. “I could read between the lines. Not exactly anyone’s first choice to send a mechanic, but no one else was aw—available.” Her eyes darted away from his. “Mierda.” The whisper escaped her lips before she could stop herself. Shit. SHIT. She was saying too much.
She felt his eyes as he trailed them down her body. She felt them lingering around her curves, so easily displayed by her tight leathers. She shifted her weight and clutched her helmet closer to her body, as though it were a shield. A poor one, but what else did she have?
When she looked up again, she found his eyes staring directly into hers. His expression was unreadable as he forced his gaze on hers. She resisted the urge to clear her throat or look away. Something in his eyes reminded her of the predators she’d faced in the backcountry. You don’t look away from a predator when it’s sizing you up, so she steeled her nerves and met his gaze, her lips pressed thin and straight.
He smiled. Tight. Sharp. Too feline to be real, despite the straight, glaring whiteness of his teeth. It was a smile meant to disarm, but she knew better. “They have been rather… less than satisfactory of late. I’ve been considering exploring other avenues.” His eyes looked her up and down once more. “However, I might be amenable to changing my opinion.” As his eyes met hers again, the weight of his meaning settled heavy on her shoulders.
She shrugged slightly. “That’s above my pay grade. I’m just here to give you what you ordered.”
He ignored the package she held out to him. “You’re not curious?” He took a step toward her. His hand lifted, but instead of the package, he slipped his fingers around her wrist.
She shook her head. “They don’t pay me for that.”
“What do they pay you for?” Another step closer. His fingers tightened. His other hand rose to rest lightly against her waist.
tagging onwards (no pressure at all ever <3) @ivymarquis, @v0idbuggy, @derelictheretic, @henbased, @redreart, @wrathfulrook, @confidentandgood, @damejudyhench, @florbelles, @jillvalentinesday, @marivenah, @harmonyowl, @unholymilf, @shallow-gravy, @g0dspeeed, @strafethesesinners, @fourlittleseedlings, @voidika, @foibles-fables, @chazz-anova, @josephseedismyfather, @turbo-virgins, @roofgeese, @i-am-the-balancing-point, @poisonedtruth, @simplegenius042, @incognito-insomniac, @dumbassdep, @theelderhazelnut, @legally-a-bastard, @aceghosts and anyone i still have managed to miss in this list. (also if you don't want me tagging you, drop me an ask or a dm and no questions will be asked <3) edit: trying to fix tags.
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artheresy · 6 months
Okay listen, I got sick while at work so I’m in a bit of a delirium idk the word for it whatever, this is what I get for thinking about Blade. The brainworms impacted by immune system /j
Anyways, I’m wondering again about the extent of his immortality and healing. So we get in his hairpin relic lore that his body is perpetually healing wounds that are far too gone to actually be healed, like his hands. We get this line “sharp and distinct with phantom pain” and then this entire paragraph describing it “Like the incessantly flowing stream of a mountain spring, his long black hair never ceased growing. His flesh twitched and throbbed beneath his skin, like river carps flipping and swarming... Fascinating powers ceaselessly reconstructed his body, bringing an everlasting pain of bones and tendons rupturing and healing. As countless phantom agonies and torments tore through his body, his shattered past was also beginning to come together...”
And yet we still see him like die from injuries so clearly, it’s working very very slowly in his body to repair him. Perhaps when he actually fully dies, that power within his body redirects the focus it uses to just generally keep him alive and heal parts of himself that cannot be fully healed to bring him back to life. Hence why he wakes up so far even if there is a pause, a moment of actual rest and peace before he is alive once more.
Now, again we’ve only seen him die via stab wounds and I have that whole other post wondering the extent to which one of Ren’s body parts would theoretically be cut off and how exactly his body would heal that, whether it heals before the limb is entirely cut off so its at least somewhat connected thus making the entire healing process occur properly even with difficulty or if it would literally grow him a whole new arm like a restoration/regeneration type of situation, or if (this wasn’t in the post but) if the injury is treated so he doesn’t die from blood loss which would be the fatality more som would he just like… be without an arm forever? Until he dies next and his body fixes that? I mean I think in terms of non fatal wounds he seems to have a slower healing like I said and then when he’s actually dead, the body focuses on healing the exact area in which he was fatally wounded. And yeah yeah we won’t get this explored much because Hyv is gonna keep things PG-13 and won’t show us any blood anyways
My actual wondering is, I wonder how poisons specifically affect Blade especially just given how different poisons can act. If it’s a slow acting poison, can his body just filter it out with its already slow healing rate? Would he still die if he was slowly poisoned and only then will his body be cleansed of it? Surely he would actually die from something super fast acting right? I mean we already established that Ren’s body slowly heals him and only speeds up when he’s dead. If he has a poison that acts instantaneously, surely he would die and then come back from it after his body has cleansed it from his system with its whole abundance thing.
Or theoretically, does that Abundance power already cancel out poisons working at all and it has to be an intensely violent way that he dies? Perhaps even in his special case, he’d be an exception where it would affect him and then he’d be healed since we know he’s not like on 100% the same level as the marastruck soldiers we fight due to whatever else is causing his immortality (probably the dragon heart or whatever it is) canceling it out so that they both work in tandem with each other. But anyways yeah like, I need to know so badly the different ways Blade’s power (and in general the power of the Abundance) works when faced with all kinds of different methods of killing him.
Also, I wonder how his body is with substances that aren’t lethal in smaller doses but then can be fatal in bigger amounts, things that when they get to that level are considered poisoning like Alcohol and alcohol poisoning and stuff. Could Ren hypothetically get drunk if he drinks a lot? Would his body just clean it out of him overtime naturally getting him sober, presumably at a faster route than normal people? Would he even be able to get drunk? What I said about his body getting him sober faster, would that even happen if its a non-fatal amount of alcohol or would his tolerance to alcohol be solely based on his build?
I dunno there are stupid questions that will literally never ever ever come up in terms of HSR’s story, we won’t see any of this stuff at least answered on screen but doubtfully at all. I’m just so interested in the way Blade’s healing works and I hope I get some kind of idea in order to explore it at some point.
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vianthemindelectric · 2 years
It is not best to wander off to forbidden paths, alright? Let’s get back on track.
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
Stop over spiritualizing everything as a "battle" against the "forces of evil" or I am going to beat you with my fists, and unlike the nebulous authority and power you attribute to demons, I can assure you my fists are very present and actively intent on stopping this rhetoric
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I think it's telling that the stepmother is cruel of her own volition. It's interesting to me that Brennan introduced the slightest bit of sympathy and the immediate reaction for some people is god forbid women do anything, but she didn't really change. This is the only character outside of the Authors that has any, what could be argued, true agency since she's outside a story. She's been pulled beyond the narrative and is able to not just move within the story or between the stories, but change them outside of it. And her first independent choice was to do exactly the same kind of thing she always had. One can argue here that she's been conditioned into it and to an extent that's fair, but she's also a grown woman who had the option to improve the story and is responsible for her choices. She could have chosen kindness. She was literally told, "The more cruel you were to her, the more we liked her." Option there is easy. No one likes Cinderella if she's just the least favored, but still well-treated daughter of a widower. But no. Instead, she abandons the only true form of love she had for her daughters and potentially her husband(s) and eats them for power. And the reason there is probably something like, "They're not real people, but I can make them real." Or "This is for their own good, because I can make a better story for my daughters," but as we've learned from the players already, no two stories are the same. The people are different, no matter what the Authors intended. So she will never have her daughters again and that's on her. She's cruel and manipulative and altogether nasty in an interesting but not fun way and those are her choices alone.
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undefeatablesin · 10 months
Me when other people enjoy my hunter gals in any capacity
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sapphicvampirenerd · 1 year
The next person who calls me princess has to fuck me, I cannot fuckin handle this ausnshahbw
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gothcore-masochist · 1 year
Fictional women I want to be railed by - an essay:
Lady Dimitrescu (RE8): Do I even NEED to say why? She's canonically NINE FOOT SIX INCHES TALL. She radiates cruel dom energy and I would DIE HAPPY between her thighs. But the idea of her beneath me? Begging for my mercy? AAhebusgetsbwu I would ASCEND.
Sally McKenna (AHS): I genuinely don't know. Its not even that I could fix her, I'd just let her make me WORSE. Also ahsvshaba she would put her cigarettes out on my thighs while calling me a pretty girl and THATS ALL I NEED.
Carmilla (La Fanu AND Castlevania): The OG. The QUEEN of the Night. I would be so good for her, and she would drain me DRY.
Donna Beneviento (RE8): AISNHSAH SHE MAKES ME FERAL. Quiet and soft spoken but cruel and feral? THE THINGS I WOULD DO FOR HER.
Lena Luthor (Supergirl): ausbyshava mommy. Sugar mommy? With her own mommy issues? I KNOW she would be nasty and sweet in the same breath and I NEED to be hurt by her.
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds): ausbyshava daddy. Has mommy issues, trained as a spy. Total domme. Need her to CHOKE ME.
Alex Blake (Criminal Minds): soft domme, but has a punishment kink that would actually put me in THE GROUND.
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soupedepates · 11 days
The Lord doesn't care if I am a fag, but my hybris is sure the feat He might do something about.
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toodles021 · 8 months
Favorite and least favorite characters
Hehehhehe ok here we go
First off we have this man (of course), definitely one of my oldest favorite characters, I've been obsessed with him for forever lol😅
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One of my favorite things about his character is definitely his sarcasm, it cracks me up every time, and I absolutely love the development that he goes through as the story progresses. I personally love the misfit character finally finding a place in the world kinda trope, which is of course exactly what ends up happening with Hiccup after he befriends Toothless.
(Also, the music?????? I can't even describe how it makes me feel, there are no words, I very much literally cannot stay still when listening to it.)
Next we have these two
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LOOK AT THEM ‼️ ‼️ THEY'RE SO ‼️ ‼️ No words
I love me a good chihuahua man who loves his strong badass wife, I mean how can you not?? Also their backstory?? Tears, rolling down my face. (THE AMOUNT OF TIMES THEY LOST THEIR MEMORIES OF EACH OTHER HAD ME LIKE ‼️‼️😡) Childhood friends to lovers my beloved🙏🙏 I also just love how King tends to be more serious and solemn and meanwhile Diane is wicked cutesy and energetic!
(Me over here losing my mind since it's been confirmed that they have at least 7 kids😃)
Next we got THIS GUY!!
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He's just so cool you guys, I can't. Cool military man who can manipulate fire and helps overthrow an evil government??? Yes please!! HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HAWKEYE????? PERFECTION!!! THEY WAY THEY LITERALLY ARE SO CONNECTED WITH EACH OTHER THAT THEY CAN TALK WITHOUT WORDS IN THAT ONE SCENE??? THE WAY SHE HELPS HIM PERFECTLY AIM HIS SHOTS WHEN HE LOSES HIS EYESIGHT???? I'm so normal about them, I could go on for a very long time.
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I'm looking so respectfully... ANYWAYS
I know that a lot of people see him as a "rip off" or "wanna be" Darth Vader but like.. bestie that's the point. He's supposed to seem like a new Darth Vader, but the truth is they're incredibly different, Kylo has always been conflicted and known it, and been afraid of it, while Darth Vader didn't question himself until the end. Also I'm sorry to people who don't like the romance aspect, but the connection that he has with Rey??? I will literally never get over it. "Their kiss wasn't romantic" BESTIE DID WE WATCH THE SAME MOVIES???? DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE THEY ARE VERY MUCH LITERALLY TWO HALVES OF A WHOLE??? THAT THEY'RE A DYAD IN THE FORCE??
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LOOK AT HIM‼️‼️ I love him
Is he kinda insane? Yes. But y'know what?? It's ok. Because I said so. ALSO HIS LORE??? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE?? LIKE COME ON HOW CAN YOU NOT EVEN FIND HIM TO BE INTERESTING AT THE LEAST??? He is the ✨main character✨
Nah but in all seriousness like, I love the antagonists that aren't entirely bad or evil. Like the way he is with Teucer?? Tears. The fact that he writes letters to Tonia and refers to himself as her "loyal knight"??? ARE YOU SERIOUS??????? He's literally so precious, just a little messed up...
As for characters I don't like.... honestly it can be hard sometimes to get me to hate a character, because even if they're like "bad" or "evil" or something I can always respect the amazing writing and designing that makes the character the way they are.
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biomic · 2 months
@cina-full-moon-xanadium replied to your post:
LITERALLY IT RULES SOOOOOOOOOO HARD made me want to watch gogov
please the gogov coalition needs all the members we can get
@revieloutionne replied to your post:
I have no recollection of reccing this but you're welcome
it was a very casual thing. i just made a post one day asking for good one-off eps of shows i hadn't seen since i needed representatives of every season from jetman onwards and you came to my rescue like a true gogov head
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bloodpen-to-paper · 4 months
I carnally desire Ronnie the sex bunny
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