#i am v happy w how it turned out :]
facetsofthecloset · 1 year
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i’ve been working on this nonstop since RWD s3 ep8 dropped and i got to this scene (time stamp is 1:56:00) (i took liberties with the dialogue but y’know). i started working on it while finishing the episode so That Thing That Happened Later in Limbo happened right when i was already screaming at myself over posing/anatomy/perspective/all that technical stuff. devastating.
i would’ve had this done probably yesterday but i made a custom brush for the very first time for the beetle swarm and that took me an ENTIRE AFTERNOON so lol
i do not do a lot of digital art so the sheer number of things i learned doing this ONE comic page is...a lot. gratifying but also exhausting
anyway way back in s1 ep1 i didn’t think dani would be my favorite but she just keeps coming in clutch in just about every situation. dani supremacy
alt one liners i was considering for the final panel:
-“I’m VRLA’s competent friend” 
-“git gud”
-*simply looks smugly into camera*
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soni-dragon · 10 months
ineffable instrumentals with season 2 added!!
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taintedcigs · 4 months
— cowboy hat rule.
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pairing: cowboy!steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: smut, p in v, MINORS DNI!!!!, pet names, praising, kinda degrading but not really, a lil argument, dom!steve, rivals to fcking, swearing, good old bj for our good boy stevie! reader has a nickname 'sunshine' bc i didn't wanna do y/n sorry:(
summary: helping out mr. harrington in his ranch was supposed to be fun, but steve harrington was an asshole. an absolute pain in your ass that teased you, and you gave him the same energy back, always. so when you unknowingly wear his cowboy hat, he decides to teach you what exactly the cowboy hat rule is. (wc: 5k+)
author's note: this is just horny babbling. i have no idea how cowboy lore works so if im wrong pls just close ur eyes i tried to research but i couldnt find shit just pls i just want cowboy steve dick. and ofc no proof-reading bc im lazy as hell. no dividers ugly aesthetic bc of tumblrs f ass not showing my shit in tags SIGH.
When you told Mr. Harrington you’d be more than happy to help around his Ranch during the summer, you didn’t expect Steve to become a problem, but you were wrong, so fucking wrong. 
A cocky cowboy who’s way too into partying and into his looks and his fluffy hair than you could ever imagine. That’s exactly how you’d describe Steve Harrington. Even though you so badly wanted to believe otherwise, wanted to disregard the rumors and the reputation that came with him. But, he made it so goddamn hard. 
All he fucking did was tease you, complain. Order you around and act like you didn’t know how to do shit. And, you didn’t, but he was supposed to be your guidance, teach you. But all he did was grumble and give you that goddamned smirk. 
Yet, you couldn’t fully hate him, there was a side of him he rarely showed you, one that cared, one that offered you rides—it was more of a mumble each night but you accepted nonetheless, one that ended up at your side whenever an asswipe bothered you at the bar, one that offered you a hand on your back when you were crying, he didn’t ask what happened, didn’t speak, just stood there, letting you spill out your guts. The two of you never spoke about these incidents, ever, because he acted like they didn’t exist, like he couldn’t bear the thought of being nice to you. 
You were so fascinated by him, even though you’d never admit it out loud. He was charismatic, outright funny, and had a heart of gold that you only peered one layer of. 
And fuck it, he was fine, annoyingly good-looking that he was a distraction to be around when you were supposed to be working, him with those sturdy denim jeans that cupped his ass perfectly, wide-brimmed cowboy hat with a creased crown, put perfectly on his head. Even though you’d much rather see his pretty hair falling on his face, run your hands through his smooth layers.
Usually, when it got as hot as it did today, he’d even take off that stupid shirt, feast your eyes with his glimmering chest, all hairy and glistening with sweat, broad shoulders as he ordered everyone around made you gulp. Like he is doing with you, right fucking now. 
“Sunshine, get back to work.” Heat travels to your cheeks quickly, and that stupid nickname rolls off his lips so bitterly, the one he always called you just because you were all nice and smiley—even when he was being an asshole to you, something that grinded his gears, you guessed it was a foreign concept to him, being nice. 
You were quick to shake off the hold he had on you, getting back on your feet as you stood your ground. “I am working! Just needed a second to breathe!” The lies rolled off your lips so simply that you wondered if he caught you staring. When he turned around to leave, you guessed he hadn’t. 
“Asshole.” The insult leaves you before you can register how close Steve still was to you. 
Turning head-spinningly fast. “What did ya say?” He spits, making you gulp physically. 
He looks out of the world stunning when he’s mad, maybe it’s a toxic trait of yours but, fuck, the way his chocolate hues turn unrecognizable, that slight quirk of his brows, and the way his muscles flex in pure anger made you rub your thighs together. 
Jesus Christ. He is getting into your head, and you hate that you think of him this way when he is so mean. 
“Nothing! I’m just saying it’s really hot out today,” you hum, the sun rays hitting your face not making it easier on the heat that flame your cheeks. 
He gives you a snort, all mocking once he takes a step closer, making you feel hotter if that is possible. “Well that’s what happens in the summer, darlin’”
Hand on the wall he tilts his head slightly, all with sass that has you rolling your eyes. “Or did you expect the weather to give Miss Sunshine some sorta special treatment?”
You roll your eyes, an act you always did that makes Steve’s jaw clench. “Oh, come on Steve! It’s really, really, hot, and the sun is all on my face!”
“Boo-hoo, princess,” he mocks, tipping his hat, almost as if to tease you further.
You scoff, getting closer to him. “Easy for you to just stand around in that big hat!” With a narrowed gaze, you cross your arms against your chest, like a brat, another trait that annoyed Steve even further.
Then, you beam again, and Steve knows no matter how much you hate it, Sunshine is absolutely the nickname you deserve, eyes glistening with happiness that it annoyingly even brings a glint to his pretty amber hues. His gaze unintentionally droops down to tour lips, so plushy and soft looking when it curls into that pretty smile that Steve wants to kiss you all over. 
“Oh! Do you mind if I?” You ask all giggly, pointing toward his wide-brimmed hat, hand teasingly standing above his head. 
He scoffs as if you had just asked him the most insulting question ever. “Not a chance,” he spits, now he crosses his arms in front of his chest, eyeing you with a dark glint in his eyes, one you couldn’t decide was full of annoyance or just pure desire. 
“Mhmmm… okay,” you hum, feigning innocence for a second, before snatching it off his head with another hearty giggle.
Oh, what he would do to hear that on a loop, admire the way your lips stretched into the prettiest grin, brows quirked.
“Sunshine!” He chides, much rougher than he intends to, but you don’t pay attention to him when you place the hat carefully on your head, smoothing your hair.
You shrug, looking up at him with those doe eyes that have him melting, everytime, without fail. “Admit it, looks better on me.” You shrug, expecting him to agree.
Instead, he just offers you a deep sigh of breath, eyes almost widening when he realises what you just did. “Do you even—”
He huffs, hiding the obvious pink shade thats starting to color his cheeks, you really had no idea the hold you had on him, did you? “God, you city girls have no idea about anything, huh?”
Your brows furrow. “What?” 
“Cowboy hat rule?” He asks with a tilt of his head, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest.
A teasing smile curves on your plushy lips as you push for more information. “What’s that?”
“Just give me the hat back,” he insists, attempting to mask the warmth that crept into his tone.
With a shake of your head, your defiance only grows, a glint of mischief dancing in your gaze. “Not until you tell me the rules.” 
“Sunshine,” he warns, voice so grumbly that heat travels all over your body quicker than the sun burning you. 
“Steve?” You hum with a flirty gaze, so teasing that Steve wants to fuck you right then and there, until he teaches you proper manners, until he shows you not to be a total fucking brat and not to roll your eyes at him, until he shows you that you’re his. 
But, of course, he settles on a low grumble of, “You’re annoying.”
“You used to be more creative with the insults, Harrington.” Another teasing remark, and Steve rolls his tongue inside of his mouth. 
With a smirk, he takes another step toward you, when your back hit the walls of the barn, only then you realise, he has you cornered. “You wanna know the cowboy hat rule, princess?” He asks all smugly.
Gaze meaner than he is, chest almost pressed against yours, voice so low that all you can do is slightly nod. 
Your breath gets hitched in your throat when his face is mere inches away from yours, hot breath fanning against your cheeks, skin heating on the impact, that brattiness you wear as a mask quick to slip off when he’s all demanding. “You wear the hat, you ride the cowboy.” His tone is almost a growl, pupils blown wide, making you gulp, physically.
“What?” You blink, unsure of what he’s actually asking. Excitement jumping around in your tummy. 
“You heard me. Wanna take me for a ride, Sunshine?” He is so goddamn close that you are sure he can hear the annoying tumble your heart does at the weight of what his words hold. 
It makes you pause, gaze sticking on his, sometimes slipping away to his soft lips, almost to signal him of something, but all you can do is try to hide the embarrassment that burns your cheeks. 
“Didn’t think so,” he scoffs, backing away just slightly. 
His cowboy hat is too big on your head, tipping low over your eyes, possibly hiding your nervousness as you mutter, “What if I do?”
With a smooth motion, he flips it off from your head, holding it with his palm, away from you. “Get back to work, Sunshine.”
“I’m serious—”
“So am I, those horses ain’t gonna straddle their strap themselves, off. to. work,” he hisses, turning to leave.
You huff, heat still burning off your cheeks, more embarrassed than annoyed, yet you still don’t have it in yourself to let it go, you can’t let him have this. Win this.
Quick to snatch the hat back, “So the hat rule is, wear the cowboy hat, ride the cowboy, huh?” You mumble behind him, your voice failing you, yet you appear to be giggly, and Steve heaves a deep sigh of breath, before fully turning to you.
He halts a bit when he sees you once again, in his hat, tipped low, that stupidly addicting smirk gracing your slightly-open lips, hand on your hips, and all he wants to do is fuck you till you lose that attitude of yours. 
“Stop,” he warns, taking a step closer to you but with a shake of your head you back away, and he sighs, loud and annoyed. 
“Gimme that, sunshine!”
“Nuh-uh.” All teasing and bratty, and grating on Steve’s last nerve. You know this, yet you wanna keep pushing him, further and further, until he snaps, until he can’t take it anymore. You have no reason to do this, you’re supposed to hate him, think of him as an annoying asshole.
But the two of you are finally tethering on that line, the line between purely teasing each other out of spite, to teasing each other out of flirting, you know that, and you don’t wanna take a step back. “Prove it.”
You are all up in his face, and all he can do his roll his eyes, cheeks beetle red, frustration worn on his face. “Knock it off.”
You tut gently, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “Not until you—” Your words are interrupted quickly when he snatches up the hat from your head in annoyance, making you gasp when he discarded it easily.
“Get back to work!” His voice raises, and it makes you take a deep breath.
Shit, did you fuck this up?
“What?” You question, entire body feeling dizzy. He takes a step closer.
“You heard me.”
Another step closer, his breaths come out in short gasps, frustration taking over him. “Get back to fuckin’ work, before I can’t stop myself.”
He is close. Too fucking close, and you can’t help the way your gaze droops down to his soft lips, slightly parted open, downturned from frustration. God, you realize how hot he is when he is angry, once again. “F—from what?”
He hesitates, before licking his lips. This is it. He wants, no, he desperately needs you. Needs to put you to your place. Teach you what happens to bratty girls like you. Show you what exactly the stupid rule is. “From fucking you in this goddamn barn.”
You release the breath you’ve been holding back, feeling small, so small under his gaze. Mouth hanging open, and all you want is him to pin you against the wall, have you screaming out his name. “From making sure I show you how the goddamn cowboy hat rule works.”
Your back is plastered against the wall, his hands are by your side, you are caged beneath him, chest rising in anticipation. “Is that what you want, honey, think you can handle all of that?” He’s so smug, and you don’t know what overtakes you when he’s all in control like this, you wanna obey him, make him happy, proud, so you bite back on your insults.
His smirk is dangerously alluring, and you’re under his spell. 
“Please,” you beg, heat finds your cheeks again, you hate the hold he has on you.
He barks out a chuckle, so mean, yet as equally hot. “Please, what? Speak up,” he spits, rolling his tongue inside of the roof of his mouth, lips wearing a smirk.
“Ruin me,” your voice is small, meek, yet it makes him groan. 
You’re such a good girl for him, and he wants nothing more than to ruin you. Fully. Completely. Ruin you for every other man. 
His head ducks down to your neck, leaving a sloppy kiss before leaning into your ear, his breath hot on your neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake. “Goddamit darlin’, you gonna be the death of me, huh?”
You don’t—you can’t answer, you’re speechless, rubbing your thighs together desperately, seeking some friction, a touch, anything. 
He levels with you again, dangerous gaze on your lips, fingertips brushing against your cheeks teasingly “You know what I always wanted to do, sunshine?” He coarses lowly. 
“W—what?” You ask with a gulp, lips twitching with need. 
He gives you another grin, that asshole. The pad of his thumb slowly caressing your lips now, making you shiver with hunger. “Always wanted to put you to your place, you and that damn smart mouth, always runnin’ it for no good reason. I’d give you a good reason for those pretty lips, huh? Use it the way I wanna use it, fill it the way I wanna feel it,” he grunts like he said the most normal thing, yet you’re already squirming, wanting to open your lips, take his fingers in your mouth and suck on them, show him how much of a good girl you can be for him.
He has you on such a hold already, and you can’t complain. For someone who seemed to be annoyed—hell, even hated him a few minutes ago, you feel crazy, batshit insane, all you want is him.  
His fingertips play with your lips all teasingly, pupils blown wide, the other hand caresses your hair so possessively that you melt into his touch. “You gonna be good for me sweet thing?”
He doesn’t have to ask you twice. “Y—yes, sir.”
Godfuckingdammit. You don’t know the hold you have on him, do you?
He bites back on the moan that rumbles in his throat, instead settling on a, “Good girl.” Your puppy dog eyes glint at the praise, and he makes a mental note of it. . 
“Get on your knees f’me, darlin’,” he grumbles, and you’re quick to obey, not minding the uncomfortable feeling of the wooden floors scraping your knees, or the fact that anyone might’ve walked in, the door was locked, and there was probably no one around yet Mr. Harrington might’ve returned to the ranch at any moment. But he made you feel safe, somehow. 
You look up at him with those doe-eyes again, making him suck in a breath before he unbuttons his jeans and pushes them off his hips, boxers so tight around his hard cock that he grunts involuntarily.  
Your eyes go wide the second his erection springs free, almost hitting the tip of your nose, red, angry and leaking with pre-cum, he lets out a chuckle at your expression before grabbing the base of his cock. 
Same eyes, looking up at him all hungrily, Steve feels the way blood rushes quickly to his cock, making him harder if that's even possible, with a groan he runs the leaking tip across your lips. “Open up.”
Your hand replaces his quickly, and he runs his fingers through several strands of your hair, teaching you how exactly he wants you. 
You open your mouth wide, just like he likes it, tongue giving his slit kitten licks, moaning at the taste of his salty pre-cum, wrapping your plushy lips around his thick head, and sucking the life out of him, determined, and feigning innocence with the soft gaze you held. 
Head thrown back, heavy boots planted on the harsh ground, he lets out a low groan, stroking your hair all softly. “Look at you s’pretty like this for me.”
His hand wraps tighter around your hair, pushing you onto him, making sure you gag a little and that only spurs you on, making you whine around his cock, the sound reverberating through his chest. “Cat got your tongue, darlin’?” He chuckles all meanly. 
“God, do you have any idea how many times I wanted to shut up that bratty mouth like this?” He asks with grunts leaving his open mouth, hand working harshly around your head, mouth feeling like heaven the more you bob around his thick length, struggling to take all of him. 
“Those pretty lips are—mmpf, shit—better stuffed with my cock than being a spoiled lil’ city girl runnin’ her mouth, ain’t that right, baby?” You nod meekly, angelic eyes seeking for his validation before you flatten your tongue around the sensitive part of his tip, struggling to take all of him in your mouth. Earning guttural moans, eyes squeezed shut as he feels your soft lips wrapped around him again.
“Fuck, sweet thing.” You can feel his filthy grunts straight in your core, all low and lewd that you almost moan around him again, he puts one hand on the wall, helping himself to better move in and out of your throat. 
He knows if you keep this up, he’ll cum right and there, and fuck, he needs that. But he needs to be inside of you more. 
You keep up your stroking, now adjusting yourself properly to start licking and sucking on his balls. “Sunshine, you need to s—stop,” the words barely leave his lips, he so doesn’t want you to stop. But, he needs to cum inside of you. 
Yet, you don’t listen to him as your movement speeds up, determined to feel his load warming your throat, make him proud, and your mouth bobs harder around his length, making him growl at you harshly. “Sunshine,” he warns, pulling you by your hair. 
You’re quick to take a deep breath of air once he pulls you off, looking up at him with the perfect innocent eyes, your lips wearing the prettiest pout. “Was that not good for you, Stevie?” 
Stevie. That nickname makes his head spin faster, all he wants to do is fuck you against those stupid rustic walls, have you screaming out for him, the whole ranch filled with your filthy noises, no one was around anyway.
“You kiddin’, sweetheart?” He gives you a chuckle, wrapping his hands around your jaw, pulling you off the floor. 
“You were fuckin’ amazing,” he hums, leaning down to kiss you, tasing the salty semen on your tongue. 
His hands are quick to travel along to your waist, fingertips finding their way onto your panties rather quickly, earning a gasp out of you. “Need to be in here first, honey.”
You nod, so quickly that you can feel him grinning into the kiss, his hands are everywhere, yours are more or less the same, quick to get rid of his top, to feel his toned chest in your soft hands, your top is sprawled right next to his, revealing your pink and gold bra at him, breasts peeking out just enough to have him groan, big hands quick to get rid of them. 
He has you caged against the amber walls, back hitting the rough material, making you hiss. Your skin heats at the impact, it’s filthy, lewd, and so public, but none of you even care enough to break the kiss. He settles between your thighs, his pants drooped to his ankles, hands rubbing across your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
The sight of you so easily submitting to him, makes his cock grow harder than he thought was possible, looking so ethereal that Steve forgets all about everything else. “Sunshine,” he breathes, hands fiddling with the hem of your panties. 
“Mhmm,” is all you can muster, legs slightly open for him, and he almost feels possessive over you, it’s entirely stupid, but he looks so fucking alluring with those dark chestnut eyes, layered hair a mess, and cock weeping entirely with the thought of you. 
His thumb runs over the seam of your pussy, just a glimpse of how his fingers are going to ruin you, and you pulse and clench against him already. Wet. Drenched. And all ready to take him. “You’re soaked,” he groans.
Leaning further into your ear, “is that all for me, honey?” he rasps, desperate, needing your confirmation. 
Heat grows in your cheeks faster than a scorching day in July, and he grins, again, all cocky and proud. “Yes,” you admit meekly, and Steve’s quick to kiss your worries away. 
“God, you’re so fuckin’ pretty like this,” he growls, swirling your wetness up and around your slit, almost toying with you, having you desperately mewl for him. 
He can’t put his finger on it, what it is that draws him this much into you, but he’s hooked, so goddamn obsessed that he feels like an idiot, for being this much of an asshole, for acting like a grade school boy who’s pulling the pigtails of his crush. Like a stupid cliche. 
“Stevie.” That nickname, again. Godfuckingdammit, Steve thinks. You have him so wrapped around your finger, it’s like a prayer, and he’s sure you’re not aware of it. And it drives him even crazier. “Please.”
“Talk to me.” His voice is low, lips now nipping at your neck, suckling, giving you all the marks you need. 
“I need you,” you hum, eyes squeezed shut, desperate. His finger discard your panties and slide easily inside of you, your back is fully dipped into the well-worn walls with how good he feels, his thick fingers making their way in and out of your soppy cunt, whines leave your lips faster than you can comprehend. 
“Ruin me, Steve, fully, completely.” You don’t know how those words leave past your lush lips, but your thighs ache with need, cunt throbbing for him and him only. 
His eyes widen quickly, pure hunger quick to fill his veins, mouth hanging open, curses leaving his lips at how forward you are being. “Show me the cowboy hat rule, sir.” 
Steve all but groans, mouth harshly on yours again, chests pressed together and you can feel how hard he truly is, rock stiff, and aching to be inside of you. The sheer size of how he feels against your thighs almost makes your eyes bulge again. 
His fingers stop moving in and out of you, before you can whine, he spins you around so fast that you gasp loudly, hands immediately plastered on the wall, pleasure and excitement fills your tummy, but the fact that he’s seeing you all vulnerable like this is embarrassing enough that you try to close your legs. 
He’s quick to stop you with a grin, rough hands landing on the back of your thighs, spreading them open while tutting you. “Nuh-uh. Don’t get all shy now, princess. Spread them open f’me.” You spread them a little, cunt throbbing with how close his fingers are. 
He groans again once he fully gets a view of you like this, face down, ass up, your pussy slicked with your juices, at his mercy. “‘M gonna ruin you, honey, don’t you worry.” A dark chuckle barks out from his chest, sending chills down your spine, almost making you whine. 
His hands are rough when he has you by your waist, bruising almost. Lining his cock in front of your slick core, he swipes the head of his reddened tip inside of you with one forceful thrust. Your plushy lips open slightly, stealing your breath away as you try to adjust to his size.
Shit, shit, shit, he feels even better than you fucking expected.
His cock splits you open, filling every goddamn inch of you. You don’t know how many times you thought this, but, shit, he’s as big as the gossip in this small town says he is. 
His thrusts are slow, grunts so loud and heavenly that it spurs you on more and more. His weight on you, the bruising hold. You feel him everywhere. On your back, hips, and fucking inside of you.
“F-fucking, fuck!” he growls, leaving nibbles all over your shoulder and back, even with the fact that this was Steve, and he was rough and filthy, it was wildly intimate, so wildly intimate that you could feel your heart pounding inside of your chest. 
“How are you this fuckin’ tight, s-sweetheart?” One of his hands travel up to your neck, roughly holding you down, hips slamming into you with such force that you cry out.
He watches the way his girthy cock disappears in and out of you, wetting himself with your juices, filling every inch of you. “Doin’ s’good for me, princess.” His praises are heavenly, making your chest swell with pride.
He moves inside of your soppy cunt with short thrusts. Completely bottomed out, thrusting against the same sensitive spot every time as his balls, heavy with cum grind against your clit, with each movement, making you cry out his name, babbles leaving your mouth. “Yeah, you like this don’t ya? Want me to ruin this slutty pussy, huh? Ruin it for every other men?”
You nod all dumbly, yet, it isn’t enough for him. He wants to hear you, have you scream it out. “Say it, sweet thing, fuckin’ say it,” he groans, coarse voice making tingles appear everywhere on your skin. 
“I-I love it, Stevie, want you to ruin me for everyone else, mmpf,” you moan all fucked out, eyes rolled all the way back to your head, hips desperately grinding against him for some more friction. 
He picks up his pace, fucking into you with reckless abandon.“F-fuck doll, won’t last if you keep runnin’ that dirty mouth.” 
But his words just encourage you to keep going, gasps coming out in short breaths as you manage to drive him crazier. “All yours, sir, all yours.” 
He grunts at that, one of his arms snaking around and under your hips to find a better angle, lifting you up so that he can fuck his cock deeper into you, make you feel how fucking big he really is. “That’s right, baby, it’s all fuckin’ mine.”
Hot tears spill down your cheeks, entire body burning with it. The slick sounds of his hips driving into you, your moans, his low groans are all that fill the room. So fucking filthy, and you can feel yourself clenching around him. 
It’s all too much; his hands everywhere, the lewd noises he makes, how deep his girthy cock is bottomed out inside of you, making you feel every ridge. It’s fucking perfect, and you desperately need to cum. 
And of fucking course, Steve can feel your pussy gripping him, so tight that he knows he’s gonna cum right after you do. “Gonna cum f’me, huh? Such a good girl,” he praises, again, knowing the effect it has on you and all you can do is gasp and weakly nod. 
One of his thumbs quickly finds your clit, making your pussy throb around him in pure ecstasy, all the overstimulation enough to have you crying like a bitch in heat. “Give it to me, angel,” he murmurs, pressing open-mouthed kisses everywhere on your skin.   
His movements pick up, padded thumb rubbing circles around your clit, the other hand landing on your nipples, twisting them while pumping into you, it’s all too much that it makes you sob and beg for him. 
“Cream my cock, let me ruin you completely, darlin’” It’s all the confirmation you need as your orgasm builds and washes through you, body exploding with pleasure, spreading through your skin as you scream out his name. 
Your pussy squeezes and pulses around his cock, and he fucking knows, he won’t last, not in the slightest. “S-shit, sweet thing, gonna make me cum with all those filthy noises.” 
“Want that, honey, hmm? Wanna be filled with my cum? Show everybody in this town who owns ya? Owns this tight lil’ cunt?” He feels it, that pure hunger for you over taking him, coarse voice, dark eyes, like a man possessed. His fingers dig further into your skin as he desperately chases his orgasm, enjoying the sloppy sounds your pussy makes as he drives into you.
“P-please, Stevie, n-need your cum,” you weakly hum. And it fucking breaks him. Hips losing all rhythm when he spills his warm load into you, twitching inside of you once he pumps you full of his cum. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, Sunshine,” he breathes, collapsing on your back, both of you trying to come down from the high. He slips free of you slowly, his cum dripping down your thighs, making him grin proudly. 
“S-steve,” you weakly murmur, collapsing in his arms. He holds you down, slight kisses left on your back, delicate in a way you have never seen him before. Yet, the two of you don’t mention it, “let me take you home,” he mutters, a gentle hold on you that makes you feel warm.
“No?” Intrigued, his breath gets caught in his throat, the look you give him is so sultry that the blood rushes to his cock in an instant again. Fucking fuck, what have you done to him.
“We still haven’t followed the rules,” you purr sweetly, causing him to raise his brows in excitement, tempting him further and further. 
“The rule was wear the hat, ride the cowboy, wasn’t it?” You question with a slight grin, eyes lulled, still fucked out. 
Your fingertips gently grazed against his chest, hairy and slicked with sweat, his sudden dominance fading when you were so quick to switch from begging to cum underneath him to gaining that flirty, giddy personality again. Already leaving him a mess. “Y-yeah,” he murmured, watching you hungrily, his cock already weeping again. 
“Then, sit down and lemme take care of you, cowboy,” you ordered again, shuddering breaths leaving him in an instant.   
Now you were going to ruin him.
And Steve couldn’t be more infatuated. You were truly his demise.   
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
caught with them (; — hashira men
Author’s Note: mostly humorous, but ~a lil steamy. 😉 Update: some are def steamier than others. 😅
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caught with them (; — hashira men
Himejima Gyomei x Reader, Iguro Obanai x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~1,500
CW: 18+NSFW, accidental v!yeurism, cream!pie, dark humor, degrading language, explicit language, Fem!Reader
Emergency Request Fulfilled: Hi T! May I please request an emergency request (I'm  getting surgery on Thursday and I'm a bit stressed) can you please write funny nsfw headcanons where all the male hashira ( except Muichiro) making love to their fem s/o and all of a sudden she calls out ,"Daddy!", And the guys think she's being kinky and they were getting so into it but then with her serious demeanor they stopped and turned to find out it was actually their s/O's Dad who came in to visit? Please and thank you.
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Initially confused
Gyomei didn’t realize you were into that ��
And he was too invested in how perfectly your pussy suffocated his dick to hear approaching footsteps 💀
“G-gyomei,” you gasp, burning w/ embarrassment, legs wrapped around his waist as you sit full and sweaty on his lap, nose pressed into his shoulder, suddenly grateful it’s his back facing the living room doorway
“Hm?” he murmurs lowly, blissfully unaware, nearing his orgasm as he continues guiding your hips w/ strong, broad palms
“Mydad’shere,” you manage to explain, nearly choking on the feeling of his tip grazing your cervix
#Gyomei is no longer confused
“Oh dear,” he mutters, mortification clear in his voice
Even as his eyebrows furrow, cock twitching in your heat as he finally cums
Meanwhile, your poor dad’s like: 🫠🫠🫠
“Well don’t just stand there!” you shriek, “Go make yourself tea or something!”
Best believe your dad immediately disappears to make himself something much stronger than tea 😭
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And that’s when Obanai remembers 😳
“Please tell me what’s happening isn’t what I think is happening.”😖
—You thought you knew what his desperation sounded like
—Especially after cockwarming him for hrs, clenching and gently grinding every so often to keep him on edge, computer screen bright w/ half finished work, swivel chair squeaking whenever you decide to roll your hips
—But this definitely takes the cake 🥴
“Unfortunately, my dad is here for our scheduled luncheon that we completely forgot about, but fortunately he is also going to wait in his car,” you grit out, glaring harshly at your equally distraught parent, “We’ll be ready shortly.”
Newsflash: your dad could care less about when you’ll be ready for lunch
In fact, he’d much prefer to cancel lunch altogether
Who needs lunch when their appetite’s just been ruined by an emotionally scarring event?
As soon as your dad leaves, you clamber off of Obanai’s lap, his cock slick and swollen as he slips from your heat, needy whine shiny on his lips
“We’ll revisit this later,” you promise, “With the door closed.”
Despite the waves of embarrassment still crashing through him, he can’t resist cracking a wicked smile, drinking in the sight of your naked form as you bend over to hand him his shirt, previously discarded on the floor
“Dessert? Sounds good to me.” 😎
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Kyojuro pauses mid thrust, expression eager, chest pink from exertion, longer hairs tickling your collarbones as he haunches over you, “Daddy? Would you like to call me daddy?”
“Kyo-” 😭
Yk when yk what you should say, but you can’t seem to say it? 😬
Ofc that would occur at the least opportune moment 😃
“Sweetheart, there is nothing wrong with liking what you like!” lips grazing your throat, one palm pushing at your thigh, the other splayed on an overhead cabinet to steady himself, “If you want to call me daddy, then I am perfectly happy to be your daddy,” sucking lightly at your jaw, growling at the satisfying thud of your body against the countertop’s edge as he completes his thrust, balls sticky when they tap your skin
“Kyyyo-” 😭😭😭
“Call me daddy sweetheart, let daddy make you feel go-”
“So uh,” finally your dad sputters, “How about you guys text me when you’re finished?”
Kyojuro’s eyes = wider than saucers 😳
“I AM SO SORRY, I HAD NO IDEA.” <— 0.02 secs after your dad slams the front door shut
“That was hot,” you giggle breathlessly, shock still radiating, “Maybe I do have a daddy kink? You had me at a lost for words.” 😇
“Clearly!” he nearly whines, uncharacteristically bashful as he tucks his face into your shoulder, “I would have stopped immediately had I known!”
“I’m sorry, I short circuited.” 😅
“I hope he forgives us.” 😓
You snort, already recovering from the ordeal, “He’ll survive.” 😆
Pouting, Kyojuro clings to you, cock slowly softening in your pussy, “But I may not.” 🥺
“Oh hush,” you pat his head reassuringly, smiling as he nuzzles closer, “Let’s shower and get dressed. My poor dad’s patiently waiting.”
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“Who’re you calling daddy?” Sanemi murmurs, body draped over you, grip warm and steady around your waist, your own hands clutching the edge of the sink, “Listen to your sloppy cunt, so pliant and needy, bent over in the bathroom like a cheap whore.”
“Sanemi,” you squeak, eyes glued to the retreating figure reflected in the mirror
“I asked you a question,” he growls roughly, nipping at the side of your neck, balls tapping your clit as his pace quickens, “Who’re you calling daddy? Who’s fucking your slutty hole? Who’s bringing you closer and closer to your climax?”
“Iwascallingmydad, daddy,” you blurt, diction hurried by the stretch and intensity of Sanemi’s thrusts
He shudders to a halt, dangerous stare meeting yours as he looks up into the mirror
“You WHAT?!!!”
You inhale deeply, enunciation precise and drawn out, “We invited my dad over for dinner. You got me horny. He let himself in… and then let promptly let himself out. We made eye contact in the mirror, I swear he nearly fainted, and I called him daddy because apparently that’s what I do when I panic!”
“Oh so this is MY fault?” 😒
“The fuck?” 😐
“That’s what I’m saying! You got me horny, bitch, you’re always horny! Sorry I enjoy pleasuring my woman!” 🙄
“Well don’t apologize for that!”
“Fine! I’m not sorry!” 😤
“So do I get to cum, or…?” 🙃
“You’re fucking weird. You still wanna cum? Now?”
“I mean dinner’s obviously off the table, so-”
“Fuck’s sake! Okay! I’ll make you cum!” 🤬
“Great! Better brace yourself princess,” Sanemi snarls, slipping his fingers between your legs to flick at your clit, “Because you’re my cocksleeve for tonight.”
—Don’t even ask 😃
—Porn isn’t realistic
—So why should my fanfiction be? 😂
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#riperoni Tomioka Giyuu
“Uh huh baby, baby, fuck, f-fuck, FUCK,” he groans loudly, mouth parting slightly, couch pillow propping his head up to provide the perfect view of your perfect tits as you perfectly ride him
Disclaimer: you’re panicking — not cumming 💀
#unlike someone #that someone being Giyuu
“Shit, you’re incredible,” he murmurs, eyes barely open, thumbs soft and greedy as they dig into your waist, satisfaction welling in his stomach as his cum fills you, warm and viscous, tip swollen and twitching, “Feels good, hm? When daddy cums in your gorgeous pussy?”
#riperoni Tomioka Giyuu x 1,398,742
You clear your throat, blinking awkwardly, “Dad, how about I call you in ten minutes?”
Indescribable dread flickers across Giyuu’s face
But he can’t move 😭, bc he just came inside of you 😭, and apparently there’s an audience 😭
#talk about a mess #pun intended
“You do that honey!” *your dad frantically nods* “You do whatever you need to do!” *your dad frantically flees*
“Murder or suicide?” Giyuu asks quietly
“What?” 🧐
“One of us is a dead man,” he answers solemnly, “But I’ll let you decide who.”
*big sigh* “Neither you nor my dad has to die.”
“I disagree.” 😔
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“The fuck?” 🤨 “Is your dad here?” 🤨 “Are you into that?” 🤨
The fact that Tengen hasn’t stopped thrusting does not help your ability to articulate 💀
“Well?” he grunts, biceps straining as he keeps you pinned to the wall, hands full of your ass, “Which one is it?”
“The fact that you don’t seem concerned in the slightest that it could be the second one is mildly concerning,” you mutter
Meanwhile, you’re frantically shooing your dad away, unable to do much more in your current ~position
“The fact that you only consider that mildly concerning is also concerning,” he retorts, “And quit fidgeting,” tongue licking along the curve of your jaw as he murmurs lowly, “Less wriggling, more cumming.”
The sound of the front door opening and closing barely registers to Tengen 😃
Is he that pussydrunk?
#he just doesn’t give af
#sort of
“Hm?” he smirks, gaze glinting smugly at the feeling of your pussy sucking him in deeper, “You gonna cum for me?”
“You do know my dad was here?” breaking off to a whimper as his pubic bone grinds against your clit, “R-right?”
“I know,” he replies simply, fixated on your building orgasm, determinedly repeating his motions, spurred on by your ragged gasps and staccato moans, “I was certainly surprised,” tone amused and patient, “But I figured he’d leave as soon as he realized what he walked in on,” nonchalant as ever, “No point in ruining our pleasure for a brief interruption.”
—I’m not usually suuuper into Tengen, but damn 🤠😂
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garoujo · 1 year
✩ ˛˚ . INTERRUPTED ; — you find your alone time with multiple tokyo revengers characters being interrupted.
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FEATURING: sano shinichiro, hanma shuji, haitani rindou, sano manjiro + sanzu haruchiyo.
warnings: f!reader, exhibitonism, bonten!timeline, shin owns his bike shop, phone calls / being walked in on, cock-warming, sort of possessive behaviour in sanzu’s, ch-oking. note: hewo :3 i am v happy w how these turned out i think so i hope u guys enjoy hehehe <3
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shinichiro could never fucking say no to you, you just had to give him one of your pretty little looks from underneath your lashes and he was like fucking putty in your hands.
it’s like you knew exactly how to get to him, made just to tease and test his own self control and fuck—turns out he hasn’t got any at all, because now your usual little afternoon visit to see him at work has ended up with his hips pressing flush and tight against your own as he sinks his cock into the warm hug of your pussy.
it wasn’t normally something that bothered shinichiro, but when it’s only 2pm on a friday afternoon and he’s just heard the bell on the front door of his bike shop ring to alert him of another customer. he’s pretty sure they might find a problem with the fact he can’t deal with them because he’s balls deep in you in the back shop.
you feel the deep press of your boyfriends cock against the sweet spots inside of you when his next thrust stutters, followed by another languid withdrawal of his hips before he’s rolling them back into you at an even slower pace. but he swears he feels you squeeze even tighter when the sudden ring of the bell at the front desk rips you both from your blissful, hormone-drunken state.
“just a sec..” shinichiro calls as his fingers squeeze almost painfully at your hips and he’s pulling back to give you a lidded look from under the messy mop of black hair framing his flushed features. you shudder when you feel the cool metal of his chain leave your too hot skin but he still doesn’t pull himself away when your hands tighten in the fabric of his shirt. “f-fuck, angel, gotta let me go.. quit squeezin’ so tight.
“but shin, ‘m so close.” you babble through your pouty lips and even the fucking sound only seems to lure him closer as he offers you another stuttered thrust and he grits his teeth. another ring of the bell accompanied by another sinful squeeze of your walls around him and shit— he wished he’d just closed up for the day. god he is fucking whipped.
“mmm—fine, angel. shit— jus’ gotta make it quick, alright? make it up to ya later.”
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your trip to hanma’s office had started somewhat innocent, it was always down to him when you ended up spread out on his desk atleast — not that you can be blamed when he’s so infuriatingly handsome, amber lidded gaze never once leaving yours as soon as you enter.
it’s the same look that he’s giving you now as you sit spread out for him across the paper work that he couldn’t give two shits about right now. he’s still dressed apart from his unbuttoned slacks — just enough to free the heavy strain of his cock but still a stark contrast to the way he’s stripped you of everything — offered you up to himself like a luxury meal he’s about to devour, and you almost shudder with how exposed you feel before you melt at his touch again.
“you miss my cock that much, babydoll?” hanma goads, smirks as one of his large palms, sin squeezes at the flesh of your thigh so he can push you wider. you can barely offer him words with the way your desire weighs heavy on your lungs, a weak little nod that only makes his grin twitch even wider as he wraps your thighs around his hips.
“such a helpless little thing, can’t cum without me doing all the work.” it was almost uncharacteristic for him to give into you so easily, he liked you begging — crying for him to finally fuck you but any suspicions soon melt when the fat head of his cock finds the entrance to your flexing pussy.
you gasp and hanma growls as he sinks carefully up inside you, punishment taking its usual place around your throat as he squeezes lightly at the sides — he always said it was your prettiest fuckin’ necklace afterall. his other hand on your hip pulls your hips closer to his as your back arches and his cock feels like it sinks into you forever. he was long and thick, curved upwards and warm and it glides so sweetly past the spots inside of you that make your whole body twitch against the wood, your pussy tightening harder around him the deeper he goes.
but just as you find yourself floating into a blissful state, almost consumed completely by him — you jolt when there’s a sudden, sharp knock on his office door and his fingers around your throat squeeze a little tighter before he chuckles.
your wide-eyed as you look at hanma but he doesn’t stop, he looks amused and there’s something dark, wild in the same familiar amber that looks over you when the next knock is accompanied by him forcing your walls to spread open wider for him. “s-shuji.” you try, a small plea for him to tell him he’s busy — to do something, anything.
but then you only feel him press into you deeper, looking at you from over the frames of his glasses before he’s urging your head to tilt back — palm pressing tight against the middle of your throat as he drags you along his cock with the other.
“came here to cum didn’t you? better tell ‘em.. or. else.”
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rindou is fucking late, he knows as he gives the watch underneath the expensive fabric of his suit a lazy, lidded look from underneath his lashes. it’s not that he was stuck in traffic or anything, hes at the venue for the executive meeting atleast — hes just far too fucking obsessed with the way you’re bouncing on his cock as he sits in the front seat of his fucking car to actually leave.
ran’s definitely going to kick his ass, he thinks before it’s replaced by the next particularly sharp connection of your hips — warm hug of your pussy reducing him to low grunts and growls as every thought in his head is consumed by only you instead.
“fuck sake, i gotta go princess. but shit, got the sweetest lil fuckin’ pussy.” rindou hisses through gritted teeth as he lets his head fall back against the headrest — his violet gaze heavy underneath his mused bangs as it focuses on the way your pretty tits jiggle everytime you sink back down onto his heavy cock. he’s gotta go, but why can’t he bring himself to fucking move.
“so close rin!” you whimper through pouty lips, your mind cloudy with how well hes fucking you and it does wonders at drowning out the way his phone is vibrating in the passenger seat — his hands preoccupied with dragging you along the length of him instead.
“yeah? lemme see how fuckin’ pretty you look when you cum ‘round my cock, gorgeous.” the ragged tone of rindou’s words feels like it drips through you as the muscles in his well trained body shake beneath you. his pace is unrelenting as he begins to meet each of your thrusts with heavier ones of his own, fingers squeezing tight into your hips so he can push his cock even deeper into you with every wet connection.
“you been thinkin’ ‘bout my cock, princess? already made me fuckin’ late, gotta make it up to me.” rindou groans and your walls reward the thick spread of his cock with another needy twitch. your pussy squelches, wet and messy as the sounds echo around the walls of the car and fuck— he wants to ruin you. but his next harsh thrust stutters when there’s a sudden knock against the drivers seat window that makes his head twist quickly, because despite the dark tint and the condensation from you both — he knows who it fucking is.
“oh little brother? hm, don’t make me drag you in here.”
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you think it’s warm, comfortable when you’re curled up in mikey’s lap — a place that had become one of your favourite despite how many people feared him. but he was different with you, softer as his slender fingers trace up the length of your spine — making you shudder as his cock rests inside the intoxicating hug of your walls.
it was a nice sort of routine, like a little ritual than always seemed to keep him grounded and it was some of his favourite moments with you — sacred moments with you. you pull back to give him a pretty, drowsy sort of look and you almost melt completely when it earns you a relaxed sort of expression in return followed by a small smile. “manjiro.” you begin and he swears the use of his full name from between your lips makes him shudder as something warm licks at the base of his spine.
“hm?” it’s low the hum that mikey offers you but you only sigh contently before you’re urging yourself closer, letting yourself bask in his hold as his arm around you proceeds to tighten as his lips rest against your temple. “it feels good, you’re warm.” he drawls and the whispered affirmation makes your insides ache before the next squeeze of your walls is pulling a shuddered breath from the man beneath you.
but just as you get comfortable in the blissful atmosphere in the room, it’s interrupted suddenly by the harsh wrap of knuckles against his office door before a particularly scared looking gang member scurries in after. he opens his mouth to speak but the cold look your boyfriend gives him seems to make the words die in his throat before he cuts him off completely.
“i’m busy.” mikey’s tone is blunt, ragged and a stark contrast to the softer one that he seems to reserve only for you as his fingers continue their ministrations along your skin. but you find yourself tensing when his words aren’t followed by the sudden unwanted company leaving, something that your boyfriend picks up on when instead they proceed to try again as they stutter out something unintelligible.
“didn’t you hear me?” there’s authority in the sharpness of his tone this time and it leaves no room for argument — only an apology as the gang member bows before leaving, probably mentally preparing himself for the visit he’ll be receiving from sanzu later no doubt. but you find yourself relaxing into manjiro’s embrace again as soon as you’re both alone again, hearing him sigh before it’s followed by a sudden, deep kiss of his cock as he shifts beneath you.
“so annoying. i’m comfy.”
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“haru..” you gasp from where sanzu has you hips pressed tight against his desk — swiping his fingers softly through your folds as he drags the pad beneath the hood of your clit, rolling the sensitive bud until he can see the way your thighs twitch. it was insane, the way he’s toying with you — playing with your pretty cunt like you’ve got him fucking hypnotised.
“i know, angel. just real pretty.” he hums before he’s deliberately pressing down onto your puffy clit harder, eagerly, until you’re wet enough for him to push two fingers inside. he rewards you with a sweet little kiss against the puffy bud when he’s not met with much resistance, grinning at the even sweeter little whine it pulls from your pouty lips.
“such pretty sounds, perfect fucking pussy.” sanzu’s fingers are long, long and thick enough for you to hiss at the stretch but you feel something blissful flutter in your tummy with the soft affirmation from his scarred lips. it was intoxicating to see a man so dangerous turn to fucking putty when he was between your legs and gazing up at you from under long lashes.
his warm breath rolls over your slick folds as he pants, his crystalline eyes transfixed and shining on where his digits sink into you, until his head lowers and his tongue is curling against your clit before he’s dragging it back up — complimenting every twist of his wrist with kitten licks like you’re the sweetest thing hes ever fucking tasted. it was rare for you both to get some alone time, he was a busy man afterall being bonten’s number two and you forget just how fucking good he makes you feel — making your toes curl from where they rest over his shoulders so easily.
but just as you let yourself melt back onto the heavy wood behind you, fingers smoothing through the bubblegum roots of sanzu’s hair before you pull — you’re jolted from your blissful state by the sharp ring of his phone in his pants. you hear him click his tongue before he’s spitting out a curse, but he continues to sink his fingers into you as he struggles with the device, swiping at the screen as he swirls tantalising circles into your clit with his thumb.
“what the fuck is it?” he spits and fuck— you swear the sudden boom of his voice makes you even wetter as your walls squeeze tight around his fingers, making his scarred lips twitch into a wild grin as he hums. you can tell he’s barely listening to the caller, not important enough for his attention so you know it’s not mikey, but his attention remains on you despite the way he addresses them. “fuckin’ do something about it then, im busy.”
you’re so fucking wound up, moans muffled behind your lips despite the way sanzu’s so desperately trying to drag them out of you before he’s resting the phone face up on the desk beside you. you’d assume he was done, but you can still hear the faint voice on the other end and the hooded look he gives you is dark before he’s suddenly burying his face into you, drinking up everything you offer to him despite the way his sharp gaze cuts up into you as he grumbles out a warning.
“keep that pretty mouth quiet, angel. those sounds are for my ears only, wouldnt want to have to kill that sorry bastard for hearing what’s mine.”
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© 2023 GAROUJO. do not copy any of my layouts / writing + translate / repost onto any other sites.
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owliellder · 10 months
All Pent Up
MDNI 18+
Puppy Hybrid! Leon Kennedy x afab! Reader
Word count: 3.85k
Warnings: Porn w/ plot, unprotected p in v (stay safe), no use of y/n, spanking, crying, slight ass-play.
Description: After a long night at work, you come home to a very pent up Leon. A trip to the park to help with that energy turns a little sour.
Tags: Submissive! Leon, neck biting/marking, begging, cunnilingus, knotting, mommy kink, fluff, near illegal amounts of praise AND aftercare, a lovely creampie to end the morning
Not proofread. I am once again sat here bored at work. More self indulgence since I work the same kind of job aforementioned in this lmao.
Also VERY much inspired by @abp0rns art of puppy Leon, specifically the two I put below the crop. Please check out their art they gotta be one of my favorite doodlers out there.
Edit: cross posted onto Ao3 if it's easier for you to read there (cause it is for me)
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It had been an incredibly boring night at work for you. Working graveyard at a gatehouse meant you did practically nothing. Easy money, sure, but you can only watch so many movies and doodle so much before it becomes redundant.
The only thing keeping you going was making sure your puppy, Leon, stayed happy and comfortable. You'd found him at the shelter a few months back, and though you never considered yourself to be a hybrid kinda person, Leon was just too damn cute at that shelter.
After adopting the hybrid, you quickly fell into a nice afterwork routine; come home, get jumped by Leon, make breakfast while he asked a plethora of questions about your night and made sure you knew just how much he missed you by licking and slobbering all over you. He was the sweetest boy, but man was he excitable.
Some mornings, you'd come home a bit more awake than others. It was random and you're not sure what made that so, but today was apparently one of those days.
"-sosososo glad you're home, mommy! I've been so lonely and bored without you!" Leon happily talked on after you'd walked through the door, his golden fur covered tail thumping loudly against the back of the couch. You remained quiet as you let him ramble, reaching up to pet through his messy bedhead with a smile. "I chewed on my toys, broke one of the squeakers though, but you've gotten me plenty of other toys for me to play with!! I really like this fluffy red pig you got me-!"
He continued to talk loudly about everything he did after you left for work only 8 hours prior, running around to grab and show you his chewed up toy and his favorite toy, tail continuing to wag avidly all the while.
"Alright, alright.. settle down, Leon.." You spoke up, cutting off his talk about laying in your bed so you could take a moment to shed your work clothes in favor of some more comfortable lounge wear; an old, faded graphic tee and a pair of soft sweatpants.
The hybrid followed you throughout the apartment while continuing to ramble, albeit a lot quieter now. Clearly Leon had a lot of energy this morning, which wasn't unusual by any means, but since you weren't all that tired this morning you decided that a trip to the dog park would be a good way for him to get some much needed exercise and enrichment.
After making breakfast, you dressed your puppy in a cozy outfit since it was always little chilly in the mornings where you lived, damn cold desert. You only had to reach for the leash for him to start jumping and yapping enthusiastically, making it rather difficult to hook it onto his collar.
You decided to stay in your comfy clothes, seeing as it would keep you warm enough until the sun warmed the air outside.
"Do you think Chris will be there?! Can you text his owner?? Who else is gonna be there?! I can smell the park from here!-" Leon rambled excitedly as he tugged you along to the park, smelling every bush and tree the two of you passed thoroughly. His tail never stopped wagging, those soft floppy ears perked forwards as he moved his head every which way, focusing in on every movement and sound while beelining to the park. He knew the way there, the leash was just to make sure you didn't get lost.
The air was cool the, sun beginning to warm you up. It was starting to bring out your exhaustion, but you wanted Leon to get at least half an hour of playtime in so he wouldn't bug you while you slept later. The thought alone made it easy for you to power through that brain fog that threatened to settle in.
You and Leon walked across the street once the tall chainlink fence that bordered the dog park was in view, the Golden Retriever hybrid practically dragging you to the other side of the street as his excitement grew. There were always other hybrids out early in the morning, the cool mornings were nicer for walks compared to the hot afternoons, at least in your opinion.
Leon was rubbing himself along the side of the fence, sniffing with a large goofy smile on his face. He had playmates that were normally here around this time, namely Chris, a German Shepard hybrid. Though Chris was a little bigger than Leon, they always played nicely, never having gotten into any sort of scuffle.
Chris was quick to notice Leon, running up to the fence so he could sniff him. They rapidly got each other riled up, so the moment you made it to the gate you unhooked the leash from Leon's collar. This wasn't so he didn't get choked out when he launched into the park, no, it was because the last time you forgot to unhook his leash first, you were yanked face first into soggy grass and mud.
The second you unlatched the gate, Leon pushed it open. He sprinted into the grassy park, Chris not far behind before tackling the smaller hybrid with a playful growl. The two roughhoused, chased each other, and played tug-of-war with a stick Chris had found.
You decided to sit on a bench not too far from where the boys played, looking up from your phone every minute or so to make sure their play didn't turn ugly.
Only 30 minutes had gone by before- "Mommy! Mommy!" Leon shouted from across the park, prompting you to look up from your phone. It only took a moment for your eyes to nearly bulge out of your head when you spotted a now brown Leon. His tail wagged, slapping loudly against the thick puddle of mud he was laying sideways in. "Looklooklook! Chris and I found a ball!" he yelled with a grin, Chris holding up the muddy ball high in the air so you could see it.
You sat there dumbfounded for a brief moment before letting your head fall back, breathing in and letting out a deep sigh as your eyes closed. You tilted your head forwards again, letting your eyes open slowly as your annoyance showed clear on your face.
Your puppy could see your expression change even from where he was, his ears drooping more than they were as the mud had weighed them down a bit. Seems like playtime was over.
Chris' owner wasn't all that happy either, walking over to the filthy hybrids only a few seconds sooner than you did. You pulled Leon from the mud by the collar since he seemed a bit stuck, glaring weakly at the now cowering puppy.
"Leon is always getting Chris into some sort of mess." Chris' owner huffed out, clearly irritated with the situation. You frowned, running your free hand over your face with a soft sigh. "I'm sorry, Leon just seems to really like the mud lately. I can't help that Chris follows, but I'll try to keep Leon from the mud." You didn't really care for someone implying your Golden Retriever puppy was a bad dog, but the idea of confrontation mixed with your ever-growing exhaustion was enough to have you just let it go.
After apologizing again, you let Leon shake off the excess mud from his body before hooking the leash to his collar once more, beginning to pull him towards the gate. He was very resistant to leaving, whining and whimpering something fierce. "I'm sorry! ImsorryImsorry! Please I'll be good! Let me stay a little longer mommy! Please I'm sorry! Mommy!"
As pitiful as he sounded, you now had to squeeze a thorough bath in for the hybrid before you were even able to think about sleeping. You continued to drag him along as he fought against you, crying out softly as you finally got him through the gate, closing it before he could run back through.
Your exhaustion was making you irritable, and having to fight to get Leon back home was enough to make you angry. It got even worse when he growled at you.
You stopped walking, the entrance to your apartment building only a few feet away. Turning around to face him, he immediately shrunk down at your furious glare. "Bad boy, Leon." Your voice was harsh, yet also so calm, it scared him. He hated being a bad boy, he never wanted to hear those words together again.
After you started walking again, he followed obediently, staying silent all the way into your apartment. He stood stiffly by the front door once you closed it, watching you stomp away. The puppy was on the verge of tears, his muddy tail tucked between his legs and his ears flat against his head.
Leon's bottom lip trembled the longer he couldn't see you, his ears twitching a bit as he picked up on the sound of the bath faucet turning on. His hands were clasped in front of his legs, head down in shame.
"Leon!" You called out from the bathroom, your tone still laced with irritation, he could definitely tell that much. The hybrid quickly shuffled to the bathroom, trying his best not to get clumps of dried up mud on the carpet along the way.
Leon stood in the bathroom doorway before you gently dragged him in, making silent work of his clothes that were absolutely caked in mud. He knew what to do afterwards, quietly seating himself in the bath, shoulders slumped. The bath was silent except for Leon's weak attempts to apologize, his voice faltering every time once he looked at your face. Your eyebrows were furrowed and you just looked so disinterested.
After the bath, you shooed the puppy off with a towel draped over his shoulders, lazily washing off his collar in the dirty bath water before unplugging the tub.
Leon sat in the living room, drying himself off as best as he could with the towel. Even after, he shook himself off on instinct, the towel left discarded on the floor. He had sat himself on the couch, still slouched with a strong pout on his face.
He knew he was in trouble. His stomach sank when you walked out and stood in front of him with that same irritated look. You then walked and sat next to him on the left. "Lay across my lap, Leon."
The Golden Retriever hybrid whimpered, though he did as he was told, laying himself so his abdomen was laying on your lap, his tail still tucked between his legs. He yipped when you grabbed the base of his damp tail with your left hand, roughly untucking it so you could get a clear view of his ass. "Look at me, Leon."
He turned his head and tilted it back slightly so he could look up at you, his eyes sad and watery. He didn't have anything to say for himself. "You growled at me. You've never growled at me before." You sounded upset, and you were. You didn't want to punish your sweet boy, but him growling at you for something so insignificant deeply bothered you.
Sighing, you pulled his tail up away from his ass even further, grip tightening on it as you felt him try and tuck it back between his legs again. Wordlessly, you drew your other hand back, a sharp smack along with a cry from Leon ringing out in the quiet apartment. You hated having to do this, but he needed to learn.
A few harsh spanks later and the hybrid's ass was bright red and sore, tears spilling down his face as he sobbed out barely comprehensible apologizes in between loud cries every time you brought your hand down on his tender behind. His hands gripped the couch cushion tightly, those pitiful sobs of his tugging at your heart.
Once you feel Leon'd learned his lesson, you gently ran your hand along both his ass cheeks, soothing the hot and red skin while your other hand caressed the base of his tail. You waited until his crying quieted to talk to him again, listening to him sniffle wetly as you let go of his tail to wipe away his snot and tears.
"Okay, okay... there you go, sweet boy. All done. I'm all done..." you whispered to the whimpering puppy hybrid in your lap, shifting your body sideways so he could climb up and lay his head against your chest. You combed your fingers through his hair with one hand while the other stroked the side of his face, clearing the few stray tears that continued to fall.
Leon buried his face into your chest, hiccuping out muffled apologies as he brought his hands up to wrap around you. "I'm sorry mommy. So-.. sososo sorry... Didn't mean to, mommy..."
As he trembled against you, you couldn't help but feel terrible for punishing him that way. He'd never been bad before, the punishment really shouldn't have been so harsh..
You waited until he quieted to speak up again, tilting your head to the side slightly so you could see his face a little better. "...you took that so well, Leon. Such a good boy for mommy, huh?" Despite the suggestive undertone, you made sure to talk softly, careful not to upset the delicate puppy on your chest.
He lifted his head up slightly, nodding weakly as his eyes turned glassy once more. "Please.. I'll-I'll be a good boy for you m-mommy. I'm sorry- I'm so so sorry mommy- I didn't mean to growl- ImsorryImsorryIm-"
You shushed him, running your hand from the side of his face up through his hair as he began to cry again. "You're a good boy, Leon. I forgive you, baby.."
All Leon wanted to do was make this right. He never wanted to be a bad boy again. He hated the way you spoke to him, the way you had looked at him. It was so scary, he wasn't a bad boy, no, he wasn't.
His mind was flooded with everything he could possibly do to make it up to you, tears falling onto your shirt as he pulled himself up off of you. He crawled backwards and sat back on his haunches, giving you a wary look as he tucked his fingers under the waistband of your sweatpants.
"Oh, Leon, sweetheart, you don't have to-" "Please..." Leon's meek voice cut you off, making you pause for a moment before nodding with a smile. His hands trembled as he pulled your sweatpants down, taking your panties with them. The hybrid hiccuped again before bringing his head down between your thighs, putting your legs over his shoulders as he cautiously placed his hands onto the points of your hips
It only took a second before he shoved his face into your cunt, whimpering at your smell and taste as he licked between your folds. You gasped, feeling his tongue eagerly lap up your slick as it leaked out of you, his low whimpers vibrating deliciously against you. "Leon~... oh~.. easy, boy..."
You reached a hand down to gently stroke his hair, attempting to get the puppy hybrid to calm down a bit still. He was obviously so eager to please, though he was still shaken up by the punishment; tears falling from his eyes, quiet sobs muffled by your pussy, eyes closed, and cheeks flushed a beautiful pink. His tail had started to wag again and you were relieved to see it sway slowly. You just wanted to see your puppy happy and excitable again like he always was.
Leon continued to lap at your cunt, keeping himself firmly buried in it. His breathing was a bit shaky but you just let him do what he needed to do, reaching your hand to the right a bit so you could stroke one of his soft floppy ears. He sighed at the feeling, his tail wagging a little faster.
"That's a good boy, Leon~... god- such a good boy for his mommy.." You praised the hybrid as he worked his mouth on you, the praise causing him to whine into your cunt. His eyes peaked open, looking up at you as small tears fell from them. "Good boy~..." You ran your hand down to stroke your thumb between his eyes, prompting him to close them again with a sigh.
Your words encouraged him further, sucking at your clit when his tongue wasn't buried inside of you. The puppy hybrid licked all around, making sure none of your sweet slick was left to waste. He eased his grip on your hips, partially worried he would hurt you, but mostly cause he adored the way you writhed when you drew close to your orgasm. He relished in how you pulled his head impossibly closer, practically grinding against his face, using him. What a good boy he was.
Leon was in heaven when you came, whimpering into your cunt as you gushed against his face. He made sure to lick up everything he could, even dipping down to your ass for a minute, tongue flat against the puckered hole. He'd be mad if he saw the couch got some of your juices.
After a moment, he pulled his head away, resting the side of his slick covered face against your thigh as he looked up at you with those puppy-dog eyes that you just couldn't resist. You knew what he wanted, and who were you to deny him?
"My good boy wanna fuck his mommy? Show his mommy what a good boy he is?" You whispered, to which he eagerly nodded in response, his ears perking up. You could hear his tail thump lazily against the back cushion of the couch, all the while watching him lick his lips. "I-I'll be a good boy for mommy. I'm a good boy-..good boy for mommy.." he mumbled quietly, hoisting himself up onto his haunches again after carefully laying your legs down off his shoulders. His thick cock was leaking pre-cum, flushed red at the tip while his knot was fully swollen. It was hard to look away.
Leon continued to mumble to himself, almost like he was trying to convince himself that he was a good boy. His breathing was still shaky as he watched you flip over, your ass up in the air while you rested your elbows on the armrest of the couch.
The poor thing was practically drooling at the sight of you, frozen in place, just staring at your glistening pussy. Your voice snapped him out of his trance, a hushed "Pretty boy..." causing him to lurch forward and mount you without further hesitation.
You cried out as he shoved his cock into you halfway, stopping only to grab the skin right above your collarbone with his teeth. He made sure he was positioned properly, shifting slightly before pushing his throbbing dick all the way. He whined at the way your slick walls gripped him, his knot pressed firmly against the outside of your cunt.
Leon's teeth broke skin as he began to piston in and out of you. He was drooling, whimpering, moaning, and his tail was wagging so fast. He loved the way his mommy felt, gripping his so tightly, sucking his thick cock in.
His let go of your skin to lick at gently, which was a stark contrast to his fast and rough thrusts. "So sorry mommy- sososo sorry.. never growl at you again- ah~..! I-I'll be mommy's good-.. good boy.."
The hybrid panted next to your ear, reaching his hands up and under your loose shirt to grip and massage your breasts. His fingers pinched and tugged at your sensitive nipples, causing you to moan loudly. You could feel every bit of his cock as he slammed it into you over and over again, the tip kissing your cervix which made you hiss at the slight pain it caused.
"Gonna- hnghh~.. gonna fill mommy up.. gonna be mommy's best boy again..." Leon whined, tilting his head to the side so he could nip at your neck, kissing and licking under your jaw. He sucked numerous hickeys down your neck, making quick work of the other side as well. He wanted you to remember how good he was for you, how much he was willing to do to make things better, what a good boy he was for you.
It didn't take long for him to near his own orgasm, his chin resting over your shoulder as his hands had worked their way back to your hips. He was so close; the sounds of your moans, the sinful way your pussy squelched with slick as he fucked into you, your smell, the lingering taste of you on his tongue, everything was just so overwhelming.
The puppy hybrid didn't have the words to give you warning, only a long drawn out whine as his hips stuttered forward, knot stretching you open. You came again from the feeling, barely being able to clench around his knot. It was just so big.
With his cum pumping into you, you could only groan pleasantly at the feeling of being so full, his knot having basically plugged you to the point that none of it could escape.
You could partially register Leon running his hands up and down your body, anywhere he could reach in his position, bunching up your shirt in the process. His large hands felt nice, helping you come down from your high. He was whispering something, you couldn't make out what, but it was probably the same thing he'd been spewing before.
After Leon was able to pull out of you, you made sure to reassure him over and over that he was your good boy, and he'd always be your good boy.
You made him a little snack once you'd cleaned yourself and him up, seeing as the park and your at-home playtime had influenced his appetite quite a bit. You loved to see him happy again; those beautiful blue eyes crinkled with a smile as that fluffy tail of his wagged.
Your body finally realized how tired it was once more, your brain catching up with that as well. You waved Leon, who was elated to follow you, into your room, practically bounding in like a deer. He begged to lay the way you two did on the couch, and again, who were you to deny him?
You laid back, head on your pillow as Leon nestled himself on top of you. He laid his head on your chest, turning his head to the left as he rested his arms on either side of you, his hands just barely tucked up under your pillow after pulling the blankets up over the both of you.
"You're the greatest boy anyone could ask for, Leon. Always taking such good care of me.." you whispered as his eyes closed, his tail going from a lazy wag to a stop as he fell asleep.
"I love you, my sweet boy.."
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paradiseprincesss · 1 month
something smutty with jonathan crane??
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stole your car - jonathan crane x reader
hello anon, you asked and you shall receive hehe. i hope you like this one.
summary: your willing to do anything to get revenge on your ex-boyfriend - even if it's batshit crazy.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: smut 18+ mdni!!, drugging, toxic relationship, gaslighting, reader is mentally unstable lol, p in v, choking, rough sex, facefucking, oral (m!receiving), it's just filthy lmao but they get their happy(ish?) ending don't worry
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the sirens wailed off in the distance; a sound that signified a job well done on your part. the night was unruly - rain pouring down like the tears on your face when he left you, and the thunder and lighting were crashing down like your world when he told you he couldn't be deal with you anymore.
this is how you made me, you thought to yourself silently, as you watched the car combust into flames from the balcony of an old building in the middle of gotham. that'll show him.
you met jonathan when you were his patient - that's right, he used to be your therapist. ever since you laid eyes on him, you started to fall. hard. you were never really the crazy type - and certainly not the delusional type either, but jonathan knew exactly how to push all your buttons. he did have a phd in psychology, after all.
jonathan was no stranger to insanity - he was the scarecrow, but not many knew of the alter ego he possessed. you sure didn't, and you were clueless to what you were getting yourself into, but so was he.
the taste of his lips were your choice of drug, your fuel, what gave you life. the two of you started off your tumultuous and rocky relationship a little over two years ago. both of you were crazy about each other - unable to keep your hands off one another. slowly but surely, that lovesick craziness turned into actual craziness - bitter arguments, toxic behaviour, gaslighting, abuse - it was driving the both of you to new levels of insanity.
soon, the taste of lips started to make you sick.
after nearly two years of a being together, jonathan decided that he'd had enough. a part of him secretly loved that he was slowly breaking you down; driving you to the brink of insanity, but another part of him hated it. that gorgeous face of yours never failed to make his heart race, but what lied beneath was something that made even the master of fear himself, fearful.
"you're lucky your pretty, you know?" he spat, voice dripping with venom, "it's too bad that inside that pretty little head of yours - you're fucking deranged."
this was the final straw for jonathan. the two of you were having an argument again, and of course, he was the one to start it. he hadn't come home from work when he said he would, and it was almost an hour past 5, which is when he normally returned. understandably, you got worried and decided to fire off some...passionate texts.
you didn't mean to come off as harsh - you were just worried about him, but he didn't take to it too kindly. his loss.
"did you seriously think sending me pictures of you pouring bleach all over my expensive suits would make me want to come home?!" he exasperated, his gaze remaining cold. "and not only that, but you fucking shredded up every other piece of clothing i own, smashed my laptop, and broke every god damn dish in the house - and for what?" he looked exhausted, staring at the broken glass that littered the floor of the apartment.
you looked at him teary-eyed with a pout on your face, "i'm sorry, jonny, i just love you-"
"i love you too, but fuck-" he snaps, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "i just can't do this anymore, babydoll. i can't." he tells you softly, still using the pet name he always used for you. the look on his face told you everything his words failed to.
"w-what?" you ask, stepping towards him, in which he just stayed still, sighing at the mess around the two of you. "but..."
"i'm sorry, babydoll. i am." he tells you, reaching out hesitantly to hold onto your small hands with a gentle touch, "i don't think i'm good for you - don't think i ever was."
and that's how dr. jonathan crane ended things with you last week - but you were determined that this wasn't the end. you weren't one to back down, that's for sure.
now, you weren't entirely to blame here. actually, you weren't to blame at all. as crazy as jonathan liked to paint you out to be, this truly only started because of him. when the two of you met, you were a different girl; a sweet girl. you had a few boyfriends, never long term, but a few. your previous relationships weren't rocky at all, in fact, they were tame - very tame.
throughout the course of the almost two years that you and jonathan spent together, he was slowly dosing you more and more over time with his fear toxin. now, you thought you were going crazy, but he wasn't going to tell you that he was secretly drugging you - no, don't be silly. instead, he gaslit you into believing that you really were going crazy.
it started with just a drop or two in your juice, or even in your food sometimes - then it escalated to something more, it always did with jonathan. slowly but surely, he would up the dose to three, maybe four...five...six drops, and so on.
the side effects of the toxin being ingested were different to what his fear toxin would do when it was sprayed in a gas form onto his victim. the effects were...gradual. they would sneak up on you when you least suspected it.
it started off innocent - you would see shadows in your peripheral, dark, lanky shadows; they slowly turned into figures. dark, shadowy figures that would linger around. then, the audio hallucinations kicked in. voices, whispers, screams - he was slowly tipping you over the edge.
at this point, you couldn't stop him. you weren't even aware.
sighing, you snap yourself back into reality - enough already with the past. the combustion of flames ripping through jonathans brand new benz made you smile with pure glee. he knew he was a target, you smirk to yourself.
and so you stood there, on the balcony of that old building, in your sleep slip, black and lacy, listening to the sirens sound off. thankfully, the balcony had some sort of covering on it, so it prevented you from getting soaked from the rain. "always looking so beautiful - even when committing the most disgusting acts," jonathan would often say to you - perhaps he was right in that instance.
you were suddenly hyperaware of the sound of tires screeching below you, and you glanced down from the high balcony to see a blacked out car coming to a screeching halt, definitely burning the rubber tires, below you.
you couldn't see who got out of the car, as it was too dark out - the only light offered by the flames coming off your ex-boyfriends car in the distance of the twilight.
"so you're stealing cars now?" you hear a distorted voice come from behind you, and you whip your head around to see a man that you don't recognize - at least not yet.
you take a good look at this man who was dressed sharply, in a suit and tie, and what appeared to be some sort of sweater vest underneath. an ensemble you became all too familiar with. but the one thing you truly didn't recognize was the burlap mask on his face, tattered and a little eerie.
you had seen this man on the gotham news quite regularly, the gotham pd was always trying to ease the publics nerves by saying they were working "diligently" to try and find the man behind the serial poisonings in the area - whatever that means.
"you're..." you trail off, the cold breeze nipping at your skin and blowing through your soft hair.
"i could kill you right now, you know." the distorted voice says to you in an eerie tone, but you just stare blankly at him. "it's like every time i think, 'she can't any fucking crazier,' you somehow do get crazier."
"yeah well, you're dumb enough to leave your car keys in your office out in the open. you don't see my car getting stolen and bursting into flames, do you?" you say casually, making him scoff. he was a little taken aback that you weren't too phased about him being the scarecrow, but given your track record - that wasn't too shocking.
"but why?" he asks, voice still distorted. you just shrug softly, "i wanted to get your attention."
"you don't have to steal my car and set it aflame to do that, you know." he says, blue eyes still holding a menacing gaze through the small eye holes in the burlap scarecrow mask.
"but i had enough of wanting your love when you never give it to me." you whine, causing him to scoff out a laugh.
"god, you're so fucked up." he tells you.
"you started it." you retaliate, causing him to become still.
"what are you, twelve?" he snaps, and you respond, still calm as ever.
"you're the one playing dress up, loser." you say gesturing to the mask, and you try your hardest not to giggle at your own joke. he just sighs before stepping towards you.
as you were about to mock him for yet another thing, he grabs you by the neck, pulling you towards him, causing you to choke - his grip a little too tight.
"feeling a little bold tonight i see," he says to you, voice seemingly not distorted anymore, "i can't lie, it does something to me - seeing how far you'll go for my love."
you struggle to breathe, unable to form a response. you just claw at the hand wrapped around your neck.
"oh, you poor thing," he coos mockingly, "it's okay, babydoll. you don't have to say it. i love you too."
and with that, he finally released your neck from his unwavering grip. you gasp and cough repeatedly, chest heaving as you try and catch your breath. before you even have a chance to do so, he drags you inside the old building, taking you off the balcony - taking you out of sight.
he tosses the mask into a random corner of the room, disregarding it as he looked at you with a cold stare. "get down on your fucking knees, darling."
you do as your told, sinking down to your knees - which felt cold against the icy, marble floor of the dimly lit room. he wasted no time undoing his belt, pulling his already hard cock out.
he softly taps it against your cheek, then your lips a few times, a smirk painted on his face. "don't you wanna show me how much you love me? i mean, you went through all the trouble, blowing up my car and all..."
you sigh, slowly taking him into your mouth, sucking him off like you have a thousand times before. he instantly groans at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth, and his hand snakes behind your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair.
as you were licking and sucking his cock teasingly, he wasn't having it. jonathan decided that, again, he'd had enough. without warning, he shoved his cock down your throat - setting a brutal pace. you felt yourself gag around his length, tears brimming your eyes as you stared up at him; your mouth stuffed with his cock.
the feeing already had you soaked, and you let him use your pretty mouth the way he pleased. finally, he pulled your mouth off his cock - and you were trying to catch your breath.
"stay on the fucking floor, babydoll." he says to you using a gentle tone despite the words that were coming out of his mouth. "you're such a whore, aren't you? but you're my whore, isn't that right?" he cooed mockingly.
"mm, y-yes. i'm.." you swallow nervously, "your whore."
"that's what i like to hear." he smirks, looking down at you. he kneels down to your level, and wastes no time getting you out of your heels and lace slip, pushing you down on the cold tile.
"face down, ass up, sweetheart." he says to you, tone still soft. hastily, you turn around and arch your back, sticking your ass out. the black lace of your panties wasn't covering much, and he cursed under his breath at the sight.
"fuck," he groaned, "look at that." he softly trails a finger down your clothed cunt - your panties fucking soaked.
you felt his leg between yours, pushing them further apart - and you whimpered. he just laughed softly, pulling your panties down - and you felt the tip of his cock brush up against your folds.
swiftly, he pushed his cock all the way in - giving you no time to adjust. you moaned at the feeling of his cock stretching your tight cunt out, and he let out a shaky breath before he started to move slowly.
"j-jonathan..." you moaned, arching your back even more, "f-fuck, faster please."
"you're so desperate for my cock, aren't you babydoll?" he asks you, suddenly fucking you at a much faster pace, knocking the wind right out of you. "mmph! y-yeah, i-" you couldn't even find the words to finish what you were trying to say, the feeling of his cock pounding your pussy making your head spin.
"that's it, baby. gonna fuck you 'till you can't even think straight anymore, fuuuuuck-" he moans, and you could feel yourself just getting wetter and wetter at his words. "i'm gonna fuck you stupid. you want that?" he asks.
too fucked out to respond, you just whine and moan, begging incoherently, making him groan lowly with a breathy laugh. "mm, thought so."
as he continued to split you open on his cock, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. "o-oh, i'm gonna cum, fuck- can i cum?" you beg between gasps and moans, and he pulls your head back by your hair, causing you to whine, still impaling you mercilessly with his cock.
"yeah? you wanna cum?" he snarls in your ear, making you dizzy.
"please, let me cum for you." you say back, out of breath and all fucked out.
he keeps your head held up, "y-yeah, cum on my cock, babydoll." he says, stammering slightly as he's getting out of breath from the brutal pace he set while he fucked you, his cock reaching places so deep you didn't know if you were going to be able to walk tomorrow morning.
his words had a way at winding you up - and with a few more deep thrusts you were covering his cock in your cum - and squirting all over the floor. jonathan took in a heavy breath at the sight, "fuck, did you just squirt?" he asks breathlessly, "i need to see this, shit-"
you whine at the feeling of emptiness as he pulls out for a moment, slamming you down on the hard, cold, marble tile as he flips you around so that you're in missionary. grabbing a hold of your hips, he thrusts his cock back into your abused cunt with ease, tip of his cock hitting your cervix deliciously - making you cry out.
"c'mon, put on a show for me, babydoll. you can give me one more, i know you can." he almost pleads you, and within seconds, you're screaming his name out again, the clear liquid pouring out of you for the second time tonight. "fuck!" he says loudly, hips staggering as he fills you with him cum, burying his cock as deep as he could.
after a few more slow thrusts, he stops - still buried deep inside, making sure your fucked out cunt takes every last drop of cum he has to give you.
with one hand, he brushes a strand of your hair out your face, looking at you with...love?
"i know you miss me like i miss you." he whispers, and you nod along. "yeah, i think it's o-obvious." you manage to whimper out, still breathless and dazed from squirting not once - but twice.
"be mine again, babydoll." he says, voice barely a whisper; so quiet you don't think you've heard him properly.
"what's the catch?" you respond calmly.
"...go to therapy." he deadpans, looking at you. "god knows you need it."
you take a moment to think about it, before pulling him into a soft kiss, which he gladly returns. "okay," you tell him, "under one condition."
that got his attention, and he looks at you. "yes, babydoll?" he asks, innocently.
"i need you to understand that the toxin you think i'm oblivious to you slipping into my food and drinks is not what's driving me to insanity," you softly say, causing his head to shoot up, looking at you incredulously as you continue to speak.
"it's you."
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a/n: sorry i realized i put in warnings for stuff that wasn’t actually in there because my brain got scattered writing this lmao
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twig-tea · 3 months
With 23.5 finally coming out, the people are rejoicing at finally getting a high profile gl from GMMTV. But there have already been several gls airing this year, including my fav TsukuTabe, that have been flying under the radar with fandom, and in general there are more gls already out there than folks seem to think. I just know you have a list of all the gls we should be watching, please share with the class!
Thank you for the ask! How did you know I had a draft of GL recs to make at some point? [Trick question, I mentioned it to you.]
It may seem like I'm out here hating on GL because i've made a couple of negative reviews of recently airing series recently (Love Senior and Chaser Game W in case you're curious) but I actually have lots of GL that I love and that I wish were better known! Thanks for sending this ask so I am inspired to actually finish it! I've limited myself to series so that I could keep the list and this post to a reasonable length. Where possible I've listed where you can find each of these and included a link. And I've included an 'elevator pitch' summary but I am NOT in marketing for a reason, so please don't roast me too hard for my terrible comparisons. Alright, enough waffling!
Twig's GL Rec List
She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat S1 & 2 (Japan, 2022 & 2024, both seasons fansubbed by @furritsubs; if you need help accessing this show feel free to DM me!)
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Elevator pitch: Our Dining Table with lesbians and an even slower burn. Watch for beautiful food, acespec rep, mental health and therapy rep
What might turn some off: Extremely low heat, and quite slow-moving; warning for a disordered eating and family trauma plot (v gently handled)
Let's start with the one you've already mentioned. This is a heartwarming slice-of-life slow burn in which an autismspec-coded woman who likes to eat is invited by her neighbour, a femme acespec woman who loves to cook, to come and eat her food. It starts from a very practical place (when you love making food you need someone to help eat it), but their relationship grows as they spend more time together. The story follows them as they both move towards self-actualization in several ways: as a lesbian, as asexual, at work, with their families, with their friends, with each other. This show is so careful to say the important words aloud. And there is so much delicious cooking! Each episode highlights a particular recipe, and the food porn is real. Do not watch while hungry, but definitely watch. The found famiy vibes in this one one are also immaculate.
She Makes My Heart Flutter (Korea, 2022, YouTube)
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Elevator pitch: Younger lesbian friend group tries to help out (slightly) older lesbian bar owner with mixed success. I can't think of a good BL equivalent, The Moment Since feels the closest with its similar bartender/patron romance
What might turn some off: Comedic tone; short runtime; struggles with being closeted
This is a gem of a miniseries about a bar owner and an interior designer who smoulder at one another while an intrepid group of younger bar regulars (including the bar owner's neice) meddle. This series is really cute, solid, and full of sapphics! Once again found family vibes are immaculate (you may sense a theme in my faves). Run don't walk.
Fragrance of the First Flower (Taiwan, 2021, GagaOOLala)
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Elevator pitch: Right-person-wrong-time/second chance romance; tonally is a little like We Best Love 2: Fighting Mr. 2nd but with an ambiguous ending.
What might turn you off: Medium heat, second chance romance means they break up once, internalized homophobia, adultery/cheating, at one point there's a creepy dude, child with autism (depicted well), ambiguous ending
At its core this is a story of a woman who can't stop getting in the way of her own happiness. This series is a little more sad than the rest of this rec list but I couldn't not include it because this relationship is so poignant. Plus there's a s2 that supposedly is to come out in 2024 so maybe we'll get our happy ending after all?
Love Greater Than or Equal to 70 Degrees C (Korea, 2019, YouTube)
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Elevator pitch: Ingredients but with lesbians staring at one another over beautiful tea pairings! What more could you ask for?
What might turn you off: Low heat; short runtime; ambiguous ending; like Ingredients this is essentially a long ad for the café it's filmed at.
This is a Korean miniseries about passionate tea sommeliers making really fancy tea while staring at one another a LOT. Perfect sapphic representation, 10/10 no notes. This one packs a lot of the drama tropes into its short runtime, so even though it's short it's full of butterfly-inspiring moments.
Sleep With Me (Philippines, 2022, GagaOOLala/iWantTFC/Netflix w/VPN set to Philippines)
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Elevator pitch: The Truth About Cats and Dogs but the self esteem issues are handled without catfishing. BL equivalent: Hmmm. Closest I can think of is Gaya Sa Pelikula.
What might turn you off: There's some ableism (treated as such) in this show; Open ending.
Stellar GL between a late night radio DJ and an insomniac who listens to her show. One of the main couple is a wheelchair user and the show tackles ablelism and navigating disability in relationship as well as feelings of inadequacy in a relationship and how that manifests as interpersonal conflict.
Our Relationship Ended Before it Began (Korea, 2022, YouTube)
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Elevator Pitch: Along the lines of I Cannot Reach You; the show gives both perspectives and they are held back by queer angst.
What might turn you off: No kiss (but they make it very clear both want to kiss), internalized homophobia
Really sweet miniseries about having a crush and being afraid of being hurt so you don't actually make a move. I really like the way the girl who has not dated a girl before defaults to gender roles and it throws the more experienced lesbian lol I also really like the way this show makes clear that both of them are waiting for a kiss, and that if you get in your head about things, it can get in the way of your own happiness!
Pearl Next Door (Philippines, 2020, Youtube)
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Elevator Pitch: Gameboys but with lesbian vloggers.
What might turn you off: Love triangle, lots of teasing but low heat in the end, a lot of (good) conversations about mental health issues, ambiguous ending
This is the GL spinoff to Gameboys, starring Pearl from Gameboys. Pearl ends up being fought over by the two gorgeous women in the gif, an old love and a new. I love the queer friendships in this story as much as the relationships. I will say it's an open ending (that felt a bit like the showrunners didn't want to decide between ships) and definitely the love triangle features prominently but even in the face of these aspects that would normally turn me off a series I had a good time. The characters and interpersonal conflicts feel very real, and are allowed to be complex even when the show tone is comedic.
Dear Uranus (Taiwan, 2021, YouTube)
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Elevator Pitch: Schoolgirl ensemble GL; a little like My School President but without the singing.
What might turn you off: Short runtime; ambiguous ending; a little bit of bullying; very standard romance trope execution
The first Taiwanese GL miniseries, this series was produced by a Taiwanese lesbian couple (Rabbit & Wolf)! Lots of excellent drama tropes, and incredibly gorgeous women (I think the entire watching audience fell in love with Erol.
Lily Fever (Korea, 2015, YouTube)
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Elevator pitch: Complete crack; YYY but with more kissing and frankly an even less coherent story.
What might turn you off: The lack of coherent plot; less a romance and more a very thirsty lesbian kissing everyone she can
This miniseries is utter chaos. Nothing really makes sense, it's all just random excuses to cause very suggestive moments (and kissing) to happen. I love so much how this series depicts women being so absolutely thirsty for one another (and yes that date isn't a typo, this series is ~9 years old). Not an "happy ever after" ending but it really isn't that kind of story.
Chasing Sunsets (Philippines, 2020, YouTube)
Elevator pitch: Ocean Likes Me with lesbians. Resort romance with a mental health twist.
What might turn you off: Some of the mental health stuff gets intense, this was filmed in 2020 so the pandemic features heavily; hopeful but slightly ambiguous ending.
A complex story from the Philippines covering mental health and finding yourself. A woman shows up to a resort and befriends one of the women running the resort. They get closer as they spend time together, and the resort owner realizes something is off. There's also a BL side couple in this series.
Show Me Love (Thai, 2023, YouTube)
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Elevator pitch: A little like My Day the series with lesbians, in that they work together and fall in love and it's full of tropes
What might turn you off: The advertising for the Miss Grand competition, there is some bullying and cheating (though way less than I was expecting tbh), not a lot actually happens, the editing gets a bit wonky at the end
This is essentially a massive ad for the Miss Grand Thailand competition; this GL was produced by the same company that produces that competition, and the stars are mostly Miss Grand competitors. The main pairing were shipped in the actual competition, and the company decided to make a GL about them. It's very slow paced and low-stakes, and there are better kisses than I expected considering everything I just said about where this show came from. There are a lot of cute moments!
Girlfriend Project (Korea, 2022, YouTube)
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Elevator Pitch: Love Class with lesbians
What might turn you off: One of the leads is kind of mean in that pgitail-pulling way? It ends abruptly (but happily)
This is a short miniseries about two girls paired in a class that are assigned to "date". The chemistry is chemistrying. And there is a kiss (a good kiss, and a tiptoes kiss at that!). This show also has one of my favourite tropes, in which someone who seems like a pushover stands up for themselves and their partner finds it very attractive. For the record, in this show they are watching another GL by the same company, Love Tech.
Lulu (Philippines, 2022, Vivamax/grey)
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Elevator Pitch: Present Perfect with lesbians (but with a better ending).
What might turn you off: Depictions of panic attacks, brief depiction of drowning, pandemic lockdowns, illness, exes, waffling, happy but open ending (which I actually liked for this story)
Two women trying to move on from the garbage in their lives meet at the beach of a B&B (where one saves the other from drowning) and become one another's company during their escape and then something more. They both have baggage that seems determined to keep them apart even as they continue to be drawn together. In the end, they decide to stick it out and see where they end up, with no guarantee of happily ever after, which I found very sweet. Requires either a VivaMax account or searching the grey for it, but it's worth the effort (check MyDramaList comments for suggestions on where to find it). Plus one of the leads has a cactus as a pet.
Welcome to the Lesbian Bar (Korea, 2023, YouTube)
Elevator Pitch: A little like Fudanshi Bartender but without the fudanshi bartender and all of the bar patrons are lesbians lol
What might turn you off: Short, can get a little bit preachy, abrupt ending
Cute short series with different very stories every episode as different patrons visit the bar. The stories range from women who have been together for awhile, to people meeting from an online app for the first time, to someone visiting a lesbian bar for the first time; and yet the story all weaves together in a way that's satisfying though ends abruptly. Includes some solid marriage equality propaganda.
GAP the Series (Thai, 2022, YouTube)
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Elevator Pitch: Kind of the vibes of Together with Me but lesbians and in an office instead of school. Angry boss falls for charming new intern and
What might turn you off: This one is the highest heat of all these recs; homophobia especially amongst family, brief depictions of death by car, brief mentions of suicide, cheating, bullying, abuse of power in the office.
A list would not be complete without this one! Honestly the plot is a bit wobbly but the show is a lot of fun. The girls are very cute, the feelings and tension builds really well between them, the friend group is excellent, and in the special we get a wedding.
The rest of these have caveats of one kind or another, but i couldn't leave them off a rec list, so here are the side couples and censored stories that are still worth your time anyway (I might do a separate more detailed post for these, as well as for films, one day if there's interest):
Nevertheless (GL side; Korean, 2021, Netflix) Not sure it's worth watching a whole kdrama for side lesbians? Search soljiwan on youtube. They are great. Even the Netflix account stans them. I watched this (ngl, I watched the SolJiwan cut) as it aired and was constantly braced for it to let us down but it did not! A really good friends-to-lovers story.
Friend Zone 2: Dangerous Area (GL side; Thailand, 2019, YouTube): These sapphics are messy and I love them. Decent conversation about dating someone with mental health issues in this series, and they're one of the only couples in this ensemble to get a happy ending. If you're just watching the lesbian couple (which you can, their story is pretty self-contained) you don't need to have seen s1.
Six Survivors (GL side; Japan, 2022, Viki) This show is a horror comedy and it is SO MUCH FUN. Warning for zombies and blood, but way less than you might think. One of the eponymous 6 survivors is a lesbian who keeps trying to convert them to veganism lol. If you watched Chaser Game W you'll recognize one of the actresses in this, the lead actress is from Kamisama no Ekohiiki, and one of the guys is from the prequel series His as well as I Want to See Only You! And yes there is a kiss. Also a surprising number of Mallrats references. Not for people who can't handle gore or relationships being complicated/not a "true love" story/ambiguous ending.
Kamisama no Ekohiiki (complicated question of is it GL in parts, Japan, 2021, furritsubs once again coming through to save the day) This one is a bit complex because there's bodyswap, but the girl who falls for the bodyswapped boy-in-a-girl's-body is clear that she is only interested in the girl. One of the better bodyswap stories because the bodyswap is not a secret for very long, so instead there's a lot of introspection about what gender means and who/what they are attracted to. Feels wrong to call this GL, necessarily, but it's very queer.
Couple of Mirrors (Censored GL, China, 2021, Viki) Story of a rich girl and her assassin girlfriend. This production did an amazing job getting away with what they could, just don't watch the last five minutes and we've got essentially a happy lesbian family.
Legend of Yunze (Censored GL, China, 2021, @douqi7s) Very cute very low budget xianxia miniseries with two seasons and a special. The special is set in modern times in a future lifetime so if you want a cute censored-but-clearly-a-soulmate-love-story this is the one for you. Don't be thrown off by the weird cuts/abrupt episode endings, that's in line with cdramas in general.
Led Astray by Love (Censored GL, China, 2021, @douqi7s) A very fun and adorable isekai story in which a modern day girl is transported to a wuxia novel setting and has to figure out how to get home, and gets romanced by the princess along the way.
And a few additional links for people who even more content:
My Indian sapphic webseries rec list
My suggestions for content with toms (Thai category that's similar to but not exactly the same as butch lesbians) in response to this post.
This really good GL MyDramaList list (not made by me!) lists what seems to be everything I've mentioned and about 200 more. Even I haven't seen a few of these!
My YouTube playlist of sapphic content: This includes anything I stumble across or find in my searches, a lot of music videos and random shorts as well as some microseries and miniseries that I don't consider GL but are WLW/sapphic in addition to true "GL" content. For serialized content, I add just the first ep. A complete mess, but you can trawl through to find stuff to watch, like Hetero!
SOONOTSUE: The same producers of She Makes My Heart Flutter have other short series on their channel worth checking out; if you liked that one, try Out of Breath!
Shakeshoulder: Thai YouTube producers of very pulpy (read: low budget and dramatic plots) shorts
FuFuKnows: This YouTube channel is owned by a gay Taiwanese couple that produces shorts every week, including some with GL mains and sides. These are very low budget but cover a whole swath of queer themes.
@douqi7s is a godsend providing subtitles for all kinds of content, including sapphic shorts and more series than I've listed here. Check their tumblr for links to all of their content; A Practical Guide to Being a Superstar's Assistant has one of the best setups to giving us great moments in the guise of something else so that they get past censorship I've ever seen; I also recommend The Vampires if you're into genre fiction, as well as Legend of Yunqian if you enjoyed the xianxia parts of Legend of Yunze. @wlwcatalogue did an excellent summary of many of the non-wuxia options here.
Quick pitch for the streaming platform GagaOOLala; it's affordable, has a ton of content, including a whack of GLs (originals, license series, and a ton of shorts), and is run by queer people out of Taiwan who care about good quality queer content being made and having an audience, and using the soft power from those successful series to support social change. And if you can't afford a subscription it's worth checking out what they have for free, they open up temporary free access to some things for various events throughout the year.
In searching for gifs for this post I found fellow tumblr user @drowningparty 's WLW compendium list; they've listed more series and films so check it out if you still need more content!
*wipes sweat off brow* that should be enough to be getting on with, but it's really just the tip of the iceberg! If there's something specific you want to see with sapphics let me know and I can tell you if I know it exists. Anyway, I hope this gives you and everyone else a taste of what all is out there! I of course always want more, I am serious about being a sapphic dragon hoarding every crumb i can get my lizardy hands on, but I do think what we have should also be appreciated more. If I missed one of your faves, please tell me!
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vintagenahbi · 4 months
Finding Out You’re Pregnant
Ot7 x Reader- BTS Reactions Pt. 2
V, Jin, RM, Jungkook
Summary: How each member reacts to finding out you are pregnant.
Warnings: mentions of miscarriage, feeling overwhelmed
Authors Note: I honestly did not think I would get anyone liking the first part. I feel bad if I don’t post part 2. Thanks, you all! :)
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Taehyung had been sad for some time and hasn’t been the same. I felt so distant from him. Every night I turned over to see him staring off in the distance. He would give me a small smirk and turn over.
I miss the nights we would stay up all night talking or showing each other funny memes that only we understood, but in a moment it suddenly stopped. I tried asking him what was bothering him; however, after a while it felt like I was adding on to the stress.
Bringing me to tonight. Earlier in the day I had my regularly scheduled doctor’s appointment and I found out that I’m pregnant. I have to admit I was excited. I couldn’t wait to be a mother- it was the timing that was not good. Tae and I had been trying for a while with no luck. Now I am pregnant. Some of it felt so surreal, but dreadful at the same time.
Click. Tae trying to open the door brought me back to reality. I had a task at hand that had to be accomplished today. I couldn’t procrastinate on this. It was important to me. It was important, right?
Taehyung walked straight past me and into our bedroom. I watched his every move from the couch. I knew if I did not speak now I would not see him for the rest of the night or at least for a couple more hours.
“Tae? Can you come here?” Without saying a word he walked into the kitchen and started to shuffle through the fridge. “I’ve got some news. I think you might want to hear it.” He continued to look through the fridge until he found the last bottle of his favorite drink.
“Okay? What is it you have to tell me Y/N?” For a second I felt small. As if what I was about to say was going to lead to a downhill battle. One I might not be ready for.
“Never mind.” I took a deep sigh. Tae began to walk back into our bedroom.
“I’m pregnant.” Tae stopped in his tracks. I turned to look at him. I could see his eyes widen. My breath kept picking up as he just stood there. I was nervous. I should have waited. I should have not said anything. I should have-
“Are you serious? Are we having a baby?” I saw tears start to form in his eyes. He rushed over to me. I saw the tears stream down his cheeks. He held me in his arms tightly. “Thank you.” He kissed my forehead and pulled away from me flashing that boxy smile. I wiped his tears away and started to smile.
“You’re not mad?” Tae looked at me puzzled.
“Why would I be mad?” I continue to whip his tears away.
“You’ve been so distant and I was scared that you wouldn’t be happy. We’ve tried so long, but we hadn’t been speaking much and I didn’t know what to do.”
“I’m sorry it’s been that way for you. I was under so much stress that I brought it home. I swear to you I am excited and ready for this. All I’ve wanted is to be a dad and a good husband. I can promise you, you will never feel that way again.” He hugged me once more. “I can’t wait to meet our baby.”
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The cameras kept flashing. Bright yellow lights nearly blinding me. Jin changed poses with every click. I stood off to the side, watching him get into his serious mode. I enjoyed watching him get this way. Once he was done, he went back to the funniest guy I know. He walked over to me with the most loving eyes. I could almost see my reflection in his deep brown eyes.
“How do you think it went?” He looked back at all the props. This was the first time I had seen him a little worried after a shoot.
“I think you did-“ I felt the bile start to move up my throat. I covered my mouth and ran over to the trash can near the exit. I lunged my body to the ground and started to throw up. By far, this had to be the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me. Jin rushed over to me and helped me up. I wiped my mouth as the sweat beads started to form across my hairline.
“Are you okay?” I could barely stand up before I jolted back down to the ground. I could feel everyone staring at me. I didn’t care at this point because throwing up was the only thing that made me feel better. “Let’s get you home.” Jin helped me back on my feet.
Once we got home I was starting to feel better. I sat down on the couch thinking about what I could have possibly eaten to cause this. Then it hit me. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and opened my period tracker app. 27 days late. How could I have possibly missed this. I got up and grabbed my last spare pregnancy test. Jin followed my every move almost as if he knew the routine.
“Y/N do you really think it’s possible?”
Jin and I waited in the bathroom as the timer began to countdown. The phone went off and we both looked at each other. I motioned for him to flip it over. A smirk slowly crept across his face.
“It’s positive? I’m pregnant?” Jin shook his head yes. I got up and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss. We were so excited, not to mention we both wanted to be parents.
“I am going to be a dad.” Jin got so excited. “We are going to eat so much food. Any craving you have I’ll get it. I can’t wait for you to get a belly. This is amazing.”
I was about to speak when the sickness started to start up again. Jin noticed.
“Need some privacy?” He asked. I shook my head yes and closed the door behind him. “I’m gonna be a dad.” I heard him yell. Although I was sick I couldn’t help but to try to smile.
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I had not been back in this room for months. The yellow and light grey wallpaper, the wooden crib, and stuffed animals all in front of me. I looked at Namjoon and took a deep breath. I stepped in the room. I tried to keep my breathing under control. I kept watching Namjoon as he began to pack up the knickknacks here and there. We were so excited to have this baby until we lost it. Everything- waiting for their arrival and in a second it was gone.
After this we had stopped trying. The miscarriage hit us hard and we gave up hope honestly. Nothing was the same. It had been about a year and we were finally getting ready to face the pain.
Namjoon held up a teddy bear and smirked. I got overwhelmed with the thought of him being a dad. Him holding our baby and sharing memories we would tell them once they got older. I quietly walked out of the room. I had something to tell Namjoon, but all of this was becoming too much. I found out three months ago that I was pregnant and had been hiding it until now. I reached the three month mark and felt like it was safe, but I was scared. I knew this was our rainbow baby, however, I was still haunted with what happened last time.
I sat on our bed, waiting for Namjoon to come find me. I had to tell him regardless of how hard it was. Namjoon leaned against the doorway.
“Y/N?” I looked up at him. “I know this is a lot, but it will be good for us. We will try again. Have a fresh start.”
“It’s not that Joon. I’m pregnant and I am scared it will happen again. I can’t lose our baby again.” I didn’t even realize I had said the news to him.
“You’re pregnant?”
“Three months. I am so scared Joon.” I broke down uncontrollably. He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I buried my head in his chest and let it out. He tried his best to calm me down. He sat there with me and that was enough. Once I was able to collect myself I told him everything.
“So, you are three months pregnant, but you hide it. Then why are we cleaning out the babies room. I don’t understand. We are going to use it, we can use it.”
“It’s a reminder of what could have been.”
“Y/N, it’s what is now. Yes, we could have been parents earlier, but we are going to be parents now. We have everything here so our baby will know they are loved even before we see them. It was a rough year for both of us, but we have something beautiful, we created to look forward to. I know you are scared and I am too honestly. You, me, and this baby are going to okay.”
I looked at him and knew he was right. We were going to be parents and that was the greatest gift for us.
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Jung Kook
Jung Kook and I had open, honest communication in our relationship, but this time I was quiet as a mouse. I never kept secrets from him and I was starting to look suspicious. I had to be; in this case, I was pregnant with our first child and didn’t want to add to the stress while he was on his solo tour.
I knew I was being weird towards him and he was starting to notice too. The phone calls getting shorter and me never having much to say. However, all of that was about to change because he was coming home today. All of his suspicions would be laid to rest the moment he walked through those doors.
I heard the door unlock and darted towards it. I must have startled him because he jumped back surprised to see me on the other side. He squeezed past me and put his bags down.
“You gonna tell me why you were acting weird or…?” He looked back at me.
“You’re gonna be dad.” I flashed my best awkward smile and waited for his reaction.
“I knew it! I had a feeling you were. After that last time we you know, I knew there was no way you couldn’t be. Why didn’t you say anything?” He started smiling with his hands perched on his hips.
“You were on tour. I didn’t want to add to that kind of stress.”
“You come first, especially in a case like this. I’m gonna be a dad! We’ve got so much to plan.” He said excitedly.
“You aren’t upset?”
“No. I do wish you told me sooner, but I am happy. Next is you becoming my wife.” He kissed my cheek and headed towards the living room.
“Wife?” Jung Kook turned back around and smiled. I started to blush.
“Yes, my wife. I couldn’t imagine anyone else to spend my days with other than you.” I walked over to him and hugged him tightly. I started to squeal.
“I’m going to be a mom and a wife.” I couldn’t wait for our little family to begin. I could picture how great it was going to be. A new beginning for us.
[ I know it’s short :( , but I wanted to make sure I had both parts out]
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landwriter · 1 year
Desperate Measures | Dream/Hob | 1.2K | G v silly and fluffy, literally 90% air, dream attempts a romantic gesture, hob is a sap and forgetful, human au, part text fic
for @domaystic drabbles, Day 6: Under the Same Umbrella
Dream woke up to 26 texts from Hob. He put on his glasses and began his morning read. It’d replaced Times for him. The editorial quality, he thought, was far superior.
Hob (7:19 am) heading out, gave you a wee forehead kiss and you didn’t even stir. sleeping bloody beauty. love you disgustingly much x
Hob (7:26 am) couldn’t find my umbrella anywhere can you take a look if it’s not too much of a bother? feel like i’ve gone mad
Hob (7:30 am) christ it’s bucketing down!! standing under the eaves just to tell you how much it’s bucketing down
plants will be happy at least so will my goth boyfriend ;) hope your writing goes well today love. extra atmosphere!!
Hob (8:42 am) nevermind don’t look for it remembered that i left it in my office told johanna she can use it since i’m at the archives all day anyway glad i’m not the only one who’d forget their own head if it wasn’t screwed on :) :) :)
Hob (10:11 am) you should’ve seen the look lisa gave me when i showed up had to dry myself off in the men’s w half a forest of paper towels there goes my carbon offset from walking i said christ you’re probably still in bed asleep warm dry!! lucky bastard
wish i could come back already and drip puddles all over you
Hob (10:37 am) if this keeps up i’m going to look like mr darcy in the rain on your doorstep tonight don’t worry i promise not to propose marriage while insulting you xx although i do love you most ardently
Dream smiled, read them all again, contemplated, and then sent his reply.
Dream (11:01 am) Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through
Hob replied moments later.
?? you sound like a customer service agent wait you’re quoting the film you can’t reject me if i’ve not proposed to you!! yet!!!
Dream snorted. 'and I am very sorry I have caused you pain' went the line. They’d watched it last weekend. Hob had cried, and Dream had privately decided that if Hob proposed, he’d say yes. Even if it was poorly done. It wouldn’t be, though. Not if Hob was doing it. He sent a second text.
...and I am very sorry you were drenched by rain.
Then he got out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen. His phone buzzed anew as he made tea and toast. He smiled at the sound. On their first date, Hob had warned Dream that he had a bad habit of annoying boyfriends over text. Dream, on his first date in six years, had wondered what it might be like to be so effusively charming that you could have enough boyfriends to form habits around them at all. He hadn’t known what to say, and Hob had ducked his head, grimacing a little, and said, “Just tell me to piss off, please, if I do? I know I can be a bit much.”
Dream believed it, because the man was telling him about his habits with boyfriends after one date. Not that he minded. And three months in, Dream had yet to tell him to piss off.
Turns out, a bit much was exactly what he’d wanted. Needed, in truth. Someone to tether him to the real world. His phone had become a modern-day lodestone in his pocket, a comforting pull of Hob-ness that would always point him back to life whenever he’d emerge, blinking and disoriented, out of the mire of his work. Work that he loved - creating worlds out of nothing, writing stories that would change people - but, coming on the age of thirty with nothing to show for it but recurring wrist strain and an upmarket flat that never had any guests, work that had also made him spend so much time apart from the rest of humanity that he was sometimes unsure how to rejoin it.
The tipping point had been when his eldest sister had found out that he hadn’t spoken to anyone else in between two of their regular dinners. Which were monthly. It had been mortifying. She’d smiled sadly, which was excruciating enough, and then gotten the gleam of a plan in her eyes, which had been far worse. “I’m setting you up,” she’d said. “I know just the guy. We go way back. I think you’ll like him.”
He had. Now, when his phone buzzed, he found himself frowning if it wasn’t Hob. (An exceedingly rare occasion.) But this time it was, of course. Four short messages sent one after the other:
hahahaha ok fine that was v good enjoy your day x
Five hours later, not even the curtain of rain awaiting him outside could douse the anticipation in his belly. An idea, he knew, was a powerful thing. Dream didn’t have an umbrella - Hob always shared with him, and would’ve apologetically nicked his if he had - so he would make the first leg of the journey as Hob did. He intended to go and get something nice, but once in the cold downpour, his resolve failed him almost at once, and he ducked into the first shop that had umbrellas in the window.
“Hiya,” said the girl at the counter without looking up from her phone.
Dream ignored her, blinking the rain out of his eyes, belatedly registering all the merchandise had a unifying theme and that he’d made a terrible mistake, borne of sheer desperation.
“Would you happen to have any other umbrellas? In black?” he asked. Hidden behind the counter, perhaps. If only you knew to ask.
The girl looked at him with an air of disbelieving reproval only accessible to teenagers and the very elderly. “You could try Boots, you know. It’s just down the street.”
Dream looked out the window. Rain torrented down. Commuters hurried past with their sensibly coloured umbrellas. From places exactly like Boots.
“Or we’ve got rain ponchos,” she added. It sounded like a threat.
“Nevermind,” said Dream quickly. “I’ll take it.”
“Enjoy your visit in London, sir,” she called out as he left.
He stepped outside and flicked open the umbrella with slightly more force than necessary.
Dream waited a few paces outside the archives, wanting to surprise Hob properly. Two separate pairs of tourists had thought he was their London Ghost Tours guide, and he was beginning to regret not holding out for longer, drenching be damned. Then Hob emerged, striding out and immediately stopping to pull out his phone. He was smiling at it. Dream smiled too, in anticipation.
A moment later his own phone buzzed loudly in his coat pocket, and Hob looked up in surprise.
“Oh my god,” he said. Then he said it again.
“I heard you needed an umbrella,” said Dream. He’d had the line already, since he got the idea. It had been very dashing and romantic in his head. It was somewhat undermined by the dreadful costuming choice that had been forced upon him.
Hob looked between Dream and the umbrella, bafflement melting into a happy laugh. He ducked underneath, pecking Dream on the lips. “I’m not sure I needed one quite this badly. Did you rob some poor tourist?”
“Unhappily, I paid for this.”
“Oh no,” said Hob, pulling away and pretending to inspect him for injury. “My poor darling. Your dignity.”
Dream sniffed. “I will recover.”
“Here,” said Hob. “I’ll carry it for you. You’ll only be guilty by association, then.”
They began walking, a bobbing Union Jack in a sea of blacks and greys. After the chief sin of ugliness, it was also a little small for two grown men, but Dream found he didn’t resent that at all, as Hob tucked him tightly into his side to keep them both dry. People gave them a wide berth. Tourists could never be trusted with umbrellas.
“You’ve rescued me, you know,” said Hob, nuzzling into his cheek.
“It wouldn’t do to have you dripping puddles all over the floors,” said Dream.
“Even if I looked terribly handsome, all wet and ardent?”
Dream bit his lip and smiled a little. “Perhaps you can be wet and ardent in the shower. Instead.”
Hob laughed again. It was Dream’s favourite sound. “Much warmer than the rain anyway. Deal.” Rain drummed down on their private nylon ceiling. “I was thinking chicken tikka masala for dinner?”
And so they made their way home, and although the rain never let up, Dream was so content and warm that he might’ve sworn they were walking in the sun.
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anticanonsposts · 5 months
hiiiiii I loveddd ur post abt high konig, could you maybe write a fic where its the readers first time trying it?
(ur page is like so good i luv it)
hi!!! literally thank you so much, it truly means so much to me that people are enjoying my blog <3333
per request here is a version of a previous fic about König's first time trying an edible and then fucking you silly, now it's the readers turn!!
cw: obvi (legal) drug use, (don't do drugs unless they're legal, safe, and you are of age <3), sex p in v, oral m receiving, porn w/ a little plot, pining, overstimulation, nastiness <3
wc: 2,000+
nsfw below the cut, you know the drill-mdni interact
“Hey König…” you cooed to your boyfriend who was sitting at the desk in your room, flipping through a book while you lounged on the bed. He returns your gaze, brows slightly furrowed, he recognizes your playful tone, knowing you're about to ask him something naughty. 
“I was thinking..” you continue standing up from the bed and making your way over to him, dancing your fingertips across his shoulders. “That I wanted to try having sex…after I take an edible gummy.” 
“Edible? Aren’t all gummies edible?? Ohhhh, like marijuana!” he replies back briefly running in mental circles as he puts the pieces together. His English is obviously very good but sometimes he takes things more literally/more at face value. “Of course I’d need your consent now since you would be inebriated and if you ever want to stop you need to tell me.” he adds taking on a more serious tone, whenever consent was being discussed he had no room for lightheartedness or joking, he took consent VERY seriously. 
“Yes, I am consenting now to have sex with you while you are sober and I am high, and both of us have the option to stop at any point.” you reply, taking his hands in yours.
“Ok.” is all he responds with but he’s smiling so wide and there is a bright gleam in his eyes. He truly loves to try new things with you, especially when it makes you so happy. 
So you go and grab your packet of gummies and pop one into your mouth. Then you suggest a shower to König since it will take about 30 minutes for the edible to kick in. Showering together is always such a treat. You get to be in a nice warm, wet environment while your own personal giant just beams down at you with nothing but adoration and enamor in his eyes. He loved these showers just as equally, his hands never leaving your soft, supple body, constantly pulling you impossibly closer to him. 
After you both got out and dried off, you opted to just stay naked and lay with each other until you initiated more physical contact. He laid down on his back and you were draped on your side, the side of your face resting on his chest, slowly rising and falling. You could tell he was already getting a little worked up, I mean come on you were laying on him completely naked. As more and more minutes passed you felt your brain get a little fuzzy and it sort of felt like everything was moving slower. You realize you are absentmindedly massaging his abdomen with one of your hands you start to feel a buzz in between your legs, only made worse when you look down and see König’s growing dick, now completely pressed against his stomach. His poor tip furiously leaking, he was being so kind and patient with you, waiting ever so tranquil for you to make the next move. 
Now, completely feeling the effects of the edible kicking in your entire body buzzes with excitement. Moving yourself to sit up a bit more, you start tracing kisses along his neck and chest, slow and purposeful kisses. Your inebriated mind could still have cheeky thoughts. You figured, since he was going to be nothing but patient with you, you might as well tease him. Now climbing on top of him, his hands immediately go to your lower half, shamelessly groping your hips and butt. You loved how he was able to grab so much of you with just one of his hands. Giving you soft squishies and gropes and you start to move your hips back and forth, not even realizing what you were doing. 
Then getting a wicked idea, you reposition yourself slightly so that your now puffy and dripping core is gliding up and down his dick. Earning several whimpers from him, his grip on you tightened. Giving him a small chuckle you give him one last sloppy kiss, sloppy enough that when you pull away there is a line of spit connecting your mouths. Shimmying down between his legs with the biggest shit eating grin you have ever given him. You take his length into your hand and start to pump his base gently. Then before he could give any objection that you didn’t have to give him head since you were high or that he could go down on you first if you’d prefer. But you successfully cut him off by leaving open mouthed kisses all along his shaft, purposefully avoiding his ever leaking tip. Giggling to yourself you finally take his head in your mouth, first giving a little swirl of your tongue before bobbing up and down only on his tip while pumping the rest of him. 
His cute face completely flushed, eyebrows furrowed, and panting as he looked down at you. Murmurs of praise leaving his lips, as one of his hands gently came to rest on your head. The sight in front of you just made you giggle more which made him feel more vibrations on his dick. Releasing him from your mouth with a wet pop, still palming his tip you ask, “Does that feel good baby?” in a sing-song voice as you trace kisses up his thigh.
“Oh my god Hase.” is all he can say back. He knows you’re teasing him, he knows exactly what you’re doing, but he cannot will himself to move you faster, its torture, but its blissful torture. You then continued your bobbing, each time taking more and more of him in your mouth and pumping what you couldn't reach with your hand. Snaking your other down, you start to gently massage his balls, and the combination of all these movements causes him to buck his hips into you, which only motivates you. You continue your motions until you hear his breathing get faster and his voice and whimpers grow higher and higher. Then when he warns you that he is about to cum, you speed up even faster, making him absolutely lose his mind. Tasting his cum sputter onto your tongue, you carefully swallow around him, knowing that it drives him insane. But you don’t stop there. 
You pop him out of your mouth and quickly wrap both of your hands around his shaft, pumping him almost aggressively at this point. You also make sure to prop your elbows against his thighs so that he cannot close his legs. 
“Liebe liebe liebe liebe!!!! Please…oh my go—-” is all he manages to get out as his body starts to thrash a bit from side to side, completely overwhelmed with all the stimulation you were giving him. 
“Liebling I came I came please!” he mustered out again, pleading with you, his eyes full of desperation. It hurt so good but it also felt so good. Right now you were nothing but an evil little minx trying to break him down to his very core of desperation. 
Finally, mercifully you stop pumping him, but torture him a little more by licking his dick clean, then tonguing your way up his chest, leaving open mouthed kisses all along his abdomen. 
At this point you were beyond giddy with yourself, very proud of what you’ve been able to do so far, but now of course your core was aching for any sort of stimulation. 
Losing a little bit of his gentle touch, König practically hauls your body up so that you are once again straddling him. His greedy lips pull you in with his mouth and he presses a firm hand to the middle of your back so that your torsos are pressed together. Giving him a mischievous look he quickly says, “No no no, how about you ride my fingers instead first hmmm?” He knew that his dick needed a break and that if he was able to redirect your attention to something else, you would soon get lost in it. Not to mention the fact that he really preferred not to be inside of you so quickly, without giving you a proper warm up. 
Giving him a contented humm he repositions himself so that he is sitting up more. Then, gently he takes two of his fingers and glides them through your folds toying with your clit ever so slightly, using his other hand to hold your hip in place. Finally when he pushed his digits up into you, making you gasp, you just felt so good, too good. Leaning forward, you pressed your chest against his and started to kiss him, moaning into his mouth. Soon you found a rhythm together, you bouncing and grinding into his hand, his other hand guiding you, and your mouths just devouring each other. 
He curls his hands so perfectly so that he hits your g-spot while his palm brushes against your clit over and over again. Feeling yourself get more desperate you pull away from him with a pleading look in your eyes. 
“Do you wanna lay down?” he asks softly, smiling. You do as suggested and lay down on your back, spreading your legs as he kneels in front of you. 
“Please fuck me” you say through half lidded eyes. He could do nothing but rake his eyes up and down your body. You were so perfect and kind to him and he truly liked this experience. Your high state made you more focused on your needs and pleasure. You allowed yourself to feel and react more naturally, and he is loving it. 
Leaning forward he cages you in under his arms, bracing them on either side of you and envelopes your mouth in hungry kisses. After a little whining he finally kisses down your neck as he lines himself up with your entrance. You let out a gasp as his tip enters you and he slowly eases his entire length into you. 
“Oh my god…fuck König, it feels so good, I feel so full” you murmur to him, faces inches away from each other. In return, he starts to give you slow, dragging thrusts. 
“Would you like me to go faster y/n?” he asks as he uses his fingertips to turn your chin toward him so that you are looking him in the eyes.
“Yes, yes faster please” you reply nodding up at him not breaking the eye contact which just about finished him off right there. But he took a deep breath and sped up his pace, snaking one hand between the two of you to rub circles around your clit. 
After several minutes you cling to his neck and shoulders, letting out a slew of whimpers and moans. 
“Please, please…I’m s’close…please” is all you are able to get out before he gives you a grin and angles his hips so he is hitting even deeper inside of you.
This is what does it for you. Wide eyed, brow furrowed, with your mouth agape you let out the prettiest, hottest moans he thinks he’s ever heard. “Cum around me shatz, please, let me feel you. I’ve got you, I’ve got you just let go.” is all he has to mutter for you to let go. 
“Oh fuck, König! I’m cumming I’m cumming I’m cumming. AA-OOhh my god!” you choke out as he continues his pace and fucks you through your orgasm, now chasing his own high. But for some reason, your orgasm wasn’t stopping, it just kept going, for longer than it normally does. In your drunken state you were still able to connect this to the edible you took. 
“Oh my god shatz, fuck! I’m going to cum darling, where do you want me?” König gasped out, clearly losing any resolve he has left. 
“In me! In me please, I wanna feel you, please cum in me baby please.” you respond although still stuck in the seemingly never ending orgasm you smile through your words. Your smile and half lidded look into his eyes is the last nail in the coffin for him and with a sputter of his thrusts he explodes inside of you, groaning into your ear in the ways that you love so much. 
Then, finally you feel your orgasm start to dwindle down as he slows down his movements, before completely pulling out of you and bringing you to lay on your side next to him.  
“I love you.” is all you are able to whisper to him as he pulls you close to him, wrapping his arms completely around you, legs tangled together, your hands coming up to cradle his face. 
“I love you more.” he replies, pressing his lips to yours once more. 
Needless to say your first time having sex while high was a success, and the two of you will be doing it much more often.
hehe tysm for reading, if you like this don't be shy hehe, check out my other content. also reminder that I am taking requests idc how niche they are, please feel free to ask if there's anything you'd like to see!
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rhettabbotts · 1 year
happy birthday, mr. president - bob floyd
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pairing: president!bob floyd x wife!reader
summary: after a hard week, the last thing bob wanted to do was attend his birthday party. so instead, he plays out one of his biggest fantasies with you.
w/c: 2.4k
warnings: 18+ only. SMUT. bob eating you out in the oval office. slight bondage. slight degradation. dirty talk. mention of cameras. edging. p in v. unprotected sex. breeding kink. riding. title kink? (calling bob mr. president). drinking.
a/n: brought to you by me rewatching scandal and losing my mind. also haven’t stopped thinking about @therebeccaw’s beautiful president bob moodboard <3 also for @lt-bradshaw! thanks for bringing up president bob on the dash last night.
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Bob hated parties. No matter how many balls and galas he attended, it never got any easier. He fussed with his bow tie for the umpteenth time before finally giving up, letting out a huff of frustration as he buttoned his cufflinks. 
His head snapped up at the sound of the bathroom door opening and the sight before him made him weak in the knees. You floated into the room with such grace, completely ignoring the gobsmacked look on his face. You fiddled with the back of your diamond earring, struggling to fasten it in place. 
“Baby, can you zip me up the rest of the way?” You asked nonchalantly. You moved to stand in front of him, finally catching his cobalt eyes in the cheval mirror. 
“You look beautiful,” Bob professed. His hands curved around your front to rest on your stomach, pulling you tight against him. His eyes darkened as they traveled over your body, lingering on the way the bodice hugged your breasts, pushing them up enticingly. “How am I supposed to make it through the night with you looking like this?”
“You’ll live. Now, zip me up so I can fix your tie.” 
His bottom lip jutted out slightly in a pout, causing you to playfully roll your eyes. As he moved the zipper up the last couple of inches you couldn’t reach, he pressed a kiss to the top of your spine. 
“Do we really have to go?” Bob questioned as he rested his chin on your shoulder. One hand moved back around to your front, sliding up your chest and groping you through your dress. 
“It’s your birthday. You can’t miss it. Behave, Bobby. You’ll have me all to yourself this weekend when we go to Camp David,” you asserted. “It’s just for a couple of hours. You’ll survive.”
“Highly unlikely,” he muttered as you busied yourself with his tie. You had it knotted in no time, looking pleased with your work. 
“There. All done,” you said, patting his chest before turning away. He caught your wrist, tugging you back to him swiftly. He looked down the bridge of his nose at you, eyes squinting in the way they did when you defied him. A challenging look that made you burn with desire. 
“Can we do that thing we talked about a few weeks ago?” He spoke quietly. Between the grip he had on your arm and the way he was looking at you, you were ready to say screw the party and tear his shirt buttons off with your teeth. But you knew you couldn’t do that. You didn’t get the luxury of skipping out on these things anymore. 
“The thing…”
“It is my birthday, you know,” he quipped, the corner of his thin lips twitching up into a devilish smirk. You were about to respond when Charlie knocked on the door, letting you know guests had begun to arrive. 
“Mr. President. Ma’am. We’re ready whenever you are.”
Bob dropped your wrist, linking your fingers together and squeezing your hand once. He let go to slide on his suit jacket and you brushed out any wrinkles that appeared, straightening the pin he wore on his lapel. He took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly, craning his neck from side to side. 
“C’mon, darling. Let’s get this over with.”
You slid your arm through Bob’s, holding on tightly as you walked through the corridors of the White House. You knew he still got nervous being around so many people. But he never let it show. He was poised, a true leader. The road to the White House was not easy but you believed he was doing what he was always meant to do. Be who he was always meant to be. It made your heart swell with pride to see your husband succeed. 
“Quit starin’,” Bob muttered, sneaking a glance at you. You pinched his arm in response. 
As the doors opened to the East Room, applause erupted and you felt Bob tense ever so slightly. He was whisked away by a few senators, a champagne flute placed in his hand as they tried to schmooze him into passing their bill. He looked over his shoulder apologetically and you waved him off. You knew how these things went. You’d find your way back to him eventually. 
It took exactly forty-five minutes before Josh, Bob’s chief of staff, came up to you. He pulled you aside and leaned in to whisper in your ear.
“We’ve lost him.”
You tried to bite back a smile, surprised he lasted as long as he did. 
“I know where he is. Thank you, Josh. Do me a favor… keep the West Wing off limits.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
You wandered through the long hallways, taking your heels off halfway to the Oval Office. For the duration of the walk, you considered what Bob had asked for earlier in the night. He had mentioned that he wanted to try something different. You had discussed everything beforehand so you knew exactly what would play out. 
You would stumble into his office, he would take you over the desk. He’d be trying his best to avoid the cameras, but if you didn’t… The thought of sneaking around, the thrill of potentially being caught, it turned you on tremendously - and Bob knew that.
There was a soft glow coming from the large room as you entered through the side door. Bob was sitting in his leather chair, feet propped up on the cherry wood desk. He was nursing a glass of scotch, the amber liquid swirling around in the crystal as he finished his sip. His tongue darted out to catch a rogue droplet from the corner of his mouth. He looked so powerful sitting behind that desk. He could bring the whole world to their knees if he just asked. 
“Good evening, sir,” you said meekly. Even after a year in the White House, it still made you nervous coming into the Oval Office. Bob’s neck craned towards you and there was a lazy smile on his face. The lamp cast shadows over his face. From where you stood, you could see the sliver of grays at his temple. They started appearing more and more as the days went on, much to Bob’s dismay. Stress, you would inform him at the end of a long day.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he slurred. He straightened himself in the chair, setting his feet on the floor before standing. Your heart pounded against your ribcage as his dark eyes devoured you without saying a word. 
“I’ve been looking for you. You promised me a dance.” Your husband hummed, taking one last swig of his liquor before rounding the desk. His tie was hanging loose around his neck, the top two buttons of his crisp white shirt undone. 
Your mind ran wild with salacious thoughts as he unbuttoned the cufflinks. The slight clatter of them being haphazardly set aside was the only noise that filled the room. He rolled up his sleeves messily, veiny forearms being put on display. Your mouth dried up looking at his hands, wishing they would reach out and touch you already. 
Bob walked slowly towards you, pinning you in place with his gaze. 
“Mr. President,” you breathed. 
“I like it when you call me that,” he indicated. “Say it again.”
“Mr. President,” you purred this time. He circled you, stopping behind you like he had earlier in your room. “We shouldn’t-“
“I think we should. I think it’d be a wonderful idea.”
“But the cameras…”
“Let them watch,” he muttered in your ear. “Let them see you beg your president to let you cum.”
You whimpered at his words, pressing back into his warm body. You were already begging, a silent plea for him to take you. He wasn’t going to give in to you that easily.
Bob started shuffling the both of you towards the desk, pressing you forward until the edge dug into the tops of your thighs. You could feel how hard he was in his slacks. You knew he needed this. It had been a hellish week and he spent his birthday in meeting after meeting, leaving no time to see each other until you were crawling into bed. 
His strong hands gripped your hips and spun you around to face him. His expression was devious, you knew what his plan was. He whipped the tie from his collar and you obediently held your wrists out. 
“Good girl,” he said, pressing a searing kiss to your lips. As he pulled away, you chuckled softly. A smudge of red lipstick adorned his mouth. 
“I think you just like me tying your ties, mister,” you said. Bob had expertly knotted your wrists together with the black satin material. His response was a cheeky grin and a shrug of his shoulders. 
Maneuvering you onto the wooden surface was a small feat, he manhandled you with such ease it made your head spin. Papers scattered everywhere as he shoved them aside. He pressed against your sternum until you were flat on your back, bound wrists dangling above your head. 
He made slow work of kissing down your body, mouthing at your cleavage. Sucking small love bites into the tops of your breasts. He dropped to his knees with no preamble, diving under your dress and moving up until he landed between your thighs. He pulled your lace panties to the side and buried his face into your soaked cunt. 
The first flick of his tongue against your clit caused your hips to buck and your mouth to fall open. Bob knew how to eat you out like no other. He sucked and licked and nipped against your most sensitive parts until you were a quivering mess. 
Your mind wandered back to your previous thought about how he could bring the world to its knees. And yet here he was, the most powerful man, on his knees for you. It made your breath hitch and your thighs shake. His wanton moans vibrated through your entire body. You couldn’t see him, not with the way he had his head shoved under the skirt of your dress, but you felt every move he made. Every shake of his head, every indention his fingertips were leaving. 
You were babbling nonsense. You weren’t even sure if it was words. Variations of ‘Bob’ and ‘Sir’ and ‘Mr. President’ spilled from your lips and it seemed to make Bob that much hungrier. 
“Bobby, please. Please, I’m so close. I’m so-“
And then he stopped. 
He pulled away so quickly your hips chased his mouth and you whined desperately. His hair was a mess, loose curls that were once slicked back flopped onto his forehead. His cheeks were flushed, his lips wet with your desire. 
“You bastard,” you mumbled, trying to steady your breathing. You had been right on the edge. But you knew that’s what he wanted. You knew what he had in store. 
He said nothing as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He said nothing as he moved you off the desk and around the back of it. He said nothing as he nearly broke the zipper on your gown, practically tearing it off of you. A small pleased noise escaped him as you stood before him in your underwear, wrists tied and breasts on full display. 
“Such a dirty slut, aren’t you? Letting me take you in here where anyone could walk in. You like that though, don’t you? Yeah, I know you do.”
He moved to sit once more in his chair, thighs spreading wide as he palmed over his cock. A whimper caught in your throat when he pulled himself out. You’ve said it a million times before but Bob Floyd had a pretty dick. And you would never tire of the sight.
“Want you to ride my cock, pretty girl.”
Bob pulled you into his lap and onto his cock without much warning. The stretch never failed to make you gasp, no matter how many times it had been. He settled you until he was to the hilt, full of him. He reached down to untie your wrists and you tangled your fingers through his hair instantly. 
You couldn’t move much on your own so Bob took matters into his own hands and bounced you. Hands holding your hips tight enough you were sure there would be bruises by tomorrow. It was quick and messy, your thighs were burning and you couldn’t hold back your moans. 
“Gonna fill you up. Gonna finally make you a momma. We'll have little babies running around this place before you know it. Fuck, sweetheart. I’m the luckiest man alive,” Bob rambled. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed throughout the room and you silently prayed Josh listened to you before. 
Your nails clawed at the part of Bob’s chest that was exposed, slipping your hand inside the half buttoned shirt to scrape against his nipple. It caused his eyes to roll back and his hips to stutter. 
“Moan for me, Bobby.” He did. Loud and unabashedly. 
The fast rhythm had both of you close in no time. His mouth attached to your breasts once more and that was it for you. You clenched around him tightly, throwing your head back and nearly screaming as he continued the brutal pace into you. It took him a few more thrusts before he was releasing inside of you, filling you full of him. 
You slumped against his chest, hot breath washing over his damp skin as he rubbed up and down your spine. 
“I can’t believe we just defiled the Oval Office. We could be arrested,” you joked. 
“Not the first time,” Bob said. “Thank you for indulging me, honey. I love you to the moon and stars.”
“Happy birthday, Mr. President,” you giggled. A weak groan tumbled from his lips as his dick twitched inside of you. 
“Don’t do that to me right now.”
“Is that an order?” You challenged, rolling your hips teasingly. 
“You little brat,” he muttered against your lips, picking you up and walking you over to one of the couches. It was a long and glorious night. 
Several weeks later you stood in the en suite bathroom, with four positive pregnancy tests sitting on the counter. You couldn’t stop yourself from getting tickled. 
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djarinsphere · 1 year
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Joel Miller x female!reader
Summary: An unlucky incident brings you and Joel closer together. After that, you continue to find peace and pleasure with him. (Pre-Outbreak!)
Request: Can you please make like one shot smut with pre-outbreak joel with reader.
Warnings: alcohol consumption, swear words, unprotected p in v, oral sex (female receiving), creampie, some very light dirty talk, mostly fluff
Words: 4.6k
A/N: I am so gone for this man... and this request just turned into something fluffy with some smut in between. I hope you can enjoy!
Masterlist | Request
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You had met Joel on your way to work one day. Recalling it in your mind, it reminded you of the few rom-coms you had watched together on different occasions. The ones Sarah would always shake her head at and Joel would also just grumpily watch them with you – they made you happy, so he was willing to endure them. 
There were a few things that Joel was doing for you, just for you, but never once had he thought that it hadn’t been worth it. He got up earlier than he had to in the morning when there was the promise of seeing you sooner. He watched silly rom-coms with you, picked up your favourite food from another city, denied himself sleep when you wanted to read a little longer at night. 
Thinking back, you never would have expected all of this to come from such a small incident. Maybe in another life you would have driven home that day and never talked again, but somehow things ended up being different. 
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That fateful day, your car had broken down in the middle of the road to work. You cursed and hit the steering wheel a few times, knowing you would be too late now. You had already been late to begin with, but you could have made it to work with a bit of luck. Now that luck had run out and you were stuck here. The car didn’t turn on anymore and when you opened the door to inspect it from the outside, you also spotted the tire that was certainly not going to bring you to work anymore. 
You didn’t even have a spare one with you. Not that it would change anything if the car didn’t turn on anymore to begin with. 
How were you going to explain this to your boss? You couldn’t. There was no way he would accept this ‘excuse’ for being late to work. You could feel your throat getting tighter with every second you spent looking at your car – that wasn’t moving anywhere anymore. 
A quick glance to your watch told you that you didn’t even have time to catch the bus anymore. The next one would only arrive at the next bus stop in an hour. And by the time you would arrive at work, it would be late enough for your boss to probably legally be allowed to murder you. 
“Fuck,” you hissed, giving the flat tire a kick, knowing that it couldn’t get any worse. It was already at the end of its life, a small kick to let some of your frustration out wouldn’t change anything anymore. 
“I don’t think the tire deserves that kind of hate, Miss.” 
You turned around when you heard a deep voice behind you. A man was standing there, hands in pockets, the once blue T-Shirt now stained with what you assumed was dirt. His hands were also smeared with dirt and you could also spot some on his cheek, just above the beard around his jaw. The man looked tired to you, but he was carrying a slight smile around on his lips. You didn’t quite understand what was so amusing about your situation. Nothing. Nothing was amusing and you were in trouble.
“Well, I think it does! I’m stuck here, because the engine won’t turn on anymore,” you grumbled, not caring enough to hide any of your frustration. The stranger had already seen it anyway when you had so rudely kicked against your tire. 
“Can I have a look at it or do you want to keep hitting that tire until it maybe… falls off?” He asked, raising his eyebrows ever so slightly. You opened your mouth to respond, but didn’t quite find the words. It seemed like he was making fun of your situation, but he had offered to help all the same. You would be a fool to turn it down. 
“Well, if you want to,” you mumbled, before clearing your throat. You suspected that the man didn’t hear you, but he soon moved towards your car, walking right past you and taking a closer look at the tire. “This one needs to be replac-“
“No shit.” You were quick to reply. That flat tire could be seen from a mile away. Of course, it needed to be replaced. 
A moment later you already felt guilty. Just because everything was awful today didn’t mean that you could talk like this to a stranger that was offering his help to you. Without you even asking him in the first place. 
“I’m sorry…” you mumbled. The man turned around to look at you again for a moment. He didn’t seem to be upset which let some weight fall off your shoulders. “It’s alright. I can tell it hasn’t been a good day so far,” he shrugged. 
You watched his broad shoulders move up and down. He was really attractive, even with the dirty clothing and dirt-covered hands. The man was crouching down in front of the car and seemed to think for a moment. “I can get you that one replaced, definitely,” he announced, standing up again. 
He walked around the car then, opening the hood of the car and having a closer look at the engine. You knew you were just awkwardly standing around, but at the moment, you were just grateful someone was helping you out here. The man looked like he knew what he was doing or he at least knew more than you about this problem. 
“Can you do anything or is it a hopeless case? I really need to get to work, but the next bus comes in an hour.” You tried to explain your situation some more. Not that it would accelerate anything. Maybe you just wanted to make sure that the stranger knew why you were so frustrated in the first place. “I see…” he mumbled as a response while he reached into the car, tugging on a few cords. “I think I need a moment with this. I could drive you to work though, before I properly start to repair this.”
Driving to work with a stranger? That seemed like a good idea to get murdered. 
“I don’t drive to work with strangers. I don’t even get into a car with strangers.” To be fair, you sounded like a little kid, reciting what their parents had told them about not leaving with strangers. 
“I always tell my daughter that as well. Don’t get into a car with someone you don’t know. Don’t talk to strangers.” The man gave you another shrug and then closed the hood of the car. “I’m Joel and what’s your name? Maybe we aren’t strangers anymore.” 
It was clever, you had to admit that. There was a silence resting between the two of you for a moment. Were you going to take the risk and let this stranger drive you to work? You had never heard of someone going missing in your town. You trusted most of the people here. 
“I’m Y/N. I could use a ride.”
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That ride had changed your life. You couldn’t remember ever having a conversation as good as the one you had with Joel on your way to work. The fear of your boss even subsided with every new topic you two came up with. Everything seemed fine, even though nothing had been fine half an hour earlier. 
Numbers were exchanged, the first bricks were being set for something bigger. 
You were experiencing that ‘bigger’ thing now. 
Sarah was having a sleepover at a friend’s today, so Joel had invited you over to spend the night there. You didn’t move in together yet, it was still too early for that. You had talked about it already though, especially since it would also be a change for Sarah if you permanently moved in with them. 
You got along well with Sarah. Really well. You loved to watch shows and movies with her, bake with her or just play a board game or two. Every day spent with the girl was a great one and you started to see her like your own child with time. You hadn’t mentioned that to Joel yet though. Maybe your feelings were all over the place and it was way too early to say anything like that about his daughter. But one thing was sure – Sarah had a special place in your heart already.
Joel and you had agreed that you would pick up some food on your way to his house. He would come in late from work and wouldn’t have any time to cook, so you agreed on getting Chinese takeout. By the time you arrived at his home, his truck was already parked in front of the house, the lights from the kitchen shining into the front yard. A smile appeared on your lips as soon as you stopped your car and got the plastic bag from the back seat. 
After you rang the doorbell, it didn’t even take two minutes for Joel to appear in front of you. He leaned against the door slightly, grin on his face and joy in his eyes. You loved to see him like this. It was your favourite sight in the world, to be honest. 
He was wearing his sweat pants and a soft-looking blue sweater on top of it. Unlike your first meeting, his hands were clean except for a trace of what looked like pudding. He probably used the opportunity to enjoy some sweets for himself, now that Sarah was out for the night. 
“Already claimed the pudding from Monday?” You asked with a smile, feeling a warmth spread throughout your entire body. This felt like coming home. Arriving on his doorstep, being invited inside and exchanging a kiss or two on your way to the kitchen. All of this felt like coming home and not just visiting. Maybe one day this would be your home and you wouldn’t have to leave after the weekend. You didn’t say any of this out loud, but silently hoped that Joel maybe felt the same. Or thought about the same things, imagined them. 
“Of course I did. It knew it wouldn’t survive another day if I didn’t,” your boyfriend explained, a small laugh following his words. His laugh sounded like music in your ears, soothing you and relieving you of all the stress that followed you throughout the day. 
You took two plates out of the cupboard above the stove, moving your food from the takeout boxes to proper plates. “They didn’t have your favourite anymore, but I got whatever was closest to that,” you explained while also arranging some cutlery for you two. 
After moving everything to the small kitchen table, you sat down next to Joel. This specific chair had become your spot over the last few months. You would always sit here and whenever you weren’t there, no one else would sit in this spot. 
“I missed you,” Joel smiled at you, reaching over to briefly brush over the back of your hand with his thumb. It caused a tingling sensation to run through your entire arm. Every touch by him had this effect on you. Nothing had changed since your first date. All the feelings were still as intense, still coursing through your entire body. Joel occupied your mind for the whole day. 
“I missed you too. A lot,” you replied with a smile on your lips. 
While you two were talking about your day, eating your food and just enjoying the time together, you felt all the stress of the day falling from your shoulders. You started to feel relaxed, relieved to be here and just at home. Joel had become your home, just like Sarah had. There was no other place you’d rather be than here, at this small kitchen table, eating Chinese takeout before you would spend the night together on the couch, watching movies and chatting about your day. 
When you were both done with the food, you took both of your plates and put them into the dishwasher, together with the forks. Joel was walking around the kitchen behind you, getting out two wine glasses from a cup board and filling them with a red wine he had picked out earlier already. After work, he headed down into the basement and got out one of the good ones. Tommy had recently bought a whole box of very cheap red wine which did not taste good at all. Joel was sure he still had that taste in his mouth two days later – which was not a good sign. He wouldn’t let you drink that awful beverage. 
After filling both of the wine glasses, he put one down on the counter in front of you, before wrapping one arm lazily around your waist as he approached you from behind. His chin rested on your shoulder, breath brushing past your neck and leaving a trail of goosebumps to run down your spine. His soft lips planted a feather-like kiss on your neck as he pressed himself closer against you, humming slightly. “I’m glad we’ve got a night alone here,” he whispered, his voice deep and raspy. 
You slowly picked up the glass in front of you, taking a sip from the very good wine. You could already feel yourself getting excited at the small touches Joel was offering. Your heartbeat was picking up and the smile couldn’t be brushed off your face anymore. “I’m glad about that too. Leaves us with a lot of time…” you replied, keeping your voice down and glancing over to where Joel was resting his head. 
His arm tightened around your waist, fingers spreading over your tummy as he pulled you against him. You could feel his chest pressing against your back, just like the beginning of his arousal could be felt against your butt.
He took another sip from his glass of wine, before placing it down on the counter, ready to give his full attention to you now. His other arm wrapped around you as well while he continued to plant kisses on your neck. He sometimes stayed for longer in the same spot, making sure to nib on the sensitive skin, maybe leaving the faintest bit of red. 
You finished your glass of wine in one go then, also disposing of it on the counter before you completely leaned into Joel’s touches and the way he was sending shivers through your body. You started to feel the wetness between your legs already when Joel was focusing on your neck. 
His fingers soon slipped under the waistband of your pants, eventually your panties as well. You let out a small gasp, but your hips moved forward to press against his touch. You wanted more. You needed more.
His middle finger found your clit quite easily, just slowly moving over it in circles. A shiver went through your legs, but Joel held you tightly against him as he continued to rub your clit slowly. You grew more and more wet, more and more desperate for his touch. For some kind of relief, especially when he started to move his finger faster and faster. 
His name fell of your lips in as gasp, a low chuckle coming from your boyfriend in response. “I think we should move to the couch, honey,” he suggested, slowly taking his hand out of your pants. “Then I can actually help you out.”
The thought alone sent another shiver down your spine. You loved to be intimate with Joel, loved how he made your entire body feel. You felt sexy, wanted, every time he put his hands on your body, every time he made love to you or just went to chase his own pleasure, just like you did. You worked perfectly together, being able to read the other at all times and knowing exactly what turned them on and what didn’t. 
Joel took your hand, guiding you back into the living room where he pulled the curtains shut and sat down on the left end of the couch. “Come here, love,” he smiled, patting his lap for a moment before you sat down and wrapped your arms around his neck. You could smell his cologne again, that wooden scent filling your nose, leaving a tingling sensation in your stomach. Your hands moved through his dark hair, gently tugging on it before you leant in for a kiss, Joel meeting you halfway. 
The kiss started out slow and sensual, but soon turned more demanding, craving more and more. Your hands slid down over his neck, nails lightly scratching over the skin there. Joel took a sharp breath in response, but you could feel him pulsate between your legs, moving your hips forward a bit to rub your middle against his arousal. A groan escaped Joel once more, his hands squeezing your hips. 
Your hands grabbed his collar and you helped him get rid of the sweater, carelessly throwing it to the ground. Your shirt soon followed, your partner’s lips attaching to your breasts. His teeth scraped against the sensitive skin, a moan escaping from your throat as he made his way down with his mouth, moving your bra aside to get to your nipple. He started to suck on it, tongue swirling around it as they started to get erect with arousal. Your hips continued to move against his, working the two of you up, even though you doubted his arousal could grow even more. 
Your name slipped past his lips, his deep voice being muffled by your breasts. “I love your tits,” he mumbled, giving your nipples more attention before he eventually let go of them and captured your lips with his own once more. The kiss was desperate, full of desire and his hands did quick work with your bra, tossing it to the ground next to the rest of your clothes. His eyes moved over your exposed chest, filling with desire as his hands wandered up your body once more, taking your breasts into his rough palms and kneading them gently. He knew exactly what he had to do to get you worked up through your just touching your breasts. 
One last kiss was planted to each breast before he grabbed your waist and laid down you down on the length of the couch, swiftly opening your pants and pulling them down your legs. His mouth found your belly, placing soft kisses there until it made its journey downwards, teeth pulling off your panties until you were completely naked in front of him. There was no sense of shame between you two anymore. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Joel assured you which brought a smile to your lips and the heat into your cheeks. Your hand reached out to briefly brush over his beard while he leaned into your touch. Your gaze travelled over his bare chest, from the slight chest hair to his stomach, all the construction work having definitely left its mark. When you hand landed in his hair again, you tugged him closer, Joel manoeuvring to lay between your legs as you wrapped them around him. His erection was straining against his sweatpants as he pressed his hips against yours, so close to your wet core. Another moan escaped your lips, your body screaming for more of his touch. 
He rolled his hips against you once more, a groan coming from him as well. His hands travelled over your legs, giving your thighs a squeeze before he let go of you to strip his sweatpants down his legs. You watched him expose his strong legs as the sweatpants joined the pile of clothing on the floor. 
Joel directed his attention back at you when he started to kiss up your right leg, getting closer and closer to your middle, beard scraping against the insides of your thighs. His mouth eventually found your core, tongue brushing up all the way from your opening to your clit. That’s where he rested for a moment, tongue flicking against your sensitive nub, waves of pleasure rolling over your body. His arms wrapped around your thighs, holding them apart as he started to move his tongue in circles around your clit. 
You couldn’t hold back the moans coming from your lips and you also didn’t want to. He deserved to know how good he made you feel. Your hips moved up in a desperate manner to meet his touches, meet his tongue as it brought you pleasure over and over again. Joel wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking softly, his eyes glancing up to meet yours. 
Your hands found their way into his hair, tugging on it, holding onto it as the pleasure increased and increased, pushing you further to that cliff you were almost ready to tumble down. “Feels so good,” you murmured and it made Joel flick his tongue over your clit even faster. A tension was building up in your abdomen, getting stronger and stronger with each wave that ran through your body. 
Joel closed his lips around your clit again, sucking on it, giving you the last push over the edge. Your orgasm came in one strong wave at first, hips buckling up, his name slipping past your lips and moans following as the pleasure continued to course through you. A layer of sweat was building up on your forehead, your breathing getting faster as you continued to dwell in the pleasure. 
“Oh, I love the sounds you make when you cum for me,” he whispered into your ear, giving you a quick kiss to your lips before he got rid of his boxers finally. 
Joel leaned down to give you another kiss, his tongue brushing over your lips while he pressed himself against you, his cock applying slight pressure to your clit again. It made your legs shiver, that small contact, still sensitive from your first climax. 
His hands gently spread your legs apart a bit further before he aligned himself with your middle, eventually filling you completely. A moan came from both of you, your hands looking for something to hold onto, eventually finding his shoulders. You got a got hold of them when Joel started to move his hips against yours, starting out with slow and sensual thrusts. 
You felt so close to him in that moment, as close as you could physically be, but also mentally. His lips found yours again, putting all his adoration into it as he rolled his hips against yours. You moaned into his mouth every now and then, your hold on him getting tighter as soon as he started to thrust a bit harder. Groans slipped past his lips as well, a sign of his arousal and how much he liked being buried deep inside you. 
“You feel so good,” he whispered into your ear, his teeth getting a hold of your earlobe while his hips started to move faster, his thrusts picking up speed as well. 
The contact with his teeth was sending shivers down your spine while the tension in your abdomen continued to build once more. It was getting stronger and stronger, with each thrust, with each time you could feel him deep inside you. 
Joel let out another groan, so close to your ear, and you could tell he was getting closer to, his thrusts shaking your entire body. He was starting to chase his own climax, getting closer and closer. His hand found your hair and he tugged you a bit closer to him, to kiss you, to press you close against him while he continued to pound into you. 
All you could hear were your mutual moans, his groans and the sound of skin slapping against skin. You could smell his cologne so close to you, could feel his hot skin pressed against yours as he seemed to approach his climax, dragging you right with him. 
“I’m so close, baby,” he announced, hands gripping your hips as he focused on his last thrusts, making them slow, but hard. 
It was enough for you to reach your high as well. His thrusts send you over the edge, the grip on your hips pulled you closer and you could feel him pulsate inside you as he came and filled you up. A loud moan escaped your throat, your back slightly arching when all that pleasure came over you in a strong wave. Your legs shivered, your hands desperately held onto Joel’s back and his chest was pressed close against yours by the time his climax also faded away in waves. 
When your lips met again, the kiss was gentle, soft, while still being as close to each other as possible. Love confessions were exchanged between breaths, his lips left a few additional kisses on your neck before he eventually pulled out of you, gathering his boxer shorts from the ground and looking for some tissues to clean you up a bit. 
After making sure you were cleaned again, he offered you his hand to help you off the couch. “You know, a shower sounds wonderful right now. Together?” He suggested, pulling your naked body close as soon as you were standing on your feet again. “A shower together always sounds great,” you agreed with a smile on your lips. 
Your legs still felt a bit weak, your body still in a state of bliss, especially when you were pressed against him, arms wrapping around his torso. “Shower it is then,” he confirmed once more, before he picked you up like a bride, carrying you to the bathroom. 
You loved to shower with Joel. It was peaceful and a way to enjoy some intimacy that didn’t involve any actual sex. You both always took the time to wash each other’s hair, to cover the other person in shampoo and give them a good massage every now and then. You exchanged soft kisses, giggles whenever some water dripped into your eyes.
He turned the shower on, waiting a bit and then eventually checking the temperature to see if you two could go inside. When he was sure that it was warm enough, but not too hot, he got rid of his boxers again, but letting you go in first. He followed close after, pulling the shower curtain shut and eventually pulling you in close to himself. 
His hands found your waist, his right hand moving further back to rest against the small of your back. He leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss again and a smile rested on your face when he let go again. You felt loved, cared for. You knew Joel would always look after you and you would always look after him. 
His fingers moved over your cheek, eventually taking your chin between two fingers and gently caressing it. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You were sure that nothing could ever separate you. You would go to the end of the world with him and maybe one day, you two would also live together. You could watch Sarah grow up and grow old with Joel. 
This was everything you had ever wanted. Just live a peaceful life with him, wake up next to him every day and knowing that this was exactly the place you were supposed to be. You were meant to be here, with him and his daughter. 
Maybe you had already known the day your car broke down and you chose to take the ride offered to you. 
And what a ride it would still be in the future. 
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secret-smut-sideblog · 3 months
You Know Me Too Well
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Gortash x F! Dark Urge
18+ masochism, power play, oral (f!), impact play, sub/dom, p-in-v, knife play, blood play, gortash being a freak (and a bottom), aftercare, some tenderness, porn w/o plot
After the coronation, she can't get the familiarity he showed her out of her mind. She needs answers, and the Archduke is more than happy to indulge her...
"Well, this is unexpected." He crooned, turning to lean against his desk.
She lowered herself down from the windowsill, shooting him a sharp look.
"Don't read too much into this, Enver." She hissed his name, only eliciting a wider smile from him.
As if she hadn't scaled a castle wall to crawl into his chambers. She closed her eyes in frustration. What was she doing?
"In that case, what do I owe this late night visit from my favorite assassin?"
Why was she here?
Answers. Yes, answers.
"You seem to know me. Too well, if I'm picking up the correct undercurrents."
She circled around him, noticed that he seemed to perk up at her predatory movements. Turning to look at her with more lidded eyes.
"I do know you."
"Were we together?" Her hand danced over her dagger hilt, something she found herself doing often.
His eyes flicked down to that movement. Back up to her eyes, stepping closer.
Something burned in her pelvis.
This close she realized how tall he was, staring down at her. Yet, she felt entirely like the one in control. There was a stirring in the back of her memory.
"I get glimpses sometimes. Your face is in many of them." She looked down now, closing her eyes.
"I have taken all of his gifts, but I don't want to be a pawn to my father. I dont want to be controlled by anyone, god or man."
Looked back up at him.
"You never tried to control me, did you?"
His eyes softened, reaching out and cupping her cheek. The bite of metal and warm calloused fingers.
She stepped closer. Could hear his heart thumping, felt a dagger drive but pushed it down.
"I need you to help me remember who I am. Who I was."
He smiled, then leaned his head back and chuckled reverently. "What weren't you? Brilliant, bloodthirsty, beautiful. Gods, you were everything. All my scheming and bad nature paled in comparison."
His eyes meeting hers again. "We were equals, you and I. But I was wrapped around your finger, if I was being honest."
He stepped even closer, their bodies nearly flush. "You liked me under your boot."
She shivered at that. Feeling it to be true.
"And did you like being there?" Her voice husky, wetness pooling between her legs.
"Oh, very much." He purred, leaning down.
Their lips were hovered across from one another. So very nearly touching. His pupils blown wide with lust.
"Show me." She whispered. "Show me how much you missed me."
He remedied the short distance between them, enveloping her in a hungry kiss.
She pushed back into him with the same force, pulling on his collar.
Yes, she remembered this. He tasted familiar, smelled familiar. Gunpowder, musk, heat.
He lifted under her thighs and pushed her onto his desk, slotting between her legs. Pulling his finely embellished shirt off with haste, throwing it down.
She leaned up, all instict, and bit down on his neck. Her sharp teeth breaking skin.
He shivered, eyes rolling back. A low whimper escaping his throat.
She growled, feeling that deep heat rising up in her. Something that she had feared when touching others. But not here.
She lapped at the blood that flowed out for her. The iron taste mingling with his sweat. Copper and salt.
"You like when I hurt you, don't you?" She hushed, moving up to his ear. Nipping at it.
He nodded, gripping at her hips. His erection straining hard against his trousers.
"Speak, Gortash."
"Good boy." She licked the edge of his ear. Smiling at the way his breath caught.
She raked her sharp nails down his back with a deep satisfaction. Sighing in pleasure.
"I'm going to leave you marked. Bloody and battered." She promised, smiling.
"Gods, yes," He groaned, dropping to his knees.
She leaned back, legs still open on the desk. "You were like this often, weren't you?" Removed her blouse with an easy pull.
"You liked me here." He panted, watching her movements with ravenous eyes.
"That does seem like me." She laughed, removing her leathers, now naked on his desk.
His hips rocked subtly, drinking her in.
"What would we do next?" She teased, leaning forward and cupping his chin. Pulling her hair free from its pins with her other hand. Falling free and bouncing down to her waist.
He moaned, leaning forward and catching her mouth in a greedy kiss.
Without prompting he clasped his hands behind his back.
"I see," She smiled, pulling away. A string of saliva connecting them.
She leaned back on the desk, spreading her legs.
He dove forward and lapped at her cunt. Crushing his tongue into her with vulgar need.
Her head fell back, a shudder ripping up her spine. Oh, she had trained him well.
"Fuck," She hissed, looking down at his dark hair between her legs.
He moaned in pleasure, looking up at her with glazed eyes.
"Slower," She moaned, hips fucking his mouth.
He nodded, tongue moving into languid devotional stripes. Coming up to suckle down on her clit then circling back down to push inside her.
She moaned, a high call. Head falling back again. Gripping his hair in her fist. Ribcage rising against the cold mahogany.
She was degrading herself to be here, a tyrant between her legs. She was far too good for him, and that made her need it even more.
She pulled on his hair, directing his eyes to hers.
"Take your cock out."
Saw his eyes lid, shoulder moving, following her command.
"Touch yourself, slowly."
She couldn't see his hand working but felt his whimper into her cunt.
That sent her reeling, her orgasm on its precipice.
He pulled back briefly to get a breath and she saw how his maw was coated in her arousal, dripping down his jaw before he leaned back in with greater fervor.
That did it, her eyes retreating to the back of her skull.
Her legs clamped down around his head, hands bracing her at her side. Moaning out in choppy cries, a great wave of agonizing pleasure ripping through her.
He continued, fucking her through it. Unrelenting.
She clenched down in pulses and he groaned, licking up her come in greedy tonguefuls.
Grabbing his hair she forced him back, panting.
"Very good." She purred, "You make a good fucktoy."
His eyes glazed over again at that. Hands returning behind his back. Cock red and weeping.
"I think I'll take you now." She lowered down off of the desk, pushing his chest.
He fell onto his back with a smile, eyes lidded and dark.
"Make it hurt." He panted.
She straddled over him, leaning down, her arms rested on his chest. Her ass high up in the air.
She opened her mouth as if about to say something, instead snapping her hand hard across his face.
He groaned, hips hitching up.
"You like that? How embarrassing for a lord." Striking him again harder, his eyes closing, groaning again.
"What if I told all of those nobles that their archduke liked getting his pretty face hit?" She hissed in his ear. Hips lowering down to grind teasingly against his length.
"That he liked being choked." Her hand coming down around his throat.
"That he liked being put in his place, hmm?"
"Please," He moaned, looking into her eyes. "Please hurt me more."
"Good boy, I like when you beg." She sat back on him. Trapping his cock flat under her, grinding down viciously.
He moaned, head turning to the side.
She drug her sharp nails hard down his chest, little pinpricks of blood bubbling to the surface along her trail.
His hands clawed at the wood floor, back arching.
"How bad do you want to be inside me?" She smiled as he panted.
"Please, I need it. I need you to ruin me." He urged, eyes wide and pleading.
She reached for her dagger, brandishing it with a satisfied sigh.
She smiled, rising up and aligning him at her entrance. "You'll bleed for me."
She slammed her hips down, sheathing herself to the hilt.
He cursed, head thrown back. Hands gripping her hips but not directing them. Holding on for dear life.
She struck against his sternum with the pommel of her blade, hard enough to bruise. Hips rising and falling in a vicious rhythm.
The wind knocked out of him, his cock twitching hard inside her.
"What a pretty bruise you'll give me." She smiled at the skin already blotching.
"More," He groaned. Hips coming up to meet her.
She held her knife against his throat, leaning forward.
His eyes widened, pupils so blown they were just black saucers.
"Open your mouth."
He did, panting hotly.
She spat between his lips.
He moaned loudly, eyes closing. Hips moving in fervor.
"You're going to come with my knife inside you."
Beyond words, he could only nod desperately.
She leaned back and started carving slow lines into his chest. Bouncing hard on his cock. Nearing her own end again.
He nearly screamed, hands gripping with bruising strength on her hips.
The blood pooling on his chest ignited the spark again, her orgasm ripping through her like an impaling spear. She shrieked, her cunt clenching down in tremendous pulses, wrenching him.
He whimpered loudly and gripped at her knife hand, holding her by the wrist. Directing it over his heart. Pushing down until the skin broke.
He shattered under her then, beating his fist down into the floor. Screaming out her name and all the curses he knew. Back arching high as he spilled into her in sloppy desperate thrusts. His spend filling her to the brim, an obscene amount already leaking out. His eyes rolling like marbles in his head.
Finally, he collapsed into the floor. Chest heaving, face red and blotchy.
She stared down at her work, the tapestry of cuts and bruises adorning him from neck to belly.
She pulled off of him, and he reached for her as she retreated. "I'll be back." She smiled, finding a wash basin in the corner of the room.
She brought the bowl and a few fresh wash cloths over, kneeling over him.
Gently beginning to wipe him he stared at her, bewildered.
"You are different." He marveled.
"Do you want me to stop?" She asked, pausing.
"No, this is nice." He sat up slightly, still not at full strength.
She wiped away the blood, discarding the cloths as they got soiled. The basin dark red by the time she was finished.
"Thank you, for loving me before." She hushed, putting a cool palm on the angry skin. "I don't think I'm the same person you knew, but I can still feel it."
"I think you're still you, just a little softer." He mused. "Afterall, you still want to shed blood."
She sighed in admittance. "It's a burden. The power is incredible, it feels right. But I don't know if it's worth being subservient to my father."
She shook her head, playing with his fingers absent-mindedly. "I want to be free. I need to be my own master."
"If anyone can defy a god, it's you." He encouraged, sitting up and taking her face in his hand again.
"I have the utmost confidence in you. Do what you need."
She held his hand to her cheek, closing her eyes. "Thank you."
He planted a soft kiss on her forehead.
"My assassin, my muse. No matter your nature, you will always be a part of me. Thank you for coming back to me."
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ikemen-trifecta · 10 months
I saw your gojo x social anxious reader. i get a lot of sensory overload and gojo satoru is a comfort characger. Can i have some imagines to how he would help someone dealing with overload?
hii hii~! i love this ask!! ՞ ⸝⸝>v<⸝⸝ ՞⸜ ♡ ⸝💕gojo is my biggest comfort character ever my fellow gojo nation friend :3 AND I LOVE HIM SO SO SO MUCHHHHHH <333 i was so so SO happy to work on this!!! >w< i really hope it touches your heart! <3 also, the fic just kept getting longer and longer in the blink of an eye cuz ideas kept popping up in my head as it went along hehe! i am NOT and never will be physically capable of being normal when it comes to this man ASKDJHFDJKS - ENJOYYYYYY!!! >:DDD
~ Mod Astraea!!!
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Walking hand in hand with Gojo excitedly, you’re over the moon to be heading to see a movie at the theaters. Choosing to go the more scenic route to enjoy a walk together, you both ended up near a big park. You thought it would be nice and peaceful, that you would be able to enjoy nature and take your time, only to find out there was a huge crowd for some kind of event. Which happened to include playing the drums and whistling. On top of it, you could suddenly feel the sun’s harsh rays hitting your face more than before, which wasn't helping at all. The lights blind your eyes, and the loud noises make you feel lightheaded. Too loud…too bright…it all feels so overwhelming, and your heartbeat starts to race. At this moment, you wish you could just transform the area to be calm and depopulated. 
And that’s when amidst everything, you feel a gentle squeeze of your hand. It’s a reassuring gesture from Gojo, who instinctively senses your discomfort without you even having to utter a word. “(Y/n), what’s wrong?” He stops in his tracks and looks down, his attention fully focused on you now. 
You squeeze it back and look up at him, noticing that your legs are wobbling a bit like a newborn baby fawn. You squeeze his hand harder, finding it to be the one source of stability and comfort in the moment. Squeezing it so hard and you can feel the pads of your fingers wedge deep within his hand, and he lets you. Even with his glasses on, you can tell he looks so concerned by the way the corner of his mouth turns slightly downright. You open your mouth, wanting to tell him you're okay, to tell him not to worry - but you just can’t. When you’re with him, it just feels right to be open about everything. Impossible to hide anything from him. So instead of the words I’m fine coming out of your slightly parted lips, you confess, “it’s all too loud…it’s too much…” 
In one fluid motion, Gojo drapes his cream colored coat around your shoulders, and you feel it’s warmth envelop you. The first thing you notice after that is the smell. It’s minty and woody, with notes of blue hibiscus. It smells like Gojo. It smells like home. 
In no time, he quickly takes you to a secluded area, deeper into the forest where you guys are away from the action. “Just breathe, breathe, breathe.” You’re trying your best, but the world just feels like it’s shaking and your breaths are still spastic. Gojo takes off his glasses abruptly and takes his hand up to your face, tilting your chin, making you look directly into his eyes. “Look at me. Look at me. You’re fine, I’m right here. Just focus on me.” 
He stares into your eyes, and you notice they look different. More beautiful than usual. Maybe it’s because they’re laced with worry and concern? You stare back. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t wanna make us late to the movie because of this-“
“Screw the movie! Don’t you dare apologize.”
You cling onto his shirt, and he lets you. Not only that, he pulls you in closer, rubbing his hand up and down your back reassuringly: protectively. Taking off his limitless completely, as you cradle your head into his chest to listen to the sound of his heartbeat. It’s so steady and strong, and becomes the anchor in the storm. You focus on its rhythm, matching your breaths to its cadence. With every inhale and exhale, you feel a sense of serenity washing over you. It’s so comforting and warm; you feel so safe within his arms as his presence envelops you, cocooning you from the chaos that was overwhelming you just moments ago and start to feel yourself calm down a little. 
"You're doing great," Gojo murmurs softly, his voice a soothing melody that wraps around you like a soft embrace. "Remember, there's no rush. We have all the time in the world. Just be here, in this moment, with me."
With each passing second, your tense muscles begin to relax, and the world which made you feel like you had sunken under water now felt like you had your head over the surface. Just enough to speak. 
“Satoru…,” you muffle softly, head still in his chest.
“Hm?” He’s quick to respond. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“I…it’s just that, a lot of things can just be too much for me in the moment and- and you’re always there to help me but I can’t help but feel like I’m being a burden-“
“Stop right there-,” Gojo’s interrupts, his voice firm yet gentle.
“But I mean…! Don’t you feel like protecting the weak is well…necessary but still tiring?” You look up at him, tears welling in your eyes. “I- I don’t want for you to feel burdened with me or like I’m a constant reminder of your work.”
Gojo’s gaze softens at you, and his hand cups your cheek, as he wipes away a tear from your eyes. “Listen to me, (y/n). You’re not weak. I mean it.” His tone is serious and caring, and his facial features show nothing but genuine concern for you. “You’re a strong, brilliant person. And it’s not the same. I want to protect you. I want to be by your side and look out for you and make sure you’re always smiling and safe. Protecting you has never been a burden, but a blessing. Because it’s you; the person I fell in love with,” he says with a gaze filled with something that can only be described as adoration. “And you need to give yourself more credit, you hold yourself so well in so many situations. So don’t hesitate to lean on me when things get hard, okay?”
A soft sigh escapes you as his thumb brushes against your skin, the tenderness of the gesture making your heart flutter, but it doesn’t stop there. He leans in to press a gentle kiss to your forehead, then peppers his way down your face to kiss away another tear. 
You blush from his affectionate gestures, and from hearing him be so serious about you and accepting of your feelings. It really struck a cord in your heart when he was so caring and validating he was in times like these, despite the playful tease he usually was. You love it about him; how he knows you so well and gets so tender during moments like these. 
“Satoru…thank you,” you say as you cling even closer to him.
“You don’t have to thank me, angel,” he chuckles softly, when suddenly his face lights up. “Hehe, I have the perfect thing to make you feel better!” He says enthusiastically, as he quickly moves his hands down to the inside of his coat pockets, which is still wrapped around you. He pulls out an assortment of sweets, ranging from chocolates to lollipops. Your eyes widened as you witnessed his big hands seemingly disappear into the pockets to pull out such an immense amount of candies. 
“You have so many!! Way more than usual! This is like a kid coming home with a Halloween basket!” You excitedly state, looking down at all the sugary goodness.
“It was the snacks to sneak into the movie of course, No one's gonna pay that insane amount for snacks. Capitalistic schemes, tsk tsk tsk.”
“That’s so true,” you agree. “How are your pockets even that big, though? I wish women’s clothes came with bigger pockets, it would be soooo much nicer to have. And convenient,” you pout, thinking about all the times you went to put your phone in your jacket or pants pockets, only to find out they can fit probably only a singular cheeto in there, or worse - it’s just a pattern sewn on for the sole purpose of decoration. 
Gojo grins at you, his eyes twinkling mischievously, “Heh, I wouldn’t mind being your portable handy, dandy backpack whenever,” he chives in a playful tone. “I mean~ Isn’t it so cool that I can even teleport to you too? You also got yourself a portable boyfriend! A wombo combo,” he states, winking at you. “And if I get to see this cute face of yours each time I were to show up, it would be totally worth the distance,” he teases, a chuckle escaping his lips at the sight of your pouting face.
You laugh, and proclaim in a singsong voice, “wow~ my boyfriend is just soooo amazing, look at everything he can do.”
“Awh angel, you’re gonna make me blush. I’m just so great aren’t I?” He jokes, and as soon as you open up your mouth to deliver a comeback, he reaches over to your lips and plops a chocolate confection right inside before you even notice what’s happening. “There!” He proclaims like he just won a plush toy in a crane game, and he closes your lips using his index finger, brushing over them softly.
The gesture throws you off, especially with the way his big hands are caressing you so tenderly. You’re certain you can feel your heart skip multiple beats. And you’re pretty sure with the way it’s beating he’ll hear it jumping out of your chest. 
I’m gonna get ikemen overload at this rate-, you begin to think to yourself until you start chewing the little dessert. Your eyes open wide upon tasting it, and you quickly finish eating the whole thing. “That was so good!” You exclaim. One thing about Gojo that you happened to share a lot in common with is his sweet tooth, and sweets never failed to cheer you up. “What flavor was that?”
“I knew you’d like it! And as for the flavor-,” he leans down to your ears and whispers, “it’s a flavor called love~” 
“Satoru!” You state, slapping his chest playfully, a blush blossoming all over your face.
“Ahaha! I knew this would give you energy! It’s cheese curd from a Hungarian chocolate called Túro Rudi.” He pauses for a bit, admiring the way your face lit up after having eaten the sweet, and how interested you were in listening about it. “You really are so adorable when you get all excited like that, over even the littlest of things. Hehe, you know, I’m gonna give you even more of these sweets if you keep being this cute.
“Then I guess I should feed you some too, since you’re so cute,” you giggle.
Gojo chuckles and leans down in response, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips. “Mm, thanks angel. It really is delicious.”
You whimper softly after he pulls away, wanting the feeling of his lips on yours back. A blush creeps on your face, and you can feel yourself melting like ice cream on the inside.
“There’s more in your pockets, right?”
“Yeah, but it tastes better this way.”
“You wanna taste more?” You ask sheepishly. 
“I’m dying too.”
He cups your face in his hands, and his lips meet yours once again. They’re so soft, and you can taste a little bit of strawberry from the lip balm he uses. You smile against them and respond to his kiss, weaving your hands through his silky locks. This time it’s longer, and both of you are savoring the moment. 
After pulling away to catch your breath, he gazed lovingly at your face, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Are you feeling better angel?”
“Mmhm,” you hum as you lean your head on his collarbone. “Much better.”
You guys stay like this for a while, just soaking in each other’s company. Gojo isn’t a fan of plans, but one thing he knows for sure is he plans to stay by your side for the rest of the day.
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What would happen if Mc baked their LI a cake as a birthday surprise, but it turned out to be the foulest cake out there because MC just sucks at cooking
Haha let's see...
At E takes a bite of the cake, their face phases through several expressions before settling with a forced smile, "I-It's, uh..."
You're excitement slowly fades, "Is it...not good?"
"N-No, no! It's good! Er...great? Y-Yeah?"
You look incredulous, "Why does it sound like a question?"
E shakes their head vehemently, "I-I was just surprised! I love it! Really! I-It's...the best cake...because you made it for me..."
E begins shoveling the near inedible slice of cake into their mouth. It made you happy in the moment, even if you could hear them puking up their food poisoning an hour later.
"You baked me a cake?" R's eyes widen in surprise, "You didn't have to do all that. My birthday isn't...that...uh..." Rs voice slowly tapers off as they see you bringing over the 'cake'.
It looks like someone mixed the cake batter with bits of gravel and threw in a pipe bomb during the baking process for good measure. You somehow managed to sear the top into a black charcoal while keeping the bottom a doughy undercooked lump.
R's voice sounds almost apologetic and pleading, "You really didn't have to...I don't deserve this..."
L looks down at their plate for a long while, eventually finding their voice after a moment of contemplation, "Um...uh...I-I am not too familiar with the culinary practices, but, well, is it...supposed to look like this?"
"Like what? It looks like cake, right?" You say with complete confidence.
L looks nearly perturbed as they return their eyes back down at the food, "O-Oh, this is cake? W-Well, yes, I suppose I can see a...resemblance...somewhere...a little?" They would feel too bad telling you that they thought it was a completely different dish entirely.
V has to take a slight pause as they taste the food, the fork still stuck in their mouth for a moment before they reach for another bite.
"...it's good."
"Really?!" You celebrate, happy that you finally made a good cake. It's true that V enjoys the taste, but your excitement clouds you from the reality that relying on the opinion of someone that eats grass mulch and bugs isn't the best decision for your culinary development.
It doesn't stop you from savoring the victory now, though.
P knows better than to judge something before they taste it. That being said, once they taste the 'cake', it immediately becomes 'garbage' as they toss the entire tray in the can, along with the dishes and any utensils you used to make it. They've become angry enough that they've popped something and doubled back to being calm.
"I've never seen this in my fucking life...How the fuck did you manage to undercook and overcook batter? I am genuinely impressed at the level of stupid you managed to show me today. You're actually the first person I've ever thought to say this to, but I really wish you could've been born smarter so you could realize and contemplate how extraordinary of a fuck up you made."
M takes a small, tentative bite of the abomination before quickly spitting it out. As you're about to take your own bite, M's hand darts across the table to stop you. It's the fastest you've ever seen M move, and you could barely even register the blur before M's hand knocks the fork out of your hand and across the room.
They slowly recede back into their seat, dabbing their mouth with a napkin and giving you a gentle smile, "It's...not...good..."
"O-Oh...you could've just said that instead..."
"You were...in danger...so I...got a little...scared..."
You look down guiltily, "H-Hey, come on, it couldn't have been that serious..."
"It's...very...not...good..." M emphasizes.
Raven stares at the cake for a moment before digging in happily. You look down at them expectantly as they wolf down the food.
"Is it good?"
"No!" Raven replies honestly, giving you a bright, wide smile, "But...that's alright! Because I treasure everything you give to me..."
Your expression drops into a guilty one, "You don't have to keep eating if it's bad..."
"It's really bad! I can't lie to you about it...but you wanted me to enjoy it, didn't you? So I'll enjoy it even if it's bad, because I can enjoy anything if I know it makes you happy..." Raven continues eating the cake despite the flavor, a wide smile plastered on their face as they seem genuinely contented in their choices.
S takes a small bite of the cake before their entire body revolts and rejects it, spasming in its attempt to spit it back onto the place and throw the plate away.
They take a moment of silence to recollect themselves before facing you, "Hey, so uh...sorry 'bout this, but I don't think ya should be doin' the whole...cookin' thing. Did you uh...make anything else for today? No?"
There's a visible sigh of relief throughout S's entire body, and you think you can see them thanking some divine for their benevolence. They quickly return to their cheery self.
"Well, now that we got that out of the way, let's make sure no one else eats...Oh, shit, no! Everyone already took a slice!
F's nose upturns in clear disgust when you present the slice of cake to them.
"...Are you insulting me?"
"I-It's your birthday cake..." you murmur.
"Yes, I very well understand what it is attempting to represent..."
You glance away, slightly insulted, "You could at least taste it first...
F prods the inedible mass with their fork before collecting a bite and holding it up to you with a menacing smile, "You are confident enough in your own creation, yes? You will not be leaving until you clean both my plate and your own... and afterward, you can tell me all about how it tastes. I will take your word..."
Thank you for the ask haha, I enjoyed it
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